Sunday, August 18, 2024

Teleportation terrorism--poetry style

 I have resurrected the name of a poet whom I had known in Minneapolis and San Francisco. The "system" broke him down as far as they could go, regurgitating him back to society as a soberized sputter whereas his dangerous flame had to be urinated upon by the gross negligence of society's incubation of inertia on the mental and spiritual plane(s) which always traverse a straight line, even if they are crooked or bi-sexual bisecting trapazoids.

The Kamel offered me, in teleportation hell deep sleep, a "job" and the former lap girl was offering me to the situation where I was going to be a trafficked slave on the market. The biggest buyer has offered the black Kamel contingent the highest deals, along with the Bama cartel of sex trafficking "we can we can" chanting white liberal crooked Kamalalaland-a-loot carnal chimeras.

It was a ruse!  A ruse by the "black" component of the upper crust of the huge Oreo Pie-in-the-Sky--swirling bits of fake smiles, lectures into tubes being conveyed into labyrinth portals of the imagination, promising a Holy Land where "brothers and sisters" can live in harmony as long as you vote for me.

Promising me a relief as I said "yes" I do not want to be a sex slave trafficked by your Big Ho Cartel to the highest offering for your luxury plantation monopoly of Black Power reduced to another Dark Tower of infidel infamy.


It was a ruse from a sparkling fuse which smiles and laughs and then hugs when lying and offering sex slavery if I want to "work" for her she means being what the sellers are in their vortex performances for the aspiring bots who want to relax and just get paid and laid.


She was selling me off, and promising me a way "out' of the terrorism that Bama had been profiting off for over 15 years--I fled the country because I knew what he was years ago, except my experience with psychopathy and the hate of the 4th Reich had not yet been as exposed and I thought that human beings, just failures on many basic levels, were involved even if they had huge amounts of money. But incalculable cruelty and sickness, lies without end. Huge smiles to offset dubious introspection as to how much people lie to themselves about their actual motivations when choosing such revulsions of decrepitude who offer the most beguiling of smiling loving lies and the monster that hides it's vicious death jaws ravaging whatever morsel to plunder that the Nazi "master" is offering in order to switch the victim role and pounce in joy that the "poor black victim" is being applauded by the Nazi and Mafia cartels.


Sold off, in teleportation, desperate to stop the sex trafficking transaction.

Listening to the debate when Tulsi Gabbard really stuck it to that revolting prosecutorial Ho from Frisco about how she sold innocents to slave labor in order for California Nazis to applaud her as being a staunch supporter of white supremacy. I realized this about Willie when I was introduced to him at a famous restaurant whereby within a few months of having just not understood that he expected instant gratification and I was fresh into SF with the concept that I had been invited to a place with a group of people and I was not going to just leave when some politician approached and just expected me to rush away with him for some casual exploitation sex. The restaurant owned by Wolfgang Puck

and here I am, with another German and being sold off by the same Willie Brown Kamalalalland cartel to be viciously exploited rather than hinted at while being invited to a German-owned restaurant.

The same force is now selling me off

they are obtaining exchange, perhaps a mansion in Germany or some such other favor from the 4th Reich

told I was going to "get a job" I told her I had a physical limitation she said blithely, "we'll find you something" and in the background stood another Ivy-League presidential "black" colleague candidate for the same position watching like a devouring hawk for my reactions and glaring with intensity--the deals, the promises, the 4th Reich offering so much to sell me off to a foreign power for the assumption of a new color of Nazism out of America all touting the victim rhetoric and/or that they are "black" and fighting for Black girls. I am sold off as a trafficked victim, prior to the 4 months after I rejected--not knowing I had "rejected" him I was approached, he talked to me at this bar waiting for a table, I was drugged as usual, I had no idea who he was, only was told he is the mayor, I just thought he was talkin to me I went to the dinner table with the people and they later on attacked me and 3 months later I was put into a deadly "accident" while running and then part of my spine and a metal rod in my spine was fractured and broken while I was sleeping. I had to run out of SF--but I returned a few months later when my family turned into another black gang of vicious minions of the minority 4th Reich cartel--vying for power by sacrificing me.


It's always the same thing with the minority minions. Viciously supportive of white supremacy all assumptions of fighting against racism absolutely gone when it comes to the dirty greasy deals, the camels blubbering huge smiles as they chew on the cud offered for a few constrained women forced into iron-clad male-dominated sex trafficking and white supremacy oppression of any resistance to their cartels. The blacks fully, viciously vehemently going along. Bama almost the most viciously on his power trip--so much money so much power called a "hero" by white Nazi liberals for far too long (I knew instantly that he was not a hero that he was a black nazi it has turned into the most nasty ugly cartel of black nazis out of whorewood a disgusting sickening example of the utter overtake of all the civil rights movements that have since been crushed and taken over by the most deplorable of Hillary conscripts to liberal white Nazi monopoly called hero it's zero.


I heard on the Nazi MSNBC news from the woman who first began a slew of hateful, violently yelling sinister participants operating with murderous greed and sleaze against me for their promotions--supporting the old Ho who has to go and is going soon but not soon enuf

I heard that Iran has been hacking into both of the white and black portions of the election Oreo corroded cookie from the American Pie that lost it's flavor even when black Nazis were put into the recipe for disaster

Iran Government has hacked into the DNC conference and also to the Rump campaign--

fingers crossed this means that when the dust settles, it will be Marianne Williamson who is the last resort for the Dem Ticket against some other option because Iran will seek revenge upon the rump who slaughtered a major general out of the Iran elite a few years ago, and then slaughtered a major Hamas leader out of the newest presidential inauguration in Iran (or Qatar?) and expressed that REVENGE will happen

fingers crossed in dire hope that the Kamal black nazi cartel of "brothers and sisterly love" fake hate will all be blasted with bama and his white Nazi liberals and the celebrities out of Sex Trafficking Nazi Whorewood will just go the way of the superblast

and the Kamal sex trafficking not funny but sinister giggly will be a thing of the past--and I predicted that a female or a younger person will win\

the hateful black Nazis are the most fervent to sell me off to white supremacy--German Nazism to be enslaved, and etc for their profit

hope that Iran finds a way to get their revenge because old Ho the gotta go dino will also be in attendence in Chicago--and Chicago is where bama and dirty deporable hill-a-rapery and aprah all hail from

coming to Champaign to become literal agents of COINTELPRO to assault me and my family--literally sent out of chicago, a denizen of thieves, pimps and ho's I always found Chi-town a black cloud hovering over the atmosphere an ugly and sordid place, the people from there dirtying up the pristine sort of quality that Champaign used to have, now made another city of the 4th Reich--high murder and theft rate, bigot Nazis having taken over the overtake began when the Warren Commission member, unelected, was put into Office by Nixon. 

another unelected skam is now going to be the prominent criminal in chief contender against the other who also has been putting a countless array of rapists and abusers into my life when I just clicked on all of their movies or sites and they have latched on forever more

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