From my perspective of having been teleported by both N. Pelosi and AOC in the last few months, I see clearly that the entire "alternative" pitch that the Democrats have been pushing is a near complete farce. The most violent attacker verbally has been Pelosi and yesterday she teleported me for one moment while I was in the shower--something this group loves to do, which is to destroy every single bit of relaxation and love I have available around me. While I was enjoying the warm water her most sinister face appeared like that very famous image of the first Exorcist movie where this demonic spirit appeared in a one-second shot hovering behind the already terrorized mother/daughter figure (I can't remember which). It was in a domestic setting, I think in the kitchen area. It was a most ugly and evil look on her nasty face and it was so demonic it immediately brought up this image from that Exorcist movie. Jokes aside, I used this image at the onset of this post to try to explain the absolute malevolent content behind the plastic surgery and rhetorical posturing that these leaders employ through all their carefully coached presentation of how they are "fighting for The American People" as this hateful white supremacist Italian-American fascist Mafia bigot loves to slur in her drunk-on-power displays of inebriation.
What I have seen instead of her machinations is that she teleported me, for example, just prior to the 3rd stimulus and sitting next to A-S=Negger former Governor of California and fascist Nazi disguised as jocular jock and beloved for his antics and huge Nazi appearance, which Californians gravitate to in their quest to have an absolute fascist Nazi-controlled power structure and corporate leadership.
Grafting whatever she could personally obtain, she then most viciously attacked me because I was fighting to get yet another most despicable abuser off me (S-negger). Her threats and hate hissing in her ugly voice was the most hostile I have ever encountered, from anybody. Her schemes to steal money from the bills and legislation she is passing through all her nefarious illegal plotting and grafting makes it very clear to me that these plots were hatched before Biden became president or president-elect, I should say. I think P-lousy really was planning on the shift of power at the Presidential level in order to obtain her endless profiteering off the legislation Biden proposed to her in order to garner her support. Probably Trump was not going to allow P-lousy to graft money in such an offensibly gratuitous way if he were to remain as President. Thus although P-lousy fully complies with the ultra fascist organization and doctrine as one of it's key members ensconced in the fake oppositional Party of the Democratic leadership, she nevertheless had her personal interests to account for more than helping Trump achieve his coup. Thus I truly believe that he had asked many of his "plants" in the Democratic Party, such as P-lousy, if she would help him to change the vote counts or for his electoral manipulation because for so many years so assisted in nefarious illegal operations such as this terrorist stalking enterprise--which Biden has latched onto, and I also received endless Facebook posts directly planted on the top of my page for months when he was first ordained the next fascist Nazi leader with his minority minion crew posing as the "fighting for equality" posse along with the creepy Squad as only mere symbolism effete from meaning and real intent.
Having written all that, I was accosted by her yesterday while I was in the relaxing state of taking a shower because I had tried to write about this terror contract out on me to one of the J-6 committee leaders. I got zero response of course. The entire program of this Nazi social engineering project is fully protected and kept silent and even if this Representative had wanted to respond or help he would have faced serious threat is he actually did any significant thing to stop this endless injustice and violence endlessly heaped upon me by nasty celebrities who are rank and file satanic operators and parasites beyond recognition to the normal just mainly plebian abuser.
Thus Manchin and Sinema: to garner the hope and votes of the electorate the lying schemists (sic) including Biden the really fake and concealed racist concocted a scheme to deflate his every agenda that may have actually helped bring up the desperate, poor, working class and disenfranchised. All the attempts to pass bills which have failed are due to these two Senators and I believe their every action to thwart all attempts to lessen the wealth and power divide had been planned a long time ago. I believe they were paid off by the nefarious P-lousy or her ilk to become the supposed "problem", a role they were handed which they accepted.
Now, having written all that: regarding the social engineering plan utilizing gang stalking terrorism/covert murder/rape/torture/disenfranchisement/endless violence/poisoning/drugging: I have been assaulted by a wealthy woman out of England for the past two weeks. I called her Dumb Whorren Mirrage because her real name is odious to write. She and her Irish thug partner participated in raping and attacking me back in around 2014. Or that is when they got past the waiting list line of other violent celebrity rapists and their English partner/benefactor Danny-boy Piggyham (also can't use his real name because he's so disgusting) but, I have written it many times in the past. They are so wealthy and connected to English Monarchy and The Crown apparatus of Imperialism that all the gold-diggers of the stalking apparatus, which is what they are all comprised of all are voracious gold-digging, ass-wiping adherents to money and the "power" that money in the wrong hands employs for them to profit off. So all these years this parasite and her parasitic boyfriend have been partnering in abusing, torturing and feeling smug and gratified as they obtain lead roles, this woman is probably around 80 years old and from the extensive plastic surgery she was handed after her assault on me, she has been showcased as part of red carpet fashion idolatry for these media awards and festival. All of these people are assured by the likes of P-lousy that their every crime is no crime at all, nothing will EVER happen to stop them or defend me (as usual, not a SINGLE human being on this planet has yet come up to me with defense, help or assistance in any real visible way. They all have to operate behind the lie so I really never know who has offered support--but it has been given in the past).
Back to two weeks ago: after YEARS of these two bigot racist nazis out of the UK have sucked whatever they can obtain from torturing and abusing me, alongside their rotten skank pigapealina and Brad Shit--(still can only use "immature" references to these pig whores, who are so disgusting they do not deserve titles of being human any longer). Her assault began on me that I must call her "Dame" which is a title the monarchy so grateful for her endless posturing bs about being compassionately supporting of brown men in places like France and America who are being discriminated against. That is one of her most usual roles that I have seen. She of course loves to exploit and have power games over these disadvantaged as does The Crown in general, and it's also a sexual titillation for her and a power play. Awarded and praised for her deception in the media. But when she told me I have to call her "Dame" I just said "To me you are piece of shit". It came out in the "truth serum" teleportation sequence, I had no plan to say this nor had it crossed my mind but came out like a rash--probably in my subconscious. As I wrote earlier, the Sweet Home Alabama dude lead singer was sitting behind me and he glared in anger at her as if backing me. The next day he was using Nazi and genocidal references towards me glaring in hate into my face as he then fully worked with the blonde Nazi women of this group who have gone on and on and on and on for years and years non-stop attacking me and obtaining every kind of French and American top award for their really mediocre movies. It was then days of violence and hate hissed at me, horrid violent teleporation skits, abuse without end--my home made stinking and putrid with sprays on everything to the point that I can no longer breathe the air in this room unless I have windows wide open all the time--as the sprays are permanent and unnatural products of laboratory hate.
This culminated in her teleporting me two nights ago to her home in London. It was a situation of a myriad of mind control technologies blasting every kind of subliminal hate insult at me while an interrogation process began about what kind of esoteric knowledge I had of the writings of Aleister Crowley. I could not stop talking, and I tried to get away from these two thugs as the room was completely dark I had my hands out trying to find a way away from them. I told them to stop teleporting me and I tried to stop talking and the technology made my brain like a sieve. This parasite then began asking me all kinds of penetrating questions about what I had read--undoubtedly so she could claim all as her store of knowledge to impress those who she wants to impress with her fake "positive" level of intellect but it's a dark abyss of whoring power-mongering, deceptions, abuses and exploitation of anyone she can manipulate who is "beneath" her.
Thus the social engineering project unfolds like this: people like her must retain their "power" in society. They absolutely cannot tolerate people "like me" having even a single chance to outperform them. They use this technology to suck out ideas from things I have read, coming from an academic University background in literature. Then discrediting me on every level and poisoning me with the most deadly and horrific poison cocktail--her colleagues in America have completely followed suit. Even trailer park denizens need to have this type of "white supremacy" in America and all gravitate towards keeping this rotten vulture of a parasite in her position of being told she is entitled to violating and torturing people like me in order to retain white supremacist hegemony over the entire planet.
After I got out of the room they followed me around, this pair of parasites the dumb Irish thug and his dominitrix handler, as he remained like all the slaves of those who control them, absolutely silent while the abuser did all the talking. I kept trying not to talk to them but the mind control tech while I was also detoxifying and very ill (which these parasites--the entire group of them--always make sure to exploit to the fullest at my most vulnerable healing point, which has meant the more than ten years of fighting to get this horrible absolutely atrocious poison out of my body they have done nothing but VIOLENTLY abuse me on all levels every single day and night while in this extremely weak state--with intention to murder me because I was able to actually diagnose that I was being poisoned and was trying to not get murdered in the first place).
After I walked around her lavish Knightsbridge (I think that is where it was, I had a look at the outside area and from my knowledge of London that looked like the fashion and building area of that part of that town--the extreme top of London society--I think, or near the apex for sure). As I gawked and ahhed at the furnishings in a voice I didn't recognize while this vulture whorish vampire parasite kept on plugging into my memory banks to obtain ideas and information for her presentations about how astute and knowledgeable she is (not)---question after question, I could feel my facial muscles droop downwards, my voice was lowered into an ugly and "tired "sort of pitch and I said things that I had no intention of even thinking. After all of this, she began telling me that I am a "loser" and she is the "winner" because she has so much and I have only stinking foul broken and damaged property. I told them that I had decorated panels of my walls, for example, with colored paper to create a kind of modern effect, but that terrorist gang stalkers had come in spraying stains on all the panels--which I then had to cover with silly stickers just to try to conceal all the brown blots and stains that all their minions had done to make my home and artistic attempts "lower" than their paid-for decorating. The two thug whore parasites then asked me what I would do to her whore home and how I would change the decor. I suggested that a huge "tree" lamp be built in her huge Rococo ceiling that had that kind of light blue French hue and white adornments (seems straight out of French architecture). They both said in unison "that is stupid". That translated means that the idea is excellent and they will steal it or use it as a selling point for their real estate dealings in the future, like Danny Piggyham has been doing to me for years.
I had forgotten to write above that the Irish thug smirked with a delightful little sadistic smile when I said that the decorations I had made which looked very good and modern art in my studio were all splattered with brown stains by their minions, he was so glib and happy about it.
After all of this mind control manipulation the Cruella DeVille came out of this nasty woman, blonde of course, who then began to bend down putting on her blood red lipstick and saying with smug delight, "You have to see that I am so much better than you and you are nothing and a loser". I then tried to kick her head and after that I think they left me alone.
But my point is to demonstrate how the effort to have a unified social engineering ultra wealthy and down, oppressed, living in squalor, filth or if they yearn to be free of that, must obey, be silent, attack the other "minorities" that this organization wants to crush and destroy while "Democracy" is still the superficial political system that these parasitic Nazi fascists use for their corporate control and fascist overtake of all the middle class efforts to achieve any kind of stable financial status.
Homelessness which has increased I don't know how much fold in the last few years of the pandemic has unleashed ranting absurd but dangerously genocidal hate diatribes by the likes of Carlson Tucker in his latest rendition of absolute kill-the-poor-and-minorities crusade which is tandem with these people who are assaulting me, including P-lousy and AOC (please understand that having "Tax the Rich" draped over her nasty theatrical A$$ for the pompous Met Gala Ball was just another prop and she's really saying kiss my A$$ to the poor in that statement--trust me, she is fully incorporated into the white supremacist fascist anti-Semitic tribe).
These are some examples of the use of these technologies, the compliance of the US Government on all sides, which is why not a single member of Congress, law enforcement or any single member of society in general, including Jews, the homeless, of course blacks have proven to be some of the most violent helpers of white supremacy so they are enemies and probably much of the cause of great harm to society through these terrorist stalking networks, which are rife with blacks performing hate and violent deeds upon targets.)
Back to Sinema and Manchin--they are only props. They decided that they would be elected to play these roles and the media of course goes along as if this is just a pair of people who uniformly are opposing all Biden's most "progressive" attempts to ameliorate the wealth and disparity gap in all respects--including for voting rights for the black; many of whom fully participate in the fascist Nazi stalking operations. As many or all of you reading this do as well.