My food was poisoned/drugged again last night while I slept. Mechanical arms getting through some tiny crevice/hole in the cupboards, perhaps from some other space I cannot determine as there are crooked cupboard doors covering all cupboards in this tiny studio---
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Hacker terrorists operating operators operated by operations operatives cooperatives cooperation conglomerations congratulations to your award for the best actor(ress).
Friday, August 28, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Hurricane speaks of the eye of the center of inner power. Revelations of outer versus inner strength. Pausing on reflections of State-versus-Federal acquittals. Keeping the Federal System aligned with Constitutional Rights versus local mafia/police/bigot/Nazi control (keep those entities OUT of federal politics if it is not possible to eliminate them on a local level).
To paraphrase: "The police hated me because I was not passive. I was aggressive. I would not accept..."
RUBIN "HURRICANE" CARTER has been one of my motivational mentors through this interview. I watched this video many years ago, and upon reflection, I realize that his words sank into my subconscious and have held me over troubled waters since then. His example propelled me to feel okay about being targeted and the solitary confinement that has been part of the "protocols" of this "program" of MK ULTRA, mind control, microchipping, teleportation and assault torture "experimentation" situation. Society has turned itself into the prison. Discovering nature has been one of the most gratifying experiences I may have missed because I was so caught up in "the game" of the "success" strategies instead of observing the timelessness of what exists around me, the slow but eternal dance of nature. I then come to realize that NATURE IS ANOTHER TARGET OF THIS CIVILIZATION and ANIMALS are part of the genocidal policies directing the criminals attacking me. Other events that have brought me to nascent awareness of having absorbed the message of The Hurricane's interview, or lecture here in this case, is that one can DISCOVER many strength that are submerged by programming that come to the fore if you are willing to FIGHT AND NOT BE A PASSIVE participant in the programming you are "supposed" to obey and accept and be a willing, glad subject therein.
As I see, through all the countries I have gone to looking for some place to live where this system is not enforced completely, as it appears everywhere on the planet I have gone. I see people avoiding me like the plague and I realize how programmed most people are under this hate and criminal, mafia Nazi Communist system. I use these terms although they appear "offensive" or "politically correct". I use them because mafia is as fascist and Totalitarian as Nazis or the Totalitarian version of Communism. And vice-versa, etc etc. The same system but under different "cultural" forms of management, coalesced into one huge global corporate control system.
Finding "myself" just a bit more. Going outside of the United States to a very different culture, and then seeing and watching this culture become indoctrinated into colonized military martial law puppet vassal state has also taught me that now I face the same system and I continue to search for what I truly believe, think and try to undo all the programming that had made me conform to the death system that was covertly murdering me. Protesting but not serious about fighting against a death system, because it was always concealed as a fun, "free" society where I could "be who you want to be" if I just worked and tried I just had a chance!!!
Very proud of America and it's Institutions of learning, the chance to "change" government every four years as opposed to coup d'etat governments using military to enforce corporate elitism, for example. Discovering that unless people do not accept all the roles they are being told they must obey, they will be utilized and then killed off, in many cases.
Discovering that there is a universe of spiritual cohesion. Discovering that I have a power within me that has been quelled by the programming to accept and obey users, abusers, rapists and haters, bigots and the mafia/Nazi/Communist and the rest of the numerous branches of this huge system are responsible for this programming, and the murder the murder attempts on my life, people i have loved murdered covertly.
so many things can be ascertained even in a harsh system of imprisonment and torture and solitary confinement. Understanding that no one will approach me because they are embroiled within this system and live in perpetual FEAR OF DISOBEDIENCE to this system of death, hate and racist murder and exploitation. Discovering that I do not need a religious organization to find my own spiritual power and center. Also realizing that I do not find any rationalization for religions such as Satanism which endorse animal or human sacrifice--I include organizations which hail a dying human being bleeding and on a cross as a pseudo-Satanic organization which endorsees human sacrifice to assuage their own guilt and responsibilities for their murderous actions.
If I had not been targeted, as The Hurricane says in this interview< would not have discovered these buried aspects of my own personality and my realizations of the structured prisons in which people exist but believe they are free and happy--or told they must portray as being the best most possible world of all worlds and societies.
KEEP THE GOVERNMENT(S) OF THE WORLD FREE FROM LOCAL MAFIA/NAZI AND OTHER NEFARIOUS CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS. That also includes the media conglomerates of the planet who stifle independent journalism and media expression by "subculture" groups.
The story of Hurricane Carter is one example. Do not allow the Federal System to be overrun by prejudiced mafia/Nazi puppet pundits. Let there be a balance IN THE SUPREME COURT (or High Courts around the world).
This is how Hurricane Carter got out of a local bigoted mafia imprisonment life-sentence he was innocent of.
From the movie clip of The Hurricane:
Only freed in a Federal Court, after years of local Appeals courts, run by mafia police control and this is evident in the movie, indirectly associated with police profiling and discrimination and mafia which appears as "police" and also in the good old boy court system. I am dealing with this right now and it is a completely widespread system of control. IT remains one of the silenced concepts of social control and is largely responsible for many of the ills facing the US right now. This system of Nazi Mafia collusion in media and in politics. It is so largely ignored and swept under the carpet. Do not let the Supreme Court be ruled by any more bigot "Conservatives". Try to keep the US Constitution as a reality reality not a reality ttv CNN news clip presented as a form of entertainment.
I coulda been a contender!!! How many careers and lives have been ruined by this Nazi Mafia (Communist) et al organization? How many excellent actors, musicians, politicians, human beings with integrity have been MURDERED JUST SO THESE GROUPS CAN STEALL THEIR WEALTH, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR JUST TAKE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE FROM THEM WHILE CLAIMING WHAT THEY HAVE STOLEN AS THEIR RIGHT AND ENTITLEMENT?
A great anti-mafia movie made by Jews. My grandfathers were attacked by mafia when they worked on the lower East Side of Manhattan but lived in Brooklyn. I never lived in NYC but am now under attack by NY mafia. I now understand the bs my family has had to take and then be silent about and conform to.
I now see how incompetent they are to be put into these lead positions and I URGE READERS TO STOP ALLOWING THEM TO CONTROL AND COMMIT MORE CRIMES, ESPECIALLY WITH THESE SOPHISTICATED TECHNOLOGIES THEY HAVE BEEN USING TO TORTURE ME--THEY WILL BRING ENDLESS GRIEF TO THIS PLANET--AND THAT INCLUDES TNE NAZI CARTELS AND THE REST. tHE world is now reeling from the result of mass technological genocide and I suggest people to start utilizing the principles OF THE US CONSTITUTION instead of conforming to mafia and Nazi control albeit disguised endlessly as lobbies and other groups which support and use violence and threats and drugging, technology to brainwash and control, humiliate and torture and destroy and rape and rob and murder and now huge mass murder has resulted either directly or indirectly due to this system. The incarceration of the human race---with no tendencies to FIGHT FOR INDIVIDUALISM OR PERSONAL INTEGRITY as all must conform and obey.
The most nasty whether competent or not will be handed top tier levels of control and the talented will be thwarted in a way that eliminates all but the mediocre. Do not allow America to degenerate to this low level any longer.
ON THE WATERFRONT--portrayed by one of the greatest American actors--Marlon Brando. Who had the guts to fight the establishment and may have been targeted as a result. He was definitely ostricized at the end of his life by the H-wood establishment, or those he had worked with who form these mafia H-wood cartels. They can be heard openly turning their backs on him in interviews. They all do it together as a group, as they always do in groups against one individual.
Hurricane blasting the redneck South like a Hurricane blasting the 4th Seal--a Pale Horse rider approaches and the lies are strewn like howling beasts caught up in the frenzy of disinformation and lies.
William Cooper was a top Naval Intelligence officer, who held briefings for the Pacific Command. He was exposed to Classified and Top Secret information and his job was to collate and brief his superior officers. His book (below) is a representation of his experience in that highly coveted position as an Intelligence Briefing agent and the subjects that he was exposed to which are not "conspiracy theories" but information that has dire consequences for the future of the United States. He never touted "UFO" conspiracy theories but claimed that top secret US Military Bases in Navada were conducting covert experiments with space flight and that these superior space craft were so specialized as to appear like flying saucer of infamous UFO hoaxes. He was involved in the Patriot Militia Movement and was not a bigot in any sense of the word towards homosexuals or any other group except for white supremacist Neo-Nazis calling themselves Patriots and planning genocidal policies towards Blacks and other minorities and groups. The woman who made the blathering video I posted below is absolutely uniformed about Cooper but is spreading her misinformation or disinformation like sowing seeds of discontent. Her message is to discredit Cooper but she is either lying or blathering on like a stupid, uniformed idiot in that video. That is the general theme regarding William Cooper, however. My mother, who like Cooper, lives in Arizona, said almost the exact same things about Cooper as this blathering idiot in the video I posted below also went on and on about (the UFO conspiracy and the political "conspiracies" that people make jokes about and balk at). The male I also posted who associated "silent weapons" with cell phones completely missed the mark, as well. His point of getting off the phone and enjoying nature was a good point but had nothing to do with the book or it's contents.
That is all I could find on my YouTube search regarding Cooper's book. My internet is so hacked, information and searches so badly blocked---censored, silenced, muted, blocked, hacked, …..
Blathering idiot video about Behold a Pale Horse book review (not a book review but a blathering rendition of disinformation put into hipster millenniual "like" endless blathering absolutely straying from any review possible account of lying or disinforming about Cooper to avert any real interest in Cooper:
This guy appears calm and intelliegnt, but in the video he stumbles while attempting to read a paragraph of the book and then puts it down to comment, slowly like he's drugged, about how it might be "bad" to be on your cellphone too much, and then that is how he connects "Silent Weapons" to what Cooper is writing about--which are sophisticated Social Engineering technologies that are not only documented in the book, but explained by Cooper. Ignored completely by the drugged up idiot calmly appearing like he has some profound meme to quote that he heard on a tv show one day or something, dude.
Censorship hacking/blocks/inserts/convoluted writing copying and writing. DOS attacks without end. Blocked from expressing any opinion and when I do--it is stolen and I cannot wrrite more than a few lines without nearly collapsing in exhaustion under drugging/mind control tech blasting my brain. INJUSTICE DUE TO TERRORISM AIMED AT ME. Cannot write, cannot function physically. When I attempt to handwrite the technology makes my hands shake slightly. Sitting is painful in that position required to hand write due to the hard poisons. All I really can do is type and that is being blocked. All morning and day spending at leats 90 minutes fighting to get my laptop to stop freezing and sites to open or close.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The "reasons" "why" terrorist have broken my toe and two lower teeth and fractured cervical vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae and poisoned me nearly to death and....and...
I hope people understand that I am being "sarcastic" when I write:
ALSO, HACKERS HAVE REWRITTEN PART OF THIS POST BUT i HAVE NOT CHANGED IT BECAUSE i AM SICK OF SPENDING ALL MY LIFE, LITERALLY, CLEAINING UP THEIR MESS ON EVERY SINGLE PART OF MY BODY, MY HOME AND MY WRITING. They altered sentences below, this is the "normal" but it is hard to understand the chaotic writing below in parts. They deleted some words and then replaced them by very simplistic language. They deleted parts of sentences but made it appear as if I have a kind of 3rd grade writing skill level. I am also fighting to get words out as hacking makes typing almost impossible--litearlly almost impossible. But this has been a completely rewritten post and I have not gone into and spent more time urging, beggging anyone reading this TO STOP THE MURDER AGAISNT ME AND STOP THESE CREEPLE FROM ATTACKING ME. Also I am drugged, as I always am every day. The torture is intolerable. I know for certain that the majority of people reading this--probably at 98%, are happy and thrileld and sexually excieted about this. The people I am surrounded by at all times are disgusting, rotten perverted parasites and they have also forced me to live in squallor, filth and decay endlessly and I consider that these are teh qualities that THEY ARE but have other people clean up their stinking mess as they smear the planet with filth and toxic waste but call themselves "pure" afterwards.
the pig apes you all call your wonderful celebrities ordered their pig ape terrorists to have my teeth broken because after more than FIVE YEARS of daily torture, rape and violence from pit and his wife who have been torturing me using these teams and teleportation to obtain ideas for their movies--all winning top awards year-after-year while ensuring I remain being poisoned to death--and just writing about this means that they are goinig to be promoted more and more and more and more--I have tried for years to not have anything to do with reacting to them
but the responsibility is towards these filthy stupid pig ape whores in whorewood you all kiss on the cheeks whenever possible. Year after year the filthy wife "feminist" who obtained ideas about feminist concepts which I wrote of describing the murdered Andrea Dworkin's writings (bloated and poisoned to death, but never diagnosed as such--her body so contorted and that sickening rubbery encasing that I have had to stare at on my own body and I still do, after more than 9 years and soon 10 years of fighting to get it out of my body as these pig ape whores continue to have me poisoned and drugged so the stupid apes and whores can torture me to obtain ideas, get hormone excitement beauty treatments and feel grandiose and powerful and the rush of having someone to torture day after day for years and years--and all silenced all ocvered up. The attack on my teeth to makke me loose them was after I wrote a post on my private, all people blocked Facebook page which they had been hacking into for years to obtain ideas which I wrote of paralyzed, drugged up so badly I can't describe it: I asked for justice and for crap pit and his filthy pig wife to stop being awarded adn allowed to steal ideas from my private and blocked FB page--my only secure instrument of saving my writing and I am still unable to write any creative fiction. I must add that their good benefactor, the "aristocrat" out of England had me write a short story, to send to him because I was so desperate to get out of America to get health care and I needed to leave my own country while this filthy Nazi bigot creep then stole literally, verbatim what I had written and this meme or concept was then parcelled out to at least two writer/directors out of Europe (one in Germany, one in England) for their movies/tv shows. This is the collaborator with this England-based team of deception bs operators. He also tole me that he was advised to have parts of my body cut out and severed if I didin't provide him with everythign he wanted--I began to "resist" these attacks after I was already poisoned nearly to death and I had been a very gullable, loving and kind happy person before they finally attacked me so badly and I was literally shitting out diarrhea poison every single day for years until I finally began to call them pigs--which they then used as a "reason " to have my cat's body crushed, put me in prison after forcing me into a very horrible bad spot financially and in other ways so I was and still am on the verge of every catastrophe possible. After I wrote this on my post asking the world hacking in to stop this disgusting crime against me--which still hasn't happened--and all this has been ongoing from two presidential administrations so you cannot blame Trump and you cannot say that this current regime is horrible compared with the last. It's just the black side of the one-sided situation that has brought the country to this point. I have respect for Obama and I believe that he has had his hands tied in relation to this bigot Nazi pig orgniaztion and also most or all of you in H-wood are indebted to the nazi mafia cartel which controls your lives and your careers. To me personally, although I can undersatnd all of this, I find it no excuse to allow this crime against me to go on and on for years and years.
But, I am writing the "reasons" why: this rotten pig actor then teleported me after this near-fatal ordhestrated manipulated "acciddent" then he sexually assaultted me and then physically assaulted me: this is for me writing on my private page that he and his friiends have been hacking into to derive "alternative" concepts for their movies--since 2009 or earlier-.
The toe that was pulled out of joint the first time was in 2009, when the Italian pig ape mafia creep began assaulting, poisoning and having peopel terrorize me with blatent racist remarks to my face, which has never happened to me in this way my entire life. The person who attacked me as this happened was an Italian woman but calls herself "Swiss" but speaks French--from Geneve, Switzerland. She had it done just because she couldln't stand to see me healthy and happy and wanted me injured and broken. I did nothing to her whatsoever, not a single thing I was renting a room in her house. She has run a charity here in phuket called The Lions Club. She told me she came to Phuket with no money, and now owns a tract of land with at least 6 estates, all rental properties wiith huge buildings, private entry, swimming pools, very beautiful landscaping---since having become "President" of this "charity".
The second time was just recently, a few months ago where a famous punk rock personality teleported me, operating with Nazi mafia, with another Nazi musician out of Denmark who is an open Satanist Nazi metal player who is famous for a murder----his photos and videos continue to appear on my YouTube channel all the time---the "alternative" Anarchist "left" media personality teleported me using the permission of the mafia Nazi bigot racist black nazi cartel that I have been attacked by viciously for over 8 years without end--passed around. He asked me how I have healed my body and what he should do. At the time I had no idea how presumptuous he was and is, and that he considered me something to exploit in his every nuanced vocal gesture and dismissiveness after he obtained ideas out of me--after years of torture--without a thank you as they all do--for free information they can use for everything for themselves--told by everyone that because the nazi mafia pig apes hasve put them into media spotlight that they are "superior" even if they can perform the roles and etc etc
I called him a pig after he teleprted me, threatening me that if I wrote the story I had only conceived of in my head, internally without having written anything, he warned me with threats--I called him a pig. The next day I was put into another accident which was life-threatening--and they broke my toe later on after I had injured it but it was not re-broken. This was done at night by the terror teams.
I have no tears about anything I just want this crap to be stopped finally after years of writing about these crimes and these "people"
that they are now "demanding" a baby out of me is more than ridiculous, but to them I am not supposed to have even the basics of human rights--and that is the future for America if this organization and this system of drugging, microchip implants, technology and the promotion of people operating as terrorists within the structure IS NOT STOPPED PERMANENTLY AND IMMEDIATELY.
Many people will be, and already have been killed as a result of this organization. Many many more wil be if it is not stopped NOW.
I also need a goddamn break can't you people reading this ever act to support me just living in peace and not "enslaved" by some crooks who have been handed technology and death terror operational technology for surveillence, torture, rape, murder.
My brain, my body are drugged, under stress from years of torture, disfigurement and attack that goes on night and day. My post above is wracked with hacking inserts and it is disjoined and in some places incomprehensible but slightly--to appear as if I wrote this but at am a 3rd grade writing level or something very basic but incapable.
The "Italian pig" I refered to is Nicola Siervo, a most ugly and disgusting mafia parasitic creep out of Italy, who has been handed venue after venue for the years he teleported, was poisoning me to death, had me nearly electrocuted, had me nearly killed in accieent after accident--was teleporting me nightly as I was shitting out liquid poison for years, crying out for peopel to stop him as he hit me, assualted me the torture of endless violence that began with him has not stoppoed for all these years. He has been promooted into owning venues after he was a joint-manger of a club, now owning huge venues after years of graft and running businesses into the ground from theft and corruption. His partner in whorewood is Sylvestor Stallone. I worked for his club Bar None as an independent vendor, selling cigars out of a box. I was blacklisted from all other employment in Miami. I tried and tried and only doing this job instead of being made homeless was my only option. That is how controlled by the Nazis Miami and all of Florida really is. It is very hard for me to write I must pound down now due to the malware attacking the keyboard.
This disgusting piece of crap tortured me to obtain ideas about how Prince operated First Avenue, which I went to every weekend for a few years. He also obtained ideas from me as well. He and this English "aristocrat" creep pig ape operated to pass me around between them, and then after I wrote two sentences on Johnny Depp's Facebook page, he took over and that was when they had my cat thrown in the swimming pool of this hate and torture "resort" which was a cheap and nasty tiny place far from the well-manicured places of Phuket--where swarms of terror agents tortured me and went into my room and raped and disfigured me--don't get too turned on disgusting pig ape creeps reading this.
Years and years an dyears and years of this going on and on. I finally havve been able to pound in hooks to stop people from getting in from what I thought were panels--as the front door cannot be opened from the outside because i have put so many interior lock systems to stop break-ins through the doors. However I finally ascertained that mechanical arms were opening the door--and I have since put objects inserted into the large cracks where teh light forom the hallway seeps in (the door does not fit into the door frame--it is possible that mechanical arms can be inserted into these huge cracks of the door not fitting the frame--but I do not know as NO ONE WILL HELP ME TO OBTAIN EVIDENCE OR GET ANY KIND OF PROTECTION SYSTEM). no stalking group is legitimate that I reach through any online search--I have tried for years and years and been only attacked when I reach out---and that happens in person at these "meetings" and the real targets finally stop attending the meetings and mostly agents proliferate, posing as targets, stealing the words and concepts that the real victims say and write to present the false "solution" and false pretense that this is just 'harassment" and not MURDER.
but, I am writing names now. Depp then took over but the pig apes out of England and Italy have not stopped hacking in and stealing ideas, and the pit pair are "friends" with them and they are all "friends". The politicians are all "friends" with the H-wood whore teams who are all "friends" with the Nazi mafia cartels and on and on
I remain now surrounded by huge gorups and organizations of "people" being handed these technologies by EVERY GOVERNMENT and the mafia is constructed to enforce the bigot Nazi policies--who in turn now have conscripted the minority minions of all races--which inclues of course Jews to a huge extent.
and I remain writing these posts because they are torturing me to obtain these "miserable" rantings about the pig apes which people just laugh about. Wiating for any justice in this most "Democracy" enthralled era of do-nothing pig ape whores in SOCIETY who propel these pig ape actors and politicians to represent bigot pig ape Mom n Pop turned conglomerate who don't want people like me to have any chance to supercede them. Many of the pig apes attacking me come from meager backgrounds and have attained the "AMerican Dream" and are now blocking access to the portal of power for people 'like me" and all backed by millions of the pig apes who are invisible due to having no outward celebrity status. The real culprits are them, these apes I write of are just their representatives. If you people who care continue to DO NOTHING they will continue to destroy your environment and planeat and then kill you to obtain your homes, property, suckk out your sexuality and anything they can steal using this tech and this system, and then discard you. They all have been MURDERING ME as you all accept and now, alas, the world is plauged and you still can't fucking do anything to stop this system but you remain blaming a few icons who are just 'friends" with the real culprits.
I remain fighting literally for my life but silenced evey day and asking for help every day--years and years and years and years.
I want to write short stories, but i am tired of seeing what I write turned into million and billion dollar enterprises for pig ape whores. I also wrote a few posts about The Handmaiden's Tale, which I wrote and maybe 6 months to one year later it has been turned into a revenue generating multi-million or billion dollar enterprise, winning top awards year after year. People reading my post here will say, "she wrote about this old movie but so what? That proves nothing about her ideas being stolen>" However, year after year, ideas I write of turning up as movies with the same themes for years and people teleporting me to obrtain ideas and then murder me slowly and laughing about it--having my body sliced and damaged if I write protest and due to their drugging, ranting after years of 24 hour attacks literally every single day without pause--as you all watch and cheer these sick fuc*s on and on and laugh as they do every kind of insult, damage and threat and act of violence to every part of my body, my home is stinking and filthy and a toxic shock danger to live in due to them--the floor is so encrusted with filth the covering I made to stop the panels from being lifted up have been sliced and poured wuth grime adn fungus and hair and dirt that if I put my bare foot down on any one spot, my foot is crusted with filth and the floor has been so shredded I cannot sweep the floor--the broom gets caught in the huge uprooted sliced parts that they cut and rip out every single day, piece=-by-piece.
The list is too long. I want to be able to write stories and fiction and ideas, but I keep on having to write these posts begging the peopel who are just part of this organization to do something. The mass murder has begun on the planet due to this gorup---and it will increase over time. People will be covertly murdered if one of these pig apes feel threatened by them, don't like them, if they resist being used and then discarded and murdered afterwards--as they have been doing to me and demanding submission to. I keep fighting them and fighting to get anyone to not obey them and have any decency but this group is chalk full of bigots, racists, rapists, pedophiles, people who laugh about what is happening to me, glad, smug, thrilled....
Sick, sick of seeing the ideas I want to wriite but can only write in short sentences on a social media site or a blog turned into some dumb, ignorant bigot pig ape rapist whore's movie concept. sick of seeing what I write about the hate crimes being committed against me turned into black actors and writers movie concepts but turned into their own "victimized" victimizer profiteering. I cannot write there fore except for posts like this--which are then rewritten and as I struggle to get past the hacking I have to see that hackers have rewritten all, and still no one ever comes to me with assistance or support.
Despite all this, all these years of this going on and on--while I wrote endlessly that you are all helping Nazis to come to power--I wrote this as Black actors began to attack me using this system along with their white openly racist "friends". They posed in photos of themselves in Europe after they got EUropean endorsement for their products and their media aspirations--posing in haughty nose-thumbed up postures in personalized photos inserted onto my page. Now as they all "fight" against Trump, they are still in bed with the Nazi pig apes--and that is a lot of the black actors and writers, directors I am referring to. I can not count on "black" actors or most peopel to help me in any way. Years of Normal American citizens--black people--helping bigot whites to attack me--some of them ranting about discrimination in fact all of them do.
Now I appeal once again and say that after years of writing that not only are you helping Nazis to come to power, but I have been writing that DEATH is just around the corner--a few months prior to the onset of the pandemic I wrote that "we are on the brink of a catastrophe...many people will be killed due to this technology". This technology also encompasses many forms of murder operations not just individual "stalking" or "harassment' which are really murder and torture operations by bigot pig ape pieces of pure shiite.
But no, still no one can act. I am given no credit for my warnings instead I just get ignored, silenced and I see my ideas still being used for major, huge blockbuster m ovie concepts. Up to this very day this is happening. All stolen and no payment, no credit, and only more torture more abuse more violence and me writing endlessly--waiting for the day when there will be a political entity that will protect ME instead of the pig ape mafia Nazi bigots who also are in league with Communist countries (China, Russia which is still Communist in many ways--and |Russia is corrupted completely by Nazi mafia--)
and on and on...waiting and I must wait and wait and the pig apes attacking me would assuredly tell me that there will never be any hope for me--they have already assured me of that--no one is going to help you--etc etc
but I still sit here writing about it because this is psychological torture to death as well. The stress alone could kill anyone. Not being able to exercise is another factor. And then all loving animals are either killed off or stolen adn taken away so I am left with disgusting human beings who have lost all touch with life and love and sanity and reality. It is they who are insane and not me. Like most that this group does, they have turned around all definitions.
But again, what I write is being stolen by these ignorant stupid apes who are "competent" to push papers and make dirty foul deeds and then get the beauty treatments to appear as if they are "clean' and not rotten corrupt disgusting parasites. Their children as are foul but with all the money they are handed, make good appearances for their demonstations of benevolent charity stuff. As for the outright bigot Nazis and haters, they privately do not have to feign these pretensees so they are stuffed with arrogant assumption that their global strategy of dominance and indoctrination are completed and all is going to continue towards the final cataclysm of genocidal mass death for their huge profit and endless plantations in the developing world--which America is turning into thanks to your nasty celebrity culture and your obsession with the falsities they promote.
I however have to sit here still and wait to see, if I can not be destroyed before then, if the next wave will bring any real support to my situation. I feel a faint hope but...I have been waiting for YEARS for anyone to not be under the domination of mafia. It is also odd that there is never any mention in any of the 'alternative" media about mafia and Nazi collusion controlling the media but it is the dominating force controlling so much--or perhaps all. The mafia Nazis want the total destruction of America as they take it over--the movies are filled with hate, desperation and death to encourage mass reactionary movements and death resulting.
It is insidious to me that this is all being forced upon me, but then again, if it weren't for the "invisible" millions upon millions of "normal" citizens, NONE of this would be possible. It is they who love all the mafia movies and they who endorse the Nazi movements and they who want genocide and the end of a "Democratic" Republic.
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...