Saturday, August 17, 2024

Approaching the modern-day version of absolute discrimination by the bank "forced" upon me, PNC Bank, aka Trump International Plantation Bank.

The modern techno-tyrannical era of blockades through technological terrorism disguised as protocol misnomers, mistakes and fallacies and just technical difficulties, resulting in sheer outright block to basic financial means has been ongoing for the past week, in conjunction with whatever, whomever forced this block to my address (only my apartment unit) being blocked by official sources from receiving mail (all others receive mail). It happened under the Biden Administration in the past 2 years, but as I now know, the contract on me has been a shared dino-league dirty old bigot contract from both "sides"--younger dino generations flocking to get free plantation nepotism permission for total monopoly from their erstwhile "Democracy/Liberal/Freedom" touting spawn-generators, otherwise known as pernicious, promiscuous prostituted pimps and Ho's.

I was literally blocked from being able to reach any supervisor when the woman dealing with the situation she had partnered with, in conjunction with the politicians forcing a block of mail, mail being returned to the bank, all my debit cards being closed permanently, no notice as no mail arrives at this address, no notice on my account and....stuck with no access to money. Landlord included, the staff here included, everyone else attacking me included. THis is for standing up for any human rights whatsoever as the "slave" contract for sexual violence and poisoning to death continues (not as bad as earlier as it has been, from being poisoned and raped to death all throughout the Obama/Trump/Biden administrations until the last 2 months perhaps the murder of poisoning has been lessened or even stopped but the drugging remains--which is akin to murder at this point as my body is so sickly and toxic that more damage to my kidneys and liver is murder

The bank told me they would send out temporary emergency cards until my permanent cards arrived. Knowing that the cards would be  rejected, they went ahead with the smirking evil lurking behind the false happy professional managerial voices. I then was alerted, after having to "prove" my identity through a series of "public records" questioning, who I am. I was then told that they would send Fed Ex, and had told me that tracking information was not p ossivble I had to beg to get tracking information because I can't have mail delivered to my address so they claim (all is lies, almost everything the agents and managers say is changed within the conversation, every agent and rep says a completely different answer to questions than the last agent, it goes on in circles with absolutely discrimination of almost the worst kind, always with smiley happy voices and professional demeanor but lurking sinister glee behind it all, and I can hear it in their voices when they are almost laughing while they are attacking me.

I was told by Diana U. that she would be in her office two days ago to order permanent visa cards and have them sent by Fed Ex with tracking numbers and she would help me with wiring. The hackers, after I had done a 2-hour reset function, blocked my internet so badly I could not even click on a browser the entire computer froze and operated so slowly that waiting for letters to print out required over 5 minutes for a few letters. I turned on and off the laptop and fought to clear anything and everything out after I had just done it. I missed the phone appointment by one hour and for the entire night I fought to get any help and I was put through a series of being put on hold, and then hung up on after a 30-minute wait. This happened at least 3 times in a row. I was then denied "verification" and was told that I had to go to a branch to work this out.

I then had to scream after being interrupted constantly, being asked the same questions repeatedly after having answered them, and then bein told that they would not verify me and then hung up on me. That meant that all the hours I phoned the direct line of this manager named Diana, she refused to pick up. I tried to get information to if she was in her office. I was told she would phone me or contact me via email. I sent emails out she never did anything to respond. I got into chat I phone all night and was told to phone tomorrow. 

Yesterday, (which was "tomorrow") I was told they would not verify me and thusly would not reach a manager. One of the other departments which had openly lied to me about a delivery that they say (lying) had been sent and that all I have to do is phone fed ex and ask for tracking number and giving the name of the sender and they would give me the tracking number. Iti turns out, no package was ever sent and they directly lied, constantly on the phone. 

I phoned that same department and told them that I had been put on hold from the main PNC bank line for 2 hours, hung up on repeatedly, yelled at and told outright lies about not being able to verify me. When I got angry refuting the outright lies, they yelled that I don't tell them how to verify me and I yelled back in rage at the outright discrimination from a bank (in the USA) so I phoned another department that I had spoken to the previous day which lied completely to me (about new cards already having been mailed out by this manager who I told to wait on the order--then the lying agent, one of the black/brown minions who told the most stupid lies to me, along with the much more professional plantation controllers, the white bigots who lied endlessly and held up my money and lied and kekpt me on hold and told them all to lie and hang up on me after putting me on hold, which they did repeatedly for about 2 hours.

I finally got a manager after a 45-minute wait--at this point, it was 6 days of being told emergency cards would be sent, told the cards had been returned by the post office and by Fed Ex--told that they would issue new cards after 2 hours of fighting to get Diana U. to give me correct answers to easy questions that she kept flipping around to right and wrong responses constantly--backtracking, repeating the old lies and then the new lies, constantly with an extreme professional voice chirpy and delighted with her power game

I was handed to "Christopher" who then told me that only this manager would be able to generate new cards for me, in the entire bank. I told him that she had told me that other managers were capable of doing this. I had to yell constantly as they said they could not hear me, and this being yet another emergency they created, as they force constant life-threatening emergencies upon me by blocking every single technical capability to the point that I am desperately fighting to save my life for months this has gone on, since fucking Trump was indicted on 37 counts and he and Cohen came to violently assault me but with less physical assault and more financial blocks to my basic survival

completed by all, the minions with the Latino voices and black voices fully complying with the nastiness of the whites who conttrol them\

it all sounded like the hierarchy of the new generation plantation master-slave system. I imagine this is exactly how slavery was enforced in the U .S during slave times, which is NEVER EVER EVER depicted or mentioned to a great degree but it has been shown sometimes in some films

all the "slaves" giggly that they are pushing me down "below" them because they are "good" little ass-wipe groveling minions doing the hate work for the murdering bigot they adore and love, who gives them a job so they aren't stuck in the "ghetto" discrimination zone.

I had to fight with this male manager, the first male I had spoken to, which I assumed was the super above this Diana, as the black woman told me she would connect me with the supervisor of Diana, but this man told me that he had to "wait" for Diana to get into her office, but no one could tell me her business hours. She told me she would be in her office all day 2 days ago and yesterday and not once picked up the phone or returned messages or emails. They lie telling me my phone is "busy" when they try to reach me. I know it is not.

So after fighting, with this Christopher putting me on hold to "check" to see if he could obtain permission (but he was the top supervisor, actually, the white male at the top, the nasty sneering brown and blacks at the entrance to the plantation blocking discriminating entrance telephone service, where they would tell me while chomping down on food and making noises into the phone that they had to get a verification specialist, and then leaving me on hold for 20 minutes, only to either hang up on me or say they could not verify me and could not help me further. Outright lies, leaving me stuck with no money, no access to money, this woman Diana never picking up her phone, the chat agents writing, after keeping me waitin in black silence for 20 minutes that I have to wait for her to call me back or send an email, which she never would do and still has not done. They remained silent leaving me writing messages like what is happening I am in an emergency. Being left with silence and the claim they cannot verify my identity (but they had been doing it all week, every day) 

He said, after blowing into the phone like it was exasperating for me to push saying it was an emergency and I had been waiting for one week for emergency services, blowing like I was just pushing so much asking for help in a frantic state by then, I had been put on hold for over 6 hours by the bank, my internet blocked for 5-6 hours the previous day after I had done a reset, and etc.

He claimed that he would be issuing cards and I should phone him on Tuesday to get the tracking number. Any series of lies could happen between any cards being sent out and now. Probably I will try to phone back and get no answer from him and being told the cards were never sent out and to phone back and then being yelled at that they cannot verify my identity and leaving me with absolutely no help or being able to reach anybody--as they did for over 6 hours between 2 days ago and yesterday. No cards sent, as promised, no money no help being lied to literally constantly non-stop by every agent repeatedly every single person I spoke with lied to me, constantly throughout the conversation all did the same thing.

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