Thursday, August 15, 2024

"Don't worry, be happy" it's only happening to me, you are nice, warm and in the womb of the sexualized, glorious H-wood/political mass murder machine where they will kill OTHERS so you can be safe and happy and content singing and dancing gyrating to pop stars and screaming about injustice and going to protests for your political activism, speaking on YouTube for clicks and likes, and then reading my posts and laughing internally sometimes openly it's all a big joke---only happening to me as the fun titillation sexualized violent movie life-replication you are fixated to provides you with a blissful paradise of comfort and security: they love you, it's only me who is just a bitch, stupid and did something wrong to deserve it all!! ha ha. Then, you can also pray to your Christian/Jewish fellow fantasy belief structure with Muslim prayer mats obedient to the instructions handed down the pipeline to every participant who is not a target in this death 4th Reich system, all replicating one another so anyone not obeying is a bitch, not a functioning victim happily going along or the slated "master race" just automatically being given that title as poisons, drugs and techno-tyranny is forced by the STATE upon those not complying with 4th Reich social programming to be "in their place" which is a hierarchy that was relied-upon strictly during the "Dark Ages" of elite barons, tyrannical Kings and peasants who had no chance---slowly, slowly this is encroaching in despotism 666.2.0 and like all the Dark Ages' witch burnings and mass executions and torture chambers---to which you all applaud and merrily observe with a determined glee and schadenfreude:... ...Techno-tyrannical, State-sponsored terrorism report of financial obstruction in a seamless abuse/discrimination/terrorist line of lying agents. This is a report, obviously there is not a single politician in Congress who finds this an abomination rather they enjoy it and rush to profit off the 4th Reich and the performers who are deceiving the public into believing that this is a friendly and open society of black, brown and feminists all working for a more free society.

 "Bobby McFerrin--Don't Worry Be Happy (Official Music Video)". The Real Bobby McFerrin. February 25, 2009.


"Rosie Perez's Iconic 'Fight The Power' Opening Credits Dance/Do The Right Thing (1989)". Movie Horizon. October 9, 2021.


Lied-to literally with every manager from my bank, every chat agent and all inbetween.

I managed to finally phone Visa Emergency Services and I got a pleasant and helpful agent who gave me specific information about non-specific details as to why the Emergency visa card is stymied and stuck back at the old dino 4th Reich bank that the Trump family imposed upon me--with Don Jr. hacking a post onto my YouTube that he thinks PNC bank is "great". This bank was forced upon me while t-rump was in the president's chair--farting around with my money and life constantly threatening to have me made homeless and with no access to money by manipulating government agencies, hacking into government websites, and having government agents all lie to me and impose threats and lies.

The bank has given me constantly wrong information and so they orchestrated a situation where my debit cards were closed before I knew what had happened, and it was too late to reactivate the card. I was lied to so perpetually and in the chat sessions where I had been given information, the terrorists hacked into the chat so it appears that I was given the correct information, thus exonerating the actual terrorist from any legal consequences (obviously but I have to write it out). I am so used to having to repeat myself constantly that I am now doing it by rote.

The first agent at Visa, which I called on a spur-of-the-moment helped me and was quick and friendly. When I began to ask him for real information the terrorists turned my WiFi off in the middle of the call just as I was asking for alternative solutions to what my bank had created as endless delays for Emergency 24-48 hour service.


I phoned back and got a terrorist agent who could not understand my questions and did what is the ubiquitous dumb and stupid behavior which is supposed to appear like they can't understand my questions while I am repeating them constantly as they answer with different subjects that were in the spin cycle before I tried to get through to another subject. It is the constant behavior on these phone conversations and chat room episodes of by-the-book stalking terrorism obstruction and harassment and slow murder grey hair and deterioration of the target. She could only answer my questions once I began shouting and yelling into the laptop (using SKYPE). Normal and reasonable vocal range produced endless repeats of questions that had already been answered. I told her 3 times in a row to not do one action, to put it on hold until I had further information--so instantly she told me again that she was going to perform that action that I had just told her three times not to do. I had to yell at the top of my voice, almost, NOT TO DO IT. Then question-after-question went on with diverting the subject and repeating something else as if she could not understand the question. That is what the bank manager had done, who offered me one solution to an emergency and then, once she promised me after 2 hours and 2 days of asking me non-stop questions about my identity, and etc. she promised me the delivery was happening and all okayed and it would be sent within 48 hours--only to receive an email this morning that it is on hold and then phoning Visa Services (middle of the night in the U.S.) I was told they needed more information--that is all they told the Visa Emergency services.

Hours and hours of giving my information and repeating my address and saying I need something sent immediately that does not require specifically this address, and being told to wait and a temporary card would be sent (I was told it was going to be the real permanent card at least 6 times by the manager, Diana U. her name is, full of glee and delight for lying and discriminating against me in this non-transparent "oops got the wrong information" on a 100% basis for every single question and operation and access for information and etc, literally every single question is answered completely different even by the same agent or manager--they just change the information during the phone call as if they could not understand.


I finally yelled into the phone from Visa that I need money now and etc and she finally told me that I could have money wired, but it was dependent upon approval of the bank. I have never lost a debit card while traveling overseas so this is a first. Because ALL technology is being blocked and hindered literally from my brand new mobile phones I buy, which function perfectly in the store but then they stop having camera function, etc once I try to take photos, to any app--things that work when I download permanently don't work no matter how many times I reinstall the app from the website source.

And thus, I was not told about wiring money through Western Union, i had no idea. I was not told this upon 6 hours of demanding to speak to a manager in the chat, finally getting some person who sounded absolutely but quietly "professionally" thrilled to be lying constantly and blocking my money. She has never helped me with another situation where I can't access my bank account online--the hackers are forcing me to press in a randomly-generated prompt now instead of the phone call sending a code to fill-in to the 2-step verification process that I never ordered, can't take off the system I am yelled at when I say that I never chose this and told this is automatically applied by the "system" and it can't be changed because I am overseas.

Once I get the phone call, it used to be an instant voice message with the code number, but now, since the beginning of this month, they have included another burning hoop which is a dead-end. This "press *9 to get your financial institution code" and once I press, nothing happens. My phone makes the noise for the key I press, and it registers on my phone, but the bank system refuses to register anything and repeats the request to press the number, and then hangs up on me. Nothing stops this. I also told this manager about the problem and she told me she would generate a new case to a different manager--3 days ago, nothing has happened.


There is more, but I am only relating the terrorism of technological murder, as this is one of the ways people can be killed, made homeless and then killed, blocked from competition just at a junction when access to tech is dire to obtaining whatever or in competing.

While I was on the phone the terrorists would turn off the WiFi connection but the system showed that all was still turned on, the router was still fully turned on.


I report this as a kind of "throwing a message in a bottle" to a disparate and empty sea of ennui, lack of concern about anything to the American public who just could not give a damn and only blames me for this happening as you all continue to love and trust these people who are doing this to me.

It is for record-keeping, for anyone having access to my posts now or in the future. It is a way of forewarning the "sheeple" that death is nearer than you ever imagined if you continue to allow these terrorists to remain in power, all coached in performances for how much they "care" about every underdog situation around the planet.

They run political campaigns on the Underdog ticket--there should be a movie with a candidate on the "Underdog Ticket Party" with H-wood acting coaches training the Ivy-league cop politicians how to appear like Civil Rights activists and feminists and etc.


The manager at this PNC bank was lying so often that she changed her explanation within a 20-minute range of reversing what she had said earlier

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