Friday, August 4, 2023

Attacked in teleportation by Australian 4th Reich/English Crown implant into American infiltration, blonde bigot fascist parasite Maggot Robber. I've been writing about it's parasitic exploitation of me through the pig apeness of pig pitt and shitalina and Tarantino the Mafia anti-Semitic Nazi-spewing hateful 88 creep and his crew which are expecting a complete universe of entitlement for this contract out on me. As Maggot is part of that crew, with her fascist training she came on like a Europigape. I have actually never met an Australian who is not an incredible and lying bigot. Never, unfortunately. I suggest people read the book by D.H. Lawrence titled "Kangaroo". I think a movie based on the book was also made, but I have never watched it. I really felt this dread in reading it after the point of the white fascist bigot in Australia returning home after mass murdering the indigenous tribes in a genocidal wave of violence after an uprising, as his wife just wanted hot sex with him because she smelled his blood and violence and wanted to parasitically suck in that murder energy through sex. D. H. Lawrence, although he surely had his faults, was a guru in analyzing sexual violence and submission and subversion. But my point is that I have really only seen a most ugly and violent form of racism and anti-Semitism coming out of every single Ozzie scumbag I have ever met; and I have lived in London and worked for a hotel as a receptionist with an Australian club office in that space so I had to deal with many for many months. It was constant threat and hate and ugliness. I experienced it again this morning as I was exercising, in the midst of trying to heal my body from the violence this ugly and sinister disgusting parasite skank has been feeding off with her London bucket cesspool of entitlement and fake overtures of being a "feminist" with death threats aimed at me for becoming outraged after YEARS of her profiting off her rotten Irish boyfriend (S&M dumbass partner) raping me in teleportation like a disgusting creep sleaze filth. They are disgusting. They are absolutely cheered on in Whorewood. They are supported by the shit and incompetence of Congress to a degree as if America really wants to become a vassal state of the 4th Reich Europigape zone. I believe this fully. It doesn't matter if it's #45 or #46 or whatever number, this is an official but unstated policy. So again, I write my blog post and hope that the creep reading this who attacked me is somehow less glorified by my country instead of allowed to get away with this endless crime. If that pig ape does it to me, they will do it to many,; many others. Their goal is total overtake of america. They already dominate the film industry and media. They control the greedy and sleazy politicians who are so expert at claiming every platitude in front of a camera and most are trained in acting by the 4th Reich industry of Whorewood (i.e. pelosi).//; in a way most similar to the attacks forced upon me by the spawn of one of the American rapist criminals you all love and admire. She is "half" french--and the half shit half fascist pig ape from Australia, the fully indoctrinated 4th Reich bigot with English wealth backing her infiltration into Whorewood through the greed and stupidity of shitalina and filth pig pitt---mostly pitt as I am sure they have had intercourse and now he's fully showering her with every kind of push for her filthy career---so he attacked me for writing about the reality of the years of her participation and what shit she and he are--and now that the wave of applause has subsided the pig ape whore itself came to assault me with endless insults while I was trying to break the hard shell of poison she participated in having pumped into my body under orders of the "Italian-American" mafia which, along with her, and scores of actors from Whorewood, have all obtained lead roles and awards for all the years they have globbed onto having me violently assaulted, my ideas stolen (as I wrote yesterday, this robber is truly emboldened and behaves absolutely like a Nazi bigot). I was trying to stretch this afternoon around noon, her voice came over with insults at how broken my body is in appearance from more than a decade of me being poisoned and raped and tortured by her friends while she sat giggling in the background as pig pitt then got to screw her as part of his harem and he's delighted, she alongside him, has obtained also red carpet entrance into endless Oscars year-after-year for this violence against me. Using the exact same words almost as the shit that Depp spewed out as his spawn, her attack is by this time to me old and stale it's not as nasty as it first was as a shock to how sick and ugly and filthy and low and subhuman these f-ers really are. So I tried to ignore the creep--they then used tech to force shots from her latest plastic bimbo skank movie into my brain--they can insert images, it's truly subhuman and especially in their hands. She began yelling violently at me for having written a negative review of the movie upon which she and her cohorts stole the ideas from--me--some of them, not the premise of the film that has so many people enraged but the followers of the 4th Reich sheeple love it--not able to question anything any longer they go along with whatever entices them in a parade of imagery intended to shock their senses-particularly if it's sexually that really is more interesting than political integrity or anything else. //So I had to fight her after she went on and on at me, as they all do, but the Europigape-based scum are the most vicious. They are truly, as I have been writing for over a decade, intent on subverting the American system through these brainwashed into behaving like fascist Nazi aristocracy and death mode squad surveillance Gestapo tactics. Infiltration, colonization, Imperialism: these are the basic terms used to describe their modus operandi. Why am I the only person writing about this? I am the "only one" being victimized in this manner so everyone else calls them their great "friends" as they reap in the mansions and jets and lavish orgy dinners and luxury lifestyles for participating. But I wrote about the disgust I have for her and the movie without wasting more of my life watching the K-rap these pig apes come out with. My review was based on my "insider" information of being the perpetual teleportation victim. I warn people that the mentality that Trump espouses comes from the 4th Reich Nazi Europigapes that so many Americans yearn to install into American society. They will retain "Democracy" for at least two tangible reasons: one is so they will have redress when their fellow scumbag terrorists try that crap on them. 2. To remain in NATO, as premise for NATO is having a Democratic system of governance. They are building a fascist Nazi concentration camp in the wasteland of American society with their monopolizing tyranny replacing all free competition and speech (as I have been nearly killed for using the First Amendment, which has been and is constantly denied me. This is all supported fully by Nancy Pelosi, Jamie Raskin, AOC, Hillary Clinton, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Kinzinger, Trump, Lyndsey Graham, and the list goes on and on and on and on but those have been some of the most nasty or violent or deadly towards me, as they fully embrace the vile criminal celebrities and wealth monopoly and non-stop criminal acquisition while posturing with their scripted speeches contrary to their actual behavior and what they truly are working towards. //Terrorist Report: Drilling with electric drills ongoing in the room beneath mine--a terrorist noise attack--it sounds like a dentist drilling into enamel. The drilling in that room has gone on for years while I have been living here. //I was accosted by a celebrity terrorist and I defended myself. They believe they are entitled to a fascist Nazi 4th Reich theft and torture campaign against me and that I have no human rights, legal rights or anything. This one in particular was very vicious and of course is not from the USA. As part of the 4th Reich connected to the English Crown, absolutely instructed to threaten me with utmost ugliness--if they had their way it would be much worse. That is their intended goal, to "have their way" eventually with this technology and lack of Congressional or societal oversight or concern about victims of this egregious system of techno-tyranny.//

 *This post was hacked and words were omitted and the sentences repasted back together. It's confusing to read in many parts due to the terrorist hacking not to my writing. I also felt dizzy and nauseous after struggling to type with malware hacking to the keyboard. My brain is also under attack so as usual this is replete with cursing. I can't think clearly under this influence--again, part of a huge discrediting effort. I also regret that I am writing about such low and crap parasitic scumbags as I don't want to help their goal of attacking me so I write about how disgusting and vile they are and behave towards me. When I said this creepy woman has a crocodile smile, she has truly demonstrated my analysis is correct as her fake huge skank smile is replaced by what is like a reptilian ugliness and a copy of what other skanks from the bigot entitlement zone have inflicted upon me after they steal ideas from me and have their boyfriends and husbands and fathers rape me so they can have endless promotions into lead roles and awards and festivals. It has been going on for over 10 years without an end. So i am writing and now assisting in that goal for them. Unfortunately, all these years of writing about this has resulted in nothing changing due to any intervention from the people who should have fulfilled their oaths and protected my human rights. They are viciously attacking me for writing about the violence and sickness that they have committed, in reality not unflinching in detail but always cursing due to my brain being so obfuscated by this blasting tech into my cognitive analytical calm reasoning and rhetorical capabilities. **another point is that all the politicians I have written of who participate in this claim they are "fighting" Trump and the deterioration of "Democracy". It is I who has been fighting Trump and fighting for Democracy. These expletives have only allowed Trump to flourish until their position of stability was questioned. They have viciously attacked me for saying no to being bereft of every Constitutional Right possible which is the aim of these pigs is for me to "accept" this status of being poisoned and raped to death without protest or any resistance. Otherwise, I am attacked for actually fighting for "Democracy" and the disgusting politicians remain as staunchly lying and allowing this to continue. But my reaction to yet another piece of shit with a foreign country passport coming to infiltrate my country with the greed and ignorance of the shit pitt gang, which I swear I have never seen any higher intelligence than a gang of doped up thugs, which is what most of them have been is drug addicts or alcoholics reciting scripted lines and prancing around after getting much physical training and plastic surgery--but anyways---writing is like this huge physical exertion plus my brain is being half shut down in cognition and cognitive ability to write in a more perfunctory way--calm writing is impossible once I delve into the endless violence that no one will stop. I assume my writing appears almost comical. I try to laugh about it sort of. Otherwise, I can't write with my actual real writing skills or mental training. It is impossible with the hacking and the brain obfuscation that is never-ending attack upon my brain and nervous system in any communication endeavor I make in any context.

I hate to mention anything about h-wood or movies now, but I find it actually unfair for Oprah to be targeted by the movie about sex trafficking when the white supremacists who are rapists and abusers are always left out of the spotlight for rape and all their crimes. They are always treated with the kind of kid gloves that has kept Trump in the belief paradigm that he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and people would still vote for him.

As the former associates of Trump, they either have all been groomed in this mentality by the millions and exoneration they have received as being celebrities, but mostly the people supporting them for this overtake of Democracy are truly inculcating them into this philosophy. They are all fully indoctrinated to the point of being instant fascist murdering bigot rapists and thieves puffed up in their pig-sniffing-the-air poses about their entitlement to rape and steal and rob. 

When do people like shitalina and pit pig shit get the microscopic lens treatment instead of the black woman--which of course Elon Musk is fully supporting, this effort. Considering what the bigot blonde Nazis are and what they do and what they crank out, much preferred is Oprah to their inoculation to any scrutiny because of their Nazi appearances and status. 

I told Oprah that her inclusion in this hate crime would eventually boomerang. She had so much trust in Trump she never considered that the bigots he would install into power such as Musk would instead be part of an attempt at her downfall. 

It's really such short-sightedness and I tried endlessly to warn her and the rest of that group that the eventual consequences of their empty and shallow posturing but inclusion in this fascist 4th Reich meant that they, as representatives of " minority" or "feminist" status would someday rue the day when they actually helped put the system into effect that may be their actual demise.


This is not based on anything actually happening to Miss Oprah, only in response to the endless videos on YouTube with hate diatribes against Oprah with Elon Musk  fully supporting the movie and the cause against Oprah. As they have all been in the same room, sitting on those creepy rows of chairs, observing as I am teleported as they all take turns attacking me mostly in disgusting and vile ways, it's creepy to see them cannibalize one of their participants, but for the 4th Reich, eventually the "power" must be taken away from the minorities who rose up assuming that by participating in injustice and racism they would never have the red carpet swept up from under them. So far, it's just Oprah who is one of the lynchpins of minority wealth status the 4th Reich is aiming it's downfall at, and I really don't know how authentic the videos about all these men, with a black male also putting out videos against Oprah---but all have violently assaulted me just as Oprah has, and none of them are questioning any of the blonde bigots with their Europigape mansions they are only focusing on Aprah--and please note, this post has been hacked and I am now rewriting in this last paragraph. I cannot know which if the videos hacked into my youtube channel "recommended page" which is like a hacking celebrity and politician board for me to click on, all terrorists trying to get me to click on them so they can teleport and abuse and berate me, especially if I say I like their art or presentations----I can't know if there is a huge onslaught of focus upon Aprah and her supposed African sex trafficking school because there is so much misinformation hacked onto my computer that most of the videos are outright deceptions used as mind control "tricks".

*this post has been badly, as usual, rewritten and parts and words deleted and all strung together in semi-incomprehensible elongated paragraphs lacking punctuation/grammar.


It is sad for me to recount that I wrote this post under duress because of the drilling in the room from two power drills blasting into the cement and steel walls underneath this room. This has gone on for about 2 years, literally, taking the span of time I have sat here being poisoned and tortured in it's aggregate--I've been stuck here in what seems like forever doing Master Cleanses every month, only to be repoisoned so badly my body has been a rectangular shape and I'm comatose and in pain every single day fighting to get the poison they keep injecting into my body out.

So writing about this Maggot parasite who is a former or current part-time lover with shit pig pitt will only put her into more awards and lead role categories. It is very unfortunate as I swore to not be involved in any more of this movie Whorewood crap and not watch the bs on the tube. But the Trump syndrome is going on and on with indictments going on every day. What fascist Nazi Biden has done is leave this situation rotting for so long that Trump will, indeed, be able to pardon himself if he does win. Biden is part of the same 4th Reich group, as is Harris. It is something some call "The Illuminati" but when Biden used the rising Sun as his motif for his inauguration, I knew that this was a harkening call of his obedience to the fascist Nazi 4th Reich aka Illluminati symbolism. True to form, the enslavement and technoterrorism that the Nazis helped to create is fully functioning with Nazi-endorsed Musk building human implant technology and it's going to be far worse than "The Sound of Freedom" which that pig scum is endorsing. What he will do is far, far more sexually debased than mere human trafficking. 

I'm not sure if Biden is in partnership with Musk but they are both involved in this terrorism aimed at me, which the pig organization intends to create a literal universe of victims and parasites feeding off other human beings in a techno-terror 4th Reich "paradise" of no more people like me having any opportunities whatsoever. What Aprah said to me when she first said "Praise the Lord" as I kind of scoffed at that pretense, was secondly that she was helping to have me raped, beaten and tortured after she stole the concept of A Wrinkle in Time along with her partners (the "black" women activists for racial injustice--except when it happens to me then they are all for it) but--that she's working to help " little black girls". 

I wonder if you will be able to help yourself when the Nazis can't stand to see you have more money and power than they. This movie Sound of Freedom is just the sound of the 4th Reich taking aim at people they don't want to have the same rights of exploitation that they, the white pig ape men (the men who are both promoting this are from the ENGLISH COMMONWEALTH) by the way---(duh).

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...