MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Terrorist filth report: August 17, 2023. It is endless. Stinking filth is sprayed on everything. Filth and muck is sprayed and poured and sprinkled everywhere. Items I use for decoration in my living space are being slashed with knives and then sprayed with brown permanent-staining goo that never comes out, leaving everything a dingy yellow-brown after cleaning with bleach/vinegar. The stink is unbelievable. This is the reaction of the criminals who have stolen everything, almost, from me they possibly can as I react to it and how sickening this situation is and they are towards me. They are filthy and stinking. But I am subjected to their filth and crap every single day. During sleep at night, just upon falling asleep the terrorists from w-wood order my throat to be constricted using the microchip implant in my throat. They teleport me rushing at me with violence suddenly. They have been doing this for a decade and now feel absolutely entitled to torture and violence. The years of them stealing ideas and paying me nothing but destitution, mutilation, theft and destruction of property, ideas endlessly for years and years they have been stealing my ideas, hacking my internet so I can't earn money or write (or think clearly) stealing my property stealing my cat stealing my sleep destroying my body and they are now so accustomed to being paid in MILLIONS for this criminal enterprise that they attack me viciously for writing in my blog about how sleazy, ugly, dirty, filthy, stupid and rotten and vile and criminal these expletives are. The government as usual keeps welcoming these criminals into their high halls of the 4th Reich promotion. It is never stopped. The criminals are completely emboldened now. What you see in Trump is echoed but in a much more sinister way with the pitt gang which put Trump into power by handing him this tech and thusly getting the accolades and promotions of the 4th Reich. The W-wood expletives got Oscars and Cannes invitations and modeling careers, and Trump got the Presidency and carte blanche to commit every crime with arrogant smug assertion of privilege. The corollary is the same but you still confer absolute immunity to this throng of criminal psychopaths who I have never seen to be actually highly talented, intelligent, or have any serious real human qualities. All they do is follow scripts and get plastic surgery and posture and feed off pushing others down. That is all I have seen. The longer you ignore this situation the more the 4th Reich grows and expands and the more people will be brainwashed into the programming these fasco-kinda-dumbo expletives are cranking out perpetually, including cloaked and sometimes not-so-cloaked absolute racism disguised in various forms. And often ideas stolen from me, from this gang which I have written of for so long. The Circus Dumbo Gang, perhaps that is an appropriate name since Dumbo is akin to Rambo and it's a sick circus of psycho-clowns but they are psychopathic criminals so they are also a gang. So I am wasting money perpetually cleaning every single thing which is repetitively sprayed with stinking filth every day, items are stinking and stinking that I just cleaned. I have spent money on two bottles of perfume spray and fabric softener and washing and using up half a bottle of clothing wash detergent (not cheap on my low budget which they have also forced upon me). Stinking fungus is being sprayed on items I use to cloak the various stains on the walls--they are putting something like little pieces of fermenting crap behind the toilet which I can't reach to clean behind the 1-inch space between the back of the bowl and the constructed wall which has an opening ledge which can be opened from the other side of the wall. I have since pasted items on the cracks but they are still opening panels and spraying stinking filth on the floor, multiple times, every day. //They are still slashing into my cuticles and under my fingernails--I forgot to put the 5th layer of protection on my hands last night as I am so sick from detox and the poisoning they keep pouring into my body and food that I "forgot" I was under mind control. My fingers are constantly swollen they have cut the blood capillaries around my fingernails so the cuticles are now completely severed off and won't grow back. They insert metal objects deeply into my nails under my cuticles. They inject that with some pain killer and I don't feel any pain for hours upon waking. These attacks have been non-stop for over a decade or longer but they have increased it so I am spending and spending money to clean and spending all my time endlessly washing items and then having to re-wash them. The creeps are filthy why must i have to deal with these dirty foul evil parasites of Whorewood or this group? How can the US Government be completely controlled by this dirty nasty 4th Reich operation so completely that no politician will step in, there is no group monitoring this situation it appears, the scum parasites continue to be celebrated as if they are fantastic for the posturing fronts they obtained by stealing my concepts over a decade ago, now their platform for political and higher positions in Whorewood which has fully embraced every sleazy and violent nasty sickening dirty parasite of this celebrity scumbag group as if they are true heroes. THEY ARE TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES JUST AS TRUMP IS. They are being paid to assist in destabilizing the country through the agency of mind programming. When will anyone even care about the content or the character of these criminal cartel script-following dumb scum creeps who I have been writing of for years and they are endlessly championed by one and all. Except for me. I truly find them worse than deplorable. They continue to try to force the contract of a "baby" out of me and I only scream I hope they die horrible deaths very soon. That is the state of this "relationship" with the crap of Whorewood that has been inflicted upon me. All my liberty stolen by the US Government. Sickness and attempted murder orchestrated by the US Government. Torture, rape and violence forced upon me perpetually by the US government. The crap out of Whorewood is just crap grasping for whatever they can possibly suck out of me and this contract, but the culprit is the government as far too many politicians have participated in this violence for me to ignore the disaster they have created for the entire country.
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Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
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