Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Terrorist Report: February 22, 2023. My WiFi/internet service is being turned off every single night from 5 pm-onwards. I get a signal that the service is "connected" but it's being turned off despite appearing to be connected. I can still obtain some various types of connection capabilities, (won't go into detail in case "they" shut that down as well) but, otherwise, all service is effectively being shut down for any surfing, information-gathering, etc. This has been ongoing for the past week, when a change in terror operatives occurred from the swing in political spectrum from one slight gradation of grey to the next pixel in the left-right continuum of one-sided political terror. I discover that violent fascist hate is being aimed at me by white and black supremacists alike, with the sprinklings of various other "sub-groups" that exist within the U.S

 This shift has gone from Democrat to Repub this month in the controlling factor of the terror aimed at me. The rationale used to attack me are as unjustified as they ever were. I think something after having been assaulted and they use the teleportation to extract my opinion which is obtained through drugging/torture/mind programming/mind control technology/duress from literally years without end of torture every single day so my reactions by now are highly high-strung, violent almost, and reactionary with hate to leave me alone endlessly as my endless meme that I scream now at the next repetitive bot who is a "leader" of society who is replicating the torture protocols of the last "opposite" aisle leadership.


I was attacked in a lesbian fashion last night, raped by a woman who holds a prominent position in politics. I told her that I am not lesbian and to essentially stop hitting on me. I tried to buffer the rejection from years of experience of simply stating "no" to the usual line-up of "important" and "so superior to you, nothing you" abusive and violent "leading" men in our celebrity and political culture. I state "no" calmly and they go ahead raping, beating and abusing me after they see what ideas or anything they can steal from me (if it's sexual energy, they try to suck out as much as possible because I am put into a "love" mode where I "believe" under drugging and brain-mapping technology exertion to "make love" to someone I have no connection with, don't know who the person really is at a personal level, and the sensation is of utmost desire and afterwards it's like waking up from a sleazy encounter in a date-rape scenario.


I tried gently to negate the attempt of this woman but she kept on, as they all do, obviously showing no respect is part of the protocol and not taking "no" for an answer is the ground basis of their operations towards me. The point is to force someone who genuinely is not interested, instead of the usual pay-outs for porn sex from escorts or gold-diggers, something I think all these "important" people are well-accustomed to, but seem to be "bored" with and need this technological advance into forcing a reaction of "passion" out of someone who is genuinely performing an act, which the recipient derides and throws away as nothing and meaningless afterwards because it was all a fun "game" for them in the first place. But they do suck out and drain all the energy they can and life force, because they are so bereft of it from all the years of the gold-digger game and false pretenses they must continuously display until they suffer from severe cognitive disassociation from the reality of actual authentic emotional connection to their mind/body/spirit continuum. Cognitive dissonance is also a prevalent theme, if anyone were capable of diagnosis this within the research community, if there is one, monitoring these endless lowering of standards of human conduct that this technology affords those with wealth and "power" without being "caught" displaying such conduct. Their peers are so fully entertained by watching this digression of humanity that there is literally a line-up of celebrities and politicians waiting to unleash their favorite rape and torture fantasies upon me.

The pretext to attack me is as meaningless as their sexual proclivities and rape theatrics. I was assaulted physically (violence) by some German cock rock musicians--I had by the time I was so disgusted by them, realizing finally that no matter what, the people who approach me are on a level of emotional and intellectual competence in personal terms whereby the same exact sickness is the prevalent behavior in all (as in, "they are all the same" that you may hear from a prostitute who encounters the ugliness of sexuality on a daily basis and has to sometimes endure violence under a pimp system of male control and domination, which women also play so they too can be considered "powerful" within the dynamic of this rape culture/male domination continuum). And thusly, this woman who is of a more aggressive personality type, was "hitting" on me and then when I could not dissuade her began hitting me with rape assault while I was sleeping, drugged, after years of exhaustion and fighting every single day to get the next greedy, sleazy and foul violent abuser off me who is gold-digging using the exact same protocol system upon me to obtain a free huge promotion worth millions of dollars. No one, apparently, has any kind of humanity whereby they cannot resist this free temptation offer of brutality in exchange for promotion and even political leadership as a means to an end.


I made a few jokes by just casually posting songs hinting at lesbianism and then love gone awry--I did a tarot reading because this woman was pestering me and using mind control. I was glib about my response because I was trying to gently unwrap her greedy talons off me for her promotion and sense of power and whatever else she had in mind (sex, sexual exploitation, loveless greedy and sleazy exploitation as they all focus upon when they are attacking me for their sleazy and nasty promotions).

In response, she raped me and then made mockery of my statements which they (her male, political personality partner in this crime against me, State-sponsored obviously)--pried out of me concerning "why" I am against this contract and "why" after a decade of screaming NO to men who are murdering me with their wives by plowing poison they are ordering to be put into my body buried as deeply as possible by their bodies as they raped me when I could not stop responding in deep sleep mode with passionate "love" while waking up writing and trying to actually contact them to STOP STOP STOP as they were killing me by poisoning and raping it into my body.

Years later, the minions who are obtaining their endless huge contracts out of attacking me using the same exact formulas that the expletives who I had called "pigs" after YEARS of them poisoning and raping and slowly murdering me WHILE stealing ideas from me for their own "creative" concepts, which they sold also to others--then handing the contract to this group which has enlarged to politicians and is now like a staple torture contract that "everyone" has to get involved in as one takes the place of the last while i beg online for any kind of sanity or help or succor or sustainance or help or an end to this--as it never happens.

But they extracted my concept of "why" I am fighting--one reason which is of Europ-a infiltration of the US and the training of fascism upon the wanna be Parisian elitist Americans. They make mockery of me and jokes about this concept and include fascist French into the telpeortation after they rape and torture me. I had tried to gently get this woman off me, but "ego" and the fascist contingent pushing for Americans to fully become incorporated into the fascist mold and also to incorporate this not only into H-wood and media and news broadcasting, but also into politics as well, into Congress and into the Executive Office--as has already been the established course of this contract now.


They mock and the torture remains. One of the "punishments" is to turn off my internet, in addition to a multitude of other acts of endless violence and destruction of my body and property. I am now passing out from exertion of trying to exercise and break the internal shell of hard poisons out of my body. As I literally faint, not dropping suddenly but I find a surge of poison literally swamping me after I do my few exercises--and I must lay down and I pass out like fainting. The terrorists then insert metal sharp objects under my toenails and fingernails, pour nasty filth into my hair and body--(which I cover as much as possible all night, every night--I am bald in spots due to chemical attacks on my scalp that has created a pathway of baldness where the chemicals were poured into my scalp while sleeping--the hair follicles permanently damaged but I am working on restoring them.

they are puncturing underneath my right large toenail now even with the layers of socks that are wound around and under strings and rubber bands but the mechanical arms can get through a lot and are of a most expert professional make--thanks to Elon Musk, for example, who was attacking me just a few days ago with teleportation skits of people being shot in the head, and etc, because I said NO to his repeat of demanding that I provide him with this contract because the years of him being promoted into being the wealthiest man in the world after having participated in this contract out on me, then handed leadership in promoting these mind programming brain-implant technologies along with electric vehicles has put him in the forefront of the planet--but as of late he has lost some money due to his allowance of fascist "freedom" on the internet and hate speech on Twitter--so he's attacking me and torturing me for expressing my "truth" which is NO to him--and upon the "truth serum" question of "why" he is most incensed.


I was attacked by a black male responsible for many an "anti-Semitic" statement, out of his and my home town of NYC---he rushed to join in and also to attack me in defense of that black woman I called an "aunt Jemima" literally about 4 years ago, once--who since then has thrust not only her vagina into my face but a rotating list of famous black celebrity fascists who have threatened me-this one attacked me because the German cock rock musicians, I wrote of only slightly above before becoming completely enmeshed in this long digression because the brain tech is blasting into my cognitive capabilities and literally swamping me in a way I can't concetnrate of keep the line of thought in focus. I consider their music on a pretty basic scale of musicianship. They are relying on the Nazi myth of innate white supremacist superiority a la Hitler. I then told them that black musicians were so far superior to them--if I were not poisoned and unable to play or do anything more than fight to get poison out of my body and fight to stop an endless group encircling me to get off me--I would be a better musician than them as well (I also have no access to an instrument and I can't play the one instrument that my body could bend and play to--a piano).

I used the example of a very hip and beautiful expression black male as my example--but because he was the leader of a huge group I used only that group. His name was Maurice White, of Earth, Wind, and Fire. I posted songs they played before White's passing (was he killed because he was far too empowering for not just blacks but for a universal appeal to humanity?). I got in response a black male who then turned upon me, using any pretext, because I had mentioned black musicians as being superior (but I only used this band, and then referenced this now dead Maurice White). Only because I wrote of black people, this black fascist came to literally threaten me and then say that I was this "nothing" not "resecting" my superiors. He then used a kind of soul and intellectual crushing argument aimed at women who don't know their place and also of racist appeal to white supremacy, although concealed behind his defense of this woman I had condemned for playing the black mammie comforting the whites and helping to push others down who are targeted for racist murder and slaughter and rape and oppression. This literally is what this woman, and the black fascists of the 4th Reich are doing but they can't "deny" it as such, they just attack me using this system and then find some excuse to claim that I am a "nothing" and they threaten and glare into my face with violence and threats and I begin to scream and try to punch them and grab at them instead of being able to walk away--as I would, because my vision is glued in this double-state of being in two locations at the same time--teleported to them and "seeing" them through a kind of tunnel lens vision and then being in a stunned but operable state in my prime body location. As ephemeral as this sounds, how it is being used by people of primitive emotional and intellectual capabilities on a personal level is such an absolute waste of the potentialities of how much higher humanity could be urged, rather than this lowering of standards at the level of elitist rape and brutality a la The Inquisition with mutilation, torture and murder as their "fun" operative protocol system--at least when it's applied to me. They all rationalize it all. I am referring to ALL  the people who attack me when I discuss the lowering of human potential and the brutal low form of humanity that they sink to when they are all conglomerated into a group where this kind of violence is then used as a huge promotional incentive. 


I have tried to use polite language against these thugs, but inevitably I must resort to screaming and enraged rushing at them punching and trying to kill them because that is their objective--no matter what I say, how polite I am or whatever, they need to demonstrate that they are ruining my day, bringing rage, hate and misery as often as possible. They won't stop the torture until I react in this manner. The drugging enhances this reaction out of me in a way that is like a leverage jump in my inability to control my reaction. The teleportation forces me into a tunnel vision with my back against the wall, unable to move as they glare into my face and scream and abuse. They all first try to obtain ideas and information out of me to use as their "original" concept. I remain unable to use the internet, unable to obtain any single business contact or question answered. Any personal and friendly contact with any human being has been deleted via email and word-of-mouth to avoid me, which all people do. 

I am struggling with literally my entire arm strength to pound out every single word by now. The block of keyboard function is making this nearly impossible to get through any longer and is requiring at least 20 times more energy and time than it would if the hacking were stopped.


20 minutes later: internet is operating, the keyboard is pretty smooth and I am watching a woman speak about how pleasant Lindsey Graham was in testifying before the GA Grand Jury (she was the lead Grand Jury oath-taker--or the title is similar, I don't feel like going through the entire video to figure this out).

My impressions are that this woman "liked" Graham because she is probably an "accepted" person into this 4th Reich spectrum of personalities welcomed into expressing their views on public media. Graham was also involved in the post-rape scenario of his fellow female colleague in Congress last night/this morning, standing with his arm leaning against a wall or in this kind of cop posture of looking pleased at his post-violent escapade. I was listening to an archived set of music which included country-western, (i.e. Conway Twitty), and that pricked their interest because they are "southerners" and that meant that I was not absolutely into "northern" subculture music (i.e. punk, which I used to be immersed in and wrote and worked very briefly for a fanzine specializing on that genre). Graham was offered, if not openly, a concealed version of immunity for his TORTURE of me in teleportation. He put stinking filth into my body and drinking water. I was bedridden because I had just begun to exercise after about 10 years of absolute inertia due to deadly poisoning which kept me bedridden every day, all day, with stinking filth I was breathing in all day, all night with windows sealed shut to try to stop the break-ins and rapes and destruction of my body--unsuccessfully I must admit so I was breathing in absolutely horrific stinking substances that are still being sprayed on my hair, body, clothing, furniture--I mean the entire room stinking like fungus-ridden soggy decaying infested wood soaked in various excrement fermenting substances. He increased this as I was bedridden because of the poison that I was trying to break out of my body--after a period of more than 3 years of literally monthly 10-day detox session (more or less, after the 2nd year I could only get through 8 days, and sometimes every month and a half) but....I finally was able to do a slight bit of exercise. Because brad pitt and his former wife or current wife, I don't even know if they are actually divorced because they appear as a couple intimately connected every time they teleport me with no appearance of separation on any level---

but they have ensured I remained poisoned and they deny that they knew about the incessant deadly poisoning.

But once Graham began his assault back in July, I had just begun to exercise daily only a very small amount as the poisons swelled into my joints and I was literally in excruciating pain from hardening poisons swelling underneath my knee caps because so much has been buried in my lymphatic system (all my life). My knees swelled up and I was bedridden sleeping in agony and without any pain killers or help from anybody). Graham began his assault because he was terrified of testifying. He then began mind control operations and oppression and I reacted finally in rage from his initial yelling in violent hate at me that people like me were lynched in the great "system" from whence he came. He then teleported me to that "good ole" South atmosphere where I was attacked for expressing my opinion about Christianity--it was an observation, nothing horible--and then offered a house of my own and etc--because he had just offered pitt and his wife some kind of huge package of awards (undoubtedly the slate of movies now in the line-up for Academy Awards was the result, I suspect) and the glowing huge smirking smiles of this pair, from my years of understanding how they smile like this and for what reason--always around awards time when after years and non-stop rape and torture of me, they are handed top prizes and production of the ideas they steal from me adapted to Nazi promotional propagandized "entertainment" movie scripts and plots (sometimes written by "Jews" with full approval of them in this terror Nazi contract out on me)

But Graham fully awarding the Nazi white supremacists as they all jointly glowed with glee because Graham was obtaining his immunization against incrimination, whether openly expressed or just a private nod of the good ole boy network out of Georgia (this woman in the interview obviously a member of).

When I finally had to resort to screaming in hate, after the death threat, the intimidation of his family, all looking like they were waiting for their own endless gratuitous awards and promotions for forcing a "baby" out of me--thus the House that Graham offered, like the top academy awards he promised pit or whatever he offered they looked like they "knew" that the rigged elections for awards were once more, as so many years this has been ongoing with me as their stepping-stone to these awards--once more "promised" by either Trump, Obama or the lower echelons of that pivoting empire with the rotating politicians and celebrities all on the same tract coming after me using the same methodology and the same lack of humanity and the same meaningless pretext to attack me for any single thing I say,; think or conceive of that they don't "like" but can also steal to use in some way to further the stance that they "care" about "society"--

and so, after I finally was fed-up with Graham threatening to kill me as his initial introduction, before offering a house in S. Carolina so he and his oppressive family could "control" and berate and do whatever to me (obtain a "baby" and then whatever horrible upon me the contract entails after they suck all out of my life and body and mind and everything they can drain out of me before discarding me with hate and contempt, as they all do, have always done, and it's never going to change. So I fight to stop this as they then torture me for trying to stop this carnage of my life).

Graham then began having my drinking water poisoned with something like stinking sewage water-he has since been ordering my bathroom floor to be flooded with stinking substances-they open panels in the walls from the other side--the next "apartment" which is really a studio on the other side of the bathroom. They insert stinking puddles of water with hair, urine and something that never dries, the water is slippery and contaminated with something that retains moisture so it almost never dries out as I blast a fan directly into it at high speed, one hour later the same puddle remains the same size and is slippery and gooey.

But in my drinking water he is also having my water supply tainted and this has been going on now for 5 months. I can't drink any water I must boil it all. 

He has since been called a "wonderful" witness and so "open" and gregarious and "honest" by the Grand Jury affiliate of this hate system (in my opinion that is what she probably is, I am not of course backed by evidence as I can never provide evidence for any of my statements without help and the surveillance and blocks from any help whatsoever ceaselessly imposed upon me by law enforcement, society and the governments of all countries, not just in the U.S.).


Thusly, Graham, who stood in this gloating position after Greene raped me in a lesbian power play because I tried to say no politely, as she kept on, I put on music videos and tried to just stop her--the violent reaction was a power trip over me, with a French man making a face at her as she smiled into his face due to the approval and of course her promotion into "classy" French society--the ultimate goal of all these people who are attacking me is attainment into Europ-a fashion fascism and inclusion into the fascist fashion brigade of wealth and attainment of power and crushing dominion over people "like me". Rape is considered not a sex act as much as a power act, a war act, and a domination act. If I had not been put into a tunnel vision and "truth serum" teleportation state, with sickness and stress from torture and hate ongoing every day, as the rotation of blacks now is going on (one of the celebrities I believe took certain aspects of my life, my writing and turned them into her "black oppressed woman" movie theme and I watched this movie--she immediately teleported me the day I had watched this movie and then pressed me for an interpretation. She then began assaulting me regarding having called her dear, good friend the "Aunt Jemima" term over 4 years ago after years of rape and torture as the response and threats and violence from another rotation circle of blacks in entertainment all claiming to be "victims" or racism--while fully supporting violence of a most Nazi nature upon me as they then get awarded with invitations to fascist fashion in Europe and go shopping in Italy and Paris to demonstrate their wealth status and then are awarded and obtain endless plastic surgery and endless promotion as they take turns attacking me, all using this one pretext that I called one of them an "Aunt Jemima" 4 years ago because she stole ideas from my writing to claim she is a victim rising above hate and following in this theme of this "poor black woman" rising above oppressive, racism. Following suit, I was attacked in between the white male of the Republican Party insulting me for expressing rage and hate at pit and his wife, with the black woman abusing and threatening me, then the white supremacist who makes open racist remarks coming in to "hit" on me sexually, with me trying to make a joke about it by posting music videos about love lost--(one music video with a lesbian theme) and then being raped with the approval of this French man smiling into her face as she smiled back afterwards with Graham standing with his arm like a cop leaning on a cop car after his buddies have just beaten the black man on the ground fighting for his life--the same stance and you can see it in many older photos.


Exonerated, this woman appears to make this judgment about Graham because his psychopathic charm worked in tandem with her own version of complicity to corruption in the guise of operating as a righteous caretaker of society;, what a wonderful witness co-conspirator Graham has proven to be for this Southern woman to smile and make her silly faces at in this interview--of course posted by MSNBC with all it's "liberal" commentator anchors who have participated in teleporting me along with all the rest and threatening me and using sick and tawdry versions of psychopathic mind screw skits to unnerve me psychologically.


So that is my "terrorist" report, just adding to the years and years of writing similar posts only to write them again. The hacking is now commenced, not as awful as previously but certainly a deterrent to writing. I must fight to get every letter out but don't have to use my entire arm strength to pound out the words--it's still impossible to write further at this point. My brain is under attack so my hands won't operate--I have to force my fingers to move to the keys I want to press, but as I press the keys, which I must pound down but now with my entire arm, the hacking juxtaposes the letters

This is just the endless repetition of the years of the expletives torturing me to the point that I must beg online for some kind of cessation, which occurs, for a very brief few moments or hours and then resumes until it reaches a crescendo in this never-ending cycle of violence that no one will stop.

Here is the clip about Gready Graham, ugly and sinister. If there is some sort of support system out there, please get him off me. He is still ordering my drinking water to be tainted. There is always a more faint stink of funky stink in my water, which began with him ordering this back in July to be immunized as the wording of the jury surreptitiously backpeddled around any questioning that might incriminate him--after his endless torture of me, which he is still reveling in, as his good partner just raped me while he stood watching and smiling about it (as Trump has done also, the same posture). All of this because I am fighting for constitutional and human rights and for my life to not be wasted on more psycho creeps I never wanted or want who are forcing their ugly selves upon me only to steal and rape and abuse and poison and mutilate and destroy so they and their wives and families and friends can all be handed free promotions and businesses and awards afterwards while I am now only fighting to heal from endless mutilation and poisoning. That is all my life is reduced to by now, besides endlessly fighting to get any single person or agency involved in stopping this egregious violation of civil and human rights which no one will even acknowledge is any violation of rights, because I am not a minority minion playing Aunt Jemima to bigots I think should not be in power--and I am not willing to be sexually exploited and then discarded and maimed and stolen from--and on and on. The "system" is fully evident to me with this "southern" white woman who is smirking with glee into the camera--but so complimentary to Graham and claiming he was authentic, genuine, personable, funny, etc...undoubtedly she would fully also giggle if she were presented with the opportunity to attack me in teleportation so she could further be glamorized in some media exposure for her assistance in clearing the crimes of people like Graham, keeping the Nazi fascist white supremacist system intact but appearing like she's fully into attacking the lone target, the "witch hunt" of attacking Trump as the sole responsibility. For those people who they are condemning, I wonder if they didn't "play their cards" just right in attacking people "like me" and playing fascist Nazi but appearing to be congenial at the same time--a perfect psychopath game they all play.

It is now a frantic non-stop series of nightly teleportation terror attacks upon me by a revolving circuit of entertainers and politicians and musicians and then during the day it's non-stop Nazis and their minions and hate abounding. I think all this frantic hate is revolving at a near frenzy pace due to Trump, his campaign of endlessly attacking me to first obtain, then maintain, and then defend his roller coaster ride into and out of and into power and out of criminal incrimination--similar to Graham and his violence towards me that has not stopped and is in the background of the endless rotation of pit and his wife and the celebrities and blacks coming to threaten and abuse me for having called the most wealthy and famous of them (a former candidate for U.S. President on the Democrat side, of course, as the "victim" role she plays and has earned so many billions out of and her comforting of white folk and now her inclusion into the fascist fold--in this "private" teleportation spectacle of demonstrating absolute adherence to fascist Nazism and Mafia violence and organized crime--on an organized criminal circuitry of "who's who" including prominent "Jews" who are, in essence, operating to protect the interests of anti-Semites whom they call their "friends" and threaten and yell most vociferously at me for trying to defend myself against--as they work to further the interests of the Nazis and Mafia and get paid, like Oprah, in billions for this double duplicity. All the while their public images are of "fighting" against injustice and racism.
I thought Biden's administration would in some way put an end to this, in some fashion. I thought maybe the death threats from Pelosi could not be worse than this Republican grasper raping me so Europigapes would welcome her into the fascist fashion "classy" category of welcoming in all the Americans who are operating as red carpet welcoming committees for infiltrators of the United States via the entertainment and political spectrum as they strive to divide and conquer and control while calling Americans "stupid" for actually falling into these psy-op traps they set. My experience of living in Germany showed me that Germans are very aware of these types of power manipulations and if you ask them very carefully they will agree that you always have to be on your toes and aware of such games and always be ready with a power response to the subtleties of such incentive manipulations and lies and divide and conquer strategies. But Americans are mocking me for making this out as if I am the only target because it's "me" and not special, entitled "them" (even if they are of the targeted "race" like Jewish, as I am actually not a participant of that diaspora, it's religion or it's culture but I am attacked for having been born into it, for having darker hair and skin tone and for not obeying racist commands to not compete and win and not be beautiful and not obey people try ing to destroy and steal and rob everything from me to make sure I can't "win" or compete or have more success, beauty or happiness than them. The object for me to be an obedient crushed victim working for their approval and power over my life, with mind control tech ensuring no one can ever attempt to get out of Europigape cultural hierarchies that America threatens with it's pretense of "equality").


"(Full) The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell 2/21/2023/MSNBC NEWS Latest Breaking Feb 21, 2023". Hiep Hoang Gaming. February 22, 2023.

PLEASE SIGN the letter People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance (PACTS) is sending to Rep. Jim Jordan, House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the U.S. Government regarding directed energy weapons (i.e. "mind control" and "Havana Syndrome"). Realizing that messing with people for "behavior modification" is one of a high and top priority to control and social engineer, nevertheless....please send your name and address to this organization so that there are more than 100- signatures from the entire country and world---

"Who or What is Behind Havana Syndrome?/Inside Story". Al Jazeera English. January 15, 2022.

**As per usual, hackers deleted and rewrote parts of this post. The keyboard became very dysfunctional as I had to pound down and backspace and rewrite constantly to achieve some semblance of a writing style that was readable. My brain is always under attack by the very weapons that this petition to investigate, please, you Government which denies the existence of this phenomenon--used against me, now by a new set of Congressional members of high rank, officially speaking. It is very doubtful that such people will entertain the slightest comprehension of apprehension of blocking such technologies, they are enjoying the power trips, the rape and torture and abuse inflicted upon me like it's a circus of sadism and entitlement due to having been elected to power by "the people" who also participate in these terrorist operations aka gang stalking.


I don't support PACTS or even pay attention to this organization but I still receive their recurring emails and sometimes, once in a great while, I open one of the emails. I see that another attempt to get the audience of those who are actually dispersing the torture weapons are granting an "audience" of a most suspect organization in order to appear to break new ground and put into the record that some group has made an appeal for this evident situation to be acknowledged in some way or shape or form by the governing bodies which are most responsible for ensuring the sanctity not only of Constitutional Rights but of the safety of the country (and planet).

In reading the emails and some of the books I ordered and read by the "experts" who make frequent appearances in the "TI" community I find, upon years of observing and documenting the torture inflicted upon me, that I  disagree strongly with many of the "experts" who are interviewed, and have discovered that the very same "doctors" interviewed were the same "experts" that I listened to when I first began researching this topic, over a decade ago. The information they present is outdated and I strongly suspect the integrity of this organization. Nevertheless, while it may be co-opting the actual reality of the plight of victims and using fronts in order to quell the urgency of the real victims who have been silenced, as I know I am--and I have also tried and attempted to contact this organization and found I was subjected to violent threats in these "chat" rooms--perhaps diverted to terror agents as all my communications are--nevertheless, I suspect this organization and yet, it's the only real organization pursuing Congress to look into this matter that I know of. I only endorse this for the purpose of adding names to a petition for the House to do something rather than send their illicit members to partake in rape, torture and teleportation of me with full blessings of that "August" body (and the other branches of the supposed equal distribution of "power" in the "halls" of austere US "Democracy", specializing in "Freedom" and "Equal Rights under Law".

In order to simply present this situation in the books of authority rather than it being a news topic that is questioned and then negated or dismissed (undoubtedly I believe that will be the final result if the House commits any investigation into this matter but nevertheless one must try to attempt even if the conduit to try to raech the cold and callous members of that "August" Body are only thrilled at the prospect of participating in torture, rape and violence towards vulnerable citizens they deem "radical liberal" or whatever (the f*** they are thinking or not thinking).


What most of you smirking people observing the torture and violence ENDLESSLY being inflicted upon me is that these weapons are of mass population targeting and you are undoubtedly being affected but believe you are too important to be adversely affected, controlled or used in any way ("too important"). You can't "think again" because they also imprint this into your brain, to not think even, perhaps, once about such matters. Try to think once and then think again about your "superior" status and your perceived exemption from being a puppet used and manipulated by those who smile in your face and hand you career and financial "incentives" for furthering their hate pogram unleashed now onto the world.

It will require more than 100 signatures!

Think once about what I am saying, at least try to think ONE TIME about this that you are not exempt and the consequences of allowing this to continue are severe and deadly even for "entitled" and "superior" you (collective).



Letter To Representative Jim Jordan 

People Against Covert Torture & Surveillance, International PO Box 1925 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 Website: Email: February 20, 2023 HOUSE JUDICIARY SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE WEAPONIZATION OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CHAIRMAN: THE HONORABLE JIM JORDAN Dear Mr. Jordan, I am writing to you today in your capacity as Chairman of the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Our community rejoiced to see the formation of your committee and look forward to the findings of this long-overdue investigation. I am the president of a support and advocacy organization for people who have experienced anomalous health incidents(AHI), also known as Havana syndrome. We are called People Against Covert Torture and Surveillance, International and we’re based in Twentynine Palms, California. Our mission is to educate the general public about the cause and effects of Havana Syndrome attacks that are occurring not only to government employees overseas, but to everyday citizens residing in this country and the globe. We believe that the source of these attacks, which use secret, advanced microwave and directed energy weapons technologies, to be rogue elements of the United States intelligence agencies which you have correctly identified as being involved in activities that are a clear and present danger to the American people. Federal whistleblowers are often the targets of this abuse, however, please be advised that many innocent civilians find themselves victims as well. We hope that your upcoming investigation will discontinue the illegal weaponization of the Intelligence agencies, as well as law enforcement, fusion centers, DHS, and the FBI against American citizens. They have invaded, ruined, repressed, and destroyed the lives of thousands of people in this country who they are charged to protect. And there are hundreds of our community members that have medical doctor reports from verified neurologists and other experts, which confirm that the victim has been the subject of Havana Syndrome microwave and/or directed energy weapons attacks which have caused documented brain and/or neurological damage. As you may know, in September 2022, CNN hosted an hour-long special featuring four of the world's preeminent neurologists - Doctors Sanjay Gupta, Douglas Smith, James Giordano, and James Hoffer- all of whom stated unequivocally that these documented instances of brain damage were absolutely Havana Syndrome and 100% caused by microwave and/or directed energy weapons. There are potentially hundreds of thousands of victims who could come forward to share their experiences of the secret holocaust that we endure daily. Our community stands ready to speak publicly in a congressional hearing(s) to tell all about the abuses we have suffered at the hands of the intelligence agencies should your investigation uncover these egregious privacy rights violations. We at PACTS, International encourage and support your investigation of the “weaponization of the federal government.” It is about time that these abuses are made public and we hope to hear more from your office in terms of hearings and legislation in the days ahead. Our contact information is provided at the end of this letter if we could be of assistance to you in the furtherance of this investigation. And now on behalf of myself, my board members, and the co-signers of this letter, thanks very much for your attention to this extremely important matter. Sincerely, Derrick Robinson, President PACTS, International 1-888-639-5559 Twentynine Palms, CA Gloria Sterling-McGill Board Member / Managing Editor THE DISCUSSION MAGAZINE St. Louis, MO Serena Washington, Publisher THE DISCUSION MAGAZINE Houston, TX Rosanne Schneider International Business Owner, Artist 12-Year Victim Sebastopol, CA Bennetta McKenzie Autism Mom and ProfessionallyBlacklisted Financial Auditor Aurora, IL Barbara Hyseni Ordained Minister of God Almighty Fmr. Sergeant Pennsylvania Air Force and Air National Guard Deland, FL Sheryl Miller Harvey Retired, United States Army Upper Marlboro, MD Deserie Foley, Vice-President, PACTS, international Phoenix, AZ Timothy E Cassella Board Member PACTS, International Las Vegas, NV Matthew Ehlers Vice-President of Sales World Tek Shielding and Survival Solutions Raleigh, NC Rev. Dr. Millicent Black, MMFT Columbia, TN Karen M. Stewart National Security Agency Intel Analyst, ret. Columbia, MD Debra Clopton, D.V.M. Albuquerque, NM Veronique A. Wyvell, RN, BSN Thurmont, MD Bonnie Rutnik, RN Voorheesville, NY Nancy Lynn Miller, RN Fayetteville, NC Cori Ramirez. C.N.A. Chicago, IL Edward Casuga US Army Monterey, CA Karen Watkins Former Law Enforcement Officer/Detective Kingsport, TN Michele Burns Retired Environmental Investigator State of CA West Hollywood, CA Elaine Woo, Caregiver Seattle, WA I. Gonzales, Chrysler Retiree Kenosha, WI DJ Chris Howard, Moderator Lodi, CA Andrew J. Dill - 11 years of torture Huntsville, TX Alona Queral, Realtor Oceanside, CA Jolin Crofts Beverly Hills, CA Regis Sicari Electronic targeting technology victim Staten Island, NY Heather E Stubblefield Targeted Individual Lima, OH Tracy A. Wellons B.A. in Psychobiology Post-Bacc Premed Certificate Boston, MA Adrienne Howard Masters Public Administration Merritt Island, FL Diana Steer, Biology, BS Fmr. Research Technician/ Senior Technician Battelle Memorial Inst., Columbus, OH Wadsworth, OH Julie Gilliam, Clerical Supervisor 1 Pittsburgh, PA Timothy D. Bryan Small business owner/military veteran Thousand Oaks, California Eileen Spilka Fmr. Federal Employee of VA and DoD Summerfield, FL Paula Lynch Whistle-blower, USPS Charleston, WV Eva Bortnick, Disability Advocate Waldport, OR Martha Maldonado Targeted Individual Los Angeles, CA Richard A. Schultz Redding, CA Susie Baker Targeted American Mother Bakersfield, CA Stephen Charles Ponton Tijeras, NM Stephen O'Neill Sligo, Ireland Jean Verstraeten Hove, Belgium Ingrid Wiese Goerlitz/Sachsen Deutschland Maria – Luise Neuber Neuberg, Deutschland Brian M. Eichstadt Victim of Havana Syndrome since 2003 by CIA Plymouth, MI Ralph Borromeo Hopewell, NJ Kim Thomas Sterling Heights, MI Dorothy Szczepkowski Streamwood, IL Cori Ramirez, CNA Chicago,IL Dorothy King Bear, DE Angelique Morrison Henderson NV David Deal Plymouth, MA Brenda J. Fontes Taunton, MA Mary Goodwin Millville, NJ Aaron D. Goodwin Millville, NJ Cassandra Lewis Baltimore, MD Audrey Ogden Harrisburg, PA Leanne Thornton Goulburn, NSW Australia Samia A. Campagna Niagara Falls, NY TJ Kohler Klamath Falls, OR Tiesha Hice Stayton, OR Deborah Stuart Renton, WA Ann Farr, Retired Auburn, AL Betsy Russell, 91 years old Louisville, KY Susan Byers Daleville, AL Bill Blevins San Antonio, TX Rachael Pless, single mom in the mountains of Ward, CO Liliana De Lucca -Connor New City, NY John Jakubowski Lemon Grove, CA Melissa Carlin Cabazon, CA Chuck Nappi Sarasota, FL Lisa Hildwine Tampa, FL Kimberly Hildwine Hilo, HI Kyung-guk Ha Mokpo, South Korea Yoori Kim Gyeonggi-do, South Korea Robert Livesey Limita, CA . Patricia Berlin Mission Viejo, CA Anne Rosmini Long Beach, NY Keshia Hammond-Merriman Victim of Havana Syndrome East Brunswick, NJ Aya Valle Elmhurst, NY Saquib Feroz Atlanta, GA Melody Hopson Years targeted - 8 Deer Park, TX Marie Deramus Cincinnati, OH Stephen Hammond New Orleans, LA Yinling Chan Las Vegas, NV Betty Fomby Talledega, AL Rametha Johnson Mayfield Heights, OH Brian Linebaugh Brookfield, MO Jimmy Hobson Sneads Ferry, NC Kenneth King Lufkin, TX Damien Pisetsky Rohnert Park, CA Eric Fleming Coeur D'Alene, ID James bishop Sierra Vista , AZ . Susan Byers Targeted Individual Daleville, AL Jacob leiter Reno, N V Eric G Zatarack Reading, PA Renee` Rolle Lynchburg, VA Jason Otkins San Francisco, CA Tim M . Hester Bronx, NY

Monday, February 20, 2023

Why I am always shocked when I am exposed to our current leadership on both sides and all sides and the entertainers who sell the paradigm of hate which is funding the debacle of the deterioration of the State: I am always shocked because I had assumed that a slight thin fragment of a society capable of discussion and cooperation with a basis in humanitarian belief was still a feasible concept that some people adhere to. I find this to be absolutely gone with the peeps who are terrorizing and attacking me. They are trained in speeches but hold no personal concept of moral compassion whatsoever. Notice even in the discussion below, from 1995, the difference in how this same subject is broached to the public as opposed to the yelling and contentious hate for each opposing side of the "aisle" and the lack-luster meaningless of the entertainment system which seeks to obliterate any kind of conceptual analysis in the mind-numbed public; operating as such as an arm of the government.

 "Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr.: Should We Privatize The Welfare State, Pt. 1". Firing Line. July 4, 2019/Episode S1043/Recorded on April 4, 1995.


This "roundtable" debate over how or whether welfare ("entitlements" as we call it now) should become privatized (one of our current debates in the US) with William F. Buckley, Jr. was aired in 1995. The very same set of sentences that were uttered below by a representative of The United States Catholic Church by Sharon Daly, were probably deemed "conservative" at that time. The very same set of sentences put in exactly the same way now for any debate on this topic would be called "radical liberal" or "Socialist" and a tenuous tense response would be her reception if she were put into the fray of today's debate over the same topic. At "best" her view, based on her years of experience dealing with "welfare" recipients at the local "ground" level of charity, would be termed and labeled as "Progressive" but still under the rubric of "radical liberal" in point of view. Dismissed as such by those who want formidable responses to severe cuts in life-support for those who are not "bad" but just not able to survive in what I know to be a highly classist and racist society (describing America in those terms is also called "radical liberal" and fanatical almost--however, I am stuck in my current predicament due to extreme racist hate and sexist violence used on a political violence scale of injustice that is of a universal steady state. Forced into the Welfare State by a slate from The State I know that calling the actual reality for what it is, during our strenuously violent backlash to compassion on the part of how the State deals with income disparities---what had been a point of debate is now listed under some derogatory term associated with fanatical and undesirable when such concepts were "acceptable" when clarified almost 30 years ago by those working in charitable "conservative" organizations.
In reading this post for the 2nd time, I had to rewrite most of it, and it's completely haywire due to hacking deletions and rewrites by terrorists endlessly hacking/destroying all I attempt to write.
The issues being brought here are concepts that I do not hear mentioned today in political debate. The emphasis that was focused upon was on the receiver of welfare--those in need. Issues of income disparity within the culture were put into focus. The issues now are relegated to either Bernie Sanders making angry speeches to a complacent political body which steadfastly wants to cut funding while at the same time cutting abortion services. If the Catholic representative were able to speak now in front of Congress, I believe she would once more emphasize that women and children are the main recipients of welfare. Why cut abortion services and increase that particular problem, while also cutting services for children in need, cutting health care endlessly, and then expecting people to survive somehow while giving tax breaks to the wealthy? I hear almost no mention of morality in any debate as there is in the 1995 discussion above, held by politicians, people involved in local, state and government politics--and the issues that are openly discussed now revolve only around the financial possibilities of how to continuously fund an endless war machine and billions of dollars for "necessary" war efforts to stabilize "Democracy" around the planet.
It's interesting how the debate has changed almost completely in the last 30 years. What I hear in the discussion below, including how the most great William F. Buckley would not allow for screaming angry yelling as one tries to yell over the viewpoint of the opposing side--Buckley never allowed that to happen, as is so often the case in our most contentious debate system where yelling and interrupting the "opposition" with hate directed at "Democrats" or Republicans" is the norm. I never hear any mention of political parties in this discussion, whatsoever. The country is more united and more humane and now it's like on a teetering edge of explosion with hate and threats resounding in the halls of congress and in society. Homelessness abounds like a plague. Billions of dollars endlessly being poured into sending weapons, tanks and ballistic missiles for wars in other countries and for "defense".
"I work for a 2,000 year-old organization that knows that 'bad behavior'--sex out of wedlock and other forms of bad behavior are not concentrated among poor people....We've been trying to get people to do right for 2,000 can ask people to behave, to not have sex out of can ask the women to not have sex out of wedlock and get a job...but the jobs have to be there. The schools have to be there. The childcare has to be there. And that's what we haven't been talking about here. No one has said a word about the availability of child care. Most people on welfare are mothers and children. How are we going to get those women into the workforce and self-supporting if there's no place to send their children?"--Sharon Daly, Deputy to the President of Social Policy of Catholic Charities.


....and this (the Pink Floyd excerpts from The Wall /movie below) is representative of what I see, experience and must deal with as a target every single day and night while being teleported to famous H-wood celebrities and the leadership that is leading everyone into what I only thought was a cool, subculture movie theme about the slow regression into fascism that "might" happen,  back in the 80's as I watched it as a form of entertainment, thinking it was just a political commentary about the Reagan/Thatcher generation (aka "Yuppie" which appears to now be fiscally fascist fanatical f-er's in a federation of mind f-ery). Lacking all empathy and compassion, they must necessarily torture me in order to obtain the conceptual ideas of compassion in which to make their celluloid products to the populace which is now engrossed, en masse, in witch-hunting me for having such concepts in the first place instead of going with their pogram of self-annihilation through their mass murder machinery without protest or resistance...*please note that by now I am resorting to cursing as my brain is under severe brain-altering attack for attempting to elucidate on this topic, now unable to find adequate wording except to curse--the hacking disruptions are non-stop, writing is nearly impossible as I must struggle to fight deletions while I am typing and I am resorting to cursing as my brain is being blocked from cognitive analysis---the computer is constantly being blocked so any click or attempt to use functions means waiting for the spinning of the cursor to stop and the WiFi is continuously being turned off while I am in the middle of doing anything--this happens at least once every ten minutes or so...etc it's non-stop obstruction. I begin to curse as my capability to express myself is lowered artificially and also the frustration and injustice is a tension factor affecting how the technology is working to eradicate my ability to write analytically.


"In The Flesh--Pink Floyd--The Wall--4K Remastered". Pink Floyd4K. June 6, 2021.

"Run Like Hell--Pink Floyd--The Wall--4K Remastered". Pink Floyd4k. January 8, 2022.

"Waiting For The Worms--Pink Floyd--The Wall--4K Remastered". PinkFloyd4K. January 8, 2022.

***Hackers are now constantly blocking the WiFi, literally moving the cursor when I am clicking on a function--making the keyboard skip letters so spaces are put in words constantly while I am typing, the interruptions are so constant. My brain is affected so I can't think except to sort of curse and write in a lamentable tone instead of analyzing with a higher level of vocabulary and thought process. This is part of the fascist over-take of intellectualism, in addition to the global and seamless block of my every attempt to function in society which is met by silence from any conceivable "opposition" which means that the planet is currently already operating in a fascist system. But I keep trying as opposed to waiting for the worms while thinking I'm floating in a sea of blissful ignorance---watching tv and all the movies about murder and sexual orgiastic revelry and "fashion" and fake promises of political concern about humanity by the same actors who are being funded by fascist mind control operative controllers.

---------------------- continue on the Pink Floyd/The Wall thread---the empty spaces between the left and right hemispheres results in a sexual titillation of carnage coupled with mass materialistic consumption of flesh and the earth as we feed the planet bleeds. (this is more in a semi-late-night reverie of metaphor)--But here's to The Wall. I did not necessarily equate The Wall with Reagan but of that era of deregulation which I thought would result in the opening of the flood gates of excess. What I experience in teleportation is social engineering towards fascism in the guise of strings attached to material promise of endless luxury to those who partake of the hate crime behavior towards me, as a symbol by now I am attacked with disregard for whom I actually am as a person I am now only a symbol and it's near impossible to get these puppets to stop trying to attach their strings to me in the frames they are framing me into. But this video, from that same movie, is tied to the spaces between the Left and Right hemisphere--otherwise known as the brain---. Resulting in fascism and Nazism, which I think the US is currently tipping towards obviously it is. The prescience of this movie The Wall is actually not of a psychic variety but more of common sense. In this sense I was referring to the Reagan deregulation and Trickle-down theory of economics which Thatcher cooperated in. Now I await the videos hacked into my youtube relating to economics and this trend of deregulation and the dismantling of compassionate politics and uniting of parties into a strong country and sense of self. (this is meandering a bit, it's very late, and while writing pages are popping up as hackers just keep frantically putting stuff on my internet and blocking the keyboard. When I write of how my cognitive capabilities are being dismantled as well, I refer to the MICROCHIP implant that must have been installed into my brain, plus the remote brain-altering technologies plus the drugging plus the stress and duress of non-stop hate and torture and violence perpetually aimed at me, on all sides, every day and night, without end, for more than a decade by now.*** I submit this Pink Floyd video because it ties in with the state-sponsored rape torture and mutilation contract out on me, where celebrities and politicians alike say that I "deserve" to be raped and beaten and torrtured and poisoned and mutilated because I didn't allow fascist Nazi bigots whom they represent to rape and poison me to death without resistance while stealing ideas from me so as to represent themselves as being creative or compassionate or having original ideas or being intellectual whatsoever. I see this video and the rape they all completely support that has been like a revolving hate crime upon me ans watch this video and all the things that are buying their complicity and the prmise of more and more and more which they are addicted to as the planet is dying from their excess on a mass scale--

"Pink Floyd--Empty Spaces--What Shall We Do Now?". AlidavidKhF. February 21, 2021.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Why mind control and torture technologies are so popular amongst even the most religious of Americans and their "Patriotism" (whose faith is tested but remains firmly in the nice, comfortable grey zone when they see what is happening to me): "According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about one-third of Americans experience hypertension". America the Sick Society and technologies being "developed" (with me as the perpetual victim/scapegoat/target of teleportation, death squad violence and absolute violent hate by those who espouse love and American hegemony as the "shining beacon on the hill"_, and these technologies used to alleviate the pathologies (but which actually exacerbate the pathologies): According to scientific research by the CDC, Vast numbers of "Americans" are uptight and violently disposed to stress, aka "experience hypertension". Another "reason" why teleportation rape/torture and violence is so popular amongst Americans and their fascist allies from former Nazi countries (who adopted fascism after WWII) along with a whole "new" subset of their colonialist/enslaved minions being paid-off to perform roles of savvy independent citizens who have risen above all that racism, so they claim:

 "Just Take 1 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar A Day To Keep Arteries Clean and Lower Blood Pressure". Health Maestro. November 21, 2022.

Benefits of drinking a small dose of apple cider vinegar daily included in video below. But why drink vinegar when you can dump your hate, vitriol, sense of powerlessness and psychological toxicity and poison onto someone else who is defenseless by the technologies that are so popular and being handed out like candy to psychopaths?
But the promise of teleporting someone to torture affects the promise of those one-third of high-strung Americans with a hope of having someone to torture and abuse in order to deflate some of that "tension" through violence upon a helpless person struggling to understand what is going on in this most vulnerable state, where (the hypothetical) "you" cannot turn away or be silent as you are forced and compelled to interact with people attacking you as you can't differentiate between that and a waking state. What a great stress-relief plan it is for these hyper-tense, poor suffering Americans.
But seriously, I can attest to the hate and violence that appears to be Pent-up into the very arteries of the people attacking me who, if they don't attain immediate satisfaction and deferential submission from me for their every murderous exploit of my body, life, all I have worked for, my property they can just destroy, break and steal if they want, all rape and violence imposed upon me with zero protection from the law or government that has a sustainable comfort range of survivability. All I see are people hissing in violent hate who have imbued all that "striving for success" stress, poured upon me as they are happy, joyous, smiling, delighted afterwards, especially when they obtain PROMOTIONS WORTH MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from those who are meting out these stress-reducing and "stardom" packages for every nuanced and overt act of despotic fascist violence, upon moi of course, daily and nightly.
They get put into lead position and smile broadly after they also obtain all their plastic surgery renovations and face structure modification to appear more Nazi---with endless coating of the hate wrinkles that had preceded the violence endlessly foisted upon me. Many latch on for YEARS without end and lose weight, get lead everything heaped upon them in praise with accolades as being "the best"--especially when they steal my ideas.
I am taking just a little bit of vinegar per day. Perhaps this will help me to reduce the stress of murderous hateful attacks upon me every day with violent screaming into my face while I am teleported (even while in waking state) and I simply cannot "turn" them off, I can't "look" away and it would require the most stoic zen practice to remain unbending in the face of an endless Nazi storm forced into my teleported state which I can't look away from or not respond to. I am trying to learn techniques to avert my consciousness from these miserable hateful people who are attacking me without end because this contract of forcing most unwanted further exploits from me is unbearable and stressful to the point of murder on their part against me. They are unbelievably "stressed-out" but they literally suck the life out of me and drain their "stress" out on me every day. This in turn helps them to assume a "confident" posture for cameras and for the lights of the spectrum of public approval appearances and administration.
I would deign to state emphatically that America is a very sick culture at this point. The stats for hypertension should be a huge indicator of how badly the culture is affecting the health of it's very highly unprotected citizens, many of whom cannot afford health care, which of course adds to stress and the calamity of facing death if they don't comply to this system (by the simple lack of affordable health care). The agenda is fully in concert with this in keeping with stress as another covert form of mass genocide which is blanketed out by political ideology (such as being "strong" versus having access to affordable health care).
Suggested is a tablespoon of vinegar. I hope it will work for me against my seemingly stressed-to-the-max (but not those who have tortured me for years, they are all happy and glowing after YEARS of having access to torture; they appear rejuvenated, they have reduced the stress that formerly was on their faces --they are smiling after screaming at me, spewing filth into and on my body, maiming and brutalizing my body every single day with poisons and outright physical mutilation which they feed off energetically as surreptitious violence which they can monitor on their mobile phone video screens). Oh the stress reduction. The technology is so popular the more and more people come to indulge in partaking of this new form of sports torture and rape and violence for stress-relief.


**In re-reading this post, hackers deleted words or ideas, or changed grammar at some points but otherwise it was not as badly altered as in some former posts which had halves of sentences deleted, then pasted onto other half-deleted sentences with words rearranged, etc .....It takes too long to fix all the hacks so I leave it as is, hacked and partially deleted/rewritten but it's readable you can get the point.

LAST NIGHT I was exposed to the murderous pathology of a terrorist who has obtained such a high standing in finance and technology from having obtained access to this technology, in order to more fully advance it, ostensibly for the greater health of the "entitled" with their minions who, hope, they can also obtain higher standing within the white supremacist fold, on a permanent basis or at least as long as they are alive on this planet for their generation and THEMSELVES.

But, exposed to a murder description of someone being electrocuted with "his eyes popping out from an aneurism due to the electrocution". I was further subjected to a blonde-haired woman telling me that I was homeless and although she had told me I was invited to sleep on her couch or something, she had no choice but to kick me outside in the pouring, freezing rain.

Those were my "punishment" teleportation skits for having lost my temper after years of telling this man that I am not interested in being exploited by him and they all use the teleportation to ask me "why" as I, through remote monitoring of my brain and mind reconstruction (aka mind control) am forced simultaneously into a "truth serum" response and also an enraged, uncontrollable violent hate reaction (justified from years of their torment, torture, murderous poisoning of my body literally every night while sleeping--as of late I am not urinating at least every hour with stinking fluids coming out because the last spate of people attacking me are not in "control" over the torture and mind control, although the general procedures remain. They were having stinking poisons inserted into my bladder through my vagina every single night--for years--deeply inserted so I was urinating at least twice in the middle of the night and then every hour for at least 5 hours every single day---now it's like normal after this change in "control" has occurred. These same people who inflicted this, plus MURDEROUS POISON inserted as well (bloating and hardening with suffocating poisons and extreme mind-blowing mind control drugs forced into my body every single night in order to induce hysteria and slow MURDER--I believe the drugs are still being inserted but not the toxins directly inserted into my intestines as has been the case for at least, a minimum of 6 years non-stop (I began trying to save my life from poisoning back in 2011, and I am still fighting to rid my body because they have kept poisoning me). These same people have obtained plastic surgery, awards for their roles and the roles in society they have only dreamed of before entering into the fray of this contract out on me--now they are glowing, with new plastic surgery, weight loss, glowing from the hormones of torture and pumping their stress and hate and pent-up rage upon me--literally every day for years. They only require a response out of me that they also induce through subliminal mind control and drugging and endless torture, so that if I call them names, don't say they are so much more beautiful, superior and in every unconceivable way far better than me, they viciously attack me, and they go on literally for years and years and years after having spent years and/or months and months attacking me in order to justify this murderous increase in torture. Because they go on and on and on and on, day after month after year--often basing their violence upon me using this hate phrase I used once in order to try to get back or defend myself--then their "friends" and allies use the pretext (as in I am "racist" and I have attacked "blacks" and thus every black entertainer and aspiring leader can attack me using this same pretext--after years of torture from the person I spew the hate sentence out on, who is so light and happy now, had been formerly obese but now is thinner and lighter and looks glowing from all the years of attacking Me in this most vulnerable to defense situation--in teleportation you are essentially forced into a tunnel vision and you can't move and get away or refocus your attention. They get in your face directly and begin yelling. You are put into a rage and hate mental state by the brain-altering tech and drugs and years of torture and duress and deadly stress and poisoning and lack of love and affection and friendship or support from any single body on the planet--directly, they all, if anyone is there, must act behind the scenes so I never know if anyone is actually there for me in any capacity anywhere on the planet any longer. Those who had formerly supported me are dead or they were attacked, lost their businesses and unleashed rage upon me because they were so attacked for having shown help, friendship or whatever at me to try to protect me).

I was screaming at this man not only because I have been saying for years, and months, that the answer to being exploited by him, for his further promotion and after years of him watching placidly on as his allies rape, torture and mutilate and poison and torture me with the technology he is very keen to help further into the "elite" culture so more people can be victimized or killed off for the stress relief of the "elite" who can then assume leadership roles indefinitely (formerly called Monopolizing).
There are ethical factors involved as well, as in this is a highly unethical situation and I am not willing to help further the plan to increase this person, his businesses or his status or those involved in this most sick situation. I think this entire teleportation and gang stalking death culture should be deemed a real threat to national security, but instead I am silenced and censored in order that the "security" of these terrorists is protected from their Open Season upon the general population, many of which/whom believe they will never be targeted by their leaders as they have been so helpful in helping them to obtain power, which they assume will trickle down onto them indefinitely in this monopoly structure/pyramid schemata.
This morning I woke up thinking about my cat, La Moux, who was my soul mate, my child, my beloved animal I could love and have love reciprocated and they have been using her a a hostage to try to force more and more out of me, keeping her away from me and I wake up with a cat in the room two floors beneath mine crying in pain--every time I walk near the patio doors and outside this cat is being harmed so it's crying in pain, there is also a baby crying--the two symbols of what they are using to manipulate me into first forcing a baby out of me, and my "child" cat I yearn for being held as she is so old she is dying and waiting for YEARS for me to return--. She was part of my emotional sustainability which this group of absolute hate and violence stole so I have nothing, all and everything but hate only surrounding me at every single moment possible. They won't return her, after years of obtaining original ideas out of me, destroying my property and peace in life, and they won't even return her and I remain writing about this asking anyone to please have her returned before she dies of old age or sickness (she is now well over 20 years old, I assume perhaps still alive as I was teleported to her a few months ago, with the actor who has alleviated his stress upon me for nearly a decade with his very nasty wife, both of whom have tortured me to obtain ideas for their movie plots and have returned all they have gotten with torture, hate, abuse, terror, destruction, poisoning nearly to death, body mutilation and they are off in a glow of hormone ecstasy with millions of dollars, being considered at the top of the realm of this most highly touted mind-programming industry of the media and they have paid me ZERO for all that they have obtained out of me, literally they only destroy what little I have and what peace I have). But....I am trying to salvage my life and that of the United States from the ravages of the onslaught of this murderous hate system and it's stress-relief system of pouring rage and violence and stealing and robbing which is of such high national security interest that it cannot be ever revealed, much less halted or stopped; it's popularity has grown out-of-proportion to the ceiling that is going to crash very soon (relatively speaking, like the debt, there is also a debt of unbalancing societies checks and balances that this system bypasses for power and control, until eventually psychopathy will be not a covert strategy but will become the normalized outpouring of fascist "stress" onto the population by "the elite"/"superiors". Because they lack heart, soul and compassion they must torture me in order to obtain ideas. I remain dying from stress, and that, too, is part of the general genocidal programming upon the population. It is well hidden behind various disguises onto the public which believes it's just related to the stress-factors of a highly competitive system but only those who are "weak", due to some imagined "loser" characteristic, rather than technologies and poisons and death squads that are all fully ordained, funded and functioning on all levels--and those who are outside of fall prey to.

I also need to add what had been blacked out while I was fighting to type and think during the course of this post--I walk away from the laptop and "remember" what I was going to write but which is always blocked:

I described being attacked by Blacks in the media, but I didn't get to the point, and I have been writing of this for years as it's an ongoing situation where the same broken record is played as justification for violence and death threats and violence aimed at me. I called one of them a term that Malcolm X used, as far as I remember, about the continuation of the slave-master plantation system that was antebellum South (and part of the North) in the USA. The "good" servant who mollifies the problems of the "masters" of the plantation, are there to aid and comfort the insecurities, listen to the problems, provide comfort food and love and support. In exchange, they get to live in the "Big House". One of them who had been in the forefront of attacking me for YEARS and had stolen an idea from me, who was slowly introduced into the inner circle (because the whites could not break through and they thought and hoped that perhaps this woman could penetrate what they could not). She began by praising God and Jesus in a demonstration of her pseudo-religious posturing. Having lived in the South, I understood the repetition of this "Amen" sort of response with her fellow black older female friends in unison. That very shortly left when I didn't respond and was in a blank slate mind frame wanting her to not be there but not able to get rid of her (it has taken Years to achieve that, and she in the meantime has gotten the usual dose of plastic coating, facial reconstruction) and finally, after understanding that she not only had fully operated behind the scenes to attack and profit off me, made a movie about an idea which I had written of, but fully protected and hugged and loved the white folk who were viciously raping, and torturing me (by that point, for years, but that was YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS ago they all latched on). Finally I called her this "name" that Malcolm X had used, as I remembered, in a sermon on how blacks comply with white supremacy and help to foster it's continuation while appearing as if they have inclusivity in the higher echelons of the white power structure.

I was then subjected to YEARS of violence not just from her and her fellow white rapist abusers who help to promote her (especially the mafia) but, so many other Blacks came to assault, threaten and participate all claiming that I am "racist" and viciously threatening and attacking me. The woman in question has since been revered even moreso and is glowing with satisfaction in the industry which has fostered this "echelon" of blacks who hiss anti-Semitism formerly in private, now in public and get accolades from various sources.

Trust me when I write that this is a form of stress relief as well, to pump the cesspool of repressed rage of racism onto another group, and then get hugged, praised and showered with money for these reverse racism efforts.

I have since been nearly violently threatened by many who have all claimed that I am "attacking" blacks as they spit and threaten with ugly violent looks on their faces (the whites are mostly smug and slightly smiling as the circles of their minions surround me for having said one time years ago that one of them, or more, is that old plantation surrogate role of the larger system which has not essentially changed).

Oh the stress release for attacking me, and years of repeating the questions of what I meant by this, that I am "racist' with death threats because they turned the phrase I said into me actually claiming that they were these archetypical roles instead of what I kept repeating, that they are playing these roles because of the racist system to which they defer and promote and defend and support and help sustain--to which I am just endlessly attacked by more and more blacks, and no matter what I say they revert back to the one and only thing they can use against me which is that I must have used the N-word am a racist bigot and you know those "Jews" of New York and how they attack "Blacks" and I am pushed now into that category although it's absolutely erroneous. Anything to justify their violence attacks upon me as they all then go off stress-reduced smiling with top awards, year after year. They flock to attack me. All look like a heap of weight has been lifted from them after they attack me.


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Who will replace Sen. Feinstein? She who exposes foreign CIA torture when even she can't expose domestic, State-sponsored terrorism and torture upon me? Soon-to-be-gone, will ennui and ignorance as policy become the usual norm that it is now? The torture being inflicted upon me is of another extreme brutality, using covert weapons disguised as "innovation" by various AI tech firms, backed by those who should be protecting life instead of the "elite".

Instructed, and "just following orders", as her duly relegated and commanded "duty to protect National Security", she must necessarily neglect to investigate or mention the terrorism being inflicted upon me, which so many participate in there needs no research into it for understanding of the "inner circles" of terrorism (or the outer circles either).  I find also that in the News propaganda, the terrorism that OTHER governments inflict is in no way ascribed to US domestic versions of the same "Authoritarian" versions of terrorist-sponsored rulership and dominion. It's a woozy experience to listen now to the media anchors who have demonstrated absolute chagrin and rage and hate and violence upon me who are smiling into cameras or seriously debunking "The Republicans" for the activities they jointly operate against me in the private domain of the domination technocrat exercise in torture and "power" using these teleportation and death squad-enabled terror tactics of torture upon me (including drugging, of course and poisoning, versions of murder and extreme torture that are probably not listed on DOJ crime statistics as a separate category of criminal activity under the rubric of "mind control/torture".

"Feinstein Details 'Brutal' CIA Torture Tactics/NBC News". NBC News. December 10, 2014.

Biden pays tribute to Feinstein: ‘One of the very best’ senators I ever served with


The videos below also encompass topics of Government-sponsored "covert" assassination, various types of experimentation and highly advanced technologies aka "UFO's". Within the breadth of these widely espoused topics of much conjecture, included in these "conspiracy theory" lectures by William Cooper, are actual research, the database and archives of the studies and information were formerly published online, the remnants of which (post assassination of Cooper by Arizona police in a "sting" operation) remain censored on the internet (the site including research was formerly published on a website called "Harvest Trust" which is now defunct, the research on these subjects gone along with the website).


The title of this video is misleading and sensational. William Cooper was involved in researching these subjects but the way the video is entitled makes it appear like a tabloid front page splash for an easy cheesy sales pitch.
First on the video, which I have watched in entirety before, is the Zabruder film and a breakdown of the footage, an exclusive copy which was not of the quality you can obtain on YouTube, although due to the quality of the video shot during this 80's-90's lecture, the quality you can see on this video makes it appear distorted so you still can't see "whodonnit". It is explained. This is what Oliver Stone can only allude to in his remake of the topic (came out last year or of recent).
The other topics concern "UFO" operations in Area 51 and other types of aerial warfare covert warcraft that are kept in secret, but tested in the twilight of the Nevada, highly restricted (at gunpoint and non-stop surveillance) by military units.
In keeping with the topic of "UFO" sightings over the skies. It's another perspective that Cooper has himself, personally, researched by making a documentary ("Project Redlight").

"Bill Cooper UFO Alien Illuminati Area 51 Freemasonry Conspiracy Secret Society William Cooper". Livingselfsufficient. November 13, 2014.

"Bill Cooper--Project Redlight II". 11Juna11. December 18, 2011.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Messages from the spirits on "The Other Side"//The messages hacked into my YouTube and other social media pages from the spirits of the anti-woke side of the terrorist organization. They are focusing on "radical" feminists which I deign to assume they mean that is what I am. I am not "against" men or male power if only it were not focused on trying to rape and poison me to death while curtailing the work I have done because of the other "feminists" who "fought" to make sure I could go to college for other reasons than trying to find a financially stable man to marry--so I could live in a suburb or have a home with children.

 The spirits are sending their messages from the war against wokeness now. One of them is a male I have not really heard from before, as I have been mostly engrossed with other subjects than politics for most of my life (6 years in grad school while being poisoned to death because this organization cannot tolerate for a second me earning a Master's degree and having a chance at anything but the slated sex slave (free of course nothing but slow torture-to-death for me).

I am not "against" men, just men and their womanfolk trying to murder me while raping and shoving poison into my body and demanding that I "respect" them without complaint while it's all happening, as they also steal ideas I have studied so their women can make movies in order to appeal to the "other side" in entertainment media for sales and appearance sake (that means, the "woke" side of the non-existent scales of society).

I am gauging that the label of me being a "radical liberal" with "death" as the sentence passed, informally of course, as a "joke" by Senators when they didn't get what they wanted out of me with immediate gratification and acceptance on my part--fighting now for my life constantly for a decade puts me on alert whenever anyone teleports me and by now all I can expect out of any or all is the worst, which is participation in me being raped, poisoned, mutilated, tortured, whatever the person attacking me is allowed to steal for their own career, and me being discarded often with attempted murder after they have wreaked absolute destruction in my life and in any and all ways possible. The entire episode of one of them after the next, each following the exact same pattern, is always induced through the interface of unbelievable, unfathomable "mind control" drugs in concert with technologies expert at aiming into specific portions of the brain ("brain-mapping") and hindering and blocking various cognitive awareness functions, inhibiting survival alertness and awareness (I literally cannot function counting money while at check-out counters, I think I have handed all the money that is owed for my purchase and my brain gets "stuck" on a wrong sum as I am then told by the cashier to pay more as they point to the amount on the register, which I "knew" I was getting out of my purse but I was not--this happens all the time, and the effect of this brain-mapping block to calculation, just for example as an easy to see aspect of this horrific technology/drug interface destruction of my life--but it is so subtly forced upon the target; in short, if you are a target and mostly you will never know for your entire life--if this group has it's way--you will be stuck appearing as incompetent at extremely critical junctures in your life for a real promotion or a chance for any uplifting of your circumstances. 


But, to continue as I always get diverted (the subject is so huge).

These people who label me as such appear to have absolutely no objection to rape, torture, mutilation and me having the urge to study the underlying manifestations of this hate crime has created a kind of "anti-woke" series of posts which aim to crush "feminism" because of a few criminal justice statistics that this man puts forward in his arguments against "feminist" women (the women are English, the man is America, in all the videos thus far, or the women are from former English colonies). 

I have to point out that I did study Criminal Justice for many years, online, at the graduate level (but it was from a Florida State school and I had a lot of reading to do but while being drugged to death and not attending in person, but online, I was not subject to things like having to write a thesis or research or attend lectures or do field studies, etc). One reason for a lower violent crime rate for women is that of underreporting by victims, when the victim is a male. I was told this applies to domestic violence situations where women also beat and abuse men, but men don't report this to police for fear of shaming. As for murder, although I have not studied statistics on this subject of differences between women and how they commit serious crimes versus men, the men are more openly physically violent and the reporting is not as "shaming" as when a woman commits a crime against a man. There are various arguments this man uses such as heavy labor, and if a woman were discriminated against due to her gender, then why are there fewer women in "brick laying" professions than there are men? I'm not sure if this "Intellectual" has ever been around a male-dominated and heavy physical manual labor situation but the gentile mannerisms are much reduced sometimes and women are attacked more openly (or raped). 

I can state that I was a drummer in my junior high school and due to my years of private music lessons in classical violin with the First Violin of the University of Illinois Symphony and my other instructor had been trained in Europe with a very famous classical violinist as his peer in the same class and school (the man was Isaac Stern).


I was threatened with rape by the "boys" because, as the only female, I was placed as the "first" drummer for our band and was handed the top lead drumming roles. I was not "trying" to best the boys, I just did it due to expert training for years in another instrument while these boys had not even had private lessons in drumming, they just banged the drums and wanted to be "first". I can't overstate also how much racism played into the threats, intimidation, phone calls with slurs about pornography, being attacked in school hallways, being drugged and poisoned with alcohol by one of the girlfriends of the friend of the boy who wanted me destroyed who was 2nd chair.

This all happened in 7th grade. None of the teachers did anything and everyone saw what was happening to me. My family (my "feminist" mother) did nothing and did not even speak of it. My mother just quietly obtained her Master's degree and then got a job in Upstate New York. That was all in 1977 but it makes no difference, I can attest that although women do have more "standing" in various fields than back in those days, the situation of violence against woman has been shifted from the "woke" "feminists" to the silenced victims of mind control persecution--a most under reported seriously fatal crime that is now like the sales of hot cakes during a starvation period for those thirsting for power and rape culture to be re-ignited but now obscured by the technologies that are being funded and supported by those who should otherwise be defending "women", or "Americans", or "Citizens", of "for the Constitution", or for "human rights" but alas very few if any people truly care about these general concepts only as long as they are excluded from the discrimination.


I find that me being raped and tortured for much longer than a decade means absolutely nothing to these "anti-woke" people who are now displaying rhetorical, seemingly "polite" "conservative" discussions about how the "woke" "radical liberals" are just evil and wrong and that women are strong and "feminism" is not needed. 

I can only imagine the pomposity these women who know and understand the system pitted against me hold when they approve of me being raped while sleeping and teleported, like being helpless and tied down is what the situation truly is. Press a button and the target gets beaten, assaulted and raped and you can do this indefinitely and forever until the target has mental, emotional and physical breakdowns which are enhanced by non-stop poisoning and mutilation. The torture can go on for over a decade and no one will connect the situation with rape or anti-human rights or imprisonment or extrajudicial MURDER they just think I must have done something (like being a "feminist, radical liberal") and thus all the violence is utterly just and it's to be assumed I deserve it for being a feminist b-word and also, of course, being an outcast from the Jewish diaspora and trying to be self-sufficient in my own version of self-determination to succeed, participate in "The American Dream" has made me a target of endless wrath, hate from all spectrums and walks of life; very often from "Jews" who play their "radical liberal" roles but fully conform to playing the bowing with abject deference to white supremacy roles which is the equivalent to the happy plantation slave giving comfort and succor and sucking up to the oppressor, and many of these actually work to protect that plantation supplanting system--as in my mother who has "fought" for feminism but because I inherited my father's darker complexion, I have had to be sacrificed by her, in order to not invoke the wrath and MURDER of this murder organization to which the people who are labeling me as a "radical liberal" are forcing upon me like a template that is used to justify more violence and rape and torture against me. 

The spirits surround me with hate on both sides of this one-sided spectrum. I am attacked from the "woke" side of the spiritual abyss because, well, they just use any excuse to attack me. Thus, any time I speak under hypnosis, using my reaction they attack me because I am not repeating the programmed responses that fully approve of all they do and perform and their output (some stolen from my writing which they turn into their fascist Nazi disguised propaganda racism and sexism even if the output is supposedly "feminist" or "empowering women"). They use any justification and often just come out with the most stupid and inane hate attacks that are so ridiculously based on nothing (such as one of them calling what I was eating "loser" food, like peanuts, or just anything I did this half-Jewish woman of the "woke" side of the spectrum insulted just to find any rational to attack me so she could get her promotion out of it by the fascist cartel controlling them all.


The other side is now using the labels which are like a red flag to those who want to blast away with their AK 47's the "radical LIberals" and the "Jews" who are of this "woke" other side which they want a "civil war" against (meaning genocide or mass murder if possible).

I studying "feminism" in college. I didn't go around to feminist rallies for the rest of my life after taking a few elective classes in feminism because I was a literature major and had to chose between studying Byron or something original like Feminist Shakespeare, which sounded more interesting than Byron.

But, when I finally realized that I was being drugged, poisoned and then TELEPORTED and raped as the men who raped me used Nazi slogans of killing Jews, were murdering me with poisoning and abuse, as their mostly blonde wives and lovers watched on participating because all of them obtained career promotions that are unbelievable (but it's still going on, so most of them now are at the top of their field in a way that has ensconced them in these positions almost permanently). All they had to do was poison and mutilate my body and steal whatever they could use and go off giggling for the red carpet treatment and the millions of dollars that have gone along with all their merriment. I have had to go back to studying the feminism to interpret what the F*** is really going on and why this exact replication of the same pattern of attack is so crucial for this organization. As I did study to understand patterns--which Criminal Justice relies on to analyze crime--and I did study deconstruction as a literature major--I have then begun to analyze, to my near murder for just making reference to these ideas which are so dangerous to express that the death threats for writing about these topics is still pouring out and I consider the posts about a white male "shutting down" or "slapping down" (is really what they mean) a "feminist" is an indirect threat to me on many levels. They have already made their choices. 


I only take the law and the right to live without the undue interference of the Government upon the sanctity of privacy against citizens that probably every country on the face of the planet supposedly has set as the laws of the country in these "Democratic" 21st century. The other countries which are labeled as almost "inhuman" by Americans are societies where the exact same thing they are all performing and approving of against me but they heavily criticize in other countries of State surveillance and death squads--but it's all kept silenced, private and as usual any justification of attacking me is used again but this time I am fitting neatly into the "woke" side of the spirit of hate and animosity (but they are actually truly  united in terms of death squad and rape culture using modern technologies and promotional inclusion in the white supremacist culture, meaning the 4th Reich, the continuation of the 3rd Reich, which is Italians as in the mafia, and Germans, meaning the EU as a united front at this point in history. Americans have for long approved of the 4th Reich. 


AI robot actors/actresses: A policy recommendation to H-wood for easy cost-cutting measures for maximum growth and profit maximization for corporate enlargement of the multiverse: Dearest Whorewood, I highly suggest you begin to hire AI, "Life-Sized Humanoid" women to play lead sex object playing "strong" women in your forthcoming superhero blockbuster movies. They have exactly the same plastic features as all the plastic surgery modified faces of the female catalogue you can choose from. They exhibit a range of emotions and vocal tone variety with the same range as these actresses who can be interchanged with highly advanced robotics at probably less than a quarter of the price for both the endless plastic surgery rejuvenations of these prima donna humans and their much more advanced robotic counterparts. They look almost exactly the same, as well.

 The robot in this clip looks like an amalgamation of most of the actresses (so-called) who have teleported me, literally speaking. This includes the "minorities" who have been modified to exemplify the plastic mold but only of a slighter skin/hair/eye shade categorization.//

"Meet Life-Sized Humanoid Robot Mark 1". CNBC. April 4, 2016.

The eye surgery is almost exactly the same in comparison from the human plastic coated surgery modified females to the more pleasant AI robots with the same hair, skin and range of personality traits, sans the underlying greed and hate. I'm sure that can also be programmed into the robots because obviously the male actors love these nasty hate traits which help to urge them to "succeed" at all costs. Programming for "The End Suits The Means" is going to be a big-seller in AI technology. It will also be a great investment for these companies manufacturing various Brave New World varieties of personality constructs embedded into the AI robots who can so well replace the very expensive, high-maintenance humans who inevitably can't sustain the pleasant plastic faces at all times, as a robot is capable of doing, which, with the vampire-fascist programming will make for a much more suitable sexual partner as well, compared with the soluble flesh rotting and withering eventually. A robot breaking down is more easy to replace, sometimes than a human as well. There will be no need for an "understudy" or replacement should the lead actor human fall ill, have an accident or what not....the AI robots will always look fresh and will be prepared and won't require editing cuts lasting "forever" during production. Many good points in foregoing the carnival of the hateful vicious gold digger crevice of H-wood "entitled" and "elite" "superiority". 

On another level, the name of this AI series is a male name, "Mark". Mark my word, if the males who undoubtedly will continue to control the financial ecosystem of the planet will be able to purchase something akin to being a transsexual entity but outwardly appearing as female-only, but in the closet, it's "real" identity is male and his name is Mark--oh, how they will want this even if unconsciously. Producers and directors will be undoubtedly pleased. You can even replace the animals in movies with robots, although in real life, animals, unlike the human parallel, are actually charming, loving, caring, compassionate, truly vicious so it's believable on camera, and capable of honesty and the emotive quality so necessary for an artistic rendering of society and it's structures and fiction and it's meandering rivers of fantasy caught on film. The robots can much more convincingly transmit emotions with the same range of emotions as the actors have, but as for animals, they are actually authentic sentient beings who can't be replaced by AI (in film). Although one can empathize with cartoon animals and such, a real animal which the Nazi organization LOVES to torture if I love that animal, will transmit agony in a way that AI cannot. Thus, the terrorist fanbase of Whorewood really wants to see actual agony but they don't want to be seen as fans of actual snuff films (but in private, on the Dark Web, they love watching people like me fight for their lives as they drool and mentally or in actuality masturbate over it; finally real sensation they can feed off. The terrorist actors masturbate and feed off the emotion of my screams of hate and rage every single day when they teleport me. In this way, they have a vicarious feeding source of actual emotion rather than fake smiles in all their cognitive "double-think" dissonance.