MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Dead Kitties in a teleportation skit trauma-based tech attack.
These ugly old men on the internet who put endless videos of their rotten ugly selves on my YouTube and other pages: they are physically revolting to look at, which as I have written in a jest it's one thing to have "beautified" plastic-surgery older men who are manicured and well-dressed with millions/billions of dollars worth of clothing and accessories attackk you, but it's a far cry from attractive when it's rotten stalkers, which constitute 99% of the entire organization, who then stalk and attack with the exact same ugly personality structure and the inevitable female companion who laughs as the ugly men torture and rape and abuse someone else (leaving a bit more space for at least a manageable abuse schedule they can live with--perhaps none of them are abused by these men, that too is possible but the women absoluely blossom off participating in these situations as well). With the more ugly, old and rotten lot of them, but it's very sombre: the ugliness of the stalkers is near a putrid sensation value, aesthetic of vomitgore mentality when you have to see them proliferating your YouTube recommended page and then they attack you with more rotten old men here in Phuket. They have their grandaughter aged children female sex slave brown-skinned slaves obeying and stalking me with absolute enthusiasm.
I go off into tangents once more facing this tech-embedded mind control machine disguised as a laptop. This morning I woke up and I heard the beeping of the laptop which I had most definitely turned off and unplugged just last night. There were more objects under my blankets like pieces of silicone and etc. due to the break-in last night.
This morning I discovered that my body has healed to a greater degree so I can now try to pound in more screws into the plastic doors, in yet another attempt to stop this endless intrusion by the people getting plastic surgery, beauty treatments and laughing as they have their minorities smear stinking fungus into my hair, skin and my body erupts with all kinds of scars, blemishes covering my body from head-to-foot, and endlessly fighting this (alone, no help, endlessly stuck in absolute povertyy). I try to look at it in a positive light that this is some experience in fighting mechanical arms from entering my room which is a "survival" "learning experience".
The unfortunate thing is that the people also doing continuous surveillance, which means those famous media celebrities, are literally watching everysingle thing I do, monitoring every single thought, and any and everything I learn to defend myself, heal my body, and thin about the systems and how to write about it is UNDER SCRUTINY AND STOLEN BY THEM IMMEDIATELY.
I also want to point out that my brain is literally drawn to the YouTube "recommended"/stalker rife and polluted page like a magnet. My decisions are inextricably related to the mind control aspects of the tech being aimed into my brain while I type (and in every situation). If any person reading my posts assumes that "you" can just easliy shift your brain/mind into determination to not pursue various deadly paths, you are gravely mistaken. The technology/drug interface is nearly impossible to counter if you are not some meditation athlete who can desist from all the programming by sheer wilpowerr or force of mental determination. I am drawn to due to the mind control interface I have tried to describe very briefly above. The hacking and blocks to my brain make any writing extremely arduous and impossible to get all out I want to express, in any tangible way or form as well so that only adds to the impression one might get that I am simply fueling the attacks and "letting them happen" so to speak. That also is part of the usual blame-the-victim mentality that drives the recurrent excuses to exonerate the perpetrators and continue to leave the targets at their mercy.
The combination of putrid attacks and the people involved are such a revolting system of ugliness, stupidity, hate, greed, selfishness, and all tauted as wonderful heroes of society in these media drives to install fascist and Totalitarian puke rotten creeps into higher positions of power.
Thus, the mechanical arm got through the tiny space between one huge panel cabinet door (extending to an area nearly at my knees and going up to the height of the ceiling. I will have to pound the spaces between the lower panels of the bottom doors to the top at the middle space, which cannot close compactly like the bottom and top have already done). They have made defending myself nearly impossible. I have also written, but I repeat here, that the interior of the cabinets have various levels of hardness behind the panels. At the outer edges of the panels the faux "wood" of the back of the panels are hard as steel. In the middle, the panels are so thin I can bend them by simply pressing my hand into them. I also have surveyed the quality of the material and I discern that there is a hard layer that is latched on and can be opened from the other side of this nearly extinct "wall" separating me from the other studio (I can hear them talk when they do talk it comes as loud and slightly muffled. They rarely talk but when they do it's louder than if a person were talking in another room with a wooden door blocking the sound level). The very flimsy exterior, which is so maleable I feel like it's almost the density of skin covering a hard surface, leaves them able to insert these mechanical arms through all the EIGHT pairs of double-hooks tied together as tight as possible on the edges and the center spaces at all middle points of every set of panels. That does not suffice they get through everything because the surface of the nearly thin-as-skin material with hard wood or metal panels right behind them makes any intrustion on any space possible for a millimeter sized mechanical arm. They open my front door with all the many layers of locks, strings, and I have also put layers of paper into the cracks since the door is too small for the doorway and light blasts in at night. I think it's also possible for tiniest mechanical arms to get through these spaces as well.
The stalkers also create false positives for entry that are distractions from their real point-of-entry.
However, I put a brush on top of the string I used to tie the tiny metal bars that are supposed to be handles to open the huge panels of the very last set of cabinet doors I have been too injured and sick and weak to pound in.. I have been trying for over 3 months with pounding in of metal hooks and it has left me nearly severely injured with all the poisons hard into my spine in crisscross fashiion, like an internal corset and exterior shell of poison, internally glues to my spine and muscles and system in every conceivable direction. I have not had the strength to pound in which was altered between the space of last night and this morning. I have at least been able to create systes where I can detect entry, and they did get in. My hands, hair and skin have as usual been smeared wiith damaging chemicals. My haiir is a mess, my hands are huge, ugly and worn out from YEARS OF hand washing clothing that is sprayed daily with toxic sprays that are deadly to inhale. I must close all windows and seal doors to try to avert break-ins from the outside. When I had windows in the last horrrid torture place I lived in, I had to literally tape the sliding windows because the landlord refused to install screens and blocked all access to me installing screens. The people you idolize in the media who I have written of for years and years ensured I was unable to earn a single penny online and thus stuck living off circa $700 per month, as I am relegated to right now. The criminal terrorist teleportation creeps have been put into the Executive office, their children and wives receive only the top beauty treatments but put me in a place with over 30 panels which these mechanical arms break through every night to inflict damage to my body and beauty and health (slow murder) every single day. They rise into billionaire status and become leaders of society.
You all continue to do nothing to stop them or this system.
You're all profiting off this system in your comfort zones, assured that you will always have people to push down in order to keep your standard of living.
The teleportation terror hate skit they forced on me last night was of kittens who appeared dead in baskets. I had written of another ugly old man (aging I mean) who has put a proliferation of his nasty deformed and near-dead cats and dogs he "rescues" which became an endless stream of videos because I had once searched for animal rescue videos. His videos began to dominate my pages and the severe deformation of these animals caught my attention, as they were calculated to do for what appears to be an absolute scam and sinister "charity" organization.
As I wrote yesterday, a bit in detail. I did not include this organization's videos on my pages because first I don't want their ugly faces to deform my blog or Facebook--I am not trying to incriminate one single person but the entire group in this stalking/fascist/Nazi organization (and whatever levels apply, I just stick to Nazi, the blacks can simply call them "whites" or "bigots" but because so many blacks participate in this, I just call them Black Nazis, and I'm sure there are names like Illuminati, and other secret society names, the KKK and etc etc)
However, when I realized and now after more of his videos surfaced on my YouTube page which were black humor aimed at what I had written regarding his cruelty towards animals and his attempt to appear as an Ameican reality tv Holllywood show for money, which he hopes will funnel through his participation in this crime against me. As I wrote earlier in this post, all is handed to any ugly rotten disgusting creep who wants to participate who has any presence on the internet. .The election is another concern and the old bad old men network keeps promoting anyone conducting these torture attacks with continued million/billion dollar promotions. I did put one of his videos on one of my Facebook posts I believe it was on July 3. I had, at that time, bought into the scam as apparently so many others have done. The money is flowing into this ersatz organization and it's cruelty towards animals.
For those who do care, please do not donate to this rotten man and his organization and stop them if you can. Otherwise, help animals who are in your neighborhood and don't waste your money on organizations which put out informationn you cannot verify as legitimate charity organizations.
In Phuket the entire revenue of some people are derived from ersatz charities and these people viciously attack me so they can get more funding and all of them invest in property and real estate.
You might cheer them on for their greedy aspirations. That is the quality that is deemed highest in this morally defunct organization which contiues to promote every scam scum on the planet who wants to lash out at me in these internet videos.
I will try to avert from their online surfing mind control but please note that the mind control is so totally engrossing I cannot stop. I need to not be drugged and poisoned by nighttime stalkers
I also hope my posts are not continued to be information for these sleaze ugly rotten men who I have enumerated for years on Facebook posts--I could so easily write the list here but I have to get up and begin to pound in more hooks and try not to dislodge more of my microships (I literally ripped one microchip out of my back because so much skin tissue was ripped out when pounding and hammering these hooks in). I lay in bed for almost a month most of every day while the stalkers continue to drug and poison me into inertia and then torture and teleport me to these emotional losers and their nasty women who are all laughing with joy as my body is deformed--my hands look absolouttely ugly and nasty not just from cleaning perpetually the stinking toxic filth that is daily and nightly sprayed onto my body, blankets and clothing--but my skin damaged every single day, my skin tissue cut out of the damaged areas of my lower jaw and to the bone in my foot (so when they create an accident, further damage occurs to the injuries they created years ago. Every single day for years these nighttime stalkers have been cutting the skin to the bone in this tiny area between the large toe they broke and the second toe, thus cutting off blood flow and healing.
I now have to pound down to get keys to operate and I need to get going in another attempt to stop these disgusting stalkers operating for these sleaze creeps you all adore as your presidents and your leaders and their nasty bigot violent rapist wives who you all cheer on as your symbols of "beauty". All of these whores blossom from the contracts and participating in venting their hate and chargin at the status of me once having a chance to be beautiful, successful. They love calling me all kinds of names and insulting my everything that they have destroyed with the stalker teams that have deformed and poisoned and drugged me for decades.
I'm ending now, this is purely exhausting pounding down on keys and backspacing nearly every word to correct hacking inserts.
Displaced metatarsal bone/fractured from stalkers breaking my left large toe and then ANOTHER stalker-"accident"where I landed on this same injury from attack. The bone now juts from my foot and my toe is jammed against my other toes nearly 160-degree angle.
The foot is now extremely injured and I require surgery. The stalking organization has blocked all financial earnings. It is so extremely difficult to type and write that with extreme effort I am pounding out this few words with great difficulty. Backspacing is non-stop correcting insertions.
Two men I wrote of on Facebook created an accident through the Nazi stalking network here. I wiped out when I applied the brakes near the bottom of this hill (a hill I have driven down in pouring rain, with water sliding down the hillside after there is a shower===never once had a single problem) A tiny rivulette of water was oiled and there was a huge truck blocking access to this road except for one little area I had to drive down.. It was a hot and sunny day. It had not rained. A small bit of water was running down the hill--maybe 4 inches in diamter, but I had to cross this little stream to drive past the huge truck blocking the rest of the very large and wide roadside. It was a huge industrial truck with a huge wood chipper and the Thai men were cutting tree limbs in front of an abandoned building..
I landed on this toe that was broken under the orders of a Swiss/Italian woman whose room in her house I rented for two days. I had intended to rent long term, indefinitely.. She was so abusive I left almost immediately in the middle of the night because her house was located in a very remote cul-d-sac and I felt a definite threat with her Thai neighbors. As always, the white Nazi has a "black" or "Brown" team to do the dirty, filthy and violent work for them. Also, a German couple was involved in this attack scheme. She also kept most of my deposit and the money I put down for rent. I could not get any help from local police and had no access to any legal course of action. Legal fees for small claims court in rental situations are at least 10 times the cost as in the United States. That is how skewed laws in Thailand are in favor of the more wealthy against the claims of the less. Also, the Thai system on a personal and social level operates a bit more in a clan sense and everyone's business appears to be everyone's gossip or something like that....
this woman used to be president of a charity here in Phuket organized crime Nazi Paradise.
The stalkers who break into my home every night, with me fighting for my life to stop this encroachment for over 2 years on a non-stop basis of fighting and poudning and glueing everything into the corners and panels of these walls inside the cabinets which make hollow knocking noises because there is no solid wall behind them....(thus much of my current chagrin at charity scammers and the violence they use to scam people out of money).
The stalkers have been cutting the skin in the webbing between this broken toe and the second smaller toe--to the bone--every single night. Thus this "accident" which was ordered because I wrote a joke but negative comment on a Danish bigot Nazi's YouTube video, and another man who I wrote of out of England--these disgusting "men" who attack me create these accidents when I fight against rape and torture and attempts to create "sex slavery" using this teleportation and gang stalking apparatus global concern, which appears so charitable on the surface of it's every "democratic" front organization and political avowed denomination.
The pressure on this blood-flow reduced area has slipped and the bone is sticking out of my foot, the foot is enlarged, swollen and I don't know if the bone is fractured or just got shoved out of the socket to an even more angular horrid shape.
I so hope the people responsible all die in horrible accidents and it happens to all of them involved and immediately.
Should I write that I hope they become nice human beings? How impossible would that be?
The dichotomy between moral values and need for vengeance. However, these are people who have been disfiguring me for years and ordering my body destroyed on a daily basis.
There is no more space in my mind for any kind of pacifist response. I only hope that what I write now will somehow spur people to act in my behalf. Just hoping....
More on mind control and how perpetrators are following a particular paradigm, like an algorithm of stalking and torture and mind programming methodology.
After walking away from the laptop, and the influence of the technology skewing my brainwaves, I "remembered" phrases and concepts and words I could not access. One of them is that (because I got "lost" from backspacing and then the technology blanked out my short-term memory so I lost all track of what I was trying to express). The Spanish charity animal "rescue" personality in the video, the video I so briefly described above (as I have to pound down on every single key as hard as possible using my fingers from above the keyboard to pound down)--okay--lost again. The Video that just appeared "3 hours ago" which I could only write in half a sentence with no explanation, was of him saying (verbatim): "If you are new to this channel, here is how you can operate your own animal rescue organiztation. He summarized it by saying that no one should operate an animal rescue charity alone and 'you will need the support of many other people. You cannot do it alone." (whew, endless backspacing and pounding down on keyboards to get a few sentences out). My stalker alert red light system went off (internally, although most of the time I can't tell because the tech blanks out my ability to focus on threats and I am in a giddy state of almost delirium most of the time when dealing with stalkers, due to the tech effect on my brain. This is important to readers to understand that if and when it happens to you too, you will easily be scammed (or get killed, whether quickly or through a number of years from your beloved "handler" you trust and love to tell you what to do.) That the viewer needs other people to help animals out if you want to create an animal shelter. From my horrid experience as a target, I know that there is no one around me who is not part of this stalking (who remains for longer than a few hours and then I never see them again, and with a certainty if they demonstrate honesty, friendliness and are trustworthy. When stalkers are part of the conceptual animal rescue operation, that means money will be flowing into their bank accounts as they attack me from within the system. Also, this Spanish man could also conceivable by trying to lure me into participating in his own organization (more money scam schemes) or the stalking agents might pay him certain dividents for his part in drawing me in. Completely theoretical conspiracy theories yet, this is how this group operates in it's less murderous forms. Some of the scams involved drawing me, the target, into living situations so the scammer can profit and the attacks on my body and property are then deadly. The operational schemata is very connected from the micro to the macro elements. Linear in that animal rescue scams are following the same rescue formula as the Hollywood hero genre associated wiith criminal actors who are murderous and deadly in real life when they are given the chance (as the stalking and teleportation offers them these opportunities to flex their psychopathic traits and enhance them to the point of being absolutely callous murdering and rapist abusers).
Transfer from Facebook: Spanish animal rescue operation connected to the stalking group. Extreme cruellty towards animals in order to profit off charitable donations.
First, the hackers deleted the first few sentences of this post after I had posted this. I rewrote a short retyped description in this first paragraph below. I have not re-read through the entire post so if it's confusing, it's because of hacker deletions. They also rewrote part of the sentence about the minority females and made it completely confusing to understand. I have not re-edited this sentence. I leave it as an example of what further intrusions occur and to understand the difference between what I have edited (should it not be rewritten once again after I post) and the confusing mess the hackers create, which is evidenced in that sentence about minority females and it goes into a twisted nonsensical sentence that I understand because I wrote it. It's completely jumbled and nearly incoherent. Perhaps it's because so many women just like this are part of the stalking teams surrounding me at this very moment. The gyst of that is that minority women are sometimes the first the defend the racist bigot white males, as they strut to gain sexual advances met with financial opportunities by these men (sometimes they get married and have children--however long that lasts and how well or unwell it ends....) 🙀
Re: Spanish animal rescue operation video I posted 2 days ago, organized by a man and his team connected to the stalking group. My theme here is: Extreme cruellty towards animals in order to profit off charitable donations. Please bear on as I am not out to attack this man, I have no definative proof that he's abusing animals to gain profit off 'rescue" operations.
If my premise is correct, then he's aware of my post here. These bigot male stalkers are very quick indeed to obtain lots of minority, brown-skinned stalkers especially minority sexuallly-obsessed with these rapist, bigot white supremaciist males--who get these broown-skinned females to attack me. (That's "sarcasm" in case no one can understand, but however it's REALITY AND TRUE!). I watched this video of him "rescuing" two puppies, replete with some dyed blonde-haired female who was dressed in a "reality tv" fashion photo-op style. Not that fashion is a blemish but....it was too made-up. The house this man lives in is very swank and high-end realty. In other words, his business is this charity and he's doing very, very well personally.
My hypnothesis, albeiit readers of this stalking organization will scoff and attack me for writing about one of their dear fellow mutilating animal stalking cohorts: I sense great cruelty and a lot of bs posturing for the camera and an incessantly more hideous depiction of animals in near death situations that these crews just happen to discover.
He also mentioned in a rescue video about two puppies they stole, using stalking methodology (neighborhood stalking methods that are used to attack me). I sense blood around him, not from healing but like a butcher. think, tentatively I believe he mutliates animals in order to obtain charity funding. If I am wrong, which in my mind I do not doubt my senses or supposition about him and his cruel method of otaining money, however good his intentions are for helping animals I also see an exploiter and a gang stalking criminal as well.
Regardless of whether my impression, based on his video exploits and the apparrent (obvious) hacking and stalking methods he's using to also get into this contract out on me--creepy contract used by absolute creeps but it's a world of them so it's supposed to be "cool".
I wriite this as a sort of approbation towards the exploiters of charity funding for an opulent and profit career and investment strategy lifestyle is a situation that needs more redress. This is the short version.
Please help animals who are suffering without using dubiously entertainment-oriented horrorshop video footage of "heroic" rescues. IT's almost the same formula as the actors who play in the hero roles and then are the real perpetrators of the injustices in real life behind the cameras (once they pass out from intoxication after their rape forays on the "casting couch" then they go into mutilation and torture. And then they smile for charity photo-ops.
I suggested an animal rescue operation out of Spain. I posted this maybe two days ago? I no longer recommend this charity organization (or non-profit, or whatever). The same internet stalking/hacking operation has occurred twice iin a row when I click on these grotesque and deformed animals being "saved" and getting wonderful, loving homes. Within a few minutes a new video appears, one time it was "live" with this Spanish male staring directly into the camera. (My "paranoid" thought is that maybe he, if he is stalking me via this cockamany hacking/stalking system that so many celebrities have latched onto in order to get funding and promotions out of harrassing me with theiir videos and then teleporting me afterwards). He was staring into the camera as if he were trying to "hpnotize" someone. I had to click off because it was a creepy sensatin of him staring keenly into the camera. As soon as I typed in the "chat" section that it was very wonderful, that he is saving animals. Suddenly a rash of emotacons appeared expressing the same sentiments but in a more emotionally lavish sense.
Two days ago I had a similar experience that I clicked on one of the videos that appeared on my "recommended" page (whiich is a foremost area that people who teleport and attack me post either their, or psy-ops videos to trigger or influence my thinking. Excercises in "mind control" As soon as I began to watch the recovery of many animals on the plethora of videos that have not stopped appearing on this page, a "new" video once again appeared that had just been filmed "today" (3 hours ago). I know the hackers can insert any time or date into the templates that they access).
The short of it is that not just because this animal rescue personality, who admits on some videos that after the videos of animals kicked nearly to death, nearly burned alive, mutilated, parts cut out of the animals--and his team makes miraculous rescue operations and the list goes on for years. I have never seen any animals that are displayed in these tragic conditions in successions of videos.
I have serious doubts about his organization and the ethical means of procuring funding for these almost horror movie animal mutilation videos.
I have seen quite a lot of charity scams here in Phuket (one is more than enough) and observed many "charity" donors out of the torture area of Beverly Hills who (obtain tax shelters and etc) therein.
Brutality and mistreatment of animals are halllmarks of this stalking organization.
And now, the keyboard is putting out triplicates of letters I press once.
Please rescue animals in ways that this stalking organization does not benefit or profit off their usual scams of being "heroes" for situations they create.
It's a formula, like most everything else this organization abides by.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
A Fourth of July American post: Another identified English parasite socialite & more attacking me (besides the other list written earlier yesterday and the day before and etc etc)
Friday, July 3, 2020
More Facebook carryover, mind controlled descriptions of attacks with the usual hacking inserts. I am weary of this. Much of it is being forced through mind programming to get me to write.
These very sick and ugly men (and their plastic-coated Nazi female co-criminal assistant cheerleaders) enjoy reading my ranting posts which I can never type due to hacking and never write clearly due to the brain-altering tech endlessly aimed into my brain as I fight to type or think. I write about the attack interface because I don't know who is reading my posts, when ir if anyone ever will read my posts, and I want to make sure that people know what system of encumbrance I am confined into on every post. Some people might read an inadvertant post and immediately think I am confused and inarticulate (the discrediting tactic which I thus have to describe to try to eliminate the discrediting tactic of completely blotching my every post by this group).
Here is what I wrote, I have decided to include the nasty video made by the rape-cheerleader German women who cheer the teleportation rape and violence directed at me (trust me when I write this the German women I see on this video are very similar to so many German women I have lived around and met in Germany. I also knew social workers who "care" about domestic violence situations but participate in attacking me. Oh yes, one was or is a lesbian or bisexual and is now married with children I guess. They all have to succumb to the socialization of routine repetition of paradigms in Germany and unfortunately in America and that includes most of the rest of the world). How many other cultures I have met with this same punk underground culture who have in one way or another looked the other way or lightly participated in targeting and character assassination and drugging/attackks on me. Alternative, anti-establishment/ white males who play in punk bands, their girlfriends/the blacks endlessly oh the blacks participate. The list never ends of the alternatives who want a piece of the white male pie of established through violence power.
The video, which I will try to upload (hacking makes this impossible many times) is this German woman relaying how German women were raped by American soldiers in WWII. All this information was "suppressed" because, as she claims, the Americans were "heroes" saving and rescueing the poor German women from their seemingly awful Nazi male partners. Almost laughable, but Nazi propaganda nevertheless. I watched a few seconds of this tv anchor or woman who wrote the documentary or tv series, sitting in an erect posture of righteousness with a grim determination of suppressed hate on her nasty face (caked with make-up). I know what is behind it and I know about the alteration of facts and how these are presented by these women and the other "alternatives" who posture but are really false opposition pawns serving and servicing the powers they claim they hate and are fighting against. I'm sure ALL of these people would marry an American male who rapes if they could get more access to H-wood studios and media access.
If German women were raped, as this video contends (I could not watch more than 1/4 of it, after observiing the posture of the German writer I feel so much antipathy towards her and I "know" her mentality, or I assume to know since the pressure of conformity is so high and fraught with danger if a person steps outside the acceptable boundaries of conformity and Nazi duplicitous posturing into the red zone of actually truly caring--murder is still an operative principle in Germany against their labeled, "traiters" of the 4th Reich. If Americans did indeed rape German women en masse, since rape is not something confined to "evil" foreign enemies but also to seemingly benign Americans who "fight for Democracy". However, since having lived in Germany for years and the Germans always crank out the same, repetitive slogans about Americans (also the same bs about how Americans killed more Native Indians by far than Jews in Europe--and why doesn't America get endlesslly castigated about that historical fact?) I have heard the same things over and over and over in Germany (spoken in German) and not once have I ever heard these stories of rape, nor read anything. That doesn't mean it hasn't happened, but if the Germans can latch onto any single excuse to attack and incriminate Americans, I think in all the anti-American posturing I heard from Germans in German (in German) I would have heard at least one time something about how American soldiers raped German women. That does not mean in any way it never happened in a large quantity but I have reservations in believing this documentary regarding the "innocent" German Nazis.
Here's the Facebook post, and then I will attempt to post that nasty documentary. What I do believe is the testamony of the Korean and Chinese women who were imprisoned in "Comfort" spots. What I also "believe" is that German women were raped, but I have heard more that the Russians did a lot of violence and I have never heard of Americans raping German women too. The footage of one German woman at the beginning of the video is of a woman beaten and standing in front of rubble. Commentary of the video links her with American soldiers raping German women. The Nazis also contended that Jews who were wealthy were raping German women. That ties in directly to the Weinstein scandal by the rotten men teleporting and raping me, taking over the studio vacuum to put out their propagandized version of bs and being instructed on how to rape and torture me. These same p-a's with their wives have put this sick video on my YouTube and it's almost laughable, if only they were not being promoted right now with the consent of the viewers who are also part of the H-wood cartel structure (doing nothing to stop this if against it, I do not blame you but still...action does need to be taken if you ARE against this system of terror and rape and teleportation and gang stalking Nazi/Stasi death squad activities you read of, that I describe).
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Margaret Thatcher was a prescient superhero pre-Brexit soothsayer
HOWEVER, this small tidbit of an old lecture is amazingly powerful in it's succinct assessment of what HAS come to pass and what is currently under continuous debate in old Foggy swamp-land.
"There's no such thing as Political Murder, political bombing or political violence. There's only criminal murder, criminal bombing and criminal violence."
Gang stalking, teleportation, MK ULTRA and the rest of the stalking protocols are
Criminal Murder
Criminal Bombardment of an individual's life
Criminal Violence.
All else is rhetoric used to justify criminals targeting out of criminal motivations.
Many people love crime. So many movies glorifying criminality and psychopathy.
More injuries to my body last night
That began a year of more torture and the cutting of gum tissue. This sick and ugly rotten parasite also had part of my uteruse cut out, which came out while I was in the shower. He teleported me later so giddy and high and laughing with such hormonal erection thrill posturing --which he had after the other acts of violence, and always with full supporrt of Whorewood and always me alone with more and more torture inflicted upon me. His buddy Parasitino is the same bs and the gang of them is huge and enormous by now.
I just wish people would finally stop this unbelievable sick torture situation finally but I just write about it day after day and TWO US PRESIDENTS, THREE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES, one House of Reprasentative personality, a host of whores out of WhoreHollywood with such ugliness it makes nasty Trump look like an angel or angle of sordid sorts--(his wives can't however be anything but nasty Nazis and maybe he uses them as fronts for his very extreme nastiness so I can "blame" their violence upon the wives while he's really the one directing their filthy and sick actions towards me. Suffice it to say that compared with the filth of Whorewood, Trump is benevolent and that is truly a huge irony.
I am so sick of being poisoned and drugged and asking president after president of the United States to please stop this crime against me.
It is apparant that the entire Congress and Executive branches of the US government are NEVER going to stop this MK ULTRA torture situation. Obviously my posts are restricted and "classified" and probably funded by the US Government (and according to conspiracy theorists, under "black ops" funding or what ever...I am not in the "know" about these things, I only repeat what I have heard on various portals of "alternative" information.
Whatever is funding this, my posts are not being put out into the public. I always live in places where the management and all staff and all neighbors are part of the stalking teams. Entire buildings can be emptied out and no one will ask questions or if they care, won't do any single thing to help me.
I am aware of this, but the stress is too great. I have injured my body so badly from pounding metal hooks into plastic cabinets to try to stop the stallkers--and yet gaps remain on the hinges and in the corners and everyything I have coovered up simply doesn't suffice against stalkers continuously going into my room and destroying what flimsy defenses I create. They just come in and pour stinking and toxic fungus and chemicals on my blankets, mattress, furniture, food in storage, last night they poured stinking fluids into my plant soil once again, and then they loosen the hooks with rope and pvc strings I have tied to all corners of the more than 30 panels on both sides of the walls. And I remain sick from poisoning inert and endlessly paralyzed from the poisoning.
I remain drugged into hysteria and writing about this sick situation endlessly year after year.
I can't write any comment on YouTube without a plethora of nasty comments by stalkers. I can't get any private emails unless they are from abusive and nasty stalkers who feign friendship or are agents lying and exploiting adn trying to do whatever they can to damage me so they can get promoted.
I can't go anywhere without hundreds of people attacking me. This is even worse in America. Maybe social distancing might help victims of gang stalking.
None of you will ever do anything and yet I keep writing because they make me so ill I must release this stress they make me partially paralyzed and I remain a sitting duck for torture and murder attempts and violence that never ends.
"If you don't want stalking and torture, why don't you want it and then what do you want?" The dumb and dumber questions I am posed with by poseurs who teleport and attack me via gang stalking death squads.
Every time I react essentially begging for deadly tortures to be stopped, my brain is put into this mode of opening up, not just creative ideas expressing theoretical concepts (which are later stolen and turned into subliminal fascist and Nazi propaganda by the "liberal" actors and directors who are observing in some huge audience, or torturing me first-hand (but always when I can't provide evidence.). If people won't acknowledge the stalking groups and provide real legal support for the disenfranchised targets, then teleportation is especially fraught with silencing and political support for "black-ops" purposes. Oh, not a conspiracy theory.
In addition to sucking out ideas and concepts through non-stop torture, (and while I am dehabilitated from their poisoning, I also try to read but drugging makes that literally impossible, I watch movies to analyze content and they also suck my ideas out through their tech and through direct question-answer sessions while I'm unconscious, but aware, able to respond albeit "honestly" so I tell them to die I try to kill them and etc..my honest reaction by now.
I am still helping worthless abusers, rapists, bigots and their minority minions to get ideas to produce their shows and movies. Just the act of attacking me along with this group entails some kind of promotion.
I am now meandering and can't "remember" what I wanted to say. The effects of the tech while I'm sitting in front of this computer are so stifling.
And this idea that people can be attacked and mind controlled while sitting in front of something other than the "boob tube" can also be stolen and exploited by the people who are endlessly putting their videos on my YouTube channel. One of them has a new show sort of sci-fi, and has also stolen concepts and used words I wrote on FB verbatim for some of his skits on the media boob tube circuit.
They never stop. They live in mansions and I am cleaning filth perpetually like some Hell scenario of never-ending cleaning of stinking filth I never created, while the WORLD literally participates in doing nothing and watching me fight for my life. All is silenced. Today I helped more pig apes to steal ideas because they tortured me so badly and have injured me so badly I have to beg for people to stop this torture. This is the merry-go-round (for them) of the cycle of violence that they feed off, both energetically and then financially. It encourages domestic violence it perpetrates rape culture it entitles black racists and other minorities into following and imitating the creed of violent racism, disguised and turned into it's opposite for media consumption.
Please HELP ME TO STOP HELPING THEM by stopping them from attacking me so they can't put out more ideas I formulate because they are too formulaic to imagine anything other than formulas.
I believe this to be true because I have been forced, through my own decisions as well, to have to look at systems in some alternative light. As I wrote earlier today, all they demonstrate to me is silence and stupid violent ugly dirty filthy behavior. Filthy: such an overused word but I lack the desire to look up alternatives on a Thesaurus at this moment. I also just watched the movie, Pink Flamingos and the word FILTH was the operative word for that movie (writing that in a positive review sense). After having watched that movie, I cringe when I use that word in a sentence.
According to the dualistic comparison of what "filth" implied (directly) in that movie, I would say that the people I am dealing with are the wealthier ones rather than the trailer trashy cracker and cotton variety. I can now use these examples to exort people to not let this teleportation equipment get into the hands of the real trailer trash demographic. The wealthy who kidnap women and impregnate them after rape and then kill them afterwards and sell the babies to lesbian couples. That is the "wealthy" version of filth. The poorer version is nothing similar to the antics of DIVINE and not a fraction as funny or fun. It's another reason I fight this situation. I really also care about people I do not know who are being victimized as I am, or those who are unaware and have no knowledge of what is going on, as I was for all my life. Children will be tortured and raped and abused in this system. I know most of you don't care unless it's blonde children from whitte bigots but still, this situation is a precursor to great devestation of society and of individuals.
The filthy trash I have to deal with, how to explicate their rotten stupidity and ugly foul behavior?\\
I do not want to help promote any more of these filthy pieces of filth. Help me to not be the tool for which bigot rapist haters and their nasty wives get promoted into highest echelons of H-wood and into the political spheres. Stop this crime against me. Stop these people. Stop this technology.
Stop allowing them to torture me so they can steal ideas from me while I remain in such poverty they can so easily threaten me at every moment with homelessness and also make them return my cat(s) especially La Moux. My baby. They have taken everything else away from me.
Let me have my own home with privacy, peace, financial securiity, this hell stopped and financial compensation. Living around decent people in a natural setting in a fabulous city in a peaceful country arouund law-abiding decent people, rich or poor, with ample space and room to live and I really want to live alone by now and not have a "baby" and not be exloited. I am tryint to "retire" from this "sex slave" abuse victimization that has robbed me of all financial status and destroyed my health and killed things I love and destroyed my home.
But worst, the perpetrators are continuously being promoted and they are vile and foul I really don't want to help them any longer to get ideas and I need this hell to be stopped so I can stop writing on the internet about what they are doing and then my brain opened by the tech so they can exploit creative ideas I am not able to formlate. A recap from all the above.
How much longer must I repeat this repeatedly over and over day after day year after year?
Mind programmed drugging and torture to induce creative idea output for intellectual property theft using sophisticated technology so all is covert and deemed not illegal
Thus, the torture goes on, I write on Facebook and now endlessx ranting posts essentially begging the silent but hacking audience to please do something finally to stop slow torture to death, destruction of my home and body, theft of all I possess, and all I have been fighting to type and write out (hacking is making me have to rewrite and backspace continuously). There are few or no typos in my blog posts because I do correct the hacking inserts every time they appear. Writing one paragraph can take, therefore, at least 10 minutes while I type at amazing speeds I have not been able to accommlish my real typing speed for over 10 years.
Back to the theme: the torture, which "must" be done because the white bigot Nazi males just "must" include violence and abuse and torture into their intellectual theft entertainment situational promotional enterprises of teleportation and rape (while teleported and raped while my body is unconscious and inert in this teleportation MK ULTRA "alter" state).
They are "supposed" to follow a traumatizing formula so my brain opens to the creative aspects of this situation. Hollywood then devours my concepts and leaves me continuously--for over 10 years now on a daily basis--not just fighting for my life but continuously begging for my life for torture and violence and poisoning and druging and my home being made filthy continuously stinking and foul and dirty. Sick ugly people surrounding me 24/7 and teleported to sick crap "famous movie stars" who are nasty and ignorant and dumb and stupid, at least when they teleport me because they "have to" act in this manner. I have to wonder, when they "act" like this towards me day after day for years, (as I wrote earlier, some of them latch on and continue ordering torture and they sit with writing pads on their laps taking profuse notes on ideas they want to incorporate into their movies--all appears to be funded copiously by this Nazi stalking organization. There really should be no adjective of Nazi it's just the Nazis and there appears to be nothing but members continuously attacking me. The modern version is blacks and Jews and all other minorities. You could call it, "Aunt Jemema 2.0". She's been modernized and updated and has her own tv show after her last series was cancelled. After torturing me Aunty J is partying up her new tv show and this is the new face of Nazism in the world.
It could have or be a "Jewish" male for all it matters who is the updated version of Aunt Jemima. i am surrounded by them here in Thailand. Aunt Jemima does Phuket, you could make a porn movie. Many Thai women are named "porn" actually.
Going off into tangents once again. I didn't want to make my point about stalking just confined to the black v. white issues that so often dominate the movie genres of good v. evil with the underdog always winning (in American movies). A blanket statement, you say? Well, the modern version has no race or creed any longer Aunt Jemima only has to fit into a "minority" category and classification. Updated and quantized into an extremely pleasant sugary saccharine appearance of supportive yet fighting against injustice. Caring but only about the people who are the dominator dinoasaurs who have held sway over the Plantation who must be appeased in order to sit in comfort and cozy and popularity as a bonus prize.
As the target and outcast, I just have to wonder what I am doing wrong that so many people offer absolutely no consolation or support for me. Is fighting injustice in reallity so dasterdly that everyone rejects someone who really in actuality IS fighting against racism? Especially when they don't conveniently fit into a classification that is comfortable and filled with multitudes of people who are chanting in the streets for justice, as so many are now. So many of these very same people continue to have me tortured slowly to death. And they have me attacked so they can continue to pilfer ideas off me so they can sell more of their Black Lives anti-discrimination movies and shows while fully supporting these bigot white rapist hate men and their nasty Nazi wives and blonde and whatever women when they attack me.
So, I reacted under drugging, torture, endless duress that has been sustained in a most deadly "traumatizing mind control" methodology for over TEN YEARS and without a day's break. Not one.
I have therefore today provided more ideas to be stolen, by writing and then once upon this seat in front of this laptop my brain is altered, I begin to pour out theories and this is the method being used to first torture, traumatize, through rape poisoning violence death threats and real-life accidents and teleportation to torture, rape, threats of homelessness, beatings being hit and abused and threatened by one "liberal" bigot in the media after the next. One of them who hit me two weeks ago had commented on one of his aired tv shows that the wives of one of the men responsible for attacking me, this famous personality in the world, the wives have been "left behind" because this character ostensibly is such a profligate womanizer. This role that is being advertised by this "liberal" white male commentator with his late night tv show (which I have watched, never from start-to-finish but a few minutes of clips and then turning it off because it's all twisted in very clever psychological ways. I wrote of him, but what I did not include because it was "deleted, or swiped" from my brain is that these wives he mentions, and he KNOWS THIS, are responsible or in charge of the tortures being inflicted upon me. Daily disfigurements of my body and poisoning with toxic sprays have been increased to the point of slow murder since this man took over the contract. The womanfolk mentioned as 'victims" of his "adultress" forays into sexual holidays for media entertainment are part of the actual sales-point for this personality. It's part of the Nazi male persona to abuse and defeat and sometimes beat women. It's just a publicity stunt. Not that this man doesn't want to do these things, but a "liberal" commentator participating with these foreign women who, from what i have seen, fit exactly into the fascist mode without hestitation. Just adding that into this because my brain right now is under this sieve effect of ideas pouring out.
I just WANT PEOPLE TO STOP THIS CIRCUS TORTURE REVOLVING TRAUMA-BASED TORTURE SITUATION THAT IS BEING FORCED UPON ME BY the leaders of Hollywood and of the politico sphere. If the Executive Branch is doing this personally to me, and I have been teleported to some of the 5-Star Generals (not sure which branch, or division, or whatever they just wore medal up to their chins like huge studden with decorations Generals--sort of grim appearance to my vision meant that they had field experience of war. As I was making a statement about how homeless people actually need the billions of dollars relegated to the Defense sector of the economy instead of endless wars. Perhaps some of them agreed but they appeared grim when I brought this subject up. I was a puppet being manipulated by this man, who, actually, is a far nicer person than the "liberal" ((**expletives**) who are attacking me to death.
Will someone please stop them from torturing me to obtain ideas for their movies it's been going on for over 10 years now. I have seen so many ideas that mimic what I have written or said or almost literally copied and it's been going on and on for years an dyears and years and they keep going. When I finally during teleportation, as happened just a few weeks ago by a man who puts out every movie regarding human rights and justice in the face of suffering, used genocidal anti-Semitic references when I told him to "read a book" instead of sucking informatioon out of me, as he's been profiting off this situation for years and years, behind the really abusive brat pit s*** person who is an abomination of ugliness to me by now. Ugly personality nice plastic surgery nasty personality and beloved and cherished by H-wood because he's a psychopath who makes "charming"jokes and is swaggering and seems so swinging. However, when this f gets a victim as I have been, along with this writer/director, the charm evaporates within seconds.
And the torture continues and I have been wriiting concepts and not able to write short stories because I too want a career. Maybe it's too late, maybe not. I am trying but it's impossible with my brain under this attack, poisons pouring out of my body and being repoisoned and drugged.
After years of writing about this and asking the void of the internet for help, it's a bit deflating that I remain writing on the internet and I'm writing the same things I've been writing regarding ongoing, never-ending violence and it's just 10 years of the same story and asking for help.
I just today provided parasites with yet more ideas today that I really wanted to incorporate into my own creative writing. These p-a's (pig apes) teleport me and literally repeat ideas I plan on writing, block my laptop and keyboard afterwards, have my nervous system shake while I"m trying to hand write, and then they steal the ideas while I"m struggling still to eliminate the poisons they keep having put into my body (drugging that is killing me in addition to hard chemicals that have been put in my body by stalkers).
Writing this again and again. I ask for this torture to be stopped is there no one ever who will do this beyond having ulterior motives to exploit me when offering 'help", as the protocol has been used against me in this vein and it's also extremely tiring and I don't appreciate the parasitic tactic.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
"Hey guys" YT vid regarding my last post (sort of maybe sometimes always)
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...