Saturday, July 18, 2020

Heralding the Sheep, waiting for the son of our native sun. Illuminating the abyss. What a pitiful sound The Inferno yawns and devours sheeple who have strayed from the path of divine sheeple Steeple our Lady of Divine Prostitution.

"The just a little harder, when brought about by Friends"

She sat wondering how the garden of funeral sores tied-into this song, this parched parish out of Parisian pathos, pathetic wanna-be's brining in the end of the world as we know it.

They came, they devoured and they went off laughing.

The sheeple followed blindly, blithely, joyously to the end of the brink.





"Virgin Mary was TIRED", tired, ya'll. Bloody tired of it all. Humpty Hubris fell and the Fall was a broken cosmic Egg.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

'Come and See' Belarus. When it comes to violence, nothing says more than visual footage. In the US, the equivalent is voters waiting for over 5 hours in July heat to attempt to vote in disarray organization thwarting voting "rights".

GENEVA (1 July 2020) – UN experts today demanded that Belarus refrains from violence against peaceful protesters ahead of 9 August presidential elections. They urged the Government to abandon its policy of arbitrary arrests, violence and intimidation against civil society activists.
The independent experts said that since 18 June alone, at least 200 political activists, human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and other members of civil society have been arrested during peaceful demonstrations across the country. The protests aimed at showing solidarity with nearly 500 other activists detained since May while exercising their right to give and gather signatures for nominating presidential candidates.
“We strongly condemn the Government’s continuous policy of mass arrests of members of the civil society who are peacefully exercising their fundamental rights,” the experts said. “We firmly condemn policies and actions that restrict Belarusians’ right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of opinion and expression.”
The latest protests followed the arrest on 18 June of the country’s main opposition candidate, Viktor Babaryko, under investigation for alleged financial crimes.
It was reported to the experts that unidentified men in plain clothes began to arbitrarily arrest journalists and passers-by in several towns of Belarus, while anti-riot police used excessive force against peaceful protesters. Many of those detained were beaten, intimidated, ill-treated and either received fines or sentences of up to 15 days of administrative detention on charges of violating the procedure for holding mass events."UN experts demand end to crackdown on protesters in Belarus ahead of elections"

COME AND SEE (1978) film depicting Nazi occupation of Belarus, and genocide of local peasant population. I associate this film with: The current zeitgeist post genocide technological death squad activity I am now fighting to have exposed and stopped before it reaches a stage of overt murder-in-the-streets not just by authoritarian sources like the police, but by disgruntled "civilians" who really form these death squads which I am confronted with in ggang stalking murder operations on a non-stop 24 hour basis.

The film is an unapolagetic spiraling descent into what people really are capable of if and when given the opportunity to loot, torture, rape and murder en masse in genocides and mass murder operations.

The film depicts what appears grainy and almost black-and-white, as if in a former epoch, dissasociating the viewer from the lush color schemata of current murders in the streets easily viewed from digitalized sources and mobile phones catching police murdering innocent civilians or shooting into peaceful protestors.

The current zeitgeist post Nazi subverted infiltration of all governments, in their world domination scheme (with great assistance from gang stalking organizations, technologies aimed at brainwashing/Hollywoodizing and subliminal mind control operations on huge segments of populations:  after "culling"/covertly murdering the WORLD population against restitance in "peace-time" operations of covert assassination (using mind control, poisoning, drugging, accidents, "handlers" murdering their mind controlled puppets in the peace of domesticity). Here is what awaits America if this situation is not controlled and stopped ABRUPTLY NOW, NOW, DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER remaining silent and watching "other people" get tortured to death (i.e., me).

Here is: Another case of Stockholm Syndrome where victim is infiltrated and turns into perpetrator. This is why I fiight against infiltration of the United States by "entertainers" out of Miami and Los Diablos, California,who are being pushed by fascist, Nazi actors out of the now covert fascist, Nazi States of the EU and of the Eastern former Communist Bloc countries (don't forget billionaire genocidal heist whores in Cannes with bling-bling opportunity beckoning grants upon all the puppets out of Whorewood, California.

All this video depicts is what lies underneath the kissing of cheeks, gratuities for collaborators, wonderful fashion events in Paris and London and Milan (and then New York and Los Angeles and Miami). The film, "Come and See" was written/directed by Stalingrad-born Elem Klimov, a man who first-hand observed facets of the war that lead him to create a film like Come and See. More than 600 villages in Belarus were razed by Nazis, who conducted full-scale genocide against defenseless peasants by burning them alive in flimsy wooden buildings, or mass shootings (after other war-time atrocities like rape, theft, etc). The film shows, in this respect, how villagers are rounded-up after politely welcoming the Nazis into their village, terrified but anxiously trying to appease their destroyers. With glee, the Nazis feign alliegance only in that they are going to put the villagers into one location for processing. They laugh and have a sort of parade with the villagers and put the entire population of a village into a wooden Church and all are then burnt alive. Germans laughing and clapping as the people they have tricked into obediantly being confined into one small building are burned alive. Cheers and laughter and applause from the German soldiers. Not a theatrical device but based on the reality of first-hand testimony from survivors and resistance members.

Kilmov: "Our first script title was, 'Kill Hitler'": On the making of film, Come and See.  Taped interview with (born in Russia) Belarussian writer/director Elem Kilmov. 

Kilmov: "I had to omit the name Hitler for the title. I did not mean specifically to kill Hitler, but the entire movement that created Hitler. I was asked to change the title....I asked my brother to leaf through the New Testament to find another title....from The Book of Saint John The Divine. '...the lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four beasts saying, 'Come and See'."

A history of post Stalinist oppression of film and the arts in Russia (and infiltrating RIGTHT NOW INTO THE UNITED STATES via these foreign infiltrator Nazi agents I have written of and those who are silently behind the scenes organizing these brainwashing activiities of promotion for operating torture/rape and covert murder activities with teleportation, information extraction, slow murder from gang stalking terror operations.

when I write "stalkers" I am referring to white Europeans who stalked me in abstentia for/by proxy for/the Italian mafia Nazi who I wrote of a few days ago. I have written his name and I don't want him to be promoted more for his Nazi/fascist antics which have won him venues on South Beach and all support financially, awards by "Haute" magazine, which other celebrities who have tortured me also have won top "party planner" or (what ever...) awards for their mimicking of haute fashion out of Europe. Most of them follow the fascist, Nazi fashion template none I have ever seen are original or have actually created anything new themselves. 

Besides all that, this man I call "sickola Scumbo" (not an immature assessment) was the "handler" alongside the English man who has stolen, poisoned, put a movie out with absolutely visible anti-Semitic, Anti-American, hugely MISOGYNIST themes that cannot be denied--a blueprint for taking over the American art scene (now in Whorewood) and....

it's a quiet massive take-over, erupting in street protests with a few celebrities catching the wave of protest that they never could instigate personally due to extreme STATE OPPRESSION AND  NAZI/MAFIA MURDER INTERVENTION threat.

Thankx to ya-ll hackerxzz': my brain is a-reelin' and the ill sensation your rockin' billy club technology is illin'. Hey to YouTube fairies guardian angels from the City of Los Fallen Angelicas wormwood Buddy holly dolly hairy fairy Buddy

Just rhymin' like a druggy lugggy
brain movin with the reelin' from the double-dealin'

once again tappin my broken toe
and movin my hips in the one-sided frozen move

that is to say, in normal language

Thank you YouTube free music fairy
what is free is sometimes worth more than an expensive dinner debacle
or scraping fetus off the wheel (that is actually the name of a punk hardcore 80's band)

yee haw! He haw!

No offense to squisky yucky babies. Honey baby, if you force a baby outta me
it is gonna be you who changes the diapers!!

Let that pelvis sway gently, oh dear, such a sweet movement of tenderness. An odd type of irregular ode to Elvis, as I'm not followin' the Ode Formula but it fits into the verbal structure.

Melodic ephemeral

floating and serene

....but now, BABY, my hips start a swingin to the urgency you are singin'

my hips begin to gyrate at my pelvis because you are ELVIS

an old time reputation of slandrous instigation
is now above mere elevation of righteous indignattion

almost an angel copmarred with throbbing gristle or
whatever else pours lucrication on your thistle

Play me a ditty on  your old country banjo sparkling for the big City
I never thought you witty until I left the obscene s((itty (music pop puss tittie bubble)

Revolving around a new aural revelation
Elvis your pelvis is a Godsend of possession for my personal revolution rebellion from 

the horrible modern murder of music hoppity unhip sexual porn videos-slash-"musick".

(This means that now, after most of my life, I appreciate your music, Mr. Elvis I know you are in heaven singing gospel songs on qualudes).

So damn groovy YES I am glad to have rediscovered your music. I search for other rockabilly groups and I only find unexceptional on the free YouTube searches and on the internet. Where can I find really rockin rockabilly lists of artists?

Hackers who know all in your system of surveillance (I also like Patsy Cline, but can'tt find an equivalent to get alternataive but similar sound).

"Elvis, Elvis get your pelvis away from me". 

WHEN I's a get this old poison out of my body, I'm a gonna dance JUST LIKE ELVIS you wait 'n see! Ohhhwhee 

I swear on the Bible I will

When a 3-piece speaks, it must be relatively close to authority to take seriously.

Dr. Ross explains authoritarianesque in a calm, rational tone, that non-consensual mind control and information extraction therein is being conducted by CIA and other sources like military in NONCONSENSUAL "experimentation". I say that the experiment is in the implementation stage and the public is cheering like a crowd watching a crucifixion in the old amphitheater of the Roman Circus Circus.

Just ask me but no...Dr. Ross can lead you to the edge but never let you drink from the true source. He uses outdated information that is public information to base his talks upon. Interesting that he can never find a credible person who actually experiences these "experiments" on a daily basis nor can he do anything about whatever the discredited people being mind controled claim is damaging their lives.

Lots of talking but very little support. People want to have their own torture pupepts and that is the real reason why this situation only extends to the information stage onhow to exploit other human beings.

I am very confident, Mr. Ross, too.

Really? no.....(yes)

HE gets interviewed, I get silenced. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Grand AM--flowers blooming except for the yellow ones that are being picked off

In light of yesterday's posts. It was supposed to be a portal to enlightenment. Turned into CIA drugs for many, shipped in and deadly cartels mafia estabished and groove machine coked out on instant pop.

Now here's a relic of good old blues/twang/hillbillly hippie/psychedelic sounds of way back when flowers were not a symbol of emasculation but of sensitive empowerment:

Peering into the past, the unnamable crime committed generationally. Prosaic redundancy outside of the realm of the quotidian poetic didacticism.

Thus, the confutatis confusion of writer's verbal spewing spouting and pimping and pampered luxurious delving into the imaginatory vectors of the spiraling sinews of Life's ironies.

Reading the onus of my malification bonus, inherited AS A CURSE FROM a Step-child I was brought up by:

"The literary imagination is a choice, a left fork off the quotidian. If the splitting were only in the mind and not the world, deep imaginative reflection would be schizophrenic. But Kafka locates the commonplace in that deep realm of the imagination. In the work of Kafka and Beckett, the barrier between the imaginative and real worlds has dissolved. K. of The Castle strives in the imaginative world while acting out his desire in the quotidian. The same in essence is true for the Unnamable. We interpret and understand his struggle as though it took place in the mind of someone in our world desperate to keep the intimations of his uniqueness from being smothered. Wordsworth's Intimations Ode provides a useful analogy: "trailing clouds of glory do we come / From God"; "Shades of the prison-house begin to close"; "And custom lie upon thee . . . / Heavy as frost." In Beckett, life extinguishes any intimations of the sacred. The self-the soul-is extinguished, and would be for the Unnamable if he were not crafty-wise and indefatigable.
We pull for him, impelled by our recognition of different aspects of the hero, and the different planes on which his representation has a powerful significance. The Unnamable, as epic hero for our times, merges into the aspect of the condemned Jew, one of the vanquished, repelled by life yet clinging to it, as if his ghostly existence constituted an act of responsibility to those already murdered. …"--

I have problems with writing due to all the hacking/drugging/mind conttrol tech continuously aimed into my brain.

The page when I post and publish appears as a jumbled mess, due to hacking. The script is tiny, the links are posted as weird nearly opaque hues. I posted the link to my step-father's review and quotes twice because I could not open the first link and thought a mistake or hacking insert had blocked the link from appearing. It did not appear when I tried to open it after publishing so I posted thelink twice without delting the first link! Ha. Both links open after a slight, but lengthy waiting time.
Reviewing articles written during that time when the ages were opening a brief moment in space and time when creativity and political awareness were merged into an explosion of imagination and inventive potentiallities for love, tenderness, kindness and awareness creativity. The articles in the Daily Illini from 1973 remind me of a time when I could talk to people and feel a deep resonance with another intelligent human being, authentic. Now there only appear what seem to be abosolutely stupid and dumb blank droids programmed with zero personality and what personality I do discover is so abominable, due to the stalking mentality, that they are not worth having any sort of emotion over. 

All I can do is read the old news and remember when there was a sparkling depth to the quality of the light, streaming into my bedroom as I lay in a bliss with the joy of a happy, loving home atmosphere, creative writers, musicians and artists converging at my house at parties where I laughed and played and people were lovely and beautiful. My Step-father, Gary Adelman, and my mother, Bette Adelman, would take long walks hand-in-hand. Kissing in the kitchen with passion and fighting to end War for all time. When the hippies could go shopping as yuppies, the black fumes of the backlash turned into a scirocco backlash lashing black death dust destruction, akin to Kali seeking revenge for too much love, too much gaiety, too much happiness for my family. Retribution in the form of a conservative backlash has in this current day, revolved into what I keep referring to as a fascist Nazi take-over of the United States.

It's not the old records, the old R&B funkadelic, the old movies, the old clothing fashion that the remnants of this movement are retained, but in the writing such as the words of the two links barely readable in the blog post (hacked, made barely visible, as the fascist Nazi hackers would stain, delete and vanish all reminders of a time when independence of thought was welcomed if it entailed keeping white males out of fighting and dying instead of black lives and whatever else dont' matter to the bigot fascist white males and their nasty female and minority minions.

Did I just have to end this brief jaunt down memory lane with the usual current event hate parallel because the hacking continues while I attempt to type this?

What a shame, a damn shame.

I must write obscurely with or without a dark lense because of the hacking and other impediments, the block to my brain from the tech, and the inability to think with this tech blasting my brain into some kind of tiny hole where I can't move beyond a few paragraphs written in jumbled blank meaning but very laden with intent and meaning, packed full of meaning but unable to organize due to the mind control program tech and drugging and etc.

Peace and Love, that movement, will always remain with me. Regardless of how much hate these empty, meaningless idiots pour into my jome, body and life, I feel lucky glad exalted compared with these disgusting blank stupid apes who attack me nightly and daily.

"Hell NO! We Won't Go until we blow some pot smoke into rings and listen to the Beatles". 10 yrs later--war, war, whine whine lets' go shopping at the mall!!!

Listed somewhere on this page are/were my parents who fought by partying and smoking pot and drinking martinis at peace parties at the University of Illinois, Champaign. What a great time for parties celebrating peace pipes!

Like good eatin', good better readin'

A parched digital scroll of daze goneby remainder reminder of moods, certain pseudo swings, swaying and hippie swank intelligence

Spot on! Right-o! I'll drink a gin & tonic to that! Lovely, just lovely. When can you begin?

Carryover from last post on Patton and H-wood and mafia and The Forging of old rusted hinges.

hacking is worse after the Patton download. the hackers/stalkers getting stage one of attacks, which will culminate in maybe a car accident, endless stinking poisons sprayed on everything once I get out of this studio, in pain always from healing from the poisons people have put in my body all my life, attacked me non-stop while healing and torturied me nearly to death while fighting death poisoning and detoxing for more than 10 years without end, dehabilitated and then tortured while helplessly paralzed and then continuously re-poisoned. My responsese written create more stinking toxins and attacks. But the hacking makes writing almost impossible for any single idea to come out in more than two paragraphs before my brain/body break down into exhaustion due to the attacks, endless backspacing, and etc. I wrote on my blog about mafia/political connection today because I am so utterly disgusted by this disgusting personality out of "Italy" who has not stopped attacking me, with endless circles of sleazy creeps protecting mafia/Nazi/political interests---but for 30 years now and all I have ever done is tell him I don't want anything to do with him (except for one request in 2009 asking him for help against what i thought was a South Beach wealthy, French Real Estate agent who began the teleportation and stalking at an extreme, undeniably dangerously open level (but the Italian increased the attacks and violence to near-death levels, wanted me in a coma and let me know this, has tried to murder me in at least three forms in the last 10 years alone, has not stopped instructing the H-wood American actors to have parts of my body severed every day (i.e. gum tissue severed from my lower jaw line, after they caused an accident years ago when I asked that Justice be done and these actors stopped from endlessly receiving ttop awards for participating in these crimes--which caused this accident, under instruction from the genocidal nazi mafia euro-p mafia and actors and their parents, who learned from their parents--and I am not trying to get into this endless tangent under a theme that had been intended to put a cool vid on this page instead of focusing on these parasitic wealthy loser creeps, as i see them not how they are judged in society. And I am also judged unfairly and erroneously due to the stigma attached to these creep parasites putting this contract out on me and everyone else deferring and opening a path for the predators to wreak whatever damage they want in the US and towards me also, on a personal level (this applies to macro and micro levels of interaction). I got into a huge tangent, but they hacked into the Patton download because I wrote about the Italian and American mafia operating alongside Patton and thus, the first tiny step of the endless attack system that has just begun is for malware latched onto the file download I just got from a torrent of Patton. I had just spent 3 hours and more cleaning out the old malware and after downloading this movie from a torrent source, it's corrupted my laptop once more. The irony is not beyond comprehension in light of how these psychos operate (they love to mock and imitate any defense and turn it around into an attack situation and then steal the concept afterwards).

of course my brain is under attack and I feel like I am swimming in a whirlpool and my head is sick and dizzy and I have to stop writing or I will become more ill as time passes. This is how the stalkers/hackers prevent me from writing at any length beyond a few sentences or short paragraphs at any one single sitting.===============

Oh dumb sleazy inserts into a super video from the 70's: the Y-tube versions are hackneyed with nude women riding on bicycles--all the older videos of this live version that I obtained from another YouTube collection that is not tampered or tainted with this sexist interlude of lewd blondes riding naked in a race. I think if you listen to Fat Bottom Girls you will get the idea that this insertion into the old videos came from sources outside of the official Queen video collection.

Here are lyrics, below this link on this page, in the comment section I will include the entire full-length set of live recordings/concert footage which, for this song in particular, I like the lighting and special effects, groovy for that time and space. Also the performances of all band members is special. This song comes at around 18 minutes into the video posted on the comment section.

I also don't need Superman, don't like Star Wars (although I was programmed to be a jaw-drooping fan even if I at first glance thought it was a silly fake sci-fi and now I think Star Wars is pure political conditioning and propaganda put into Entertainment form. This is one reason why I do like this song and video (without the naked women riding on bicycles, which all of the videos in the Search I discovered were corrupted with these inserts into the very interesting and artistic video production.

Every other lyric in the song is related to a symbolic reduction of entertainment value to the simple pleasures in just riding a bicycle in the race (media race for power and prestige, perhaps?).

The Rocking Horse Winner IS..........?????

Listening to the music, with just lyrics, because the video is so fascinating to watch, I miss out on certain aspects of the singing. BI--cycle, BI---cycle. You can hear that the morpheme BI is separated for a brief fraction of a second, a pause, between bi and cycle. Does he mean BI SEXUAL BI SEXUAL and fat bottom girls (who, in the real song, are sexually desireable non-blondes who are interesting and provacative instead of BORING and the video shows blondes who look cookie-cutter) but...going on, or carrying on as the English say/write. BI SEXUAL i think is the real intention behind the lyrics along with a double entrendre of the race, some race he wants to enjoy and sniff the fat bottom sexy debaucherers along the way....:)

Monday, July 13, 2020

Outside of uttering, "ciao bella" and kissing his wealthy patrons on the cheeks, he can't think, create anything original, and under threat of exposure: so he spread his legs and pounded his fist down.

Surrounding him were a host of artistic bastuds bastardizing intellectualism in the United States. The surrounding entourage of actor clown whores were all: Waiting for the lucre to luxuriate withal the rooms of entitlement, a new American elitism of nobility spawned out of Fascist, Nazi mafia with the inevitable Northern French, German and Scandanavian and et al squandrons of infiltrators into the United States of WhoreHollywood via expectations of not having to actually think to create anything orriginal, due to the technological entitlement that enables the lowest to rise to the top via the European fascist, Nazi model.

This mafia hormone-growth entity was their benefactor, who didn't need to use the N-word in public as it was his shirt color despite always wearing fashionable Voodoon white. In Miami the color white is a well-known warding off of the evil Loa, but in the rest of the world, they know that underneath this pristine supreficial garb color, scrubbed sparkling clean by his brown-skinned slaves smiling at the sunrisen glow of hanging and latching on to the periphery of power and wealth obtained in what these happy-to-serve and attack in gang stalking groups could only be used to: Colonialistic empire servitude and oppression and the oppresiion of others.

He supported their "first black" leader in his Facebook profile, as it was this leadership which enabled him and his anti-American, Fascist (but not supporters of Mussolini), Nazi, knee-bowing down to French socialite Italians scared they would be associated with their Meditteranean neighboring dark-skinned neighbors---servicing their benefactors of the lucrative genocides and IMF and World Bank policies, which funded this mafia onslaught--unfortunatelly all derived from the UNITED STATES affiliation with mafia and Nazi collaborators out of Italy in order to wrest some of the wealth from the hidden, not invested yet into Swiss Bank Accounts, Nazi gold bullion heists obtained joyfully by the extraction of gold fillings from dead Jewish bodies (and gypsys, and "real" Communists instead of the Totalitarian types who wanted fascist control using the C-word system, as also was a dominant power group in Italy before the Socialists wrested almost full domination over the sway of European politics.

 His Fascist predecessors who had had Mussolini smashed to death in order to protect Mafia interests in Italy were none other than Mr. George C. Scott who proudly stood as General Patton in front of  a Hollywhorewood replication of national pride, the American flag draped behind the actor larger than life, enclosing the entire screen--as a film prop accessory, to imply that THIS huge symbolic progapandized bastardize misuse of the American flag would immediately bring associations of the not-yet fully indoctrinated-into fascist Nazism "normal" average Amerrcan movie-goers into the fascist lines awaiting the hand-outs from the filth lucre obtained from mass murder, genocide, and failed States that win banking holidays in the Sun for both investors and CEO's alike. Patton, the actor, goes on to patronize the patriotic viewers into the false dissemination that all was done for a Just cause. The entire film is a depiction of the Italian Campaign where the US Central Command had instructed Patton to "step down" and allow British forces to overtake the Italian area in an action that Patton had decided would inevitably fail. Using mafia sources to overtake this position of the central Mussolini-held Fascist Axis Power forces, Patton utilized the keen local mafia out-of-business guerillas to navigate mountain passes in order to gain a foothold into enemy territory; also countermining official orders to allow the British forces to claim victory (or defeat) at the hands of the Mussolini defense troops.

Mr. Fascist Mussolini had blocked the Mafia in Italy. Mr. Mussolini was literally smashed to death after Patton-lead forces closed down the Fascist shopkeepers, only to re-instate sanctioned, officially although covertly, Mafia as partners in both Italian and American political power strategy.

Beaten savagly to death, Mussolini with his mistress in the town square of Milan as warnings not to mess with Mafia in Sicily or on the mainland of Italy. For further terror traumatizing of any pro-government, anti-Mafia citizens, a bloody crushed body of Mussolini with a sign placed on his body, and the footage of the mob breaking his skull in twain is below, along with the battered to death lover who thought she was really in big with the big guys only up to the point of being surrounded by Mafia ranks who still are funding anti-fascist, Nazi movies in Hollywhorewood. It was the "Italian Campaign" that the movie used to demonstrate the power of American anti-Fascism, and I have to wonder how much influence the Italian Mafia had to do with the funding and publication and prize-winning status of this film?

On to Lucky Luciano, and that is a story that you can watch in many movies glorifying the American who was a kind of diplomatic partner living in Italy, to create a linchpin power structure that I am now facing and dealing with in this technological terror, Nazi, Mafia power cartel operating out of Hollywhorewood.

Spreading his legs because he could not think of anything else to utter, the symbol of sexual disgrace aimed at the target the teleportation rape and torture object who he has had his English partners torture, rape and disfigure as the American partners watch on "learning" "observing" emulating imitating the fascist, Nazi methodology and LAUGHING hyenas promoted into highest positions. The Italian with his enlarged, hormone-growth Nazi experimental monster body, limited capacity for any expressive creativity, burdened with conventionality and poise of gesticulating morbidity (static, stoic, unmoved and unable to utter anything outside of fashionable fascist but not Mussolini-controlled chaotic capitalism, mafia controlled to the apex of the American power structure in politics and in the media as well). This last statement should not be in parenthesis.

Inarticulate in English, although English is not his native language, the 30+ years he had already spent in the United States, have left him morbidly incapable of speaking in English with any real finesse except to utter the expected nicities when power machinations are involved in the Machiavellian maneuvers. Conventionally retaining his Italian identity because to assimilate into American culture would entail losing the power of his European mystique, mostly sticking with his Italian partners in the enterprises which inevitably were closed down to grafting grifters gratifying every gratuity in the entertainment industry.  They stole, they lost businesses.

Now after more than 30 years of attacking me to get these free deals out of gang stalking, rape and torture via teleportation:

stealing ideas using the trauma-based mind control drugging/torture protocols utilizing me as a prototype sucking-dry portal of information--

after more than 30 years of this man I never wanted, never liked, but "making love" while my body was a huge balloon of poisons and drugs--bloated so large I almost died from paralysis after one more year of his leadership in attacking me personally, with teams of Germasns poisoning, raping and attacking me via the gang stalking, with US government approval, and me ending up at the Emergency Room in Stuttgart because I could not hold my head up any longer. The poisons were hardening into my neck, into my skull, my entire body saturated in hardening, bloating chemicals and drugged so badly that I would jump up from a sitting position automatically when someone was trying to force me into some servitude position. My body was probably, at that point, more composed of poisons than flesh and bone. 10 years later, I remain with this hard poison in my body after years of detoxifying. 

The mafia personality has been handed new free businesses, ostensibly, the  larger the businesses the more graft and theft of the profits can be induced, especially when all crime is conveniently overlooked and money is pouring in because of his involvement in new technological torture, rape and theft of intellectual property along with mind control, torture and all that mafia and nazis have ever dreamt of in order to steal more and control THE WORLD (please note I left the titles in small caps because I do not honor them with official Noun titles).

Because he could not, and cannot create a single, original idea he has had to steal and rob concepts out of me (and Prince, after using Mafia and the Florida Nazi masses to have a Black entrepreneur, oh gasp, back in 1996 how insulting to the Florida Nazi Mafia cartels, a black male original owning and creating a disco with more creativity, more originality, than the conventional Fascist, European and their Nazi/Mafia American counterparts. The overt racism expressed in Miami, and on South Beach, at that time was absolouely and vehemently openly expressed. The N-word was not a whispered occurrance during that time. Certainly not for Italians who I worked for selling cigars, on South Beach, the partners with this inarticulate huge-bodied hormone-growth monster who is now a huge celebrity in Miami Beach for his new, huge clubs. After stealing from every venue possible for years and years, finally obtaining the stature where the crimes can be concealed, the power status invoked to bring the worst, most stupid of the violent, hormone growth Nazi experiments in the "uber mensch" to bring to the planet huge human beings, towering over the normal height of the rest of humanity. I have found that many of the men who are supposed to be "leaders" of society out of Europe, entrenched into South Beach and Miami and Florida and now US POLITICAL leadership positions of absolute authority, but behind the scenes of the ostensible "Democratic" spouting verbal lashings of false dialectics in the media--behind all of them are nearly inarticulate hormone Nazi growth mafia out of Italy and Germany and etc (models out of France hold a particular sway in American political life, all enhanced in their careers by dark-haired Italians who are keen to procreate with blondes in order to lighten up their Meditterannean complexions).

In my last few posts I wrote of this one particular personality because his response is always aboslute violence to any verbal joke, expression of intellectual analysis I write on my many posts, trying to appeal to any rational thinker reading my posts who actually cares about decency, are anti-racist, care about feminist ideals--but I discover they are as limited as the nearly silent, boring and inarticulate leader who is showering them with money and contracts because the American political and media spectrum is absolutely under the domination of Nazi Mafia cartels. I find this as more of a fact a dismal reality that no movie ever actually "exposes", no documentarist "dares" to detail or create.

The reaction to my last few posts was this man who I find ugly and sinister and morose, although now a "reputable" owner of huge, massively endowed with all and every support for his mediocrity stunt and appratus of party planning and creative organisation for this boring non-personality but contrived "fashionable" European mogul who had previously failed or was part-manager of small little, tiny clubs now owning huge corporate venues on some of the largest properties on Miami Beach--all since having begun teleporting me after I made ONE PHONE CALL back in 2009 from Phuket to South Beach, asking him for "help" against stalking which I thought originated by-proxy from another French male, one of his partner buddies in this system (they are all in a group gang-bang orgy formation, these men and their hanging-on female partners). The sleazy Italian mafia parasite nearly sounded like he was having an orgasm when I phoned him this one time, asking for help against what I had thought was a stalker out of South Beach because the overt stalking began when I clicked on his brand-new website inquiring about an apartment for rent (I was, at that time, living in Gainesville, Florida and trying to get my graduate degree at the horrible Miami public state university which was a far worse education I experienced in two weeks than my Freshman year of high school at Nicolet High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). I had to leave Miami a few years before struggling to enter into graduate school, because of the violence this Italian man had directed at me when I avoided his every leg-opening, crotch insinuation of hate-sexual advances and glaring grimmaces of hate directed at me, while asking me if I would meet him at his "club" and I was so drugged I said, "yes" as he approached me while I was walking in the street. I simply never went to any club, disco or place he owned except for one other time, where he was sitting nearly in front of the front door, spreading his legs as I entered his restaurant (which had been owned by people who welcomed me in with smiles and warmth, before the Nazi invasion of South Beach became the norm instead of the sly subterfuge that has become an open "Little Riviera" now, with fascists like this man and his associates having taken over the entire system. The American simply adore him and his ilk for having driven me out, and people like me, or just killing, murdering and installing a fascist, Nazi cartel officially sanctioned at all levels, in nearly all of the State of Florida.

And thus, under duress from mind control technology, hacking and all the other blocks and hacks and typo inserts this group always forces upon me while I fight and struggle to type, think, and relate anything and at this point, mostly for stress relief as I was teleported and assaulted as usual last night.

This nasty Italian man had me between his legs two nights ago, asking me if I was sexually aroused by him. Under a state of sleep, teleportation, hypnosis, I was also drugged when I bought food at a shop earlier that day, I could hear the gurgling noise of having been poisoned which I am very familiar with now. Under all those conditions all I could do was feel an extreme coldness sitting inbetween his huge, hormone-growth legs and I tried to get away, as I always have done with this nasty mafioso Italian not-stallion but rapist creep whore with his whorewood buddies and political deviant associations put into highest position for collaborating with above-written technologies and power Machiavellian machinations.

The pounding down of his fist is a symbol.

For anyone who may have lost relatives in the War against Fascism and Nazism, for those who do not want fashion models out of Paris to rule over the dark-haired, embarassed to be dark Meditterannean fascists, wanna be mogul mafia murdering minions of blonde-Nazis who perform the violence for the blondes who sit back laughing watching and obtaining all the filthy money as partners and controllers of the above-stated: for those who DO NOT WANT THIS GROUP TO CONTROL YOUR LIVES AND POLITICS AND MOVIES then do not sick back silently any longer waiting for the next prsident to have to bow down, scrape and obey these forces in order to gain the leverage to influence the Nazi American party affiliates who pose as Democratic Patiors to support them in their campaign schemes for power. They must inevitably obey these commands. Those who claim they are "independent" of lobbies such as the above are not deluded but they are deluding you with their claims, if you believe this. There is no power in the United States without having to bow down to these cartels, if you follow the organized criminal societal rules of promotion, all clouded-over by silencing of targets like me and in absolute obedience to authority while cranking out movies about fighting corruption. Such a formula that always works. You can see it most visibly in the italian-American Stallion's endlessly underdog formula movies that always win top boxoffice procedes. That is a plot-driven story for another post.

****Please note that all mistakes, incoherencies of writing, grammar and style are due to hacking and technological interference with my brainwave functioning from stalker/hacker attacks. Otherwise, after this group attacks me for having written anything negative about their endless negative pursuits to turn me from a happy, beautiful and creative person into a destroyed human being writing and obsessing with non-stop, 24/7 violence pitted against me by them, they then steal all ideas possible, often verbatim, and then profit and I remain fighting against poverty and illness and endlessly writing about "them". There are so many of "them". Here is an very slippery attempt to detail some of the historical significance of the current state of affairs. I have tried to attain research articles online instead of resorting to badly written and biased book reviews, and all requests for pdf's on research done on these activities have either been blocked by the hackers or deleted if they do arrive after request in my email box. I continue to have sensations of dizziness and nausia after I get up from writing in front of this hacked and from whatever has been inserted into the machinery of this laptop to shoot out at my brain to render me unable to focus or concentrate, lack of memory, cohisiveness, etc****


I know about The Forge restaurant on 41st Street because of some "Italian-Americans" who brought me to meet the owner, Sharif Malnick one single time who surveyed me silently, friendly, silenced, observant. This is where the "Italian Stallion" actor, who is partners with the huge Italian hormone-growth rapist teleporting mundane thug I have written about (with ptsd hate) above, the partners in the club where I sold cigars for one or two years--still teleporting me 30 years later attacking me with his host of Hollywhorewood "A-list" actors. The Forge is a status place of meet and greet meat factory exclusivity and domination machination power dinner parties. The word on the streets is that politicians and media moguls and Mafia meet to eat the best meat (famous for steaks and cigars) hotspot where real politics are forged and policies decided after the Brandy and Cigars.

Notice that white is a theme, along with beef-stained chunky wood in other more respectible rooms where the cigars and beef meat decisions are determined.

The owners once had a collaboration with Mr. Lucky Luciano. This is referenced online. Or, the original owners were associated with Luciano, the mobster who also lived in Italy to foment the right Mafia structure and gently lead it to commit violence in American life.

Oh, I found a more local link to this above statement of connections and associations. Thank you to the New York Times which had the timerity to "bust the balls" of the bulls disguised and dressed as Eagles.


How my persoonal history relates to all of this:

BOTH OF MY GRANDFATHERS, ON BOTH SIDES conducted business deals on the Docks of lower Manhattan (the lower East side). My step-father's father operated a linen store in the Brokklyn Flatbush garment district (notorious for mafia dealings/Jewish mafia collaboration). My uncle on my father's side is a well-known Defense Attorney in Miami. My father has admitted he was a lawyer for "the mafia" in NYC.  I believe this contract out on me is nearly 100% derived from my personal background, a situation which I never consented to and still am fighting to stop this criminal contract and activity. 

Expecting a hard, hard rain 10,000 miles away

I have thought of this song unfrequently but a relevancy to the moment.

Watching the Tempest from 10,000 miles away, and wondering if the inevitable deluge will come or has it alrready arrived and is in full effect now?

All the consequences of a moral play deconstructed into a viper shooter video game I can watch on my flat screen tube which is a portal of acid rain mutants.

Brite light high noon singing with birds in joyous heights about love, love passionate between humans! After the deluge of idiots, love is still possible according to Bob Dylan.

After the tsunami wind of idiots passes, love is not careless from heights above, passionate reflections in clouds sometimes appearing as clowns. Yet, the lover inevitably goes, there is an ending in the happy realization that love buds in Spring and goes after the season shuts down the merry-go-round ride.

Out in the wilderness of hitching for a ride along the narrow and crooked highway down Minnesota way (56th & Wabasha somewhere shady in the bright snow-lit reflective crystaline refraction)

Supposedly there is no actual 56th & Wabasha in Minnesota, but I beg to differ as I know approximately where it is:

Meet me there in the morning when I am mourning the loss of the city of fallen blues turning crimson merillion````

The color of your seaport sunset spiraling into creative madness and spontaneous formulaic fantasy (preceding fame and fortune):

Soft morning song, whispering the potentialities of love outside the Igloo paradise burnt lawn. A simple Twist of Fate turned inward towards the emptiness of full pompositiy.

Idiot Wind. Just a cheery morning wake up call to marrow chilled and wine whining drug druggy sobriety realization epiphany.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Revolving Oreo Syndrome.

I am teleported and mind control-immersed in a demographic malady indeed. It involves a revolution that is not proudly and enobling for the free concepts of revolutionary ideology, but more akin to the revolving circus carnivale wheel of repetition from one external extreme to it's seeming opposite, all encased in one crunchy black exterior which protects the white, seminal center of pestilance. It is a kind of promise of dellight of over-indulgence into corruption and it's various rewards system from one extreme skin color perpetrator to the next.

Two weeks ago two very white-supremacist males: one politically Right, one politically Left. Both attacking me with venomous hate havaing full access to the inttricate deceptions and celebrity profit-motivations in allegiance with this global system of promotion with full legal exoneration within the ever-widening "Hallowed" halls of this good old boy,  the rapist/racist stalking system. Their actions, the orders they gave I should clarify only far too briefly, causing physical injury, permanent injury, after an orchestrated accident as their rewards-centered hate attack(s) after I clicked on their hacked and inserted YouTube Videos on my "recommended" page on YoutTube, prominantly displayed as the first search results for items I had never searched. Attacked with deadly, precisely orchestrated "accidents" after I had simply clicked on their videos and reacted, under duress and drugging, to their falsities.

Reacting once again, the others of this group themselves reacted and somehow, the videos of these seminal-appearing white males have since not appeared.

Now it's the crunchy black exterior coming to the defense of the white, creamy seminal center (figuratively and nearly literally--using the term seminal because this black intellectual who then put scores of his videos on my page which I cliced on, drugged up, looking for ideas that conform to some semblance of those who hold positions of 'power' in society actually there to protect the causees of a "revolution" against Nazi, fascist white penile authoritarianism---and I was quickly teleported to this black male masturbating, as part of his personal attack on me--as I perceive to be a defense of his white co-partners in the media complex, at whatever level, should it be YouTube "stars" aspiring to the H-wood level, or "fame", or the intellectual circuit of "revolution" which utters more sophisticated regurgitations of what their slain "for real" leaders like Malcolm had voiced in his lectures.

I do not hesitate to mention the masturbation, although to ourr common mental programming, the victim (especially women) are designated as weak and sullied when a weak and sullied male performs such derogatory, insulting acts of sexual debasement. The target is usually held in moral contempt for being at the center of such a Witch Hunt sexual assault. Not the disgusting male raping, masturbating or using sexual insults who is considered the low and down ugly creep but the women (or anone, but with women it's much more common to castigate her for being held in contempt by the male-rapist culture which holds far more sway than I had ever imagined my entiire life until I have had to see first-hand how much dominance the "retalitatory" oppressive acts of sexual assault on women these men (and their adjunct female companions and partners) deem a threat or a hate object to their automatically-assumed entitlement to leadership and total control of all aspects of society, finance, religion, intellectualism, and the list goes on and on.


Being sick from another morning of detox, I have only briefly been able to describe a situation. I will not re-read the post to ascertain or correct what hackers have altered. Take the meaning and don't take it out of context due to what appears to be nonsensical attempts to discredit me.


I could write more and more about this personality but I am under attack physically from the mind control tech, I always feel sick after just a few minutes of writing about anything that could be construed as analysis of this situation. Any description of the people attacking me means greater pressure on  my brain/body from these various attack technologies (including the hacking which forces me to continuously have to backspace to correct their inserts. Even when backspacing the hackers block the backspace function on keyboard)


Another Orea situation: the "Italian-American" bigot, racist, sexist, rapist-enabling writer, director, a red carpet welcome mat for Nazi actors and billionaires out of Europe and beyond into H-wood, through his movies, his personal contacts, and his personal choices

he attacked me with holocaust references when I fought back against his terror/trauma-based mind control, teleportation attacks to get information on how to create another movie based on stealing concepts from torturing me (years of him participating in this, with his buddies whom I have written of non-stop for years on Facebook)---

I tried to block him from obtaining another nomination or award at the Oscars and in the European arena of t his Circus Circus environment, as this has been going on for years. After I tried my best to block the mind control extrapolation of concepts or ideas (parasitic sucking dry of all and anything possible for his and their promotions and then leaving me in poverty, sickness and increasing a deadly situation for my life so they can also participate in slow torture-to-death in this systsem I am embroiled in). I had only, merely THOUGHT about one of his movies which involves a little black girl remaining absolutely silent in a scene where the white, female "hero" kills her mother in "defense" after having broken into her house in a revenge situation (for attempted murder by the black women, the central point of the narriative for this particular scene and situation, in the action sense). The little black girl remains silently looking up in blank wonder at the white woman who hasjust killed her mother. In contrast, when the white woman finally reaches her own stolen little white girl, at the end of the movie, the white girl is a non-stop babbling stream of conscious strength and verbal expression. I had only THOUGHT about this disparity and the reacism involved, how this man is so inherently racist and is continuously cranking out anti-racist movie-after-movie and being rewarded for it.

Scrapping his attempt to write a script about Covid-19 (for now, since it is still a politically sensitive topic because at this time) he is reverting to the concept that the black girl is not going to remain silent (or at least, she is goiing to go out and get revenge, a central theme in nearly all his movies). Please note that I refer to the "mind reading" technology that these stalkers and teleporting rapist/racists of the Oreo Revolution Revolving Circuit Circus utilize to attack me for my thoughts. Namely, defending her white creamy greasy seminal lily-white H-wood "A-list" celebrity promotional partners in this scheme, is one black woman, absolutely a billionaire major media mogul whose tv shows I have called out as being part of the Plantation propaganda saccharine coating machine. This is anotther oreo situation of the black encasing the white in one, revolving racist system. She has attacked me repeatedly for thoughts I have had, and repeated them back to me in various creepy forms, including internet hints--all designed to label me as "delusional" if I mention them so I just cannot do it here. The mind reading tech enables the people teleporting me to be paid for usurping ideas, intellectual property which is not property because I am unable to simply write without blocks to every physical act of writing including my brain and body drugged and under severe physical and writing inertia, which is included in the protocols of daily, nightly forays by them and their minions into torturing/raping, teleportion rape, sexual assault while teleporting acts, etc etc, and making my body and home disgusting and broken down as "punishment" for both thoughts against them, after they use the tech to steal ideas, and for fighting back for my legal rights which they pretend do not exist under all law and the US Constitution.

What another great publicity stunt, the oreo revolves round and round in the H-wood now politically correct so crunchy on the outside endlessly protecting the white, seminal rapist dick culture center.

Can't wait to scroll through the list of free movies after this particular movie comes out, with the satisfaction that I have just not been under the sway of mind control to actually click on it and watch it for free.


Which one are you going to buy/bite into first? The crunchy black exterior or the creamy white seminal dick cultural center, seems so black and white but truly is a cultural synthesis of non-oppositional rape dick culture as fake as H-wood and as nutritious intellectually. Truly psychic junk food for the spirit and soul.



A few minutes later, a few more ideas sprang from the recesses of mind control blockage after getting up from this sitting position in front of what I believe is an embedded technology affecting my brain to induce memory and cognitive functioning.

however, now the internet operates ljke molasses under freezing conditions. Pages are blanked out and won't open or appear, etc etc.

The black male both putting video after video of  himself lecturing about black rights in front of academic white audiences, at times bending over to glare into the faces of those in the front rows of the sitting areas, which he does not do at academic seminars which are videos, ostensibly to crreate an impression of bending down to the lower level of those who cannot understand, as opposed to being at the intellectual level of the academic community (Yale, I believe he was indoctrianted by? My father also indoctrinated at Yale Fraternal organizations into the racist oligarchy of power, always an underling relying on white trash Nazi females to enable him into the golf courses where he could obtain mafia Nazi contacts for his business enterprises). A reminiscence  of how all this operates.

That was most definitely a meandering last sentence due to mind control effects on my cognitive. I do not associate this black male with my father, except that both were indoctrinated into the subtelties of concealing intention behind well-educated verbosity. My father, by the way, did defend me at times in significant ways albeit not very much. I do not blame him in this post or connect him to the black intellectual I am referring to (who knows that I am referring to him as he is part and parcel of this organization with all it's racist, Nazi, Mafia, bigot genocide tentacles extending into rape culture and media entertrainment anti-racist output, as he is a significant player in that domain. The sexual attack which was as disgusting to me as all the rapist goons of the white, seminal creamy center of his power affiliation (and my fathers, and my nemisis antagonist group which I am fighting assiduously to get out of the centrifugal orea revolving vomitorium of junk soul food).

And, still really unable to write and think. 

They all disgust me, their sexuality is only as foul and abusive as their intellectual and moral posturing. 

The OPERATIVE WORD IS NASTY oreo players from the center to the wafers protecting the interior center. The stalking Nazi Mafia black/white creamy crunchy cracker crap.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Do not blame me for the hysterical posts. The Video below offers the typical blame game offense against targets.

PLus I am detoxifying from poisons glued into my body, solidified, every single day a little bit comes out, with resonant poisons coming into my bloodstream. Sick and nausious every day, also drugged up from the detox poison/drug mix, which has putrified after a few decades of being stuck inside my body. I am at the stage where pieces are breaking off daily (there is so much embedded into my body, nine years sounds like some hyperbolic exaggeration but compacted from daily poisoning all my life--)
the reintroduction of poisoning and drugging, along with more and more and more attacks daily for years and years witihout a singly, not one day of it ending, not one single person approaching me with any support none, whatsoever, worldwiide not one single human being. All loving, fun animals killed or stolen or taken away. Non-stop attacks on one form or another. In the mornings, when the poisoning is "fresh" from the break-ins the night before, the attacks are non-stop until I begin to write asking, in this sick and sickening Facebook forum, for the exploiters to stop the tortures. The strategy has worked like this for years and years: they reduce the tortures I write of and either in a few hours or sooner, new attacks (by now it's a cyclical non-stop recurrance of one after the next attack, all has been done before--) and, it goes on and on and gets worse and worse until I have to react and write to try to get the next torrure to be stopped, understanding what is happening but unable to stop from 1: poisoning every day via the break-ins I am not able to stop, in a tiny studio/microstudio more than 2 years of trying and the stalkers also can "read" my thoughts, so they can maneuver around my understanding of how they are breaking in and circumvent and trick and fool me into believing I have finally succeeded. This wastes a lot of time in discovery process and then re-evaluation of how they might be getting in. They also attack my body and put my spine out of alignment every day, so I can't move most of the time and that alone has taken up months or even years of my time in being able to physically fight these attacks.
Then I become discredited with the reactions that are forced upon me, out of me
I write this to try to salvage my personal domain.
I am going to try to write exclusively on my blog.
I also ventured into free streaming mainstream movie sites. One of the sites is part of some movie media industry website. On the "news" section, three of the actors/writers who have raped, via teleportation, and attacked me, stolen ideas and concepts and then turned them into their racist and sexist propaganda "anti-racist, anti-sexist" movie fodder images of them. One looking frumpy and with a huge nasty smile for the camera. NOT a photo-op but a personalized photo. He's been allowed at least three more movies in a row for the coming season. He has recently teleported me and began a didactic lecture on how "justice" really operates. I interrupted him because I could not hear his sexist, racist excuses for his racist mentality and bigoted bias forced upon me, as I have wanted to be a writer and this writer, like all the men and their women who attack me, are aware of, are glib and glad that I am stifled to the point of death to stop me from having any career, a body that is beautiful, to have a home, to have a chance to even TYPE without hacking continuously blocking all access to writing in any form without mistakes and blanking of my brain so I can't think.These actors, upon cue act Like I am one of their worst enemies, all so glad they can be promoted by attacking me. That is the psycic impression and the reality I get from them.
Thus, also adding fuel to my "ranting" about this situation and the drugged up hysteria that pours out every morning due to sleeping teleportation torture, violence, "traumatizing" mind control and extraction of ideas I have researched, studied, thought of wriiting about, as they steal the ideas during these Q&A question sessions while I am in the teleportation state. Once having sucked me dry for ideas they want to incorporate into their movies, media output, and then make sure, very sure, I can't produce and I can't think I am stunned and drugged and attacked non-stop.

Readers: do not assume that I am on some mental roller coaster I explain this situatiion for any sane readers in this hacking audience.
At this very moment i am unable to access my real cognitive capabilities as I can't "remember" words, concepts or get ideas out. Also, I am currently in the re-reading phase of this post and I see where hackers have deleted words, blocked phrases, rewrote paragraphs, and thus I must rewrite. I am blocked from being able to write cohesively due to these attacks upon my brain. I suspect these techies are using subliminal nonsensical streams of words to interrupt my thought processes. They add words like "so" in front of many sentences and change my language and make sentences completely ungrammatical.
These endless daily, nightly, 360-degree attacks won't stop until I actually get even one single person to help me and that just remains a complete block from all angles of every society every city every country every day no one does anything to actually protect me or, from what I have seen on the internet, no one in my situation ever gets anything but agents attacking them, posing as stalking victims themselves or advocates. All deadly and dangerous to targets.

I still write these posts unwillingly, as I wrote above, mostly to try to stop the daily onslaught of non-stop torture that is disastrous to my life, or deadly to my health. Unless I write (which then opens the portals through their tech of me unraveling my thoughts, so more abusive and nasty people can steal ideas and concepts, according to the dictums of this contract out on me).


Commentary to the video above:

Have you tried working for the Government? What a great spokesperson you would make. I have to inquire how you get your information regarding the lack of responsibility on the part of the Government. Have you conducted a Schizophrenic inventory test on people who claim they are being gang stalked? As targets of stalking are lambasted for their claims by people like you, many of whom demand proof of gang stalking activities. Due to the cohesive quality of the stalking networks, the isolation the target suffers, there is a definite lack of evidence. I thus entreat you to provide evidence that gang stalking is a delusion on the part of self-proclaimed targets, as the targets are likewise proclaimed guilty until they provide solid evidence before the court of public opinion.

post (unconsensual) drugging sobriety. Regarding earlier posts written today, and all posts written nearly every day (!!)

---hours later in the day after writing both posts in one day: realization that I was absolutely drugged by stalkers entering my room. Skin patches drugged and rambling due to the endless onslaught of attacks, subliminals and tech attacks on my nervous system, all combined and then hacking with all the rest of the stalker/hacker "bells & whistles" and thus, I wrote extreme posts. It happens almost every day. I fight every single day wiithout exception to block this, to stop the break=ins, to heal from poisoning and I never stop trying to stop this and this group never stops attacking me.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).