Thursday, August 8, 2024

Totally 4**-ed on all sides. Senator John Kennedy is presiding over non-stop rape (in teleportation) from this German man who I have said "NO" to for the past--how many weeks of this going on and on and on and on and on every night while I am in deep sleep and while in a drugged miasma of drugged up torture and stress. A grey streak has emerged in my hairline from the torture sand violence from months and years of absolute frenzy of violence, hate rape and endless poisoning with the most horrifically toxic poison that turns b lack in my body, swells, hardens, into all joints, bones and intestines---stinking and putrid and becoming congealed while all the celebrities have ordered non-stop poisoning to keep me paralyzed, stuck with huge bulges of poison hanging off my breasts, my abdomen always looks like a huge 8-9 month pregnant bulge of cottage cheese cellulite hanging over layers of poisons embedded into my back. For all the years of Trump's presidency, the Republican Senators like Kennedy have absolutely approved of this torture of me, and now at the last few months of this election cycle, he is personally coming to viciously yell and hurl racist epithets that are disguised as race-baiting hate but not the usual open slurs--he is "good with words" but the German dude is being given EVERYTHING to continue this rape attack always while I am extremely sick--the hard poison coming out finally after I spent years doing master cleanses and diets and trying to exercise based on what the "experts" like Baryishnikov, who never stopped the poisoning, were "controlling" as if "Helping" me by giving a bit of "advice" and then threatening me to obey all commands and if I did what actually was helping me, it would be more torture. Meanwhile the poisoning, rape and pounding of poison into my body, with non-stop violence that no one can understand what 6-8 hours per day of people using technology to yell violently death threats and racist insults into your brain, into your "inner ear" where you cannot block them out, turn away or stop responding--it goes directly into the brain, the technology/drug interface blocks all attempts at "ignoring" the yelling, hate and stoic response capability. I always end up providing the blank hateful group with ideas which they are constantly stealing for their fake appearances as being "woke" or caring (that also includes The Morning Show which I watched a snippet of once and heard ideas similar to what I have been shouting in these 6-8 hours per day of non-stop hate and abuse as I yell about what is wrong with them so they steal the ideas). But as I must continue---now the rape is constant and every time I "wake up" I tell this German man "NO" again. They force the most sexual "desire" through drugging and some compartmentalized attack on my nervous system and sexual area of the brain into the most feverish sexual desire that is beyond all limitations and control. Obviously the people of this group are so enthused about this tech and the future potentialities both for "good" and "evil" so this remains a protected attack situation. They keep forcing this German man, extremely sexually turned on (but mostly by the promise of an empire within the United States, as he's always referring to himself as "the master" race and forcing some porno master-slave situation upon me while I literally can't even think and my body is glued to sexual desire that is unwarranted for any other reason than drugging and being in a deep sleep injected with drugs and torrured and abused with zero support, none whatsoever from any living person on the planet. All loving animals killed and taken away, and stuck with no ability to earn money, my body broken poisoned mutilated and destroyed beyond repair as all my time and money is spent fighting to heal so I can Move and not die from paralysis. All chances for any financial sustainability for my life has been destroyed and is still destroyed as i cannot use the internet for anything but being hacked constantly so more celebrities and politicians can get promoted if I click on their bs and watch and listen--they rush to attack me instantly and never go away so there are at least l100 celebrities and politicians--or so it seems, maybe only 500 by now but the endless lineup is just sickening. I watched a few clips bout Kamala years ago and now she is the unchosen nominee and she just sat a few days ago watching as this German man was sexually abusing me in front of her and Obama to their great delight. They have once more obtained endless promotions for being Black Nazis fully supporting this.//IT happened once more last night--reacted like a crazed sexually starved torture victim but the German expletive says I am a sex slave and the Americans are helping him to inflict this upon me, obviously he has brought in a lot of German and Europ-a-land money and influence for the Demorat and for the SEnators like Kennedy and his associations in Louisiana and all that entails (a lot of bigots operating behind these Senators) and thusly, the technology can be handed further on down the 4th Reich pipeline to all kinds of pornographic fanatasy murder and rape torturing murderous bigots and orgiastic debauchery pundits but the purpose in this case is to destroy Jews, Jewish women (always he slaps my face and sticks his penis in my mouth as I am in a frenzy of sexual artificial frenzy from this tech and from 14 years of non-stop rape and torture. Sitting in the rows are the line-up of "me too" feminists they call themselves, or maybe not, but complaining about sexual assault by the Jewish Man, they are delighted that a series of men, mostly from Eurpoigapeland, have performed the slapping my face, calling me bitch, having me poisoned, beating and abusing and insulting me, sticking their filth members into my mouth while I am in a crazed torture and abuse agony from ripping hard poisons out of my back and spine and body every day (they poison and drug me every day, murdering me every day, toxic shock to my liver and kidneys and body every day) then they mock how badly my body looks from their slicing mutilation poisoning slathering permanently damaging chemicals on my skin and hair EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT FAIL and etc etc broken toes scars objects stcking out from under my skin, injected all over my body (some are tiny, some are huge, intended to look lie cysts and little bumps that are being injected everywhere under my skin--one is under my left eye, they just put one on my throat area last week, they are permanent ad require a procedure to remove--cutting them out--any slice or cut to my skin that I can't completely block off from mechanical arms while I'm sleeping are then poisoned and turned into permanent scars--I have those all over my body, etc. So Kennedy has been presiding with abuse, threats, death threats as this German man, calling himself the "master" and forcing me to just perform his nasty abuse "humiliation" sex acts for the rows of celebrities I have been fighting every day in the past. The technology forces me into a state of sexual "agony" as he manipulates me constantly so only he "gets off" and I remain being untouched except for being slapped while he is standing over me, after he "gets off" h e calls me "bitch" or uses the subliminal where II hear "bitch" hissing into my inner ear from the insidious tech they use on me all day with hate and abuse constantly being pumped into my brain all day and night. //and since the Kamala team has been thoroughly assisting in this along with the endlessly promoted Obamas who have been plied with media performances, tv shows (with Hillary as well, all glaring at me with deadly hate and threat for fighting them instead of just saying what great liars they are and how I must just give them my life so they can continue to lie to the public constantly about their real motivations and actions, which are not so disguised any longer to all the victims of their policies (i.e. the "Black Community" ) but I must stress that the Democrats you all know have been lying are actually constructs of the "power" groups which also put Trump into power. //So f**ed on all sides and the German is not going to stop raping me and forcing this hate porn on me and then abusing me afterwards. With them is Amber Rose, and she is sucking ideas out of me, pretending to be "friendly " but asking me non-stop questions so the celebrity fascist Nazi genocidal bigots can continue to hand ideas to Kamala and to the Obamas and to themselves so that the entire package of deception can continue to be p lied upon the ever-increasing desperate of America--many of whom so sickened by all the lies that they turn to Trump for some kind of respite from all the years of waiting for the "Yes We Can" or whatever the bs slogan was, to just being so disappointed that Trump appears like an "honest liar" in comparison. Please note that for all these years of me writing every day about the terror and destruction and slow murder of me, I have written repeatedly that phrases I have written have been stolen by Trump as well, also to appear in some less tyrannical light. The words are distinct--the phrases are now well-known. "I wrote the term "fake news" about one week before Trump came out with it, and I was referring to HIM hacking my internet through his minions in order to block me from having access to a wide spectrum of information (and this is what "they" are doing to you too). I wrote that what Trump and the Maga were doing to me and to the wider political arena was a "disgrace" (I also included Hillary and the corrupted Dem machine) and Trump came out and still repeats, "It's a disgrace" and I have felt that I must stop using this word because Trump co-opted it (and they are all doing this constantly). The hacking is so obstructive I can't get any words out it is like a true battle to type any words at all--Right now one of the celebrities who has stolen my ideas every single year and been paid in millions while having me repeatedly raped with nasty men sticking their penises in my mouth, slapping my face, jcalling me bitch as I respond under torture, pain from ooisoning they never stop, as the men insult how my body looks, have my food poisoned, my home stinking with shit put in my bathroom (that is what the German has been doing immediately after getting my most loving sexual energy he just tortures and abuses me afterward and then demands more of my life force--this is how me fighting every day to bein punched, slapped and tortured by him has left me with a huge new grey streak in my hair--as I have begun formulating my own exercises to break out the hard poison and at this juncture when I was extremely ill from poisons pouring out of my body along with muscle tissue and pieces of skin tissue (interally--ripping out of my body, my flesh, the poison literally cementing the hard poison to my flesh and bone) and he has been exploiting this vulnerability so in a most deadly extreme need to heal in peace, he has been violently assaulting me so my body could take no more, the toxic poisons being pounded into my body plus hours of abuse afterwards and shit being in my bathroom, my home destroyed more violently by this thug from Germany, a brutal rapist t hey are all cheering on. And so my hair has a huge grey streak now from just this month of rape from this man plus 14 years of torture and non-stop abuse going on every single day without end day after day after year after yaar w hile they have not sotpped poisoning me and the drugging is also killing me for obvious reasons (liver cirrhosis and etc). //Kennedy, the Senator, you can hear him admonishing people for sexual behavior and for Jews like all the Facebook and other social media moguls who he references as helping foul and pedophile cesspools of filth into the American landscape through their lack of monitoring pedophile attacks--the jews respond meekly and claim that they have protections and that the hundreds of millions of posts that people make per day (per hour?) do have all the sex trafficking filthers) but I also know that this group which Kennedy is now fully coordinating rape and murderous torture of me (and for years, along with Senator Graham who violently abused me and yelled at top pitch in fascist hate at me for saying no to moving to S. Carolina to be his victim and thusly for him and his ultra Nazi group of lynch mob rapist haters to obtain this 'contract"--and he gave pitt a $40 million mansion in California/Carmet at the same time for handing him this tech in exchange for immunity in testifying in the George Election Interference case--(if that is the actual term given to the trial that was supposed to be "imminent' and has never been, characteristically another black Nazi fully supporting the fascist Nazi protection and creating a stupid stunt of "conflict of interest' by having sex with her fellow prosecutor--just another instance of the reeking corruption and the next black nazi bigot enabler put into high position in the judiciary--and the prison she oversees has the worst record of inmate deaths in the country, or one of the worst and most or all are from the Dirty South).//the hacking is so awful that this has been non-stop backspacing and retyping. My weeks of writing about this has brought in another black Nazi coming to suck out information out of me, assisting in the German Nazi rape and brutality towards me (the "me to" Trump supporter Amber Rose because antisemitism is now the new racist hate target for Blacks--but it's not new at all I have been experiencing antisemitism from Blacks my entire life--literally. This type of attack has always been silenced, as Jews don't even analyze antisemitism and only are too happy to pass me off as the victim so they can et promotions as they fight as hard as possible to intermarry to appear as white and blonde as possible for acceptance. Hacking is too awful and I could barely get anything out--this post is very disjoined due to endless blocks to my train-of-thought and the keyboard (my brain pummeled while I struggle to type--no mater how slowly or deliberately I type the hackers block key function).

The energy life-sucking-draining sexual abuse that is part of this never-ending contract out on me, regardless of which politician from any party hails from (ultimately they all Sieg Heil to the same Central Committee, which is not a U.S.-based group as far as I can tell but resides in places like Cannes and Berlin and mostly London--the central Banking capital of the world, one of the major international banking centers on the planet, and most of the people involved in this terrorism inflicted on me are in partnership with Londoners and their other affiliates).

Again, hacking and obstruction precludes any serious writing capability but I am struggling to get the words out. In the middle of struggling to type my brain is  put into a "short-term memory block" so I can't finish my thoughts or sentences or paragraphs. Always my posts are hacked/rewritten after I publish by hackers with further discrediting.


The German is a literal energy parasite feeding off "opening" my sexual center and just abusing me, inputting hate, abuse after he "opens" up my body and spirit using all these drugs, years and years and years and years from this very same group of celebrities and politicians fully endorsing, participating and now Kennedy, who had hitherto, only hacked his abuse insults at the  "Radical liberals" the "Bottom of the barrel" and the captions underneath the videos show "how stupid are you?" which is an indirect message to me, as he has clumped me into the "radical left" group and that is because of decades of injustice and torture murder and mutilation forced upon me due to people like Kennedy, who are so racist that they use death squads poisoning mutilation and this covert discrimination group (so often the acts of outright violent discrimination are performed by the Black and Latino and Jewish 4th Reich lower-ranging minions, who are handed lower positions so they are so much more vicious than the more "polite" trained trainers of such acts of despicable discrimination and racism).

Amber Rose, an open pundit of Trump, is now playing the role of extracting information out of me while the shitalina pig pitt duo, both of whom have been stealing my ideas verbatim and the concepts for over 14 years, after Danny Moyhnihan has and had been doing the same since at least 2008---and I met him three times in London, he lived across the street in a bedsit that was arranged for me and he harassed me and followed me around--I had no idea what was going on but i avoide dhim as he tried to rape me after drugging me through his network who were my |"neighbors" all Americans in the rooom next door in this horrid dumpy house in Chelsea--one summer, back in 1988. I met him for less than 30 minutes and he came after me, and has raked in millions of dollars from stealing my ideas and putting half-English "me too" rapist torture enthusiast shitalina into the main driver seat to bring in countless celebrity pig ape scum into this contract. Now Amber Rose along with the German hate rape machine are partnering, the one-two attack with him violently lraping me, her asking me for ideas after the rape when I need some kind of comfort or human companionship or support

coming at me with a more "friendly" way than the last ew days of stupid insults and her energy is a grating hate machine

and thusly, I write as usual to the empty blank void out there of apathetic and delighted people reading my posts--so glad they want Jews in America as crushed as they have ever been in Europigapeland they are workin to completely destroy my sexuality in addition to my body while stealling my ideas so I can never have any ability to even compete and show my talent as they have not stopped poisoning me to death for years and eyars and years and years and years and years with me constantly fighting fighting fo rmy life to heal and not eat theiri filthy poisoned food to remain celiebate and not have any contact with anyone

and so, this German rapist is constantly attacking me just as I have been injected with poison and drugs in my sleep and then using teleportation raping me from behind while my body is forced into a hyper-sexualized mode by the technollogy. They will do this to anyone and everyone possible--children, anyone they can. 

You all obviously approve of this. The Jews like Ben Shapiro who has obtained his crappy white supremacy movies to be publicized through the English-controlled circuit of Whorewood has fully partnered with disgusting Roseanne Barr to viciously attack me (she is a disgusting Jweish nazi fully assaulting me using Jackie Chan to yell insults about my breasts) and etc

the hate and torture n ever end. The rape is never-ending this German man is a greedy and selfish Nazi bigot as usual with the black women gladly helping him out fo rher gold digger career partnering with the "love" that Germans shower American Blacks with, I get constantly blacks working feverishly with Germans to assault me (OBAMA BEING THE MOST EVIL/PERNICIOUS of them all).;

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