Monday, July 18, 2022

The Oathkeepers, the Oath-not-keepers, movies and tv creating Delusional mind control programming to effectuate a 4th Reich Dark Ages reign. What comes out as entertainment programming now affecting millions or billions of people and, as demonstrated last week in the J-6 Hearings, used as rally cries urging armed and programmed legions of viewers to massacre and mutilate for the hope of establishing a Kingdom they saw on tv. Carefully crafted by the Europ-a fascist "investors" and controllers who form and control Just a small component of the protocols of the anti-Oathkeepers of Whorewood and their politician/US Congress benefactors/participants of their particular branch of terrorism.

 They are only a few small steps away in both literal and symbolic connection to almost every "Right-Wing" terrorist operation which wants to kill and mass murder their "enemies"-- and the celebrities and politicians who teleport me are absolutely ushering in what the lower ranks of seemingly rough and standing back violent "mobs" will do through their coercion and subliminal mind control programming, their oaths to the central fascist Nazi 4th Reich group which dominates them all. Through this web of global terrorist operations the celebrities and politicians are indeed indirectly linked and connected to the Montana Oathkeeper "Right-Wing extremist" (designated by the Dept. of Justice) "Terrorist Organization". Let me explain that their "oaths" are truly given and rendered upon pain of death, to the central operation/organization which is handling this global effort to colonize the world into the 4th Reich. NOT to the US or any law, or ANY CONSTITUTION except for that which their central organization/4th Reich fascist Nazi group forces them to swear upon and pain of death for breaching.

As I listened to some of the testimony on the J-6 Select Committee Hearings, televised, I realized how deeply entrenched this system has become due to Game of Thrones.  With horror but not shock after years of being exposed to the devastating effects of brainwashing and programming via the media mind-meld 4th Reich operation you call "the media" and above all else: "entertainment".

The testimony of a former Oathkeeper who bespake of praying to "The Gods" was an exact zombified replication of the tv series. As I watch the series I hear and see more references to the Right Wing militia groups in this show and realize that they want to crash the US System not because they felt the election was "stolen" but because THEY  want to steal the system and establish a European-based hierarchical hegemony where they can kill with impunity and rape and plunder and the only law is allegiance to the King and clan. 

I listened to how this exiled former member relate how his Oathkeeper organization was very much attuned to Game of Thrones (the tv series)--a drama encompassing what I described  in teleportation to the NEXT actor who immediately rushed to teleport me and get involved in this most lucrative contract--what I thought of the show. I said in this sleeping and hypnotized state that I thought it represented the "vicissitudes of English cruelty" and I think I did not say this next part openly, but also include into that and most importantly English Imperialistic expansion. Luckily, this pleased the actor and I was not consumed with the hate and abuse of yet another brick in the expletive-coated wall of their hate protocol system.


I am only writing this in brief because I can't fully elaborate. I have since been watching the series beginning from the 'Red Wedding" scene which was used as a call to arms by YouTube pundits on or around January 5, 2020, calling out to get your swords, your maces, and lances, and soldier and military gear and go out and fight like it's a fierce Game of Thrones battle to restore the rightful King dynasty on the throne. No intelligent mention of the US Constitution anywhere and of observing the law, the lack of evidence for claims of election fraud, only that the "leader" said there was a ruse very much like all the cloying Machiavellian clutching-for-power grabs you can see almost every instant in the years of series for that drama which keeps on unfolding in brutal blood baths every episode.


I write this only as a segue to the other modern-day issue, which is directly linked to the ancient regime of crushing rulership by clans and kings and queens (sometimes due to CGI "Gods and Goddesses" which are mostly reserved for the white supremacists, the "kings and queens" reserved to hip hop singers and those of lower, more humanly realms on the chessboard). Again, as with all their street-level minions, with this group there is never and no mention of the US Constitution or rule of law established in every code and courthouse in the United States, copied in form around the world in most countries.


I made a joke yesterday on my Facebook account. It was directed more an observation of how shoddily the feminist movement has sunk in Whorewood even with all the "Me 2" rioting.  I was immediately teleported within about two hours to the actor I made mention of briefly-- I have now openly discovered was another actor agent operative working for Europ-a fascist 4th Reich controllers (aka "investors") in the H-wood and obviously the "Dark money' influencers affecting decisions and outcomes in Congress of the United States on all sides--all working for the same one source they all make their REAL oaths to, which they do not break. As far as I can see, they all break every US law and rule of the Constitution on a routine and almost mundane form when they teleport and help to abuse and torture, mutilate and disfigure and poison me slowly to death while abusing me to death using these government-funded torture "covert" weapons and "mind control" technologies (including real-life terrorism of "gang stalking" well and amply funded and poisoning intended to render the target incapable of mental of physical defense on any level while they appear functional to the public, then derided as being a "loser", "nothing" and having no rights as unofficially deemed by law enforcement and all those above.


I made a joke and social commentary about "feminism" or lack thereof, on my Facebook page about two women seemingly in contrast to one another as portrayed by this rape culture media conglomerate you call H-wood (connected very intimately to Congress and the Halls of Injustice and "Power" and "Dark Money"). Rushing immediately to get a promotion out of attacking me because I made a slight joke, not really about her in particular but about this feminist/lesbian/baller complex representing womanhood in Whorewood: pumped up with haughty Europigape enthusiasm to break, abuse, insult, humiliate, insert racist hegemony enforced by armies of criminals on all walks of all forms of human activity--- an actor rushed to attack me because I wrote of her briefly in these posts below. This is obviously another pawn of Europigape fascist Imperialistic conquest of America--who has proven with all her latest movies to be so (every movie hails anything Europigape as incredible, and of Americans as being stupid and lesser than). I knew she had been part of the terrorist operation because YEARS ago--meaning she's profited and been a participant on the side rows of this crap group of A-level celebrities sitting in row-upon-row of chairs by now observing as one pig ape celebrity after the next abuses, laughs and/or rapes and physically assaults me--as they have been doing day after day, for YEARS. She has been there albeit not in direct abuse contact until I made the first mention of her ever in one little joke/social commentary (below). I knew she was involved because of the photos of herself posted on my Phuket, Thailand shopping route, street-level journey on very small side-streets--in front of Thai beauty parlors. This apparently stupid and ignorant agent of Europigape fascism and white supremacy lesbian skank creep who just last year was hailed for having made another English Crown promotional movie which was immediately lauded as being everything short of an acting miracle in performance by the fascist 4th Reich-sponsored critics. Watching this milk-toast crap a few seconds and I could not get through a few minutes. I thought it was a discredit to Diana, in almost all respects. That someone can imitate various facial expressions, get a hairdoo that resembles the intended image, and then have endless promotion still doesn't make a boring and insipid theme and movie great as far as my personal taste goes. Besides meaning she is not a great actor, but hailed as such because she not only participated in this 4th Reich power grab operation partially using these technologies upon me--but also in promoting everything European as possible and I have included one such clip which exemplifies this pro-European/anti-American mind programming used by these media skank whore creeps (many of whom, the women all call themselves "feminists" but of course they laugh and fight and threaten to kill me because as a person without the coloring of supposed fascist hegemony I am supposed to defer to them, not compete and not assume I have any rights under any law or constitution because Tomorrow belongs only to these pig apes who are unfit and unqualified to lead or have this kind of power and certainly NOT in be handed these maim and murder and torture technologies and poisons, nor should their millions of minions acting as power-amplifiers in the streets and acting as malevolent "gang stalking" death squad agents.

 I will have to dig out the joke now (when I copy and paste this current post to my Facebook page, just look at the last series of posts I put on yesterday, July 18, and you can see what I am referring to. I actually don't feel like going through all the copying and pasting. ).

**I just had to undergo about 20 minutes of re-editing the post above. Either my brain is put into a blank state while writing or there is massive re-writing/deleting going on whilst I write. The writing was lacking parts of concepts that I thought I had written. Either way, I am under extreme influence to discredit me, either through brain suppressing of cognitive function, plus the incessant hacking and then re-writing/deleting by hacker terrorists while I am writing or after publishing. Since having written this, as I type various pages are popping up in this blogger format and blocking the view of this page (hacked of course). Randomly, a new recent form of attack is to remotely disconnect my keyboard from the Devices page so I have to unplug and replug-in while I am in the middle of typing. That just happened. All is just deleted and I saw as I tried to make this post make any sense how absolutely awful the hackers render my writing. It's completely unintelligible, they make it so. I try to rewrite but I am so beleaguered every day by poisoning and torture I can't even get through fighting all the obstructions to rewrite and correct all this discrediting hacking/deletions/rewritings that are rampant in every post, over and over. **


(Copied and pasted from my Facebook/META post from yesterday):

"Saweetie Gets Glammed Up To Throw First Pitch at Dodgers Game!". 9MagTv. July 9, 2022.

TV=movieland glammed girls versus tv-land-movie-land lesbians.
Saweetie proves that girls can't even throw the ball straight.
Glammed up in glitter high heals, flopping the ball so it lands short of the base as the catcher picks it up. Oh yeah! She can't play, but certainly she plays ball well enuf for the big boys.
Instead of demonstrating dismal weakness in women, the LA baseball team should have gotten Kristen Stewart to act as their one-time mascot to throw the opening ball.
The lesbian super-CGI powers of Kristen Stewart would have enabled her to minimally throw the ball into a straight line at least so it reached the catcher's glove.

"Twilight--Baseball Scene". Santosh Gimire. August 13, 2018.

You don't actually see Stewart playing ball in this clip, but by association you know that one day she will perhaps learn to throw the ball straight and at some kind of decent distance. We hope. Her transition from vampire in movies to lesbian in real-life makes you think it's possible. Why don't they use her as an opening ceremony pitcher instead of rockin/high-heeled can't throw ballerz? 

The Prime Time audience testosterone Kristen Stewart spoof.

"Totino's with Kristen Stewart". Saturday Night Live. February 5, 2018.


 The above (or what I posted yesterday on Facebook) is the extent of what I had written about this situation. It really was not aimed at this actor but on women in media and how they are represented, in terms of the male-dominated sports entertainment billion dollar industry. I only made a very brief mention of both of these female--Saweetie and that dirty nasty fascist white supremacist pig ape above--
she came at me glaring and threatening with rows of creeps from whorewood or Wall Street--there was an annoying younger female sitting in front agreeing to all that this actor said and glared and hissed at me glaring in hate (but thinking really of all the new and fresh promotions and deals she will get by enforcing fascist Nazi hate hierarchy, attacking anyone criticizing the crap these stupid and inane pig apes come out with in their sleazy and disgusting spoofs and movies). As agents of Europigape fascist Nazi Imperialism, they are being paid in millions to promote and enforce what the much poorer classes of white supremacists of the Oathkeepers in Montana can only dream of. But that's what these movies and tv shows are all about, creating these power fantasies of kingdoms based on feudal Europigape history where bloodshed and oppression is rule-of-law and brutality overrides any and all moral and ethical and legal constraints.
I was told that this set of posts was very "insulting" to that stupid ape creep actor. I say "stupid" because as usual she had nothing to say but just had $$ glazed into her blank hateful pig-ape eyes, as she followed the system and protocol to attack me. They are trying to train me into "believing" through force of Congress (because now a US Senator is replacing what had been Trump, the President of the United States, in trying to force this baby and slavery contract out on me. I have to say that the women around him are not as offensive and fascist as Ivana or that other one whose name I can permutate into silly jokes.
I began rushing at her to hit her as she told me that if I were in Los Angeles she would destroy me, with a most threatening glare. The group all sat cooing in agreement that my post above was most "insulting" to this dumb and rotten skank. I made many references to their insidious "Me Too" movement and how they all fully support these fascist rapist men. 
They remained silent, just threatening me. I wished them dead, told them I would kill them all if I could (please note they have been not just mutilating me for years and breaking my toes, putting my spine and hips out of alignment through their minions coming into my room to rape and insert fungus and semen into my body--) but also I just discovered that they have been inserting stinking sewage type water/urine and bloating and hardening poison directly into my bladder via these mechanical arms. In one month of not being poisoned I lost this huge disgusting pot of poison hanging off my abdomen and also got rid of a huge clump fixed into my hips and spine of the most disgusting old poison that has been dying to get out of my body for over a decade. The poison is a muscle-constricting agent (amongst so many other deadly toxins) and they kept ordering this to be put in my body so I have remained a partially-paralyzed and disfigured target for them to rape, abuse and continue with information-extraction for YEARS. Stealing the ideas they torture out of me and returning it with MORE destruction of my body, home and property and food and everything else they can destroy that makes me strong, happy, have any financial solvency, and all security and stability has been shattered years ago (my spine in parts as well).
They kept me in this state and now claim they "didn't know" that I was being poisoned as they insulted how I looked constantly comparing me to the plastic surgery whore ugly skanks who have fed off torture hormonally for years as well--

As one of these above, Stewart than began threatening my life as they eventually all do for this series of post.
Now, if you don't think that is some kind of Feudal overlord type of mentality being trickled down from these skank ape pig whores of whorewood and fully endorsed by high-ranking members of Congress--then you are not educated on the subject of how fascist feudalism operates. 
The law is only intended for them to keep one another in check , and with these technologies and death squad agents they can inflict every kind of feudal hate regime upon a target and no police or anybody in society will step in to enforce the law or decency in society except to obey and serve the new fascist leadership that is trying very desperately now to overtake the United States. Behind them all are Europigape fascists who are controlling all this "Divide and Conquer" opposition of chaos and destruction, planning on their overt or covert control of everything using these dumb and stupid puppets as their entertaining leadership media show (people will be glued endlessly to the tubes in this new empire they are planning).
The sleazy and really offensive video that is "supposed" to be "funny" about the women who break out in lesbian sexual orgiastic enflowering in this slut skit (excuse my nasty interpretation but as I get further into the emotions of this latest attack, and I was attacked in a stupid and nasty way last night so this is not just because of being teleported while nominally awake but in deepest sleep nasty death topics and sick things were forced upon me, as "punishment' for this 'insulting" set of posts which I wrote really not intending to insult this stupid skank, but now I am writing insultingly about the REALITY of this piece of crap actor who will undoubtedly now be promoted for me having reacted and she of course rushed to teleport me to get yet another promotion by her fascist Nazi controllers for having tried to push me down for writing anything but bowing praise to a piece of shit actor who is a crap representative of the absolutely deadly fake feminist movement that has caused, this group in particular these people are very indirectly related to the fall of Roe v. Wake--yes, they have brought in a most horrid anti-feminist wave of fascist Nazi men who hand them millions in promotions for participating in these skits and hate attacks and programming technologies. 
I am getting lost, the hacking is very bad. I wanted to write as well that this nasty stupid skit above, which I thought was a "feminist" opening up about stupid American men and how women are trained to serve them and a spoof on the stupid food commercials for "the game"--everyone has seen them if you watch any prime time tv during a sports season--but in the middle of the skit I realized that the "wifey" character began oozing love sentiments in French and in this French "opening up" of someone who had no name before she came out in the kitchen--with this lesbian actor "feminist"--in the skit---and I realized that what the skit was adding to the theme of freedom in sexuality and women throwing off the shackles of domestic slavery and being non-human entities cooking and cleaning (now they want ME to be in this position with THEM having chances and choices in the male-dominated board rooms)---but, the French was spoken in such a way that her personality could only come "out" in this French-speaking near orgasm mode. She also talked (with the English translation below) of how she had been lifted to a new level of humanity in this expression of lesbian overthrow of domestic slavery. But I saw this, in the context of the skank Europigape fascist Nazi operative "actor" as being a promotion hooked onto the more usual theme of "feminism" albeit in the form of, Americans=Stupid, French=exalted and above the mere drudgery of stupid American football culture.

However, having been around French pig apes in Miami and hearing the men who have just drugged and raped me and dehumanized me, while they turn on the "game" and yell and swiggle down their wine or beer and yell and snort and want food and etc---I see there truly is only the language barrier separating the pig apes of Ameica from the pig apes of Europigapeland.
But this pig ape operative was selling off the usual lies and the fascist, Nazi pro-Europigape everything distortion that all the actors are creating in their every nuanced commercial and movie and plot.
I am exhausted now, the keyboard is extremely stiff I must pound with every finger as hard as possible, my hand and parts of my arm to get anything out. Literally pounding down as hard as I can to get anything to print. I can't go on.
As nothing I ever write seems to change anything but make the situation worse, with more recruits coming to get their free new deals, more minorities coming to abuse me as their whitey benefactors sit back smug and assured their "system" of entitlement is operating upon their slaves and minion whores who viciously attack me (including the "Jews")--
and I fight and fight and ask for support and get only more people playing the same game of briefly coming to reduce the deadly torture only to resume it trying to get in lead position in this contract over me.

I write this to try to urge people once more to stop allowing this to continue: these technologies being dispersed to ape idiots who are stupid immature and violent. Leaders who have no oaths to keep except to conform to the fascist Nazi Game of Thrones fantasy world they want to re-establish in the US. 

HAVANA SYNDROME effect--walking away, realizing my body was trembling--my nervous system is under harsh attack while I write posts such as this above. Right now the keyboard doesn't feel like every key is weighted down by lead--but it will resume shortly. The disruption to almost every key remains. I walked away and realized I was exhausted not just from struggling to get every word out, but my brain and body were so racked by these energy wave attacks that I almost was dizzy and feeling nauseous. What is called The Havana Syndrome but rarely referred to as being anything noteworthy in the media. It was dismissed and nothing more has been said of this.

I can't write using my real thoughts or vocabulary--my every post degenerates inevitably into hate speech and ranting. The hacking/deletions/inserts makes the rest impossible to wade through because it's just rambling ranting with concepts completely deleted out.
Once I stand up and get away from this spot I realize, as I did now, that I was so blasted by the tech I was shaking, I felt so ill it's like I was poisoned and drugged again--perhaps the "brain-mapping" technology used against me (meaning they know precisely how and which part of the brain to attack electronically to trigger a kind of neural "drug" or hormone reaction causing me to "feel" like I am "high" or not able to mentally focus or function.
It happened again, I was so ill I felt like I was on the brink of passing out.
Now struggling to get almost every word out as the malware attacking my keyboard is mixing letters up as I type--I type on letter and another appears on the screen, i.e.

I can't ever get out my real thoughts or perceptions. The terrorists keep this hate attack upon me. They have access to the original thoughts and they steal all they can as concepts to continue to sell off their anti-fascist/anti-racist pro-Democracy bs and that includes the YouTube Game of Throne wanna be media Kings and Queens who also participate (most offensive to me are the Progressives).


One hour later: the effects (aka "Havana Syndrome") have slightly worn off. I ate some food, got up, etc and now can "remember" salient points that were deleted from my short-term memory as I struggled assiduously to type on this hacked malware-ridden keyboard while my brain and nervous system were equally under attack.
When I said that Kristen Stewart's photo was "in front" of a beauty salon (in Phuket this means tiny little hole-in-the-wall shops, for the most part situated next to other sandwiched little Mom & Pop shops). It was not just a studio portrait hung in the window or outside the front door, where you would have to turn your neck if you were driving on the road. No. This was a BANNER hanging from a light post hanging over the front part of the property. It was enlarged to be a highly visible photo from the street, directly at eye level if you are driving and no other beauty shops advertise like this. Not only was this an advertising fluke, but of course it was intended as a "trigger" and to alert me that this person was cyber stalking me and part of the team. Her photos have been continuously included in every media magazine I look at, and for years. This also is part of the hacking/triggering. Most of the vicious celebrities always have an article on every Hollywood magazine I peruse to see what this industry is about. No matter what year, they are always featured in "articles" on the front or near the front of EVERY news source I look at, almost without exception. For eight years this has been ongoing.
Other terms undoubtedly related to Game of Thrones and the January 6, 2020 Insurrection.
"Trial by combat" has been vocalized in Game of Thrones, Season 4, repeatedly. This is of course what Giuliani shouted at the "mob" at the Capital shortly before the bloody insurrection began.
"Oathkeeper" is also a part of Season 4. A character who was looking for a knightly moniker used this term to describe herself.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

On the making of solemn oaths of service to the US Constitution and to an entire country, and keeping them in ALL cases and situations. The Constitution of the United States oath ceremony is not just a promise made but broken on occasion or convenient with the title "good" appearing on the liars who are "fighting injustice" but helping to foment a greater Evil. So many politicians coming to teleport and assist in torturing and abusing and using and exploiting "Little 'ole ME", and how that oath is absolutely shattered once they see a discredited and poverty-stricken sick and begging torture victim asking for help, when they can join in with the terrorists when it's all concealed and they still prance around in the "good guys" garb and get deals and promotions out of helping to completely destroy the Constitution where it's supposed to really count.!!!// On liars as professional politicians. //Of the infamous January 6, 2020 Insurrection leaders, The Oath Keepers and the rally and cry to shed blood similar to "The Red Wedding", from Game of Thrones. What is "good" and what is "evil"? A copied YouTube comment section, 'Beyond Good and Evil' set of ponderings and philosophical questing.

 "The Red Wedding HD 1080 Game of Thrones". apockl. June 7, 2013.


Here is a clip of the 3-hour Hearing where I believe James von Tatenhoven (right) testified that some of the rallying cries heard throughout the YouTube Kindom of "Right-wing extremists" (putting the term in quotes because although I think the term is correct, I am just safety tucking that labeling into someone else's categorization. I of course would call them other names more animalistic). Throughout the Kingdom of the bloodthirsty righteous on YouTube looking for Medieval War & Games, they cried, "Dude! Let this be a Red Wedding--it's gonna be a Red Wedding for sure Dude." and then more hawing and laughing ensued on the clip shown to demonstrate how this call for blood was part of a hilarious (ha ha ho ho) clip made in early January, 2020 by some "right wing extremist" YouTube commentator. Now, in this clip below, I forgot whether Mr. von Tatenhoven mentioned this or I heard it from another segment on the hearings, but I believe it is included here. I am tired from having been kept up all night and exhausted from healing and I don't want to waste more time re-watching the video I was glued to yesterday. This was by far one of the most revealing testimonies I had seen and the import was tremendous. 

This morning I thought of seeing exactly what the "Red Wedding" was all about besides the obvious, a kind of shot gun wedding that goes awry where the trigger is pulled. I watched the segment, obviously my body was shocked by all the killing and throat-slitting. I read some of the comments and got to this one I will post below, and then wrote a comment, and my mind traveled into the realm of what truly is beyond Nietzsche's concept of Good and Evil and how intertwined those concepts really are by those who consider oaths to be solemn and met with death if broken and those who are righteous and upstanding but break oaths at times when they want a more comfortable arrangement, always claiming they are "good" and doing the "right thing". Forgetting for that brief moment that in the eyes of those who are deadly serious about standing one's ground and keeping bonds of trust in oaths is more important than more shallow posturing for graceful "good" appearances.

"Capital Rioter and Former Oath Keeper Testify at Jan. 6 Hearing That Trump Radicalized Extremists". Democracy Now! July 13, 2022.


This look into the voluminous import of both Beyond Good & Evil and keeping oaths and all those stark contrasts of black and white, here is a comment that spurred my reaction comment. It's all very brief, but then I got into deeper pondering later on and decided that this is a subject which is connected not only to religious belief but also to moral and societal standing. That this clip is only considered to be merely a "call to bloodshed" is a bit too shallow in interpretation. The person from the J-6 Committee who made the reference showed me absolutely no, zero moral standing and has attacked me in teleportation and is a breaker of the Oath of the Constitution that he claims he solemnly swore to uphold and protect. That also includes not participating in f-ing teleportation rape and torture theft and attempted murder by a gang of thugs celebrities whores and laughing and giggling alongside them, breaking every Constitutional Law but using this as a stepping-stone for a career ladder move. 


One commentator wrote in a thread: "I really think his, and the Stark family in general's biggest downfall is they're almost unbearably naive and honorable. I don't think the thought that something would go wrong ever crossed Robb's mind. Ned, Robb, and Jon all died because they did what they genuinely thought was right and didn't take into consideration how evil and cynical the world is. Easily, the best house in the show, they're all just good people."  

I replied to that comment:

I don't know the names of the characters, but the King sitting at the top of the carnage asked his wife, "Didn't you make a solemn oath to only allow your son to marry my daughter?". Thus, instead of being "good" or virtuous, the seemingly "good" and noble characters had the flaw of just kinda slipping in a few breaks of promises, but oaths broken are somethings that can be met with death as punishment for breaking. The sense of righteous "good" in the King slaying all these other people in the court, many of them "innocent"-not sure if they knew the oath was broken, not sure if they were gold-digger court players, as I have never watched GOT until now--this clip only because of the Oath Keeper's reference just made in the recent Hearings at the US Congress. "Good" is seemingly inter-mixed in this part of that series. Forcing one to keep one's oath was taken as a serious deed, and nothing to be undone. The King had his image to protect. The "Good" people you mention essentially lied, in other words or didn't negotiate a forgiveness or blessing to get out of the oath. The daughter of the King was innocent, or seemingly. They are all kind of Evil, those who died or remained.
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Noise terrorism and sleep deprivation. Attacks go on and on while I am fighting to heal and sleep. The January 6th Terrorist attempt to overtake the government and install a fascist, Nazi 4th Reich regime.

 The psycho creeps attacking me have a range of various weapons to torture my body (probably directly beneath my bed by these electronic weapons directed into my body). 

They are once more using the throat implant micorchip to constrict my breathing. I sleep with my mouth closed and they force air to burst through my lips and the sensation wakes me up. They always do this exactly at the point I am fallin asleep.

The real terrorism is of the creep minions in the rooms surrounding me. This is very typical "gang stalking" terrorism. They begin a terrorism campaign of shouting and yelling outside for HOURS--a minimum of 4 hours per night going non-stop. I don't mean just yelling or shouting, but doing it in a way that is unbearable noise. They are trained vocalists who can literally pierce the air in a way that sounds like metal scraping on metal. Like operatic singers, they scale a completely unnatural vocal scale that is curdling to the nervous system. The micorchip implants in my body are also tweaked at moments when they screech particularly loudly, to give a double-system shock to my body at the same time. 

I live in a completely isolated terrorist situation so there is no one else to "complain" and there is, indeed, no management to complain to. My landlord is part of the terror campaign and even if he is not part of this particular series of attacks he is definitely aware. I have written him multiple times asking for intervention. The noise subsides for a few days and within weeks back to terror pitch noise terrorism.


The other attacks on my body while i fight to sleep are burning my feet via microwave, as I believe that is how it is done. They burn and burn my feet constantly all night while I lay in that bed struggling to sleep. All of this is part of a constant campaign to slow down or stop all healing I may be attempting. Then they teleport me and hate, stupidity beyond belief, sickness beyond belief from your leaders and celebrities commences. I was treated to racism by friends of clinton last night--and then sick scenes afterwards about death and bodily mutilation. It's now 3 am and I went to bed and it was quiet and peaceful when I got in bed. Hours later I am wide awake because of all these attacks, particularly the air blasting through my lips and making a noise as I am just about to fall asleep. Obviously they have monitors on my every brain wave activity.


I have to emphasize that these people attacking me are detestable and sick as human beings and unworthy of any kind of leadership. They are trained in their fields but not qualified to lead. Otherwise, their vast numbers of recruits are something like demonically possessed psycho idiot scumbags. One of the celebrities calls them her "flying monkeys". She has fed off this torture so exponentially for so many years. They are all still cranking out their crap about Democracy, Feminism, Freedom, the American People, and they form part of the anti-thesis to the Insurrection only externally but internally they are operating as something like double-agents. Filled with hate and nastiness--that would be the sick man I mentioned today from the J-6 Committee. All I am doing is defending myself and writing about their crimes to try to document it. They are drugging me via vaginal insertion of poisons and drugs and sickening toxins in addition to non-stop torture and violence.

I have no respect for any of them. I ask again for my country and for the planet, reaching out for any semblance of sanity or normalcy for their sick crusade of trying to force this contract of having a baby with an abuser and user who will be handed some kind of unbelievable package of such huge promise that I have ever celebrity Nazi and politician player coming to exploit me--or so it seems--it's merely about 75 celebrities by now but it feels like the entire H-wood operation. I feel like it's definitely the entire US Congress either agreeing or seeing and doing nothing.

I will try my best to not "have a baby" with some abuser life-fuck hater Nazi bigot, whatever his pretense of being from some other race or creed they really all belong to the same group. They have blocked ALL financial earnings and all access to any financial stability or solvency. Therefore I cannot move except in a horizonal money sieve type situation of poverty and vulnerability.

 I need my own home, purchased, and my cat La Moux returned alive because she is my family, and money to last me for decades and they must be made to be accountable as law-abiding citizens of the United States. 

 I will do everything possible all my life to not have anything to do with any of these people or their organization. They are just threatening and torturing me to get this deal out of basically torturing me but extracting a baby out of me. They have been murdering me slowly and mutilating my body on every inch, in permanent ways, for years. The poisoning almost lead to toxic shock and mental breakdown a few weeks ago so I desperately reached out to someone who just began using the same terrorist tactics of absolutely death threats and hate and violence. I had to get away from that pair of expletives and turn to someone who came like a good cop/bad cop exploiter gently using the teleportation while I was in a state of physical agony to the point that I should have been in a hospital with pain drugs pumped into my body and someone cleaning and helping me with basic functions. Due to the financial blocks, I have no health insurance and no way to pay for a hospital stay.

 That they feed off torturing me and stealing ideas and have done so for over a decade (much longer than that, actually) but directly via teleporation has seemingly made no mark all ALL THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW as to how sick they are. It seems "normal" to anybody in a position of responsibility. They want to see brutal oppression and the more sick and stupid the parasites behave, the higher they go in rank on the stripper pole of that organization.

I thus ask again: they have taken away my opportunities for over a decade just through the poisoning. I had just finished my graduate studies and they poisoned me to the point (and the poisoning was all my life but heavily increased while I was in grad school, essentially to murder me and stop me having any kind of achievement or viability whatsoever--). It's now over 11 years of being re-inserted with bloating/hardening poisons while fighting to get embedded to the core of my body the hard poisons that also were injected with stiffening poisons so it's like a hard block of a mass of chemicals that are as hard as cement stuck in my body.

What I just expelled from all this disgusting poison literally caused a reaction so severe in my body that my feet were peeling and my chest was peeling. Poisons were being ripped from my spine and intestines. I still have a huge block embedded and NEED TO SLEEP.

Please get this group, these people, and this situation to be stopped. The Insurrection Hearings are ongoing and this group is DIRECTLY  related to the Trump effort of taking over the government and the country.


**Hacking. I know hackers have been deleting and rewriting my posts also making the keyboard very hard to operate. I wrote the post and then decided to write more and saw that words had been deleted so sentences made little sense. I'm sure it will happen after I click on publish once more.

"Take what you want and don't ask permission"--quote attributed to Oprah in P-Valley/Pussy Valley. "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law"--Aleister Crowley. "BITCH"--P-Valley, Season 2, Episode 6.

 Oh, it's kind of funny, but not really. I have to laugh at my own jokes because I have no fun company, ever. These celebrities attacking me along with the politicians are nasty, hateful and boring. This is my only social contact and it's being a victim intentionally traumatized and abused for years because I can't move physically because they keep poisoning me so I can't move, and am stuck in this situation. Grabbing what they want and not asking for permission. It's a true Nazi and fascist and Imperialistic sentiment. It's a SATANIC occult  philosophy enshrined into the fabric of various sects such as The Golden Dawn (i.e.  Biden's endless referrals to a "New Day" and "The SUN rising" and etc blah blah). It's Oprah stealing ideas from me and hugging filhty pigapealina while promoting herself as being a charitable and kindly, loving person dispensing with millions for poor, black girls. It's filthy Oprahalina sticking her vagina in my face after I called her an Aunt Jemima, and than having me tortured for YEARS sitting alongside deniro and pesce, asking me for ideas and then with great hate venting violent abuse upon me (in the stalking and then in the teleportation). The huge parasite is calm and composed now, and was just sitting recently smiling an acidic hate smile after I referred to her collusion with the Nazi bigot pair of filth that she hugs and kisses--pigpitalina I mean.

Now P-Valley. A tv show about black girls trying to rise from poverty. Just like pigpitOprahalina claims she has done. Did she rise up the pole too, gyrating to every bigot who handed her a promotion for her constant adjustment into white culture as representing the black struggle but instead turning it into black Nazism?

P-Valley seems crass and outrageous but it's very fascinating in all the respects of covering all the facets of racism combined with sexuality. I won't go into detail because probably most of the people reading this are more advanced in depravity than I, and P-Valley is an artistic rendering where every actions is supposed to "represent" facets of life or perspectives thereof.

There is a contest in this small town. The divide between wealthy Southern Whites and their customs and entrenched wealth, and Mississippi Valley poverty of Blacks lies in stark contrast. At the heart of this is a power struggle between a prominent, seemingly older white very wealthy woman of the Southern heritage of instant privilege, grown up with servants, butlers and trained in power plays. Pitted against her is a "light-skinned" black woman who has to keep her identity mostly concealed (has her own power plays of dubious legal integrity in her background) who has risen from domestic violence and then of course ensuing great poverty only to---in tv-land fantasy--rise up to steal a lot of money from her abusive husband (before a deadly struggle where he was shot). The whites want to purchase the plot of land that P-Valley, the famous Chucalissa strip club owned for two generations by a very flamboyant black family ownership. Artistic people. Seemingly low-down but with heartfelt integrity. The land lies on waterfront property. The old forces of the South think they can purchase this land for as cheap a price as slave labor. The drama goes on. The white woman who had tried to have the plot of land purchased at lowest cost possible from the lowest level of Chucalissa society in the lowest poverty level State in America--Mississippi--quoted this Nazi phrase of screwing people over that Oprah-alina-pig pit also supposedly said on some show where she had integrated Nazi philosophy into her greed-packed bloated caravan of white women looking for acceptance and comfort. I suspect and think it's more than possible that Oprah was told this by, probably, one of her Europigape friends. This quote of "just grab what you want and don't ask permission". I was told this by white supremacists who had me followed in Europe many decades ago. It's a long story. They wasted my time in Paris, that's all I can barely type out as the keyboard is so hard and stiff from malware.


Thus, sort of ending this post. Aleister Crowley was a proponent and a huge dearth and compendium of esoteric information upon which various subhumans like Hitler accumulated many of their "new religious" philosophies. Oprah had been indoctrinated very deeply and repeats without hesitation all her greedy and fake righteousness self can blather out and the public eats it up when they want to grab and take and screw over. I have yet to see what else will happen but this is not being written to try to convince anyone of anything other than bs goes very far and travels very easily with the technology of media coverage. Pussy Valley is an apt term for the celebrity and political shit I am forced to have to deal with. Watching them gyrate as pure whores for deals and the nastiness they project aimed at me is infinitely more nasty and dirty than the prostitutes and strippers who utter "bad language" very often--but in comparison they are decent, clean and good-hearted human beings.


In short: Ape-rah-alina the great black whale, who like a fictional heroine, has risen out of poverty by her wits and talent--supposedly--the books written about her discuss her career rise. I read one of those books. But now seeing how Whorewood operates in it's more nasty aspects. Ape-rah-alina rose up somehow. Got rich and added a bit of street jingo to the interviews regarding all kinds of issues. I could never get through a show. I tried. She asked me repeatedly why. I just felt how fake it was, didn't like tv shows in general, didn't find her interesting, didn't think the format was worth spending time on sitting listening to stuff that didn't concern me at all. Otherwise, she rose up until now she's a megalithic wealthy person who has been fully indoctrinated into the "crush anyone who opposes you" club. Helping poor black girls is a big concern for her, and whoopie for her for her efforts in helping people to rise out of poverty. I have read or heard she's donated something like $400 million to people. I think maybe that means money to agencies that keep the money in reserve and possibly RE-INVEST IT and etc. Regardless, she is credited with this philanthropy. She's gotten huge tax breaks, as have they all these whores and filthy creeps who are so much lower than the poor black women strippers and prostitutes portrayed in P-Valley it makes being poor look like being wealthy in spirit and rich.


Violent, disgusting and stupid. Fully indoctrinated into the Satanic Nazi philosophy that Hitler also embraced and continued in his 3rd Reich which has not translated into Ape-rah spouting the same hate ideology as warm and comforting plantation comfort zone for white middle and upper class women to rely upon when they want to go out and financially rock the world of the established all-male world. P-Valley offers this as a glimpse of "empowerment". I suspect that Ape-rah attacking me as an extremely poor victim of torture has no meaning for her in this "empowerment of poor black girls" financial scheme and tax relief financial strategy she has, transferring the disgust she had of growing up poor, in the South, with girls she wants to rescue. Now, let me repeat: Oprah aka Ape-rah stuck her vagina in my face after I called her Aunt Jemima. Think again of Pussy Valley strippers and whores. I see some connection. Think also of pigapealina who is a most grabbing take-everything kind of Satanic parasite with this Alesiter Crowley philosophy being backed by the dirtiest of English whoredom in the Kingdom--all handed every top position next to Windsor Castle. Gilded strippers and whores carry the philosophy of "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law". How they all embrace Ape-rah. Ape-rah began her assault on me only via internet triggering a few years before actually joining the throng of ever-increasing creeps surrounding me in teleportation. By the way, I was teleported again last night so always I am "traumatized" and writing these posts hoping one day in the fugging near distant future someone will think, "Gee, this is disgusting that this is happening to her and I must do something to stop this and protect her. Because I care about society and think this is wrong." No such luck yet with the high-paid prostitutes of Whorewood and of Congress. Oh, just after having written my post in rage this morning about Raskin (just adding his name to that long list of terrorists) I was teleported to him as I lay in pain for the nth time this morning after sickness from the poison he kept allowing pigapealina and co pump into my bladder---detox I mean. He teleported me sporting black contact lenses, glaring in absolute hate at me. I did not recognize him and it was a hideous demon glaring at me who looked like a kind of Uncle Tom version of a theatrical evil clown. I tried to ignore it, he teleported me again--this is me being able to "see" him while I was awake, laying in bed but this "sight" came into my brain/mind/vision although I could "see" the wall behind it. Let me just explain how ethereal this technology truly is. How sad that sick and disgusting people who are low and worthless as human beings on the levels that really count for good governance are being handed this to terrorize and bring hate and this kind of endless psychological violence upon an innocent target--as I am. This disgustingly ugly looking version of Raskin, with these black contact lenses and the true depth of his hate came once again--and once more, another pig ape helping to establish a hate and fascist dictatorship in America is pouring hate out at me because I am writing the truth of their violence, their lies and their actions which are destroying the country. Unending greed and stealing and robbing is yet another--as in what pigape Oprah is attributed as having said in this Pussy Valley segment by greedy conniving white entitlement pitted against poor black strippers and prostitutes (and gay men, and etc) who are black, of course. This quote was in the context of a cigar room, Southern Style, in a mansion, at a party hosted by the town's elite white (old men coterie). The white woman with the silver white hair and long, white bejeweled gown and huge white fur wrap-around used the quote to justify her grabbing for the poor black people's one entertainment venue in that city. They plan on building a casino and claim it will help the entire town. But this is not making the point short at all. Me, forced into poverty, attacked out of racist reasons--this is something rotten vagina-sticking-in-my-face Ape-rah cannot understand no matter how many times I describe that she is working with Nazis and white supremacists in attacking me. Why the Aunt Jemima reference, she has asked me at least 15 times in torture sessions, demanding an apology. I told her I was sorry I had to deal with shit like her. The violence continued. The mafia got involved defending their black minion they so rely on as proof that they are well-rounded bigots and have "black friends" so they can sell their festivals and public images. I said that she only operates as a comfort zone for white women, mostly. Like a plantation slave, viciously kicking down the "field slaves" she has almost brutally attacked me albeit in the more soft-touch slow murder fashion than some of the others--the rapists and beater white males who are loathsome. No complaint from her against them--and this was BEFORE she had already stolen the writings I put on Facebook about A Wrinkle in Time--which came out about one-two years after I posted about this book. I know that she had stolen it from me, or it was handed to her. 

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. 

Take what you want and don't ask permission.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

"Accountability for crimes is for losers--we are winners and we can do whatever the f-we want to you because we can get away with it. We are the elite, you are losers. Go f-yourselves or die or we will do it for you"--the pig ape "leaders" attacking me currently. Dear H-wood & co in Congress: this is aimed at you and you know the dark secret you keep silent (my situation, your inclusion in the very problem being presented aka The Insurrection, a Civil War, a fascist Nazi takeover of the country--not my theorizing, not a conspiracy theory any longer but openly referred to by a witness involved in former militarized Nazi "militia". "I fear for the world they will inherit if we do not hold those people into account"---Jason Von Tatenhove, testimony before the January 6 Select Committee. Former Oath Keeper.

 "A Warning from Jason von Tatenhove". The Lincoln Project. July 14, 2022.

As I make my Pilgrim's Path through the thorny valley of the Game of Thrones out of Whorewood, Inc and Wall Street, and now exploring the various corruption crevices of Congress I see many converging factors which have put someone like Jason von Tatenhove into this predicament.

If I were to go into the mind programming into Nazi ideology with these Nazi-supporting actors, white supremacists (please do not exclude black, latino, jew and other "minority" into these categories, part of the HUGE deception that someone like Biden is constantly billowing out and puffing into the vapid airwaves about how many colors are being represented in his "New Dawn" leadership. Filthy pigapealina has been torturing me--TORTURE--poisoning, drugging, rape and violence and through the ideas screamed out of me, has obtained a high Ambassador position at the United Nations as some kind of foreign diplomat--only because she has learned to repeat scripts and mouths--her mouth is one of her biggest assets and not her brain, I can assure you--the slogans she took from my rantings and writings and has turned them into her "mission" (of more Imperialistic English-supported takeover of the United States in all and every capacity--armed Nazi militia included who yearn for white leadership with absolute brutal and violent indoctrination of birth right of entitlement to murder, beat, rape, destroy and steal anything they want to from anyone if they do not have pristine white skin. All else had better submit, obey and lovingly service the pig apes with all their stupidity, greed, hate and excessive luxury consumption wants which have created the onus of global warming, as everyone only obeys and follows their pig ape consumption example.


Besides wasting time and space on filthy pigapealina, I can assure that HOLDING PEOPLE INTO ACCOUNT FOR THEIR CRIMES AND ACTIONS is a serious problem at top leadership levels as far as I have seen greedy, nasty and completely shitty creep after creep assault me and love one another for their violence and their disdain and ability to get away with every crime. They ALL have some kind of religious or moral enshrined paradigm they cling to as their outer wrappings for the cold-hearted, absolutely loveless but sleazy and foul underpinnings of their every action aimed at the public. They do cling to their children, however, as a prime source of love because that bond can't be so easily ripped from their lives unlike the fellow gold digger whore skank meaningless dumbass pig apes who they consort with--aka  their "peers".


I just asked a few days ago, not asked but yelled as I was in pain, being offered a nasty deal to go somewhere and be abused in a remote location, beautiful for them, but not so nice for me to be stuck in without any resources available to me when the inevitable abuse kicks in, as this is all this contract aimed at me is about. I told the person offering "sanctuary" that the pig ape shit out of Whorewood, who stole ideas from me so they have something different to say than the stupid shit they normally think and say all day---petty conversations, their attempts to be lofty and philosophical in their movies has been, for nearly a decade, bolstered endlessly by the information they extracted out of my writings and through my drugged up dying torture information extraction sessions.

I said precisely the same words that James von Tatenhoven just said to the J-6 Committee (remember, two members of that committee came to abuse and extract information out of me leaving me to be terrorized by shit filth pigapealina the pair of crap you have all, every one of you, allowed to get away with these crimes for over, or near a decade.). I hope you can get the connection--this person is bravely standing up and saying that the "crazed" mob of Oath Keepers, with semi-automatic rifles who von Tatenhoven said directly in this statement wanted to take over the government. I have stated for years that these pig ape whores, who helped bring Trump just another one of the greedy, sleazy and nasty H-wood whore ensemble, into power. Their deals and top awards ever since have been non-stop flowing or so it appears out of the endless cycle of crap coming out of H-wood.

I told this Senator that they should be held accountable, the exact words that von Tatenhoven just uttered in front of this partially and absolutely corrupt criminal committee--Kinzinger and Raskin. Don't forget P-lousy Pelosi who is supposed to have created this tribunal attack upon Trump, her ally and former good partner in hate crimes against people like me. This technology is so devestating and brings something like a fantasy world of mediocre stupid creeps the chance to break and destroy people like me so they can't compete, creating a "master slave" Nazi society with Europigape pretentions of aristocracy--their dream vision dystopia for America. But pig-lousy is a huge vicious and disgusting component of WHY the Insurrection happened and it's not because she didn't tighten Capital Police Detail the night before the riots, as the Repubs claim as her responsibility. THERE HAS BEEN NO RESPONSIBILITY or taking crimes into account. I have since learned that Wall Street via the Jewish Nazi cartel will do absolutely everything with bowing obedience to serve the Master Race Nazi blonde filth which they are so subordinated to that not just Bloomberg but almost EVERY single wanna be blonde, dyed blonde hair Jew and many of the darker in hue ones most violently attack me to get promotion from the Nazi element. As I have written of endlessly. The trickle-down defecation process of treating people like SHIT and pushing them down and blocking their every access to having the chance not just for competition, but in many cases, for just life--to live in a free and happy way as America has sometimes been associated with but as I look into history as written by the critics instead of the bs blathering fascists, I see that this technology being used upon me is overriding former death squad/lynch mob tactics of just hanging people on nearby trees and gathering around to laugh and watch and take photos with hands on hips in fascist postures. Now they pass the surveillance footage of the victim being drugged, raped and tortured and beaten and abused. It's the same thing. I swore that filthy pigapealina's father, the red-faced conniving Southern Man, was from the KKK. I feel convinced but I really don't care as I was just subjected to Graham yelling at me that he's part of the lineage of that same organization.

As for Kinzinger and Raskin in the testamony hearings as video-taped: They appear theatrical almost and that is not a fluke. They have never taken anyone into the accountability range, and can only do so on a collective level but only if they get permission from the Nazi cartel which has offered this group of filth from Whorewood endless deals to daily exercise mind control and torture over me so they can inflict this upon more people and masses in the future. No accountability is being taken no one is demanding this. Wherefore lies the huge and serious problem for America, then? Just in some range-dwelling Montana Oath Keepers?


As usual, having walked away from the laptop I "remembered" what I was going to include in the post but just got lost in typing and fighting the hacking (and the brain-altering "mind control" tech blasting into my cognition faculties).

Accountability. Draconian measures used against the poor and less fortunate classes, absolutely obliterated for the people installing this fascist Nazi technocracy with all these militarized fascist groups waiting to go out shooting--the police joining in--just like the Insurrection on J-6, 2020.

Not only did Graham not hold filthy, greasy pigapeshitalina the pair of ugly stinking crap into account, but BOTH of the pigs were glowing with greasy hormones after being handed-I don't know what, but obviously something that they truly yearned for, perhaps their rat spawn being finally offered top positions in whorewood, and after years of being trained to abuse me, they will be able to abuse many others and keep the retain all the fake altruism and liberal and anti-racist bs crap that this pair of filth and shit who have fully put all the fascism that is now threatening to completely topple America--they have fully helped to bring in all this fascism. Their Europigape partners are absolutely Nazi parasites who only yearn to come in and take and control over all they can out of America. The American fascist racists and their minions only see these posturing bullshit Europigape creeps as being "fashionable and chic and elite". having lived in Europe for many years, and then comparing something like the real talent that was of a genius mind and capability from Prince in Minneapolis, which I think pigapealina helped order to have killed by the way, as I have written for years that I suspect this very seriously and pig pit the shit smirked and I know his "f-u" smirking red-faced violent disposition, and when he sneeringly said with his cruelty sadistic ugly sneering greasy-lipped sneer, "Who do you think killed Prince?" I knew immediately. And the timing of course was only two weeks after I tried to contact Prince to get away from this pair of ugly grease and filth--such posturing crap that they are.

Two days ago pig pit teleorted me and he looks beaming. Filthy pig ape alina is prancing around glowing with joy with half her body exposed (or all? I didn't want to see this putrid slut creep any more than I have to)

overjoyed, they are overjoyed.

They have been promoted and handed a huge package deal. Only for torture, rape abuse and violence, murder attempts, and helping to put Nazism into the White House. 

The Democrats fully come to abuse me alongside them. NO accountability.

Whorewood the fake posturing bs operation does NOTHING to hold them into account. 

Brown people "are like tacos". Illuminati-referring, covert Nazi membership Biden's racism has finally emerged through his blundering bigot wife. The lies that have been dispensed and that he has blathered for how many years now tarnished by the reality of this slip-up. I realized how VIOLENTLY racist Biden the bigot is when his Caucus members came one-by-one to assault and threaten me alongside filthy pigpitalina, the fascist Nazi criminals who have been gratified for years by being handed awards for their torture protocols. Filthy pigalina has been named a UN Ambassodor after demonstrating how much she supports rape aimed at minority women while blathering her own filth about how isolated women have "no voice" wearing white pearls, the politician's garb that all these women who support the rape and torture all wear. I can't imagine how many strands of pearl-like necklaces fellow rapist pig ape skank Clinton has in her huge closet all obtained by her own version of blathering bs-. One-by-one bigot Biden has embraced with enthusiasm every skank piece of shit crap who helps these pig men with raping and abusing me. That is how these fake scam artist creep women get their higher positions in Whorewood and in politics.


"Jill Biden Slammed For Comparing Latinos to Tacos". Today. July 12, 2022.

I remember the absolute power trip Jill Biden displayed during the Inauguration when they walked arm-in-arm along a hallway with military guards in beautiful uniform and guns lining the carpeted path. Jill reached out with her hand at crotch level and made a grabbing motion at one of the guards--not a "minority" but a white male. It was her power move. I knew that she was not sane and sound when I watched in a kind of slight horror how she just almost sexually abused the guard on national television and no one even made mention of this not so slight wave of her arm and hand exactly aimed at his crotch--but she was about 3-4 feet away. 

My experience with the Biden team I have written of but of course it has been ignored by you wonderful do-nothing creeple reading this and enjoying watching me get slowly murdered or raped, beaten while you all still applause the hormone-addiction Nazi duo of skank and stupid crap out of Whorewood because they give you slight sensations of feelings you want to believe you still have somewhere. The actors seem to have no sensations but I think they play out love and sexuality like dramas in their personal lives.

Beaming with joy and delight, filthy pigpitalina has been coming at me in half naked or fully made-up absolutely glowing with joy smiles for the last two days. This has never happened in the past. She was never smiling or pleasant. All the years of me telling them and then screaming NO so repeatedly it was a daily mantra and get off me and you are disgusting as they kept on having my mutilated, tortured and they FED OFF ME AND OFF THIS CONTRACT AND THE HORMONE HISH FOR OVER EIGHT YEARS. Now a Government Senator is involved and really wants to force me into moving to his domain and is threatening me that he will make my life Hell if I don't. Filthy pigpitalina so far has given them a skank show in this private viewing session where I am stuck with that putrid skank endlessly with frenetic hysterical hate coming with jerky stupid body movements and doing sick and disgusting things only to try to get me to look at her or say something. I remain silent and try to look at other things. I can only say that this new change in her otherwise beady-eyed and ugly grim-faced thin-lipped hate endless and daily aimed at me has been utterly changed since Senator Graham came in the picture. Glowing with absolute joy just in the past two days because Graham began to attack me once I was so sick and bedridden from the detox this filthy and ugly Satanic whore put in my body--knowingly, they claim they "didn't know" they are always full of shit. And that brings me back to Biden. This is what Biden has pushed against me, along with nasty p-lousy who threatened me with murder because I didn't want that Austrian Nazi who was once Gov of CA. I don't want Graham, I don't want smug and glowing with joy at this point filthy pigalina. that Graham has promised her or handed her some incentive, as he did the pair of hateful Wall Street people just a few days ago, they appear to be gone with their psychopathy and deadly violence. They were obviously handed some huge prize by Graham via Biden the sleazy sick Bigot. Hillary Clinton when she came to scream with hate at me and offer me to live in some huge house but not telling me anything else, while I was in the sleep and basically unconscious state, who later began a campaign of having the skin cut between my toes every single night for months. Under my fingernails. I forgot to mention that pigpitalina also had my toe broken, but I have written of this long ago. Not a single one of you demonic possessed f-ers out there ever gives a damn or does any single thing to defend my human rights. Why am I bothering trying to reach any of you with information of a clue as to how to make society a sane place instead of the carnage you are all helping to bring into fruition?

But Biden has been behind a lot of hate and violence towards me and sent his emissaries AOC and Raskin and Kinzinger and now Graham and then Clinton and then probably a lot of jerk-offs who are in the shadows from Congress looking on, but doing nothing of course. I had written that when Kinzinger the Nazi and Raskin his Jewish side-kick participated in the hate contract aimed at me for their media promotions and kind of a safety zone of protection by participating with this fascist Nazi organization but working to get Trump out--as they all do, p-lousy and the rest. But they asked me about how the murder attempts and poisoning were accomplished. In my good-hearted desire to help those trying to stop this fascist push of overtake of the United States, I warned them of poisoning tactics. They looked on very seriously. When I finished they then began IMMEDIATELY to insult and mock and humiliate me. In this state and because I have been so badly poisoned with mind control drugs, I reacted in rage and told them that they are violating the Constitution by operating like this with the organization. They further insulted like teenage boys making jeering sexual and hate remarks at some woman they want to rape or push down or insult. They then began praising filthy pigpitaline who helped to put Trump into power in the first place. They don't give a damn and keep allowing this shit to go on and on, even though the people put Trump into power are part of this teleportation organization hate group. They then told me that she is so much more beautiful than me. I told them that I have been poisoned and mutilated and scarred from head-to-toe since that ugly skank began her campaign of destroying me. They began to giggle and went off with zero help or assistance towards me. I was being murdered and desperately reached out to Kinzinger via writing a post on Facebook, hoping he would do something to help me. I understood at a very deep level I was dying but I could not understand how badly I was being poisoned. This stinking liquid inserted into my bladder every night has been ongoing for as long as filthy pigpitalina the duo of Nazi shit have been attacking me--previously in the background--so that makes it over 10 years they have latched onto this contract of hate against me.

Now they are being handed some amazing deal or bonus or huge payment or promise of every cost deferred and/or awards for the upcoming hate season of Oscars--the deals that are handed these amazingly sick pricks who participate are so unbelievably out-of-sync with the reality of how they operate or their talent. I think all of this  is being given the green light by rotten and disgusting Bigot Biden. Oh yes, I could not forget to once more mention Kamala Harris--and many others of the Democrat Party who are as fascist liars working in every way to underhandedly promote blonde Nazi fascist corporate takeover of America and the constitution, keeping the latter only as a formal document to be observed only for the fascist pig apes who will make sure none of it applies to me--and many others who may be killed in the streets. Homeless, poisoned, denied health care. I remain near the brink of homelessness with no availability to earn money on this hacked system.


I want to emphasize how rotten and sick they really are. Please do not put Clinton the shit fake feminist into power any longer. Why are you fuckers in Whorewood still applauding filthy pigpitalina the pieces of filthy shit? Why is this violence against me never taken as a crime or seriously but only as a stepping stone for more ruthless creeps in that field--and every field?

Biden has only been slightly exposed by this blunder. When I first heard the clip without commentary I could not understand her pronunciation of Bodega. I was listening to get what the commotion was all about. I had to read the subtitles later on to hear actually that she mispronounced that word.  She has obviously nothing whatsoever to do with that world as Bodega is a grocery store, one of the public communal places where people go to get coffee and chat and buy food. Its' a very cultural thing.

When I hear the crap that Biden cranks out and his affinity for promoting blacks--I am certainly glad. I think perhaps his years of working with Obama made him more inclined to caring about blacks, I suspect it took him many a year to reach that state, if at all. 


Why do I make these references to calling Biden an "Illuminati" Nazi figurehead deceiver? It's because of his recycling of references to the Sun Rising. The illuminati has used the sun as it's symbol for millennium. The day of Inauguration was "A New Day Dawning" was his cheap slogan.  The advertising for the airing of the segment had a sun just rising over the Capital Building. 

Just two days ago he made another cheap reference to the sun rising when he gave out awards at the Freedom Awards ceremony. I am very glad he is honoring a representation of a spectrum of colors in this awards deal and promotional election cycle event, but, it's just that after two of the women--P-lousy and then Clinton--both violently verbally attacked me and then had parts of my body damaged and scared only because I am fighting for my constitutional rights, there were with a few days photos or news segments of Biden hugging Clinton, or Biden saying the p-lousy is a perfect wonderful aid to the Democrat Party and should run for office in the next term. to have lead politicians award shit crap lowering-in-rank officers as they are supposed to be some kind of protectors of people against thuggery and injustice to a minimal degree--that I am so relegated to being dehumanized by EVERY PRESIDENT for the last 6 years and their Congressional members only so they can all collectively get more media deals, is almost shockingly murderous in proport and understanding.


But now Graham, acting as a conduit for Biden and their partnership--the old Biden in the Senate for so many decades, buddy-buddy with very influential Graham--

and there is filthy pigpitalina glowing with absolute joy because Graham has offered incentives to the Bloomberg haters, and now to filhty pigpitalina who keeps teleporting me. This makes it over 8 or 9 years of me screaming that she is a whore and to go away. They latch on getting more and more and more awards out of this hate crime.

Luckily at least some semblance of the Biden bigotry has emerged like a crack of the sun coming through a massive wall of bullshit.

Oh yes, Obama also has participated in this hate spree slow murder operation with me CONTINUOUSLY begging online for help, for protection, for law, for justice and getting NO RESPONSE. Besides the LAST SIX YEARS of presidents sending out their families, friends or political partners to assault me always with pigpitalina who appear to have MORE POWER THEN EVERY PRESIDENT AND PIGPITALNA with her connections to the English Crown (corporation of pigapes imperialist fascist Nazi bigots) has been handed unbelievable power and wealth and offered awards and deals without end for continuously mutilating my body, laughing like the demonic whore that it really is, and getting only more Senators, Representatives and celebrities to literally almost bow down to be handed the prizes that are being meted out if they partner with her.

But here is Obama, his wife in a tv show. Clinton is once more going to run for President. Etc etc. The country is a bit sliding downhill very quickly for  a lot of people who have been disenfranchised so they have no voice. Homeless. More and more every day. Fascists taking over also trying to control Congress. Filthy pigpitalina will be turned-to by every pig fascist group or fake posturing liberal sell-out and destroyer of the country when they want a power-up by the English fascists and Nazis who are operating through this disgusting whore skank and her nasty ugly husband. I write about her because she's just getting in my face with her nasty breasts and huge smiles because obviously she has been promised something big by Graham, with Biden right behind  him. Jill Biden's little slip-up above is just a glimpse into how stupidity racist they truly are.

"Biden Announces Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients". MSNBC. July 2, 2022.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...