Friday, August 23, 2024

Fed Ex Thailand has not delivered the 3-day emergency debit card as was scheduled on their site. The delivery time due was 5 pm today. At 4 pm I got the terrorist front desk woman to phone the Fed Ex office, who told her that the package was still in Bangkok or someplace else. I asked her to phone back and ask if I could pick up the package, and while this was happening a Europigpape scumbag with his team of 10-15 Thai minions began asking the woman, while she was on the phone, to help him so she was doing two things at once while he stood behind me looking into the computer monitor with my information on it. He was an English f**ck and obviously he is one of the pig apes who has been hacking and rewriting my every message, which just happened when I tried to explain this to my landlord--who refuses to help me but said he would. He has never responded to my emails after I sent him the tracking number, asking him to help me and demand the card sent asap. //The nasty Thai terror agent who was the 2nd person to speak to me, and this was a construct as the English fuck had arranged this through his many tech means, and so she told me that the package was held up somewhere in Bangkok. I asked her if I could pick the package up in person at the station, she said she was making a "ticket' for a pick-up; I then told her that this was send 3-day express emergency services from Visa, she nastily, of course told to be rude and non-helpful to me by the Europigape who was interfering in the process, standing behind me behind the front desk area instead of waiting, looking at what i was doing while this Thai women would not tell him to wait--(he told her to make copies of things he had on the scanner on the desk next to the computer, which I was seated at trying to get this delivered--the site stated delivery today for the past 3 days--they never updated the site, never sent the emails I was supposed to receive for tracking information--they blocked all information and then almost yelled at me with hate "Ma-am...(like the teacher from Peanuts, the original blah blah voice nasty and droning with hate) I told you I made a ticket for your pick up and you have to wait." I told her again this is an emergency it was supposed to arrive in 3 days, she again loudly almost yelled with dripping HATE "Ma-am," with this annoying nastiness, and I just echoed her nastay voice and told her this was from a bank and it was emergency services she kept hissing "Ma[am" at me unti I just hung up on her after saying fake cheery "thank you" and hung up as she was hissing "ma-am" for the 6th time like hate and abuse in her voice, not helping one single bit and ignoring my requests to locate the package. My landlord also had hate in his voice when I asked him to help and he will not respond to my text messages after I spoke with him on thephone. He told me to send the tracking information and now he probably is going to destroy this delivery or destroy it. I have no idea but this is more crime being committed against me. I have contacted the bank via email, the woman who sent the card out only days after I had been promised it would be sent out last saturday, then sent the card out on Tuesday so now it's another week, making this 3 weeks to reciee my cards if they ever arrive. I have zero food except for a bit of rice and some peanuts and chochlate. No money, not able to do anything. All due to this landlord and this terror team literally putting an order to have no mail delivered to this address, lying about it, and then refusing to unblock the hold and me having received deliveries here at this address, but at the front desk, for months. Also, while the wite trash Nazi pig ape was interfering, demanding that she help him immediately as he stood behind me and i ignored him, only saw him from the periphery, with the 20 Thais who don't live in the building surrounding me gang stalking style when I went to another part of the building--but I saw the usual hormone-high of the terror thrill that the front desk woman was exuding as she "helped' the white pig ape exploiter for the 4th Reich attack upon me. I am still with no access to money after almost 3 weeks of being lied to by the ban, by the landlord, by Fed Ex now, and then I am lied to by Social Security lied to by my mail servide and then attacked by pieces of shit who have millions and billlions of dollars but who can't perform and "win" unless they get sanction from the Nazi pig ape cartel for attacking me, otherwise they are hateful and sleazy and sick and can't produce any original ideas they steal mine and then my money becuase Irefuse to help t hem get more and more and more out of destroying my life any longer. Hacking is very bad as usual.

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