Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Terrorists broke into my room via mechanical arms through the cupboard under the "kitchen" sink area. I believe this has been the primary avenue of transgression into my living space. The panel linking my room to the room to my left-hand side, as I open my front door, is a thin partical board typf of material that has been doused with some depreciating material that has made the particle board as loose as a flabby, soaked piece of cheap waste industrial fake wood material. I cannot screw anything into this area, which is directly beneath the aluminum bottom of the sink and behind the continuously dripping pipes (pvd, which are always broken in every place I live by terrorists. This set of pipes have been covered with layers of tin foil and tape and material tape, which terrorists get through every time they break into my room when I leave the studio, rendering the area penetrable and dripping repeat).

I realized that any mechanical arm could easily be inserted through this area, so I tried to screw in small screws into the bottom area of this soggy, repeatedly doused with fluid (stinking fluid, which I have covered with a layer of sticky art paper, penetrated of course by the fluids which are poured into this area every single day, as well as fungus and mold). I taped the edges of this small sheet of plastic to the moist underbelly of the sink basin. Two days ago I put material tape around the entire area. Last night, after I had gone to bed, I heard the scraping noise of metal against metal under the kitchen sink, and more sounds like scurrying of objects scraping against objects. This morning a hole had been punctured into the plastic area and my body and home had the usual detrimental attacks of ojbects inserted under my cuticles, and my hair greasy and nasty and parts cot off the top of my scalp to cause a fake area of "balding". Shredded my hair is always and damaging chemical smeared on my hands, skin and body and hair every single day they break through my very cheap and nearlly pathetic defenses against the unlimited funding, x-ray and other nefarious forms of surveillance that this torture/surviellance chamber has been plied with from my wonderful US Government and the Thai government and all other nefarious covert agencies and groups which sully support all these terrorist activiges against me, and many others whom I cannot cionnect to.l;

I am again closing myeyes in order to fight to type. Yesterday as I closed my eyes to type I discovered that the hackers moved the cursor to the "start" menu and what I was typing was being inserted into the "search" menu. As I tried to access what had been essentially deleted, because once I clicked on the page, what was in the Start menu was automatically deleted and gone. I "forgot" what II had written due to the severe attack on my brain, which always leaves me dizzy, nausious, incapable of remebering what I am fightint to stsruggle to get out and other subliminals are endlessly injected into my subconsious as I write with great difficult. Not able to finish my thoughts, thusly.

My laptop had greasy marks on the touchpad. I just cleaned it three days ago and I never, never touch that keyboard of this computer because I use a portable device (which already has the images of the letters erased by the terrorists, who always, without fail, make all my keyboards nearly all black keys because they erase/delete the letters on the keys using solvents. I had just cleaned it and the terrorists got into my room last night, inserted objects under my cuticles which by now, after this same nightly repeat disfiguration of my body, my hands are huge, swollen from the damaging chemicals and my fingernails are nearly gone on both hands where objects are nightly inserted. 

Waking up poisoned and drugged, food in my fridge poisoned and drugged as usual. Thus the terrror electronic attackks to my brain, inducing various extremely negative and stress states of being werre as usual aimed at me. 


My YouTube page plagued by videos of actors out of H-wood (hypocritewood as well as howood and etc etc--or just HH-wood--Heil Hiterwood also suffices to describe these "actors" teleporting, or involved in these attacks and the teleportation torture adn terrorism activities that engender so much promotion for these "people". They are so enamored with theiir access to this tech and the promotions and this contract and it's protocols, absolutely acting /behavior with absolute callous indifference because it is apparent that they are assured that no president will intervene, no law eagencies, no one will defend or protect me to thepoint that I am living simply without terror, torture or other illegal activities (so far, this kind of "slavery" is still, technically, ILLEGAL and punishable as stalking offenses and various other types of assault with PRISON TERMS). But as the situation remains, the actors and the other personnel behave with absolute swinish glee that nothing will touch their otherwise genocidal and criminal activities. 

I had downloaded the movie Gladiator and the next day, the lead actor of this movie (one of them) appeared in a split video conference frozen image in this video alongside a blonde bigot female actor (also from his country, not from the United States, but the US is their Nazi hunting ground for infiltration and exploitation in deference to their native Imperialist Mother colony--England).

I doubt that algorithms combing my utorrent downloads and searches on torrent sites combine with YouTube platforms to download these videos into my "recommended" searches when I first open the page, and if I attempt to type in the "search" bar, I "must" have to glimpse the faces because they put their video right at the top upper left of the screen, directly where I must click the cursor to access the search page.

And I want to state that the drugging has left me so incapacitated in terms of defense, not only in the physical hinderance of not being able to bend, lift, move my body, sluggish and sick every day except for a few, grateful days when I can actually get anything done. These days are spent fighting the terrorist break-ins so all I do if I can finally move is try to screw in more hooks and insert more objects and fight to stop this endless destruction of my body.

I have not been able to think clearly enough to access information on internet security, and my brain is like a soggy, foggy mess where I can't begin to access the concepts of defense online. Please believe me that I write there is a void and a chasm between first thinking of the subject, the interface of mind control where these thoughts are IMMEDIATELY deleted/blanked from the brain--as all my thoughts are being monitored, recorded, accessed by the terrorists, and then turned against me or stolen as concepts to be used for various movie concepts about futuristic technology, or other "alternative" concepts regarding abuse of power and the state, or racism, or male chauvenism, or domestic violence--these are thoughts that plague my thoughts constantly because I studied English literature and Feminist Studies and was involved very briefly in Civil Rights (in my grade school and a few times in adult life but was attacked as usual by blacks surrounding me in these forums and lecture areas). I do believe very few or none of these actors attacking me have ever been involved in any sort of real debate or study of these topics or subjects. They simply gleen the concepts from my thoughts or the induced writings, always ranting and drugged up by me, and then convert them into more racist themes underlying fake pretenses at outrageous righteousness for movie fodder blockbuster productions.


I am currently beginning a search for offline platforms in which to type and write. I must of course utilize free software due to the financial blocks from this terrorist org that destroys all I attempt to have any sort of "normal" existence.

I was not able to finish most of my thoughts above. I would rather think about happy or fun things, and do actually fun and happy things in life. I do not want to sit alone in some studio drugge dup, ranting about these various tortures, instead of going out and living life in some other way that does not involved endlessly pondering the excesses in ugliness that this terrorist organization forces upon me. 


WHO IS READING THIS? Who knows? Maybe no one (not even me)

I had to get up and do something else in order to "remember" that I was being blanketed in memory and i "remembered" this after I got away from the onslaught of brain-altering tech (I opened myeyes to see all the typos, and correted some just from this one last sentence, I can't imagine how many there are in my posts a ove. I am so tired of backkspacing to correct their instrusions--the hqackkers)

I wrote that the mechanical arms are getting throuogh the interior of the cupboards.  have tried to alleviate this by hooks pounded into the exterior of all cabinets covering the 30+ panels covering just the left-hand side of this room/surveilance/torture chamber.

The cabinet doors under the kitchen sink (a tiny area it could not even be called a cubicle space or anything but a hole in a formica panel with a sink attached, a small refrigerator next to it, and a series of cupboards and drawers that terrorist bore through every time they can to spray foul substances on the counter and poison anything I have on the rusted, stained table that came with this room.

The cabinet doors covering the sink area do not close against the surface of the sink area. There are gaps as large as nearly half an inch, where the doors should close against the paneling in a tight fit. Because I had begun trying to protect myself in the last torture/surveillance/rape/disfigurement "resort" room I was forced into (for lack of all internet searches coming up with anything but two choices for the entire Phuket area, when I had to search online and that is another long story)...

I have only one option for defending against the mechanical arms entering my room through the tops of these gaps on the cabinet doors (the hinges are completely rusted due to terrorists coming in and pouring some substance on ALL metal objects in my room--) I insert rubber matting, folded, with tiny beads placed on top. The terrorists simply poke the rubber matting upwards as the beads fall onto the floor while I am in a drugged up, tortured state. Sometimes I can hear the beads falling just as I am falling into a dazed "sleep" zone. I am unable to move, the attack is on my nervous system and I literally am not able to move or get out of this zone. 

It is, therefore, literally impossible for me to defend myself in this space. There are no "maintenance" workers in this building. The people who sit at the "front" desk are agents who claim they are not responsible for damages and they phone this landlord who then rushes with a group of 5 Thai men wearing "uniforms" who then break objects as they stand in my room while the things my landlord has helped to break are being "fixed", while he insults and sexually intimates and glares at my body and smells offensive and acts like a rapist thug and is a nasty hate person as directed by the people who control him. If I were to havve to spend my very unsubstantial money on buying new doors and installing them somehow myself, the stalkers would break them again, I suppose, as that has been their MO for years


As to the hacking of this site and my internet and WiFi and etc (any connection, anyinternet cafe, anywherre, on any device).  I put what I think are called "metatags" on the header of this blog site. ATtempting to garner any internet search results, I awrote any conspiracy-theory tag possible. Thus I used "New World Order" just to try to generate search results. I definitely believe in this theory to some degree, but I never wanted to use it to generate search results. NO search results are possible for ME due to the secrecy and the hacking efforts of this terrorist group who are fighting to create this Old World Disorder. That really is the term I would use for this situation.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Indiana bloody red skins of all hues: revision reform of all forms of racism necessary. (copied from Facebook post)

@ 7 min into the Dem.Now presentation, first I uttered "finally" when hearing that white supremacists were arrested for battery after assault and threats of lynching upon Vauxx Booker. Within two seconds of the "good"news came the bad: his attacker spat and coughed on him, and two weeks laterr Vauhxx has been diagnosed with Covid 19. The connection between the body fluid assault and Covid 19 in this case is not certain, but not uncertain either. Proud of the witnesses who stopped the murder situation in Indiana.

The hacking is so bad I can only get one or two sentences out--that also includes the hacking of my brain, making thinking and typing actually impossible. My fingers are twisted in confusion as my brain is being manipulated into ot being able to access motor skills. The keyboard is messed-up by hacking, and it's another day of this attack on my ability to type or think while sittinng in front of this laptop.
I also am attacked when I try to read (tears begin to pour out of my eyes or are continuously moist so it's impossible to focus. My concentration is dminished so greatly I can only read for a short while and am exhausted from the brain attack.
This same attackk also happens when I listen to podcasts, on my tiny mobile phone which I have downloaded. the tech is aimed into my brain or relayed whether I am sitting in front ofa laptop or in public with no accessories polugged in (which is rare, because I always have headphones on now since the music in shops is awful and the people around me make trigger noises to distract or anger me to get me hyped up for a negative reaction (which could cause me to get kicked out of shops I must go to for food and other necessities).
I have triied to wear aluminum "nutcase" hats I makke out of tin foil and it doesn't work!!!!


Now for the "entertainment" (for the stalker/rapist/Nazis of all races and sexes) segment of the Indiana commentaries by me, today. I refer also to the situation in Champaign, ILlinois which is not very far distant in every way from Bloomington, anotherr small university town. When I wrote of hiking and canoeing doown the Kickapoo state Park river (which, from footage, was a broad and beautiful expanse in the early 70's, now reduced almost to a tiny swatcth of trees lining the river. Backk when I was there, it was a huge park with trees spanning the area instead of cement roads and establishments that now dot and line the area. I was invited to go camping wiith a "friend" of my mother, a man named Daniel McCollough (I only knew his name from spoken word, don't know the exact spelling). I believe this man was one of my mother's lovers. Characteristically of my mother, she told me to go camping with Mr. McCollough, his son, and a team of boys. Because I was so used to being around boys and doing boy-things (I was the only female on the male baseball team, the first year that girls were allowed to play in male-dominated sports thanks to new laws enacted in 1972--Title IX).
My mother handed me a frilly Cinderella sleeping blanket which was intended for indoor sleeping parties for girls's sleepover, which was popular back in that time. The time was early Spring, and I contracted some infection immediately after going on this male-only (but one MK ULTRA female) outing. I slept in an indoor space with Mr. McCollough and his son, and two days later I came down wiith some sickness. The protocol for rape and attack in this MK ULTRA/racist/Nazi situation always entails that the rapists disfigure my body, steal concepts, ideas, property or damage and destroy anything they can afterwards. They then never contact me again. This has happened all my life, including from females of all races (Asian, Jewish, white, and less frequently black). Since I never know what has happened, and not a single person around the planet has ever once warned me or informed me, I can only surmise that I was raped by this friend of my mother at Kickapoo State Park.
Nevertheless, the park at that time was a more pristine and natural environment with huge areas of forest and waterways, now reduced to what appears to be a few streams and riverways and almost non-existant fish, if you observe one of the Y-tube vids of scuba diving in the river. The fish and wildlife back in 1974 in that area, when I was there, was a landscape of natural beauty and wide areas of secluded woods to camp and hike in.
This is my pesonal account of a severely ugly racist attack that I now understand was a racist and rape situation which my parents openly advocated. My parents were very supportive of me as a human being until the racism that surged around my family turned, eventually, into murderous proportions. I believe my step-father was slowly poisoned to death, but it was orchestrated to appear as slow deterioration from diabetes. Although he was a diabetic and blind, there were signs of poisoning that I also witnessed on the dogs that I grew up with, from the same source that slowly destroyed my father, in a State, in a country, where these activities have been officially sanctioned but covertly silenced.
I wait for the time when people will also openly state that these operations are allowing sleazy, disgusting bigots to murder and rape with full authoritative sanctioning and societal approval.
My parents, as guilty as they are in the compllicity of these crimes against me, were themselves brainwashed, drugged, poisoned, threatened, and microchipped, gang stalked, and terrorized and unless they wanted to be kliled or made homeless or with no chance to have careers or financial stability, they participated. I do not excuse their actions, but when they were "allowed" to care about their children in some decent way, they did so emthusiastically. i grew up with great love and support until the time came for the Conservative backklash against all the "liberal" protest movements of the 60's and early 70's, which my parents participated in and were leaders of.
I was viciously attacked in 7th grade by a white male, Brian Hildebrand, with the half-black athetic jock anti-semite Todd Oliver, who openly attacked me as proxy racist bigot hater for the group of white males. This happened because I played drums, (percussion) in the middle school band (Edison Middle School, Champaign, Illinois). I won "First Chair" as lead drummer. Brian would hit me wiith the drum sticks, then have black anti-semite Todd phone me making sex comments about pornography and asking if I would have sex with him and the white boys who surrounded Brian. There were also many white girls my age who also attacked me.. when the real harassment stalking terrorist actions took place, NO ONE stood by me, no one made any comment to me, the entire school allowed it to happen and not one teacher or professional made any defensive posture aimed at me.
I also had been at a high level of classical violin studies, playing in a symphony by the age of 13. I was similarly attacked but not as viciously, due to the nature of classical music as opposed to the more open violent nature of cock rock male-dominated band musick---thus, threatened and atatcked for being better than a pimple-face ugly white boy who probably never had a lesson in his life. I had by that time studied music and played in symphony and then wanted to learn drumming.
(The hacking is absolutely orrible right now, almost impossible to get anythign 0out and continuosly pouunding down on keys to get anything out)
decades later, right now--assaulted and raped by white males and their nazi females of all races who have been stealing ideas from me and blocking any sort of attempt I could ever make to have any success in any fiield. The attacks are so severe that not only is typing blocked completely, thought obliterated by the attacks on my brain, but even reading books is nearly impossible due to the attackks on my braiin and nervous system, my eyesight and everything else while I am reading (I believe a stream of nonsense subliminals are being pumped into my subconscious while I attempt to read).
When I wrote that "finally" something is being done about Vauhxx Booker, I mean not only that the people caught on tape trying to murder him and assaulting him were not even arrested until a major outcry occured after sources like Democracy Now put the video on air--but finally attention is being paid to the horrendous racism that exists--although the racism is only labeled as being against blacks. The anti-Semitism I have experienced all my life ALL MY LIFE has been mostly perpetrated by BLACKS wiith whites behind them, encouraging them as I now experience wiith the H-wood gang and the endless waves of minorities (brown-skinned/black/minority people worldwide) attacking me as proxy stalkers doing disgusting things for promotion into the acceptance of the racist, horrid white culture whiich conrols them and all the people who have remained silent about my situation--including eveyr Jewish person I have ever met in my life. Not a single one has come to my defense, ever.
And Bloomington, Indiana. I had joined a "stop domestic violence" Facebook group years ago. A female out of Bloominton, a student at the University of Indiana--claimed that she was a moderator of the online group. I had not been experiencing domestic violence, but my situation was one of being stalked and I thought that the perpetrator was using minorities to stalk me all the way from Miami to Portland, where I was living at the time (no...I forgot and am pounding down on keys---I was in Phuket at the time, and the stalking had not stopped despite moving 9,000 miles away from the assumed perpetrator.. I had not heard of gang stalking up to that point in time, all I could attribute the situation to was a domestic violence stalking situation from a man I "met" online when I was looking for an apartment, who I met one single time and the stalking then began.
My sister Carrie also appeared in the Facebook group just as I joined the group. She recently appeared to attack me in a teleportation situation that the H-wood gang orchestrated, maybe two months ago.
the hackers just deleted the last few sentences of this post and I must rewrite.
My family has so openly participated in the slow murder of me that they laugh along wiith the perpetrators and attack me viciously for not knowing what is happening to me, asking me why I don't act like them but all my life they lied to me about thiis siituation so I never had any idea what was happening to me. All of them have obtained higher status and new businesses and opportuniities to promotion by offering me as a victiim to be raped and poisoned to death and tortured to death. I attribute all of this to the threat this murder stalking organization of death squad bigots and Nazis and whatever other groups they claim adherance to have done.
At last something is being done about racism in Indiana, and Illinois--but focused on Blacks. Allo I know of blacks is that they participate in the torture, rape and stalking situations almost to a high 90 percent ratio and in almost every instance. Surrounded by blacks stalking me on public transportation has been a prime abuse situation that this white racist group has organized. Blacks, like my family, happily and willingly attack me after whites make threatening gestures towards me while I wait in line for the bus. Always having been lied to my entire life, I had no idea they were making symbolic gestures of violence or death aimed at me. Blacks then surround me, grope my body while I sit (always drugged and dazed) and that is how the racism effect trickles down.
Maybe one day this situation also will be exposed and people will stand up for this inclusion of blacks into the white supremacist Nazi genocide/post-Holocaust programming of Jews, Blacks, Latinos so they can hope to be included into the prosperity that the white Nazis have obtained in all their genocidal pursuits of global domination.
but now so distracted by hacking blocks, the keyboard is so stiff I am making exertions beyond exercise to get any keys to pound out letters. My brain is in the usual stae of feeling entangled in numb blank pain, thelonger I try to write the more crushed-inward sensation I experience, as the technology is blanketing my brain with what must be deadly waves hindering blood flow--or something along very dangerous to my health forms of block of cognitive functioning.
I got complteely diverted from describing how this Indiana student who claimed to be a moderator of the domestic vioolednce group behaved. She put endless photos of herself dancing with her friends as I wrote about the stalkking and tortures I thought it odd that she put phots of herself dancing, over and over, as respone to my posts and rewquests for assistance or any kind of support. Now I understand....and due to blockage I cannot pound down any loner this literally hurts my arms, which are already very frail from poisoning and inertia and non-stop torture for the last 10 years due to the hate and racism I have encounterec by black stalkkers, white stalkers, latinos stalkers, jewish stalkkers and everyone else who wants to be a player in this sy stem and have money to live off and stuas and a position in society.

Monday, July 20, 2020

An art discovery. Buried beneath blockbuster tabeau, I nearly never watched this and did so out of absolute boredom wiith free streaming crap from the tube.

Cinematic history.

Brando--Bravo Phoenix skinnier less brawny more miserable sensitive depth. Deep into the soul and the spirit of how a killerr is born. Immersed in blood. Thriving off energized destruction.
I waited long after the awards season to watch this film. I did not want too delve into another violent H-wood flick. Found it the usual blood bath mayhem, but within the context of theusual death culture movie genre
this is more than art. The acting and directing and theme and writing is more than a formula, although puttwithin the boundaries of the usual plot formula. Far beyond the borders of the mundane. Into the realm of genius and outstanding in all aspects. I never want to listen to the soundtrack---ha ha, it's morbid. The composer comes out of a sordid cleanliness environment of glorification in death culture.
A film in main stream H-wood that is real ART. I laugh at the sordidness that is glorified but turned into the human conditioning.


Dear Mr. Joaquin Phonix. Gainesville has changed so greatly since the days of Tom Petty and your family were educated running wild upon the swampy eroding, abrasive sands of Paines Prairie. The free-flowing campus days have turned into an historical book entry in the Alachua County library that is stacked someplace where the carefully clothed, SUV-driving student body cannot find it. True there are all sorts of behaviors, dresses and subculture groups representing a fashion statement. I lived in that town, that city where I eroded the waste of Miami Beach and Gainesville then put new poisons into my body, which I continue to detox from today.

When I read your description of having been brought up in Gainesville, with a kind of hippie communal environment, I can assure you that if you walk on the University of Florida campus today you will be stunned at the blank silence of the post-drunken party state of the students who are fixated on getting rich and wearing the right clothing for power in the corporate world. That was the Gainvesville I experienced for a few years, striving to get out because my expectations of a free community of intellectuals was dashed by years of experiencing the ennui of a long-destroyed independence community. All that remains is remnants of fashion statements making political statemens in the guise of disguise of garb.

Garbled as this may sound, the children of the people who inspired you appear to have become zombies emotionally and intellectually--back there in Alachua County.

Please forgive me for making this biased "blanket" bigoted statement because I was around the "alternative" culture and was sorely disappointed in what appeared as interesting from the fashion and appearance and music tastes that so lured me initially into their "scene".

I saw archived photos of the days when Tom Petty wouuld jam in outdoor events and people were sitting on the grass and frolicking in the subdued enthrallment of a powerful independent lifestyle. The photos are faded Tom Petty is dead. I went to the street where he grew up and only saw suspicious crackers protecting their right to be white and fight for the slight that they sustain theiir old-fashioned morality upon .

I searched and searched for that old movement culture and found shadows and remnants of faded copies of copies.

When I watch you act, I know that the environment must have been inspirational and free, there in Gainesville. ACTUALLY, when I went to Micanopy one day, (such a lush, pretty little small town, but a very cool-looking guy at the gas station counter told me that it was a small-minded town and with all the fresh-cut grass and American flags proudly displaying patiortism, I was informed that you hand your family had lived in that tiny Micanopy town. It now resembeles the tree-lined plantation post-Jim Crow atmosphere.

The people, the only people in Gainesville who were real and authentic were the real authentic Christians who were not fake or in abstentia advocating the Devil.

Peace be with you, brother, for your performance. I know you were raised in an environment that instilled a sense of profundity that was like a small, tiny portal in the unpermeable Southern disposition of The South, in the tiny university town of Gainesville. (or MIcanopy, a 15 or 10 minute drive outside Gainesville borders).

As always: hacking interference. Attack simultaneously on my brain so I couldnot remember my ideas and the sensation of being glued into mental paralysis. It becomes almost painfuol to conitnue as my head feels like ti's being crushe dinward. Like it's being gdipped in drugs and I am going to suffocate and wipe out unless I stop and pause. The attacks from the technology are overwhelming and I can barely get a few sentences out before I have to stop. The jumbled quality of writing, and also thehackking with deletions and interuptions. jTis is alwayas the case whenever I write anything, (or speak to anyone inn public, for any reason, for any thing, everywhere non-sttop arouund the planet).

I have written of this every time I post , but I want to exonerate myself forom all the chaotic mess thae hcakers and the mind control techs create. Every post is compromised in this way and I feel the need, every single time, to excuse myself rfrom the disarray the hackers and techs create on my wriiting and other fucntions related to writing ANYTHING. All is a total mes. Due to the terrorist and not from my inability or lack of anything except protection from their atackks. I should really copy and poaste this same paragraph at the beginning of every post. I am not watching the words any longer because I am trying to get this out. My fingers are moving outsided the boundaries of the keys, which I must also pound down due to malware affecting the keysboard so I must bpound down. My fingers are "confused" because my brain is under so much attack and my hands won't move correctly. Please note that none fo this is an "excuse".

SUBLIMMINAL ATTACKK: After having written the postt, I turned off thelaptop. I "heard" subliminals screaming into my ear on that very low frequency, but screaming hate at me with threats and obscenities. Teh b-word was uttered. They have called mea "crazy cat lady" so how do they then turn it into me being a dog if I am crazy about cats? H a ha, the joke is on but on whom? Well, "they" want me to never describe how mundane, immature (my descriptions of them appear to make me "immature" but I merely am echoing their chrlish immaturity and childish terroorist antics, immature but deadly with all the suppressed lack of real self and substance. Their opp[ression turned upopn me, or anyone elsed if and whenever possible.)

"they" want me to remain silent about their torutre, but to write about it so they can get promoted. "They" want me to describe how insidious they are, but in ways that are creative so "they" can steal the ideas to crank out their formulas about how wonderful they are as heroes rescuing society from the evils that they are "people" endorse and are promoted for participating in.

Again, I must state emphatically that my brain is under attackk and the keyboard as well---

I was making a not very subtle reference to The Devil's Advocate, turning the wording but it was a sensible description of the reality I encountered. You, the reader, and "you" Mr. Joaquick Phoenix, may have your old support system and your old art friends still living in Gainesveille and it's environms (but my experience as a "target" means that all people who might support me are pushed away from me with lies, gossip and theats by this organization. Subliminals are also turned upon people who surround the target but are not part of the attack system. It works on many levels and is aimed into people's brains in various modalities.

Thus, whatever was interesting about Gainesveille I had very little access to. I still reduce all my statements down to people being sheeple and doing what they are told, believing the subliminals as their own thoughts, and not wondering if what they think is reality or what is expected of them. Thus, as I had written, the freedom of intellectual adn emotional expansion as I had experienced it myself growing up in the art/hippie?alternative subculture has diminshed to the point that it's all a fashion statement. That is a huge bigoted statement on my part. I makke it as a huge blanket statemtnt, as I am blanketed by the silence of the complicit civilian population who take my plight as a joke.

The people torturing me, who I made reference to, havve raped me, tortured me, threatened rpeatedly to kill me, and have gotten endless promotions for it.

I know, Mr. J. Phoenix, that if you had been a part of this stalking eleportation torture group, you did ont openly participate or threaten me as far as I know. I do believe you are aware of my situation, because I think you have participated in this situatioon to some degree. Your movies werre put on my tv along with the rest of the attackk H-wood gang, years ago before i got rid of the boob tube that was pirated wiith hacked in material of the now huge circular clown posse of rapists and teleporting torturing/rapist and near-death accident orchestrating recipients of all the firty lucre and awards that this system hands out, in hierarchical awards status, most huge profits first goiing to white males tand then their females and then the minorities get last dibs on the orture, but if they wait long enough, they get theiir chance too to rape, insult and torture me and order the stalking vcrews to make my home filthy, my body disfigured, as they laugh asnd watch me fight to clean up the stinking mess and fight to not get dismembered and destroyed as well.

going off now into this realm of their violence. You, Mr. J Phoenix (I cannot remember how to spell your first name, my memory is so jarred by the tech attack on my brain--I don't want to spell it wroong. I am really that hindered by the technology it's like parts of my brain are literally beingclosed off while i"m fighting to think and type.

You have not atacked me in this vicious sense. Your talent demonsttrates how you do not NEED TO participate in this to get promoted.

On the other hand, the eople who just issued a huge subliminal offensive attack on me, I could feel and hear obscenities pouring out as they werre disgruntled about what I had typed on my personal blog. I thought to myself, which "they" can hear, how banal, mediocre, boring, nasty, stupid, sick and vile and ugly and rotten these people actor bs conartists selling dissemintaion of death culture wrapped up in plastic-coated smmiesl and fake posturing of societal heroic gestulications. Natsy, meaningless and foul. So horrid. I am so very gald that you put this movie out (also to Mr. Todd Phillips, what a genius also in directing.And for the rest, even the composure but the music is very morbid.

I am now in the jumbled cognitive statge and state. The tech is blasting my brainn. My fingers can't move to keys I am trying to ty pe out.

I do wish someone would stop these sick parasites from using the subliminals. I know they can hear me when I ttell them that IT IS THEY WHO ARE TEH BITCHES. Their hate is disgusting and they are stupid as anything like a bottomless pit of junkk mental mind control that they live by, empowerred by it, they lackk all creativity they must rape and torture so they can steal ideas.

I am goign to try to write your name correctly excuse if I misspell: Mr. Joachim Phoenix---(my eyes are closed, my brainn is being turned on and off by this micriship/computer interface/jerk-off technoician under orders of rotten nasty wealthy people ordering them to attack me in this way)

If you werre a hack actor you would nottbe a rapist trying to get points in the Whorewhood establishment so your movies would be put into lead Acadamy Award status. deserved it. Years of horrid sick and stupid movies winning this award until this year (meaning last year).

Not just one lead actor making the movie, the rest of the cast of course, I have a feeling that the director had a LOT and most to do with the quality of the acting and the movie. The synergy between director and asctors always is a testament to the quality of a m omvie.

I mean "always" as far as I, an outsider observer, can say from never havinb been in a movie studio.

Un Cancion de La Musica Bada$$ de La Reina Del Sur

Musica para cruisin in my motorbike Scoopy doopy Dog

Independente! CHICA MALA/Every Day a Bo$$ Day/Butt, but the billykidgoat spawn of Satan is not my son/sun

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Make the terrorists return my one cat LA MOUX (Lamour), plus two, three, four, five cats I rescued who are now in the hands of a person with his wives who want a baby out of me. I also appreciate dogs, and I want the one I rescued back too--a white dog. Three or four or five cats are in a large WHITE HOUSE and my white dog and white cats plus outrageously beautiful LaMoux multicolored spectacle of cat splendor in my own WHITE HOUSE with a garden, no terrorists, happy fun people and animals in a happy location all mine. A white picture of bliss with a black border.

Terrorists are holding my cat(s) ransom until I procure a baby for their promotion and my...? Nine lives stolen by one alley cat dominator terrorist and his pussy-accomplices.

TERRORIST REPORT Activity July 19, 2020.

The title above will be a recurring theme of this blog until there is law and justice provided to me from my government and the peoples of the world who will no longer tolerate bigot Nazis and their associate minorities and others (some would say Communists out of Russia and China, etc etc).

When people begin to defend me, then these blogs about terrorist activities will cease. Until then, as long as I can, I will write about the activities, more or less, (not every day, in other words). I do not wish to focus on these parasitic disgusting creeps for any second longer, but to relieve stress as I remain partially paralyzed due to poisoning, the attacks are non-stop in every conceivable form aimed at me by untold numbers of black, white, Jewish, Asian, global population terrorist creeps every place on the planet, non-stop day and night there are always at least 6 terrorists surrounding me to attack, block, destroy and aim portable torture weapons at my brain and body while I fight to speak, communicate and calculate so I can function in any capacity.


Before leaving this studio yesterday, I spent over 2 hours cleaning stinking clothing (every item I pulled out of my closet stinks from putrid substances sprayed into the closet by the mechanical arms which enter through the soft material that has hard wood backing, latchable and removable portions of the paneling that the tiny, almost less than a milimeter can pass through any space these arms continue to get through all the defenses I have pounded into laminated horrid fake wood paneling for more than 2 years. First I glued and taped items on all corners of the panels, and did everything I could think of. Years later, i.e. today, I remain having to screw in hooks so the mechanical arms cannot get through the spaces of the exterior doors of the cabinets which literally line one side of this fake, non-existant wall. The other side of the room has panels which are made of large laminated fake wood panels that jut out of the wall but are large and not flexible. These required at least 50 hooks into the wood which I had to pound in every day in an urgency I cannot describe to stop the destruction of my body and home any further. That was four months ago. I remain fighting the other side of the wall where the terrorists have also poured some substance on the laminate wood of the sink area and the fake laminated wood is literally peeling off where I had pounded/screwed hooks four times in one single area and the terrorists simply enter my room either while I am in a MK ULTRA "alter" comatose sleeping state (teleported to tortre and hate skits by the terrorists in Los Angeles and their home basis or theaters of operation). The terrorists, operating for the more wealthy who are vying for this contract outo n me to gain extreme power by forcing a baby out of me (as I have written in earlier posts, no doubt absolutely altered by the terrorist hackkers and theives entering my room when I leave to go shopping, which is all I can do socially and all  I have been doing socially for over 10 years due to recurrent poisoning, leaving me in absolutely bed-ridden, paralyzed states of inertia and non-stop druggiing and re-poisoning.

I spent over 2 hours yesterday spraying bleach on items, cleaning stinking filth sprayed on almostt everything. Only to return last night and then waking up to my hair once more smeared wiith brease adn stinking horrid nastty chemicals, the hair shafts absolutely damaged like straw in appearance. I had put layers of collegen and my haiir was silky, smooth, smelled flike perfume before going to bed. Another object had been inserted under my left-hand middle finger below the cuticle. Evey blankket, pillow and items I normally wear daily (I cannot open the cabinets to get clothing as I have had to pound in hooks on all the corners of all the cabinets which extend to the ceiling. I am in so much pain from the hard poisons literally ripping flesh and muscle and anything else in my internal body structure out ofmy body because the poisons are glued and cemented into my body, flesh and removing the poisons requires removing parts of my muscular and cellulra structure--every single day I am paralyzed in pain from this and have been for over 10 years.

Thus, more than 2 hours of cleaning and spraying all my pillows, which stink so badly I have to throw another one away. parts othe fabric of more pillows I just bought a few weeks ago are ripped, the pillows have been saturated repeatedly in stinking fluids and the objects I use for my normal everyday use are stinking and rotten smelling. All morning spraying cleaning fluid, bleach and putting items out in the sun, while the terrorists on both sides of the patio (my terrorist "neighbor" agents) and those above me, use mechanical arms from all directions to sever threads in all items, spray more stinking fluids and spray stains on my clothing while I am fighting to clean the stinking filth in the tiny studio.

this morning has been spent cleaning objects I spent hours cleaning just yesterday before leaving to go shopping.

I have not yet had time to venture into my closet to have to spray entire piles of clothing folded, but after the terrorists get through, the clothing is stinking, jumbled and in a messy array of balls of clothing I have never worn so stinking I must throw much away or clean endlessly, day after day. The mess is so disgusting and I spend so much time only cleaning this mess day after day that I cannot get any more physical strength, due to the poisons which make bending so unbearable---I cannot clean things like my bathroom. Every single day all I do is fight to not have to breathe in toxic poisons that are sprayed on  my blankets and pillows. The washing machine has been broken. The water pours in, the spin cycle has been absolutely remotely blocked (there  is nothing wrong with the machine). I have to remove sopping wet blankets, very heavy, and waiit for an entire 13 hours for the blankets to dry. If I leave the blankets out in the sun, the terrorists spray more water on the blankets so they never dry. That is only one example. There are no washers or dryers in this condominium. I am in too much pain to leave this room anyways so if there werre access to dryers I would not be able to leave this room. I also remain in this room to protect the food I have.

I am now exhausted from backspacing and fighting to type and I cannot fight any longer to attempt to type and pound down on keys and fight to get my fingers to moe to keys I want to press and see words completely deleted or altered once I finally try to see what damage teroris hackkers ahve done to my writing.


10 min. later: after having gotten up and my brain not under the sway of technological blanketing.

I write these posts about the terrorist attacks for a few reasons. One of which is the attempt to garner any support or help from readers. Another reason is that holding this stress in while my brain is under attack (the terrorists also operate a kind of technological effectof altering my mood and nervous system so while i am cleaning my body is immersed in a "panic/rage" mode due to technological interference in my brain's otherwise much more placid levels. After years andyears of thiis same attackk, after waking and discovering a list of items to clean, se, throw away, accessing my body damaged, permanently disfigured, bnes broken (vertebrae shattered by people who brooke parts of my spine while i slept in this comatose sleeping state that people rape, disfigure and attack me continuously while i am defenselsless). Calling these attackers terrorists is no small label as terrorism it all that this groups should be labeled as. Unofrrtunately, it appears that my own government is applying terrrorist ingernational organizations upon me, as well as in the domestic sphere of the Nazi and their minority minion groups in the United Sattes. Thus, I write aw there is no relief or sanctuary anny place on the planet for  me to find any comfort, solace, protection or defense. In this most paralyzed and uulnerable state while my brain/body is blasted so my brainwaves are altered into a frenzied hate and rage and negative state, all  I can do to not ahve bottled up deadly toxins from this dstress destroy me is to at the very least, get it "out" by writing about it.

The reactions of the readrsr may vary frrom outright elation that their system is so routine and banal evil that all the victims of these terrorist atacks can do is almost helploessly try to find support systems, all infiltrated and mostly dangerously deadly for the targets who try to find support. Endless target posts proliferate theinternet, but most of the real and authetic ones are blocked by the terrorist organizations and the absolute fakes are allowed to pass through into themainsteeam internet search engines.

Thus, when I look for stalking groups on Facebook, I get lists of the actors' faces who have teleported me,. I get regurgitated ideas I have written of, put into glossy phiotoshop and professional but appearing as disgruntled citizen format (like amateur or beginnig but very slick almost media quality). j

I am now closing myeyes because I believe that perhaps some of the attacks go through myeyes. The hackkers are making a mess of my writing, and my fingers remain not able to hit the keys I want to press, but I feel a lighter effect of the attacks when I do this. I am not going to read this again and correct. Whatever mistakes remain, I always have to wriite that nonoe of the mistakes rae due to me (or not really, a few typos due to closing my eyes and not having to backspace continuously).

the reactios of the readers are first, absolute schadenfreude that I remain alone, as they remain aloof. Their system operates so well that no one oes much to support the targets except to silently bestow a few charitable acts of random, extremely random help and then they dissolve backk into the safe harborts of their domistic security, as they are all entrenched into this sysstem and feel no desire to alter it unless there is a mass movement, which they will never orginiate because all involved in this system believe they are safe and secure and have a future with this organization of terrorism. An oxymoronic concept if thhere ever was one. Perhaps. As a dissgruntled target of terrorism I do not believe that people involved in this group have much of a future when every peson who obtains this technology can't wait to terrorize, and innflict more and more torrture as their hormonal rush wanes, until they finally outright kill or torture the target to death like the orgasmic apex of their technological toy fun and games.

The other eraders will be glad that they are not targeted and will kindly do nothing. 

Those who do care about justice in this world will either have already beenkilled adn thus are not on this planet any longer, or have been so disenfranchized that they have no access to this information. The rest are infiltrators who maybe are silently collecting the data for some future presentation that they will use as their own idea. These also are a combination of the readers I mentioned aboe, the various types of collaborators with terrorism that are reading my posts.


Again, getting up from this position in front of th elaptop and "remembering" the ideas i had wanted to write. In these posts I spend at least 30 percent of my writing time descirbing the hacking. The rest is literally blanketed out of my brain. i only remember waht I had originally wanted to say after I get away from the influence of the tech aimed into my brain, not just rtheough my eyes, derived froom the laptop and the other technolgies aimed at me from within this room and undoubtedly there is an arsenal from the rooms above, brelow and next dooor on both sides. 

The cabinets on the left-hand side of my room,wi th the huge extending cuboards covering the entire structure of what used to be a wall separating myroom from the next, now gone. The cupboards extend into the room at least three/four feetfrom what should have been teh wall. I have pounded and screwed hooks into all four corners of each panel inside these huge cupboards, which extend from floor to eiling. All four corner and the middle sections of all the panels (more than 30 of these panels just on the left side of the room). The terorist have cut through the wood, I believe 2with lasar cutting tools, to perfectly sver the area that i havve pounded the cup hooks into, and go through the wood that appears as the back of the wall area n, to insert the millimeter mechanical arms. I had wanted tow rite this and due to endlessly describing the hackking (sall an intentional mind control "trick" by the terrorist hackkers and mind control techies). That is what I surmise of this operation. AFter many years of fighting to stop these intrusion and yet another night has gone by and my body has been made more disfigured by these terorists. 


Every time I separate a paragraph or part with these lines -------it means that I have left the computer and "remembered" what i had not been able to access froom the loss of memory due to the technogolgy. I can tell that there are many typos but I want to get this out.

My hair is sheared into various brooken, crooked segments by terrostis who have been damaging my hair for a few deaces, every day. i should have very beautiiful haiir and the terrosits have damaged it daily for years and yeras. Right now I canot war myhair down because it's balding in the backk,. Hair has geen cut from the back of my head for over 2 years on a nightly basis. I know this is correct as a version of this attack began when I had copious hair on my head. I began to use curlers because the hackkers had been cutting my hair into utgly, corooked configurations but I still had hair. i would curl my hair and wear it hanging down in a sort of unique styyle. Because I had any sort of hair style, the terrorist decided to make sure i could not even curl my ahir into any design. My hair is so thin and has remained so for over 2 years, with damage to the harir eveyr single day so it feels and looks like broken straw, like a straw mess on top of my head. The terorists make sure to swoosh their hair when I walk around in public. Usually the instigator of this action is a white Euro-p person , more often than not a female. The Thai minority minions then immittate the action with ugly grins as the terrorist Nazi out of Europ-land sauners off, as glib wiith the endless waves of impovierished wanna be's who configure around the poerpetrator terorists of thie organization with unlimited funding from ALL GOVERNMENTS on this planet.

I am unable to really think adn write. I can't follow a single oine of thought. I am not re-readiing any of this to corre ct the hacking. My fingers contiue to not move to kkeys I want to press. My brain is under so much attack this is all I can write for now. I have written enough for today abou twhat is horrible disfigurement of my external appearance--plus endless blemishes covering my body, buts and broken toes and etc that make it so I cannnot wear any skin exposed below my neckk without endles bblemishes appearing to the poubic. My toe has beenn borkken lately and is pointing directly innto my foot and the gball of the bone sticks out extremely nearly sixty degrees. The terorist sever the skin tissue to the bone between teh webbing fo the broken toe and the second bone--all done every night they breakk into my room, which means every single night for  years and years. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Coached to win the game that no one can win because it's rigged by nerds who are packaged as being hipster.

I do believe that this 16 yr. old is either an anomaly or is supposed to introduce research about mind control technology that came out at least 50 years ago. He appears novel, ingenious, this 16 year old is a sales pitch personality because when new technology comes out by a geekster wanna be hipster techie nerd, it appears as something Youthful and new and exciting. The future: now is happing and it's hip, a sale's pitch that works almost every time.

The ancient art of mental manipulation wold not sell if a three-piece suit with grey hair went out to sell a new technology. People would balk and become immediately apprehensive that this new tech is the product of old men who control the hemisphere. Being Asian, as well, seems like this it outside the consolidated power structure of white male privilege. What an exciting sales moment for this technology that has been out in the black market since, as far as I have experienced it, at least since 1987, when I definitely was attacked by a technology that forced my legs to literally pop up in the air as I was running (to work). 

This "dude" also keeps mentioning Elon Musk, as if this is a job appeal for a whiz kid to operate in the big, big money for his "new" inventions this ingenious already so articulate as a speaker for huge audiences, coached and sent out to sell TORTURE AND MURDER technology as being something NEW, EXCITING, INNOVATIVE, COOL, HIP BUT GEEK SO COOL A TECHIE AND ASIAN NON-THREATENING.

All the caps, just had to put in all those caps because it's all so subtly highlighted. 

He's talking about measurring brainwaves, rotating to a decision. "How do you analyze brainwaves and put that into a rotate, and how do you put that into someone's brain."

He's tallking about a "brain-controlled keyboard".

"It just blasts microwaves into your brain..."

 He sounds like a myriad of speakers who have also introducted "new" technology and appear as if they are kindly kiddie geniuses. Odd that the now  deceased Steve Jobs said that Bill Gates NEVER invented a single new concept or scientific innovation.

This kid in the video (I use the term kid as if I were an adult who is buying into this new tech, but skepttical---I just think of him as an agent selling snakeoil and not even as a personality, I have to dissociated these agents from the human race. The evil lurking behind the goofy smiles and glib fun lectures about the fun and jolly exciting world of new technology. What they are advocating is so ugly and sinister. 

The lecturing person in the video claims that using technology to influence the viewer's brain and mind as they watch movies is "far, far into the future."

Again, he is mentioning Elon Musk so repeatedly. I have been in a silly stalker sense solicited by Musk repeatedly with his endless intrusions into my every media search--for years. 

I am beseiged at this very moment by tech aimed into my brain whilst I attempt to type this.

The next video that appears on the YouTube search channel is a sober, more academic lecture. This I would take more seriously however at the moment I have not begun to listen to this video (fighting and struggling to type right now almost impossile. I can so easily shut my eyes and type perfectly and quicikly, and that has been blocked to me completely, Perhaps I should try writing like this as the attackk may e aimed into my brain via eyesight or through the ocular portals into my brain...?)

As I have been under non-stop attckk by people of the Entertainment and political domains, I remain in the nebulous but very easily to identify formulaic narrow spectrum of entertainment media memes, forms of mind control manipulation. One of the most visible modern forms of manipulation is through a sort of glib, happy jokster sociopathic personality performance, selling death and hate disguised as fun, cool, hop and young and beautiful or aged but charming and entertaining.

I focus on the more light-hearted dirges of death that are being sold as fun, new and innovative futuristic inventions that will bring a universe of people singing, "don't worry, be happy" into the void until they can no longer sing in the waves of the burning pyre, as they fall spinning into the abyss they thought would never happen to them in their fun and happy lives of consumer joy and bliss with all the tech to make life completely easy, fun and exciting. Even when they get bored with torture and murder, eventually they bring all down to a level of barbarism with the technology that they grabbed onto, becasue they had lost God gawd Jesus f-ing Christ what will it take for redemption?

Movie/mind/brain interface. Ah, at last, Bliss. SOMA. Eternal happiness in front of a quantum computer media tube for life until death into the abyss but happy burning all the way down.

That is what is being sold in the guise of a happy nerd selling platforms connecting your brain to someone's demands. On pay and for sale and cheaper and cheaper as supply overshadows demand.


"Boring" more scientific lecture, not suitable for aspiring nerd hipsters who want to buy new technology as they sit and watch and are told what to think as they watch and are then programmed and feel happy about everything. The boring lecture goes through all the nitty-gritty of the interface programming, I assume. Can't wait to watch it, but at the moment my brain is under so much attackk by this technology they are claiming doesn't exist, is so "far from the current state" and not "state-of-the-art" just yet--however, it's been around a long, long time in my life I've had to deal with this and never had any idea I was under attack. As so many others (reading this, doubtlessly) do not comprehend that this technology is probably aimed into your brain while you watch all your various tiny hand-held tubes, the G-5 technology that so many people are worrried about and protesting, the everything about your microwave lifestyle you think is not a problem because you can stream movies about death and murder so easily and for free.

Oh, going off into a very deep tangent. I am absolutely UNABLE to write in any length, using any kind of cohesion, and this is all coming out as umpbled. I know what is happening but with no protection for this attack upon my brain-I am forced to struggle to type and fight to think and pond down to write and not get anywherre except for short, very strange odd sentences that are rewritten as I type.

Again, I have so state that all the lecutring dudes are MALE, nerd types, associate professors, etc etc.People EXPERIENCING these attacks, i.e. ME, are left silenced and not offered even a chance to type or write as the tech blasts my brain and I fight to express what is happening, and NO ONE FIGHTS FOR MY RIGHT TO WRITE. They/you just keep supporting these males who lecture, pay them for the refreshing hope you all have that the future is fraught with a bright happy rainbow at the end of the tech revolution that will never be a bubble that bursts, like almost everything else in a corporate boom/bust society.

Must stop writing as it's so arduous, difficult, impossible.


As I fought, struggled to type the last few very skimpy posts, a few sentences was all I could muster (as I fight to type just this, I must backspace continuously due to double letters appearing, or triple when I press one key. I must pound harder and harder, as the algorithm decreases the lightness of the keys until I must eventually pound down with full strength of my fingers to get anything out).

As I wote earlier, words I tried to write were literally re-written while I was typing, instead of having to sift through what hackers rewrite after I post, which has bene the usual dynamic of me fighting to correct what is rewritte, made into a chaotic mess, jumbled with punctuation missing and deleted, paragraphs mostly deleted and sentences rewritten--to repeat the same idea but in different words

as I type now my fingers can' tmove to the keys, my brain is under so much attack it's "painful" in a dull sensation. My head feels slightly crushed inward, heavy, dizzy, lopsided and I can't fight to type and think and backspace and the flow of words stops almost abruptly after writing maybe three sentences.

All I can do is write what appears to be a kind of mismatched free-form verbal stream-of-consciousness and that is all I can do to pare down the thoughts into some form, which I should be able to write at length and the hacking, the manipulation of my brain/cortex/motor skills (my fingers won't move to keys I want to press. I find my fingers over-reaching constantly and hitting wrong keys, sometimes making the page split into code and page/or other hacks that make writing in any kind of streamlined coherency impossible.

I want to write stories, I need to type very quickly and get the ideas out. All I do is backspace and then sstruggle to pound down on keys that won't press any letters out unless I use almost the entire strength of my arm to pound my fingers down. My fingers won't move correctly, jumping and blocked from movement.

"Turn the tables round...cut down those puppet strings", SPIRIT.

Reality Asylum--I am no feeble Christ Crass gang stalking punks. So alternative and cool, like.....ich bin ein Berliner.

"Christ Forgive...forgive, forgive....petulant child. Saint....martyr....Judas Goat....Guilt, sin, he would nail my body upon his Cross....death reveler....Rape, fucker....the sorrow of your tradition...."

I had once upon a time in the lost land of the United Los Legoland, assumed that the music of Crass was an intellectual reprisal of normative values and intelligent rejection of suppression glorified in societal pimpdom.

When I was teleported to Penny Rimbaud and the female along with him, hissing at me in hate only for a promotion, or some hate directed at me (I still do not know what personal sin I have committed to engender the righteous underground hate of this anarchist punk group now turned into mansion master lecturer and pennywise wisdom. I then knew that it really was the work of the puppet risen temporarily in this 70's formation from penny-pimping working class Steve Ignorant and his premise of winging about wankers that formed the basis for the gritty dirty nasty crassy brassy subculture subordination.

Now they're drinkin' pints in flats above the plateau of pomposity and mediocrity.


In all honesty, this is NOT a critique of Christianity, people who truly follow the creed of Jesus, many of whom have been more than my most favorite human beings on this planet.

What does any of this have to do with JFK assuring the Satanist Nazis of Berlin that he too is a Berliner as opposed to a Red Communist?

Heralding the Sheep, waiting for the son of our native sun. Illuminating the abyss. What a pitiful sound The Inferno yawns and devours sheeple who have strayed from the path of divine sheeple Steeple our Lady of Divine Prostitution.

"The just a little harder, when brought about by Friends"

She sat wondering how the garden of funeral sores tied-into this song, this parched parish out of Parisian pathos, pathetic wanna-be's brining in the end of the world as we know it.

They came, they devoured and they went off laughing.

The sheeple followed blindly, blithely, joyously to the end of the brink.





"Virgin Mary was TIRED", tired, ya'll. Bloody tired of it all. Humpty Hubris fell and the Fall was a broken cosmic Egg.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

'Come and See' Belarus. When it comes to violence, nothing says more than visual footage. In the US, the equivalent is voters waiting for over 5 hours in July heat to attempt to vote in disarray organization thwarting voting "rights".

GENEVA (1 July 2020) – UN experts today demanded that Belarus refrains from violence against peaceful protesters ahead of 9 August presidential elections. They urged the Government to abandon its policy of arbitrary arrests, violence and intimidation against civil society activists.
The independent experts said that since 18 June alone, at least 200 political activists, human rights defenders, journalists, bloggers and other members of civil society have been arrested during peaceful demonstrations across the country. The protests aimed at showing solidarity with nearly 500 other activists detained since May while exercising their right to give and gather signatures for nominating presidential candidates.
“We strongly condemn the Government’s continuous policy of mass arrests of members of the civil society who are peacefully exercising their fundamental rights,” the experts said. “We firmly condemn policies and actions that restrict Belarusians’ right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of opinion and expression.”
The latest protests followed the arrest on 18 June of the country’s main opposition candidate, Viktor Babaryko, under investigation for alleged financial crimes.
It was reported to the experts that unidentified men in plain clothes began to arbitrarily arrest journalists and passers-by in several towns of Belarus, while anti-riot police used excessive force against peaceful protesters. Many of those detained were beaten, intimidated, ill-treated and either received fines or sentences of up to 15 days of administrative detention on charges of violating the procedure for holding mass events."UN experts demand end to crackdown on protesters in Belarus ahead of elections"

COME AND SEE (1978) film depicting Nazi occupation of Belarus, and genocide of local peasant population. I associate this film with: The current zeitgeist post genocide technological death squad activity I am now fighting to have exposed and stopped before it reaches a stage of overt murder-in-the-streets not just by authoritarian sources like the police, but by disgruntled "civilians" who really form these death squads which I am confronted with in ggang stalking murder operations on a non-stop 24 hour basis.

The film is an unapolagetic spiraling descent into what people really are capable of if and when given the opportunity to loot, torture, rape and murder en masse in genocides and mass murder operations.

The film depicts what appears grainy and almost black-and-white, as if in a former epoch, dissasociating the viewer from the lush color schemata of current murders in the streets easily viewed from digitalized sources and mobile phones catching police murdering innocent civilians or shooting into peaceful protestors.

The current zeitgeist post Nazi subverted infiltration of all governments, in their world domination scheme (with great assistance from gang stalking organizations, technologies aimed at brainwashing/Hollywoodizing and subliminal mind control operations on huge segments of populations:  after "culling"/covertly murdering the WORLD population against restitance in "peace-time" operations of covert assassination (using mind control, poisoning, drugging, accidents, "handlers" murdering their mind controlled puppets in the peace of domesticity). Here is what awaits America if this situation is not controlled and stopped ABRUPTLY NOW, NOW, DO NOT WAIT ANY LONGER remaining silent and watching "other people" get tortured to death (i.e., me).

Here is: Another case of Stockholm Syndrome where victim is infiltrated and turns into perpetrator. This is why I fiight against infiltration of the United States by "entertainers" out of Miami and Los Diablos, California,who are being pushed by fascist, Nazi actors out of the now covert fascist, Nazi States of the EU and of the Eastern former Communist Bloc countries (don't forget billionaire genocidal heist whores in Cannes with bling-bling opportunity beckoning grants upon all the puppets out of Whorewood, California.

All this video depicts is what lies underneath the kissing of cheeks, gratuities for collaborators, wonderful fashion events in Paris and London and Milan (and then New York and Los Angeles and Miami). The film, "Come and See" was written/directed by Stalingrad-born Elem Klimov, a man who first-hand observed facets of the war that lead him to create a film like Come and See. More than 600 villages in Belarus were razed by Nazis, who conducted full-scale genocide against defenseless peasants by burning them alive in flimsy wooden buildings, or mass shootings (after other war-time atrocities like rape, theft, etc). The film shows, in this respect, how villagers are rounded-up after politely welcoming the Nazis into their village, terrified but anxiously trying to appease their destroyers. With glee, the Nazis feign alliegance only in that they are going to put the villagers into one location for processing. They laugh and have a sort of parade with the villagers and put the entire population of a village into a wooden Church and all are then burnt alive. Germans laughing and clapping as the people they have tricked into obediantly being confined into one small building are burned alive. Cheers and laughter and applause from the German soldiers. Not a theatrical device but based on the reality of first-hand testimony from survivors and resistance members.

Kilmov: "Our first script title was, 'Kill Hitler'": On the making of film, Come and See.  Taped interview with (born in Russia) Belarussian writer/director Elem Kilmov. 

Kilmov: "I had to omit the name Hitler for the title. I did not mean specifically to kill Hitler, but the entire movement that created Hitler. I was asked to change the title....I asked my brother to leaf through the New Testament to find another title....from The Book of Saint John The Divine. '...the lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard one of the four beasts saying, 'Come and See'."

A history of post Stalinist oppression of film and the arts in Russia (and infiltrating RIGTHT NOW INTO THE UNITED STATES via these foreign infiltrator Nazi agents I have written of and those who are silently behind the scenes organizing these brainwashing activiities of promotion for operating torture/rape and covert murder activities with teleportation, information extraction, slow murder from gang stalking terror operations.

when I write "stalkers" I am referring to white Europeans who stalked me in abstentia for/by proxy for/the Italian mafia Nazi who I wrote of a few days ago. I have written his name and I don't want him to be promoted more for his Nazi/fascist antics which have won him venues on South Beach and all support financially, awards by "Haute" magazine, which other celebrities who have tortured me also have won top "party planner" or (what ever...) awards for their mimicking of haute fashion out of Europe. Most of them follow the fascist, Nazi fashion template none I have ever seen are original or have actually created anything new themselves. 

Besides all that, this man I call "sickola Scumbo" (not an immature assessment) was the "handler" alongside the English man who has stolen, poisoned, put a movie out with absolutely visible anti-Semitic, Anti-American, hugely MISOGYNIST themes that cannot be denied--a blueprint for taking over the American art scene (now in Whorewood) and....

it's a quiet massive take-over, erupting in street protests with a few celebrities catching the wave of protest that they never could instigate personally due to extreme STATE OPPRESSION AND  NAZI/MAFIA MURDER INTERVENTION threat.

Thankx to ya-ll hackerxzz': my brain is a-reelin' and the ill sensation your rockin' billy club technology is illin'. Hey to YouTube fairies guardian angels from the City of Los Fallen Angelicas wormwood Buddy holly dolly hairy fairy Buddy

Just rhymin' like a druggy lugggy
brain movin with the reelin' from the double-dealin'

once again tappin my broken toe
and movin my hips in the one-sided frozen move

that is to say, in normal language

Thank you YouTube free music fairy
what is free is sometimes worth more than an expensive dinner debacle
or scraping fetus off the wheel (that is actually the name of a punk hardcore 80's band)

yee haw! He haw!

No offense to squisky yucky babies. Honey baby, if you force a baby outta me
it is gonna be you who changes the diapers!!

Let that pelvis sway gently, oh dear, such a sweet movement of tenderness. An odd type of irregular ode to Elvis, as I'm not followin' the Ode Formula but it fits into the verbal structure.

Melodic ephemeral

floating and serene

....but now, BABY, my hips start a swingin to the urgency you are singin'

my hips begin to gyrate at my pelvis because you are ELVIS

an old time reputation of slandrous instigation
is now above mere elevation of righteous indignattion

almost an angel copmarred with throbbing gristle or
whatever else pours lucrication on your thistle

Play me a ditty on  your old country banjo sparkling for the big City
I never thought you witty until I left the obscene s((itty (music pop puss tittie bubble)

Revolving around a new aural revelation
Elvis your pelvis is a Godsend of possession for my personal revolution rebellion from 

the horrible modern murder of music hoppity unhip sexual porn videos-slash-"musick".

(This means that now, after most of my life, I appreciate your music, Mr. Elvis I know you are in heaven singing gospel songs on qualudes).

So damn groovy YES I am glad to have rediscovered your music. I search for other rockabilly groups and I only find unexceptional on the free YouTube searches and on the internet. Where can I find really rockin rockabilly lists of artists?

Hackers who know all in your system of surveillance (I also like Patsy Cline, but can'tt find an equivalent to get alternataive but similar sound).

"Elvis, Elvis get your pelvis away from me". 

WHEN I's a get this old poison out of my body, I'm a gonna dance JUST LIKE ELVIS you wait 'n see! Ohhhwhee 

I swear on the Bible I will

When a 3-piece speaks, it must be relatively close to authority to take seriously.

Dr. Ross explains authoritarianesque in a calm, rational tone, that non-consensual mind control and information extraction therein is being conducted by CIA and other sources like military in NONCONSENSUAL "experimentation". I say that the experiment is in the implementation stage and the public is cheering like a crowd watching a crucifixion in the old amphitheater of the Roman Circus Circus.

Just ask me but no...Dr. Ross can lead you to the edge but never let you drink from the true source. He uses outdated information that is public information to base his talks upon. Interesting that he can never find a credible person who actually experiences these "experiments" on a daily basis nor can he do anything about whatever the discredited people being mind controled claim is damaging their lives.

Lots of talking but very little support. People want to have their own torture pupepts and that is the real reason why this situation only extends to the information stage onhow to exploit other human beings.

I am very confident, Mr. Ross, too.

Really? no.....(yes)

HE gets interviewed, I get silenced. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Grand AM--flowers blooming except for the yellow ones that are being picked off

In light of yesterday's posts. It was supposed to be a portal to enlightenment. Turned into CIA drugs for many, shipped in and deadly cartels mafia estabished and groove machine coked out on instant pop.

Now here's a relic of good old blues/twang/hillbillly hippie/psychedelic sounds of way back when flowers were not a symbol of emasculation but of sensitive empowerment: