Sunday, June 28, 2020

From the Kidsz of the post erz *fuck the sex pistols generation of *punks: Video of: "MODERN LIFE IS WAR --FUCK THE SEX PISTOLS"

Now that I have been, unfortunately, teleported to the rotten kingpin of deception himself, MR Rotten, aka some kind of formal name tied into his breezy, new age old age music and Los Angeles thug wealthy Beverly Hills lifestyle:

here comes some other kind of synchronicity I only by mere chance discovered. There is a synchronicity I do understand that now. I had no intention of looking up this information and within a few seconds of a bit of research on a band with an interesting title, I discovered my EXACT THOUGHTS put into messy screaching punk reality

If anyone could see what I have been experiencing in teleportation (while sleeping, under hypnosis, drugged in a way I can only describe as living in a perpetual fog but under the impression that I am aware and cognizant--an extremely successful form of stealth drugging incapacitation)

I wrote about this on Facebook, and I need people to PAY to read my posts now so I'm going to stick to this format. The hackers can shift from hacking into Facebook and into this blog (already they have blocked and altered the format).

Hypnocrisy? English bigot white male married to Nazi German fake crunchy nappy-looking post-punk hipster turned infiltrator and agent along with this fake legacy that never WAS except for those who were MURDERED (Sid Vicious, whatever he was, but really--NANCY SPUNGEN was the driving force behind the REAL PUNK SCENE and mentality).  Killed off by the now rotten Johnny who appears, poisoned and bloated (I believe) as the sausage-snorting, beer inhaling white bigot pig male who is feeding off the image that has become a Corporate GmbH million-dollar franchise.


I include here a slightly different version of the post above. My brain is always under attack by "mind control" technology every time I attempt to type or write on any machine, and when I am handwriting. What comes out is not a sprawling and intangible ranting meandering stream-of-consciousness, but a messes-up mind control interference. I try my best to write coherently. Please note that STEALTH is the operating term for how mind control operates.


This is what I wrote regarding the same theme just now on Facebook. I feel it worthy to be repeated as I included very pertinant information regarding my Mind Control situation and condition. I don't really "like" this band or the music so much. It's a screaming rage machine that is fun but musically a bit limited. Screaming rage with lyrics you can't understand unless you already know the lyrics is okay but the same sound the same sort of yelling becomes monotone and monotonous after a while. I like their lyrics the poetry but just the music is repetitive and the punk screaming makes the words diffused and inarticulate. It was a FLUKE DISCOVERY, with lyrics that resonate with my most recent teleportation celebrity fail experience--reality unreality teleportation media tv.


From Facebook, dated this same day (June 28, 2020). However, I do not include my "real name" here for securiity purposes.  "This I discovered so accidentally, looking up other information and stumbling accross this in a search for information about this band, after inadvertantly clicking on a page randomly from 2009. Not just a mere coincidence but a sheer act of synchronicity to the extreme point that I feel the guiding presence of NANCY SPUNGEN screaming out from the abyss for vengeance against the perpetrator who now resides in Beverly Hills, sponging off the former glory and like all the fakes and hypocrites, claiming the mentality as his own but modified into a now calm and "politically-correct" version of media clown jokster making commentary about politics but in such a cute and charming "alternative" version of "fake news controlled opposition" of a one-sided paradigm.

To you I send this video--out of the heartland of America, a country you no doubt "hate" and are an agent provacateur infiltrator therein.

So tired of them being welcomed into my country to wreak all the bigotry craftily reconstructed as "alternative" media circus newszzz......

OOPSY DAISY! This band is from IOWA not Idaho, as I wrote above (or on my blog, VignettesofMindControl.blogspot earllier today). The other post is completely different in wording but expresses a similar theme, I should post this and add it to the blog. Every time I get on writing what comes out is far different from what I had inteneded to say/write. I believe much of that is due to brainwave interference. But back to the theme. Idaho is the place that ended the subversive subculture of DIVINE in Pink Flamingos, which I just watched last night. Iowa is a State just south of Minnesota and I do have some familiarity with Midwest mentality. Deep, penetrating and often profound in the depths of the heartland." (end of Facebook post quote)


"Fuck The Sex Pistols"

The grass was never green.
There was never purity.

Some say it's all over... stupid fucking jaded burnouts.
Young ones: carry on. Destroy and annoy.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Fuck The Glory Days!

We don't care what you think.
We don't care what you say.
You don't get to decide
It's ours. Go Away. Shut up. 

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