"The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things (2004) Trailer--starring Asia Argento". MovieFans.Tumblr.Com. March 4, 2016.
EFFED UP MOVIES is a free streaming movie site with child abuse, pornography, exotic fetishistic murders, orgies, sex fetish murders, slash and chop sadism, and other real-life sand witches that you can sink into and revolt and revel in as you chomp on your snacks and sit on your cracks to the movie that keeps you glued to the screen.
The endless array of other movies of similar murder plot that are thin and not thick with surprise or any element other than morbid fascination with our gun-toting mass-shooting culture hegemony First Class United States culture--the movies are very often, in Effed Up Movie world, from foreign countries. The truly grotesque come out of Asia which have fantasy slash and chop blood and gore as the main feature. They kill animals on screen, and absolute sadism if featured. I can swear after 10 years of torture from the group of actors who put out heroic fantasy movies that these Effed Up Movies are the real movies and the H-wood movies are to conceal the real.
Looking at a movie that Russell Crowe starred in, back in 1992 as he played a skinhead in Melbourne---it was absolutely reminiscent of the English "high class" ass group which recently did a group Nazi onslaught upon me and have brought countless American white trash trailer park types into the fray to play their hand at the olde World version of pre-Nazi post-skinhead targeting (of me). They are practiced and this is nothing that is new for any of them. That movie, classified as "based on a true story" is based on the true story of how the actors who are supposed to be elite act just like the punk skinheads who go out bashing people in subway dark and dank hallways and perform other acts of bestial downpressing through violence of all sorts. This movie depicts reality, and is truly a movie that is not dull, but I could not go on because I have been "watching" a "movie" like this for over 10 years every night while sleeping in teleportation played by actors who are famous for playing fantasy hero roles about how they care about everything "liberal" and pro-black and brown. How violently abusive the blacks and browns are from this celebrity/political group towards me, all with some white bigot urging them on behind them as they then offer them promotions for their behavior and their compliance to assisting in the white supremacist paradigm.
It's very vomitous (sic) to try to watch any movie any of these actors play in where they are supposed to represent "Democracy" and I know that their version of "Democracy" is mob violence similar to the riot on the Capital, but concealed with the technology so easily being handed out by those who sit on their cracks inside the Capital Bldg on Capital Hill and award out these covert contracts like candy to psychopathic crack addict children who are in need of ever-increasing violence and dope and hate in order to pose confidently for their roles that they are loathe to actually imbibe on any basis or level in any way, any day of the week or year.
There is always a shift from tedium to feeling this creative urge of thinking when I watch a really moving movie that has a basis in something that is not a dulling of the mind--I truly do not mean these Effed Up Movies but just a glimpse and then comparing the violence that is portrayed almost realistically but "over-the-top" is more similar to real life than I could ever have imagined before TEN YEARS of state-sponsored tortured and terrorism with parts of my body being cut off and being tortured with politicians coming in to participate and laugh and giggle and threaten to kill me for resisting being put into a slave and torture and murder situation that they are helping to create on a much broader scale in society.
I know that the expletives in H-wood want to make a movie based on this theme. I wrote a post about being immersed in a silly game I downloaded from the Windows store (for free of course but the algorithms make playing without paying impossible if you get to a certain level). I really want to be writing and making things but the endless theft of my ideas by people I never want to see get promoted any longer has made me stop doing anything that I truly want to do--can't take notes, can't write creative ideas--only come out with these sort of stream-of-consciousness type posts and these are mostly ranting due to the horror-movie plot that I would like to actually make money off making an incredible movie about how sick and sad reality is truly is--really and truly is--in "their" world of the fake humanity where suppression of their violence and Nazi/Mafia real-life reality has made them absolutely psychotic in terms of needing to vent their suppressed hate and violence upon me--when they ever will get another victim I can't wait for--why aren't there at least more people who are microchipped and being teleported instead of just me? Am I the only one? More rhetorical questions I can't answer and no one ever tells me more than endless lies.
Their movies reflect the endless lies they are constantly spewing out of their pursed in hate lips as they glare and stare and giggle as they unleash their psycho suppressions.
A movie about them and this situation would easily--if I made it--make perhaps the list on Effed Up Movies. I would not want to watch any version a single one of them would make on this topic as it would not just dilute the reality and the point, but turn it around into some kind of psychopathic lie with a horrid musical sountrack no doubt which would be like the abomination of how they have taken over my alternative radio station and turned it into the kind of K-rap that they crap out constantly--and they never stop, year after year because they have been embraced into the warm folds of the cold and calculating Nazi/mafia movie conglomerate system and will always be cranking out meaningless sorry crap until they finally croak, perhaps they will never be stopped from cranking out their fake and horrid crap until they are all into their 90's--like the Senators who help to fund these torture protocols, who are all in encrusted stages of fermentation and laugh happily as they sign the covert bills to further fund the terror operation which should be made into a move that would be included in EFFED UP MOVIES (dot com).
I am watching a movie now called The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things--it's about a cult classic "mom" like "courtney love" so the movie details the stylized writer of the site wrote--the woman acting is of Italian origin but seems like a crack version of a dope fiend from some part of trailer park Florida somewhere not far from a stripper strip mall area. It reminds me of Florida, Miami--places like that although I never have personally witnessed a scene like this, with a child being abused like this in front of me the woman behaves like something that was a coke addict turned-to-crack out of South Beach, back in the 90's before it became a Fortune 500 area of orgies and huge franchise corporate discos.
I think Lydia Lunch plays some role in this movie and so I will continue to watch this. The abuse towards the little boy is also like the group of rock solid slimebag celebrities are pouring out upon me--like I am a child being reprogrammed to be abused and my spirit and personality broken. They all act like crack whores and this movie, only included in the Effed Up Movie site, is truly not a fiction but a reality that the teleportation and this gang stalking also unleashes in the pretentiously "high class" low-ass group that has assaulted me endlessly.