Tuesday, September 14, 2021

"California Women are Showing up for Newsom" (article link below from Politico) The California recall farce is a deadly attempt by the fascist, Nazi MAGA contingent which has overtaken H-wood and California to grab power through a non-election year (many people are not going to vote I think, outside of the official election process). Larry Elder is already claiming MAGA-style that the election has been fraudulent, ahead of the counted results.




Larry Elder is the man that faux feminist Nazi Rose McGowen supports. It is amazing that she has this much sway (using my words of course to promote her fake feminism) and she has held a tribunal of hate (mostly anti-Semitic in origin) in H-wood and I hope her faulty performance as "feminist" will not be further amplified by more media promotion or political sway. Read below for what the "feminist" advocates. As she now lives in Europ-a-land, she can afford the very easily available abortions provided by the Socialist countries which have welcomed her in, to help demolish American power and she is one of the main players of fascist, Nazi female "empowerment" at the expense of other women (I seem to have become this symbol of hate, a true target for some reason for all promotion by every fake generating lie propagation of fascist undermining of "Democracy" in the US (and the erosion of US power) by these wanna be fascist, fashion Euro--p-a wanna be's who are attacking me. Fully embraced for their every fascist, genocidal anti-semitic attack they are all participating in political posturing. That she would endorse (yes, she was the one I mentioned yesterday in my post who literally stole, verbatim as so many of them have, my words to posture as if they are "liberal" when they are liberally fascist and supporting mass destruction and death in league with foreign infiltrators.

I truly hope that Gavin Newsom remains in power, and that California gets it's fascist Nazi cartel OUT of the country. Read more at the Politico article below, but here is a quote on how insidious Larry Elder is for WOMEN, which this fascist Nazi woman McGowen has fully endorsed. She claims she has left the US and so, with all the benefits that European women get (abortion, sometimes free birth control, state-funded health care, etc etc) she can easily dispense bs in American media about how "messed up" things are while supporting candidates who will "mess" things up so much more (especially for women). Being put forward by a "minority" is just another ploy to generate sympathy for the underdog but underneath it all is white supremacy acting through another puppet.

As a sort of aside, one of the most vicious, racist attackers from H-wood who has attacked me in teleportation is featured making a comment on the same page as this article--extremely nasty personality in private, fully following every Europ-a-land fascist Nazi WWII hate protocol and fully immersed in Nazi indoctrination and culture. This is what the "Right" of California and indeed of America has fully embraced for decades through this actor. He is of course against Newsom and fully for the Republican candidate who will suppress women (like me, but not Rose McGowan the Nazi posturing bs con artist "feminist").


"...as cautionary tales of what could happen if he is replaced by Republican frontrunner Larry Elder, a conservative talk-radio host who is against mask mandates and called Roe v. Wade “one of the worst decisions that the Supreme Court ever handed down.”

And those “what ifs” appear to be resonating with California women.

“The idea that Larry Elder would be granted the ability to control decisions about women, whether it’s about our bodies or our kids’ mental health or schooling, it’s unconscionable,” O’Leary said. “I think women really get that.”

Elder has only helped Newsom make his case.

The GOP candidate’s talking points on women, which include suggesting that employers have a right to ask women if they intend to have children as a way to protect their “investment,” have been so inflammatory that his Republican rivals have seized the opportunity to juxtapose themselves against him." (Politico. September 13, 2021).


See fully televised performance at the link below. My words were verbatim stolen for this performance. When words like this are reformatted into fascist, seeming "underdog" actor "fight for justice and Democracy" propaganda (freshly painted faces, undaunted by wrinkles of frowns and sorrow or suffering, wealthy, adorned in fashionable attire not lacking money as victims usually can be seen bedraggled, worn-out from stress or worry but NOT SO in the case of the fakes who are taken so much more seriously than the worn-out real victims. My words stolen, and cameras flashing and admiration and political leanings and support for the fascist Nazi "feminist". I wrote verbatim maybe two years ago, and I know this is 100% the reality and truth, about how I have seen Democrats and Republicans collude on both sides of the aisle and it has been Democrats and not Republicans who have stalked, terrorized and attacked me. This woman McGowan has been part of this terror campaign but in the wings waiting for ideas to steal, for years she has partaken of the awards of this contractual torture/teleportation contract out on me. And she stole my words and they are being publicized now as if she has a great mind which I think is not actually the reality. She is a posturing actor, as so many in this organization of hate are. But she has been televised and is supporting someone who advocates to stop abortions and is fully into the anti-climate change denial but....fascist Nazi McGowan can only focus on how Newsom's wife somehow defended Weinstein--I don't know about this further scandal. I think the implications for stopping abortion and denying climate change far outweigh her personal anti-Semitic vitriol and hate in inclusion in attacking me for these racist reasons and not for any personal animosity that they have against me but they all act like I am the most hateful person and criminal when I fight for my rights as a human being which these "freedom" advocates from H-wood are fighting me to deny so they can achieve fascist, Nazi "supremacy" encoded in law with all rights to rape, torture, steal, rob, mutilate and rape and rape and worse. That is what they are "fighting" for and McGowan is one of them and fully supports this agenda).

"Rose McGowan Endorses Larry Elder & Accuses Jennifer Newsom of Working with Weinstein's Lawyers". Elex Michaelson. September 14, 2021. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

After she "exposed" her Nazi (celebrity) boyfriend and then became a celebrity herself, she became a Nazi feminist exposing Nazi rape but fully and covertly supporting it for her promotion--after stealing ideas verbatim from my writing to help promote her very public profile as being an advocate for "women". The ideas I heard her proclaim with acting aplomb and bombastic effect for a photo-op, publicized in The Hill, stemmed from ideas I wrote on Facebook years ago (but I remember my words precisely and recognize they were stolen verbatim by her). The angst I wrote about rape and the political cohesion of state-sponsored, BIPARTISAN political terror based on Democrats who had teleported and tortured me alongside the celebrities: she literally quoted for her self-promoted image as truth-seeking anti-rape advocate (except for me which she used as another step in her career ladder, and to be accepted into the Europ-a-land Nazi fold of privilege, and now she resides in Europ-a-land and insults the United States, which is what Europ-a's do to my face and did when I lived in that continent for years, always the same stupid, nasty hissing spitting statements, which Americans have learned to replicate, along with RAPE AND GENOCIDAL RACIST CULTURAL VIOLENCE--not new to the US but certainly enhanced by the promotion into higher positions with incentives and bonuses like living large in Europ-a-land as she now does)---ideas which were written under torture, rape and violence from one of her male friends who is buddies with the Nazi rapist she "exposed" who was at the time terrorizing me as she participated and watched on. Now famous, she's a newly-born blonde-dyed feminist probably will run for office in the near future. Awarded for helping fascist Nazi women bypass their violent predatorial Nazi males and diverting the violence upon women like me. The BS cycles never end despite years of writing about this state-sponsored terror campaign and murder attempt that also is ongoing. Another celebrity quoted my words verbatim that I wrote on Facebook --years ago---but I know what I wrote, and she quoted my words verbatim for her photo-op "celebrity-turned-politico commentator/activist/feminist" and she 100% participated in online intellectual property theft and the creepy visual triggering/MK ULTRA visual media campaign used against me, which, if I attempted to report this form of mind control to any authority would land me in some "mentally ill"/mental disorder category. Silenced also by the serious threat of my finances being cut off completely with zero chance to earn any money if I continue to write any adverse criticism or even a critical review as in simply an analysis or deconstruction of their movies or pop songs or their political mishaps and lies, deceptions and mind programming techniques. Anything that would suffice as an A paper in any university class for deconstructing the movies but with a tainted exposee slant brings on threats and threats which are accentuated by government agencies participating in the hierarchical structure of murder.


"Rose McGowan stumps for Larry Elder in California: 'He is the better man'". The Hill. September 12, 2021.

See fully televised performance at the link below. My words were verbatim stolen for this performance. When words like this are reformatted into fascist, seeming "underdog" actor "fight for justice and Democracy" propaganda (freshly painted faces, undaunted by wrinkles of frowns and sorrow or suffering, wealthy, adorned in fashionable attire not lacking money as victims usually can be seen bedraggled, worn-out from stress or worry but NOT SO in the case of the fakes who are taken so much more seriously than the worn-out real victims. My words stolen, and cameras flashing and admiration and political leanings and support for the fascist Nazi "feminist". I wrote verbatim maybe two years ago, and I know this is 100% the reality and truth, about how I have seen Democrats and Republicans collude on both sides of the aisle and it has been Democrats and not Republicans who have stalked, terrorized and attacked me. This woman McGowan has been part of this terror campaign but in the wings waiting for ideas to steal, for years she has partaken of the awards of this contractual torture/teleportation contract out on me. And she stole my words and they are being publicized now as if she has a great mind which I think is not actually the reality. She is a posturing actor, as so many in this organization of hate are. But she has been televised and is supporting someone who advocates to stop abortions and is fully into the anti-climate change denial but....fascist Nazi McGowan can only focus on how Newsom's wife somehow defended Weinstein--I don't know about this further scandal. I think the implications for stopping abortion and denying climate change far outweigh her personal anti-Semitic vitriol and hate in inclusion in attacking me for these racist reasons and not for any personal animosity that they have against me but they all act like I am the most hateful person and criminal when I fight for my rights as a human being which these "freedom" advocates from H-wood are fighting me to deny so they can achieve fascist, Nazi "supremacy" encoded in law with all rights to rape, torture, steal, rob, mutilate and rape and rape and worse. That is what they are "fighting" for and McGowan is one of them and fully supports this agenda).

Video of her **stolen-from my writings## lecture in link below:


I watched her pompous performance as an "activist" with the Californians cheering it on. Using my words that I wrote on Facebook before I had begun this blog, regarding the mutual consensus of the "Left and Right" of the aisles--which she quoted using my words. Her movies had permeated my tv mind-programming/controlled/controlling "free" cable television whilst I lay in bed in a drugged daze. I could not concentrate on any single thing and as poisons ripped out of my flesh, hard poisons latching to my skin, sinews, bones and nerve endings as I fought (and still fight endlessly to this day) to remove the hard-as-rock- poisons that have encased the interior of my body--I watched the television movies that the "free" cable tv in this "resort" that was an operation of torture with only terror agents posing as "neighbors" (The Arysa Resort, Phuket). Her movies were on repeatedly and the themes were the usual death, revenge formulas that plague the other actors who have participated in this crime of dream-torture endless sequence against me in order to achieve higher standing in what appears to be one of the most vicious industries in the world (besides the oil industry). Her boyfriend of former years, which she used to propel herself likewise into fame status by hanging off his arm in her prior early days of juicy vulnerability and compliance--as expected and demanded of the younger meat market for that most insatiable industry of media flesh and performance.

I am, on one  hand, "glad" that the message got across. However, she is receiving the notice and the respect for these ideas while 80% of my life is spent cleaning fungus so as not to be poisoned with sepsis any longer due to the recurrent spraying of stinking toxins on my every article and property and into my food. Yesterday I went shopping to buy some kale and there were only three packages left on the shelf, where every other item in the bins were packed and stuffed to the brim with the other veggies, what I had wanted was only removed. Wearing my mask in this huge, aerated, warehouse bulk store (called Micro, in Phuket Town) it's a huge place, you can walk for 1/4 of a mile almost it seems from one end to the next. I could not smell the stinking odor that had been sprayed into the leafy kale packages and so, upon taking the only three items back my refrigerator stinks due to whatever what sprayed with decomposing agents. All the items I bought are fresh still on the next day, so I can't have to open all the packages to detect which has been infected. Then there are my purses and clothing which are literally ALL sprayed repeatedly, daily and nightly, by these mechanical arms to I spend at least 45% of my life cleaning up toxic odors. 

When I see millionaires who have stolen my concepts off my desperate pleas for help who have participated with their "rapist" boyfriends and husbands, who are part of the feminist movement (or any movement) who are stealing my ideas after I have been "traumatized" from rape, which they observed and did nothing about (or very little) as the rapists are lauded for their usage of mind control technology and how manipulative, sneaky, and violently misogynist they are with proclivities towards every vice and sexual deviance possible (or this technology will be handed out to extremely violent predators who will exploit the tech to essentially kill and maim either physically or emotionally scores of millions of victims, as I surmise the future use of this tech will allow every pornographic and violent fantasizing hater the access to unleash their every constrained emotional dysfunction upon the hapless and the sleeping and the weak and vulnerable who will lack all protections, especially from those who speak the talk of the victims like me, that they steal, and who provide no access for relief or help from the real victims, who like me, will be silenced as I am currently.)

Seeing her mouth my words and cameras flickering and her smug and confident "activist" tone (for her future run for political office, no doubt) is very hard to bear as I am in the middle, as I am doing every single day, cleaning and spraying bleach into the few, scant items that have been frayed, ripped, made broken down by this organization. Returning home yesterday the refrigerator which I had just cleaned had brain goo and clumps of hair on the bottom underneath the produce tray. This is the crime against me due to resisting being raped, fighting back, and saying NO repeatedly while being brutalized and drugged to the max by a predator who feigns sensuality for stylized performances which belie the violence it has been trained in years of socialized woman-hating and pornographic indoctrination into the "good ole boys" rape club of undermining women. Or women like me. The woman I refer to above holds the racist motif behind her very famous and photographed stance that it's women "like me" who should be raped by their rapacious woman-hating men who want to belittle women if they dare to try to achieve power or get "out-of-line" and assert too much which is a threat to the myth of white male supremacy (with other colors in the respective hierarchical woman-hating stance below them).

And so, just writing this but I am threatened now with absolute death threats which will be forced upon me financially--and in other ways. I am now fighting despite days of remaining silent what amounts to a slow murder through poisoning from this endless and daily, incessant poisoning of my property, my every item--as I must hermetically seal off this room every night in order to stop the much more deadly mechanical arms from entering my room through this patio door--and buying a huge sliding door screen set would entire having to endlessly repair it, as the mechanical arms rip through items that I try to seal off--the tips of the mechanical arms are very small, maybe 1/4 inch in diameter but round--spraying, ripping, I can only imagine the arms to have multi-faceted tools to spray, rip, open--with multiple little arms that extend and perform every task. Perhaps there is a tiny little camera also placed on the tip for nighttime attacks, which this group utilizes every night to attack me in the dead of night. Although I have spent 2 years fighting to both afford materials month-by-month to cover every angle, crack and tile I still have not succeeded in being able to protect myself.


After having gotten up and away from the laptop, running water over my hands which seems to act as a grounding mechanism to the electronic blast affecting my body and brain continuum of cognition, I realized that I had written something slightly in error above: the ideas I had written were over a period, scattered, of years. Some of the ideas she flaunted in her publicized in The Hill publication were ideas I had written after two prominent Democrat contenders for the top prize to be 45 had assaulted me in vicious ways alongside others out of Europ-a-land espousing absolutely fascist and anti-Semitic lines (videotaped no doubt by this organization monitoring the entire circus spectacle of daily attacks upon me). Also include Americans who call themselves with prefixes of various European identification with "American" as the suffix of the self-identifier. 

She spoke about how Democrats were the ones "harassing and stalking" her. As she was participating in her friends who raped and harassed and had their goons stalk me and now she, like so many of the "MeToo!@$" posse have obtained out of this group. 

I still wait for anybody in that H-wood circus to come to my defense in this hate situation, while they all espouse "freedom" and whatever deviations of Independence 1776 they can steal and use for reverse psychological purpose.

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Met Gala Ball and The metamorphosis of the Oh-so- angry, disgruntled white males who are not in the realm of entitlement that they think they deserve (behind their rage): "GOD money I'll do anything you want. GOD money just tell me what you want me to....head like a hole, black like your soul...". Trent Reznor prior to composing nice, easy-going pleasant music for a Pixar animated film (for which he won an award, slowed down and working in the jet-set now).

 Head Like a Hole

Nine Inch Nails

"Head Like A Hole"

God money, I'll do anything for you
God money, just tell me what you want me to
God money, nail me up against the wall
God money, don't want everything, he wants it all

No, you can't take it
No, you can't take it
No, you can't take that away from me
No, you can't take it
No, you can't take it
No, you can't take that away from me

Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control
Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control

Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve

God money's not looking for the cure
God money's not concerned about the sick among the pure
God money, let's go dancing on the backs of the bruised
God money's not one to choose

No, you can't take it
No, you can't take it
No, you can't take that away from me
No, you can't take it
No, you can't take it
No, you can't take that away from me

Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control
Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control

Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve

Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control
Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control
Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control
Head like a hole, black as your soul
I'd rather die than give you control

Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve
Bow down before the one you serve
You're going to get what you deserve

"Met Gala - 2019 - Video compilation - Extended version #metgala #vogue #metgala2019 Migeal 101. May 10, 2019.

Like...this doesn't interest me at all. Looks like a creepy rendition of the Disney Haunted House ride in Disneyland, California.

It's always amazing to see how many of these red carpet arrivals have participated in the teleportation terror and general terror protocols of this terror team attacking me out of the plexiverse celluloid but god forbid cellulite celebrity mash-up of bigotry (from all races, in particular from those who claim they are oppressed it is striking to see those who are the most hateful presented in full attire for these fascist Nazi fashion events). But oh, not digressing----some of the more "elder" members of the "elite" forces of hate from H-wood are not featured as they are of middle age status and the crowds want fresh meat wrapped up in delightful voyeuristic garb.

Of course the white, privileged males are also invited to these events as long as they have fresh meat hanging off their arms--aka "arm candy". Other middle aged men are also invited if they are decked out for homoerotic titillation (thinking of one hateful attacker in particular who was presented as an Egyptian lord with slaves bearing him up---with a look of absolute tyrannical expectation--thinking of his hissing hate at me in teleportation lying and attacking just to get this chance to be part of this elite death squad terror and systematic racist structure that his fake persona is always "fighting" against for the movies and songs that have put him in this position in the first place. Always fighting against injustice, poor expletive sc***bag expletives wrapped up as the bitches for male voyeuristic delight--middle aged, yes, if you can appeal to the male sexual desire checklist you can also be invited if you are part of the homoerotic appeal to the white, male privileged consortium who want their celebrities firm, fresh, rash, bold, fascist, Nazi-adhering and if older with fresh meat hanging below them or on them or on their arms to prove their "desirability". The fashion quota for H-wood the ball to appeal to the ballers the rakes the fascist fashion "elite". If you want to see the red carpet of criminals in the media industry just keep watching this ball, which I will not watch nor have I ever done it but when I see the huge advertisements proclaiming this is the end-all to be-all and then see who is included, year-after-year, I see the hissing hate that teleported me and got this slot in the promotional scheme. It all appears like a hate parade of hissing and hideous vile "reptiles". Superficial appearance be damned.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Michael K. Williams explains in 30 minutes a course in criminal justice. Could his empowerment and activism have lead to stalking targeting and subsequent "suiciding" by "drug overdose" as it was an easy target for discrediting and a semi-reasonable insinuation of his "problematic" drug problem because he just didn't have what it took to survive (as the discrediting rationale goes for the targeting operations). I studied Criminal Justice at the graduate level an inordinate amount of excessive time and this type of instruction was not offered, nor did the cops who also were in the class offer any insight into these forms of discrimination and harassment and interrogation techniques. Instead they demonstrated buddy-buddy cohesion and denial of all excessive of brutality and lied in these online classes that I partook of.

 "The Michael K. Williams Interview (From 2019)". Karen Hunter Show. September 7, 2021.

Instead they demonstrated buddy-buddy cohesion and denial of all excessive of brutality and lied in these online classes that I partook of. When the topic of Eileen Wuornos came up, because the cops were Florida police, security guards, and prison employees who had been in close contact with Wuornos in the Fl State Prison system, they all claimed when I asked about her statements about prison abuse and attacks that she was "crazy" and thus they followed all the protocols of corrupt police who abuse their power. Wuornos also claimed that she was assaulted by sonic weapons which attacked her inner ears with horrid blasting neural noise for FIVE YEARS straight, and she was dismissed as being "crazy" on that count as well. (Watch the Nick Broomfield interview just prior to Wuornos's execution.

But this post was supposed to be a very small homage to Michael K. Williams and so, he explains what police at the graduate level who want a promotion by undergoing extra "lame" teaching hours of instruction on the basics of undermining reality in order to obtain a Master's Degree--who will never explain what Williams explained in this interview.

Whenever anyone is outright and outspoken against this lying system of perpetrators using any type of illegal force or surveillance or mind control dies of some apparent "suicide" or "drug overdose" or "cancer" I become suspicious and try to see whether they were actually targeted--to death by this hate group (I mean the hate group to which many of you reading this--or all--are fully fledged members of who think it's "great").

If you miss the passing of Williams, remember that there is a chance that he was killed by your "friends" and "partners".
Whist writing these posts this morning, I could "feel" the sensation of not being able to access basic words--spelling--like my brain was being held down in a vice and not able to recall ideas, words or thoughts. The "mind control" exerts this oppression and for people, perhaps just like Michael K. Williams, who had not been implanted, the attempt to "shut him up" was just suiciding by apparent overdose. This organization in all it's global overreach and governmental support from even the "liberal" class of politicians makes me so very wary of anyone intelligent like Williams who spoke out against police corruption and was an icon for self-esteem and uplifting of his community. Instead of helping to torture me he spoke out against the EVIL and VILE corruption that plagues the system which he very adequately portrayed in The Wire and was perhaps assassinated for it. Those who participate are being honored at that Nazi fashion event held by a Europigape Brit who looks like Smeagol just before morphing into Gollum. The worst "black" perpetrators are honored by the Nazi system of fascism and racism that they revere and win mansions and titles, the best like Williams who actually have heart, soul and speak out against this violent death sy stem get wacked by these covert death squad activities that no one seems willing to expose or stop. Even touching lightly upon the subject could be cause for a covert assassination. Well, conspiracy theorizing aside, I just can't help but jump to this hypothesis due to William's positive affirmative action on these topics of empowerment.


"The Wire - Omar Little (It's all in 'THE GAME')". ZipTarterWarrior. 


was both my favorite character and actor on THE WIRE This actor was a supreme. A huge loss to H-wood.

I actually was required as an extra bonus for a criminal justice class to watch The Wire, otherwise I never would have wasted time watching a tv series (very busy studying for hours daily graduate classes and writing modules for classes and then trying to do other things in life besides). The reason I was instructed to do this was to see a glimpse into how surveillance is being done. How behind the times The Wire was and how misleading it is in actual CJ terms. The undercover cops kept having to obtain warrants for surveillance and house searches instead of the ubiquitous "no-knock" policies that have lead to deaths like Brianna Taylor.

"BET Remembers Michael K. Williams". BET Network. September 8, 2021.

You know who I mean--the actor Michael K. Williams, not the character Omar Little. Every performance of him I have ever seen reaches my senses instead of dulls them. It is a loss to the acting establishment that he is gone. Glad he was here. MICHAEL K WILLIAMS.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Financial/telecommunications hacking/denial of services/harassment continues--yesterday it was the bank's turn to attack me when I tried to simply take my money out of my account. More internet hacking discrediting my every attempt to make a business letter appear professional. Endless hacking, revisions and partial deletions while my brain, in all instances of attack, is rendered partially blocked by either the microchip implant or remote tech or drugging or the combination of all and more therein blocking cognitive functioning and ability to defend against an endless barrage of lies, distortions and confusing skits played out while being denied services with nasty and hateful verbal attacks by all involved while my brain can't function.

 I would render a guess that 20% of my cognition is being blocked or a large portion of my short-term memory or some such function is stifled or blocked while I am in the middle of terse conversations which are more like interrogations and harassment skits than any kind of information or business exchange of information.

At the bank, where I have to use the banking services to obtain a cash advance on my debit card because every single ATM here in Thailand will not withdraw more than $200 every time I attempt to take out what I actually need per month. The banking fees from both the Thai banks and my bank amount to nearly $16 per $200 withdrawal. If I need to obtain my money just using an ATM, I must pay for the series of withdrawals using a machine nearly $60-80 per month, just to withdraw my money from my account because the limit for withdrawal has been frozen and my bank won't/refuses to fix this and I am lied to perpetually on the phone by these terrorist agents who operate from within my bank, where my phone calls fighting to obtain reliable service are always relayed so I can't get authentic or real help ever if I use the phone. I am thus stuck having to go to bank teller services to try to get a one-time withdrawal using a cash advance system on my debit card.

Additionally, literally every single bank in Phuket I have gone to except for one single bank refuses to service my debit card with a cash advance and all tell me I must use the ATM--they all offer cash advance and all have the capability to do so, but are being instructed by the fascist Nazi terrorist network that lives here in Phuket and has their vacationing Nazis instructing the absolutely compliant minorities what to do (just like in the United States) and they all deny me service. As I wrote above, I have no way to defend myself because every single phone call I make is to a terrorist agent who denies me service, lies, coughing incessantly or sniffling or sneezing into the phone while lying and giving wrong information and being hostile and nasty for the entire 45-minute phone call I make to answer a few simple questions which they usually never completely answer and all claim they can't understand English very well.

I have to drive maybe 5 miles to get to this one bank in an area where I used to live (which had previously served me very nicely and were helpful, but as the coups and the Nazis have taken more global hegemony over the planet the hate system has spread into all services I try to obtain anything from---)

Yesterday, again my brain was blanked out and I could not defend myself against the bank teller whom I have never seen in the bank before, with the usual teams of white Europ-a's sitting smug using the remote and portable tech to blast my brain so I can't think while they are harassing me about needing a phone number as part of the money withdrawal (a complete lie) and a circle of Thais operating along with them as other customers who do things like rip threads out of my clothing and backpack while I am standing at the cashier window as they pass by holding little razors in their hands while the entire bank allows it to go on. As always the white to brown/black (in a ratio of at least 6-to-1). It is also always the same ratio in the hateful United States.

This has been an ongoing harassment schedule from this bank for tellers to slam papers down at me (literally slamming the paper down after I sign, while I stand in a daze, literally stunned by the tech blasting my brain into a numb and uncomprehending stasis of incomprehensibility--but smiling and giddy and dizzy but still seeming to function. It is like a clamp is on my brain while they insult and lie and I can't move or speak but can do the basic things so I appear like I am fully cognizant while I am not. The technology is so deadly and yet no one can understand this who is reading this, as you should be alarmed and are not when I detail what kinds of dehabilitating effects this tech has--no one seems worried or concerned. It is so subtle you cannot perceive it unless you know that you are under control. But no worries, none of you thinks it's going to happen to you, do you?


Slamming the paper down, telling me as they do every month that I must have a phone number, which is a lie--no phone number is necessary for me to sign a paper for money withdrawal. I tell them every month that I have no phone, and they go on. I told her once, returned the paper. Two minutes later she slammed the paper down again and my brain froze and I said very politely (after having gone to bed the night before at 4:30 a.m after hours on the phone trying to obtain information from the non-English speaking jabbering and lying going around in circles terror agent from S. America from my bank which could not answer simple questions for over 45 minutes as I had to deal with my mail service which had denied me mail while my bank in America is changing ownership--thus I received no mail that was deadly serious in relation to my financial status from both Social Security and from my bank--due to my mail service just refusing to answer all questions and I had no idea I was in absolute and dire peril of losing my financial sustenance.

But on and on. She slammed the paper down a total of 4 times within 2 minutes as this went on like a broken record that kept skipping. I could not get the concept to tell her that "I told you twice/thrice already I have no phone". My brain literally blanked out as if I had "forgotten" that she had just harassed me and slammed the paper down while the Europ-a's sat in the background smug and smirking as my brain was put into a kind of blanketing vice and I could not "remember" that she had just asked me and should tell her to stop bothering me after the 4th time of this going on and on. I just kept repeating, which is something that happens on the phone as well. Every time I am in this situation I have been put into a surrounded terror operation where I have only one single option for my entire financial survival in a situation where all resources are blocked to me, all avenues of earning are blacklisted all telecommunications are blocked I can't earn money I am thus literally fighting for my life in every single one of these situations where services are being blocked, I am lied to, and my brain is being put into a technological vice so I can't "remember" that they have grilled me for baseless information that is unnecessary, in harsh and abusive tones that are unnecessary, for things that are irrelevant and not my fault or doing but theirs.


While fighting to correct the endless typos and deletions and rewrites that plagued a letter I had sent to my mail service to download and send to an office (for my survival, for a situation from Social Security that I should not have had to undergo as these kinds of determinations are not supposed to be inflicted upon people who are disabled in my situation --as I was informed a few times on the phone by the general administration--but any loophole to threaten me is being used now due to the absolute rot and corruption that has seeped into the government as a whole and which is multiplying and increasing---which means the longer this terrorist "gang stalking" organization is "allowed" to promote more of these heinous people into higher positions of power the worse the corruption and malfeasance and graft and incompetence and decline of the United States is going to degrade.


I wrote this letter and hackers copied and pasted parts of sentences repeatedly so it was a redundant and confusing letter. Also, while I write or attempt to write, as happens while I write these posts, my brain is likewise plagued by various brain-altering technologies so I can't think in straight logical sequences and etc--as a layperson I can only write vaguely about how my brain and cognition is altered while these technologies blast my functioning capabilities into a very awful state.

Once I had corrected the letter and sent the corrected form to my mail service to send (they kindly sent me a draft asking me if this was okay and so I sent corrections, since the terrorists had wrecked the letter after I sent it with all their hacking terrorism), And of course, once I had made the corrections the hackers went in again after I "sent" the letter to make more typos and distortions. My credibility is always under attack and this rewriting hacking campaign is a serious threat to my life, like everything else.


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Terrorist "mind control" while on the phone. Absolutely enervating attack on my brain while trying to obtain information from a "gang stalking" terrorist agent posing as a bank representative in yet another outsourced phone call (requiring so many repeats of questions with lies and wrong answers plaguing every question obtaining a correct answer was like pulling teeth while trying to get past his 3rd grade level "English" but terrorist block to service). Giggling and laughing through an attack like it was okay. So desperate for information and in such stress and under so much brain-altering mind control attack while phone call relayed to an absolute liar and attacker but it went like a giggly sloppy disinformation terrorist attack. I had to repeat questions which he gave wrong answers to in broken English. Prior to phoning this main number, I had been hung-up on by Social Security and had gone through over one hour of trying to obtain information while being verbally assaulted by one hostile agent (thankfully another very helpful American male answered my questions and more).

 I then wrote a letter and sent it to my mail service which has improved it's services of not responding to responding--the letter was being rewritten by terrorists while I was typing it. Upon correcting and then trying to make the disjointed letter to an official agency readable, upon sending it to be downloaded and sent to the agency by my mail service, the hackers had copied and pasted parts of sentences and copied them into the letter so one sentence repeated a phrase 3 times almost in a row. It was a sentence that the terrorists had hacked into and put this repeat already in once, and after I deleted the first echo/copy the terrorist hackers then copied and pasted it an addition two more times, making it a repeat of three times in a row for one sentence of one single phrase. There were typos and other inserts, and this is a formal letter, extremely important for me, which terrorist hackers turned into a sloppy thing that I cannot correct by writing to the mail service to correct. 

The agent who could barely speak English and kept stammering and saying completely opposite things then asked me to conduct a survey and I did giving him high marks and he was an absolutely awful and professionally incompetent terrorist agent attacking me. The mind control is so awful and the entire group of terrorists create situations where you (the target, meaning me) are so desperate for any action for any kind of resolution to the problems that they make, with absolutely every person at every juncture of every kind of situation making lies, creating problems, not doing their jobs, lying, etc and thus this organization keeps me in a constant state of desperation. By the time I finally got a single responsible answer from this man, I was so happy that again my funds would not be stopped (because the information I had been given was incomplete, I was confused, the websites did not give the information contained in the letters I had to nearly beg this mail service to copy for me--a long story but my bank is completely changing to another bank--has been bought out or sold off--everything has to change and new names and banking numbers and codes and there is little information for me to find--perhaps it's all being blocked. 

This deliberately incompetent lying not-English speaking terrorist agent just skrewed me around for nearly 45 minutes when I had a simple question to ask. He had zero answers, really did not understand or know what he was doing. Gave wrong answers and contradicted himself--and in this state the mind control tech just goes through that traumatized back door hacking portal in my brain and I giggle and laugh and am so desperate and the underlying threat of all being yanked away from the tiny vestige of stability that I really don't even have at all in reality can be taken from me if  react in any way that is adverse to their hostility (the mind control "programming" is for me to accept being f-ed around with, lied to, not given basic services and if complaining then tortured and potentially killed for it--the threat remains--having the last bit of financial stability is now always under threat and I have been cut off from services for complaining or getting angry when lied to and discriminated against.

Every kind of predator thusly can attack me under this system if they belong to the predator organization and I have no recourse to justice at this moment--not the classical definition of "justice" as in law enforcement or any kind of societal defense or group assisting in such matters (and what does exist is an affront and it a front and a fake and deadly and dangerous to get involved with due to the deception and the hostile and threatening agents posing as "helpers" for targets such as myself).

So I had to undergo another round of hours and hours of waiting on phones and being lied to while I felt this threat of my financial stability once more being pulled from under me as I struggled to maintain calm because if getting angry they will attack me or cut the money off-that has been the threat--I have had lying and abusive services stop service if I complain. I am stuck in this position, and then I gave this idiot but determined predator/lying/disinformation agent a "good" recommendation for this phone survey when I should have really flunked him on all counts. I was so desperate this is one of the main ways that mind control exerts it's influence because the desperation and trauma of being continuously under threat of homelessness or accidents, poisoning, etc etc etc being hit by more cars and more complex threats to cutting off my money and etc etc.

So I have no option but to become overly pleasant just to not be forced into homelessness by the hateful, spiteful and lying agents I have to deal with on the phones in almost every single attempt I make to just get a simple question answered, or deal with the hate crime forced upon me which has been such great physical attacks weighted down with hardening poison put in my food (all my life) to render me helpless while these very violent people on all sides at all times in all situations attack me like this. The threat of my money being cut off remains as I fight to try to not have to undergo more of these types of threats. 

All attempts to earn money in the future are also blocked as they have been for years. I believe that I should be paid compensation for this crime if there were justice.

But I remain a kind of brain-altered slap-happy fool giggling into the phone and telling a-holes that they are great if they marginally do the "jobs" that they are supposed to do instead of outright destroying my life as they constantly threaten to do while I can't get a straight answer, a person to speak English, and all discrimination and threat of being destroyed remains as a constant just by this government agency which, just today hung up on me as I so politely waited for a simple answer as to whether I must undergo more of their suppression by phone and what a letter they just sent really means because they made it unclear---and gave no definite answers to my questions. 


Good ole America and it's systematic expletive system of targeting with no recourse to any justice for the targets like me. I still can't find anything or anyone to stop this or defend me and I think I should have financial stability and the predators and haters and rapists should be forced to pay me for this endless violence they have and continue, unabated, to inflict upon me every day and even worse while I sleep at night as they teleport me to their private Idaho hells--it's so sick I can't even begin to describe it. Maybe I should write a type of teleportation hell "journal" as to the sickness that I am inflicted with every night. It's unbelievable. 

This popped-up on my You Tube recommended channel: (from 2011): "The reason why Social Security is losing it's funds is because people making over $110,000 don't have to pay taxes like those making under that amount do-- a 7% flat tax taken out by the government for Social Security. If everyone making over $110,000 per year had to pay a flat tax of 7% for Social Security, as people making $40,000 must do, then Social Security would have enough money for distribution until 2085"--(rough quote by Michael Moore).

 "ROUND 2: Michael Moore on The Sean Hannity Show, Friday, October 9th, 2009". 

How is it a sick irony that the people making MILLIONS OR BILLIONS OF DOLLARS per year who have made slight headlines for trying to get out of paying taxes are attacking my own subpoverty ($748/month) due to their terror agency having fractured my vertebrae while I was sleeping and unconscious and drugged up, so years later they can threaten my life by taking Social Security away from me because I am fighting against their techno-tyranny, sex trafficking slavery, theft of concepts I have worked for but have been too drugged up, under duress and when I do write or create whatever possible it's stolen from me by them--as I fight for some kind of decency in life instead of crushing chemical/technological/societally-enforced slavery and sex/rape torture abuse to the point of dehabilitation on all counts of my life and sustainability. Millionaires who don't pay taxes into the Social Security pot pour their hate and violence upon me because more lucre is being offered to them if they are "successful" at sucking my life force out of me while they teleport and drug and rape and abuse and insult me and then torture more ideas out of me which they can use for their further profiteering off appearing as if they are compassionate loving caring human beings in media fantasies. Continuing the plunder and theft of all ideas I have worked for to have a career, ensuring with all their millions and billions of dollars at their free disposal and groups of likewise aspiring profiteering money/success-driven terrorists, making sure that my home I can barely afford to pay, (paying something like $250/month) and what tiny little I am left is turned into a stinking, contaminated and festsering fungus and filth and putrid place that they have sprayed with toxic chemicals and dirt and filth is sprinkled and smeared on all surfaces--continuously. Then I must deal in both teleportation while sleeping and in the dimension that my body is supposed to remain in, with break-ins to my tiny living space by terrorists who force continuous rape and bodily dismemberment, also done with government -sponsored mechanical arms used to sever parts of my body every single day (which continues to this very day and moment) with death threats and more threat with surveillance and hate--all laughed about and sponsored by millionaires who are trying to take Social Security away from me and many others--and they work assiduously to not have to pay other taxes (you can bet they work to try to get out of all and any Capital Gains taxes, as much as possible).

Somehow my topic on Social Security brought this 10-year old video into the You Tube spectrum. Was it due to some algorithm that it appeared because I wrote of Social Security on my Facebook page?

A small but significant add to my last two posts: regarding government websites hacked-into to block critical and essential services to me; lies by terrorist agents operating from within the US Government for Social Security; and hacking to continuously threaten my life--more below...

 I was lied to on the phone by Social Security but I don't even know exactly for sure which lie was correct 

I have an online account with this agency and there is an, "Email only" option that one can click to receive emails instead of letters through the mail. I phoned SS years ago, asking if that meant that I would receive no more physical letters and I was told, three times by three different rude and negative agents attacking me that, "yes, that means you don't get any more letters from Social Security".

So, I opened my account and opted for the "emails only" option and since then, I have received one single email notification for an insignificant bit of information for the general Social Security program. Otherwise, a barrage of letters threatening me with case reviews since and most of the letters informing me of the reviews blocked by this mail service (and any other mail service blocked from me by this terror agency attacking me so I am stuck only with this one option for a mail service). This has been the case with almost everything I have attempted for years, I am left with one single option for survival and it's always that I am rushing to push to get something I desperately need because of the surround-terror group and it's tentacles reaching into every facet of every discernable aspect of society to block and threaten me with every kind of near-death catastrophe and that never ends. 

Thus, phoning Social Security 6 times in one day for a period of over 4 hours to be lied to and hung up on and then having to re-phone as my benefits were indeed cut off, fighting and fighting for hours as my voice was constricted by the microchip implant and I was coughed at, spoken to with harsh and negativity and lied to endlessly until I finally got just what I "should have" been receiving in the first place without a hitch.

I was then lied to 6 times in 4 hours about this selection of only receiving email notifications instead of having to be screwed over by the mail system which is now a form of discrimination and threat to my life by lack of information of my mail with all services discriminating against me with threats by mail for things that are constructed as an attack in the first place. 

I was told that because I am in a certain program that the "email only" option does not apply to me. The entire website for Social Security mentions no such block to anyone receiving this particular (lowest-paying) program for that agency. Perhaps what I was told is correct but it is not listed on the website for that government agency, and all agents on the phone except for this one told me that I would not receive any more physical mail but since then that is all I have been getting with absolute threats to my entire life due to this series of constructed lies, deceptions and threats and attacks.

Even news programs I watch on YouTube (Democracy Now! podcast on You Tube) are being blocked now. The little Microsoft game I have been playing with is now being blocked from all the fun little things that have been part of the game for weeks, now deleted by hackers.

 I have been watching the Democracy Now! "Top US & World Headlines" almost every weeknight for over 8 months without fail. Last night, in addition to my game which has been the only sort of "fun" I've had "playing" anything is being blocked, and now the news broadcast was deleted from the You Tube streaming and is not listed on the Democracy Now! website at all. Every format is hacked and re-arranged by this hacking terrorist team. I mean, every single night of the working week Democracy Now! has top headlines which is a 12-minute approx segment that airs non-stop without fail. Now it's completely gone, although the usual interviews that accompany the top news stories are listed on the site as well as on You Tube but the news stories are gone from both. I do not believe this was not aired last night, and I suspect they will be deleted from my browser from now on. Hacking terrorism of course. 

It's just another thing taken away from me, including my health, finances, my cat, my home, my family, my friends, my career prospects, any sort of stable living situation, now mail is a threat to my life as I'm being blacklisted from almost all mail content and I cannot find a single reliable mail service due to the situation I wrote of in my last post. Health care after having been poisoned nearly to death? Blocked even if I am eligible for Medicaid I am essentially denied still basic services while using the government service.

I hope readers realize that this is not unique to me. I also assume that most or all of you reading this are well-situation and probably find this amusing and you are glad that it's happening to me and to others and not to you. That is the system, it is now engrained into society. I write of this for the people who actually don't want to be coertly killed or discriminated against in a system that feigns equality. These things I write of are the death attacks that are concealed by fake promises and seeming open access to essential services. 

Terrorist report: September 7, 2021. The spread of outright lies, disinformation and discrimination is now at an open and rampant stage for basic, critical services any person requires to function marginally in society. . Mail service denial from US. Repeated requests for my mail service to open and scan letters they send to me in pdf form--only the outer envelope then with a request whether I want the letter opened and scanned. My mail service has stopped sending me notifications of 90% of my mail, and only dire letters with red warnings are scanned only in envelope and then I must repeat requests to have the letters opened for days until I must phone the service. My phone calls are diverted to the terrorist agents posing as the employees of this service. I was told that there is only one person working in an entire mail service business that has a few hundred mail boxes and that he has no time to open and scan my letters. I had to almost beg to have him scan letters that are of utmost importance to me, because he refused to scan warning letters until I was almost made homeless because I was not alerted of vital news from this government agency. Now my bank has sent a letter with a red "Important" warning and I requested he open it on the 3rd. I have sent 3 requests since then to have this letter opened. I know my service is being entirely blocked by the terrorist agency but there is nothing I can do any longer. All my phone calls are diverted to terrorist agents posing as employees. I can never reach a real manager of this business nor does any email ever reach anyone but those operating as terrorist agents/posing as employees. My internet is so badly hacked that even a game I have been playing is now blocked and dysfunctional. I just spent over 5 hours trying to clear out this computer doing a "reset" (for Windows 10) and after hours of waiting, the system is so blocked and so slow from malware and I just performed this 4+ hour task of trying to clear out all the malware.

 Likewise my bank: I tried to obtain the information about the "important" letter because my bank was just bought out for the 2nd time in around 5 years by another bank (or it has merged corporate ownership with a 2nd company with new policies).

My every phone call to the customer service line is met with an outsourced Central or South American rep who can barely "speak" English (terrorist agents posing as being nearly illiterate and barely able to handle a simple phone call in English). I know they are lying of course and can speak fluently. Every single one, (and all here in Thailand) call me Mr. and then begin to cough into the phone, begin to repeat endless pleasantries and information that I never asked for. If I ask a simple question they revert to information that was already gone over and neglect to answer the question. I usually have to ask, after being interrupted constantly whenever I begin to talk until I have to yell literally yelling to get them to stop because they talk over me and don't stop when I try to tell them I know, I understand, and please answer the question--they go on and on repeating information that is basic and every time I try to say something they begin a huge and long soliloquy and never stop interrupting and going off into tangents and avoiding all my questions that are just basic. This goes on and on so every phone call extends to nearly 45 minutes of being interrupted, endless circular avoidances of my simple questions that require sometimes just a yes or no answer. They cough constantly into the phone (or sniffle, it always has to be some kind of cough or sneezing sound which is constant throughout the phone calls--this also occurs with Americans who answer the phones but at least answer much quicker than the outsourced calls).

I finally had to resort to speaking Spanish to get the bank customer service rep to stop avoiding my questions, interrupting me, coughing into the phone, calling me "Mrs" and then "Mr" and never answering a single question. My Spanish is not very good but I should not have to fight to speak in a foreign language for an English banking customer service agent out of a US bank, but that is what this terrorist agency has forced me into. 

I asked what the letter pertained to, which this mailing service refuses to open and scan after 4 days of writing requests to open it (but always of course the letter is sent to the terrorist agent, working for the promotion of the service so some manager or owner of the mail service can also get his/her endless new deals like everyone else participating in this terrorist hate crime inflicted upon me endlessly year after year non-stop as everyone who attacks me gets a huge bonus a new auto a new advancement etc etc as I am constantly ripped off and lied to and attacked and denied service with no way to actually even phone the actual business to try to sort the problem out because the business is participating, the agents the put on my "case" to lie and attack me are working for the management which is also going to lie outright to me--and writing on this blog is probably not going to change this as it never has for all these years of writing about this terrible form of discrimination where I am literally being blocked from a legitimate mail service--and every mailing service has done this to me for years out of  the US. I have had to switch companies 3 times and each time they lie and lie and if I get angry about this discrimination they stop all service from me--

I can't switch service once more so I have to fight to get this done--the mail service is in Orlando it is called World Mail Service. The dude I spoke to on the phone last week said his name is "Victor"--and I had to call him in an emergency after repeat requests to open critical mail from Social Security which he did not open--until I was in a crisis mode--when this group of terrorists put me into a crisis mode--as Social Security told me that they have sent 2 letters for the last half year requesting information and I never received any such letters until my sustenance was cut off and I almost was made homeless. Now they are denying me mail service once more. All letters from my health care providers is NEVER sent to me by this mail service, and I know that at least 2 letters per year are sent and I stopped receiving any such information over 3 years ago. For the first two years of this service, which I began to order in 2014, the mail service opened all letters promptly and I received all information upon first request. Once 2016 began and the power shifted, I was getting 2x yearly Social Security review requests (after more than 20 years of being on this service I had received in all those decades only one such request, since my situation is a medically chronic condition). Twice a year since then I have gotten threats to cut my sustenance off with review after review, mail notification of which I have often not received with red-underlined letters warning of dire consequences if the letter is not responded to after multiple attempts by SS to notify me of case review after review after review. This past year I have not even been notified of any such letter until my money was essentially cut off. 

This is my very drastic situation looming on catastrophic conditions because of this terrorist organization and their block to my very essential mail service. I cannot locate a single mail service willing to do this service for me as all my phone calls are intercepted and transferred to terrorist agents who lie and discriminate so I can never obtain actual service unless I physically walk into a business. Even at that point the discrimination can and usually does occur and I find that I have to know the law inside and out just to fight this endless attack from this global network blocking each and every single advancement from me. That includes poisoning me with intention to murder me and then blocking relevant health care (except in one single case and that turned into a hate situation but I still got health service because the organization had not been entirely infiltrated and I had used their services years prior to the much larger infestation that this hate global terrorist organization has forced upon the planet. The spread of outright lies, disinformation and discrimination is now at an open and rampant stage.

Monday, September 6, 2021

"How porn is destroying young men" (Video below). The same can be said for tv and movie titillation and ensuing dysfunction or emotional numbness or just general lack of empathy or kindness in the general spectrum of human behavior. All the sensationalism of the celluloid plexiverse has created what seems to be heartless and callous conditions in the human condition.

 "How porn is destroying young men | Gary Wilson (Key Points Talk)." Quicktalks. April 27, 2016.

When I view the utter lovelessness of the people involved in spewing out sensationalized compassion and their proclivity towards pornographic hate acts, it extends beyond shock value into dismal dismay for society in general.

These celebrities and power-people in general "enjoy" so much instant gratification that real and genuine love or empathy for anyone they sexually abuse or exploit is so rampant that it's become a normative value and this extends into mainstream society by route of the exemplar of the sensationalized media personalities and their endless sexual exploits proclaimed in bold sensationalized scandals and poses and videos of sex sex sex but the heartlessness and dehumanization that is so endemic within this community and indeed within society I believe has exploded into what should be considered a national crisis of identification with other human beings. It takes a video of someone being murdered to have people finally act in rage for what has been apparent for years. It seems like no amount of abuse that famous men inflict upon their wives, children or upon society creates a ripple of concern and that they are immune from all blame and exonerated on each criminal count by the court of public opinion. The pornographic display of their celebrity promotes something akin to a numbness and a pornographic erectile dysfunction in the human spirit. So much titillation and hearts and minds are now callous and numb and number and cold and colder....


Andrea Dworkin/Pornography



Firing Line with William F. Buckley Jr.: Women Against Pornography (Andrea Dworkin).  Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr. February 25, 1985.

One of William F. Buckley, Jr.'s most intriguing questions, which he repeated in other of his series of interviews, was on the question of snuff films. His fascination with this specific topic involving the "ultimate" "high" of viewer titillation reveals his personal connection to such material, if only to reveal his fantasy but I suspect he had viewed and even gone as far as to endorse such types of material. The ultimate high for the aspirations of those who want "power" over other human beings. The elitist fantasy of sexualizing murder. When all other titillations go awry, the cry of the dying is perhaps the most sexy thing for those who have gained the world but lost their hearts. However, Buckley never lost his mind or brain or intellect, at least not for his interviews or writings. Considering that Buckley performed a more exacting job of creating an apparent oppositional rhetorical debate shows to me that his heart was in the area of being in the "right" place because he never swayed from allowing opposite views to his own have access to media exposure if they were literate enough to elaborate clearly on their position. I believe a staunch heart allows for such dialectical debate. In what feels like a time and space in American history where heartless actions prevail but obscured behind saccharine displays of fake charitable pretenses, there is usually a one-sided display of partisan belief. 

A very interesting/good/excellent discussion on the subject where even the white privileged can identify somewhat with the iconic William F. Buckley, Jr. Although he has been labeled as some kind of "conservative" type of "villain" by some, I find his creation of discourse on apparent "both sides" of a debate to be much more hearty and robust than the now less-than balanced and fair and skewed and delving into hate ranting of some media sources along with the pornographic display and veiled racism and etc of the mainstream entertainment complex. Combined it makes for a dulled and emotional erectile dysfunctional society. I say this as a victim of society and it's backlash against whatever they hate about me or about themselves, however you want to paint this most heartless witch hunt that I am at the center of.

I know surely that before pornographic imagery and this lack of constraint for profanity and profane sexualized content in the media became so normalized, I experienced a much higher level of concern, compassion and response of support from the community at large. However, pornography had left it's indelible mark upon society even at the initial stages of my systematic hate and rape attacks by use of these insidious technologies and drugging/poisonings (let's say around the mid-to-latter 70's and then henceforth exploding as the pornographic content has also exploded) into absolute callous insensitivity by society for the violence being inflicted by this most broad and comprehensive systematic hate terrorist organization inflicting it's hate upon me. How many videos have been distributed of me being teleported, drugged and turned into some dark web porno sensation I don't know. I only know that there is a numb and callous response from those most intimate with the entire celluloid plexiverse of commerce who are at the pinnacle of "success" in the entertainment field. Most are famous for some of their sexualized content or postures or scandals or "allure" in sexualized postures that are identical to "soft"pornographic content.