Monday, August 17, 2020

"Democracy" v. "Authoritarian Rule". "Conservatives" v. "Progressives". "Black" v. "White". "Misohynists" v. "Feminists". Dogs v. Cats.

 Due to threats surrounding me, no commentary is possible except for the title of this post. 

Seesaw and up and down, connect the dots and spin around.


"Democracy" v. "Authoritarian Rule".


"Conservatives" v. "Progressives".



"Black" v. "White".


Animals being jerks.

My REAL FUTURE in time and space--dancing the tripping light fantastic, dancing to the spiral dance of delight, in the park, on a sunny day that lasts forever.

 Hip, hip and cool

not your fantasy fool

Not an Aquarius but I can only try to reach that constellation

not part of your revelation of devastation.


My future when I devour this conquering worm: not your plans but my plane of Happy existence.

"My future on films in space...a moving paper fantasy". "How can people be so heartless?"




My future-ex baby progenitor following the unjust rules of the doctrine of this contract out on me: not looking forward to the ugly truth and bad trip that is trying to be foisted upon me like a bad apple ruining the entire barrel of monkeys who laugh as they prankster merrily on the sacrificial pyre.
Get thee to a nunnery
this movie has been played like a broken record in the records of history. Not her-story but his. 

"Especially people who care about strangers. Who care about evil and social injustice".
Oh no... oh yes, the crowd of clowns, the posse of poseurs expecting the 2nd coming of the anti-Happy.

O, that this too too solid flesh would melt Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! The Joy of Watching silly Julia Child videos about the Joy of Cooking. An existential souffle-shaped miniature universe perspective. Would u prefer a hit of LSD?



I need a little refresher light-weight delectable tidbit on the joy of humor, funny media personalities and the Joy of amusement!

I realize I hate the mass murder of animals for food, however.....the humor is funny but the content is a bit sadistic. Oh well, I cannot watch anything on the media mainstream without having AT LEAST ONE comment about content that I disapprove of. 


A song about veggies that never made a top chart


He eats maggots! Loves 'em. I wonder what he uses to freshen his breath?


I'm hungray!!! Feed me eggs.


I ate a Walrus--no, you are the Egg man. I luv you Eggman! I want to look like a walrus when I grow up. Oh  Eggman Eggman will you marry me 4ever? And so she ate, and ate, until her husk grew and her snout became a walrus who married the Eggman. They lived happily ever after in rural USA today. This was brought to you by the Fox that also ate and stole the news~!

...and the carrot vegetable lover band, the raw meat redneck, the obese trailer park mama, and the rest formed an all-American association of freedom to eat whatever u want and all lived in harmony in the urban gentrification project doomed by HUD.
Call me "sillay" and I will call you Billy (goat). I do not eat goat's head soup so I am no carnivore. Sillay silly silly today. Happy to be silly and roam the woods of nonsense but all has a deeper cents in the carnivore categories of consumption.

IF the Beatles can assume such an existential cosmological comedy display, then I can consume the assumed joke and spit it out with the intention to form a new something to imbibe and ingest for the ants and bacteria associated with regeneration of inedible consumptive foods and existential means of procuring what to devour or not.

If you can cook that into some shape, then I cheerily exclaim like Julia Child, I dare say Bon Appetit!!

but, you may say, what IS existentialism?

"In the view of the existentialist, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential angst" (or, variably, existential attitude, dread, etc.), or a sense of disorientation, confusion, or anxiety in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.[4]...
...each individual—not society or religion—is solely responsible for giving meaning to life and living it passionately and sincerely, or "authentically".[13][14]


And the result of excessive coagulation of stress and foul pollutants has resulted in the last explosion of delectable undigested gestation:


Spawned and cooked up nausea derived from eating a huge meal of pasta, which my body cannot digest without long bouts of sleep because my stomach is pressed up against toxic poison masses blocking digestion--I feel queasy and just want my old mind control drug diet back instead of having to figure out what slimy sloppy thing I can eat that is slippy and slides into my body without bloating me and making me ill. 

Just a hit please at a fun recreational outing with the hippies and yippies preferable to eating coq a vin with diesel poured into a vat of fat. Fried, double-dipped, coated with arcane sugar coating and served up as just deserts for deeds undone and not done.

A good LSD instead of food today would do the trick or treat!

But with a happy ending instead of the dreary scene in this video, and also no pregnancies or weddings or funerals or flying with the Land of Oz monkeys at the end. Just a happy trip into the Lucy in the Sky wonderland. Since I could not find any other video with an LSD scene (have not looked though):

cuz I love Hair (saw it on Broadway too)

I just want food that makes me fly high without a hangover of digestive disgust. A trip into the realm of the tripping fantastic will do instead of a meal cooked up by sadistic chefs killing innocent animals!!!

How I wish there were some kind of delicious food substitute that gave energy and power but wasn't derived from death, questionable sources and possible negative effects on the body--

Why LSD addicts prefer drugs to food:

A brave new world explained. Eat this.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Beobachten Sie, bitte. Die Wahrheit ist gefaehrlich. Deutschewelle dokumentar uber Stieg Larsson and Neo-Nazi "Rechts" extremus. Ich kann kein information finden in Amerika das so wirklich warh ist. Es soll ubergesetz sein. Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut aber Man kann es verstehen.



I had to correct the title of this post because hackers rewrote the few basic sentences in German to make them incorrect. More hacker insertions are below. I will not correct them. Whatever mistakes appear are entirely due to hacking blocks/interventions.


This documentary video on Stieg Larsson, with no English translation possible, comes from Deutschewelle and should be translated into English, or at least English subtitles should be inserted. The truth of Nazi gang stalking terror operations is openly integrated into the documentary discussion, as if all the information is already well-known and the intended (German) audience does not need to be tutored in these aspects of surveillance, death squad activities and racist operations (murder, Inc).

However, all is disguised as a search for "Truth" and "Justice" in the media. It's not just the foxes out there but the "Liberal" media cranking out their humorous political tirades that lack real serious introspective analysis that are also very right-leaning but "left" purported media outlets for dissemination of the one-sided coin of media propaganda. In Germany, there is no need to educate the public as most are aware of these tactics and have been aware for decades. 

There are movements in Germany that are fighting Neo-Nazis, however when it comes to personally getting involved in my situation, speaking only for myself, the "fighters" are conspicuously absent from any sort of defense mechanism I might have recourse to for any assistance against these murder "stalking" death squad groups. People live in mortal fear of these and do not go beyond mass group organized demonstrations, clustered in the safety of their immediate circles of kinship. My experience, my blog. The bigots monitoring my site are scanning all I write and of course, I write this after realizing that the injuries remain fresh from the mechanical arms piercing through the many layers of paper, glue, tape, silicone, hooks tied in immovable structures at all intersections and middle sections of the over 30 panels of this room (sometimes more than 12 sets of hooks in one panel alone-24 hooks for just one panel--all pounded in as my body cannot tolerate this kind of stress but I have gone through this and they are still cutting around the hooks with laser cutters and inserting their mechanical arms through the hook structures, dissolving the silicone pasted on all the outsides of the panels--the cracks of the panels--plus layers of colored artistic paper which are covered with layers of packaging tape. The Homeland Security budget has allowed all my cheap, dollar store and cheap hardware store defenses to be pierced within less than one hour by the multi-million dollar operation imposed upon me by my GOVERNMENT and enjoyed by the Whorewood actors and writers. Plus the people here in Phuket the Nazis on their paid-for pension schemes of Imperialistic Nazi conquest of SE Asia. Plus the puppet minions who participate because they don't want to have to work 12 hour, 6 or 7 day weeks any longer or have no chance to obtain any financial upward mobility unless they absolutely cave-in to this Nazi hierarchical scheme of oppression and domination.

Going off into tangents once again due to the attack on my brain. 

I wanted to add in the last post that this "James Bond" actor out of England is partnered with his fascist, Nazi half Jewish "feminist" wife, who is "friends" with the bigot misogynist racist Nazi abuser who has attacked me openly for over 8 years using this tech system and stalking terror operational force, but has been attacking me covertly and stalking me since I met him three times for less than one hour combined back in 1988. But before that, his wife,  who probably calls herself a "feminist" and perhaps joins in the anti-racist marches for her own publicity stunt, and her father, are partners with the father of the Whorewood "feminist" who has viciously attacked me and laughed as her actor partners have raped me while they teleported me and has been guiding this death and torture situation for over 7 years now--or longer probably much longer than that. Idea after idea stolen from me and absolutely not a penny or any kind of reduction from terror operations on any of their parts. Of course.

Just writing this because .....there are so many reasons why. 


The awful H-wood movie stolen from the Swedish version of Millennium by the H-wood Nazi feminists and their English fascist Nazi "liberals". 

The pivotal turning point in the depiction that undermines the entire script of feminism and intellectual anti-Nazi sentiment that made the Millennium trilogy so bold, thrilling and salesworthy in millions upon millions of dollars. The family that were handed the copyright and all inheritance of the property of Stieg Larsson have added another 7 books to the Millennium trilogy. Written, of course, by a white male who espouses the strong feminist nature of the Lisbeth Salander content, but skews the material--or from what I watched from the horrid H-wood adaptation of the "Spider's Web" movie stolen like so much is stolen and turned into a horrid rendition undermining feminist and anti-Nazi content. The old formulas came back into play, and the diminishing of the vibrant content was eviscerated. Like all their severing of content and intent, intentional but subtle mechanisms of subdued refabrication for financial glorification. The family of Stieg Larsson by Swedish Law of inheritance, not from any Testament/Will left by Larsson, all proceeds and all books became the legal property of the Larsson father and brother duo. Upon watching the interviews of these men, comparing to the interviews of the feminist partner of Stieg, I see a lying pair of conniving con artists raking out millions of dollars and cutting out the feminist content, but turning all upon an axis of clever disambiguation into sexist content. Disguised by angry seemingly feminist, bi-sexual female actors with stern, hateful glares and bombs exploding, unbelievable near-death survivals of bomb blasts in the movies--the real content of a woman's strength in the face of rape and murder attempts, of a society degrading any "outsider" and defending a rape culture in all it's variants. The movies certainly do not disguise this if any one has any perspective that is outside the grain of the grainy porn culture movie social milieu. That milieu represents the fabric of acceptable society, put into either refined or unrefined context. Refined is the pristine appearances of wealth and privilege, and unrefined is the now widening gap that represents the majority. My personal experience of being raped by utlra wealthy men and their 'refined" rape assistant wives and daughters (and sons) has demonstrated how coaching creates a facade of non-participation in the system which keeps those who are ordering the rapes to continue to exploit those who strive to emulate them.


As I have written so often, besides endless hacking which is not completely a deterrent to typing at this moment, but still exists. The technology blankets my brain and makes concentration nearly impossible so I stop now. I have not written in any sense to the point that this subject has even begun to be expressed but this is all I can handle. Once again, I had not intended to write this much and I never have this aluminum hat at my immediate reach. I am not limber and the physical handicaps I have make getting up painful. This is not a lame excuse but, it is a reason why I just and never put on this hat. It is part of the mind control exertion I suspect and influenced by the attackers surrounding through these non-existent "walls" through which the technology is probably being aimed directly at me at all times. To the gaiety and laughter of the "feminists" who make these movies, as they swoop down vulture-like to get any and all promotions from participating in polluting my internet with their faces, which of course is supposed to make me appear delusional if I write about it. 

Now the hackers are going on a very strong level, Maybe the weaker hackers alerted the sleeping or whoring ones but it is nearing impossible for me to write any longer due to backspacing to correct.

I actually type so quickly that it's like speed lightening. I could write and compose in such a more incredible and worthy way if these impediments were not endlessly aimed at my body brain and keyboard. I am waiting for some force to block this and stop these attacks upon me. My fingers remain being nearly damaged to the point that no fingernails will grow any longer. They inserted more objects as they do every night under the same fingernails and cuticles. This never ends or stops. They want me absolutely exasperated and drugged so I write content and content. First they torture me for writing about subjects that in any way threaten them or criticize their content or movies or whatever. They want what you all give them: blank obedience. All they put out us thrilling and wonderful. You had better agree. But, they torture me to force a reaction of rage and negativity, which I write of because I cannot go out and exercise to relieve stress, I cannot exercise or stretch, not even a hand-held piece of equipment to exercise the hand and arm muscles. My body is so locked into an elaborate labyrinth of hardened poisons that any activity is blocked. I have no human contact. The birds outside my patio door are silent and gone. They have all been shot away. The flowers are destroyed that once were on the hillside. Trash and litter are on the slope. My patio and home are made filthy and broken down every day, in addition to my body being destroyed permanently and parts of my body cut off every day--slightly mutilating me every day. I react, I write. They then steal content so they don't have to study, work or do anything to obtain content. No strenuous work involved for them, so they can appear fresh and unfettered by thinking beyond sinking into some orifice at odd hours of repose, in their mansions, obtained by putting out hate propaganda disguised as Democratic Idealism.

Oh.....boy. Verdamt mal scheisse, alle von denen.

"The Duty of an Artist", as opposed to hate puppets out of H-wood who promote subliminal Neo-Nazi narcolepsy ideology. A continuation of the Swedish swinging political balance and H-wood misrepresentations thereof. Tess Asplund: The woman who faced down 300 neo-Nazis - BBC News


A plethora of pro-black rights movies, shows, discussions is now hitting the big home-screens during the pandemic. Blistering accounts of victimization, the word, "systematic" replayed in lively talks by black advocates. One activist after another replays the dialogue and the word resounds and reverberates into the minds of people wanting "change". H-wood is clamoring to fill their endless coffers with more lucrative exploitation schemes designed to systematically deceive the public about their real intentions and ownership. The proprietors of the puppets, their systematic formulaic media fodder for the animal masses ("animals" is what the aristocracy call people who must work for  a living, in London that is what I heard while under attack from a systematic terror/stalking personality who has stolen ideas from me, and his fellow associates in the Whorewood throng are also on board, fully but putting out systematic movie-after-movie about saving the world from sexism, racism and all that Jazz (fizzazz).

Upon doing more tentative, pot-hole "research" (as I wrote, no access to research databases, while operating under a tight-knit controlled hacking systematic block of information, I am left with what is left and remaining on YouTube about real-life situations instead of studies and research which also is sometimes a result of who is funding the research, not always so pristine in measurement or result or analysis or data. So much is skewed in these representations in favor of some group funding the movies or research, or videos, or simply by not blocking content that is a form of "funding" or allowing information to be put into larger population access.

The Swedish story of Stieg Larsson, his partner, lover and probably the key to the Millennium series and it's feminist content, Eva Gabrielsson, is the story of greedy and rapacious theft of intellectual property. The movie out of Hollywhorewood, starring one of the associates of the English "aristocrat" (associated with English royalty as one of the heirs to the "art" portrait staff painting royal pictures, but a son, not the painter who won the fame and claim of talent--the man I wrote of in the above paragraph--actually, his name is Moynihan, I have written  of him often. He is an evil villain. His friends are part of the English "royalty" in the H-wood industry. One of them, perhaps he is not in league with this script but I believe he is an accomplice or looks the other way (which in part makes him an accomplice) has starred in the awful H-wood adaptation of the most incredible Swedish version of the Millennium Trilogy. 

There are various points deviating from the original movie script which turns the intended strength of the "feminist" character into the soft, accomplice Nazi who plays in the lead role out of H-wood--who has been putting her face on my internet and on every YouTube search, and in everything I search regarding this Swedish situation. All the hacks are part of a psy-ops campaign to insert their faces into my subconscious. Their inclusion into this hate, bigot racist scheme of promotion is also just for that: promotion. Anyone who participates, whether they be Oprah Winfrey or the rest of the black squadron associated with H-wood who are "friends" with the bigots who are torturing and raping and attacking me, which is to say not "all" but the major lead faces you can almost endlessly see year after year in media productions. But, I write this because her face was closely followed by the faces of the women who are participating in this torture Nazi scheme of attacking me, ;but as usual, after having stolen the concept they turn all around into a misogynist, hate and racist subliminal text but interwoven very craftily into their ostentatious displays of feminist "strength". In one scene, deviating from the original, when the Lisbeth Salander character makes a bold move of following the villain who has been slaughtering immigrant females in the basement of his mansion, because his family inherited Nazi ideology, participated in the Nazi movement, and as Stieg Larsson also has done vigilant research into the Swedish and international Nazi movement is aware of how these people operate. In the Swedish version, which may follow more closely to the original story as written by Larsson and undoubtedly influenced by his very strong lover/"partner" Eva Gabrielsson, the woman does not "ask permission" to go after and run down the killer Nazi villain. She rescues the character Bloomqvist, and goes out with gun in hand to chase down the Nazi character.. Not so for the H-wood version. She has so limply ask for permission by the male she just rescued to go out and kill the assailant. This deviates very strongly from the original, and it is the characteristic of brainwashing and manipulation techniques to turn around a concept at one single pivotal point, and turn it into it's opposite.

I am writing at 3 a.m. and the hacking is almost non-existent. That is because the stalker terrorist hackers are actual human beings and this is not a malware program. This proves that all the hacking is done by hand by individuals. I normally am in a comatose sleeping state at this time. Today, though, I felt so ill after eating a huge pasta meal that I went to sleep before sunset. Now I am aware in the black of the night, happily typing at some kind of normal speed. I do write with hesitation and meander in thought process because that is the norm of technology aimed into my brain (at all times).


I will not go into feminist theory at this point about how women must ask men for permission to display characteristics of independent action, thought and prowess that threatens male machismo. One of the main tenants of Nazi and programmed bigot philosophy is of female submission and male domination. White male domination but the pawns and puppets can also play domineering abuser if they push down the minority females into their respective subordinate roles. That, of course, is my personal theory and it is a huge gross overstatement of the mindset of oppression. There are of course intimate divergences from these disastrous actions and their intended effects. That, however, is what the H-wood movie, with it's English Nazi bigots, are promoting albeit in the guise of female emancipation. The woman who plays the lead role is part of this attack system upon me, where celebrities post endless photos of themselves on my every media and internet search, wherever possible. Actually, they are paying other people to do this, of course. The fact of me writing this is me stepping onto a very brittle limb over a chasm of discrediting accusations of delusional schizophrenia. That is also their intended subverted attack system, these people who promote hate while putting all  out as :Love in it's fight against oppression.

The weak but posturing "strength" of this female bigot playing the H-wood version is so utterly characteristic of the racist "feminist" movement. The weakness is of one central point and creates a fragility in the overall movement: the racist element that these women who are mostly white, with their "minority" counterparts who are part and parcel of this systematic racist system of feminist media output, create this weak link where racism and oppression (culminating in rape, torture and murder) is allowed and actually applauded by these women, as I see all the time by these actors putting out "feminist" theory and movies often stolen by my ranting writings, drugged up, which they applaud as their husbands and lovers rape and torture me, they have me disfigured because they want to feel elated and beautiful as they watch me get destroyed by their terrorist agents and husbands raping and abusing me and then they all make insulting comments afterwards to try to rub in more ugliness that they pour out onto me, so they can feel elated afterwards. Oh, this is one of the great tantalizing aspects of this situation in the recruitment process, this rush of power and the thrills of abusing someone else with no block, no evidence, and promotions besides and lots and lots of financial rewards by this Nazi-controlled media conglomerate pushing out racist and bigot agendas left and right into the void and chasm of the brainwashing sheeple media entertainment complexes inhabiting their brains and minds and hearts and souls.  The weak link exists because once someone attains power and is no longer an oppressed "minority" or rape victim or home-bound housewife or discriminated against female in the employment scheme, they can't wait to emulate the white male racist bigots who they have been fighting against. 

This applies so strongly to the waves of white males who finally reach some kind of settlement in the big Daddy divorce proceedings and when they finally become the Big Daddies they had once rebelled against, boy how they cling to the role and become, often, more rigid than their big Daddies they had cried about in their movies, songs and books. They continue to wear and don the costumes of rebellion and they are then rewarded further by this crusty the clown media entertrainment complex for keeping the sheeple oppressed intellectually into following a creed of fake it until you make it until you are in the power scheme of things and then keep up the illusion of change and rebellion.


I could not help from straying in thought, but at least I am not utterly blocked by hacking as is always the custom. The hackers are all sleeping or out partying or whoring around at thus time thus I have this brief window of opportunity to write or type just a bit. Of course I must continue to backspace to correct because there is always someone to attack me no matter what time or day.


One thing about these Nazi mafia H-wood celebrities and their defender Nazi mafia proponents, backers, financiers, is that like the fascist contingent that sponsors them, they attack whomever they can who offers the slightest criticism of their "art". I have experienced this non-stop since the actors began teleporting me. They teleport me while I am asleep, in a drugged-up hynotized state, using "truth serum" technology and drugging. I offer them my analysis which is that they "suck" because I grew up reading and being taught literary analysis and the deconstruction of text. I find almost all  of their movies to be brief on content and long on racist ideology disguised as alternative fight for "Democratic" values of equality, anti-racist, anti-sexist rhetoric. I am tortured for this and all I see of these people is that they do not understand the technology or what they are doing. They are given an incentive to attack me after obtaining and extracting through torture and mutilation, threat of death, poisoning and the parralysis of my body, the destruction of my home and finances--just exactly where the bigots want me stuck in some hell of torture, stuck and paralyzed and no one ever assisting or helping me to live in peace--their paradise and here I am in their SE Asian "Paradise" of slavery. The same system applies in a more watered down but as insidious version in America (and beyond, and what they promulgate into the media and push into the minds of the viewers).


I am watching a German documentary on the Swedish subject of the Neo Nazi movement and Stieg Larsson, with his most competent lover Eva Gabrielsson (whose books I would like to read, if they are available in English, if I can not be drugged any longer and able to focus and concentrate to read and not have my vision blurred by terrorists attacking my vision through these implanted microchips which force tears out of my eyes, amongst a litany of other torture attacks on my body through which these implants operate to thwart and stop my empowerment and study and concentration).

The German documentary so openly details stalking and Nazi terror operations which are openly discussed in the documentary. The Swedes knew implicitly how the Nazis operate and their modus operandi. NOT SO in the American media conglomerations. There is absolute silence on these matters. The systematic deterioration of human beings continues through the media sheeple entertrainment outlets and their insidious actors, meek bot "bold" racist, Nazi black and white female haters partnering with bigot Nazis, disguised as "liberals" in the media--watered down versions of hate propagandists and PAID IN BILLIONS FOR IT.

I am now exhausted, the backspacing commences, and also my brain is under attack by their technology. It is extremely enervating to fight to think and type any longer.

I have only briefly gone into these themes. The rest is being scrutinized for content to be stolen by "them" these actors and their writers and producers. I remain exhausted and cannot get past a few paragraphs--on a "good" day of being able to type, which is this one day out of years of being stuck in rhythmic pattern where the terrorists know at what time I get on the laptop and when I am available for hacker intrusions. The hackers are going on now but as I wrote, they are much less intrusive than normal as the people being paid for this one specific purpose are out whorung around or sleeping with their whores. They are watching Whorewood movies at the same time.

More damage to my body from terrorists breaking into my home.

 I write about this every day. Day after day no one ever stops this complete destruction of my body derived from orders handed out by these actors, millionaires, billionaires to the minions who are getting free rent, so the wealthy can obtain free new mansions and castles in Europe and elsewhere (here in Phuket, especially).

Objects were again, as has been happening daily/nightly for over 7 years--under my right middle finger, under the cuticle. The nails are nearly stubs (my toenails are stubs, so much hardening stuff has been inserted the nails are twisted, on some feet the nails have stopped growing because so much blood flow has blocked all nail growth until the nails have died, literally there is nothing left).


With my left toe broken, and rebroken--the webbing between the broken toe and the smaller 2nd toe cut TO THE BONE, you can see the bone and this is being done every single day they are breaking OFF my toe, not just breaking it. Every single day, non-stop day after day, months and years of this one attack, and the numbers of attacks are nearly endless.


Day after day they inserted some fungus in one specific area. Etc. But it never stops.


I have never harmed these people who are attacking me. My crime has been that I want to compete and unhindered I outperform them. ONce they force chemicals into my body and force me into paralysis, they then call me all kinds of names, especially when no one around the planet will ever protect me. 


I also thought that you hackers might think, "how can she say she is paralyzed but coontinuously cleaning.?" Well, deary readers, I can't bend to sweep the floor which is cluttered with garbage and litter. The beautiful mosaic I blued and taped to the floor so the terorists could not lift up the floorboards are now slashed so badly they slash this every siingle day--pieces of cut off every day--I cannot clean this, as piles of debris and filth litter the entire floor--if and when I am able to clean the other greasy, stinking pieces of broken, rusted and crooked furniture, the cabinet doors are sprayed with fungus, grease and you can see splatters of grime that have been sprayed onto all the whiter and more visible surfaces. The black enamel kitchen counter has been sprayed with some acidic chemical so there are permanent spots discolored as if sprayed with acid. I am financially responsible for all of this. I have no money to put on a deposit to move, and if so, all searches will result in one or two opportunities, all of which are constructed death trap situations with violent, hostile landlords/agents and surrounding hate groups slowly murdering me and cutting my body slowly into mutilated pieces. They already cut out part of my uterus, and I saw it and that was when one of these famous actors (a white one, with his wife in tow) was torturung me, having animals killed that I loved and cared for, and etc stinking fungus endlessly spraye dinto my body, hair, vagina, raped while asleep and comatose,m endlessly cleanning and throwing away piles of clothing I bought at 2nd hand stores because I want the illusion that I am not impoverished and stuck--all destroyed--clothing I really like is shrunken as well so I can't wear anything but dingy, brooken down, ripped, stained stinking clothing no matter what I do this goes on every day with my clothing.


But I am losing my fingernails as my body is also being deformed every day.


I have never harmed these people who are attacking me. They are using my stolen and 23 year old cat, the one and only family I had left, as collateral to force a "baby" out of me. None of them tell me anything beyond "give me" and "I want and give me" and that is all. They say so much nothung to me that I can't see anything but hate, greed, stupdity and ugliness from all of them, or any of them, individually or collectively. The contract also entails that they tell me nothing, never answer questions, and just suck out, drain, abusek rape and torture and then if and when they get what they want they return it with nothing but more toruture, as they are "supposed" to be elite and I am "supposed" to be a slave operating with no pay except for 2nd hand clothing, stinking and then destroyed once I pay as they are being paid in millions for the ideas they torture and extract and drug and poison out of me. Their endless refrain is, "why don't you like this?" while I am teleported, drugged, under hypnosis and as I am now, drugged and attacked into hysteria as I write about this for YEARS and they remain going on and on doiing the same things to destroy me permanently after they earn millions for ideas they block and prevent me from capitalizing on, in having any chance whatsoever--and when I am down and they have all law, all governments, forces of terrorist stalkers in the millions attacking me--no defense no acknowledgement of me or this situation by ANYONE ANYWHERE


nad they ask me over and over, why don't you like this/ I answer screaming in this teleported state, and they then get part of this aspect of the contract fulfilled: I must write or scream in misery about what tortures they are inflicting and how much I wish them death--they then get more promotions for provoking a rage and hate reaction, to destroy my soul and spirit as much as possible.


I can't understand how no one can ever defend me or stop them or this hate and murder contract and situation from so many famous people on this planet, not a single one appears as anything but a vicioius predator parasite coming to exploit me too.


Please STOP PUTTING YOUR FACES AND VIDEOS ON MY COMPUTER. Not a single one of you media personalities are anything but symbols of hate and ignorance and stupidity as far as I am concerned--for the rest of the population, they adore you why can't you finally leave me alone I don't want any single one of you or your movies. I am too sick from drugging I can't concentrate and the mind control forces me to sit here and watch movies to try to distract from the torture and the mind control really exerts this affect upon me. I really don't want to see any of you. If I download your movies it is not to see you personally but the movie, as a distraction. I would rather be studying or learning something but I am so ill, my brain is under so much attackk while I sit here, I am so unable to do more than sit in a chair for most of the day due to this poison which is like an internal torture mechanism--please stop trying to force your agenda upon me--all you actors. This inhumanity is unbelievable and that I am being tortured by one of them after the next, day after day, year after year--and I sit here drugged, writing about it as i have to clean and sit in paralysis and write asking people to stop this murder and torture situation endlessly and I wait and wait for any humanity whatsoever from ANYONE.


It IS YOUR PROBLEM TOO. I can't go into more detail but your inaction is costing some of you very greatly.


But you don't care, and can'tt associate my predicament to yourselves and the ongoing upheavals going on in the world.


This "gang stalking" organization must be stopped. They are too selfish and greedy to handle the technology. They meaning the masses who are viciously attacking so they can eliminate many millions for their profit in the huge "protection" of this organization you all belong to. I dare say that your assumption of safety from within is a misnomer and your future is at stake for participating in a death genocidal organization like the one you all defend with your life force and attack people to death for fun and profit.


PLease, stop putting your faces on my youtube channel or on my internet. I am not interested in any of you celebrities I have seen enough of your ugliness and blind negativity and greed and the sick things you do make you in no way attractive or interesting. I realize you don't care what I feel or think only as long as you can profit off attacking me and obtain ideas, a baby, sexual gratification, hormone rushes from torture and violence, the feeling of empowerment and superiority--afforded you by nefariously evil people handing you this technology. The end result will not be beneficial to the planet i have to add that the escalating effect will be disastrous for the entire population.



"Living in a Pastime Paradise...tell me, how many of them are You & Me?". Songs in the Key of Life. B flat and F Major.


The creation of your filthy minority minion Village Ghetto Land. Orchastrated poverty creating desperation and subsequent armies of impoverished terrorists operating for the debt relief promotional scheme.



The title says most of this post's intentions (my intentions). I see every day either celebrities--white, from middle/working class/poverty risen in stature into billionaires who are absolutely no different from the poor Thai workers I see every day climbing out of a filth hole to obtain some kind of decent standard of living.

The greed aspect keeps the American variant of this breed of terrorist enamored with this system of endless bountiful cornucopia of entitlement and millions/billions of dollars. There is no end to the never-ending grasping attack upon me to obtain yet another Academy Award--one of them after the next-or lead movie starring roles. Years of torturing Just ME over and over are not enough hormonal drug highs for them, plus studio and movie roles and etc. 

But, I am getting off the point. The poverty and need and desperation for the poor terrorist minions--black, white, Jewish, Asian, wealthy, millionaires--to not have to live in filth, to not have to have crazy neighbors in compacted horrible cookie cutter box suburbs--the have mansions and then one after the next. Entitlement to do whatever you want to do, say whatever you want to say.

The structure of this terrorist organization extends from desperation to get out of muck and filth that the extreme wealthy create, to have these slaves operating as their pawns (for sacrifice when sacrifice is called for so they can have more "Lebensraum" to make more mansions and have more parties)

This is turning into a political theory. I only meant to insert this song about rotten, putrid ghettos which are the breeding ground for those dark-skinned minions or the white "trash" aspirants to viciously attack me. The rest are a multi-layered chart of greed and selfishness to obtain more endless weeks of free paid vacations, paid for by their labor-union employers -concepts derived from the slain Jews of the European Holocaust--turned into the concepts of entitlement for the goods and gold that the genocidal terrorists are now "enjoying" in places like Phuket.-


But my home is made stinking and filthy as any ghetto around the world. Dripping fungus water poured into my bathroom. Grime and grease sprayed into shelves and cabinets continuously. Endless cleaning on my part, like a impoverished cleaning person. 

That is the micro--the small personal individual level--that has been forced upon me, but I see this as part of a much larger, global terrorist action of making poor areas filthy by using agents of the neighborhood to throw trash, garbage and then---of course, as the atmosphere deteriorates the people are convinced there is nothing that can be done and they adjust psychologically. The only way out is to be a willing participant in this death genocide terrorist global group, GmbH, Ltd. Inc, etcetc

so, because I am dealing with people who need entertainment in order to have any political consciousness--(are you all drugged up similarly to what I am experiencing, but unaware of it?)


thus I include this song by Stevie Wonder for your entertainment in order to try to digest how this situatioo is being forced upon me--filth and grime and death toxins as the wealthy try to force me into submitting to literal technological slavery so they can have free new ideas to capitalize on, a baby forced out of me for generational mind control--all my attempts to find protection absolutely silenced and no one every responding except to further exploit and terrorize and attack me--to death. 


The song is very nice, the album the musician all top quality artist.  


While these posts today may appear to be self-pitying or absorbed by the viciousness of this situation. I post these to let people be aware of the greater role this technology will have in the future. 

When one is aware that they are under attack, they are more prone to do something about it. A most commonsense statement. When you are brainwashed into believing that it is happening to someone because they "did something to deserve" torture and rape and murder attempts without end, all stolen, paid for by governments and mafia and Nazi and communist organizations with everyone scared to defend the target---suddenly one day you might see something I have described which you laughed at, or shrugged off, and realize, dimly, that perhaps this has a similarity to something that has inexplicably happened to you and seems related. But no, not to YOU no. Just to me. 

By the time I realized that what I had formerly shrugged off and assumed was someone else's problem and not mine, by that time the organization attacking me had made it impossible for me to physically MOVE to have even stress relief from exercise. (I literally cannot do a single stretch or weight lift, I can do NOTHING the poisons are so bad).

I am now fighting the fight I should have been doing years ago. Now I have no support system whereas I could have had one if I had not been drugged up, seduced by the endless media surge of false dissemination of how America is a "free" society and people are fighting for Freedom in movies. The joke is really on me. Not on you, of course, You are all safe and happy in your enclaves of prosperity. No pandemic will ever reach you. No. And that is how I used to be drugged into inaction too.

It is only when people realize that their lives are in danger do they finally make some action (a huge "blanket" statement). People do take action. These terrorist stalking groups are on the prowl for any and all "outliers" and will eliminate them in hushed up murder and assassination poisoning, heart attack, accident murder operations. 

I wonder how or what will be stolen from my post today by the very people slowly murdering me?

I should wear this hat to try to block whatever disruptive frequencies are being aimed into my brain by this insidious group. However, they have made my hair nasty and dirty and I don't want to have to clean yet another thing that they have made rotten, stinking and filthy. I spend all my life detoxifying or cleaning or sleeping or writing about it to the silence of people who are happy and laughing about this murder drama inflicted upon me by their advocates of murder in the media.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Terrrorist Report: morning post-strenuous effort in defense. Teleporting terrorists utilizing hacking to divert my searches so I always end up with their inserted faces on my every search results.

 This terrorist organization has forced me to become a non-paid cleaning fighter for survival. The battle front line is fighting to not inhale toxic sprays and fungus and mold that are sprayed on my--everything, inserted into my body--ears, mouth, nose (via inhalation), vagina (probably post-rape while in the sleeping, "alter" MK ULTRA state that so many people can't wait to indulge in and exploit--they've been lining up for years and years to participate and get free new promotions and every other bell and whistle this organization supplies these terrorists--this includes "normal" citizens as well as the top professionals who are famously putting out their "alternative" and "fighting for Democracy" stances). 


This morning waking up to my kitchen counter area, which is just part of the fake wall structure, a tiny area with a black enamel sort of counter top.. Last night I thoroughly scoured the entire surface with bleach and cleaning fluid. This morning, as happens every single morning, the surface was filthy. When I once more upon trying to use the surface to make morning chai, the white tissue was covered with brown substances as I had to wipe the obviously filthy and disgusting counter top before trying to eat or drink anything. Once again: last night the surface was so clean it was shining. This morning clouds of filth, and the black color of the surface hides the brown sprays that are also sprayed on my clothing. I simply run water over clothing that sinks so badly it would require bit of effort to explain how revolting the odors are that are sprayed on my blankets, clothing, pillows, furniture, kitchen appliances, counter tops, the table where I eat, my shoes--into my body as I wrote above.

 This morning then cleaning another pile that has been sitting in the little laundry bag I use. The terrorists come into this room, or with their mechanical arms, and spray something that smells like rancid dough--similar to the smell of uncooked dough, but rotting, sour smells of rotten oils and rancid butter as well. I have had to first clean and soak, then once dripping wet, spray the clothing with a bleach/water spray. After all was almost dry, I had to then spray perfumed bathroom, anti-fungal cleaning fluid onto the clothing (it smells very flowery, a very nice smell--once I leave this room and the terrorist come in to make all filthy and stinking, once I am not sick from their physical attacks--which means once-per week, or on a good week, twice a week I am not too weak and sick from their physical attacks and poisoning to leave this room--only for the terrorists to enter from the key the landlord and the condo association has provided (all places I have lived almost all my life have done the exact same thing--some under pressure. If a nice landlord, they are almost immediately replaced by nasty people attacking me).


That four different layers of cleaning with extremely powerful cleansers and bleach--and finally the clothing comes out smelling just almost normal. Only for the clothing to be sprayed once again either from the mechanical arms entering through the over 30 panels, or when I leave this studio--an extremely tiny studio at that and it is impossible for me to block the panels and cracks and tiles unless I pour cement on the layers of the fake walls, which I cannot do due to the corrupt landlord and this situation. I am forced into endlessly leasing places --always all information about rentals are blocked by agencies or on the internet and even in newspaper listings--all phone calls are rerouted to agents so I can never reach authentic lessors, and the situation never changes around the planet.


 I have tried to avert seeing the terrorist H-wood representatives (actors, writers, directors) whose faces appear on my  YouTube front page, an endless succession of their videos, also their photos appear on every media search page as well--any newspaper I click on, every media report source is filled with their inserted photos and information about them. Non-stop for years, this has been the case.


I try to divert seeing them by using search engine results for YouTube videos. No results come up unless I click on YouTube itself. All search results are blocked until I have to get on my signed-in YouTube page. I keep signed in because the history page is a kind of archived section that I can refer to.




I won't get into the personal at this point. I wanted to write about a few movies and videos I saw on my media search results that almost have stolen verbatim ideas I have written of. One of them is  a movie that just came out about the number 13--a schlock not shock "horror"/comedy with kind of funny adolescent humor--which I liked even though it was negative in nature. Negativity is one of the main features of the group putting out this brainwashing fodder into the media. I tried to look up the production company on IMDB, and on search engine results which yielded only more actors faces and directors attacking me, and no information on this movie. I had written a post about having been born on the 13th of the month, and no sooner than two weeks later this movie appeared on my YesMovies download streaming site. I use this one source--which is absolutely a  brainwashing portal for the terrorists to input more free movies--all I can afford--. Endless series of movies about murder, death, negativity, and blonde women as representing happy romantic drama situations--always the same cliches and their programming for their racist agenda. 

 I have no idea how long it could take for a movie to be filmed, edited and put out on this free streaming site. I found no information on when it came out on IMDB. I tried, but I also was very drugged up. I looked on the production link and got zero information. I did not do more of a complete search but when casually typing in the search terms, I got nothing. 

 I also wrote a few posts very recently, within this last month, about the "Underdog" formula. A video was posted on my YouTube results about George Orwell writing a book review of Mein Kampf. One concept I had posted on Facebook a long time ago, maybe last year or perhaps earlier this year? So many post for years about this most enervating subject and it's pundits and philosophies--instead of the happy ideas and concepts I really want to live my life by--stuck writing about this only for people to steal the ideas-as has happened with this concept.

 Thus once again, as I wrote earlier this month, and combined with a post I wrote about how Orwell actually worked for the BBC as a (literal) "Propaganda" operator for the radio broadcasts during WWII. I forgot which country he had operated in. At that time the term used for broadcasting was literally "propaganda". This was taken by the video presenter that I just clicked on a few days ago. Also the Underdog theme I had written of, but placed into the context of Orwellian analysis of Hitler, the movement adulating Hitler (even in England at that time---surprise surprise!!  There was open reverence of Hitler prior to the Blitzkrieg devastation of London after the initial devotee status of English towards the Hitler movement. Now all is hushed up, of course no one likes Hitler nowadays publicly if they represent mainstream media--but of course they all have their minions doing the dirty and filthy work for them as they smile benevolently and claim they are the most charitable, wonderful, warm, loving, beautiful people on the planet and they care about humanity and are fighting against injustice and fighting for "Democracy" wee hee hee hee they laugh raking in the billions of dollars in revenue from the do-nothing consumers waiting for Deliverance) and ....


I am still not wearing my aluminum hat, it is there I found it buried under massive piles of things stored on my couch--because I have been too ill to climb up on a ladder, after the strenuous efforts to clean every morning so I do not have to live in toxic filth, thus poisoned slowly to death by inhalation and absorption of fungus, mold, toxic substances and whatever else. That is all I do. Then I see the ideas I can barely pound out appearing as a white male's concept (the Orwell video was presented by the kind of white male who openly discriminates against me--I have no doubt that this male in question would adamantly attack me as openly as was allowed by his authorities if he were to meet me, he would attack me too after stealing ideas). This is, of course, speculation and I do not know for sure. I also did not look at the publish date, but that offers no clue as to when the video actually was created or came out. However, he also used terms I have used very often  like, "people cheer them on" not the exact paraphrase, I do not want to look this video up because it's too hard simply to write. I also do not want to see this face of this man. I could do it, if anyone were interested, however if you are interested, then where are you in defending me? Look it up yourself. Most of you hacking into this blog, as it never gets past hacker filters to the public at large, know who this man is, or he is your friend. Or one of the variants of this networking situation.


TEN YEARS I have seen my ideas come out as concepts used in propaganda posts on YouTube, in the movies and elsewhere by bigots who are part of this global system. I have struggled to simply move my body, type, think or get anything out. All I attempt is blocked by a 180-degree circumference of hacking, blocking, poisoning, physical attacks, terrorist "stalking" operations involving by now millions of people attacking me in huge waves, throughout the years in this most populated tourist area. That number is more or less accurate considering huge numbers of people in places like entire airplanes diverted with agents, busloads of people attacking me as intercity buses are requisitioned to attack me and normal bus routes are blocked. This is not a delusional conspiracy, however with no one ever helping me to obtain evidence, all electronics hacked and blocked (my tiny mobile phone has been almost completely broken in everything except for the music functions--cameras, video, internet function, phone service, and everything but basic operational programs are broken. The lens of the mobile phone is also broken, part of the frame is chipped off and broken, the screen has been smeared with permanent substances that cloud the screen.




And the hacking right now, my hand not able to move


I did not put on this hat because my hair is very nasty--I have been too ill from my food being poisoned and drugged, too sick from that and from detox and from the accumulation of stress.




I have to see these actors, on my YouTube page and on every other media resource page I click on. I cannot afford to pay for many of these sources that are more serious, like Bloomberg. I just have been financially blocked so I am stuck with the more populous media sources, free streaming and all is hacked, pirated and just hate and negative stuff is poured into all I could ever possibly watch or connect to on the internet, and also my radio signals are pirated and hate stuff interjected as well--the songs are all trigger songs, repetitious and horrible in content and style. 



The actors have altered their attack mode from glaring in hate into the pictures to n ow assuming warm, glowing gooey smiles.  The actors and personalities--political, etc who viciously attacked me, gloating with ugly smiles in the row-after-row of them sitting as an audience while one of them after the next took turns raping, beating slapping thrusting their genitals in my face--insulting me endlessly, threatening to kill me or have me killed--one of them after the next. Always extracting ideas and information after these brutal hate and violence/rape and torture and abuse teleportation sessions, going on night after night. 


With brand new tv shows, new starring roles, they smile into the camera, all are assured that no political change is ever going to stop their wide, all-encompassing system of corruption, lies, distortions, and violent Nazi-mafia supported, funded and protected system (also Communist--the Totalitarian/genocide branches of all the above-listed). There might be people who are "supremacist" but are not advocating mass murder or even murder at all. I refer to the mass genocidal variations of the same group, splintered off and forming global networks that you all pay to see in movie after political tirade after YouTube political content lecture. 


Idea after idea stolen from me, for years and years so they can wrap these concepts that I have pondered in all these years of being surrounded by these mass murdering haters--of all the races, all genders, ages, socioeconomic groups--there is almost no group or personality type omitted from this huge terror network.



I make no excuses for not being able to produce any work. I have tried to explain why, and the endless poisoning which has left me paralyzed, years of detox, years of torture while detoxing--and I am writing about it once again. I believe the terrorists have no fear of a political "change" ever putting any brakes on their aspirations to becoming a huge paramilitary, fascist "elite" force of "aristocrat" slave owners, but put into the format of a modern scheme of technological slavery and of course--MURDER.


I am writing about murder attempts via toxic poisoning but as usual I remain with no one supporting me, these terrorists endlessly smiling after they glare in hate when they teleport me, photos of them glaring in hate into the camera. Now they are smiling, as if I would think that there has been some shift and they are now friendly towards me.  




Upon getting up from this laptop, I remembered what had been blocked from my brain by the tech. Always hacking as I type, like right now plus some attack on my brain making motor skills nearly inoperable--my fingers won't move to the keys, I struggle to get my hands to move and fingers to pound down. Letters are juxtaposed as hackers block functioning. I can see letters appearing and disappearing as I type. To highlight a word means that hackers move the cursor so only half or part of the letter, sentence or even one single letters changes after I click on one area the cursor moves to another place almost instantaneously. Perhaps this is some software program infecting my laptop?


Thus, impossible to write or get  anything out. Once I get off the system, I then (after STRUGGLING to type AND WRIITE and backspace and rewrite and correct nearly every word this is the situation) I then "remember" what I had originally intended to write.


One of these things that came "back" after I got off the laptop and moved to another position in this surveillance/torture/brain attack/filthy stinking putrid studio with piles of filth sprayed on every place on the floor as well-I cannot write about all the attacks it takes too long to simply pound down on keys to get anything out.



First, the actors are assured that nothing is ever going to stop them if there is a political change. Those who feign anti-racist posturing will be assured by their Nazi/Mafia handlers that all is well. No change no chance of them being stopped from attacking me, much less any politically-motivated defense for me, will ever mean that their crimes will be exposed or even stopped. If Biden wins, they will remain the iconic defenders of Democracy for the media brainwashing propaganda. They all smile and are still being paid in millions/billions for this inclusion into this teleportation and torture situation forced upon me. All have huge, wonderfully  happy smiles in this now brainwashing assault on my internet search. All are glowing with joy, all have new lead roles as usual. All promised endless protection from any legal ramifications as they are enjoying their luxurious orgy lives in the Hills where they have gated protection from the infected masses cloying for protection and now fighting in the streets. The media icons are fighting right with them in media productions! Please get the sardonic irony of the last statement, just in case I have to "spell it out".



The movie I wrote of, Day 13, also has themes of a cat, a household cat being killed as a sacrifice. All I have done since my cat was stolen by these iconic defenders of "Democracy" is call out for people to have my cat La Moux returned--alive, healthy--and then for me to have my own house, in my own name, a beautiful house, not polluted not invaded--and for these wealthy actors and directors to provide financial reparations for these years of forcing poverty, illness, toxic shock and emotional putridity to my nervous system, my health, my immune system


and no loving anything near me--not even one single animal not one cat, all animals all birds all flowers--all is destroyed in my immediate vicinity.


All so these hate people, now glowing with their endless luxury beauty treatments, redefinitions of their bodies from Beverly Hills surgeons, all beauty treatments all funded by this Nazi Mafia organization as they lounge around after they torture me not just one day, not just one week, now it's not even years, but it's a DECADE of this going on and on as I fight and write about it 


they are also smearing absolutely horrific chemicals on my hands, which look olike they have wrinkled and shrivelled overnight, from these toxic substances sprayed and put on my skin, hair and all I own as well. I fight also to not be permanently destroyed, but that is too late by now. My feet have been broken, nightly they are also inserting substances under my toenails which hardens into such a hard shell that I can't do anything--even trying to cut toenails is nearly impossible. The numbers of physical attacks that are recurring deformations are beyond my brain-attacked and hacker intrusion capacity to write of at this moment. The list is far too long of nightly and daily attacks upon me body in every orifice, every inch of my body and internal organs under non-stop assault and deformation. IN addition my brain as well. My home is non-stop made filthy and messy and disgusting.


Writing to no one except for 'THEM" of this group.


however, I write nevertheless.


I now have to see white males putting out my ideas as their concepts--once again. Ideas I just wrote a few weeks ago. I do not know when these movies began production--or the videos I mean as well--but the similarity or the coincidences and years of this going on and on are too suspect for me to ignore. Also these movies and videos are placed conspicuously right on the front pages of the searches I do for movies--I am so sick from drugging I can't concentrate, read, watch any informative video--the brain attacks make me unable to concentrate as well. If I put on this aluminum foil hat, which produces such a slight deterrent effect anyway--the terrorist use microwave tech or some other form of physical but technologically-driven weapon to burn and heat my body so much I am sweating and have to take the hat off just to not burn up. 


I am tired of backspacing. I can't imagine how many deletions, rewriting or other hacks will be visible once I publish this and get off the laptop.


I am not going to check so, I wrote all carefully looking at every word and sentence and making sure all was written correctly. As for grammar, sometimes I am struggling so hard to get words pounded out and backspacing so much I neglect to include commas because it is so nearly impossible to type fluidly it is such a struggle to think or write anything out.


However, I write today because this is a toxic shock murder situation, in addition to the non-stop stress on my body and immune/nervous system from attacks and tortures while I am detoxifying from death poisons that have hardened into my body--and again, TEN YEARS of detox while under non-stop torture. I cannot go outside and exercise, they force more paralyzing poison into my body, my body is being slowly ripped as poisons rip out of flesh during the detox stages. The poisons seep further into the cavities of my skeleton and internal organs so there is no stage where I can simply break off these poisons and be rid of this paralyzing grip on my body, once and for all. The poisons soften as I do these things I have personally formulated-no help financially whatsoever from the millionaires and billionaires who are attacking me every single day to extract information--no help with medical treatments--only BLOCKS to any financial avenue I pursue. Absolute financial dead ends in every attempt to rescue myself from these death situations and to live in a place where I have some kind of normal chance to not breathe in poisons all night. That is just the basic situation, the rest is elaborate interdices of attacks from every direction and from millions of terrorists, simultaneously and in every single situation.


Thus, the smug and smiling terrorist actors who have to torture me to obtain ideas--they can't read books they don't want to upset their faces frowning by reading information or whatever---


I am tired of writing about this for today. Yet another day of writing about this as the perpetrators are smug and laughing about the ease at which they can do this and get away with it. They are all out partying or "working" on their next major blockbuster movie and association in the midst of the fashion shows in Paris and orgies and luxury investments. Also, they are "fighting for Democracy" for promotional features for the terrorist population who also support them, and this situation forced upon me. 

It is a very small world, after all. Related to last post on Stieg Larsson and Iran Contra, global organizations.

1st: a post-;published note on the Chip Tatum video posted below: I had not watched the video past the first few minutes. I had assumed the interview was going to be about the Iran-Contra situation. Any references to the Clintons is unintentional on my part. I know some of them may have access to this information and my purpose is to write about Stieg larsson and not the Clintons or aim any incriminating reference therein.


The same chain-of-command issues from the murder operation that ordered the political assassinations of Stieg Larsson, because he conducted reams of material on the Palme assassination, which many (not just Larsson) claim was a larger silencing operation conducted due to the threat of expose to the Iran Contra situation. 

I found this article online. If I had access to a real research database this article would be overshadowed by other peer-reviewed articles on this subject, I am certain. Otherwise, this is the one and only researched article I found online. That is suspect to hacker intervention and blocking of real research material. I find myself continuously at a loss for accurate and reliable information.

Whistleblowers blown away.

Stieg Larsson was investigating the murder of Palme and then himself died before being able to publish his findings.

Stieg Larsson: Wir sind den Helden, fur immer und immer--nicht nur fur ein Tag. ICH BIN EIN Held jeden Tag. Stieg Larsson ist Tot aber er bleibt ein Held fur immer und immer.



This is not in reverence for the movie Christiana F. Was fur ein dummes Film, es befaelt mir nichts uberhaupt!!!


Das lied ist fur Stieg Larsson and er bleibt ein Held fur immer und immer. Das geht Auch fur Olof Palme, ehemaliger Prime Ministers Sweden.


nota bene about hacking inserts: I just had to retype the post because hackers had rewritten the German I had typed correctly. I wrote "ein" and hackers changed it to ene--after I published. It is almost impossible to write a few simple sentences out, every word I have to backspace, almost to correct double letters and then, after I click on publish I see that much has been deleted and altered in misspelling. German is not perfect and whatever came out as I intended, is not 100% correct grammar in German!! This is unavoidable as I only speak beginner/middle level German and not correct what-so-ever. Germans understand me. Writing is hard enough when you have not formally studied the language. But with hacking--it's a mess. People who speak German will understand as these are one-two sentences. Hackers make writing/typing anything longer nearly literally impossible. Just writing the last word I had to backspace because they tripled the "m" key while I was typing. It is so impossible to type and get any creative ideas out or anything out.


ICH BIN EIN HELD und das ist die Wahrheit!

My research is limited to what I am able to get past the hacker/pirated filters blocking content (another form of censorship and block to freedom of speech and research.

I discovered a documentary in German, with no subtitles. The German spoken is not the German dialect I learned from conversations while living in Stuttgart. There are no English subtitles and I can only translate this at the first few minutes of watching this documentary, because now is the TIME for Americans to realize that this sentiment has as much power as it did when the founding of the American REPUBLIC was out of dire necessities to thwart tyrannical colonization by the English Imperialists. The situation essentially remains the same, but with globalization, the English are now joined with many other nationalities. The threat remains as poignant now as it did in 1942, as it did in 1812, as it did in 1776.


Stieg Larsson in interview: 


"Democracy is always under threat.  Democracy is not God-given and simply pours down from Heaven. One must work for Democracy all the time (eternal vigilance).  Every generation has to take it upon itself to defend Democracy."

Friday, August 14, 2020

Terrorist Report August 14 2020

 Cooking and realizing another swollen red area on my right-hand under the cuticle.  The parasites operating for the expletives who are teleporting me and attacking/terrorizing me ordered this to be done every single day, no matter what I do or not do, every day, day after day, year after year. I have fought for years to keep the stalkers out of my private room.

Of course, it's another day of skin drug patches forced upon me. Another day of my body disfigured. Another day of writing about it to untold numbers of people who are "friends" with the terrorists and think they are wonderful for it. All go out laughing, kissing each other on the cheeks.`

They actually believe that because they act in movies or put out records and otherwise are the worst hypcrites on the planet, that somehow I would say yes to being forced to having a "baby "with one of them afer years of this kiind of torture and violence they get paid in millions to inflict, with all the rest of you watching on a nd as usual, participating and I write these posts under drugging and I wati for something to finally every create any sort of justice in this situation. Justice as in all laws, all human rights, all Constitutional rights, everything deemed some kind of civilized standard for human beings--put into some kind of enforcement. Instead, you readers hacking in are delighted, smling and gloating as you read my endless daily posts--of disfigurement, fighting to stop this violence, asking for help, waiting for years, writing daily, and you all just keep it going on and on.

Now some of you are wondering how the catastrophes confronting you, if you are not super wealthy--or "priviledged" to have protection against all these various disasters--most of you are in cahoots with this group so you are all doing quite well and are making huge profits in all the demonsrations and unrest and media productuons of the carnage.

But for those who are beginning to suffer from these recent evvents-should I name them--can you ever associate your participaton in this crime against me with your inaction until you can't help but wonder uf there is some connection to years of this going on and people who are violent,, sadistic, nasty, unqualified but promoted because they are liars, abusers, users, callous psychoppaths--can your inaction have lead to this seeming catastrophe in our recent death culture carnage?

But keep on doing nothing. How I want someone to just protect me and that there is some justice and some kind of defense for me to live in peace and not be forced into haveing to see these people who are teleporting me ever again, to not be attacked endlessly.

how can America have gotten to the point that NO ONE will defend me--or must I wait until the next administration and wonder how corrupt the next batch of leaders are?

I am not going to correct the typos--sick of going on an don backspacing and correcting hacker inserts and wriiting about it.

Sick of my body almost broken and paralyzed and fighting to stop this injust system of destroyuing my body, life, finances, health, everyting posible to steal they ahve done--asking peopl to defend me fo ryears. Damn all of you goddamn you are disgusting and worthless and you are now seeing the results of your greed, stupudity and inaction when there is obvious injustice you all just do nothing about these peopel who have been put into highest posittions in the media and elsewhere. Now America is dying and on the brink of utter destruction and can you incompetent selfigh do-nothing parasites reading this ever not blame Trump and instead blame your damn selves for allowuing this situation to occur?

If you ever do anything outside of what you are told you should and must do--there might actually be come hope for America and perhaps for the world.

The rest of you just plan on heaping up the dividends on the genocide you have helped to forment un the world. Disgusting. Please adopt a baby and leave me alone. Whatever this contracdt is, please do not allow these disgusting teleporting and stalking teams to exloit and torture me any longer--how long how many years must I write on any electronic forum and have my writing completely destroyed byhackers, all I write only selectively available to absolutely disgusting criminals hacking in and stealing all possible--where any creep can teleport me and rape, torture and abuse me if I simply click on their crappy hate death murder abuse negaivity movies or fake crap bs movies about Nazi philosophy--or whatever,, black and white, it's all really the same to me at this poing of the ugliness and hypoocracy

this page is completely underlined with red--hackers are making a mess.

How much longer must I watch my body destroyed every day and ask for peopl to finally help me and no on ewill do anything but watch me fight and laugh and make jokes about it? Or do nothing and silently feel good that it's not happening to you, goddamn you crees reading this.