*As I re-read through just the first paragraph below, it was so altered in original meaning by deletions by hackers. I rewrote some of it because so much had been deleted. I stopped after about 20 more minutes of backspacing and rewriting as the keyboard, as it is right now, so blocked from operation that I must pound each letter and then no matter what, the letters won't print out or spaces are included. They rewrite and delete much from all my posts. They also change the meaning completely into it's opposite very often. Whatever seems confusing in any of my posts or reads antithetical to my every post and concept is due to rewrites and hacks.**
I was right, but no one will honor this because I wrote every single day about attempted murder on a very slow scale which has not stopped and continues every single day for hours and hours, one sleazy filthy lying piece of trashy ignorant lying fake crap after the next. Now it 's Farrakhan with his agenda of hating Jews to have his small "entitled" group of Blacks be welcomed into the Nazi cult of mass murder so they can have a little piece of the proverbial pie, which is just a shit sandwich but they don't care about the deception they will take what power they can get. This contract has now allowed false lying hate-mongering Farrakhan the opportunity for racist vitriol and accusations to pour out of his corrupt string-manipulated mouth by the English and Europigapes along with their Commonwealth partners who are more openly Imperialistic in lieu of English openly expressing the millennia of death and "conquest"--the "masters" who truly control most of the Americans and their celebrity and politician reps who have come giggling and laughing to attack me with screaming and death threat hate. One of the worst was a Democrat in that respect (Pelosi) so if anyone is blaming Trump, the problem really comes from the Democrats who have welcomed this in, as they are only the false opposition to a fascist overtake. The construction of this duplicity is so carefully planned and implemented that I believe it to be an English construct because that type of absolute manipulation and fake appeasement policy is a hallmark of English induction into the fascist overtake of the planet alongside their "brotherhood" of fascist Nazi Germany. Farrakhan is consumed with trying to get me, under theta (deepest sleep state) hypnosis, non-stop drugging of my body and food, torture and rape now from an English scumbag who got a reaction out of me last week for about one day, then hate the next, then more hate and more, and now he's so disgusting I just find him a repulsion and ugly dirty filthy scumbag but he sucked my life force out of me through torture and drugs and teleportation and he needs to do this, as these loveless filthy dirty porno sleaze rape and murder pig apes all need this to "get off" so they can "love" their casual part-time partners. Any longer-term relationship and the porno thrill is gone for them all. Farrakhan is married but he seems to be pretty fine with this sexual assault upon me. His endless refrain under hypnosis after I am raped while I'm sick from poisons and drugging, teleported, is to get me to agree with him that these filthy low and dirty pieces of shit are "superior" somehow. I keep yelling finally after trying to laugh them off, trying to ignore them, I spend hours every morning cleaning and putting my sleep stuff away because of the spraying of stinking filth on my clothing while sleeping, I am injected with drugs while sleeping, I am not able to block out the 360-degree circumference of their teleportation because my body is split, I "see" them like a thin veil in the "other" dimension as in my prime body position I am moving around putting away and cleaning the stinking filth, and seeing things broken and destroyed and I must clean endlessly stuff that is stinking and toxic that they order to be sprayed. As I get into a state of rage after about 3 hours of non-stop abuse, I begin to yell calling them stupid pigs that they are too stupid and low to understand what actual "superior" really means. Farrakhan is constantly trying to get me to say under torture and drugging and non-stop rape and abuse and violence that I really am the racist he is trying to create in the discrediting of me that he does with the "jews" as a group in his most violent racist programming for the Black Nazi force which will go out and kill Jews because Farrakhan actually credited the Jim Crow laws as a Jewish invention and responsibility. I can only state on that point that Jews who are in the power cartel of racism operate just as Farrakhan does, so when the blame is leveled the puppets will be blamed. That is why so many jews are put into financial positions of power such as over the Federal Reserve so when the Antisemitic slurs of how Jews have created all the wars and control everything, they can point to these few Jews who are offered power. Like all these pig apes, they only conform to following orders from the "actual" controllers. Thusly they can be used as symbols for Nazis instead of the actual revelation of which non-Jews actually create the real racist policies and politics. The more they try to force this agenda that white pig apes who have been stealing my ideas and reformenting them as Nazi iconography and propaganda for years are somehow "superior" to me only because a Nazi/Mafia cartel has put them into power is a baseless argument. The longer I have to be exposed to them, the more I easily call them pieces of shit. I try not to write in this "low" manner but my brain is under assault, which this group will be doing to many people and are doing now. They are undoubtedly turning people into killing groups through this technology, which Trump has had in his possession with the aid of Musk for almost 8 years or longer. Why people can't connect these dots is unbelievable to me. It proves also how not superior shit like Pelosi and Obama really are, because they SHOULD have stopped it before it's increase, but instead they profited off it and like all the rest of the rats who profit off this, they can't lose their mansions and millions and millions of dollars for exposing a system which is bringing everything else down, but not them. That is what Farrakhan is banking on with his organization, just like "jews" like Bloomberg. All are comfortably living in their wealth and seeming "protection" from the 4th Reich which will, they assume, only kill off people "like me" but never them. I beg to differ on that point. Perhaps some of you reading this may take a second to consider what I am writing in between all the drug and torture-induced ranting and cursing which is intended to discredit me.
It's now hours of every kind of racist remark as I yell finally after about 4-6 hours of not being able to turn away and not talk and not respond as they are commenting on what I am thinking. Every single thought I have as I wake up with the poison I fight every day to eliminate making my body murky with poison and my brain foggy as they go on and on and I try to make jokes, but after about 3 hours I finally begin to yell at them, which is all they want.
Farrakhan is a most vile and violent hateful personality and I have met his minions all around the world, in England black men have come at me with hate repeating what Farrakhan lectured on about "Jews" as they point at me as the culprit. Not that Farrakhan is going to lambast someone like rotten corrupt Bloomberg, or has he already, but Bloomberg has threatened to kill me multiple times and as a puppet (like Farrakhan) of the entire Trump campaign train now the "Freedom" to kill train, they are both "on the same page" so Farrakhan can't assault his "brother" in the organization of Nazi minority minions subterfuge of divide and conquer of the afflicted groups.
I was going to write today that I need to take a pause and whenever anyone will stop discrediting me and actually read what I have been writing for so many years that has come true, but no. I am only assaulted by the entire Congress in one way or another by their top representative liars who take turns and then keep the violence going. There was Nazi Mafia Pelosi who I now understand uses "Mafia" tactics of threats and she is considered "strong". McCarthy who can try to ride the various waves without death threats and intimidation like Pelosi is universally labeled as being "weak" by the Democrats of the media like those from MSNBC who have come yelling and threatening me alongside their fascist Nazi counterparts.
So Farrakhan is constantly labeling me as a "bad girl" for my actions that his partners are commonplace in representing and pursuing in their lives. He is defending a rapist white pig ape from England who has violently raped me for the past week. He keeps trying while I am in a deep sleep to suck out as much of that initial energy he drained out of me because he's another sleazy and vile violent bigot who uses sexuality like a racist weapon to denigrate anyone who is against white fascist Nazi/Mafia overtake of the world. This is a global organization, after all. Farrakhan is all for that, with all his blabbering about righteous fortitude in the face of WOMEN being represented as sex objects, so against the Koran. But raping a woman who is defenseless, drugged up and fighting to stop it is okay if it's a "Brother" from a mother of a different color, in particular when it's a white supremacist Nazi who will give Farrakhan and his group more leverage as the "leadership" to continue to old path to "power" for the "Black Community" which continues to bewail that there are "representatives" in power but the "Black community" continues to suffer and break down through lack of policy. I wonder, F-king-akhan if you can understand how much you are participating in the decline of your beloved "Black Community" by helping white supremacists like these pig ape pieces of shit come to power as you are constantly doing, as you have always done. I always felt that Farrakhan helped to oust the real open-minded Black Leader Malcolm X so his version of Nazi-approved "activism" and hate for "Jews" would come to the fore instead of Malcolm X saying that there were people of all groups who were not implicitly "bad" as Farrakhan is endlessly forcing cliches and hate upon me to see if I will call him the n-word in state of rage, after being raped non-stop by his "friend" this white scumbag actor from England with shit pig pit an dhis group of blonde Nazi skank friends from Australia who have watched giggly and hysterically elated as they went to the Oscars year-after-year with that rotten dumb scum pig and shitalina with her endless "feminist" pitch, for the blonde Nazi women and the Mafia women to have women like me to be beaten and abused in their stead
Even though I would NEVER get close to their filthy shit ugly dirty pig ape men. I would never get close enough to be raped and abused, so they must teleport and force this upon me. And they got a sexual response out of me after years of me remaining as non-sexual as possible with a never-ending rotation of these rotten rapist celebrities pig whore creeps coming to rape and abuse me. I have not responded until this past week because I had no conversation with this rotten pig except to tell him he's a sick joke. But his sexual excitement for rape and abuse was so high, which I could not discern as I reacted to the drugging and the stress. Now this dirty parasite keeps trying and he brought Farrakhan into the frame to abuse me because Farrakhan is a violent personality like Enrico Tarrio ready to assist with the Next Holocaust against Jews, as the designated militarized death squad unit ready to go out and kill Jews because it's not the white supremacists that so many of these black Nazi adhere to who are the problem, but as Farrakhan always states in his hate lectures, it was one single Jew who brought about Jim Crow, not the KKK or anything like that. I heard one of the lectures in part where he blamed all of Jim Crow on one Jewish legislator who brought forth the policy of Jim Crow and therefore, "you know who" is responsible. The other Blacks listening in are ready to go out and commit violence against people like me who are fighting against the white supremacists who create every kind of divide-and-conquer strategy which rotten people like Farrakhan represent, as they were put into power to represent a black Nazi contingent which would carry on the righteous movement that Malcolm had created with his following and divert them into a hate and futility pogram against the Jews (feeling oppressed, re-directing the rage against Jews instead of the actual culprits, whom Farrakhan is now defending in their rape of me, but castigating me for my years of not following the Muslim dictates of women especially not blonde skanks being confined to sexual depravity and isolation in the Muslim diaspora, but the men can go out and rape and pillage.
I can attest that in this region of SE Asia, the "hub" of sex trafficking is in a muslim country, so I read a few years ago. Malaysia supposedly has the highest sex trafficking in SE Asia and it's a center for that sexploitation of children and anyone else. Not the Buddhist countries like Thailand, for example although I have heard a lot about how Thailand's women are one of the highest trafficked groups in the world, I have never heard of any journalistic reporting on this issue for all the years I have lived here, but I have heard about Muslim Malaysia. The "good" Muslim women look down in contempt to the women being raped and beaten by their males who are allowed to fully indulge in this, because the women are so "bad" according to both men and women who follow all the Halal and all that bs.
I was not going to write about this, because they are killing my plants. I see white bigot Nazis dancing around in joy as I drive in and out of this condo to go shopping, and the only people in this building are those attacking me or working for those who are attacking me. The entire building is empty except for a few scattered units and all are a part of this operation in one capacity or another.
The white pig apes are joyful, the minority minions are nasty and excited just like the rapist from England who gets a chance to indulge in his hate sex violence abuse fantasies. HE's so disgusting to me by now that I just fall asleep from having been penetrated in my deep, theta sleep as he provokes only disgust in me by now. I am inert, deeply sleeping sick from poisoning when this foul and dirty pig ape is raping me. Because I have been only tortured and poisoned and mutilated non-stop with endless Torture from Trump and Pelosi and Kinzinger and Raskin and AOC and Cruz and Graham (should not be given immunity is an absolute lying criminal) from Harris from Oprah from Bloomberg (candidates for Pres, so unfortunate that this blog of sick fake dirty crap is part of the only choice cycle offered to America) plus now RFK who has been awarded for his sexual violence towards me urged by dirty foul Elon Musk--who is now openly gayly fascist and everyone still cheers that rotten English-controlled Apartheid fascist out of South Africa --
and more and more, I am naming only a few, just a small number out of so many I lose count and can't remember them all. The list of celebrities is so long I forget to mention them all as my brain is under atack while I write.
I was not going to write about any of this, but they are still killing my plants, they put a huge flying cockroach into my room and ripped the art work I put to protect my room from the panels being opened. They took cutting tools and slashed and ripped and tore. There is gooey black filth sprayed on the floor, on the walls (this is just from yesterday, more and more of it, the years I have lived here and I can't use any cabinets I have everything on the floor in bags they go through and scatter things around and spray stinking filth so it's always completely messy and although I organize it, I come back and the room is stinking, things are completely thrown around and have been rummaged through so it's a complete disarray and I can't use anything that is a closed space because they spray so much fungus and stinking filth into anything and everything on everything everywhere and they use either mechanical arms every day or when I leave to go shopping the scum operating for the dancing joyous white pieces of shit who are strutting around as I drive in and out to make a show of their control over all the little Farrakhans running around doing their filthy violent work for them. In the verbal arena Farrakhan is most adept at verbal spewing of hate and he's really trying to get me to expose so kind of "racism". I finally called him an Uncle Tom today in a screaming fit after first for the first 3 hours of the endless rape and abuse, trying to be light and happy as I went about this filthy room they ordered to be sprayed and destroyed because I went out shopping yesterday. My plants being killed and killed with fungus growing on the most beautiful flowering vine, I get rid of the fungus they have is sprayed again. I wake up as drips of water are pouring on my plants from the room above and the leaves of the plants are dead because they are pouring poison on my plants. They drilled holes into the ceiling of my patio so the water would pour on my plants. any contact with the maintenance of this building entails a hateful Thai man yelling at me and saying he can't understand a single word. Everything he says and does is abusive. I can't afford to pay someone else to do this work for me.
So I have to try to deal with it all myself. They have cut gaping holes into an electrical socket which I have had to tape up just to get it to work, or deal with having to purchase from all the money I must spend monthly to replace all the broken and destroyed items that are constant from this group as they block all my financial earnings and keep me under too much stress and poisoning to function and my internet constantly hacked.
I was not going to write anything because I want the new plants I bought to not be killed. But before I ever was writing any single thing on any blog or on Facebook, the shit organization was constantly killing my plants. They were doing this when I was being raped nightly by the English filthy pig ape who is still handing out awards through his English Monarchy association to all the shit like this creep from England, all the actors out of London who have threatened to kill me, who have been training shit like pig pit and shitalina for decades in fascist Nazism. They are completely overtaken just as Farrkhan is, a complete minority minion of a fascist 4th Reich.
I wrote years ago warning people that they would themselves regret having allowed this group to come into power. Now in the House of Representatives there is a power struggle taking place. Finally the dumb scum of that House is seeing that allowing shit like this fascist group is threatening to kill them for not complying to putting them into power. It is exactly as I wrote about 7-8 years ago, and kept writing until finally I stopped and just focused on trying to stop the deadly assaults upon me, which has never stopped anyone from stopping the pieces of sick shit now endlessly assaulting me so Trump and this death cult group can obtain more and more and more and more positions of power in the mind fuck operation that Whorewood is and the "black" activists like Farrakhan who truly can be equated with Enrico Tarrio.
So whenever goddamn Americans who don't want a complete overtake of the United States by a fascist violent death squad Nazi/mafia organized criminal group of sleazy and dirty really mediocre a$$-sucking pigs for the power cartel, as that is how they obtain their power they have no originality they steal and co-opt everything, as Farrakhan did with Malcolm X and then took it into fascist Nazi territory, his "black" empowerment movement which he now still controls, but bemoans that the problem of racism has INCREASED despite the black president and his entourage. If Obama had only stopped the teleportation hate crime that he and his wife and children are still profiting off, as they obtain their promotions and media slots that were promised to them if they just went along because that same group put them into power because they would always comply, lie and remain good little silent partners to the 4th Reich in the most critical areas of fascist overtake as this contract out on me appears to be.
Because I am hacked, am drugged and ranting constantly in my posts as these rotten pig parasites go on for hours and hours, it is torture it is slow murder plus the poisoning and mutilation of my body resulting in fractured vertebrae, my hips put out of alignment, hardening poison that adheres to any rip or tear in the body so the injuries are ensconced in a cement-style hard poison in an internet hard shell in my body which I must rip and tear every day to get a little layer to break off, expand slowly, injecting fermented mind control poisons and toxic poison into my body every single day, as thesae filthy pigs stick their penises in me the women laugh and giggle, all the blonde Nazi pieces of shit. I now have mind fuck Farrkhan the Black Nazi supreme coming at me every day to claim I am a racist because I called Oprah and aunt Jemima a few years ago, then had to deal with a swarm of black fuckers in the media coming to threaten my life and abuse me calling me a racist, and all stemming from this black section of the white supremacy 4th Reich that Farrakhan represents. Now he's defending the white pig ape racist who is a good ole boy, hiw rape of me is justified because I called rotten dirty Oprah an aunt jemima after years of her stealing my ideas and participating in torture. I had to explain that she is conveying the principles of white supremacy and represents the comforting aunt jemima for white folk on the plantation. I finally called fucking Farrakhan an uncle tom today because he's fully supporting a fascist Nazi white supremacist out of England in constantly raping and beating me and abusing me as he joins in with insults and threatening menacing behavior as I fight while the endlessly huge group of celebrity pieces of shit who have been profiting off poisoning making me old stealing robbing my ideas EVERY SINGLE YEAR and mutilating and poisoning and destroying my home with this global circuit of shit--every day. I fight and fight, recalling the years of writing that the fucking people reading my posts would some day stop cheering Trump on and understand that they, too, are victims of this organization.
The dumb crap from the House of Representatives are now considering a rep out of Minnesota who was against the Trump train of bs, and this is angering the Trumpster with their dumpster fire upon America so shit like the black nazis can assist with a huge financial overtake of the spoils of the destruction of the country.
The terrorists turned off the WiFi in the middle of me writing this increasingly ranting post above--cussing and cursing constantly. I got up to turn the router off and on again, which doesn't really work. I have to shut down the computer, and I just cleared the cache before writing this post. I might have to risk losing all that I wrote, as they are constantly deleting what I write and/or rewriting and deleting even when I am able to post. I got up and was instantly nearly swooning in dizziness in what was formerly called "The Havana Syndrome" which has been completely disavowed as any legitimate Directed Energy Weapon assault upon people, especially in front of their computers, as I am . I was so dizzy I could barely walk straight, even with all the hard poisons pulling my spine in every single direction constantly so I can barely move, which is what this group of filth has poured into my body--shit pig pit and shitalina working for the UN as an ambassador for "women's rights" what a sick skank dirty foul rapist shit racist that daughter of an English fascist Nazi and KKK openly pro-Trump fascist father out of America.
You keep allowing them to go on. The shit in Congress kept allowing them all to go on and on and now some of them are being threatened with death. They thought it would only be people like "me" which they put into some horrid designated group. I should be high-flying and successful and extremely beautiful, as I always was before this organization began it's assault on my body and my brain and home and family and finances and now all I do is fight for my life. I see though the burgeoning of this death squad mentality as murdering opponents is now almost a daily event in politics and in America as death threats are poured upon those who vote against Trump and awards are handed out endlessly for those who put him into power--like pig shit pitalina and that group of celebrities with their a$$es in ENgland, France and Europigapeland and of course their tentacles also in other parts of the world. Now they have been handed mansions and businesses in Phuket and in Thailand with full cheering of the fascist 4th Reich pig ape death cult that controls Thailand. They keep the sex trafficking to a very low bubble here they control the media and all is silent. But otherwise, it's fully Nazi controlled in all corners, in all aspects but they have had no leadership like Malcolm X to fight this overtake so they don't have these rotten and callous fakes like Farrakhan to verbalize the duplicity that he does of hating another Nazi target, the Jews.
I'm trying not to write about this group as they torture and are murdering me whether I write or not. They were murdering me outright before I ever realized what was happening to me. They were destroying my property and poisoning me so long ago I thought America was a great country and these pieces of shit who surrounded me were my friends. I suggest that the longer you fuckers reading this do nothing to stop this or them, you will find likewise that you are in this same situation even if you don't realize it. Perhaps although I am ranting and cursing you may actually take what I am saying seriously as these fuckers will kill ANYONE if they are instructed to do so.