Thursday, August 22, 2024

Almost literally impossible to access my Fed Ex delivery for the Debit Card that was closed due to my mailbox at this (terror) condo being blocked from all delivery--including Fed Ex.//Perhaps the "reason" for my name and the landlord being omitted from any official record is to protect the guilty. //As I was writing this, the computer began spitting out various page size reductions and enlargements like a flailing dying computer bot. The hacking has been so extreme that this morning, upon doing a system restore to clear out the endless malware completely blocking this laptop from functioning because I used the computer normally for 2 days after cleaning all files out of the C drive, then this morning doing reset, which then kicked me out of the prerogatory "log-in" 4-digit code w

 ...(cont. due to hacking almost every minute the screen goes completely black, then the computer freaks out with size shifting of the browser, like sputtering frames blanking in-and-out of the screen then goin black again)

I was locked out of accessing my laptop because hackers literally changed the code for log-in *while the laptop was in reset mode, before I could access any of the functions on the laptop they had already hacked-in** (written after seeing hackers had deleted info)//. I can't stop the computer from forcing this **4 digit, pre-screen **log-in code. **When I perform a complete recovery of the system, deleting all files, once having gotten into the recovery, through Cortana** there is a prompt asking if I want a log-in code but the choice to click on "no" has been deleted. *There is supposed to be a choice but I am forced to have a log-in code** so I am stuck with hackers blocking my access through the "reset" mode if they choose to change the code **while I have no access to the laptop because the system is still in spinning mode** once they can hack into the bios while the system is resetting. *I had only downloaded a few movies and mp3 podcasts for two days and the system was so bogged-down with malware, from just one day of that plus watching YouTube, that I tried to reset the system this morning because I could not access my email last night, it was frozen and not operating. I did the reset this morning and after having done that, the log-in code had already been hacked so I could not access anything and had to clear out the entire c-drive for another 2 1/2 hours**. My files are all deleted now but the problem persists that I cannot get into my email. It remains spinning and blocked on almost every single browser but one**,

**I had to rewrite almost the entiretty of this last paragraph which was hacked and rewritten to make no sense--this happens every time I attempt to write about any system or ask concrete questions regarding any type of policy especially to any business--hackers rewrite so my "question" reads like a 3rd grade level chaos with the actual question having been deleted from the email I had just sent. 


I could not access the tracking number for the delivery due today for over 4 hours, the entire time I was teleported while putting clothing and bed linens away, which requires 1-2 hours per morning, then 1 hours per night for the entire wrapping up of my body and taking all out of the sloppy mess that is created every day by mechanical arms going through my room while I am sleeping, throwing things around, slicing holes into all the artwork I put on the floor, injecting my body and having me teleported to the sickness and filth of the pig ape whore trash scum you all worship as your celebrity and celebrity politicians who are as rank and foul as any Satanic moribund creep international cartel of demon-worshipping black satanic hole cesspool lpsychopaths and much worse 9in particular their sexuality ) and as they have to steal ideas from me, in particular sleazy dirty ugly sick trashalina who has not stopped the murder and attacks and theft of my ideas for over 14 years, non-stop every year, she is always there the pig ape poltiical machine can never do more than partner with this pair of filthy shit from Whorewood in order to gain access to the English-controlled mega-Europigpigapeland Nazi/Mafia criminal cartels which are really aiming a trajectory of fascist Nazi overtake with mafia thuggery and criminal violence so that Democracy is absolutely destroyed and fascist Nazi dictatorship can prevail, as the 3rd Reich had envisoned it is now being done "from within" and all of you applaud and cheer this on every single day without end or do nothing if you are not fully into this shit, you still allow it to progress unabated. Years and years and years of every single day screaming, by now becoming so old and broken down from screaming in utter rage every single day for hours in this teleportatin hell while they block my internet and I have stinking filth to clean up every day while my body is broken from years of mutilation and broken toes gum tissue cut out my hair mostly gone tgurning grey everything destroyed so this filth can continue

as this ugly whore skank is now still being featured in a movie paid for in-full by this 4th Reich white supremacy machine sponsoring the destruction of anyone like me who wants a real career is creative and beautiful and happy in life and not going to be abused and used by shit like this so they can have their filthy Nazi mafia hegeomony machine thereby having people like my family destroyed, killed and poisoned even when they fully complied with this filth shit system so I am fighting it. Only to be viciously attacked by the black fucking shit of the "righteous victim black fighting against racism" machine that is an utter farce of despotic slave mentality reversing hate upon me, bn the need to become like the white fascist monster Nazi bigot mafia they claim they are victims of perpetually--fully working FOR THEM and they have absolutely imbibed the essence of injustice and brutal racism imposing it on me for over 15 years when it comes to the Obamas and I have seen this all my life from the Black Community it has been an integrated policy for "divide-and-conquer" for all my life as well. Screaming in hate and rage, trying to kill that fucking whore parasite to just stop it from endlessly having to torture me because it's just a sick dirty ugly parasitic whore with plastic surgery money poured into something the Nazis can use for this purpose. Endlessly lavished and complimented by the black filth and shit who have been promoted for YEARS AND YEARS alongside this white supremacy Nazi-touting group of white trash shit glorified because of their ties to the English Crown and to the other Nazi leaders of Europigapeland--they have no soul they are sleazy and ugly and sick I am screaming to get them off me fo ryears but all the shit of the United States in power are fully in line with this because they are all beholden to these Europigapeland cartels. That means, of course, that there is no one controlling the United States government except for fascist Nazi and Mafia criminal genocidal cartels, controlling all sides.

On edge, the normal browser automatically inserted into this laptop. I then downloaded another more secure browser, and I was blocked from accessing my Fed Ex information as well. Again, silly me, not having written down the tracking number information which I  have to be 1000% vigilant regarding hacking and writing things down, but they always hack with this severity at critical moments like this so I am not aware that this can be done. This is the first time they have locked me out of my computer and changed the log-in pin.

Three browser settings could not access the information I had not physically written down, due to stress, the endless freezing and the drugging brain manipulation the hours of the shit whores of Whorewood constantly abusing me and attacking me ALL MORNING while I have to clean and spray the stinking filth these dirty stupid ape pig whores order sprayed on my clothing--my body broken down I have to spend also hours fighting to heal and try to restore what has been damaged

but I could not get into my email. I had to fight all functions to eliminate potential apps that could be hacked through to block the system.

I finally used a Tor and that was nearly not working but after a lengthy wait, I found after giving up, minutes after trying to log-in, that finally it was logged into my email. Then, once I clicked on the Fed Ex link to track the info for the delivery (today, any time) that page was blocked, and I got a sign saying that the Fed Ex system was "down" which was another hack job.

I had to switch to the "normal" not-Tor browser to access the Fed Ex site and switch to get the correct trasking numbers and finally I see that I am supposed to have a delivery, due later today--arrived in Thailand while I was fighting to get internet access for 4 hours, then one more hour of screwing around with getting the devices printers which are hacked into my system to block my system, and even that would not work and it barely opened I had to click and fight to get into that app and I could not delete the pernicious hacking devices glued into my system through the devices and through the terrorist printers which pour malware into my system. Immediately once I delete the printers my system is not stuck any longer. But they have already established the connection, done while the laptop is in spinning inaccessible (to me) mode so they hack while I can't even begin to block their access through the devices.


Yelling this morning at the Wh-wood terrorist Nazi bigot Mafia that I really do not like them, for the 15th year of it going on every single day in a row. The expletive who was giggly-handed to me to beat and rape like all the haters keeps asking me "why" I can't stand him as I begin to scream and the vulture parasites lap up the hate they are inflicting on me, making me more grey-haired, more broken down from endless hate as yet another leech who latched on while I was sleeping, to rape and then drugged by my own pain-relief attempt to just fight to clean the endless stinking filth sprayed on everything so I am not constantly being poisoned to death just by the toxins they are dumping as permanently stinking mold and fungus into my room every day and on everything and into my hair if they could and my skin and into my body--while having me raped by men who perform and say and do the same things as the last pig ape scumbag

the United Nations' Feminists are there orchestrating the most disgusting rape against me (not "the most" but I mean as an adjective not as factual depictors because I know there is much worse but this is pretty much on the scale of pretty much near the lower ranking of scumbag behavior, glorified as usual by the equally repugnant expletives profiting and being promoted by this system, the antisemites, the white black latino jewish asian nazis and whatever else there is in that filth group

and I am rejected by Jews who rush to attack me for their own promotions so it's despicable on all levels. I don't follow that religion nor do I care about the disapora, Israel or anything else about identification with ersatz groups who are just aligned with the 4th Reich anyway--they have zero religious affiliation with any precepts of the usual designations of respecting any human dignity and only worship money and power and all the "evil" ways and machinations of obtaining the latter two defining characteristics of their meaningless and rotten, corrupted personality structures, created and controlled by incentive-driven greed and sleaze programming.

very hard to type so I am not using correct grammar (caps for races and etc) it's too hard to get things out. I press keys and nothing happens so I must just go slowly and then backspace anyway.


I wonder if the f-ing pig apes who have profited of this attack upon me for the past 15 years will ever be satiated with having me tortured raped poisoned for their black hate of me as the type of "minority" who actually "believes" in not having to submit to racist hierarchical denegration for promotional purposes that they all embrace--that is the "reason" they are so full of hate redirected and deflected onto me, with whitey in the background smug and smiling and patting them on the back for endless violence aimed at me. Endless tv shows, book tours deals and relevancy in politics. That goes for the female blonde feminists as wel, who have gone along and fully supported this as a reverse revenge upon the last blonde Nazi who "stole' the election from them back in 2016--now almost a defcade later using me as the crux of revenge--will they ever be satisfied that they have had me tortured poisoned beaten to death almost with me struggling crying out for justice which never happens and they are still inflicting this filthy shit upon me and will n evber stop trying to exploit me so mediocrity and lying bullshit can continue to be promoted by the white trash 4th Reich into powerless positions of power, where they appear as "saviors' but do no fucking thing to "help" those who believed in the deception that they are there to promote their lives instead of the grinding destruction of the country that the other side is promising for a complete take-over of the non-functioning economy and government; always on the brink of collapse and "civil war" due to the endless mind programming that the Whorewood ape pig whores are helping to promote, with the media entertainers of the "news" on all sides fully absorbed into the divide-and-conquer strategy

will these sleazy and sick fuckers ever have enough of having me tortured poisoned raped while everyone else watches on applauding them from preventing me from obtaining health care, a home, money, a decent life and the ability to compete in the market--they have been stealing my everything for over 15 years directly and then the rest of my life covertly so I had no idea I was slated to never have a chance to live anything resembling "The| American Dream" and instead they are bringing millionaire Germans and English into America to take over so they can "enjoy the American Dream" by taking over the media and installing absolute dirty and lying filth puppetry American performers, trained to sound like they are fighting for the concepts of American Constitutional Righteousness, and their one and only aim is to be handed mansions wealth and monopoly.



The purpose of the shit pig ape scum from  Whorewood, who perpetually ask me the same question, "why don't you like me/this?" for days on end after beatings, rape and mutilation torture poisoning and destruction of my home into a filthy mess every day, which I can't clean because they paralyze my body with MURDER hardening poisons and drugging so I react in hysteria every single day as the pound into my life with hate and violence EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT FAIL EVERY DAY FOR HOURS PER DAY AND WHILE SLEEPING ASKED QUESTIONS WHICH I ANSWER HONESTLY SO THEY CAN HAVE MORE IDEAS TO STEAL IN ORDER TO BE PRESENTED AS NOT BEING DEMONIC SLEAZY SICK FILTH PUTRID WHORES AND IGNORAMUS KNOW-VERY-LITTLE EXCEPT POSTURING BULLSHIT scumbags

so this morning, the German fucking pig ape whore who has been slapping beating calling me bitch after me being drugged to the point that I was helpless as I reacted to his sexual energy of extreme sadistic glee that his mostly non-A-list career was going to SKYROCKET along with his foul dirty Nazi brood of buddies he brought to help abuse me in a gang rape situation which he wants to endlessly have at his disposal for his sadism sexual needs as well.

He asked me, as Depp had done, as all of them have done, "why don't you like this' as I scream in utter black rage screaming for hours about what sick shit they are. THey all smile and sit silently BECAUSE THE NAZI PROMOTERS REQUIRE THIS AS A PROTOCOL QUOTA to ensure that they are hurting me as much as possible, not only through their violence but for me to recount it, then to detail because I AM UNDER TRUTH SERUM mind control tech and drug interface while in a most vulnerable state, either fresh from drugging waking and while putting away stinking filth to exacerbate my rage from years of my property being stinking and destroyed stolen broken and damaged and frayed made shabby and broken down immediately upon purchase for almost every single thing I own. They use mechanical arms from within my room while my back is turned and it's a bit dark in here, so my shoes are scratched even while I am in another part of the room and return and see scratches on the surface of the shoes which were not there 2 minutes before--they can insert mechanical arms through the kitchen cupboard sink area which they broke the doors of so I can't close them and then they spray such stinking filth every day into that area that I have to have open air, a crack at least and there are portals all over this tiny cubicle room literally on a 360-degree radius and no matter what I do to secure the room they have put so many cheap and fragile artificial constructs that it is literally impossible to block the portals and they rush in and rip out and destroy all attempts I make.


Screaming so I feel this area of my hairline that has turned grey in the last month from this German sick fuck raping and abusing me with the line-up of the filth and shit I have been fighting agaisnt watching smiling and laughing like the sick and ugly filth they truly are--their movies to the contrary are part of the plot to put the most egregious fakes into power to further pursue a take-over of the U.S. "from within". Obama glared in hate at me, as did Kamala, and then they laughed as sick and sleazy stupid skits were forced upon me by the mental illness of the shitalina crew, the people who construct elaborate death machinerary with sadistic brutal varieties of torture and murder, their special pleasure games which they enjoy so much they literally are addicted to doing this to me. They are working with "Elon" to build more and more torture factories of this same mind control variety but probably with even more horrific stealth technology than was inserted in me over 50 years ago

So they go on. They get promoted for me screaming to demonsrate that misery is what they want to break my happy joyous spirit and turn me old, broken and filled with hate, self hate as they continue to mutilate and abuse me so no one can sustain non-stop torture like this even for a month let alone more than 15 years of it non-stop daily and nightly. THey go on every single day. Obama giggling and stupid and sick next to the GErman sick fuck he is fully embracing, as is Kamala who offered me a "job" by sucking this dirty filthy creeps as a surrogate mommy for him.

Fighting and fighting, screaming in outright rage at the height of rage by now, ugly trashalina the ugly prostituted scumbag with her Nazi daddy and English whore connected to Monarchy mother, the centrum of the politicians who gain access to the Europigapeland monopolly over the United States. They are only emboldened by the American version of the 4th Reich--death squads abound. The shit whores and skanks I am writing about, the men and women, black, white, Jewish, asian, et al are just representatives of the greater sickness that has fully enveloped the United States. The "Left" is only the pretentiously hip of the fascist Nazi Mafia regime, with as little concern about justice, equality and freedom as the "worst" of the MAGA fascist dictatorship.

When will there ever be actual political representation concerned with protecting the Constitutional Rights of me, a U.S. citizen, born, grown-up, my mother fucking supported shit skank Hillary what a fucking waste product they turned my mother into through the Nazi demands that she obey their every dictate and abusing me was one of the great dictates that Hillary espouses and always has. The rest are the same. Black Obama and his nasty wife are thoroughly thrilled for the years of obtaining their dream careers out of this contract on me. I was in Miami with Rambo the fucking scum "Italian-American" always, always having mafia Italians attack me as his proxy and of course, inter-connected with politicians it was nasty dirty Black Nazi Obama who completely partnered with this group, through Stallone, to assault me with murderous poisoning and abuse without end since 2008---just from the Obamas, with Stallone it's been since 1997 with his Italian mafia partners who have just been invited to attack me in the last 2 months which I fought like hell to get off me as usual, after spending years trying to get Stallone's manager from Bar None on South Beach, Nicola Siervo, to stop poisoning and raping poison into me to death which he would not stop, saying through his proxies that he wanted to teleport and rape me while in a coma. He tried to do that, I fought and eventually after just writing messages on my Facebook calling him and the English fuck who is still partnering with ugly trash prostitualina--who has been attacking me since 1987--DAnny Moynihan a direct connection to the English crown you can look Moynihan up as the royal painter for years and years--the son is the pig ape who has been stealing my ideas and parceling them out to the dirty shit cartel of the English who control the English-speaking American bigot colony of the English Crown. Through Whorewood straight into Congress. 

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