The first sentence above I had to rewrite after having published it. I had made one single mistake in the above but I left it on because of the stiffness and impossibility of the keyboard also hacked. I saw instantly within the first 4 words a hack retype mispelled word
My cat was everything I loved, cherished and had as a real love in my life and the ugly sinister shit pig apes took her because i loved her and she loved me. The pieces of shit are endlessly asking me for ideas while I am in a drugged, sleep state actually just prior to them using the technology to wake me. This morning i used a few more educated words, a vocabulary stretch beyond the limitations that these filthy stupid ape pig rats use and they are so racist that me using any educated examples of verbal ability they immediately yell at me and call me stupid, and that I am pretending and mockin that I am being pretentious for actually presenting intellectualism and verbal acuity.
I had to yell again because they are detestation that is beyond disgust and ugly sinister filthalina sat smiling with me screaming, now every day obviously turning grey from poisoning and abuse and stress that senators rush to join in on, presidents use as their stepping stone prior to becoming president, and then continuing the abuse and passing me around to everyone possible so the entire shit network of filth will replace anything that may have had competency and moral capacity.
Meanwhile, the German ass-wipe creep who is constantly forcing demeaning sexual abuse on me for his promotion, with the group of sleaze, sickness and filth watching on, my brain and body corroded with poisons and drugs and mind control tech blasting my compartments of sexual brain function to the maximum level and I respond in a frenzy of uncontrollable passion which I have nothing for this man or his friends his movies or anything about him, and the more he plays this master race game on me, the lower I deem him to be on any true evolutionary scale and any progress of humanity, which of course reflects on the United Nations "feminist" filthalina and whore prostituted icon of all the rotten presidents and people like Pelosi who just shower this sick group of filth with every act of despicable torture upon me. Shit like Pelosi feel excited that women like me are being destroyed, and that I am poisoned blocked in health are finances and raped by ugly sick sleazy filth crap pig apes mostly from Europigapeland.
He is slapping my face for saying that he is not some superior master as he forces me on my knees and is sexually extremely energetic because this is his great porn fantasy--which includes torture, Nazi fantasies and etc. I am just a torture victim drugged and being poisoned and tortured mutilated with no access to any love or support or comfort and my cat was all I had.
So I respond, but he is so sickening with his master race filth that I am fighting to figure out a way to not have this huge bull (shit) muscle-bound cheat-skate scumbag beat me because my body is extremely sick from the hard poisons that I have recently, for the past month or two, finally been snapping out of my spine and back--a lot has come out from various exercises I invented based on the videos some of the athletic celebrities have added (the martial arts exercises) and along with the hard poison is parts of my internal flesh and muscle and congealed poisons and flaccid and deteriorated muscle mass just tangled in internal webs of glue-like cemented poison which rips my skin out internally when I break it out. The toxicity of the poison is so enormous that I can't do anything and while in the most vulnerable state, this German creep has beaten raped and beaten me when I have tried to pull away.
Sitting smirking are the pieces of shit especially ugly filthalina who is openly partnering with this dirty creep from Germany--they are partners he is promising that he will beat, rape and abuse me to obey and not fight them and then even hang out with this group I would rather not to the extreme I would not.
Meanwhile, in the hallways are the square-built white pig ape men who probably are from the German sleazy rape contingent now attacking me. I was gang-raped by this creep and his friends so they also could obtain their promotions for participating. I think one of the dirty ugly German pig ape skanks is his "girlfriend" who he forced me to have sex with while in mind control, sleep state and stuck not being able to pull away, drugged and sick and in agony pain from the detox from flesh ripping out of my spine and poisons injected into my body from the detox just making me as fragile and weak as some thin wafer .
he is going on and on, with ugly prostitutalina, who behind her and pig pitt are countless celebrities and politicians alike--
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