As usual, the pig ape whore skank who is now attacking me, after last week another blonde bigot from America--but now it's a Commonwealth skank who has participated in being put into Oscars categories for all the years she has slept with pig pitt (I feel pretty sure about that) and jointly, with at least 50 others in the usual rotating circle of pig apes attacking me, but there are at least 50 others who have come for one day or a few days but not like TEN YEARS as the endlessly recurring circle of them.
But fascist Nazi Mafia style, I wrote about how this ugly dirty crocodile smile parasite, but it has blonde hair and is a frenetic dumb hysterical sort of performer and men like this frenzied sort of sexual jerkiness--I guess--whatever but all I have seen is another bigot from Australian who is part of the English Crown Imperialist effort to knock America down and take-over. A situation that I apparently am the ONLY person to recognize as a fact. I have been so completely correct about so many things and tortured for writing about what I thought was so easy to foresee. I wrote about what Trump and his organization would do and now the people who joined in are on public celluloid spaces smug and "angry" about him trying to oust them from their comfortable spots of wealth and attainment--they all continue to torture me without end never stopping this, although I was absolutely correct about Trump, they tortured me for questioning their entire operation which they are integral components of.
So, now this bigot skank is attacking me because I wrote of her years of participation in this violence against me, with her dirty ugly blonde American Pig Ape good partner pig pitt the shit piece--do not be fooled by the plastic surgery modification to his mouth so that when he wants to frown you get a clown smile as his flesh has been integrated in a way that any facial expression appears like a dumb ugly "smile". What a sinister and violence and racist pig piece of shit, and this blonde Europigape-based filthy and stupid ugly creep, as these bigots their women really demonstrate that they are when I have to be subjected to the filth and ugliness that they truly are
so I could not block out the endless insults about how my body is sagging from years of hardening and bloating poison she has personally gained from. Like the rest of the dumb scum whores of this group, she has participated in stealing ideas I wrote of regarding a feminist interpretation of Barbie as a symbol (they neglected to add the racist commentary I had written as they encapsulate it totally in their image and of course a planet of gang stalkers are completely brainwashed into being obsessed with putting blonde bigots into power, or their minions absolutely influenced by this bigot fantasy world of fake faux "superiority").
thus, once more, it's a filthy and vile piece of shit assaulting me while I am waking up, in my sleep, changing my brainwaves through the hate network so I feel a blanket of heaviness and negativity and I know this is technology attacking my brain functioning and not my normal mostly happy disposition. They suck so much of my health and life and energy and sexuality and ideas --as I have written, this is a murder contract but of course no one will ever stop this.
I end up after more than 30 minutes of this pig whore who I wrote posts about because this piece of ugly rotten crap has profited off torturing me and stealing my ideas. The shit that is responsible for monitoring this of course makes a point to hand out incentives for every and all pig whores who I write of. Once they viciously attack me absolute fascist Nazi/mafia style, they then are handed more money, lead roles, millions of dollars, newspaper photos of them, interviews, and lead roles and lead roles and interviews and photo ops and the more ugly and sinister they are towards me the greater the roles and awards.
Never-ending no one ever stopping it. I can't watch MSNBC the news network associated with Biden, so I have heard that this network is most tied-in with the Democrat Party. I can't express how many of these same like Morning Blow have come to violently yell at threaten and abuse me with the other list of politicians they also espouse in their news commentaries as all being heroes of fighting for human rights.
They all watch this go on. The blacks do NOTHING who claim they are fighting against racism when it comes to me being raped and poisoned and tortured. I called Oprah an Aunt jemima and so they make it appear that the years of torture by Oprah also participating is justified by me having called her that name years after she stole ideas and hugged and laughed and giggled with the white supremacists as they all attacked me jointly.
This goes also for the Australian promoter of that movie about pedophila and poor little minority brown and black children being sex trafficked and rescued by a white male who also played Jesus the Jewish Christian (British Israelism in effect--).
They have absolutely no compunction in me, as an adult, being sex trafficked by technology that their promoter Musk is participating in making a global selling point. So I have no support there.
And on and on.
Can someone get this Maggot Robber disgusting creep off me and the rest of them as well? She is, as they all are, life sucking parasitic Nazi filth with the "Italian-American" and Mafia backing completely as they are fulfilling their role to fully support white supremacy. The "leadership" of the Whorewood industry.
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