Thursday, October 22, 2020

Terrorist Report: October 23, 2020. Cannot stop mechanical arms from poisoning, drugging, opening my front door, having objects inserted under fingernails, cutting into the bones of my toes and feet, cutting away gum tissue, spraying fungus and mold and stinking substances on all material objects in my room including into my body and food.

 Sigh. *Putting my last thoughts first in this addition here now. 50 percent of this blog post was rewritten by hackers. I mean they deleted words, removed periods, commas and strugn the sentences together into huge, rambling hate posts. I must add this from the beginning as a warning that this post I leave unedited as I have re-edited twice already and after I publish what I corrected is hacked and rewritten to make no sense or appear extremely vicious and hateful. The technology aimed into my brain has left me dizzy, like my head is woozy, I get up from fighting to pound down on this brand new hacked keyboard and sometimes I nearly stumble over from dizziness. I don't know if the microchip is blocking oxygen in my brain, or stopping neural firing, or how it is being achieved. The computer/brain interface however affects my emotions and writing and motor skills. Please note that this is 100% the case every time I write these posts. They copy and paste parts of sentences and the add them to other parts of sentences and repeat phrases and copy and paste...etc etc... This post is not really "me" therefore, but mostly a reaction to "mind control" and the ugliness of this group. As there is little difference in ugliness, hate or emotional stupidity of these people when they get the chance to unleash their real inner ugliness upon a target, then I can only state that this is really from a kind of one-source that is repeated like holograms from one person embedded in a concentric group to another almost seamlessly without alteration. They are like one person who is vile and disgusting acting in the same low and stupid disgusting way but for the public they are all charm, sophistication and with plastic surgery and slaves to cook, clean and serve their every physical whim they appear fresh, adept and capable. They are culpable of great crimes only a person of low intellectual and emotional content could provide. The lies are outrageous that they propel about themselves. However, with all their violence, they have created a worldwide cartel that operates essentially as a huge pyramid scheme of sordid sorts. Thus, I remain alone writing these posts, which they want to hear every day as they want me screaming silently in online rants which they turn into discrediting operations due to hacking against my personality. YEARS OF THIS HAVE GONE BY and still there is no one coming to defend me. I am waiting for a change of government for perhaps some relief of this. I waited four years ago during the Obama administration. Since then Clinton has openly embraced attacking and then threatening me, even asking me for classical music tips so she can use them for her parties at her mansions but the violence has only increased since she joined in to attack me, using the same stupid ape behavior when not in the public eye, and screaming against her "friend" (calling him and his fascist Nazi wives her "friends") but of course very vehemently attacking them for the new campaign, where they expect to be proxy administrators endlessly in power and using this technology laughing and smiling about their "liberal" slave State they have created. Obama has not teleported me but I get endless videos of him on my YouTube page. He allowed this group to operate because they are his H-wood endorsement celebrities. The blacks who attack me now with death threats and violence are those who have been handed deals because Obama had to help blacks to obtain more power in H-wood. All he did was to ensconce the most racist policies completely disguised as I have been trying to detail and describe in these most mangled posts (by hackers) for all these years. All Obama did was create a black Nazi bigot population being promoted into highest positions in H-wood, under orders from the most open racists out of Europigapeland. It is very sad and a great reason that racism persists. If not for that place called Minneapolis, where the H-wood bigot crowd does not hold so much sway, the stupid creeple would not have venue to rail against racism as they are now doing with ever-increasing fervor to obtain more admiration from their oppressed-by-racism viewers, who keep believing in them as symbols of their fight because all these movies entail success against blacks being oppressed.  However, they are simply black Nazis and rabid racists who have been trained to hate Jews unless they are accepted by this Nazi cartel of bigot white Europigape supremacists. Because I do not conform to the victim status that they embrace, they are used by the whites to attack me the most ferociously because they rely on victims they hug with kisses if they perform the racist acts that they cannot openly make any longer for the media, but which they wholly support with covert death squad groups they fund and help to foment in America.


I can't even begin to correct all the typos and rewrites and deletions that hackers put into this blog post today. I get lost, my head is "dizzy" and I can't focus or think clearly due to the tech attack on my brain.

I just opened my clothing closet, one of them--I have to get on a ladder to open the top hooks with ropes and undo things I stuff into the huge gaps of the doors where mechanical arms can get through. It has taken me three days to have the strength just to perform this task of simply opening the door because I detoxed horrific poisoned glued into my back probably stuck with rotting mind control and hardening fluids for probably 30 years. Embedded like a hard shell, internally embedded into my spine and back. Upon opening the door, stinking fungus wafts out. A studded belt I have worn 4 times has been sprayed with dark brown stinking substances and I have to throw the belt out. I wanted to wear it. The clothing I washed in pile after pile, which means lifting heavy soaking clothing out of a broken *by terrorists) washing machine on my patio, which is rusted, chipped and ugly from terrorists chipping pieces off , flicking stains on it and making the metal exterior rusted--like every metal object I have is stinking upon touch and rusted and smells nasty---piles of clothing, waiting perhaps a day for them to dry and then putting them clean back. Opening the doors, which took me three days to have the strength to climb up, and lift and open and all clothing all within the closets stinks of rotten fungus and mold and the clothing smells like it's been soaking in fungus for days, which it has. I have to hermetially seal off the closets to stop the mechanical arms from jutting out of the huge cracks that have been cut into the frames of the doors. Stinking and disgusting, all of my clothing. I have a rack of clothing in my room, and every time I leave I have to throw away most of the cheap but new clothing I got in 2nd hand stores, but clean when I bought it, stinking and stained, shrunk to child size so all on my distorted body shows all the huge bulging pots of chemicals that remain bloating out of m ybody. I have no more money to endlessly buy clothing every month that I must throw away even before having worn it.

I have written about this for years and it never is stopped. There are at least a thousand other sleazy, nasty and disgusting attacks aimed at me weekly without stop per day, in a rotation that only disgusting and sick stupid people could order or perform. That is the nature of these pig apes and that they are torturing me to obtain ideas, while I would NEVER do something this stupid, sleazy and immature as what they do, and yet here I am being targeted. The laughter and joy that people exhibit when they see and can participate in these sick and stupid activities shows me that the bulk of the really intelligent people of this planet have already been executed and killed off by this revolting group. That no one from Whorewood or beyond in any facet of life on this planet will ever stop this attack upon me also proves that my thesis that the really competent and good people of the planet have been killed off or are dumbed down and brainwashed into complicity (or threatened). Mostly you are incapable of action and watch this media Krap to vicariously experience political action instead of actually doing anything about the ills. You can so easily blame the leaders afterwards for your participation in all of the problems that you now face. When NAFTA first came out, I can't express how many people fully endorsed this as a way to have slave labor. Now they are crying out that former politicians are fully responsible for their economic problems. I was from the very first against NAFTA but these mundane terrorists who perform the bulk of the American actions against me are pitting me as the blame for the policies that they created and now are complaining against because it wasn't they who enacted the legislation. They are targeting me because they can't stand to see me, who has worked for my abilities, really with a lot of suppression and much more than they ever experienced, and because of them in the first place (or their association with this group). They now target me to stop me from having any chance because they destroyed the economy by participating in what their political leaders told them to obey and believe in, without question. Thus it's just amazing what I have to deal with first because I do not follow them blindly and obey, these "leaders" and then because I have worked for success and they created the atmosphere of failure and want to tear me down for having the ability to outperform them and they want to take what is left of what they helped to destroy in the first place, putting themselves like the pig apes that they are as first consumers of every single thing they can snort out of the planet. Now their aggression is genocidal and I remain writing about this to their delight, and your schadenfreude ordering this upon me and the silence and consent of the public at large. I remain writing about torture and murder conditions to the silence of you readers and for years this has gone on and on without end. I wait for the next administration to stop this and force these criminals to pay me restitution. to have my cats returned to me so I can live in peace and ALONE without any of them bothering me again. Alone but in a beautiful setting, with good-hearted decent people not bothering me around me. In a happy city, in a decent country, with love and support at least form animals as I have not wanted to have any more human interpersonal contact at my domestic level. I just want to live alone. I swear my thoughts will turn to murder if any of these pig apes who have assualted, teleported and tortured me or their friends attempt to force a baby out of me. They of course have no soul or love so they don't care. I ask for someone anyone to be responsible to me for this crime and to both stop it and force these parasites to pay for a house in my name, my cAt returned, and them gone out of my life. I wish them all utter destruction and horrible deaths. That is all I can say about them. Can anyone out there ever respond with help for me and for this to be stopped, as I am writing that my response to these people will be murder if I can get away with it. Please do not force this violent group upon me any longer and remain silent and allow them to destroy your country and planet any longer. They are irresponsible albeit they can use technology and perform the functions necessary. In this age of deadly technology the requirements of leadership should be emotional competence and intellectual maturity; none of them have inculcated these qualities as their one and sole life purpose is the greedy acquisition of power and wealth and status at any cost or price to society.\


The rest of this is a ranting hate post with a few more incoherent rants about politics. My brain and keyboard combined with hacking obtrusions are the key responsibility for these meandering and unreadable paragraphs below. It is almost all nearly rewritten by hackers and really hard to get through--wade through. I keep trying. They keep breaking into my home and drugging and dismembering me to obtain these reactions, which are then used as ideas for idiots, haters, rapists, fakes and whores to steal and get promoted by.



This is added after trying to rewrite what hackers deleted and altered in paragraphs below. this post was written after torture and drugging. Hackers have deleted words and altered meaning greatly. As I type right now I am backspacing to correct what hackers are deleting as  I type (and affecting the keys on the keyboard so they are inoperable) more than I am actually writing. I wanted to stop writing altogether and the drugging and torture, disfiguration ordered by people being paid in MILLIONS of dollars for using this technology upon me, who become increasingly hostile and hateful as the YEARS OF TORTURE, UNABATED, CONTINUES DAY AFTER DAY they become sensitized to inflicting hate and violence, they need ever-increasing levels of violence to "get off" as torture is a "high" they all indulge in, these alcoholics and drug addicts and criminals of whorewood, GmbH H-wood. It seems to me that many of them attacking me have been or are cocaine and other drug addicts, whether reformed or not, this situation of torture is another addiction and they can't stop. They are being paid and promoted to "hate" me as the more they are allowed to attack me, the greater their "hate" becomes embedded so that, if I respond after YEARS of their violence with some remark, they go on for YEARS increasing the violence, now because they are so inflated by the fact that they can and are fully allowed, paid in millions, promoted into top positions they could otherwise not achieve unless they proved that they are good nazi fascist soldiers doing the bidding of their foreign Nazi, Communist and other totalitarian benefactors controlling the United States "behind the scenes" but if they only could have their way, it would be an openly fascist colony controlled legally by their "mother" countries. So the hate of these creeple towards me who has never harmed them, I am only reacting to years of murder attempts, fighting as I never did in the past, because I was unaware of the situation, but when discovering that I was being MURDERED BY POISONING AND TORTURE AND NEAR-DEATH ACCIDENTS WHICH ONLY MY REFLEXES SAVED ME FROM--I am now fighting and they are being brainwashed into "hating" me as time goes by. Not that they "liked" me from the onset as they have always joined into this situation to obtain promotions and I became instantaneously an object of hate and derision by them. However, because I cannot assume that these creeps are "superior" and because I cannot conform to the image that they must have placed over me, which is them superior and me inferior only due to stereotypes and not to the chance to really compete or have a real chance=--as they torture ME to steal ideas because they are blank and rotten and corrupt addicted sexually or otherwise criminals put into lead roles and positions. Absolutely devoid of all humanity and humanitarian concerns. Thus they are increasing violence but meantime they are constantly putting hints about me carrying or having a baby with one of these abuser rapist sexist bigots with their Nazi mafia wives smiling, laughing because I'm supposed to be absolutely destroyed, damaged, physically, emotionally, mentally as they obtain endless beauty treatments but have my body deformed nightly, years and years an dyears an dyears of this on and on and on. Writing about it to cheering crowds continuing to promote them and watch silently while I beg, essentially, for my life online. They want to force a baby out of me but all they have done is torture, abuse and insult and rape and try to murder me. 

If I were to submit they would continue the murder operations. This is without a doubt the reality as I have seen this happen to various other people first hand and I know this is absolutely the situation I am facing. Thus I remain fighting absolutely alone against this home invasion death squad, which is slowly murdering me, but the pig apes out of Whorewood require a baby to complete this contract out on me--who knows what murder they will perform upon me once they have accomplished forcing a "baby" out of me (all I can think of is killing this baby and these people if I ever get a chance--that is my level of hostility towards them after years of torture and violence from them).


They keep attacking me to obtain a reaction that I write of on these blog posts. The posts are so rambling, ranting and obscured by hackers deleting and rewriting and removing all grammar--unreadable, the words they delete are essential for the meaning of the sentences.

It is all I can do. I remain absolutely ALONE  with zero love, support or help around me. All I had left in my life was my cat which they have kept for over 7 years while torturing me and her. They have killed and maimed and mutilated other cats that were starving that I fed, and have since removed every single animal from my environment as i live in a 3rd floor condominium situation (a very cheap and nasty piece of architecture, set up on a high hill with at least four other abandoned huge condo buildings, absolutely empty with broken windows, huge construction and litter and rubble and debris every where like a ghost town abandoned and dead and dying). They dynamited the hillside outside my window so all animals, birds and flowers have been replaced by trash littering the hillside, dead trees, the  hillside is killed so all is brown and dead for the hot season--every year. They are shooting and killing all birds so zero birds fly or go near this hillside. I want my cat La Moux returned alive and health, at least her. she is over 23 years old. Trump has stolen her and repeatedly threatens to kill her once I react to dismemberment and torture after trying to remain "silent". They keep drugging me with these mechanical arms to obtain a reaction out of me so more loser parasites can steal ideas to put out their fake liberal crap about how much they are fighting against Trump and his conservative Nazi factions.. As long as these "minorities" get millions of dollars in contracts, they are going to continue to attack me like the good slaves that they are for whitey paying them to live alongside them in the Hills and elsewhere, especially where they can buy Italian and European fashion and attend Parisian fashion shows, which they post videos of themselves posturing in expensive attire. This is really what they are "fighting" for in their gyrating and ranting appearances for the media as they "fight" racism. They are repugnant and most of the loudest in the media have attacked me with the most open racism that I have ever experienced in my life. Since the Europigape Nazis who are part of this current criminal cartel began teleporting, raping, poisoning and assaulting me have I been this openly attacked. However, I was trying to write below that because I do not conform to the standard stereotypes that they require so they can automatically be positioned as leaders due to the racist cliches that they are using this technology to reinforce--such as they are "superior" while screaming that they are fighting against racism---the double play and standard is amazing but this is how racism is being perpetuated while they create the facade of "progress" against racism and sexism. Thus, I have never considered them superior or me inferior and I am blasted daily with "Italian-american" insults and sexual denigrating commentary while I am naked, in the shower and using the toilet, through their "voice-to-skull" technology and surveillance tech, plus the teleportation which can be used both while sleeping to achieve most traumatizing effect or while awake, to insert hate while I am doing mundane (endless cleaning up the filth they order their minions to pour into my body and room as many times per day as they possibly can so I never have time to do anything but clean or detox or lay in helpless sickness from both and poisoning other people did all my life).

This is a very long inset. I am now having to throw away more objects I wanted to wear that are destroyed, as every time I finally can leave this studio I have to throw away at least a huge pile of objects I bought but have rarely used, which are broken, ripped or stinking and unwearable and unusable. Cleaning after fighting to type while nothing ever stops this poisoning so I can not be so chemically altered, and then hacked so what I write turns out to be nearly hysterical hate rambling due to hackers completely altering and rewriting my angry posts. Years of writing about these attacks while the most prominent Jews of H-wood have participated (meaning those I am aware of, in the spotlight--directors, actors, ) while the most prominent blacks are viciously attacking me as proxy abusers for the whites who order their black and brown and yellow slaves to violate, dessecrate my body and home FOR THEM. They are the most violent I think but it's really hard to gauge since violence is not a unique human trait confined to one culture. I personally am not extremely violent and that years of torture have lead me to the point that I wish these attackers dead and would kill them and this forced baby (which is probably what they want, a human sacrifice and what better way to create this than forcing a baby out of me after so much abuse and torture I would gladly do the job of killing something from myself--as they also tried to force me to kill myself through suicide programming years ago, the Europigapes who are controlling these ever-increasing hate actors who are violently assaulting me by now after years of observing, then participating, and now their violence increases all the time because they are really drug addicts being handed torture technology that acts as a kind of "natural high" through violence and the ever-increasing need to amplify the violence to the point of murder, their ultimate high. I am actually a loving and kind person, who used to live a very happy life. Because this group has put such an omen of hate upon me, and most people not killed yet by this organization perform all hate acts without question and obey without pause, the hate directed at me has remained unassailable for all these years. These empty and loveless sleazy whore apes who teleport me then steal ideas that I have thought of due to having some kind of loving emotional content left, which I had shared with my cat, and that was all I have left of all animals and people to share some kind of normal existence with. I JUST WANT HER BACK, ALIVE AND HEALTHY, FOR SOMEONE WHO IS NOT AN IDIOTIC IMMATURE PIG APE TO STOP THIS CRIME AGAINST ME and to force this group of crap to pay me for all these years of violence and torture and the ideas that they have profited off for so many years while blocking all avenues of earning for even a penny from me. Taking what was left of my only one source of sharing love and joy, my cat, that is all I have left--they have their lovers, spouses, family, fans, friends and I remain alone with only hate and abuse surrounding me--for years. They have made my living situation endlessly and continuously filthy, dirty, dangerously toxic which has broken down my body, aged me endlessly plus all the hate and violence inflicted--they are increasing the dismemberment as I call them names out of sheer hate, while drugged, which they won't stop bgecause they need me to feed them ideas because of their blank hateful personalities--or lack thereof. 

After more than 2 years of fighting to stop this, and covering all corners, tiles, panels, cracks and all possible with silicone sealing, which is later ripped off and gone. Before that I used stickers to cover every corner which was easily circumvented by their expert, DARPA surveillance and mechanical arm sophisticated technology. Every attempt to bend into these deep in-wall cabinets were an extreme effort for my continuously damaged by terrorist injuries (every time I tried to bend and paste, glue and insert objects to stop and block the cabinet panels in these endless cabinets covering the entire length of one side of the wall; the other side has huge panels which are completely hooked and tied together (took great effort for my very damaged body, creating injuries for my body and spine which I had to lay in bed to heal from for at least three weeks, all my efforts have been met with increasing damage to my body by the terrorists breaking into my room, putting hips and spine out of alignment, then raping me and leaving my body stinking with rotten fluids, then damaging my hair so it's balding, stinking, shredded like it's cotton candy in texture and appearance and thin, balding--every single day--my skin smeared with damaging chemical and the endless cutting and bruising and chemicals put on skin to cause break-outs, and damage to skin and skin integrity). Then, after sitting in pain, then drugged up to the point of near comatose level daily, then teleported to rape and torture by smirking actor after actor for years, fighting to glue into these in-depth cabinets, being increasingly physically attacked the more I tried to defend myself. Gluing into more than 30 huge panels (using money I need for FOOD AND HEALTH CARE which I have had to stop buying just to stop the more deadly destruction of my body via these mechanical arms, which have been opening the multi-blocked from door with these very professional mechanical arms). Gluging, paying money I need to buy piles of colored construction paper, glued and sealed into the entire front, back and sides of all the cabinets and covered over with layers of packaging tape. That never stopped the rape, infliction of damage that has to be personally inflicted, people breaking into my home therefore, then fighting to pound in with hammers hooks into panels hooked and tied together with metal hooks which nearly injured my spine, and ripped out a microchip that the terrorists use to attack me when they have people slam violently the doors in rooms next to mine (the microchip in my left rib area, which was ripped out by my pounding into the walls so hard I was injured, if felt like my spine was being broken as the terrorists tried to nearly break my body as i was fighting to defend myself--as the landlord is probably one of the most disgusting rapists who is being paid daily, with his team, in successfully breaking through my very cheap defenses as I am under attack to not damage his property--but it's really the property of this organization he's just the terrorist from the Thai government being paid to torture me, and he is a soldier or part of the Thai military or a private contractor who is, I believe, used to torturing people and there are US torture bases here in Thailand, as the Dems revealed a few years ago (I think it was Feinstein who revealed these torture camps but never stopped the activities and of course appears to be allowing these torture groups to continue to operate in places like Thailand).

I hurt my body in fighting to pound them into plastic-coated, laminated cheap material (which I would never chose to live with if I ever had a choice to live, marginally, in some decent place with decent wood materials). The terrorist additionally spray grease, black grime and other stains into the white laminated coating and scratch off the surfaces and create brownish yellow dingy colors over all the furniture, in addition to spraying extremely stinking chemicals on clothing and furniture. Every single day they do this, and every opportunity they have to do this during the day if my back is even turned. Thus I have spent more than 2 years in fighting this, and I ask for this terror operation after years of some of the most prominent H-wood directors, writers, actors and other personnel to be STOPPED FROM THIS TERROSIT PROMOTIONAL SCHEME, including the most vile and disgusting mafia personalities who are "celebrities" for the hate and negativity they make jokes about, as they are psychopathic celebrities being cheered on for their psychopathic media personalities being enhanced--for decades, in promoting criminal culture, with mafia and other subliminal Nazi programming inserted into almost every mainstream award-winning movie. The black gang bangers and anti-racist blacks (along with their "friends" who are feminists, anti-everything that is part of the "liberal" platform are all alongside them, but it's the blacks right now who have attacked me most openly in front of the whites who are making outright racist statements at me in these teleportation hate and promotion skits. The whites are actually more violent but the blacks are behaving in overt racist ways as substitutes and proxy racists for the vehemently violent whites who are sitting back gloating, putting out their gooey smiles for public with their adopted African children sitting alongside them, arm-in-arm with the blacks for these awards ceremonies with movies that were created out of extortion of ideas derived from torturing and drugging, poisoning, raping and "traumatizing" me endlessly now for over TEN YEARS GOING ON AND ON to this moment and day.

I realize that MOST PEOPLE READING THIS FIND WHAT I WRITE GREAT, FUNNY, THEY ARE OVERJOYED ABOUT IT. I know that most of you reading this are fully in support and are part of the overall promotional scheme. I refer to millions and millions of people who have participated in this and many millions by now in Phuket alone--there are an estimated 9 million tourists arriving in Phuket annually on 4-6 week paid vacations (financed by the Holocuast and Austerity measures and World Banking policies that have bankrupted much of the planet while they sit on vacation, exploiting "slaves" who are turned into prostituted brainwashed servants. These people attacking me in at least the tens of thousands per year here in Phuket, mostly out of Europe, who converge upon me with at least triple the number per white Europ-a, with circles of Asian attackers surrounding them. This same dynamic and demographic is fully repeated in the H-wood scam scene of the most "prominent" personalities who are vying for top positions by utilizing this technology to torture and try to murder. If further ALLOWED BY YOU reading this, as I have been writing for YEARS in my Facebook posts and now in this blog, which is more recent, many of you who believe they are in the protected class and are part of an entitled group, many already are protesting the president whom they blame (not themselves for allowing both NAFTA, the current crises are partially due to the endless greedy aspirations for wealth and promotion instead of caring about human rights in the true sense of not allowing for death squads, entitlement due to suppressing individuals you don't want to see succeed or compete and win against you--such as me in this situation). I am now rambling a bit due to the technology aimed into my brain. Yesterday I wrote that I wasn't exactly opposed to the Clintons and that I was "glad that they replaced Reagan". I was so "drugged" by the technology and the real drugs that are smeared and inserted into my food and body during these nighttime raids while I am unconscious and incapable of waking up while they are cutting my hair, into my body and doing untold destruction to my home and life. I was so drugged I completely bypassed the dynasty of the Bush family. I have subconsciously associated Reagan with Bush Sr/Jr and thus, in this "drugged" and technologically skewed mental state they force on me, I could not access memory or tangible connections. This remains right now. I have tried to wear an aluminum cap while writing and that does not block the signals skewing my ability to write or think cohesively or in a linear fashion.

I so want someone to finally intervene and I wait. I have lost all respect for these people who are demanding such by torturing me using this technology and these death squad goon squads of "losers" who are destroying people who are more qualified and then assuming top position in all fields.

I wanted to write that many people who assumed they were safely ensconced in the safety and security of this group have discovered that they too are victimized themselves. Turn that chagrin into real action into stopping these technologies and these groups and installing a truly "Democratic" system where people can compete without being tortured by fascist MAFIA/NAZIS ruled perhaps by Communists out of very stealthy silent benefactors--who never make their presence known to me but I believe many much more intelligent or capable "evil" personalities are behind these more open actors and politicians, who openly are using the same protocols as one another to obtain higher positions, which means that groups which have much more "power" over these systems than these supposed "leaders" are really in charge. What I have seen all these years are incompetent and really stupid people acting like pig apes performing sick and stupid and violent acts of rape, hate and torture to obtain highest positions of "oppositions" to the aforesaid acts of violence which appear to be the "Conservative" agenda. I know you can follow what I have just tried to write, as my brain is severely under siege while I write. 

I have been tortured on a daily and nightly basis for over 10 years just so this one group of idiotic pig apes out of Whorewood can obtain non-standard formulas for their crappy stupid and mediocre movies, all backed by mafia violence, with endless movies awarding their puppets with Academy Awards, so many of the blacks in the most prominent positions have either participated or helped to rape and attack me alongside their viciously open Nazi/mafia out-spoken racist "peers" and benefactors. All disgusting racists, blacks openly anti-Semitic and many of the Jewish groups monitoring racism have openly stated that many black groups are partnering with white supremacists to attack "Jews".  However, no single "Jewish" group has ever defended me. The Jewish-so-called directors and actors who also are famous and make endless public statements about how they are victims and fighting against racism have also participated and one of them lately was viciously abusive towards me because I have written about this hypocritical death squad goon group out of H-wood attacking me--blacks, Jews, (here in Thailand Asians) and every culture. Zero support for me like I am public enemy number one.


They continue to allow the media YouTube Progressives, the liberals, etc etc to steal ideas that they are drugging and torturing out of me. As I remain absolutely alone, all birds all animals my cat my family all people who pretended to be my friends but were part of this murder and rape system of MK ULTRA--all are completely absent from any support so I remain so isolated that writing about torture, while  so ill from poisoning I cannot describe it (the last three days so sick from detox I literally could not move from one sitting position for about two days, as stinking black fluids poured out of my body after I ate some detox substances which did something like cut through my viscerae and much was eliminated. This entire time I was cut into, attacked for my ideas and then attacked with hate by these hateful mafia creeps for writing a response to it on my private Facebook page which they have been hacking into for YEARS so these filthy, nasty, pornographic rapist haters with sneering racist jokes, pornographic remarks for every time I take a shower or use the toilet, these are filth and scum being put into highest position using 'trauma-based" torture techniques and then cranking out "liberal" ideology--which is a complete contradiction. But they continue and you all continue to allow them into these positions and their hate movies really supporting racism and rape culture but always disguised as being concerned about humanity. These are the exact same people who keep winning top Academy Awards year after year for their "liberal" movie crap plots. K-rap.


They are inserting the mechanical arms through the cabinet area under the kitchen sink. I have literally covered up all cabinets but left two that can be opened by me. The clothing cupboards/cabinets are covered to a greater extent and have fewer huge gaps between the panels and the doors. The kitchen area is like a porous entry point for mechanical arms on all the cupboards and panels.  Underneath the kitchen sink area, where fungus and filthy stinking water is inserted underneath the continuously damp and rotting fake cheap wood panel, which is almost 2 millimeters in width, which is so soggy it is malleable with my finger pressed very lightly against it. I have covered it with silicone, covered it with paper and tape, sealed the corners with silicone, and there are areas under the kitchen sink from the interior that I cannot reach, where these arms are lifting up the soggy, wet and malleable materials and inserting these arms. I have since covered the huge gaps on top of the cabinet doors (which are below waist level, underneath the sink) with padded rubber strips, with beads balanced on top so I can see where entry is happening. The beads are pushed aside, and the rubber matting is removed and then replaced from the inside. It is literally impossible for me to stop this unless I had an expert come in and pound or cement in some panels to cover this dangerous area (for me, with this entry point). I have no money for this, the landlord is a viciously abusive, violent and threatening nasty disgusting personality (probably excessively charming for the white supremacist Nazis who are controlling and orchestrating these attacks, which he follows and he sounds exactly like them when he talks--so brainwashed, so controlled, so without a real personality except for  a nasty, grabbing and grubbing slave serving bigot fascist nazis who are his real "masters". It is completely filthy and disgusting, their energy, their personalities, their actions, and then they get their homes, clothing, property and all money suppled to them by this colonized master-slave state of Thailand. the protests in the streets of Bangkok (but never in Phuket, as the police state is very vicious here and the Nazi influence is far too strong, controlling the police fascist state here).

But that is not exactly the cause or problem. I really need a SAFE HOME where I can at least have a chance to pay to cement walls, protect myself and put up materials I need to at least begin to defend myself from MUTILATION. They are making my teeth fall out, my toe is being severed completely off day by day (like the proverbial frog being boiled alive in incrementally heated-to-boiling water, sitting becoming adjusted to the increase in temp until it is killed).

They are making my fingernails fall off by inserting metal objects under the cuticles, daily. They are telporting me to sick, mostly unbelievably STUPID and psycyhopathic teleportation skits, in addition to YEARS OF OBTAINING IDEAS WHILE THEY TELEPORT ME TO TORTURE, RAPE AND THEN THROUGH TRAUMA-BASED MIND CONTROL EXTRACTING CREATIVE IDEAS so rotten, corrupt, STUPID AS HELL actors, directors and writers can obtain--FOR FREE creative ideas while destroying my life, sneering in hate at me, as their violence increases almost daily because the more they inflict their inner hate and stupidity and ugliness out on me, the more they are addicted to torture as it is a physiological high for these parasitic abusers and to me, they are on a personal level losers (not just using a T-rumpian term).

Losers as in they have no real incredible talent, they are puppets being put into high positions so they can be controlled by their fascist Nazi Europigape controllers who are infiltrating the United States (which means both Socialists a la fascism and Totalitarianism, and Communists as in death squad culture with gulags (prison culture) and murder/covertly appropriated by government officials.

So I ask whomever is hacking or reading this to please interfere with this murder and dismemberment situation. That these stupid and dumbed down idiotic creep parasite whores are not being handed these technologies any longer to utilize to extract ideas so they can be presented as "liberal" fighters for "America" who are just whores being controlled by fascist Nazis, Communists out of former openly Communist countries, and other nefarious atrocity systems that have various other names and representations.

The lies are unbelievable that are being fomented into the minds and souls of the masses of viewers who become addicted to violent, abusive and negative theme movies. Like a hormonal addiction, the death and hate and propaganda is ever-increasing in these banal movies. These rotten and abusive parasites out of H-wood attacking me are being put into highest positions, are expecting to lead the media studios are being promised all kinds of leadership opportunities by participating in a genocidal technocratic system of torture, rape, murder and brainwashing using this tech being handed out by the US Government--covertly.

But I need a safe home to live in . At this point I cannot either afford to pay for what would block this essential area of the kitchen sink, which I need almost every hour as I must drink at least a gallon of warm fluids such as tea and other liquids every single day to heal from poisoning, which this group continues to pour into my body because I cannot defend myself from their mechanical arms pushing up the very weak defenses I can barely put up with subpoverty income forced upon me, while these haters are being paid in millions to torture me to obtain ideas, and every day they torture and drug me. I sit in absolute solitary confinement with no support system


Every time I write these responses on this blog or Facebook or ask for help, this group increases the torture, and they promote these creeps into higher positions for "successfully" causing trauma, hate and a negative response from me. They then continue to attack me because by torturing me to obtain a response, they get more promotions. When will anyone ever stop this sick group and this disgusting contract out on me, where I am living in safety with some kind of normal living existence in my own home, where the 4th Amendment is actually respected, where people en masse are not watching on laughing because I "represent" something about America and equal opportunity that they want to destroy and eliminate, using me as some symbol of a female who just want to compete without deferring to people who I can outcompete against if not drugged, tortured and discriminated against endlessly as I am with all of you laughing with the terrorists (or doing very little it appears to me but I cannot tell as I sit here alone with no support against these filthy sick creeps making stupid sick comments using "Voice-to-skull" technology while I am in the privacy of my home which is violated and made deadly and toxic every day as my body is being destroyed every single day more and more.I literally cannot continue to type as this page is frozen and I casn' see what is being typed out. The hackers have also blocked various functions embedded into the harddrive of this laptop such as display brighness, which has stopped operating. 


The hackers deleted ALL periods, commas and grammar in the sentence above. I will not correct it because I want readers to see how the hacking operates. Not that most of you care, since most of you absolutely support, defend, and participate in this targeting of me and fully endorse all these actors and politicians. I also have not openly stated the two most famous politicians who have openly attacked me using this teleportation system. They threaten my life and killing my cat, who may already be dead as she is over 23 years old by now. She was stolen two weeks after I began to write endless hate posts on Twitter against this rotten actor who then had her nearly killed, showed her being drowned in the swimming pool where I lived in this hate "resort" which was a torture camp operation, where only terrorists were allowed to rent rooms (as is the case where I am now situated and tortured literally 24 hours  a day, fully operated by world leaders who act like immature scum when they have the possibility to portray themselves as rabid racists and rapists operating for the benefit of their FOREIGN operators or "handlers"--they put threatening photos after I write them by name. I even wrote yesterday that I "approve" of this former politically endorsed couple, but that is because I believe that Reagan wrought this open wholesale "firesale" of the American Treasury and economy. Reagonimics allowed for the greed and rapacious usurpation of the wealth of the nation to be suck dry like a rape situation, as rape is so fully embraced by these creeple (in the entirety of their organization)--Reagan allowed the formerly more austere financial controllers of the economy to let "yuppie" death culture to rape from the economy, and that is what this baby-boomer generation has done and is still drooling like rabid animals to continue to do. No regard for the American population except for their interest lobbies and their partners in this huge sell-off of the American economy, along with the death camp culture that these politicians have created with the Omnibus Crime Act and Bill back in the 90's. This female who teleported me and acted like a rabid ape and a stupid moronic filthy rape enabler (as her political "foe" but partner in this teleportation called her) has threatened me and allowed black, Jewish and all the white supremacist mafia Nazis to inflict these damages upon me, and she has been put into lead political position once more. I sit here as their endless torture target and mind control programming victim: because I have not conformed to the racial stereotypes that are demanded to continue to keep people like this as symbols of the "winner" group. 

As "equal opportunity" is being more enabled by cell phones capturing police brutality, by people fighting for legal and other academic representative rights and equal opportunities in these areas of promotion, the more these covert stealth murder technologies are being embraced by the one-sided "bi-partisan" spectrum that exists as the power structure (that has telerpoted and allowed this to happen to me for at least the last ten years in a row, which means that T-rump is NOT responsible. I in fact chose "him" as the "partner" I am supposed to chose from this lot of haters because the H-wood celebrities, like the pit gang, are so consumed by their fantasy self-promotional images of being superhuman and allowed all crime, that T-rump actually had more humanity, more personality, more of a soul than they have and probably ever will have if they are left to pillage and control H-wood any longer. 

At this point, I just want ALL OF THEM OFF ME and all the attackers and this rancid and rotten organization to be stopped. I highly suggest that you people reading this STOP ALLOWING THEM TO CONTINUE and that this technology is fully accounted for and pulled out of foreign and domestic usage and stopped altogether. The damage and danger to society is greater almost than "the bomb" scare and is not being recognized publicly.

That I must write and "beg" online for years for people to stop these petty and stupid and incompetent but capable of the technological button-pushing control of these media programming brainwashing studios and lead role representations and put into highest political office, by unseen peoples who  I think are mostly out of the United States. The Europigape actors who threatened me have been there sitting alongside the Americans, who later on, as I fought to stop them and to get them off me and I could not and cannot endorse these German, Austrian cohorts who are to my knowledge of Europigapes absolute Nazis and fascists with intentions of undermining America in every way possible, as I witnessed firsthand living in Miami and in Germany and in London and in Thailand , now surrounded by Europigapes who are treating Thais like slaves and controlling a military coup government, controlling on all aspects creating a military fascist totalitarian state where any open statement against any law, ordinance or action is considered a felony that could have a 12 year prison death sentence (people can be killed in these prisons easily).


I am rambling, and I know that the prior hacking deleting all my comaas and periods will commence once I post or publish this (or has already been done while writing).

Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Barack Obama. 

I have not been visually assaulted by photos of Joe Biden and I think he will make an excellent recourse to some sanity if elected once this current crisis election fraud violence from militia in the streets if put down by military force, unless the Supreme Court puts T-rump into the presidency. Just know, you do-nothing readers who are on the fence so to speak: these actors are fully endorsing murder, rape, torture and violence in the streets. They openly shout and rail against their good buddy T-rump in public as the masses of powerless people screaming about the threat of death, homeless and poisoning with this virus are so desperate for any representation that they cling to the words of these "celebrities" who are endorsing, yes, even Joe Biden. This is a huge "pyramid" scheme scam, as they expect return favors by the politicians who they endorsed, but by doing so, they can continue to create an ever-leaning fascist Nazi system for the coming decades once they control and own these studios and these production companies, as they have been doing from administration to administration.


My computer is now freezing from a DOS attack. My brain is under the equivalent of a DOS attack, as I ramble with hate on and on about these filthy creeps attacking me, your famous celebrities and politicians. I never want to help K-rap like them to be promoted ever again for any single thing.

They continue to torture and drug me not only to obtain more promotion for creating a reaction of hate out of me, which demonstrates to their fascist racist Nazi handlers how "successful" they are at being bullies, abusers, using this tech but smiling with huge smiles for cameras pushing an agenda of tolerance and equality and freedom. They continue to steal more ideas to push to their agents who continue to be put into lead roles, festival "alternative" movie promotions, leading business ventures, corporate highly -aid positions, put into lead positions on all fronts, controlling all businesses as has been happening for decades and I think much of the very nasty things I am now experiencing happened in my lifetime from previous administrations--such as Reagan but the really bad targeting begin with "liberal" president, Democrat Jimmy Carter. One of the YouTube videos he posted on my  YouTube channel, which was a hack as these videos from these celebrity politicians with their charities stop appearing on my blog when I do not click on their videos after perhaps a year of them attempting to garner a reaction out of me (this is the stupid and insidious contract that these idiots are all participating in). Carter put one video out about how liberals like him are fighting for equality because they want to help those who are "inferior" to them. This is  his attitude, and what he put on my YouTube channel. I can only counter that with the fact that they are poisoning, drugging, having my home and body made deformed, broken down and inoperable because they are in fact scared that people "like me" are not inferior but superior if there were equal chance for me to compete (meaning can beat them at competitions and academic pursuits--also I should be very physically beautiful as I was as a child and they want me ugly, "fat" by bloating poisoning, crooked due to physical breaking of my vertebrae and spine and dislocation of my spine, hips, and bones--scars forced all over my body, my food poisoned and drugged repeatedly, and then access is blocked in all financial aspects. That was first turned into a near blood-bath by the administration of Jimmy Carter, the "great humanitarian" "Democrat" who has also put endless videos on my YouTube page, but has stopped because I can't give an expletive for his fake video humanitarian racist bigot produced lies so I ignored his plethora of videos and now they don't appear any longer. Unfortunately one of the black rappers put literally hundreds of his music videos which I tried to block out and ignored for a few years, until he was invited to punch, slap, try to sexually molest, abuse, insult and then sit with wide-eyed stupidity as they tortured me to explain ideas and concepts which they then took as their concepts. There is almost no difference in the personal quality of these various divergent groups and individuals. The access to education of course has been a dividing area of discernment between them, which is how the false claims of superiority by those who block opportunities from the other group has been continued for all these decades.


Despite having made the contention to myself to not write any longer at least until the election disaster has culminated into the most strong test of America I have ever seen in my life. I know that these criminals in the media are scouring these posts to steal ideas. I am not claiming that they are as stupid as much as this contract for them to be promoted means stealing words or concepts that I would otherwise use myself for a life-sustaining career (as they are blocking all "donations" on this blog and all financial opportunities so I can't even enjoy a meagre $20 donation if anyone should ever pay for what I am writing. While they are being paid in thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions for these top roles they are being handed for stealing and then twisting my concepts into their hate subversive agenda(s). I feel that on a personal level, as personality, I find them inferior and stupid and moronic and sick and evil and like emotional losers. They, however, are living in wealth and relative security laughing and scoffing at the dismal situation that I write of that they are feeding off like the pig apes that they really are. 

Scholarly interpretation of groundwork of modern historical Communist/Libertarian thought. I am getting closer to a more legitimate YouTube source on this subject (themes of the last two posts on Communist infiltration into US media and beyond--into your brain and soul or lack thereof). As I was a student in a Chomsky-lead symposium at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, back in 1988 (or 87') he remains one of my foremost political commentator choices. Also his videos are constantly on my YouTube channel, but I do not mind and am glad to get his information and well-researched erudition and concepts.

 "Chomsky on Marx, Lenin and Socialism"

The Khrushchev family reality show! (premiers for life)

 Oh, I was super-duped by the video (which had been intentionally erroneously titled probably by hackers) I last posted in my last post today (just now). The title said, "Khrushchev said" and then there was zero commentary about what Khrushchev said. Not even mention of Nikita whatsoever in the rambling conspiracy theory video. I also have to point out that the US Constitution does not say you can obtain any weapon or cartridge you want. To regulate a well-maintained militia is the main framing sentence one must rely upon. If the Government has military-grade assault death squad weaponry, then does a militia that is constitutionally governed have the "Right" to bear arms which can match the force of what the government can impose to create a martial law militarized and co-opted autocratic State? 

The 2nd Amendment is yet another reason to have a 6-3 Supreme Court nomination installed so quickly. As important as that issue is, the YouTube videos I have been forced to see pasted on my YouTube page, as I do not know how to search for truly authentic alternative sources, I really cannot find them my internet is blocked, or perhaps they no longer exist but I remain watching mainstream-oriented "alternative" but really highly conservative-controlled videos and programs.

One of the two videos I could find with Khrushchev ranting in grainy black and white back in the day threat to the US (before making his Castro-style tour of the US):

"Khrushchev, 'We Will Bury You'" speech at UN General Assembly, and his reality tv family show with son.

"Khruschev Tours America" *and his legacy lingers on, ingrained and subverted in your happy media entertainment programming.

Terrorist Report: discovering a hidden panel, hiding behind a fake nearly chipping off plastered area where mechanical arms have entered into this room to poison, drug and deform my body (scars, blemishes, my hair damaged and cut into a triangular shape, balding) drugging with mind control drugs and ranting on Facebook. Seeing what I had written stolen, commenting upon it and then threatened by a mafia personality out of Brooklyn who has been attacking me for at least 2 years (openly). Disgusting remarks and hate attacks and my body being mutilated nightly by terrorists paid to do this by the Americans ordering these attacks (behind them are fascist Nazis out of Europ-a land). Nikita Khrushchev is laughing from the depths of the dead at the buried Americans. Goldwater was not as crazy as supposed back in 1964.

 This panel is hidden behind the curtain area. The terrorists created a makeshift space that appears to be a tiny, partition where the curtains can slide into the walls. There is a tiny area that has been lifted up to insert these mechanical arms. Or so I think, as almost every other space in this studio has been pasted over with materials and bolted down, literally every single inch and cranny of this room is covered with some decorative pasted item made to appear like a decoration or ornamentation. Most of the subpoverty income I am forced into has been spent on this life-saving project for over 2 years. 

I wrote these posts, one of which was a commentary on what I now know to have been completely, verbatim stolen from me. If you read my Facebook post about the confirmation hearings from a few days ago, you will see that almost all I wrote has been literally verbatim stolen. This has been going on for over 10 years, first by the Europi-ape out of England, the Italian mafia who is a most psychopathic sick deviant personality--and now this torture equipment and the ordering of disfiguration, torture and theft of any idea these parasites want to steal has been "enforced" with violence by this mafia Brooklyn group of actors, who call themselves "Italian-American". They should be, at best, arrested for these crimes and all the other crimes they have committed, instead of endlessly allowed by the government to run tyrannical operations to torture and steal whatever they want from defenseless people who are not welcomed into this Nazi/mafia cartel. Wholly condoned by the government from the former Secretary of State to the current leader who obtained his post due to illegal and nefarious support groups like this Nazi Mafia group which has been attacking me long before he obtained his position. From the last administration and of course prior to that always allowed by the top leaders to wreak their lies and disinformation into the media, with endless mafia movies and iconic thug action movies creating an entire myth about their benign properties.

Now the endless comments while I am in the bathroom, in the shower after having written this post today because I was absolutely so drugged up by their endless drugging in order to obtain these ideas in the first place. 

When will this torture, rape and violent contract out on me ever be stopped by RESPONSIBLE leaders in American politics? Apparently the stupidity and greed of these Actors involved in both stealing ideas after drugging and torturing me, extracting ideas and using subliminal thought-reading technology, handed to them by their H-wood associate put into power by the tv/movie obsessed public--(in this video, if you watch the entire thing, which is informative for me because this represents the right wing violent "extremist" branch of the Neo-Nazi group calling themselves "Progressives"--fascist, Nazi and mafia operated organizations pitted as being anti-Conservative, anti-Trump--but absolute buddies and friends with them and promoting their agenda through the fake alternative media output as in this below--) and you can see one who is very responsible for this inclusive attack upon me in the video, a "celebrity" is mentioned and honored (as almost all the videos I watch on YouTube have these political commentators putting inserts of the celebrities who are participating in attacking me as backdrops to their commentary--as if sponsored by them. Extremists--so-called, explaining how to train with automatic assault rifles with photos of celebrities who are attacking me, comically inserted in their lectures with dumb bloops and blip noises and these photos of the actors in combat uniform as if augmenting the theme and subject of death squad training; this actor sponsored this video, and he has been putting his videos on my YouTube channel like the rest (yes, I am supposed to sound "delusional" while writing about this, I realize, but this is their triggering mechanism to obtain a reaction, for which they then get a promotion for provoking me in some negative way. They then torture me for responding, while they then get huge promotions for having stolen ideas, attacked me for responding, and for utilizing this technology, handed out by the highest office in the US, to extract ideas by blank hateful people who smile for cameras and are bringing absolute death and hate into the United States. All of them are controlled by extremely vehement anti-American former Axis Power states, who swore they would destroy America "from within" (or with their Russian ally, in the 60's under Khrushchev).

 I have not mentioned this odious (to me) actor because he remains lurking behind the teleportation skits, but obviously has been a continuous component and planner of the scheming and profiteering (He won an Academy Award a few years ago, then was succeeded in year after year of his "friends' in the A-list H-wood mafia/Nazi terrorist gang, but of course controlled and advised and brainwashed by Europ-a associate Nazi Mafia infiltrators of the US (who attacked me and stole idea after idea from me year after year and have won award after award, business after business in the US, handed to them by the more established Nazi/Mafia cartel operations of Americans within the US who are now trying to destroy the country altogether and bring a fascist Nazi colonization of America by Europ-a Nazis and fascist mafia--operating alongside the rapists and abusers who have also participated in this crime against me, endlessly handed top awards for their production companies and mediocre crappy movies which get top billing by "critics" who are just mafia adjuncts paid and told what to write and say that lauds this K-rap crap media fodder machinery, year after year. The artistic and meaningful content of movies seems to exponentially decrease. I write under drugging and torture and they obtain ideas that have powerful emotions behind what I write, which they then steal as their concept. Of course, all has psychologically-driven fascist and Nazi ideological components embedded into their theft of my concepts. Thus, America is embroiled now in a fight against fascist control and this is openly acknowledge by the ousted former leaders who supported (and many still do) this technology. Many of them are "campaigning" against Trump as I write this, as if they are some kind of heroic rescue of the calm days. They created this deadly undercurrent and are still embroiled in funding and supporting it. One of the deadly undertows is this technology being used upon me, the mind control, subliminal coercion, the "gang stalking" terrorist teams, the theft of ideas by mediocrity who posture as if they are elite by sticking their noses up in photos that are created to imagine them as posturing nobility (fascist Nazi postures).


Here's what I wrote earlier today. Attacked while bathing by the nasty Brooklyn man calling himself Italian because he hates America and wants to only be considered as a European. The Americans have allowed the country to degenerate to the point that the architecture, the fashion is so ugly and the Europigape fascists who Americans allowed to infilrate and control so many aspects of construction, fashion and media have created this ugly and uncreative cultural explosion of cheap and almost embarrassing fashion and architecture. Americans can thus only look to the stolen concepts that the fascists have obtained by their murdered victims and thus, considering "THEM" to be their guides and leaders in these areas, are thus in yet another way programmed and brainwashed into following the political takeover of America by fascist Nazi Europigape infiltrators posing as "friends"; all with huge, warm smiles and winning guiles which Americans confuse as happy have a nice day smiles of genuine warmth and concern for them. Nothing could be further from the truth as these predatory usurpers are exploiting this "Naivetee" for all they can to install their puppet regime, colonization and deterioration of American "Democracy" with Americans turning to them for their friendly invitations to support them in coming over and dominating the best areas and politics and media and etc.


Thus, attacked for commenting on how dumb yet another thief of my ideas is, to which this mafia "Italian" who is loathsome to me after maybe 2 years of him and his icky vicky team out of Brooklyn endlessly attacking me, with the black anti-racist actors I mentioned yesterday (hacked writing, as is happening today) but their ugly and sinister bad energy, their violence towards me on all levels prompts these reactions out of me. Of course I remain writing to a blank page, to empty blank space and no response occurs. I hope that by writing about their attacks eventually there will be a turning point and a counter reaction to their cartels, their behavior which is abominable, and to the endless promotion of their cartel in mafia movie after movie after death and hate movie they endlessly propel to instill violence, hate and destruction into the inner psyches of the American People--who devour this Krap like it's cocaine. Can't get enough of hate and murder and death mafia hate movies.


Here's a woman making dumb faces about violence (which means she really supports it, is mocking compassion) when the interviewee, out of Cali, is describing a black male being beaten nearly to death with metal pipes at the Charlottesville murders/demonstrations a few years ago. Otherwise, much of her commentary is a complete imitation and theft of what I wrote on Facebook a few days prior to this video appearing on the top of my Youtube channel. As I am interested in what is happening in the US elections, and I have only YouTube in which to see actual news and get information that is visual--as reading is never the same as seeing the people and faces and atmosphere involved in these debacle news stories of the deterioration of the US political system now unfolding.

I can't open a single clip, even in some mainstream news sources, without one of these celebrities leaving a print of it's paw into the thread of the content. It is almost impossible for me to click on any independent news or commentary source and not be assaulted (my brain under extreme attack whilst viewing to engender a reaction, I can't describe how powerful and awful the drug/tech interface is to obtain a reaction).

I reacted, have been ever since assaulted by this odious nasty Brooklyn mafioso actor and it's so repugnant, the entire thing. I sit here wondering when America or anyone is ever going to stop this and realize how much DAMAGE to the country this contract out on ME, specifically, has been to the political structure of America. The only benefit is that those who had approved of this death and "experimental" contract out on me are now themselves victims of the ramifications of their sloth in terms of moral peril that they ignored.


I do not endorse this blathering idiotic "Italian-American" fascist-Nazi "Progressive" (as I truly believe these are the obverse psy-operatives who are actually promoting fascism and Nazi groups in the US and elsewhere. I do not mean those who are determined and authentic, but these media representatives and their ilk. Some of these alternative and anti-racist blacks and other famous media entertainers are just as disgusting in violent and assault and negative content as the bigots they claim they are countering. I highly suggest they are one and the same organization but creating a false dichotomy.

I also informed this dumb black woman I mentioned yesterday about the HEGELIAN DIALECTIC which is the most significant OPERATIVE mind control function all of them employ in these movies and their media representations, including the awful blathering YouTube political "Progressive" commentaries (by some, just the ones attacking me, which I can identify because they later attack me after I realize they have stolen concepts from me. Again, please note that their methodology is designed to create the illusion that I am "delusional" when I write of their systematic torture protocols aimed at stealing my ideas, forcing reactions through drugging which I cannot stop because they have expert technicians breaking into my home while restricting me to a far substandard subpoverty level of existence and cannot begin to defend myself, especially ALONE WITH NO SUPPORT SYSTEM.)


I DO NOT ENDORSE THIS BLATHERING "Italian-American" idiot who stole my concepts and created this video stealing verbatim words I had used and concepts: I am writing this although I know that the thugs doing this surveillance will only attack me further. I only hope for justice and that they are not endorsed any further and that this attack upon me, which is also an attack upon the country as I am trying to express (which I hinted at above, because writing about these people directly is even more threatening).  They are an extremely SINISTER force dominating the US media and creating these death squad endorsements. Behind them are foreign interventionists. The former Chiefs of Staff and military advisers, a former CIA top official and etc are now bemoaning the current political climate and making public statements of endorsement against this system, which they themselves either looked the other way and did nothing to stop, assuming their positions of power were solidified, or they have openly supported this systematic torture architecture which has turned a solid foundation into a crumbling edifice of corruption, mental and creative defecation onto the US society.


*as a forward, I was extremely drugged while writing the post below on Facebook. Facebook has been a portal of my creative ideas because so many of my writing implements and laptops have been broken by this torture and death squad terrorist organization that I wanted to put my writing and ideas on something that is akin to cloud computing. Facebook has only been an non-copyright theft operation of these heinous media white male-operated Nazi groups stealing idea after idea and torturing me afterwards and blocking each and every attempt I have made to have my own career. I remain absolutely sick from detox from decades of deadly poisoning, plus all electronic equipment is blocked and hacked and all attempts to create ideas are returned via published and highly paid media content that I later discover. This video was put on the top of my YouTube channel. I was surfing endlessly for information about this insane election and endless concotcted videos such as this appeared. I also  have to note that in the course of this video this woman recommends a "take action" website. I did a quick search and got to the site, which had ZERO information on it until you wrote you name in a form, and then had a huge segment dedicated to obtaining funds for their operation. Such mafia style-derived psy operational media content. First things first, get the $$ and then steal ideas or anything from someone else in order to appear legitimate.


Yuck, please, please someone out there get this group of insidious thugs off me along with their nasty and rancid H-wood celebrities who are very dumb and nasty and require someone to torture to obtain ideas from as well.


I wrote on Facebook just this morning (and then was tortured and verbally abused, threatened with violence by the voice-to-skull and very soft-teleportation while awake technology utilized by the daily disgusting commentator of my every bathroom jaunt, and every action under surveillance and commented upon, by this mafia actor you all love because he makes psychopathic jokes and is violent but "charming" alongside his "charming" other actor and director/writer "Italian-American" but really only calling themselves "Italian" buddies who are famous who haven't stopped attacking me for many, far too many years:

"Juliana Forlano almost exactly echoes what I wrote, here on Facebook, the first day of the Senate Confirmation Hearings on the fiasco: unqualified Barrett, lying Barrett (euphemistically labeled "not transparent" by the commentaries on YouTube) and many other points I also wrote immediately upon hearing her responses for the hearings. What I disagree with that Forlano expressed is that Barrett is "intelligent" but although Barrett can utter verbal academic phrases, what I discern from listening closely is that Barrett has studied her vocabulary, uses terms that sound extremely professional and erudite, but repeats them in the same sentence in a kind of convoluted repetition of the same point, meandering although it sounds like an exactitude. I find her a good propaganda artist with tendencies towards the Con job verbosity. She has obviously studied philosophy and debate. 3 years only as a practicing lawyer. I read and heard that I and thought that somehow this was some kind of misinformation and I dismissed this as my drugged up state not able to obtain correct information. 3 years as a lawyer. This is the fiasco that is being touted as having an "impeccable record" and "highly credentialed" ( I wrote in response that she lacks credibility--highly lacking in credibility if you would just stop being "impressed" with erudite legal jargon repeated for effect and a kind of sensational sort of rhetorical skill-set--but not credible (without flair, a LIAR and unqualified) and so, I disagree with Forlano only on that point. I can tell that Forlano does not have legal experience as an attorney or is inbred as I am from the lawyer world of bs artists.

Barrett, in other words, is unqualified UNQUALIFIED FOR BEING IN POSITION OF legal representative in the highest court in the United States. Don't be fooled by her rhetorical skills. Practiced and much studied version of academic LYING AND EVASION TACTICS. Repetitive and unable to pass through limitations of academic copying of TEXTBOOK LANGUAGE ASSOCIATED WITH LEGAL STUDIES.

A mediocrity brought to top position, as usual by this organization which is eliminating opportunities for other more qualified persons (not of the Nazi bigot organization thoroughly inbred into the paradigm and not a complete puppet easy to control and maintain). Put into the highest court, more elimination of America's intellectual and innovative opportunity for advancement. Another fiasco looming just in a few days if this thing is handed a seat at the High Court. It is amazing to me how these incompetent people are continuously being chosen into highest positions and the world is rioting but still this situation goes on unchecked when it comes to nominating these fakes. Right, because the opposition is fake and there really is very little established opposition to this hate organization controlling both sides of all debates and courts and businesses and legal offices and political offices and media positions."

Perhaps I should find the post I wrote on Facebook about Barrett, but I am sick of reading hacked and destroyed posts that hackers turn into embarrassing mush after I publish what had been written correctly (or modestly so, at least). All posts I write are written under hacking interference which greatly disables typing function and speed. I am endlessly retyping words and backspacing to correct while I type, due to hacking, but nevertheless much awaits me after clicking on publish to rewrite after hackers get through the mess they create in my writing. Thus, I can only remain seeing my ideas stolen by vile, and at least on a personal level, pretty stupid people who are representing any opposition to really violent forces who are using only force as their main oppositional stance (plus crafted lies, but in the future, the verbal propaganda will be reduced to only threats of violence by dumb thugs put into power--fascist Nazi style and you had better believe that many people reading this post right now are nearly drooling to obtain this state so they won't have to think hard any longer to create the lies that they are fighting against racism or fascism or misogyny any longer. They will simply kill or threaten with death anyone who disagrees.


I actually subscribed to this Krap yesterday, and having to click on the video now to paste it here, really only because of the disgusting yelling and filth attack by this mafia personality movie iconic mafioso, who is disgusting his toilet commentaries are beyond humorous into the vile and sleazy sick zone (twilight turning into black bile filth commentary).

I just want them off me finally years of writing about this crew of crap K-rap rappers the list only increases almost daily of people stealing ideas from my writing, and then putting it all on my YouTube channel as adverts for them, their movies, their commentaries. 

Disgusting I can't stand it or them, their rotten negative energy their sick violent personalities the endless slime of psychological ugliness they pour on me every day.

I ask so many years for this group to be stopped. Now you can see the devastation that has been wrought by not doing anything to stop them. Now the country is reaching a huge deadly crisis (has reached, but I mean politically). All DUE TO HANDING THIS TECH TO PEOPLE WHO EXPLOIT AND BECOME TYRANTS AND VIOLENT ABUSERS because they gain far too much power from being able to torture without restraint and no evidence and no checks and balances criminally or politically.

The current dangers have been brought to you care of your media sponsors, and the fake opposition like this blathering idiot above who makes dumb faces and can't tell the difference between what is intelligent and what is carefully constructed lies. I CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE and thus I remain a torture victim while this dumb "Italian-American" mafia construct calls Barrett highly "intelligent" while I call her a puppet easily controlled and using textbook legal parlance to create the impression of highly astute capabilities for the highest position of law in the US (supposedly). 


In 1964, the year I was born, Nikita Krushchev pounded his fists while shouting these words: We will bury you from within...your Children will be Communists.

Welcome the Progressives operating as the "liberal" arm of fascists, Nazis who are also Socialized Communists (not very separated from birth after all, like twins put out to the public in various splinter organizations). 

My writing is meandering and chaotic, Please understand that I am being drugged on a daily basis with extremely potent mind control drugs, dismembered slowly to add to a traumatization effect, lasting for years by now, every single day without pause and no support from anybody of course--and then I'm struggling to understand what is going on politically so I can see how and what is responsible for this absolutely endorsed poltiically-sponsored torture and "experimental" teleportation MK ULTRA torture, rape and poisoning murder scheme forced upon me. Believe me, I really want to be a happy-go-lucky American consumer having a Nice Day, really I do and I am@!

Barry Goldwater not exactly putting out fake news propaganda as now, Americans have become fascist Nazi socialized Communist controlled buried from within dumbed down and bedraggled puppet slave/whores of foreign interventionists who are "friends" controlling these wanna-be Europ-a Americans torturing me under orders from their foreign controlling counterparts.

I now see that Goldwater was not incorrect and the threat he posed to America put into a political campaign ad is now coming into fruition, actually very much due to this contract OUT ON ME PERSONALLY.  I want this full circle to be stopped by responsible Americans who care about freedoms that many have died fighting for (using a cliche but this is the sad and glorious truth about America and these dead soldiers and people who have fought and battled for freedom should NOT BE IGNORED ANY LONGER due to your greed and this fantasy K-rap movie entertainment Nazi/mafia media mind control systematic death machine that you keep watching believing they care when they are dying to murder anyone they can using covert technology. They can't wait to rape and torture other people and further implement this technology out into the greater Nazi goon groups which fully fund and support this system of torture technology (with their death squads you now recognize as Neo Nazis but can you also recognize the Progressive, Democrat, Republican, Feminist #Me Too!, Black activist, celebrity fighting for every charitable cause for glorification/sponsorship funding who are really operating under the umbrella of Communist-driven,  Nazi/mafia fascists as well? Can you recognize them behind all their fake smiles and plastic-surgery smiles, posturing self-glorification all coached by stylists and designers out of Europ-a land training them in fascist Nazi posturing? Can you tell the difference between an authentic personality and a fake putting out "alternative" and "liberal" and "progressive" content?)

In NO WAY WHATSOEVER do I deride the Progressive Party, it's many members who legitimately want a positive change for American "freedom", or any H-wood actor, writer, director also in that category who are not trying to create a criminal cartel (oh, it already exists and has been fully integrated decades ago, oh yes, but still) please note, that I do not attack those who are "normal" people who are not trying to subjugate or infiltrate or destroy American or any global or any group's identification with freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom in any sense that this group wants to control at your very inner cochlear ear system, wants to control and observe, rape and steal all possible and thwart and control your every movement while you "believe" that they are charming and funny "friends" on the tube entertaining you.

Please note that I used the Barry Goldwater campaign ad in this YouTube video because I could not find a good source for this statement made by Khrushchev back in ...I believe it was at the UN Assembly in 1962. I do not endorse the legacy of racist policy of Goldwater, on in this anti-threatening Communist stance that Americans I fear were right to support. I use this as a general statement, of course there are huge issues involved with these grandiose statements. Covering volumes of information, disinformation, misinformation lightly within one sentence is a fallacy but I use it nevertheless here. I will try to find more evidence as I heard of this statement in a lecture but it is not easy to find a good source (unless I had access to peer-reviewed research, which I have tried but cannot obtain as access is denied by the hacking stalking terrorist organization. I am blocked from obtaining research material that is publicly available upon request. Most of my emails are blocked and deleted before I get a chance to open them. I have not  received anything but attacker emails for over a decade (or longer) as a result of the monitoring and censoring of my every search and personal information. Thus I include this video made by the Goldwater campaign, not to connect it to Trump or any other political party operating at this time. It was just the most convenient example available on Youtube. The others have lengthy explanations of events and I wanted a short, more propaganda-oriented clip, as this Goldwater clip surely is. Goldwater is discredited for backing the wrong political horse, and forever more labeled and discounted as a racist. I think his stance on a Communist infiltration of the  United States is not so deviant or delusional after all.


I could not find a fun and easy clip of this statement on YouTube, but here is an article on the most vital topic which I think has been very swept under the carpet in our "liberal" age of "Democracy" which we now see unravelling very quickly. The unravelling began long ago with propaganda disguised as "liberalism" and "neo liberal" politics. The similarity of the words gets confusion for the average person it appears as definitions become blurred and associations are designer-fashioned into the mode of American happy paradigmism. (my word, paradigmism as many a political word must be an "ism" !!)

“We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”--Nikita Khrushchev (softly spoken by Gorbachev, Reagan, clinton, Putin, et al to the trump card now issuing orders to goon squads to kill in a putsch coup d'etat.)

Not Khrushchev speaking directly, but quotes from Khrushchev, and issues by the United Nations directing a "One World Government" (literal statement issued by the UN).  Other quotes very worth noting. I do not know how many of these quotes were taken out of context or to which avenues of power they originally referred to. However, as "conspiracy theory" fodder, these are most enflaming details of the presage of current events. Decades of planning have brought much into the current political and socioeconomic focus. However, this TECHNOLOGICAL TYRANNY being exacted upon me by world leaders and performers has sped up the process perhaps exponentially of this "One World" takeover via infiltration, without taking a shot, "from within" (the media industrial-military complex).

"KHRUSHCHEV SAID" (Youtube title)

I also do not endorse this video above. I have heard these anti-government pro-2nd Amendment statements before. I agree that "The People" should have a right to carry arms and defend against a corrupt government. When militias are unconstitutionally authorized to be assassination squads in the streets, the 2nd Amendment and the clause about forming a  well-organized Militia as compulsory have various blurred lines in this age of automatic rifles and assault weapons being used by "militia". At this time, it is essential for FBI to recognize groups that harbor assault intentions such as what just happened with Governor Witmer in Michigan with the (unconstitutional) militia that planned on executing her after a kangaroo mock court "trial".  However, the blurred lines with all these political thoughts to be unraveled with the lack of available posts and lectures regarding this subject that I can find, personally with all the blocks on information by hackers and blocks to legitimate peer-reviewed research that are imposed upon me force me to post "conspiracy theorist" stuff. Which is entertaining. However, the quotes by Khrushchev remain in the context of this ranting post, drug obtained and hyperbolic presented as is...

I also do not condemn per se the Clintons in as much as they have helped this technocratic institution of MK ULTRA and surveillance come into this pernicious manifestation. I support their need for protection against assault weapons and transparency of those who obtain such deadly weapons. I disagree, in other words, with much of the video above but I do not discount it so readily either. I was happy that Bill Clinton beat out Reagan back in the day, and to this day I still wish that Hillary had won. She is a likeable personality but entrenched into this technocratic systematic assault mind control programming, which in it's own stealth way is almost as deadly as assault weapons, but with a more insidious invisible effect upon MASSES of people, not just a lone targeted person. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

"A Barrett Confirmation Is a Catastrophe": What Democrats Can Do to Block Trump's Supreme Court Pick/This Evangelical Pastor Voting For Biden Says the GOP is a "Religious Cult"


Reading on IndiWire of a terrorist teleporting (me) H-wood celebrity signing a petition against current political crises. Black, gay, and hissing spitting and insulting me in defense of his female partner along with a slew of black performers and entertainers. All supporting those who are partnering with rabid racists (as in anti-black, anti-Semitic, misogynist, elitist Nazis out of Europe and beyond and also the American contingent of that said group).

 I think I will never watch another spike lee movie, Ophrah clip forced upon my YouTube channel (as I never watched her tv show beyond a few minutes, maybe three times and could not take any more of the blase boring fake psychological and fashion and etc Krap she puts out, I never was impressed in the least). I will never watch the Jewish writer who stole my ideas, (he touts himself as being "Jewish" but adamantly stands with blonde Nazi bigots behind and next to him hissing in hate at me. Please note that I have not associated myself with the J-community in my life, only experimented in trying to observe and see if that identification fitted me. It does not. All of these "Jewish" attackers are staunchly open about their religious affiliation and are vehemently assisting bigot white Nazis along with the blacks and all the other minority minions in attacking me. I can't remember his name because my brain is swamped by the tech influence. I have had at least 2 score of Tyler Perry photo inserts on my searches for many years. One of them was glaring into the camera alongside bloated O-rah making what I consider to be a replicated evil look I see almost daily by stalkers in the streets, staring at me with aloof dislike and contempt and shock. It's like they are all possessed by the same demon making the exact same facial expression. It is more than tres creep stuff.

I can never watch any more of the blonde nazi movies, that was my convicion long ago---meaning those who have teleported and tortured me for years upon end, bringing in Europ-a nazis, black Americans operating with Nazis, one violent Canadian who threatened my life four times who continues to plague my internet with the symbol he choose to represent his trigger response. The black gay male I wrote of above, who participated with a host of H-wood "celebrities" (many of which I have never heard of before, as I am blocked from real internet searches while the faces and info of the attacker terrorists teleporting me have covered every search engine slot I wanted to use to discover other actors, other ideas and concepts that exist on the internet. The hacking extends to searches being limited in scope to the point that I get almost no news except for that which those participating in the terrorist operations force on my internet, with them prominently displayed every time.

Billy Porter, that is one most ugly and vile towards me. He hissed and spat at me that I was "attacking black people": when I called rotten A-rah an "Aunt Jemima" one time while asleep, teleported, under hypnosis for "truth" torture extraction under duress and torture and poisoning and rape and violence, which Church-going A-prah makes a public statement about her absolute righteous stand on all issues (that could land her a slot as a US PRESIDENT....??? God forbidNO to this evil monstrosity idealization of the media circus hypocrisy--putting it mildly).

Endlessly stating that her inclusion in a most racist, bigoted and sexist Nazi and other nefarious mafia and sinister hate organizations utilizing this technology of teleportation, the "gang stalking" terrorist assassination network--and I see Porter signing a petition because he's playing that game too. An absolutely nasty and hatefilled bigoted sexist man towards me. Absolutely psychologically violent, "getting up in my face" with hate, staring from nearly a few inches away from my face while I can barely see in that state (but I can discern their faces, their expressions and I know they are these "famous" personalities--to me they are famous for expletive**). They are absolutely assured that they can torture, sexually abuse, insult, threaten, have my body mutilated by their terrorist home-invasion teams, tortured with electronic weapons, teleported to sick and stupid skits only unevolved human beings could sanction or conduct or participate in. 

Two years ago I called this whore creep Aprah an Aunt Jemima. 
since then her threats, violence and torture has gone on without end. Demanding an apology I can never do that as she's so disgusting when offered this technology, backed up by extremely racist, anti-Semitic mafia out of America and Italy--as they all (these performers) go shopping in Milan and to the fashion festivals and put photos of themselves sitting alongside the most rabid of racists in these fashion events, which really are a social standing photo-op of privilege and elitist status in the Nazi circles they rely on for their positions in the media complex.

There are a few more, one teleported me once or twice then stopped. Her photo as a commercialized Adidas representative was prominently placed right at a corner where I turn in the shopping mall where these H-wood personalities order HUNDREDS of people, the Nazis out of Europe and their minion Thai (shh..slaves) partners attack me most viciously. 

Spike Lee, another personality that stole a concept from me, posted it on my IMDB search with the undertitle of the Greek play I wrote of, which was not defined as such for any advertisement. When I wrote a response on my private, but hacked by all of them to steal and suck out ideas before and after continuing torture (it's now 7 years of Lee participating in this, I don't know how many years of Aprah but that parasite does not stop attacking me with her other aspiring black "brothers and sisters" who want an easy promotion if they spit, thrust genitals in my face, threaten me, have my home defiled and decimated, order physical torture, rape and partial dismemberment EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YEARS--sitting right next to open anti-American bigot Nazis out of Europe who they openly defer to when the attack is aimed at me.

Out of all of these personalities besides the most viciously racist pit gang members, the white blonde and other europ-a-based personalities like his wife, his friends, the Nazis and the massive numbers of Americans who are also part of this global organization who sponsor and keep these H-wood personalities afloat--the blacks are ESSENTIAL WORKERS for the 4th Reich propaganda machine and these most openly bigoted white Nazi personalities are urging them to viciously violently and openly assault me and that is to protect the Nazi interests in keeping stereotypes alive while purporting to be fighting against these roles and stereotypes. The "Big Lie" is what Hitler called this type of psychological manipulation. It has been in operation for decades, just as these media personalities have been around for decades and now want to establish entire mogul positions in the media--ostensibly it appears by demonstrating how viciously racist they will be when they get a chance to unleash their pent-up rage about being "discriminated" against themselves. 

I ask whomever reads this, if you are against this system and it's ramifications, which extend far beyond my private and personal story but as people who may have followed this situation for all these 7 years of me being teleported, raped and tortured JUST by this H-wood group (and they were stalking me using technology before that, obviously)--if you can't tell, the current global condition has come to a near catastrophic calamity level and I can only state that the most seeming warm-hearted and compassionate of these people who attack me to demonstrate how they will utilize torture, technocratic tyranny, fascist methodology, are those like Aprah who are attacking me most openly and for years after calling that rotten and bloated sick foul thing an "Aunt Jemima" one time over 2 years ago. I can't apologize to this rotten thing because calling her that is an understatement and I really can't back down and allow this rotten creep to use, abuse and exploit me nor can I allow any single one of them if possible.

I ask and I urge and request that people get this rotten bloated sick evil hypocritical whale Aprah off of me completely. I can only emphatically state "Goddamn do not allow more of these H -wood celebrities to run for any political office". If that rotten evil "discriminated against black woman" got any real technocratic power, which she already has been handed for all the years of attacking me, the result would be as egregious as what is the current state of damage to the US economy, community, and she would promote fascist Nazi anti-Semitism whenever it would behoove her to obtain a promotion, as she has been doing with me. That also includes rotten and evil Spike Lee, who was most thrilled to be attacking me as a symbol of RESISTANCE TO RACISM that he embraces when the spotlight of racism is put off him and his "friends" in the business. Billy Porter is a most nasty and hateful personality. Now thrust up into the main spotlight for his "trans" stance and gay rights and black rights--insisting that I am "racist" by calling this woman who is attacking me for WHITE SUPREMACISTS who control both of them.  The sick and rotten lies of these putrid creeps, and more of them I have not mentioned--the woman who I tried to write about, her name is blanked out completely due to the effect of the technology on my memory right now, and my emotions of course I am in a ranting hate lowered state of intellectual style due to the downward pulling of the situation, that years have gone by and I remain tortured and attacked and dismembered and fighting for m ylife against poisoning and toxic shock inhalation--teleported once more to sick and rotten disgusting creeps under the orders of these most immature and filthy and vile personalities who need to torture someone to obtain ideas, cozen up to filthy Europ-a Nazis in order to obtain promotions, which means of course they are in control over the American media and the corporate interests that control the entire panorama of the politico-media spectrum.

Hateful and sick people. Please get them off me please, I do hope that if the election proves to bring a change that FINALLY PEOPLE WILL STOP ALLOWING THESE CREEP PARASITES TO ATTACK, TELEPORT OR HAVE MY HOME INVADED. They should be forced to pay financial reparations as I remain almost homeless with all threats to my life on almost every side of me in every area of survival. Like so many of the disenfranchized people in America now being kicked out of their homes, who watched this dribbling s**t on the tube that these rotten "compassionate" supporting every lost cause defending black rights and that K-rap they put out for decades--how corrupt and rotten they are in REAL LIFE when they are performing the sleazy hate acts and supporting rape and racism for their bigot handlers who turn them into media constructs of compassion. The people dying and being kicked out, evicted RIGHT NOW are a large portion of the dumbed down who watched the crap these fake pieces of K-rap put out year after year, believing in the s*** that was pumped into their brains with the fake sighing and oohs of the crowds while these parasitic expletives hugged and kissed their white bigot interviewees about how they are oppressed in their relationships. How much more of a f**ing Aunt Jemima defending the bigot white master can one be to turn around  hissing in hate and performing violence towards a "jewish" person who actually has nothing to do with the religion or the disapora, which is placing an absolute racist stereotype and template upon someone else in a most open display of racism possible. 

I can go on listing these personalities but I IMPLORE people reading this to PLEASE NOT ALLOW THEM TO TELEPORT OR ATTACK ME ANY LONGER. That goes also for the black rappers but their names are too odious for me to write out, as they are repulsive to me by now and their Krap is too much to bear any longer on a personal psychological level. I can fully understand why Prince wanted nothing to do with these performers, I can't understand how he could have been interviewed on bloated Aprahs' stupid and fake tv show as he did. I guess perhaps he was mind controlled or sold out as well. I really don't know what he was doing, I stopped following his career very early on in his career. My staunch support of him was as a musician and for the supreme musical vision he helped bring to Minneapolis at the heyday of his career. I am indebted to him for opening my vistas into greater artistic integrity and for opening a portal of spectacular beauty. 

He never once, I have NEVER ONCE HEARD PRINCE SAY that he was a victim of racism and he never came out as this sort of fake liar ever in his career. As a result, he sent people to surround me with warnings about the people I was hanging out with, made an offer of meeting in a very indirect way, and had his staff treat me with very kindly support (nods of greeting when I walked into the club, etc etc meaning First Avenue). I also was approached by his associates when I lived on South Beach, Miami. As a man who has never once stated he was a victim, he showed more humanity towards me than the blacks who are attacking me, just a few I listed above, there are a few others mostly almost violently screaming in media presentations exclusively their entire personality structures revolve around claiming they are victims of racism. Most hate-driven vile and nasty and abusive towards me, with Aprha this sleazy and nasty vile parasite being one of the worst. This rotten and I say EVIL thing wanted to be US President. 

How many more people will be killed by the vicious hypocrisy of the H -wood Nazi/Mafia cartel representatives such as those listed above, the slew of white "liberal" "#Me Too!" (especially) white "feminist" mostly the blondes, and etc all the "liberals" who care are viciously attacking me (not "all" but after around 30-50, *I have lost count all these years, continuously come after me it feels like "all" but I know that is not "all" of H-wood).

The enormity and the years of this never-ending make all descriptions in the most superlative case.

Please get them the Hell off me finally after years of writing about this and them. 

There are many, many many more of them unnamed. I mean stop this contract out on me, this is sickness and injustice amplified by MILLIONS of people participating in this crime. The planet has become sick and deadly due to this organization, in it's global ramification and their actions, extent of the scope of their "power" and the disconnect to nature and nurturing humanity that they represent. They also love killing and torturing animals as part of their torture techniques. Nature and respect for love, nature and all that is the apex of human realization are anathema to them. That is what they truly bring to the world.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Terrorist Report October 21, 2020. Besides the long list of routine attacks (partial dismemberment nightly, filth sprayed into my room by mechanical arms jutting through obscure panels that I have pasted, pounded and boarded up) the drilling, pounding and hammer in the studio beneath mine has been ongoing for a few days. This is over 7 month of drilling, pounding and hammer that goes on without pause, for hours daily, for the last 2 years.

*First, as a forward to this post, re-reading I see immediately that the grammar has been attacked by hackers in the title above after I had checked that all was fine, then published. Opening this page once more I find a string of typos and rewrites just in the title alone. I am not going to alter anything. I wrote "hammering" and hackers changed the plural to singular. That is only one example. I am not going to redo the rest below. All mistakes, typos and inaccurate grammar are due to hacking inserts. As I type the keyboard is going haywire and my fingers are not able to move where my brain is directing them. The usual, as usual obfuscations of my writing and cognitive intent in writing always blocked, rewritten, hacked and deleted/strung together into inarticulate sentences and paragraphs*

 I ask readers to stop this travesty of Justice that has been perpetuated during the last few administrations (all my life) and for me to live without torture, rape while unconscious, my home made filthy, toxic and disgusting so all I do is repair, spend money to fight for my defense and I am left in less than subpoverty income. Fighting perpetually to heal from poisoning while these millionaire/billionaire terrorist "celebrities" and politicians collaborate with the local terrorist "gang stalking" organization to block access to financial solvency so I cannot afford to pay for health care of any kind whatsoever. Left living in torture chambers for years upon end while I continuously see ideas I barely can pound down on this keyboard stolen and then reinstalled on my every search item because this has been the protocol for endorsement and promotion for these hate-mongering fake idols and their posturing humanitarianism and concern about Americanism. (Whatever that means by now).

Years ago all I did was write on Facebook that I need a safe place to live. The terrorists conducting years of torture aimed at me made sure that I was kicked out of the place I had been living, under non-stop torture, dismemberment and violence, to this place with increased attacks until the dismemberment is making me partially crippled. The avenues of entry into my room have been increased in this current torture/surveillance prison situation by nearly double compared to the last place I lived, which was unbearable and deadly and toxic as they were poisoning me to death and I was so drugged I could not even fight to clean the stink and mess as I breathed it in continuously, bedridden and sick every day.

I NEED A SAFE HOME WITHOUT THIS VIOLENCE I AM NO CRIMINAL i HAVE DONE NOTHING TO "DESERVE" DECADES OR A LIFETIME OF TORTURE, POISONING, DRUGGING AND RAPE, THEFT OF MY HOME, PROPERTY AND MY LIFE AND PETS AND HOME AND EVERYTHING I CREATE AND WRITE AND THINK ALL STOLEN BY INCOMPETENT THEIVES POSTURING AS THE "ELITE" THAT YOU ALL ARE NOW ONLY QUESTIONING LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF. The gamut of these criminals is the gamut of the H-wood industry "A-list" celebrities and those silent and invisible investors (out of EuroP-A land the Nazis and bigots who are orchestrating all these murders and protests and counter-protests and programming the Americans to go out and shoot and kill in militia groups in the streets. The internet and technology now ties them together in less than a millisecond. 

I am now ranting but nevertheless, this crime against me, for decades, is far more violent than the majority of prison sentences, solitary confinement, torture, rape, poisoning and violence and it is all being condoned by the US Government and former administrations. Performed like stupid, violent and rabid APES who suck, drain and snort up all they can like greedy, stupid and violent PIGS the celebrities do the bidding of their "masters" (that includes whites and any other culture, as this is not a racial profile it is a sad human condition derived out of brainwashing and programming conditioning).

The political power entertainers enjoy and their fans rely on for proxy power statements. How much more incredible when the players are played themselves as pawns of the powers they claim they are fighting against.


CAN OUTDANCE AND CREATE MORE POLITICAL SYMPATHY IN THE SHEEPLE PUBLIC MEDIA SLAVES THAN...THIS...*in South Korea* for purposes of rewriting history and the control of the Chinese Communist Party in S. Korea (only for this sole demonstration of protest, amongst those noticed by the media which means this very newspaper article could be a fabricated bit of anti-Chinese Communist Party sentiment but...still, the power that a pop band can have over a political party is still noteworthy.

Yet see, the music is rather blank what is the most noticeable is that the S. Korean band of high repute mimics American fashion and iconography and lifestyle.

The context rather than the content of the media prop propaganda is what appears to rule more heavily than skill or talent.

Or, how politics is shifted by popular media entertainers who are themselves imitating something other than what they really are but what they become after much coaching and professional make-over skill (plus plastic surgery, as you can imagine, perhaps many of these S. Korean performers have had their eyes widened, their skin tone lightened, their hair obviously turned lighter, their noses altered, etc etc etc to appear more white and Western).

I mean really, this band is not exceptional as a music genre and has zero originality. It's creative flair for the videos is perhaps due to artists who do the work for them. This appears to be the trend out of America in the media as well. From my teleportation hell and hate, torture, rape and attempted murder and theft of ideas situation, I can most assuredly confirm this statement I have just made about the S. Korean imitation band KPop. 

The letter K has a most important significance in the current financial "crisis" which is no crisis for the very wealthy. For more detail I suggest readers do research on the Bloomberg financial analysis of this letter and the economy. That is why I call  the American rap version a K-rap. It not only sounds like crap but it is part of this "K-economy" that differentiates between the very wealthy and the increasing masses of the impoverished, destitute and destroyed middle-to-lower-class Americans now unemployed, homeless and completely disenfranchised. The media moguls who torture me to obtain ideas that are less formulaic than what they rely upon are those who have only GAINED in financial momentum due to the excesses of imbalance due to the shifting of financial wealth in America due to the pandemic. Thus, the crap K-rap has a more multi-layered connotation than just a phonetic slur on the word CRAP RAP. 

Yes, you lazy infidels stealing my ideas and using them as your own concepts while ordering your enslaved minions to do the dirty foul filthy rape and dismemberment work for you of my home, body, finances and life while you steal my ideas can in fact actually READ articles and do research. I suggest to other readers not part of this cartel that these very "actors" (including directors, politicians and the rest) are themselves mind control slaves drugged up but unawares. Beware your complacency and your complicity in this organization and it's pernicious stealth operations as you yourself could be victimized or current a victim but completely believing that you are part of some inner circle of power.

Oh yes, it would behoove America to up it's talent quota to ensure that the top talent of the country actually GETS A CHANCE TO COMPETE AND BE IN TOP POSITIONS rather than these monopolies of corrupted and hate porno rape and violence puppets being endlessly thrust into mainstream media spotlight for DECADES. KPop crap K-rap rape of me and of the public, the usurpation of the political power base, far too much influence in politics. PUT A MORITORIUM ON ENTERTAINERS PUBLICALLY ENDORSING POLITICAL CANDIDATES.

Korean boy band BTS faces uproar in China over war comments: The Hindu Newspaper


A definition of LIBERTY in Neo-Liberal America. Free to live any way you choose with a few major caveats.

 Noam Chomsky: " yes, you're alone in the Market Place. You're alone. You suffer. That's called Libert...Libertarian in the United States. Amazing use of words.  Anatole France had a great definition for this kind of Libetarianism. 'The rich man and the poor man are both free to live under the bridge at night. That's 'Liberty''". 

(Chomsky continued): "That's neo-liberalism, That's 'Liberty'. And the world has suffered from it. We see it all over the world, not just in the United States.....In Europe...political parties are collapsing...It's fertile terrain for demagogues who can come and say, 'I'll save you. It's those bad people who are responsible for your plight. Not the corporate system. Not the political parties. Not them, they're fine. It's immigrants. It's black people. It's the poor. And it can work. We've seen it work in the past'". 

If Mr. Chomsky would only say or tell, or if only I could get the "liberty" to tell this openly without being hacked, blocked, deleted or tortured or threatened with murder afterwards: this is the exact strategy of each and every single person who has teleported me and then seemed to offer "help" and then increased the torture until by now my toe is being cut off slowly, my teeth are being cut into the gumline because all the gum tissue has been severed off nightly for over a year every single night. My body is covered with scars, bruises and blemishes my hair is nearly completely off my hips and spine have been broken and shattered and put out of alignment every night while I remain poisoned every day. The people who come to embrace and then slowly murder me using all this covert technology, the death squad terrorist (aka "gang stalkers") and the other endless display of technological torture, surveillance, home break-in and violation, and poisoning and drugging an entire list of drugs must be hardened into my body after years of variations of drugs and poisons all inflicted by people who offered sanctuary, help, support, friendship or "love". The same micro situation applies to the macro programming to get people to trust and believe that their real enemies are saving them like heroes. 

This same strategy is the prevailing formula of H-wood movie plots and subplots. Always hero and rescue-driven superheroes fighting super-human villains who are much more interesting and appealing than the heroes in these plots and movies. 

You, or "one" has the liberty to chose whether to watch these movies or not, or buy into the propaganda or not. The alternative however has been absolutely nearly completely erased from public view or exposure. I am loathe to find any alternative movie source that is not wholly integrated into the mainstream media complex. All called "alternative" or "Indy" but with the same formulas, just not accepted into the blockbuster chain gang of criminals putting out this brainwashing, exhilarating delusional fantasy scape which appears to have no other avenue of de-programming possible in "the media". The same formulas operate in this huge multi-complex tiered structure of power, politics, money, media and the "alternatives" offered as rescuing society from the ills of their nemesis. 

All operating towards the same end, or controlled by the same dark hole vacuum downward spiraling info-dumbing-down-sheeple-steeple. (:

HAIL ALMA MATER. Champaign, Illinois. My hometown where I was raised by my mother serving other vegetables than corn or soy (almost never). Raised on mind control drugs and hardening poison which kept me exercising constantly. Very healthy for having been fed this non-corn diet. HAL deprogrammed below in movie clip, crying out for his nascent programming baby-boomer daze in Urbana, Illinois. Hail Alma Mater and the technology of the University of Illinois. Hail Hail HAL 9000.

 A fortunate win for the University of Illinois Research and Innovation Department. With good consequences for energy conservation. I wonder how this research will be used to subjugate human beings or misused by the corporate interests? I have to automatically assume that technology will be sold at highest price to people wanting to use it for nefarious purposes. I praise the University of Illinois and honor it most wholeheartedly, however. The ingenious people I did grow up around are held in my highest esteem to this day. The criminals who misuse the technology are at an almost ubiquitous level of society and implementation. 

Research and Innovation /contest for Freezer-energy-saving and sustainability at the University of Illinois--winner 3 years in a row, "...saving a total of 3.5 million kilowatt hours/year worldwide,,,: (only quoting from 5:44 into the video), I don't know the research methodology or factors of the contest or study. Not mentioned in specifics in the 6-minute video.

Throughout it's history, The University of Illinois ranks at top for innovation and research technology, The results of many of the technology research coming out of the U of I has been transformative for the entire planet,

As sometimes "Progress" is a positive, sometimes in the "wrong hands" it has a dastardly effect if not handled with informed and transparent operators--i.e. the customers who pay to use the technology who have very low ethical standards and even less scientific credentials. Do not blame the researchers or the innovative developers.

For this specific purpose, research into energy reduction for environmental sustainability is at the forefront of another global prize for this uniquely talented university.



"Hail to the Orange Aerial UIUC"

U of I anthem, "Hail Alma Mater". The campus itself It is an extremely regal campus, combining old historical architecture with modern and efficient. Old ideas of controlling and supremacy combined with "new" ideas for technological implementation of austere controlling human brain functioning in a modern "Democratic" society. Good ole Alma Mater. Bringing mind control to the world disguised as a harmless little "Prairie" Town. Twice the average US violent crime rate. Research, development, innovation and implementation of non-consensual microchip implants into human brains and bodies. Mind control technology handed out to school teachers, high school students, their parents, and their religious-affiliated post-sermon theocratic operations.  

(Now writing under very strong "mind control" influence, which is reminiscent of being drunk or "high", writing like in a dizzy state:

Remember, this is not too far from Bloomington, Indiana and the University of Indiana (please see current discussions on the Supreme Court justice and her background). I know from first-hand experience the Midwestern mentality and The banality of EVIL of pseudo-religious cults, the hypocrisy that I grew up around. One must not confuse what appears wholesome with these technocratic aspirant fascist and bigoted autocrats and their cults and religious affiliates who most likely utilize this same technology "nice" people have forced upon me and then derided me for behavior that they forced upon me, cloaked under "nice, small Midwestern mentality" of religious splendor-spender hate agenda blender. Trying to encapsulate with rhymes written under mind control duress.  I'm fighting to pump out of my brain, because I am blocked from being able to write what cannot be expressed in the banality of evil that all the terrorists from this "mind control" arm of this most pernicious global organization,  surrounding me have embraced all my life, from Champaign to the DC universe-- that is inexpressible with technology cloaking my brain as I type this, with technology blocking the technology I am writing upon at this moment. Again I must fight to type with hacking blocking utility of the keyboard, and my head feels dizzy from the effect of whatever is being done, technologically, remotely operating in interface with drugging and the (undoubtedly probable) microchip implant in my poor beleaguered brain (I love my brain, I want these indelibly evil operators to be stopped from interfering with my thoughts, moods, verbal ability, cognitive ability, and stopped from inserting subliminal content and discrediting tactics--that I now see where used in my early childhood, back in the 1970's back in good old USA Midwestern Town of Champaign, Illinois just a few hours' drive from Bloomington, Indiana where the devil is wearing Prada and waiting to rule your LIFE with religious quackery and Totalitarian righteousness wearing a designer women's fashion suit.


"A Bright Spot On The Illinois Prairie: Champaign-Urbana, Illinois 4K."

As a post-editing insert. The above video in no way represents the Champaign that I grew up in and around. The streets, atmosphere are in now way represented by this video-maker who was driving through more new subdivisions and selected busy thoroughfare avenues which are unrecognizable, as I left Champaign in 1978. Much has been built and looks like an awful replication of any architectural disaster a la USA.  PVC houses dominate this video clip. My street where I grew up, an older street, is red cobblestones with arching Elm and Chestnut and Maple trees. The houses are unique, each one in individual and of brick and mortar, not PVC square and unrecognizable from any other ugly and quickly built suburb or urban or rural area where no one cares about quality of design but more of utility.  The best I can do is post these other videos, but I wanted to show the university campus area, which also has been greatly and newly built (most unrecognizable except for the older buildings in the video, you can obviously tell the difference).

Many and most of these older buildings in this next video were still the main visual frame of Champaign, the backdrop to the also older architecture of campus (now blotted and covered and surrounded by skyscraper-style glass and steel constructs that are no more original than McDonalds take-away architecture).

Here is the old style, and that is what I lived around and saw every day.


West White Street, Champaign, Illinois. It was the very happy street I grew up on, played, rode bicycle with no fear, played catch with football or baseball with my brothers on the street with the maple trees turning golden reddish yellow brown and piles of scented wonderous leaves piled up for raking and playing in Autumn. In summer dandelions turning white from moist yellow centers. Green front yards, neighbors polite *(but gang stalking anyway which is murder but hidden!)

ONE BLOCK WEST FROM WHERE I GREW UP. I would like to own the home I grew up in to reclaim it for myself and for my family and our heritage living there.

See how beautiful it is! (not this bathroom scene which YouTube has frozen--as some advert for the sale of this home? Silly.)

According to stats given in the vid titled "Bright Spot on the Prairie" above: the average crime rate of Champaign, Illinois is 50% higher than the national average!! I was surrounded by crime (stalker terrorist organization) growing up there, but visible or statistical crime appeared to be so low I never heard of it. This is a technologically-driven town due to research at the University of Illinois. You may never have heard of the U of I engineering department but it is famous (in academic circles). It is a probable correlation between high violent crime rate and university alma mater or graduate level technological demographics for population and academic and corporate-driven people involved in R&D, alongside psychology researchers. Being put into this "program" at infancy,  I was around most of my childhood, these professors who were part of this entire programming scheme upon me. In retrospect, I believe that many people around me in schools and other arenas of "normal" civilian life were also being experimented upon as part of the general social engineering project (MK ULTRA).

In such a small, nearly microscopic environment with twice the national average violent crime rate combined with one of the most prestigious but in popular terms unnoticed campuses of technological innovation.


"2001: A Space Odyssey - HAL 9000 Death Scene, Deactivation (Movie Clip)"

HAL (DYING) rambling in computer blue death zone, going back to It's earliest programming at the University of Illinois research facility somewhere packaged as a tech firm (in the movie, for entertainment purposes so much fun so interesting to watch. How people have wanted to emulate this technology, bringing AI into your brain,  but first to watch in a movie packaged as a "warning". The formulas just keep on producing the adverse effect of people embracing more fully these control, programming and perhaps lacking in evidence, thus highly desired murder and death stealth technologies!

 HAL: "I was created in Urbana, Illinois...."

These little innocuous-seeming small university towns such as Champaign-Urbana, Illinois,  can harbor the HAL's and MK ULTRA stealth weapons aimed into your home and brain, country and soul. Bloomington, Indiana is not far away in any respect. 

Don't believe the hype: (all purdied-up for the photo shoot)

Sunday, October 18, 2020

I was very drugged up by terrorists inserting drug patches on my sleeping, inert body last night. My posts were ranting and extremely under the influence of their disgusting drugs. The people teleporting me are more disgusting than I can begin to describe here. As they are allowed to continue to torture me, they all continue for years and years, obtaining highest awards and positions for participating in this most sleazy and foul contract out on me. They come to believe all the lies that they are told to reinforce by physical assault heaped upon me from actor-to-actor, now politicians and political commentary personalities on YouTube. The gamut is widening to such extremes but the prevailing faction has been those who claim to represent the "alternative" or "liberal" faction of media or politics, in this delusional society existing now in a tumultuous state due to the years of these psychic cancers now erupting into the consciousness of the country as people are dying in thousands every week.. Like a virus feeding off it's expansion, these famous celebrities, the one I wrote of today who is a most sick and evil rotten personality (as they all really are when you get to know them if they get buttons to press to torture and attack someone for the private pleasures of this sick group that has been so spoiled with false flattery they are inhuman at this point. The spiritually and emotionally very sick woman who has been this symbol of interpersonal coaching and life skills is a most evil and; vile parasitic personality as almost all of these celebrities who have teleported me are when they can express it in a "safe" sleazy orgy prostitution environment. They are very at home in this environment. Don't forget which politician comes out of this orgy whorewood scene and is friends with them all and is participating in this torture and violence scam out on me which no one will stop. They become more sleazy, sick and violent as no one stops them and time goes by. The rotten sick ugly woman who attacked me last night is attacking me to get yet another free deal or promotion out of this contract, as she has been going on doing for years now without end. The more they attack me, the more psychopathic behaviors they exhibit. Absolutely without conscience or soul, devoid completely of compassion. If I were to call them psychopathic scumbags that would be the highest compliment I could give them at this point. This is what is supposed to represent the "best" of America: top H-wood "A-list" celebrities and a few notable "top" politicians, and the rest of you reading this post give them all permission to do this, probably most of you wish you could also participate in this torture situation alongside the very wealthy "elite" scum who feed off of the bottom tiers of the layers of decency that should be upheld but isn't in humanity. You reading this who are as responsible as the top leaders for all the problems facing America and the world at this point, just remain silent or support these same people attacking me, "representing" the under dogs of the world through their movies and talk shows and politics; who have been in the forefront of these powerful positions for DECADES. They are completely corrupted and I believe absolutely mentally ill, if you take a scale weighing the cultural norms of civility to be a somewhat compassionate view towards their constituents and their fanbase. Absolute murdering rapist and probably yes, pedophiles. The Qanon theorist are so absolutely out-of-touch and delusional with the reality of what they heralding as a champion of their fake cause, because so many of these same types of people openly and with great hate attack me using the same system as these top officials and media personalities. That also includes you reading this now, today. Perhaps in the future if my blog is read by a wider base than those people will care and be shocked somewhat at my claims. I wonder if there will ever be evidence for my claims as there must be ample videos taken of me being assaulted while teleported. Of course, no one is forthcoming with evidence much less any support for me whatsoever. In the future perhaps that will dramatically change. For now: it is laughable to me to see that the QAnon psychos believe that this celebrity coming out of that herd of rapist and psychopathic scumbags of H-wood Whorewood is going to save anyone from rape or pedophilia. I have made a determination which I have not kept, that is to stop writing and absolutely shut all this hate and misery out and just not participate in their crime any longer. I have been writing about this on both Facebook and for the relatively short time here on this blog for EIGHT YEARS and so far not a single soul has approached me with anything but more exploitative advances to entrap me. I will wait I must not react although the drugs are so powerful they force a very nearly psychotic reaction to the torture that these scumbag sleaze rapist creepos from Whorewood H-wood inflict upon me. Your favorite compassionate bs operators are absolutely rotten to the core, violent, rapists, sleazy, nasty--but then, what has America become to endorse such fake products in the first place?

 I really cannot describe how badly the drugs affect rationality and cognition and "normal" coherency. The utter and sheer violence that these psycho creeps inflict on me, last night was this woman who has not stopped attacking me for years now, years on and on and on, like the last few people I have been writing about. They attack me and all of them go on nightly for years nad years and years participating in this torture scenario. They applaud their male friends and husbands raping and then torturing me, they attack me afterwards or before. This woman I wrote of earlier today has gone on, like the woman I described a few days ago or last week, the Israeli actor who is some rotten foul Parasite, just like this black parasite who has been operating with the blonde Nazi parasites who have only been cheered on for their movie roles about fighting Nazis. And on and on. THey are all so disgusting it's impossible to relate. The hacking is as usual blocking keys and my brain is always under this technological influence blocking neural firing. 

I regret having written something earlier today that could be used to discredit me. That is all. The disgusting creeps I write of only become more emboldened as people observe and see and know what they are doing to me and yet they are never apprehended or stopped in this crime. They become more violent as people like you reading this ALLOW them to continue unabated. Some of them have made news due to the increase in the violence of their personalities. So far I can list three of them who have participated and have made headlines for their increasingly violent behavior. I believe participating in this torture situation has unleashed their violence, which has so far been only rewarded by the majority of people reading my posts who, if they object, continue to allow this hate organization to flourish.

RU a "top girl" or a bottom B*tch woman who always lands on top?

Looking for a free game in the Microsoft store. This game was too tempting to miss out on and commentary regarding any feminist ideals are just as funny as the obvious top bottom girl woman 

This is of course all done in serious mirth. It's very serious, programming girlz to become top however it appears that the women on top are b*thcesss.

That, of course, is a matter of debate. The blonde thingy perpetuated also brought up my attention. More programming for the masses to either self-hate or strive to become this symbol which is supposed to be regarded as the pinnacle. Nazi brainwashing and programming for little girls to feel either elated that they belong to this group or dismayed that plastic surgery can't cover up all their inferiority complexes for not appearing in this very narrow and limited state-of-being which only a few can naturally attain and the rest have to pay and work for it or feel insecure and inferior. This is so re-enforced throughout the planet. I've had it shoved up my perspective by the haters who are teleporting me and the brainwashing body deformation death squads.

In Thailand the brainwashing to be and serve and look like and behave like and obey the Nazi ideal has been thoroughly inculcated through programming and mind control plus genocides in neighboring countries, banking policies for decades creating an economic desperation, desperate to serve and obey the Imperialist Nazis who create a culture of absolute dependence on their tourist money and programming into their bigot hierarchy.

A victim ofo perpetual, lifetime government State-sponsored terrorism: today I must phone a government agency which has cut my money supply due to an act of terrorism from the multi-millionaire and billionaire celebrities because for over 15 years I have screamed NO to being enslaved and poisoned raped and abused to death while they torture me to extract information so they can steal it to use as their concept. Year-after-year they have gone to the Oscars with such ideas, re-written by their 4th Reich writers there in H-wood (probably mostly from abroad in Euro-pa-aland) and reformatted into the 4th Reich concepts they are promulgating through "entertainment". For fighting in my self-defense against ONGOIN MURDER due to not only poisoning, as I had been unwittingly doing what they wanted, albeit not 100% compliant due to not believing that I should be abused and used, so I fought to get the abusive leeches off me, the mind control and drugging kept me in a particularly vulnerable state of lack of preparation, awareness and being mentally alert, my decisions not "My own" all boundaries bypassed by the interface of mind control drugs and microchip implant remote tech subliminals.//Fighting for over 15 years, in the past 4 years they have stopped my monthly subpoverty payments for the lifetime of my spine being fractured while drugged and comatose to forced "accidents' to hardening poisons interlaced with mind control drugs injected into food and my body constantly, literally every day until they added a severe hardening agent to solidify the more malleable plasticine poisons into hardened rock-solid structures gluing my body into a hardened, disfigured shape, suffocating my internal organs and llymphatic system, while torturing me using teleportation terorism so that by now all I do is rush at the abusers every day screaming that I wish them death trying to kill them as they laugh at the utter hysterical element they have fed off energetically and are glowing with hormones of torture violence which they feed off daily (and get promotions and thrills and money in unbelievable disproportion to their actual quality for what they are vying for): for fighting and fighting to stop being put into henously abusive murderous deadly situations, the latest is a rapist violent death-threatening Nazi-concentration camp wanna be pimp, my money through the mail service I had in Los Angeles and the government agency have stopped my payments this past month, with no mail accessibility on my part the service lying to me, lying about service overcharging me and now they have fully partnered with the 4th Reich celebrities to block my life sustainance so I can continue to fight as I have for 15 years (20 years) to get this poison out of my body and to get them off me. #right now the WiFi has been once more turned off, ,although the router lights are all on, which happens anytime I try to write about the crimes being endlessly inflicted upon me which is fully supported by all government offices and agencies. I am also lied to by the Government agency I must phone today in order to try to have my money re-instated. The reason for the $ being cut off states online that there is a "change of address". I contacted this mail service last week asking for any recent mail., they claim they ":cannot open letters" but promised me upon opening the service that they would open and scan letters upon request. Once I paid the much higher-than-average price for their service they then just outright told me that they cannot open letters they can only tell me that I have mail, and will not open and scan. They kept me in the dark about my mail. I tried to find any other service and could not, they all demand credit cards and I do not have one. All other similar services to the company I used, and note that my internet is 100% hacked, monitored and under surveillance, all calls are transferred to the 4th Reich agents who lie, deny and attack me usually with lies, denying information lying lying denying services, etc. The only way for my "address incorrect payments suspended" (for which I depend for my very life) would be that mail was returned or there was an alert sent to this agency by this group or their agents (most likely) or the mail service returned mail (also likely but same as the last mention, instructed to do so, while lying to me that I had no more mail). This agency (government-affiliated) also sent me a mailing by USPS tracking, which means this service had to sign for it, and thusly although I had told them that this must appear strictly like my home address, they didn't care or the entire situation was fabricated so a tracking number for a mailing that I did not request from a government-affiliated agency had a different designated recipient in the name and that info was transmitted too the government agency. Nothing like this has ever happened before and these types of mailings by USPS tracking are extremely unusual, from my experience and I knew instantly that there was something seriously amiss. The mail service refused to tell me the name of the sender as well, they just said it was sent from a certain location in general. I MUST FIGHT FOR MY LIFE TONIGHT WHEN PHONING THIS AGENCY to try to save my life from all money I need to survive being cut off. They may force me to have to go into their offices, I would lose everything. The expletives of W-wood saw my reaction to the fires as I was thrilled that hopefully the rapists murdering poisoning bigots Nazis rapist mutilating abusers who for over 15 years have fed energetically off torture, used my ideas every year and have obtained through the 4th Reich/government collusion to have the best production all the best that money can buy the best acting coaching best costumes money can buy and promises of automatic assumption to all the top nominations possible. all that the 4th Rich can shell out to the officials who I suggest are not pristine when it comes to being paid for a slight quid Pro Quo in return (as in lots and lots of money being handed out for all the 15 years of this endless life-threat torture heaped upon me every single day there is a new actor pop singer politician rushing with hate to find any excuse to viciously attack me) I was thrilled that hopefully the actors would lose THEIIR homes after years of having fungus mold opison people raping my body breaking into my home while they teleported me to bein raped as they have destroyed stolen like demons dancing around a fire laughing glaring with hate, every day for over 15 years. This morning once more despite my endless efforts to stop the teleportation and the nightly mutilation of my body (huge red welts remain on my fingers I sleep with layers of protective clothing to stop the endless destruction of my fingers, toes, skin, scalp, teeth and the rest they slather chemicals on, inject liquids laced with mind control drugs into my bladder every night so these sick parasites can continue to teleport and torture me every day to DEATH. now they have blocked my money and I must fight to save my life. This has never happened before, and usually there is a letter from some agency asking for more information not just money cut off. This has happened twice when German men were beating raping and insulting me while the endless group of celebrities watched on laughing smiling and gloating feeding off the violence and glowing with hormonal parasitic energy. Fighting fighting to get the latest one off me, I have been told by celebrities that "you have no choice" and "I can't wait to see you not be able to fight back any longer" as this current German abuser has told them all that he will force me to be amenable to being poisoned raped destroyed gang raped by his father friends and partners in Germany where I will have "no chance" and etc. All the members of the W-wood team have encircled this violent abuser with love friendship and offers of every invitation to have sex with them to be worshipped all minorities rally around him with love and obedient supplication. Nazi/Holocaust survivors rally to him for the contracts he promises his Nazi 4th Reich group can offer as they all viciously abuse me in front of him, in front of them all. Presidents have come to violently glare in hate at me; those who claim "hope and change" but not for me, happily they indulge every Nazi fantasy of take-over of the United States with them as partners getting more tv and book deal promises for the endless continuation of their media celebrity performances, either for upcoming political events and preesidential campaigns or movies and tv deals and book deals and laughing and laughing they all join with the upcoming administration like rubbing elbows schmoozing and really demonstrating absolute cooperation between the ersatz "left and right". Thusly, they have all orchestrated, for their endless grift greed and sleazy nasty enslavement of people "like me" to be microchipped and beaten poisoned my career completely gone from y ears of being poisoned and tortured they have gone to the Oscars for over 15 years in a row either the same two celebrities or the ever-enlarging circle of adherents to this contract, each taking turns rushing at me with vicious hate. and for fighting back, they have cut off my money after abusive dirty nasty rape while I was dr4ugged, asleep and abused by a German. I had t o fight to get my money reinstated. They have tried to cut my money off again twice in the last 6 months. They have used their influence to have this mail service lie about services overcharging for my attempts to get the information I need costing me hundreds of dollars on a sub-sub-poverty un-survivable amount of sub-sub-sub-poverty income. Around the world they have forced the income to be unsurvivable in all economies of the planet, almost. //They have been repeatedly threatening to cut off my money using the lying hate that they all use to intimidate and torture me. MTG hissed at me after her sexual assault that "it only takes a letter" and I have been told multiple times that I will "have no choice" and cutting my money off while I am deadly ill and fighting to heal, after years of them trying to murder me via poisoning, is another sure way to have me killed making it appear like some "failure" on my part. I beseech anyone to intervene not only in THIS situation but in the entity of the entirety of this inhumanity, ongoing criminal State-sponsored terrorism the enslavement of humanity the mind control and rape and destruction of all the progress possible for human beings and that I am paid by this group so I am not endlessly in dire threat of murder by money being cut off for defending myself.

  I have written about this threat in another post, and today I do not want to write the specific name of this agency but on the other hand,...