Oh, the nasty canolli gang put some video about "Big Mouth" and one day "one day I won't be laughing any more" and blah blah, I stopped the video, which popped up as a random response (not really, I just write that it is random to not discredit my mental stability--from the psychopath vampires. So, back in the 80's, while they were snorting cocaine and snorting canollis and blah blahing about their criminal pursuits just as they are now, I was dancing to this song with only mind control drugs I never snorted or took deliberately--and what a DRAG these "people" are I am so sick of them forcing their nasty boring sleazy selves upon me any longer. I just want to enjoy this life why must I be dragged down by these closet S&M drags (not queens just tryng to be royalty but theives nevertheless--with no honor or code except to obey and then fuck over and that is their only complexity--so BORING BORING and this music reminds me of a time when I never thought I would have to be forced to deal with this Mulberry Street crowd which never, ever, ever , ever held any interest for me and still doesn't. Get thee to your goddamn nasty lives and stop bothering me goddamn you creeps this is years of your exploitation using this technology. I will write whatever the f I want on my private facebook page you shut your ugly nasty mouths, you revolting creepy puke scumbags outta Flatbush or whereever don't give a damn my family moved away from your shit decades ago and why must i be forced into this rotten nasty situation for years and yeara and years. This is you with your big mouth bothering me with this technology and me responding after many years of your unwanted, ugly, sleazy, stupid, negative input forced upon me wuth your nasty sleazy stupid mentalities get thee to nunneries you whores. I was dancing to this while you were in your Studio 54 snorting cocaine like the brain-dead pigs that you are (rotten to the core of your cerebral cortex from all those drugs you snorted and all the hate you imbibe and creae). So, I want to dance and get you off me--can anyone out there please assist me in this quest to just enjoy life and get parasites off me? Will this change after November 3rd into actually no financial support for this sick crap going on and on and on with full funding from the governments of the world with crap forcing their ugliness on me day and night?
I first heard this song in London--went to a "Jungle Party" right at a houseboat on the Thames---flourescent lights, glowing paint in some weird boat party indoors felt underground--people wearing glitter glow paint body painted gyrating and the smell was so sweet like sweat perfume in this haute but hot environment.
So much more fun than you terrorists reading/hacking into this.
Why, why must I be forced to be around you masses of moronic boring hate and ugliness forced upon me? Where are all the fun and hip, cool and groovy people?
what happened to them all? Oh, I'm paralyzed and have been for over 10 years and longer just stuck not being able to function and go out at night--but geegads, you fuckers are boring and nasty and sick and stupid as hell.
I's a luv this video and this song--
want to just party and dance and live in blissfull peace with cool, fun and happy peeps and my cats and dog and whatever is joyously living this precious life around me, surrounding me with positivity and not your stupd terror operations that you love and enjoy because you got no heart no soul nothing but ugluiness and so BORING
can't wait until I can finally MOVE to the GROOVE and get these GOONS off me (meaning the entire terror operation, from the poseurs who have co-opted all the formely cool and hip fun scenese (i.e. First Avenue appears like a soda pop yuppie hang out place in recent videos I have seen (could have only been the Revolution revival videos--but that place was a real underground scene back in the day when Prince was just getting unternationally recognized. Now there's a friggin' Hard Rock cafe across the street--like a pollution zone of popularized corporate sell-out culture stole the once cool scene--and that is all you attacking me are doing and all I see of you (doing to me, in some form--not saying i am the epitome of underground but still, this is the essence)
and I can't stand you go away finally someone get this horrid group off me!!
I just want to be around people who are fun and enjoy living and not tyrannical terrorizing of people they can't stand to see have anything but their ugliness so they can feel uplifted and better about how nasty they really are when they aren't posturing and stealing everythign possible.
I get out of your ugly zone when I hear this music. I wonder if any of the original people or spirit still exist on this planet since I am continuously surrounded by creeps I consider less than desireable and this is a continuous stench that makes my home, body and environment stinking and nasty--including my body and it's just me writing about thus for years and the rotten crap doing this to me reading this and all gloating and smug about it.
You f-ers are so uncool and so boring and so ugly ....
While I am sleeing during the dark recesses of the deepest Theta black hour of night's cloak--
the freaks come out during the day. How did they clone their DNA to be able to get out of their Freak closeets during broad daylight and not burn to death like vampires in the bright sunlight? (or zombies).
A paradox. How can they be so freaky in the light of day (indoors of course).
But on happier memories, when the freak vampires came out AT NIGHT and pretended to be normal during daylight hours:
I remember--back in some 80's year (1983?) going out for dancing (living near NYC--SUNY Purchase campus where I was edumucated for one year). Going to the campus club with heroin drop-out goths, punks wearing strange fruit attire, Strange fruits wearing serious player attire, artists wearing plain ostentatious fashion, and everyone freaky as I listened to this song===
The pounding has stopped--the tenuousness is also unnerving because it could begin again in an hour or tomorrow. If anyone with a humanitarian composure has intervened, then I heartily thank you (singluar or plural).
As for this group, I have thought about whether I should write this or not, but I will.
Two years ago, at the motorbike rental shop in Nai Harn (or Rawai, they are almost indistinct in their boundaries)--as per custom, the violence towards animals, mutilation, torture and etc for the purposes of trauma-based mind control, was once more exerted upon me.
I walked into this shop, which had a tiny puppy-black, like a miniature chijuaja but black and perhaps some Asian mixed breed, but tiny. It was an itsy-bitsy puppy, laying in a curled up fetal position on the floor. It looked nearly dead but as I tried to pick it up, it had no more strength. This was laying in front of the prominant couch in the middle of this tiny shop. Under the mind control exerted upon me contunuously, especially strong in that shop--I began to nurse the baby puppy--I actually went out and bought it a hot water bottle, a mattress for dogs and a blanket--(on my tiny meager monthly sum allotted to me by this organization--less than $700). Not able to stand seeing another animal tortured and abused by this group--these women at this bar/motorbike rental place (terrorist stalking agent business owned and operated).
The manager/"owner" Porn asked me, after I began to care for the puppy, what I would name her---I said I would name her "Happy"--
and when I watch the Joker movie, and see that he was named, "Happy" I think of that time two years ago when I was asked to name this baby, abused and really emotionally traumatized puppy, which I revived until it was indeed happy. The terrorists then opened a prostitute bar two shops down (tiny hole-in-the-wall shops in a one-story cement row of store-fronts--Thai style). The bar was named "Happy" too.
The main character of the movie Joker was nicknamed "Happy" as well. These same mafia Brooklyn personalities, and their fellow LA actors, have been sucking out idea-after-idea out of me long before this incident--back in January 2018 this occurred. Well in time for the placement of this name into the movie script and plot narriative. The actors involved have been a part of this situation but behind the scenes, allowing the other actors to endlessly torture, disfigure and make my body and home filthy, broken down (and my body dying from stress and this covert, stealth form of murder via poisoning from toxicity due to sprays forced into my lungs and skin and aborbtion day and night--for years and years as I must seal all windows and doors from outside entry (as the stalkers get through the panels and cracks using mechanical arms).
Every single thing I have pounded down and tied togetther and pasted and taped and glued onto all these panels us broken through within one day by this organization--which of course has US Government funding as I know all too well.
I wanted to add this as another actor, whose movies were put on my "cable" tv as I lay in bed in a nearly comatose situatuon from their drugging--for years and years slowly murdering me in this fashion of my immune system overburderened continuosly as I detox from extremely deadly poisons and chemicals that were supposed to have killed me decades ago.
I cannot get onto my YouTube channel--and I log-in every time because I want to save the history as a reference--I try to look at videos with crucial information and about computer defense and etc, things that can expand my consciousness and help me to defend myself in some way. I am so drugged and incapacitated and my brain is under so much siege I can never get through more than 10 minutes of any informative concept, in reading, listening or any other form it takes.
But I have a history of research and study which these loveless, nasty creeps keep torturing me to suck out.
Oh, the hammering has begun again, so if I have given thanks, it is as porous as this situation and the defenses that any human being on the planet will provide--at this point.
I wait for a paradigm shift and people to rush to my defense, if only to help rescue themselves from this group which is a deadly threat to the existence of the planet in all the various facets of it's irresponsibiiity and greedy usurpation of all resources and the endless devestation of the planet for their sleazy orgiastic revelries at their mansions and properties and investments.
Upon getting off the laptop and moving away from this desk, I realize that the incident with the abused puppy which I later renamed "Happy" occurred not in Jan. 2018, but Jan 2019. Time is so laboriously slow but goes by so fast because every day I do the same things and I am drugged up so time is a relative construct. Drugged up, tortured, writing about it day-after-day, waitting for years for anything to ever stop this, the same things going in repetitive cycles day after year after decade by now. Time is fleeting but my memory is so slow I cannot reach it.
Memmory gone when I sit in front of any computer or have to deal with any other human being in any setting, in public or private, worldwide the same attack from continuous surveillance blocks my brain and speach, functioning and emotional status and ability to deal with the tech due to so many attacks aimed at me simultaneously (and no support of course, ever).
There is more drilling into the walls below my room. Pounding on walls, drilling on walls, and in the hallway next to my room--has gone on for over 6 months in the last two years. 2 months straight, every day, for 8 hours a day. 4 months this went on, all day, every day even on Sundays.
They have begun again. These studios are less than 30 feet in length and 20 feet in width. I have not measured but it's a rough approximation.
Hacking is so awful I can barely type anything out.
Please make these creeps stop, that includes the billionaires/millionaires who have obtained free new businesses and promotions into higher and higher positions in society for using this technology and these death squad gangs (aka "gang stalking" groups) to cause as much damage to my home and life and body as they are "allowed" by the people who want to exploit everything out of me. Not a single penny for all the creative ideas they have stolen, and all they demonstrate is stupdity, ignorance and
a dumb violent blank whore personality trait==the entire spectrum of all the participants. They may be well-trained in their fields but I am referring to the qualities that make an individual worthy of higher status in a competent environment.
I can "hear" hate subliminals being hissed into my ear by the endless attack by these Brooklyn mafia group memebers--one in particular and their mentality is of extremely low and nasty origin. That this should control the media and the political spectrum is beyond ....well, if anyone is reading this who actually cares about the more universal concept of a competent and decent society, than you fill in the blanks. You have only seen the media productions of these people acting out scripts and laughing as they rake in millions of dollars for putting out endless mafia movies and references to Rome and their empire (not lost, but turned into the pseudo-religious global entity).
what they hiss at me with their disgusting subliminal technology only demonstrates how their public affectations of competence and higher intelligent belies an underlying barbarian stupidity and violence.
please get this filthy group off me. I downloaded a mafia movie about a blonde female--white of course--over 3 years ago and this filthy sick stupid ape has been sending rotten sick male after male--mafia creeps--to hiss stupid sick insultts at me at every possible private moment of my life--disgusting and creepy and that is how they are getting free new businesses and they ahve not stopped doing this for 3 years. How many businesses, awards and deals has this bunch of shit alone obtained for being stupid pig apes but still promoted into highest positions and new businesses and more power in politics and in the shit |Whorewood milleau. Absolutely disgusting people and unworthy.
I only meant to call you a whore not a bitch, you rotten icky sicky vickiy and this rotten fooey joey stinky fishy creepy yucky dummy sick vile thing. This is after more than 3 years of this going on and on --plus their Nazi white supremacist Whorewood actors--with theiir KKK parents and bigot Europigape parents---referring to a couple that has been divorced, then got together again, has only attacked m non-stop for ideas since 2013 and they are more and more disgusting as time goes by, they are embolded by this mafia crap that instructs them on torture protocols. All handed every bit of funding from my sick government, all the way up to the Executive.
This is absolutely disgusting, day after day I am cleaning up toxic sprays that stink in such foul ways, that these stinking and foul parasites order their stupid minority minions to spray in my room and clothing, furnithre, my bed, my body-every day every moment possible. They go off laughing and then continue wuth every moment of tortrure possible that they are "allowed" to inflict. They blossom off this as I sit here forced into subpoverty life less than $700 a month. The stupd apes have sucked out concept afrer idea for over 10 years--the entire group of them, Europigape white males, black Europig women, black women from America, black men from America, Latino people in huge groups in Florida--etc JEWISH people endlessly in waves of them sitting back silently doing nothing and offering me as a scapegoat sacrifice as they get deals and jobs and promotions for also participating in a NAZI ORGANIZATION.
I sit here wondering if in 4 months and there is a political paradigm shift (like a fraction of any percent of any real change is barely feasible, but one can only "hope" on more illusions regarding the power structure--regardless of gender or race).
The kooky not funny response from a weird internet source--if I tried to explain this situation I would come off as "delusional" but----a personality--a female with blonde hair--a white woman--made her internet presence known,. There were also videos of female dogs, and the mafia personalities that are associated with this woman who has attacked me now for----years, since I downloaded a biopic about her and her family situation ONE TIME years ao--
I believe she understood herself to be the "blonde white" woman I was referring to when I wrote my last post--who I said was a bigot Nazi Bitch--a very nasty type of b-word whore.
Well....as her good fellow European-american (I will not specify which Europ-country they associate themselves with, but they are a pervasive pain-in-the-you-know-what (to use a NY term) and....
guess what bitc***? I WAS NOT referring to you. But "if the shoe fits, ...you must wear it."
I guess not funny considering that this group also has an ever-wudening circle of known assailants participating in this situation of terrorizing me for profit. Not that they aren't completely used to these nefarious and much more nasty elemental situations for profit!!
But no...I was not referring to you. You almost NEVER come to mind, I have blanked you out because there are SO MANY NEW PEOPLE ATTACKING ME you are just another expletive in a long line of male and female bitches who are attacking me.
So, really, you are that unumportant to me except that you are an assailant and an endless source of attack. But on a personal level, I have never seen anything interesting about you. When I said you were "stunning" it was because i was 1) asleep, 2) teleported, 3) under serious life-threat by another terrorist teleporter rapist abuser who I was trying to get away from and you provided the facade of some support system for a very short time, only to hook me into your trap. 3) drugged up, 4) under hypnosis, 5) subliminal messages forcing these words out of my mouth combined with 6) trauma-based torture non-stop for years and years. 7) Detoxification from poisons that have putrified into my body and hardneed
and the list could almost go into infinity by now but these are just some of the more immediate points as to why I expressed any fascination with a total straanger who I saw on a reality tv show decades ago, for five minutes, while sorking in a cigar shop in Miami. Plust watching docmuentaries on the subject of your Lost Paradise empire.
But no...otherwise, the fascinating display of famous media personalities have erased the short-term memories of your non-existant pesonality which expresses itself to me only as an attacker following formulas with almost nothing to say on any topic. The other terrorists have disgusting and foul comments to make, purportedly to create a discrediting persona around me--which is supposed to mean that I somehow am undeserving of their "respect" as this sign of absolute hate and negativity aimed at me--for your profit, because you can't stand to see me have anythuing whatsoever that isn't destroyed by your group--the absolute negative stereotypes of yourself supposedly positioned avove me becaues of an empure that crushed 1/4 of the world over 2000 years ago is nothing that you should be able to associate yourself with.
Otherwise, I was referring to someone else who at least is a bitch but has a personality, like a dog that has a rabid personality mean streak. She's an actress and actually very good at the modeling in interesting poses and for that, i can't say she is absolutely void and null and just violent as a means to an end. After more than 2 years of you attackuing me endlessly this is all I can say about you and your associates. I don't think about you, or most of the parasites who have attacked me even just a few weeks ago. There are so many and you are so non-descript that when I reference someone unknown, you can be sure unless I mention you by name, I will have nothing to do with anything concerned with you and that also includes referencing you covertly or even thinking about you. Bitch.
This is just a little post about the recent developments in hacking terrorism. I write this because I do know that an aresenal of hackers who are also writers in H-wood, directors, and thesbians are hacking in, and stealing whatever they want from my "published" with a "copyright" mark on my blog--for their own movies and shows and blogs and whatever---as they can only think in establishment ways, they have to torture and attack me so that under traumatization, I will emit ideas or think of concepts regarding how unpolitically-correct they are and their organization of white, bigot male Nazis and their whore female rapist enabler feminist wanna be powerful and be CEO women really are:
The key for the capitals on the right-hand side of the keyboard, only when it is dark and I can't see the keyboard as I don't use very much light when I sit in this area (blasted with tech). The capitals key is diverted to the backslash key--I use this function during the day but not looking at the keyboard and there are no problems. Once the sun goes down, and I am not sitting in bright light looking at the keys (as I always write, without looking at keys since I type extremely quckly when I am not hacked and not drugged and the keyboard is actually working at it's optimal level=-which has been so rare to almost never in the last 10 years due to this situation I am surrounded by. I have not had a laptop or computer for most of my life, this is only since going to grad school back in 2002. since then, the hacking has increased as the terror operation has turned into a outright murder operation.
The letters "i" and now it's "t" and also "k" almost always appear twice when I press lightly (but I must pound down on keys to get anything to type out) but my fingers are lithe and I can type even when pounding down without having to press the key down so it prints out twice.
The page also splits when I press the space bar--code is shown in a screen next to this main page--this happens at random times when I press the space bar.
I want to write creative fiction and stories and other types of financilly feasible forms--this is impossible. I am literally being too drugged, too hacked and blocked by hackign to type or think or express anything besides jumbled and ranting posts trying to write but going off into tangents and digressions so it's all a huge discrediting situation. Every single time I write, this is the case. (also when I speak to anyone in public)
I also have artificially-induced tears steraming out of my eyes if I atempt to read anything serious or educational--my concentration is GONE within 5 minutes of trying to read anything that would empower me intellectually and especially concerning psychological impact of mind control--I have some books which I cannot read because my eyes begin to tear continuously if I read and my brain begins to feel like it's under physical attack.
Also, when I press the "i" key a "u" appears instead. The keys remain stuck down-as the i and the u are right next to each other on the Western keyboard.
Thus, the whore-wood rapists, teleporting violent abusers and their whore females who enable the white male and black maqle and black female and black male abusers and rapists and users and haters to steal ideas from my posts and ranting drugged up hacked ideas.
I cannot get anything out--I remain no threat to their hegemony in the media--I have zero chance to even type or get anything out. I can only write basic concepts and partial theorizing philosophizing posts which are then stolen by the most "conservative" and formulaic bigots possible who are famous for exemplifying the "alternative" in the media one-sided lopsided fascist brainwashing propaganda.
Yesterday I wrote a post about the dinasaur Arethra---singin that ole gospel and then becoming an Illuminati conspicuous consumption icon. Representing mainstream middle class white toe-dipping into black music (in quotes " "). Not that I am "trying" to be politically correct. I saw a video that appeared with some very famous people at an old Arethra performance 9meaning Arethra was OLD and just about to become a legend in the afterlife. She looked like she had the face of a corpse. I saw a photo of the open casket of Aretha Franklin, where her feet were strung togehter with one foot crossing the other, as she lay in the coffin. That is an historic Templar position placed on Sarcophagus in Scottland for diseased Knights Templar. I saw an ancient church with above-ground stone burial Sarcophagus' in Edinburg when I traveled around Europe (a long time ago). Her affiliation with Secret Societies a definite yes but never mentioned in those conspiracy theory YouTube shows.
Passing into the current light: because Aretha Franklin sang of love that is illusory. Sang of feeling alive through the love of a man and that emotion--as her songs, were 2 minutes in length and containing as much durability as her self-proclaimed playgirl status (in her songs, at least I know nothing about her personal life).
Not that I am denegrating Ms. Franklin at all, but moving on to a more modern and realistic theme:
I am being called that b-word and lately, this b-word has come in the news as a Latina politician has been called this, openly, when not backing down in a discussion with a white male bigot who is part of the larger political spectrum of discrimination, and all it's cascading stealth attacks. I experience these types of attacks openly, but mostly they are concealed behind expectations of women backing down into silence as the planet really mostly silences women unless they are established into this male-dominated fraternity--in this case, Franklin sang the songs that made her popular.
I know that this current rap artist won a Grammy or some award--I am fighting hard to type due ot hacking and I don't care to look up, I just know I recently checked on some awards page and this woman (Thee Stallion) won top award. She at first glance is reminiscent of Nicki Minaj--I had to really look her name up, although I could name her in a second, my brain is so blanked I have to fight to "recall" names that are always in my memory but with this tech, I am at a loss to think or write or remember names, concepts, while in the middle of writing them!
So, the b-word and it's associations with a witch hunt!
Here is her name: MEGAN THEE STALLION.
I watched a few of her videos, was mostly bored because the content and innovation is mostly of a visual nature--as Prince would say, he doesn't want to watch music in movie-style videos.
The beginning riff of Boys in the Hood--the visuals like so many other videos--ie. Tupac with his California knows how to party--same theme by Megan Thee Stallion. Looks a lot like Nicki Minaj. Repetitive and like a stripper singing in a glossy visual context. The B-word has become co-opted by women and in this sense, being called a bitch is a sexual compliment in these circles--in so many tv shows I hear men calling women bitches and that is supposed to be taken as a compliment.
And thus---thank you copycat Stallion but nevertheless, I must memorize this song so I can begin to hum or whistle it (I cannot sing any longer, there is a microchip attack center implant in my throat--the terrorist stalking teams remotely tweak my throat when ever I talk to anyone in public--my throat closees immediately as words croak out and I choke while trying to talk. Eating as well.
Singing even alone in my room is always an attack situation for anything that can be remote electronically attacked.
But enough of this intro: with all due seriousness--here's to the funky bitches of the world. To the other bitches--I guess they will have to be renamed something as hideously offensive as they are (males can be bitches too, there must be some other reference to a nasty object instead of a pleasant female dog out there--)
I must confess, I could not finish this sleazy, nasty video. My guess is that Miss Megan Thee Stallion is most definitely a bitch for the Illuminati in whatever tentacle branch it is called. This popularism of the terms, the sexualized permissivness, which I am not biased against on :"moral" terms but her power stems not from her musical ability--for one--and not for her strength as a woman but as her stripper persona that admits no shame and really helps to re-establish a misogynist culture aimed at turning women's power into a sex orgy nature, always willing but "powerful" enough to say NO when players aren't nice enough to pay for everything and always--somehow--mysteriously--the women have their own money and no man is around to hand them what a sugar daddy or daddy or their male-dominated culture forces them into doing to obtain this kind of opulent fashion/lifestyle and self-proclaimed "independent" do-what-the-f-I want style.
Oh no, this is an "Illumunati" whore pawn and she is projecting this image for girls and women to imitate. It undermines true feminine strength and the fantasy that women can independently survive with highest fashion and luxury homes and cars is an absolute LIE. Unless she inherited the money or has had to bow and scrape and obey and serve and be the stereotypes that the white male culture and their whore women DEMAND so these women call themselves bitches as a pride persona, but it's really an embracing of the denegration.
I label and call these white women of the Nazi rapist men "whores" because all they do is tear women like me down so they can be lifted up as they perform the struipper roles and then do their best to watch as their violent men rape and torture women "like me". I call them whores, but they are put into fashionista model roles *in the level that has been forced upon me. Otherwise, for the other poor victims of this MK ULTRA microchipping/teleportation situation who will be raped, tortured, offered as various types of victimization--the women involved will not be extremely wealthy H-wood celebrities but "white trash" or other culture violent and miserable (more than the H-wood whores who are already violent and miserable on some level, all of them, venting it out on me as their violent men attack me as proxy for their nasty whorelike women).
I am not explaining this well at all. It is coming out as a rant and not as any kind of clear explanation fo what I mean. Writing is extremely arduous and difficult due to hacking and the mind control tech making me literally dizzy and sick as I fight to pound down on keys and etc etd...impossible to get much out.
I consider women who act like prostitutes for wealthy men to help them to be promoted or to obtain high-end living style--as whores--and they prove it with their hate attacks on defenseless women who are struggling and forced into poverty. I consider Megan Thee Stallion to be a "minority" as obviously she is not of the Nazi white family but of the Black Illuminati puppet family. This will engender great hate and violence from the blacks and their white 'handlers" reading this or participating in this situatuion. However, I see this every single day very clearly here in Thailand, with prostituted Thai women and the Europ-female lavishing that the brown women are being exploited by their husbands and sons and friends.
It's all very racist, I am trying to convey this not put out a racist statement. The terrorists teleporting me always are so quick to label anything I write about them as me behaving as they are doing to me--the reversal attack program they all use every time possible.
The "bitch" categorization of black women who are dressed as prostitutes or strippers and then, as usual, lacking real musical ability--somehow win top awards. Because, they conform to the stereotype that debases the culture. This is encouraged as often as possible in the white bigot mainstream and also "alternative" milleau of consumer art output and all other forms of output.
The old blues songs--at this moment I cannot remember many--back in the 30's, definitely Billy Holliday---songs of remorse, sadness, let my man beat me I love him so much---he left me I love him--he hurt me I love him--etc etc
almost the same message of victimization glorified and then embraced as great art by white culture mainstream. Not exclusively only by white culture but...those that are easy to find play the victim role and sing of blues and sadness. This is supposed to be a black cultural thing, but I believe this is the acceptable genre that is "allowed" to be remembered and not lost in some erasure of rejected songs and artists who want to outgrow the mold enforced upon victimized cultural status.
Many are called BITCH who are also attacked viciously by those who play the stripper/prostituted/feminist/ "strong" woman role who fights against tyranny but also submits to sexual prostrate positioning in their daily and media and worldly performances. There are some women who do not play these roles, I can think of one very aggressive blonde white female involved in this torture and rape and "sex slave" situation forced upon me which I definitely plan to destroy as soon as I possibly can--get out of their clutches I mean--if only people would come to my defense so I don't have to fight to do this alone---
but she's a nasty bitch and she's a Nazi bitch and that is a woman who is being put in major position for power but she never has to bend and bow twerking for it---she condescendingly pats the black woman who twerk and adore her at the same time--how they help to bolster her image as strong women, put into that position on racist stereotype cliches--as the victim roles that the twerking Bitches help to define in their redfinition of bitch they really lower their status so the real nasty nazi bitches can assume top over their twerking bottoms.
I really can't type or write my thoughts feel like I am spinning in a maelstrom centrifuge--always happens I cant type or write or think
I hope these thoughts have come out not too offensively but as I always write, this blog is only reachgint the rapists and bigots so if you don't like it--then go to your complacent bitches who adore you for subliminating and undermining them--they will attack me with ferocity as your pet minority minion bitches who obey on command, will allow you to put leashes on them (electronic leashes or otherwise, they don't care).
This will sound offensive, I do not intend this. If you don't like this post or me, stop hacking into my blog. I know my blog is never (at this time) reaching any real internet search engine and is never "optimized" or "allowed" to reach any real public access on the internet.
so f-off bitches reading this. It's an opinion, I see this every day here in Phuket with prostitutes and how they react, how the whores white and nazi bitches treat them with happy condesending applause--so happy they are elevated whule the Thais are being exploited. When I watch the YouTube videos of the history of the Imperialistic conquest of the Americas by the Europigapes, they first promised the native women happy copulation with white men (Pocahontis is one example). Look where that fantasy lead these women--the Native Indians were raped and then mass murdered once the bigots got enough army troops to commit "order 66" upon the natives, once upon a time in Whorewood is not going to make any movie expressing this idea--or maybe they will after I write this post. Assuredly it will be a fictional Illuminati account of white women fighting against white male rape and murder--the usual turn-around of the Big Lie (see Hitler for what that means).
I call the white women whores because they really act like cheap whores when it comes to rape and torture of so they can steal and rob and become glorified. There are few to no movies about this subject yet I see it every day when I am in general public and surrounded by minorities attacking me as the white female whores, the bitches, the real nasty Nazi bitches, smile and gloat over it. I also have my own personal experiences at being put unto various positions literal or otherwise--as the bitches are calling me "bitch" using subliminal technology.
However, this song above, as I really peruse it for content and sub-contextual imagery I find it not empowering at all but really stupdi and disgusting visually. I understand that this singer "won" top award because she goes further into using the word "pussy" than Nicki Minaj has done, legs spread apart for a Grammy presentation. This is supposed to empower these women or women or help to create new generations of girls fighting to imitate this. This is Illuminati programming to denegrate women. Having met a famous rapper in the teleportation scenario, and his black female counterpart who has had a "beef" with him publically--they have no problem with ME being put into the very negative role of being a "prostituted" bitch and hitting, thrusing genitals in my face when I am expressing my vituperative anger at their black slave roles that they play but are considered symbols of empowerment for blacks.
They threaten me and ask for years why say these things and I go in circles repeating the same concepts. Somehow the fascist Nazi media presentation of "strong" black personalities is somehow the absolute opposite of what empowerrment really means. Like almost everything I see in the media that is supposed to represent any "opposition" to more insidious white male and his bitch white whore female rapist bigot nazi "feminist" anti-racist compassionate toward blacks partner in crime---all is done in an inverse relationship.
Too hard to type any longer. I can't get my ideas out. I truly need protection against these technological assaults on my brain and keyboard. Until then, I stumble to write and think and type. This has come out as a hyperbolic hate rant, I did not intend it. Years of torture, years of bigot white female laughing as their white males assault me (in nasty bitchy ways, as men are bitches too). This is the result, under mind control technology and hacking and duress.
I really can write very clean and more presentably but this is impossible under these conditions. I will be attacked I guess for having written this.
Freedom of speech? Oh yes, these terrorists in the media are aboslutely against freedom of speech.
This video above IS NOT FREEDOM IT DOES NOT EXPRESS FREEDOM IT EXPRESSES SLAVERY BUT PUT in a more grey shade than black or white--as this is honored by the white establishment media complex, which is controlled by foreign fascist Nazis and their international cohorts in the media slave game==that I have been subjected to so I see it in a way no one really ever sees or cares to know about. (people really cherish these deceptions and want to not know).
But then again--Arethra--so much more powerful--graceful and subtle crescendo and diminduendo all without nintendo
grace and an escalating vocal range
surpasses Warwick--sorry. Angelic Arethra.
4 real....
KICK HIS ASS girlfriend. i have a long list I need some woman power to help resolve. Any real women out there? Not supplining suplicating whining rape enablers and haters and sadistic feminists laughing at rape and torture using sophisticated technology?
Kick these manchild asses.
For all ya'll playerz out there. The back streets of Chicago --those strong women who never make it to prime time casting couch ho female associate of male chauvy rape culture LA-- have more on LA than the backdrop props you lean on.
A poem to the long list of future ex-baby producers:
I shopped around. i came, I saw, I conqured the illusion.
The line-up of criminal clowns--bearing plastic smiles concealing frowns--
should I have 2, 20, 200 or 2000 of them in one stroke?
I just want a normal bloke.
That was a joke, joker smoker hooker looker
(not aiming this at any particular circus performer)
to the Lot--I cast a pillar of salt
Babylon perfected in the back studio lot
Casting couch casted away
I want to play in a different more happy fray
so stay stay stay away
away I say.
In short, I will not eat your green eggs and ham
I will not eat them snout scout that you want me to be I am.
(ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha)
My moma never told me this...because she sold 4 cheap treads worn out, headlights always turned on "high" and shocks completely zipping the body of the mobile into highs and lows always shooting for the next crossroads--she never told me to shop around she tole mt to always rent and never get caught in a sand trap purchase.
Much more hip and swank and true and I'm not blue because I just want to steal a car and not get stuck in down low payments for a lifetime--with interest too? No way.
Gosh, gee. With all these superduperstars out to exploit me--if only I could change the tables and play them one by one like a xylophone--then drop the sticks and go off to listen to the upper echelon spheres of a Mozart spiritual love with an exclusive reclusive royal.
I'd rather go out dancing all night--to the beat like this instead of the insipid drip of the baby exploited past-due domesticated sex slave retured to make a not hip hop post punk rave.
After going out and playing the game, dancing until the club closes
returning in the early morning to my private chateau with my cat La Moux sleeping on my bed--ALONE--a perfect day to wake up to. Drinking creme-de-la-soul for breafast and living LARGE the bachelorette love shack solo
Doing my body perfection while listening to my portfolio expanding as my muscles stiffen and my body aligns with perfection and I get plastic surgery and continue the love journey through solo joy with cat life.
It's a per--purrr--fect dream
I would play this album once in a while while cooking for myself and giving my cat a few nice bits if she wants some food too. !!!
Oh my bright future looming in the distant haze, I can almost grasp it here just by fighting with hackers to type it out!!!!
Oh, how I just want that, the full prosperous portfolio which I study as I sip my morning chai and perfect my supple, beautiful bodyl, and play with my cat, and living large the life of a bachelorette!
Every single night. 8 years. The cuticles have receded due to blood lack. The nails are damged. The skin on my hands is very damaged from both non-stop cleaning and washing (the terrorists always poke tiny holes into any rubber gloves I buy, insert fungus into the gloves, put stunking fluids on any apron, they also smear fungus and mold on all sponges that I clean dishes with.
But they are absolutely destroying two fingers, objects inserted so there are huge red, swollen areas where the skin and cuticles are deteriorated to the point that the area is completely withered and withdrawn from the nails.
I need a safe h ome to live in, they are murdering me and severing my body slowly day-after day. No matter whether I remain "silent" or write about their disgusting stupd and sick endless attacks upon me
or I remain "silent" they increase the tortures but on other levels, so uf I react, they break and damage my body, and if I am silent about their non-stop attacks, they increase the more continuous attacks that are not so damaging but nevertheless, removing skin from my guns until there is nothing left after tying to break my jaw ans break out my bottom teeth, whuch they did after I landed on my jaw because they manipulated my steering wheel and brakes, as torture for writing on my private, no people allowed private facebook page that justice be done and this horrendous bigot blonde nazi american actor and his half-english hate nasty rape enabler wife, both of the smiling, laughuing for YEARS AND YEARS OF TORTURE and never ending awards for both of them every year on and on they ahve gone on and on since 2013--when the insertions began and they are increasing the damage now day after day my fingers are being utrterly destroyed. This same pair also had cats killed, part of my uterus severed and cut out, which fell out after I told that blonde american "actor" I wanted nothing to do with him or his wife--that was before I began calling them pigs and whores--or any other "silly" name derived from non-stop years of torture and volence foorm them as they laugh and get endless plastic surgery and awards and contracts and deals out of this--never ending.
my hair smeared with fungus, hair failling out so badly for years, on and on I have stopped brushing myhair it' salways stinking and greasy--the hair brush is sprayed with a horrific stinking flud that never washes out--thuis is spraye don my blankets and pillows routinesly as well
the list is so long my body is covered with scars--they have recently re-broken my left large toe after I gave one of the advice onhow to heal his body if he is poisoned--he gave zero thanks and I only thought that I would write a story about him and another fascist Nazi (the former is married to a fascist German "alternative" and I know this is true, I can tell by his demeanor and actions) I waas threatened and then the next day nearly killed again in another accident. the terrorist came into my room and puolled my already broken by another pig europig ape who stole hundreds of dollars from me when U moved into her house for 2 days--one night--and on and on, they broke my toe, (the two-day rental) then recently they put this already broken toe further out of the joint so the bone complettely sticks out of my feet to the point of nearly 30 degrees at an odd angle. I can barely use the toe. They are also cutting the webbing of this broken toe TO THE BONE EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AS WELL.
My hair has been cut out and is balding and that is not the normal condition of my hair. Greasy and stinking and nasty smelling and shredded like they took a metal shredder through my hair--every day they get into my room, which is every day. I have spent YEARS fighting to keep them out.
And years of askuing for help, from every body possible and writing as the pigs want me writing to my death begging for help as no one ever does a damn thing but read and perhaps occassuonally do a little bit, perhaps--doubtful as I believe the situatuon only shifts from one extreme torrture to the next but they relieve me of deadly attacks such as heart palpitations from the tech to burnung and microsave attacks if I CONTINUOUSLY WRITE ABOUT THEIR UGLINESS, STUPDITY, IGNORANCE, HATE, RACISM they continue to get top awards and contracts.
I must write. But I truly want to stop and luive in peace WITHOUT THEM IN MY LIFE nowhere near them or anyone like them. But
I also want to live in a beautuful home, a beautiful garden, a beautiful neighborhood, beautiful happy people around me, not being stalked or terrorized, with money and prosperity just nice things
please, I am innocent this is murder out of complete racist orignis when will the United States stop funding these covert murder operations? And actually perchance also STOP THESE TERRORISTS FROM DESTROYING THE COUNTRY. That means most of the citizens I have ever encountered un years of fighting to live in peace and having to move around the Unuted States and people in every city, town, and |State participating with full intention to assist in the murder or remain silent.
Right now it is night, and I am typing with very little lighting. The hackers are blocking keys, stopping me from pressing down on the caps keys which do not operate. The "i" key is blocked and a "u" prints out instead. I can feel the keys literally sticking as the u, which is next to the i key, pressed down. this is some malware that has recently been inserted into this otherwise completely new keyboard that should work like a soft and smooth very light touch keyboard. I must pound down and repeatedly backspace to correct insertions that are non-stop.
I can't do this any longer.
I have a projected date of November 3 until I write again about these subjects. I am fighting just to type the letter I and the caps don't work, the I is glued down with the U key and only U's turn up whenever I try to write any word with an I.
I want to stop this writing and pleading with callous murdering bigots to please stop these criminals and terrorist who are both teleporting me and also giving orders to the terrorists here in Phuket to literally maim me every single day, stop the functiooning of my toes, my fingers, my teeth are nearly falling out, i need surgery to correct thus gum damage. There are no more gums on my lower teeth they are cuttung away tissue until now there is nothing left. Nothing on the lower jaw, every day i tasted blood and tissue un my mouth as my teeth hurt from being cut into--for over one year now it's 1 1/2 years of this, every day a tiny slice now there is no more gum tissue. Thus is from asking that these pig ape whores in whorewood stop being awarded for hacking into my site and for teleporting and raping me and then being promtoed for it. I was told to "keep your big mouth shut" by writing about their crime and asking for justice. Every black and blonde female feminst participating--so called feminist--approves of this simply by continuung to attack me--they, all these women I have written of for years, obtained their most daring roles by stealing concepts FROM ME and leaving me to be murdered with no compensation no money whatsoever.
I must buy food on sale and I am attacked for doing so by the terrorist agents operating the cash registers. I am picked at from behind while I stand in lines as the people corrupting the purchases I must buy everything on sale, things are flicked on my clothing--objects like necklaces are stolen while I stand in line--from behind
the list never ends. They rip threads out of purses--If I have a leather purse or backpack or anything nice in leather they slash it nearly to shreds on the first day I waear it. They carry little razors which they afterwards conceal in their hands as they slash my leather jackets, purses while I pass in public spaces.
Etc etc the list is daily so this will never end..
How long will it take for America to actually not allow this kind of criminality to be honored by president after president, actor after actor, fascist bigot black nazis after nazi after white female "feminist" stealing ideas from my drugged up torttured and nearly murdered ranting continuously on and on about the sexism, racism
as they continue and contunue to steal idea after idea from me.
I can also get into more concepts that have been stolen from me but I am now fighting and fightringt juyst to type against hackers.
So far, over 10 yaers of writing and writing and years of writing on facebook and years of describing this, years of asking anyone and everyone to please defend me and years of none of this stopping despite years of askign and writing.
Will this change in 3 months if and when there is a new US president--who must have been promoted because he's a good "player" a "group" member who partucuipates by saying or doing nothing and wants a promotion--is this ever going to end?
I have spent over 7 years yelling, every single day, because the actors, writers, mafia con parasites, politicians, their wives and children--all fixated on obtaining mansions castles sex partners modeling contracts in Paris, Germany, Austria, London, etc they are absolute Europigapephiles--they marry the Europigs, they defend them just as the Thai slaves do in these cheaper gang stalking operations, here in Thailand. All of the terrorists get some free thing they really want. The level of payment of course extends into millions of dollars for those who rape, thrust their genitals in my face, punch me in the face, threaten to murder me (repeatedly in most cases) watch on smiling and laughing as others rape, assualt, punch slap threaten--all get promoted into main roles in movies, new businesses
etc etc,I have done nothing but write about this for years.
But for years I have fought to stop them from allowing Europigs into America. My YEARS of having lived in Europe as an MK ULTRA rape and brainwashing target, around Nazis in Germany (REAL Nazis, to emphasize that I am not merely using the word randomly because I just want to label people these things.)
I spoke, I entreated, I asked I fought I told them that America was and is being infiltrated by anti-American Europeans. I have witnessed this first-hand in Miami when I sold cigars at European-owned nightclubs and restaurants. I saw the "big players" and I understood the nuances and glances I became so accustomed to seeing in Germany, where the Germans had to disguise their Nazi aspirations behind warm gooey bs smiles. They can actually dilate their pupils so their eyes betoken warmth and honesty when they lie and try to commit as much theft and deception as possible. The ultimate goal is the take-over of America but destroying it first. Americans welcome them in and are part of this scheme.
The Americans I have been forced to be targeted around--aka my "friends" and neighbors--most and many of them sent for the express purpose of committing these crimes against me in this contract. But, they follow orders. Right now they are being instructed to not wear face masks during the Pandemic. They scream that it is a violation of their Rights. This is intended as part of the genocidal mass murder instruction passed-down by the Europigs who instruct these American Nazis on what to say, do, think, and how to behave like Nazis. It is a cascading effect. That is just one example (which I only can construe on, as I am not around these people, but I believe this is one example of a very dangerous self-inflicted death situatuon brought upon by the genocidal bioterrorist attack that is now engulfing, primarily, the United States.
I screamed at these people torturing me, these Europigphile wealthy wanna be fashionable obsessed with Parisian fashion week parasites attacking me, that these actors and models they embrace and allow to enter the country are deadly. If the people who are famous in the media but foreign are not guilty, as I seriously doubt, then their associates are part of the larger anti-American infiltrating crowd. I understand this mentality of infiltration I have heard snippets of seriously injurious hints of violence aimed at America by Germans--for years I heard it in the silences of my situation where the Nazis were very upfront about their intentions and openly said many deragatory things about America and how they hate the country but all want to buy property and live in LA and NYC and Miami and obtain the best properties there.
One of the Nazis told me, back in 1996, that some kind of huge action was being orchestrated against the United States. This Nazi, openly declairing himself to be so, told me, "You will see" what happens and that it will be "very big". The Wall Street Journal repoerted on the Saudi students living in Germany and their activiities around Germany prior to moving to the United States and obtaining flying licenses and then committing these acts of terror at the World Trade Center. Their roaming activities in Germany lead them from Hamburg, where they werre students, to the exact area that this Nazi lived in--not far from Ulm, between Stuttgart and Munich and into the "Schwabish Alps"--was the trajectory of their travels and pursuits where underground organizations/Nazi organizations, are now openly visible in their next decade of pro-Nazi pursuits: turning the "immigrant" tragedies into reason for Nazi sentiment in Germany and in America and of course the rest of the planet and Europigland.
But back to Paradise slave tropical Thailand and it's Nazi culture therein: I have also seen the same trends from English, and French, and Italian here in Phuket, along with many other "Asian" cultures.
Thus, I am very aware of the situatuon and I have been fighting for years to stop further attacks upon America and the greater expansion of this Nazi vast conglomerate corporate entity, which of course funds terrorist actions--not the terrorist actions aimed at me personally per se but on a global level and internationally. They of course fund the private terrorist activities aimed at me personally that I write of endlessly. There is very little differnence between the international and my personal attack contract and it's protocols. It is the same organization. The Americans I have been writing of for years either want America to be destroyed so they can be part of the colonized huge take-over and assume power, when the structure of "Democracy" is finally toppled and a fascist regime takes over (it already did, under a few presidents prior to the current one).
And that is all the pounding down on keys I can muster at this point, it is completely exhausting.
I have tried to warn them of welcoming in these overt Nazis into H-wood and into the country. They tortured me for my warnings. I told them that they want to destroy the country. At this point, they cannot connect the dots between what probably many people fear and are alarmed at what must or may be a bioterrorist attack situation. The US government certainly is reacting with haste on this subject by closing the Chinese consulates in Texas, and vice-versa in China with US Embassies or Consulates.
I find now that when I press the letter "i" the "u" appears as the keys litterly stick down after I press them!!! So bad is the hacking.
They TORTURED ME for fighting on this concept and what I know to be correct. I WAS TORTURED and I remain being tortured even when there is ample proof that something absolutely is amiss on a global scale in this pandemic situation. How odd that Germany has one of the best "records" of preventing the virus, and so does Nazi-controlled Thailand in this region. In Nazi Paradise, tourism major hub of SE Asia--stalker terror zone with Europigs acting like they really are when they attack me
but tortured for fighting actually LIKE A REAL PATRIOT to defend my country--to defend myself, to protect the Laws of justice and protection for human rights. TORTURED BY POLITICIANS AND A-LIST ACTORS for years for fithging in my defense and for fighting to stop what I knew and know is a Nazi take-over scheme. A Nazi take-over scheme involves MURDER ASSASSINATION GENOCIDE DESTRUCTION HOMELESSNESS IMMIGRATION THEFT and the like. But with all their tehcnological expertise, it involves catastrophic violence unprecendented. That is happening now, but the terrorist actors and politicians still cannot give me anyh break from this.
So I must fight to save my life and I implore now for the nth time for any compassionate human beings to please stop this crime against me and stop them from torturing me and stop this stalking terror organization from destroying the planet any further. They also kill animals and destroy natural habitats for their greedy, sleazy white male entrepreneurs and they are worhtless I am now digressing into a hate rant and it's time to stop.