Around 4 AM. while in a deep sleep, the terrorists used a mechanical arm to pull my metal fan off the stand next to my bed. They have done this randomly for years, just pulling the cord and making the fan fall backwards. This is a new fan because every fan I buy the terrorists come into my room and spray gunk on the fan blades, the gunk NEVER comes off it is permanent black globs of goo that stick to the metal so the fans are always grungy and dirty. They also use the mechanical arms to spray some metal-corrosive substance into the gears, they do this every time I leave so when I return I must spray WD 40 into the fans and still the permanent damage can not be allayed by merely spraying a solvent into the fan gears and blade rotation. All metal objects I have are sprayed with this, so the hinges for doors are sprayed and turned into huge blogs of rust. This is constant and forever they have been doing this.
While I was trying to pick up the fan while I had my entire head wrapped in multiple layers of protective clothing from the mechanical arms slicing gum tissue off my jaws, which they have begun to do once more--the first time they began this to the point of nearly making my teeth fall out was after shit pig pitt this filthy dirty bigot scum tortured me for ONE YEAR after having me hit by a car, as he teleported me and threw baseballs into me at high speed--the baseballs went on either side as this filthy pig, naked of course because he's turned on by violence, was shouting at me. He then had this team sever gum tissue on my lower jaw, after they tried to make my teeth fall out--I was hit by a car which swerved directly into me in a most unusual fashion from the side of the road--an engine I believe which was highly engineered to accelerate from zero-to-45 mph within one second, which is what this car did. The creeps also had a multiple of tiny cars which had bodies that were literally one inch above the road. They were so low to the ground that on my scooter I could look down on the roof of the car as it drove directly into me but just stopped short of bulldozing me (it would have been like pulling the rug up from someone standing, but instead of a rug a tiny furiously powerful little assassination car, something like a race car, which could just plow me from under the wheels. The pig pitt then tortured me verbally for ONE YEAR until he and this creep Australian skank "won" awards for a movie which was stolen from a concept I wrote about Charles Mansion; just one movie that was created out of ideas I wrote which pig pitt has starred in after torturing me, then torturing me during torturing poisoning murdering me while and after and then going on to the next movie, and the next movie, until now he's violently assaulting me with the blonde Nazi whore piece of crap from Australia who is RIGHT NOW inserting this Barbie dumb song into my inner ear, which means that pig whore with filthy ugly sinister deniro and pesce will be going at attacking me using subliminal technology all day until about 4 pm. It is 7 AM now, so they are going to go on and on making stupid abusive comments like slicing my fingers off while I am cutting something, sticking my head in the toilet while I am in the bathroom, how ugly my body looks while I am getting dressed or undressed, how stupid and what a loser they claim I am after years of them stealing my ideas and blocking my ability to move much less have any chance for a career-of course, their intended aim except for forcing a baby out of me with some rotten pig scumbag whore of this group who I would truly never want to touch or be around or have anything to do with--putting it at the most positive I can express for the disgust they are.
And pig shit pitt tortured me like this, as they are doing now with slicing gum tissue out of my mouth for writing about how scumstallone dumbo rambo has been having his Italian mafia filth brigade rape me and poison me murderously attacking me for years as he profited off this contract that obama trump and biden have all participated in, one way or another. Through Morning Blow scumbag hateful bigot and his dirty nasty ugly wife, Biden is acting as a terrorist but keeping himself "clean" in some way. Obama did the same. Trump didn't even bother to disguise, as you all can imagine, his proclivity for fascist torture, rape and murder and bigotry towards me (and everyone and everything else). The ugly old men like obama and biden have learned to hide their violence so they got p-lousy and raskin and kinzinger and morning blow to attack me as his proxies. Gang stalking entails vicious minions up to the very near top of the corporate and "power" ladders.
so pig pitt showered so much destruction to my body and life for one year prior to the rigged "Oscars award" for this violent act he did for this dumb white supremacy movie which blasted any "alternative" movement as these pig apes are absolutely fascist conservative bigots filled only with Nazi dreams of power and grabbing p-valley mansions and global hegemony and as they accrue more power more of the snowflakes join into the snowball turning into global warming ice age of dumb and dumber movie fodder with such falsity of pretense at caring about issues relating to people instead of endless glorification of technological synthesis of humans and murder technology. But this movie that shit pig pitt and this ugly maggot robber made was about her and blonde women being protected from "dirty hippies" as this ugly pig pitt beat the chinese famous martial artist he beat the long-haired hippies he murdered brutally this gang and he brutalized ME the entire time every single day while performing this movie role as filthy tarantulatino applauded as the pig filth like deniro and pesce cheered it on as they also tortured me when pig pitt the shit wasn't around because he was screwing maggot the fascist bigot robber who is such a nasty white supremacist she is akin to any plantation violent murdering lynch mob rapist who is enthralled with her Europigape cartel taking over the United States through Whorewood. This situation is very much like a lynch mob surrounding me from that shit movie group every day with blacks helping the lynching and abuse, acting like fascist dictators even if I say I don't like their crappy movies or comedy routines. Jews come to deride and sneer and yell "loser" at me.
I write these posts constantly and have to go on and on. I see the dinosaurs in Congress and assume that because they are of the baby boomer generation they are highly influenced by the 3rd Reich--as the aged ones are in Congress. But unfortunately the younger generations are also highly influenced by it so hoping that younger people will make a difference will make no difference at all. They are more stupid and dumb and greedy and selfish than their predecessors who have created this death cult, in which celluloid posturing is one of the most highly coveted positions for power attainment.
So, I must go through another day of filthy and vile deniro and this maggot parasite robber from australia endlessly, like the spawn of depp and the shit of pit that he also spawned, with their sneering malevolence at how broken down my body is. No matter how many times I yell that these pigs have poisoned and mutilated me, they go on and on. They still have blocked my ability to pay for health care even in a "3rd World Country" which economically has now risen in financial status with millionaire and billionaire Russians coming in to take-over the market (i.e. Real Estate) to flee the war in Ukraine and military conscription--so the prices are now at monumental highs, food prices have doubled, I can't afford to eat well after years of poisoning. So I remain having to write and write about how sick and disgusting they are because no one ever STOPS them, they may be curtailed for half a day or something like that. The shit whore parasites then get more and more and more promotions for what I write about how violent and disgusting they are, so they rush at me to be as violently sick and sleazy and foul and nasty as possible and they go on and on and on with these technologies that blast into my inner ear, I can't tune them out, I am always drugged so I also can't be strong enough to block them out. And I try to "ignore" them as they go on and on and on and on and on every moment for HOURS and hours and hours until finally I write in drugged up hyperbolia about how sick they are and to get them off. They cheer this and are thrilled they get more prizes. I think the shit team behind maggot robber is trying to get more kudos from the Academy Awards so they will "win" in the next rigged Whorewood Academy Awards election---so they never stop, it's a rotation shithold cesspool.
Biden, of course, while he is making his routine speeches about poor black people, the Jews all try to hide behind their blonde and Nazi controllers who they intermarry with as they rush to attack me (or if their partners are also "jewish" they are fair skinned and hair so they try their best to emulate white supremacy with me, and because my skin gets very tan in hot climates they can assert this more as I have been living in tropical climates for decades).
So, the hacking is going on and on. They have been attacking me without end, participating and maggot robber this filthy ugly stupid skank has been cheering pig pitt and I know she has told him, as they were screwing around sexually, to fuck me over and over so both of them could "win" in the next awards season. They haven't stopped as a duo going to the Oscars and being shown together in interviews for crap movies with multi-million dollar budgets for highly publicized crap movies--just well done in the art departments and in the image aspect but crap in most other respects. Instantly handed top awards circuit nominations, instantly without question. That goes also for Tom Hanks , whom I have neglected because he is cautious and remains clear of the visual aspect of torturing me but has fully pushed this entire agenda for the last decade and profited off it.
All are considered "liberals" and play this role wonderfully in contrast to "evil" MAGA land which they actually put into power through this network and all surrounded Trump with bowing scraping servitude while viciously assaulting me--that goes also for Streep the creep and the list of them is endless. They have all flocked to assault me while Trump was in power and they remain, shit pig pitt took over the contract with Depp's former screw partner shitalina and they haven't stopped globbing on and poisoning and mutilating and torturing me every single day for A DECADE. Scumstallone has been going on for THREE DECADES attacking me from his sideline vantage point with his mafia filth scum crew--out of Italy but I only sold cigars in Bar None back in 1997 and they haven't stopped having me tortured by the filth like deniro and pesce but operating for the Italian mafia which they also partner with in Miami (and in Italy).
Of course, as the fascist Nazis of the Axis powers, whenever a blonde pig ape they consider f**-worthy as a symbol of Nazi "beauty" is attacking me and I react and defend myself while they are murdering me, the bigots from the dark-haired Italian crews come violently to assault me as the "muscle" for Nazi operations and white supremacy that they still truly are--even pelousi in Congress, the dinosaur who is an absolute fascist Nazi coming out of the American Mafia-Nazi 3rd Reich associations which turned to infiltrating politics--going to Whorewood to learn how to perform (which of course p-lousy has done) but I am mostly referring to a generation which there is no respite from in the younger generations like Millennials or whatever they are called--they only imitate but more violently with more aggression and outright fascism what their grandparents and parents have stealthily put into power in the US. Torturing me to steal ideas has been a plank of this operation for years. As I am the "only one" being teleported according to the liars from Congress and shit pig pitt who all chime in the same thing, which of course I don't believe, an as I have a "liberal arts" background and came from an oppressed and targeted literature and connections to H-wood through my father's side--they have been assaulting me now for over a decade to obtain ideas (and their Europigape predecessors for years before joining in with the "A-list" holes to partner with them, the English Crown and the Italian Mafia which is combined with the French Mafia which seems to rule Cannes--now Whorewood, and then going into the US presidency under Trump, but FULLY assisted into power by Obama and Biden and Clinton--I can't forget that lying fake slimeball Hillary Clinton).
After I wrote that above, I had to detox more poison out of my body, which these pig apes I refer to above ordered put into my body, and like all their lies and casual affronting performances to the deception they all hold as a collective glue for a fascist overtake on ALL fronts of American society with greedy and dumb parasites from America joining in with violent and fascist fake alternative types like Russel Brand--(who has violently assaulted me after I just didn't say "yes" to being sexually exploited by some hormone growth English skank who is good friends with all the American pig ape fascist Nazi "liberals"--as Brand has obtained his own Brand of inserting his blathering bs to Americans and being considered some mouthpiece to interject his fascist 4th Reich "libealism" with his nappy hair and alternative clothing and bs blathering with the same lying crap they all crank out, but he's verbally obtuse and can cleverly spout out the usual verbal barrage of criticism for American politics on "the Left" which he absolutely is not, unless you take into account National Socialism and that is the actual "Left" that he entails , as they all do--NAZISM in other words).
What I "forgot" because I am ranting as they all giggle and laugh about it, I can feel the skanks preparing to subliminally assault me with their "voice-to-skull" technologies once I finish ranting. They had their filthy minority slaves spray stinking foul liquids on my clothing while I was crapping out the poison they have not stopped putting into my body so they can keep me drugged, poisoned, bloated and so they can call me names about how bad my body looks as they giggle and laugh and get promoted for it.
Pit pitt the shit torturing me like the above-mentioned for one year after I wrote two simple sentences on my Facebook page, before I began my blogs (here)--saying that he he been "winning" in rigged Nazi Oscar awards for all the years he had been torturing me (and at that time I only thought that shitalina was stealing my ideas because I didn't watch his movies, but once I did, I saw verbatim the words I had wrtten were stolen, and I do have a good memory despite the "short-term" memory loss while I am writing and ranting. Memory retrieval is good and retention but in short-term my brain is blanked out).
I asked that he be stopped "winning" the rigged awards for having tortured me so he and Melania and Trump ramped-up the violence explonentially, fascist style, as this group including maggot robber were sent to the Oscars and many other awards for this movie which really was a white supremacist movie about hating alternative lifestyles and politics--of the "Left" but put in the context of what I had written was a CIA-sponsored mind control experiment, as I believe that Manson had been trained in "creep" activities and mind contrnol programming with LSD by the CIA, which at that time in history had been conducting covert LSD mind control experiments (it is documented).
I wrote of this, they stole the idea and turned it into a total fascist white supremacist movie with pig shit pitt behaving with psychopathic violence and brutal murder against the "dirty hippies" but because the "hippies' were of the Manson gang, the programming to "hate" all alternative was set by this mind programming, in addition to the glorification of the bigot maggot actor and not a word about Polanski or anything else but this dumb and not great performing bigot from Australia. In fact, the movie was based solely around pig shit pitt and that other "Italian-American" spitting yelling actor who has done the same to me, DiCaprio who is just another fascist Nazi disguised as alternative when it comes to global warming and some concern about Native Americans--(which is a dubious concern as it came out in time for his Oscar rigged "award" the year he also participated in attacking me, as he's been doing with this filth team for a DECADE).
Their children are only more ensconced in the belief system that they are even more entitled than their formerly working class aspiring parents.
That goes for many of the millennials. So dealing with a change when it comes to generations is actually not going to be a saving grace for the Constitutional Republic that America is supposed to be WHICH i HAVE NEVER SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.
I am still attacked by Morning blow and his blow wife and the crap and shit from Congress who keep allowing this situation to fester and grow, as they all have allowed i.e when Clinton was Sec of State and I was in Thailand--oh, she has fully come to torture me and profit off it. She's such a sick and twisted not-sister, oh boy.