Thursday, August 6, 2020

Programmed music selection----intended to create a dark chasm in my brain and a further devolution into a darker chasm of brainwasing discrediting.

 These were posts I put on Facebook yesterday. I just posted things that are so mixed up and jumbled and the hacking was so bad on Facebook and on this laptop I could not finish a single paragraph without the page being frozen, my fingers exhausted from pounding down and backspacing to correct their inserts--and then my brain so dizzy I am dizzy getting up--sick and nausious from these brain attacks while I sit in front of these computers (anywhere in the world I am under surveillance and attacked, there is no space or time break anywhere on the planet that I have gone--and I am forced into paralysis and poverty so I can't get very far anyway or afford defensive measurese like living in a home where the walls are at least walls).

I want to add, just before I post what I had intended--that the cuboards which line the walls do not close property because they were cut into odd shapes, the hinges have all been rusted I can't get the screws out anyway--they are rusted solid--they open and close but there are gaps that are large on the tops and the sides of the cabinet doors. Large enough for the mechanical arms to wreak death into my body and home every single night--

I have pasted stickers on all corners of the interiors of the cuboards, then pasted huge pieces of colored paper as liner, glued on, then taped over completely from the back to the front. The mechanical arms with solvent sprays attached can get through it all--the spaces where the tape ends that covers the colored paper liners, glued in and taped into a huge sheet of plastic-coated paper lining every shelf (except for one that is not the sole cause of the breakin's.) I think.

Then I pounded in hooks into all four corners of every shelf, and then in the middle sections. The areas are still being broken into (the hooks are fashioned so I have tied rope to secure them so there is not a single bit of tensile fluctuation on any hook area--this action of hooking in over 250 hooks into over 30 panels and more---for over 3 months, ill and then they are still getting in putting my hips and spine out of place so I have not been able to afford ot get it all done--

and on the outside of the cupboard doors as well. They are still getting through all of that. I remain sick, and now i can only write digressions and not be able to complete sentences even--and they continue to damage my body every single day and drug me into this state where I cannot write or think coherently--as you can read for yourself.


These videos I posted after returning home from harassment in stores (not harassment, it was terror operations--people would stare down into their phones and push their carts into me just at the second I walked near them--happens every 3 or fewer minutes the entire time I am shopping--which takes a long t ime because I have to walk a long way over an overpass with a shopping cart to see what is on sale at two stores--in two large malls connected by this overpass walkway--I have so many bags to carry because my property is damaged so badly every time I leave I take all I really need with me--it's all damaged every night--my passport has been sprayed wiith stinking odors so when I go to the bank a waft of stinking fungus pours out of my passport and the purses--this happens every time ((I get my purse which I can't keep in any cabinet as no matter what, laser cutting tools have made the hooks just places where the terrorists cut around and then insert the mechanical arms into the very flimsy material that they also place wooden boards behind from the other side--so it feels like a real and normal wood panel but the top material is very thin--I feel this and that the texture of the boards vary with the center and the outer edges and it's very hard on the edges and almost pliable in the center--this is no imaginary paranoid conspiracy theory but I try to explain this with all  this hacking

I remain now fighting for my life and the terrorists are inserting these mechanical arms through the rubber matting I have inserted into the cracks, because I need to use these cabinets--the space I live in is so tiny I can only have space for one single cooking pan and heating element (all portable stuff) I cannot even cook more than one thing at a time. My food is made rancid and poisoned thus every day. So whether I buy food on sale that is pre-poisoned or it gets poisoned in my room while i sleep is actually immaterial to my defensive measures.

I still carry so much around with me that I am encumbered with at least four bags every time I shop, before I buy anything.

It is all so deadly and disgusting. the people attacking me are on a much lower level than the stinking fluids and poisons they spray into my hair, vagina, body and all clothing and furniture--EVERY SINGLE DAY NON-STOP ALL DAY with these mechanical arms I cannot stop. I am being murdered as you all see what you can steal from me or force upon me as utter sleazy rotten stupid greasy sick pigs are being handed millions for their attacks upon me--using this tech and this insidious murder organization which most or all  of you belong to. I wonder how little humanity any of you have left. But this has been the state of the world for at least the last 70 years, in contrast to the dream of the American society which is still  not a reality, but they want to destroy it all completely--they meaning YOU actually, most of you reading this.


These are the videos I posted yesterday under mind control. I had also posted about my birth, and these songs came to mind. I do nott want to create a negative mystique about my family or my birth so I must correct this and I am publishing these videos after STRUGGLING to type out and think the last posts published today. Parts of sentences were deleted and it was literally impossible to type on the keyboard.


In chronological order of posting yesterday/I also publish these here because I wrote a sort of "poetic" sentence that may be stolen as some concept by the parasite pig apes in Whorewood by their mafia Nazi crap promoters--and I urge you if you care about America to get this Italian mafia greasy dirty filthy creep in Miami--the one I have been writing of for years who obtained The Wall and other businesses by the Nazis of Florida for simply torturing me after using this tech to destroy me year after year while he also tortured me to obtain ideas Prince used for  his club and other ideas he stole from me--because he's a blank, negative bigot parasite and please, stop them from being handed more and more power by these Europhile igonorant Americans who hand the Europigapes all access to DESTROYING THE COUNTRY. I DO NOT REFER TO ALL EUROPEANS i REFER TO THE NAZI PIGS AND WHORES AND APES WHO HAVE INFILTRATED THE UNITED STATES AND HAVE BROUGHT ON THIS PANDEMIC in my opinion. Through stealth and the principle of "ORDER OUT OF CHAOS" AKA ORDO AB CHAO and PLEASE LOOK THIS UP THERE IS A LOT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ONLINE.

First I published this, and then the following as the brainwashing mind control proceded and I became more dizzy, lost in a whirl of my brain being spun and wrung out to dry:

This first song made me think of the panedemic, and that there is no place to run any longer (except for the pig apes who are safe and sound even in the hotspots--isn't that strange but maybe wealth protects the Nazis from being murdered or sanctity within the organization--for those in the higher levels--for the minorities as I wrote earlier who think they are safe, this is an illusion you are targeted for destructuion and the pig apes you all defend and are defenders for will kill you and steal your money and property and  your family and you and laugh about it as they then go on more "vacations" and invest in places like Phuket. And you can take that to the bank before the bank foreclosees on your life.

Then the darker (no racist pun intended--I should write the more sinister element devolved due to the "joke" about my birth on Friday, March 13 at 12:57 am--all equating to Freemason and Illuminati high significance in numerology.

Turning it into a joke on this theme of running and running and not finding refuge in a death situation I was sold into from birth--womb to tomb but I do not intend to let these pig apes get away with this so I only put this out as a joke--

One could almost or firmly call this video a "Satanically inspired" artwork and musical piece: more sinister than Robert Johnson at the crossroads.

This is in reference to my earlier post, yesterday or two days ago, about being born on the 13th, and the ritualistic quality of my preconception and birth. That was real, but I do not want to in any way entertain the Devil (theoretically speaking, as I do not "know" whether there is a "devil" character or not??? But everyone knows the energy of hate and violence and murder and death.

...and then I added to this video the following to try to exemplify that the association of "witch" is connected to the corrupted Church misogynist tradition --must I delineate it here?  As in Sunday being the day of the Lord, (but according to those who study ecclesiastical texts, the real day of rest and honoring is on Saturday). Sunday's slave are the people who are enslaved in the clutches of the righteous Romans who claim they are the masters of the universe, the saviors of the downtrodden, while they (in reality, the mafia out of Brooklyn claim that they are "Romans" and descendents of the Roman Empire--and that their fascist murder organizations make them "Romans" and that "Jews" (like me, ostensibly) are supposed to be their endlessly deposed victims throughout millennium of attacks. This is still the philosophy and it's not being contested and I suggest that if Americans want a free society do not allow this fascist 4th Reich to continue to crank out their creepy formulas in movies about the downtrodden white male (and now the downtrodden black female or male) fighting againg what the mafia really is--all put into nice happy Disney format of the underdog always rising to the top while in reality the pig apes are creating a death society to endlessly enslave and kill people and have a few token heroes in movies and in the media as representatives for a goal only less than 1 percent of the major population can ever achieve.

That is the stark reality. But back to Sunday's slave, and this witch hunt out on me--as some of them call me "witch" because I can read tarot cards--in my own way, whatever. (i have also tried to do this online and was always blocked by hackers adn never earned even a single penny while this group overcharged me for phone calls and then blocked my finances and etc etc).

Sunday's slave is the Church's slave, which hails back to Mary and Rome and the version of bad girls and sleazy violent good girls and etc etc that the Church inspires and forces--I also want a career in the domain of the male domination and only Nazi women and their black subordinates can steal my ideas so they can have concepts for THEIR careers. Just by the way--so I included this under the born under a bad seed type of video. It was all in a bleak jesting, drugged mood. I want to make my life a positive shining happy life, not representing "evil" and bad omens and that kind of stuff.

So I try to correct this today, while still drugged up, sick and unable to focus any longer and endlessly backspacing to correct hackers inserts:

I also hope that my copyright mark on this blog will prevent theft of my concepts, should any thing out there continuously try to steal concepts as has been happening for years and years (I am supposed to be considered "crazy" for writing about this, what a great system they all have. You should see how rotten and gloating they all are who teleport me. Their stupidity and blank ugliness is thus promoted and augmented by someone who has acutally studied --6 years of grad school also by the way--and brought up in academia--they are going on and on to steal ideas off me--all I see of them is hate, uglienss, bigotry, narrow-minded stupidity--racism, sexism, etc etc).

I was trying to be more positive about Friday the 13th at this point, yesterday night when posting this. I realized I was on this negative track and I wanted to get into a more "postive" and also She-moon type of fascination with "Women's studies". This woman wrote a book--I have heard almost the same words and read the exact same sort of concepts from other authors--it is beautiful but also a mystique-a new type of religion a new set of idols that are easily at base made of clay. But I included this to try to stear the negative associations made by males into a more ancient system of reverence for the feminine and lunar qualities of existence--reaching outside the male domination of witch burning, rape culture.

...Then, I got to the point, yesterday night, of thinking about Samuel Beckett's play, Waiting for Godot, which I completely enjoyed reading. A long, long time ago as it is very hard for me to read at this point of drugging. My concentration is almost nonexistant.  The character "Lucky" who is supposedly not lucky at all in this play-(love Beckett). What is luck exactly, as what is considered unlucky in one group or at one time is considered the optimal in another mind set in another group and in another time?

...and I am copying and pasting what I wrote above the Witchy tips video just above the last one on Lucky in Waiting for Godot (must watch this play online instead of the formulas on the free streaming movie channels I am glued to due to brainwashing drugged and technological mind programming insulting blocks to my real intelligent design and choices--especially in my choices. A very insidious technology and death squad "stalking" group please note, if you care about anything other than your own money and assets, please do not allow this system to continue please do not sit idly by and watch other people get murdered as they are doing to me.

This is what I wrote and poublished on Facebook yestreday--I copy it not because it's going to make me a million, but because it is MY idea and MY IDEAS have been stolen for other people's profit who are also destroying the country and the planet for "population" control and for their endless usurpation of the planet. As I have been writing about for almost a decade on this forum and only mocked, insulted, tortured, disfigured, raped and discredited for writing and for defending myself and my country and the planet--against fascist Nazis and their genocidal plans--which includes BIOTERORISM and just because you don't know much about it, you know it is extremely possible, don't you goddamn do-nothing sheeple creeple hacking in an dreading this (my blog is never published to any real major internet service but always  blocked and suppressed to this limited readership--may be a huge number of peoples but it's always limited in scope and blocked from any real support system if there exists one on the planet that is not infiltrated...

"Yes, yes yes! I was informed that I was born on Friday the 13th. No no no! I was not BORN on Friday the 13th, I was severed from my mother's womb with forcepts and yanked out of a black hole on Friday the 13th. I was never BORN, herefore, but yanked out of a vacuum. Sucked out of a bloody mess and brought forth into this effervescent contagion to laugh and suffer into a different bloody mess. Was it lucky, or was it more like the Lucky from Waiting for Godot?"

Enuf rambling writing for today. I had to get this out, it is also deadly holding all this in. The pig apes attacking me get promotions for every negative post I write. I write to try to influence people to stop this attack upon me and have my cat returned, but that never convinces anyone to stop injustice on this personal level. So I write about how it's going to continue to affect you. I wrote of this impending attack system years ago. I am still being discredited on that point. I did not know exactly how the attack would be implemented but now I see this is a multi-pronged attack system, international in scope.

I only wrote thatthe greedy, sleazy and nasty blacks, white and jews and asians who attack me for their 'masters" are allowing total destruction of the United States and this system, never really put into full effect, of freedom and opportunity. It was supposed to prevent tyranny and death squads and fascist leadership. The Europigs are absolutely Nazis in the 4th Reich--all that II have met all my life--as I am only surrounded by this terror operation--there are some who aren't but they are extremely quickly pushed out of my environmetn I can never reach them again--all phone calls are blocked or I get no information--etc etc.

Not intentionally badly written, hacker blocked---but worthwhile writing and an attempt and all like floating in a centrifuge spinning

 **This is written in the phase of re-editing--the post is a total mess--the hacking has made this impossible to finish or conttinue. I am so dizzy from the mind control attack I can't focus or wsalk straight as I get up froom this laptop. the page is frozen and the words i type do not appear for over 2 mintues, then parts deleted, words misspelled continuously. I can't get throught this any longger. As I sit here nothing I have witten in this first paragraph has not shown up on the page.

I literally cannot finish typing this post and it is forced into a completely mess

I want to add, because i knkow that the words will appear in a few minutes--that the apes have broken my toe so badly--while breaking into my room to rape, disfigure, insrert objects under my fingernails which is a ADAILY occurrance and has gone on for over 7 years--day after day, nonstop my fingers are completely misfigured--my skin has blemishes everywhere as they smear fungus and sluids which cause breakout son my arms and legs--but they broke my toe after they forced and accident whic hurt my tjoe--whic already juts out--the bone was broken years ago by a Germanpig scumb pig ape and an Italian Swiss whore who ran a completely fruadulatn charity organization here in PHuket--but after this"accident" las month, he stalker terrorist rapists have put my toe out of alignment so badlly I need surery or a doctor and I first cannot ust anyone herre at all-whatsoever--the thai people who have been handed power here in PHuket are absolutely disguwsting rotten pawsn fo these rotten disgusting pig apes out of Eurpigland --they mistreat me and give me wrong information, overcharge me by double, do not do the work, and this requires real surgery and a real doctor an I also DCANNOT AFFORD THIS AS NOTHING i DO ONLINE IS PUT INTO THE PIUBLID AND i CANNOT EARN ANY MONEY. I alm also blacklisted or if hired, in America, attacked no-stop by all the staff--and this is eveyr single job, all my lif tha few jobs I have had. I hve had some co-workers or employers who were nice, and they werre immediately dismissd once the pig apes could take power.

My cat La Moux is over 23 years old and I demand that she be returned to me Immediately ALIVE AND HEALTHY AND FINALLY RETURNED AS SHE IS DYING FROM OLD AGE AND LONLINESS IN THE SPOT WHERE The EXPLOITERS ARE USING HER AS COLLATERAL AND A HOSTILE HOSTAGE SITUATION TO TRY T0 FORCE A "BABY" OUT OF ME. Apparently, as none of these pigs are my friend, no one has informed me of exactly what this contract is, and of course, that makes it a murder contract that they all plan to fulfill. They say nothing but hate towards me, have destreoyed and damaged my body perpetually for a decade and the Americans who controlled this situation before them were murdering me.

All across the country.

If not for pieces of crap like the American gang stalking death squads, these pig apes in power would have not been able to get away with this. I would have been able to go to the police and get some kind of help or find a real suport group. Instead all my efforts are redirected to agents infiltrating every police station, every help organization is a front organization for this murder death asquad major global organization. This American death squad version of the larger global nazi and whatever else/Communist murder GmbH organization have ensured that no "stalking" stalking supoprt groups are actually legitimate.

Every time I went to the Democratic Party headquarters in any town, I was verbally assaulted by stalking agents. Feeling and sensing geat hostility and a threat, under the drugging I was instructed to go away and I also felt that the futility of these --to me--obviously corrupt aqnd meaningless offices only entailed a complete waste of time.

I also, one single time, under advice from my hostile stalking death squad Uncle who has also attacked me, in a deadly series of assaults, accidents in Arizona--where people around me were dying or being sent to prison--people associated with my family--with my Uncle rather--and he, like my family, so I know what this situation really is and how it operates on a very intimate level-- is another minority minion who vehemtly smiles as he attacks his faily member for his promotion----who has said he registered with the Rep[bulican party as a kind of spy for the Democrats--to vote against those in power. This is in Arizona, and my Uncle got his newspaper promoted after he participated in attacking me--which is another long story. His facade is of a righteous vehemently Left-wing "liberal" advocating "gay rights". Because I was so under mind control, and wanted to fit in, to vote as a Republican one time, like so many minorities who think that by assimilating into the Nazi group they will be "safe(r)" Not so. You may be used by them but ultimately they use and exploit and kill off and steal back what they handed out as incentives, once they have established power in their targeted domain. After I registered this one time I was viciously attacked by Nazi Americas who vote repugnican. As I am now, I was ignored by Dems and gang stallked with intention to murder by "left wing" neo_Nazi Democrats who really are spies for the REpublicaln party, which by now is an open fascist Nazi organization.

with me having no support or recourse--and that remains the case even with some of the most famous mafia-sonsored crap out of Whorewowood reading my posts as I write them--stealing my words, ideas and concepts and leaving me bbegging nearly daily for over 7 years to stop this torrure and murder as you all read it and keep doing nothing or exalting therse pieces of pig shit into more power. Look at th what has happened to the country as a reulst--stupid dumbed down greedy nasty sleazy fucks reading thisTHIS CONTRACT OUT ON ME APPARENTLY IS SO LUCRATIVE THAT I HAVE SOME OF THE MOST FAMOUS OF aMERICAN PSYCHOS ATTACKING ME SIMULTANEOUSLY AT ONCE TO TRY TO FORCE THIS THIHG OUT OF ME. oNE OF THE PIG APES HAD PART OF MY UTERUS CUT OUT, WHICH HAS BROKEN MY BODY DOWN FURTHER AGED ME DUE TO HORMONE LOSS--AND THEY HAVE FORCED ME INTO SUCH POVERTY i cannot afford to eat well my body is breaking from lack of nutrition and i must always buy nearly rancid food to just have food to eat due to always having to buy their drugged and poisoned food on sale because i cannott afford to eat.. My one and only solace and love source as my cat, and they took that away and laughing like pigs and scum about it. They refuse to return her and she is dying waiting for me to pick her up. They took photos of her fighting for her life in the swimming pool where I lived, (this near-death "resort" situation where ape after pig from Europigland would break into my room and rape and disfiture my body afterwards, while the pigs in Whorewood would teleport and rape and torture me simultaneously--as I woke with my hair, vagina and my room stinking of fungus and foul sickeningly toxic odors and sprays--which is still going on an don. She was abducted by this rape and torture and slow murder organization, always headed by a foreigner out of Italy, a mafia scum creep who has been attacking me to destroy my home, my body, my life, my body wracked with scars--since 1997. That makes TWENTY SIX years of this sicko rapist who was trying to poison and pound the poison as deeply into my body as possible with the teleportation and the home break-in rape by his Europig ape partners here in Phuket and in America, the Americans who firmly advance any and every fascist Nazi into power who attacks me--and anyone else including many of you "minorities" out there who are "friends" with these crap sick sleazy mafia Nazi scum (and their American associates, which appear to have carte blanche to steal, rape, rob do whatever they want--and decades of these pieces of filth getting away with every criime possible--and shitty movies exalting them as heroes--the FORMULA always is the underdog rising against the father figure and redemption for the poor, white trashy pig ape actor/symbol---the same theme recurs endlessly in mafia movie after mafia movie.

Meanwhile--all this group of stupid, blank and rotten crap ever do is extort, exploit, criminal organizations which are not charming, funny, psychopathic jokes put into mainstream as fun, adventurous, intelligent, cunning, smart, attractive, tv shows and etc

but I was referring to this creep who is still in his huge new discos, restaurants and all out of this contract out on me--as he was a sleazy and stupid dumb manager of a nightclub when I sold cigars at Sylvestor Stallone's nightclub--also partnering with Steven tyler the cock rock sensation, advancing sexist male bigot culture with his penis substitute guitar. His friends also went on world tours with one of the rapists who I have written of years ago--who first was instructed to have my one and only loving sentient being stolen from me--photos of her in the "resort" swimming pool. this ape greasebag stupid dumb creep out of Italy--the mafia scum Sickola Scumbo (who part owns, now The Wall in South Beach, Miami) after years of t orturing me, poisoning me--my body now is filled with poison which has taken more than 10 years to try to get down, now to skeletal levels, absolotely broken down due to daily--for over a decade, non-stop torture while deadly poisons are pouring out of my body--he told this rotten actor psychodope, your favorite psycho male bigot as hell actor with his Nazi blonde wives and models and etc etc who first had my cat stolen. Giggling like a creep scumbag and laughing as I cried to return my precious cat, who has been waiting for me to return, as she is my most cherished baby and no male in this group is slightly attractive on any level in my opinion--ONE of them is talented in a real artistic sense. One that I truly respect. I called him a clown and a joker recently but he is top quality actor. I don't know his personality and I truly feel sorry for him as being part Jewish to have to deal wiith the racist shit that forces the Jews in Whorewood to have to deal with this most anti-Semitic shit mafia greasebag stupid crap that has attacked my family for decades--along with English and the Whorewood actors the "A-list" creeps who have also attacked me to obtain iideas while my body is breaking from stress that never ends, poisoning that has nearly killed me that I shit out almost every day--the recurrent poisoning and drugging makes my body completely broken down the immune system--with no love, only hate surrounding me, my brain under non-stop attack so I laugh while stupid idiot minorities surround me in stores, wearing the store uniform, insulting me, saying nasty and stupid things--their favorite thing to do now is to blank my brain out to the degree that I can't understand that I am under attack while it is happening. The rotten Thai whore creeps, operating for the pig apes, tell me they can't understand what I am saying in English. I find my mouth artificially going upward into a smile regardless of how I feel. I can't control this, the mechanism to controlling my facial and other muscles is beyond my reach while I am also drugged up no-stop. The pigs also broke into my room last night although I have pieces of rubber matting inserted into the cracks of the cubboards because the parasites made sure that the cupboards won't close and there are cracks as large as 1/4 of an inch in some of the spaces at the bottoms of the cabinet doors

and I am rambling so badly I can'tt get anything out clearly.

The Italian piece of sick shit is still with his disco he obtained from the Nazi Europig ape fascist groups herre in Phuket, after having me nearly murdered, pigs raping me while sleeping and comatose from this microchip hell the American government forced upon me--even during the Kennedy Administration---

and on and on

I can't get anything out--my brain is like being spun around while the keys won't operrate. there is as usual a lag time between when I press the keys and when the letters appear. The keys are so "stiff" artificially that I mustt pound down. This is a new keyboard and I clean it often, it is sparkling shiny--the malware attacks and DOS attacks go on and on. I just had to spend another 15 minutes of my life fighting to just get this connection on the internet, as the Bluetooth was disabled, the internet would not connect, the trouble-shooter gave false information--I had to reboot--

I am still followed around by the


 I began to fight to type out a post and I am waiting for the words I wrote to appear on the page--the page is completely frozen by the hackerz. I wait and nothing appears and I can't scroll down, it's all completely frozen.

I want to add that yesterday I wrote posts or put music videos of Nick Cave's song, "City of Refuge". I then wrote about how my birth was a mysterious sort of occult type of event. I was under drugging and mind control,
I always realize this after getting off the poison apple laptop(s) where I also struggle to type. I never think of my birth or that situation as a even slightly sinister event. It is just another normal birth but medically prematurely forced. The occult symbolism that the people creating the situation are meaningless to me. I only wrote this yesterday as a kind of acknowledgement to the people who think this way, and partially making a pun out of the entire situation. This post could be considered a kind of latter statement of intent on my part--no intention to make my life story as some bleak and hateful stroll down the birth canal memory lane. I also did not mean to imply that my mother's body is a vortex or dark channel, but the song and the sickness of this situation kind of imspirted this, by osmosis of this mentality in the song, into my mirroring style of inspired writing.

I write this today, now, to emphasize how easily a brain-washed person, on drugs, mind controled by tech, can so easily be swayed into false representations of choices. I know that most of you reading this are firmly in favor of this mind control situation and want to screw people over in masses to get them to buy your propaganda hate movie and music stuffola. I want to add that I consider my family a positive group although they are sinister as hell. THEY ARE ONLY A REFLECTION OF YOU PIG APES AND ARE FORCED INTO THIS SITUATION UNDER THREAT OF DEATH BY THE MAFIA NAZI PIGS WHO ARE NOW ATTACKING ME---and their Europig partners. This is 100% a fact but i cannot prove it, I only know that these groups terroriize and murder and if anyone wants to survive and get any kind of success in any market they MUST obey this group. I want them destroyed, and I am so sick that these greasebag creeps have obtained ideas out of me and gotten promoted for it, while they are murdering me--as you all watch on DOING NOTHING because you "can't" and you are "scared" or mostly, you are just so GLAD that it's happening to me. How bad would it be for you if I was able to even type out what I am trying to convey, much less write anything that might gaiin any kind of commercial success--or have a beautiful body as i used to have, or even long hair not destroyed--how threatening it would be for anyone outside of your bigot Nazi greasbag group to actually achieve success unless they are your most willing puppets humililating themselves for your glorification under your orders--as the situation always is. I wait for black people to stop finally  portraying themselves as victims, because many other people are also victims, even the whites who oppress them--but I want to see blacks make movies about life and it's experiences and the joy of living instead of the usual victim roles and support system they are supposed to represent, the backup, for bigot scum and shit, which is one of their main roles in the stalking situation and also in the media. They may be wearing Prada but they are still not in charge, or very much. They are a minority and that also has something to do with it (13% of the US population). I also want to know about Black life outside of victimization and endlessly shouting about racism and it's effects. There is life outside of that too. I also want to see Jews stop remaining silent and obeying the mafia and Nazi shit who controls them. I wrote today about my family, and so I know this on a very personal level. My parents, my father (biological) operated as a criminal defense lawyer for the greasebag mafia groups and was murdered after he gave everything only to be exploited and used and given a little bit of money (seemed like a "lot" but it was a very little compared to what the stupid manipulating rotten pigs obtained from his services). I know a lot about this and the Jewish community doing everything to indoctrinate into obedient and brainwashed servant/slaves for the bigot Nazi pig apes. I am a result of this situation--this death situation contract as a sacrifice for the major Jewish community. That is why I never get any support from Jews they only come ats terrorists to also exploit me so they can not be considered victims to be eliminated. But alas, they are anyway and NEVER respected by the pig apes for it. I can thus never respect the pig apes and I only can pray for their death and destructiion at this point. If any of you reading this actually don't want America turned into a ruined colony, controlled by pig apes who will WILL KILL IN THE STREETS AND GET AWAY WIITH IT, AS THE POLICE HAVE BEEN DOING, then stop remaining silent stop allowing them to insult and humiliate Jews any longer (the blacks are doing this as proxy bigots for the white pig apes who hand them promotions for their surrogate racist attacks upon Jews--that is my endless experience of being assaulted by the most loud and gyrating media black reps in Whorewood).

This is a very harsh reality for all cultures, here in Thailand it is completely rampant; and more deadly for all racism, as all this does is increase the racist factor not diminish it, especially in Whorewood this is the case--it is especially true in Whorewood that as the inverse relationship of blacks reaching higher levels of "power" increase, the frustration of the blacks being murdered in prisons or in the streets increasese

. I realize I am not in that environment, only teleported to some of the worst Nazi "liberals" and "Democrats" who are part of this organization as the alternative fake opposition. I just want to add that I never want to help any of them achieve more power and I really ask you out there to truly intervene so I am living in safety and not helping any more of them assume more awards (Academy Awards and everything else--they keep being handed year after year--all playing their bigot rotten roles and always the underdog rising to the top is the theme of the most disgusting exploiters and users and abusers who are putting out the death machine that is now decimating the globe, and believe me, after more than 10 years of writing about this you can see that SOMETHING bad is happening. what do you think is causing all this death, dumbed down sheeple? Some animal from an open-air market in China, last winter? Really, a global rate of death and despair over one dead animal at a meat market in China last November or December? Going viral in less than half a year and exponentially expanding due to one open air market in a Chinese City where a laboratory for creating deadly viruses makes Corona Viruses?

I am considering purchasing the new Chinese cryptocurrency, by the way, because my f-ing country has allowed me ZERO chance to have enough money to buy food, while stupid and hateful blank, empty and under educated pigs like the "Italian" and the greasbag Brooklyn marfia are raking in millions for ideas they have literally tortured out of me and left me with endless cleaning up stinking filth day after day for hours and hours day after day to not be poisoned by toxic shock---as you all read this and they remain in power--as they have been for decades in this situation and controlling Whorewood so the most bigot racists are put into leadership "alternative" anti-racist roles and it's all a complete dunghill of whores, creeps and pigs and so many of them have attacked me to get ideas it's almost countless at this point over years and yearas and years of this going on and on and still today I am drugged up, another object inserted under one cuticle, drugged so badly I am unable to think--and in such poverty I can't buy food and my body is so broken down from poisoning and stress and not being able to breathe fresh air and breathing in toxic fumes all night in sealed rooms which stink from the endless sprays--beggging essentially for my life in these posts for years

but look--the world is dying and it's not your fault, is it? ONly the Chinese--who are the main investors in Phuket--Nazi paradise where there really is almost no Covid 19. But it's raging in America which the Nazis want to take over, after they have been handed the best real estate and have taken over most of the political and media structures--from what I have seen of these pig apes who all go to Paris and fashion shows in Europe and bow down like utter slaves to the fascist Nazis--who all hate American and promote them into highest rank for torturing and raping me--and that goes for the American Nazis in places like Miami and in the rest of Florida--all these pockets of death squad Nazi activity--creating death and manufacturing brainwashing--all of you reading this, in other words. No, none of you whores out there are in any way responsible for the pandemic, the racism, or the continuation of death and hate in the streets. That of course is a joke, that I just made.

But that is another digression. I am so digressing because I am so blocked from being able to type or think or write and it's all coming out right now.----

The negative effect of the movies, songs and orchestrated mind control programming of these "illuminati" pig apes creates a brainwashing osmosis effect. I write about this as it has direct relevance to my posts, and the music and the movies and what is being cranked out year-after year as the country is sliding into death squads and murder death gangs and the tv shows are just foul-mouthed near gang-banger types using foul imagery and nasty language to crank out subliminal adoration towards their "friends" in the industry who are all they claim they are "fighting" against in their media output like a disentanglement of their own brainwashing programming defecation cranking out crap daily to really ingrain the fascist, Nazi programming through their rancid and stupid jokes and stupid political commentary all so emotionally fraught with hate and directed jokes about the antics of their enemies they really are promoting.
Thus, the inebreation negative emulation quality of listening to this very dark spiritual personality--Nick Cave--who I have indeed met one time in person after one of his concerts. He attacked me, literally phyically because I shouted to one of his bandmates whose music I truly admire--this was during a song but everyone, in the huge crowd, as I was surrounded by terrorist agents, everyone was shouting as the music was blaring--I shouted out the name of his bass player and I was nearly crushed by the people behind me suddenly rushing to crush me into the wall, as I was right in front of the stage I had to literally lput my feet on the wall so as not to be crushed by the stalkers trying to flatten me into the wall. After the show, as I was with the promotional agency (not working with them, but also attacked by them but I was in the balcony with the private groups in the after show atmosphere--this was in Germany, by the way--and Nick Cave rushed up at me from behind, and lifted me up violently but it appeared sort of as a prank--but it was hate and ugliness and that only was because I shouted the name of his bandmate just as a praise for this musician--and that is all it takes for the fascists to attack me only by saying I like someone else in their shitty bands and they can attack and try to murder--and if this situation of stalking and terror death squads is not stopped immediatley this group plans on murdering people on the spot, in the streets as they did with George Floyd--and probably one of the pig apes in this terror organization got ruffled because either George Floyd defended himself agaisnt a racist attack, or he was becoming a threat to someone who saw he was opening his own church, or what ever the pigs want they can order murder and the police and the terror organizations will complly immediately and of course, the crimes is never exposed, not even now wiith all the riots in the streets the guilty in this organization are cloaked by the silence of you creeps reading this who are also prottesting police violence. This terrorist gang stalking situatin is directly tied to police brutality so get into the swing of really fighting this injustice finally you goddamn dumbed down sheeple hacking into this.

But, because I did something like shout to someone in his band while he , like all these bigot pigs, want the people they want to exploit to never show an iota of anything but subservience and silence and obedience to their hate and ugliness and stupdity and mediocrity that is enforced through death squads, because I actually shouted a kind of "shout-ouyt" to this other musician, a friendly an dnice thing to do, this hate pig ape had me attacked by creeps trying to literally crush me adn then he physically attacked me. That is the exact mentality these pig apes are going to force unless you goddamn DO NOTHING f-ers out there finally do something to stop these groups and this stalking situation and the tech and drugging cartels and also this greasebag mafia shit that you all exonerate who have been attacking me for decades--deaces and also my family as well.

I want to add that the hacking has made finishing this impossible so I am not going to try to fight this any longer.

Whateve below is messed up is not my fault and I am just goint gto end revising here:


as so many of these famous men (and the not-famous and infamous also do, more often than not the more famous personalities are far more violent and deadly than the lower economic status ones who strive as hard as possible to emulate the pig apes they see as being their leaders and iconic father figures to emulate)..

I was under this influence, sort of making my birth like his song about 'UP Jumped the Devil".

I was born in a permature situation but it was not some Satanic event similar to the nasty rancid bad spirituality song that i played yesterday. I know this man to have a very ugly disposition when he has a chance to vent his "superiority" at someone "like me". This also happened with the nasty Punk personality who may have ordered this attack on my motorbike last month (an oil spill trickling down a steep hillside bank where I must drive down--a huge truck blocking all but one spot for me to drive down, a trickle of "water" greased with oil, my breaks stopping as I braked near the bottom and I wiped out--hurting the already broken toe. Later that night, the terrorist rats operating for the pig apes in power, broke my toe very badly and I am now very injured with a serious injury due to the arrogant hate and stupidity of another rotten Johnny type of musician, cock rockster who because of a few "underdog white male" angry lyrics, a few not very elaborate not poetry not really inspiriting--with a few cock rock repeat stanzas and chords, they become these "legends" for words they never even write but are just singing.

But I am under so much attack once again.

I believe that the algorithm of this malware makes the keyboard more inoperable the longer I attempt to write.

I wanted to add this as the last page is frozen, I have not checked it for 5 minutes. 5 minutes later the first paragraph trying to describe how badly the page has been hacked has finally shown up.

The post, which I will also post in addition to this, is so badly mixed in coherency that it rambles from one topic to the next within one paragraph, I tried to minimize this but I am under SERIOUS ATTACK WHILE WRITING MY BRAIN is made so dizzy I am subsumed by subliminals while typing and the keyboard is forced into inoperability while the hackers delete and insert letters and words and etc etc

please, I need money for health care. My foot is worsening due to how they are breaking the toe and the surrounding toes, and causing permanent damage. The longer I have to wait the worse the situation gets as well. I have no money for any doctor or even for a dental checkup, plus I cannot trust A SINGLE DOCTOR IN PHUKET--NOT ONE, ANYWHERE.

I need money for health care but I also need a real doctor to really take care of this problem that these pigs have forced upon me

I also desperately need more money to buy healthy food, as I am being poisoned and the food I must buy in order to eat, to arfford to eat, as i also must buy and buy items the stalkers destroy every month I must first buy produts to try to keep the stalkers oput--this is non-stop and for years--most of my extra money goes towards this as they are murdering me by these nightly intrustions and break-ins and disfigurements and poisoning and destruction of my body perpetually night-after-night for yeras and years and years an dyears

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Very drugged up yesterday while writing the posts which will be stolen, as concepts by the pig apes the terrorists who are being paid in millions to attack me (and all hidden behind security of Government covert operations) and your silence and obedience to this destructive group which is destroying the United States.

..Or, helping to destroy the country. My country, not theirs. I tell this Brooklyn mafia greasebag crap group to get out of America and live in Italy, since they are bringing in Italian mafia by the boatloads and welcoming in violent Nazi fascist creep after scumbag after pig ape whore and groups and groups of them who openly state they "hate" America. (Always to me to my face, never heard them state this to the pigs out of America who are welcoming them in to infiltrate--so they can have mansions in Italy in return. An exchange due to failure and doom, but the stupid greasy ape goons have no conception of anything but dangling gold-plated shit offered to them by gold-plated mafia pieces of shit who are apes operating for gold-plated Nazis and fascists out of Europe and the former East Bloc Communist and USSR agents who have murdered MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF innocent targets--alternatives, liberals, people who want equality, Jews, artists--and here is the theme--artists whose ideas they stole and claimed as their own art and fashion concepts. This is the same situation handed down through three generations onto this very moment, on this very blog which reaches many but seems to affect no apparent waves of protest.

No, they are all your "friends". 

So, this morning upon waking and seeing a filthy mess the terrorist stalkers put on my floor, then seeing my hair shredded--literally they are using shredders and making my hair disgusting--I just cleaned it yesterday--it was smooth, silky--(that is from endlessly fighting to  heal from the daily damage they force on my body). Waking up to my hair shredded, greasy, smelly, the back of my head mostly "bald" from hair shorn and cut out every single day. My skin looks like it's curdled after it was glowing last night--I fight for my life every day to stop their endless destruction of my body wshich is aged, deteriorated from chemicals they smear on every day--and more and more--my purse was opened--MONEY WAS STOLEN--AROUND $30 was taken and I am forced , by this group of parasitic pig ape rats and whores and scum and whores and pig and rats to live off less than $700 a month0-0while they are making MILLIONS OFF IDEAS THEY TORTURE OUT OF ME

teleported to sick an dstupd creeps attacking, threatening with violence, stupid acts of subordination forced upon me in what are "stop and start" type skits where I am blanked out, they force a physical position upon me in accepting abuse and insults where my consciousness is stopped an;d started as I do the stuipd and nasty things they try to force in this brainwashing situatuion --

I was so drugged yesterday I "forgot" to put the padding on the cracks that the out-of-alignment cubboard doors which line the entire left side of this torture chamber--cracks where the rats operating for the pig ape whores,, the stupid sick creep mafia Nazi crap out of Whorewood and beyond into the mainstream structure of rotten and foul black, white, Jew, Latino and Asian and everything else terrorist "stalker" performs--masses and millions of these apes handed every kind of genocidal weapon by my defunct government. But...going into digressions--my body breaking down as usual this morning from chemicals, I can never wear my hair down as the balding spot from hair daily--DAILY --severed off my head, my hair stringy, completely shredded into near pieces, one tiny piece of hair that used to be a huge flowing part of my hair--now cut into one tiny little piece of shredded hair, balding in the back with my scalp showing through, I can feel the air every time I put my hair down0--I wear my hair up continuously I can never have my hair down--it's so damaged and--you get the point--always made greasy and stinking and disgusting every single day. My hair brush this morning sprayed with this rancid spray that doesn't come off with bleach or any cleaning fluid. Never. It stinks of rotten meat and something horrific. This is sprayed on my purse, they also spray some awful stink on my passport as they open my wallet and as i wrote, they stole at least $30. \whiel they are partying on the Oscars they keep being handed by the European fascist Nazi awards system--even if apparent "Jews" from America seem to be the Governors of this system, they are defunct puppets operating as facades for an insidious Nazi European-controlled environment of mafia Nazi terror operations. The same rotten actor pig ape whore rapists keep winning top award year after year after year. All of them who win and win, black, white and whatever, have attacked me or vicariously attacked me via this system/

And, this is noting new to any of you who are hacking in and allow this.

So I will get to the next point: not to degrade or denegrde this personality, but I am using this as an example:

OBAMA put out a video--and I am really in a kind of rush, but I am drugged, under mind control attackk which exacerbates rage and anger, once I see my body smeared with chemicals--I have told myself every day not to get on the internet, don't get on YouTube--don't write about these pigs hoping they will vanish one day or you fuc**s reading this will EVER stop this situation. I am so under mind control and sick from them putting my hips and spine out of place every single day--can you fuc**ers imagine--skin patch drugs, my food drugged, my brain under non-stop attack

so when I sit in front of this damn computer because after every day I fight to stop the break-ins--or I am too sick--that is my life, a repetitive cycle of fighting to screw in hooks which nearly break my spine, due to the hard poisons that literally are like an internal encrusted, hard corsett latched on vertebrae, hips, spine, from toes to skull, my entire body is internally intertwined with hard poisons encasing and blocking all physical movement. They put myh body out of alignemtn after they rape me while they are teleporting and raping and abusing me, smearing drugs into my body, cutting the skin between teh toe they broke and the next toe--that skin cut to the bone EVERY SINGLE DAY. Every single day they insert a sharp object under my thumb and insert objects under bot h of my middle fingers under the cuticles--every day for over SEVEN YEARS EVERY SINGLE DAY.l

and on and on

I write "they "because the hacking is so bad, pages pop up while I am writing blocking the screen--my fingers can't move  to the keys because my brain--motor skills--are being blocked or altered I can't move my hands to the keys --other letters appear while I am typing, the space bar won't operate--etc etc the usual crap they force upon my ability to write. But "they" want me to write so their blank, empty stupidity can be augmented by my ideas, which I can never creatively capitalize on, the blocks and drugging and paralysis and hacking makes typing, thinking, creating, writing, studying, reading or concentrating literally IMPOSSIBLE. 

I can only get short paragraphs out after much struggle.  This happened exactly yesterday, as what I wrote about my birth and conception will absolutely WILL  be stolen by these rotten stupd apes and creeps and parasites for one movie concept or another--this has been going on and on as they make millions and I am fighting to not have to buy rancid food left marked down "on sale" because I cannot afford to eat or buy medicine, clothing that is new and not stinking in some 2nd hand shop. If I wear clothing I make by hand or buy new, the pigs have their parasites spray everything I wear with stinking substances, stains and threads everywhere--on everything.

so, I fight as usual to the apathetic suppoerters of this system. If you do nothing to stop them or this situation you are a supporter.


Obama: he never teleported me. But he allowed these same whore pig apes who are torturing me day after day in filthy sick and sleazy Whorewood to teleport, have their filthy sleazy nasty minority minions defile, rape, make my home filthy and disgusting--rotten Europig Nazi bigots in the next rooms maiming and killing animals I had or loved or took care of in rescue missions--pouring the same filthy stinking crap into my room. Causing the steering and brakes on all the rented motorbikes to stop operating as cars hit me from all directions--causing accident after accident, broken bones scars and cuts into my skin, which the pigs then smeared with some damaging chemical so I have huge white scars where the bloody skin was scraped off after more dark-skinned apes oeprating for the red-face white pigs who ordered these attacks--for the pigs who have been stealing idea after idea from me--the women laughing with delight as they order my hair, body filled with damaging poisons, chemicals smeared on my skin every single day--my body always with hanging crap from the poisons that push the cellulite off my bones so It looks like I have literally hanging flabs of flab which are really the poisons that I am spending more than a decade fighting to get out--while they force my heart to palpitate, they smear fungus into my hair, vagina, my food and home every single day--

but Obama--he allowed his cherished Nazi mafia Hollywood pig apes to promote him--the blacks could and can now participate more openly in the Whorewood scene only because they rallied around the president who wanted blacks to be more represented in Whoreapewood controlled by Euoropigapes. Sorry for the "immature" writing style, they have been torturing me day and night, literally, for over a decade with ZERO SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR ME ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET.

Obama allowed this to go on so the celebrities who are now the most popular can put out their rotten crap for the media about how they are "fighting racism" continuously making themselves out to be victims of racism. They attack me with vicious hate, hitting, punching, thrusting genitals in my face when I accuse them of their hypocrisy. I put it in insulting terms to them, but I am asleep, under hypnosis, drugged up, tortured day and night--so when I call them Aunt Jemima it's because I can't contorl my rage at them when, after a few years, movie roles for them in the lead stolen from ideas I wrote of my personal Facebook page--they react with violence and the mafia white most bigot pigs violently defend them--because they are so immersed in racist stereotyping put out in the media, of course they need these symbolic black and other "minority" icons to present a subterfuge of actual real rage against racism. All with mansions and millions or billions of dollars, all of them attacking me.

Obama, I respect him, he is extremely intelligent, absolutely a leader--this is in NO WAY intended to insult him. But...I am incensed right now--I clicked on a video of him at a Eulogy for the passed Black Civil Rights leader in Alabama--sorry, I don't want to have to wade through hacking to try to remember the name--my brain is under attack and memory is also affected.

I just want to say that Obama, tears and sorrow at this funeral--claimed that Trump is taking away Black Voting rights.

My point is this: Obama did not stop these racist pigs from this genocidal rape Nazi system that has forced these stupid, rotten creeps upon me day and night, year after year like this. He wanted to promote his fake, hypocritical rotten-to-the-core posturing bs artists into mainstream white media culture.  He thought that the short-term gain would be long-lasting.

This is the point I have been trying to make for years: these pig ape Nazi mafia pieces of gold-plated utterly sick and stupid shit (although extremely adept at lies, manipulation, crime, violence, and brainwashing skill sets--but very low on original creative concepts that have life and light--which, in my case, not saying I am this beacon of light but, I am not in their filthy criminal mafia Nazi organization but I was born into it and forced into it)--

what these pigs hand to you--yes you--which you grasp onto so glad you are being promoted, so glad this is a seemingly FREE no strings promotion into higher realms of power, new businesses, your formerly oppressed group can finally begin to integrate into the white, bigot Nazi power structure.

Please note, without me having to go into more detail as I plan on fighting for my life driving and shopping, after more than 2 hours of spraying bleach, anti-fungal cleaning fluid, essential oils and then cleaining up piles of  filth sprayed on my kitchen counter, so I don't eat this crap when I try to cook--fighting to heal from the endless deterioration of my body--and the brainwashing mind control tech forcing unbearable emotional states of rage, like a burning hate sensation forced upon my braiin by this tech and the parallel drugging.

What Obama thought was going to be an uplifting of the blacks in H-wood, for his own promotion, he could not fight this system and remain in power--etc etc--has resulted in the short-term gains (except for the H-wood black "friends" in this mafia/nazi system, who all have new shows, are capitalizing on the people who have been fighting in the streets and protesting--as they participate but safely with cameras clicking for the promotions--and one of the "Italian" American rat ape parasites asking me for idea after ida about Covid-19 and then using the subliminal tech to steal an idea about a black character in one of his movies that he made utterly silenced--in his utter racism. When I finally reacted in rage and told him to read a book, to leave me alone, he immediately used Nazi Holocaust imagery and references aimed at me. The women associated with these pigs as I have stated laugh as they have me disfigured. The black men and women watch on laughing and yelling in hate at me--as they go off to Europe to have their rotten children put into lead positions in the modeling industry in Paris, returning with loot and gold and prizes for this particiaption, leading to the election of Trump because he also attacked me prior to his electoral promotion--and now they are all "speaking out" against Trump, who REALLY IS THEIR FRIEND OUT OF WHOREWOOD.

And so, dear Obama, I have a reverence for you, I used to not, but I see your sincerity when you speak and I greatly admire it.

But I use this as a point that is fresh and new in teh media consciousness: Obama is nearly crying that voting rights for blacks are under direct threat and this must be redressed. Yes. I agree of course. But the deals you made for the empowerment of your most willing participants in H-wood for their promotion along with your complicity in not stopping this situation, for the incentives the bonuses the deals the millinos of dollars the media representation by "blacks" has lead, in turn, to the small gains completely overshadowed by what you have allowed to expand--this virus of racism that it appears everyone must submit to or be killed.

STOP PARTICIPATING IN THESE GROUPS. I Pray I ask for the end of the mafia and Nazi infiltration of Hollywood. The utter racism of the police, the police state, the country is very large in part due to this group controlling the media and their associations with fascist Nazis out of Italy and they are in turn controlled by the evasive and smilling, friendly "anti-Nazi" Germans and the rest of Europe. I see waves upon waves of Europigs on their Holocaust-funded vacations, the "ex-pat" Colonialists creating sex slavery, prostitution is a norm, slavery in all but open name, completely tyrannical governments out of military coup-d-etat organization funded and controlled by investors who are raping the land, just as they have been doing in America. 

I do honor Trump for trying to stop much of this. I also admire Trump for some of these more international policies aimed at defending American soverignty against Europig and other country infiltration and usurpation OF THE COUNTRY. 

The mafia out of Brooklyn are just another sort of facet of this same operating principle. They in turn are controlled by their Italian "handlers" and the situation of meaningless incentives which in the end will become meaningless and deadly for the United States. The situation does not alter with race or gender or nationality. The incentive leading to death is and has been an integral part of Imperialism. 

I also just recently heard an interview with Noam Chomsky about how, in the 1600's, the latter part of the century, the State flag for some New England Colony had been of a Native Indian speaking words of how they were grateful to the colonists for 'helping" them. That incentive program has lead to extermination, pograms, and murder genocide and I state that this is not a "racist" agenda of only white against darker skin peoples. I believe this has also happened in Poland, back in 1941 (as I read in a book about the German secret service of the Army, the Poles that the Nazis made deals with so there was much less military resitance once the Germans entered into Poland--the deal was that the Germans would "save" the Poles from the Jews--ie. stealing and robbing and then massacre, mass murder, theft of all property, diamonds, gold and investments. The money went to a few allocated Poles in "power" while the rest of the country has sunk into one extreme tyrannical government and financial ruin after the next, Totalitarian oligarchy---with the Germans raking in the money and gold and properties and being "honored" worldwide for this fascist parade, while they endlessly crank out the lies that they are anti-Nazi. The alternative movements, as my years of experiencing being around them, are a farce almost utterly and completely. Any real resistance is quietly killed--murdered--through this death squad group I am now fighting.

I ask that you readers, if you care at all about America, about "freedom' about what you call Democracy--to please not allow this system to continue but it must be stopped abruptly. The mafia out of Brooklyn is a puppet fascist tyrannical regime controlled by Italian fascists who are controlled by the Germans and the other Northern (very much the French) Nazis who are endlessly smiling as their darker partners out of the South (the European version of minorities, the Italians and now Slavs, etc whatever enters the EU which is of more Southern region is considered their Austerity Measure pawns to use and corrupt--endlessly corrupt and defunt fascist governments with massive oppression on all levels--especially intellectually and creatively.)

This has been the operational plan for America, and has been in various stages of implementation for many, many years or decades (or centuries). There must be a complete change in power structure and it needs to happen immediately.

Stop allowing the same actors to win award after award, year after year. They are all bought-out puppets--and that is the nicest euphemism I can think of at this moment.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My post published today does not resemble a Roman Polanski film about babies born out of Satanic ritual (unbeknownst to the mother). All similarities are purely (un)coincidental.

It's just a chocolate mousse with a chalky undertaste.

Be a good girl and eat all that Daddy gives you from rotten, nasty neighbors.


I watched this movie on tv back--way back--in 1973 or so. I wanted to see what this chocolate mousse had that was so special, not understandind drugs or nefarious drugging intentions. I got my mother's cookbook and made a chocolate mousse for my parents. That was the effect the movie had on me, because I had no idea what this movie was about, or why it was considered so important. What the devil situation was, I could not understand why a baby was born and turned into a devil. No one explained the plot to me, as in, my parents remained silent as the devil about the movie. They made jokes about the chocolate mousse and the movie but I could not understand what they meant.

Little info byte about this movie and the effect it has on children. 


Weird also how John Lennon was shot in front of this very bulding the movie is based on. As of course most people reading this probably already know.

A Saturday night in Beverly Hills Polo club\!

Short documentary on Zabruder frame #313 (by photo journalist for Time Magazine)

One of the sychronistic symbolisms of the number #313. Zabruder frame #313.

3 13 is also the date, in the American system of Date Format, of my BIRTHDAY. My birth was a "rigged" event. Due to have been born the first week of April, I was instead a "premature" birth and I was artificially induced from the womb into the Midnight hour of March 13. My birth was not a natural birth at all in any sense. My mother also added in the telling of my birth story that she had been drugged into unconsciouness by the doctors.   This procedure would have entailed first drugging my mother into unconsciousness and then pulling Me through her with forcepts.

Born within a Morphine and Scopolamine symbiotic relationship to my mother at inception-- to Party (political party)

(excerpt from article above): "Babies were also significantly affected by the use of Twilight Sleep. The drugs would cross the placenta and depress their central nervous system. They would be born drugged, and unable to breathe normally. The commonly used image of babies being held upside down and slapped on the bottom comes from this time – when doctors would attempt to revive comatose newborn babies."


Additionally, the precise TIME of my birth has Masonic/Illuminati significance:---born at 12:57 am, according to doctors who appear to have meticulously noted this odd choice of exact birth time. 1+2=3. 5+7=12=3. That makes the numerical significance of exact time of birth to equate to highly symoblic number in Freemasonry/Illuminati the number 33. 3 and 13 and 33. 

 If my birth had been prematurely organized to coincide with a specific date, and time, to align with Freemason or Illuminist significance, then the drugging prior to a surgical procedure makes sense in this "conspiracy theory" light. Whether bright or dim, it sheds light on reasons why I have been picked for this MK ULTRA role and how significant the situation was from the moment my parents decided to perform a ritual  within an architectural symbol of a Pentagram for my conception. As my mother told me: I was conceived near the Washington, D.C. mall--or as I later learned, either close to or within the 5-points of  (conspiracy-theory recognized) "Pentagram" center of the Washington D.C. Capital/Mall area. As I was told by my mother, it was during a "drunken" celebration 4th of July night, at the Marriot Hotel  where my mother claims she could see the Capital Building and the Washington Monument from the hotel window. Thus, according to these accounts, I was conceived in an enebriated state, and then birthed into a severely drugged state of existence. I have been drugged all my life from conception to this moment! wow. that is indeed something incredible perhaps I could make the Guiness Book of World Records for a lifetime of being forced into a drugged state and living through it!

Not to be considered out on a weird "nut cake" limb: I must add that My paternal father was Phi Beta Kappa out of Yale Law School, and his position was of establishment and upward mobility. If readers know that Yale is associated with the secret Illuminati group, The Skull and Bones, then it is not a far leap to associate his upward mobility with association in this elite graduate status with other elite groups like The Illumninati Although my parents never admitted admission or allegiance into this secret society, every single thing they have ever done that I have experienced of their participation in this situation has been thrust at me like the Sword of Damocles dangling over my Fate. All I entail here, in my theorizing position, points to what I have learned of Illuminati protocols and training (into obedience to their systematic death machine for their elitist global domination/genocide).

The situation of the actual birth, on 3 13 was more contrived than normal. My parents lived in Forest Hills, but somehow, as my mother claimed when telling me this story, upon me asking her why I was not born at the Forest Hills Hospital in their own suburb--but they drove almost 16 miles to have this induced premature conception, at the Glen Cove Hospital, on Long Island, NY. I know that my parents were sticklers for maintaining image and aspiring to having the best of everything, including pre-natal and having access to the best hospitals and being in the best areas and having the best image possible. Glen Cove is a more wealthy area than Forest HIlls. My parents had the money to pay for this upgrade in hospital expenses. However, as my mother described it, the choice was accidental and the only hospital near their home. Glen Cove was the township that Stanley Kubrick filmed as the place of ritual and orgy secret society initiation in his last film, Eyes Wide Shut.  The first time I watched the, what I assume was the original version, was in 2002, The protagonist (played by Cruise) is driving to the mansion where this secret, invitation-only ritural was supposed to be held. I have watched videos about the filming of this movie and the claim is that this scene was filmed in the Rothschild mansion on Long Island. In this original version the turn-off on the freeway or highway  to get to this mansion  was none other than GLEN COVE. The same little burg where I was driven more than 15 miles by my mother just to be artificially induced into premature birth As in the movie, which conspiracy theorists claim is a film about MK ULTRA --drugging women and programming them as sex slaves and ritualistic bunnys and stuff like that sordid stuff---it would seem not for the stuffy crowd but actually the members are all too stuffy. I too was driven by my mother, who herself has always been under control, perhaps pharmaceutically always under orders (as she has been all my life as I have known her to be under control and following orders by the same group which has ordered my implants and MK ULTRA and poisoning and torture scenario, this conbtractual obligation enforced and still held in reverence seemingly with no alteration possible). 

 I write this is as not being so very odd, but it is strange for someone unaccustomed to associating (my) life with being born and controlled to this extent and under the influence of archaic esoteric symbolism, which may have potent and portant effect in the space/time continuum, the fabric of reality and the not-random organized vortexes of life, death, numerical Kabbalistic sigificance and whatever else can be associated with this very set of non-random "coincidences".  

 I was brought into this world under the influence of drugs, and I remain drugged up by the doctors and their terrorist stalkers and surveillance and methodological organized chaos--from establishments which created this precise, Freemason/Illuminati date and time of birth to initiate this, my belief I have no evidence but all points to this strange pentagram existence and Illuminati ritual MK ULTRA situation . 

To add a little more fire to all of this: I actually have a Pentagram star in the lines of my left hand, It is located, as I just now researched, on the "Plain of Mars" on my left hand. I don't know what the heck that means in palmistry, and I do not go into palm reading but it is a light-hearted reference that also is a more-than-weird coincidence along with all the other significances derived from Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism. As the pentagram on my palm coincides with being conceived (on the 4th of July no doubt) with the pentagram placed within the lines of the heart, and other lines, a perfect pentagram just at this point where all lines meet at this flat and broad base of the palm. It's funny, but weird as hell too with all these other mystical symbols, dates and orchestarted times.

To continue on this weird path of the origin of my birth and the mystical references to significant numbers, pentagrams, and presidents whether dead or alive (oh, yes, I am not supposed to write about this situation but I am still being orgiastically conceived--symbolically now--wihin the symbolic pentagram within the Washington, D.C. inner circle that encompasses the pentagram area I was conceived within.) My sentence was as convoluted as the situation!! 

Now for the fun silly but serious not frilly links to conspiracy theories, death symbolism, rites and rituals, murder and rebirth and etc etc.

First: esoteric significance of the numbers 3, 13 and 33 (this is "fun" this is "entertainment purposes, this is not my scientific rationale or any association with these theories, I post these for "fun" and because they add some "spice" to all this weird spooky science stuff theorizing and postulating and non-random occurances.


This video is really "funny" and just a fun, light-hearted reference to 666 and our American Capital, where, "I have a dream" has turned into, "The dream you have forced upon my sleeping dream state is a nightmare scream because  you are 666 incarneated evil." Yes, that means the teleportation that I must endure and hopefully there will be a huge paradigm shift into a more benevolent despotism in the near future for me in this Dream of a peaceful and pleasant America, as representative for the harmony of the global equality of humanity and justice and benevolent leadership and global joy into universal Love. That sentiment really is where I am coming from, my BIRTHRIGHT. And this I mean as my ends to the means of writing about this, not as a scary movie type of scenario or weird creepy associations. But this video is not really very funny. Maybe if America changes it's measurement system to the metric system the Washington Monument will be in alignment with more positive spiritual forces--according to the theorizing of this video, facts of which I have not personally checked.

OH, THAT EVIL PHALLIC SYMBOLat the heart of the country.


I was brought into this world under the influence of drugs, and I remain drugged up by the doctors and establishments which created this precise, Freemason/Illuminati date and time of birth to initiate this . 12:57, in which adds up to the number 33--a strong Masonic numerical signifier, as do the numbers 3 and 13.



I would like to add that I truly and sorely wish that this assassination had never happened. What a beautiful man at least in terms of political structure and stataure JFK was. That Malcolm X said that the "chickens had come home to roost" is no doubt a reality as well, and I do not discount that Kennedy may have been associated with grievous evil but on the whole, more evil was done to him than by him, in my humble basically uneducated on teh Kennedy Adminstration opinion.

Long-worded grammatically incorrect last sentence--!

How this murder is associated with me--well, it's a weird set of coincidences--I was alive at the time of this murder but still in my mother's womb. Maybe JFK was in Washington, D.C. when I was "conceived" in that "drunken" undoubtedly, in my mind, ritual of my conception, with my parents partaking in a significant birth conception with the Capital Building or the Washington 666 monument right within the portal of their magick ceremonial birth mating.


*** nota bene:  I revised the above post 3 times and I am now exhausted from this usual ordeal. I noticed that hackers had completely re-arranged paragraphs, deleted parts of sentences, deleted sentences altogether. I had to rewrite 3 times and now I leave it as is. And.."that's all she wrote" for the time-being. I feel dizzy due to whatever the technology aimed into my brain is doing to my consciousness. I was dizzy getting up from this chair. I must stop abruptly no more reediting whatever problems appear on this blog are absolutely, or mostly, due to terrorist stalker intervention/hacking.