I know that I should do a system restore function ("reset" for Windows 11) before any serious attempt to contact the plethora of agents who are lying and hostile without a horrific hacking maelstrom impeding every attempt to garner information.
I know this, but I have not had this kind of obstruction in the past with accessing this account by clicking on the "send passcode to my phone" link and receiving a call, picking it up with an instant, "Here is your passcode, please keep it private...etc and then the numerical code is sent without a hitch or snag. There is no need to press any button to receive the code, until today. Not until K-alalala has joined in, along with Obamamamama, and then Clowney cloony and the rest of the wonderful, anti-rape and "feminist" "woke" and "humanitarian" bunch have joined in viciously demanding and bringing in Senators--
not sure which "side" the Senators belong to, they have their Party affiliation but they are working with the "other side" in this case---
are they working for T-rump but also helping K-alalalalala with Obamamamamama? The $ is being spread around to all in a free-for-all cornucopia engendering the epitome of greed, selfishness and social engineering for hate crime mentality, elitism, lack of all "Democratic" and Constitutional" values, as only applied to the criminal class but unduly heaped in punitive hell upon the less fortunate and less criminal class who are thrown in prison for life for a baggie of crack if they got caught three times.
Not rapists beating, poisoning and ordering minions to break into someone's house, have them raped, poisoned and drugged while stealing their ideas and destroying their property, having them hit by cars and gang stalked by thousands upon thousands of scumbag crap everywhere at all times.
No, that is "elite entitlement" behavior to be glorified as the epitome of class, style and etiquette, similar to French nobility who were noted by some as having similar types of free accessibility to rape and plunder from their peasant slaves on their huge estates and plantation concentration camp feudalism brothel farming communities, slated to have NO CHANCE to rise above their circumstance unless they serve at the big house as a butler or cleaning cooking staff. Yes, the other chances, for women as well, were either being a "good" wife or a prostitute or not sure--cleaning and later on, teaching was perhaps the one-and-only respite from the traditional Good girl/bad girl roles. As for men, I'm not sure exactly but the limitations were extreme. This is the "system" that these celebrities are working to "achieve" through me as the primary protype of a mind control/microchipped implanted "slave" which has brought into my life countless horrible and disgusting "people" from all ages, backgrounds, socioeconomic levels.
And so, now they are turning their techno-tyrannical system into this kind of sick bs that every single technology is being disrupted constantly and I can't be able to obtain even a basic recovery drive here in this remote place (probably in the U S I would be able to, but here the phone calls are all sabotaged I can't reach any reliable person.
But my phone, which they have never had access to as I have kept it, as far as I know, in a pristine condition (if they got hold of it manually they would have instantly scratched the surfaces and paint off and smeared stinking goo into parts of the keypad--and it's in the same pristine condition as I bought it because I do keep my items now as clean as possible and protected in a way--that I can barely manage at this point.
\All of this is being done through remote systems hacking into my laptop and phone (my laptop is being infected every time I leave after doing a reset, but they heap malware onto my system just when I am turning on the WiFi it is instant. Sometimes there are 4000-5000 files dumped onto my system which can barely operate, within 20 minutes of having done a 3-hour reset function and then cleaning out the cache requires time, and etc.
This is now making me paralyzed technologically as the hacking potentiality is severe everywhere to block basic access to my online banking.
I can't use most of the functions of this laptop as it is so frozen constantly that it is a miracle if I can use this laptop for more than 20 minutes without it freezing, the WiFi turning off, and etc it goes "Haywire" as some frenetic hacker makes it appear like some Poltergeist has taken over with a crack disposition.
Things like Cortana I have never used, assuming none of it will ever work. They go in and I believe they replaced the Intel memory chip so this system is so slow that I can't use two tabs on one browser simultaneously. One of the pages freezes if I try to access another site on a different tab.
It goes on and on.
But this is the latest of threats from Senator Kennedy who just joined in again--the last time he joined he threatened to make me homeless. Not being able to access my basic bank online services is cutting off my money, just one of the steps to making me absolutely desperate.
And they all go on. The criminals who are blocked from any legal repercussion and protected in all the violence and hate they inflict upon me, making my body and finances paralyzed and depriving me of just having ONE SINGLE TINY LITTLE CAT FOR A COMPANION--my cat which they stole who was my family.
It is truly tragic that every time I write about the crimes and seriousness of these psychopaths and sleaze incompetents, they are simply further promoted. It was also Kamala Harris (aka Krapola) and Obama who sent this German sick fuck to rape me endlessly as he was promised a free empire for training Americans into more Nazi mannerisms of rape and brutality for "bad women/girls/boys/men" and for absolute Nazi programming to be further brought into the United States through more movies such as the endless Tarantino Mafia/Nazi highlighting of such foreign Nazis out of Europigapeland. It was, in fact, one of the Tarantino characters (but a "Jewish" mafia actor) who brought this sick rotten "fuck" to rape me with ugly stupid whorealina cheering him on. AS she has been doing for over 10 years and constantly stealing ideas. After they have me raped, beaten and drugged poisoned and I am teleported just after having wokien up from being injected into teleportation skits of being abused, raped, homeless, death hate and stupid sick abuse every single night and morning, then waking up as i am spending hours putting away stinking sprayed clothing and cleaning muck the yrder sprayed on my clothing and my living space so it is covered with stinking and permanently-staining goo every single inch of this horrid stinking room.
3-6 hours of verbal abuse and endless interrogation so ugly stupid shitalina and the rest of this stupid ugly crew of your famous celebrities can have original ideas as I fight to not have all my money stolen and my property is constantly being destroyed and my money is being taken by endless rip-offs so I have almost always nothing and living on the edge of homelessness. .Every pig who rapes or attacks me offers me some kind of "shelter" if I just go live with them for more fun and games in their shit homes with them doing whatever (gang rape, torture, murder whatever)
ugly filthalina is making millions and millions for every idea she steals from me, every idea which is completely original she is paid all production fees with the top quality production crews and writing teams instead of her former half-asinine movies which lay scattered in the dust heap of forgettable movies--like many of Pig pitt's as well
and so, they never stop.
My every post about this results in more promotions for them all.
Dirty and violently sick Krapola Harris (parasite) was given $200 million almost instantly after having the German filth pig ape rape and beat me--she went off laughing as she was poured money by hillary and her gang of "liberal" fascist Nazis
she then returned glaring with hate as she had me sitting on the floor in teleportation with this German ugly sick fuck beating and pushing and hitting and raping me yelling into my face sticking his nasty penis into my mouth-shoving it in, sitting on top of me hitting slapping as Krapola, the"black woman" glared in hate at me and asked why I would not just give in and help her for her campaign--or to that effect. I told that filthy dirty pig corollary to rotten and sick Obama and his shit dirty ugly wife that if that stupid whore can't "win" the election with 200 million then she does not deserve it. I was stuck on the floor, I could not move as she sat staring with some huge f rown at me after the German Nazi shit filth had raped me inf ront of her, and the giggly sick ugly prostitutalina who everyone is defending for 14 years and counting of this goin on and on and on plus endless murder of me as I have fought to get them off me.
Not a single penny, not a single thing but guaranteed torture after they steal my ideas every single day they are torturing me to obtain more.
This filthy Nazi German sick creep is being handed POSITIONS IN AMERICA to bring fascism and Nazism into that country as the shit of America keeps reading my posts and continuing to allow this to commence.
It's just a bright wonderful world of stupid, forgettable movies coming out like rancid diarrhea year after year--mostly about horror and death and sleaze and violence and mostly always about murder.
But you all love it. You love them so much. All the people who died fighting Nazis--well, fuck them, right?
When I see which celebrities are endorsing Krapola, I see Clooney, who has been backing shit pig pitt and u gly trashalina for years alongside his "feminist and victim advocate" shit Iranian wife--lying scum pretense and absolutely Nazi fascist and murderous genocidal crap--all of them, they are just the seemingly political Whorewood "elite" who pushes for the most pliable black nazi candidates who will help bring in white supremacy to the fore a la Nazism.
The Germans so avidly welcomed Blacks and befriended them--gave them their German daughters to sleep with, sneered in hate behind their backs in quite subdued tones. The beguiled victims the "blacks" are now fully entrenched into helping Nazis especially the Germans into America into power as they believe they are part of the elite entitled class. They are welcomed in, all is forgotten all the "bad" American racists. Instead the warm and friendly overture Germans are there to lovingly embrace stupid ignorant shit like Obama and his rotten conniving wife into the warm folds of their loving genocidal embraces as they are waltzed into America by these dumb stupid puppet whore minions the Black Nazis like Krapola. I see the endless line-up of blacks who have attacked me in teleportation gushing over Krapola and the rest of the white liberal Nazi establishment making some kind of fake political correctness statement that they are white but care about the "victim" black woman how they love the all-accepting Nazi fascist dictator. All she had to do was have me brutally raped as the white trash "liberal" establishment cheered it on and poured the money. Hillary gave it full sanction, of course.
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