Thursday, August 29, 2024

The DNC Krap-ola K-rap-ola Obama+his momma tirade facade is NOT ABOUT JOY...The lack of joy is so evident their hateful grasping for power is the dominant theme--that applies to their actual mentors and "plantation approval" rats like Pelosi, a most foul and violent Mafia plant into American politics, trained in Whorewood to appear like a drunken slurring calm and composed warm construct, 2-dimensional lectures about "The American People" and all that=....The SCHADENFREUDE REGIME making their ploy play at the DNC (bolstered by the white Nazis of the world, the Republicans in Congress and the Nazis who are backing the Black Nazi contagion, which is so much easier to control than the whites, almost), the supplication factor is so much more malleable for the bigot German Nazis and the "joy" is the joy of being included into the 4th Reich plantation roles of absolute wealth for selling the United States out to the highest Nazi bidder; in my case, it is from Germany itself so the "joy" is really schadenfreude as the pig apes of the Obama and Krapolla regime are just mirthful at the hate and destruction of my life so their antisemitic programming will lead to a further investment of Nazis into America, American politics and the media to fully program with false pretenses of the opposite mentality, as has already happened so thoroughly that NO alternative perspective i s actually "allowed" to make any presence known, whatsoever)://The "Black" trash of the DNC and the black-white supremacists of the any other Party and the white trash Nazis are cheering on the Europigape trash who will not stop raping me because the pig apes of the Krapola campaign, including foul and disgusting Obama and his foul dirty wife, as cheering him on. Shared "schadenfreude" looks pass between the foul and dirty German scum pig ape who is beating and raping me so Obama and his team of black Nazis can obtain "permission" to become the next wave of the lying plantation usurpation of American politics--tethered to Europigapeland interests, brining in this fascist Nazi into America into H-wood with teams of fanatical and trained Nazis. Welcomed with open arms and legs, as this pip ape scum holds me down while I am fighting him, in teleportatoin--always using some trick where I am unconscious or not aware that I am teleported, finding myself pinned down as this filth pig rapes me and forces himself on me. The depravation of all positive stimuli from all sources and torture without end, internal extreme torture through this poisoning with non-stop abuse through these filthy and foul teleportation and subliminal voice-to-skull weapons so stupid and dirty foul prostituted whore scum can steal ideas, torturing me to obtain ideas for over 15 years and stealing my written ideas point-blank from my writings while blocking all internet access except to barely pound out ideas--the ideas then either deleted after stolen and all posts I write rewritten by hackers so they are almost impossible to ascertain the meaning of. But read in complete form by the stupid dirty pig apes who have zero original ideas or concepts about a single thing. They embellish with their Nazi and Mafia cliches the ideas they have stolen from me, so there is no actual "paradigm shift" in any of the established doctrines of the 4th Reich. Thoroughly trained from their foreign backgrounds, both Obama and Kamala have their mommies and daddies ingrained in Colonialist mentality driven through the ingrained subordination of their parents and passed down to these lying American-educated worshi8ppers of Imperialistic England and Nazi Germany and the rest of the Europigapeland Nazified countries and their minions. //Lovingly embracing this German scum filth creep with lavishing support of h is violence against me so they can be handed more "permission" to lie to America with H-wood -created psy-ops speeches constructed to sound like the assassinated activists who raged into their audiences while these lying joking stupid--but well-educated and performing all tasks of white supremacy of imposition of brutality upon those the 4th Reich doesn't want to have a chance to succeed in any competitive form--i.e. me--and to crush them with the full smiling buddy-buddy "I love blacks" of the Nazi 4th Reich white genocidal faction which has taken over both parties. The minions of the black and brown and Jewish and et al are just sickeningly false when they lecture about human rights. Pelosi is one of the most egregious but Hillary comes a close 2nd. Their black and brown nominations all conform to the Nazi paradigm with the rhetoric of black activists they have been inculcated with through their lessons in how to fight and achieve power. The meandering "Left-hand path" of lying, acting-performative activist righteousness which is heavy in the black "ministers and Reverends" who absolutely participate in the white supremacy 4th Reich genocide as long as the "good blacks and browns" obey (that includes the as-white-as-possible Jews in that mix--and every other race, Latinos, Asians et al. ) Lovingly performing terrorist acts upon me for just fighting in my defense as the 4th Reich turned it's attention to the Nazi pogrom of killing and destroying all chances for Jews unless they are as viciously in support of Nazis as possible (Ratskin, and of course, Michael Cohen a most odious example of that if anyone has access to the real teleportation schedule of abuse aimed at me in perpetuity for just defending myself and saying no to the program which I saw personally destroy my family, brainwashed, poisoned and killed even when they behaved and did explicitly every single thing they were instructed--viciously attacking me for outperforming Nazi pig ape white supremacy trash pig apes, as one example).

 "SCHADENFREUDE--Why do we ENJOY seeing others FAIL?". The Art of Personal Growth. October 7, 2023.

Stanley Kubrick certainly understood Schadenfreude (his wife German) in the sadistic schadenfreude masturbation scene in A Clockwork Orange--to put this into context--this is how the sleazy foul celebrities and politicians TRULY ARE towards me in teleportation. Their policies and politics of making people homeless, dying in the streets as they shout about "Freedom" and their partnership with those who bomb and mass murder is truly what they imbibe, what they are, and what controls them (genocidal 4th Reich death squad machinery, from within and from without the United States).
**P.s. A Clockwork Orange is, amongst other great themes that Anthony Burgess wrote which, unfortunately, I have not read so I can only attribute the use of Schadenfreude to Kubrick, but obviously the double-entendre of "joy" being used in it's counterpart as schadenfreude, the joy at f-ing other people over and watching them get raped, beaten robbed tortured and the opposite of one-another, or the polar opposite actually but the expression of "joy" is really schadenfreude as this torture of me has brought Krapola, in large part, into this position as the Obamas and Krapola have rushed to assault me at the onset of this campaign, glaring in hate that I have not had enough of their violence and torture for their promotion into the 4th Reich Nazi fold, no it's not enough they must go on. Smiling with schadenfreude at the German Nazi-spewing pig ape rapist, they are delighted and keep the ape raping me as long as that dirty pig wants to with him punching into me me fighting back being pinned down, etc as they all sit laughing and watching because I have said NO for over 15 years and fought every day--to the utter silence of Schadenfreude, apathetic and sick America. 
The movie Clockwork is about mind control and government allowance of sick sadism in top government officials to keep the people in line, obedient and believing in all lies told by the corrupt (that includes the protagonist Alex lying to his parents about his gratuitous humanitarian exploits at night, "helping people out" but in reality raping mutilating and stealing. The precursor to political advancement. The satire is shrouded by the violence within the movie, this was the main focus that many people were either against or gravitated towards. The "formula" for political corruption is embedded within the story in a "Democracy". Mind control and violence are an absolute must partnership, and for 50 years this set of themes I have never heard anywhere from anybody because all are being censored, silenced or not able to reach any platform where they are widely dispersed to the public at large. As technology increases, the mind control operations become more openly transparent but "the people" are so lacking in actual "underground" analysis of anything that they "believe" and the situation worsens.

"Alex makes Jesus dance to Beethoven's 9th (HD)--A Clockwork Orange (1971)". Trav. February 11, 2023.


Of course, Beethoven was also maligned by the public and some authorities for his "radical" views, kicked out, forced into poverty as authentic people who hold convictions of actual JOY in the human condition are, have been and hopefully this trend will stop maybe some day.  There are documentaries of how Beethoven was forced to flee some Austrian or German city due to his political beliefs in the right of human beings to live without tyranny--as expressed in Enlightenment terms. Many a personage has also expressed such beliefs at that era (19th Century Euro-land) who were against the imposition of a central authority and the rights of the individual. I do not know enough about Beethoven to credit him with the highest egalitarian motives or concepts, only that he was a threat to the established order for some time, long enough to be put on a list and driven out of his home due to being too radical. This also happened to Wagner so being kicked out of Germany does not mean the target supports human dignity or the rights of individuals (one must know that Wagner was so antisemitic that Hitler created a pilgrimage annually to commemorate Wagner's operas, required attendance for SS Officers, so I heard in a documentary). Not so with Beethoven, but I do not know the extent of his "radical" ideas, but the Ode to Joy sounds very optimistic and idealistic and positive for the honoring of the individual human spirit.

"Beethoven 9th Symphony--Movement IV--'Ode to Joy'". FolsomGreatMusic. September 2, 2012.

The German won't stop because ugly filth prostitutalina and her dirty filthy father--(that "conservative" actor who always supports Trump, the Insurrection, etc etc is featured in Breitbart very often for his greasy pig views on politics--this actor steeped in billions of dollars and many of those derived from over 15 years of non-stop murderous torture and poisoning of me through his filthy vile prostitute daughter spawn trash piece of stupid shit, endlessly using my ideas to augment a fake posturing bs about how "feminist" and not stupid she actually is--vile and dirty and sleazy as hell, literally.

Beloved by the white trash pig ape culture, which includes the extremely programmed black men and women who "represent" black empowerment in the media--The view is such an odious one from me being teleported to them, the talk show hosts and the activists and ministers and reverends and the Nazi-saluting Obama with Krapola in his train of followers. White "liberal" Nazis adore Obama for his white supremacy supporting policies of graft and corruption and bail-outs to the white privileged and the lack of actual ANYTHING for most of the black communities. Or that is the "word" that I have heard in many YouTube videos as I left the United States just a few months before that travesty of "black empowerment" joke was voted into office. I would have voted for him myself if I had been in America at the time because I was, as so many had been, absolutely sickened of the Bush regime monopoly and anything else seemed better. However, I never liked Obama from the first second I saw his photo and the endless adulation of him in the Wall Street Weekend edition during the summer months prior to the actual election. He had long been favored by Wall Street which put a few weeks' worth of 2-page spreads on Obama--this was Rupert Murdock's paper by that time, and I knew it was one of the Black racist haters which I had experienced for so much of my life, and I could see it in his face and now he is with the German sharing a "schadenfreude" moment of mirth and giggy brotherly luv while the German ape is raping me constantly, day after day as much of my life force to suck out while slapping and beating and calling me bitch and shoveling filth and trash (which to me is alll that he is) into my room through the filthy brown minority scumbags who are endlessly attacking me for every white trash bigot who gets a chance to profit off this contract out on me. The vicious violence aimed at me by white trash Nazi bigots from Europigapeland and Russia was a non-stop terror regime under the Obama administration and it's pumping up from the absolute violence under Biden, but the older tortures that had happened under Obama are now resurfacing, which means he is a  piece of sick shit, completely mired on Nazi programming, his foreign parents obviously trained him to obey all white Nazis as my family had also been trained--and having lived in Illinois similar to the Obamas I know a lot about the Nazi and white supremacy circuits that run the gamut of Chicago down to Champaign, the University of Illinois has a lot of Chicago transplants I am not impressed by Obama for his "big city" identification. He is a 3rd world brainwashed son of people brought up on Brutality and subjugation, ingrained is the need to obey the edicts of the controlling Nazi forces, thoroughly saturated into every belief-system. That applies to Krapola who is a stupid giggly and rotten crap person who has been trained, all these years of no one knowing what that stupid thing was doing, she was in training to make her "civil rights"-replication speeches to sound like all the activists. You can tell from her smiles that she does not mean what she is talking about. 

The "joy" is the German version of Schadenfreude--joy is freude (listen to Beethoven's 9th Symphony and the "ode to joy" in which "FREUDE" is sung repetitively--(the lyrics of that symphony are derived from the German poet Schiller, who was a Stuttgart intellectual, derided by Germans until Goethe picked him out of the ostracization bucket that Germans had put him into--now there is a statue of him in Stuttgart on the Schillerplatz) so

Joy is something that Germans actually do not embrace as the term


The joy of someone else's destruction. 

They laugh, giggle and share looks of huge smiling delight as the German pig ape makes Nazi jokes, concentration death threats at me, the pig apes who have stolen my ideas for 15 years about feminism, based on their actions towards me, only to be stolen by them as they are awarded for their theft and antisemitic Nazi actions by the filth that has been put into all the highest offices and managerial positions--or those who are against sit aghast, perhaps, but silent as death about any misgivings for being a part of this death trap trip.


The filthy dirty celebrities and politicians ordered their brown-skinned dirty filthy hateful minions to pour and smear the most FOUL AND DISGUSTING sticky, putrid substances chemically-processed with permanentlystaining oils, chemicals so the stench never comes out no matter what, only is reduced almost to nothing but remains after multiple bleaching and cleaning with every possible cleaning solvent and detergent and bleach and vinegar and soda and etc

into my shoes--stinks like some kind of excrement mold combo

the smell has not come out after multiple washing bleach vinegar perfume and baking soda--

my clothing--smeared with foul underarm stench that is not mine--gooey to the touch, so that it penetrates into the fabric.

My beautiful satin clothing I made by hand stinking from sprays-only on one side of the fabric, the side facing the room and the other side facing the wall has not been sprayed. The clothing hanging up next to my desk here in this putrid "kitchen" area, which I must have a fan blowing into because of the stench sprayed into the furniture, my office chair stinking no matter how much I clean it and with any perfume oil perfume spray  cleaning agent, sprayed with foul substances into the chair material (naugahyde or PVC) so the stench wafts over the half of the room--nothing gets it out completely

all while i was downstairs yesterday as this delivery service (Flash Express) kept me waiting while the filth creeps, ordering the creeps  where I live, to disperse the filth and trash that they truly are, sickeningly vile on a personal level but as a congealed accumulation of them congealing together to attack me, the dirt of these creeps is just manifested in the filth they order their dirty nasty hateful minorities to spray and inject into my body, clothing, furniture

the filth sprayed and poured on the floor and everywhere--the walls are stained yellow-brown from sprays constantly on the walls and floors doors everything stinks

that is the essence of your celebrity whorewood sick filth that you worship because you have no other concept of what quality really means and entails.

So much is being censored and analysis of the shit that they are and crank out is so lacking. Even the criticism is of course catering to keeping the status quo so there is no actual deconstruction of content just basic analysis and mostly focusing on plot, acting, theatrics, special effects

and etc.

There is no contextual analysis. There may be in university settings, but that is highly focused on eliminating threat as well (threat to the 4th Reich status quo--so even the "radical woke' element is attuned and attenuated to the 4th Reich paradigm but repeat these easily offensive and debunked platforms that sound ridiculous, as intended. They are merely following orders on what to say and how to say it to eliminate actual analysis that people may learn something from without cringe in distaste at the seemingly ridiculous trite vocabulary used. The fakes also proliferate to discredit this analytical opposition so as to appear completely inane and stupid. This undermines the effort and what remains is a silent complicity to the "alternative" concept which is no alternative at all. Everything is an "Alice Through the Looking Glass" companion to Alice in Wonderland where the despotic rulers shout "off with their heads" with a chorus of pawns and pips (lower cards) echoing the same thing. Alice through the looking glass is just a reflection into a mimicry but a redundancy of the original in it's mirrored alternative universe form. That is, Joy equals the Joy of damaging and the giggly mirth associated with fucking other people over, something that people en masse have noted about Krapola the candidate blank void running for president. No one has noted that about more slick Willy Obama, yet---no one who has a "voice" in the maelstrom of all the pips repeating what they are told to say, to discredit or otherwise.

Schadenfreude rules the day but Joy is the advertising slogan selling you pure bullshit and lies and deception. Because the white trash Nazis of the "alternative" and "Democrat" side are also yearning for graft, corruption and every kind of sleazy usurpation as Trump and his gangland of pips (the same the very same in Whorewood, traversing all sides and all obtaining millions and billions of $$, that includes the "black" activists, the View of a sea of hateful violent antisemitic-programmed Nazi thuggery trained to imitate, pretend and etc. This is an oversimplification but I am referring to the "inner circle' of just one of the lower circles of the Hell that they truly represent, not the superficial light-reflecting shitpool that they are advertised by MSNBC and other agents of deception and outright white supremacy 4th Reich vicious hate.

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