Friday, March 17, 2023

S**t everywhere, both in-and-out: A graphic, gruesome post about detox I undergo, am now undergoing, from poisons trapped inside a hard shell, turned into black hard poisons similar to an internal shell, with black goo fluids trapped under the hard shell--into my back, inside my internal organs, probably for circa 20-30 years (not for the squeamish when it comes to body fluid detail--not for the fettish crowd either)

 Back in 2011, when I realized the extent of the poisoning, as I was so drugged endlessly by internal hard poisons trapping liquid, fermenting poisons (which turn black, the blackest color when I can finally get some of it out, if I can manage to break the internal shell. If I manage to do that, I only get a tiny sliver of the hard stuff to crack and finally come out after extreme exertion--it takes 2-3 days for the soft liquids to finally loosen to the point of elimination--2-3 days of not being able to move mostly all day, sick and stuck not able to think, read, or move).

I am undergoing that, in the 3rd day right now. I had decided back in 2011, when I first realized that no matter what I did, I was stuck with a huge abdomen of poison jutting out (not realizing that I was constantly being re-poisoned by people breaking into my home every night and putting tasteless and invisible poison in my body and/or food.

I thought I would try to provide evidence so I could at least have proof, so accusations that are inevitable of me being "crazy" would have some basis in fact of proof of poisoning. However, I decided it would be too insulting to me on a public level--as having photos of black poison without saving the content could be mislabeled as me being pathologically scatological or some other mental disorder category. With no proof of retaining the poisons that I eliminate, with laboratory break-down, people could assume I am sick and crazy and keeping a diary of my eliminations which I am fascinated with. I decided to not keep a photo journal of the detox process.

I am writing now because I am fighting as hard as I can to break the last, albeit HUGE, quantity remaining as a hard shell embedded into my back.


Hacking is making this as usual nearly impossible to get out. The subject matter is also not anything I want to dwell on, and I am thoroughly sick of writing about the disgusting people endlessly taking turns attacking me, who in my opinion are nothing short of the stinking filth I eliminate through my anus every day or few days--they are just in "human" form. They are all connected to the stinking ugliness that the terror torture 4th Reich, in my opinion, is to the core of it's essence. Every single thing they do is a stinking lie and a poisonous toxic stain on humanity, in my opinion. They claim they are superior to all people and to life itself and part of a universe of superior elite ubermensch. I truly beg to differ and only consider them to be like the stinking fluids I crap out perpetually that they have forced into my body for so many decades.


To fight to continue (I just fought to get a capital "T" in the first word of this new paragraph over 6 times, the hacking is so bad the capital letters won't operate, the keyboard is stiff I must pound down, and my hands won't move to the keys I want to press).

I am doing various types of exercises which one of the (rapist) terrorists so kindly helped bestow upon me (with a quid-pro-quo of "helping" me in return for raping me with the terrorist actors watching on in their usual rows of chairs, giggling as he stuck his penis in my mouth and slapped my face while I was in a constructed, sleep or nascent waking state of inebriated/tech interface "ecstasy" while I was fighting to get him to stop, simultaneously, while in a waking and teleported state seeing my immediate 3D reality in front of me and the nearly ephemeral, thin veil of the teleported hate rape and abuse situation that I could not turn away from because my 2ndary body was transfixed in one, nearly tied down supine position being raped while my actual prime physical body was stuck in a kind of mesmerized transfixed state, trying to turn away and saying "stop" while this was ongoing.

But that was the "price" I was supposed to pay, amongst everything else this person could extract out of me so he and his wife, children adn family and friends could obtain a veritable universe of promotions out of forcing some mind control agenda forced upon me, which I perpetually fight to stop and not have forced upon me.


He did succeed in training me to the extent of being more aware of body alignment, because the hard poisons have literally put my body completely in a twisted, bloated, mutated and crooked body alignment. I need to have the poisons operating at a complete 180-degree oppositional force in order to try to break them slightly, crack the hard shell, and fight to get that cracked area to soften and release more of the endless layers of the hard shell that have accumulated into my body in a labyrinth spaghetti formation for all the 50+ years of me being poisoned and my body retaining most or all of that poisoning.


For the last few days, I was able finally to exercise after the sheer exertion of going out shopping and fighting cars nearly hitting me, people pushing into me and blocking my every movement in public spaces, and having to carry extremely heavy bags to try to protect what little I own from being sprayed with permanently stinking substances if I leave anything in this room while I am away--so I must carry huge and heavy bags with me at all times to try to protect things like the oils I use for cooking, because I can't afford to constantly buy new bottles, and etc.


A "plug" of what felt like semi-porous packing peanuts, but flattened in a hard, almost oblong shape, was stuck outside of my lower orifice after fighting to eliminate the poisons. The poisons are extreme latching-on chemicals. Often the chemicals which have hardened literally stick to my skin if I "crap" them out. One such hard piece was stuck on my lower area and I did not even feel it stuck there but I got it by accident cleaning that area---I realize this is "gross" but for one time only I am writing for all the sadistic fettish crowd--but seriously, I am writing to try to detail what I have been going through for over 10-12 years on a non-stop basis. Because the terrorists exploiting me have instructed the minions around me to continue to inject sewage water and poisons into my bladder via insertions into my vagina, I have had to deal with this on a non-stop basis. They want me crooked, bloated so they can claim I am "fat" and then they are poisoning me literally to death and then laughing about how "ugly" I look and of course how much more beautiful they are--after years of this going on every single day.


So this "plug" of mushy but firm compacted stuff came out. From all these years of this same process going on, because the poisoning has not stopped and the process of hardening continues as long as they keep having this poison inserted into my bladder, or put into my food, or etc. The bloating poison hardens, and a "plug" forms as the poisons then become embedded into little "pockets" of poison that are retained into my body. The layers are then compacted as time progresses and it's nearly impossible to break off the hard pieces, because they are slightly moveable, and malleable. They bend with movement. It is crucial, therefore, to get the ends of the attachments moving in diametrical opposition so the hard pieces break off, at least slightly. I must go through this every day. But for the last few days, after the plug broke off, then the softening process of all the poison that bloated, congealed and then flattened inside this interior pocket under all the layers I have broken off for all these years of the process continuously being continued by recurrent, non-stop re-poisoning--but this is very "old" poison coming out now. The texture of the plug was so creepy I knew it was very old--maybe 20 years or 30--and there is a lot more. As the poison begins to soften inside this pocket area, the black poisons come out, I am too sick to move. I sit in a chair unable to move and I can't read, concentrate or think. I need entertainment but all the movies and tv shows are offensive to me. Most of them deal with death. I don't want to see gore, hate and death while in this sick situation. Otherwise, every click on YouTube brings the face of a terrorist celebrity who has teleported me or wants to or if I click on their video they will very soon shortly thereafter (and some of them NEVER stop). Some of them who never stop are ones I NEVER clicked on in the first place, they just latched on to me, like the poisons do. Like the poisons they latch on and are tasteless and odorless but congeal and become compressed toxins I can't get out unless I diametrically oppose them to try to break them off.

The black poisons, if I ever get to the layers of the deep hard plugs, after a day or two it takes for the black liquids to soften enough and get through all the conduits for me to detox--they then stick to the toilet bowl--even if I flush for a few hours the black streaks remain---that is how much these poisons are capable of internal destruction to the structure--latching onto bone and tissue--my spine is completely skewed. This group (from decades ago and until recently when I was not able to block the terrorists in this condo from breaking in and raping me while I was teleported and completely unconscious, as they would adjust my spine and hips out of alignment and then insert fungus and semen into my vagina--which was rape, not just through the mechanical arms which they are doing now). That is what the A-list celebrities and Trump have been doing to me for years and years and years and being awarded for it. If anything, they are more noxious and disgusting than the stinking, black deadly poisons. Spiritually they have been dumping their toxic waste and hate into me via this hate teleportation contract, some are addicted to it on an energetic and psychological addiction level to the hormone high and the need to vent their hate out upon someone and not appear as ugly and toxic and sleazy and nasty as the poison that they are--this teleportation spectacle of human degradation remains a most popular sport for politicians and celebrities alike.
However, for one day I am providing you voyeurs with a detailed sort of description of the poison, it should sound a little gross unless you are fascinated with scatological details on a sexualized level (some are, I think).
As for the human behavior content, apparently all that I describe is of no shock value to the readers who think that actors and politicians are entitled to this kind of venting toxic hate out upon an innocent target--whom they find any rationale to continue to torture because they are addicted to dumping their psychological toxic waste into me every day, as often as possible. I have been told that I am the "only one" this is happening to (I don't believe it) and if only there were more perhaps they would stop using me as the one and only dumping group for their toxicity and hate which is like poisons that latch on and glue my body, skewing my life and body, twisting everything into a hapless deformed state, and then keeping me paralyzed and stuck while their hate is a poison all in itself. Every day and night this continues, and with the never-ending poisoning through these surreptitious means of mechanical arms entering into my room and the poisoning capabilities that are possible with millions of "gang stalking" terrorists performing every poisoning act possible through all means and ways--I am stuck like this. I am detoxing on a physical level, constantly, the poisons and I am writing about their toxic hate which is a form of detox from the hate that my body literally cannot tolerate to keep retained inside--

I keep writing, they keep poisoning me. More and more very sick and toxic people join in to vent and pour poison on me. Every day it appears to be more and more and more of them, sitting in those infernal rows of chairs watching as the next comes to scream, hit, threaten, violate, rape and assault literally non-stop from one to the next.

People are in such need for this technology that no politician or person in society will do anything to stop this terror upon me, and the technology is being developed to further more victims because the "go-getters" of society need people to torture very, very badly.

So I am writing about this shit today. AS I have been doing every day. I have written about this stinking shit situation more often than I can shit/detox from the literal physical poisoning, because it's so latched on to my body interior. I can't get rid of these people who feed off terror and torture with this teleportation and surveillance technology. Plus they feed off my hyperbolic reaction while I am under non-stop drugging. This is their "drug" of hormone-feeding off abusing someone else and having no legal or societal repercussions.

WHILE I am forced into the never-ending poison detox struggle for my life, the teleportation sessions involve one person after the next screaming in fascist violence into my face, while I can't look away, it's similar to being tied down and getting raped, tortured and beaten and verbally abused while on "truth serum" drugging and tech-brain-altering double-pronged torture systems. The fascists, i.e. Graham out of S. Carolina violently screaming at me, with Greene playing a double-Janus two-faced saccharine sweet with violent threats and sexual assault--hateful, nasty, fake, all like a death goon squad. Yelling so violently at me, the nightly teleportation skits are so violent--the Southerners putting death and murder skits into my deep sleep state with violent yelling into my face while I'm drugged so I react--screaming at them in rage to get off me, one after the other in a non-stop sequence of them. All going off giggling about how much fun it is to "get" the "radical liberal" and whatever else--they undoubtedly use worse terms in the private laughter sessions they all conjointly have after they teleport and jointly torture me--but taking turns, like police taking turns beating a handcuffed person who has not committed any crime, but finally is reacting with anger after YEARS of the same hate going on--now they use my reaction as "Justification" for increased violence. All this lowers all my immune system response to the poisoning, my lymphatic system, my overall body's defense system is always on the brink of collapse from sheer violent verbal and yelling assaults while I am in a sleeping or barely waking or drugged up but waking state while in this room fighting to clean endless stinking piles of goo and filth sprayed and put on every single thing possible (curtains, the walls, the floors, all clothing, my hair my body).

I noticed this morning that the insertions of silicone into my thigh on the right side, just above the patella--to appear like a cyst, has increased in size. Either more silicone was injected while I was asleep, or the leg massages I am doing to try to rid my thighs of the poisons that have accumulated there so my legs look like chunky cellulite covered bumpy logs--(they use to be very beautiful, in my former very athletic lifestyle of daily 2 hour exercise--for years + bicycle riding and walking and going out dancing after the 2 hours of exercise per day). Now, for over a decade I have not even been able to do simple stretches, until recently after a bit of help in stretches because my body became so out-of-alignment that I could not bend any longer).
The skin on my hands look like poisons have been lathered on them--it's worsened even though I have taken more steps to heal the skin. I have been put out by literally falling unconscious due to the harsh detox and my loss of healing capability--so I fall into a deep, healing sleep after detox either after exercising and then detoxing more of the black chunks latched into my back, with the black thick syrupy liquids pouring out and sticking to the toilet bowl or my body if I finally get a bit out--and so ill I pass out and am unconscious. Every night I put gloves, layers of socks, with rubber bands tightly wound around my wrists to stop the insertion of metal objects under my cuticles and fingernails (some of which are now permanently mutilated from years of this going on every single night). My feet the same. My head I wrap in 4 layers of materials wound around and fastened and knotted to stop the insertion of mechanical arms under anything that is slightly loose--because I tried to protect my head for months and my hair kept falling out until I wrapped layers and layers of protection around my head so no mechanical arms, no matter how thin, could penetrate. The result is no oxygen to my scalp which requires oxygen to heal--and during the day I must also keep my head covered with a huge plastic wrap so that from behind they can't spray more toxic hair-destroying chemicals into my hair while I sit in sickness unable to move, in front of this laptop, struggling to use the laptop; too sick to read, think or concentrate on anything).
But.....these are just descriptions and there is much more to the daily struggle to not be  poisoned and tortured to death. The celebrities and politicians think this is a jolly good time for the good ole boys and girls to vent their hate out on "radical liberals" and "Jews" and upon "me" while I continue to fight every day for my life. For all reasons I have stated above and in the next post and in all these posts I have written for all these years. It goes far beyond just wanting promotions for personal gain. It's toxicity runs so deep it's a societal problem. I see this in the killings of unarmed citizens and in the mass slaughter of innocents who then must immigrate desperately to foreign countries to try to survive the poisoning of their societies by what used to be my own society in what  used to be called "Globalization". I just call it all The 4th Reich by now.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Oscars 2023 (+ 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and perhaps earlier years) of the endless celebrity violence against me to obtain promotion, awards, nominations, attention, to be seen to be promoted into this highest prestige awards ritual but in actuality...The Nazi/sexist culture of Whorewood, upon reflection from watching a few clips on YouTube of the after Parties and the photos--if I can manage to get my laptop to work--//Terrorist Report: It is almost impossible for me to surf the internet or use my computer. Freezes, DOS attacks are now almost every 20 seconds. I can't use any streaming service, YouTube, it takes hours of trying to get a few simple things done. All I do is get up from the laptop and walk around my room looking for the filth the terrorists have poured on something else to clean while waiting. I'm too exhausted from the interior poisons to actually clean, so I just fight to get something done waiting for the hackers to stop blocking every click and page from opening. It's all being done manually. If I get on the internet at very odd times, such as after waking from a violent and murderous rape and abuse skit in teleportation, i.e 4.A.M. the hackers are sleeping or not on "duty" and I can surf perfectly. They quickly resume within waking and preparing time to begin their "job" anew.

 **Nota Bene: This post was hacked/rewritten in some of the paragraphs below---the hacking has precluded me from attempting to wait for over one hour to correct a few sentences in this post. That is how long accomlishing anything online is taking now. I just cleared out the system/restore function 2 days ago. I am now waiting for 5 minutes to attempt to click once on a page. I was able to write some of this post without endless obstruction because the politicians and celebrities rely on me writing about their endless rape/hate/death threats/ abuse and torture for their dirty promotions. In the middle after I hinted at their names or wrote the names directly, they then began to delete sentences, cutting them in half. I won't go through now to correct. I remember upon re-reading that they changed the sentence where I wrote that celebrities are attempting to become Nazi elites, but they half-deleted that sentence and instead hacked "celebrities are trying to become black, who then "...try to get a few crumbs from the tables of the Nazis--etc etc. It's taking so long do get anything done I'm typing this in now, and even this is fraught with endless hacks and blocks to the keyboard and juxtopositions of the keys I press, etc etc. In all the years of attacks, this is the worst of the hacking blocks to my system I have ever encountered. They are blocking videos every few seconds, blocking even the cursor from moving, blocking every search, every site, things are turning off, pages are popping up  to obscure the screen while I am attempting to get anything done, it is absolutely impossible to use the laptop. If I clear out the system doing a restore, the problem appears within a few minutes of using YouTube, any streaming platform, any file-sharing, and most internet use becomes a vehicle for hacking. It's now being blocked constantly, every few seconds, literally. No matter how many times I spend hours clearing out the system it's hacked back in within a few minutes of using anything requiring streaming or downloading or accessing anything with a lot of traffic--so I can't rewrite the last few paragraphs of this post or correct--but know that it's been altered to discredit me.//

In the waking teleported state, the continuation of the same people who took over from the same people who took over from the same people--who I said always the same thing to, and they go on and on and on and on attacking me saying the same things doing the same things behaving the same way and the answer from me is always the same. They go through the same ritual of tortures but in a revolving manner, I write the same posts I have been writing for years. I get the same response of silence and the continuation of the same sick contract that is never stopped.

Death threats after sexual assault attempts and insults and death threats and demands for me sacrificing myself and my life so people I abhor can obtain incalculable promotions into American society. Whether I say the same thing or actually agree, all of the expletives who attack me get something grandiose, and the incentives are so high they go on and continue on and on doing the cyclical same sick things every single day, taking turns in rotation.


The Germans truly believe they are entitled. They use Nazi genocidal language at me. The Americans repeat it, and are being further brainwashed by Nazi elite mythology. They use the truth serum technology and drugging interface and then ask me about my artistic and socio-political beliefs. They always respond with the same violently angry rebukes of my thoughts, ideas and ultimately they, or their cohorts steal the ideas as their own concepts which they then pump out for the audiences who have the same reaction: what "great" exemplars of leadership these beehive bots are proclaiming about caring about society and independence and integrity and American culture and life and existence itself (ideas they steal from me, in many cases, or emulations then prescribed into various "acceptable" lying mind programming celluloid products for mass consumption, always following essentially the "old paradigm" but feigning to be introducing something "new" and "outre" and daring in "freedom" concepts). Otherwise, what they posture in, in their poses, is "elite" hate which can come from a hokey down-to-earth but pro Nazi faction of the same "elite/film/intellectual/"high class" origin of the same group which has the same people being put into these psy-ops celebrity and posturing political roles every year like a perennial display, for as long as possible (the incentive payouts obviously cost a lot, and for cost-reduction, they use the same celebrities and politicians to portray these effete and false roles, with the same result that the same groups of people are divided into the various camps for the same outcome that is predestined to have the same effect on society that the Nazis used in their Divide and conquer strategies--or the Imperialistic societies have always used for their destroy and take-over platforms (which I keep stating the Europ-a's are doing while the American politicians keep on pursuing the same agenda of welcoming as many fascist Nazis into America as possible. They get the same dole-out incentive-based promotions and they all have the same greedy and grasping mentality as the next same minion who played that role before they finally died out in one form or another.


I am dealing with people who are traitors to the United States all following the same principles of self-selfishness-greed-aspirational pawn-driven-sell-out of the U.S. for their own personal gain--but on a collective scale.


That is the macro version of what I must endure of the same personality type coming out of the same central command center which was the same hate and death threat compilation as the last same sort of celebrity/politician construct personality.


I hesitate to write their names any longer for fear of them being further promoted for me stating that they are "bothering" me and thus "successful" in being hateful mind screw operators using this "wonderful" set of drugs and technology interface, gratis of the U.S. Government and it's business partners around the planet: Nazi/Mafia replicas of sadistic and violent racist parasitic violent expletives which is what the Nazi Party needs so the top "elite" can lounge around without having to display hate and ugliness, while their minions groveling in deference to them but spewing hate and violence at me can be handed a few more crumbs from their luxury tables. Some of the celebrities are just nearly drowning now in wealth and luxury and fashionable attire and lifestyle attainment after having assaulted me using genocidal language straight from the Nazi nomenclature. One of them, as I recall, had formerly been homeless--she is a black female--now with white dyed blonde hair--is invited to the top Oscars awards parties and is endlessly slathered with top expensive gear. I recall her giggling with glee when she spewed racist hate rantings at me, all Nazi-inspired about Jews and me and death and etc---(which is what I am getting from the Germans and the American political deadly psycho clown woman who is sexually grabbing at me, and then threatening to kill me as the Germans watch on appearing vindicated; this is after I spent an hour in a dispute about how America should not be taken over by this foreign entity, about how America has lost its First World status by allowing a divide-and-conquer Imperialistic Nazi world-domination group to fully invade through them, these sleazy wanna be Europigape aristocrat brood who are so apparently ignorant of the actual real agenda of what Nazis once were, and what they continue to be despite all the warm smiles and handskaes they have learned to dispense in order to lower the guard of the wanna be aristocrat monopolists of America. That the blonde and Nazi Americans (i.e. poor, victimized blacks now attacking me but claiming it's not racist while they use genocidal death threats and violence at me) believe the utter lies that the Germans and the Nazis are in keeping with the warm psychopathic smiles and handshakes doing this corrupt form of illegal hate crime "business" with top celebrities and politicians (how the blacks revolve around Germans, oh my, and how Germans love to devour their "chocolate" as they call blacks when they are in the warm confines of their own nasty dirty 4th Reich Germany in the dirty streets where they wander at night in droves looking for the legal whorehouses to find poor and minority women to beat slightly and vent their hate out upon).

But to continue--the platinum-dyed black woman making Jewish hate remarks straight out of the 3rd Reich--and when I asked her if she really thought that selling out America and being a Nazi was great, she laughed and giggled with total orgiastic glee "Yes!! Yess!!" and is now featured hugging the English gay fascist Nazi pop singer who plastered his K-rap on my social media for years, along with a slew of other English "hippie" fascist nazis and et al--, and the rest, et al. (the pop singer in question is a Europigape who is close to the English Crown group, which of course is fully backing this overtake of American culture via Whorewood).


But why, oh why, can't Whorewood with all it's supposedly "woke"  culture ever exhibit MEN dressed in seductive and glossy fashion attire? Tuxedos covering their entire bodies--implying that they are too powerful to have to fight for their very LIVES to appear to have no cellulite, not plastic surgery endless dieting. No, they can get away with a few wrinkles and a bit of flab covered and concealed by a heavy tuxedo covering their entire bodies. The only things that the viewer has to see in these awards ceremonies are endlessly near naked celebrity women posing in scant clothing with men concealing their bodies to the brim of every bit of skin. It's truly unfair and it's sexist as hell. As for the homosexual men who posture like ugly and nasty Billy Porter, his flamboyance is an annoyance because I want to see beautiful straight men, even if they are hostile Nazis for at least that small spurt of awe upon the viewer, instead of men with huge folds of fabric covering nearly every inch--and I want to see them in full display with beautiful features being displayed as some kind of grace to the public purview and not just women endlessly in pornographic "high class, elitist pig-sniffing-the-air" Nazi postures. It's such a racist, sexist racist sexist culture--Whorewood. Despite all the flack about it being "woke"--the main operators of Whorewood fully comply with the most sexist of Nazi ordinances and men are kept concealed as power-mongering controllers in the general rape culture and are not forced to have to be appealing sexually--or not so much. It's truly so hypocritical even on that level. No one in major media ever mentions this obvious sexist most sexist discrepancy between how women are supposed to and demanded to appear versus the men. 


Anyway, the people attacking me now are constantly mentioning killing me, and I am now either hit violently in public by people body-slamming me, and while driving cars are driving within feet or inches of hitting me, on all sides---

as I keep say ing no. No I do not want to be exploited and abused by rotten foul "men" for the rest of my life. Already 50 years of my life has been spent fighting murder and being assaulted by htis group. Isn't that enough? No. they want it to continue for my entire life. This is sponsored by the U.S. Government. When I hear some of the "radical" "liberal" "Democrats" who are now outraged about things like the SVB crash in CA, the "rage" the anger they are spewing into the microphones, which are replicated on YouTube and in hologram echoes for other media forms of dissemination of their distortions of what they actually are a part of: total fascist takeover of the country. They use so many minorities (i.e. "The Squad" to appear as if they are "liberal" for the sake of obtaining voters). When it comes to me, I'm not a "minority" who requires "rescuing" from "victimization" I'm an "enemy" who did something to "deserve" it. Warren then smiles into the camera in a personalized pose that appears like a gloating and smug look of satiation, very similar to the look that the German oaf just put on his face when Greene threatened to have me killed after her sexual approach upon me--for the 4th time in about 2 weeks with me endlessly trying to forcibly get her off me--as she grabs, rapes and etc using brain-altering tech to enhance sexuality while I'm frozen and can't move--literally, in a  teleported state, after hours of torture while in deep sleep, etc etc


But when I watch such people like Warren now exclaiming in rage that this shock is due to the Republicans taking off the mantle of banking restrictions--i.e. Raygun trickle down economics--and I see how much they truly support this social restructuring of society where I am told every day that I am "nothing" that I have no rights that no one cares and no one will ever do anything to help me. 


I see, now, only the same politician making the same sort of semblance of stratified posturing about how much they care on one side or another--allowing this same system of absolute corruption and sell-out to fascist Europigape 4th Reich fascism, with Europigapes being welcomed into America to train fascist Nazi Americans in how to become black Nazis so they can get a few mansions for a select few to "represent" how much "progress" blacks have made in our "woke" society fighting "racism" --the icons are in Whorewood and in Congress.

I'm waiting for Congress to have it's own Whorewood awards season, coming up with best-dressed wanna be fascist celebrity politician. The males will of course be in their prototypical fully concealed attire, sagging jowls hidden under ties, and etc. Their rape culture enabling will be still fully concealed by their nearly naked celebrity-turned-politician partners appearing on the red-white-and-blue/black-red-and-gold (The German flag colors) carpet displays.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Terrorist Report: March 14, 2023. This has been a daily, non-stop attack for over 2 months: every 2 minutes I am watching anything on YouTube the WiFi is turned off and the page freezes. I have to manually click to turn off the connection, even though the WiFi signal appears as being "on" but it's being blocked (doing a Command run to ping on the connection, it's unresponsive and turned off)--trying to stop the increasing red line at the top of my screen, which the terrorists did to my last Dell (expensive) laptop and now they are destroying this 3 year-old laptop which should be in perfect condition--the red line just at the top of the screen shows something is being done to the screen but I don't know how to fix it. I looked up possible ways to repair this before the terrorist try to completely destroy this laptop as they had done to my last laptop, before they broke the laptop before that; all done in the last decade--with me earning circa $700 per month, unable to save any amount for any new laptops--this one purchased with Covid Relief funds or I would not have been able to replace what they broke, before they broke my other wonderful expensive Dell laptop---so trying to download drivers and an updated Bios application---Hacking so bad that I have spent hours and hours fighting to download Dell Support drivers. I attempted to download the SupportAssist app, which helps locate drivers. It was blocked all 6 times I tried to download the app last night--spending over 2 hours fighting as the app was frozen just as it was about to install. I then cleared my system this morning, required 3 hours+ to reinstall everything, and upon completion, I had to attempt the same driver download assist program 3X before it worked. There is a long list of drivers I have to install, and now it's been 5 hours of waiting as the system is turned off, the drivers won't download. They are blocked and I sit as the cursor spins upon every single click for anything on the hard drive or for software applications. I'm still waiting now.//Hours and hours of screaming at top rage in teleportation, upon waking, hours of abuse hours of hate hours of threats hours of insults hours of me finally reacting and screaming at the ever-enlarging pit gang celebrities--now a German gang of musicians whose video I posted on my Facebook page over 3 months ago, more like 4. Two videos I posted and now it's over 3 months of them ordering me to be violently assaulted in shopping malls--thuggery and violence--nearly hit and killed the last time I drove, nearly hit and killed every time I drive now as the terrorists are flocking into Phuket for their "vacations" of terror if they can get something free out of it and attack someone for a power trip.//Yelling in absolute rage after trying, trying unsuccessfully for all these months just with this next section of bots attacking me, all performing the same ritual based on an algorithm they all use, all behave exactly alike, all are filthy, nasty sleazy violent sickening and stupid and meaningless crap feeding off attacking me never-ending for over a decade now. Before them it was a pair of wealthy Europigape pieces of crap who followed the exact same protocols but more violently as they were poisoning me to death and raping the poison as deeply into my body as possible and making jokes about it and torturing me for fighting to get them to stop, saying I will die if I say no. now this same group of Americans, out of H-wood, who helped bring fascism and Nazism into American mainstream in the last few years, has group of Germans ordering murder upon me for finally being so sick of disgusting and ugly sleazy foul men and women attacking me alongside pit, who is just in abstentia for the Europigapes who were murdering me, except now they are all operating as one group and being promoted into top positions in the world. All my plans for my life stopped due to this and them--they never stop. Hours this morning and afternoon screaming in my most violent way at them and rushing to punch this ugly German creep in the face, trying to smash him screaming in absolute rage after 3-4 months of this ugly scumbag having huge men pound into me from side angles in shopping malls. Months of this going on and on because I put two of their songs on my Facebook page more than 3-4 months ago. They have been torturing me ever since and inserting themselves into my every moment when they can with threats of murder and hate, and then demands that I just simply provide them with this easy huge promotion because they want it. The rest of this group of Nazi Americans with the blacks who are also Nazi fascists are telling me to obey these scumbags because they consider them "superior" (that was Farrakhan). Then pit and his rotten ugly sick wife sitting as usual as a pair watching while I'm screaming in rage to get off me, goddamn get off me at this german thug ugly sick creep who is just giggling as I rush to beat him after months of just saying no, first politely and then with hate and now screaming in disgust. They never stop, and the politicians making nasty remarks as I scream and they are giggling and fully supporting the Nazi fascists out of Berlin. /// What do I have to do to get this group of filth and shit off me? I can't stop them from teleporting me. No politicians will behave like responsible citizens of the United States following law and the Constitution. When it comes to me, they have not only dehumanized me, put me into a stateless category of a non-entity, deprived of any right whatsoever, with no law and nothing stopping them from this sex trafficking brain implant hell they have forced upon me. As usual, pit and his crew are at the Oscars using ideas they obtained from my years of ranting in hate about feminist ideals that they used for their "feminist" movie plot--making millions off my ideas and leaving me fighting to just upload drivers for my laptop so it's not completely corrupted. Every single click results in the cursor spinning for at least 30 seconds or one minute--so slow I sit and finally get up to do things around this room, and then I return to the laptop and it's still spinning and doing nothing. This is after all cache cleared, the system restored, and the hacking begins immediately and the system is corrupted within a few seconds of it being cleared out of old files and etc. I am trying also to download various archived files, and they rewrite the names of the files with errors and etc so I must endlessly go back and rewrite. I can't get a single thing done, not a single thing for any financial or career earnings or potentiality. I spent 6 years taking graduate classes from the University of Central Florida--all I could get into that didn't force me to have to drive (my cars were all broken when I tried to take classes at a university in person). Every single thing is blocked, and these expletives are earning millions from the ideas they tortured out of me. I can't surf the internet even, make any money, and I sit here for hours and hours pounding down and fighting to get even drivers installed on my laptop to try to stop the endless hacking. But hours of screaming today as usual. This is a daily reoccurrence of me screaming and screaming in rage after every night hell of terror abuse skits while I'm sleeping of me being homeless and being raped and abused while not having a home. Every night they inflict the same skit upon me, or abuse and hate and threats and/or rape and violence and death scenes and murder scenes. Every single night. They then insert drugs and stinking fluids--still, into my vagina every single night this goes on and on. Then once I am drugged in the morning, they begin the insults and sit in chairs in a huge set of rows with the next rapist ugly sleazy dirty disgusting "man" abusing and threatening to kill me after days/months/years of torture. They all go on as long as possible until i write and write and write these goddamn posts which are eventually met by another sleazy and disgusting piece of shit joining in and replacing the last one and it goes on adn on and on and on and on and on day and night on and on. Meanwhile everyone is "fighting" for Democracy who is supposed to at least protect my human rights, but they have also joined in to this group of shit to attack me, with pit and shitalina endlessly sitting in front and then going to the Oscars with their shitty banal movies year after year after year after year they have participated--now over a decade but openly in lieu of pig Depp and his shit daughter and then the filthy Europigapes who are in the background, still silent partners with the shit pig apes form Whorewood, instructing them on beating me to death with torture and poisoning and destruction of everything I attempt to do, with shit like Marjorie Taylor Greene making stupid nasty comments after her ape rape of me, and McCarthy sitting with glaring hate looks of black depths of a cesspool in his eyes just sinister and a bigot Nazi--of course, they don't hide their Nazi aspirations but the shit like pit and his filthy wives do hide and conceal what is congealed behind their false displays. -------- So I ask once more to stop this and stop them. I do not deserve endless torture for years and years and years because I was once beautiful happy and competing and winning. I am now stuck fighting to heal my body and watching as the grey streak is covering my head entirely because this is years of daily screaming in rage at disgusting fuckers teleporting me who beat, poison in disgusting ways of inserting stinking sewage water into my vagina with drugs and poisons killing me, then raping me, then threatening to kill me, then calling me "loser" and screaming at me. THe next thing I see on the internet is the pig apes smiling with huge smiles after their next exoneration from testifying and next award and next prize and next lead role and next music award and etc while all I'm doing is cleaning up the stinking filth they order sprayed on everything, cleaning my body of poison as I see my body deteriorated and dying from poisoning and stress that never ends it's going on every day utter violence torture and poisoning and murderous toxins inserted through my vagina into my bladder. Cheered on by shit like all the Democrats and Republicans who for all these years have participated in this hate crime. Not a single politician has come forward to defend me, not one. If Pelosi, Trump Greene, Raskin, Kinzinger, McCarthy, Jeffries, et al have joined in, then most of the crap from Congress also knows. This also includes a dose of MSNBC lying blathering hate operators--YouTube "progressives" (one of whom, who used to plaster her videos on my social media is now one of the main commentators for The Hill YouTube videos podcast) because my brain is under attack and I am drugged here every night while sleeping and my food and water is also drugged and poisoned--trying to not react to this group of musicians who are by now loathsome after months of torture for what? For what? I said no, I was just posting their hate song about not wanting Pit who for a DECADE I have been screaming to get off me as he and his wife cling on and on to obtain endless promotions into Oscars year-after year--non-stop. //The politicians were there of course--the rapist female and the lead of that caucus sitting with the female making snide comments until--trying to "breathe"--trying not to react-but they keep having me nearly killed, I am stuck sitting here as they block my every attempt to do any single thing on this planet, they are poisoning and having me tortured in my deep sleep every single night. There is no law and justice or order anywhere I can turn to for an appeal. //

  ...But it's something like 16 driver uploads and now more than 6 hours later I am struggling to still get them onto my laptop. Every click results in the cursor spinning for at least one minute; if I am lucky 30 seconds but usually I just sit waiting so long I have to get up and try not to scream at the computer, which happens after the endless waiting just to get anything to click one single time. Once I get one click, I have to go through for the next click. Clicking once to download the driver. Clicking another time to open the file. Clicking another time to get it to download. But while the download is in progress, that also takes up to 5 minutes or longer. They have made me wait 20 minutes --8 times--to try to open the supportassist app so I could just begin to try to locate drivers for my laptop. The page kept freezing and crashing while I was in the middle of downloads so I had to refresh and do it again. 6 hours later for 15 or so driver downloads, I am still now pausing to try to get it done because I don't want to go through this tomorrow. It's now 24 hours of fighting to get 15 driver updates for my laptop installed. (I finally turned off the computer last night, did the 3 hours of re-installing Windows, then trying to get their immediate hacking devices off my laptop, then trying to download the install app and going through the process of 20 minutes of the cursor spinning and the download being blocked because the internet was turned off while the download was in progress. They then did this so many times that I had to refresh the page, turn off the computer, turn it on, try the download again. hours and hours later I am still stuck not having the 15 driver downloads.

as I wrote, and no one will stop this or them, hours and hours prior to this internet hell of screaming like I'm trying to kill them, which I wish I could at this point of being nearly killed so repeatedly, my every thought that they can use they steal and block my capability to have my own life, then demanding a BABY out of me and thye have done this for years. They are such life fuck sleazy and ugly repugnant shit "human beings' so-called I can't stand them or their movies or the people around them--much less to have a "baby" with one of these putrid shit fucking whore ugly sleazy stupid apes--
Is there nothing in the US government or society that does not worship Germans and Nazis and torture and sick sleazy life fucker operations like what Musk is being propelled into endless wealth to expand upon, and this group of shit being endless awarded and celebrated for being life-fuck operators lying about their every claim of being benevolent human beings and feminists and for fighting racism?
Meanwhile, all I do is expound upon these principles under drugging and torture conditions while they use truth extraction technologies--so I expound on these philosophies and the sleazy, dirty and ugly life fuck parasites feed off both the torture and then continue to steal my ideas, then making millions off them year after year and calling me stupid bitch and shut up endlessly using subliminals. All kinds of very violent subliminals are pounded into my brain constantly such as slicing my tongue off, when I am cutting something and cooking. Endless sleazy and disgusting hate commentary on every single thing I do by this group of unexceptional shit celebrities and dirty and foul politicians--giggling, laughing and then getting paid in millions to inflict endless torture upon me. They all go off for photo-ops using the ideas they steal from me as they are torturing me, to propel themselves as being original or caring about justice and society. They continue to expand upon a death technocratic regime in which they will hold monopolistic power. No one stops them, they all want to join in.

The hacking has worsened since writing this post about hacking, which is an endless disruption of all service-every few minutes they are turning the internet connection on and off--mostly off. This has been going on for months now. Since the German group began the hate and assaults, along with the MSNBC hate personality anchor, and the list of expansion of more and more of these nasty expletives grows almost by the day. But I can't type or use the internet now it's almost completely blocked for every single thing I do. I can't watch YouTube any longer, no matter what I do to clear out the computer. I can't think and type well because my brain is blocked and the hate is exacerbated by the brain-altering tech. Years of writing endlessly begging online for someone to stop this has resulted in more sick parasites latching onto attacking me. one of them just won a music award in his home--English Commonwealth colony--of Canada who partnered with this group and has made celluloid products as a result which will be aired, after his awards. They just keep getting top awards for participation in this crime, and it's a never-ending circus of greedy and nasty scumbags vying to get a chance to abuse me for their own sleazy and nasty promotion. As usual it's a German faction with American blacks absolutely defending them and insulting and threatening me with the Nazi Germans patting them on the back and allowing them into more promotions. This German group, so unattractive, nasty people, and I am screaming that I don't like them--or "you" to the main pig ape who sits comfortably with the shit group of the pit gang watching and fully supporting whomever comes on so if I finally collapse from years of torture by one fucker after the next, they all will obtain this empire of shit monopoly for their endlessly stupid movies and songs and crap to be held as highest monopolistic mind programming fodder to be endlessly awarded with millions and billions of $$ pouring into their plastic surgery and top "awards" as they lavish love for the Europigapes who are controlling them, who are using them to gain access to America through Whorewood.

I am the only one fighting this apparently. The only one apparently in that whole den of iniquity who cares about America. I apparently am the only one who sees what is happening with this power cartel of fascism and Nazis disguised as benevolence (using my ideas to promote this image for many of them)--

But after years of them making millions off me, I can't even watch YouTube without endlessly having to fight to get the streaming content turned on again. THey are literally turning it off every 2 minutes, without end, day and night--it's been going on for 2 months now.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Not ALL teleporting/celebrity fascist, Nazi/Mafia white supremacists with their onhanging minion terrorists "won" the Academy Awards. That's a win (for me, the world, for society and for "art"--hopefully it will survive intact the deluge of technological monopoly and tyrannical fascist indoctrination thusly, lack of originality and meaning concerning decency for human life for all people).

 Michelle Yeoh did the endless onslaught of internet cyberstalking terrorist infliction of herself, her videos--etc. I posted a video about her years ago, maybe 7 years ago, where I wrote that in the film "Tai Chi Master"--which featured Jet Li and is my favorite Martial Arts film--not that I'm a connoisseur of that genre---but also in Silent Nymph, Fighting Crony, she was also excellent in her martial arts display and artistic rendering of a woman suppressing her desires.

I didn't expect her, at the time, to participate in Nazi, racist terrorism within this contract but look! She obtained endless awards. I did not like the movie she put out, that display of mismatched sci-fi cliches about worm holes and the meaning of AI and "feminist" outcoming of the suppressed woman coming "out" into a Dominitrix type personality (the daughter scene was kind of offensive to me--of the lesbian coming out into dominitrix costume and fascist "power"--which to me is just another propaganda "art" depiction of how being a fascist is more "powerful" for women than any other outcome a girl could possibly want for successful attainment outside of male domination) but she's (Yeoh) a product of H-wood and thusly--she has conformed and "won".


The male I wanted to win actually did. Win best actor. As far as I could tell from the little I saw of The Whale, he was portraying a man capable of self-contemplation and understanding in a deep and profound way. I actually felt tears forming watching the last part of the movie although I had seen no other part except for the trailer. His performance was truly inspiring. He was not, as far as I can tell, promoting fascism and I can only stop breathlessly in awe that H-wood did not "award" another fascist Nazi with that highest prize for portraying fascist Nazi ideology (that includes the other minions fighting against sexism, racism and all that K-rap--please note I use the "K" in K-rap to imply "The K-Economy" of the division between rich and poor. It's crap with wealth aspiration to be an entitled elite, that is what I am implying. Often it comes in the form, for some of the minions, in the form of rap music or pop but it's crap anyway with a huge K-Economy--a term that died out once Biden took office, as the wealth gap just increased exponentially with the collapse of Silicon Bank in California. The consolidation of wealth into the pockets of the investors like Musk who formerly loudly advocated all the eager greedy little white Nazi men to invest in cryptocurrency who are now defunct economically if they invested in FTX. Now they the smaller tech firms in CA are defunct as well while Musk is grabbing all opportunities because of course he was not invested in that bank). I'm referring to the "K-Economy" which has increased now under Biden, and when I use that term, it's been silenced just as I am. But it's still in full effect.

And I am still alive after a murder attempt yesterday. The white male I wanted to win because he did not portray a fascist oppressor sauntering psychopath is a win to American society which actually needs men who are capable of self-introspection-and also of attending to eating healthy food, if the food suppliers just won't poison the food with all kinds of toxins and pollute the atmosphere with all kinds of pollutants and kill off smaller farmers mortgages in land grabs which are just called "normal" interest rate hikes and whatever it's called by the billionaires like Bloomberg who also capitalize off the suffering of others and then run under the Democrat label, accusing Trump of administering the "K-Economy" and being an "exponential threat" to "Democracy" while he is one of the worst offenders of that.


He and types like that are still "winning" in their absolute chicanery, but for one day, at least one actor "won".

Also the "strong black woman" who viciously attacked me, albeit twice or so (but undoubtedly sitting in the huge rows of chairs as these K-rappers sit gazing and smirking and laughing as I am tortured and attacked to pour out ideas they can steal for their concepts while they watch me get tortured and assaulted and go off laughing about it and all of them want to teleport other people besides me and have great sex or torture and kill them too!

The "strong black" woman actor did not win. That is a win for the actual movement for rights for African Americans--black, whatever term is politically correct now. It's a win for people who aren't going to convene with white supremacists so they can present a false narrative in movies about how much they are "fighting" against racism. It imbues a false sense of hopelessness in the viewer whether they know it or not, it imbues the meaning that the only way you can have a role outside of poverty is to play the minion and fully conform to fascist ideology.

Her losing is a win for Black women, in my opinion of course.


Michelle Yeoh "winning" for Asian women, is a loss but she's not as offensive as the rest, so I have ignored her for all these months of her endless cyber hacking/stalking of my social media with her clips--alongside all the fascist Nazi terrorists. 


What can I expect from the  H-wood Academy and it's tentacles of power and mind programming, after all? Something like praising art and allowing for free and fair competition? Geeze---


Unfortunately, one of the worst terrorists of them all "won" a category through his production company. The theme was of abused women "fighting" against  male torture, rape and absolutely violent oppression. That is all this man and his wives (co-partner in his production company) have inflicted upon me for nearly a decade on a daily basis. Death threats have abounded from them after years of obtaining top awards for portraying psychopathic Nazi characters (the actor, not his sappy movies about the minorities "fighting against racism" and/or women being empowered by "fighting back"--like this creepy movie based on a book). That is a total loss, as usual, for the Feminist movement in it's true meaning and intent to salvage women from domestic violence, because it pits the white women against the poor and minorities--as being the favored victims of male domination and rape and violence and murder---as I have written endlessly, the teleportation enables these "men" to press buttons and force me into their vicinity where I am essentially nearly blind and bound--a true torture and rape position in every way. Because I don't say "yes" to a line-up of rapists which is akin to a sex trafficking "comfort woman" operation but as a prisoner of a racist war and backlash against feminism for women "like me" who are "bad" and the "b-word"--bad bad bad (!!!!) who say NO and Stop while these men are told they have every "right" to beat and try to kill me if I say no. These same actors with their production company have spent a decade having animals I love and take care of stolen, taken away and brutally killed and left in front of my living situation on the front lawn or in front of my door. They have severed out part of my uterus so the aging process during this decade of non-stop poisoning and torture has exacerbated the breaking process of my body--without hormone replacement therapy--they had someone go into my room and cut out part of my uterus--it came out while I was in the shower I saw it on the shower floor--a definite intestine part. They have damaged my hair, skin and etc (I have only been writing about non-stop violence towards me for saying "NO" while they have stolen idea after idea from my writing and the verbal information torture extraction sessions which have gone on and on daily for YEARS longer than a decade).

Not just no repayment but my property, what I can barely afford, constantly being destroyed and broken and made stained, stinking and like tattered and disgusting and stinking and worn out, within a few weeks of me having bought all or anything--

The loss for the rights of women was lost last night when this film won some award at the Oscars. On the surface it appears like white women from something like an Amish community being tortured and raped in violent brutality style. The actors are all white supremacist actors, some of whom have participated in this contract out on me--and they all enjoy "privilege" of rapist enabling "good" women who want their sleazy and whoremongering males to rape and beat women like "me" instead of them.

This is a loss for the meaning of The Feminist Movement where you don't have to be a sexualized object in order to be considered as a "powerful" woman---or a sexist and racist enabler of the violent murdering brutal men who control the "alternative" genre in politics and in "culture"-=-or lack thereof.


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Terrorist/murder attempt report: almost hit by a grey flatbed truck speeding directly into me inside a Y-junction, where I had right-of-way. There also were no cars approaching as I was driving into this y-shaped intersection that has no stop light or stop sign--(Thailand)--you just are careful at this intersection and trust that other people are not crazy stalkers out to hit and run. There were no cars approaching but this truck sped from around a corner just before the intersection--my motorbike visor had been mutilated in the area where a large plastic screw attaches the visor to the helmet. The ridges of the plastic screw had been gouged so a large oval-shaped hole had been made while I had the motorbike parked at a shopping place. The terrorists also smeared black marks on the bike after gouging the screw so I could not tighten it. It crashed into the helmet constantly. There was a smear of something that made visibility very cloudy--so the visor, which is a black tint, as many of the visors are, was so smeared up with something I could not see clearly and it was very dangerous to drive. The sabotage of my safety helmet had been done shortly prior to the near-fatal hit by this truck--or it would have caused me great damage. I also was brain-manipulated the entire time I was out (and it's happening now as I fight to type this). I "forgot" to take my change after a purchase. I walked away "forgetting" that I had given a large bill and needed a lot of change. I cannot afford to lose a single penny and it would have hurt my economy if I had missed this money. I walked back to the register because I saw something else I needed and had "forgotten". That is when I realized she was quickly sorting through change and I realized my brain had been literally "swiped" clean of short-term memory. It doesn't help also that I must carry so much heavy weight, trying to protect my food that I can't finish eating and I can't afford to waste money on throwing food away. I can't leave anything I ingest where terrorists can poison or drug it, but I can't protect the huge gallon jugs of water I refill--and have to leave open and exposed until I return to try to seal them up (hoping that will spare me more of the drugging or poisoning--and it's doubtful that all my efforts are very successful. When I go outside finally after fighting to detox from hardening poison, I realize how drugged up I truly am while sitting here in this room fighting to heal and rid my body of drugs and poisons. It's a cyclical hell that is a not-merry-go-round.//Back to the near-death situation. It was a multi-pronged system of attack. //in addition to using vector analysis of exactly the precise moment to attack me from that side angle, also knowing that my helmet was attacked with grease on the visor, the screw that attaches the visor to the helmet gouged so the visor was loose and slammed down if I tried to open it and look at where I was going;// The terrorists gouged the slim line where a screwdriver would fit, and the visor kept slipping into my vision and from the side angle, at this junction, I did understand that no cars were approaching and I could see that because I turned my head--very carefully, I am always now very careful about all intersections, and everyone who approaches me on all sides--but the visor-a dark black shaded visor--slammed down, and from the peripheral angle as this truck quickly turned a corner to try to ram me , I only saw it when it was about 5 feet from hitting me AND IT WAS GOING AROUND 60-70 MPH and was not slowing down. The man in the driver's seat looked at me with a zombie hate look that so many of the death squad minions make--. I slammed on the brakes, there was gravel as usual on the road so I slid my shoes on the asphalt while slamming on the brakes. The driver, whose steering wheel in Thailand is on the right-hand side of the front area. a Thai man, looked at me with that empty blank look and then turned another corner, almost swaying with the turning action--the entire cabinet of the truck was almost swaying he turned so quickly.

 Returning to this condo, upon  opening the front door, the little room stank of fungus and semen--the terrorists had poured stinking browning/cloudy brownish/white substances into the refrigerator defrost tray at the back of the fridge. The entire room stank of this. Things around the room were likewise stinking, broken or in disarray. More of the materials I use to cover the floor so the terrorists can't open the floor panels from below and attack me through that series of potential entry points for mechanical arms--the floor covering, which I had once made very beautiful, similar to a mosaic, is slashed with so many knife slashes that it's in literal huge, spiked up tatters. More was slashed, and etc.

Huge numbers of stalking terrorists attacking me in stores--but no one assaulted me physically as they had been doing in the past by shoving and literally body-slamming me with great force and violence in the middle of huge, crowded terrorist-infested areas.


There's more but I am too tired to go on.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

In "cyberstalking" "response" from my post this morning about getting the most unwanted Rammstein abuser/parasite off me; Having received a bunch of Rammstein videos on my YouTube channel this morning, as I prepare to go out being assaulted by a few hundred people that these terrorists are ordering upon me, I submit the great German classic adaptation from the novel into film, Berlin Alexanderplatz. Apparently, there is a 2020 version of the same film made and handed from the "God of Genius" to Rainer Werner Fassbinder to also produce. Fassbinder's version is extremely long, and the process of wearing down the viewer into the dregs of German male prostitute culture/rape/violence/extortion/gang thuggery and ultimately after all the Frauen violence, male homosexuality emerges as the predominant force pushing all the negation of women as human beings. The modern adaptation appears to involve a Black male from a foreign country and a blonde, Germanic woman (obviously a dyed blonde, most likely she's a prostitute if they are following the novel and script for Berlin Alexanderplatz).

 I knew I wasn't in the German version of Kansas---which is Stuttgart in this One Flew Over the Coocoo's Nest adaptation of Over the Rainbow scenario of teleportation--I know I'm not in Stuttgart any longer when I have to deal with Berliner types. They can't understand the Schwabish humor which makes light of so many heavy German attributes and thus, Stuttgart is the main financial powerhouse of the German State because people don't sit around in prostitute/alcoholic grazing activities as they do much more often in a place like Berlin, which is a notorious sleaze dive for bars and girls--you can add other cities into this mix. But coming out of that environment (a place I have been, not for long it was a very nasty place for me, I think it's a place where I am not "supposed" to be and the people coming from there are violently disposed to me. Making a type of joke that would go down in Stuttgart--at least for some people--absolutely fails with this person out of Berlin who is a "heavy" hitter type. 

Berlin Alexanderplatz is a depiction of that "subculture" Berlin culture that Disneyland-infected blind Americans either don't want to acknowledge, as it's a similar version of a strip club area of something like Las Vegas in sordid reality--as a comparison, or they are too mesmerized by having gone to Disney for far too long and not seeing the dark reality. Not speaking German, and buying into the saccharine pleasantries of welcome mat "snake in the grass" subtleties that Germans have been indoctrinated in all their lives in how to negotiate and get what you want with a warm smile and handshake--which Americas are absolutely tricked into, as I had been while I was under MIND CONTROL DRUGGING influence along with the technology. 


The "new" version is the standard, typical film length and appears to involve a "racial" theme. It's a kind of cookie cutter template and probably only loosely follows the lines of the original novel which Fassbinder adapted.

The Fassbinder version, like so many of Fassbinder's movies, appears almost mundane and not like a movie--it seems to go into little tentacles of semi-importance, almost normal life dredging on. The very microscopic analysis of culture becomes a crescendo that builds and builds throughout the film--although the main character is immediately violent, the bulk of the film rests in most of the activities that are supposed to be "normal" for German men to conform to. Trying to find a better job. Trying crime in a gang to not have to work hard. Trying out passing women around. Trying out prostitutes. Beating a woman if she is a "b-word" and she "deserves it". Beating her to death. Going to prison only to repeat it without remorse because, ultimately, the real motivation for the main character and his male buddies is a submerged desire for homosexual union which is repressed due to the misogynist culture, where the women have to be stronger than the men in order to survive the proclivity of beating women in order to assert domination.

I felt and could "hear" the threats of violence from this man as I had a response to his slurs and derogatory hate sentences at me. I am now accosted on my YouTube page by seemingly humor videos about Germans and his gang, I mean band, videos about Germany and racism.

I truly suggest that people watch the entire Berlin Alexanderplatz by Fassbinder. I can truly state that understanding German to a relative fluid degree has made understanding the nuances of the film more accessible to me, and knowing the culture a bit (more than the Disneyland fantasy mind-controlled politicians and leaders of American society are and have become). I also will not hesitate to menion that immediately after I posted a video stating that Earth, Wind and Fire are superior musicians to this band who claim they are innately "superior" only because of white supremacy and racism and Nazi adherence that they really cling to underneath the posturing black leather "alternative" costumes they wear (or maybe not, they may be very open about their racist affiliation while they are in the private safe zone of Berlin--but not necessarily in Berlin Alexanderplatz but in more "refinted" areas as Nazism is indeed to be found everywhere and welcomed with broad smiles and promotions. Berlin Alexanderplatz is of course about the rising of the 3rd Reich, but I "forgot" to mention it. The film from Fassbinder takes place during the Weimar Republic, just as  Hitler was rising. It's a film about the homosexuality of Nazism, which it is claimed, Hitler very likely was a homosexual. I have serious doubts whether the 2020 version of this film will accentuate the homoerotic male domination feud between the lead characters and will instead focus upon the black male with the white blonde German female and the reactions of the Nazi culture of Berlin in response. I am not very sure I want to see this movie. But I "forgot" to mention, but I wrote of it in a post earlier, that Farrakhan rushed to defend these Germans. When I write of the relationship between blacks and Nazis I mean something like this---and it is portrayed as not being "racist" in movies and etc....their video about "Deutschland" and I, as always, have a retort that is far "superior" to the dumb cliche-driven hate sputterings that these haters always throw at me. My responses are at least original. That is why this German man put subliminal threats of violence at me for responding in intelligent ways to his dumb cliches. That is why he orders people to slam into me physically and that is why I am writing to get him off me, as this group of politicians and celebrities are completely enamored with him; black "activists" included. I don't know why, but I feel like I am the only one who understands the reality of what these people are compared to the lack of intelligent wariness of former deadly enemies that the Germans had been and truly--STILL ARE. Fake smiles and a fake warm handshake and invitations to stay at what looks like a Disney Castle in German from Disneyland--that's all it takes to seduce the dumb Americans who have been handed power in the 4th Reich establishment. Maybe if you just watch this movie about Germany, made by a German, you may get a glimpse of the actual reality that you don't want to see--Oh Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, McCarthy, Greene, et al (Farrakhan, Oprah, et al) AOC et al, Progressives et al, etc etc etc they are all sold into this false promise of a fantasyland theme park of what they imagine Germany is.



"Berlin Alexanderplatz (2020)--Official U.S. Trailer". April 9, 2021.

This image, below, from the trailer, makes the theme of the film appear to portray a Romeo & Juliet type theme. Nothing could be further from this portrayal in the 1980's Fassbinder version of the same adaptation from Berlin Alexanderplatz--where women are routinely passed around as commodities for men to use and discard without any emotion. The women are prostitutes and "love" these "Johns" for allowing them to live in their houses instead of being forced into poverty even though they are "working" the streets. Some of the women are beaten to death. The community "loves" and "pardons" the perpetrators, who return only to commit the same crimes. The underlying homosexuality is a theme that underlines everything. This film (below) probably completely circumvents most of those themes. It is a shame, the modern version follows the same lying bs fake scripts about racist "equality" and the hateful racist culture of all of the Whorewood movies I have seen for all these years of the racist attacks upon me by these "equality/feminist" celebrities and politicians (now supplanted by openly racist "Republicans" who are not 'Honest" they are just brainwashed by Nazi propaganda and unfortunately elected into office).


"Fassbinder's BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ excellent part with nazis". BoldizsarCR.  July 10, 2012.

A call out to the "Void" out there to get anotther latched-on parasite off me, another abusive, violent sleazy most unwanted creep who latched on to this contract and won't stop having me attacked for his profit. Another sleazy and disgusting white fascist Nazi pig ape from Germany with a parasitic attitude of entitlement with his group of homeboys in his cock rock rotten band.

 I have written of him for months, at random times, because I think that this next creep parasite whose video for his few songs I posted on my Facebook page, months ago MONTHS AGO--one of the videos was to get Pitt off me, as I have been trying to accomplish that for YEARS. The song was just about telling someone "NO" to their demands for a "forever" union. The band comes from Germany, it's name, unfortunately I must use it, is Rammstein. The name echoes what kind of jerk-off f-ers they are. They keep ramming it to me, not overt rape but I believe the violence of ugly huge bodybuilder men was ordered by this Nazi creep out of Berlin, the lead singer. He, like so many, and the dumb and ugly German pig apes before him whose music videos and songs and tv shows I may have clicked on, rush to attack me. Somehow, because I speak German somewhat, they assume I must immediately provide them with this contract so they can obtain endless wealth out of this Nazi contract that America has embraced. Because the Americans participating in this contract, all of them, are like submissive slaves worshipping Nazis--the politicians are like enamored because they have spent too many years at Disneyland and only see that Disney castle and the replica of German Medieval architecture, and have swallowed the bs Micky Mouse smiles of the disgusting Nazis whom they imitate and welcome in--so they have no sense, understanding.They ask me about my perspective on Germans and on their duplicity, which I have witnessed firsthand for years while living in Germany, not just  upon me, but upon many others--they assume it's due to my targeted status and dismiss me and make jokes about it. I would not care, but their lack of understanding and basic stupidity in terms of awareness should not have to be foisted upon me in these hate skits and the Germanic pig ape scumbag whores who flock to obtain dibs into digginginto destroying my life, home and body. 

Yesterday it was a verbal exchange of hate betwixt me and this pig ape scum. I was watching All Quiet on the Western Front. He immediately teleported me while I was watching it, so we were watching it together. I tried not to talk to him, but they use a tech that "opens" my communication like a sieve with "trut serum" effect as I pour out my impressions, ideas and honest opinions while they torture me for my opinions, steal them in order to present themselves as having any opinion whatsoever that goes against fascist Nazism, and then they torture me to stop me from thinking or analyzing and poison and drug me to slowly murder me, have me raped as a form of dehumanization, and continue endless violence against me.


I am about to go outside shopping. The last time I went out, I was nearly hit and killed by cars so often it happened at least every 5 minutes. I have to drive for hours in chaotic traffic here in Phuket where there is no police presence on the roads. Whatever cops there are, are crooked and watch on as the Europigapes launch deadly assaults upon me while the police defend them and do nothing ot help me or stop their driving. 


This German I believe has ordered me to be physically assaulted in these shopping malls, and probably is part of the team that Musk has assembled of cars nearly hitting me or  hitting me at precise angles and at vector-analysis precision. 

Can anyone please get this next pig ape scumbag off me, finally? I wrote of it, I wrote of it, as there were so many other pieces of ugly rotten shit latched on to obtaining promotions for attacking me, unjustly. They arrive yelling, threatening, insulting and abusing. When i attempt to pry them off, for saying NO to ugly slnister, boring and sleazy putrid ugly so-called "men" they have me tortured because of their Nazi belielf that they are somehow "superior" and I must "obey" them with sexual slavery, being abused and poisoned and drugged by them to my slow death while they profit off it with their ugly skank Nazi women--who are likewise repugnant and disgusting in every way--but the entertainment industry has put this image so much into highest ranking of "beauty" and I sit here being assaulted by the House Speaker with glaring black-eyed looks of hate, endless threats about me not worshipping Germans as if I'm "supposed" to because this blank and dumb idiot McCarthy does--like the dumb slaughterhouse sheeple that these politicians are who have sold America off to Nazis along with these shit networks of death-mongering wanna be Nazi Imperialist Fascists--unfortunately including most of the Democrats so-called--thus I remain begging online for justice and a stop and halt to this next shithead ugly creep who has not stopped having me physically assaulted by huge ugly men in large spaces within "top quality" shopping malls while we are suurounded by the dark skinned inevitable slaves who fully conform and do what they are told by the bigot shit white supremacists--this system that America and H-wood and Congress has so fully adopted into the fabric of what was supposed to be, or what may have been at one time, a "Democracy". 


This is one video this group of lying German Nazi pig apes made concerning "racism"--the usual black minion is put into the lead position with an "emboldened" "power" warrior stance. In reality, the usual master-slave system applies, and either these men have wonderful relationships with the blacks who are living in Germany as they defer to them with submission on very vital and critical levels but openly appear like they are "friends"--but when it comes to me, due to the labels placed upon me, the racism is a parasite that has been waiting for decades to re-emerge in Germany.

However, this video is so characteristic of the entire facade that Whorewood, Congress and the "Democratic" NATO block has put up in entertainment and sometimes even in political economy to promote how "alternative" cock rock pig apes like these ugly men "care" about "fighting racism". 

I was looking up the video this creep made about domestic violence and violence abains women. The video had something like his childhood trauma with mommy and daddy fighting as daddy beats the life out of mommy. this pig ape creep is crying in the video. I assumed that meant that the dumb thug was against violence and rape against women. But no, it only means it's against it happening to Nazi women and the violence should be shifted to me or people like me for the Nazi shitpile to dump their usual crap on those who are "supposed" to be their "inferiors" by rote assumption. Blocking competition and the endless racial stereotypes abound, in order to reinforce this cliche. I must endlessly fight to get parasites off me as I fight to explain to the fascist Americans that their racist cliches do not apply to me but instead the labels of inferiority actually apply to THEM. But I am more tortured for defending myself. I am not willing to be polite to these pig apes any longer, as I was in the beginning of this tragedy of their stupidity and ugliness forced puon me. 

But look at the pieces of shit with their usual "libeal" video, made in Germany, about how much they "care" about "fighting racism" with the "good" black model playing it's role--the "strong" black woman who can kick their booties because she' black and they "care" about not being racist.


Yesterday my verbal confrontation with this creep, after a point in the film All Quiet on the Western Front, where I made a joke, under this Truth Serum effect, while this ugly putrid man forced his unwanted self upon me, as they all do, at every vulnerable moment possible (while I'm sleeping, while I'm naked in the shower as they go on and on for hours an dhours, day after day insulting, threatening, etc for their sleazy promotions--I have to see how sick and stupid they are every day and how incompetent)

But, I said something about how the German men in the movie were "looking for love" with their dumb pornographic jokes--as much of the movie, what I have watched so far, revolves around the German characters, the soldiers, looking for girls to adore them because they are manly soldiers--

the creep called me all kinds of sexually charged insults that are absolutely prototypical for German men when they are trying to "shame" women. I'm sure when he arrives to get his free mansion or deal for attacking me here in Thailand, he will indulge  happily in the kinds of women he claims I am when they also are almost free-lovingly groveling to the white male pig ape from Europigapeland like latched on slaves looking for a chance for the bit time of being lavished with a free meal, perhaps a marriage, a baby, being invited to live in Europigapeland--the dreams for uplifting their lives through these rotten whore men--who call the women they abuse and exploit these names.


I called him names back. It was the usual downgrading of life and energy in an exchange of hate betwist me and another bigot racist who begins immediately with hate at me, so I have no choice but either to become a victim or fight back because they come at me when I can't NOT react, through this technology.


But LOOK, here's the usual scam and psychological hoax that all these bigot fascist pig apes in Whorewood use fo sell the image that they are Elvis who "cares" about blacks during the Civil Rights era, for his own promotion into fame--

"Rammstein--Deutschland (Official Video)". Rammstein Official. March 29, 2019.


Beyond Good and Evil at Gatorwood Apartments, Gainesville, Florida. Hungry ghost terrorists at The Gatorwood Apartments, Gainesville, Florida--the site of the "Scream: The True Story (2022)" killing spree by "The Gainesville Ripper"--where I used to live, long after the murders. If the hungry ghosts remained, they turned the usual terror psychopathy into a veritable creep show of sordid living conditions due to stalker terrorism. It was the creepiest place of attack I have lived in, almost--in retrospect it's truly hard to tell as where I'm living now is a bit creepy as well, as was the last place, and the last. It would appear that hot, tropical climates is very bad for stalking targets as the creeps can loiter outside indefinitely, sleep outside the target's domicile and venture into the target's living space very easily due to the tropical heat, inspiring insect-like penetration. If there are malevolent ghosts or evil "spirits" or a death tragedy, it appears that manifestation of death energy is somehow more imbued into the spirit of the attacks.

*Written over one hour after having struggled to pound out and backspace and retype and try to think clearly while the page was frozen constantly being turned on and off--at 40:00 into the video below ("Scream: The True Story") I am listening to the first murder victim of this Gainesville murdered (who was from Schreveport, LA). The first murder of Rollins was in Schreveport--and the former boyfriend of the first female rape and slaughter victim speaks to the man making this video presentation. What he recounts is eerily similar to what I experience whenever I am using my butcher knife-and I have written of this in a post very recently: the "subliminal" voice-to-skull technology, used by either the people out of H-wood, Congress or their proxy terrorists in the rooms adjacent and next to and above and below mine---on all sides, perpetually attacking me with subliminals, burning microwave torture, etc--but they insert "slice off your tongue" and I can "hear" it. They are trying to induce me to cut my body with my knives. I know that when my body was bloated almost to the breaking point with mind control drugs, I literally could not block these "commands" and I would literally physically move and do things that I had no connection to mentally--did not plan, words came out, and it still happens, that are pumped into my brain. This is not an "evil" force from the "spirit" world, it is mind control drugs and technologies used as a deadly interface. This former boyfriend of the first victim was the result of a stalker predatory killer whose father and family were involved with law enforcement. The killer was physically abused and terrorized by his Sheriff father, and when reports were made to police about this Sheriff's abuse and physical violence of extreme brutality towards this son, who later grew up in this Pentecostal environment, to claim he was "Satanically" possessed and went out killing people. I know that these "commands" can be done with technology and drugging. Because this information remains concealed and silenced, people can still cling to Medieval notions demonic or Satanic possession when they are more akin to being drugged and under brain-influencing subliminal technologies. Law Enforcement probably has access or knows a lot about the misuse of these technologies. I believe that there are many other similar instances of people becoming "crazy" and believing that they are possessed by "Demons". It has made for excellent H-wood "horror" genre movies. 

"Scream: The True Story (2022)". ScreamMoviesFanForever.  November 7, 2022.

Student slayings were college town's darkest days

According to this article by The Gainesville Sun, which should have the absolute "facts" about what happened to the apartment where the murders took place--but I can attest that I lived in that complex in 2002 and the building was NOT demolished as shown in this photo. I saw no police cars or heard nothing about a police "training" facility in the apartment complex. This situation was one of coordinated terrorism aimed at me, and I did phone the police and got someone from the sheriff's office for the Alachua County area--who yelled at me that I was "lying". The attacks were in my home, were sickeningly disgusting. I was drugged and poisoned very badly with slow bloating and hardening poisons--murder intended absolutely by these actions. Disgusting things were put in my room for no reason. If Gatorwood Apartments had turned the site of the murder into a police training facility--at the edge of the complex, and I walked around and looked and saw potted plants, nothing amiss, it looked like a rented apartment on the ground floor next to the wooded area (supposedly this slasher serial killer was living in the wooded area--homeless, and stalking the tenants with his surveillance of this ground-floor apartment just at the back of the complex--where the little path on the side cuts into the deep and dark wooded area, just before the alligator pond, which leads to a road that leads to a more rural field with a road (where I also used to live at Bridgelight Apartments). There was also a fire department station across the street which blew fire alarms on the fire trucks so loudly that the entire complex resounded with booming sirens at least once per day. It was a very beautiful, wooded kind of hell hole place to live with a lot of sordid characters who "looked" and said they were Christian righteous people (and that I was a "sinner" for some reason they would not detail or explain).

Gainesville reaches 30th anniversary of student murders By Cindy Swirko, The Gainesville Sun Associated Press • Aug 31, 2020 at 8:22 am


I am rather loosely using these "spiritual" terms about "evil" and "spirits" and "manifestation". Florida has a lot of highly-charged religious people along with their communities, praying and operating for both "good" and "evil". There are a host of enclaves of ritualistic and sacrificial religions such as Ile Ife, and there is the sacrificial religion of Christianity, which can induce great sympathy and kindness in the "true" believers but hostile murderous hypocrisy in those mishandling the "cross".
Gainesville is at a kind of crossroads between "The South" and a far distant junction into Miami culture. It's remote enough to be a swamp rebuilt in shaky ground. It is both healing and at the same time deadly, as the energies intermingle and unless you are alert to how gang stalking operates, the stealth with which the black magick practitioners operate can be highly concealed. From the little 30-second clip I got on "The Gainesville Ripper", this man claimed that he was inspired by "The Devil" and/or "evil" forces to perform his grisly deeds. As for my personal predicament, in that Beyond Good and Evil atmosphere that Gainesville can be outside of the religious affiliation identification so many adhere to--I was chased by gang stalkers of both "black magick" Caribbean following with animal sacrifices and blood sacrifices and I don't know what other kinds of sacrifices--to "Christian" gang stalkers who made direct reference to "fattening" me up (before the bloating poison made a wreak of my body, and I believe these "Christians" were partially responsible or wholly responsible). These would be the Neo-Nazi "Christian Identity" personalities with ties to both Evangelical and white Aryan Nation identification. I spent some time with both factions, as being so drugged up and invited while I was stuck in partial paralysis, they appeared like the religious sheeple in wolves scant attire which was unveiled at the slightest of pretext for attack upon me--into vicious deadly assault on the drugging and gang stalking level. Such was and undoubtedly still is Gainesville. Being a target of terrorism with technologies, drugs, rape capabilities--you will discover a host of human sacrifice and murder groups which hide under various "religious" titles. Gainesville is replete with them. The entire community is cloaked under an atmosphere of heavy, Spanish Moss drapery--creating a kind of submerged swamp air at night which is not refreshing. The whoopola of the college students at night is not like "fun" "partytown" which Gainesville has been made out to be. It sounds like bloody murder being screamed by drunken basturds looking for a fight. In the shrill daylight of all-consuming heat, they walk zombiesque in completely empty-face intent on going to classes. That is the college students. The town is surrounding the University of Florida, the main attraction to the entire town. I found it difficult to find an intellectual community that I could reverberate around and despite it being an educational-based town, the main thrust of the education was and is in science and technology. Robotic drone personalities with evil lurking underneath and racism and drunken revelry to unleash the controlled exterior made it a place where I had no problem getting down to studying for the GRE entrance exams into Grad school.
But Gatorwood Apartments, which was a place of attack similar to the place I am now living, disgusting filthy things done, creepy, eerie, but somehow my reaction in that atmosphere of dead animals being left on naturesque, bucolic tree-lined pathways I used to walk, next to the alligator pond, away from the rushing cars and roads of SW Archer Road and 34th--the terrorists left dead cats, and people would sit on the little pathway outside of my 2nd storey apartment patio lookout--sitting staring into my window for a few hours, when I first moved in. I responded in ways that were near crazed as I spray-painted the walls and wrote graffiti on the walls. The management told me, amongst the other bs they lied about as they helped get their promotions for providing keys and opportunity for the terrorists (and there was a French flag flying in a room next to mine on their balcony--I assume now that it was part of this French contingent alongside the Italian who have been following me out of Miami Beach to obtain this contract, which provided them with a tremendous amount of money and influence as they sopped up every bit of cruelty and violence and slow murder against me in the process). But things aside such as perpetrators who are still attacking me three decades later--from my years of living in South Beach--Gatorwood Apartments truly was a place that spurred me to leave Gainesville forever. It pushed me out as I had enough of the dark energy and the seesaw of black and white magickal people praying for their purposes for "good" or "evil"--sometimes converging together to attack me all for "evil". I moved on to Portland, Oregon and lived in yet another horrific terror situation, but not as dark and creepy as that one complex, which I got from Craigslist when I was living in a rented room in a Nazi woman's house in Germany (who had participated in the 3rd Reich, was rich and "important" and thus probably a bit or quite "evil" and perhaps assisted in the murder of more than a few victims of the 3rd Reich). Then, with internet search, unable to find any apartments which allowed me and my cat to move in immediately, from overseas, I obtained this apartment with full welcome of the people who performed their own terror act upon me in disgusting, very dark ways (talking about Jesus and going to Church the entire time, and about how "some people are sinners" implying me, for some reason). I was also told by the management who had been working at Gatorwood during the killing spree by the Gainesville Ripper, that ever since the murders there has been a waiting list for the very apartment where the murders took place--at the edge of the wooded complex, where there is the thick wooded area that eventually leads to the Alligator pond, where I sometimes would sit in the grass looking at the peaceful alligator sitting waiting to devour something in the pond and the manicured houses that surrounded that pond. It lead to the road that was in front of the apartment complex I had lived in a few years prior, Bridgelight Apartments which were my very favorite apartments I have ever lived in all my life--so there is this "good" and "bad" vibe persistent in much of Gainesville for me. All-in-all, I would say that Gainesville is a very beautiful little college town but you must beware of the lurking predators hiding under the placid surface--alligator style. With spiritual badges of honor, some of the evil don white robes but practice in black magick. The truly "good" people I met in Gainesville who followed in the path of treating human beings with compassion, love and respect wore decent clothing of no particular identification. They were gentle and caring and unpronounced so you had to have conversations with them to gauge what they were--and hopefully still are. Good, decent people who actually helped me because they were against the evil of this hate organization, the Nazis, the black magick supporters of Neo-Nazi culture, and etc.
I know that Gatorwood Apartments, where I lived circa---(trying to remember approximate dates) August 2001-December 2002 (?)--long after the murders of the 5 college students by this Ripper "possessed" serial killer, but not too long after the spirits resumed their traipsing of the grounds of Gatorwood to bring an extra foul substance to the stalking I endured. It was a place of such creepiness but bright and built around the edge of a kind of cleared-out foresty area--kinda swampy. There is a little lake not far from the grounds where alligators lurk in the green waters. There's a 7/11 not far, on Archer Road. I lived not far from Gatorwoods in a very beautiful apartment complex but I got this one apartment--two bedrooms, huge, a view of trees, balcony, washer dryer, carpeted, etc airy, bright, fresh breeze--but the attacks from the terrorists on all sides of me were dark, disgusting and foul. It was one of the most foul atmospheres I have ever lived in.
Because I do not like "horror" genre movies, I ignored this new "Scream: The True Story (2022) " movie and I have never watched any of the Scream franchise movies either. I only read today that Scream is about the Gainesville killers.
I spent years driving past the painted wall (forgot the name of the road, my memory is very blanked out now about Gainesville and it's roads and names and places--it wasn't a very spectacular place I have lived, it was a place where I got myself together enough to venture on out to attend grad school. I was also poisoned so badly I am still trying to recover, more than 20 years later (but the poisoning has never stopped).
Yet this apartment complex was a non-stop series of creepy attacks from various people that, upon reflection, has left me with the barest concept that "spiritual possession" or "evil spirits" can "haunt" a place, or people within that place. The spiritual "battle" between "good" and "evil" in the spirit realm appears to be a legitimate reality, when I think of all the greedy, sleazy and rapacious and sick and stupid people I have rented homes and apartments from, all these years, the layers of sickness that accompanied this place, Gatorwood Apartments, were sort of shocking to me. I was put into a daze of drugged out hysteria, and I really believe that the resonance of "evil" was lurking around that place. This same resonance remains surrounding the "auras" of the people who attack me. The longer they "allow" for this sort of "evil" to penetrate into their greedy and sleazy, grasping and rapacious personalities (or lack thereof, as the longer they are seduced into this kind of violence the more they appear to lose their personalities, until they merge into one dominant sick and persistently evil and sleazy sick personality typology).
The only reason I was accepted and decided to live in Gatorwood Apartments was because I was overseas and had no idea this was the place where a mass killing spree had taken place. I was, in fact, living in the house of a German Nazi woman outside of Stuttgart, which I also discovered by chance from an apartment searching company in Stuttgart. I got this apartment in Gainesville by looking at Craigslist while in Germany, and I had never taken any interest in the killings and murders that had happened back before I even moved to Gainesville in 2000. I therefore didn't know that the apartment complex was the very place of two of the murders; just as I did not know when looking for a short-term rental situation in Stuttgart which would allow for me and my cat (not easy to find a place accepting my cat) with a garden. I got into this rental situation under the name of another woman who "rented" out the property, but it was instead inside the large house of an 80+ year old woman who, with wealth and entitlement, had been a firm establishment in the Nazi Party in Stuttgart. That is another whole story, but one "evil" living situation begat another "evil" rental living situation; and the "nice Evangelical" old Christian woman who attended political meetings inside the "Church" of Evangelical association, who formerly was of the anti-Christ movement of the Nazis--who supported obviously mass murder. This supporter of "Evil" or the Nietzsche "epiphany" that Beyond Good and Evil is the place of attainment in Stuttgart--which begat for me, after fleeing the bad energy of the cloaked Nazi which came out with snarles eventually--only to run into the welcoming Christian arms of another death living situation, dripping energetically with the murder residue of bad energy in Gainesville at Gatorwood Apartments. For both living places, I had no other options (the terror operation makes sure I have no options except to move into a terror situation of stalking/poisoning/rape, etc).
What transpired at the Gatorwoods Apartments was a kind of schmorgasboard of attacks which were in reality, not as deadly as other places (such as Pensacola, where my life literally was almost destroyed physically in yet another car accident murder attempt and very awful things happened in that place as well). But the creepiness of the attacks in a kind perverted sleazy and disgusting set of attacks happened at Gatorwood.
Maybe I am just exaggerating because every place I live turns into a near-death trap with disgusting attacks from this sleazy and morbid disgusting hate group and organization. They always have minorities to clean their stinking filth for them or minorities to pour and pump their filth and hate upon and feel "clean" afterwards.


**Correction to the post. Hacking is so awful that it takes me HOURS to write a few paragraphs. The internet is constantly being turned off, the pages freeze, I can't click on anything the cursor just is frozen--this happens constantly.
In watching this documentary which is, I admit, ridiculous in the "spirit box" technology and the fantastic product of scare reality show entertainment that is not convincing at all (a joke) woman describes the word I could not recall from my conscious memory--PENTECOSTAL. Yes, that Southern tradition of religious zeal, zealotry. The people who said they were going to "fatten" me up were Pentecostal. They took me to their Church. I had never been to a Pentecostal Church located on the outskirts of Gainesville, Proper-- and I was exhibited in the front row by the person I just wanted to see if I could rent another room from (every sick situation of Nazi and religious black intention came from my attempts to simply rent a room or apartment somewhere--while I had no information on the place or people--always from abroad or just arriving in a new spot or town). I am trying to remember the name of this blonde woman (in her early 20's) who I contacted through her add in The Gator looking for a roommate to share her apartment. I was put into an Italian mafia woman's place where she was outright "evil" from first glance. I had no options and this woman offered to take me to her church. Being bored, new in town, and curious I went with her. Speaking in tongues, people were creepy as Hell in that "church". I was taken to her very wealthy home with her Southern parents and told that they were going to "fatten" me up. That was when the real murderous poisoning began and has not stopped ever since. They used terminology that fits into Christian Identity (that Jesus truly was preparing the way for white Christians to take His place as the favored of God--white supremacy with black people also in attendance). I was, of course, attacked by black people who sat next to this woman (I am trying to remember her name, it comes into my memory and then is gone--the mind control is as usual blanking out my memory).

Pentecostal black practitioners and people practicing animal and perhaps human sacrifice of the Ile Ife/Santeria/Voodun traditions that carry up into Gainesville out of the lower regions of Florida where Caribbean culture abounds (lots of animal sacrifices and probably human sacrifices in Miami Dade County, for example). That culture also lives in Gainesville, and from the first month I moved to Gainesville I was initially SURROUNDED by them--black and white, all performing the same murder operation upon me. As usual, I had to "fight" to get the parasites off me, from clinging on for their promotions and for their feeding off human energy and life force and flesh and poisoning and raping and destroying for their pumped up sense of righteous selfhood in their covens and groups and religious practice ceremonies--it's quite open in Gainesville if you are in the subculture environments, outside of the usual rhetoric that pervades all the religious identification. Once you get into that submerged world, it becomes a trip down into archaic tradition based upon blood sacrifice. I consider Christianity to be based on human sacrifice and blood sacrifice as well. It's only a matter of how the interpretation of that sacrifice should be considered. Some take the wine and bread of Communion to be a holy spiritual replacement for human and blood sacrifice and they live up to the standard of respecting the sanctity of life and love for others.***:)

Oh yes, her name was/is Cameron--that woman of the Pentecostal rite association whose mother and father said they were going to "fatten" me up (for the kill). It was absolutely a premeditated murder statement. They absolutely were part of a "Satanic" cult, or something following the "Left-Hand Path" of human sacrifice--very much like Nazis and their genocides and etc. Because of the extremity of religious identification in "The South", these issues are much more pronounced in that region of the world so I had to look into the jaws for a short few years of trying to get out of them--and I'm still working on it. The "Dark Force" that is beyond Evil has seeped into so much of American Society.