Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Terrorist teleportation report: the sick bigot from Australia the goon hysterical white supremacist entitlement fascist parasite keeps teleporting me for HOURS every morning with insults and commentary about every single thing I do as a form of psy-ops and attack. The dirty creep constantly refers to how broken down my body is, after years of that parasite operating with the pig goon squad her fellow Whorewood Nazi/Mafia filthbucket brigade-can anyone understand how despicable they are from my ranting--this is not merely "ranting" this is having to observe stupid and foul crap filth parasitic immature and rotten dumb creeps being handed absolutely sophisticated technology to vent and wreak their stinking hate and filth and racism and bigotry and it truly doesn't matter if the creep has white or black skin as they are all synced to the same dum-dum beat. But, the creep is going on after I wrote my endless nth post about another rotten parasite stealing my ideas, this time a crew of them for a movie based on concepts I wrote of, which I have once more wrote of in my recent posts. The filthy dirty ugly creep has not stopped viciously attacking me with shit pig pitt the filthy vile Nazi parasitic idiotic immature filth creep who should NEVER be put into executive position he's a dumbass parasite white supremacist Nazi and is a shitty crap personality--the posturing with his fake plastic surgery smile completely belies the utter evil that he has grasped for his power ascension. If you look into his ugly eyes you can see the cold and hard monster lurking beneath and his violent movie roles is truly just the tip of the iceberg. The blonde scumbag creep from Australia who has joyfully been walzting with pig white pitt to the Oscars for the years he has been handing her a part in this terror operation. I know she has been behind a LOT of the torture of me and mutilation and was waiting for me to write or say anything about the next pig pit shit whore skank group who has stolen an idea from me and fed off watching me get mutilated and tortured as they felt pumped up on power w hile being handed every single luxury goddamn thing and millions of dollars by this goon squad government of the US. //so it won't stop. Can someone get this rotten dirty ugly stupid blonde bigot Nazi off me. I am listening to the utter racism of Mississippi police who are in the process of being exposed for horrific crimes similar to the tortures in Abu Ghraib, upon black men held in handcuffs (waterboarding, sexual abuse, endless insults, and one was shot in the mouth but survived--the police of course had multiple accusations of murder and brutality but the police force as usual did nothing. It is the same with me. The crap in Whorewood are just an extension of the violence of the US Government whenever and wherever it can inflict utter depravity upon helpless people (of color in developing countries and internally within the US upon citizens of the same minority "status"). //The celebrities I mean the fucking whore pig apes from Whorewood are just torturing bigots handed tech by the US Government just like the tortures of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. The policians come laughing and insulting and continuing to support fully white supremacy Nazism and Mafia filth and stupidity. I can only say that on the purely emotional leve the politicians and media goons who participate are the same infantile "instant gratification" Nazi white supremacist "entitlement" and as I have written, they can also have black skin, be Jewish or activists operating for "black girls" and etc...

 I can't understand what it will take for any advocate for human rights to ever intervene in the sickness that has been perpetuated upon me and is perpetually being inflicted. 

The pigs of whorewood act almost  EXACTLY like the pigs in Mississippi when they believe they are emboldened by LACK OF OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY. The pieces of shit have been allowed to not only torture me but are paid, paraded as heroes they have absolute carte blanche to steal my ideas and torture me with endless violence when I write some posts about how they have stolen my ideas, I break down now how they turn my ideas into Nazi bs K-rap turning themselves into the heroes that I actually am myself which they are torturing me for embodying. They in actuality are the "evil" characters in all the shit that they steal from my concepts and turn themselves into the fighters, which is what I have been (and only mutilated poisoned and slowly murdered for it while all politicians and media goons and everyone else does nothing or participates).

THIS description below is what kind of shit the Australian sick and stupid blonde filth ape is like and what pig shit pitt also is like--he's been so adulated for his psychopathy swaggering and the movies he's made since attacking me have added the touch of my personal analysis which that dumb scum has stolen for A DECADE along with his shitalina dirty foul ugly wife--as they mutilated me and make fun of my body completely broken down, and they are constantly allowed to go on.

The filth mafia from brooklyn deniro and pesce are there as well, never pried off me. My internet is polluted with celebrity bullshit about their crap movies I will never see and their faces planted on my internet is an affront and a nauseating display of bullshit operator bigot scumbags and their presence is so unwanted and the shit that you pigs crank out perpetually is worthless in my opinion except to promote your death and Nazi/Mafia death cult culture.

This behavior, listed below by the Mississippi police "goon squad" is very much akin to the behavior of the white supremacists and Nazis of all skin shades and pseudo-racial affiliation (in name only, their only allegiance is to Uncle Scam's money-coffers which are a cornucopia of grift and graft and theft and rape and torture for profit and they all get acting classes to create a horrific facade of concern about humanity).

Please get the rotten skank of pig pitt off me, the endless list of his wives and part-time f**s and girlfriends all torturing me to get promotion while they service that rotten loveless parasitic creep as the Weinstein-replacement couch casting surfing system the rape culture that all the filth creep whores who are torturing me all fully encourage when ugly dirty blonde bigot pig pitt takes over what Weinstein had created--but so badly, the movies are such crap, they keep "winning" because it's as rigged as what Trump would have done if he could have done....

So the bigot creep, yet another skank of pig pitt's is hissing her hate and insults about my body--this "feminist" who has stolen ideas from me (or jointly with her crew the director and etc) has participated with obtaining promotions to the Oscars for joining in, has mentally prepared for years for the time when I would write something about her--with all the training from shit pig pitt the dirty ugly scum, this filthy dirty creep is going on and on for hours and hours with deniro this endless parasitic pest filth bucket scum and pesce and they all go on, this ugly dirty blonde filth creep has been fully trained, paid in millions, has been emboldened--it's just fascist murder training and yet no one will even begin to care or stop them. Can someone get this ugly dirty filth creep off me? Every day I now write about this. Do not allow this piece of shit to win an award nor Pig pitt the shit ever again--put that pig DOWN do not award that filthy ugly dirty creep nazi piece of shit with another oscar or ANYTHING he SHOULD BE IN PRISON I hope he is paralyzed in a car crash from his shit next stupid movie. The endless catapulting of his production company after years of this torture of me has enabled that ugly rotten dumb creep like the rest of them the top production company expenditure for mega studio highest quality propping up of the lack of utter quality in all the other respects so it's like the plastic-coated fruit which is empty and meaningless and toxic to taste which the movies are, pretty on the outside with the art and design, but empty and toxic on the inside. That is what these filthy pigs are. But oh no, so many of the people supporting them really want this and they are like that too.

I just want this shit off me. Can't anyone ever stop this, I implore yet again after a decade of writing the same goddamn thing?

"'Horrendous': Black Men Tortured By White Mississippi Police 'Goon Squad' React To Guilty Pleas". Democracy Now! August 9, 2023.

the behavior of the police as described in this video is almost identical to what the pig pitt shit gang has been doing to me for over a decade and longer. When will there be accountability or just an end to this? With me living in peace and those pigs not even knowing where I am, me with a beautiful house and them gone--gone--from my life, do not let them be put into power any longer. You are helping to install a bunch of sick and violent pigs who are sleazy and vile and yet all you can see is their psychopathic swaggering and plastic-fruit plastic surgery exteriors.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Terrorist Violence and stinking filth report: the minions under order from the filth propaganda performers and the politicians are using mechanical arms to continue to untie and push down the layers of material I am covering my mouth with to stop them from slicing parts of my gum tissue off--every night using some kind of laser which cuts thin slices off my gum tissue. I wake up with the strings untied around my mouth and the multiple layers of material pushed down and I eat and I feel like my teeth have air coming through them and that the teeth are loose and unstable. It is hard now to eat food that requires chewing because they are cutting into gum tissue on my molars. I can feel the difference between my left upper jaw gum tissue and what has been cut away from the 2nd molar from the back of my jaw--on my right side. The cut is above the tooth and it's been cut/sliced down to the root area. There is a hole. This is not a cavity they are cutting into my gum tissue and have been doing this for years. They alternative between putting blood eruptions on my chest which appear as blood trapped in a round disc under my skin--every day there is another one on my chest area. It's also on my shoulders, along with the now increasing silicone injections under my skin to appear as cysts. I truly with the filth pieces of crap horrid accidents where they entire filth pig bodies are mutilated so they are trapped in horrific pain and paralyzed. That is the celebrities the skanks and pigs and crap like Stallone the thug criminal so endlessly protected by that shit industry of Whorewood. I wrote about his 30 years of his dumbo movies being rehashed as sequels which are into near double digits for that crap after he began THIRTY YEARS ago to have me raped by his managers from Bar None when I lived at the Harrison Hotel which is where Bar None was located--in a front business area of that hotel. So they are destroying my gum tissue, which can't grow back. They have cut into the lower gum tissue after trying to knock my teeth out, which happened after I was hit by a car, after I wrote that pig shit pitt should not be allowed to get away with this torture and then endlessly win Academy Awards--so he had me hit by a car I nearly was killed I landed on my jaw---on the pavement. that shit pig then teleported me, physically assaulted me while raping me in a porno pig fashion which is what that ugly and sinister piece of shit really is with his crew of fellow pig apes---he then sat abusing me every day for the next YEAR until he won an Oscar for his supporting role for a movie that was taken from an idea which I wrote of, Charles Manson, but of course it was turned into Nazi iconography and hate for alternative culture and anti-Chinese and anti anything and everything--no one mentioned the seeming anti-Semitism of that stupid dumb movie--but that pig ape piece of shit "won" the rigged award which the Trump train organized as his "reward" for promoting Nazism and the ever-increasing circle of bigots and Nazi/Mafia indoctrination in the shit movies they are handed millions and millions of dollars worth of publicity and artistic design for the top design quality for their formerly much lower-budget studios. //And so, again more ideas taken from my writings which have been turned into Nazi 4th Reich themes, with Stallone endlessly participating along with his rotten wife and Mafia crew--and after all these years of these pigs obtaining endless prizes and promotions and awards, they are slicing my g um tissue when I write of the never-ending violence from teleportation which is akin to murder operations but very slowly done so the target appears to break down and is "hysterical" every day writing about a technology that no one will admit to. Not even an apology but years of violence are met with increasing destruction to my body for writing finally in rage about what utter shit they are. I remain in this situation with my body as an endless sliced-up target of endless mechanical arm and people yearning to break into my room and fracture more vertebrae (I am "disabled "from multiple fractures that were created while I was sleeping, waking up nearly paralyzed and they kept fracturing more vertebrae). And yet the pig ape pieces of shit feel vindicated by the utter mutilation and torture of me for reacting IN WRITING about the DECADES of them having me raped, poisoned into paralysis, my body broken down, them stealing ideas non-stop for over a decade and LONGER--into movies absolutely verbatim stealing my writing then drugging and poisoning me so endlessly I can't write past the blockages of the hacking operation. //They get more plastic surgery they get more awards they get more cheers I get more torture without end more mutilation. I have to now figure out how to completely block my mouth from the insertion of these mechanical arms slicing gum tissue off. It feels like my upper jaw is barely able to cling to my molars any longer, the gap they drilled and sliced into the gum tissue is huge an dcompared to the other side it is definite. They cut deep into the root of my teeth and then the filthy ugly skank from Australia is constantly hacking her disgusting ugly reptilian smile onto my search for news--it's hacked, the shit movie they came out with (stealing my idea but turning it into an immature hate theme for sexual supremacy by Nazi pig ape whore women, which many men love they love domineering women which I don't care about i just want the pig apes to get off me so I can have my own chance to compete, which is why I call them bigot Nazis they want me broken and destroyed). Still after years of writing about this, the government and all it's pawns reading my posts never stop them or get me into a safe environment, at least where the panels of the walls are not in the countless range of portals for these mechanical arms to break through--like solid walls and solid frames around the windows and doors. This entire room I am in is covered with panels and cracks literally covering 80% of the room from top-to-bottom. I truly hope the pigs who ordered this are destroyed physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially and in every way and they die slow horrible deaths. That's for the ugly Maggot Robbie and shit pig pitt and filthalina and the rest of that group of crap. Please get them off me, why can't this ever be stopped why can't anyone have any responsibility to human sanctity why am I writing these posts begging the people responsible for society to stop blathering about "Democracy" when it comes to Trump but me as a victim of Trump's violence and persecution, now handed to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, I am still blocked from all human rights. To be mutilated for writing about the shit of filthy ugly sick Stallone and this rotten dirty shit bigot from Australia which pig pitt screwed and he acts like a sick puppy absolutely imitating her every movement and mentality--he's absolutely entranced and I think this filthy dirty ugly creep has been behind a lot of violence towards me, giving instructions but smirking and giggling in the background. Add the black Nazi contingent of the Michelle Obama "strong black woman" cartel including Oprah but not excluding the white rich fake club of Elon Musk, another colony of England, and the list goes on and on. Why am I constantly writing about these pigs constantly torturing me with no one ever stopping them or protecting me? I have to try to fight to get stupid and fillthy pigs from making my teeth fall out as my gum tissue is completely gone from my lower jaw, which filthy shit pig pitt did in adidtion to a year of violent psychological torture upon me, which has gone of after his pig ape award for being violent and racist in that shit stupid film by Nazi Concentration camp blathering hater Tarantino, who like all the Italian filth always puts blonde Nazis into power and fights for them just as the "muscle" for the Nazis out of Germany. It's disgusting--why can't anyone ever fucking stop them from torturing me and teleporting me so I don't write about them any longer you goddamn fuckers

 Oh yes, the stinking filth component of this post, which I have had to backspace and rewrite as hacking blocks to the keyboard and my brain functioning are simultaneous as usual

they are making stinking wafts of putrid odors come wafting out of the bathroom drain pipe. I pour bleach into it and baking soda, but it comes wafting out while I am washing my face/hands, teeth etc. They insert all kinds of tubes into every and any portal possible and the pipe for the water flow is no exception. It's so stinking from 2 feet up in the air above the drain the stench is too foul to breath I must stop breathing or turn away. They are pumping it in now constantly so the bathroom constantly smells like a disgusting place. 

Why the hell must i constantly be tortured like this after decades of torture and the pig apes stealing ideas from me, raping me until I try to kill them in response to them pounding poison as deeply into my body as possible--while they make my hair fall out for saying no to that, they cut into my gum tissue when they teleport me for the tenth year on a daily basis with homelessness and rape and abuse as the nightly experience they force upon me while I am sick from the poison they are constantly putting in my food and injecting into my bladder with sewage water into my vagina as they abuse and torture me for hours upon waking with insults to my body and hate and subliminals of "shut up stupid bitch" and "loser" and "bitch" in loops that go on for hours and hours while the filth pig apes are sitting on their filthy dirty anal brain regions insulting me and abusing me as I then have the filthy creeps surrounding me on all sides torturing my eyes, my nose while I am eating there are tears streaming down. The filth all over my living space that is poured in by the mechanical arms is so disgusting the room stinks I leave the windows open perpetually and I must spray heavy-duty fabric softener to make it smell not like a rotting fungus sewage pile from all the years of them just spraying filth into my living and breathing space.

And you all give them awards for this. You have cheered Trump on for years and only question him once your security is threatened, if you question him at all which most of you don't. As long as you retain your mansions you are all fine with what your good "friends" are doing to me. 

They have forced me into poverty so I can't afford to pay for a doctor to remove the silicon they injected under my skin, on my left rib cage and above my right knee cap--extremely hideous and deforming. Gum tissue won't grow back so this is a permanent destruction to my teeth which have been perfect my entire life until they began cutting the gum tissue off and trying to break my teeth off while sleeping. The list of damages is too long, but I am blocked from earning money, much less from sleeping in peace to heal, much less living in safety and security as the world has seen Trump and his group go at me for 4 years and did nothing not only while he was doing it, but after he left office, only for Biden and Obama and the black Nazi contingent to come after me and claiming that I am something much worse than any KKK for calling Oprah an Aunt Jemima after YEARS of her participating in this contract and stealing my concepts and ideas. All the black Nazis have obtained more promotions (like Beyonce and JayZ) and the rest is just an endless repeat of the above and the destruction of my body is ongoing and I fucking need someone to stop this torture and get these pig whores off me, making them pay me restitution so I can find a home an dlive in peace and find somehow, by miracle, a trustworthy doctor not a butchering Nazi who may repair some of the damages these filth pig ape whores have ordered this shit surrounding me to inflict while I am sleeping because years and years of Maggot this ugly Australian skank absolutely dancing with her filth fuck partner shit pig pitt in torturing me as they both have gone to the Oscars hugging one another for shitty and awful movies that have been artificially constructed to appear like "masterpieces" but that is only in the art department and the rest is just shit and crap paid in excessive amounts to catapult fascist Nazis into lead positions in every facet of life possible--Whorewood being a very tantamount position. do not let dumb and shit pig pitt get more awards do not allow them to go on and on being promoted like this for the shit that they are and do. Do not let pig shit pitt bring in more Europigapeland Nazi filth into America because he needs to feel manly when Europigape skanks screw him as he hands them favoritism and he gets more mansions in places like Australia and huge accolades in places like England where he is highly favored especially for his role in bringing fasism and the English Crown into American destruction for them to divide and conquer. One rotten blonde bigot skank at a time that this filthy fucker fucks for his instant gratification requirements which he believes are his power rape culture entitlements to use women and like all the Weinsteins of that industry, he's going younger and younger by the year--but the same type of hateful bitch mentality is the same with that bitch pig pitt the shit and his filthy vile harem of rotten ugly fascist Nazi women. The ugly crocodile smile creep from Austrilia is just one. I have had to have close exposure to this shit parasite pig pitt and shitalina for so many rotten years of my life being sucked dry and I have remained poisoned and being murdered--now they are trying to knock more of my teeth out for years of them coming at me every time their fucking stupid movies are going to prremire they come at me with abuse just to get favoritism from this Nazi 4th Reich Whorewood promotional agency which controls them all --including fucking Trump and his fascist Nazi attempt at overtake. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

Can anyone get the pigs of pitt and pitt off me?

 They are akin to a lynch mob or a Nazi genocidal rally as they team up to attack me literally every night and day and they go off stealing my concepts and then torturing me for writing in fury that they have poisoned my body and mutilated me for trying to get them to stop raping poison into my body as they stole my cat and tortured me for trying to not be their next victim willingly playing Stockholm Syndrome idiot for their Nazi 4th Reich sense of superiority as they destroy every single thing I have worked for, my beauty my health blocking my finances and torturing and poisoning me slowly to death while abusing me to death--the deadly attacks are mostly "invisible" or "soft" murders so people can't understand that it's non-stop deadly violence on a downward trajectory of death. 


Or, of course, they don't care. Yet, somehow, I can't understand the utter stupidity of people observing what is happening to me and doing nothing about it and not ever stopping these pig ape whores who are evil and vile and every permutation of this foul expression of Live--the dark side.


I wrote of this group which has stolen my concept of feminist Barbie which I wrote of years ago on Facebook. For the past 4 nights in my deepest sleep, as usual after trying to detox more of the poison that pig shit pitt put in my body and claims he "didn't know" alongside filthy shitalina as both have perpetually stolen ideas from me (i.e. just a few examples but I wrote a few posts on Marilyn Monroe, also years ago and just endless years of this group of bigot 4th Reich Nazi/Mafia filth just torturing me and stealing my ideas and destroying my ability to move and killing me and abusing and torturing and maiming and robbing and they go off laughing and giggling to all their luxury premiers and awards afterwards and give me nothing but more hell and violence and torture to obtain MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE free deals. 

So I wrote about the violence of this blonde bigot from Australia and that group (i.e. the writer/director) who have just capitalized hugely on my concept but they turned it into something that I also wrote of long ago, how my childhood friend and I put the men Ken dolls in cages as the women ruled over them. But that was years ago, I think the pig apes steal my concepts and then delete my posts as I have witnessed many times when others, their former partners and current associates, also stole ideas from me and the contract hasn't stopped since.

To stop me completely from being able to even begin to capitalize on my own concepts they have kept me so badly poisoned it's like filthy poison never stops coming out of my body wh ich they all put in to keep me as some kind of source for their concepts while they are murdering me.


As American mostly shuns and looks away at the misery of the homeless which is now a monumental disgrace to the country, and the cruelty of such a society is so unexpressed by the ruling media and the news sources that this country actually derives all kinds of benefit from having a completely displaced mass of humanity which they dehumanize at every opportunity as they shovel in as much money from their criminal genocidal regime as possible so each and every bigot and criminal Nazi/Mafia can have as many millions of dollars as possible by the massive wave of destroyed human beings upon which they build the foundation of their global paradise plantation system.


I am just another "statistic" and even though this is a highly unique tchno-terror situation, people just could not give a damn if yet another person as an adult female is being abused and raped and stolen from and displaced and made homeless and tortured. No, they call me "loser" after they poison me to the point that I can't move any longer so I can't function. They call me "loser" for not having money because they have blocked all financial opportunities. I wrote of what bs they are, this Barbie bigot creep operating with the shit from Whorewood who have tortured and stolen ideas from me for over a decade (and their predecessors for years before handing the tech to shit pig pitt and filthy dirty depp and their whores who gleefully rush to encircle me like a lynch mob so engrossed with torture they can't even stop for a single day.

So for the past 4  nights filthy dirty shit pig pitt and this scumbag skank who starred in that movie--on a huge power Nazi trip, because I wrote of her crimes and like the Maga fascist group has been torturing me using this tech--she's so ugly and foul and although some of the people who criticize that movie can "feel" the hate underlying the blonde Nazi iconography which the audience is "supposed" to automatically assume is "beautiful"--and oh, like all the rape cheerleader whores of this celebrity group, now that my body is scarred my hair is mostly gone my body huge and stuffed with hard-as-rock chemicals that I am fighting for my life to get out and it's extremely painful and almost impossible to get this laboratory-created poison out of my body--which these pig apes ordered to be put in so they can get more plastic surgery treatments and lead roles. Fascist whore-like she attacked me making non-stop insults about how my body looks--which, my body used to be perfect I was extremely beautiful and they poisoned me because of blonde facsist pig apes like these whores from Whorewood but in most of society so enraged that I had a chance to compete and the racism is so outrageous in America that the poisoning has never stopped for decades and decades as I fought to get health care and save my life from what I could not diagnose or understand until I was almost dead from it. Then they kept poisoning me and blocked all finances except for sub-sub-poverty so I could not protect myself and I am still fighting eery day to not be mutilated and poisoned and I cant' do it on this income. They have blocked my ability to function and earn money but after deforming me a rotten parasitic expletive like this filthy Nazi 4th Reich ugly and sinister creep is attacking me viciously Nazi and fascist style--and her partnership with that English creep propaganda performer "feminist" and "anti-racist" vicious Nazi who was the narrator for that film for some scene stealing Kubrick's famous scene ---she most viciously attacked me when I wrote that her character in one movie was as hateful as she is--that generated her violently assaulting me as I called her a piece of shit in my deep sleep "truth serum" teleported state--which was met by a slew of English or Commonwealth propaganda performers, all claiming that they are fighting for justice and equality in their promotional bs blatherings for notoriety for their pubic personas which are contrived mass marketing ploys.


And that is the mentality. They rape, poison, mutilate and when I react in rage when I see they have stolen the concepts I wrote while not able to actually write in length due to mind control blanketing my brain, excessive hacking to my keyboard so I must pound every single letter and constantly rewrite and what I finally get out with much struggle and much cursing is deleted or hacked and rewritten

so I can't produce. They then are handed this tech to assault me in  my deep sleep while fighting non-stop to heal as they constantly have me re=poisoned and endlessly never-ending drugged so the murder just goes on and on--they abuse me while I am in a deep healing sleep mode, endlessly drugged and sick every single day--EVERY SINGLE DAY and it is never stopped and the authorities who are overseeing this situation themselves screw other people over with their theft of money from legislation when they come to screw me over alongside their fellow fascist Nazi/Mafia goons of Whorewood.

So, they both, shit pig pitt and that ugly dirty parasite Maggot Robber--just an ugly personality, a true drain of energy on me, truly a parasite an energy leech but pig pitt loves it. I too am a joyous person loving life and fun and silly but they have tortured me to make me look morose, sickly and destroyed. The pieces of shit revel in this and call me all kinds of names as they never stop the abuse and violence so obviously with no support, not even a cat to have as a friendly support, nothing but abuse and hate surrounding me constantly, with pigs like shit pitt trying to force me to have a baby with him so these pigs and whores can obtain some empire out of this contract while my goal is to have them GONE from that power structure and actual artists and people of decent personality actually promote artistic endeavor not bullshit propaganda and not out of the ideas they block me from capitalizing on as they steal them

So jointly they have been viciously attacking me. The giggly Nazi blonde bigot parasite Maggot Robber the parasite has been viciously doing the same actions as the dirty foul spawn of Depp did, which is to endlessly make nasty comments about how my body is deformed and not propped up by millions of dollars worth of beauty treatments and plastic surgery and endless accolades for the parasitic contract w which they all get literally high on a hormone trip of torture upon me--endlessly--they all are turned on, their adrenal glands are pumped up, they are on a power high as my brain is being blocked my vision is very poor I can't speak I am also forced into a "rage" mode and I can't ignore them or turn them off so I react by screaming in hate--this is my deep healing sleep mode and they come at me every single day and torture me. They then go on with subliminal messages of "loser" and "bitch" that lasts for HOURS upon waking from this tortured sleep state, as I am in a sort of drugged-up hazy "theta" state. It takes hours for the drugs to wear off. I write these posts every day and they are still being handed the tech.

The mountains of homeless encampments and deaths in the streets is still not of concern to any of the politicians or people participating in this attack upon me. Their millions of dollars they obtain from stealing money from the common fund and this crime against me is all their fun jolly little clique of power and institutionalized Nazi Mafia criminal "entitlement".

so the filthy b-word has been viciously assaulting me with her boyfriend pig shit pitt that filthy dirty creep I have only been screaming that I can't stand him--to him--for over TEN YEARS by now. The contract of forcing their ugly dirty selves on me is so huge that he won't stop. As I peruse his career up to the year he began torturing and assaulting me in teleportation along with shitalina, he never was awarded at the Academy Awards but ever since he's been there year after year. An entire portion of the H-wood crowd the celebrities have joined on in along with shit pig pitt and he's confident he's going to become a huge player, if he's already not in a position of absolute executive tyranny.

An exact replica of the Insurrection terror mob on January 6: Terrorist stinking filth report: something like a mixture of urine and rotting material was sprayed and then visibly removed from the corridors of the hallways in this empty condo. I had to receive a package from a delivery company so as I had my face mask on the stink was far too powerful to blot it out. In the stairwell, which is always clean and smell neutral (for years this has been the case) it's stinking of urine). The elevators have been blocked off and only the service elevator "works" where the maintenance garbage trolly sits next to the little service elevator room---the elevators stink likewise. The condo elevators for residents have had signs posted on them covering the openings---for over a week. Years and this has never happened. I could not go back upstairs through the stairwell it was stinking to high whateve--hell or heaven--but I used this last time to try to get a two-flight bit of exercise (my hearts was either under extreme heart palpitation attack or my heart muscles have been dangerously damaged by years of remotely-affected heart palpitations lasting for hours, every day, for years it went on in addition to tears streaming out of my eyes every day for hours--these are internal murder attempts for a slow deterioration effect).

 Of course, the fact that people can be easily assassinated/murdered by these technologies has absolutely no shock or alarm for the people reading my blog. No, it can surely never happen to you, only to me and people like me. Alas, I have found throughout my lifetime of observing people around me and their physical deterioration not just from "old age" but patterns of the same symptoms occurring with people in close proximity even if they align with this group and obey and participate in all it's terrorism; that it can happen to people like you too. 


I won't mention the propaganda performers any longer (aka "celebrity/actors"). Any mention of them only entails them getting a promotion and nothing and no one ever stopping them. They might get pushed back from endless violence aimed at me for a short while, only mostly the blacks and minorities, but the blonde bigots remain fully exonerated from even being stopped for a single day. 

No mention of them because it's only more promotion for the Nazi 4th Reich Mafia promotion they have been endlessly receiving for over a decade of non-stop theft of my ideas, torture and mutilation and deadly poisoning and even more deadly abuse and violence on every level which is just a stepping stone for them for more promotions into the 4th Reich propaganda performing awards circuits and endlessly million-dollar funding for their movies which are highlighted every year that they torture me every single day and as long and with as much violence and abuse and mutilation and poisoning as they can get away with, without me ostensibly falling over dead on the spot--no, just slow deterioration which they can then attribute to "aging which they also accelerate as much as possible.

I have decided that the K-rap they come out with, even when they steal the ideas from me which has been a yearly ongoing event for Academy Awards circuits and their endless applause from the Europigape terrorist fan base who cheer them on--knowing and understanding and being instructed to go out, buy tickets because the 4th Reich instructs them to do so in order to fully promote their symbolic representations of Nazi and Mafia mind programming.

Writing about them any longer, as has been happening, has resulted in only their promotion. That they have put Trump into power means nothing to the American political leadership or lack thereof. That they are fully implementing through psychological trauma-based programming fascist Nazi iconography and mentality and sadomasochistic mass shooting imagery also has no preventive measures put in place for the monitoring of the K-rap being endlessly injected into the mass cultural brain-mapping of the global universe of celluloid junkies around the planet.


The behavior of the celebrities endlessly inserted into the "A-list" of "celebrity" rotation are pure and simply the precursor to the Trump fascist attempt to kill and rape and rob power from all that is left of any opposition to a Nazi/Mafia criminal enterprise taking over the United States. Many of the people behind the actors are from Europ-a-land and their malevolence is nothing short of genocidal purely murdering lynch mob organizers. Their need for mutilation, torture and murder/assassination is endlessly made apparent by the Europ-a-land wealthy controllers over these greedy and sleazy myopic Nazi/Mafia Propaganda Performers (I cannot call them actors any longer as I have only seen sleaze and stupidity on a most basic level as more and more millions of dollars is handed to them for the longer they display absolutely callous dictatorial fascist behavior, whether Mafia or Nazi criminal or established all are performing the propaganda and are bolstered into main spotlight attention.


In me writing for years, not just recently but years of the people mostly responsible for STEALING the ideas and I write of and turning them into "feminist" or empowerment bolstering of bigot white supremacist "women" who are rape cheerleaders, enjoy and laugh and literally dance around when seeing I have ben poisoned and made aged, broken down physically with my entire body scarred up and disfigured/broken (bones and vertebrae) while they torture me every night every morning while I am exercising while I am eating while I am in the shower in addition to while I am sleeping in the most vulnerable delta healing state possible they laugh and giggle after stealing my concepts and turning the ideas I write of my own self empowerment into their ascension into a blonde 4th Reich Nazi/Mafia empire with them replacing some of the minorities and other men who they want to take power from. The men of course are not truly threatened, with Affirmative Action removed the slots will be dark-skinned women and men, not the white bigot men who they portray in their movies as their "enemies". 


I write about this and the fascists, in particular the more murderous anti-American power Europigapes and their Commonwealth replicas who appear like they are not in league with purely a Europigapeland take-over of America--on the propaganda arm of the country coupling with politicians who make sure their own interests are being portrayed in tandem with the H-wood mind screw K-rap machine.


So they are behaving like absolute fascists or "monarchy" in any opposition, exactly the same as the now murderous MAGA and fascist Nazi throngs who are chanting about slitting throats and killing any opposition to their power grabbing p-grabbing empire they are building, with the celebrities fully incorporating anyone who appears as false opposition or real support being put into lead media exposure opportunities so they are also welcomed into the monopoly--there has to be a false opposition and many of the most vicious of the false, who want Trump out perhaps, want nevertheless the 4th Reich to remain solidly in place because all their years of brown-nosing to the Nazism and criminality (Mafia) they have achieved high status positions in the media, in business and in politics and in society.


When I wrote that people are cheering the fascist American bigots whenever they make orchestrated promotional tours after their years of violence towards me, and ostensibly towards anyone else they want to kill off so they can have more and more as they suck everything out of anyone and anything and everything for their pleasure Nazi 4th Reich luxury plantation system in a two-tiered wealth divide. That includes NO HUMAN RIGHTS AND NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS for those slated for being oppressed, and in my "role" as a victim of techno-tyrannical implants and mind control, I attest that they will expand this system and are working on this and have already achieved great destruction in the United States. The narrow-minded propaganda performers on H-wood can only see that they get applause and chants of love from the fascist Nazi/Mafia countries which are instructed to cheer on all the Americans who are helping to install the ultimate downfall of the United States. NATO may remain but the farce of Democracy being a prerequisite for inclusion into the power will be only in name, and only for the wealth upper tier while the rest must serve and obey, being microchipped and mind programmed so they have no more mind or conscious decision-making and are being killed off easily if they disobey or question. 


I am tortured for not telling these propaganda performers that their movies are anything but wonderful. In almost every case, I can only say that I find their movies bad (the nicest euphemism I can think of right now). They torture me for not saying that they are top. When I write in anger that they are profiting off my body being raped and mutilated and tortured, while they are stealing my ideas and claiming they represent my ideals of resistance to authoritarianism and rape culture, they violently assault me as two of them are doing now--one American one from the Commonwealth of the English Crown, which has very prominently attacked me with an inner circle of very wealthy English terrorists closely allied with the English Crown. 


I believe that there is a global network not only for gang stalking/death squad terrorism, but the minions are instructed to go out and buy or watch the movies and buy the pop songs because that is contributing to their larger power grab assumption for a global domination always disguised as being a benevolent human compassion/feminist concern for the planet.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

People who question Trump's illegal attempts to destroy America are threatened with death by the death squad "gang stalking" creeps who assault me with deadly violence everywhere around the world every moment of every day. When I fight against every crime being inflicted against me which no police and no government politician will even consider stopping, I am threatened with death. Trump has been behind both of these types of criminal exploits--both against me (micro) and the United States system of "Democracy" (the macro version)l. Yet more politicians have come to assault me under Biden than under Trump. The hateful sleaze filth parasites are never stopped and only encouraged with more awards and when I WRITE about their violence on my blog they come to threaten and torture me using this tech so I can't fucking turn away physically no matter which direction I turn or where I go or what I do they use this tech to blast their hate words, I am drugged up and my barriers are dissolved by their drugs and violence that has never stopped every day non-stop for years and years so I react finally trying to kill them rushing screaming as they get MORE FUCKING awards and prizes for torturing me for even writing on my personal blog about what shit they are, their crimes and their sickness which is endlessly being exonerated not considered crimes their entitlement and the same politicians are blathering on cameras about Trump doing the same thing as it's "wrong" for him but great for their media whores in Whorewood who assist in them being endorssed for media and huge million dollar projects ( California, in the Covid relief legislation time as Pelosi rushes to get that money; during the J-6 Select Committee hearings, Raskin and Kinzinger sat together mocking and laughing as I described that I don't look like a plastic surgery celebrity because the skank sitting next to them whom they are shielding and complimenting has ordered me to be mutilated and poisoned for YEARS as they laugh and go off getting celebrity media coverage, moreso than the other members of the committee as they become theatrical for the cameras, shouting and waving their arms as if they are Hitler at a rally.//and more and more and more and no one will even begin to question this system that has brought Trump into power and into a despotic social engineering I wonder if ANYONE can make a connection to the Trump fascist Nazi/Mafia train's reaction to any attempt to legislate justice when he and they violate law to such a degree that people are killed, Democracy is almost gone, pigs like Pelousy actually face being killed because I can only surmise that she went along with Trump's criminality until she knew the final coup could not be pulled off. Destroying the country slowly but while smiling from her H-wood-trained acting career (she is on IMDB she has been an actual actor in Whorewood and acts like another scumbag when she is protected and able to really let her dirty nails claw out at innocent victims like me) that goal is to destroy America and put shit like them in power. P-lousy wants to do it very slowly with herself endlessly in power in Congress for years and years. Her constituents are thrilled with the new luxury swimming pools she builds for those on Nob Hill (San Francisco) as the homeless crisis is a joke to them all--they want this, they have created desperation and mass poverty. They want me to bein the pile of homelsss, beaten and raped an the shit from whorewood who steal my ideas and have me poisoned so I can't even begin to move physically much less compete or have a chance at survival unless I become another submissive victim for them to exploit, use abuse steal from and insult and denigrate. //I also believe that behind the bs of Baryishnikov "helping" me with body posture while I am fighting to remove the poison he good partners and friends from Whorewood have put in my body for a decade (scumstallone for THIRTY YEARS and also rape from two of his friends while I was unconscious but was "woken up" in teleportation being raped by these ugly Italian filth scumbags who are scumstallone's former business associates from Bar None in Miami Beach). But to continue. I believe that the London whore who played the narrator for the bigot 4th Reich blonde plastic doll movie Klaus Barbie Nazi Paradise movie---is the dumb whorren mirrage who after I reacted in teleportation to her insults and demand that I call her "Dame" when I said she's dumb and a piece of shit--that was SEVEN YEARS after her boyfriend sitting right there had raped me repeatedly (years ago) and she also has particpiated in movies where MY IDEAS were used--so I believe I have been writing of this for years. Like all the bimbo Nazi whores and skanks, she was handed top plastic surgery and then went on to star in film after film, but after having me put on the ground with a car door they were slamming into my head because I called her a piece of shit afte ryears of rape and torture, she was handed SIX lead roles in movies this very year, and the Klaus Barbie Nazi Paradise movie is one of them (a prominent role) but fully instructing the bigot dirty ugly skank lead actor blonde whore in how to blanket out my brain so I can't think--which is what dumb whorren did, blanking out my brain while she used every kind of mental manipulation to have a "power over" game while she was awake, aware it was midday where she teleported me as I was in a deep sleep in my prime physical state and teleported to her over-priced bordello which this whore should not have been handed but she is intimately connected to the English Monarchy and respresnts their tyrannical fascism and racism which is far worse than anything the American half-black woman who married into that ugly family could ever have exposed to white supremacist enabler Oprah.//So that is what they are doing. My years of writing about this has produced no effect. Trump is now indicted in multiple places and I have been writing to try to garner at least some support, knowing that if fucking Trump had obtained his lead in the primary in 2015 that at least some people were aware and may care. No. Hillary came screeching and screaming at me as the very first thing she did, before I even could see her I saw her figure as her mouth just opened a black portal of hate screaming extremely loudly with hate at me. She told the Brooklyn Mafia (Joe Pesce and Victoria Gotti) something in personal terms on first-name basis as she then played her mind fuck game and after I didn't react in anger or say anything rude, she had bernie sanders come to insult me and after that--my body was sliced into in deadly ways--they began cutting in between my toes every night. I still have so sleep with every available inch I can possibly tie into layers of protection wound with rubber bands to try to salvage what is left of my completely scarred up body. They never stop teleported and abusing me while I am in deep delta sleep, as they have me poisoned and drugged while I'm totally unconscious, they slice and put blood eruptions under my skin on my chest every single fucking day---they are still inserting lilquids into my bladder so I have to get up to the bathroom in the middle of the night. My head is completely wound with about 7 layers of materials tied and wound around so I am blindfolded. I return and immediately as I lay down, I fall into unconsciousness before I have a chance to put on the multiple layers around my hands so they don't destroy my fingers and nails any longer--the cutilces are completely cut off of my two middle fingers, the nails if they grow almost fall off and so I must cut them at the lowest point so they don't hang off because the culticles have been completely cut off my fingers on two fingers and they keep sllciing more fingers.

 when the fuck will this ever be stopped? One would think that fucking trump and his string of crimes against the country might have alerted some shit like biden to actually STOP this fucking situation of fascist Nazi teleportation and torture, mutilation, destruction of my health, body, home, property, finances, my ability to think, speak and move and all injustices being perpetually spewed upon me which Trump over saw for 4 years, and now Biden and his filthy Democrat terrorists who are the most celebrity-status for indicting Trump are all gloating and smiling because they got him out of the way after threatening to kill me for not letting shit pig pit the piece of shit and his whoredom of idiots to use, abuse and steal idea after idea from  me as I fight for my life to stop the teleportation and torture. Not a single word from anybody as it goes on and on. kamala harris came to abuse me with mirth and psychopathic giggles along with clinton, pelosi,. raskin, Kinzinger, Cruz, AOC, Graham, and then the politicians watching from the sidelines who have not directly attacked me, one of them is Elizabeth Warren who has used the internet triggering cyberstalking sort of attack (during her campaign, in 2015 but it was not campaign advertising and I am not "delusional" it was personal photos as little tags on facebook, with no election campaign information just her smug and smirking into a camera along with dating apps on the side of the facebook page;  endlessly hacked into my facebook page--not with information about her campaign I repeat. IT's hard to describe how this cyber terrorism operates because the terrorist system imitates normal cyber hacking and algorithms so well that unless a person is experienced with the type of cyberstalking I am referring to, it just sounds like a "delusional" claim.


So when the fuck will anyone ever stop this violence against me? When will anyone consider that raping a grown woman is as abhorrent as pedophilia? Mel Gibson just came and went as a terrorist, insulting me and then going off with his movie being promoted about how evil Oprah is but Elon Musk is a great guy helping for truth and social justice (but just working on brain implants and other types of nefarious technology and also bolstering all the Nazis on Twitter so they can have "free speech" as they were so deprived for death threats and hate crimes and trying to help usher in the 4th Reich).

RJK, Jr also made his sleazy and vile repugnant attack upon me about a month ago (3 weeks?) where he made nasty sleazy sexual commentary basically verbally describing raping me and then throwing me away with contempt and hate. Next to him was the repugnant Elon Musk who is a filthy and nasty Nazi from South Africa. When the fuck will anyone recognize this and stop championing him and even giving him credibility?


When will people stop championing pig pitt the shit and filthalina because they are swaggering mysteries of plastic surgery renovation crafted to appear and swagger like psychopathic Nazis but disguised as charitable Americans (the permutation put into American context for the special engineering according to social conformity of the     TARGET country for infiltration and penetration--usurpation).


I wrote of how disgusting these blonde bigots are who have attacked me so they are welcomed in by Baryishnikov who really wants to have sex with them and perhaps he does, but if not, the surrogate is allowing them to violently verbally abuse me while he sits back vicariously engineering close proximity to these woman, as he offers "help' to me. Baryishnikov also violently raped me, by the way and it wasn't like a mutual kind of experience it was pornographic smut and sleaze I was absolutely asleep and mostly unconscious but only aware while the act was in the middle of it's despicable course of action he created as the blonde bigot parasite bigots watched on giggling and laughing. Now he has another blonde bigot who he wants to screw and in replacement of taking her out for dinner and a suave approach, he's just handing me to her as something to bash on every kind of level possible because I am writing on my private blog about what shit they are. 

As the focus in America is on whether Trump gets First Amendment Rights--there is no question that every single human right is extricated from my life, that free speech is also quashed by the microchip implant that the pig ape cartel tweaks whenever I am on the phone or talking to anyone for more than one sentence, very short sentence. 


Still no one responds. I told Baryishnikov to go away screaming and he continues while I am in the height of utmost concentration in trying to heal my body. He has given some good advice that no one else has ever given and I have taken ballet classes for years, went to physical therapy, and this dude just casually told me a few basic hints about posture and put some videos hacked on my YouTube which did more than years of asking american fuckers of this organization for help in healing my body. I was literally LIED to by physical therapists on how to place my weight on my feet, resulting in great damage. This is what the pig apes do. But the price is that when I get angry about another Nazi pig ape that he wants to screw he and she both begin "helping" me while the female shouts "loser" constantly screaming it at me in this subliminal context into my inner ear and as I exercise, meaning just very slow stretches because that is all I can do, not able to bend more than 1-2 inches in a standing position--but trying to break and soften up this hard block that the pig apes had put in my body via invisible tasteless deadly toxins poured into my food and inserted into my vagina along with toxic mind polluting chemicals so they can screw me while I am unable to think as they verbally abuse and suck ideas out of me, simultaneously, then deprive me of health care, healthy food, peace in which to heal, non-stop torture so I am endlessly stressed to death thus never able to heal. So Baryishnikov brought in another Nazi blonde bigot skank to make endless comments about how my arms are sagging, my body is bloated and huge while B-kov is instructing me on how to stand straight. It's help beyond belief at the price of more stress to my immune system thus killing me while helping me sort of--more killing me than anything else. 

The shit inside my body was so stuffed into the pockets of my body that it came out as black hard plugs of poison by the time Baryishnikov gave me the tips in how to do stretching correctly that NO ballet teacher from the  YEARS I took ballet even told the class, much less me or anybody. They would give some instructions but it was general. 

so I was endlessly insulted while straining my body to stretch --it is always almost excruciating to do this stretching it is ALWAYS extremely painful I have to concentrate 100% of my energy to do these small stretches, which to me are huge movements because the tentacles of the poison literally are wound around my spine into my skull and hips and down my legs and arms in tiny and huge hardened tentacles like a huge disorganized spider web. Latched onto flesh and onto all bone structure. 

so the filthy bigot whores who I write of because they come to attack me when they need a promotion they need ideas because they are filthy stupid sleazy skanks and they want me to be ugly but an "intellectual" constantly giving them ideas but me just broken, ugly, deformed and loving and obeying them like a slave as they destroy my body literally scarring me up from head-to-foot then telling me how ugly my body is and how much more "beautiful" their years of plastic surgery modifications and years of being lavished with every top beauty enhancement while they make fucking damn sure my body is poisoned my hair falling out my skin slathered with damaging chemicals my fingers and toes slashed to the bone every day etc etc my uterus cut out my cat stolen everything I love broken or destroy and abuse without end. 

When the FUCK will this fucking sick shit ever be stopped by anyone with any kind of decency in America, if that is possible I truly don't know if there is anything decent in America any longer.

After more hours of filthy maggot Robber this australian blonde Nazi filthbucket parasite using the technology to spew insults and Trump chants of "loser" into my middle ear while I am sewing, fighting to heal, while Baryishnikov is giving me hints using the same tech no how to stand straight while I am fighting this hard block of poison that the bigot filth whore has profited off having put in my food and injected into my bladder via sewage water injections into my vagina and into my bladder by her Mafia shit squad, dirty deniro and pesce and that group along with Trump. all working together to attack me for some damn sick reason a contract that some Europigape created to crush me---as these filthy pigs oblige happily. As I fight to move my body this filthy ugly blonde Nazi whore pig ape is using the tech to insult how my body looks ,while I am in this room in the same paralysis I have been in for years while she profited off keeping me so stuck I could only write my ideas-and then only a few paragraphs, on Facebook as these filthy pigs then stole the ideas and continued to MURDER me with poisoning keeping me bloated and my body completely huge and deformed with hard poison that is literally impossible to get out but I keep trying as pieces cpome out--after more than 12 years of trying every day as they kept poisoning me. So I wrote some posts angry about this and this filthy dirty pig whore that is one of pitt's harem of Nazi filthy skanks---all vicious lying and all being handed every kind of prize and plastic surgery and award plus millions and millions of dollars for their participation---Disgust and shock report from terrorism that is never stopped by the US Government and it's dumb sleaze filth celebrities out of Whorewood: That the mind control technology that Trump was handed so this group of pure shit like filth pitt and shitalina and at least 200 other celebrities and goons can have a monopoly on power in the media--with news anchors joining in, all raping, beating, abusing, insulting and the contract is thus that they steal ideas from me, have me poisoned and made inert, my body decaying from stress, toxic shock and torture which has been never-ending for more than a decade every SINGLE day for hours and hours and hours non-stop day after day literally without end--as the pigs insult and mock how my body is so scarred up, bloated, huge, deformed which they profited off and ordered--that this is no problem to the crap governing society and the country, even when what came out of this was the terrorism of the Trump train which is still vying for dictatorial powers, and with mind control tech and these murder gangs aka "gang stalking" groups people will be massacred in ever-increasing numbers until this death squad culture is out and open with full governmental support, whereas now it's all hushed-up and silenced while I write my posts and I get no change except a game of it diminishing perhaps for a few hours after I write. The shit whores who profit off this are the pigs instructing the creeps in the rooms and in the death squad groups to attack me using vector-analysis software to track my every movement so they can come at me from the side angles where I can't see, as they block my brain, vision and tweak my mental and emotional state and constrict my vocal chords by the microchip implant whenever I am talking to people. The filthy skank who is shit pitt's partner, just one of the rotten Nazi bigot whores who he has screwed in his never-ending ascension to being handed a virtual empire out of stealing ideas from me, which both he and his filthy dirty evil wife shitalina have been doing for A DECADE. When I write that they should be stopped, in increasing rage as the years go by and I see one fucking pig after the next using concepts I had written of or even thought of being handed millions and millions of dollars to create these movie concepts but turning it all, of course, into fascist Nazi worship and Mafia criminality so the sheeple can become more engrossed with fascist imagery (to repeat in society, which they are doing to the shock of the dumb media blathering contingent which could not begin to analyze any of this for the years this has been building up and only when it bursts and erupts do they make any mention of the outbreak of murder and sickness culture for fascist Nazi Mafia dictatorship. So the filthy pig ape who is now attacking me has partnered with psychopathic criminal vile shit pig pitt and a slew of Europigape shit who have been behind the American scum actors, and the stealing of my concepts for them to steal while they never stop having my body mutilated--my body is now so bloated, poisoned, scarred up, my toes are completely broken my fingers have been mutilated and mangled by nightly insertions of metal objects under the cuticles literally every night FOR YEARS so now the nails won't grow back the nails are so disgusting and dead they hang off and I can't use them. They just sliced into more gum tissue on my upper mandible a few days ago as I wrote about the THIRTY YEARS OF scumstallone having his Italian Mafia pig ape goons rape, poison me to death nearly, endless violence as I wrote about what a sick fuck he is, and they have sliced parts of my gum tissue. I wrote about the rotten ugly skank whose team stole my concept about a feminist Barbie Idea which I could only write on Facebook in the throes of being poisoned into inertia while shit filth Depp was endlessly torturing and abusing and raping me in teleportation in absolute violence as I wrote and wrote and was so drugged I could not get out of bed. Now my body is congealed, sagging, aged, scarred up, most of my hair is gone from chemical burns from attacks --which continue while I am sleeping. I wrote a few posts about this shit movie which I knew was a concept stolen from my writing by fuck pig shit pitt this ugly dirty filthy creep and his partner shitalina they are so revolting and I have been writing for YEARS to please stop the murder please get them off of me. I am still writing this as the bigot Australian whore filth parasite is determined to torture me with this technology--as Baryishnikov is there always while these blonde whores are attacking me--the shit daughter of Depp and now the shit daughter-aged whore couch-casting filth from Australia who I wrote a few posts about, mostly about how shitty the movie is the premise of it and the reason for it's existence--and the shit actor playing the lead role (many of them, of course, knowing about this and fully participating in the lucrative promotional contract out on me). Shock and disbelief that with Trump now indicted multiple times the fucking politicians are still mocking with gleeful sadistic evil smiles the torture being piled up against me only because I am fighting for my own self-determination and to not be victmized and raped and poisoned and turned into some minion serving shit parasites who are so stupid and blank they must steal ideas from me for a fucking DECADE going on and on, but returning the huge awards and contracts with more violence and more abuse so I react and react and they they torture me for reacting. Despite so many top politicians knowing about this on all sides of the political spectrum, not a single fucker will come to take this technology away from the stupid evil rotten celebrity pieces of shit. Disbelief. Unbelievable incompetence and lack of foresight. Even with Trump who was actively engaged in using mind control tech and put Elon Musk into a "gatekeeper" position no one is stopping Musk and his brain implant technology, no one is doing any investigation into this crime endlessly being foisted against me. The shit sleazy and dumb whores use this tech while I am freshly drugged, upon waking they attack my brain functioning and using "voice to skull" technology endlessly saying vile and abusive things into my very brain --inner ear--with this tech as they go on and on and on and on for hours and hours. This bigot blonde nazi skank piece of shit with all the blonde bigots of whorewood backing her and shit pitt--like Robert Redford a huge backer of this and promoter of every fucking Nazi who has stolen my ideas and tortured me for his frumpy festival---goddamn they should be stopped but nothing doing. People like Nancy Pelosi have profited so much off this system and they all rely on it for their entitlement positions with no real competition for decades and decades and decades--the public completely complies and really wants this shit to remain in power forever--like a monarchy. So, no one will stop them. I only ask that if anyone can ever get a chance wipe them off the face of the planet forever. I truly wish them death. I hope some infuriated fascist Nazi will go on a rampage against Whorewood for the threat they feel about men being symbolically castrated in this shit movie. I never wrote any concept about the inferiority of men in my analysis, which was sort of feminist based. They should really be stopped and no one is doing anything about it or this tech or taking it away from scum and stupid shit parasites. It is still shockingly unbelievable to me how sick America is and how much you fuckers have allowed incompetent sleazy dirty shit people to go on and on attacking me. J ust when will anyone ever consider this a fucking crime aainst me instead of bigot whores being "entitled" to do this because they play "humanitarian" roles in shitty movies and their swaggering sexualized psychopathy makes people feels some kind of wish for power outside of a restrained law-and-order society. So nothing is happening. Years of writing about this, years of politicians like Pelosi coming to threaten to kill me, yelling like fascists at me, threatening me with murder and amputation (nasty, dirty Pelosi so well-trained in fake smiling while saying syrupy crap about "Democracy" and stealing and robbing in her "American-Italian" fascist fashion. She is just one, there are so many others. I sit here in incredulous shock that this group of fucking sick stupid shit has still not BEEN STOPPED from having this technology, that no one will ever protect me from this murder, that they are still being promoted into highest lead roles and no one is even considering that this is wrong and that they are shit exploiting America and selling it out as TRAITORS and whores?

 So after years of partnering with shit pig pitt and laughing, giggling and offering advice on how to destroy me and steal and whatever--as I write my chagrin the pig ape whore comes to attack me under the same contract, which is not only to steal and then slowly kill me and disfigure, cutting and slicing into my body every day (I wake up with red blood bursts under my skin, the injections of silicone under my skin enlarged, cuts and slices into my gums, my toes my fingers--etc etc every morning I wake up and there is either a cut, a slash an injury and it never stops. My body is completely scarred up and deformed by now. They also cut out part of my uterus. No one can give a fucking damn this is not a crime according to all of Congress and the fucking media it's their "entitlement" and so many people are being killed by police and by poverty I am just another statistic. Although this particular crime has entailed Trump being put into power so this group of fucking shit out of Whorewood can have endless top priority for every lead role and awards ceremony and festival circuit, handed all promotions for their "directorial" debuts and etc.. all under the huge incentive umbrella of the Trump Train. 

And yet, no one can even begin to identify this as a problem for society. No, pigs like Piglousy get endless more millions. The shit whore attacking me who is now insulting how my body is sagging, broken down, I have not been able to exercise for over a DECADE so yesterday when I walked up two fights of stairs, I could feel either the heart palpitations from the tech or my heart muscles are extremely weak from YEARS of the tech exerting heart palpitations while I was poisoned, made paralyzed, mostly dazed in a drugged up stupor and toxic shock, unable to move as the poisons accumulated into my body interior as the pigs haven't stopped putting every sick and vicious fascist piece of shit into power possible. Trump is just the most visible. The shit like pig pitt remain being handed every avenue to global power and he's never stopping in trying to force a baby out of me. I only pray for his demise and hope he is paralyzed along with shit pig pigaline and their shitty dirty children who also expect a nepotism paradise out of this for the rest of their shitty dirty lives.


Friday, August 4, 2023

Terrorist hacking report: I just wrote a comment for an online magazine/news source and I had to go back and re-edit SIX TIMES due to hacking and rewrites and deletions. After rewriting all six times, as so much I had written was deleted I could then "remember" what the brain-blanketing tech had blocked from my conscious cognition, I rewrote and rewrote and pressed "edit" and re-read and saw what a mess of rewrites the hackers had forced so I got in an rewrote again. After pressing edit for the SEVENTH time for one short paragraph of writing, struggling with every key to pound down as hard as possible to get anything out and not have letters juxtaposed while typing--I saw that again something had been deleted and changed but it was a small hack so I left it in, thus the post or anything I write can NEVER be read by anyone else in the fashion and style I wrote it in. My every post and everything I do is attacked by technologies. //I was attacked again by the filthy group of pig apes from Whorewood, the next creep I have written posts about who has gladly and happily joyously participated in this most vile racist attack upon me with the blonde Nazi cesspool of whorewood with all their blacks and latinos and asians and minority minions and JEWS attacking me gladly alongside the Nazi pig ape cartel. She forced a most negative change in my energy levels as they can force you to be giddy and giggly while people are attacking as you do not comprehend what they are doing, blanked out mentally and giggly while people are glaring in hate insulting, stealing and robbing.But upon waking, I am in a good mood and thus the hours of abuse and insults as I tried to not react but I was drugged while sleeping and I could not shield myself from the endless blathering of hate and insults about how bad and ugly my body looks from the years she and all these pig ape whore pieces of shit have conjoined in their mutual orgy of greed, sleaze, violence and hate to attack me under racist pretext trying to put me in the same slot as all their other "obedient" mentally and spiritually crushed conformist "minorities" who have Stockholm Syndrome up the A$$ (paid and paid in millions and billions for continuing to promote the 4th Reich while feigning they are fighting "racism" and fighting "for Democracy, Equality, Justice" and blah blah blah. NO one gets the slate of rotating pig apes off me, it never ends. I see how many of the most vile blathering liars are now joyously celebrating Trump's indictment. They have so completely joined with him to attack me so they can more easily deceive and steal and get more mansions in their security gated comfort luxury orgy 4th Reich pleasure dome built upon genocide lives.

 As usual, the pig ape whore skank who is now attacking me, after last week another blonde bigot from America--but now it's a Commonwealth skank who has participated in being put into Oscars categories for all the years she has slept with pig pitt (I feel pretty sure about that) and jointly, with at least 50 others in the usual rotating circle of pig apes attacking me, but there are at least 50 others who have come for one day or a few days but not like TEN YEARS as the endlessly recurring circle of them. 

But fascist Nazi Mafia style, I wrote about how this ugly dirty crocodile smile parasite, but it has blonde hair and is a frenetic dumb hysterical sort of performer and men like this frenzied sort of sexual jerkiness--I guess--whatever but all I have seen is another bigot from Australian who is part of the English Crown Imperialist effort to knock America down and take-over. A situation that I apparently am the ONLY person to recognize as a fact. I have been so completely correct about so many things and tortured for writing about what I thought was so easy to foresee. I wrote about what Trump and his organization would do and now the people who joined in are on public celluloid spaces smug and "angry" about him trying to oust them from their comfortable spots of wealth and attainment--they all continue to torture me without end never stopping this, although I was absolutely correct about Trump, they tortured me for questioning their entire operation which they are integral components of.

So, now this bigot skank is attacking me because I wrote of her years of participation in this violence against me, with her dirty ugly blonde American Pig Ape good partner pig pitt the shit piece--do not be fooled by the plastic surgery modification to his mouth so that when he wants to frown you get a clown smile as his flesh has been integrated in a way that any facial expression appears like a dumb ugly "smile". What a sinister and violence and racist pig piece of shit, and this blonde Europigape-based filthy and stupid ugly creep, as these bigots their women really demonstrate that they are when I have to be subjected to the filth and ugliness that they truly are

so I could not block out the endless insults about how my body is sagging from years of hardening and bloating poison she has personally gained from. Like the rest of the dumb scum whores of this group, she has participated in stealing ideas I wrote of regarding a feminist interpretation of Barbie as a symbol (they neglected to add the racist commentary I had written as they encapsulate it totally in their image and of course a planet of gang stalkers are completely brainwashed into being obsessed with putting blonde bigots into power, or their minions absolutely influenced by this bigot fantasy world of fake faux "superiority").

thus, once more, it's a filthy and vile piece of shit assaulting me while I am waking up, in my sleep, changing my brainwaves through the hate network so I feel a blanket of heaviness and negativity and I know this is technology attacking my brain functioning and not my normal mostly happy disposition. They suck so much of my health and life and energy and sexuality and ideas --as I have written, this is a murder contract but of course no one will ever stop this. 

I end up after more than 30 minutes of this pig whore who I wrote posts about because this piece of ugly rotten crap has profited off torturing me and stealing my ideas. The shit that is responsible for monitoring this of course makes a point to hand out incentives for every and all pig whores who I write of. Once they viciously attack me absolute fascist Nazi/mafia style, they then are handed more money, lead roles, millions of dollars, newspaper photos of them, interviews, and lead roles and lead roles and interviews and photo ops and the more ugly and sinister they are towards me the greater the roles and awards.


Never-ending no one ever stopping it. I can't watch MSNBC the news network associated with Biden, so I have heard that this network is most tied-in with the Democrat Party. I can't express how many of these same like Morning Blow have come to violently yell at threaten and abuse me with the other list of politicians they also espouse in their news commentaries as all being heroes of fighting for human rights.

They all watch this go on. The blacks do NOTHING who claim they are fighting against racism when it comes to me being raped and poisoned and tortured. I called Oprah an Aunt jemima and so they make it appear that the years of torture by Oprah also participating is justified by me having called her that name years after she stole ideas and hugged and laughed and giggled with the white supremacists as they all attacked me jointly.

This goes also for the Australian promoter of that movie about pedophila and poor little minority brown and black children being sex trafficked and rescued by a white male who also played Jesus the Jewish Christian (British Israelism in effect--).

They have absolutely no compunction in me, as an adult, being sex trafficked by technology that their promoter Musk is participating in making a global selling point. So I have no support there.

And on and on.

Can someone get this Maggot Robber disgusting creep off me and the rest of them as well? She is, as they all are, life sucking parasitic Nazi filth with the "Italian-American" and Mafia backing completely as they are fulfilling their role to fully support white supremacy. The "leadership" of the Whorewood industry.


Attacked in teleportation by Australian 4th Reich/English Crown implant into American infiltration, blonde bigot fascist parasite Maggot Robber. I've been writing about it's parasitic exploitation of me through the pig apeness of pig pitt and shitalina and Tarantino the Mafia anti-Semitic Nazi-spewing hateful 88 creep and his crew which are expecting a complete universe of entitlement for this contract out on me. As Maggot is part of that crew, with her fascist training she came on like a Europigape. I have actually never met an Australian who is not an incredible and lying bigot. Never, unfortunately. I suggest people read the book by D.H. Lawrence titled "Kangaroo". I think a movie based on the book was also made, but I have never watched it. I really felt this dread in reading it after the point of the white fascist bigot in Australia returning home after mass murdering the indigenous tribes in a genocidal wave of violence after an uprising, as his wife just wanted hot sex with him because she smelled his blood and violence and wanted to parasitically suck in that murder energy through sex. D. H. Lawrence, although he surely had his faults, was a guru in analyzing sexual violence and submission and subversion. But my point is that I have really only seen a most ugly and violent form of racism and anti-Semitism coming out of every single Ozzie scumbag I have ever met; and I have lived in London and worked for a hotel as a receptionist with an Australian club office in that space so I had to deal with many for many months. It was constant threat and hate and ugliness. I experienced it again this morning as I was exercising, in the midst of trying to heal my body from the violence this ugly and sinister disgusting parasite skank has been feeding off with her London bucket cesspool of entitlement and fake overtures of being a "feminist" with death threats aimed at me for becoming outraged after YEARS of her profiting off her rotten Irish boyfriend (S&M dumbass partner) raping me in teleportation like a disgusting creep sleaze filth. They are disgusting. They are absolutely cheered on in Whorewood. They are supported by the shit and incompetence of Congress to a degree as if America really wants to become a vassal state of the 4th Reich Europigape zone. I believe this fully. It doesn't matter if it's #45 or #46 or whatever number, this is an official but unstated policy. So again, I write my blog post and hope that the creep reading this who attacked me is somehow less glorified by my country instead of allowed to get away with this endless crime. If that pig ape does it to me, they will do it to many,; many others. Their goal is total overtake of america. They already dominate the film industry and media. They control the greedy and sleazy politicians who are so expert at claiming every platitude in front of a camera and most are trained in acting by the 4th Reich industry of Whorewood (i.e. pelosi).//; in a way most similar to the attacks forced upon me by the spawn of one of the American rapist criminals you all love and admire. She is "half" french--and the half shit half fascist pig ape from Australia, the fully indoctrinated 4th Reich bigot with English wealth backing her infiltration into Whorewood through the greed and stupidity of shitalina and filth pig pitt---mostly pitt as I am sure they have had intercourse and now he's fully showering her with every kind of push for her filthy career---so he attacked me for writing about the reality of the years of her participation and what shit she and he are--and now that the wave of applause has subsided the pig ape whore itself came to assault me with endless insults while I was trying to break the hard shell of poison she participated in having pumped into my body under orders of the "Italian-American" mafia which, along with her, and scores of actors from Whorewood, have all obtained lead roles and awards for all the years they have globbed onto having me violently assaulted, my ideas stolen (as I wrote yesterday, this robber is truly emboldened and behaves absolutely like a Nazi bigot). I was trying to stretch this afternoon around noon, her voice came over with insults at how broken my body is in appearance from more than a decade of me being poisoned and raped and tortured by her friends while she sat giggling in the background as pig pitt then got to screw her as part of his harem and he's delighted, she alongside him, has obtained also red carpet entrance into endless Oscars year-after-year for this violence against me. Using the exact same words almost as the shit that Depp spewed out as his spawn, her attack is by this time to me old and stale it's not as nasty as it first was as a shock to how sick and ugly and filthy and low and subhuman these f-ers really are. So I tried to ignore the creep--they then used tech to force shots from her latest plastic bimbo skank movie into my brain--they can insert images, it's truly subhuman and especially in their hands. She began yelling violently at me for having written a negative review of the movie upon which she and her cohorts stole the ideas from--me--some of them, not the premise of the film that has so many people enraged but the followers of the 4th Reich sheeple love it--not able to question anything any longer they go along with whatever entices them in a parade of imagery intended to shock their senses-particularly if it's sexually that really is more interesting than political integrity or anything else. //So I had to fight her after she went on and on at me, as they all do, but the Europigape-based scum are the most vicious. They are truly, as I have been writing for over a decade, intent on subverting the American system through these brainwashed into behaving like fascist Nazi aristocracy and death mode squad surveillance Gestapo tactics. Infiltration, colonization, Imperialism: these are the basic terms used to describe their modus operandi. Why am I the only person writing about this? I am the "only one" being victimized in this manner so everyone else calls them their great "friends" as they reap in the mansions and jets and lavish orgy dinners and luxury lifestyles for participating. But I wrote about the disgust I have for her and the movie without wasting more of my life watching the K-rap these pig apes come out with. My review was based on my "insider" information of being the perpetual teleportation victim. I warn people that the mentality that Trump espouses comes from the 4th Reich Nazi Europigapes that so many Americans yearn to install into American society. They will retain "Democracy" for at least two tangible reasons: one is so they will have redress when their fellow scumbag terrorists try that crap on them. 2. To remain in NATO, as premise for NATO is having a Democratic system of governance. They are building a fascist Nazi concentration camp in the wasteland of American society with their monopolizing tyranny replacing all free competition and speech (as I have been nearly killed for using the First Amendment, which has been and is constantly denied me. This is all supported fully by Nancy Pelosi, Jamie Raskin, AOC, Hillary Clinton, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Kinzinger, Trump, Lyndsey Graham, and the list goes on and on and on and on but those have been some of the most nasty or violent or deadly towards me, as they fully embrace the vile criminal celebrities and wealth monopoly and non-stop criminal acquisition while posturing with their scripted speeches contrary to their actual behavior and what they truly are working towards. //Terrorist Report: Drilling with electric drills ongoing in the room beneath mine--a terrorist noise attack--it sounds like a dentist drilling into enamel. The drilling in that room has gone on for years while I have been living here. //I was accosted by a celebrity terrorist and I defended myself. They believe they are entitled to a fascist Nazi 4th Reich theft and torture campaign against me and that I have no human rights, legal rights or anything. This one in particular was very vicious and of course is not from the USA. As part of the 4th Reich connected to the English Crown, absolutely instructed to threaten me with utmost ugliness--if they had their way it would be much worse. That is their intended goal, to "have their way" eventually with this technology and lack of Congressional or societal oversight or concern about victims of this egregious system of techno-tyranny.//

 *This post was hacked and words were omitted and the sentences repasted back together. It's confusing to read in many parts due to the terrorist hacking not to my writing. I also felt dizzy and nauseous after struggling to type with malware hacking to the keyboard. My brain is also under attack so as usual this is replete with cursing. I can't think clearly under this influence--again, part of a huge discrediting effort. I also regret that I am writing about such low and crap parasitic scumbags as I don't want to help their goal of attacking me so I write about how disgusting and vile they are and behave towards me. When I said this creepy woman has a crocodile smile, she has truly demonstrated my analysis is correct as her fake huge skank smile is replaced by what is like a reptilian ugliness and a copy of what other skanks from the bigot entitlement zone have inflicted upon me after they steal ideas from me and have their boyfriends and husbands and fathers rape me so they can have endless promotions into lead roles and awards and festivals. It has been going on for over 10 years without an end. So i am writing and now assisting in that goal for them. Unfortunately, all these years of writing about this has resulted in nothing changing due to any intervention from the people who should have fulfilled their oaths and protected my human rights. They are viciously attacking me for writing about the violence and sickness that they have committed, in reality not unflinching in detail but always cursing due to my brain being so obfuscated by this blasting tech into my cognitive analytical calm reasoning and rhetorical capabilities. **another point is that all the politicians I have written of who participate in this claim they are "fighting" Trump and the deterioration of "Democracy". It is I who has been fighting Trump and fighting for Democracy. These expletives have only allowed Trump to flourish until their position of stability was questioned. They have viciously attacked me for saying no to being bereft of every Constitutional Right possible which is the aim of these pigs is for me to "accept" this status of being poisoned and raped to death without protest or any resistance. Otherwise, I am attacked for actually fighting for "Democracy" and the disgusting politicians remain as staunchly lying and allowing this to continue. But my reaction to yet another piece of shit with a foreign country passport coming to infiltrate my country with the greed and ignorance of the shit pitt gang, which I swear I have never seen any higher intelligence than a gang of doped up thugs, which is what most of them have been is drug addicts or alcoholics reciting scripted lines and prancing around after getting much physical training and plastic surgery--but anyways---writing is like this huge physical exertion plus my brain is being half shut down in cognition and cognitive ability to write in a more perfunctory way--calm writing is impossible once I delve into the endless violence that no one will stop. I assume my writing appears almost comical. I try to laugh about it sort of. Otherwise, I can't write with my actual real writing skills or mental training. It is impossible with the hacking and the brain obfuscation that is never-ending attack upon my brain and nervous system in any communication endeavor I make in any context.

I hate to mention anything about h-wood or movies now, but I find it actually unfair for Oprah to be targeted by the movie about sex trafficking when the white supremacists who are rapists and abusers are always left out of the spotlight for rape and all their crimes. They are always treated with the kind of kid gloves that has kept Trump in the belief paradigm that he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and people would still vote for him.

As the former associates of Trump, they either have all been groomed in this mentality by the millions and exoneration they have received as being celebrities, but mostly the people supporting them for this overtake of Democracy are truly inculcating them into this philosophy. They are all fully indoctrinated to the point of being instant fascist murdering bigot rapists and thieves puffed up in their pig-sniffing-the-air poses about their entitlement to rape and steal and rob. 

When do people like shitalina and pit pig shit get the microscopic lens treatment instead of the black woman--which of course Elon Musk is fully supporting, this effort. Considering what the bigot blonde Nazis are and what they do and what they crank out, much preferred is Oprah to their inoculation to any scrutiny because of their Nazi appearances and status. 

I told Oprah that her inclusion in this hate crime would eventually boomerang. She had so much trust in Trump she never considered that the bigots he would install into power such as Musk would instead be part of an attempt at her downfall. 

It's really such short-sightedness and I tried endlessly to warn her and the rest of that group that the eventual consequences of their empty and shallow posturing but inclusion in this fascist 4th Reich meant that they, as representatives of " minority" or "feminist" status would someday rue the day when they actually helped put the system into effect that may be their actual demise.


This is not based on anything actually happening to Miss Oprah, only in response to the endless videos on YouTube with hate diatribes against Oprah with Elon Musk  fully supporting the movie and the cause against Oprah. As they have all been in the same room, sitting on those creepy rows of chairs, observing as I am teleported as they all take turns attacking me mostly in disgusting and vile ways, it's creepy to see them cannibalize one of their participants, but for the 4th Reich, eventually the "power" must be taken away from the minorities who rose up assuming that by participating in injustice and racism they would never have the red carpet swept up from under them. So far, it's just Oprah who is one of the lynchpins of minority wealth status the 4th Reich is aiming it's downfall at, and I really don't know how authentic the videos about all these men, with a black male also putting out videos against Oprah---but all have violently assaulted me just as Oprah has, and none of them are questioning any of the blonde bigots with their Europigape mansions they are only focusing on Aprah--and please note, this post has been hacked and I am now rewriting in this last paragraph. I cannot know which if the videos hacked into my youtube channel "recommended page" which is like a hacking celebrity and politician board for me to click on, all terrorists trying to get me to click on them so they can teleport and abuse and berate me, especially if I say I like their art or presentations----I can't know if there is a huge onslaught of focus upon Aprah and her supposed African sex trafficking school because there is so much misinformation hacked onto my computer that most of the videos are outright deceptions used as mind control "tricks".

*this post has been badly, as usual, rewritten and parts and words deleted and all strung together in semi-incomprehensible elongated paragraphs lacking punctuation/grammar.


It is sad for me to recount that I wrote this post under duress because of the drilling in the room from two power drills blasting into the cement and steel walls underneath this room. This has gone on for about 2 years, literally, taking the span of time I have sat here being poisoned and tortured in it's aggregate--I've been stuck here in what seems like forever doing Master Cleanses every month, only to be repoisoned so badly my body has been a rectangular shape and I'm comatose and in pain every single day fighting to get the poison they keep injecting into my body out.

So writing about this Maggot parasite who is a former or current part-time lover with shit pig pitt will only put her into more awards and lead role categories. It is very unfortunate as I swore to not be involved in any more of this movie Whorewood crap and not watch the bs on the tube. But the Trump syndrome is going on and on with indictments going on every day. What fascist Nazi Biden has done is leave this situation rotting for so long that Trump will, indeed, be able to pardon himself if he does win. Biden is part of the same 4th Reich group, as is Harris. It is something some call "The Illuminati" but when Biden used the rising Sun as his motif for his inauguration, I knew that this was a harkening call of his obedience to the fascist Nazi 4th Reich aka Illluminati symbolism. True to form, the enslavement and technoterrorism that the Nazis helped to create is fully functioning with Nazi-endorsed Musk building human implant technology and it's going to be far worse than "The Sound of Freedom" which that pig scum is endorsing. What he will do is far, far more sexually debased than mere human trafficking. 

I'm not sure if Biden is in partnership with Musk but they are both involved in this terrorism aimed at me, which the pig organization intends to create a literal universe of victims and parasites feeding off other human beings in a techno-terror 4th Reich "paradise" of no more people like me having any opportunities whatsoever. What Aprah said to me when she first said "Praise the Lord" as I kind of scoffed at that pretense, was secondly that she was helping to have me raped, beaten and tortured after she stole the concept of A Wrinkle in Time along with her partners (the "black" women activists for racial injustice--except when it happens to me then they are all for it) but--that she's working to help " little black girls". 

I wonder if you will be able to help yourself when the Nazis can't stand to see you have more money and power than they. This movie Sound of Freedom is just the sound of the 4th Reich taking aim at people they don't want to have the same rights of exploitation that they, the white pig ape men (the men who are both promoting this are from the ENGLISH COMMONWEALTH) by the way---(duh).

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

As a soldier for human rights and dignity, I survey my body, which I have not been able to bend to examine for years due to hard poison injected into my bladder, my food, sprayed, poured into my body--hardened into a solid plank internally embedded along my back/spine/hips/skull/feet and into intestines and lymphatic system and etc---as the executive expletives have tortured me on a non-stop basis. I fight for the indignity that my family has been put through as they all cooperated and were peremptorily executed slowly by their assassin Nazi partners---after they were instructed to tear the family apart--like slaves selling each other out so they can intermarry with the abuser so they can live comfortably on the plantation Nazi Mafia system. //But not just my family, that is the microcosm aspect of the global brainwashing operation. //So as a soldier of a war against the brainwashing bludgeoning of self-awareness, a soldier fighting for women's rights, in particular those who are sex trafficked and soon to be teleported while sleeping to vicious parasites who need life energy to suck out and their hate to be poured onto unconscious victims. Formerly they relied upon rohypnol for their date-rape exploits, but now they can press buttons for the unfortunates who were non-consensually microchip implanted and drugged by willing and eager parents, the "feminist" mothers who rely on this system for their "feminist" promotions by selling out their daughters to being raped, beaten, drugged and poisoned. I refer not to my family but to many. So I have grey hair, balding scalp, wrinkles now on my chest from undo stress and duress as they poisoned me with such toxic poisons and kept on and kept on poisoning and torturing me as I screamed to get off me as they put one dirty and nasty huge hormone growth Europigapes onto me to rape me as the "good" American "feminists" and "Humanitarians" who all host charities and are now "striking" with solidarity with their fellow actors, the politicians one of whom notably has joined in because she has been on tv, is youngish and that part of the white supremacist yelling Warren like that lying commission on the Kennedy Assassination claiming it's fully fighting for the common brown and black folk for votes to retain her Senate tenure--on and on for years--that Squad, the most famous of whom is "fighting" alongside her fellow terrorists. Kamala Harris is blathering/shouting about poor black victims like Emmet Till but giggling with her goofy and sinister giggle while she's partaking in the racist violence against me--how could her husband even cling to her for Nazi protection but that is so typical of the defunct Jewish men I have met of this Nazi organization--talk about toxic lack of masculinity. But to continue, I have aged so badly from a decade of non-stop deadly poisoning while under non-stop torture. The creeps who have done this are getting their on-strike actors to viciously attack me, as I write this they probably will get more promotions for me reacting to undo stress that is deadly. You all read and watch and perhaps put your videos on my youtube channel so should I dare to hope that there is anything different in the celebrity or political domain I would click on your videos so you too can get your promotions and royalties and partake of this pattern of genocide for your dirty nasty promotion as well.

 I now have goddamn wrinkles next to my shoulder from stress and aging and the poisons that have bloated my body to a huge shape and then, after years of struggle and torture the skin tissue has shrunk to a wrinkled state--it's ugly, it's deformed me. I have a huge grey streak in my hair--and my hair was permanently damaged in that area when the Austrian Tarantino Nazi actor Waltz, a most despicable and dirty nasty sexist and racist whom this group has loved and put into lead roles especially after his attacks upon me--but I said something he didn't like, as in, "I don't need your approval for my analysis" thus not putting him automatically in a superior position to my own intellect or musical ability. He had Ice Cube punch me in the face (in teleportation of course)-Ice Cube, now with Tucker Carlson, stating that "why can't we all just get together?" in his resonant voice which I never heard while he was attacking me. Do any of you hear me or care about this false duplicity? But the pig ape from Austria ordered that a virus be inserted into my body as he also had my hair follicles  completely damaged so they lost all color---and turned grey. Not from the virus but it was a streak smeared onto my hair shafts and scalp.

The pig apes have been smearing damaging and deadly chemicals on my skin and hair for years, but this Austrian filth creep had me injected with a virus that made me feel like I was literally dying and that death was surrounding me. This was two months before Covid became a global epidemic--this happened in November and Covid broke out slowly in January---. But when you see Ice Cube parleying with  Carlson, don't believe the hype. I can't express what a sinister lying fake he is, and what a sinister lying bs artist carlson is, which most of you know already but most of you love him anyway. All of these "fighting against injustice for Blacks" are fighting for the 4th Reich, as I have only been writing for years, Ice Cube along with Oprah, sitting side-by-side for at least one year almost every day, participating with the torture of me as they took down, jotted down and stole my ideas or just attacked me which they obtained from non-stop drugging and poisoning and torture. Ice Cube constantly claims he and Oprah are very "different" and that he is an "outsider" to the Nazi 4th Reich elite celebrity crew. He has been happily participating in their attack upon me, so I know he is absolutely putting on a farce for some campaign. I think many are not buying his pernicious line, but many are unfortunately. Oprah, I mean Apr-rah because that is how she behaves when the dark money cameras are rolling for her endless white supremacy plantation top position after having slept with many a white bigot who all love her for her cloying clinging obsequiousness, which I see the white pig apes from Europigapeland also love and enjoy about their own plantation slaves here in Thailand as they hold hands while they jointly attack me. The women very happily smiling about it, just like the blacks and jews and latinos (like AOC) but she was glaring at me in hate--but jointly Ice Lice PUbe Cube and apr-har for about 3 years participated in this attack upon me, as Ape-rah went out shouting about her "feminism" while that was popular after most of the women who became famous for that time who participated in their male lovers/husbands and fathers and boyfriends in rape and torture of me, as I was drugged and I recounted all the feminist classes I had taken, all the women shouting feminist ideas (but none would prevent the torture of me)--as these same women went out and became international sensations for these same ideas they tortured and raped out of me--now torturing me for reacting more than a decade later for non-stop torture; non-stop with the "Italian-American" Mafia like foul and disgusting deniro and pesce and their ilk of thuggery (which Trump brought on with Hillary being handed me as a victim while they all called each other by first-name basis as the torture of my body increased while Hillary got her own "feminist" and "for women" tv show with her daughter, and the list of shithead scum who have attacked me and then gone on tours and tv shows including the politicians and AOC being invited to The Met along with her other actors and models ---and all the bigots sitting next to their black mascots who are jointly attacking me for the benefit of white supremacy--which I called an "Aunt Jemima" and uncle tom plantation system--and the violence towards me from all the prominent blacks of h-wood has not stopped. They all join in by saying they are fighting for little black girls, as one of the black members of The Squad also did. They don't blather this same sentence any longer since Affirmative Action was quashed by The Supreme Court, with their fellow celebrity politician of the plantation helping to quash opportunities for black girls and boys and Jewish girls (they really want to replace blacks as the victim of lynching with Jews) . All the women call themselves "feminist" and Oprah took my ideas which I wrote endlessly about feminism and domestic violence, alongside Amber Heard, using them for their platforms. All are considered icons of "feminism" all obtained that "status" for helping the pig ape men of Whorewood and Congress to rape and defile and poison and torture me giggling and glaring in hate at me for being an ACTUAL FIGHTER for women's rights and human dignity. 


So the grey streak, the huge balding spot on my head because I was fighting someone raping me as usual and finally screaming to get off me after asking for about one month as he went on having me so badly drugged--this was a German piece of pig shit who the pig ape actors from America, the "feminist" literally hugged and sexually swooned over as they encouraged him to go on, in particular filthalina with pig shit pitt right alongside her. He had me attacked so my teeth were nearly knocked out of my lower jaw after he and Melania Trump ordered a car to hit me while I was driving--it came from the side of the road driving immediately into me at top speed with an engine that was very unique as it went from a standing position to at least 30 miles per hour from a distance of 4 feet--swerving and hitting me. My brakes were water, not working, the handlebars spun 180-degrees downward as the heavy bag I was wearing swung around downwards and I hit my jaw on the pavement. The pig pitt then beat and raped me--and this was after just writing on my Facebook page that I request JUSTICE and that he and they all stop being awarded with Oscars, as they had been ever year since entering into this contract which they are still drooling and viciously attacking me over for writing rage and hate because I by now consider them sub=human filth and shit not capable not elite not beautiful not cool not capable not talented just bullshit Nazis with a bunch of minorities playing into this. All disgusting and foul and rotten--and they never stop attacking me. Every and any post I write about how sick they are and how disgusting they are, as they block my brain force subliminals on me and then torture me for writing what they are brainwashing into my mind--

as you all remain silent.


So as this soldier fighting against a filth empire that just keeps expanding and expanding as you all support them and this fully, waiting for the day when there will be only very wealthy and absolutely desperate to do anything to achieve anything for the pig ape cartel---for a pittance of reward, especially if ideas are stolen so the dirty and stupid meaningless whores of Whorewood can obtain original ideas as they have been doing to me with Trump smiling about it and having me beaten, raped, and tortured by his RUSSIAN cartel which lived in this huge condo apparatus where my walls are just thin veneers where mechanical arms break through to destroy my body and property every single day. years of fighting to pound metal hooks into every single panel in this room --all has been broken and most of the walls are plaster that crumbles if you pound a small nail into them to try to restrain the panels on the other side from being opened

so I remain with most of my body a completely disfigured and broken down aged mess by now. Wrinkles on my chest from skin bloating and then contracting, plus stress and hate and rage every day from sick and disgusting teleportation skits that the "intelligence" of America just pushes and laughs about--so there is a definitive lack of intelligence, it is just trained parasites feeding off the American public and posturing and blathering. One in particular is Nancy Pig-lousy what a piece of  utterly Nazi Mafia bs that ugly sinister thing is. She should be put down along with McConnel and his farm animals on Animal Farm USA Congress. 

They are all disgusting. But now i have marks of torture, aging from poisoning that never ends and stress--the shit like DeNiro and his filthy organization of mafia crap and shit along with dumbo Rambo and the blonde Nazi cartel which these dirty nasty "Italian-Americans" all completely protect for their mutual Axis Power restoration after WWII_-(I know I am rambling a bit now) but--it's all cohesive as it's all connected so no matter which disconnected line of brain-obstructed ranting I go into, I am still referring to the same huge global unit.


So ugly wrinkles next to my shoulder from stress, poisoning, utter toxic shit I am detoxing out of my body every day that has hardened into my body--a decade of your celebrities having their minions insert poison into my vagina along with sewage water and bloating, hardening poisons while they make my hair damaged, falling out--my skin with blotches and red pimple eruptions from the poisons they are smearing on my skin, which they tattoo on with more chemicals so they are permanent. Endless abuse and hate while in deep healing sleep mode to really kill me slowly and make me insane--and when I react with rage, they destroy more property.

This and so much more is completely underfunded and supported by ALL OF CONGRESS, the shit president biden the bigot crying over dead Emmet Till, a long-dead victim but the living victims he really laughs over with Kamala Parasite this disgusting foul evil creep the VP. And there is no relief anywhere in sight. The shit children of these pigs are criminals and scum who are told all their lives they are entitled to steal and plunder as their parents have done, all spouting the K-rap about how they care so much about the american people and democracy and the good old days when everything was so perfectly Jim Crow (that's the Repug side with their chants about small towns were just and always have been loving repositories of brotherly love). Bringing to mind Emmet Till and Bigot Biden with his swarm of Obama and Krapola Parasite the giggly demonic sleaze creep blathering and screaming about "Black" rights for the lectures where there is actually no danger or threat while they are posturing about their civic "duty". Allowing the Latinos to be put in cages on the border, though, Parasite Krapola Harris just giggled as she did while participating in attacking me alongside the genocide-hissing blonde actors who helped put that rotten pig ape Krapola into power with Aunt Jemima Oprah this foul and disgusting parasite who is attacking me "so little black girls" can have a chance. As Affirmative Action is now defunct, which happened because their leader--the black whores of Whorewood like Aunt Oprah--the former lover of Trump for her promotional tour of white men for her rise to white mediocrity American day-time talk show fame---

They all have plastic surgery to cover up the hate and violence they emit as they are refreshed and I am now covered with bruises, aging displays of my body breaking down.

As a real soldier for human rights, for feminism (which is to not be raped, to not be exploited, for my ideas to not be stolen so bigots can steal them and pretend they are feminist while the Nazi men are now enraged that their blonde bigot women are as violent and oppressive as they are, or they claim they "were" once but now they are just concerned about "equality" as they partner with their blonde bigot whores to help rape and torture me as their proxy victims because these creep women are as nasty and vile as the Nazi men.



So I must suffer and suffer and fight and fight and fight and get tortured and tortured without end because I am actually fighting for my human rights, for people to not be tortured and disposed of, for people to not be trafficked through this technology. 

Sickening how Elon Musk who is very assiduously working on more brain implants to create more teleportation sex trafficking victims is fully supporting the movie about children being sex trafficked. The future of sex trafficking which he is developing will be a seamlessly clean technological tyranny, far less expensive in the long run and less messy than people having an opportunity to run to police if they survive trying to escape. In this situation, politicians are going to and they do join in with the giggly "fun" of rape and torture. This is like a delightful holiday for them to engage in.


For my writing in rage about the blonde Barbie fascism pig ape whores who have tortured me for YEARS and through shit pig pitt and shitalina and their English tyrannical fascist Imperialistic friends like Dumb Whorren Mirrage who spoke about "women" in the intro to barbie the Klaus Barbie fascist Nazi concentration camp paradise the pig ape whores are creating--with me as the prototype for their concentration camp "Joy Division" fun as they prance around giggly and laughing--as they order the pig ape aspirants striving for a higher position in the 4th Reich attack me in sexually abusive ways--that went on and on and on and for hours in the teleportation tyranny--then other types of sick and disgusting attacks. This is what the whores who recite SCRIPTS someone else wrote conceive of when they have a chance to exercise their demonic "creativity". 

So I remain with my body being slowly killed, aging and no money homeless and stuck with no ability to earn money or survive. they have made millions and jointly billions out of attacking me as each and every rapist scumbag whore and their mothers fathers sons and daughters then line-up of friends and associates all join in--all given positions on the Academy Awards Board of Governors. All will "award" only their cronies in this hate 4th Reich global corporate Dark Money operation of social engineering to install a rich versus impoverished and suffering poor while the pig apes who attack me all go to their galas and mansions and yachts and the never-ending more mansions that are handed to them that they pay double-digit millions to acquire after having tortured me for years. Pig Pitt has been one of the most endless beneficiaries along with shitalina. They buy and buy and buy more huge plantation systems around the planet. They remain literally cheered like royalty in Europigapeland for what the terror operations sends out as fealty to the larger pig ape operation as their duty to cheer on the shit that is fully operating mind fuck technology so they can all plunder the planet.


At this point all I can count on is global warming to wash them away in a tsunami or earth quake or global nuclear war from all their greed and selfish materialistic acquisition that everyone yearns to emulate so they gravitate towards following the orders--they are also all being implanted with microchips and brainwashed, completely drugged with mind control drugs--I can assure you but I have no definite proof of this. The behavior of the followers of the leading pig apes is very akin to people who are brainwashed with mind control drugs and technology. This is not a "cult" this is mind control. The politicians who keep saying that Trump has a "cult" are keeping the mind control technology a secret because they all fully are engaged in promulgating these operations for their own sleazy and greasy dirty benefit. 

As I wrote in my own post today, the question is not whether they are against cults it is that they are both, the opposing sides, vying for which group is ultimately going to obtain the biggest feeding trough off the human mind control misery and death machine they have been building and  are keeping an absolute secret from the rest of the planet who are their intended victims for plunder, rape and eventual slaughter (so they can have more as the planet's resources are being destroyed by global warming).



Meanwhile I'm still shitting out stinking piles of hard-but-slightly softened chemicals plus mind control drugs which have fermented inside my back for a few decades. I wrote about this yesterday how sick I was, so the parasites who have nothing in common with actual humanitarians which they all claim they are--put an extra dose of violence and sexual abuse and insults from people coming at me instantaneously while I was "awoken" while in a deep sleep state in one of my physical states, teleported to being put into awareness while people were coming at me from side angles attacking me. I reacted following subliminally hypnosis sentences that I was "instructed" while in a deep comatose state, while teleported, while sleeping--as I repeated or did these actions within a split second of being put into a semi-conscious state under all these layers of unconscious teleported vulnerability.

The pig apes exploit all the vulnerabilities in my body they have created by non-stop poisoning, the attacks on my body with so many blemishes and injuries--broken toes, jutting out of my foot--appearing like a bunion and whether it occurred from them breaking my toes, or from the deformation of my body from my spine and hips being twisted by people putting my body out of alignment every single night while I was teleported and asleep--usually raping me as well---and the pig apes when I write about my vulnerabilities they attack more ferociously. I am very sick, as I wrote yesterday a huge hard plug of poison came out and today the residual softer poison came pouring out, stinking and I am drugged up. They then attack my brain constantly with subliminals plus the shit creeps in the rooms surrounding me constantly attacking me using technologies that make my eyes water and tear-up constantly, particularly when I begin to laugh about anything the tears appear instantly. If I begin to laugh in a hearty way when watching a comedy on the shit tube which is all the human contact I have by now besides going out being assaulted while shopping--literally my nose swells up with mucus tears pour out of my eyes dripping down my face if I laugh-- because of the constant physical attacks due to the microchip implant on my throat which they also constrict while I am eating, at random moments.

Etc the list of violence through their tech is too long.

So I am writing today in a rant, trying to reach any human intelligence there appears to be little to none.

If anyone cares, they certainly won't go out of their way to do anything. You are all waiting for a huge catastrophe which will be so serious by the time you get off your "activist" lethargic asses that it will be far too gone and late. 

Terrorist filth report: besides the filth terrorism of the dirty foul "elite" you all shower more $$ on constantly who demand more and more and more--as this protocol of mind control implants and brain screwing and body manipulation so nasty, dirty loveless rapist men can have someone besides their wives and paid escorts and child trafficking victims to torture with the press of a button--but I write about how sick and filthy and disgusting these "famous celebrities" and politicians and media moguls and anchors are with their world of hateful disgusting filthy nasty holocaust death squad looters who are still living off the billions of dollars they stole from people they murdered in the most horrific and cruel ways--children, babies, innocent people--stole their money. They are still as violently on a rampage to steal and destroy than ever before with now hundreds of millions of more recruits dispersed throughout the globe. So am I never protected and all that is in power fully sustains this effort to destroy the country and install only the most bigoted hateful empty and meaningless filth into power.

They are now spraying stinking filth and fungus water on my clothing I leave to hang and dry outside after I wash it at night--it's stinks of fungus and filthy substances---with wet spots where the stink is--which is being sprayed from the terrorists on all sides of me by using their government-created mechanical arm technologies to do this--as terrorism state-sponsored against me for writing about the non-stop murder and death and hate this group of celebrities and the top politicians of America have been forcing upon me for far longer than a "mere" decade (12 years now, without end not stopping for one single day, not even on any holiday nothing ever stops this).
I have to clean so constantly stinking brown goo that is sprayed constantly on all furniture, the walls and floor, the doors, underneath every single item is a mass of debris sprayed with fungus and brown permanently staining goo--never can it be washed off so I can't clean the white wallpaper on the walls because the stains are permanent.
But the teleportation skits were particularly mentally ill from this psycho group in Whorewood, USA. Another dirty and nasty actor who attacked me with the brooklyn mafia and their political allies (the "feminists" of Congress, all absolute fakes all operating for the selfish aspirations of their celebrity status as being "women" in "power" all have been handed that power for their fully accomplice in rape culture, literally almost all and all in Congress as not a single women from that entity has come to defend me. 

It's not because I am "Jewish" which I essentially am not. It's because I don't fit neatly into their slots so they are very assiduously attacking me (for years and years) to try to force this self-abnegation that the other minions all accept willingly Jerry Lewis style of submission and obedience as they viciously attack me giggling for the benefit of their promotions within the Nazi structure. The Blacks are even more vicious about it but all minorities behave as viciously as possible to prove how anti-Semitic they are while all chant in unison about racism against their own little self-absorbed clans.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Terrorist report: physical mutilation. The mechanical arms, operated by the terrorists in the rooms next to mine, but all under the direction of the celebrity millionaires and billionaires who are having my gum tissue sliced, now it's going on every night. They are slicing into the upper mandible--near the molar teeth, inside the gum tissue towards the center of my mouth in that very thin gum tissue area next to the bone. They have already completely cut the gum tissue OFF my lower jaw just below the four small teeth above my chin. I began wrapping my head completely with layers of items to stop them from smearing permanently damaging chemicals on my scalp, which has resulted in baldness which is not improving despite many efforts at supplements and massaging my scalp. They are now aiming at this upper gum tissue and although I wrap an item around my mouth with two layers of material, they are undoing the tied wrapping and inserting the mechanical arms into my mouth. I wake up and it's all loose and I had tied it tightly the night before. They also injected some kind of rotten fungus in the sliced area. Because they have created damage to so many other parts of my body I have some healing ointments but they are attacking things in ways that are permanent and nothing will regrow after their laboratory chemicals and injections and slicing and cutting my fingers and toes as well. Plus inserting sewage water and fungus into my vagina with bloating hardening chemicals while torturing me non-stop to break my immune system from stress and rage which they create from torture and then violence and rape and abuse and murder skits in teleportation while I am sleeping. I have spent years fighting to protect my body and to stop the mechanical arms, but the terrorists go into my room every single time I leave to wreak every kind of destruction and they remove all I have created with my sub-poverty income. I would need to cement the walls or something similar and also what I would be able to do I cannot afford anyway. The terrorist organization has been cutting my gum tissue for manty years very slowly. This is just another attack that the H-wood gang is using to torture me because I wrote something that they don't like on my blog after years of them torturing me with rape and murder attempts and poisoning and violence without end. I seriously doubt that if Trump goes to prison this hell organization will stop for even a moment. He is only the symptom of the inevitable leader which this group has been social-engineering for a very long time, at least before Trump was born. The celebrities claim they "don't know" that I was being poisoned to death every day although I wrote about it constantly. They would torture me for writing, under severely drugged up duress from decades of torture--so I react under so much stress no one can really remain stoic or calm under these conditions. They attack and attack me until I do react, and then they torture me with violence making it seem that I "did something to deserve it". They then continue the abuse and violence, and eventually I react because of the permanent damage to my body, the loss of my life, the loss of my cat, the loss of my career, the loss of my family, the loss of my health, the loss of my body, the loss of my ideas which I formulated for my own career--the loss of my peace and joy in living, the loss of my hair the loss of my fingernails the loss of my uterus the loss of my skin the loss of my vision (tears pouring out of my eyes non-stop daily for years has created blurry vision, and they continue to attack my eyes ). Etc etc etc. I write a post on my private blog calling them pigs whores and pieces of shit after DECADES of them attacking me and when I write a post to alleviate this stress as I have NO ONE I remain alone everyone avoids me no one stops them and so I react finally--I can't repress the rage after 24/7 torture for over a DECADE just from one endlessly expanding group, plus the three decades of their leader Rambo which I wrote of and so they are trying to knock my teeth out again. This, these reasons, is why I Pray for their deaths every single day.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Terrorist Report---more utilities broken--more necessary household items broken---the piping system under the kitchen sink has been completely destroyed--the terrorists remove the panel between my kitchen sink cabinet on the floor level and pour fungus water into the area under the kitchen sink. I have had to seal up this area with rubber matting covering the cracks of the doors which have been manipulated to have half-inch cracks and won't close. Now they have broken the metal hinges and broken the door frame in addition to blocking the water flow suddenly---the very nasty, abusive "maintenance" person who can't even say "No speak English" has also taken away part of the piping system after yelling "NO" when I showed him that the rubber seal had been removed, as all the rubber seals have been removed from all the joints. I wrote a letter to my landlord so I will copy it below. I have been extremely sick for the past few days (years, decades) and detox is very severe. I had to run and run around with people everywhere lying to me and "no understan" as I asked for basic items like drain unclogger which they could not understand. Even when the white pig ape Europigape following me with his dirty nasty Thai female consort began asking the creep employee "she needs to clean the pipes" I told him that the pipes are clogged so he said that the pipes have to be cleaned, the Thai women only took instructions from her bigot white pig ape "master" and said something in Thai to the creep terror agent "helping" me--who also showed me the wrong piece that the creeps have broken and I was told to go out and buy another piece --the hacking, my brain under attack, constantly backspacing and rewriting and I have so much more to do because every time I have to leave this filthy nasty room I must return to pack all items I need otherwise they will be destroyed--I must seal and put in multiple sealed bags tied multiple times so mechanical arms can't break inside very easily--everything I use that I ingest or put on my body so I must carry around all shampoo, all vitamins, any oils I use, everything---so I now have to do this. While I tried to write a letter to my abusive nasty landlord who has been extremely violent and abusive towards me, but he's from the big city so he speaks English and----trying to get this done--I wrote an email but as I began, the terrorists turned off the electricity for the entire condominium. The skies are clear, there was not brown-out. They just turn the power on or off to attack me.

 I know that my brain is severely under assault by these brain-altering technologies while I am fighting to write this post with every single word a constant struggle. My fingers are stuck in mid-air fighting to move to the correct keys because my motor skills are the most obvious attack on my brain but the other attacks are like having a blank-out process of complete inertia in cognition so it's like having black-outs, which is probably what they are doing to me is literally making my brain shut down for a fraction of a second so I just literally blank out and think in blacked-out spaces, voids and very fragmented and I get "lost" in linear structure. While fighting constantly to get the keys to work. I type one letter and either the letter won't print or two appear at once--keys I don't press appear on the page---

I'm trying not to curse.

So I will just copy what I wrote to my landlord. 

The expletives from Whorewood are still sick and disgusting dirty foul stupid ignorant and filthy and despicable--

they teleport me asking for more ideas, I tell them that I don't want to help skanks steal more ideas, they torture me in my deep sleep with people grabbing at me and insulting attacking and doing nasty and sick things while; my brain is being blasted so I can't think clearly. This happens every time I am around people in any setting. The things these pig apes do is just black-out the brain while they assault and attack and the attacks are systematic and thorough so every movement is an attack situation, on all sides, constantly going on with hundreds of people driving into me and attacking me per shopping trip just for a few hours.

This is the mentality you all have put into power, as the country is sinking in so many problems --- and these attack scenarios are just the tip of the iceberg of all the utter depravity, lack of humanity, sickness, mental illness and life-fuck death trip that the sick stupid leaders do, your celebrities. Your politicians you put into power, because they are just performers acting out your sick and disgusting power grab technological tyranny. Your government. Oh yes, YOU reading this. Goddamn America will get what it deserves, which is burning and flooding like the curse of your sickness and stupidity and selfishness and lack of intelligence. I can't believe you all think these stupid sick pig ape whores are wonderful and keep allowing them to get away with this kind of sickness but you have been allowing them to do this and you think they are great still.

but my brain is really out of it. I have been ripping hard toxic poisons that have been latched onto my spine and in my flesh for probably more than 30 years, and every day I am exhausted and detoxifying. This is the worst poisoning I have EVER heard of in my life, it is the worst I think. And they never stop. So I am exhausted because I really needed to rest today. I wrote about that disgusting filth shit pig Rambo and the whores of Whorewood surrounded me with glaring hate looks of entitlement to all the years of stealing ideas from me and torturing and destroying my body and life and stealing and kiling and robbing and raping for years and years, all told they are incredible for it. So I wrote about the piece of rotten shit Stallone, their hero who really put them all into this top executive line-up for tyrannical fascism in the mind fuck department of the upcoming fasco dictatorship that people like their good friend Trump helped put them into endless Oscars and Hillary also went along so has Obama and they are all shit. And you all just keep ignoring my situation all I hear about is the "fight for Democracy" but no one will give a damn about this situation being forced upon me. You are all full of shit.

But I am at the point of physical exhaustion from having to carry bottles of shampoo, oil, everything I use to try to heal that I drink, use for cooking, cleaning my body, vitamins--everything that could  repoison me I carry around with me--but I have been ripping hard poison that has been congealed along my spine and into the interior of my back and it's at this extremely painful fragile state--as they torture me and torture me and torture me and haven't stopped for years and years as they get millions and millions of dollars and oscars and awards, the pile -up of shit whores from Whorewood. I write a post about what filthy shit thye are and they inflict with white pig ape pieces of shit surrounding me with their black minions lying and attacking and spewing filth on me as they all go off partying afterwards iwth their endless rewards from the 4th Reich for creating a death culture where they fuck people over mentally in particular and you all love them for it. I watch as America is sinking in it's own shit crib and you all really made that shitty immature baby bed and you are all going to drown in it. Fuckers, goddamn you all. I am so exhausted. I truly hope one day someone will fucking destroy this group of shit. Otherwise, I am still surrounded by fuckers with their ugly rotten babies as the symbol of t his group of shit I wish were dead who are trying to fuck a baby out of me for their endless contractual awards system for fucking my life to death with rape and theft and abuse and hate so I only pray for their horrid deaths every day--please, if anyone can please oblige me to get them off me permanently please get this group of shit  off me please get them off me please stop this fucking torture and tyranny contract that has already caused so much damage to America and none of you will even goddamn acknowledge what kind of damage this situation of me and Trump and this group of stupid sick shit has done to the United States, and will continue to inflict upon the world. 


The wifi is constantly being turned on and off--I have had to spend an extra 30 minutes fighting to get the internet on to write this letter to the landlord. They turned the power off while it is almost pitch black outside. They keep turning the power and wifi on and off while I am fighting to write about this. 

I see that no one is going to ever stop this shit being forced upon me. The shit whores from shitwood, pig pitt and shitalina are absolutely confident that what they have done to me is their entitlement, that the ideas they have stolen by torturing me is their right, that I am the guilty party for not being a slave to pieces of rotten stupid sick shit. I have been writing about the shit whores you all adore who have been murdering me and poisoning and raping and abusing me for THIRTY YEARS and they just are torturing me for wrirting about what shit they are--as you all just continue to allow them to go on. You fuckers will get what you fucking deserve when America is blown up, flooded, on fire and taken over by the sickness you have all worshipped for so long and still do. 

But this is what I wrote this fucking landlord in this hell torture prison situation you have all kept me fighting for my life to survive in as they have had people go in and put my hips and spine out of alignment after raping me while in a deep comatose sleep state as I was raped and beaten and abused in teleportation. The pig apes then asked me for ideas which they used for their boring and sleazy stupid sick selves and are now puffed up with so much entitlement that they are torturing me for reacting with death wishes for them, screaming that they are whores and pigs and shit, as you all continue to allow it to fester and go on and on. They put Trump into power, they put dumb asinine Kamala Harris into power (the black Nazis who want a black nazi to represent their billionaire status and to shield them from actual authentic activists who may expose how false and shitty they really are). And on and on. The violence the pig whore men who have raped me in teleportation is now a global circus spectacle--but no problem for you dumbed down fuckers reading this, your monopoly Nazi empire is being built over the enlightenment that you all want to destroy forever so your dumb thug empire can steal ideas from people like me to claim it's really you and that I'm the dumb whore instead of your pig ape whores you all worship as your celebrities and political leaders.



The kitchen sink has some problems that just happened today. 

The pipes are clogged and the drain is leaking water. I went to the Green Places manager's office and NO ONE could understand a single word of English, not one single word. 

The cleaning staff got the "engineer" after much attempt to communicate. He told me to go to HomePro and buy another drain, which I did. While I was at HomePro--NO ONE could speak English there either. I brought the drain and showed it to the store employee who showed me the section with drains, and there was only one single type of drain and I bought it, and I have the receipt. I then asked him where the drain unclogger chemicals were and he could not understand the most basic of information I showed him and he just did not understand. I got a Thai women to explain it to him, and he showed ma a product that had a Thai name with a picture of a pipe and something about cleaning the pipes. When I got it home, I realize he showed me a bacteria cleaner. I have the receipts for both the drain and the cleaner and both don't work. The drain is still dripping, the pipes are still dripping and the pipes are still clogged. I have made every effort to go to HomePro and I was told no one could speak English. I know this is impossible but that is all I can do when no one will speak English at a major store where most people speak English.
The "engineer" at Green Places told me that he would be working until 10:30 pm. He lied. The cleaning woman told me this and he agreed. I asked "what time you finish?" which any Thai person can understand. They told me 10:30 pm. I can't get a straight answer from them, I can't talk to them, I asked them to help me buy the correct product and they would not do it. I offered to pay them they would not. 

I need you to tell the maintenance to repair this pipe system and unclog the pipes. I cannot use the sink-

Thank you,\

Hello again, 

I need to add that at HomePro I checked the size of the bottom of the drain with the new drain in the package. I could not open the plastic bag with the new product but it was the same size. There is a slight difference in the shape of the drains at  HomePro than what was used for this sink. 

The old drain was missing many of the rubber seals by the way. When I showed the "engineer" that the drain was loose, as I tried to pull out the top piece he began to YELL at me NO in a very rude and kind of nasty way. I showed him that the drain was loose, I could not try to tell him the rubber seal HAD BEEN REMOVED because it has, and it was just wobbling around. For the years I have lived here I have never touched the drain and taken anything out of the sink piping system. It has been removed. The new drain system I bought, which I put all the rubber seals and tightened it completely tightly--is still dripping through the pipes, or from the area where the drain is inserted. I don't think this engineer knows what he is doing because he began YELLING NO to not show him that the seal was broken, that the drain was loose--he told me to buy another one immediately didn't check anything and just yelled and then walked away telling me he would be here by 10:30 pm. Is there some actual competent person you can send who can fix this and be professional who can also speak English?

Sorry for all the emails, but this is a complex situation because these people will not speak English with me so I must explain the situation.

The "engineer" also removed a piece from the piping system under the sink which connects the little side pipe which drains at the top of the sink---it should connect to the other pipes but the engineer took that piece away. When I returned the connecting pipe and piece was missing and as I tried to put on the new drain, the other little side pipe leading to the little drain area at the top of the sink now cannot connect to the larger pipe system. 

The engineer literally has taken away that piece. He very quickly removed the drain and told me to buy another one at HomePro. He completely took away a huge part of the pipe system so the piping needs to be replaced with that joint that he removed. Not just the drain, but the connection to the little side pipe leading to the drainage system--the vents at the top of the sink on the right-hand side. --the system was intact today when I was cleaning up the water dripping down. I know what the system looks like from all the years of living here. These major parts are gone--after the engineer removed the drain. He was very nasty about everything as well. I can't keep going to HomePro where no one will speak English to me. I also paid out my money for this and now the Green Places Condo "engineer" has made the sink piping system half partially removed, which means it must be bought. I don't have a smart phone to take a photo of the pipe and I need someone who can understand English to deal  with this. He is rude and incompetent. 

There have been times when this same engineer came to "check" on the internet system that was down. He spent 20 minutes sticking a screwdriver into the WiFi socket and then would click on the airplane mode for my laptop and went back and forth just constantly sticking a screwdriver INTO the socket and turning it around in the socket as if he could repair the wifi by just scratching the inside of the socket area.

He is very rude, and almost yells NO very often---anything I say he responds with NO and that is about all he says, except very basic words. He has just made the piping system worse for this sink unit. He removed part of the piping system. He has made the problem much worse to the point that I now must buy more items because he took parts away and never told me. I returned to the condo at 6 pm after paying rent and buying some food and I thought he would be here but I would have returned much earlier if he and this cleaning woman had not lied to me about when he was finishing work.

so this is not very good with communication or getting anything serious done with repairs that I never created--I never removed the rubber seal and I never removed the piping system connecting part of the drain pipe system for that side drainage system. This engineer, however, has at the very least removed part of the pipe system and he has to replace it--or he should replace it--he took it out and never told me. And the pipes are still clogged, and I think the maintenance has pipe unclogging solvents, I hope they can use them on the pipes. I am using the kitchen sink now to clean dishes but draining the water in the toilet. I really need my sink and soon! 

I have spent a whole day fighting all of this, people pretending they don't speak English to me as I was told to buy the wrong things, nothing I tried to do was accomplished because I was LIED to constantly. I am lied to by this staff here at Green Places. I know that 14 million tourists in Phuket means that at HomePro they all speak English. As for this condo, there are many Farang here but no one will speak English to me here. so, I really need you to get them to do this because I  have spent a day, (and many other days in the past) trying to get things done for items that I never broke but they are broken anyway somehow--with no one speaking English but all the Farang speak English to the front staff who then can understand English. 

Thank you, I just looked at the old piece that the engineer took off, and I see that the new piece I bought is the wrong piece--I asked the lying customer service agent at HomePro if this was the same drain system and he said Yes--as it turns out, the engineer didn't take off part of the piping. The old piece includes the side joint that connects to the small extra pipe leading to the side drain. I was just tired. Please know that I am still very ill from a physical injury and I am very tired when I have to deal with people saying they can't speak English while I'm dealing with a lot of other issues like physical pain. 

I need to get a different piece and have to go to a hardware store, as HomePro only has one type of drain as far as I saw on the shelf. I am also expecting a delivery from Lazada tomorrow and they can phone at any time. I will go off to a hardware store I know is very good, or I know of a few of the little Thai hardware stores where the people are intelligent and capable. I think I can work it out. I also need to try to learn about how to fix things. The only problem is that I am still not physically very well. 

I was in a very bad mood when I wrote to you because of all the people telling me they can't speak English. It is a ridiculous lie and there is nothing I can do about it. 

I will let you know if I can't find the drain system. I may also try to find it on Lazada.


You can read in the very long set of emails to my landlord that :

1. I was very exhausted and the mind control forced me to repeat myself constantly. The subliminals put you into a "loop" refrain as you repeat yourself constantly because you "forget" that you just said the same thing. Again, this is the momentary "blacking" out process of the brain-blasting technology, call it what you will. 

2. The entire post and the letter I sent had been rewritten by hackers and they also copy and paste parts of sentences and rewrite them and have them repeat at least 5 times. This was done as well.


What I "forgot" to write, which happened: I was at this store trying to get this terror clerk to answer any question. He said "yes" constantly and lied about everything. No one else would help me. There were at least 20 people (Thais) wearing the store uniform and making the ugly triggering stalking gestures--swiping their noses as I walked near them--I didn't really look, they are disgusting, but I tried to get anyone who looked like an actual store employee and those who I knew were authentic only waived me to this male who began leading me around and lying about everything. I was followed by a white Europigape male and his Thai puppet/wife whatever (business exploitation partner in investment in property, which is the usual outside of prostitution).

I asked her without looking at the ugly old white pig ape scumbag Europigape about how to tell this dumb scum clerk what I needed--of course he understood every single word. I asked her to say what I needed in Thai. The white pig ape had to take "control". I was under severe "mind control" assault as I was blanked out--I was already exhausted at that point and too tired to notice anything as I had to go go go and I had no food at home and I needed to rush because I was in so much pain I had to push myself to move as quickly as possible. I could not open the package with the only type of drain part that was being sold, but if it were not sealed in a package with a lot of other parts, I would have noticed that it was missing the extra side piece to hook to another pipe (two pipes lead out of the drain pipe.

But I only looked at her, and walked past him and approached her and she was about 5 feet away from the ugly old pig ape porn exploiter creep. He rushed to interrupt, and told the rotten "no understan" clerk that I needed something to clean the pipes. I told him the pipes were stuck, and this pig pretended he could not understand and he told the dumb Thai clerk I needed something to clean the inside of the pipes, first asking me if I needed to clean the outside of the pipes. My first words which I kept repeating were that the pipes were clogged, water would not go down and I needed a chemical to clear out the pipes. I repeated this 8 times in every single permutation possible but no one could "understan". 


Finally the Thai woman, I asked her after brushing the white pig ape creep off as he slowly pretended this was 1st grade and he was explaining about water colors to a retarded 6 year old---finally the Thai woman spoke, saying "ah blah blah blah" in Thai. The clerk said "ah" and I walked away but first the skank Thai woman sleazily slid her finger along my arm as I walked away--of course doing it while I was turning my back to walk away. I felt it and my only thought was to get away from these pig apes, but I was smiling as if it were all fun and they were okay--(at least the Thai woman and the rotten smiling Thai fuck). The mind control forces you to "smile" when someone is smiling at you--it's a mirroring thing, so while the smile can literally be forced upon you/me, while you are smiling you/I are still not able to conceive of how nasty the person really is or is being. I was dazed, I felt her finger I kept walking because in the numbed mental state that was forced upon me, because my every move was under surveillance in the store so shit creeps can walk into me from around every corner when I am approaching a t-shaped aisle--and I felt a numbness and an inability to respond except to get away asap. That is the usual mind numbing process due to the microchip implant and the tech blasting my brain in the brain-mapping capabilities that are being exploited by sleazy and foul dirty people who really are truly incompetent.


Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...