Monday, June 29, 2020

2nd Amendment rights and false diagnoses by gang stalking personnel preventing gun purchases.

This is yet another post derived from a sporadic response to a video I watched with interview of Kamala Harris. I like her personality but this video shook me out of the dreamy hope that she would represent something anti-bigot anti-white male anti-gang stalking. These are just by-words for the concepts and the huge enormity of the situation is far larger than this mere few paragraphs on the subject. -----
I do not support assault weapons in the hands of any consumer on the market, black or otherwise.
However, when I listen to this lecture by KH, I feel less certain of her as VP than I posted yesterday or 2 dayz ago
I realize I am uniformed in many ways due to not having a computer or much access to information for over a year. Despite all that, always beleagured by the stalking situation and fighting against it and sick and bedridden.
I think she would have too heavy an Executive Order hand in matters she is determined to attain.
For example, as a target, I have many discrediting factors on my record and none of it has anything to do with any single thing I have ever done or not done. All was determined when I applied for benefits due to the poisoning, and a lot of nastiness was afffixed to me by "stalkers" who did assessments of me (this is NOT an excuse for what has been or not been determined by so-called "experts").Due to the stalking situation, I may not qualify under any background check and could not purchase any gun.
My life is threatened on a daily and continuous basis and yet I would be denied any access to gun ownership should I need to defend myself I would be ineligible (if I could afford a gun, that is due to the blacklisting and economic sabotage)
Kamala harris is too harsh and unflexible in her emotive stance (verging on hysteria) in this video on gun control; and the tremor in her voice is a bit too extremist and unrelenting for my (personal) sense of calm or security when listening to her impassioned lecture. This is a performance on a stage to sell an emotional appeal that I think is the product of coaching by her advertising agents.
The 2nd Amendment should alllow citizens to defend themselves should enemies or the GOVERNMENT pose a threat to life and liberty. That definitely applies to me as a target and I should, according to the laws of my citizenship, be allowed to defend myself (certainly when stalking groups are "allowed" to poison and try to kill me in car accident after acciedent to cripple or damage my body, just as examples of the daily threat I am forced into by this sick and disgusting group of gang stalkers--most or all of you hacking into this page and reading this.
I should have the means to defend myself against your ugliness and sickness, you filth reading my posts and hacking and trying to suck out information, any energetic thing you can steal from me with full assent from the government and "society".
With these kinds of restrictions people who are targeted would further be disenfranchised and discriminated against. The culprits are fully "allowed" to have guns to maim and kill and all condoned by the gang stalking groups which follow the creed of the Constitution but conform to every unConstitutional deed possible and without end.
I am not sure I would want the beautiful MS Kamala Harris to be VP. It's very difficult to tell from outer appearance in photo-ops who or what is most qualified. I aml, like so many , sucked into the endless hype vortex called "hope" and pulled into believing that something that has been manufactured as a media construct is actually a redeemable and righteous leader.
All the fodder input by the media and I want to believe that a black woman can actually not be anything but concerned about human rights: it's a fallacy I think and KNOW by now what is most important is learning about how and what a person says and does in many settings and situations.
Most telling is when a person is stalking or more accurate: when they teleport you, oh "boy" oh boy oh boy you can see what a piece of shit the person really is.....
I would be exempt from purchasing a gun legally I think after all the stalking discrediting of me and my attempts to find legal protection and then the "system" turning my appeals into incriminations against my character. Thus, although I have never attempted to buy a gun, I might have to face being rejected due to the "system" putting false labels on me (and just doing that, not with any real or medical or LEGAL justification).

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