IS THAT A GREEDY, LYING GERMAN PIG CHASING A SWINE, OR A WANNA BE FORMER AMERICAN SOLDIER WABBA BE PIG APE WANNA BE NAZI BEING DEVOURED BY IT'S FORMER SCUMBAG PIG APE NAZI (FORMER) "FRIEND"? Aren't the German Nazi pig apes snorting in delight now as they watch America devolve into a Nazi divide-and-conquer Neo-Nazi State, with them happy to give instructions on how to re-create the pre-Nazi take-over of Germany (thus calling the Democrats "Communists", which was the "fight" between Hitler's Party, the National Socialists, against the "Communists" which really were called the "Second International"). Those "nice, happy and smiling Germans" in Germany who welcomed the American soldiers into their kneipes and beer halls, their homes and beds with huge smiles and free, friendly heaping plate-fulls of pig meat, beer by the gallon (megaliters) and their daughters or sons as their dear spouses or lovers. Or, as the case really is, their children as sacrificial offerings who will eventually betray their American infiltrator Army soldiers, offered (prostituted) I mean loving companions or wives in order to inculcate more Nazi philosophy "in bed" and in the home.
jah ha ha, what a great Witz! Joke. Not funny you sneer in hate at me when you read this? How you can't wait to "retaliate" with torture that began before I began to write any single thing against your disgusting system, decades ago, even before I was born--but you can't wait to have me more "punished" tortured and disfigured as you feed off the energy of violence and torture; ostensibly for me writing about how your "masters" chase and control you while you love and adore them, and emulate them as much as possible to obtain more gluttony rewards. First they control you where they failed back during WWII, but with huge smiles, loving wiles and cheery happy dispositions, underlying murder unnoticed as your focus is more on the gold and pleasant offerings they hand in front of your gluttonous eyes and mind (heart and soul following) than on the possible consequences of these fake delightful glittery seemingly cornucopia never-ending rewards and prizes.
See *photo above advertising the Dagersheim Schlagtfest--Dagersheim where I lived for perhaps 8 months when I first entered Germany back in 1991. Observe in this depiction how the Nazi pig apes laugh and make jokes about cruelty and death when they assume the joke is only being seen by a small village scene, as in this advert for a tiny Schlachtfest in the center of the village? The look of joy (schadenfreude) on the German pig's face while he's chasing his obviously terrified victim, the animal it's going to butcher and devour. Part of the extreme enjoyment, then, of this food is the partaking of sadistic cruelty before slaughtering the target, which perhaps they fed with highest grade corn before butchering it drooling in anticipation. The synonyms of this act with the tantalizing rewards of studios and promotions, with knife drawn and aimed into the heartland of America, is the unfolding of the flooding of the fools which you all think are just dump and stupid yokles and stupid militia from the Midwest who you don't have to worry about creating death squads in Los Angeles in the Hills. You minority minion wanna be pig ape sell-out prostituted whores should really pay attention as you would be the most easy targets for them to shoot at.
I attended little town square nationalistic party in Dagersheim once, back in 1992. Rows of wooden benches and red checkered tablecloths. Piles of plates of food; it was oompa loompa bands and schweinhaxen and beer infinitum and people wearing lederhosen and horrid schlagermusic on loudspeakers and Schwabish Spaetzle, also known as "poor little boy penises" but I can't find the Schwabish spelling or depiction on the internet because I really don't know how to spell this word "poorboyspaetzle" (that was a phonetic attempt to write this word out, I still cannot find it online, but it is a popular dish in Baden-Wuerttemberg). It tastes really wunderbar, and it's always a joke sort of dish for the Schwabish and if you talk about it's meaning, they always laugh but they love eating little boy poor penis noodles. Don't ask for the Freudian interpretation of THAT...They are a penis-obsessed culture to be sure.
I had written some, like less than 5% of the above yesterday on Facebook and decided today to publish it here. As I sit here now I have "forgotten" once more to put on the aluminum foil hat which I made, which could have been de-magnetized by terrorists entering my room every single second they possibly can to damage and make filthy and toxic. I keep "forgetting" and my thoughts ramble. The subliminals in conjunction with the drugging and mind control tech create this maelstrom of hate ranting but because: Once again, This morning waking up to observe my body in absolute pain from yet another day, yesterday, of an ENTIRE day of being paralyzed after detoxing (crapping out) horrific poison that has hardened into my skeleton, muscles and blocked my viscerae and entire lymphatic system which has been trapped like a hard, cemented structure inside my body for perhaps 30 years or longer. So ill all day I had to eat three large chocolate bars to try to raise my body energy to some kind of survivable level. I spent the day before that for the ENTIRE day gluing and hammering more defenses against the insertion of mechanical arms through the cabinets which have gaps on the bottoms of the doors as large as one inch in width because the terrorists have taken the doors off and cut larger holes into the bottoms of the cabinets after I left this room. I had stuffed the spaces with rubber matting which the mechanical arms can easily lift up and slide underneath. I have spent almost 2 1/2 years fighting to stop these attacks. My body is now completely scarred from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet with bruises, scars that have been chemically sunken into my skin by their deadly chemical smears every single night. Penetrating completely into my skin from the funguses or poisons they inserted on my skin night after night to cause revolting eruptions. My hair nearly gone from years of damaging and cutting out my hair every night. Spending years fighting to stop this in a tiny studio. So ill from re-poisoning that I have spent most of these years just sick and unable to literally move even to do a single thing; years of being stuck in this state while the terrorist pig apes continue to torment me with microwave and other technologically-driven torture attacks that are very deadly. (Heart palpitations for years is one, tears pouring down my eyes onto my skin every day for hours FOR YEARS is another). Today in pain, the things I had wanted to accomplish yesterday but could not, as I sat for yet another day of my life sick all day from morning to night, then today I am in so much pain because the poisons have ripped out at a cellular level of my body, in pain and needing to heal just from the poisons ripping out of my body. Still stuck in this room. The mechanical arms are still getting into my home to inflict more damage to my body after YEARS OF FIGHTING to stop this every single day but too sick to be able to stop it most of the time as they continue to poison me into paralysis, raping me nightly my body stinking unable to move to take a shower, unable to bend to clean the endless deadly filth. Last night they got into my home once more. They inserted another metal object under my left thumbnail. One thumb is almost twice the size of the other due to the endless attack on my fingernails that have permanently scarred up and damaged my nails and body. They are severing my left large toe off completely after having broken it many times so it is pointing at a 30-45 degree angle into the other toes, which are also being broken nightly, as they sever the skin tissue between the toes so the blood flow is non-existant and they are literally slowly cutting my left large toe OFF . There are so many other similar types of attacks I can't "remember" them all as I sit here. The spots and blemishes chemically smeared to penetrate and scar my entire body, plus skin sliced off my shins every night, the list is so long I can't "remember" or get through it all while I sit here. The hacking is also very bad right now, not as bad as usual though. I write and letters are inserted while I type, etc etc, the keyboard doesn't operate, and my brain is under attack so my motor skills are being blocked. I have to sit and try to force my fingers to move as they just stop in midair, unable to move. After years and years of writing about this, as the rotten faces of the Celebrity creeple keep popping up on my YouTube page while I search for the onslaught of news turmoil that erupts daily out of this machine of lies aka the Media, I see them with stupid glares and etc endlessly a never-ending rotation of them. All with mansions and all "hate" Trump but are friends with him as they get their cherished lead roles--remember, Trump is a H -wood personality, but people keep "forgetting" this in the media as they launch their diatribes against how 'Trump" "Represents the Alt-right instead of the H-wood media circus establishment on both sides of the "bipartisan" political spectrum.
Thus, I am not in a very good mood today and my hate writing reflects this. IN an extremely acerbic mood due to endless fighting on subpoverty income due to having been poisoned all my life by everyone I have ever known surrounding me and attacking me.
Today I saw a well-done YouTube clip (by a personality who I have no qualms about, whose YouTube videos are extremely politically and economically correct in my very uninformed opinion but he resonates with real information without a lot of media skew of perception or propaganda. The newest attempt at a stimulus bill might enable American workers unemployed to receive around $1000+ plus around that amount for their children.
I have a college degree, I was forced due to the microchip implant the Nazi American medical establishment (that people can now acknowledge, during the pandemic, IS RACIST AND BIASED in treatment against the targeted for Vernichtung population--blacks, Latinos, Asians and people "like me" who are being MURDERDED due to insufficient health care and medical neglect. But, I was forced into an "accident" where the microchip implants forced my legs to pop up at a 90-degree angle as I was running to work in San Francisco (the hackers are completely now blocking the keys I am spending nearly 80% of my time fighting to backspace and delete the insertions). Any mistakes in my writing that I publish will be 100% due to the hackers, as I am not going to re-edit this after I click on publish. I landed on my back, I continue to go to work (working as a temp secretary at the very prestigious Embarcadero as a temp secretary for a prestigious private temp worker agency on Market Street). While I was sleeping later that night, as I now understand from the crushed vertebrae and the endless attacks on my spine that these pig apes have crushed while I am in a helpless and comatose sleeping state--they crushed my vertebrae, and then denied me completely any health care whatsoever as I had to apply for disability and then obtained NO HEALTH CARE while xrays showed that I had a metal rod from a previous scoliosis surgery literally coming out of my back. COMPLETELY denied health care. That is how and why I went to Germany and the other things I had to do to survive are all due to this denial of health care and this orchestrated "accidents" and the subsequent crushing of my spine causing severe disability fractures to my spine and vertebrae--left with public health and kicked out after being attacked by personnel at these hospitals (all hospitals I went to, except in Socialized Germany where they helped me to remove the metal rod, and then the German rapist pig apes crushed my spin even more and thus, I am now poisoned with crushed vertebrae and left on less than $700 a month to fight to survive on, because I had to leave the country to get health care. I was attacked by this system half a year after having graduated from college, and working as a temp meant I could not claim Social Security but instead I fight to live off substandard Supplemental Security Income, which is far below the poverty level. When I hear of this stimulus package being offered by the BILLIONAIRES (or THE billionaire who is trying to force a baby out of me so his family and he can continue to be bestowed with endless prizes by the Nazi international for his role in creating a Nazi schism in America, where the template of nazi overtake is simply being followed (i.e. the "Communists" Democrats who are competing for the presidential leadership, who for decades have only been following in a Nazi schemata of genocide for people "like me" who they want "eliminated" Vernichtung but a la Amerikan style.). I get so far less than subpoverty because after having tried to study for a Bachelor's degree, but not having operated after having moved out of the racist and horrid Midwest Minneapolis (Prince just wasn't enough to keep me glued to that place where racism is rampant and very nasty, as you can see from the George Floyd murder videos, that attitude was very apparent and made obvious to me the years I lived there). Thinking California would be better, the above description of attempted murder and lack of health care, not even going into the "liberal" Californionians who viciously attacked me on "Haight Street" not even delved into--and I am in a very nasty mood today. My abdomen has been a huge disgusting bloated pot of poison that hangs out like I'm a fat and crooked bloated blob--it's so disgusting I can never look at my body. The poison this group of pigs put in my body is so unbelievable I can't describe what it is. Years of hard poison eeking out, pouring out as creeps and whores attack me as viciously as possible on 24/7 schedules, for years, each one obtaining highest awards and each laughing as they steal ideas out of torturing me, calling me a stupid bitch slapping raping and punching and etc at me and on me as they teleport me. Years of t his stress while fighting to heal. Now I see that the "American" workers are being paid nearly double of what I am forced to fight to live off as billionaires keep me in this death torture chamber so they can get more and more. The Nazis of America who attacked me all my life so I have been forced into this situation are now cheering each and every one of these pieces of sick crap on and on--the "liberal" ones are trying to retain a total monopoly over their positions and of course, no one outside of this death Nazi group may be allowed to enter into the media circles, and I see even if you want to have a podcast you may very well, like me, be blocked from having your internet media communications completely blocked from outside access Despite years of being paid in millions for exploiting me, not a single one of these pigs even after all that I was screaming about for years about how they are helping the Nazi-controlled government to institutionalize a Nazi government with genocides--as the blacks and Jews and Latinos converged around me to get more deals out of being put into limelight positions within this coveted group of Nazi whores and pig apes, all with gloating and smug Europigape partners instructing them on genocidal policy and methodology--something that occurs in the Midwest and is of course covert and of course it had to be an informant that helped the FBI to stop the recent near-kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Whittmer.
---------right now the hackers are blocking the keys I must fight to pound down and fight to think. I am straying and continuing to rant and rave about this destruction of my body as I have to sit here in utter sickness for another day. Not getting anything done, my body completely scarred up. The pigs who have attacked me and continue to have me tortured so they can continue to be promoted, elected, etc etc keep me in a torture and dismemberment schedule after making millions off exploiting idea after idea I write of. Even recently, after the debate between Trump and Biden, I wrote immediately after the debate about how the Roman Emperor Claudius, known as a stammering "idiot" became a very competent ruler after the Preaetorian Guard assassinated the corrupt murdering Caligula, a most debaucherous and murderous sadistic fascist inheritor of the throne of the Emperor. A dynasty, which is what these pig apes of Whorewood and in politics at top levels have already created.
After writing about this, the torturing abuser who has been put into this position to enact the Nazi schemata, with his H-wood "friends" all screaming into photo-op cameras about how they are "fighting" him and deriding his every move and word. He had me tortured and attacked, sexually groped and abused by this greasebag Thai landlord who is connected to the fascist military coup government under --won't write his word as the internet is scoured for any defamatory content, which is dangerous in this banana republic fascist colony ruled by Europigape Nazi pig ape whores and their greasy indigenous wanna be pig ape whores. All of it is so reminiscent and a repeat of the California replication of this same master-whore scheme in H-wood but of course, no one apparently by myself can acknowledge this or even make any comparison. It is clear to me, but of course I'm supposed to be "stupid" because they forced me into disability and as a target, I am discredited every move and thing I write and say and do, and of course people "believe" what they are told to think so...I remain like this ranting and sprawling thoughts from the tech and drug interface plus never, NEVER any support system or any acknowledgement of this torture or even my cat returned to me, I remain here ranting and writing. Waiting for someone to actually not be a political whore puppet out of the White House who laughingly participates in this crime against me. Not saying that Obama was laughing but perhaps he did smirk once in a while. I really blame the Clinton machine more at this point after more than a year or perhaps less of her inclusion into this torture situation openly teleporting me and then being shown in red carpet opportunities, still prominent in the Democratic election process, still grasping onto power, still operating as a controlling factor., Thus I remain entrenched into a system which these b bigot Nazi wanna be pig apes from the Midwest continue to enforce, and have enforced, most of my life. The New Yorker who has also really laughed about this and is having me tortured non-stop is also laughing more openly but almost as much as Hillary. I got lost in this hate digression and lost the point (also "they" are hacking into my thoughts, as I also have to pound down on keys, to get anything out, letters appear when I have not pressed those keys, etc etc) but, after I was TORTURED as the proxy punitive rapist hate greasebag wanna be Nazi whore landlord (a most stupid, ugly and stinking ugly rotten man who is a most vicious and disgusting personality attacking me for the bigot white people who hand him new businesses for just helping to rape and destroy my body every single day)---I wrote of how Claudius the Emperor who was older and stuttered actually made a very competent Caesar, (although Nero succeeded him, but that was due to the corruption around Claudius who was poisoned by his wife) but.....the connection was obvious. Trump was asked about the Proud Boys, who the next day, after I was tortured, had a teeshirt made up with the symbol of the crown of victory that ROMAN CAESARS used as their token insignia for success in war. The crown of victory the olive branches, But as these vicious and nasty parasites have been doing for years against me, they torture me, I use examples and write of how filthy and corrupt they all are, they have me tortured by their nasty and vile minorities or wanna be rich whites (in Thailand it's nasty, greasy whore Thais operating for the most vicious Europigapes who are "expats") but, attacked and then TRUMP STOLE THE IDEA for his Proud Boy Preatorian Guard assembly of thugs and whores using military-grade assault weapons. How many of those pigs have been soldiers stationed in Germany and completely brainwashed by the happy, smiling anti-American German pig apes who are viciously using these greasy dirty scumbags as their proxy weapons against the American population and "Democracy" at large to institute more of the Nazi 4th Reich, installed by these wanna be Europigape American Nazi pig ape whores? I had to see, aftger much abuse and more destrsuction of my body, that the pigs then stole YET ANOTHER IDEA FROM ME and instead of any t hanks keep me being beaten down every single day with disfiguration and torture that never ends, no matter how long I remain silent they keep oln and on and on and on and on to my slow death as EVERYONE WATCHES ADN DOES NOTHING to help me. You just keep cheering these stupid and sick and disgusting pigs on and on as the United States is flailing in death and destruction BROUGHT ABOUT BY YOUR PLASTIC-COATED ENTERTAINERS WHO ASPIRE TO BE POLITICIANS who are most viciously slowly murdering me and being put into highest position and they are trying to create endless dynastic monopolies of power which you all continue to help institute and never stop any of it.:
Now I am surrounded by millionaires and billionaires who are attacking me to get "liberal" ideas they can sell-off, while they are paid in millions by the smiling, warm friendly anti-American Europigape whores they adore who are paying them for their roles in the divide-and-conquer scheme which is playing out RIGHT NOW in the UNITED STATES, thanks to these filthy creeps I have written of for YEARS who are lounging around at luxury mansions in Europe being told by their pig ape Nazi "friends' that they are just fantabulous actors and rewarded and handed new studios for torturing me slowly to death, while the rest of the world keeps on applauding them.
The "stupid Americans" like these in the video below are the intended targets of these Nazi covert mind control operations, the working class wanna be rich greedy pigs who are shouting murder Nazi epithets at the Michigan State Capital building carrying nooses and brandishing Confederate and Nazi flags. They just tried to kill the "Communist" who has been trying to enforce anti-Covid 19 measures as safety precautions. How many of these assault-weapon "militia" Nazis out of Michigan were in the US Army stationed in Germany, or their relatives?
Video below has interview with black woman working at the Michigan State Capital Building, offering first-hand account of militia death squads flouting assault weapons into the capital building during a session from the balcony of the assembly room.
My post on Facebook yesterday had almost none of the angry rhetoric I post today. I wake up for another day, almost into the TENTH year of fighting to stop my body from being repoisoned, after being thrown in jail for writing on my Facebook page that two Europigs are pigs after YEARS OF THEM torturing, having me poisoned slowly to death, teleporting and raping me, having my home and body maimed and destroyed, stealing all my property and having literally millions of people attack me for them as proxy domestic violence abusers while their "feminist" wives and children and friends watched on (just as these pigs on H-wood with their female partners are still doing to this very second as I type this and while you f-ers are reading this and gloating and turned on by it).
I was trying to post something but today waking up to the mechanical arms having gotten through my endless attempts for years at protecting my body, writing about this for YEARS while you f-cks reading this do NOTHING NOTHING to help me, EXCEPT for perhaps, although I really don't know what, some tiny things to help me buy more cheap items at dollar stores which never stop the attacks as you all do NOTHING for years but now are scratching your polished but still filthy heads about how you can't understand how "Trump" has created this Nazi state? All trying to steal ideas out of my ranting posts drugged non-stop for decades as you force these reactions out of me through subliminals and hate and violence, especially while I am sleeping I can "hear" subliminal hate phrases endlessly repeated into my brain, into my subconscious. Waking up to filth, my home damaged, my body completely scarred up, not enough money to even begin to protect myself let alone buy products to really heal my body. Laughing like the pig pieces of crap that you are, reading this and still doing nothing except "blaming" T-rump in the media for YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS for which you are all living large in your mansions, obtained for your swine performances of how you "care" about every single under-dog cause on the planet and can't wait to rape, torture and disfigure and murder and destroy when you can get away with it without evidence. Pig apes extraordinare extraordinarily American Nazi scum.
THE HACKING is so bad--I stopped fighting to type at the paragraph above, or that just above that paragraph, and have left it all in. I am ranting by now as I really care about my looks, my health and my beauty and being able to get out and move and live life instead of being zapped, burned, tortured, poisoned and stuck with mind control technology making my moods, my emotions into hate states 24 hours a day unable to defend myself and stuck alone. My cat La Moux was like my child and they have stolen her years ago and she is dying waiting for me to return and love and care about her. She is all I had left to love on this planet. I want no contact with any of these disgusting rapist Nazi creeple who are famous who are trying to force a baby out of me--after years of torture, years of Trump; allowing every scumbag whore, pig and creep and the Europig white males who were poisoning me to death TO CONTINUE to steal ideas i WRITE or even to think as my thoughts are also monitored and stolen--all his good friends and cherished Europigape buddies who have been handed red carpet to live in the United States, stealing all they can from people "like me" so their mediocrity and really ugly, empty, black-hearted hate personalities can suck the life and joy out of me, with the full cheering on of millions of American pieces of SHIT assisting in crap like t his to overtake America--and, I remain here seeing yet another idea stolen by these pigs who are trying to force a BABY out of me so THEY can continue to profit off dismembering and raping and abusing me slowly to death for the promotion and gleeful benefit of these pig white Europig pieces of shit who have been handed mansions and properties, real estate to sell off as they bring in boatloads of Europigapes to infiltrate and take the United States over.
It is too hard to pound down any longer. I am writing hate sentences that are being blasted into my subconscious by the alteration of my emotions by this brain-altering tech. The stupid ape pigs I write of are going to continue to "punish" me for writing in hate on my private, never published blog about what stupid and sick pigs and whores and apes they really are. No one in years has ever come to defend me openly and I remain being tortured and then my thoughts stolen; by stupid ignoramuses and then I am dismembered, raped and tortured and writing about it to SILENCE AS YOU creeps read this for YEARS and still do nothing to defend me. Now the US is in a catastrophic state ALL THAT I WROTE FOR YERAS IS COMING INTO STARK REALISTIC TERMS OF UTTER DESTRUCTION and I GET NO CREDIT FOR HAVING WRITTEN THE TRUTH AND WARNINGS ABOUT HOW SICK THIS SYSTEM IS, HOW THESE ACTORS HAVE BROUGHT ABOUT THIS CATASTROPHE, and still they are taking credit for MY IDEAS as they continue to blather about how they "care" and how they are "fighting" their nasty promoter Trump and his Nazi machine they all helped to institute and they are all lounging in luxury as California is burning to a crisp due to climate change. All these stupid ignorant pig apes have to do is move to France where their Nazi Anti-American hosts will happily hand them drugged beer and wine to continue to influence their infiltration into the destruction of their most hated United States.
Here is the Roman Emperor symbol of victory, the olive branches put into a crown on Caesar's head--taken and adapted into Nazi publicity and media representation by the torturing group you all have allowed to torture me day and night year after year as you cheer them all on until it becomes unfashionable to do so any longer---until you no longer need to rely on them for your secure position in the media. It is "understandable" on one level but completely so out-of-touch with the devastation of REALITY that your stupidity and greed have created by conforming to this extent to this system which you probably claim you can't change and just want to have your security by conforming within that is, if you are not completely in adoration of these pigapes out of Europe who are operating through you and your pig ape friends into conforming to their anti-American politics which they are enacting through you stupid STUPID WHORES who perform the roles they pay you in stolen genocidal-obtained gold AND stolen mansion the Jews worked and obtained despite centuries of absolutely crushing oppression and racism in Europigapeland you all cherish and adore and are turning America into a miniature colonized pig ape colony devastated and dying even as the climate due to your emptiness and consumptive greed have also created.
Here's what the violent and abusive president had his most stupid group of thugs, goons and apes STEAL as they and he have been doing to me for all these years of me being endlessly dismembered and raped and disfigured and tortured while he and all of you LAUGH OR DO NOTHING TO STOP it all.
The REAL ROMAN INSIGNIA OF VICTORY AFTER BATTLE. It's actually stolen by the Romans from the Greeks, and because my brain is under so much adverse mind control technology attack, I "forgot" it is called a Laurel Wreath:
(I always "forget" vital words and my vocabulary, in addition to sinking to a ranting and cursing hate level, is blocked from accessing words I really need to try to elaborate in any depth or style on. I also want to add that, for example, a few days ago someone told me that something was marked down 50%. The cost listed was 160 Baht. I tried to calculate this and within one second or less my mouth uttered that the reduction at 50% was at 60 Baht. I literally could not divide something by half, this technology literally has either a computer AI system, or a manual over-ride of my brain functioning inserted with some wrong number which comes out of my mouth immediately without prior "consent" of my mind or even in calculating such a wrong number). The technology is so confounding and blocks so much rational and coherent thought. This is what your wonderful celebrities are being promoted to inflict upon the public and upon any of their probably more talented rivals. That also goes for politics and in every other single thing. Wait until the real dumbing down of society devolves further, if the planet is not blown up or burnt to a crisp in the meantime with you dumb creeple cheering all these shithead pieces of crap in the media and in politics on and on, KNOWING that they are instituting this death system and technology.
These idiots and whores are not victorious, they are scum using brainwave altering tech, assault rifles, surveillance government sponsored terrorism apparatus, and given the green light endlessly to inflict all damages they want to obtain and retain power and control.