Saturday, February 5, 2022

Terrorist Report: Noise, more noise and every day yelling, shouting/talking on patios in my condo just below my room (two floors down, more precisely).

 There is a group of Thai people who rush outside to shout on their patios for hours every single day. If I walk into the frame of the sliding patio door of the patio they begin instantly to cough using the triggering sort of attack; meaning that surveillance is absolutely 100% of the time on my every move, thought and action (not just in this room but every single place I go on the planet that is in any kind of grid lifestyle area). If I get out of bed at 3 a.m. and walk to look at the night sky, they rush out to their patios and begin yelling on the patios just below my room. It is supposed to be just "loud" talking if you were living in this condo, (which is 90% emptied out and only people surrounding me on all sides live here, and a few scattered rooms that are occupied by the various terrorists who come to get free rent for destroying my body/home and inflicting damage to both if they possibly can get access (which is why I have spent more than 2 years fighting to just stop people from entering this room using mechanical arms to open any and all blocks/locks and props on all doors just to try to stop people from entering while I am unconscious in that sleep mode where I am teleported to being terrorized by your favorite media thugs you mistakenly confuse for celebrity glam.).

Thus, no matter what time of day or night, as soon as I venture anywhere near the patio sliding door they begin to nearly yell non-stop. They yell, play guitar, have what sounds like rowdy parties on the patios from approx. 5 pm until 8, then they go off and it's all silent--I assume they have a nightly meeting on what kinds of torture to inflict on me, because it is always the same every day the yelling, then an hour of silence at the same time every night which I assume is their nightly session of what to inflict, what to do, etc. Then they re-commence with the yelling/blathering/shouting/party that goes on and on until at least 10 pm. Then they continue into the night but it's not a huge group of them. I assume and guess that some of them actually have day jobs so they shut up after yelling for over 5 hours or longer (every SINGLE night without exception).

It is finally annoying to me because of their nasty negativity that is disguised as creepy laughter which is just thugs laughing about getting free rent. Another tactic this organization uses constantly--all members from the wealthy white supremacists to the lowly terrorist check-out minorities at the stores---all laugh if I finally get angry or annoyed or react or respond to their attacks. I finally yelled after maybe 2 years of this going on every single day--just tired of hearing the most ugly coughing noise interlaced with this hateful tone that one of the Thai female uses as a triggering of their violence if and when I get close to that door they began a series of coughing noises. They are so repulsive and their ugly laughter is just like creepy sick things giggling over their hate crimes. It is more than offensive and yet it is an integral component of the "gang stalking" torture. In America the loud noise that Americans (of all races) used to harass was horrific. In America I was also followed, literally followed in every single rented apartment and home I tried to find peace in, with construction which would begin a few days after I moved into the joint. People would come and begin literally shouting until 4 am screeching curse words of all nasty sorts with music--this also followed me around in certain places.

So it's going on and on here in this condo. Plus all the filth and stink and mess and brown liquids that are sprayed and poured into anything that is near any moisture (dish rack, bathroom, sprayed onto walls, furniture, clothing, etc)

and all the other countless attacks that never end. 


It is amazing to me that this type of behavior is considered by this organization to be an "entitlement" of "winners" of society, as this is a coveted type of behavior that is supposed to also reinforce the concept that these people can do whatever sick and sleazy and vile and ugly and nasty things they want and completely be exonerated and in fact promoted for this type of sleazy and disgusting behavior. That goes for those who are at the pinnacle of society as well as the lowly at the bottom, the behavior is exactly the same and the mentality is as low from the top cascading/trickling down to the bottom. The length of descent from "top" of "society" to the dregs of society using the repeat protocols of this vile behavior is not as deep or far as you may imagine it should be.


One hour + later: I was struggling to get the post above out due to the keyboard being absolutely stiffened by malware and the strength required to get keys to press remains that I must use all finger and hand strength for every key--plus my brain is under attack as well--like wading hip-high through mud to try to access my thoughts.

I "remembered" after writing and struggling strenuously to write the post above that I have also been attacked by non-stop construction here in Phuket. It was ordered by the Italian (out of Italy) Mafia expletive piece of S*** who has infiltrated the Miami market but is so embraced by the "Italian-American" actors of mafia lead role fame and fortuna--absolutely embraced like he's an incredible personality for being violent and trying to slowly murder me in a most foul sadistic "touchless" "soft kill" murder situation which these actors have simply just taken the onus of the attacks upon as their promotional tool--but the Italian is still out there with his taxis and the emblems of his nightclub he opened up here in Phuket after more than 2 years of directly teleporting and poisoning me (rape, torture, violence, accidents, near death constantly, being hit by cars, etc etc). The very first YEAR of my detox, back in 2011, I was surrounded by no less than THREE CONSTRUCTION SITES in a small cul de sac type of Thai residential area. They began building the tiny extension to the landlord's house just next to mine a few days after I moved into what appeared to be a beautiful, quite and bucolic little tucked-away bunch of Thai houses (cookie-cutter tiny little rentals with a larger house attached to the winding little road which leads to the larger main road (Ban Saiyuan) in Rawai. The extension began and that was less than 100 yards away from my little rental one-bedrm house. Then they began a huge project across the street building a cement restaurant which had hitherto been a field of trees. Pounding with a huge cement pounder and mixer combination went on for 8 hours every day for one year--and then they began pounding and hammering another little house just behind mine in the backyard, so the pounding and pounding with huge machinery was across the street--maybe 500 yards away from my little house, and then right next door--100 yards away, and then 150 yards away in the back yard behind my house. 

All of that orchestrated by the Europ-a rapist mafia attempted murder sleaze who I have had less then 5 minutes of conversation with in person my entire life--I only sold cigars at what was Stallone's nightclub Bar None (Washington Avenue) on South Beach. I was an independent contractor, if you can call it that, and went in and out of the club upon my own discretion. I had no idea it would almost cost me my life just to also have all the money I earned stolen (80% was stolen from me every night while I slept--as terrorists just went into my rented little room and replaced $100 bills I had earned with $1 bills so I never had enough money to buy food or almost to pay rent, always kept just above the line of being made homeless, which remains the case today after years of being poisoned with intention to murder me while I was fighting to study and get my Master's Degree.

But that happened due to someone who is familiar with the American style of noise harassment and that kind of violence which he piled on me the first year of detox when I was literally fighting for my life. He regularly night-after-night pounded the poisons into my body as he teleported me and then tortured me for asking him every day to stop--which had begun actually prior to me moving from Germany back to Thailand because I was literally almost dying from poisoning while I was in Germany and ran to Thailand to get some scant healing modalities which are impossible to obtain for me in places like Germany and the USA. I had been asking Siervo to stop teleporting and raping me nightly while I was fighting to not die from poisoning as he kept on, hitting me and raping me and then having me tortured. When I began to really understand how bad the poisoning was, he began this non-stop violent assault on a 24/7 basis and the celebrities and politicians you all love and worship have never abated nor lessened it but have just added to it and gloated about how they are so incredible and can do "what I want" as the endless "entitlement" social engineering that this teleportation contract out on me confers upon the thugs who utilize and exploit this government-sponsored teleportation and torture protocol (who also fund it and then participate in this violence themselves).


After surviving the first year of literally being too ill to move for one year, and not understanding how much I would have to fight for my life for the next ten years due to the amount of consolidated poison embedded into my spine and back and all over all the conduits of my body's lymphatic system and every other vessel and portal that anything can be stored or stagnated into all over my body--

But yes, that program of American style endless construction was ordered upon me the year I was literally on the brink of dying from the poisoning that the same man who is still sending trucks with the icon of his club he obtained after a few years of torturing me, blessed by the Phuket Europ-a Nazi Mafia cartel which controls not just all real estate but politics undoubtedly too in --and now I can't go further as it is dangerous about Thai politics to write anything

but you can imagine the effect, if you know anything about Thai politics that is.


*Whatever misspellings or incomprehensible portions of this post exist are due entirely to hacker terrorist censorship and redaction and deletions/rewrites and grammar being deleted, etc etc etc.

Friday, February 4, 2022

"We need new leadership..."*-PRINCE & THE REVOLUTION. New Power Generation. "Come to this place in your heart" A proposal for the New Power Generation. Paisley Park and fun joy go-round as the new form of governing the planet. No aristocratic genocidal Imperialistic Holocaust perpetrator perpetuators any longer in power!

 "Prince - Mary Don't You Weep (Official Music Video)". Prince. September 20, 2018.



Thursday, February 3, 2022

More about the reverse racism but first part of this post is about how Hacking is SO BAD now on my laptop. Every other click my laptop literally freezes with the cursor spinning and the entire system inoperable--lasting more than 30 seconds sometimes it take 5 minutes to open a page.

 I just went through a manual series of clearing out the cache of this system which required 2 hours to delete all this stuff and the system is still bogged down with malware. I have to try to figure out how to remove it on my $0 budget for such things, only to scour YouTube to try to find remedies. There is a system restore function which removes some of the junk for maybe 3 days at most--if and when I leave this room the terrorists slime on into this room to sprinkle filth into every corner, under all furniture, spray on the walls, and install more malware onto my system. Oh, of course the keyboard is also affected so I must pound down and also fight to backspace to write words correctly as the keys are toggled to juxtapose the letters while I type.


I would do the system restore, but I played my game from Windows and have reached a stage where I have accrued a lot of points in this game, and the terrorist have begun to delete my points if I do a system restore. I've been playing this game for a few months and it never happened before until recently. They deleted half of my game and points and made it very hard and timely just to get back to where I had left off. This happened twice for this same game for the last two restores so I have left the system restore function because I am engrossed in this game, being partially paralyzed from detox and sickness and I need a diversion and this game is like a kind of fun puzzle system which keeps my mind occupied on some kind of rational thought process instead of the chaos and hate this organization tries to insert into my being poisoning my mind every moment they possibly can. If they had their way I would be immersed in hate every day to my death and beyond.


So I am left now with the keyboard so stiff it's almost impossible ot get anything out--tired of backspacing and rewriting. In the bios and hard drive while I am fighting to get into the system to remove their hate and filth on my computer, the keyboard works perfectly and so does the mouse (also doesn't operate until I get into bios where it works perfectly).


So I am stuck here with this endless now nearly half operating system because I don't want my game to be deleted any longer.


Instead of the things I want to get done I am now struggling to find ways to remove malware through these YouTube tech videos, while I am still, every day, detoxing from this unbelievable poison mess inside my body. Every time some of it comes out I am too ill for the entire rest of the day to literally move or get anything else done. I am literally in a disabled mode and can't perform many basic functions while I am surrounded by toxic filth that is poisoning me that this organization has poured into my living space. 

Oh, that is what the black women have all contrived to participate in and have been amply paid and rewarded. One of them let slip their programmed anti-Semitism, and what I had wanted to say but I am indeed under mind control affecting my emotions while I write turning anger into rancor and hate diatribes--but they want to form a caucus of power, and any means possible I think is the operational phrase they inherently all agree to. Racism against any other group is fine if it will help them to achieve their power status. Playing main role as victim is another such role. The role is justified for those who actually are suffering but these actors are not those who are suffering. They benefit from the system plantation of mind control via movies and news and entertainment venues. They got to these positions in no other way but demonstrating their affirmative action in helping support Nazis and entertaining them while feigning they are righteous and what a sister act this is oh black woman.

Dear ABC Network: Please FIRE W. Goldberg from The Pew (Pulpit). What I did not write to ABC in my request to have her fired: She teleported me along with the other black anti-Semitic Nazi actors in H-wood during torture and terror white supremacist teleportation rape/torture/ information/concept theft sessions.

 I think I will just copy and paste the comments I made on the  YouTube pages which I wrote my "scathing" comments upon---and thought I should not write a post on this subject but for once I find myself agreeing with Fox News on this topic--amazing and it's the very first time this has happened.


I did not save the comment I wrote to ABC which was my first and real honest appraisal. It was also the most "sober" and coherent. The "mind control" effect of enhancing emotional states and reducing calm cognitive analysis is one of the biggest discrediting effects but I cannot stop this. The situation of having been tortured by successive profiteering criminals you call "celebrities" and "politicians" is at the onus of the problem with no, absolutely no support system anywhere in sight and for years and around the world there is nothing. My reaction is a bit hysterical but I wonder how many of you would even have survived what I have been dealt with?


What I had written to ABC is that Goldberg is anti-Semitic and in her uplifted state of celebrity, wants to monopolize the victimization role as only being for her and her "black and brown" friends. I emphasize "friends" and not the entire diaspora or of any larger ethnic "minority" group. (I didn't write the last part about her inclusive friends categorization of victimization, meaning mostly about her and her need to be promoted into majestic victimhood status--it is quite a $$ generating posture to contiuously play that card repeatedly for years and it has paid off for her and her "friends" in the white-supremacy-enabler group).

Oh, I did not write these things to ABC only the very first sentence of this attempt to encapsulate my thoughts. 

She teleported me, yes that matriarchal bloated black-anti-Semitic enabler of white supremacy did, she she did alongside Aprah who is a most violent and vile perpetrator of white supremacy and has been paid in BILLIONS for that role. Together, yes quite an equitable pair of haughty righteousness for sale and sold at highest prices.


That blacks really want to hold the $ bag for sole victimization status is a trending opportunism, for sure, in the media "elite" group of "friends". I also wrote to ABC that I truly have great sadness for the real victims who suffer, but for the endless race card slingers, it is a tragic farce with their endless "racist" dialogue but in reality when they have a chance how they bend to the violence of racism when it is heaped upon me. They even keep asking me "why" I don't "like" what they are doing (hitting, slapping, raping, torturing, disfiguring, dismembering, stealing my money, destroying property, terrorism at every corner from their minion death squad gangs, all financial opportunity blocked, sleeping terror with this teleportation equipment every single night for over a decade or longer--etc etc the list is far too long to even remember by now from more than 10 years of this going on and on--which they, Goldberg et al--the list of black performers is very long and getting longer the longer this situation is never stopped).


I will indeed post my responses to some of the YouTube videos but for a change Fox News had some incredible comments which I found comforting and I was almost shocked that their level of sympathy and lack of racism was almost the total reverse of the "liberals" in Whorewood who are the most callous racist bigots and haters I have EVER met in my entire life--(been forced to be around, exposing their real thoughts, in other words, and the more virulent their anti-Semitism the more awards and promotions they receive--including Goldberg who has partaken of this huge profiteering contract out on me and teleportation/MK ULTRA):

The video above is one of the most even and level discussions on any topic I have ever heard from Fox News. I don't say this just because it conforms to my opinion before I opened up this video clip of the info-sharing session on Fox. 

I wrote (based on a LIFETIME of being attacked by Blacks who operate for the white supremacist Nazi "gang stalking" system. From Kinder garden to now, this moment, I have had to be witness to blacks being told to attack me by whites--when I was bussed to the "black" part of town for an "experimental" grade school operated by the University of Illinois where racism (against blacks only) was taught but no mention of Jews or the Holocaust-=-the racist whites would tell the blacks to attack me and they would--and it's exactly the same now in "adult" life amongst the A-dolts in H-wood and everywhere else. It is amazing that Fox News has had some insight into this that is precisely what I know to be the reality of "reverse" racism and so glad this entire spectacle has appeared to bring up this very dialogue on how blacks can be so racist but hide it under their own righteous pretensions (not for those who are truly being victimized, but they also participate many of them and I know this from years of having to live in poverty thanks to the endless blacklisting by this organization--):

"SO MANY BLACK PEOPLE IN THE USA AND ABROAD FULLY PARTICIPATE WITH NAZIS IN ANTI-SEMITISM. Goldberg is just another one. Her entitlement is now as a symbol of oppression which is her free get out of jail card for any racist comment she may make because she's supposed to be the perpetual race victim fighting for justice (but not in reality she's a perpetrator of racism--a black Nazi is the more appropriate title for her and her ilk--wealthy, you can also include her friend the bulbous black female tv show host paid billions for her plantation role of support for white supremacy. Thank you judge with your statement and it's partially as harsh as the situation really deserves."

It's amazing that I agree with a Fox News commentary session--but what you are saying is exactly what I think, and have written to ABC requesting that Goldberg be fired. She's a disgusting fake and a black anti-Semite (the situation of black anti=Semitism is real and profound--just review that Obama's pastor made anti-Semitic comments and etc etc it's another untold story about racism)." (end of my comments for that video--I find I have written more comments on this blog than I did for the video). I am under great attack by now from mind control and hacking, please bear with all the hyper-emotionalism and the hacker inserts/deletions I know the terrorist hackers will be deleting and rewriting this post after I publish--which I will not re-edit.

"The Hard Truth About Whoopi Goldberg's Suspension". Rebel HQ. February 3, 2022.

The female commentator begins: "As a BLACK WOMAN I understand what (she) was trying to say...." etc etc etc. Of course, the main intellectual component of understanding is merely that you both are "black" and "women". Nothing more to say about your shared identification then. (Sarcasm). 

As a non-black woman who has been attached by that black woman above and her other close black woman friend, who has been one of the main contributors of harassment, torture, poisoning, sexual abuse and psychological terrorism--this wonderful bulbous thing Aprha who is so, so beloved amongst the white women of the suburbohoods---gangstas with the $$$ in other words. Loved by the racist "Italian-American" mafia who tortured me using all kinds of slurs because they had to profit off this anti-Semitic contract. Beloved by the white supremacists in the gang of H-wood actors who hiss hate at me now increasingly with death threats and overt Holocaust references as I keep fighting for all human rights, US Constitutional Rights, my rights under the UN Charter on Human Rights--all obliterated and very heavily due to the black woman faction of the white supremacist celebrity/politico (oh yes, she was r-running for US PRESIDENT wasn't she against her former lover, Trump and good friend, Hillary! All in the same group and the same room attacking MOI for their promotional enhancements). Oh the "Black woman" you all "understand" what she meant when she was just slipping her ordained racist black Nazi mentality.

What I wrote in the comment section to this video (I didn't get to the end, I just got sick of hearing about the caucus of black women and men who are fighting for their own spot in the Sun of this godless Satanic organization. Ironically the very first day Op-rah teleported me she had some other black women with her all chanting, "Praise the Lord" until she got upset about my comments after more than years of her participating and stealing ideas from me to make herself appear like some ethereal being in a sci-fi movie (about a book I wrote a post about on Facebook, just long enough prior to this film coming out for her to have potentially--probably like 99%--have been part of stealing like the rest of the clan of her "friends" in this racist group of white Nazi enablers and Europ-a fascists--they all LOVE these Black Women so much. They all have so much money for their "liberal" efforts in media publicity stunts and movies and talk shows.

"Dear Ms. Lawrence, I appreciate your purported "understanding" of what anti-Semitism is coming from the perspective of being a "black woman"--which is also what Goldberg is (just building an argument)--yes you are both black but racism is not confined to whites only, as you also know. There is a growing trend of black Nazism and if you doubt this then you are walking around with blinders. The trend is especially poignant in the H-wood media scene as racism is more rampant than you would understand or want to. The plantation roles still apply when it comes to blacks, and assisting whites in anti-Semitism is one way of blacks being welcomed into the incestuous media family. Goldberg with all her money is no exception. Her statement was a virulent racist remark completely downplaying the millions of people killed in the Holocaust. There were Jews who also assisted the Nazis in killing other Jews. They were often lighter skinned with blonde hair. Goldberg is playing up her former life of poverty in order to conform to an image of being a "liberal" but she's part of a complete fascist enclave in her media personal associations. Her slip-up will not be assuaged by "education" she must be fired. Your understanding of her is because of a black caucus developing that you too are a part of. Although you have been part of an anti-Semitic training group in your professional life, the underlying roots of cohesiveness applies when it comes to belonging to a group with wealthy people "at the top" like Goldberg who represent your "struggle" so you are giving her too much slack and really probably you have buried somewhere your own reverse racism as well."

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

As I suggested earlier in my last post on the "retribution" of me writing about the crimes of these celebrity/politician terrorists (who are operating under "anti-terrorism" legislation which funds their terrorist "gang stalking" torture/MK ULTRA rape and abuse entertainments upon me). They are messin' round with my $$$ once again.

 It just happened on my online bank account. The money I receive every month, direct deposited upon the last day of the month, SHOULD show up by the latest by noon my time here in Thailand on the 1st of the month. That was SOP for many years until I became targeted by the Italian mafia personality who also partnered with the English scion whose inheritance includes hobnobbing with English monarchy and doing business with The Crown. 

But what had been routine clockwork became money coming in at various random times on the 1st, culminating to the point that the money would appear by 6 pm instead of by noon. It really should show up when it is first direct deposited, the night before. When I phoned my bank which has since closed (BBVA Compass) I was LIED to on the phone by the terrorist agent where my phone call was diverted, who claimed that the money would not "clear" their procedures until that late hour of the day. The money first cleared by noon, then it changed to 2 pm, and then onto 6 pm. I was so broke every month living with not enough to pay rent and eat that by the first of the month I was destitute of food and things I needed and had to obtain money immediately in order to get food--just to get some food and I could not afford various really cheap things as well. Of course part of all of this is the total block to earning money online or anywhere else as blacklisting is endemic for targets--plus all kinds of nasty harassment for any job I do manage to obtain. That is without exception on every job I have had all my life. 


But my bank failed and was bought out by another bank. The fiasco I had to undergo just to obtain my new debit cards cost me over $200 for FedEX mailing and the way it was all handled was more than suspiciously corrupted. But my money for a change began appearing in my account, pending, on the night before the 1st of every month. That was 3 or 4 months ago. Then things like my account balance showing $0 when I still have money from my stimulus in that account and that is far more than $0. Then the money has begun to appear at odd times not even at the stroke of the top of the hour. Money just appeared in my account at 2:47 pm, which is in no way appropriate for digital money transfers---or I assume as this was a fully functioning system for the first couple of months and now the same old block to the transfer of funds is appearing. There is no pending amount shown and the threat of taking away my money has been a constant in the endless threat to my every survival as a matter-of-course by this group. They had my money cut off a few months ago but I wrote about that and it's now very hard to constantly backspace and pound out letters due to malware affecting the keyboard.


Another point unrelated to finance: the blasting and bombing of the hillside outside my patio view--it is a steep hill that faces the back of this building. It had been adorned with flowers and birds when I moved in. The terrorists arranged to literally bomb the hillside as boulders tumbled down, breaking the cement landscaping at the bottom of the hill (I'm on floor 3). Subsequently the terrorists began shooting and killing the birds that had formerly nested on the hillside so not a single bird has appeared for at least 2 years. The hillside is strewn with huge plastic bags and other such plastic objects (hangers, etc). Any flowering vines that had grown before and were beginning to regrow have had acid poured on them as they appear brown and shriveled up. But there was one huge and incredible species of lizard that roamed the hillside right directly in front of my 3rd floor patio--in a parallel view of the hillside which is nearly at a 85-degree angle upwards, with almost no slope. It was a fantabulous lizard and I made contact with it and threw food to it sometimes. I had a rapport with it in a sense. It then found a mate--but disappeared for a while because the terrorists saw that it was bringing me joy and fascination to watch this lizard hunt for food--just right outside my window on the rocks. It got it's mate but was being probably shot at and would go to the plateau above the ridge of the edge of this steep hill. But now it's completely gone. I don't know if the terrorists killed it or they took it away. I suspect they killed both lizards just because I found a thrill and happiness in watching and having a rapport with any sentient being. 

As for my cat, La Moux, it has been years since they stole her and if she is still alive she has been waiting for me to come and rescue her. She was my only remnant of a family and my loving companion and of course they had to break her body and then kidnap her. Other cats I have taken care of were killed and left in front of my front door--as well as pet frogs, etc any animal or creature I form any slightest bond with is killed or destroyed or taken away.


These same actors who are a part of this play roles in cartoon movies where they are animals (they do the voices of course) who are fighting against human degradation of the environment. 

What to do? The terrorist celebrities and politicians of the highest US ranking Executive Office branch are threatening continuously to stop my money supply, with teleportation skits of being homeless and then always being put into living situations around sick and sleazy disgusting people in group living situations where I am in poverty and can't get out to live in anything decent. Those are the teleportation skits that recur frequently if not at least once per week in addition to people being "dead" or being killed and insults and then the celebrities themselves using Nazi holocaust statements aimed at me after raping and stealing ideas and abusing and torturing me (for years). I just saw one of the rotten ugly women out of England who JUST attacked me a few days ago in such manner using "subhuman" as her Nazi theme and all kinds of violent intimations, is now being awarded as usual by the Sundance Nazi Inc always ALWAYS Robert Redford is there to fully support all terrorists attacking me (with absolute funding for his "independent" film fodder festival frumpy fashion to boot). This same woman is featured in an article in IMDB and some movie mag about how the ENGLISH Arts project which funds crap like her (supposedly a "great actor" because she was associated with the blonde Nazi bigot who accompanied her in this Nazi threat/insult session--both ostensibly have been awarded millions of English Pounds sterling in projects or their arts association just has in the last few days--just immediately after having attacked me. Her ugly disgusting square face is featured as an "independent" candidate for Oscars next year as some favorite, touting her "acting" skills which is just another replica of a woman imitating the male who helped put her into power--the blonde Nazi who is also vying for an Oscar nomination for best film this current cycle.

*Please note that I just re-read through this post and saw that hackers have altered grammar, deleted some words for that endless discrediting effect that no post I write is without (their interference and discrediting hacking/alteration/deletion/rewrites).  

Notice how I have not used their rotten names. I don't know what to do about this because mentioning them by name appears to only enhance their favorability in the Nazi media conglomerate. Not using their names but only intimating who they are probably has the same result. Still their names are odious to me as are their movies and faces so I omit the name. But I gave enough information so you can scroll down the current IMDB "movie news" page and find which ugly face is featured as a "sex worker" who has fully participated in MK ULTRA teleportation rape for her promotion in order to play a "sex worker" skank in some movie with a "brown" male sitting next to her. How feminist of her, how incredible an actor to play such a "demanding" role when in fact she's a prostituted skank in the first place and playing any kind of sensitive role of a woman working in that field with any kind of introspective insight into ANYTHING would be totally amiss with the truly callous and whorish ugly personality of this Nazi-themed scumbag who has just amply been rewarded for her role in fomenting more Nazism in the media, along with her fellow scumbag former lover or "partner". He always plays this silly swaggering kind of topsy-turvy near comedian even in serious roles and she imitates him almost exactly--I think for sure it was he who originated the style and not the rotten filth female who is now playing a "sex worker" as if she is some kind of unique and alternative sensitive artist portraying such a demanding situation for a woman to be in (with a "brown" male next to her, it appears she is even more understanding, compassionate and not the bigot Nazi piece of s*** like the vulture rotten other English creep woman with her thug Irish boy toy thug who used so many various angles of attack upon me from trying to slam a car door into my head to manipulating my brain while I was teleported in deep sleep to her home in London while she tried to lure me into a fake pretense of kindly questioning only to be the most acerbic vile of abusers once she obtained any kind of assessment of any nice thing I had to say which she used to insult and demean me (endlessly) using all the violence she and her friend who is smiling at having raped and tortured me saying he and she both have every single right to do whatever they want---(apparently because they are wealthy and "entitled" and of course no American politicians is going to do any single thing to stop this or them, nor are the actors, nor are the brown and Jewish men who put them in these starring roles for their movies nor is anyone so they are outrageously open about their Nazi mentality and affinity).

But even writing about anything any longer means this group will attack me very seriously.

I have told myself not to look at any celebrity information, but I just discovered that something bad happened to one of the actors who had attacked me and I have a keen interest in discovering these little facts about the terrorists attacking me just so I am partially informed about how the forces of life are treating them or what I need to know about these terrorists in order to navigate the endless years of their violence aimed at me (because I tried to defend myself after their pig ape wealthy leaders tried to poison me to death and were teleporting and raping the poison as deeply into my body as possible while I kept for a few years asking them to stop and then finally began calling them pigs and now pig ape is like a recurrent daily theme I use but for YEARS I was an extremely well-adjusted nice and pleasant person never using such terms--please be aware that I use these terms after more than a DECADE of murder attempts and rape and disfiguration and mutilation and poisoning by this group and their minions in addition to every kind of sexual and psychological and emotional abuse possible they have been pouring upon me without end to break me so I never question their "entitlement" to murdering me or anyone else they want to rape, f** Abuse to death and then feel gratified about it that they are successfully turning the United States into a subordinate subcolonized chaos Civil-war strife colony destroyed but still operational enough for them to control and exert endless influence over not only the media but politics as well.


So I saw today that this rotten ugly woman has been featured as being a prime candidate for her "incredible" acting skills which for some reason I have never ascertained from watching her silly movements and then seeing what a violent and ugly personality this ugly sick Nazi proponent and her ilk really and truly are. But of course Robert Redford who for years has put various triggering pictures of himself here in Phuket on objects that are placed directly in front of me alongside the actors who are raping and terrorizing me--who has included so many of the people stealing my ideas raping and torturing me and being put into lead role for it--now once more fully sustaining the efforts of foreign intervention into US media and affairs--but you must read for yourself and do your own research on this: IMDB today, February 1, 2022. There is a small article about millions of English Sterling being poured into English efforts at installing their own media industry within the larger US media corporate scenery. How much of that funding is indirectly supported by covert Nazi organizations I can only assume to be larger than the major shareholder population of the CEO's at the top of their nasty pyramid scheme.

But Americans keep flocking to them--like Redford for example who is as much a blonde "liberal" Nazi as anyone can get in that horrid racist mind programming fake "alternative" fiasco of mind control celluloid. The other American actors involved in this mostly English attempt to use mind control and influence and purchase people of celebrity status into their fold are as willing to do any single thing to be welcomed into the "aristocrat" circle of entitlement as they possibly can. No concern whatsoever about any Insurrection, which they are indirectly responsible for and have helped greatly to bring something like that into actual reality--not a shred of concern about anything but them being handed models to screw out of Europe to enhance their "class and style" fashion appearance as well as mansions, castles and endless loving kisses on the cheeks by the Europigapes who buy these prostituted sex actor workers by the dozens they truly are cheap and tawdry when you pull the expensive garments away from your eyes which have been coated by the fake sheep wool they also cover your symbolic eyesight with using their fake compassionate roles in these awful movies which are so endlessly fixated on using death and violence as the main solution to every problem.

So I risk more violence as I write about these putrid expletives, but then again I keep trying to impress upon people reading my post how dangerous it is to continue to allow this situation to continue unabated but I suspect either you readers want the United States in absolute disarray and chaos or you just don't give a damn and only really care about presenting yourselves as Europigape fashionistas with Europeans hanging off your arms for public photo-ops and of course more promotions and awards and ceremonial kudos for your k-rap.

Monday, January 31, 2022

A follow-up on my last post regarding the Glen Greenwald lecture and on Snowden and the Carnivore FBI u se of mass surveillance, omitted from the discussion by Greenwald which I believe was a diversion from the actual reality of the history of the emergence of the mass surveillance State. This relates to 9/11 attacks as being used as a springboard to increase mass surveillance under the post-9/11 formed NSA and Homeland Security under the PATRIOT Act. The NSA stemming from FISA expansion, and the pre-9/11 FBI surveillance expansion of the technocracy State.

"Still, two events would have been required for the Pentagon strike to have been averted.

First, President Bush would have had to have ordered that any hijacked airliners be shot down; the military’s rules of engagement did not allow for that without such presidential intercession. Bush ultimately did make that call, but only after the Pentagon was hit.

Second, NORAD’s F-16 Fighting Falcons at Langley Air Force Base, near Norfolk, Va., would have had to have been launched sooner.

Why they weren’t is unclear.

According to NORAD’s timeline, those fighters received the scramble order at 9:24 a.m., 30 minutes after Flight 77 made an unauthorized turn. That suggests the FAA took an inexplicably long time to alert NORAD. But Jane Garvey, former head of the Federal Aviation Administration, said it had informed NORAD earlier in a telephone call.

Retired Maj. Gen. Larry K. Arnold, who was in charge of domestic air defenses on the day of the attacks, said it was “physically possible” that fighter jets could have beaten the civilian airliner to the Pentagon had they been activated earlier.

Another decision not made: NORAD did not launch all available fighters even when it became apparent that multiple suicide hijackings had taken place.

“It’s inexplicable why they did not get air protection up in time to thwart that crash,” Breitweiser said. She also asked why the F-15s sent to New York were not sent after Flight 77."--Could Fighter Jets Have Stopped the 911 Attacks? NBC News. June 15, 2004.



To attempt to describe the effect that the "mind control" technology has upon my cognitive capabilities while I struggle to also get past hacker intervention in every post and thing I write and do on the internet or computer is a struggle to find the right words. Something like my brain being glued into a tangled stagnation while I am trying to access my memory to find literal words to use for any subject. Like trying to wade waist high in mud in a sprint--not able to move, stuck and waded down. That is similar to how my brain is being tampered with. After many posts I write in this struggle, with words and highly emotional hate expletives pouring out because my emotional centers are likewise being tweaked while I write to enhance hyperbolic and thus discrediting statements--which are also subliminally pumped into my "inner ear" by their insidious inaudible technologies (but can faintly hear them at very quiet moments but certainly not while typing or in a busy and crowded space where I am always under nasty attack and this type of emotional and cognitive blocks to my critical thinking capabilities are combined with excessive emotional response--usually giddy giggling and laughing and smiling at being insulted or attacked like it's "fun". This always happens while I am on the phone and I am always diverted to a terrorist agent on the phone as I laugh and giggle and can't find words and the wrong words not in my vocabulary or lexicon come pouring out automatically without even a semblance of prior thought or decision to make such statements. I was in this state under my last post and always in every situation where I attempt to communicate on any level.

I could not finish my post therefore and was exhausted by the time I got through circa 5 paragraphs which meandered in thought and got off point.


The Glen Greenwald post I just posted today earlier in the morning--freshly drugged up as I am while sleeping and the mechanical arms wreak their damage and drugging infestation upon my property and my body and mind while I am endlessly night after night teleported to hate and death and abuse and insults and threats and the recurrent theme of being made homeless and having to live in squalid situations and returning to live with my mother who has attempted to have me killed and is violently abusive (murderously so). 

But I wrote this post and got lost in fighting in the struggle to get past hacking blocks to the keyboard, which is happening now as I must ceaselessly fight to backspace and retype almost every word (happening right now).


What I still am not able to fully write is that I believe that Greenwald and the Snowden situation is acting as a diversion from the truth that massive surveillance was occurring even before Bush Jr. was put into the Oval Office in 2000 (in what was probably a coup but not officially labeled as such--). It was the FBI operating under relative restraint of Federal Law which prohibited joint agency cooperation for surveillance purposes, especially for the burgeoning internet and WWW.  New forms of mass surveillance potential that these agencies undoubtedly desired to utilize to the maximum for their massive data collection capabilities on citizens of interest. Citizens of interest now encompass all citizens foreign and domestic alike. Or as Greenwald discusses, the surveillance is to capture The All totality of communications and information on every single person possible using these surveillance technologies. 

Prior to 9/11 The Carnivore system utilized by The FBI had been labeled as an anti-crime necessity to combat "criminals". The "problem" of crime seems to have become so necessary as to expand the surveillance capabilities so that Carnivore then was changed in name and function to increase and scope such as to be named Omnivore (will eat anything, in other words). Yet the massive surveillance state that those in those positions of social engineering truly desired was not achievable under existing laws until this magnificent destruction of the Twin Towers and The Pentagon occurred, leaving America ready for 20 years of warfare against enemies such as civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq whose death toll has reached in hundreds of thousands since the onset of this war. The casualties of Americans who have since been covertly assassinated probably reaches a high number although of course I can only gauge that by how many people I have known who were "alternative" and not fake who have since died by mysterious illnesses and accidents and far before their time should have expired.

But that is theorizing and I will try not to let the mind control glue my brain into diversions.

The laws that separated the powers of various governmental agencies such as The FBI and The CIA had to be eliminated and turned into a more centralized form of surveillance capability. The FBI and CIA were also restricted to the "red tape" procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which allowed US Governmental agencies to conduct international surveillance which had to be approved of in compartmentalized segments of the government. Once the Twin Towers were eviscerated, the agencies could then combine under the PATRIOT ACT and the newly formed Homeland Security Agency and the new National Security Agency to have a global network of surveillance. And voila! Here I am not a terrorist but deemed a "threat" to national security under the bigot racist policies that all administrations have adhered to all my life--the threat to white supremacy and bigots everywhere. They simply cannot allow freedom to flourish for certain people. History has proven this with the Jim Crow Laws and the KKK offsetting the liberation of slaves, and etc the examples are plenty especially in the United States, where all these new-fangled technologies are allowing for "progress" to be limited to white supremacy and the covert stifling of people "like me" whatever that means--not "allowed" to compete. But my ideas are still being stolen by white supremacist "liberal" Nazis who are famous for their flowery bs speeches and posturing which people flock to because there are no other alternatives to grasp onto in the public realm--all are being silenced or are already dead from these nefarious covert assassination programs (I have barely survived and the entire time of fighting to heal from poison murder attempts the thugs in H-wood and in the political highest levels have had me tortured and denied health care and THEN poisoned endlessly and daily while fighting to rid my body of poison without any health care or support system whatsoever.)

But back to the point--I am under strong and horrible "mind control" effect as I always am while I fight to type these posts out.

I believe, to try to get to the point, that the function of Greenwald and of Snowden is to divert the attention away from the real history of internet and electronic communications to the point of the NSA and not to the fact that this kind of massive surveillance had been in full operation under the FBI and undoubtedly other agencies for years before the NSA was introduced as a real government agency, officially sanctified with the precious duty of surveilling the entire population for the safety and security of the State against terrorists. As many other targets have mentioned, the surveillance is being used to target and discriminate against civilians who have nothing to do with terrorism, but rather out of racist or other policies where by only a select few remain "at the top" and no one dare threaten their hegemony unless they are fully integrated into the programming to enhance only white supremacy. Thus the minorities elected into these various offices and positions of celebrity status are some of the most violent threatening actors in these Nazi-ordered teleportation attacks upon me. As in, #46 is going to appoint another white supremacist anti-Semitic white supremacy enabler into the Supreme Court. Being black and female is far removed from the actual symbolic gesture and the reality also of the gesture is to ameliorate any criticism and then to continue on with the same old as usual but just with a few smatterings of black and brown intermixed with the Nazi white hues. All following orders.


Greenwald and Snowden are a diversion, and I thought of this while I was sick and sleeping (always sick in this detox state and endless abuse which is making any healing more than impossible). The diversion is that Greenwald keeps claiming in this lecture that "everyone who approached me from Congress said that they had never heard of any of this"...etc etc his repetition of this is to pound down that the surveillance domination of the government imposed upon the public is more-or-less a function of a post 9/11 scenario imposed by the government for purposes of surveillance only and control. 

That perhaps 9/11 was a part of the integration of these various agencies hitherto not "allowed" to conduct such massive surveillance is left silenced because the diversion is to point attention to the post 9/11 politics rather than that which brought upon this current state of affairs of mass international and global surveillance operations (which I am subject to and am being tortured by--the operations of attack and surveillance are 24/7 and seamlessly globalized by now).

The agencies, in other words, the FBI the CIA and other offices which had been operating prior to the NSA could not collude until there was such a state of emergency that the country had "no choice" under a state of terror and chaos but to allow anything to thwart another 9/11 attack. My thoughts are nothing really new as these are deemed "conspiracy theories" by "nutcases" on the nutjob circuit (aka Alex Jones and company). Of course many take them seriously and really the first time I ever heard of microchip implants was in a ranting Alex Jones clip on the internet--and HE WAS RIGHT but he was not the first to have exposed this only the most loud and thus, I got a brief glimpse and thought it was never going to happen to ME while it already was in full operation upon ME by everyone else around me.


To say that this mass surveillance state is the product of the NSA is to omit the reality that the agencies were really yearning for any reason to integrate so that this mass surveillance global economy could thrive. That is my point, I think it not too far-fetched at all or Nutjob conspiracy-theory crazy whatsoever. Just listen to Greenwald in that lecture. He has been used as a kind of cloaking device to shield the former activities, that I believe is one of the "uses" that Greenwald has produced in order to cover-up the more insidious history of mass surveillance by various government agencies but what was circulated as professional knowledge was the Carnivore FBI software that was used to "catch and surveil CRIMINALS", which in turn had to be altered in name to become TERRORISTS and then again, voila! How readily the public has accepted both the NSA and the Greenwald deception that these agencies perhaps had no agenda in the first place and that 9/11 and it's endless decades of war is somehow justified. Greenwald helps in justifying it all, as does Snowden although his function is very applicable to the very threat of this huge surveillance apparatus of course he does not disclose the various technologies that he undoubtedly was privy to learning about such as microchip implant technology and the kind of surveillance I am subjected to. I have been told by the celebrities attacking me that they can "see through my eyes" and the microchip implants allow them to literally see exactly what I am seeing because of some combination of the implants in my brain and my eyesight and vision. That is the extent to how much surveillance is possible, in addition to the "thought mining" technologies.

It all makes the Snowden "expose" very watered down in comparison, and that also is deliberately a ruse to divert from the horrible reality that these celebrities and politicians literally drool like the sadistic parasites that they are when they get a chance to absolutely bore down and attack at the most sick and vulnerable moments I am in physical distress from healing and using all of this to try to crush and break my body, spirit and soul into conformity like all the other minority minions who service them like slaves  with a smile as they continue to help foment an absolutely Nazi and white supremacist racist technocracy where they get to play wealthy-enabler roles and they are happy to do it.

Racism, really, is a huge component of this massive surveillance state for the reasons I have written of and have been writing of for years. I used to compete against these Nazi expletives and beat them and in many various forms of competition and so they had to poison me with hardening poison and insert all this junk into my body and then steal ideas and this has been the main reason for all these attacks upon me. The minorities who attack me do so with the most vicious hate only because they are instructed to do so, and are obedient slaves in mentality but their roles in public as celebrities is to flaunt their "independence" and "fight" for anti-racism. What a sick joke. 

All designed to further the one road to the New Rome Nazi 4th Reich.

Carnivore & More of the Circus.

...and what a 3-ring it is, veritably. I was listening to a lecture which popped up on my YouTube channel while I was cooking and my hands were immersed in wet food so I could not change the channel from what I had chosen earlier. On came this video which I had not selected but didn't have clean hands to stop or change. Why would I want to change a Glen Greenwald lecture? I decided that he was aware of more than he claims to be aware of the State apparatus and I believe that he is also aware, if only vaguely, of my surveilled and torture MK ULTRA/microchipped/teleported situation. I have also been confronted with many scores of Edward Snowden videos which were part of no algorithm on my part nor have I ever chosen to subscribe to his channel, or if I did only for a brief glimpse and then I eventually decided that there was too much amiss for my suspension of belief to kick in to all aspects of his situation and story. I also have tried to be my own version of a whistleblower and am promptly ignored and tortured for having written anything, which is always the case. Not a single pundit out there (mostly or almost all white males with a scattering of white females) has ever done a single thing to expose my situation nor help me nor stop the perpetrators, nor their apparently huge networks of ardent fans so concerned about surveillance but none apparently can be concerned about this huge breech of all human rights violations when it comes to me. I thus try to avoid all video exposure to their endless rantings about how they are heroic and rescuing privacy an the First Amendment when it's a publicity photo shoot but when it's really controversial as in helping me, none of them can even begin to question that authoritarian stance because either secretly or openly they fully agree with the premise of oppressing me and people "like me" instead of white entitlement, which is what they are really descrying in terms of technocratic authoritarianism.

and as I ended the cooking blitz and sat to wait for it all to cook in the one and only cooking apparatus I own (which has been saturated with deteriorating chemicals by the terrorist minions of the fascist Nazis and their ilk who endlessly smirk and laugh as they order this to be done, and when they teleport me and I describe how my home has been made filthy and deteriorated while they show me the finery of all they have whored into their possession, they scoff and smile in glee--I add this because it all fits into the surveillance and torture package that no one, including Snowden or Greenwald or any of the media heroes of information society will ever expose or actually stick their necks out to uncover. But just adding this to the situation about my personal situation and the horseradish that was being spewed by Greenwald because.....

Yes, I have actually tried to be a normalized and socialized member of "the Matrix" and I took graduate classes in Criminal Justice from 2002 until a few years later (the studies ended prior to the Snowden NSA whistleblowing media rapture that is still reverberating while I remain silenced and no information is coming out about me....oh no not from any of "them" involved with this grandiose exposure of surveillance and the threat to the white supremacy host of perpetrators and liars. Yes....when I first heard about Snowden's so-called "exposure" to NSA information collection I was in no way surprised because I HAD STUDIED AND BEEN EXPOSED TO THIS VERY SAME INFORMATION ALBEIT FROM A DIFFERENT SOFTWARE DATA COLLECTING SYSTEM THAN WHAT SNOWDEN DESCRIBED--AND I HAD ALREADY STUDIED THIS YEARS BEFORE THE 2013 SNOWDEN EXPLOSION IN GRADUATE SCHOOL. What Greenwald states in a superlative fashion as if he is a maverick leading the charge against the enemy surveillance state, instead of kind of misleading the public on this information, in this video above is that "no one had heard about this kind of mass surveillance until I exposed what Snowden had reported"--or that is a paraphrase but not the exact wording. I am lazy to a point as typing is always fraught with endless struggle to pound words out and then backspace and retype due to hacking malware and obstruction. I want to emphasize that either Greewald is lying is is oblivious to the fact that this kind of mass surveillance had in fact been introduced into Congress as a subject of concern, and when Greenwald quotes the many Congressional members as telling him in confidence, "We had never heard of this kind of surveillance until we read it in The Guardian when you published it". The repetition of "We never heard of this before" and "We never knew about this" Greenwald states like it is a solid instead of a vaporous smoke screen. 


The name of the software that we studied in my "Electronics Crimes" class was termed CARNIVORE by the FBI, which used this software for covert surveillance and total data collection as early as 1997 or around 2000. What is more, is that in my class I remember reading in a peer-reviewed article on the subject of Carnivore that members of Congress had appealed in protest against the usage of this FBI surveillance system, termed Carnivore (up to that point it was the official name, but by the time my class researched this the software had been updated and the name changed to something like Omnivore, because ostensibly the system had expanded in scope and bytes of information collected and demographics and etc etc from just a Carnivore to an Omni as in a large scope in size.

As I recall, and how I wish I still had access to a research data base like EBSCO HOST which is phenomenal, but being outside of the US and no access to a library that offers such a system (most libraries in the US offer nearly effete database systems for research that I found almost impossible to navigate  plus they were probably hacked so I was blocked. But not for EBSCO HOST which is only available to people with money to enter into institutions and the like--which is information that should be free and open to the public as the internet is rife with misleading information at times it is very hard to find accuracy on the WWW without access to a real research database. 

Thusly, I can only write a tentative memory as to the article I read over 10 years ago (plus endless drugging and torture and violence aimed at me so celebrities can torture and extract information and ideas out of me but then tell me I"m stupid and a sex slave with zero human rights as they profit off the concepts I studied and have written in my attempt to navigate the utter chaos that they generate and create most willingly and gladly in order to obtain undeserved promotions for endless monopolies of power. Again, no attempts by me to expose this or be a whistleblower has amounted to anything but censure and torture, silence and complicity by the media who know about my situation and the politicians also involved.


I cannot remember if the news media was made aware of these  FBI surveillance programs but certainly congress was aware, and you can see this in the Wikipedia article below which states that members of Congress did hold some discussion and debate on this very topic, just at the onset of the Bush II Administration (meaning the acceptance had not become an ossified center of corrupted acceptance which it is now and that has spread into the general population). In fact, the other students in my class who were mostly involved in law enforcement said, in terms of the mass surveillance, that they had "nothing to hide" and thus nothing to fear, and that this surveillance was necessary to "find the terrorists" hiding in the gated suburbs of privileged white society.


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Similar to the pending legislation, Ban Congressional Members from Trading Stock Act. What MUST be done immediately to salvage Democracy in the United States. Sever The foreign and domestic "Dark Money" connection collusion to H-wood + media entertainment and news, not excluding online presence such as YouTube "influencers". All are more than intimately tied to top political branches of Government and Executive Branch leaders who in turn rely on promotions for their campaigns, and then later entertainment contracts because they must entertain in order to obtain endless attention so they can run (or their children/wives) indefinitely for decades. The actors and influencers in turn get endless top levels of promotion for their output as the competition dwindles in both arenas of the power circus triangulation (aimed at killing true Democracy and Freedom).

 The term you all are familiar with is "insider trading". It is known as a strictly financial principle of corruption and lies and profiteering off both in the stock market. That same principle extends into the media orbit of influence and control over people's opinions and choices on a personal and political panorama of belief and resultant action. As I have been writing of for years and years, the connection between H -wood and top levels of Executive US political leadership is highly controlled by foreign influence and the trading on this inside level means endless collusion and financial gain in billions of dollars with mind control programming enticing people into believing in the lies that these programmers dispense on a daily and yearly basis. The result is a total hegemonic rotation of the same actors and politicians who then intertwine in both arenas as an exchange. Power and money becomes entrenched in these same circles and the nepotism extends into younger generations either from the same genetic family or "the family" of familiars (as in the Nazi fascist organization which operates like a "family" fighting against anyone who disagrees with them as an "enemy") in it's more internal inter-circular, interconnective and orgiastic cohesion. 


In many of the news outlet coverage of this recently introduced legislation, the photo most generated is of the thing on the right-hand side of this video photo above. I have other names for it (i.e. oinker of the house) but, won't use that term.  What is amazing is that under Obama's benevolent emerging fascist dictatorship regime, another similar Bill was passed which forbade Stock trading by politicians but it "had no teeth" and characteristically had huge gaping holes through which all including the oinker above could easily slip through in their greasy under-handed operations to graft and steal and rob using insider trading through their elected official positions of having insider knowledge about looming threats to businesses and the economy (and FOR COVID MEDICINES AND PPP, prior to the onset of the pandemic within a sliver of time).

The absolute corruption and the programming to lure entertainers and politicians alike into this fascist media scheme, which I have been unfortunately privy to in a collateral extent of having to be teleported and tortured with death threats (which, because the oinker above introduced is now becoming a nearly routine threat to me because she has allowed it and used it herself, because I was defending my Constitutional Rights which all of these leaders all stampede on a routine and regular basis--as well as all Human Rights that the UN Charter also expresses--as these same expletives make speeches at the UN regarding the rights of themselves ("women" as they call it) during the #MeToo! bs fiasco of removing Jews from top positions of being producers so THEY can instead obtain studios and produce their OWN movies with NO COMPETITION and all ensconced into a putrefaction of no critical reviews that are worth any salt and them endlessly being put at top media positions. Replete with Europ-a fascist Nazis behind them all pushing them into fascist genocidal mentality and practice through the teleportation and torture programming that they have embraced for years with no opposition to the politicians who join on in to be included in the media glorification into their own congealed monopolistic holds on the power structure in that circus arena).

I have been writing and writing about this situation of course "only" to the creeple intimately involved in this entire scheme, so anyone opposed to this take-over is of course exempt from reading what I am now writing. But I have a suspicion that there may be leaks and what I write is being filtered out somehow to people who actually want a country with quality movies and quality politicians instead of the same raggedy old faces appearing and contaminating the country for decades without a change. Oh, the seemingly apparent "change" will be either their children running for office in a system of nepotism, or the younger who have been fully indoctrinated into this system who have been handed everything for their comfort and exploitation from birth so they consider it their birth right. I have my example of this from the younger generation of Nazis out of Europ-a-land who come to Thailand to flex their fascist Imperialistic muscles over the Thais who have also been fully indoctrinated into slavish mentality for generations from birth. 

As I have had to witness the prostitution of a country by a Europ-a fascist force (which began before the 19th Century) and long before Hitler and his group--but the people I observe now have also incorporated that philosophy into their every action taken against me and their every condescending "loving" action against the Thais--which I see replicated in H-wood Americans being handed expensive but very flimsy and cheap rewards for selling out the country.  The politicians are likewise as greedy and duplicitous as the actors as they exchange their hate of me, some symbol to them by now as all they do is throw hate cliches at me endlessly that are based on Nazi propaganda from the Holocaust time and now death threats now that the top United States politicians have conjoined with this force under this "New Day" regime of Joe who is now a threat to the entire planet with this pending Ukraine War and nuclear weapons' threats by Russia which I have only heard one time on a news source--yes the Russians have already threatened nuclear weapons as an assault if any engagement occurred. Look at Democracy Now! in the last few days (I am too lazy to look it up, maybe it was last Thursday or Friday that this was included in the general news). None of that has been mentioned that I am aware of on any other news source, and in fact the threat of war is being diminished by many other news sources. I believe this is almost becoming a certainty but I hope I am wrong. The threat remains of this current administration and it's leaders. Is the Speaker of the House elected by The People? NO, this is an internal operation of the House of Representatives who hold an internal election. As so many of the major news sources have shown through simply adding the oinker of the House's photo on every article referring to this odious vile thing that has been elected into this position for what seems like aeons, the insider trading and corruption is nearly officially sanctioned behind closed doors. The influence of this putrification into power has extended into death threats aimed at me for criticism of the actors and their poor taste in art and music which I write of under a drugged up state (yesterday with teleportation skits while I was sleeping in a very sickly healing state from more detox from murderous poisons they and people like them all over the world poured into my food all my life--fighting still to remove it as they threaten me with death in these sleeping skits while I so desperately need to HEAL AND SLEEP peacefully).


How to disentangle the actors from political activism and ambition and vice-versa. Politicians appear on entertainment gigs all the time now. Another such horrid fake is a current lawmaker in Congress who has appeared multiple times on tv shows, celebrity fashion events, as I wrote just last week. This is one of those ardent "liberal" "Progressives" who have great entertainment value who appear regularly as some advocates of the poor and oppressed. Her face glaring into the screen making creepy looks that no one who wants publicity would ever include on anything, have appeared regularly on the top of my Facebook page and for years her videos of her dancing at her undergraduate stint at some Boston university dancing and swaying in a sexualized version for some music video--portending the seduction dance for the political/entertainment posturing that has resulted as this "liberal" who is always "fighting" for the oppressed and for women "of color". Happily but very evil engaged in fully supporting white privilege in this torture scheme to teleport and mind control and threaten and rape and mutilate and steal from and destroy ME AND ANYONE ELSE THEY DON'T LIKE WHO DISAGREES WITH THEM if it will help her to obtain her goal of running for President in 2024, which I have read is her claim to power looming as another threat to Democracy in the future. This is the "younger" generation working to help "women of color" and operating as a chief symbol of the former bartender working class advocate.


People may be fooled by the innocent victim role that she and her ilk on that side of the partisan divide play to play that role that H-wood also delivers on a daily and annual basis of "good fighting evil". The oppressed is always depicted as being spotless and pure and only "good". 


The only way for such a piece of legislation to be passed, banning politicians from participating in media circus events except for news stories or interviews, and vice-versa--that entertainers cannot run for office--must have the backing of scrupulous research and journalistic investigation and that too is lacking because I have been assaulted by leaders of MSNBC for instance and other journalists at high levels are involved in this scheme too. 

There must be proof of collusion and corruption and the intertwined rings of domination (aka "power") are so interconnected and reliant upon each other in a familiar sort of embrace (incestuous really).

More emphasis must be placed on funding absolutely independent journalism. 

I was threatened with death last night because I wrote a very drugged up and sick post on my Facebook page yesterday using only initials because one of the most fastidious attackers upon me heaping violence and hate upon me using these ultra-violent Europ-a gang stalkers (and in America it's the same violence and it's as odious in the United States as with the post Nazi generations of Europ-a-land who are revoltingly ugly and nasty if you just strip away all the lucre they have stolen from all their millions of dead victims they stole from in the past 70 years plus all the centuries of Imperialism and theft of the world's economy through plunder and murder acquisition).


I was threatened with death for criticizing his musical taste. Part of my biting sarcasm I briefly and not very directly aimed at him was in part due to 8 years or so of his mutilation of my body through these death squad groups, which comprise mostly "brown and black" minions performing the more nasty and filthy acts of destruction who are parallel to the "black and brown" "minority" celebrities and now politicians who ardently do all they can to fully embrace and support the white supremacy paradigm which has lavishly heaped them with mansions and money and rewards for selling off sleaze, obedience, support of the problems of white folk who they adorn with showers of love and advice as they are leaned upon to give advice to their problems--and etc as props and support. That's the role this "brown" politician plays as she attacks me, now running for president like 45th who used this group to obtain his power bid back in 2016.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Joe: Came in to the podium for his bid for power back in 2020 stumbling and stammering. After one year of being the American version of "absolute power", he Is about to start World War III and is roaring like the Nazi Lion in the Demons' Den of the Oval Office where just another antic to assume power has played off. He couldn't wait to press those buttons to begin the next war machine profiteering campaign. When people were "scared" that Trump had the codes to Nuclear launches, what they really should have been concerned about was seemingly innocuous, old stammering man, fascist adherent disguised in Sheep's clothing Old vicious bigot, racist Hawk Joe and his minority entourage of minions. The United States MUST change leadership IMMEDIATELY and get rid of the old guard of the Nazi wave (aka "Baby Boomers" who were swept up in the huge increase of living standards to the point that their greed and destruction of the US has no boundaries any longer; it began of course with the economic policy of Deregulation and now turned into every facet of usurpation possible of the wealth of the nation). Not just for 2022 elections but for the 2024 Presidential Race--Joe and Kamala (must not be allowed to congratulate The House Speaker any longer for participating in violent mind control operations out on me so she and her cronies can all drain whatever illicit funds they are capable of grasping along with these politico-celebrity haters and aspirant fascist politicians themselves. There MUST be a change of presidential leadership completely where all these older generations along with their younger successive waves are not the only ones vying for top position as they have completely monopolized the recurring rotation of political leadership contenders. This is also true in the H-wood endless rotation monopoly of the revolving awards circuit where the exact SAME actors "win" rigged and fascist-dominated and controlled "Awards" ceremonies with huge financial boons that all the criminal culprits get to share alike (with more contracts being handed out continuously).

 As I have had to be privy to famous celebrity and politico and indeed journalist/media/youtuber "influencer" political commentary people and the unmasking of their media disguises for these many years of teleportation torture "madness" as some would glibly call it, along with the other layers of the bs cake that they throw crumbs out to continuously whet the appetites for death, hate and destruction to the ravenous-for-bs-public: all trying to get a bigger piece of the crumbling American Pie, all trying to devour all resources and profits before the next snorting pig ape next to them gets more than they can grab and steal out of the coffers of the dwindling wealth of the United States (but what is remaining is going into the pockets of the ultra-wealthy, who grasp onto fascism as a form of their ultimate financial and political control over what the Europigapes who are their mentors and trainers already haven't pocketed for their ever-enlarging Nazi 4th Reich operation.

Seeing Joe operate, for I cannot call him President any longer as he has already sent out TWO Congressional representatives to attack me along with virulent strains of the media 4th Reich hate organization disguised as pleasant and plastic-coated Humanitarians operating to quell all kinds of unpleasant evil-doers on film.


This must be stopped finally, these corrupt politicians who have stolen so much from the American political scene and economy and handed it out to their corporate and foreign benefactors and donors. 

Yet who will do this if people like me are being targeted and tortured and none of these "benevolent" media commentators who also know exactly what is happening to me as they also participate in the crime and leave it all silent so they too can have their own share of the money and monopolies? 


It is again a very hard struggle to pound this out and to think clearly as the attacks are multiple now and I must fight to get every word out. My "memory" is being badly affected and my vocabulary is now limited in scope to basic standards. 


But I am seeing that this current president who the public chose in desperation during a pandemic where no solutions were being offered while people were losing everything; he is continuing the policies and politics of the former administration in terms of pushing more of the American populace down into abject powerlessness and poverty or worse, the policy of a two-tiered economic system as well as the fascist Nazi leadership which spans both of the Parties and appears as a jolly deadlock that is like a boxing match for every controversial piece of legislation being passed. This equates to which Party and group is going to get more of the money being bandied about, and that really is the entire gist of the debate debacles in Congress from my perspective of what really drives the power structures and all their rhetorical blathering (which is refined due to their Harvard and other Ivy League institutional educational standards).

The Post Office is one such area of controversy now that Joe is retaining the services of the man Trump appointed to be Post Master General who has delayed services, upped prices and deteriorated the Post Office in a way that is unrecognizable to some who grew up with a standard of excellence. This of course affects the ability of people who are on middle tier economic and lower levels to function as well as those who can afford to pay the expedited higher-priced private firms such as FedEx. 

And in fact, Joe is promoting people now that the limelight has somewhat shifted from his nominations for highest position to this impending war scene in the Ukraine, surely a huge promotional boost to his image as being a tough guy and also of course the industrial-military complex must necessarily have an endless war in order for the multi-billion dollar grafting profiteering industry must thrive and crank out weapons and wars on a quarterly basis and Joe has already lost I think it was one quarter of the US without war and now they are making up in this new war looming on the horizon of "The New Day" as Joe called his old regime change of guard on the first day of his Inauguration.

Observation on how "mind control" technology was used on me today in tandem with various terrorist actions while buying food at the Tops Market at Central Festival Phuket.

 The first stage of the attack was that the item I had expressly wanted to purchase had no price tags on the shelf. All had been removed. The item in question was bananas (and other items as well where prices had also been removed but ONLY for the items I had wanted to buy--the exact brand and location but the rest of the items all had prices listed on the shelves).

I tiny scribble was marked on the code sticker on the bunch of bananas. It was supposed to be some price. There were no assistants or workers anywhere (they normally are there in the vegetable/fruit stand areas to weigh items) but along with no prices, a store filled with stalkers doing their endless repetitive themes, so the store needed these workers and they also had been removed. There was a Thai male and only he was around to answer any question. I have never seen him before at that market, and his response was to hastily say, "The price is here" pointing to the scribble. I told him for the 2nd time I can't read it. He pointed again and said, "it's right here" looking at me with a smirk and glowing parasitic gnawing stalker stance (predatory). I told him I need him to tell me the price, he said like I was ridiculous: "it's xxx" amount and I began to say things that I had not thought of, were not anything I would have said and I told him as if excusing myself for asking him the price, "I wear glasses but I am too lazy to get them out". No glasses would have deciphered the scribbled price that looked like an @ and nothing like a price--it was scribbled in blue pen but of a very small pen point at that--and faint. I began smiling like it was all silly and I was almost "apologizing" for asking the price. After walking around the store I realized what I had wanted to say which was, "I can't read the price and that is why I am asking you" but I was just blasted by the tech. This same man was gone immediately after this encounter. There were then other Thai men who told me "no understan" (which is policy in that Tops market that English for employees is compulsory as this is a prime tourist market catering almost exclusively to English-speaking tourists--it is supposed to be the "world class" shopping area.

In the other Tops at another section of this multi-block mega mall area (near my condo) the same thing happened: the prices were removed from items I wanted to buy. I had to search for anyone to help as all stations were vacated where there was any scanning device. 

I could feel my brain simply going into another sphere--if you will-- of incomprehensibility and being blocked from accessing my very own thoughts and instead saying something with silly giggling that could be construed as being discrediting---myself.

Of course another factor of the "success" of this endless type of attack, which is like an endemic pandemic when it comes to trying to have professional conversations on the phone. I can't access my thoughts. I am under attack by the terrorist on the other end because all of my phone calls are diverted to agents of this hate organization. I can't think clearly to retort to the hateful comments that these people make with sneering contempt into the phone-just as this guy was sneering and glowing with the hormones of violence while the entire store was teeming with people following every stalking protocol so it was clear the 80% of the people in the store were there for this stalking purpose. 

My eyes were tearing almost continuously--especially while driving. My nose/eyes/throat was under constant attack as if I were "sick". All created by this microchip implant in my throat and wherever else all the other microchips have been inserted into my body and brain.