Saturday, January 22, 2022

LOCK THEM UP! Trump was right about only one of the guilty because he colludes with those who collude with HIllary. I am under continuous, non-stop attack/siege by English or English Colonized minions (i.e. Australians, Canadians, areas near South Africa and of course our sold out Neo-Nazi Americans) while in these last very sickly regions of my healing process which not a single one has ever assisted in healing, but rather has dumped deadly stress and disfiguration and torture on a 24/7 basis for the over 10 years I have been struggling alone against endless waves of violent creeple surrounding me at all times to inflict the English War against America. The overtake appears complete. Billary Clinton fully coordinate the attacks and as the crooked couple rake out more profit from their nefarious corrupt scheming to assist in the absolutely white supremacist overtake of America (going through the "left-hand" portal of appearing as Democratic "feminist" and "liberal".

 The expletives from the "top" regions of the lowest ranks of humanity who are assaulting me are extremely wealthy, with movie titles and ranks behind them. I got another couple of them last night who began using the mind control (while I was sleeping and in my usual sick and healing process deep sleep mode as they teleported me, using mind control to force me to repeat innocuous statements which they turned into extremely genocidal Nazi-themed attacks upon me).

I tried to be polite and tell them that this must end, they began to dig in. I then had yet another night of hissing demons hissing and throwing all kinds of the most nasty verbal barbs possible using outdated Nazi holocaust themes to try to goad me into reacting, which I did. 

I have to say that the only subhuman scum I have ever encountered who are the most lecherous, loathsome and vile are those of the English Branch of this insidious organization. Especially those at those upper wealth divisions who must cling to their roles as being supremacist by crushing all possible opposition before it has a chance to even begin to grow. Their onslaught upon the USA entails warm glowing smiles and offers of flats and mansions in the most elegant of English and London places to the greedy and star-struck Americans who are sick of being characterized as just "dumb Americans" by the idols whom they truly cannot recognize as the snarling parasitic scumbags that they truly are. They are only dazzled by the wealth and pomp and circumstance of the very old encrusted buildings and the gold and diamonds and the fashion fairs that all the parasite mediocrities obtained by plundering and brutally murdering not just Jews in concentration camps (do not just blame the Germans but those who helped to arrest and bring to those cattle cars and finance the genocidal machine and fully sieg heil to Hitler as many of the English have done and now openly do).

What I consider to be human is something far above how they act and I thus characterize them as being subhuman and detest having to be teleported to crap and scum like this every single day so one of them after the next can take it's nasty and mean shot at breaking me psychologically and spiritually, mentally and physically while my entire government behind the CLINTONS just passively watches and allows these rotten pig apes to go on and on for years and years. Every one of these with this connection to England and this branch of this huge global organization is in one way or another stealing ideas from America in order to push their Europeanized version of the same idea. Since so many Americans truly yearn for a despotic (what they hope would be a benevolent despotism as far as they are concerned, but a brutal dictatorship for those who they want to re-enslave such as blacks, Jews, any other color).

All of the people attacking me steal ideas from directors like Steven Spielberg--as I mentioned last night to this English thug scumbag famous actor whose movie is in line for many top awards just now--as well as his former lover who co-starred in a movie I downloaded last night because I wanted to compare it with the older and real American version---such a huge difference of course between the older 60's version and this violence and murder/hate-packed power-to-the-death struggle (the usual formula for the hate Nazi organization controlling the H-wood whorefest movie line-up every year with the domination of endless murder and fighting to the death line-up yearly). The older version was cheerfully delightful, original as American things used to be, funny but with the darkness of hate and evil combined with the sweetness and lightness of innocence and actual cuteness of the beauty of pure charm--unlike the modern version adaptation which brings into focus the fascist Nazi display of fashion and superficial appearance as the one and only point of personal recognition--of course money is the prime focus of personal attainment and using the most conniving and manipulative ways to get into these highest portals of power is the most honored form and the only apparent path.

And now bring in Hillary Clinton and her husband who is probably ill and sitting behind the scenes into all of this hate and violence she is endlessly profiteering off and obtaining her perhaps next claim to the Democratic Presidential race of 2024 (I have heard rumors of this on You Tube political commentary pages).

It would be a tragedy for America to continue to allow this crooked criminal to have any single thing to do with politics or any media performance but the corruption is so deeply intertwined now into America that even the "Left" is blind to the criminality because of course it is saturated with that corruption and rot as well.

As for the usurpation aspect of all of these sub human low lives who you all applaud and cheer on because they have been bestowed with every kind of wealth condiment to adorn their shabby weak and parasitic personalities (but how strong they are in violent attack and usurpation and stealing and robbing and manipulating--as they feed off negativity that is what makes them strong. How they have sucked so much out of me and fed off this sick technology for so many years and decades when it comes to Danny boy Piggyham their model for this, as they fully support that he was raping and murdering me via covert poisoning along with another Italian scumbag creep out of Miami--mafia of course so they all love this piece of meaningless boring sick scum) but they all defend his "right" to do this and in fact they all join on in. That includes the top list of American A-list (Asshole-list) scumbags. 

Since so many of them have tortured me to obtain ideas from my years of study, coming from a house where my step-father was a literature professor and author, so these stupid and dumb scum need ideas to augment their fake pretenses first that they are literate that they are sensitive that they care so they have been torturing me with express permission by my government to extract information and ideas, steal them and then rape and poison, disfigure and abuse me slowly to death. Now Clinton is profiting off this contract and has been for at least the last 3 years. Now a slew of English creeps who are all filled with insults but appear to have no originality just pompous attitude based on a heritage of Imperialism and consolidation of the Nazi Empire--using these most nasty murder terms aimed at me, I find them instead stupid, subhuman but they have been handed great wealth and all, literally all financial earning has been blocked to me thanks to the likes of Hillary Clinton.

I urge anyone listening to go to the Hour of the Time MP3 collection and go through the lists to find the Whitewater series where you will hear an absolutely chilling account of detail of their lies, deceit, and the cost of their illegality cost Arkansas taxpayers millions of dollars while the Clintons raked in millions of dollars. 

What William Cooper says about Bill Clinton, based on his research which he claims has been backed by evidence and on his websites which are now long closed down--so I cannot find this evidence--but Bill Clinton is a puppet of the English Crown--he was sent to Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship where he was turned into an English agent. Cooper also claims that the Clintons are British Israelists which in American terms equates to Christian Identity--ultra Right Wing Nazi white supremacists who claim that they are the true inheritors of the House of David and they are the real God's Chosen Jews by their birth lineage. Stemming out of the Church of England and the Royal claim that the bloodline of The House of David extends into English Royalty and thus they are the true Israelites. This is why so many racist anti-Semites "support" Israel but truly are vehemently racist anti-Semites waiting to kill as many Jews as possible if given the opportunity. You can include this group and the Clintons as nefarious duplicitous players in this game, playing the "Left" side of the unbalanced field. 

I thus remain being teleported to genocidal insults that Nazis used, which these wealthy English subhuman pig apes are using now upon me. The fights are now becoming physical. The hate is worse than just argumentative or defensive. I try to go inward and shut them out but it's almost impossible in this teleported sleep state while I remain with zero support or assistance from any body while they are always under the protection not only of every government, being paid in huge sums for this, but always in groups with me alone in the center as they hit, attack, rape and torture me. 

Hillary Clinton has been profiting off this as I wrote for over 3 years and in the last few weeks the people of English descent or half English or from English colonies it's like a revulsion fest of creeple coming from that country and all have stolen or adapted American creative concepts into their main conceptual sales-points which are just more usurpation of the culture. As they are only parasites looking for how they can steal and rob and overtake. 

The really sad and disgusting part is the full cooperation of Americans, many of whom claim fully that they love the English and are part English in their heritage. The English love to mock American culture and the accent and everything in between. No one seems to notice. None of the celebrities make any hesitation when any of the Europigapes in the crowd of abusers makes an anti-American slur they just continue to nearly worship these scumbag parasites and attack me in order to create a colonized America where they get to become slave owners using modern tech. All of them have waves of dark-skinned minorities encircling them, even as "lovers" to help them to create this image of them being benevolent dictators but the facade they sell is that they are not "racist" but "care".

Friday, January 21, 2022

Corporate (Inter)National Socialism is the unofficially recognized real Party leading the USA. Questioning the regime is strictly forbidden in a stifling but inconspicuous way that our Democracy has permitted. What should have been the censure of critics and formal criticism has been reverted into a lack of real scrutiny and questioning leaving a dull mental drain of weak laud of the leadership on both political and media/performer levels. That means film critiques and political questioning at the mainstream media journalist levels. The acceptable harsh criticism is reverberated between all the journalists so it does appear that there is serious antagonism but eventually the result is that corporate Socialism prevails (meaning fascist Nazi Imperialist trending towards European fascism in a corporate monopolistic Totalitarian Dictatorship).

 "Ralph Nader: Biden's First Year Proves He Is Still a "Corporate Socialist" Beholden to Big Business. Democracy Now! January 20, 2022.

Biden held some kind of a lengthy 2-hour media conference. Activist Ralph Nader examines the lack of penetrating questioning by reporters regarding the heavy leaning towards corporate enfranchisement at the expense of the population's financial health. As well as the extreme huge increase in military spending (many millions in excess of what the Pentagon had requested) AFTER the withdrawal from Afghanistan. This entire post is a sequence of what I had written yesterday about the backing of an international fascist Nazi white supremacist organization funding and promoting it's "Left" actors/producers/writers and fully enveloping the awards system to tout their "moll" actors who deliver fake promises of redemption but truly are welcoming in with red carpet fanfare extremely genocidal fascist Nazis from foreign countries into their very clic circles (which they have now globalized into them wanting only to be included in the Europ-a circles of the very antiquity-based, fascist Nazi wealthy and their enclaves of slavish devotion to their exploitation hegemony principles of destroying and taking over/search and destroy policies).

The critics of these movies are likewise totally remiss at endeavoring to analyze the deeper concepts entwined in the superficially repetitive plot structures that are cranked out mercilessly. Like the military funding budget of Biden, the excessive focus on murder, violence and sexual degradation of (women in particular) is usually excluded from any of the mainstream (or Ms Magazine, to boot) reviews and critical analyses.

I am locked out of peer-reviewed databases to find research and my internet is plagued by hacking and blocks of alternative material (i.e. I do a search for a term and get hundreds of thousands of results, but when I scroll down the page of results there are less than a page full of items that I can open and then the subject matter changes).

There is a total attempt to obscure all intentions of this National Socialist Corporate Fascist Nazi State that is slowly enticing more and more adherents to the very simple incentive of getting an incentive or promotion if they fully believe and follow without any question. The blocks to advancement are slowly making any independent attempt for self-sustaining financial and career advancement IMPOSSIBLE and the only avenue "out" of complete and total financial desperation in this now rich and poor divide is to be brainwashed into compliance to this grossly unbalanced and violent National Socialist Corporate Nazi Fascist Mafia organization. No questions, no serious questions. The facades at the political and media level continue that there is "change" and that there is "hope" and today is a "new Day". Well, like your illuminati symbol of the Sun Rising, every day is a new day of the same Old Order.


*Hacking and obstruction of my keyboard is constant throughout this attempt to write. Mind control tech is blasting into my brain so being able to refine my sentences into more direct ideas is impossible while I am in the middle of backspacing constantly as my neural firing capabilities are under constant attack while subliminal sentences are being pumped into my "inner ear" so I am just fighting to think and type constantly.

Undoubtedly the terrorist hackers have deleted obscured and rewritten parts of this post after I publish. I have other things to do than to endlessly retype and fight to correct so I leave it as is.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Sinema and Manchin are just two more fascist Nazi actors playing their appointed roles. The Biden Administration I believe used these two to thwart every serious agenda so that white supremacy and the class and race division remains solidly intact. The ever-increasing gap between ultra wealthy and impoverished (around the world) continues as the "blame" is put on these two "Dark Money" recipients.

 From my perspective of having been teleported by both N. Pelosi and AOC in the last few months, I see clearly that the entire "alternative" pitch that the Democrats have been pushing is a near complete farce. The most violent attacker verbally has been Pelosi and yesterday she teleported me for one moment while I was in the shower--something this group loves to do, which is to destroy every single bit of relaxation and love I have available around me. While I was enjoying the warm water her most sinister face appeared like that very famous image of the first Exorcist movie where this demonic spirit appeared in a one-second shot hovering behind the already terrorized mother/daughter figure (I can't remember which). It was in a domestic setting, I think in the kitchen area. It was a most ugly and evil look on her nasty face and it was so demonic it immediately brought up this image from that Exorcist movie. Jokes aside, I used this image at the onset of this post to try to explain the absolute malevolent content behind the plastic surgery and rhetorical posturing that these leaders employ through all their carefully coached presentation of how they are "fighting for The American People" as this hateful white supremacist Italian-American fascist Mafia bigot loves to slur in her drunk-on-power displays of inebriation.

What I have seen instead of her machinations is that she teleported me, for example, just prior to the 3rd stimulus and sitting next to A-S=Negger former Governor of California and fascist Nazi disguised as jocular jock and beloved for his antics and huge Nazi appearance, which Californians gravitate to in their quest to have an absolute fascist Nazi-controlled power structure and corporate leadership. 

Grafting whatever she could personally obtain, she then most viciously attacked me because I was fighting to get yet another most despicable abuser off me (S-negger). Her threats and hate hissing in her ugly voice was the most hostile I have ever encountered, from anybody. Her schemes to steal money from the bills and legislation she is passing through all her nefarious illegal plotting and grafting makes it very clear to me that these plots were hatched before Biden became president or president-elect, I should say. I think P-lousy really was planning on the shift of power at the Presidential level in order to obtain her endless profiteering off the legislation Biden proposed to her in order to garner her support. Probably Trump was not going to allow P-lousy to graft money in such an offensibly gratuitous way if he were to remain as President. Thus although P-lousy fully complies with the ultra fascist organization and doctrine as one of it's key members ensconced in the fake oppositional Party of the Democratic leadership, she nevertheless had her personal interests to account for more than helping Trump achieve his coup. Thus I truly believe that he had asked many of his "plants" in the Democratic Party, such as P-lousy, if she would help him to change the vote counts or for his electoral manipulation because for so many years so assisted in nefarious illegal operations such as this terrorist stalking enterprise--which Biden has latched onto, and I also received endless Facebook posts directly planted on the top of my page for months when he was first ordained the next fascist Nazi leader with his minority minion crew posing as the "fighting for equality" posse along with the creepy Squad as only mere symbolism effete from meaning and real intent.

Having written all that, I was accosted by her yesterday while I was in the relaxing state of taking a shower because I had tried to write about this terror contract out on me to one of the J-6 committee leaders. I got zero response of course. The entire program of this Nazi social engineering project is fully protected and kept silent and even if this Representative had wanted to respond or help he would have faced serious threat is he actually did any significant thing to stop this endless injustice and violence endlessly heaped upon me by nasty celebrities who are rank and file satanic operators and parasites beyond recognition to the normal just mainly plebian abuser.

Thus Manchin and Sinema: to garner the hope and votes of the electorate the lying schemists (sic) including Biden the really fake and concealed racist concocted a scheme to deflate his every agenda that may have actually helped bring up the desperate, poor, working class and disenfranchised. All the attempts to pass bills which have failed are due to these two Senators and I believe their every action to thwart all attempts to lessen the wealth and power divide had been planned a long time ago. I believe they were paid off by the nefarious P-lousy or her ilk to become the supposed "problem", a role they were handed which they accepted.


Now, having written all that: regarding the social engineering plan utilizing gang stalking terrorism/covert murder/rape/torture/disenfranchisement/endless violence/poisoning/drugging: I have been assaulted by a wealthy woman out of England for the past two weeks. I called her Dumb Whorren Mirrage because her real name is odious to write. She and her Irish thug partner participated in raping and attacking me back in around 2014. Or that is when they got past the waiting list line of other violent celebrity rapists and their English partner/benefactor Danny-boy Piggyham (also can't use his real name because he's so disgusting) but, I have written it many times in the past. They are so wealthy and connected to English Monarchy and The Crown apparatus of Imperialism that all the gold-diggers of the stalking apparatus, which is what they are all comprised of all are voracious gold-digging, ass-wiping adherents to money and the "power" that money in the wrong hands employs for them to profit off. So all these years this parasite and her parasitic boyfriend have been partnering in abusing, torturing and feeling smug and gratified as they obtain lead roles, this woman is probably around 80 years old and from the extensive plastic surgery she was handed after her assault on me, she has been showcased as part of red carpet fashion idolatry for these media awards and festival. All of these people are assured by the likes of P-lousy that their every crime is no crime at all, nothing will EVER happen to stop them or defend me (as usual, not a SINGLE human being on this planet has yet come up to me with defense, help or assistance in any real visible way. They all have to operate behind the lie so I really never know who has offered support--but it has been given in the past).

Back to two weeks ago: after YEARS of these two bigot racist nazis out of the UK have sucked whatever they can obtain from torturing and abusing me, alongside their rotten skank pigapealina and Brad Shit--(still can only use "immature" references to these pig whores, who are so disgusting they do not deserve titles of being human any longer). Her assault began on me that I must call her "Dame" which is a title the monarchy so grateful for her endless posturing bs about being compassionately supporting of brown men in places like France and America who are being discriminated against. That is one of her most usual roles that I have seen. She of course loves to exploit and have power games over these disadvantaged as does The Crown in general, and it's also a sexual titillation for her and a power play. Awarded and praised for her deception in the media. But when she told me I have to call her "Dame" I just said "To me you are piece of shit". It came out in the "truth serum" teleportation sequence, I had no plan to say this nor had it crossed my mind but came out like a rash--probably in my subconscious. As I wrote earlier, the Sweet Home Alabama dude lead singer was sitting behind me and he glared in anger at her as if backing me. The next day he was using Nazi and genocidal references towards me glaring in hate into my face as he then fully worked with the blonde Nazi women of this group who have gone on and on and on and on for years and years non-stop attacking me and obtaining every kind of French and American top award for their really mediocre movies. It was then days of violence and hate hissed at me, horrid violent teleporation skits, abuse without end--my home made stinking and putrid with sprays on everything to the point that I can no longer breathe the air in this room unless I have windows wide open all the time--as the sprays are permanent and unnatural products of laboratory hate.

This culminated in her teleporting me two nights ago to her home in London. It was a situation of a myriad of mind control technologies blasting every kind of subliminal hate insult at me while an interrogation process began about what kind of esoteric knowledge I had of the writings of Aleister Crowley. I could not stop talking, and I tried to get away from these two thugs as the room was completely dark I had my hands out trying to find a way away from them. I told them to stop teleporting me and I tried to stop talking and the technology made my brain like a sieve. This parasite then began asking me all kinds of penetrating questions about what I had read--undoubtedly so she could claim all as her store of knowledge to impress those who she wants to impress with her fake "positive" level of intellect but it's a dark abyss of whoring power-mongering, deceptions, abuses and exploitation of anyone she can manipulate who is "beneath" her. 

Thus the social engineering project unfolds like this: people like her must retain their "power" in society. They absolutely cannot tolerate people "like me" having even a single chance to outperform them. They use this technology to suck out ideas from things I have read, coming from an academic University background in literature. Then discrediting me on every level and poisoning me with the most deadly and horrific poison cocktail--her colleagues in America have completely followed suit. Even trailer park denizens need to have this type of "white supremacy" in America and all gravitate towards keeping this rotten vulture of a parasite in her position of being told she is entitled to violating and torturing people like me in order to retain white supremacist hegemony over the entire planet.

After I got out of the room they followed me around, this pair of parasites the dumb Irish thug and his dominitrix handler, as he remained like all the slaves of those who control them, absolutely silent while the abuser did all the talking. I kept trying not to talk to them but the mind control tech while I was also detoxifying and very ill (which these parasites--the entire group of them--always make sure to exploit to the fullest at my most vulnerable healing point, which has meant the more than ten years of fighting to get this horrible absolutely atrocious poison out of my body they have done nothing but VIOLENTLY abuse me on all levels every single day and night while in this extremely weak state--with intention to murder me because I was able to actually diagnose that I was being poisoned and was trying to not get murdered in the first place).

After I walked around her lavish Knightsbridge (I think that is where it was, I had a look at the outside area and from my knowledge of London that looked like the fashion and building area of that part of that town--the extreme top of London society--I think, or near the apex for sure). As I gawked and ahhed at the furnishings in a voice I didn't recognize while this vulture whorish vampire parasite kept on plugging into my memory banks to obtain ideas and information for her presentations about how astute and knowledgeable she is (not)---question after question, I could feel my facial muscles droop downwards, my voice was lowered into an ugly and "tired "sort of pitch and I said things that I had no intention of even thinking. After all of this, she began telling me that I am a "loser" and she is the "winner" because she has so much and I have only stinking foul broken and damaged property. I told them that I had decorated panels of my walls, for example, with colored paper to create a kind of modern effect, but that terrorist gang stalkers had come in spraying stains on all the panels--which I then had to cover with silly stickers just to try to conceal all the brown blots and stains that all their minions had done to make my home and artistic attempts "lower" than their paid-for decorating. The two thug whore parasites then asked me what I would do to her whore home and how I would change the decor. I suggested that a huge "tree" lamp be built in her huge Rococo ceiling that had that kind of light blue French hue and white adornments (seems straight out of French architecture). They both said in unison "that is stupid". That translated means that the idea is excellent and they will steal it or use it as a selling point for their real estate dealings in the future, like Danny Piggyham has been doing to me for years. 

I had forgotten to write above that the Irish thug smirked with a delightful little sadistic smile when I said that the decorations I had made which looked very good and modern art in my studio were all splattered with brown stains by their minions, he was so glib and happy about it. 

After all of this mind control manipulation the Cruella DeVille came out of this nasty woman, blonde of course, who then began to bend down putting on her blood red lipstick and saying with smug delight, "You have to see that I am so much better than you and you are nothing and a loser". I then tried to kick her head and after that I think they left me alone. 

But my point is to demonstrate how the effort to have a unified social engineering ultra wealthy and down, oppressed, living in squalor, filth or if they yearn to be free of that, must obey, be silent, attack the other "minorities" that this organization wants to crush and destroy while "Democracy" is still the superficial political system that these parasitic Nazi fascists use for their corporate control and fascist overtake of all the middle class efforts to achieve any kind of stable financial status.

Homelessness which has increased I don't know how much fold in the last few years of the pandemic has unleashed ranting absurd but dangerously genocidal hate diatribes by the likes of Carlson Tucker in his latest rendition of absolute kill-the-poor-and-minorities crusade which is tandem with these people who are assaulting me, including P-lousy and AOC (please understand that having "Tax the Rich" draped over her nasty theatrical A$$ for the pompous Met Gala Ball was just another prop and she's really saying kiss my A$$ to the poor in that statement--trust me, she is fully incorporated into the white supremacist fascist anti-Semitic tribe).

These are some examples of the use of these technologies, the compliance of the US Government on all sides, which is why not a single member of Congress, law enforcement or any single member of society in general, including Jews, the homeless, of course blacks have proven to be some of the most violent helpers of white supremacy so they are enemies and probably much of the cause of great harm to society through these terrorist stalking networks, which are rife with blacks performing hate and violent deeds upon targets.)

Back to Sinema and Manchin--they are only props. They decided that they would be elected to play these roles and the media of course goes along as if this is just a pair of people who uniformly are opposing all Biden's most "progressive" attempts to ameliorate the wealth and disparity gap in all respects--including for voting rights for the black; many of whom fully participate in the fascist Nazi stalking operations. As many or all of you reading this do as well. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Terrorist "soft/slow" kill toxic poisoning report and other such foul and disgusting attacks made and ordered by people of the same foul and filthy material.

 Deary do-nothing readers/voyeurs/sadists/fascists and pukes:

this is not for your entertainment.

My room is now so toxic from years (over 3 years) of laboratory-concocted stinking foul substances repeatedly sprayed into this room every single day and night--that it's unbearable and deadly to breathe it in any longer. I am suffocating in the stench and the toxic substances I can feel my body recoil at the poisons embedded into the sprays. Despite having powdered the room with baking soda to try to eliminate the stench, they just spray the stinking mess into the room while I am sleeping and have a stink fest of spraying and destroying my property while I am out shopping. 

the stinking foul poisons that this organization poured into my food--thus into my body--my entire life remain gluing my spine into a hard, encased shell of semi-paralysis. After more than 10 years of being bed-ridden while my body and home is being sprayed with stinking deadly toxic sprays, as I am disfigured--part of my uterus severed out, my hair sprayed repeatedly with damaging chemicals so it's falling out, brittle and with the texture of straw---my skin slathered with damaging chemicals so there are areas that look like the skin has curdled. All with more laboratory chemicals that are permanent--as the stinking substances are always permanent. My clothing is routinely saturated with this laboratory gunk that never comes out and nothing wholly gets the stinking odors out--NOTHING.

My food of course tainted and made rancid by their sprays. I thus have to live in a perpetual state of barricading my room and body from their attacks. Also, as I have been writing of for years to no response and no help from any single entity on the planet, while sleeping this group of foul terrorists have been severing my skin between my toes TO THE BONE of all toes and into the joints--with what I think is a laser--every single night until my feet stank of fungus (they cut and then spray fungus into the severed areas). Also inserting objects under my cuticles night-after-night for over 6 years to the point that enlarged areas of bloody red and fingernails falling off and being unusable on three fingers every night has been only one component of the ongoing torture.

What I tried to make clear in my post yesterday was that this is an exercise in power not only for the purpose of hegemony but to try to force this sense that these pig ape whores and scum pieces of shit have every "right" to do whatever the hell they want to people who are targeted. I also tried to add that all of this is supported by all sides of the US Government with absolutely no intervention and all support to this part of the "Dark Money" enterprise which really rules the US Government.

The Europigape English scumbag pig whore who is in control over this group of skanks, scumbags and mediocre incompetent "actors" is Danny Moynihan, who had me put in jail, basically crushed my cat's spine and body after I began writing posts to him--my one and only means of contact--via the email address he had given PLEASE DO SOME LEGAL WORK AND DRUDGE UP THE EMAILS FROM 2007 UNTIL 2013 between myself and him---if possible if anyone cares to try to stop this insidious hate organization from further sucking out what they can from the United States and imposing a system of feudal Dark Ages oppression which people are so keen to try to emulate and think is so delightful and easy and fun. That includes Rotten AOC whom I had made reference to yesterday as she came to inflict her silly version of hate at me in league with this injustice league coming out of Whorewood, USA (lead by English mind fuck rapist Imperialists and Nazis and fascists). 

So, back to the travails of this situation imposed upon me WITH NO BLOCK FROM MY GOVERNMENT due to this Dark Money enterprise to which they all really adhere to as their real constitution and rule of law:

I awoke in the middle of the night feeling like I was going to faint from the absolutely toxic stink that is now emitting and coming from all blankets, furniture, clothing, corners and under all furniture and every single bit of this room stinks, has brain toxic stains that NEVER come out with any cleaning solvent, sprayed on all surfaces as part of the toxic slow murder that this group has been inflicting upon me for years. I want to add that during my detox and fasting period I got to a point where absolutely deadly poisons that have been entrapped into these hard shells of poison began to come out. I spent the last 3 days literally in bed going through various stages of passing out (literally losing consciousness due to the poison which made my body tremble like I was going to faint when I stood up) absolute pain along my entire back as the hard poisons let their hard-as-steel lacerations into my spine be known while I kept trying to not pass out. I had taken off the 5 layers of wrapping around my head which I sleep in because the stink of the room was so awful I needed fresh air and to let air circulate on my now poisoned hair. I had taken off the layers of packaging tape, gauze pads and cotton balls stuck into my toes with the two layers of socks and rubber bands tightly (constricting blood flow) around my ankles. These had been taken off because I woke up after three days of endless sleep and passing out to a dark, middle-of-the-night time space and I thought sunrise was just a few hours away, I took it all off, fought off the cockroaches that this group of stinking filth always puts in my room every time I leave (they leave a tiny army of cockroaches in this room). I can't fight the cockroaches any longer also because of the immobility that the reduction of slippery poisons which acted as a kind of lubricant along my spine--now it's being detoxed out by the hard portion remains so my flexibility is worse the more I try to heal. So I passed out only to wake up with stinking fungus and slashes into my skin between my toes once more. My hair which is completely damaged to the roots and in the hair strands from years of poisons being sprayed into my hair--it's now coming out as I brush my hair which is now a straw texture once more. 

AS none of you can ever do a single thing to stop any of this, I wish you all the worst of hell after you have totally supported this death and filth group and I so hope that they destroy your lives before something finally destroys them in toto. 

What it will be I have no idea as this mentality and group terrorism is so internationally recognized as the prevailing system of law and order--the pig whores from Whorewood have been trained through all the years of politicians like foul and ugly hyena Nancy Pelosi Pig-lousy--whose threats of having my foot cut off to threatening to have me killed by her minion pig apes--has lead to this group of Europigape skank meaningless whores to do the same all understanding that their every act of rape, theft, torture and violence is fully sanctioned by the likes of Nancy Pelosi Piglousy. They were emboldened in other words by her death threats aimed at me. That was because I was fighting off Arnold S-negger a foul and bad-energy parasite whose presence was energetically foul and nasty--as they all mostly are, like all of them but some of them have absolutely foul psychic energy and are at the top of the pyramid of H-wood media popularity for their crappy fake movies about how they are rescuing the planet from the evils of injustice. 

What a sick joke placed upon the planet they are.

But you are them, you reading this, are some of these foul pukes who have attacked me. 

The least of the worst is the former husband of skanky pig ape whoralina--her name is too odious to repeat because I never thought of that rotten whore as being this gloriously "beautiful" celebrity as they are all constantly trying to force upon me. I only saw a sleazy prostituted actor who had really very few great acting skills and was more a sexualized prostituted titillation by the now-rape culture of H-wood expressed in fake sentiments of #metoo by the skanks who are fully endorsing rape and sexual violence heaped upon me by their husbands.

Thus the "best" of the worst is this blonde actor who has ordered part of my uterus to be severed out, my teeth knocked out and the gum tissue severed nightly and only because I wrote on my private Facebook page that these pig whores have been hacking into for over a decade in order to steal ideas--and because after the 5th year of this pig whore couple stealing ideas from me, having my body made rancid, toxic, poisoned and my uterus severed out--I wrote that there should be JUSTICE and B-P should not be awarded top Oscars any longer for his participation in this crime. A years of absolute hate and violence after a car driving into me in high traffic causing me to land on my jaw--nearly killing me--then they smashed my teeth loose and were cutting into my affected area of my gums to try to make the teeth get infected and fall out. This is the mentality that they have every "right" to do whatever they want including poisoning me to death after years of teleportation rape and then every kind of injustice and violence heaped upon me under the patronage of the pig whores at the "top" of this dirty and foul death pyramid scheme of scheming squares. Hundreds of thousands of Europigapes attacking me with the very same mentality so this group at the "top" is really just those who perform the lies of their deception more cleverly than the scumbag haters at the lower ranks of this rank and file operation.

So that is my choice of options for who will force a baby on me, ostensibly that is my only option for living on this planet.

Fully endorsed yesterday by filthy AOC in her hate attack upon me. Fully endorsed by Elizabeth Warren who created this mockery of an insult to "minorities": The Squad as it has been labeled. Such a theatrical name and I will write another post on the theatrical use of such a name and it's function to further the political career advancement of both of these dirty foul parasite fakes in another post--maybe today.

All fully endorsed by most of the H-wood A-list celebrity bs operators.

Fully endorsed by The Obamas and Clintons

Of course fully endorsed by Trump and his band of merry jock straps.

All that I mention above have in one guise, form or avenue of attack been a part of this terrorist team and all fully endorse it's every ramification of mass death and torture for people who they don't want to see pose a threat to their pyramid of mediocrity. I need to include nasty foul (I hate to use her nasty name because she is an odious bigot fascist Nazi from Sweden) but I call her Helga nasty tuna berg but her actual "name" begins with a G. What a gangster creep that dirty nasty foul thing is. She has to be included with these greedy, self-absorbed but collective terrorism minions and puppets in the mass devastation of the environment and of the planet's resources. Their only aim is for that glorified life of excess and visible wealth accumulation. One of the stupid and thug pig apes (from Canada from the Matrix really) began to make violent gestures at me when he first tried to rape/seduce me when he had me teleported, was in a hot shower with water on a high level pouring down on his greedy, selfish back as he "expected" me to play the sex slave role and just gratify his loveless and sleazy ambitions by exploiting me. Because during that time there was a tremendous water shortage in Phuket due to drought (just before the pandemic began in 2020) and I am in an altered state of consciousness, not aware of my surroundings and I sometimes mix up my state and place with whatever sleazy place these sleazy skanks teleport me to, I said quickly, "Don't waste water" which wasn't a "no" to sex but also I did not want any contact with him. He began to literally run in circles in an anguished state of rage because I had denied him automatic gratification. His abuse of me began from that point onwards. I want to state that their rape and exploitation mentality also extends to the abuse of natural resources and of their endless capital gains projects of building and of expanding more cement structures onto this beleaguered planet so already devastated with the plundering this organization has wrought upon every single thing they can lay their greedy pig hoofs on. That includes the greedy Nazi aspiring for celebrity fame Helga stinky tuna berg who fully supports these pig ape parasites because by attacking me, she obtains more media capital for her "cause" of protecting white supremacy in terms of global warming. They are all foul polluters of the human race and of the planet.

But keep doing NOTHING you goddamned-readers.

If the top branches of government will not defend human rights when they allow criminals to go on torturing someone using stealth technologies and death squads that the government itself is funding. The stealth Nazi-fascist Take-over of America by the so-called "Liberal/Democrats" and other such "activists". Maybe I will turn this subject matter into a series. #1.

 I didn't get to finish my post yesterday because hackers were mixing letters up while I was typing and the page was jerking to other parts of the page with almost every letter I typed. Making it literally impossible to continue.

I can't decide which topic to go to first. My time is limited because right now in my healing process I am in a painful state as the 10+ years of detox have lead me to a place where hard poisons are just beneath my skin with no slippery poison substance to lubricate the hard "shell" of poisons that are literally wedged into my back, spine, hips, skull--etc. I have spent two days in bed in a detox place where horrid poisons that have been stagnating inside my body for decades are coming out. Only a small bit came out after 5 days of detox (I am on day #6 right now). It is excruciating to sit up straight. The expletives you all call your celebrities and politicians of theatrical bent do not slacken their hate attacks. The motive is to get me so abused that I will "acknowledge" that "they" in a movement of mass usurpation of all Democracies around the planet not just America--have the absolute "right" to do what they are capable using these technologies. thus when I told the English parasitic hateful woman yesterday in teleporation sleeping, drugged up, "truth serum" technology effect that her Irish "boyfriend" had raped me and that rape was torture, she remained silent only responding with severe threats to my life. The Irish thug actor--a huge physical specimen of what I consider to be potential hormone growth Nazi fodder of a man coached all his life to play the fascist Nazi role, along with his handler out of London who I am certain has played a huge role in his ascent into the position he now enjoys of endless lead roles in 2nd rate violent flicks about mutilation and mass violence but blockbuster and repeated year-after-year. His sobbing and wanking crying for Schindler's List at the end of the movie was so offensive when I first saw it that the entire movie flopped at that instant of this unbelievable crying fit the actor was spewing and spittling into the screen. His utter lack of humanity and sensitivity came to the fore yesterday when after I had said that his rape against me was torture, a warm sickly smile came over it's rotten plastic-coated face in a warm gesture of condescending stupidity, assuming that I would believe in his fake pretense of posturing condescending gesture. After the yelling ensued a bit further betwixt me and this rotten Blonde English parasite who has been handed every top "fashion" photo shoot at Europigapeland fashion appearances for movie red carpet premiers, for all the years of her incusion in advice on how to torture, mutilate, disfiture, destroy my health and skin, hair, body and life and mind and heart and soul as much as possible while the empty, meaningless and boring mediocrities endless lauded as being top actors steal and rob every idea and concept they can for their well-funded projects--but when this bully co-conspirator so condescendingly told me that she was his good friend and I should not try to strangle her or hit her, as I had just tried to do while I still had a chance of her being right in my face --saying openly that their style is always to attack from behind, from side angles and when the target is least suspecting an attack and that is their style. He "defended" her by loudly stating that this skank rotten pig whore is his good friend--something that means absolutely nothing to me and is no reason for me to stop trying to kill my enemy before they try to kill me. I am so weak from years of torture, poisoning and inertia that I can't effect a single powerful shot at anyone. The pig then told me in his smug smiling nasty way that she has the "Right" to do all of these things to me. I began to yell at this most repugnant pig ape that when the LAW states that she has the right to assist in rape and torture then I will fight that LAW. But for now they are committing crimes and I said to this now frowning pig ape that he should be in jail. The formerly condescending rotten pig ape Irish thug then glowered at me with menacing threat as the audience of participants to my left asked me if I would try to get them arrested. I told them that they should buy me a house and leave me alone and then I won't try to pursue justice.

However, unfortunately, that is impossible due to the Liberal Democrat Progressives who also participate in these activities on various levels of criminality. I was last night teleported to another most visible Progressive in the House of Representatives. She is very famous and turned into a target by the Right wing of the almost open fascist Republican side of the Party chambers who make a point to attack her in the hallways of the Capital and online with death threats.

She then teleported me to living in a co-op sort of shared space with people making sexualized creepy movements towards me. She was there and her face, in my state of being teleported, was a literal black cloud hanging over her visage. She had me sitting on the floor or on my knees as they asked me about what I thought about soda--the drink. I said it was great to drink on very hot days here in Thailand. She then glowered with this black haze over her face--I could not see features just her long dark hair hanging over. There was another man (of "Indian"--the continent of India) descent staring only at her as they "dissed" my response. It was just a small Little sentence about drinking soda but it was turned into a glaring look of hate response because they want me silenced and just compliant.

And that is the most "liberal" part of the Democrat Party. Therefore, as I ponder the many years of Trump, Pelosi, and many senators putting their input online through these portals of attack which are not algorithm generated--

and I think that Democracy is totally gone in the United States as it now exists.

I must relate another trend that ties in with this not just implicitly but absolutely contains the thread of reality that ties all of these criminal thugs together:

The white male from the Deep South whose song about freedom and who displays the Confederate Flag and claims he is always for America showed me the usual trend of how all of them are beguiled, bought and sold out:

I put his videos on my Facebook channel not very long ago, in the last few months. I wrote that I am a Freebird but that I do not condone his Confederate meaning and flag association but the song itself appeals to me. The song by the way I am also sure is a collaboration and probably those who really created it are by now long dead and gone. He plays this song like a broken hearse for every show and I can only assume that being offered power roles in conglomerate fascist Nazi corporate media dealings has been his dream that is now being fulfilled. 

Thusly, the first day he rushed like they all do to get involved in the teleportation torture skits--this ugly Dumb Whorren Mirrage the English skank with her Irish thug riding the coattails of English fascist Imperialism and is now fully indoctrinated (thus he can't play any more seemingly benevolent rescuers of Jews or oppressed classes, at best his roles include endless visceral displays of violence when white women are kidnapped by dark-skinned "low-lifes" in foreign countries while the white bigots are just having their nice, innocent holocaust-funded vacations.

Anyway, digressing but not really as all their movies can be analyzed according to racist themes that underlie each and every movie , but ignored by critics and those who are "fighting " racism alike (who are undoubtedly silenced and I can never find their posts because my internet has been fully blocked from any serious content except for the utter crap these pig apes put out, most of them put out their best crap decades ago and are still surfing on the small wells of that former success and ply their ancient crap on my internet, like fishing for a dope deal out of this insidious hate contract.

But, I have gone into deep diversions now on the theme: The theme of the last night's teleportation was that I am slated to always have to be blocked from earning enough money to live in a decent home without people raping and poisoning and drugging my food and destroying my property and body while I am sleeping or in the room because mechanical arms are popping out of panels constantly--or etc I have written of this for years.

The point really is that as I consider the amplifications of what just transpired which has been going on and on and on and on with politicians fully participating with hate towards me--whether from Left or Right--that there is no more Democracy whatsoever. All are bought out.

Now I must continue with the theme of Sweet Home Alabama racist pig ape from the Deep South who has proven himself to be a most repugnant sell-out whore. Yes, I use these terms. Day #1 of teleportation: Rotten ugly Dumb Whorren Mirrage with her former Irish boyfriend the thug who played the compassionate German industrialist in Schindler's List--yes that huge rotten thug and his dominitrix master controller from London:

Day #1 of his inclusion in this hate crime only because I posted a link to the video of a 1977 concert of this band playing Freebird. I told this man that these people were destroying America. When rotten ugly Dumb Whoren Mirrage asked me why I didn't like her, because they thrive off me going into ranting stages about how violent and stupid and sleazy and sick they are towards me, they all get a promotion out of it for generating a reaction. I am sleeping and in a drugged up mental state for each of these brain-picking exercises in their so-called "power" over me. The creep stood behind me glaring at this creepy woman with a defense of me. I knew it wouldn't last long. Day #2 he began calling me "cockroach" and the very vile and abusive teleportation skits he orchestrated and then grilled me/interrogated me afterwards about what I didn't like about him or it--began as I now have to fight another scumbag post-prime greasebag creep from this organization. I think of the American flag-waving he and these "patriots" use in their every presentation but how quickly they are bought out by those who have profited off Imperialism and Genocide for centuries. They can buy out anyone and so quickly it's like souls are lost within seconds of money being displayed.

And that is the unfortunate corollary to Congress and it's many incompetent members. They do NOTHING whatsoever about this situation and for years every president or his closest advisors and Congressional leaders have participated. Alongside their own corollaries of H-wood and media performance artists who are now continuously derided Trump for his coup attempt. They are all participating in a coup attempt but the real fight is which side is going to have their hands on the reigns on all the money and power. They are all destroying the United States. When they see this happening to me and do NOTHING whatsoever and for YEARS they are fully participating in this demise of Democracy.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Proud Boy with the Golden Jock Strap. 4th Reich Aspirations and other followers of the creed of "Bigus Dickus".

Is that a banana in your golden jock strap you're strapping? 

Proud Boy's Modeling Photos Help Sleuths Bust Him For Assaulting Cops On Jan. 6

He's not quite Ian Flemmings' The Man with the Golden's...

The proud boy with the golden jock strap

Is that a banana you're wearing in your golden jock strap you're strapping?

*He is one of the Proud Boys Indicted for the terrorism at the US Capital J6th, 2020)

From Article (Huffington Post):

"Alan Fischer, also known as A.J. Fischer, was arrested in Florida and charged in D.C. with assaulting/resisting/impeding federal officers, civil disorder, entering restricted buildings or grounds, and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, according to court records.

Fischer was seen marching with the Proud Boys on Jan. 6, and entering the tunnel on the west side of the Capitol where some of the worst violence of the day took place. Online sleuths dubbed the man, who was no. 222 on the FBI’s Capitol Violence webpage, as 'RayBanTerrorist.'"

He is pictured here center wearing the Ray Bans and screaming "at the most violent part of the insurrection storming and entering the capital".


The Proud Boys use the laurel wreath insignia of Roman Emperors from pre-Christian era (and post-Nazi hidden symbolism), and because lately (oh, for the past many years but in terrorist-stalking terms, it's just a small fraction of time compared to the DECADES that others have latched on to attacking me with murderous intent for all these years, bringing on other rapacious parasites in their stead like the performing fascists of "liberal" Ho-wood, but not saying they are all adequately well-endowed but still, using the more negative connotation of the word "dick". BUT LATELY for thE PAST MANY YEARS one of the surviving Monty Python members has been inputting many a video on my YouTube channel where I have done no such "research" online or watched their movies or any single thing related to that member or group, yet I post this today as they are in my mind and for this purpose I express a throwback to the good ole days of the First Reich and the Proud boys and Who-wood, USA.


As not an aside but relevant to the behavior of the "Roman" actors in the clip above, where they are threatening sentries for giggling at the "joke" names like Bigus Dickus while the lisping emperor is threatening with hate for any bemusement at any foible of "authority" which by all means must be taken seriously with solemnity and obedience subservience. Having been fully integrated into the Roman Empire from the first days of Caligula, perhaps their sole icon from the early aspirations of the English empire, I was threatened after laughing and beginning to sing (while teleported, drugged and under the highly suggestible mind controlled state even though I was "awake" I am ALWAYS DRUGGED every single day and under this pernicious influence of the mind control drug supply and also of the tech. While teleported this English woman, always being presented as an affable, "delightful" and smiling and "warm" blonde English of "high society" behaved towards me with the same hateful violent insinuations and threats but without the comedy aspect. She had sicced her Irish former boyfriend, another ho-wood actor but from Ireland as part of the infiltration of the English Imperialistic branch of the larger international cartel in it's bed to take-over of the US media---and the US. She sicced her sycophant former boyfriend on me who raped and abused and threatened me--obtaining lead role in movie after movie like them all. I began to sing a song in German to her face after her hate--because she and they all teleported me and asked me "why don't you like" this woman and what is wrong with them teleporting, raping, torturing and destroying my body, life and home and all opportunities? I thus began to elaborate and after all of that, she told me with hissing seriousness that she hates me and when I began to laugh and sing a song about fascist German mentality (in German) she hissed in seriousness that she would "get" me. I call her Dumb Whoren MIrrage but her 'real" name is similar. Like them all, she postures with the warmest sympathy in movie after movie about how much she "cares" about the brown and black minorities, one of whom another English "dark" in appearance "minority" who always plays this sort of guru in his lectures and broadcasts hissed in violent threat and hate at me when I told yet another English wealthy skank who was trying to get me to perform lesbian acts of selflessness for her "pleasure" and power more like--that is a friend of Dumb Whoren Mirrage (meaning everything she does is a lie and a deception for furthering that fake benevolent posturing of the fascist tyranny these peeps are instilling into every top level of power in media and politics--already plagued by that organization for almost all members whether they be "brown" or "black"), but regardless, she has been touted since 2013 when he teleported and raped me, after her extensive plastic surgery as she is of that age when appearing in public for multitudes of "chic" appearnced demands a cover-up of her age to any extent--(not her "fault" but still they all get plastic surgery and then multitudes of appearances after they attack me regardless of their ages). You can see in the vid that the "Emperor" comedy actor even in this mocking of the power structure responds to any semblance of laughter at their hate and power responds immediately with threats of destruction-so I was threatened not by a black or brown male this time but by the posturing bigot more at the heat of the center of the Black Sun, GmbH organization.


It's very to extremely difficult to think and type now--hacking is very bad I type letters (pounding out each word, and what I do type is juxtaposed and misspelled before I can even begin to get it out--I must fight to get every letter out) then my brain is in this "blank" state where thinking is very difficult as the tech is blasting my brain and hindering various cognitive processes--a constant in terms of every time I fight to write about these criminals attacking me especially if they can be named and identified. Of course they all want recognition for their fascist mentalities so they actually yearn for me to write about them. I was also verbally threatened by Skankalina the greasebag parasitic dumb scum with her violent rapist husband and her violent swarm of male actors raping and attacking me as her real ugly face cracks open outside of the grease endlessly smeared on her plastic-surgery-altered mug---I am at the stage where I truly with these pig apes death after a decade of them torturing, raping and abusing me night and day as they all end up at the Oscars and awards for the crap roles about violence and "overcoming" injustice for their participation in this crime spree technology that they never tire of misusing with full approval by pigs like Pig-lousy the Speaker of the House and all preceding administrations at presidential level (who are all endlessly still being touted in the media as representatives of "Freedom" and "Democracy". So when I said to ugly Dumb Whoren Mirrage (stupid lying whore, in other words, but crafty lying manipulative and rotten capable of selling things like real estate and in being put into fascist undercover roles for movies and for power structures stemming from English Imperialistic overtake using a stealthy and manipulative lying approach--thus her rape enabling is the more insidious and rotten and disgusting because her sexuality is fraught with dominitrix power plays and insidious ugly oppression in the realm of sex, when plied upon me as the target of racist hate using her "minority" which in this case is someone out of Ireland--as The English need anyone to discriminate against because that is ingrained in their power structure and Irish are not exactly automatically entrusted with top power positions, or so I have heard from wanna be power-mongering fascists like John Lyen who has very successfully been trained or programmed or mind controlled into this very same sort of power-mongering ploy and deception of passive-aggressive posturing for media purposes--he spoke of discrimination in London due to his family coming from Ireland--by the way). All hailing back to the golden jock strap of Bigus Dickus Rome.


KindDesZorns. May 1, 2007.

The song I began to sing the Glorified Dumb Whorren Miarrage was this witty leid/song from a Stuttgart (more like Sindlefingen, the corporate headquarters of Diamler which you know as Mercedes Benz--thus meaning that where the center of money and power exists in Germany or one very prominent center is where a "fun" punk band hails from, perhaps not from birth origin but that is there "home" for political and media purposes. I lived in a small Dorf/village a few miles away and rode bicycle into Sindlefingen many times so I have a vague familiarity with the hidden fascism and in recent years emergence of an open Nazi culture which had been dormant behind fake wiles and lovely warm fake smiles during the last years of bulk of the U S Forces occupation. WIZO is a band I had met from a band (and wrote and interview with, only the lead singer btw) which is a song regarding fascist and Nazi mentality as expressed in the more comical simplicity of a child's perspective. It's funny but not really...more funny to the German sense of humor and totally understandable to "them": Gemein ("Mean" is the translation). The song is about mutilating and killing animals, something this rotten and foul organization LOVES to do to any pet the target may take care of and love. It also involves the thrill of harming others and luring them into love relationships (read rape if they are part of this terror teleportation group) and then betraying them. I was threatened by her after I began to sing this son and then filthy pig ape Whoralina joined in after I said finally at the point of rage after YEARS of them attacking me in deadly and sickening way (my home is rancid and stinks so badly I can't clean the sour foul odors from their years of having their rotten minions spray this into my home every single day--but to continue--I finally tried to physically assault the most repugnant deplorable rotten blonde woman from London and then the half-English pigape whorealina joined in after YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of having me tortured and raped and physically mutilated and disfigured and stolen from (idea after idea I hve written of stolen by this rotten ugly skank who the planet has been put on a clay pedestal for far too long--she piped in that it is me who should be dead. I was teleported last night to a skank telling me that I was part of a porno movie team and was going to have lesbian sex being filmed at a motel room--for example, from one of the latest inclusions into this hate organization Whorewood group. But going back to Bigus DIckus--with the banana stuck in the jock strap of the gold-plated ornamental prop--insidious to the male generative iconography---misuse of technology for hate-mongering bigots posing as altruistic benefactors of every charitable ploy possible with brown and black minions standing next to them willing to perpetrate every violent crime the "master" instructs them to inflict upon the target. Cranking out propaganda endlessly about how much they "care" about fighting rape culture. Both rotten skanks have been #me too! participants, highly publicized in their hate of the Jewish Weinstein and fully engrossed in being promoted for assisting their rapist bigot male partners in rape and torture and they probably order the mutilation of my skin, body and hair and everything else. But well, everyone loves these "fashion" images and trusts in them more than the hard-working nose-to-grindstone types who are actually involved in the REAL fights and are not plastic coated but truly are filled with concern at least at some more nascent area of their public personalities. They don't flaunt their genitalia for public titillation, as these fascist whores do in their photos (meaning the men and women of the appearance "fashion" branch of the tyrannical Imperialistic forces of liars and manipulators).


While writing the last post as a comment on my Facebook page the hacker terrorists began making the page jump to other sections of the page whilst I wrote and tried to correct their many typos and deletions/misspellings, etc. I tried to add more thoughts but the page literally jumped to another section and all the while my brain is under such oppressive technological attack it's extremely difficult if not impossible to follow one single train-of-thought. Must pound endlessly but I got as I always do the kernal of the idea (ripe for the terrorist pig ape performers to steal as their own concept, which has been going on and on for more than a decade now).

Friday, January 14, 2022

“Justification of the President's power to write law through Executive orders stems from the failure of the Government to rescind the declaration of martial law during the Civil War. In effect, the United States has been under martial law ever since Lincoln's administration.” ― Milton William Cooper, Behold! a Pale Horse, **Published 1991.

 "Oath Keepers Members Indicted for Seditious Conspiracy: Facts Show How Trump Inspired 1/6 Conduct." Glenn Kirschner. January 15, 2022.


“Tools That Can Be Used to Establish the Police State PATRIOTS and TAX PROTESTERS: You must never be found at home on any holiday. Your life depends upon how well you can obey this rule.”

― Milton William Cooper, Behold! a Pale Horse, by William Cooper: Published **1991


“PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL MODEL FOR THE NEW STATES OF AMERICA Prepared Over a 10-Year Period by the Center for Democratic Studies Santa Barbara, California, Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of Over $25 Million”
― Milton William Cooper, Behold! a Pale Horse, Published 1991.

"No one knows Who, or What, or How, but they probably know Why ". A laughable news byte syndrome. Give me a fake Cohiba won't ya?! Havana Syndrome a "mysterious ailment". I am affected by these techno-terror attacks every single day and enhanced to the point of being nearly incapacitated while I am out in public or on the phone attempting to do business---plus while writing these posts (I struggle to "remember" basic words and vocabulary and keep on track of thought patterns as I digress while hackers delete and rewrite for the discrediting aspect of the targeting).

This morning upon perusing the WSJ's Rupert Murdoch fish-wrapping usurpation of US News sources I saw that the Havana Syndrome has spread not just from the "Democrat" citadel of Vienna but also now includes reports coming from Geneva and Paris (surprise, surprise!). These are what I have called various names such as electronic torture, mind control brain-wave altering tech and techno-terror attacks. No such direct titles coming from the Press, instead they reduce it all to blaming the Communist Country because apparently the reportage of this occurrence originated from US Diplomats in Havana reporting these miasma-disorienting attacks which hinder their ability to function in any real diplomatic capacity. 

What makes this all laughable to me is that if every goon out there on the streets who is handed these techs from some so-far unidentified source, centralized but spread out internationally is it? Or is it localized manufacturers of these technologies using a basic template to produce these various types of portable techno-terror weapons for mental incapacitation of targets? It is laughable that I am continuously surrounded by terrorists utilizing these technologies and yet the Press and the US Government by way of silent consent and utter participation in these atrocious terror operations (and also probably every government with the means and ways around the planet has their own internal and external connection to the technology and operating, perhaps satellite--system of this seamless inter-connected web of brain and physical entrapment and disability. That is not to forget the drugging that accompanies these attacks and the drugs are inconspicuously poured into drinks and food at restaurants, by the agents sent to become "friends" and "lovers" and even family members do get involved in these terrorist activities.

It's laughing a laughable syndrome of the Frankenstein virus infecting the essentially incompetent power-mongering leadership of all the portals of power who are installed into these positions for the express purpose of continuing in a web of silence these nefarious activities.

If the Press wanted to expose the many victims of these attacks who are on the plebian level they could have done so years ago and have a dearth of source material but they remain mute (and compliant to the system and fully incorporated into the technoterror global apparatus). 

"Victims of Havana Syndrome have reported a varying set of symptoms and physical sensations, including sudden vertigo, nausea, headaches and head pressure, sometimes accompanied by a "piercing directional noise." Some reported being able to "step in" and "step out" of these sensations by physically moving their bodies elsewhere. Some have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries and continue to suffer from debilitating headaches and other health issues years later.

Since the incidents began in late 2016 in Cuba, US federal investigators have struggled to determine what -- or who -- is causing the mysterious symptoms. There have been cases reported in Russia, China and elsewhere across the globe, and a Senate committee said in April that the number of suspected cases appeared to be on the rise. In April, CNN reported on two separate incidents that occurred near the White House late last year affecting National Security Council staffers."

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...