Re: my posts today. Please note that ALL and each and every post I write is constrained by real-life threats and actions of violence which prohibit me from writing--plus theft of my writing, verbatim and ideas by people who are titillated at teleporting and torturing me before and after the information extraction sessions after the abuse and rape/torture sessions under teleportation and in each moment of life where I live. I cannot write my thoughts, get into creative detail or expand or expound any further than copying ideas from others, as this won't be stolen from me--and I won't be tortured as much for having written something similar in vein but in my own words--their silencing and also suppression is absolute and absolutely enforced in all world systems. One of these clips regarding the Passolini Salo movie regards the children of the fascist leadership (representing today's celebrities and politicians and the layers of society which uphold this very same system that is so silenced and disguised in our society--but which is in the process of being fomented to an alarming degree and embraced like a new drug by the addicts who control your lives and by you yourselves)--the clip below on Passolini describes how in Salo the doors to the chateau are locked, so the children can't coalesce and try to determine a resistance or cohesion. This is the same system of absolute surveillance that thought reading and every form of monitoring of thoughts, actions by computers and surveillance systems and covert technologies allows these wealthy people who are being promoted to gather the type of elitist paradigm whereby rape and torture are almost considered commonplace and their right--and any and all rights of people like me are negated so completely. It is a global system whereby no one can gather under any roof however clandestinely and try to navigate any form of defense or resistance. It is the same as Salo and this is what Passolini was referring to in his film, It also was one reason he was assassinated by probably--undoubtedly--someone from this insidious organization that has had me poisoned and tortured for most of my life--if not all. Passolini made this film in the early 70's, and it holds even more true today with more enhanced technology and the cult of personality that celebrity politico-society enables. But I am not able to write more in detail, and never am able to. This writing at this point is an exception and any time I do write anything going beyond copying and pasting what others say is met with torture, and then it's stolen or copied for someone else to use as their own idea. I am tortured for writing it nevertheless while they are promoted for stealing it. 10 years of this going on and on....I can never write more than a few sentences at this point and never elaborate on my thoughts or expand my creative concepts any longer.
These were a series of posts I wrote on Facebook/META today and they are all tied in a string of tenuous tentacles leading towards the source of the onus of the evil that confronts me, to which, to wit, you are a part of whether you participate or not therein consciously.
All integrated, whether from the present or the past. All a confluence of power struggles and the structure appears to fluctuate always towards the same hierarchy using the same means: brute force, deception and lies aka propaganda in our modern terms.
As it is almost the 4th of July and the United States is awaiting it's barbecues and parades and fireworks (as Congress is allocating billions of $ to a war overseas on the pretext that our "great nation" is always, always defending "Democracy") while more American children will be run over in the streets by those who deem them unworthy of having a pot or home or medical care or food or any worth post Roe v. Wade (or pre). As my situation remains silenced, a wonderful harbinger of the future of entitlement, aristocracy which will lead to the types of disregard for life, sexuality and human worth depicted by Passolini when fascism took over the planet (it has worked it's way into America slowly but surely only with a superficial veneer of "Democracy" which is a word bantered about incessantly mostly by those who want demagogue leadership).
I (seriously) accidentally discovered this clip when doing a search for BIG MAMA THORNTON. Well lookee' here, what came up? Judy Garland in black face sangin; Sweet Low.
"The Black American National Anthem--Judy Garland". Bissenses Swedish Retro Vintage and Film Art Production. February 18, 2017.
...'cuz I was just watchin' a commentary about the new Elvis movie made by an anti-cracker league out of the South (Texas). They talkin' bout how Big Mama Thornton's song was stolen--appropriated was the term--by Elvis. So I did a search for Big Mama Thornton and ya'll--this is what came up I swear on my papi's Bible this video above.
"Big Mama Thornton--Hound Dog (1952) Blues". warholsoup100. May 1, 2011.
"...and (big) Daddy I know, you ain't no cool cat--you ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog, sniffin' round my doe"--
"Elvis Presley--'Hound Dog' (October 28, 1956) on The Ed Sullivan Show". The Ed Sullivan Show. September 10, 2020.
CATS RULE (even if dogs are bigger and can destroy cats, not often but sometimes. Cats are still closer to the divine than Dogs).
"You Shall Not Pass, Dog". happymedulla. December 6, 2013.
- Like
"Rule 12: Pet a Cat When You Encounter One./Jordan Peterson". November 8, 2017.
"1776 The Vote 1972". allenjpl. November 4, 2012.
The singing is awful (in most of the songs for this film) but I remember this movie above all others as a Declaration of Independence theme that somehow captures a certain mood I find admirable. Here the issue before taking a vote for revolution is white male independence versus slavery economy. Oddly, or as expected, things in America are still almost exactly the same now as they were back in 1776--just with a variety of painted faces representing the same factions with a larger demographic representing the same split--some are still royalists and want to be a part of the Empire once more---as was the case back then.
It's UNalienable, not IN ALIENABLE. Show me a politician or celebrity who holds these truths to be self-evident and then goes about supporting this constitutional imperative for ALL people and I will be born again on the 4th of July, 2022.
"The Declaration of Independence (as read by Max McLean)". Scott Bacher. July 3, 2012.
"Actors read The Declaration of Independence". MrJohnnyfarragut. May 30, 2017.
No less than THREE of these actors in this clip have personally participated in the torture teleportation sessions---a few have acted in concert with the internet triggering style of "internet surveillance/stalking" and I wonder how they reconcile this public performance with their behavior towards me? (I actually really don't want to know or hear the bs they would say).
"Lincoln On Democracy--Lincoln (2012)". Alexander Gould. August 17, 2017.
Post Roe v. Wade and the Old World Order re-established in the good ole USA. "Get those poor, f-ing wild children in the streets out of MY WAY!!" sayeth the wealthy land estate privileged (Right to Life women included). Ahhh...the good ole aristocratic days when white males could rape with impunity as they can now using teleportation. Ah! What a time it was and will be again I know you are all working towards that "Utopia" for your technocracy which is constantly being fomented with each day that your enslavement technology and system remains protected and silenced.
"World History--A Tale of Two Cities Clip--3 Estates.avi". Kevin Verberk. November 22, 2009.
One really must READ THE BOOK by Dickens and not rely on the movie depictions. The book is an entire drama that is similar to the less obnoxious parts of the Marquis de Sade's sadistic writings (which do not reflect what the movie Quills displayed---) the books are where the realm of fantasy and utter darkness in all it's manifestations are revealed, the movies are tamed down to an almost unrecognizable component.
"Walking With Passolini Making Salo His Criticism Of Power". William George. August 14, 2017.
...but Pasolini really did reveal the darkness of aristocratic fascist sexual abuse and murder--which is so protected and protracted via the use of this terror technology being forced upon me--if only I were able to think clearly and not subject to endless surveillance and torture for my writing by this global surveillance society operated by men of the ilk and their insatiably nasty women comforting and consoling these men who obtain the partnership of plenty and proprietary vulturism---
"Encapsulating Evil/Salo, or The 100 Days of Sodom--Shocking Cinema". The Kino Corner. April 13, 2021.