Tuesday, August 1, 2023

As a soldier for human rights and dignity, I survey my body, which I have not been able to bend to examine for years due to hard poison injected into my bladder, my food, sprayed, poured into my body--hardened into a solid plank internally embedded along my back/spine/hips/skull/feet and into intestines and lymphatic system and etc---as the executive expletives have tortured me on a non-stop basis. I fight for the indignity that my family has been put through as they all cooperated and were peremptorily executed slowly by their assassin Nazi partners---after they were instructed to tear the family apart--like slaves selling each other out so they can intermarry with the abuser so they can live comfortably on the plantation Nazi Mafia system. //But not just my family, that is the microcosm aspect of the global brainwashing operation. //So as a soldier of a war against the brainwashing bludgeoning of self-awareness, a soldier fighting for women's rights, in particular those who are sex trafficked and soon to be teleported while sleeping to vicious parasites who need life energy to suck out and their hate to be poured onto unconscious victims. Formerly they relied upon rohypnol for their date-rape exploits, but now they can press buttons for the unfortunates who were non-consensually microchip implanted and drugged by willing and eager parents, the "feminist" mothers who rely on this system for their "feminist" promotions by selling out their daughters to being raped, beaten, drugged and poisoned. I refer not to my family but to many. So I have grey hair, balding scalp, wrinkles now on my chest from undo stress and duress as they poisoned me with such toxic poisons and kept on and kept on poisoning and torturing me as I screamed to get off me as they put one dirty and nasty huge hormone growth Europigapes onto me to rape me as the "good" American "feminists" and "Humanitarians" who all host charities and are now "striking" with solidarity with their fellow actors, the politicians one of whom notably has joined in because she has been on tv, is youngish and that part of the white supremacist yelling Warren like that lying commission on the Kennedy Assassination claiming it's fully fighting for the common brown and black folk for votes to retain her Senate tenure--on and on for years--that Squad, the most famous of whom is "fighting" alongside her fellow terrorists. Kamala Harris is blathering/shouting about poor black victims like Emmet Till but giggling with her goofy and sinister giggle while she's partaking in the racist violence against me--how could her husband even cling to her for Nazi protection but that is so typical of the defunct Jewish men I have met of this Nazi organization--talk about toxic lack of masculinity. But to continue, I have aged so badly from a decade of non-stop deadly poisoning while under non-stop torture. The creeps who have done this are getting their on-strike actors to viciously attack me, as I write this they probably will get more promotions for me reacting to undo stress that is deadly. You all read and watch and perhaps put your videos on my youtube channel so should I dare to hope that there is anything different in the celebrity or political domain I would click on your videos so you too can get your promotions and royalties and partake of this pattern of genocide for your dirty nasty promotion as well.

 I now have goddamn wrinkles next to my shoulder from stress and aging and the poisons that have bloated my body to a huge shape and then, after years of struggle and torture the skin tissue has shrunk to a wrinkled state--it's ugly, it's deformed me. I have a huge grey streak in my hair--and my hair was permanently damaged in that area when the Austrian Tarantino Nazi actor Waltz, a most despicable and dirty nasty sexist and racist whom this group has loved and put into lead roles especially after his attacks upon me--but I said something he didn't like, as in, "I don't need your approval for my analysis" thus not putting him automatically in a superior position to my own intellect or musical ability. He had Ice Cube punch me in the face (in teleportation of course)-Ice Cube, now with Tucker Carlson, stating that "why can't we all just get together?" in his resonant voice which I never heard while he was attacking me. Do any of you hear me or care about this false duplicity? But the pig ape from Austria ordered that a virus be inserted into my body as he also had my hair follicles  completely damaged so they lost all color---and turned grey. Not from the virus but it was a streak smeared onto my hair shafts and scalp.

The pig apes have been smearing damaging and deadly chemicals on my skin and hair for years, but this Austrian filth creep had me injected with a virus that made me feel like I was literally dying and that death was surrounding me. This was two months before Covid became a global epidemic--this happened in November and Covid broke out slowly in January---. But when you see Ice Cube parleying with  Carlson, don't believe the hype. I can't express what a sinister lying fake he is, and what a sinister lying bs artist carlson is, which most of you know already but most of you love him anyway. All of these "fighting against injustice for Blacks" are fighting for the 4th Reich, as I have only been writing for years, Ice Cube along with Oprah, sitting side-by-side for at least one year almost every day, participating with the torture of me as they took down, jotted down and stole my ideas or just attacked me which they obtained from non-stop drugging and poisoning and torture. Ice Cube constantly claims he and Oprah are very "different" and that he is an "outsider" to the Nazi 4th Reich elite celebrity crew. He has been happily participating in their attack upon me, so I know he is absolutely putting on a farce for some campaign. I think many are not buying his pernicious line, but many are unfortunately. Oprah, I mean Apr-rah because that is how she behaves when the dark money cameras are rolling for her endless white supremacy plantation top position after having slept with many a white bigot who all love her for her cloying clinging obsequiousness, which I see the white pig apes from Europigapeland also love and enjoy about their own plantation slaves here in Thailand as they hold hands while they jointly attack me. The women very happily smiling about it, just like the blacks and jews and latinos (like AOC) but she was glaring at me in hate--but jointly Ice Lice PUbe Cube and apr-har for about 3 years participated in this attack upon me, as Ape-rah went out shouting about her "feminism" while that was popular after most of the women who became famous for that time who participated in their male lovers/husbands and fathers and boyfriends in rape and torture of me, as I was drugged and I recounted all the feminist classes I had taken, all the women shouting feminist ideas (but none would prevent the torture of me)--as these same women went out and became international sensations for these same ideas they tortured and raped out of me--now torturing me for reacting more than a decade later for non-stop torture; non-stop with the "Italian-American" Mafia like foul and disgusting deniro and pesce and their ilk of thuggery (which Trump brought on with Hillary being handed me as a victim while they all called each other by first-name basis as the torture of my body increased while Hillary got her own "feminist" and "for women" tv show with her daughter, and the list of shithead scum who have attacked me and then gone on tours and tv shows including the politicians and AOC being invited to The Met along with her other actors and models ---and all the bigots sitting next to their black mascots who are jointly attacking me for the benefit of white supremacy--which I called an "Aunt Jemima" and uncle tom plantation system--and the violence towards me from all the prominent blacks of h-wood has not stopped. They all join in by saying they are fighting for little black girls, as one of the black members of The Squad also did. They don't blather this same sentence any longer since Affirmative Action was quashed by The Supreme Court, with their fellow celebrity politician of the plantation helping to quash opportunities for black girls and boys and Jewish girls (they really want to replace blacks as the victim of lynching with Jews) . All the women call themselves "feminist" and Oprah took my ideas which I wrote endlessly about feminism and domestic violence, alongside Amber Heard, using them for their platforms. All are considered icons of "feminism" all obtained that "status" for helping the pig ape men of Whorewood and Congress to rape and defile and poison and torture me giggling and glaring in hate at me for being an ACTUAL FIGHTER for women's rights and human dignity. 


So the grey streak, the huge balding spot on my head because I was fighting someone raping me as usual and finally screaming to get off me after asking for about one month as he went on having me so badly drugged--this was a German piece of pig shit who the pig ape actors from America, the "feminist" literally hugged and sexually swooned over as they encouraged him to go on, in particular filthalina with pig shit pitt right alongside her. He had me attacked so my teeth were nearly knocked out of my lower jaw after he and Melania Trump ordered a car to hit me while I was driving--it came from the side of the road driving immediately into me at top speed with an engine that was very unique as it went from a standing position to at least 30 miles per hour from a distance of 4 feet--swerving and hitting me. My brakes were water, not working, the handlebars spun 180-degrees downward as the heavy bag I was wearing swung around downwards and I hit my jaw on the pavement. The pig pitt then beat and raped me--and this was after just writing on my Facebook page that I request JUSTICE and that he and they all stop being awarded with Oscars, as they had been ever year since entering into this contract which they are still drooling and viciously attacking me over for writing rage and hate because I by now consider them sub=human filth and shit not capable not elite not beautiful not cool not capable not talented just bullshit Nazis with a bunch of minorities playing into this. All disgusting and foul and rotten--and they never stop attacking me. Every and any post I write about how sick they are and how disgusting they are, as they block my brain force subliminals on me and then torture me for writing what they are brainwashing into my mind--

as you all remain silent.


So as this soldier fighting against a filth empire that just keeps expanding and expanding as you all support them and this fully, waiting for the day when there will be only very wealthy and absolutely desperate to do anything to achieve anything for the pig ape cartel---for a pittance of reward, especially if ideas are stolen so the dirty and stupid meaningless whores of Whorewood can obtain original ideas as they have been doing to me with Trump smiling about it and having me beaten, raped, and tortured by his RUSSIAN cartel which lived in this huge condo apparatus where my walls are just thin veneers where mechanical arms break through to destroy my body and property every single day. years of fighting to pound metal hooks into every single panel in this room --all has been broken and most of the walls are plaster that crumbles if you pound a small nail into them to try to restrain the panels on the other side from being opened

so I remain with most of my body a completely disfigured and broken down aged mess by now. Wrinkles on my chest from skin bloating and then contracting, plus stress and hate and rage every day from sick and disgusting teleportation skits that the "intelligence" of America just pushes and laughs about--so there is a definitive lack of intelligence, it is just trained parasites feeding off the American public and posturing and blathering. One in particular is Nancy Pig-lousy what a piece of  utterly Nazi Mafia bs that ugly sinister thing is. She should be put down along with McConnel and his farm animals on Animal Farm USA Congress. 

They are all disgusting. But now i have marks of torture, aging from poisoning that never ends and stress--the shit like DeNiro and his filthy organization of mafia crap and shit along with dumbo Rambo and the blonde Nazi cartel which these dirty nasty "Italian-Americans" all completely protect for their mutual Axis Power restoration after WWII_-(I know I am rambling a bit now) but--it's all cohesive as it's all connected so no matter which disconnected line of brain-obstructed ranting I go into, I am still referring to the same huge global unit.


So ugly wrinkles next to my shoulder from stress, poisoning, utter toxic shit I am detoxing out of my body every day that has hardened into my body--a decade of your celebrities having their minions insert poison into my vagina along with sewage water and bloating, hardening poisons while they make my hair damaged, falling out--my skin with blotches and red pimple eruptions from the poisons they are smearing on my skin, which they tattoo on with more chemicals so they are permanent. Endless abuse and hate while in deep healing sleep mode to really kill me slowly and make me insane--and when I react with rage, they destroy more property.

This and so much more is completely underfunded and supported by ALL OF CONGRESS, the shit president biden the bigot crying over dead Emmet Till, a long-dead victim but the living victims he really laughs over with Kamala Parasite this disgusting foul evil creep the VP. And there is no relief anywhere in sight. The shit children of these pigs are criminals and scum who are told all their lives they are entitled to steal and plunder as their parents have done, all spouting the K-rap about how they care so much about the american people and democracy and the good old days when everything was so perfectly Jim Crow (that's the Repug side with their chants about small towns were just and always have been loving repositories of brotherly love). Bringing to mind Emmet Till and Bigot Biden with his swarm of Obama and Krapola Parasite the giggly demonic sleaze creep blathering and screaming about "Black" rights for the lectures where there is actually no danger or threat while they are posturing about their civic "duty". Allowing the Latinos to be put in cages on the border, though, Parasite Krapola Harris just giggled as she did while participating in attacking me alongside the genocide-hissing blonde actors who helped put that rotten pig ape Krapola into power with Aunt Jemima Oprah this foul and disgusting parasite who is attacking me "so little black girls" can have a chance. As Affirmative Action is now defunct, which happened because their leader--the black whores of Whorewood like Aunt Oprah--the former lover of Trump for her promotional tour of white men for her rise to white mediocrity American day-time talk show fame---

They all have plastic surgery to cover up the hate and violence they emit as they are refreshed and I am now covered with bruises, aging displays of my body breaking down.

As a real soldier for human rights, for feminism (which is to not be raped, to not be exploited, for my ideas to not be stolen so bigots can steal them and pretend they are feminist while the Nazi men are now enraged that their blonde bigot women are as violent and oppressive as they are, or they claim they "were" once but now they are just concerned about "equality" as they partner with their blonde bigot whores to help rape and torture me as their proxy victims because these creep women are as nasty and vile as the Nazi men.



So I must suffer and suffer and fight and fight and fight and get tortured and tortured without end because I am actually fighting for my human rights, for people to not be tortured and disposed of, for people to not be trafficked through this technology. 

Sickening how Elon Musk who is very assiduously working on more brain implants to create more teleportation sex trafficking victims is fully supporting the movie about children being sex trafficked. The future of sex trafficking which he is developing will be a seamlessly clean technological tyranny, far less expensive in the long run and less messy than people having an opportunity to run to police if they survive trying to escape. In this situation, politicians are going to and they do join in with the giggly "fun" of rape and torture. This is like a delightful holiday for them to engage in.


For my writing in rage about the blonde Barbie fascism pig ape whores who have tortured me for YEARS and through shit pig pitt and shitalina and their English tyrannical fascist Imperialistic friends like Dumb Whorren Mirrage who spoke about "women" in the intro to barbie the Klaus Barbie fascist Nazi concentration camp paradise the pig ape whores are creating--with me as the prototype for their concentration camp "Joy Division" fun as they prance around giggly and laughing--as they order the pig ape aspirants striving for a higher position in the 4th Reich attack me in sexually abusive ways--that went on and on and on and for hours in the teleportation tyranny--then other types of sick and disgusting attacks. This is what the whores who recite SCRIPTS someone else wrote conceive of when they have a chance to exercise their demonic "creativity". 

So I remain with my body being slowly killed, aging and no money homeless and stuck with no ability to earn money or survive. they have made millions and jointly billions out of attacking me as each and every rapist scumbag whore and their mothers fathers sons and daughters then line-up of friends and associates all join in--all given positions on the Academy Awards Board of Governors. All will "award" only their cronies in this hate 4th Reich global corporate Dark Money operation of social engineering to install a rich versus impoverished and suffering poor while the pig apes who attack me all go to their galas and mansions and yachts and the never-ending more mansions that are handed to them that they pay double-digit millions to acquire after having tortured me for years. Pig Pitt has been one of the most endless beneficiaries along with shitalina. They buy and buy and buy more huge plantation systems around the planet. They remain literally cheered like royalty in Europigapeland for what the terror operations sends out as fealty to the larger pig ape operation as their duty to cheer on the shit that is fully operating mind fuck technology so they can all plunder the planet.


At this point all I can count on is global warming to wash them away in a tsunami or earth quake or global nuclear war from all their greed and selfish materialistic acquisition that everyone yearns to emulate so they gravitate towards following the orders--they are also all being implanted with microchips and brainwashed, completely drugged with mind control drugs--I can assure you but I have no definite proof of this. The behavior of the followers of the leading pig apes is very akin to people who are brainwashed with mind control drugs and technology. This is not a "cult" this is mind control. The politicians who keep saying that Trump has a "cult" are keeping the mind control technology a secret because they all fully are engaged in promulgating these operations for their own sleazy and greasy dirty benefit. 

As I wrote in my own post today, the question is not whether they are against cults it is that they are both, the opposing sides, vying for which group is ultimately going to obtain the biggest feeding trough off the human mind control misery and death machine they have been building and  are keeping an absolute secret from the rest of the planet who are their intended victims for plunder, rape and eventual slaughter (so they can have more as the planet's resources are being destroyed by global warming).



Meanwhile I'm still shitting out stinking piles of hard-but-slightly softened chemicals plus mind control drugs which have fermented inside my back for a few decades. I wrote about this yesterday how sick I was, so the parasites who have nothing in common with actual humanitarians which they all claim they are--put an extra dose of violence and sexual abuse and insults from people coming at me instantaneously while I was "awoken" while in a deep sleep state in one of my physical states, teleported to being put into awareness while people were coming at me from side angles attacking me. I reacted following subliminally hypnosis sentences that I was "instructed" while in a deep comatose state, while teleported, while sleeping--as I repeated or did these actions within a split second of being put into a semi-conscious state under all these layers of unconscious teleported vulnerability.

The pig apes exploit all the vulnerabilities in my body they have created by non-stop poisoning, the attacks on my body with so many blemishes and injuries--broken toes, jutting out of my foot--appearing like a bunion and whether it occurred from them breaking my toes, or from the deformation of my body from my spine and hips being twisted by people putting my body out of alignment every single night while I was teleported and asleep--usually raping me as well---and the pig apes when I write about my vulnerabilities they attack more ferociously. I am very sick, as I wrote yesterday a huge hard plug of poison came out and today the residual softer poison came pouring out, stinking and I am drugged up. They then attack my brain constantly with subliminals plus the shit creeps in the rooms surrounding me constantly attacking me using technologies that make my eyes water and tear-up constantly, particularly when I begin to laugh about anything the tears appear instantly. If I begin to laugh in a hearty way when watching a comedy on the shit tube which is all the human contact I have by now besides going out being assaulted while shopping--literally my nose swells up with mucus tears pour out of my eyes dripping down my face if I laugh-- because of the constant physical attacks due to the microchip implant on my throat which they also constrict while I am eating, at random moments.

Etc the list of violence through their tech is too long.

So I am writing today in a rant, trying to reach any human intelligence there appears to be little to none.

If anyone cares, they certainly won't go out of their way to do anything. You are all waiting for a huge catastrophe which will be so serious by the time you get off your "activist" lethargic asses that it will be far too gone and late. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...