Saturday, August 24, 2024

More lies, more blocks, more hacking while trying to get information so the computer was frozen, turning on and off for 2 hours, each time sort of working so I thought I would not have to do a reset function which I had just done yesterday, along with clearing out the C-drive JUST to access fed ex information, as the hacking commenced the second I logged into the internet so it was just the same as before the 6 hours of fighting to get the malware hacking off the system. Lied to so repeatedly that it's the norm. fed Ex had my package at the Phuket station but lied, and told me they had no idea where it was and while they were holding it at the Phuket station, they hacked the website and all the websites so it showed the package still in Bangkok, even as I drove to pick it up at the PHuket station it showed that it was in transit. Only after I signed for it did the status change.//Returning, after having been told for 2 weeks of fighting to get my mail sent to me, because my debit card had been closed by the bank due to Thai Post and Fed Ex blocking all mail to my address and returning all to sender. My debit card closed immediately. I receive packages here all the time from a local shipping company for items and I had no idea my address was blocked. Anyway, 3 cards returned to the bank, which went into lying mode (always lying for every question asked, almost every agent does this in chat or on the phone and when one person does say the truth I don't believe it or know whether it's correct or not). Told multiple times that when I received the emergency card mailing I could activate the card by phone and use the PIN number later by my discretion. There is no way to activate the card without a PIN number. I tried to phone Visa and the hackers blocked the internet for 2 hours. As soon as I accessed my bank account and tried to open SKYPE they then froze the laptop, and this went on for 2 hours. I kept telling myself to do another 2-hour reset but they would make the computer work for a few minutes, they freeze it again, then turn off the WiFi even though the router shows it is on and the icon on the computer screen shows it is on--but it's off manually remotely blocked even the signal is being hacked so I can never tell when the system is being turned off.//and so it goes on. Now because Fed Ex delayed the shipment for one day, I have to deal with weekend supervisors who probably have not dealt with my case and they probably do not give PIN numbers by phone. It's 2 weeks of me sitting here fighting to get access to my bank account. Zero money and no food and rent due and being lied to non-stop by every agency possible, for over 4 months I tried to avert what I knew was going to be a hell situation of trying to get debit cards sent to me. I was lied to constantly by my bank, and lied to by everyone else so when the blocks occurred, I was under the information assumption that what I had done was correct and would work out. Lied to by my landlord about the mailing address, asking him to fix this situation he does nothing because they have planned this emergency to go on and on and on and on for weeks and weeks. Meanwhile the teleportation attacks are as nasty and foul as they always have been. The New "hope" is a fucking joke in the political sphere. The old dino hopelessness is just as awful, I can't tell which is worse the minority minions or the outright white supremacists???

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What Whorewood and the "history" machine never tell you: 97% of "white" upper class Eastern European partners with Nazis were slaughtered. A stark warning that is suppressed and censored due to the need for American upper wealth to do the same (and also to focus solely upon Jews as the main victims of the Holocaust). More information below: + Terrorist physical assault; terrorist celebrity rigged awards, and a momentous fact that I have never heard before about the 3rd Reich mass murder machine and probably you have not either. Yes, white wealthy coordinators with Nazi overtake were also mass murdered because they believed the lies the Nazis told them, that they would "solve the Jewish Problem" and the antisemitic bigots also believed the huge, dripping wide-eyed pupil-dilated German psychohpath Nazis when they offered a wealth and theft ransacking of the Jewish population. They were instead murdered along with the Jews. Never heard this before, but it is purportedly a solid fact. All in combination with the (stupidly greedy) celebrity-politician grasping frenzy coordinating with the 4th Reich Europigape cartel thug genocidal money-overflowing crocodile smile partners coming to usurp and overtake dear ole "Democracy" (only in name and expressed purpose)-spewing fascist dictatorship (in reality) America. The program for a pogram is intrinsically integrated in the fascist social engineering contract with endless millions of $$, awards without end for the continued programming for white supremacy (using minorities to further this aim) and the lying corruption and $$-grasping of the bigoted politicians (minorities used as front-pieces for how "Democratic" the Constitutional Republic truly is....(not). All ties together with awards, endless assault upon me for every sleazy dirty ape gets a huge promotion for this "private" but oh-so-publicly displayed violence against me; they all chatter in interviews and in pulpits of microphone celebrity camera appearances and in their chambers televised about their indignation that some people are violating "free speech" and whatever the cause they create like inflation out of thin air but secretly perform far worse than any of the people being grilled by the politicians for public display--

I have not watched through this entire documentary but I have listened to the many parts featured on the Hour of the Time. The information o...