"Last Days in the Desert Official Trailer #1--Ewan McGregor Movie HD". Rotten Tomatoes Trailers. May 24, 2016.
English (or wherever it's from) actor fascist Imperialist Neo-Nazi British Israelist--played Jesus and I think it's opposite--trying to portray Good Versus Evil in a most boring rendition of the Jesus mythology of confronting Evil in the desert, created for the furtherance of portraying English and white Nazi bigot Imperialist fascists as representing Jesus and of course, displacing Jews. It is called British Israelism, and it's roots lie in the Crusades, in which Muslims and Jews were slaughtered in Jerusalem and deemed worthless for "not having souls" and thus condemned to die by the brutality of the Europigapes going on yet another rampage of theft, rape and mass murder.
But whorewood will promote this subhuman rat feces because I am now writing about his teleportation brutal rape of me last night, literally forcing himself on me as I struggled to get him out of my body, and violently forced into it with violence during the entire act. The technology afflicting my nervous system and brain forced a response from me and also being constantly assaulted was another factor of trying to get the violence to stop. It didn't quite stop. I had written about this pig ape yesterday and how he had sexually assaulted me but not outright rape. In a fit of rage after my drugged up, fungus-laden food I had cooked while this filthy pig ape was fascistically yelling at me constantly as the Austrailian rotten skank who has partnered with shit pig pitalina for years to obtain endless Oscars, and is trying now for the movie that was an outgrowth of the concept I had written of years ago (maybe 7 years ago) on my Facebook page, only because I can't write more than a few paragraphs per day due to hacking, keyboard made so stiff it's more than physically exhausting to pound out a few words, and the rewrites and the general drugging into near paralysis and comatose conditions that remains and also the detox process combined with the recurrent re-poisoning has rendered me incapable of most activities.
This filth bucket scumbag--yes, PROMOTE HIM because I am writing about him. Give this piece of filthy shit an OSCAR along with the bigot pig apes of Whorewood watching on as they take turns. His violence towards me was almost instantaneous due to the instructions of the pile of shit constantly ramping up the violence so all this worthless boring old fart wanna be extravagantly ultra wealthy and powerful, so he behaves, speaks like and has the energy of a life-sucking old man and I feel old around him. THis is what has happened to shitalina and filthy pig pit and all the creeps surrounding them as they all yearn to emulate Europigape fascists who are of the aristocratic level of power and finance.
As I don't consider these elitist groups to be anything supreme or superior to me except in manipulative deadly violence and in money usurpation and hate protocol dumbing down propensities, I can never "respect" these shit whores as they torture me to obtain their promotions and deals with torture that is never stopped.
Of course, Elon Musk has fully helped with the technology and torture but this type of situation occurred long before this group of rat subhuman filth began their current never-ending onslaught and then obtaining years of Oscars and funding in millions for the projects upon which they stole my ideas which they tortured out of me, stole and probably deleted my writing as my internet is constantly hacked and items are deleted and rewritten constantly by the terrorist hackers.
Yes, he's going to be promoted for his racist violence and antisemitism aimed at me. Once again I found myself having been forced to react to someone raping me in a drugged and sleeping state with a fake induced passion because I am only human, they force my nervous system and brain into a mode that is artificial as I am sleeping. They kept closing off my larynx so I could not breathe, this was at the state of falling asleep as they did this constantly until this pig filth whore began trying his rape routine I suspect he's done before in all his pornographic hate experience of being a celebrity. I tried to go back to sleep as they kept making my throat constrict as my breathing was shut off and my throat made this ugly horrific noise, which is what they do every single night. They close off my larynx and throat just as I am falling asleep. This means that they have brain-monitoring equipment on me full time. My every hysterically ranting post is due to this same equipment forcing a fake rage or fake desire.
Everyone thinks this is hilarious and fun, in this group of foul pig ape shit as they keep being promoted and promoted for this basic Neanderthal act of Nazi brutality and programming. It's just terrorism but when celebrities do it, how promotionally glamorous it all is.
How sickening to see in the news the celebrity trash cartel who are concerned, so they say, about the antisemitism rising after this attack on Israel and then Jews around the world and people cheering on Hamas. So many of those who have participated in this hate crime are now making public statements. What great publicity they are obtaining and of course, the Nazis of the 4th Reich who control shitwood subhuman rat-wood instruct their sleazy and greasy filthy dirty ugly puppets that they must play an opposing side so that the deception of fascist Nazi programming (especially by blacks and feminists and latinos and Jews) can be disguised by photo-ops of "solidarity".
This pig ape subhuman rat actor who has co-opted the Jewish Jesus because of his utter racism and hate for Jews, was actually married to a "jewish" woman. This is what happens when Jewish Nazis get involved in nazi filth and marry and have spawn with them. She got screwed over, he got promoted undoubtedly and is now on a racist rampage against me, substituting, I suspect, his hostility towards his wife who left him and dumping his problems onto me. This is what the pieces of shit all do. The women who participate from Whorewood are most anxious to have my body completely mutilated, disfigured as these pig ape rat subhuman scum celebrity men abuse, insult my body sexually grab at me violently rape and beat me as the "me too" feminist women like shitalina who stole and has been stealing and continues to steal the concepts I write of as her own, representing "her" which is a sham scam scum skank as they all are.
Likewise, in Nazi-controlled H-wood, which the Nazis claim is "Jewish-controlled" but it's impossible for that to be true as not a single Jew can get involved except to participate in attacking me, so if it were Jewish controlled t here would be at least ONE SINGLE Jewish personality out of Whorewood who might care to use their power cartel to stop this Nazi assault upon me, and ostensibly it's going to be pushed as a normalization for future tech and mind control. None of the Jewish (Nazis) out of Whorewood appear whatsoever to be concerned about this and are just glad they get to represent the 0.0088 percept of Jews in Whorewood who are visually present. Behind the scenes there may be a plethora of Jewish faction but they are meek and weak, obviously not concerned about me being brutalized constantly for over a decade by their starring actors in their studios. In Whorewood, as I read in Breitbart, there is going to be a commemoration for the victims of the Hamas massacre, for the jews sacrificed for the U.S. Military establishment that WILL be constructed in the wake of the aftermath of the Hamas expulsion, of course Palestinians as well, so far Hamas is not taking care of their own it appears, as the non-representative Party in control over that region. In Whorewood, 4th Reich California, this solemn dedication to the Jewish victims is going to be a substitute for a ceremony which was supposed to honor the celebrity rape cheerleaders and feminist and black Nazis who happily participated in rape and torture of me, who were supposed to be "honored" for their "roles" "representing" black and white women (three of them who have directly or indirectly participated or profited were supposed to be honored but are substituted for a moment of solidarity with jewish women who of course represent almost nothing in Whorewood when it comes to star beauty queens or anything except goofey loud obnoxious women, the usual standard cliche the pig apes of whorewood demand of their hated Jewish women, the men do-nothing married to blonde Nazi bigot women smilling with delight as I get tortured and raped by their "friends"). These filthy pig ape whore women, Oprah and Streep, who have either openly with great violence and hate and hostility attacked me alongside the mafia and Nazis and rapists and used every kind of hate visual performance of disdain, sneering contempt and violence at me (as a visual but Oprah sexually assaulted me and violently hit me)--that would be of course Ape-rah and this blonde Nazi actress who people like Steven Spielberg keeps putting into his movies as lead roles, like so many of his lead roles who are violently assaulting and raping me in the Nazi/Mafia hate pool of rapists and criminal scumbags all playing anti-racist roles--
and of course, there is the U.S. Government which is so fully sad about the Jews being killed and sending billions of dollars worth of equipment to make this gentrification process go more smoothly for the wonderful beach-front property that Gaza will become in the very near future. Israel controlled by a fascist Jewish Nazi leader and his administration will allow the US and it's allies, like all the british and french and german pig apes who hate jews want more genocides viciously assault and attack me but "care" for israel when it's going to become another colonized plantation system for them to invest in and live in. The Jews LOVE these fascist Nazis with wholehearted enthusiasm and try to intermarry and become as blonde and Nazi-esque as possible. They gather around me to get property in Thailand which they are eagerly welcomed into for their violence poured upon me daily, by the Europigape Nazis which are abundant here. Now there is the Russian contagion and they are in this building and just followed me now as I picked up yet another parcel for things I want or need (mostly need) for healing. Once again, the 6th delivery of seeds for flowering vines turned out to be duds and nothing grew. Every day the one remaining flowering vine I bought in it's growing and flowering state is being sprayed with fungus at night. Every night the pig apes operating as the proxy abusers and violating parasites in Whorewood are spraying fungus on the last remaining flowering vine. The rest are dying or not growing or slated to be killed. Three huge pots remain with only soil as I have planted 6 times packets of seeds and spent over $30 in total just for seeds, plus the $40 I spent buying plants which were sytematically killed off, for the past 6 months this has been going on and on.
Followed as I picked up an order which did not come in the package it was advertised as, with a velvet pouch for a necklace. The plastic covering had been opened when I pried open the cardboard box. I tried to pay to very kindly delivery woman and I was 200 baht short of the amount I had counted thrice and put in my little payment purse I use for these deliveries. The technology blasting my brain forces me to not be able to count anything, I lose track of my thoughts or numbers almost instantly while I am under this influence. I was followed by the huge hormone growth Russians who have followed me around this building for the past 4 months. The female looked extremely happy and I could see her joy in following me around. These people are responsible for hacking into my writing, deleting parts of my every post, poisoning my body and cutting into my cuticles and fingers (they cut far below the cuticle to sever the nail into the root--my fingernails won't grow back now in the areas they literally severed my blood vessels and cut off the root of the nail at the edges of the nails. They have done this to almost every single finger on both hands. They drug me while I am in a deep sleep with something so toxic and disgusting, then I must get up to the bathroom always in the middle of the night. I return and as my head goes down to the pillow I literally lose consciousness immediately before I can put all the layers of gloves and rubber bands and very thick elastic socks sewn together so the mechanical arms can't constantly sever my nails off which are literally all mangled permanently now. These are the people who are doing this, through their dirty filthy Thai goons. Smiling, I could feel the hate and schadenfreude delight by the usual Nazi filth rape and hate cheerleader. Out of Whorewood they are much more delighted and they are always there as these pig scum men like this lack of manhood who raped me last night, the women like Maggot Robber who has delighted in my rage at the theft of my feminist concept about Barbie and has been hysterically/joyfully assaulting me and with her huge ugly hole mouth frowning in this posture of entitlement that she and these pigs can all do what they want. The English or wherever this creep is from actor who raped me had her in the front row. Just as the Russian dancer who did exactly the same thing and encourages these filthy ape men to assault and rape me in his absence as I am fighting them off--he's still there going on while I am exercising giving posturing tips which I so desperately need for my basic survival--which his friends all piled into my body and none of them will provide me with a home with a swimming pool so my flaccid muscles can become a bit strong--they just insult how my body looks. But the Russian, with his home in Paris, had the half French spawn of Depp giggly as he slapped and sodomized me (or fellatio, whatever it's called ) there are terms I'm sure Lice Pube has on his every record and encourages upon me in all his black Nazism along with Angela Davis Farrakhan and the white grumpy cat bigot old woman they just had join with her nasty loud voice and plantation system mentality--
and so, this sickness is never stopped and emboldened by multiple politicians from Congress, the US President, the Vice President in Harris, the Speakers of the House after many administrations, the endless glorification of these scum whores by Whorewood and the endless hate and torture system that no one stops or reveals they just revel in it. I was followed by people smug and almost smirking as I glared at them. I had the wrong amount of money because although I used the calculator to count two items together I could not do the function in my head. I used the correct numbers and looked avidly as the computer calculator actually showed two different sums for the same addition of two numbers. That is how badly my brain and computer are always hacked and blocked. I then counted the wrong amount to put in my purse and had to stand as this Russian hormone growth couple stood and the energy I felt from the woman was of delight because my entire body is covered with slashes, they--these same people, have been also putting red blood clots into my chest area which never go away-so there are something like blood clots underneath the skin that appear as little red dots--in three areas. There are the silicone implants on my thigh and on my left rib cage area which appear like round cysts. I can't trust a doctor to remove these things I have no money to pay. The women are joyous to be mutilating and disfiguring me. The men can't wait to rape and beat and abuse me. The government officials like the lists I have been writing for YEARS are just endlessly showered with renominations and they are constantly being interviewed the most of all politicians for their shitty and coached scripted "opinions"--many of them. One of the worst is always touted as being the most incredible politicians of her station and is in fact one of the most vile corrupt and lying fascists promoting the 4th Reich--on the Democrat Side.
So promote this subhuman rat pig ape piece of shit McGreggor or whoever his name is spelled--whatever. Promote him, give him millions of dollars to make more movies depicting him as a spiritual martial arts guru or a Jewish icon fighting his inner demons about what is right and wrong--
and go on, help this rotten old man become a multi-billionaire pushing for more Nazi fascists like the sexually abusive English what's his name (my brain is under attack right now)--his name --oh yes, Russell Brand--I had also blocked his name out of my mind but I wrote about him once the rumors of his sexual abuse came out and made a worldwide storm. Like him, Brand, putting out bs about anti-racism and concern for humanity. But when it comes to raping women, in particular those not of the blonde Nazi contagion, they are all into it. The blonde Nazi women in particular they love this. the shank from australia is having a great time of participating in this hate crime against me after putting out a movie about a plastic doll as a feminist dumbo skank hysterically rushing around to try to screw her brain on and figure something out--which is her typical role but played with various different scripts. AT the forefront now, with all the spawn and skanks of the parents (they are all parent age of this dumb scum from Australia) but the faces and hints are constantly plastered onto my internet about Australia as yes, promote this dumb blonde piece of subhuman dumb shit as well as the filthy polished English or wherever he's from scum who raped me violently last night.
This morning I tried to not say anything as he went on and on trying to clinch that deal by trying to force me into saying that I "love" Him. They changed and altered my brainwaves into a "love" mode. I knew while this was happening that he would become very violent as he already was if I tried to castrate him. I had a surge of this overwhelming, druggy sickening sensation which has happened many times with ugly sick dirty men I find deplorable as they are--I have been stuck alone in a room being tortured and insulted and poisoned and drugged for over a DECADE because this group of SUBHUMAN shit has done this to me and obtained endless millions of awards and prizes for this.
So keep putting sick shit like this into power, you fuckers reading this. Keep promoting them because they behave like icons of humanity but are really fascist psycho, unevolved mentally, emotionally and sexually scum shit as human beings. They all get into new relationships after they assault me for a period of time. somehow they project their misery and sexual abuse and violence onto me and go off relieved and can "love" someone else, usually a much younger person, by the way.
This post was hacked and words rewritten by terrorists hacking. The level of "hysteria" was amped up due to the discrediting of what I had written with correct grammar as I edited while I was writing, constantly backspacing and rewriting as the hackers deleted and blocked functions. What I write will only be another stepping-stone for another 4th Reich hateful personality, those I have alluded to and I re-read my post and it was a MESS from hacking deletions and rewrites. They only always get promoted. Most of them are now "in solidarity" with Israel. Obviously, they plan on investing or buying property there or are working for the forces which will be utterly overtaking Israel, which sold out it's own citizens to be violently killed because they wanted this "final action" against Hamas but more like Palestine. The celebrity 4th Reich are all into overtaking property and usurping and stealing and killing and then smiling and claiming they "care" about the impoverished and homeless and dead victims. That is probably the main reason most of them are put into these monopolized lead role circulations that go in revolving door repeats for decades. This expletive actor I write of, now going to get undoubtedly a huge bonus, a lead role a movie etc etc for his violence towards me, also is another example of the violent bigotry of the English Empire and it's colonization of Israel, which was the creation of England in the Balfour Declaration back around the First World War. They have been working to have that land as their New Jerusalem for hundreds of years, in fact. They are genocidally violent and hateful against Jews.
what I now must correct that the hackers deleted or rewrote: i had to deliberate within a fraction of a second whether I should try to castrate or physically attack this person who was holding me down and raping me or not fight as he was already hitting me repeatedly in the face as he was raping me. The only way I could stop the violence was to not move. This was done as I was in the nascent sleep state via teleportation. While I was falling into sleep they closed off my windpipe as my throat made a horrid noise, waking me up, which is what the Russians who were put here by the last violent Russian rapist dancer who sits in the rows, has my most beloved cat tortured because the German pig ape pieces of shit from Berlin were angry that I wrote that they, like all the rest of the shit pig men of this group, are just more on the list of shit who teleport me and then get public notice of violence towards other women (the Nazi type women who are so cared about that women from the world protest these pig men, but when it comes to me, there is dead silence--this is my addition and it's the real fact of this situation). I really want them all off me. No one is doing anything. Evil persists. Evil versus evil. I can't look at this creepazoid or the clip but he's undoubtedly been disappointed in not getting any lead roles after this flick and has violently come to participate in all the Oscar winners from the Nazi rigged awards and promotion cycles of endless violence and torture heaped upon me--which politicians are joyfully engaging in as well, watching it all go on. Promoting Elon Musk hoping he will advance this system so more and more and more people get tortured and poisoned and raped and beaten adn abused to death--or, the loveless filth as they all are, can teleport and force someone while they are sleeping to believe they are "in lov" having a "dream" while they are being raped and abused and then discarded afterwards with the press of a button, with satellites and the Musk technology.
Or they can have their sleazy orgies using this tech so the lack of real sexuality and passion they all have can be absolutely enhanced by drugs and lack of actual concern or caring. They can tweak your emotions and sexuality so you feel the similar sensation to falling in love with some piece of shit who is using and abusing you and has not a single bit of concern about you. People claim that this situation is only happened to me because it's "me". I can feel in their every hate insult all the templates they are trying to superimpose upon me. I feel this horrid sensation of someone else being superimposed upon me with this violent English/scotish whatever this filthy pig ape is, he's only concerned with being an elite rapist aristocrat with mansions and awards and power.
Mostly homosexual and absolutely woman-hating, these pig ape men really are. The women perform bi-sexual routines because the men get turned on by it.
I really could not care about the sexual proclivities of these pieces of shit but they are forcing this upon me, and only me, every day, on and on and on and on as I fight and scream and try to kill them and say no and lealve me alone so constantly and they never do.
The government never stops it and only encourages it.
the pieces of shit Aprah and Meryl creep were about to be recognized for huge achievements after YEARS of attacking me. The English filth woman who violently threatened to kill me with her Irish boyfriend was immediately given a lifetime achievement award by one of these Nazi 4th Reich rigged awards ceremonies, about two years ago. She has participated in movies which have stolen concepts I have written of and has been involved in rape and torture of me for over a decade. This pig scum from the UK is obviously proving how racist and hateful and violent he is towards me for the approval of the English Crown, which I suspect is controlling them all.
Not that the US Government could care at all, they just join in whenever possible. It's more disgusting when politicians who are "Jewish" or who are fighting for "brown women" in the Squad join forces with Marjorie Taylor Greene and all follow the exact same system and get media exposure immediately afterwards and almost a promise of never-ending renomination.