Friday, November 12, 2021

"HEllo from the gutters" of LA ...(good bye). I was under mind control when I wrote glowing reviews of Spike Lee (who is a racist, anti-Semitic terrorist agent part of the cartel attacking me). David Berkowitz was an MK ULTRA/Manchurian Candidate assassin. I think he was drugged "out of his gourd" when he committed the macabre executions that helped anti-Semitic Spike Lee to come out with an anti-Semitic film which basically ingratiated him with the Nazi Mafia cartel which runs H-wood and the political fodder genocidal machinery of the United States and the fascist Nazis in Europ-a-land who have embraced Lee (after he attacked me using this racist protocol even more so). I regret the posts I wrote about him below, which I will not edit, but to demonstrate how badly I was under drugging/mind control/subliminal attack while I wrote the posts. I wrote of the mind control effects below and want to state that my honoring of Lee--who is 100% a member of this terrorist celebrity group assaulting me which has not stopped for a decade or longer---and my "honoring' him for this blatent and stupid depiction of Berkowitz (played by an "Italian-American buffoon actor) is racist "as hell" . I posted this yesterday on Facebook and was so woozy from mind control blasting into my brain and nervous system plus hacking blocks (going on right now as a matter of fact) that I just got off the laptop so the complete nausea that the technology afflicting my brain/body would stop somehow if I just got away or stopped writing, as these attacks are designed to discredit me as I go into ranting hate expletive-driven rants, or I just can't think or type any longer and feel extremely sick and dizzy so I must stop. Thusly, to continue. I could not post this yesterday but realized after having gotten off that this is a hugely significant issue and has been covered up for so long. What Berkowitz says in this video clip is significant to MK ULTRA programming and to the travesty of violence that the "programmers" and the expletive minion wanna-get-easy-promotion terrorists really are all about, underneath all their societal posturing (and mostly they are "respectable" members of "the community" in most cases).

 "David Berkowitz interview. The Son of Sam on Larry King Weekend. 1999 interview.". The TVisions. 

I posted this yesterday on Facebook and was so woozy from mind control blasting into my brain and nervous system plus hacking blocks (going on right now as a matter of fact) that I just got off the laptop so the complete nausea that the technology afflicting my brain/body would stop somehow if I just got away or stopped writing, as these attacks are designed to discredit me as I go into ranting hate expletive-driven rants, or I just can't think or type any longer and feel extremely sick and dizzy so I must stop. Thusly, to continue. I could not post this yesterday but realized after having gotten off that this is a hugely significant issue and has been covered up for so long. What Berkowitz says in this video clip is significant to MK ULTRA programming and to the travesty of violence that the "programmers" and the expletive minion wanna-get-easy-promotion terrorists really are all about, underneath all their societal posturing (and mostly they are "respectable" members of "the community" in most cases).

I have written today and the effects of mind control are now blocking my functioning so I will leave this as the slowly-descending into ranting post that it became under these obstructive mind control and hacking influences.

I can honestly say that having woken up this morning I immediately recognized that I was under brain-washing mind control when I claimed that Spike Lee's film Summer of Sam was one of the best movies--this happens often under these pernicious influences of mind control attacks. The aim often is for the terrorists to get you to claim openly that you admire them, their bs crap they put out in the media, that if I say I will watch their bs that means they have somehow succeeded in abusing me and then getting me to say that I will watch their s**t (please note the effects of mind control that I wrote of above are in full effect right now--hacking is very bad, I am sinking into ranting expletive-driven hate rants).

The aim of this sick organization en toto is to get victims to "love" their perpetrator abusers and to buy into the bs that they crank out, whether it's a celluloid version of some hyped-up fantasy, or a political crusade to "save Democracy" or "fight for the American People" as they all claim, these vicious rapist-enabling, mind control do-nothing about leaders who are really all ensconced in this organization to the hilt of their mind control daggers they thrust into public consciousness as often as possible.

This keeps happening to me. I also must suffer endless threats to my life for simply clicking on a movie and while under mind control writing something about how much I admire the expletive who stars in the film--all forced into my subconscious by the inaudible subliminal mind control technology, penetrating all my critical thinking capabilities by the incessant drugging that is always forced upon me. I also must purchase food that is marked on sale if I want to begin to be able to afford the food I need to heal from all this poisoning. The organization knows t his so they put out drugged and nasty food that appears decent in the plastic packaging. I take extra precautions to seal and make my food secure with all kinds of plastic bags and rubber banks so the mechanical arms would have to rip the bags open--and this group for now is using a protocol where zero evidence is provided to any victim as a safety procedure that is followed at all times. In the future they will NOT HAVE TO HIDEW their crimes when all governments and law enforcement have fully been infiltrated and all are greedy and violent supporters of this hate organization--and that is happening with increasing rapidity the longer no one does anything to stop this terror hate genocidal death organization to which you all reading this (for now) belong --or most of you. The rest maybe should rethink going along with it.


"I just felt like a brainwashed robot. ...I just felt like I had no mind, like someone else was controlling me."--David Berkowitz on the question of how he felt while going on killing sprees during the Summer of Sam (by interviewer Larry King--vid below).

@14 minutes into the interview, Berkowitz explains the confusion that lead to his being "carried away by a paranormal" force--I believe he was very possibly/probably a mind control experimentee, instructed to kill as an "experiment" that went a bit too far. The mentality of people who utilize these technologies, drugs and mind control operations is as insidious as the crimes that appear as lone-shooter rampages and mass genocidal violence inflicted upon the helpless and defenseless. People are so easily manipulated and it is unbelievable still to me that no one ever mentions this subject or the ways in which people can be programmed to perform actions that essentially ARE against their Will.

Berkowitz also states that his mother took him to a psychiatrist once a week for a period of two years. It's possible/probable that the mind control drugging and programming were instilled and introduced into his system at that time. I am just mentioned parallels and probabilities to how these manipulators and callous power-thirsty monsters operate upon children and the innocent and unsuspecting. I know a lot of anti-Semitic groups like the "Italian-American" community--across the United States and much more pronounced in Europe and esp. Italy are very much advocates for destroying the lives of Jews using these systematic mind control operations. I can't recount how many people of that insidious group, how many people how many years I have had to experience this but it appears as a finalized conclusion with the mafia-driven "Italian-Americans" who have encumbered me with their vicious racism and hate (I am thinking of one actor in particular, taxi driver). I just really suspect so many "weird" happenings and situations now that I understand how wide-spread and supported this system of hate inflicted upon me truly is and how they operate is always ugly and sinister and hate-based.

The completely wacked-out Berkowitz could have been drugged up on mind control drugs people put in his food and led to a kind of slaughter by his nasty Satanic group which probably was a CIA action of mind control/brainwashing into creating Manchurian Candidate assassins.



"SUMMER OF SAM - 'Hello from the Gutters'". ENT3R666. April 12, 2012.

where the ants feed on dried blood, stale vomit and urine! (quoting from David Berkowitz below--the scene has changed from NYC to LA).
Some infamous writings and rantings of rage can be turned into great punk song lyrics...sung by non-punkster actors (I assume) who are playing for mainstream audiences who devour these tidbits in the salty bloodless theaters or watch sucking out the blood in the private streaming flickering shadowed walls in the halls of their private pleasures!
What a good movie portraying the satanic "Italian-American" scene of NYC which has brought about so many sordid deaths and so much terror and tragedy--but people can only look at the victim who has gone out to create more victims in the shadows of the flickering shadows of the moon of the lunacy, created by the "normalcy" of the mafia Italian-American NYC bigot circus of sexual repression turned into violent oppression turned into sexual obsession and mafia discretion.
I have to wonder how much anti-Semitism that Berkowitz endured at the hands of the bigot "Italian-Americans" of NYC and also how much Spike Lee has likewise portrayed--except that he got one of the "Italian-American" bozos to play the Jewish outsider and the actor makes Berkowitz appear absolutely stupid--which actually is the obverse as Berkowitz was a mentally ill genius unlike the more "normal" mafia greasebags who are terror wrapped in bigot wrapping and cultural trappings. But I love this scene and the rest of the movie has some "over-the-top" silliness but otherwise it's Spike Lee taking his demons out before succumbing to doing what it takes to get promoted "to the top" of the bigot 3-ring which he has done selling out. This movie may have been the fringe of Lee's descent into the abyss of the circus sell-out circuit.


"The Son of Sam Letters". Alternative Deathstyle. July 20, 2020. 


Hacking and brain-altering attacks are rampant as I write, have to struggle to think, write and even to scroll down hackers keep freezing and stopping the flow of internet surfing--constantly in fact. Hard to write, they are using some technology to bring emotions and biases that the ego otherwise would stifle and not just blurt out. I am blamed for this and tortured for my thoughts which this tech sucks out by people who suck everything else out of me possible to exploit and take and steal and destroy. My thoughts which are drawn out without the critical threshold of 2nd thought hesitation--it just comes out, it blurts out as I struggle to pound out words and fight to think. Well, honesty is extremely unpopular and they are forcing this out of me but it's not what I really would have written, but once out, I am glad to have gotten it out. Wish I could actually write without these encumbering blocks and then the stifling of my writings and stolen by creeple non-stop and me blocked from having any real public exposure to my thoughts--just you hackers and terrorists reading this. Well, screw it the punk scene is great, probably my favorite of all Spike Lee films and somewhat resonant of the actual reality of a punk show. Notice that the scene lasts for less than 2 minutes so I think that is about the best I can ever say about Lee at this point of his participation in this terror contract out on me so my view of him and his movies--like all the actors involved, meaning the males and females--all has "soured" to the extreme bitter distaste seeing their faces or movies.
But I thought of this scene in having scrolled down and seeing scenes of the actors attacking me who try to trigger me by posting their faces endlessly therein. My thoughts went to this scene of the ants feeding off the dried blood because I thought of the streets of sordid LA and the extreme battles-to-the-death that have ensued in that travesty terror elitist fantasy Babylon brothel blood-soaked place and it's themes and....I am now blanking out my brain is confused my hands can't write and that is all fornow...


"Summer of Sam Dance Scene. There But For The Grace of God". raysjimmy. 

It's really a great movie and should have been included in all those lists of "best movies of all time" which never include this film--it's really a top-notch film in all respects from script to dancing to import but the creepy dumb guy playing Berkowitz ruined the film--like a souffle that should have been perfect but imploded in one crucial spot. Love this scene--encapsulates much of the theme of the film--which is why I wrote about the "Italian-American" aspect and racism and this terror organization operates when given a chance during a crisis--the film reveals a bit of the bigotry and witch-hunting violence for anyone straying outside of normal conventionality. Only this small bit of anti-Semitism was hinted at, but if you could hear the more private conversations of the "Italian-American" bigots open racism is one of the most common themes and spoken/slurred out like gluttons feeding off a frenzy. The film only hints at this but it's a big hint except it is ruined by the bigoted portrayal of the Jewish man played by some obese idiot "Italian-American" and I suspect that Spike Lee participating in this contract out on me is his own gateway into higher promotion as well as his reverse racism and propensity to try to become as bigoted as those he claims are biased against "his people" and so in order to appease them he attacks me with hate in his own little way (not like the really violent whites who attack me who are his "friends" I would suspect he and they would all say). Oh wel, to whom am I writing to anyway? Just more bigots reading this who fully support all this terror I think none of you would even give Summer of Sam any mention whatsoever but Spile Lee in his current incarnation as a black Nazi surely you all love his movies even if you can't "remember" this one. It's a classic it should have been given more awards and more attention and it should not be forgotten as being one of the best films ever!


My brain by now, from fighting to type the above while my brain was put into some technological vice--affecting my concentration I was just fighting to pound out letters and get my brain to operate. It's rambling and seeming incoherent in spots because I am so dizzy and under such negative mind control/technological assault to my brain in addition to hacking blocks to the keyboard. The multi-pronged attack that never ends.

A succinct list of situational terrorism my s**@t list:

 1: I have stopped detailing the expletive celebrities who are assaulting me in a never-ending line-up of people looking for easy promotions. The latest is not a shocker for me but as usual represents "The Left" and it's efforts to create a peaceful, healthy planet. This is one of the Europ-a-land reps for sustainability and a healthy planet. It's filled with vicious hate and negativity looking for it's easy promotion into more fame. It represents efforts that indigenous peoples all over the planet never achieve because she is the face of Europigape chagrin over policies that pigs like her actually covertly support because it's part of the "entitlement" process for white supremacy and Nazi/fascist/Mafia looting and plunder and vernichtungen.

Writing about these creeps has proven to only help to promote them. It appears that if they are abrasive abusive annoying cloying stupid sleazy violent making me queasy they get a free greasy uplift for their sagging careers. I then get tortured for writing about them even though my writing about their ugliness and stupidity is one of their main objectives (which is part of the protocol for obtaining their greasy promotions for being so easily programmed into fascist behavior modification as they too are "mind controlled" subjects who never resist if they get free deals they have no qualms about any kind of exchange of mental freedom because they don't really think independently anyway so there is nothing much to lose in that respect, for them in this exchange of simply following orders and then being promoted into higher positions of "authority" to meet out more violence and terrorism to other unsuspecting targets who are left with zero support and all law enforcement in the global terror police state supporting all the upper echelons of the terror organization.

It turns out this was not succinct all. I was going to write a brief sentence highlighted with bold letters to accentuate each item and it turns out the subject matter is just too significant to reduce, although I'm sure the ever-reductive celebrities are capable of reducing the most complex of ideas into basic 3rd grade level sentences for easy comprehension to the point that it's forgettable and doesn't penetrate to any great level of the mind, heart or soul.

They also are threatening me constantly to take away my money and sustenance. The rip-offs from businesses are so tantamount at this point--I mean an entire bank being shuttered to block me from obtaining money so I must spend an addition $8.50 in addition to a 3% banking fee--my bank I use does not charge this fee on their end, and there is only this one bank that will allow me to use their banking services without this fee. Thus I had to spend that extra $8.50 and to these greedy, sleazy celebrities and activists and intellectuals who live in mansions and are constantly showered with free gifts and all expenses paid and the longer they shower me with undeserved hate and unjustified terrorism the more free gifts and entitlements they are handed, so they never stop.

The latest addition I criticized which to these "entitlement" wanna be fascist tyrant dictators you call your "Leftist" celebrities, any criticism in the slightest could be justification on their part to have you executed assassin-style. This latest hag-looking thing celebrity just rushed at me with screeching hate as the blonde Nazi group sat with legs spread in sexualized titillation while the screeching old woman teenager pounced upon me for the benefit of obtaining some free new deal for her blathering bs "Liberal" posturing about activism and etc. I tried to tell her that the group she is operating with has been directly responsible for helping climate change to exacerbate with the policies that they supported and obtained their endless trophy deals and awards from, but only I was attacked viciously by this rotten Europigape skank creep because that means a free deal or entitlement for her and her "cause celebre". I am actually describing her in much-too-much detail and it may not be so difficult should anybody be reading this at this point (I realize my ranting only drives readers away--I really suspect that mind control is driving these rants and I believe that is 100% correct--part of the discrediting process).

2. Not succinct any longer but....

Mind control whilst I write has increased so I am not capable of accessing my critical thinking capabilities. The attacks have gotten to the point that I am extremely dizzy and feel like my head is being slightly crushed inward as my vision blurs and always my hands can't move to the keys as I am stuck and frozen in physical movement. I can't imagine the technology being used to achieve these effects but the "beaming" into my brain and nervous system can be affected in public places and always is, in every instance where I have any contact with any other human being or the potential for it (in written form).

3. I am investigating basic off-grid survival videos on YouTube, knowing that my survival capability if I had to go on that route is much closer to Zero than I would like. The effect of the global police state and the inaction by all members of Congress to intervene in this terrorism that so many fully support (so many from The Left, the names are many but again, this organization keeps having my mail service in Florida not report mail that could stop my basic flow of income or they create terror schemes to have the government agency that has provided me with sub-sub-unlivable poverty income to barely survive and they keep threatening to have reviews and that I must come in person to their office in America and that my case is constantly under review--a situation that has never occurred until Trump took office in 2016--for decades I was never bothered my situation is chronic, meaning a permanent disability from this terror organization having me poisoned with intention to slowly suffocate my internal organs and bloat me into paralysis. they then fractured vertebrae and broke bones and if this terror group had the opportunity to break into my room (after spending over two years fighting to block all the cracks and portals of this tiny studio--with dollar store materials and some hardware hooks--each month not being able to continue to afford the necessary items so I had to wait weeks just to try to complete maybe half or a third of each "project" of pasting and gluing objects over each panel--the entire studio is covered with penetrable cracks and panels that are indeed opened up from all sides of the entire studio--top, bottom, both sides. If they still could physically entire they would be raping and putting my hips out of alignment and sticking fungus into my orifices, hair and etc etc as they have been doing for years (the celebrities of "The Left" have all profited off this situation and the longer they have had access to this kind of extreme rape and torture system the more callous and violent they have become, and the more awards and promotions they have all obtained by this nefarious sick organization which also controls politicians in the same, exact system. I wish I could mention some of their names but they have been ordering my skin to be slashed between my toes and my body and my hair falling out from chemical terror and my skin slathered with something that scars like I have burn scars and spider veins pounded into my legs--all done while I am "asleep" after having been drugged up, in a comatose hypnosis and being teleported to abuse and rape in the twin-body physical state that teleportation has created. I so hope that one day someone can provide any kind of responsible law enforcement agency with the reams of footage that someone and some group must have of me being teleported to Los Angeles to be abused and beaten and raped and tortured and insulted and etc by this group of expletives while my physical location of being in this place where I now am is confirmed--just to prove that the US Government and H-wood the mind control/propaganda arm of the "Left" is only the arm of the "Right" fascist mafia group which is controlling all--probably from some exclusive place like Geneva and other lavish Europigape entitlement Nazi/Mafia enclaves. Meaning America is being controlled by very nasty foreign agents and the Americans so eagerly have latched on to fascist Nazism and Mafia take-over of all the most critical agencies which rely on "The Left" to promulgate the lie that America is working it's hardest but surely failing somehow to keep America on track to obey the US Constitution and to protect and serve it's inhabitants except for the very weak and vulnerable which the politicos and the fascist Nazi celebrities who all are charity and government icons all are blathering about how they are fighting to protect in all their creepy superhumanoid blockbuster computer-generated mind control fodder.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Terrorist Report: (*this post has been badly hacked/rewritten. Grammar has been deleted. This reads like a 3rd grade-level non-English-speaking writer in most places. I am under extreme brain-altering effect while the keyboard is also being blocked. The combination of hacking/brain-altering tech/and hacker rewrites and deletions has made this post impossible to get through clearly. I rewrote one part of one paragraph after it had been almost demolished by terrorist hackers with deletions and inserts and grammar deletions---I can't go through the whole thing it is nearly incomprehensible in most places, lacking cohesion and grammar and then I could not finish my thoughts while I was--and still am--constantly backspacing and rewriting because hackers are just obliterating all I write and think and attempt)--the one bank in Phuket which will give me a cash forward on my Visa Debit card closed the entire bank today when I needed to withdraw money. This is not a banking holiday and every other bank in Phuket was opened the entire day. If I use an ATM, first terrorist hackers have blocked access to my card via cash machines for a few years. Then I am charged over $30 to withdraw my money with double expenses and my bank has limited my cash withdrawal per ATM visit to just $400, which is far below my daily withdrawal limit. I can't change it I have tried. All of my phone calls are re-routed to terrorists who lie repeatedly and claim they can't understand or speak English.

 Because I am so injured and partially paralyzed, and it requires at least 3 hours to pack all my bags, bring them out of multiple sealed plastic bags, clean off the stinking odors of clothing, and then upon returning it requires at least 2 hours to repack everything and hide it under a part of the furniture where I still have to seal and multiple-seal the bags that contain all my essential documents which have been sprayed with stinking odors and sprays for so many years that no amount of cleaning gets the laboratory-created stink out of the items. 

I am in too much pain to go through driving and nearly being hit and a few hundred people attacking me while my body still has the hard poisons latched into my spine which I fight endlessly to slowly rip out using every means I can possibly figure out by watching videos on YouTube on detoxifying from poisoning. Over ten years of this and I'm still in too much pain and still working to detox with endless abuse and violence from these celebrities and these terrorists attacking me.

Thus I had to go to the one bank a few more miles' drive South which I know will perform the cash advance option. They charged me $8.50 plus my banking fees plus the 3% charge so it's going to come out to costing me $30 just to withdraw my money. 

Right now hacking is so bad and the keyboard is being so badly manipulated I must physically fight to get these words out and every word is a physical strain of pounding down and backspacing and rewriting as letters won't appear when I pound down to get anything out.

My condominium is now packed with creeps who loiter and follow me around and stare and block my path. The stinking substances that have been poured into my home are like foul semen laced with fungus or mold. Poured into my bathroom, a piece of clothing, my floor has been sprinkled in all corners and parts under furniture with debris and grime and soot and brown/black grime is everywhere--the walls, the floor, etc.

Hairs are everywhere steeped in oily substances.

The view I have of the hillside outside my window. It is almost an 80-degree angle facing my window and there is a plateau and then a steep 90-degree towering cliff beyond the small hillside/cliff facing my patio. The two animals that remained alive have been either killed or shot away or chased away and that makes zero animals and only weeds growing with plastic bags and plastic hangers and things thrown on the hillside that used to be covered with birds and white flowers. blown apart and demolished by the terrorists. All the birds have been killed. Two lizards remained--huge incredible species--now gone and their former very happy habitat has been taken away from them just to torture me and to keep only uglinss and hate surrounding me.

I went to this bank to withdraw money, Krungsri in Rawai. Rotten an decrepit ugly white older males went in as the staff was hostile, pretended they could not understand almost everything I said but spoke perfectly with apologies and loving kindness to the ugly white trash males who were there instructing them on the bigot protocol that the bigots of H-wood ordered them to perform, as well as years of stinking and foul putrid substances and my hands are huge and ugly from years of having to clean all of this perpetually.

Went to my motorbike rental place in that area because they told me months ago that they would order me a new motorbike--I have been paying this same price for one motorbike for over 4 years and I have paid for it at least 3 times over. Because this terror group forces me into not being able to earn even any money whatsoever, all my money is spent on renting and paying off the cost 4 times over. They promised me and then lied. They promised me again and asked me over and over what color I would like. My brain is put into such a mind control spectrum of incomprehension while they are lambasting me with interrogation techniques of repeating the same thing over and over an dover and over and yelling at me the same questions and prodding my arm and hitting my arm and asking as I repeat an drepeat and when I get angry, they take things away and refuse service. After having this horrid attack at the 2nd bank in Rawai after the first bank which had been literally closed in a terrorist action to block me from obtaining money without me having to lose     MORE money by this group forcing a discriminatory action upon essential services that are being blocked and over charged and etc upon me. That is, my mail service charging me over $100 per smallest Fed Ex package while all other mail services are literally refusing me service or lying or not delivering or literally stealing my items from packaged boxes (DHL here in Phuket has done that and I have no recourse to justice whatsoever here in Phuket). Back to this motorbike rental. The one woman who spoke English is now gone--I mean who did not pretend she "no understan" English. They are being instructed in English on how to attack me, by the way. I lost my temper after having to go through driving more miles and go out of my way to obtain money because it is too hard on my body to spend hours fighting to just get in and out of this room. I also have to block my front door by inserting objects in the cracks of the doors on all sides because mechanical arms were being inserted under the door frame (there is a significant gap--this entire studio has gaps and cracks and tiles everywhere and all my years of effort to stop all of this still has not effectively stopped the mechanical arm terrorist/body mulitation/food poisoning/drugging/filth and stench attacks in this room from the creep terrorists on the other sides of the walls-and those who insert the mechanical arms under the doorway where there is ample space for a mechanical arm to break though--as they then open the front door and rape and destroy my body and room while I'm teleported while sleeping only to be raped twice in both locations (body twain by the teleportation technology>

I am fighting to type this and my brain is going into not just tangents but I can't focus or concentrate. I am so dizzy and feeling so ill from the effect of my brain under this endless onslaught of deadly attack to my brain by these tecynologies--it's like I'm in a fog and fighting to think clearly for ever a minute. I can't even begin to write and finish my thoughts at this poing.

I lost my temper at this motorbike rental place after having to go through rotten disgusting old white males (not just Europigapes but an American creep with the obsequious Thai female lovingly thanking and apologizing as they glare in hate at me, nearly yelled at me, glared in hate as I walked in saying very loudly "what do you want" in ugly hateful tones. Not "understanding" when I asked for change for a 1000 baht bill I had to repeat this 5 times in a row because she "no understan". I had to pay an extra $8 for in fees because this bank, which I never use but have in the past out of desperation when Bangkok Bank is closed or they refuse me service--it has happened for the most bogus lying reasons in the past, in this area and it also is the area I have lived in for a few years (nearly killed by the Nazi network and hit by cars and etc many times--under orders for a few of the near-death attacks by the H-wood celebrities you all love and they are just endlessly feeding off this contract out on me.

But I went to this motorbike rental place, where I go every month to overpay them for this motorbike which has been scratched up by terrorists who just scrape the paint off while I am parked and in shopping malls or in stores--

after "no understan" and there was a team of Thai people yelling questions at me and repeating the same thing as my brain--as it is now--was under so much attack I answered the repeat harassment interrogation question-answer session like I was a robot just endless being pressed to repeat and go though a cycle of stupidity with them yelling the same question at me in non-stop blathering hate banter yelling at me. I could not "understand" that I was under attack, but I finally got so "drugged up" (as I am right now, I feel like I am completely drunk or high while writing this under this effect--the manipulation of brain-waves is being blasted into my brain as I fight to pound this out right now--and that is how it always is when I am in public as I repeat and say things I have never thought in language I never use).

it is again too impossible ot write this out. I told this Thai skank that she was full of shit and a liar. She understood all that and responded by having an ugly Thai male yelling like a fascist adherent into his phone while she held it at me as I was getting my things to go. They are not going to buy me this new motorbike and I am just endless stuck in every facet of life possible by ugly and crap people. The pandemic gave me a chance to breathe a little bit from years of violence from hundreds of filthy sick scumbag losers attacking me every single time I have gone out. I can't believe how many sick an dstupid and rotten pieces of shit there are on this planet participating in t his ugly organization. I am so exhausted right now from pounding down on this keyboard and fighting to think. The creeps are increasing the attack on my brain my vision is blurry I can't think I can't t ype I can't finish this any longer I am just unable to think and write at this point--

so I am stuck. 

I have reacted to the shit people in H-wood who have tortured, ordered me to be mutilated, raped beaten spat upon urinated upon stolen idea after idea told me I am nothing stupid a bitch have had me raped and raped and poisoned and my body completely scarred up while they tell me as my body is breaking down and aging, as they also had part of my uterus cut out but refuse me any help in health care so I need hormone balancing herbs and myb ody is just deteriorating as they keep on having me poisoned and abuse and abused and abused as I yell adn wish them death every time they teleport me while they tell me they are "so superior" and I am nothing an it never ends.

Was threatened with death by the Speaking of the House a few weeks ago when I said that these Nazi men are disgusting--I put it in a more elaborate and verbally eloquent way--this sick woman acts like I am supposed to be absolutely stupid instead of having a degree of intelligence that should have enabled me to have a career instead of rotting in a filthy cesspool stinking studio which is perpetually being sprayed with toxic stinking substances day and night by mechanical arms and writing endless posts while sitting on Disability and not getting health care while abusers and users keep trying to pound me into slow death while more and more millions and millions of abusers and losers keep surrounding me. 

I see the waters washing away these parts of the planet due to the greed, stupidity and incompetence of this organization which has taken over every government, is a death and hate and racist and death-mongering exploitation organization. 

But now my arm is so sore from pounding down I can't go on.

years of this hate from this group in H-wood and they are increasing the violence because I by now pray for their deaths every single day they are so ugly and sick and stupid and vile and so are their children adn friends and organization I detest them and it's just never ending--they keep attacking me I keep wishing them death they never stop tryign to exploit this hate contract out upon me for themselves for years, then their rotten shit children, their shitty friends, so they can have the "power" to have sex partners who will do anything to be a part of this power system that these incompetents have been handed by posturing incompetents in Congress who really are destroying the planet and are absolutely too vile, stupid and sick to have been put in these positions of power. It is now nearly impossible fo rme to type any longer it's such physical exertion I am literally in pain from pounding as hard as I can to get the words to appear. My hands hover in mid-air unable to move my brain is completely udner attack. I can't even finish my thoughts nand this is now impossible to go on any longer.

When you rotten people reading this finally realize that this system is also destroying your own lives and your planet, perhaps then you will finally stop allowing incompetent hate-death-mongering idiot posturing bs con artist whores to obtain power over your planet and your lives. 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Terrorist filth stink drugging poisoning food attack etc hacking combined with brain-altering tech/drugging etc report: November 8, 2021.

 Hacking and DOS is very bad today. I just did a computer sweep last week and it's now corroded completely, slowed down, DOS compromises every basic search. I tried to "remember" the term "Audition" just a few hours ago for a post and I could not remember this term while watching the Fame movie clip with LeRoy.

The attack on my brain whilst I write is far worse than I can portray it mostly because my brain is under attack while I write...


Stinking filth poured into my food. This was a bag of something dried that I had bought and stored in my room, which was replaced by rancid and rotten items tainted and undoubtedly any and all things I leave like tea bags, herbs, anything like coconut dried powder in bags that are hermetically-sealed are taken out and replaced by tainted food stuff that the terrorists order to be polluted and poisoned and drugged by their every-corrupted business and manufacturing plant, which is a global operation.

Feeling dizzy just from attempting to write the few paragraphs above. Hacking is so bad I can't write a few words without having to correct and backspace non-stop.

Disgusting and foul operations and deeds performed by disgusting and foul and stupid sleazy sick putridity performing minions who hiss in hate that this makes them "superior" and of course as they limit competition to only their smaller and smaller clusters of f-ers competition and free access to any other type of talent or capability is not just thwarted but effectively killed off. 

Disgusting acts of putridity, and that is all I can see of these creeple who keep hissing that they are "superior" and use only violence and stupid sleazy and disgusting means in order to block the access to power of actual real competitors who ARE superior, if only not blocked, poisoned, gas-lighted and killed off.

Friday, November 5, 2021


"THE MATRIX 4 Trailer (4K ULTRA HD) 2021"

*Please note that hackers have altered this post below and removed commas, other grammar. I am really too tired of backspacing and correcting my already written posts to go over this again as I don't know how much the terrorists will remove once I repost after spending more time correcting. So I leave it like a kind of badly grammatical stream but just try to get through it.

 Only 13,334 minutes left for my Andy Warhol quota of Fame left unless I break the mold of normalcy for normal people, which I am not one of "those".

"I've had dreams which aren't just dreams." says the "triggered" confused, not-yet-superman protagonist to the worried therapist in a session. The beginning of The Matrix 4 trailer. Eerie music like metal being tweaked pronounces the Matrix in a tunnel of entrance into never-never-land until you pop the correct color pill. 

The next scene or thereafter is of the actor Reeves with a yellow rubber duck on his head, sitting in a mental gestation in his bathtub with San Francisco stunning views in the bay windows of his apparently not-inexpensive SF apartment or condo. 

How is this yellow rubber duck associated with me and how does it play into the Matrix?

Well, good thing the theoretical "you", the ever-watchful Big Brother all-seeing eye asks in the silence of your surveillance and hacking potentialities for interpersonal terrorism and all the nefarious deeds that entails in all the unfolding petals of the fleur du mal that you all have obtained your poppy opium high from all these years reading my posts and belonging to this terror organization which for many is akin to getting the highest high and for many others it's the lowest worst low trip ever.

I have two yellow rubber duck toys in my bathroom. Keanu Reeves has been just one of the rotating, revolving circus of celebrities teleporting me and following the protocols. One thing he said to me that stands out is that he said, "The only thing I like in your apartment is your rubber duck." ...and voila! He included it and I suspect the yellow rubber duck was his own personal trigger to remind him of the caught-between dimensional state that he has partaken in when it comes to my trauma-based not multi-dimensional teleportation trauma-based endless "film series" of "dark web" purport of "experimentation" but more it's interrogation sadistic gestation of a future world of sadistic exploitation. That is the Matrix that the celebrities have partaken in. I suspect when they treat each other to the teleportation that they have the most sensual sexual orgiastic revelries possible. For those they want to eliminate, it's being used as a terror and torture Matrix with no keys and no master teachers offering any solace or clairvoyant advice.


I definitely will see this movie and look forward to it, unlike most of the drivel that perpetually is being cranked out. It's not for the acting although what I saw of Reeves' acting was impressive and the special effects and what appears to be the plot is intriguing enough to have drawn me in. That is unusual. I will have to see what Ms. and Mr. Wachowski have brewed up for the latest version of this sage. Hopefully not to much pyrotechnic CGI warfare scenes which I think ruined the last few Matrix's in the series. 



P.S. A personal note in B-flat to Keanu Reeves. Dear KR: if you don't like anything in my terror surveillance torture and rape chamber that I have been living in as a recluse and torture victim all these years of asking people for help, except for the one item of a yellow rubber duck which I keep in my bathroom to prop up the tiny scrub brush I use to clean my fingers and nails--because terrorists spray fungus on anything that is wet and touches the surface that is flat of every item in the bathroom so I must have an air flow on all and everything (almost).  I urge you to please consider the following:

I have had to cover every crack, tile and panel of this room to block the terrorists you relied upon to teleport and traumatize me and support me and ask questions and etc etc because they have been doing things like destroying my body, helping terrorists to break into my room while I am unconscious who rape and disfigure and partially dismember me nightly, and etc. All the walls and floors and everything is covered with dollar store products and I could not even choose the look that I wanted to create what should have been a much nicer room, but terrorists ALSO spray brown goo  onto everything. The walls, floors, furniture and all has a brown stain permanently attached to all so there is only a browning-yellow hue to the otherwise what should have been bright colors of the colorful paper I glued and pasted with decorations onto the walls and floor. I covered the floor with various kinds of materials at least 4 times and terrorists used knives to slash them all. I can't use any closet space in this room because terrorists spray such stinking substances into the enclosed spaces that keeping clothing or items in anything enclosed is a certain stink death for these materials that I must constinuously throw away. Therefore my terror/torture/abuse/teleportation surveillance chamber is cluttered because all I use for my life is stored in various spaces along the floors, behind object, in boxes, etc .I try my best to live in some decent way but also note that every time I leave terrorists pour into my room and destroy my belongings, spray more stinking substances, break more items, make things ripped, torn and shredded so they are in threads, stained browning is yellow, the stains and stink are chemically treated so they never come out. 

All of this you relied upon to get your iconic yellow rubber duck prop for your movie and however you are using it to represent the victimized status of a mentally and dimensionally dislocated, multi-dimensional space/time vortex traveler that your movie has glorified but your cohorts have turned into a macabre example of the degradation of all that science could ever promise to uplift in the human experience.

If I were not besieged like this, I probably would have a shiny, happy colorful healthy living space and perhaps would not have this rubber duck in my bathroom even. I bought it to bring a sense of brief happiness in the filth that the terrorists have poured into my bathroom and continue to spew into my bathroom every single day. It is utterly disgusting. The effect of the rubber duck has worn off just a bit due to daily ceaseless onslaught of this situation which you helped only briefly one time and then have, like all your peers participating in this contract, allowed to go on while you used me for whatever you could get to enhance your own career and symbolic representation with zero compensation for me or for my ideas or for what you have obtained or just out of the goodness of human concern and compassion for other people you have done nothing to alleviate this terror torture for me but you used my rubber ducky as a prop to put yourself into a kind of silly quizzical mode in a solitary shot of yourself dipping into a realm somewhere between silliness and the Twilight Zone. Millions of dollars for you out of scenes such as this which would reach into the hearts of many people who feel that yearning for the brief little joys of childish delight in toys and silliness in the midst of terror and forces to terrifying and potentially destructive to all life. 


It's not that rubber ducks are so unique, but rarely used in combination with a confused multi-dimensional traveler who is caught between a red and blue zone of life and death and the eventual rescue of the entire planet. You...Keanu Reeves, by using this symbol of confused victim caught in the throes of exigent forces but having the pluck to remain stuck to the material joys of having a toy--You've made money off the image of my rubber duck for this film and I remain here with not enough money to survive, left in the same space of desperation that your friends in H-wood are exploiting while you have gone on your "happy" way getting paid and promoted for this "borrowing" of the rubber duck image.

p.s. to the nebulous readers of this blog post: the situation with Keanu Reeves and this rubber duck story has been reduced to a more nebulous tone than what actually transpired. The violence is not mentioned that was directed at me, because I only used the more euphemistic term, "he followed all the protocols" but then some as well...should I elaborate? I have written of this before, I think it was last year it happened just before the pandemic took hold, around December 2019, this juncture of yet another perpetrator attacking me out of H-wood and this current post. The situation remains like the revolving circus sadistic psycho story of a rich and famous celebrity inflicting their fantasies of torture and violence and usurpation and abuse upon me, and then they steal my concepts in whatever form they can or want to, go off using that for their own promotion (by now the list is so long and I have tried to write of all the thefts of my concepts all these years but I am more tortured and they keep just getting away with all these crimes while I remain non-stop tortured slowly to death living in fith and squalor that I mentioned above--never caused by myself but by this organization and these wealthy people continue this slow death-by-filth operation. They continue to profit off the concepts they steal off me, even if used for a brief moment in a film it is a good touch to a scene of someone slipping in sanity or pondering existence in an abstract existential way before all the bloodshed of the violent film reaches it's inevitable climax which these films, and these celebrities, always achieve in these terror contracts heaped upon me. The wonder and little touches of contact with charming humor that they use in these films that are stolen from me that they then destroy or help to crush within me and my environment they certain pack into their "art" to make themselves appear as such charming, innocuous good-hearted kindly folk.

Yet I will nevertheless watch this film and it looks like it will be a bit of entertainment. I didn't want more high tech death war scenes which the trailer promises to input to a high degree as usual. I think it will be a good film, Keanu Reeves shows that he will perform well. He is a good actor. He defended me one time as well against a German Nazi who had raped and then began hitting me in an ever-increasing frequency after asking me for my ideas. But then he succumbed to following the protocols and did something akin but not so physically violent. Oh well, so much for learning from sci fi roles about finding individuality under the stress and duress of technocratic programmed matrix society....

Fighting and being an activist with a drink or a joint in your hand, and retiring in splendor when you can hold a drink in your hand in your back yard and watch as your children must fight for survival but you are okay so you condemn them.

 "Kyrsten Sinema TAUNTS Protesters Who Demonstrate at Wedding She’s Officiating". The Humanist Report. November 3, 2021.

"For Better Or Worse: Kyrsten Sinema Comes to Bisbee". Lone Protestor. October 24, 2021.  

I'm so proud of the 6 or so "White" Arizonians who protested Sinema's collusion with corporate money making her bankrupt the Build Back Better Legislation ---. I know my family which lives in that area will NEVER make any waves against the wealthy and complacent. They live comfortably in the burbs with swimming pools and would never do anything to jeopardize their comfortable living standards. When the technology surpasses the numbers of people protesting government malfeasance true tyranny will be enacted in the United States. There will be no more need for "liberal" actors/celebrities or news anchor distractors. Of course even in a tyranny they will still be extremely useful to distract and will remain in the same place they are now. In fact, the very same people who are "famous" now would theoretically remain in place as societies saviors and "liberals" spouting vitriol against their private places friends the dark money donors and their ilk (all partying at mansions in Beverly Hills).
But my family--formerly anti-War protestors now happily ensconced in the suburbs where they live in tenuous fear and try as much as possible to "hide" their Jewish identities or present themselves as operators of vicious violence with warm smiles of complacent submission to fascist Nazis who are their neighbors. My mothers house is adorned with various symbols of "Illuminati" stuff just to let the hood of upper class wealth in Scottsdale understand that she is not a threat. Now she would never protest anything but does make various "feminist" and "liberal" points of political view known on her Facebook page. Sighing with relief she always claims that she "fought so hard (getting drunk at Hippie parties and passing joints around and discussing the Vietnam war and passing joints around at protests and having lunch-ins with her "feminist" friends and that was the extent of her "fighting so hard" during her "counter-culture" years which she claims makes her almost a martyr for causes on the "liberal" front. So goes the rest of the Baby Boomers, Generation X, whatever "my" generation is supposed to be called (I am right on the cusp of Boomers and whatever came next I'm not sure what coinable name was given to it). Now they rampage and rail against me for not wearing "conservative" clothing and rush to defend the Nazi fascist Mafia rapists and abusers--"they" meaning my formerly hippie "anti-war" family--and they rush to protect the rapists and fascists and Nazis. It's such a "minority minion" thing to do. Such is the current zeitgeist for those who in their "wild years" spent some time "fighting" for justice so in their more "comfortable, Normal" years they can stop protesting and enjoying the barbecues in their nice suburban back yards with swimming pools.

Teleportation Journal: A new chapter for this blog, another facet of years of trying to "document" under drugged up hysteria the tortures being turned into a circus spectacle/witch hunt for the criminal terrorists. Already hacking is preventing me from typing clearly. No doubt as I write this my brain is and will continue to be stymied from memory and function by terrorist "mind control" censorship.

 This will be a recount of the travesty of the nasty that the terrorist celebrities are inflicting upon me. I should have done this a long time ago. I was told by more highly-educated folk that keeping a journal of dreams or thoughts is essential and important. I think they meant that they had been instructed by their own "handlers" to tell me this so my trauma-based mind control experience could be further documented for the experimental research logs and files. I suspect that the tortures that are without cease imposed upon me are also intended for this very purpose, to block all support for me and leaving me only written testament which is abruptly IGNORED by all yet retained for some kind of record for research and calculation into how to more aptly manipulate and control human beings using this insidious multifaceted system (that includes people observing who are being mind controlled to do nothing and just enjoy watching it all go down, feeling of course joyous that they are "entitled" and that they can covertly participate in a witch hunt/torture and otherwise violent situation where they have no threat of legal repercussion while appearing to be ostensibly following the law and being a good citizen).


It was a French woman wearing some kind of fashionable garb with her hair swooped up on the right side of her knob, huge gilded or studded with probably rhinestone earings, three on one side. Brownish hair. Rushing at me yelling about something but I could not understand it. Filled with the fascist posturing of trying to control me in a Nazi version of the French form. Her words were unintelligible her accent was slurry. Prior to that I had been in some situation but my memory is blurry at this point on what had happened. I had been invited somewhere and people were beckoning and welcoming me in, only to attack me once I "accepted" the invitation. 

This type of snare is one of the most ubiquitous forms of the terrorist network: smiling invitations, warm handshakes, welcoming into their traps. Once inside, snarling hate, fascist poses, rip-offs and other nastier forms of attack begin immediately. Always happening unexpectedly. Their favorite version of attack is always to come from behind, symbolically or otherwise. Teleportation makes for an excellent use of attack because your vision can be absolutely manipulated and they can physically assault or rape you from behind, from oblique angles, or directly in front of you while your vision is blurred or you are in a blackened hypnotic state just "waking up" out of the trance--while sleeping and being teleported. Completely vulnerable. They are completely violently sleazy and disgusting in almost every situation but like all parasites, every vulnerability is exploited and there is the endless assumption that this makes for prime preying and assumption of power and power to the people who can usurp as much as possible without getting punished for it. Their paradigm, not mine and not in the concept of Democracy as I have been trained to believe that it should have been installed into society. (Hacking once more is making this nearly impossible. Keys won't appear when I pound down because the keyboard is so stiff I must literally pound down with all my hand and nearly arm strength--etc etc )

They beckoned me in, and then once I was "shunned" this fascist French skank began yelling something I could not understand at me. This was outdoors at this point as I was leaving the place where they had first invited me in, only to reject me. My choice subconsciously was to get away from these creeps. Of course, they block every passage and use every means of forcing themselves upon me even though I want nothing to do with any of them in real life or in teleportation. As she began yelling at me I blacked out and the next thing I knew I was body-slamming her and ready to fight her physically. Of course, the creeps always have back-up and I am ALWAYS alone, so a male stood within a foot glaring at me as I was instructed under this hypnotic state (while deep asleep, teleported, sick from detox and after years of torture and duress with no support system at all times everywhere on the planet). I then kept a short distance from her and told her that her English was very bad and she was incompetent to perform this task (the words just came out, maybe they had been input into my brain by the terrorists?). She spoke in hateful words "My English is very fine" and I began to menace her again and wanted to fight her because instinctively I think of such people are expletives and want them really to be destroyed (literally). As she backed away in confusion I blacked-out and was awoken in the dead of night, black skies outside, and slightly remembered this dream thinking in disgust as usual that I have to undergo these creepazoids every night while sleeping. 

I was then teleported to the actors who have been at the forefront of this terror teleportation, torture, mutiliation, slow murder contract with expectations of being handed some kind of universal control over H-wood or the media if they use mind control, brainwashing, torture, concept/art/information extraction so the empty and meaningless parasites can present themselves to the world as being heroic rescuers of society (the female at this point has sucked so much ideology about feminism and domestic violence that her many films espousing herself as some kind of defender for women --notice it's really only for Nazi and blonde and fascist women and of course women like me are "supposed" to be maimed, disfigured, bloated, crooked, raped without end, abused, suffocated with cleaning up their filthy shit, abused, tortured, kept out of society, kept out of a career, with them being put into lead "female" positions in the realm of the white-male purview. ).

The male has been obtaining contracts and awards ever since obtaining this entrance into endless profit and promotion by exploiting me and this contract.

They were laying face-to-face on a bed. Her red-smeared huge lips were in a grimacing smile of complicity with the male who stared at her lovingly. They were not touching but emotionally were paired in an emotional embrace of fellowship into this ring of power dark empire that has put them into this position of promises of power if they just continue to misuse technology. Oh how the fascist Nazi networks of the world love this couple and follow their every mishap and divorce scandal where she appears to be claiming she is fighting against domestic violence and fighting for female power (ideas she only began to blah blah blah out once she began to abuse, torture and rape-enable with this host of men who have performed rape in front of her and she and her hubby have watched me get raped and disfigured, mutilated, maimed and abused non-stop ever since).

I am extremely tired of pounding down right now but this is the gist of this depiction for today. I should have been writing these sick and stupid asinine teleportation skit details for years but maybe I was under hypnosis and instructed not to do so.

I detoxed last night a chunk of hardened pieces that have left me feeling exhausted and sick and my body remains bloated, crooked and sick and decaying from the remnants that remain hard and encrusted into my spine and into my flesh I have spent more than a decade fighting to get this poison out while this couple mentioned above (Pitt/Jolie) have exploited and tortured me along with a rotation team of other celebrities and politicians and have never helped me to obtain health care and have blocked it in fact from my access. I still, after all these years, deal with their violence while fighting to heal from CIA mind control/hardening poisons without the health care I need or a way to exercise as I see my body just decaying and dying from stress and from muscle atrophy. If these greedy, selfish b-tards would just be forced to each contribute (by force, it would have to be) a mere $200 each per month so I could pay to live in a decent home with a private swimming pool (cost per month $1000 here in Phuket). But no, they must conform to the fascist protocol, they believe they owe me nothing. Their mentor Danny Moynihan who literally stole verbatim my writings and words and passed them around to people like THEM and others out of this ever-widening circle of celebrity pop stars, singers, rappers, professors, intellectuals, tv news anchors, etc and all of them are instructed and eagerly follow this "dictate" that they owe me nothing but more abuse, more hateful sneers, more joyous insults as they laugh and giggle at the ease to which they get away with these crimes using these various terrorist technologies undoubtedly being passed around with the gratified sanction of Homeland Security, or the CIA ,or the NSA, or their off-shoot "Dark money" sponsors,  probably under some "anti-terrorism" funding. They give nothing and have stolen not just my ideas but my life essence my health my cat my home my body and they believe that I am not "supposed to" complain about it. That I have ZERO human rights and they are told that they are the burgeoning and new power structure and the new "elite" which is replacing the old guard which has been promulgating this system and retain their power positions up until they are well past retirement age. 

Welcome to the future of exploitation. It's their "dream" and a fabricated nightmare for those they can't stand to see have a chance to compete against their fascist overtake of the United States and of the world.



Approximately 3 hours later: after getting up I realized that I had "forgotten" to write something under the mind control duress and hacking interference and block to expression. When I wrote above that I "body-slammed" this offensive French creepy woman in this teleportation episode, I had in the "back of my mind" the concept that I have never once in my entire life done such an act towards anybody else, and have never conceived of the idea. Like all the HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION that I must try to figure out (usually after the incriminating incident has transpired and it's too late to stop or reverse it)---. In other words, this was an action created in the subconscious grey zone of hypnotic suggestion. I had "blacked out" and then resumed my action by "body slamming" this person. I know from reading a tiny bit, an iota, about hypnosis, that it hinges upon skirting around the critical faculties that warn or direct reasonable action and instead relies upon biases, or buried wishes or desires that can be exploited to get someone to act. In my former state while describing the teleportation act of violence that was forced upon me in a stop-and-start editing process of hypnosis and attack for mind control "experimentation", I "wanted" to attack this woman and any person acting in a fascist or otherwise offensive manner using the triggering gestures. The triggering gestures once simply mimed silently by the terrorist attackers can be enough to trigger a psychological, if not internalized, response. I "wanted" to attack her but never thought of body-slamming her or hitting her. This was a mind control operation. 

One of the goals that the people at top tiers of this terror operation want to see is me miserable, hateful, yelling, fighting and begging in futile desperation on the internet for help and for this to be stopped, which never results in anything but silence and the promotion of the criminals participating who are being trained into fascist Nazi/Mafia ideology for total usurpation of the planet from all they can extract. People at lower levels never conceive that their own lives are in danger when they participate in helping these unscrupulous criminals into higher ranks of power.

So I have to sift through the teleportation skit episodes to try to understand the machinations of hypnotic suggestion. Tied in with excessive and non-stop drugging with these devastating mind control drugs, plus the technology that blankets brain functioning, plus a system of organized terror that extends from the Orwellian dystopian version of family members up to teachers, co-workers, neighbors and into the highest ranks of government. I can understand it but without any kind of defensive group supporting me I can only try to write on this heavily censored blog which is restricted in readership only to those who are fully-fledged members of this terror organization. It's a planet of them. I hope that some of this information can sift on down to those who care and want some kind of future for their lives without state terrorist control watching over your very thoughts and punishing or killing you for wrong thoughts, all actions under surveillance, and people controlling these technologies who act upon enraged fits of entitled immaturity if they don't get exactly whatever they can usurp from the target, who is "supposed" to never say no and expect to receive nothing in return and then understand that eventually they will be eliminated once their usefulness is outdated for the exploiters who feed off everything possible. That is the future of this technology and I can assure you that the intelligence quota is already of a low standard for the bearers of this technology. If they obtain more power and don't have to hide in plain sight any longer, expect an almost Neanderthal level of entitlement intertwined with punitive measures for not getting what they want immediately without question from the exploited groups--which WILL grow exponentially once more governments get on board with this system and Democracy becomes an outright sham cardboard icon.

TOURISM ACOUNTS FOR GLOBAL DEATH CLIMATE TRIP. A MESSAGE TO GRETA THUNBURG (AND I know you are listening because you participated in teleporting me along with the rest of the Nazi/Mafia/fascist crew of celebrities)

 Tourism accounts for global death climate trip.

As tourists pour into Phuket (because the entire country is not yet open to tourists in all regions) and my torture and life-threat increases, I see this article from The Hill and wish only that somehow people like that Swedish chick who says that all Americans say about climate change is "blah blah blah" would actually yell out a bit about her country and the EU wealthier countries sending in their Nazi fascist Mafia haters into Thailand and SE Asia and everywhere else around the planet, because they "enjoy" so much from all the decades and centuries of genocidal Imperialistic Colonialism---and of course the slave prostitutes of these countries are NEVER going to disparage tourism so it requires a Nazi from Northern Europe to actually make a stand against one of the pillars of life that her supporters actually feel absolute entitlement over: tourism in places like completely colonized fascist nazi paradise vacation and retirement spot of tourist-driven Phuket and larger Thailand (ripe for "investment" which means endless building of factories along the pristine natural environments that are ripe for rape and plunder along with the people).

Hey, can you stop blaming America for it's negligence and greed and focus a bit on your own country and the huge numbers of nordic tribes who pour down to Thailand to exploit, go off drinking, invest and plunder throwing off the pretenses of being socially and politically correct once they arrive to this colonized master-slave country?

Just the air traffic pollution alone is setting off eco-sytemic failure. Perhaps it's time for you to begin to aim your wrath at your own country and it's fascist Nazi tourists who I have been attacked by (not to mention peeps from my own country and every other country as well).

Tourism is contributing to climate death trip.Because Thailand nature is a love I find on this planet, and because I am blocked from all public expression and discredited and under life threat all the time, I rely on you Greta to begin to point attention to this very serious and dire problem of tourism that your society and the rest of Europe relies upon so much to alleviate the hate of their own countries where fascism is not openly allowed (but oh how it is in Thailand which they call "Paradise").

Thursday, November 4, 2021

My posts today were all inspired by reading of how many politicians and people involved in the January 6th insurrection have just been elected into higher offices. The US Republican Party did a survey and a high percentage of people responded that they advocate for violence as a legit reaction to politics that they find threatening or offensive. The celebrity rotation of lead roles and promotions and political aspirations who all have been involved in this terrorism and hate crime contract out on me continue to be endlessly flaunted by the media and by US Society. I remain living in a toxic and stinking studio where filthy odors, sprays and stench are poured, sprayed and emitted into my living space while I must close the one sliding door in order to try to block mechanical arms from entering into my room and opening the front door so people can break in and rape, disfigure and possibly murder me. the threat of being poisoned to death is constant anyway as this could so easily be accomplished. The mechanical arms get through the 2+years of cheap defenses I had to wait on a sub-sub-poverty budget to be able to afford at the Thai dollar stores so I could try to patch up every crack, tile and conceivable opening in this tiny studio--lasting more than two years and I still can't accomplish this goal because terrorists simply break into my room every time I leave and damage, steal, break and pour more toxic filth and rip off the defenses I have worked and save a non-survivable income due to being made disabled by this hate crime Nazi fascist Mafia organization in the first place. I thus remain being drugged up and writing these posts nevertheless because I am so ill from the detox process, which has been slowed down irrevocably by more poisoning and destruction of my body, my food is endlessly drugged up and I realize this every time I am into the 5th day of fasting-how badly I am extremely drugged up by the cheap food on sale I am forced to buy because I cannot afford to eat and buy the few herbs and replace all that has been broken and stolen each month by terrorists. Despite my many years of writing about the events that are dire threats to the United States and to the world as a result of having done NOTHING to stop this situation from continuing to expand, I remain fighting for my life in isolation being ignored and tortured and attacked with no recognition for my years of efforts and the "price" I have had to pay to try to warn people that the seeming "humorous" torture spectacle of me being drugged, raped, mutilated and tortured also has direct bearing on your sordid lives. The consequence is now that the United States system of Democracy is under direct threat and the environmental global crisis is reaching an elevated peak of utter destruction to the entire planet. No one could or can listen to me because I have been so discredited--ranting under torture and drugging and rape and violence conditions that are ceaseless and ongoing and never ending with no support or help from ANY SINGLE PERSON. Thus my writings have been relegated to being dismissed as the ranting of just an "hysterical" woman I suppose by your woman-hating rape enablers. Even those who profess that they are feminists dance in glee because of their racism when they are teleported to me. They then posture in glorified photo-ops because they feel so elevated and powerful. They feed off my every reaction of hate and rage while they dance an dlaugh and punch and rape and rob and steal my concepts and go off being awarded by this country and by this over-run by fascist system that is now spiraling out of control into an utterly Authoritarian fascist system of the reversal of Womens' rights and abortion rights and disparity and now even that slight reaction to the fascism is now in peril once more of being completely obliterated while I continue to write of the threat to society and people only respond as if my ongoing torture is an entertainment that they are privy to experiencing or profiting off or watching on their "dark web" screens while they are handed money from Dark Money organizations and operations. Then, those who complain about Dark Money organizations see my plight and continue to do the good ole boy thing and remain silent because they can't be put under pressure to risk their careers or lives. Now the country is suffering and heading towards violence Nazism and now abortion is on the chopping block and now death is approaching the planet because the environment was raped just as I have been. Plundered and ignored in all it's warning signals and signs by this organization with it's parasitic underwriting principles.

 Now at least one actor in H-wood has had to suffer the consequences of the death squad Nazi goons with their endless minority minions and trashy components doing the murder operations and filth and hate operations for them. One actor has experienced the result of his jokes regarding the leader one of these actors who is at the "top" of the rank and file probably and most likely has known about my situation. Now he faces criminal charges and his credibility has been tarnished due to what very likely is a retribution act by the death squad organization. I can't write more clearly because of the endless censorship silencing and threat to my life by these same actors and people currently and previously involved (Democrats and Republican leaders in Congress--I have been writing their names clearly for years and they remain being  honored in the media and I remain discredited after my drugged up hate rants due to endless torture that no one appears to think is some kind of anomaly or a threat to the future of "Democracy".

I wrote explicitly of the grave dangers of allowing these terrorist celebrities and politicos to accrue more power in their mishandling of these sophisticated technologies and the death squad system, which was ignored and blasted as a joke by many (of you with access to my blocked and private posts which you are all hacking into). I warned of the future consequences time and time again for years and got tortured, mutilated, mocked, terrorized by HUNDREDS of people for every shopping excursion and driving experience (as I have no social life due to paralysis from poisoning which is also not stopped and I remain absolutely under threat of covert murder and every day I am poisoned in some way or another). No one listened. I wrote and wrote of how they will eventually attack many of you (or others you think are "safe" and part of this disgusting death system. Now RUST never sleeps in that ETERNAL sleep of death and destruction. The heroes who promise salvation and rescue of society are actually it's deterrents. The solution you think is final will never end and you may become one of it's collateral statistics. The silent ignorance you all feign for your assumption to a red-stained throne will be so slippery and coated with mass murder victims' blood that you may slip and fall and smash your own blank and ignorant heads into the cornerstone you thought was a secret society based on respect for it's obedience and just following orders minions. The symbolism I write with is now being ignored as usual. At least I got something out to the Gone with the Wind Out to Lunch fans and voters and silence-mongering thugs and goons. It's also very hard to write with hacking interference, continuous block of my brain operation due to remote tech afflicting my brain, threats of death if I write more explicit accounts of the violence which ,if I do, gets the perpetrator criminals more promotions into their coveted public positions, so they never stop torturing me to obtain these reactions and then feed off the violence of torture by inflicting as much harm as possible without outright murdering me. Now some or maybe even an ever-increasing number of you reading this who knew about this situation of this teleportation contract out on me are now suffering or see that the United States is in a precarious threat and decline due to the ramifications of allowing this technology and this system death squad goon fascist Nazi and scumbag minions to proliferate as it has grown and continues to grow. I remain writing every day as I am mutilated every single night while sleeping as abuse and hate and violence are endlessly directed at me by creeple who remain being put into the limelight in all spheres of life possible (the most visible being the media and in politics and that has been the arena I have had to fight in--alone).

Many of my dire warnings and predictions I wrote of years ago have now come to pass. I remain ignored and targeted and tortured non=-stop and every block to every kind of decent living is likewise blocked and every threat to my life remains. Every one of you reading this so far has remained silent and complacently obeying the dictates to leave me fighting for my life every single day as the violence and torture is unabated. Yet my warnings I wrote of years ago have come true and I am still discredited and under non-stop torture with zero protection from the people put into power who are claiming they want to clean up the mess that the terrorists organization is comprised of (your fascist Nazi Mafia local and global organization aka gang stalking network/elite/upper wealth/and every scumbag, user, poseur, abuser and all other categories of destroyer to society and to individual life you could possibly name). I warned you. I wrote direct revelations and posted on the viciousness of these individuals operating from within this death squad and global fascist tyranny organization but to no avail: you all promptly ignored me and thought it was only my fault and thus my problem. In addition, many of you got on some kind of endless rotating list to see what you too could profit off participating in this crime. The rest who may have had misgivings about such a system and are part of that "elitist" crowd which has "delighted" in this destruction of my body/home/sexuality/finances and of taking all that I love away from me and laughing about their "power" who are your "friends" in your elitist circles. Some of t hem or you are now obtaining the long arm of rusty revenge--if you get the hint or pun. Not having stopped this situation at the onset the situation is now completely out-of-control and threatening to spiral the country into absolute chaos. Of course, the participants expect that when the dust settles they will continue to be handed gratis all the plunder that those who used them to obtain such power will continue to just hand them/you everything for free just for acting like reprehensible facsist nazi mafia tyrants capable of rape, torture, dismemberment and etc etc etc. I wrote about their every action and the result was endless torture and destruction and violence aimed at me (which was more subdued before I began trying to save my life and get these parasitic thugs off me).

 I am under direct threat of every kind of violence for writing as my last resort to reach out for justice and relief from being drugged to the point that I can't "handle" any kind of violence, which has been ongoing 24/7 for years. Every attempt I have made to defend myself has been met with torture and violence and threat and murder attempts. I refer to verbal expression. No law enforcement agency will begin to assist me and all other victims are carefully scrubbed from my every search on the internet. I thus have been facing for the past months and years letter after letter from the one agency the keeps my life sustained, and the mail service which is now blatantly discriminating against me in the most stupid and obscene manner for a business to conduct on any legal basis (if I exaggerate it's because I understand the stupidity of the hate driving the actions of this service and their end-goal is mass murder and death not only to me.) Because you readers appear to have RUST concealing your true vision into reality and I am blocked from expressing anything directly as I have done all these many years from this past decade of reaching out and getting more parasites viciously attacking me for their personal gain within this death squad and political fascist fiasco organization. Maybe some indirect version of writing about the not "existential" but real threats albeit written in a less direct way will "reach" some of you to stop supporting these people and this organization and actually fight for what could be the survival of your own life and even of the planet; but it's doubtful.

Another covert insinuation post: Behind the masks of this white supremacy, fascist/Nazi/Mafia organization with it's swirling minions of every conceivable race, gender and affiliation possible on all sides of every political divide, entranced in the cheap and easy profit and power structure this organization affords everyone who can't or won't compete honestly for gain and power (and those who will are eliminate=murdered); are weak and self-gratifying parasites who feed off whomever and whatever they can hook their sucking apparatuses into. The more they obtain they obtain from their victims, the more lucre they steal and rob after mass murder or on the micro level it is the same operational principle, the more adherents they gain who also want to feed off the circus sacrificial display of "power". The years of utilizing these terror/torture/covert weapons and feeding off the pernicious surveillance of the death squad goons operating equipment and technology to torture the target (rape, mutilation, endless violence inflicted by millions--not hundreds or thousands or even hundreds of thousands but MILLIONS) of nasty goon squad death squad goons--all create a font of energized life-force feeding capabilities which translates into their exaggerated posturing of superheroism (which can so easily be deflated if you would just puncture their criminal organization instead of allowing it to fester into the main population through it's icons who have been feeding off these exploits and crimes for nearly a decade.) Do not MARVEL at them any longer they are old at heart and have life-span shelf lives and are not eternal symbols of anything except for the hate, greed and selfish myopic organization which has fed counter-revolution because their increasing power has resulted in increasing fascistic tyranny. People continue to MARVEL at what appears to be their ETERNAL influx into movie starring roles with ever-increasing pompous looks of haughty couture translated into superheroism. The blind obedience that the minions who adore such glorified examples of (clay-footed statuesque) idolatry cannot begin to fathom the depths of the despair that they feed off in order to obtain this posturing con artistry. Without these props which fascist organizations hand them and millions of attendees waiting to fan their every fire of subconscious programming into the fascist indoctrination spectacles that keep being cranked out by the government that keeps dishing out the mind control programming dope and slinging out the slaughter.

A serpentine insinuation of a stealth, sinister organization. I "have to" oblige the terrorist network in some way by writing in code to try to conceal the blatant truth that is so highly coveted and concealed. Regarding: The long arm of revenge through covert DEATH SQUAD/MURDER OPERATION/ "gang stalking" terrorism. One facet of fascist control is to ameliorate any jokester joker making the slightest of puns, jokes or abrasive remarks aimed at the leader. The rust-encrusted arm of revenge has swopped from that Eagle's nest located somewhere's in New Jersey through a few Dons who then donned the robes of silence as they ordered catastrophe to be ordered far away in the desert death valley of orchestrated accidents. Thus ruining a life which probably also joined in on the circus delight fun of mocking the leader and also discrediting the actor who played such a role for so many years. The delay in revenge is sweet for the perpetrators but poignant nevertheless. The target I think knew about my targeting situation but like everybody else did nothing and kissed the cheeks of the co-conspirators of this fascist conglomerate that has now won seats in the special races to win the crowds who want gladiatorial death matches between starving lions and emaciated prisoners albeit done in the stealth gang stalking theater where it all is silent normalcy underscored by a cleverly concealed system of death squad fascism (Nazi/Mafia/totalitarian/Authoritarian control) in the guise of being a Democracy--but only Democracy in name for the select. Everyone outside of this system remains compliant to remaining silent in the face of my torture/poisoning/drugging/mind control/teleportation but can't connect those insidious dots to their own public humiliation and sordid demise. The modern version of the SS is technocracy utilizing these mind control weapons, death squad "gang stalking" clusters and the technology that enables these "mishaps" that cause "accidental homicide".

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

One of the "superior" terrorists I have known in my lifetime who also terrorized and assisted in attacking me in her own labyrinth fashion. Someone I know who is nevertheless someone I admire from a distance despite her covert malicious exploitation of me and mostly of my family to turn them from "hippies" to almost Reaganite conservatives (except for me, who is now a global target)..

 NORMA MARDER at an art exhibition, University of Illinois, Champaign/Urbana. 2009. She is circa 85 years old in this photo.

One of the "superior" terrorists I have known in my lifetime who also terrorized and assisted in attacking me in her own labyrinth fashion. Someone I know who is nevertheless someone I admire from a distance despite her covert malicious exploitation of me and mostly of my family to turn them from "hippies" to almost Reaganite conservatives (except for me, who is now a global target)..
She's looking damn good at age 85+ in this photo. Her mind is exceptional and her body reflects her passion for rejuvenation through delight in all things wonderful and exotic fascination. A true intellectual but unfortunately part of the global terrorist network attacking me. Nevertheless she is one shining example of someone who is not as bad as many....(I went to school with her son but like her infinitely more than him. The same was true of another middle school friend whose mother was more like a friend and influence than she was or ever will be).
Odd how I grew up with so many chosen parents who were the parents of my friends--all professionals and highly educated intellectual and passionate people with zeal for life.
Her name is Norma Marder. She wrote a sci fi book I may want to read some day!
Look at her--at age 85 looks like she's glowing and youthful. (She always ate organic food and health food, even back in the day when it was not hip and everyone was eating gooey Wonder Bread they, like my family too, ate brown/black whole grain bread and took it to school where I was ostracized a little bit for not having white processed bread for lunch!!!!!).
Norma was one of my step-father's best friends. Although she and her hubby are "terrorists" of this fascist and Nazi organization she truly is a higher-level human being.


The white processed bread part I wrote above versus brown/black whole grain organic bread is on a more symbolic level than on a direct. They were truly far out people in many respects (maybe still are to some degree, I really can't say anything positive about her husband or son--who I had been "friends" with and he was trained to be a terrorist by this "organic" and "alternative" cool hipster mother/former hippie complete Capitalist with selfish aspirations like the rest of the minions doing the bidding of the fascist "masters' telling them what to do. However, as I wrote, she is an anomaly and far above the grain as far as that rotten organization goes.).


Encyclopedia (dot) com

She even reached a bit of 15 minutes in the Encyclopedia. She was the type who listened to John Cage and Punk and Shostakovich and probably a plethora of other avante garde musicians and wrote /writes books and articles and always has a most fascinating intellectual witty and pertinent remark witticism or comment. Extremely loquacious. Never a dull moment or thing to say. Not a pure person a part of the Nazi fascist system unfortunately. No one can reach any attainment is seems unless they are a part of this pernicious system so I can't discredit her too much for simply wanting to be relevant with her talent. However she helped to attack my family so F-her anyways.


Ms. Norma Marder's lamentation for her deceased mother, collateral victim of Nazi persecution and an ode to her Polish roots which withered with the werewolves of Nazi genocide coming to devour the chaste (or maybe not so much in their case I don't know). From the tenor of this piece, which I read only briefly years ago and maybe will again today--the mother is portrayed as a weak and soft victim helpless in the snares of Nazi genocidal holocaust proportions, even if having fled or survived the effect echoes to this very day . I wrote this comment and the terrorists deleted it all so I must begin once more. Ms. Marder and her hubby were the "handlers" for my Literature Professor step-father, and consequently the ultimate demise for my family--or helped the cascading effect which many a bigot in the Champaign Nazi/Mafia/fascist system ordered them to inflict upon us. They were put in place to quell my step-father and the rest of our brood's involvement with the anti-war movement , and to instruct my family in the workings of trauma-based mind control operations. A most dastardly endeavor which offered the Marder family rewards that their polish ancestors could only imagine. which oversaw the demise of his former "hippie" days and drew him down into conformity to chaos, the Nazi/Mafia factions controlling them all, but with "Jewish" intellectuals playing the roles of keeping the outrageous "Jews" within this small cloister of University of Illinois anti-Vietnam icons put into their boxes of silent conformity to authority. This family, the Marders, profited so well from their endeavors of instruction and demand passed-down of self-imposed constraint and terror upon my family that they obtained a nice cozy house in Martha's Vineyard for their assistance in the Right-Wing, fascist and Nazi organization (whch includes Mafia of course and other such similar groups). They may dispute my claim that they obtained this mansion from the lucrative hand-outs this vile terror organization pays it's minions, but I can't imagine that their small little house on Church Street, sans any kind of expensive adornment, could have had some parallel of respectability in the posh place of Martha's Vineyard. Likewise, their son Yuri who almost viciously attacked me in 7th grade has been handed much promotion, although his work may warrant his position that is beside the point. This is not exactly what I had written earlier which was completely deleted by the terrorists but it is close and the main points have been covered. They are far above the average moronic mentality of violent nastiness of the average and majority of this insipid terrorist global group, but as they worked to essentially drive my parents apart and have me poisoned and attacked (their son participated in attacking me in 7th grade in a most vicious way--and I grew up with him, played with him in Kindergarten) but the free leverage that the Nazi organization offered them was too much for them to actually combine their intellectual savvy with moral or ethical or heartfelt humanity. That is the essence of the peeps who operate as terrorists within this group, level of education or financial attainment are obsolete in the face of opportunism. The real term for the Marders is essentially "Jewish Nazis". Alas this degradation of the race is not uncommon or infrequent. I read part of this lamentation about the afflicted mother that Norma sighs her poetic platitudes about and was offended because I know the bare and ugly truth and reality of her affiliation with a Nazi/fascist/Mafia organization responsible for so much dumbing-down and stupidity and death on this planet. She is a beacon of intellectualism within that milieu but it's just like...f-it. I could not finish my thoughts due to how hackers are literally making the page jump to other sections while I am writing and the cursor "disappears" so I can't find the spot I was writing on. My thoughts got jumbled and then lost in the process of hacking terrorism. Typos and deletions are rampant but I can't go through this whole thing with this kind of hacking interference to correct and I am usually too exhausted from the struggle of pounding down on the stiffened keyboard with all this malware affecting and my brain being put into a vice of mental fog by the tech and implant combo. The page is literally jumping to other parts of the post while I am in the middle of typing in a most normal and correct way. It's impossible to get anything done. Thus the adherents to this Nazi system remain paid well and in full--reminiscing like whimpering victims about the cruelty and utter sickness of the Nazi atrocities (read the piece below to the part about how atrocious the Nazis treated the Jews of Norma Marder's paternal grandparents in the Genocide that her family survived, perhaps partially. The result is her great lucrative award with promotions for herself, her sons and me writing about this with hacking blocking my thoughts and my every written expression blocked and censored and silenced. 


Correction from above: once I walked away from the laptop zone I realized that the strenuous effort I had made to count the year of Norma's birth to the photo above was blocked by tight brain-altering technology ("mind control"). The effect is monotonously the same every time I fight to have any kind of substantial acumen: I am blocked from simple arithmetic and many higher cognitive functions, although I seem functional at basic levels and the effect is not even noticeable to myself while it is in operation (although I know in the back of my mind that it's always happening). I counted 1934 to 2009 4 times and got the same number whilst I sat here typing: 85. NO, once I got off the laptop I counted the correct term immediately as 75. Thus Norma above was a mere youthful 75 in the photo above. The deleterious effect of this brain-altering attack that is always inflicted upon me when I attempt to communicate or get anything serious done is omnipresent it is uniformly endless like all the attacks. That my brain is being that blocked from rational and otherwise sane rational thinking is very hard to deal with. I have had these similar experiences of trying to count or subtract the most basic sums and being stuck on the wrong number until I walk away from the situation after the embarrassing encounter has transpired, only to immediately be able once more to count and subtract. Thus, within 2 minutes while brushing my teeth I realized that the 85 sum I got 4 times in a row, while my brain was in confusion and counting and counting and literally I counted the decades and got the number 85 time after time. Once I walked away, my brain had held the memory of having been blocked as I recounted with ease immediately the correct sum. Right now I am pounding down and backspacing and rewriting as hackers are making this nearly impossible. In the post above the page was literally jumping up and down whilst I typed, the cursor disappeared and I suddenly could not see clearly because my vision was being impaired by the terrorists attacking my brain and eyesight. It is a horrid misuse of technology handed over to minion idiots but that is what you are all advocating and supporting. That unfortunately is what Norma Marder, the intellctual, post-Hippie, post-Punk, artist, etc etc all the labels, also she endorses this if it helps her to rise above the genocidal victim status that Nazis continue to inflict upon us all (yes, you too, even if you are a Nazi you must obey and conform). I now feel so sick and nauseous and dizzy from the attack on my brain due to terrorist mind control technology I can't see clearly I feel sick. Thusly must stop writing, as this form of physical attack is yet another form of silencing and censorship and the block to the First Amendment, which you all are endorsing by saying and doing nothing about this tech being bandied about from one group to the next to inflict this fascism upon the unsuspecting. Just like Ms. Marder participated and got the reward of living like an honored participant in Nazi genocide and perhaps her family survived the Nazi atrocities because they did just that back in the day and participated and were the Jewish Nazis whose stories don't often get told because it is just too sensitive embarrassment and honest for anyone to expose (and so dangerous as the Nazi/Mafia groups rely on these kind of traitors to their own "people" for their greedy aspirations and promotions and the sense of protection that people like me literally get zero percent of (direct and realistic and concrete protection from the United States and it's government which never should have colluded with Nazis and now I see the partnership has been thriving and growing ever since those days of brutal genocidal slaughter which induced Norma Marder to become just ANOTHER Jewish Nazi perpetrator). I now am almost about to faint from the brain-altering technological attack. The hacking is disgusting the page is jumping around with every word I type or if I backspace I "lose" the place I was typing while the page literally jumps to another space on the page and the cursor disappears.