I was teleported this morning while I was naked and in my bathroom cleaning my body. One of these men likes to make insulting comments about my body and bodily functions while their surveillance cameras are trained on every part of the bathroom and the comments are disgusting, foul and tres creepy. Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro, in other words. At this point from years of their violent exploitation of my life and home and thoughts and their theft and assumption they have every right to do this (with full approval from Pelosi, another "Italian-American" whose unfortunate placement into a high position of governmental power has enabled more mafia participation in what can only be called a Racketeering and sex trafficking technocratic tyranny. The replacements--the underlings of the "leaders" who hand the technological portals of torture to these troglodytes from Brooklyn---mafia actors, you all know of them very well. A pair of abuser goons with hissing insults and real violent physical actions backed up by Mulberry Street--not good but fellas in other words.
Immediately as Pesci approached me--I can't explain clearly how ephemeral the teleportation really is. I am split in twain and I can see in a diminished capacity (I think this has been created by their tech so I can't see all the many people observing from the side angles that are blacked out--there are times when the visibility changes). He came from the side as the terrorists always do (or mostly from behind in their attack mode) and made fun of the huge poison bulge that is embedded into my body from all the people and terrorists just like him and his "Italian-American" mafia bigot and otherwise ethnic diaspora and all the other bigots and racists and black nazis and every kind of Jewish Nazi on the planet whom I have come in any contact who had access to my food intake (breaking into my home to poison my food, for decades).
The truly unfortunate mind control was enacted into my brain: before he completed his nasty insulting sentence which was just childish but stupid but terrorists of all nationalities participating in these terrorist sequences use any tactic and all obscene and foul methods of insult and blame (it's always they who are to blame and not me).
Before I even began to understand fully what he was saying I BEGAN TO LAUGH AND GIGGLE. I realized a few minutes later that it was not "funny" and that the giggling, which has accompanied every insult and attack by expletives and this same sort of "mind control" attack on my emotional state by their tech has accompanied all the hate that people have slung at me--unless they glare in hate and even then I burst into giggling that comes out unexpectedly while I have not even understood as other critical functioning areas of my brain are simultaneously blocked and stifled so I really can't comprehend the danger or attack. This is no exaggeration and it is a multi-pronged attack on my brain while I am surrounded, ALWAYS ISOLATED AND ALONE because everyone-or I should say NO ONE will have anything to do with me any longer. I have been stigmatized so badly I have no chance for any real human companionship much less protection or defense system. Being alone and always under attack in every single situation and place, I fall prey to their predatorial tactics.
I had not realized how uniform this version of attack has been and it's gone on for decades. It's part of the brain programming/mind control to laugh along with the abuser as if I enjoy being abused or think it's funny. Also, the attempt to defend myself with no protection and police, courts, Executive politicians as in Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Congress members, local and State so-called leaders and death mob and terrorist groups waiting for commands to break, destroy or maim my body if they possibly can if I try to defend myself is also an inhibiting factor in verbal defense while I am in public situations (being teleported even while alone is a kind of public situation--it is a human encounter which in my life by now every encounter almost is a potential lethal and hate situation. Luckily not all are like this and so I am graced with nearly real human beings perhaps 15% of the time. I find that I appreciate them all the more and am grateful for the fact that a small percentage of people who are not immersed in a hate and death organization are still alive on this planet.
However, the brain-altering tech is extremely powerful and I tried to be serious towards these "men" who are loathsome abusers at this point--not funny their mafia "Italian-American" nasty woman-hating jokes that you can sometimes hear snippets of in the rotten movies that endlessly plague the media to glorify this aspect of criminality that is part of the control apparatus for The US Government and for H-wood.
Boy, I am now pounding down and backspacing all the time on the keyboard as hackers are blocking functions. I spent nearly 5 minutes trying to write that brief short paragraph above.
So I responded and I have to state that while I am under this kind of lucid or waking but still sick from morning detox (meaning I am still trying to clear poisons out of my blood stream, pre-morning caffeine state or while just waking up in bed--that is the prime time that the parasites latch on to abusing and breaching my defenses, but I respond immediately and I can't block them out--I can't just "ignore" them and I respond to everything like I am addicted or glued to this situation. I try to break my concentration but it's like I must become a purist zen meditation expert in order to achieve breakage from the technological grip that this tech has on my consciousness.
Thusly, the negative energy-draining attacker parasites "brought me down" to a lower energy level from my morning placidity and peaceful actions of working to heal my skin and damages and poison inserted and destroying my skin/body and functioning that this organization has forced upon me--these two also for years--i.e. my hands are now deformed from a decade of non-stop hand-washing stinking foul items day after day because I must seal my room while I sleep so no fresh air comes in. So many piles of rotten and fungus-laden stinking putrid clothing (much brand new but bought from 2nd hand stores) and my hands and skin have been laced with chemicals by this group which has permanently damaged my skin--I would require some kind of dermatological treatment or plastic surgery to cover up the blotches and stains and scars--in addition to the cuticles of both middle fingers so badly disfigured my nails are useless and falling off and loose and the cuticles cut into every night for so many years there is a huge gap and it's all bulging and disfigured and scarred up. This is the state of my entire body--including my hair which has also been chemically treated to fall out so the hair follicles are now permanently damaged so the hair that has been falling out daily from years of this group (and these actors instructing their minions here around the planet where I had to run to fight for my life from murder attempts at poisoning)--to poison me, disfigure me, cut parts of my body off, rape and insert fungus into all my orifices and food and on all furniture and clothing and into every cabinet so I can't use any cabinet or drawer for anything I put close to my skin or eat--
but they are insulting how I look and my body as they threaten and make insulting comments about me. I respond and I try to block them out and can't. I try to make myself stop "giggling" from the mind control tech which is an abysmal denigrating form of forcing me to appear as if it's all fun and games and they are just funny and it's all just a joke (on me). I make insulting comments back at them about their bodies and about them, as they threaten me with violence and then I try my best to focus on my immediate surroundings to block them out. I feel my energy sink into that black hate zone that this group of celebrities and politicians always thrust me into--their zone--but they go off laughing and partying afterwards with the hormonal glow of delight as they are handed their dream promotions and contracts and I remain with more items destroyed and more violence because I tried to defend myself while under this form of "truth serum" teleportation hypnosis and mind-altering technology so I can't really control my reactions.
I have written their names, chances are they will be promoted for me having written about them. My quest in having written this is to expose the travesty that these people are and how they behave and what people can expect in the distant future when it's not going to be a few lone people being targeted but psychopathic smug "elitist" murdering bigots who hold absolute power in a tyrannical form of government that won't need to rely on the facade that they are all "fighting" against evil and for Democracy and for #me 2 and for feminism and for equal rights and for anti-racist societies which they are all actually destroying all the movements that created such fights in society to begin with--and then they jump on the bandwagon once the people in the streets burn and scream and create change and the parasites latch on to every public movement that they wouldn't dare participate in while they are living in mansions around fascists and Nazis and Mafia--and so, that is why I am writing at least in part another reason. To let people understand even if this is a "Secondary source" of anachronistic information that could easily be disputed as hearsay--unreliable due to my "traumatized" and sometimes or often "hysterical" state as I write with hackers part of a major discrediting effort distorting my writing to make me appear non-sensical.
However, just to give people a somewhat hazy picture of the portents of future power-grabs and the types of behaviors that these "leaders" exhibit when they have the chance to sink to low levels of depravity it takes almost NOTHING to push them into this low energy zone or behavioral abyss, which they revel in and are glowing in hormonal highs over.
I was right that the terror and hate will not stop, as I wrote yesterday but I wasn't teleported in a way I can recall while sleeping last night. That doesn't mean they didn't do this while I was in the most deep (Delta? Theta? I have to research which states are the deepest). But upon waking I realize how badly the mind control operates and it's so all-encompassing in my body that I am unsure whether a Zen Master could master his/her reactions or emotions under such technological tyranny.
These terrorists treat the technology and the torture as a game and a fun exercise in power. They really don't understand the technology and all they are instructed is that they press a button or someone else operates the tech for them. I can't express how dangerous this is and how people should be much more alarmed about this technological oppression that is on the threshold of becoming and already is a major inhibiting factor for the human race at the expense of every kind of human enlightenment that has come into existence for the last 400 years. Gone, gone with the wind and intertwined with technology like a poison vine devouring all and turning it into a tangled enmeshed block of rigidity and lower baseline negativity. Meaning leading to just another Dark Ages of ignorance, uneducated oppressed and destroyed societies while a small minority rake off the best from everything while they destroy and rape and plunder and kill off the rest.
As with all my posts about the hate crimes endlessly being thrust at me along with every other thing thrusting hate at and into my body and home and life: The post above is rambling--mind control affects my every written post so I digress. I have no checked for inevitable hacker deletions or inserts but there were no spell check red underlines as I wrote and I was editing while I was typing. One thing the mind control does is also to create a stream of consciousness while I am writing (as they are blocking key function) so sometimes I go off without adding appropriate commas in the middle of long sentences where I go off into these tangents. But I refer to the weird lack of cohesion and the misspelled words and the sometimes utter incomprehensibility that the hackers create which I had not created but it is always forced into my writing.