Thursday, August 22, 2024

Almost literally impossible to access my Fed Ex delivery for the Debit Card that was closed due to my mailbox at this (terror) condo being blocked from all delivery--including Fed Ex.//Perhaps the "reason" for my name and the landlord being omitted from any official record is to protect the guilty. //As I was writing this, the computer began spitting out various page size reductions and enlargements like a flailing dying computer bot. The hacking has been so extreme that this morning, upon doing a system restore to clear out the endless malware completely blocking this laptop from functioning because I used the computer normally for 2 days after cleaning all files out of the C drive, then this morning doing reset, which then kicked me out of the prerogatory "log-in" 4-digit code w

 ...(cont. due to hacking almost every minute the screen goes completely black, then the computer freaks out with size shifting of the browser, like sputtering frames blanking in-and-out of the screen then goin black again)

I was locked out of accessing my laptop because hackers literally changed the code for log-in *while the laptop was in reset mode, before I could access any of the functions on the laptop they had already hacked-in** (written after seeing hackers had deleted info)//. I can't stop the computer from forcing this **4 digit, pre-screen **log-in code. **When I perform a complete recovery of the system, deleting all files, once having gotten into the recovery, through Cortana** there is a prompt asking if I want a log-in code but the choice to click on "no" has been deleted. *There is supposed to be a choice but I am forced to have a log-in code** so I am stuck with hackers blocking my access through the "reset" mode if they choose to change the code **while I have no access to the laptop because the system is still in spinning mode** once they can hack into the bios while the system is resetting. *I had only downloaded a few movies and mp3 podcasts for two days and the system was so bogged-down with malware, from just one day of that plus watching YouTube, that I tried to reset the system this morning because I could not access my email last night, it was frozen and not operating. I did the reset this morning and after having done that, the log-in code had already been hacked so I could not access anything and had to clear out the entire c-drive for another 2 1/2 hours**. My files are all deleted now but the problem persists that I cannot get into my email. It remains spinning and blocked on almost every single browser but one**,

**I had to rewrite almost the entiretty of this last paragraph which was hacked and rewritten to make no sense--this happens every time I attempt to write about any system or ask concrete questions regarding any type of policy especially to any business--hackers rewrite so my "question" reads like a 3rd grade level chaos with the actual question having been deleted from the email I had just sent. 


I could not access the tracking number for the delivery due today for over 4 hours, the entire time I was teleported while putting clothing and bed linens away, which requires 1-2 hours per morning, then 1 hours per night for the entire wrapping up of my body and taking all out of the sloppy mess that is created every day by mechanical arms going through my room while I am sleeping, throwing things around, slicing holes into all the artwork I put on the floor, injecting my body and having me teleported to the sickness and filth of the pig ape whore trash scum you all worship as your celebrity and celebrity politicians who are as rank and foul as any Satanic moribund creep international cartel of demon-worshipping black satanic hole cesspool lpsychopaths and much worse 9in particular their sexuality ) and as they have to steal ideas from me, in particular sleazy dirty ugly sick trashalina who has not stopped the murder and attacks and theft of my ideas for over 14 years, non-stop every year, she is always there the pig ape poltiical machine can never do more than partner with this pair of filthy shit from Whorewood in order to gain access to the English-controlled mega-Europigpigapeland Nazi/Mafia criminal cartels which are really aiming a trajectory of fascist Nazi overtake with mafia thuggery and criminal violence so that Democracy is absolutely destroyed and fascist Nazi dictatorship can prevail, as the 3rd Reich had envisoned it is now being done "from within" and all of you applaud and cheer this on every single day without end or do nothing if you are not fully into this shit, you still allow it to progress unabated. Years and years and years of every single day screaming, by now becoming so old and broken down from screaming in utter rage every single day for hours in this teleportatin hell while they block my internet and I have stinking filth to clean up every day while my body is broken from years of mutilation and broken toes gum tissue cut out my hair mostly gone tgurning grey everything destroyed so this filth can continue

as this ugly whore skank is now still being featured in a movie paid for in-full by this 4th Reich white supremacy machine sponsoring the destruction of anyone like me who wants a real career is creative and beautiful and happy in life and not going to be abused and used by shit like this so they can have their filthy Nazi mafia hegeomony machine thereby having people like my family destroyed, killed and poisoned even when they fully complied with this filth shit system so I am fighting it. Only to be viciously attacked by the black fucking shit of the "righteous victim black fighting against racism" machine that is an utter farce of despotic slave mentality reversing hate upon me, bn the need to become like the white fascist monster Nazi bigot mafia they claim they are victims of perpetually--fully working FOR THEM and they have absolutely imbibed the essence of injustice and brutal racism imposing it on me for over 15 years when it comes to the Obamas and I have seen this all my life from the Black Community it has been an integrated policy for "divide-and-conquer" for all my life as well. Screaming in hate and rage, trying to kill that fucking whore parasite to just stop it from endlessly having to torture me because it's just a sick dirty ugly parasitic whore with plastic surgery money poured into something the Nazis can use for this purpose. Endlessly lavished and complimented by the black filth and shit who have been promoted for YEARS AND YEARS alongside this white supremacy Nazi-touting group of white trash shit glorified because of their ties to the English Crown and to the other Nazi leaders of Europigapeland--they have no soul they are sleazy and ugly and sick I am screaming to get them off me fo ryears but all the shit of the United States in power are fully in line with this because they are all beholden to these Europigapeland cartels. That means, of course, that there is no one controlling the United States government except for fascist Nazi and Mafia criminal genocidal cartels, controlling all sides.

On edge, the normal browser automatically inserted into this laptop. I then downloaded another more secure browser, and I was blocked from accessing my Fed Ex information as well. Again, silly me, not having written down the tracking number information which I  have to be 1000% vigilant regarding hacking and writing things down, but they always hack with this severity at critical moments like this so I am not aware that this can be done. This is the first time they have locked me out of my computer and changed the log-in pin.

Three browser settings could not access the information I had not physically written down, due to stress, the endless freezing and the drugging brain manipulation the hours of the shit whores of Whorewood constantly abusing me and attacking me ALL MORNING while I have to clean and spray the stinking filth these dirty stupid ape pig whores order sprayed on my clothing--my body broken down I have to spend also hours fighting to heal and try to restore what has been damaged

but I could not get into my email. I had to fight all functions to eliminate potential apps that could be hacked through to block the system.

I finally used a Tor and that was nearly not working but after a lengthy wait, I found after giving up, minutes after trying to log-in, that finally it was logged into my email. Then, once I clicked on the Fed Ex link to track the info for the delivery (today, any time) that page was blocked, and I got a sign saying that the Fed Ex system was "down" which was another hack job.

I had to switch to the "normal" not-Tor browser to access the Fed Ex site and switch to get the correct trasking numbers and finally I see that I am supposed to have a delivery, due later today--arrived in Thailand while I was fighting to get internet access for 4 hours, then one more hour of screwing around with getting the devices printers which are hacked into my system to block my system, and even that would not work and it barely opened I had to click and fight to get into that app and I could not delete the pernicious hacking devices glued into my system through the devices and through the terrorist printers which pour malware into my system. Immediately once I delete the printers my system is not stuck any longer. But they have already established the connection, done while the laptop is in spinning inaccessible (to me) mode so they hack while I can't even begin to block their access through the devices.


Yelling this morning at the Wh-wood terrorist Nazi bigot Mafia that I really do not like them, for the 15th year of it going on every single day in a row. The expletive who was giggly-handed to me to beat and rape like all the haters keeps asking me "why" I can't stand him as I begin to scream and the vulture parasites lap up the hate they are inflicting on me, making me more grey-haired, more broken down from endless hate as yet another leech who latched on while I was sleeping, to rape and then drugged by my own pain-relief attempt to just fight to clean the endless stinking filth sprayed on everything so I am not constantly being poisoned to death just by the toxins they are dumping as permanently stinking mold and fungus into my room every day and on everything and into my hair if they could and my skin and into my body--while having me raped by men who perform and say and do the same things as the last pig ape scumbag

the United Nations' Feminists are there orchestrating the most disgusting rape against me (not "the most" but I mean as an adjective not as factual depictors because I know there is much worse but this is pretty much on the scale of pretty much near the lower ranking of scumbag behavior, glorified as usual by the equally repugnant expletives profiting and being promoted by this system, the antisemites, the white black latino jewish asian nazis and whatever else there is in that filth group

and I am rejected by Jews who rush to attack me for their own promotions so it's despicable on all levels. I don't follow that religion nor do I care about the disapora, Israel or anything else about identification with ersatz groups who are just aligned with the 4th Reich anyway--they have zero religious affiliation with any precepts of the usual designations of respecting any human dignity and only worship money and power and all the "evil" ways and machinations of obtaining the latter two defining characteristics of their meaningless and rotten, corrupted personality structures, created and controlled by incentive-driven greed and sleaze programming.

very hard to type so I am not using correct grammar (caps for races and etc) it's too hard to get things out. I press keys and nothing happens so I must just go slowly and then backspace anyway.


I wonder if the f-ing pig apes who have profited of this attack upon me for the past 15 years will ever be satiated with having me tortured raped poisoned for their black hate of me as the type of "minority" who actually "believes" in not having to submit to racist hierarchical denegration for promotional purposes that they all embrace--that is the "reason" they are so full of hate redirected and deflected onto me, with whitey in the background smug and smiling and patting them on the back for endless violence aimed at me. Endless tv shows, book tours deals and relevancy in politics. That goes for the female blonde feminists as wel, who have gone along and fully supported this as a reverse revenge upon the last blonde Nazi who "stole' the election from them back in 2016--now almost a defcade later using me as the crux of revenge--will they ever be satisfied that they have had me tortured poisoned beaten to death almost with me struggling crying out for justice which never happens and they are still inflicting this filthy shit upon me and will n evber stop trying to exploit me so mediocrity and lying bullshit can continue to be promoted by the white trash 4th Reich into powerless positions of power, where they appear as "saviors' but do no fucking thing to "help" those who believed in the deception that they are there to promote their lives instead of the grinding destruction of the country that the other side is promising for a complete take-over of the non-functioning economy and government; always on the brink of collapse and "civil war" due to the endless mind programming that the Whorewood ape pig whores are helping to promote, with the media entertainers of the "news" on all sides fully absorbed into the divide-and-conquer strategy

will these sleazy and sick fuckers ever have enough of having me tortured poisoned raped while everyone else watches on applauding them from preventing me from obtaining health care, a home, money, a decent life and the ability to compete in the market--they have been stealing my everything for over 15 years directly and then the rest of my life covertly so I had no idea I was slated to never have a chance to live anything resembling "The| American Dream" and instead they are bringing millionaire Germans and English into America to take over so they can "enjoy the American Dream" by taking over the media and installing absolute dirty and lying filth puppetry American performers, trained to sound like they are fighting for the concepts of American Constitutional Righteousness, and their one and only aim is to be handed mansions wealth and monopoly.



The purpose of the shit pig ape scum from  Whorewood, who perpetually ask me the same question, "why don't you like me/this?" for days on end after beatings, rape and mutilation torture poisoning and destruction of my home into a filthy mess every day, which I can't clean because they paralyze my body with MURDER hardening poisons and drugging so I react in hysteria every single day as the pound into my life with hate and violence EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT FAIL EVERY DAY FOR HOURS PER DAY AND WHILE SLEEPING ASKED QUESTIONS WHICH I ANSWER HONESTLY SO THEY CAN HAVE MORE IDEAS TO STEAL IN ORDER TO BE PRESENTED AS NOT BEING DEMONIC SLEAZY SICK FILTH PUTRID WHORES AND IGNORAMUS KNOW-VERY-LITTLE EXCEPT POSTURING BULLSHIT scumbags

so this morning, the German fucking pig ape whore who has been slapping beating calling me bitch after me being drugged to the point that I was helpless as I reacted to his sexual energy of extreme sadistic glee that his mostly non-A-list career was going to SKYROCKET along with his foul dirty Nazi brood of buddies he brought to help abuse me in a gang rape situation which he wants to endlessly have at his disposal for his sadism sexual needs as well.

He asked me, as Depp had done, as all of them have done, "why don't you like this' as I scream in utter black rage screaming for hours about what sick shit they are. THey all smile and sit silently BECAUSE THE NAZI PROMOTERS REQUIRE THIS AS A PROTOCOL QUOTA to ensure that they are hurting me as much as possible, not only through their violence but for me to recount it, then to detail because I AM UNDER TRUTH SERUM mind control tech and drug interface while in a most vulnerable state, either fresh from drugging waking and while putting away stinking filth to exacerbate my rage from years of my property being stinking and destroyed stolen broken and damaged and frayed made shabby and broken down immediately upon purchase for almost every single thing I own. They use mechanical arms from within my room while my back is turned and it's a bit dark in here, so my shoes are scratched even while I am in another part of the room and return and see scratches on the surface of the shoes which were not there 2 minutes before--they can insert mechanical arms through the kitchen cupboard sink area which they broke the doors of so I can't close them and then they spray such stinking filth every day into that area that I have to have open air, a crack at least and there are portals all over this tiny cubicle room literally on a 360-degree radius and no matter what I do to secure the room they have put so many cheap and fragile artificial constructs that it is literally impossible to block the portals and they rush in and rip out and destroy all attempts I make.


Screaming so I feel this area of my hairline that has turned grey in the last month from this German sick fuck raping and abusing me with the line-up of the filth and shit I have been fighting agaisnt watching smiling and laughing like the sick and ugly filth they truly are--their movies to the contrary are part of the plot to put the most egregious fakes into power to further pursue a take-over of the U.S. "from within". Obama glared in hate at me, as did Kamala, and then they laughed as sick and sleazy stupid skits were forced upon me by the mental illness of the shitalina crew, the people who construct elaborate death machinerary with sadistic brutal varieties of torture and murder, their special pleasure games which they enjoy so much they literally are addicted to doing this to me. They are working with "Elon" to build more and more torture factories of this same mind control variety but probably with even more horrific stealth technology than was inserted in me over 50 years ago

So they go on. They get promoted for me screaming to demonsrate that misery is what they want to break my happy joyous spirit and turn me old, broken and filled with hate, self hate as they continue to mutilate and abuse me so no one can sustain non-stop torture like this even for a month let alone more than 15 years of it non-stop daily and nightly. THey go on every single day. Obama giggling and stupid and sick next to the GErman sick fuck he is fully embracing, as is Kamala who offered me a "job" by sucking this dirty filthy creeps as a surrogate mommy for him.

Fighting and fighting, screaming in outright rage at the height of rage by now, ugly trashalina the ugly prostituted scumbag with her Nazi daddy and English whore connected to Monarchy mother, the centrum of the politicians who gain access to the Europigapeland monopolly over the United States. They are only emboldened by the American version of the 4th Reich--death squads abound. The shit whores and skanks I am writing about, the men and women, black, white, Jewish, asian, et al are just representatives of the greater sickness that has fully enveloped the United States. The "Left" is only the pretentiously hip of the fascist Nazi Mafia regime, with as little concern about justice, equality and freedom as the "worst" of the MAGA fascist dictatorship.

When will there ever be actual political representation concerned with protecting the Constitutional Rights of me, a U.S. citizen, born, grown-up, my mother fucking supported shit skank Hillary what a fucking waste product they turned my mother into through the Nazi demands that she obey their every dictate and abusing me was one of the great dictates that Hillary espouses and always has. The rest are the same. Black Obama and his nasty wife are thoroughly thrilled for the years of obtaining their dream careers out of this contract on me. I was in Miami with Rambo the fucking scum "Italian-American" always, always having mafia Italians attack me as his proxy and of course, inter-connected with politicians it was nasty dirty Black Nazi Obama who completely partnered with this group, through Stallone, to assault me with murderous poisoning and abuse without end since 2008---just from the Obamas, with Stallone it's been since 1997 with his Italian mafia partners who have just been invited to attack me in the last 2 months which I fought like hell to get off me as usual, after spending years trying to get Stallone's manager from Bar None on South Beach, Nicola Siervo, to stop poisoning and raping poison into me to death which he would not stop, saying through his proxies that he wanted to teleport and rape me while in a coma. He tried to do that, I fought and eventually after just writing messages on my Facebook calling him and the English fuck who is still partnering with ugly trash prostitualina--who has been attacking me since 1987--DAnny Moynihan a direct connection to the English crown you can look Moynihan up as the royal painter for years and years--the son is the pig ape who has been stealing my ideas and parceling them out to the dirty shit cartel of the English who control the English-speaking American bigot colony of the English Crown. Through Whorewood straight into Congress. 

UNITED SOLUTIONS MAILBOX SERVICES OF WHOREWOOD (hollywood) a minion nightmare business: Repeatedly LIED TO and RIPPED OFF $$$ by a mail service out of Hollywood, LA. Now, one may ask, if I have so many horrific enemies in that town for not doing what expletives want for their endless destruction of my life for their personal promotions, all 500,000 of the expletives in that area and beyond, controlled by foreign agents and interests--as far as I can tell from the proximity of 15 years of this never-ending hell of being subjected to them. Why I chose this area was because I was looking for an easy location to fly to from where I am in case I must be accessible to certain demands that I will not name. California is a better State in many respects, I believe, than Florida but I probably still made the wrong choice. I was looking for a virtual mail service but discovered I need a mailbox with a scanning and opening of mail service as well, as I have had for over 10 years f rom an assortment of mailbox services in Florida. I was looking through the list of virtual mail services and saw a very interesting address, not knowing that it was in the belly of the beast, right in the middle of highest retail mansions in ole Whorewood. I just liked the name of the street. Silly me. I saw t hen that they also had physical mailboxes and so I phoned

 I could not finish the line above, as the hacking froze the page solid so I just have to continue below, unsure where I had left off because I had to do something and I can't access the line above (in the "title" section)

I had asked this business whether they could offer opening of mail, scanning and a physical box. I have always had relatively semi-reliable shit horrible service out of mail box services in Florida, but absolutely controlled Hatewood Central LA is far above the illegal and corruption scale I have never been exposed to.

I have never been so outright lied to from a business upon first request for services. They told me point blank with friendly tone, yes, we provide these services and the cost is (for me very expensive). I was t hen lied to again when I told them that the notary service fill-out form was being blocked and I could not fill it out in order to legalize the opening of my mail by this service. They connected me via email to some female name who added a stupid smiley face to every shitty lie she gave in response: yes, we can send you a filled-out form and here it is in the attachment. There was no attachment. I wrote back, they never responded and I had to perform a total multiple hour-long recovery of my laptop in order to simply access forms. Today,. I did the same thing and downloading a few files and using the computer for a few hours and nothing downloads correctly and the computer is freezing. I cleared out the entire C-Drive to factory condition two days ago just to be able to phone my bank which has also put me through non-stop "mistake" responses for all the years of endlessly phoning. The situation of being a target is that every business is THRILLED to be paid to deny service, and the minions working the phones are THRILLED to be screwing me over and anybody else over, I suspect as it can't be just me. People LOVE this situation where they can lie and steal and get away with it and then get promoted for it.

boy oh boy

and so, I told them to wait until I was notarized as I was having problems on my end with tech and hacking-they sucked the money out of my account without my permission and since then have not answered any emails until I had to write thrice to get the manager who confirmed that--NO, they don't open mail and scan from the service I had paid for, after the personal phone call where he promised me it would be okay.

They can only send me mail from that box to Thailand and I have to pay the fee and they can't even open the mail to tell me the contents. They never responded to the many emails I had written asking about why I was told otherwise, of course.

I then sent an email, very polite, as succinct as I could be, asking about the situation atten the manager I had spoken with on the phone (the 2nd and 3rd request were unanswered this was my 4th request for information on exactly what they were going to offer--which is nothing I ever chose nor would have chosen and it was a pure and simple screw-over lie theft operation by these expletives.

I then sent an email asking if they could also give me virtual mail service from the same location and transfer the mail from my box to the virtual mail. But I saw, after receiving no response, that the email I had sent had been REWRITTEN BY HACKERS and it made absolutely no sense at all. IT was so confusing that nothing could be made of the question it was jarbled mishmash, absolutely discrediting for me. It could have been anyone rewriting the question and hacking in as my email is almost an "open source" hacking game for the terrorists who constantly rewrite my every business email, personal email and all that I type on everything this post especially.

I had to explain that my emails are being rewritten I have hacking problems and posed the question again.

That was just now, spending over 2 hours today alone fighting to use the computer after 2 hours of doing a system reset (as opposed to the 10 hours I performed 2 days ago of clearing out the entire C-drive to factory condition).


all the lies and failures of most critical information needs, my bank and my mail, were attacked the same week and all my life depends on the functioning of both.


The same week this ersatz scurrilous mail service, United Solutions of Hollywood, lied to me and made me once more have to fight for actual service for my life and financial status, I was also confronted with mail where I live being blocked by the mail service in  Thailand and my landlord doing nothing about it but giving me time to fight to have the banking necessities for withdrawing money from my account sent to me in an emergency, as it was returned, I was then put through a hell by the bank because my identity was very shady to them at that point--or they were just screwing me around as well. That all have happened at the same time during the same week is not a coincidence. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Teleportation terrorism--poetry style

 I have resurrected the name of a poet whom I had known in Minneapolis and San Francisco. The "system" broke him down as far as they could go, regurgitating him back to society as a soberized sputter whereas his dangerous flame had to be urinated upon by the gross negligence of society's incubation of inertia on the mental and spiritual plane(s) which always traverse a straight line, even if they are crooked or bi-sexual bisecting trapazoids.

The Kamel offered me, in teleportation hell deep sleep, a "job" and the former lap girl was offering me to the situation where I was going to be a trafficked slave on the market. The biggest buyer has offered the black Kamel contingent the highest deals, along with the Bama cartel of sex trafficking "we can we can" chanting white liberal crooked Kamalalaland-a-loot carnal chimeras.

It was a ruse!  A ruse by the "black" component of the upper crust of the huge Oreo Pie-in-the-Sky--swirling bits of fake smiles, lectures into tubes being conveyed into labyrinth portals of the imagination, promising a Holy Land where "brothers and sisters" can live in harmony as long as you vote for me.

Promising me a relief as I said "yes" I do not want to be a sex slave trafficked by your Big Ho Cartel to the highest offering for your luxury plantation monopoly of Black Power reduced to another Dark Tower of infidel infamy.


It was a ruse from a sparkling fuse which smiles and laughs and then hugs when lying and offering sex slavery if I want to "work" for her she means being what the sellers are in their vortex performances for the aspiring bots who want to relax and just get paid and laid.


She was selling me off, and promising me a way "out' of the terrorism that Bama had been profiting off for over 15 years--I fled the country because I knew what he was years ago, except my experience with psychopathy and the hate of the 4th Reich had not yet been as exposed and I thought that human beings, just failures on many basic levels, were involved even if they had huge amounts of money. But incalculable cruelty and sickness, lies without end. Huge smiles to offset dubious introspection as to how much people lie to themselves about their actual motivations when choosing such revulsions of decrepitude who offer the most beguiling of smiling loving lies and the monster that hides it's vicious death jaws ravaging whatever morsel to plunder that the Nazi "master" is offering in order to switch the victim role and pounce in joy that the "poor black victim" is being applauded by the Nazi and Mafia cartels.


Sold off, in teleportation, desperate to stop the sex trafficking transaction.

Listening to the debate when Tulsi Gabbard really stuck it to that revolting prosecutorial Ho from Frisco about how she sold innocents to slave labor in order for California Nazis to applaud her as being a staunch supporter of white supremacy. I realized this about Willie when I was introduced to him at a famous restaurant whereby within a few months of having just not understood that he expected instant gratification and I was fresh into SF with the concept that I had been invited to a place with a group of people and I was not going to just leave when some politician approached and just expected me to rush away with him for some casual exploitation sex. The restaurant owned by Wolfgang Puck

and here I am, with another German and being sold off by the same Willie Brown Kamalalalland cartel to be viciously exploited rather than hinted at while being invited to a German-owned restaurant.

The same force is now selling me off

they are obtaining exchange, perhaps a mansion in Germany or some such other favor from the 4th Reich

told I was going to "get a job" I told her I had a physical limitation she said blithely, "we'll find you something" and in the background stood another Ivy-League presidential "black" colleague candidate for the same position watching like a devouring hawk for my reactions and glaring with intensity--the deals, the promises, the 4th Reich offering so much to sell me off to a foreign power for the assumption of a new color of Nazism out of America all touting the victim rhetoric and/or that they are "black" and fighting for Black girls. I am sold off as a trafficked victim, prior to the 4 months after I rejected--not knowing I had "rejected" him I was approached, he talked to me at this bar waiting for a table, I was drugged as usual, I had no idea who he was, only was told he is the mayor, I just thought he was talkin to me I went to the dinner table with the people and they later on attacked me and 3 months later I was put into a deadly "accident" while running and then part of my spine and a metal rod in my spine was fractured and broken while I was sleeping. I had to run out of SF--but I returned a few months later when my family turned into another black gang of vicious minions of the minority 4th Reich cartel--vying for power by sacrificing me.


It's always the same thing with the minority minions. Viciously supportive of white supremacy all assumptions of fighting against racism absolutely gone when it comes to the dirty greasy deals, the camels blubbering huge smiles as they chew on the cud offered for a few constrained women forced into iron-clad male-dominated sex trafficking and white supremacy oppression of any resistance to their cartels. The blacks fully, viciously vehemently going along. Bama almost the most viciously on his power trip--so much money so much power called a "hero" by white Nazi liberals for far too long (I knew instantly that he was not a hero that he was a black nazi it has turned into the most nasty ugly cartel of black nazis out of whorewood a disgusting sickening example of the utter overtake of all the civil rights movements that have since been crushed and taken over by the most deplorable of Hillary conscripts to liberal white Nazi monopoly called hero it's zero.


I heard on the Nazi MSNBC news from the woman who first began a slew of hateful, violently yelling sinister participants operating with murderous greed and sleaze against me for their promotions--supporting the old Ho who has to go and is going soon but not soon enuf

I heard that Iran has been hacking into both of the white and black portions of the election Oreo corroded cookie from the American Pie that lost it's flavor even when black Nazis were put into the recipe for disaster

Iran Government has hacked into the DNC conference and also to the Rump campaign--

fingers crossed this means that when the dust settles, it will be Marianne Williamson who is the last resort for the Dem Ticket against some other option because Iran will seek revenge upon the rump who slaughtered a major general out of the Iran elite a few years ago, and then slaughtered a major Hamas leader out of the newest presidential inauguration in Iran (or Qatar?) and expressed that REVENGE will happen

fingers crossed in dire hope that the Kamal black nazi cartel of "brothers and sisterly love" fake hate will all be blasted with bama and his white Nazi liberals and the celebrities out of Sex Trafficking Nazi Whorewood will just go the way of the superblast

and the Kamal sex trafficking not funny but sinister giggly will be a thing of the past--and I predicted that a female or a younger person will win\

the hateful black Nazis are the most fervent to sell me off to white supremacy--German Nazism to be enslaved, and etc for their profit

hope that Iran finds a way to get their revenge because old Ho the gotta go dino will also be in attendence in Chicago--and Chicago is where bama and dirty deporable hill-a-rapery and aprah all hail from

coming to Champaign to become literal agents of COINTELPRO to assault me and my family--literally sent out of chicago, a denizen of thieves, pimps and ho's I always found Chi-town a black cloud hovering over the atmosphere an ugly and sordid place, the people from there dirtying up the pristine sort of quality that Champaign used to have, now made another city of the 4th Reich--high murder and theft rate, bigot Nazis having taken over the overtake began when the Warren Commission member, unelected, was put into Office by Nixon. 

another unelected skam is now going to be the prominent criminal in chief contender against the other who also has been putting a countless array of rapists and abusers into my life when I just clicked on all of their movies or sites and they have latched on forever more

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Approaching the modern-day version of absolute discrimination by the bank "forced" upon me, PNC Bank, aka Trump International Plantation Bank.

The modern techno-tyrannical era of blockades through technological terrorism disguised as protocol misnomers, mistakes and fallacies and just technical difficulties, resulting in sheer outright block to basic financial means has been ongoing for the past week, in conjunction with whatever, whomever forced this block to my address (only my apartment unit) being blocked by official sources from receiving mail (all others receive mail). It happened under the Biden Administration in the past 2 years, but as I now know, the contract on me has been a shared dino-league dirty old bigot contract from both "sides"--younger dino generations flocking to get free plantation nepotism permission for total monopoly from their erstwhile "Democracy/Liberal/Freedom" touting spawn-generators, otherwise known as pernicious, promiscuous prostituted pimps and Ho's.

I was literally blocked from being able to reach any supervisor when the woman dealing with the situation she had partnered with, in conjunction with the politicians forcing a block of mail, mail being returned to the bank, all my debit cards being closed permanently, no notice as no mail arrives at this address, no notice on my account and....stuck with no access to money. Landlord included, the staff here included, everyone else attacking me included. THis is for standing up for any human rights whatsoever as the "slave" contract for sexual violence and poisoning to death continues (not as bad as earlier as it has been, from being poisoned and raped to death all throughout the Obama/Trump/Biden administrations until the last 2 months perhaps the murder of poisoning has been lessened or even stopped but the drugging remains--which is akin to murder at this point as my body is so sickly and toxic that more damage to my kidneys and liver is murder

The bank told me they would send out temporary emergency cards until my permanent cards arrived. Knowing that the cards would be  rejected, they went ahead with the smirking evil lurking behind the false happy professional managerial voices. I then was alerted, after having to "prove" my identity through a series of "public records" questioning, who I am. I was then told that they would send Fed Ex, and had told me that tracking information was not p ossivble I had to beg to get tracking information because I can't have mail delivered to my address so they claim (all is lies, almost everything the agents and managers say is changed within the conversation, every agent and rep says a completely different answer to questions than the last agent, it goes on in circles with absolutely discrimination of almost the worst kind, always with smiley happy voices and professional demeanor but lurking sinister glee behind it all, and I can hear it in their voices when they are almost laughing while they are attacking me.

I was told by Diana U. that she would be in her office two days ago to order permanent visa cards and have them sent by Fed Ex with tracking numbers and she would help me with wiring. The hackers, after I had done a 2-hour reset function, blocked my internet so badly I could not even click on a browser the entire computer froze and operated so slowly that waiting for letters to print out required over 5 minutes for a few letters. I turned on and off the laptop and fought to clear anything and everything out after I had just done it. I missed the phone appointment by one hour and for the entire night I fought to get any help and I was put through a series of being put on hold, and then hung up on after a 30-minute wait. This happened at least 3 times in a row. I was then denied "verification" and was told that I had to go to a branch to work this out.

I then had to scream after being interrupted constantly, being asked the same questions repeatedly after having answered them, and then bein told that they would not verify me and then hung up on me. That meant that all the hours I phoned the direct line of this manager named Diana, she refused to pick up. I tried to get information to if she was in her office. I was told she would phone me or contact me via email. I sent emails out she never did anything to respond. I got into chat I phone all night and was told to phone tomorrow. 

Yesterday, (which was "tomorrow") I was told they would not verify me and thusly would not reach a manager. One of the other departments which had openly lied to me about a delivery that they say (lying) had been sent and that all I have to do is phone fed ex and ask for tracking number and giving the name of the sender and they would give me the tracking number. Iti turns out, no package was ever sent and they directly lied, constantly on the phone. 

I phoned that same department and told them that I had been put on hold from the main PNC bank line for 2 hours, hung up on repeatedly, yelled at and told outright lies about not being able to verify me. When I got angry refuting the outright lies, they yelled that I don't tell them how to verify me and I yelled back in rage at the outright discrimination from a bank (in the USA) so I phoned another department that I had spoken to the previous day which lied completely to me (about new cards already having been mailed out by this manager who I told to wait on the order--then the lying agent, one of the black/brown minions who told the most stupid lies to me, along with the much more professional plantation controllers, the white bigots who lied endlessly and held up my money and lied and kekpt me on hold and told them all to lie and hang up on me after putting me on hold, which they did repeatedly for about 2 hours.

I finally got a manager after a 45-minute wait--at this point, it was 6 days of being told emergency cards would be sent, told the cards had been returned by the post office and by Fed Ex--told that they would issue new cards after 2 hours of fighting to get Diana U. to give me correct answers to easy questions that she kept flipping around to right and wrong responses constantly--backtracking, repeating the old lies and then the new lies, constantly with an extreme professional voice chirpy and delighted with her power game

I was handed to "Christopher" who then told me that only this manager would be able to generate new cards for me, in the entire bank. I told him that she had told me that other managers were capable of doing this. I had to yell constantly as they said they could not hear me, and this being yet another emergency they created, as they force constant life-threatening emergencies upon me by blocking every single technical capability to the point that I am desperately fighting to save my life for months this has gone on, since fucking Trump was indicted on 37 counts and he and Cohen came to violently assault me but with less physical assault and more financial blocks to my basic survival

completed by all, the minions with the Latino voices and black voices fully complying with the nastiness of the whites who conttrol them\

it all sounded like the hierarchy of the new generation plantation master-slave system. I imagine this is exactly how slavery was enforced in the U .S during slave times, which is NEVER EVER EVER depicted or mentioned to a great degree but it has been shown sometimes in some films

all the "slaves" giggly that they are pushing me down "below" them because they are "good" little ass-wipe groveling minions doing the hate work for the murdering bigot they adore and love, who gives them a job so they aren't stuck in the "ghetto" discrimination zone.

I had to fight with this male manager, the first male I had spoken to, which I assumed was the super above this Diana, as the black woman told me she would connect me with the supervisor of Diana, but this man told me that he had to "wait" for Diana to get into her office, but no one could tell me her business hours. She told me she would be in her office all day 2 days ago and yesterday and not once picked up the phone or returned messages or emails. They lie telling me my phone is "busy" when they try to reach me. I know it is not.

So after fighting, with this Christopher putting me on hold to "check" to see if he could obtain permission (but he was the top supervisor, actually, the white male at the top, the nasty sneering brown and blacks at the entrance to the plantation blocking discriminating entrance telephone service, where they would tell me while chomping down on food and making noises into the phone that they had to get a verification specialist, and then leaving me on hold for 20 minutes, only to either hang up on me or say they could not verify me and could not help me further. Outright lies, leaving me stuck with no money, no access to money, this woman Diana never picking up her phone, the chat agents writing, after keeping me waitin in black silence for 20 minutes that I have to wait for her to call me back or send an email, which she never would do and still has not done. They remained silent leaving me writing messages like what is happening I am in an emergency. Being left with silence and the claim they cannot verify my identity (but they had been doing it all week, every day) 

He said, after blowing into the phone like it was exasperating for me to push saying it was an emergency and I had been waiting for one week for emergency services, blowing like I was just pushing so much asking for help in a frantic state by then, I had been put on hold for over 6 hours by the bank, my internet blocked for 5-6 hours the previous day after I had done a reset, and etc.

He claimed that he would be issuing cards and I should phone him on Tuesday to get the tracking number. Any series of lies could happen between any cards being sent out and now. Probably I will try to phone back and get no answer from him and being told the cards were never sent out and to phone back and then being yelled at that they cannot verify my identity and leaving me with absolutely no help or being able to reach anybody--as they did for over 6 hours between 2 days ago and yesterday. No cards sent, as promised, no money no help being lied to literally constantly non-stop by every agent repeatedly every single person I spoke with lied to me, constantly throughout the conversation all did the same thing.

Day #2 of the utter hell from this bank (not just day #2 but 2 in a row as I try to never contact this bank even with serious problems the harassment and non-stop lies is too much for me). The agent who is supposed to deal with my situation, emergency, is not answering her phone. She told me she would be in 8 am every day and would respond to emails if I didn't reach her. Nothing.

 While in the chat trying to get an agent to locate if she is even in the bank today, as she told me she would be yesterday but was not and never phoned back never responded and was out and would not answer her phone for hours until another chat agent told me by 2 pm their time she had left for the day. Today, at 8:30 a.m. no answer, I left one message, called again just now. Nothing. In the chat I am being attacked by hacking so what I type freezes, appears 1 minute later completely rewritten and half is deleted and all words are lacking letters. Trying to repair it, hackers are blocking the keyboard and cursor function. 

As with yesterday but it was much worse, taking 3 hours to just be able to type quickly. Spending 6 more hours being lied to constantly from agent to agent and now to try to get my debit cards mailed out to me is blocked once again. This bank refuses to verify my identify by phone but they did all week, only when they could actually do something to help me they are claiming that they can't help me any longer because I have no debit card with which to verify my information. They have blocked my mobile phone from receiving text messages so I can't receive that, and so they have locked me out from accessing a supervisor as if the lost card means I can't get service any longer and they are demanding a debit card number in order to verify me, and a debit card in order to send cash from my account directly, of course bypassing the need for a debit card.

Mind control sand trap--sucking into a vortex of not having the cognition while being screwed-over by endlessly lying terror financial agents with endless repeats of wrong information and being told endless outright lies with so much confusing contradiction of information which is not listed on any site so I have no way to verify or know what is right or wrong. My brain is corroded in the phone tech state terrorism so I am "gullible" by technological block of awareness and ability to function logically. I can't count simple sums at such times, my brain is frozen and 'stuck" in a non-understanding mode and the pig ape expletives of this filth organization exploit that to the max. Phoning the Visa Emergency services not on random, which for the first call I got professional service with friendly answers, all correct. Once the terror teams realized I was going through that route to obtain information my bank was not providing me, they literally blocked the WiFi connection so I had to phone back. I have been given the same lying scumbag person with the same voice but only slightly modified to sound a bit different---

 Told the first time I asked, with a "real" Visa agent that I could have cash wired from my bank account through Western Union. Told by another agent with that "outsourcing" voice, nasal and yappy and nasty but with endless "friendly" stock responses that the terrorists all have in customer service while t hey f** you over. I was told that I had to withdraw from a debit card in order to have money wired. I told her first that my cards were closed and I had no access. She kept repeating that cash could only be sent via a debit card and gave me the number--a completely random number she invented that wasn't even the "open" card listed on my bank online page which was never sent to me but it appears with only the last four digits on the page for my personal log-in under ATM/Debit Credit services.

I told her the last 4 digits, she then said she does not have that number but all other agents at my bank had that as my only open card number (never sent to me, all cards closed by the bank except for one I don't have)

She then kept repeating that I could only withdraw cash to be sent from a visa debit card and not from my personal account. I kept telling her that I was told i could withdraw from my account as I have no card, (for the 5th time by that point in her endlessly repeating the same information but with a slightly different bit of wrong information added) I kept asking her about withdrawing money from my account and having it wired. She kept ignoring that, then when I screamed finally into the phone whether they could withdraw money from my account and not a debit card, she said yes, then went back into the debit card being the only option and telling me she has no debit card on file and then that I had to do this. I began screaming into the phone that I need money withdrawn from my account. 

It took me so long to "realize" that this is one of the millions of lying attacks that had already been going on all day from the bank.

The bank did exactly the same thing so repeatedly but with friendly interrogation tactics that sounded like reasonable responses and they used all the financial rhetoric to imply that I was not understanding what they were saying. My brain was put into a total confusion not because I can't understand, but while people not accustomed to understanding how the brain functions are totally blocked as I have experienced this for years, I could not begin to fathom that I was for the billionth time being lied to and put into a run-around ring of abusive "can't you understand?" repeats from the nasty female or male who is being paid to do this.

I apologized for not understanding, also under mind control. As always happens, I only realize that my brain was blocked from understanding in what is compartmentalized brain functioning so rational and logic are severely compromised by the tech while sort of confusion and various other energy "waves" and "pulses" are then being transmitted into the brain and nervous system, plus non-stop subliminal messages while the idiot lying hate terrorist is almost yelling information, but always slightly different from the last lie, then going back to the original lie and denying all information that is correct very quickly and then reverting back to blaming me for not understanding.

It is a most ubiquitous form of attack and while people reading this probably "doubt" the veracity as they and you all want to constantly berate abuse insult and destroy me in any way possible, this is an artificial construct of constricting brain function.

Likewise, my every business email, chat session is fraught with hacking rewrites that are very discrediting as if I can't understand or write English like a proficient native speaker but like a 3rd grade foreigner who can barely spell or think clearly in English.

I now have to spend yet another day fighting the lies, the brain attacks while I"m being lied to, and fighting to get money that is blocked because the terrorist filth bucket shit whores blocked this address from all mail being sent--returned immediately upon arrival to the post office or Fed Ex or by customs.

All done by highly officious shit whores from the government working with the shit of the Thai government (my landlord was in a photo hugging the last dictator PM Thaksin, whose influence is still very strong in Thailand--military coup overtake, royalist control, a total ban on any form of protest for whatever reason, however small or great (not even writing any criticism of the government online, which I have just done sort of)


It just happened again with my landlord via phone at the front desk of this condo---I was aware that he was full of it you-know-what but I could do nothing but suffer the slow endless drone of his dribbling of information I have told him for the past week in emails, text messages every day that mail is not arriving at my address, which he is responsible for. He pretended he could not understand this and repeated to me that a package would be sent to my address at my box--I am trying to get a manager's name for delivery at the condo instead of my personal box--and it should be easy even using Google Translate but I had to get online because the Thai people at the desk, plus the cleaning lady, who kept repeating what I was saying like a yapping laughing parrot--the other claiming not understanding a single teeny word of English--Phuket has millions oof English-only speaking tourists per year. This condo is half a mile from a major "first class" shopping mall everyone speaks English. This is condo that rents to foreigners, the white trash hate bigots are here in droves year-round to attack me and the brown do the dirty work for them.

I spoke into her phone, but she could not understand the Thai so I got on the laptop to write on a big screen  using Google translate, which she had been using which I had been speaking into but she could not understand.. Over 20 minutes of her not understanding finally I asked her to let me type out on the laptop into the google translate page. Suddenly about 20 people rambled into the lobby from all the doorways, the lead being the white pig ape bigot and behind him on all sides were the usual 20 brown-ration of minions to bigot pig ape Nazi scumbag trash cesspool scumbag--which is all "they" are to me by now.

The internet was instantly hacked after they all appeared to see what I was doing. As right now, hacking is pervasive.

But I had the landlord speak to her, I explained from the week every day of writing to him to check the post office why this address will not accept my mail for my unit. No response, and I told him I need to have the delivery sent to the front desk, not to my room. After much "no understand" from this perfect English speaker "professional", he spoke to the "no english" front desk who deals with all the English-speaking scum white pig apes who put filth and shit in my room using their dirty filthy brown-skinned minions doing that dirty work for the more filthy apes of white skin--no offence to "white" people just the filthy sickness of this organization.

 HE repeated after going on with the "no speak English" Thai woman and spoke for a long time, going well beyond the limits of explaining that mail will be delivered to my room or the front desk and I need the exact mailing address and name of the manager. He got me on the phone and told me that mail would be sent to my unit, my room, and etc I had to interrupt him and say for the 25th time this week, literally, that mail does not get delivered to this room and to repeat for the 4th time within a 5-minute conversation that I need the address for the front desk and not my room.

He finally gave it to me after talking for a long time to the Thai woman at the front desk by phone--explaining to me very slowly as if I can't understand that I just need to write the number 1-4-7, repeated it, and said "that is not your room number that is only for the condo so you don't have to give your room number and the mail will deliver to the main address and that is just for the building number so you don't have to put your room number on the package"....I just asked him for the numerical address without my room number, because I already figured it out but I wanted confirmation. He went on repeating things I had already said were not functioning and then repeating very slowly like talking to a small child, which is what many of the customer service operators do when they are lying to me, as if I can't understand that the obvious lies are actually due to my lack of comprehension.

These sleazy filth creeps are so tricky and so well-polished at the snake oil sales pitch and so disgusting on every other level, for the most part.

Surrounded by them constantly, on the phone, with no one decent having anything to do with me. The people I admire just want nothing to do with this situation hoping it will never breach their little safe happy bubbles of existence.

No matter what, the group is expanding so anyone living in that blissful state of ignorance should stop and consider what not fighting for the freedom of your country and being vigilant truly entails because it is obvious from the news and the crazed actions and disruptions and threats of Civil War and despitism rising that being complacent is akin to being "sheeple" waiting for the next slaughter to be "steaks on the table by consent and by decree" (a quote by William Cooper, Hour of the Time admonition to stop being stupidly blank while everything around you seems to be going into chaos mode. Don't believe the comforting media entertainment deception that people give a goddamn about you, sanity, love, compassion or anything else but their egos and genitals being catered to with luxury haute living conditions--and any way to obtain that is qualified to go through any means necessary.


Back to the mind control terrorism routine that, while in the middle of the confusion skit, my brain is under attack so cognition is thwarted to the degree that I can't add two simple sums and get the correct answer. So many times, I add extremely basic numbers and I get one number fixed in my brain, my brain registers it as I count twice or thrice, and in the end, the sum is wrong and when I am out of the situation my brain is once more able to calculate the numbers easily and correctly. The brain gets "stuck" in a vortex of a broken record wrong groove with people attacking me constantly during an information question-answer session by phone or in person.

|While this landlord began to say ever-so slowly that the package needed to be addressed to my unit number, after one week of mail being returned, me writing two emails to him and SMS messages and phoning him saying that mail is being returned to this address--writing twice today earlier that I need to send a package to the front desk and him responding when the front desk "no understan" a single, not one single word of English except basics like "money" I go" etc (lying constantly, of course, all of them without end, me with no back-up, support or help from anybody around me or if so, done so limited so unobtrusive and so quickly almost to be non-existent and then I never hear or see from them again except very briefly walking away in terror to be attacked for having helped me or having been friendly even for one single minute towards me.

The landlord, as he began to tell me that when I asked for just the building address ,not my room, he began slowly to say that my room number I had to add for Fed Ex delivery, then I had to once more correct him, asking him to talk to the desk person (in Thai) to get the actual mailing address, 5 minutes later after they laughed together, probably working out how to screw me once more, the landlord began explaining that I only have to write 147 and not my room number and etc a very long-winded "you only have to write the bulding number not your room number, the letter will arrive to the front desk so you don't have to give your room number" which he kept repeating. I said "ok I understand" immediately he ignored that talking over me as I said it again and he talked louder over me. This happens constantly in phone conversations especially when they are lying constantly and in the end, they have only wasted my time asking for information. They always refer me to another phone number, which refers me to another phone number, which refers me to the first number, which refers me to the third number. No one picking up the phones can speak English or if so, only extremely badly and very quietly. They interrupt me and continue yapping after I say "OK I got it I got it I GOT IT I UNDERSTANFD STOP GOING ON " finally screaming to get them to stop so I can ask another question which they butcher and lie and give only wrong information again, and again and again and again.

I spent over 6 hours last night fighting for any  help or information. I got nothing done. I was then blocked from the bank for help as they lied and told me that the information I gave for verification was wrong and really outright lied on the phone, it was extremely obvious and I was stuck phoning around and around. I am stuck without a delivery of my cards for over 6 days asking instantly for emergency funds and explaining my situation endlessly and having to repeat it only to have to repeat it only to repeat it and that is only 4-5 times but in reality it's been at least 25 times for the past week.

Once again, to this landlord repeating it 4 times within a space of 2 hours to get him to just give the building address, one simple number for the building.

Friday, August 16, 2024

99 Gadzillion Bitches but a Problem ain't one--it's 99 gadzillion: THREE and a HALF HOURS fighting to download a browser, get into my email and phone my bank after 2 1/2 hours doing a system restore. I can't express the amount of hacking and malware but literally it's like a button is being pressed and everything is frozen. I turn off the laptop and turn it back on and to get into anything it requires another 20 minutes, literally the screen is black, the cursor is spinning. I must pound on the cursor button repeatedly to get the screen to change because I know they are using a manual hacking key operation to block. Right now just typing this is a miracle. I write this because for 4 months my bank has lied to me about how to obtain replacement debit cards. I wrote of this, but I yesterday got information by the bank manager who told me to phone back today. I did a system restore and upon the time to phone--8 pm my time (9 am her time) the system, which I had just reset for over 2 hours, it was freezing constantly prior to that--it stopped working. The second I turned the router on after the reset, the system went down. I fought to open browsers and type--for 3 hours and once I finally was able to phone the manager, of course, she is not there (voicemail) which I expected after the first hour of this hacking block, because she is a part of the terrorist process.) .I am able to type now almost without extreme exertion, so the hackers are in the bathroom taking a break? I am still stuck with no money, no debit cards and no access to my money after the terrorist politicians blocked my mail service, this was done at a high level. Mail has arrived for me at the wrong apartment number which I gave in a drugged up, frantic state in another hacked telephone/chat conversation while extremely drugged and "out of it' but fighting to get this debit card situation done correctly, as I have always been doing and the blocks are from everyone else. The letter arrived to unit 403, I live in 304--nothing will arrrive at 304. Not from Fed Ex but from deliveries from a local online order company--yes, they will deliver. This was an orchestrated terror attack by either the lastl president, the current vice president with another former president, plus the former other president's wife who also ran for president, plus another person who has run for president, and then another one hacked his "love for brothers and sisters (which never includes me)" lecture onto my youtube channel today, as he was discussing the president who attacked me with the german rapist abuser this morning in teleportation (around 5 am my time, in deep sleep).

**The post was hacked, rewritten and it reads pretty lacking in all that it should have been for explanation and coherency. It has been reduced to a kind of simplistic rambling---some of the points have been deleted by hackers, sentences restrung together, partially deleted/rewritten, etc etc***

 I was supposed to get money wired Western Union. I was supposed to ask if a card could be sent Fed Ex to an address in another part of this island, but I could pick the letter up at the Fed Ex station (close enough to my house)

I was supposed to phone her at 8 pm, by 9:15 I managed to open skype and send her one email telling her about internet problems and that I had just phoned her and got, of course, her voice mail one hour and 15 minutes too late for the appointment. 

 told her to phone me, and of course, she is not doing that!

I have had to turn the laptop and router off 6 times in 3 hours--each time the system spins for 20 minutes and everything appears so slowly I get up pacing.

I am now prepared to sit and wait until 3 am when she gets off work at 4 pm. 

For some reason, whilst typing on this blog on this particular browser (which took over 20 minutes to download, it usually downloads well within one minute or less). the system stopped operating like a mud valley I have to fight to wade a few feet into murky cement just fighting with every single thing stopping, everything slowed down at least 600 %

just to fight to get my money. Right now I have just clicked on publish and nothing has happened. That means fighting to get this published may never work (and then, my blog is hacked, rewritten, then blocked and censored and disappeared from the "normal" internet exposure that most people get.

otherwise, the technological manipulation of life means that discrimination is going to be as bad if not worse than it ever has been in history, and soon enough. I mean, perhaps, it will be a most Dark Ages type of hierarchical access to technology, services and life if this is not stopped. Looks like no one could give a hoot they are just consumed with getting every free entitlement and deal possible for participating in this. Trying to click on" publish again probably will never work. There is no way I can use this system any longer. 

The creep hacking into my internet just returned from it's food and urinal trip and the hacking resumed. Literally clicking 30 times on the mouse to try to unblock the key being pressed to stop all functioning. Sometimes this does work--actually frenetically pounding on the mouse clicker as it sometimes circumvents the hacking signal.

Yes they are a muck-about operation--all the wonderful technology they use like insane cockroaches frantically blocking and attacking. The whole operation to me appears, in this stage of destroy and invade and control--does act like zig-zag evil cockroaches on a mission to take over a dying empty house, which The American society appears to be to me from this distance from the news I get--not seeing ever the peaceful suburbs of life where people throw frisbees (do people do this any longer) and dogs are out on leashes with happy owners and children are riding bicycles and people are having fun and enjoying life. I never see that on the news from half around the planet. I only see the instigators of destruction day-after-day on a hate tangent trying to break me to obtain their endless next oscars and presidential position for just abusing me using this technotyrannical system of obstruction, rape and torture

the terrorist is now hacking badly again, not as  bad as earlier by any means.

Trying to get other things done, right now. Drinking Red Bull and eating Kratom leaves and listening to the sounds of the frogs making their low-intensity night-time calls---in rhythm--with all the endless fixation of watching the tube and internet every day, waiting for some miracle of decency in American society and in the world in general--fighting to be aware of the people who are endlessly getting in line to teleport me. Unfortunately, the longer I watch the tube the more of them rush to attack me every day.

Going to try to click on "publish" and try once more to deal with the terrorist attack on my debit cards and my financial life-line from back in the good ole USA.

However, it is amazing, this technology that I can phone a bank and then try to issue money instantly (however, for me, it's now a week of fighting to get money with every single thing blocked--including phone calls to the Western Union, diverted to people not speaking English at a top-level financial global institution and being hung-up on with blaring noise in the background

it's now 11:37 pm, and the supervisor is probably eating lunch or whatever. 

I also can't access any information to try to present the needs I have. The browser, the one browser that I can access my account in would not open the last time I tried for over 3 hours and it was frozen just as I got into the bank information, it all froze just as it was accessing my account. 30 minutes later I managed to get back online and try to get into the site again only for the system to freeze interminably so I had to resort to turning off the system (laptop) again, only for it to spin in blackness freezing for another 20 minutes.

***this blog has been very hacked and rewritten--above most of the conjoining words and use of vocabulary has been edited to cut out the coherency--it reads very staggard and more "basic" sort of "filler" words have been added to what I had originally written--the line of coherency was completely broken off at this point here*** I was writing that lately I have been watching videos on off-grid housing--but that is something  I have occasionally watched understanding that I may have to resort to this, but again, everywhere I go people are going to be sent to murder me no matter where or what or anything else i attempt to do, but this blog was at the point of me saying I could not access any function except for writing on this blog, because the terrorists want me to write about the agony and abuse, and they all get promotions for their "efforts" so the hacked the page to where I was saying I can't use any function, to this next sentence which appears in present tense but it's been absolutely rewiritten by hackers--**I am watching videos about living off-grid. With my health condition I can't survive that alone.

They are hacking videos of homeless people and people living like 'hobos". These are not before I began watching the videos in the last few days, but only after they were hacked.

I have to get off the boob tube finally because for years I was waiting for justice to arrive to a certain perpetrator (just "one" of the many presidents and presidential candidates who has viciously attacked me but they are all "friends" and all connected to this contract, literally the Red and Blue are all together on this but they are vying for the big Prize). To see the inscrutable viciousness of the personality "A" predator group and the over-arching psychopathic density of callous viciousness is not as new to me but the sinister quality is perturbing and I am always shocked as to the depth of the violence they enact and the sickness of this global organization in all it's multifaceted but uniform manifestations of infestation.


45 minutes later--after having published the above, the computer froze for the 15th time in 3 hours--(actually many more times, I am not counting any longer it freezes constantly--it's about 15 times per 35 attempts to click and get anything to open, once it opens, within 5 minutes the system freezes to the point I can't click on any single thing and have to press as hard as possible on the on-off button, turn the laptop off, the router off, wait, and then turn the systems back on again. .I did that after writing this one post, hoping maybe someone would help me (of course no one will, or maybe not now, but undoubtely this is just a sick "fun" joke to all involved.

I saw that the black screen and the blue spinning cursor was in the freezing spinning mode, where normally after having turned the computer off, the system would start immediately and within 2 minutes all would be up. After 3 minutes I saw once again that it was a black screen, a blue spinning cursor, and like all the 4 hours of this happening, I went to the patio, got the broom and the dustpan and tried to sweep this room, which I have been in perpetual pain and agony from ripping the hard poisons out of my back and nervous system and intestines and dealing with toxic poison pouring into my blood stream, my liver, kidneys and my immune system going into haywire while literally I am being abused to death and shock by the celebrities and politicians who have had most of my hair permanently fall out from non-stop chemical and fungus poisoning for about 14 years, my every inch of my body corroded from having been smeared with fungus and damaging, skin-curdling poisons every day (it continues as well) so my skin looks like it's been in an Egyptian mummified state and is half to the point of falling off--scales and etc and of course, from stress that is never ending.

Now it's rape without end from a person who hits, violently yells in murderous fashion, has huge joking smiles with the expletives who have been poisoning and abusing and raping me with a series of similar "men" for 14 years in teleportation as I scream NO constantly and am mutilated and partially severed and poisoned and attacked for approximately 8-10 hours through their groups teleporting me in deep sleep, then abuse from them in the morning hours while i spend about 2 hours putting all the items in bags tying them up hanging all clothing and bed things out to get air because of them having stinking substances sprayed on my linens and clothing while I am sleeping--and etc the entire time in this endless chore they are yelling hate at me as I am reacting in a way I can't stop and I never want any conversations with them. I just scream at them how much I wish they were dead and that I hope I can kill them and how ugly and sick they are as they sit smug and laughing and smiling and then viciously attacking abusing and the constant abusive remarks about how my body is broken down, the mars and blemishes they ordered be permanently scarred into my body.

Now millionaire and billionaire politicians are attacking me, after having made all their "hope and love and happiness and rainbows and brotherly love and women's empowerment and Patriot patriarchy and Christian moral righteousness and etc" they throng to violently attack me to have some deal presented to them by people hiring these ersatz personalities to brainwash and program the citizenry into the exact opposite of all the values they claim they are representing.

I meanwhile am cleaning up the metaphorical psychic stink of their actual spiritual and ethereal composition which they order their nasty minions to spray and douse on my skin and body and inject under my skin and into my hair and my food and furniture and clothing and on the floor, which is a parallel of their actual filthy corporeal underlying filth which they are trying to imprint onto me and the sexuality is disgusting and foul.

the person constantly raping me has a most intense sexual pornographic energy, and while it is really not what I want, underneath it is this contact that I have to accept without being able to stop my reactions in the brain-altering and chemical process of this mind control like a starving and dying lost person in a global warming desert with nothing but toxic water to drink from some cesspool of a death hole cult that is forcing me into it's targeting of deflection of it's own insolvency as human existence.

Oh, I write about it constantly. The hate directed at me from them all is unbelievable. They then "win" awards almost instantly and for that season for their movies, tv shows, songs and whatever else.

The more I write about them, the more secure they are in winning an award or becoming president.

Once more, clicking on the "update" button to publish this addition out of the understanding that attempting to access my other browser and get into my bank account, get onto Skype and phone the bank manager will be blocked until I have to spend another 45 minutes turning off the router, and computer, the screen turning black with a spinning blue circle of the cursor for about 5-10 minutes, the screen slowly appearing like a Cheshire cat, the bottom of the screen where you can click on the icons not appearing for another 5-10 minutes, and then clicking on a browser requiring over 4 minutes of waiting for it to stop appearing as a white blank screen. Then for it to freeze upon clicking on anything, and then if I get into something, once I perform one single action, the entire system freezes and remains frozen so I have to repeat the entire process. It's now 6-8 hours of me fighting to get the system unstuck from malware and use it to phone my bank, which gave me wrong information conflicting information and lied essentially until I had to beg and fight in chat to get directed to a manager to get emergency services, which is supposed to be automatic I should not have to beg or wait for hours to get a phone call in the middle of the night overseas, as they were trying to do. Then going through hours of identification checks and having to phone back and being told different things and then the mail, I discover, is blocked by an official source which has forced all mail to not be delivered from any private or government courier or source.

Because I get deliveries from a private online delivery company, due to the lower prices and also because it lessens the burden of all the heavy weight I have to carry around with me to protect the things I can't afford to constantly repurchase, such as cooking oil, all lotions I use so they are not poisoned--I have to carry around shampoo and conditioner, and all my most valuable papers (my many ID's have been stolen repeatedly by the terrorists so I have been bereft of everything from my driver's license to my Social Security card to my birth certificate to my college diploma and etc--all stolen from my home while I was out, and discovered all was gone. And then the stole all my belongings one time and did horrible things to me for fighting back against expletives poisoning and raping me to death, their intention, while using my ideas for their movies--


and now, the browser I really need, the one and only browser I can use to access my bank account so I can attempt to phone the manager who is not answering her phone or phoning me back so I can try to get this done--and if I tried to phone any other agent I would have to undergo a massive questioning for identification and I can't access my information because the browser and computer won't work the hacking is the worst but I can only type on this blog--which they want me to do, just write about the abuse as the terrorists all get paid more for it, and I remain in this limbo with people trying to get me to "live" with them so they and their lovers family and friends and groups can further infiltrate America with 4th Reich personalities and exploitation and be part of a great destruction--the people who offer this are always in conjunction with yelling violent and abusive Europ-a-land fascists and mafia

no one could give a damn. Certainly none of the politicians. It is the same sad plight of seeing the "minorities" behave like gratuitous enablers of racism by attacking me while they are supposed to represent the 'fight" against racism. Sadly, the transitioning of being included in white supremacy as brown and black replacements for ---for---replacements for the shadow of the white, you could say and not the "hated" other. But although I can write on this blog, I still can't open my other browser, Clicking on it 7 minutes ago and longer, it remains in a half-frozen state with half of the page appearing like half a square in a white box. I can't phone my bank and try to get a different manager with no access to my bank account because they ask me information that I have to look up. For all these desperation calls to the bank, i have been forced to try to look up information and the hackers freeze my emails, and then when I open my bank statements they appear in Chinese and computer icons instead of the monthly statement so I can't answer any identification questions. 

This is after having done a reset today, immediately and not having done any other thing. When the computer freezes to the point that the mouse will not work and all literally is like frozen blocks of ice on the screen, nothing moving, I have to turn all off, and then it takes 30 minutes to try to open another browser after that, only being able to have access to this blog and perhaps some other sites (where the celebrities and politicians endlessly hack their presence constantly one after the next)

It is now almost 1 a.m. I began doing the reset function at 6 pm. By 8:11 pm the system had been reset. It took me 45 more minutes of fighting to open a single browser, turn the internet on after it was shut down by hackers, try to open skype, try to phone this bank as the system froze, was turned off, and I had to spend another hour and 15 minutes fighting to type a single email and phone her again. Now 4 hours later, after doing what "they" want which is for me to write incessantly as I always do to the empty void that is the American culture, the Europ-a-land culture and the death cult that you all abide within and fully support

I am fighting again to access my other browser, because they have blocked all access to my online banking due to blocking the function of my phone and forcing me to input a key which I must press, which makes the bleep noise, but the system of the bank refuses to accept it and they cancel the call for the 2-step verification process that you must select by option, but it has been forced upon me--and this month they added this "press button x if you want the one-time passcode to be sent to your phone" when previously I just got the passcode by automatic voice mode, but now they have hacked this new block and the key I press makes the noise, my phone works in this manner I press buttons to get to the prompts for all the business calls I make perfectly no problem, and now I am blocked by this 2-step verification process that should never have been put on my account. Hours and hours, literally of phoning this bank to get it taken off, told it is automatic by the bank system they can't change it because I am overseas. All lies, all constantly.


The one browser I am able to get on without this block from the verification process, will not work if I use an internet cafe or another computer. Even if I download the website I can't access my online bank account unless I am on this machine in my room. the other browsers block all entrance and force me to get this phone call with a one-time-pass code (otp) and then they changed it this month so that the "prompt" key will not be accepted. It is supposed to be a call sent directly to your phone without having to press some key to access it. The bank still will not address this issue as I am still, one week later, dealing with trying to get emergency funds sent to me. Lied to constantly by agents about my options as well. I did not know I could use a money wire transfer and the bank reps all never mentioned this while I was screaming on the phone and into the internet that i need money immediately as they kept me waiting and they lied and repeated and then gave wrong information constantly.

They work in tandem with the local hackers to block all calls and obstruct all information while they ask me questions I am not prepared for. While I have to retrieve the information online they block the internet. I have to phone back, I get people saying they need other information and I also have to look that up, and it goes on and on.


After 2 1/2 hours of doing a system reset, then the system being turned off and hacked to the point that pages froze to the point of all functions stopping, 25 minutes of fighting to restore the internet and one browser, doing this at least 6 times so 5 hours later, I finally got on chat only to be told that the supervisor I had made the appointment with to phone at 10 am her time, had told me she would be in today but she is out of the office--meaning she never came in today. She told me that she had specific questions to ask a department on how to send cards to me, and that she had to get answers, I asked her how long it would take, she told me that she worked all day (yesterday) and was coming in today and I could phone her then. So I fought to use the internet, and 5 hours later, to be told in chat that she is not in her office and has not been all day.

They also told me wrong information about my case, which means I will have to go through a rigorous screening process only to be told that all my dealings with this supervisor, Diana U. was in vain because every agent and every person tells me completely different information and now they are all cued-in on changing the information and lying and etc. It is a non-stop repeat every time I have any issue with this bank. I try to never phone them but it is now so orchestrated from point A to Thailand and back and I knew that something bad would happen, but never imagined that my entire address was blocked from all mail (it was done under Biden, my bank was changed under Trump, this bank is a Trump construct to attack me with a terrorist bank operating fully with lies and constant misinformation as a form of discrimination and gaslighting and financial destruction of my life. I am not being hyperbolic by any means when I write this. They also sent me debit cards and one was issued by the bank that was going bankrupt. When I phoned this new bank, PNC at the time (around December 2020 or so--I can't remember now, maybe it was 2019) I was told that I could still use the Debit Card issued by the bank I used to bank with (never had a single problem with that bank until Trump came to office, I was then told lies by agents but the information was still correct enough but required 2 hours of fighting to get correct information but it worked out--all transferred to places like Puerto Rico and etc)

but now this is Americans constantly terribly attacking me with vicious hate and sneering glee in their voices while doing so. Out of places like Ohio and Pennsylvania--Trumpy places and Bideny places. Terrorist places with mass shootings as Temples and things like that, this bank reminds me of a sheer terrorist operation and it truly is, on a technological scale.

I now have to deal with people asking me endless "security questions" because they can't identify me by phone. Also, the chat agent told me information that is "old" and not relevant to my case, as if she has no information about my case and probably nothing was written by this supervisor who left me with the belief I could phone her today, she was working on my case to send money instantly, and now I will have to fight again with someone who probably will not offer me anything but to wait or etc. As in, they can't do anything I have no mailing address and I have to work in endless burning hoops of fire. Diana offered me a solution that I proposed to which she would ask permission for--now that is like 3 hours of my time explaining my situation to her, to be told to wait one day and that she would work on it. And now, only to have to once more repeat for the 8th time this week to another person, or persons. the phone call will probably be hacked, my throat will be constricted so I can't speak and must shout to get words out, they will ask me for information that I will have to check on and they will block my internet and computer again, and it goes on and on


this post was really hacked and rewritten 

it reads like a badly written sort of confusion, and much has been just deleted

they hacked my system so I could not use it for 3 hours, then the supervisor, who was going to wait for me to give her a viable address so I could get my debit cards, ordered new cards to be sent to the address that will not recieve cards so they will be sent back.

I tried to get the tracking number, the department refused and said they would send the information to the supervisor who has lied repeatedly to me and I could then contact her. When she will be in, who knows? they could not tell me when this supervisor who told me to phone her today would be in again. The mail is due to arrive in 3 days from now, or maybe. But it will be returned

I tried to phone the bank again, they took 30 minutes to tell me that they cannot verify me and to go into a bank. I told this idiot that I am overseas three times. I repeat what I have told them at least 3  times and they repeat the same questions, refer me to some other department who lies (one told me to phone fed ex and get the tracking number by giving my name. I told her that is impossible she told me they would do it. I was given this most stupid "dumbing down" answer by an agent who went through textbook elementary explanations and then told me to talk to someone else, who then told me they could not provide the answer

I phoned PNC back, to be asked a plethora of questions, only to be told that they can't get anyone to verify my identity by phone. I told her three times I can't "step into a bank" as I am Thailand. I told her I am on the phone I need some information. She told me again to just step into a bank and get help at a branch I explained it again that I am on the other side of the planet, she repeated to go to a bank branch and I hung up. .

I am stuck with this supervisor sending mail to an address that has been blocked, with this supervisor sending mail although I told her to wait, the supervisor doing it anyway once the internet and my computer were so blocked I could not make any phone calls except for one, which she did not answer. I had sent her emails with specific information which she ignored and is sending cards to be returned within the week so I am stuck with nothing. I was told I could get money wired and by the time I was able to use the laptop, the wire department is closed for the weekend.

I am stuck here not able to get a tracking number and I was put on hold for 10 minutes for this minion idiot to tell me to go to a branch. I told her I had not even asked her any questions so why should I go to a branch if she did not know what I was asking? She began to mutter something and I hung up. I have to ph one back for the 6th hour of being lied to non-stop and my money stuck and no food rent to pay bills to pay and a situation this terror group created.

the good thing is that I am not sleeping and being tortured at this time, 4 am and usually I am being teleported at this time to suck f's with stuipd sick agendas. Instead I am dealing with similar sick f's by phone, who, if they had the teleportation equipment, which the "leadership" of America is busy parceling out to every rapist, pedophile, murdering criminal organization, sleazy dirty nasty creeps needing instant sex or orgies because they can't make love and they can torture someone to extract "love" out of, and etc.

But if people like this had the teleportation equipment, which they do in Congress and in Whorewood, can you imagine how nasty their skits would be? And that is the more basic plebian component of this organization, the dumb scum at the lower ranks w ho play these stupid games, and the upper layers of the s*** cake of their insidious organization are so much more fowl, rather than elevated.

All mail blocked from being sent to my current address. Literally from Fed Ex to local mail. Mail returned. Mail sent to my wrong address given once, juxtaposing the unit address arrived (same address, instead of 304 I wrote 403, and it arrived). I can't receive Fed Ex or any mail. My debit card was closed because my mail from bank was returned. My new mailbox in LA is claiming that the box I opened with an agreement that mail would be scanned, and sent via email is now saying that mail will only be sent via mail forwarding from LA to Phuket, no availability to open and scan any letters. No response to my emails saying I had made this arrangement. //Trying to use Western Union and phoning the office near me, I get dumb asses barely able to speak English not understanding any English, I ask them for Western Union, they speak so softly I can't hear them, they give me another number. The next number gives me another number, and so on until I finally have to talk loud to speak to an agent at Western Union. They pretend they can't understand English and when I get angry they put the phone down and hang up. In other words, literally every phone call is re-directed to an agent near me who pretends to be at the business location, saying they can't understand and giving me different phone numbers and then back again. I searched for more information and got another phone number online, and my calls were transferred and then hung-up on. The office is open now and it's a ten minute drive from me (or less). No answer, my calls are put in a round-circular "press this" etc and then I get disconnected. I cannot make any business phone calls or arrangements. More sordid information below

 I had done my own tarot reading about 4 weeks ago, warning me to stay away from all contact with the expletives teleporting me and to remain as hidden and removed from all as possible

I am drugged and put into a mind control mental trap every day and writing about murderous torture to no avail to get anyone to stop this

so I now have a constant German rapist who is using this tech of teleporting and raping me while I am put into the most vulnerable and exploitable mode possible for his exploitation plan. I can't fight him off and I am just like putty and although all of this is always done when I am very tired and sick and/mostly or sleeping and always drugged-up, his determination, now with the lead Democrats of the Party (all the "heroes" they are called by the media of the "Left") the former White House inhabitants and etc--clustering around in a f-situation with the German at the forefront, pushing him to continue to force this weakness upon me as I fight it the more I fight the more he is determined. To have me move to Germany and then just....

and I am stuck it  is an experience of my body needing some kind of contact and yet, it is extremely negative it is extremely "dysfunctional" and of course, I am screaming about how insidious these people are you all know as your leaders constantly every day because what they do in their 'real" not celebrity smiling and posturing time is abhorrent to me and to all that they claim to represent.


I am still stuck with no money, my debit cards all closed due to the landlord and whatever closed my name and address from literally all deliveries from any local or international source --perhaps hiding my identity so they can also hide the evidence of where they stuck me for torture purposes and to evade any correlation of me connected to them (perhaps some of their lawyers are on the lease or purchasing agreements?)

The bank has been giving me endlessly conflicting information for all the times I have had to phone to get the most simple things done; information one cannot find online or on their site, basic mailing and the use of how Fed Ex works and etc--and like the terrorists on the phone where my phone calls are diverted to stupid dumb terrorist agents, I am told to phone a series of phone numbers, thus discrimination-by-misinformation on a continuous basis.

The creeps from Whorewood are all implying that I am some sleazy sex object as the German is the one forcing this on me. The technology literally obliterates boundaries and forces the most urgent of "needs" so that rational thought is far over-powered by this "Need" that is unmet by non-stop abuse, hate and all loving animals killed or taken away, all human beings attacking me (except for Covid and all have been either fired and instructed to be nasty towards me as they were extremely friendly when the Europigape Nazis were gone, unfortunately not dying however 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

"Don't worry, be happy" it's only happening to me, you are nice, warm and in the womb of the sexualized, glorious H-wood/political mass murder machine where they will kill OTHERS so you can be safe and happy and content singing and dancing gyrating to pop stars and screaming about injustice and going to protests for your political activism, speaking on YouTube for clicks and likes, and then reading my posts and laughing internally sometimes openly it's all a big joke---only happening to me as the fun titillation sexualized violent movie life-replication you are fixated to provides you with a blissful paradise of comfort and security: they love you, it's only me who is just a bitch, stupid and did something wrong to deserve it all!! ha ha. Then, you can also pray to your Christian/Jewish fellow fantasy belief structure with Muslim prayer mats obedient to the instructions handed down the pipeline to every participant who is not a target in this death 4th Reich system, all replicating one another so anyone not obeying is a bitch, not a functioning victim happily going along or the slated "master race" just automatically being given that title as poisons, drugs and techno-tyranny is forced by the STATE upon those not complying with 4th Reich social programming to be "in their place" which is a hierarchy that was relied-upon strictly during the "Dark Ages" of elite barons, tyrannical Kings and peasants who had no chance---slowly, slowly this is encroaching in despotism 666.2.0 and like all the Dark Ages' witch burnings and mass executions and torture chambers---to which you all applaud and merrily observe with a determined glee and schadenfreude:... ...Techno-tyrannical, State-sponsored terrorism report of financial obstruction in a seamless abuse/discrimination/terrorist line of lying agents. This is a report, obviously there is not a single politician in Congress who finds this an abomination rather they enjoy it and rush to profit off the 4th Reich and the performers who are deceiving the public into believing that this is a friendly and open society of black, brown and feminists all working for a more free society.

 "Bobby McFerrin--Don't Worry Be Happy (Official Music Video)". The Real Bobby McFerrin. February 25, 2009.


"Rosie Perez's Iconic 'Fight The Power' Opening Credits Dance/Do The Right Thing (1989)". Movie Horizon. October 9, 2021.


Lied-to literally with every manager from my bank, every chat agent and all inbetween.

I managed to finally phone Visa Emergency Services and I got a pleasant and helpful agent who gave me specific information about non-specific details as to why the Emergency visa card is stymied and stuck back at the old dino 4th Reich bank that the Trump family imposed upon me--with Don Jr. hacking a post onto my YouTube that he thinks PNC bank is "great". This bank was forced upon me while t-rump was in the president's chair--farting around with my money and life constantly threatening to have me made homeless and with no access to money by manipulating government agencies, hacking into government websites, and having government agents all lie to me and impose threats and lies.

The bank has given me constantly wrong information and so they orchestrated a situation where my debit cards were closed before I knew what had happened, and it was too late to reactivate the card. I was lied to so perpetually and in the chat sessions where I had been given information, the terrorists hacked into the chat so it appears that I was given the correct information, thus exonerating the actual terrorist from any legal consequences (obviously but I have to write it out). I am so used to having to repeat myself constantly that I am now doing it by rote.

The first agent at Visa, which I called on a spur-of-the-moment helped me and was quick and friendly. When I began to ask him for real information the terrorists turned my WiFi off in the middle of the call just as I was asking for alternative solutions to what my bank had created as endless delays for Emergency 24-48 hour service.


I phoned back and got a terrorist agent who could not understand my questions and did what is the ubiquitous dumb and stupid behavior which is supposed to appear like they can't understand my questions while I am repeating them constantly as they answer with different subjects that were in the spin cycle before I tried to get through to another subject. It is the constant behavior on these phone conversations and chat room episodes of by-the-book stalking terrorism obstruction and harassment and slow murder grey hair and deterioration of the target. She could only answer my questions once I began shouting and yelling into the laptop (using SKYPE). Normal and reasonable vocal range produced endless repeats of questions that had already been answered. I told her 3 times in a row to not do one action, to put it on hold until I had further information--so instantly she told me again that she was going to perform that action that I had just told her three times not to do. I had to yell at the top of my voice, almost, NOT TO DO IT. Then question-after-question went on with diverting the subject and repeating something else as if she could not understand the question. That is what the bank manager had done, who offered me one solution to an emergency and then, once she promised me after 2 hours and 2 days of asking me non-stop questions about my identity, and etc. she promised me the delivery was happening and all okayed and it would be sent within 48 hours--only to receive an email this morning that it is on hold and then phoning Visa Services (middle of the night in the U.S.) I was told they needed more information--that is all they told the Visa Emergency services.

Hours and hours of giving my information and repeating my address and saying I need something sent immediately that does not require specifically this address, and being told to wait and a temporary card would be sent (I was told it was going to be the real permanent card at least 6 times by the manager, Diana U. her name is, full of glee and delight for lying and discriminating against me in this non-transparent "oops got the wrong information" on a 100% basis for every single question and operation and access for information and etc, literally every single question is answered completely different even by the same agent or manager--they just change the information during the phone call as if they could not understand.


I finally yelled into the phone from Visa that I need money now and etc and she finally told me that I could have money wired, but it was dependent upon approval of the bank. I have never lost a debit card while traveling overseas so this is a first. Because ALL technology is being blocked and hindered literally from my brand new mobile phones I buy, which function perfectly in the store but then they stop having camera function, etc once I try to take photos, to any app--things that work when I download permanently don't work no matter how many times I reinstall the app from the website source.

And thus, I was not told about wiring money through Western Union, i had no idea. I was not told this upon 6 hours of demanding to speak to a manager in the chat, finally getting some person who sounded absolutely but quietly "professionally" thrilled to be lying constantly and blocking my money. She has never helped me with another situation where I can't access my bank account online--the hackers are forcing me to press in a randomly-generated prompt now instead of the phone call sending a code to fill-in to the 2-step verification process that I never ordered, can't take off the system I am yelled at when I say that I never chose this and told this is automatically applied by the "system" and it can't be changed because I am overseas.

Once I get the phone call, it used to be an instant voice message with the code number, but now, since the beginning of this month, they have included another burning hoop which is a dead-end. This "press *9 to get your financial institution code" and once I press, nothing happens. My phone makes the noise for the key I press, and it registers on my phone, but the bank system refuses to register anything and repeats the request to press the number, and then hangs up on me. Nothing stops this. I also told this manager about the problem and she told me she would generate a new case to a different manager--3 days ago, nothing has happened.


There is more, but I am only relating the terrorism of technological murder, as this is one of the ways people can be killed, made homeless and then killed, blocked from competition just at a junction when access to tech is dire to obtaining whatever or in competing.

While I was on the phone the terrorists would turn off the WiFi connection but the system showed that all was still turned on, the router was still fully turned on.


I report this as a kind of "throwing a message in a bottle" to a disparate and empty sea of ennui, lack of concern about anything to the American public who just could not give a damn and only blames me for this happening as you all continue to love and trust these people who are doing this to me.

It is for record-keeping, for anyone having access to my posts now or in the future. It is a way of forewarning the "sheeple" that death is nearer than you ever imagined if you continue to allow these terrorists to remain in power, all coached in performances for how much they "care" about every underdog situation around the planet.

They run political campaigns on the Underdog ticket--there should be a movie with a candidate on the "Underdog Ticket Party" with H-wood acting coaches training the Ivy-league cop politicians how to appear like Civil Rights activists and feminists and etc.


The manager at this PNC bank was lying so often that she changed her explanation within a 20-minute range of reversing what she had said earlier

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The expletive A$$-hole list of Whorewood and their politician partners have killed my cat, La Moux. I can't "feel" her any longer. They stole her in 2013 because I was screaming for Depp to stop teleporting and raping poison into my body. They refuse to return her. Instead they are trying to force me to have a baby, although filthalina and pit shit pitt had part of my uterus severed out for saying no to being exploited by Pitt. They teleported me to my cat who had been abused by the band Rammstein and also Baryishnikov after I wrote, in my private Facebook page when Rammstein was under investigation for sexual battery and I think it was attempted rape--and that I had written people who are involved in this teleportation rape contract often are put into the media for having abused other women. They teleported me to my cat screaming and clinging to my leg in terror as the German pig ape band sat smiling with typical Nazi German sadistic glee--as Germans are now almost openly Nazi by the way but no one cares about this. You all really want lying people posing as humanitarian who are truly violently murderously sleazy and disgusting so this means nothing to you (all). //I have been asking and begging for my cat, my true one and only soul mate and love, to be returned. I can't "feel" that she is alive any longer. She was born in 1999 and it is a Guinness world record if she remains alive now. The pig apes broke her rib cage and beat her after, for 3 years I had been writing to Nicola Siervo, a sick ugly Europigape Nazi Mafia Italian best friends with Rambo out of Miami--who had been pumping poison he and his partners kept pouring into my food, and then pumping into my body every day as the sleazy sick pig ape Nazi men can't get enough of raping me while I am bloated, shitting poison out, dying from poisoning as I fight to get them to stop they terrorize and a never-ending slew of rotten white pig ape trash me (with a lot of money because their filthy family killed millions and stole all that people actually SUPERIOR to them had earned and worked for, I consider the Nazi men all trash and low-class subhuman they truly are the pig apes but also add rats to that description). //She was all I had, a beautiful and most wonderful creature. these are ugly, sinister worthless filth bucket sacks of shit who I am dealing with. Every day they ask me for ideas while I am in a freshly-drugged, deep sleep state upon which they begin violently yelling with hate at the top of their rotten lungs that I am wrong, and this is stupid, and mocking me. I spend hours screaming that they are filthy and pieces of shit and why and explaining my ideas so the filthy sick parasties can steal more ideas. it goes on and on and on with ugly filthalina and shit pig pitt and now this german rotten rapist fuck is there as well. Endlessly slapping raping and abusing me but nothing compared to filthy ugly shitalina.

 The first sentence above I had to rewrite after having published it. I had made one single mistake in the above but I left it on because of the stiffness and impossibility of the keyboard also hacked. I saw instantly within the first 4 words a hack retype mispelled word

My cat was everything I loved, cherished and had as a real love in my life and the ugly sinister shit pig apes took her because i loved her and she loved me. The pieces of shit are endlessly asking me for ideas while I am in a drugged, sleep state actually just prior to them using the technology to wake me. This morning i used a few more educated words, a vocabulary stretch beyond the limitations that these filthy stupid ape pig rats use and they are so racist that me using any educated examples of verbal ability they immediately yell at me and call me stupid, and that I am pretending and mockin that I am being pretentious for actually presenting intellectualism and verbal acuity.

I had to yell again because they are detestation that is beyond disgust and ugly sinister filthalina sat smiling with me screaming, now every day obviously turning grey from poisoning and abuse and stress that senators rush to join in on, presidents use as their stepping stone prior to becoming president, and then continuing the abuse and passing me around to everyone possible so the entire shit network of filth will replace anything that may have had competency and moral capacity.


Meanwhile, the German ass-wipe creep who is constantly forcing demeaning sexual abuse on me for his promotion, with the group of sleaze, sickness and filth watching on, my brain and body corroded with poisons and drugs and mind control tech blasting my compartments of sexual brain function to the maximum level and I respond in a frenzy of uncontrollable passion which I have nothing for this man or his friends his movies or anything about him, and the more he plays this master race game on me, the lower I deem him to be on any true evolutionary scale and any progress of humanity, which of course reflects on the United Nations "feminist" filthalina and whore prostituted icon of all the rotten presidents and people like Pelosi who just shower this sick group of filth with every act of despicable torture upon me. Shit like Pelosi feel excited that women like me are being destroyed, and that I am poisoned blocked in health are finances and raped by ugly sick sleazy filth crap pig apes mostly from Europigapeland. 

He is slapping my face for saying that he is not some superior master as he forces me on my knees and is sexually extremely energetic because this is his great porn fantasy--which includes torture, Nazi fantasies and etc. I am just a torture victim drugged and being poisoned and tortured mutilated with no access to any love or support or comfort and my cat was all I had. 

So I respond, but he is so sickening with his master race filth that I am fighting to figure out a way to not have this huge bull (shit) muscle-bound cheat-skate scumbag beat me because my body is extremely sick from the hard poisons that I have recently, for the past month or two, finally been snapping out of my spine and back--a lot has come out from various exercises I invented based on the videos some of the athletic celebrities have added (the martial arts exercises) and along with the hard poison is parts of my internal flesh and muscle and congealed poisons and flaccid and deteriorated muscle mass just tangled in internal webs of glue-like cemented poison which rips my skin out internally when I break it out. The toxicity of the poison is so enormous that I can't do anything and while in the most vulnerable state, this German creep has beaten raped and beaten me when I have tried to pull away.

Sitting smirking are the pieces of shit especially ugly filthalina who is openly partnering with this dirty creep from Germany--they are partners he is promising that he will beat, rape and abuse me to obey and not fight them and then even hang out with this group I would rather not to the extreme I would not.


Meanwhile, in the hallways are the square-built white pig ape men who probably are from the German sleazy rape contingent now attacking me. I was gang-raped by this creep and his friends so they also could obtain their promotions for participating. I think one of the dirty ugly German pig ape skanks is his "girlfriend" who he forced me to have sex with while in  mind control, sleep state and stuck not being able to pull away, drugged and sick and in agony pain from the detox from flesh ripping out of my spine and poisons injected into my body from the detox just making me as fragile and weak as some thin wafer .

he is going on and on, with ugly prostitutalina, who behind her and pig pitt are countless celebrities and politicians alike--

Speaking to the "manager" responsible for sending me debit cards, after I spent 4 months in preparation for this horrid situation assuming that months of asking for change-of-address letters sent to my current address in Thailand would be sent and put in my box. I had accidentally given the wrong apartment number transposing the 3 to 4 for the floor number and that letter was sent to the floor above mine, and then eventually put in my box. The letter sent to my address never arrived but I was told by the bank first they were sending a letter of change of address, and then 5 weeks later I was told the letter never was sent. I requested a new debit card sent to the bank account I have never used a debit card for, my primary account. It was sent back to the bank, and the bank closed my existing debit card for the other account I had not requested a new card for. I was lied to by the bank at least 8 times and told that my cards would remain active until I activated the new cards when they arrived. //Now, being lied to by the bank upon describing what was happening, I had to fight for over 30 minutes explaining that i have no access to money and need emergency services as the agent told me to wait for a phone call sometime later that day (middle of the night for me) I had to fight and fight to get a manager. The manager told me conflicting things constantly, such as the card being issued to another account, and then changing the information a few minutes later. It went on and on for over one hour like that and finally I was told to wait and that an emergency card was being sent Fed Ex. //For the first time I have lived here for over 6 years, no one is in the front lobby area. Not a single person. This is the first time ever this has happened, on the day a Fed Ex might arrive and this condo is completely empty except for a few people who are put in apartments solely to attack me in shifts and vacation terror operations (people on vacation bein paid to torment, poison, mutilate, rape and whatever else they can do--they arrive from Europigapeland or Russia thrilled with excited violence and hate as the Thais throng around them loving and almost violently assaulting me in front of the smug white bigot Nazi pigapes. //So they are now vacating the front lobby and the operation is probably going to center around the corrupt Fed Ex delivery person claiming he cannot locate my address (the condo is on a hill no one could miss it and there aren o condos around this area whatsoever. //The landlord, who has also participated in this, is writing me telling me to be "responsible" for my duties in paying the electric bill, as if I am being neglectful. It is he who informed the Thai Post office to block mail delivery for this unit. I remain waiting and the bank has told me mutliple times that the mail would have tracking information. Now they have lied once more and told me there is no tracking information. They told me that the mail was being sent through ISPS and then Thai Post, and then changed it to saying it would be Fed Ex about 20 minutes later of me explaining that the mail does not arrive here. //The same mail that had already gone out this manager told me firsts it was through ISPS and then 30 minutes of begging for help to not use Thai Post, then it's suddenly already shipped out from Fed Ex. And on and on. My new mail service in Los Angeles, which I had requested a low-ranking apartment number from, told me that they could open and scan my mail when I purchased the box by phone and then online. They are now saying that physical boxes do not have opening and scanning and that I have topay for mail to be sent to Thailand to this box which does not recieve any mail because the landlord and Nazi operation has blocked all mail from being received.

 The mail service, which I chose out of Hollywood (I was drugged and thought it would be professional, this is now becoming the worst service--almost, except for something from Miami--these "trendy" cities with "slick" celebrity Nazi Mafia communities have the most vile minions performing the most incompetent and discriminatory actions for blocking and gaslighting--

and so, they put some female named "Kaylee' who puts a sickening "smiley face" after her endless lying responses. She has lied to me and included a smiley face after the lies. I ignored but I wrote urgent messages to the man I had spoken with on the phone, Michael G. and he is not responding. They promised me that this had scanning and opening of mail. The website shows that virtual mailboxes are available but through the virtual company which assigns, automatically home addresses ranging in the 2000's-5000's computer generated, but I need an actual realistic home address and after spending days trying to locate any service that could provide any type of real home address that is realistic for any community, I just sort of scanned the possibilities not knowing anything about LA and the site did not say "Hollywood". I just liked the name of the street and now it's like a nightmare of incompetent lying terrorism. 

They charged my debit card before I had authorized payment while I was still in the notary process. 

They lied repeatedly as the notary page form was being hacked and I could not access it to complete the notarization process for the USPC authorization for 2nd-party control over my mail.

I finally got it solved but was promised by this service, after they had extracted my money without my authorization and before the notary process had been completed (the payment was supposed to be rendered after notary, not before)

I then was told "no problems we will send you a filled-out form" and nothing happened. I sent an email back saying I never received it, no response. After all this hell which is currently in the continuing torture phase of "no tracking information" possible from Fed Ex or my bank

the mail service will not respond to my emails stating that I had made an agreement with the manager (Michael G) who promised that they would scan my mail. They are now telling me they can't do it, that all mail must be forwarded to this address which returns my mail and all mail will not be delivered to this address.


Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...