Thursday, August 8, 2024

I felt very pessimistic yesterday--and for a long time---about Kamala Harris's campaign and position. However, I am also in support of her, just critical due to the past history of this Democrat inclusion in the fascist terrorist torture of me through this "censored/covert" teleportation and microchip implant MK ULTRA technology. The tyranny of foreign leaders (ahem, not naming names) some overtly screaming and absolutely not "liberal" in a sense of 'inclusion" and very much criminally-backed (organized). Yet, I think perhaps Harris may find the independence to break from the absolute grip of the controlled political machine and prove to be a maverick in some regard(s). I am always a very gullible and mind programmed "sheeple" when it comes to baseless "hope" which I cling onto like a life raft during a maelstrom in the middle of a seeming interminable sea. Maybe the shore is approaching, maybe I am stranded as usual. //However, the hope that the Harrisi-Walz ticket brings is a restoration, (hope---??*&(*) of the Middle and Working classes and what may be a financial stabilit5y for that demographic which has been probably the most stabilizing force of America outside of all the "elite" and desperate groups. The Chinese philosophers I have read like Lau Tzu and the I Ching Book of Changes always emphasized that the "middle ground" the middle equilibrium is best for a society. I don't mean conformity but a financial basis of stability so that the reactionary political throngs appealing to chaotic violence will be somewhat quelled.

 I write this because of the Walz inclusion to the Democrat Ticket, and from my experience of having lived in Minnesota, I have a "feel" of (assumptions probably) about what Walz may be about, which is to support various "values" or "value-sets" which tend towards a more "populist" stance of protecting "the little guy" and condemning egregious misbehavior. There is very much, or there was, a philosophical basis that I experienced in Minneapolis, but gullible as I was and still am, that was from a protected college bubble stance. There are also extreme violent racists and murderous bigots, as Derrick Chauvin portrayed and represented in the public lynching of George Floyd, and that brutal police culture still exists in Minnesota and there are numerous cases in the news reporting about such murders upon Latinos, Blacks and just barbarism running throughout Minnesota. 

I personally was taken to a "German" camp in some remote area of Minnesota, and I was "drugged/asleep" while we drove the many hours from Minneapolis to that upstate location out in the middle of woods "nowhere". The man, named John Diebel, an artist of talent and ability was/is a fluent German speaking. He is Half-Irish/German descent but the one time I went to his apartment down the street from my apartment near the University of Minnesota (Dinkytown, Minneapolis) he had a copy of Men Kampf next to his bed. Always lying, he claimed that he read it to understand what 'Not to do" which I now translate to being a veiled "how to learn from previous mistakes and learn to have diversity and inclusion of the 4th Reich in multi-cultural America, the goal of Hitler's takeover scheme for the United States, back in the 30's and still in full operation by these "clandestine" groups which are not "southern" KKK but Northern Minnesota groups which use gang stalking, poisoning and MK ULTRA and all the tools and weapons I have been describing in all my writings for years, in order to achieve a genocial "culling" of opposition to break down society, continue the plot to destroy America from "within".

John (he was called "Matz" at that time, a nickname from the half English/Russian friend I had, another terrorist 4th Reich operative named Marcia Shavzin--she has since I think changed her name to Maria and is now an open pro-Trumper but when she was exploiting me, she was all full-out "alternative" in dress and musical taste. She did a lot of damage to my body and life but I learned a lot from her anyway and she took me to First Avenue and coached me into becoming a Prince-o-phile so I am grateful to her for that. My family hated her. She called John "Matz" which is somehow a more Eastern European name or ..something?

But it was Marcia who had me driven to this German compound and began yelling at "Matz" about this Nazi camp. I told her in my absolute drugged up and naive way that just because they are learning to speak German and living in "German" village dress, clothing, food and language-only--i.e. only German food, only German dress, only German language was accepted at this camp. 

Minnesota has a heritage of German (Protestant) and Norwegian/Swedish descent, for the main part.

The racism was as rampant as any other very racist environment but more cloaked in the former "nice" mentality where hate and violence is supposed to be concealed. 

I am fighting hacking (I did not spend 3-4 hours doing a reset this morning, and so having just done it yesterday, already the system is almost inoperable from just having watched YouTube for a while last night).

I can't really pound and fight this any longer

I hope I got o ut at least a portion of what I am attempting to convey.


Matz was also friends with a very lovely person named Bert Wilson, whose father was the "first black man" on the St. Paul City Council. Bert and Matz/John were always inseparable when it came to exposure of building a group surrounding me for the purpose of brainwashing and essentially kicking me out of Minnesota, ultimately.

All the people involved were half-English, Half-Russian and their parents, at least one of them, came from Europe or Russia and all were very "fair" except for Bert, some of his friends (all students, computer engineers, etc) and then Bert also was a national chess champion and had competed in Russia as one of the United State's top chess competitors.

The level of the terrorists was fairly high in educational and intellectual and artistic skills.

That is the Minneapolis and St. Paul college set that I was around and only for the last 2 years of college. Otherwise, I was assaulted viciously by groups of people in classes, professors but not in the streets as happens in warmer climates. The freezing cold and being bundled and in a little unrecognizable set of layers of bulky clothing for approximately 8 months of the year made being attacked in public much more difficult, so I had little understanding of the immensity of the 4th Reich operation running throughout Minnesota.


I am only giving, with the ENDLESS hacking interruptions and also my brain put into a blank void while fighting to type this--I am not recounting the very awful violent and murderous things that happened there because in comparison to the Los Angeles Hell entities perceived as being "angels" the attacks upon me in Minneapolis pale in comparison. Also in other cities and places, so Minneapolis is more 'decent" but still rife with every kind of racism and volence.

The city of Minneapolis, under the guidance of Walz, just tore down the high-energy nightclub "strip" which created Prince and his artistic freedom. They closed down the "alternative" and put in strip mall and bike paths--took down the very alternative book stores (Schindlers) and the area now is like a dead zone compared to the party zone you can see if you watch Purple Rain or any of the documentaries about the Hennepin Avenue Downtown area of Minneapolis in the 80's or earlier.

---------------I can't write or type better than this, and it's impossible to get out more without spending at least most of my time fighting to backspace and retype words constantly as the keyboard is now too hard to fight to pound and type on.

I told myself to do a 3-hour reset every day but I did not do it this morning. I had no intention of writing but the thoughts are coming out. 

Like an eponymous sign, the title of my blog is "vignettes" and this is a "vignette" semi-portrait of my thoughts and memories (all completely accurate not stylized reaching for memory fragments) I just can't get out cohesion to write thoroughly.

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