I had assumed that the degeneration of my fav radio station, the used-to-be-cutting-edge college radio alternative station WNYU was coated with a thick layer of mediocritized and quantized banality--the formerly absolutely interesting music has of late in the last 4-5 years been replaced by what could only be described as horrid studio musicians attempting to sound alternative. The same sort of musical sentences but put in a horrid routine formula of ennui and horrid imitation "alternative" voices of people trying to fit into this genre. And now, after the Rolling Slimebag entropic group has finally emerged from under their rock of concealment, demonstrating the absolutely vile and elitist stance that they have been inculcated with from decades---a half century by now--of their rancid overdose satanism and do-what-you-want nasty white boys with your freedom-loving whore women who think they are having "fun" by being sexually exploited by sleazy and nasty alcoholic and drug-addicted men who are told they are FREE oh so free by this rolling slimebags whose trails of slim have left corpses, and have been by this most odious body of politic the United States Congress allowed to further infiltrate deeper into American life by having a huge say by their magazine of promoting mediocrity the Rolling bs circular file with movie reviews and music reviews always extolling the most banal of artists who can belt out any tune in a most orderly and mediocre fashion--but loud and bombastic just as they are--and so they are labeled and noteworthy but the notes they play are not.
Why am I focusing on this, not just because they have threatened death, helped rape and plunder every idea from me so filthalina can be promoted as being alternative, a "feminist" and having my ideas which have been stolen endlessly for a decade by now with the help of these slime rolling circular bin mediocrities promoted into a status where they claim they are "kings" and of course, "Gods" comes next in their ascension due to just appealing to that little node of greed and selfishness and racism that is at the core of white Nazi culture and the brains of the neanderthals who embrace this lowered down mentality of cerebral cognition and artistry.
It is the overthrow of Democracy that has been on the minds of the leading "politicians" for decades, and the last administration is only a surface manifestation of that entire trend. The working to unravel personal responsibility and unleash massive mental, physical and to induce drug addiction, relinquish philosophical and religious morality and thus, paving the way for a degenerate lack of leadership so in the end, as is happening now, a takeover of the United States Government into a more unified English-based but Europ-a-land fascist 4th Reich can be made more possible. That is why the rolling slime mediocrities have been put into power for all these decades and continue to be handed every single thing. Their former blonde Nazi American portal into American power and politics has married Fox Network's Australian branch of the Nazi 4th Reich in the name of Murdoch. How can anyone negate the obvious fact that these scumbag whores ever represented anything remotely similar to the 60-70's alternative anti-war and anti-corporate movements? They emerged as the Nazis and racists that they are almost blatantly are (concealed except for in the teleportation and their personal private lives, which I have had to see but had an inkling of but didn't care as I never thought I would have to experience this slime on a first-hand basis so I never throught about them).
But now I see that the horrid take-over of WNYU is probably more due to them than what I had assumed had been Martin Scorsese with his Frank Sinatra league of musical dinosaurs endlessly fixated on the 50's-70's musical genres and wanting to incorporate loungy stuff into every possible nook and cranny including the alternative--but no, it's the banality and mediocrity of the Rolling cesspool bins rolling their slime all over culture with that awfully tabloidesque magazine which is being touted as having political savvy even.
The next gossip rant and diatribe of hate and "immaturity" out of me is aimed at English pawn and agent Hillary Clinton, with bill not far behind as they are an entity and a criminal organization all of their own right--but fully backed by the English Crown and have been since Billy was handed a scholorship to study at Oxford and has been a programmed pawn of the English Nazi 4th Reich leading to the American 45th Reich president who is really good friends with them all (despite the really nasty posturing and "acting" on the part of the Clintons when they claim they are fighting against T-rump). I would not be surprised if Hillary had been told to willingly step down so T-rump could assume power, after she made sure that the real challenge to Trump's illegitimate ascension into power, in the form of Bernie Sanders the Progressive,was shot down by her endless corruption schemes to discount votes in the primaries so only she was put into the presidential slot for the very corrupt Democratic Party (which is only the Reputlicans in name, and it appears that they are almost more fascist than the Republicans but I am only subject to being attacked mostly by Demos right and probably the Repugs are much more fascist and violent and genocidal, and truly T-rump was on a murderous power trip but so is Hillary and the Rolling slimebag circular bins).
Thus H- Cliton posturing in the pig-sniffing-the-air posture for her movie debuts now featured for you to watch this absolute fake being presented as some kind of heroic (fictitious) feminist. What a sick fantasy that is. The legacy of H-clit and her hubby not just in Arkansas with the Whitewater theft of life-savings from investors in a series of S&N corruptions and money laundering and lies and distortions is only the beginning of a long legacy of screwing the American people over--even when they are white and of middle class stature and not 'minorities" (they also stole money from projects designed to help minorities). Please listen to William Coopers lectures on Whitewater on his Hour of the Time mp3 podcasts and hear the researched information that the media has kept mostly private. Then add NAFTA destroying the American economy and assisting in the plethora of billionaires who leech off the American economy and are not paying federal taxes--that is something you can thank the clitons for, in addition to the prison-industrial complex of shoving black people into life term sentences for having an ounce of cocaine--something that billy and hilly enjoyed snorting up their pig-sniffing-the-empty-air enjoyed endlessly at orgy parties back when they could have such events in Arkansas and get away with it being silenced--before the onslaught of private phones which could capture on film such forays of disintegration of politics and of power.
Now movies are coming out about her as if she is some kind of maverick incredulous personality. This is after she, like all the rest of the shit attacking me, have viciously thrust their genitals, and hate and insults at me and had my body sliced, cut, poisoned and mutilated as 'punishment" for defending my human rights which they have all abnegated and claimed that I truly have none and they can do whatever the fuck they want to me--rape, torture, theft, destruction of my home and body endlessly for DECADES and the US Government has always been fully handing out the permission to terrorize people like me--Jews who don't step down in abject self-denial and allow insults and abuse to pour over them by the filth like the putrid "Italian-American" community does openly (the pair of shit I have been writing of, the actors out of Brooklyn are just famous and endlessly promoted exemplars of that routine of hate and vile slime and of course they defend the rolling slimebags circular bins with the hate of white males clinging onto their addictions and woman-hating prostitution that enables them to feel some spurt of "power" in their masturbatory lifestyles of selfishness and greed---but enhanced as a collective in a community that claims they care, as they adhere to one another for protection and for unity but each a cesspool of individual greed and sleaze and selfishness incapable of real personal love on a real level).
And then there is the next Satanist in line to destroy me--someone I consider to be an idiot savant--which is someone talented in one thing only (let's discount perhaps she can cook or something like that, as the domesticated female that she really is and trained by birth by her Europigape culture background but fighting it due to her actual real-life citizenship as being a United States person growing up in California--the cognitive dissonance of her distraught and split personality is coming to the fore right now but this situation of having a victim to torture in this teleportation skit is probably alleviating much of her inner turmoil--as all these psychopaths reveal how mentally sick and emotionally and sexually dysfunctional they are when they attack me--but for them it's a kind of stress release and they can't stop attacking me in order to exhale from their pent-up suppressed problems--as the US goverment keeps funding their little mediocrities of immature dysfunction so they can continue to lead the little lemmings of America off a cliff and down into an abyss of enslaved immersion into Nazified Europigape colonialization.
This woman who sings etudes to Satan, I mentioned her a few days/daze ago and I was complimentary towards her only because she has a classical background and demonstrated a propensity towards modern interpretation and is a classically-trained musician of a higher rank that the gamut of the pop singers who have likewise participated. I thought perhaps in her older years she had loosened her adherence to Satanism, but with the Rolling Slimbag circular bins who also sang little ditties to Satan they are in a league against me. Thus my teleportation skit "dreams" are rife with people going to Satan and being sucked through holes in beds while people talk about death and satan while I stand silently--because I am trying to train myself not to talk to them, so I remain silent trying to not engage with idiots--in this case, I believe firmly that Diamanda Galas is a version of an idiot savant and my praise of her musical skills has been met with hostile hate and really violent psychological insults while the pig ape rolling cesspools watch on approving--she needs a bump in her drug addiction to "fame" and hasn't been in the spotlight I think for decades--now is her chance--so the hate and fury with which she is attacking me is the obverse of her fake premise of being a "feminist" in some of her screeching rants in her songs about white male supremacy and her fight for women. Hissing with brutality and hate at me along with the most sexist and racist leaders of the rock n roll scumbag white pig ape male genre, she's right there doing all the hate antics for approval as possible to be published in that magazine of mediocrity. That she had presented something like a creepy man t trying to force a kind of Greek version of Sharia Law onto me as a beaten and raped sex trafficked object with no history, no rights and under absolute domination by a creep with his family right there and teams of minions of minority status waiting to assist in any way possible the destruction of anyone who fights in a way they can never conceive of doing as they only are determined to be promoted by helping the white pig ape Nazi empire in order to get out of poverty and helplessness themselves.
I had worked a long time ago, in San Francisco, for a fanzine called Maximum Rock n Roll (It's actually written as Maximumrocknroll).
This used to be a politically extreme Left fanzine with all kinds of freedom of expression. I was only able to write one single review in the magazine but I was welcomed by the now assassinated by the CIA former owner of the fanzine, Tim Yohannan--the political views were so much more clear and concise than anything on any Progressive media page or YouTube or any channel that you think is "alternative" and "The Left". Tim Yo was murdered I believe but it appeared as Cancer. His fanzine has been taken over, just as WNYU has been taken over, by absolute mainstream mediocrities posing as alternative. The points of view are a repeat of what the Progressives are spouting on these mainstream channels and there is no real friction or threat to the prevailing global 4th Reich in any of their watery articles and opinions. It is the equivalent of the Rolling Cesspool magazine that has co-opted the real cutting edge musicians and political movements that this defunct US Government can't abide questioning their corrupt politicians like Cliton or the rest of the Nazis (esp of the Repuglican Party who just fawn over fascism and represent their constituent Nazis as they vote for every reversal of every kind of freedom possible and are fully endorsing this heinous technology being endlessly forced upon me in a most sadistic slow murder operation against me and also against the planet for a one-world domination of slime bags who are most sinister and incapable of controlling this technology--add Musk to that list as he's a power-grabbing lover of fascism and hedonism combined with an unquenchable desire to extend this dangerous technology in places and in ways that will potentially destroy the planet. They really are not just xenophobic but short-sighted and truly incapable of any kind of glorious vision of potentialities for the future of humanity. They cling to the past hegemony of the older traditions of white male supremacy and that is all they are using the tech to further enhance. Add rotten Cliton into that mix, because she is promised women like me to watch get raped as she screams in hate at me like the rotten fish wife that she and al these disgusting whores of celebrity status really are--greedy, selfish and wanting to see other women beaten down as they claim with pig-sniffing-the-air posturing that they are fighting for women and elite for that very reason--just wanting one group to be allowed to have rest from their abusive, whore-mongering men so they want another class of women abused, beaten, raped and murdered by their disgusting scumbag men--who the rolling slime-trails also represent and are so famous for having done so--and also for helping to destroy all alternative culture while controlling which next band of white male pig apes are put into lead "alternative" rock stance after the next--for decades.
Of course, approved of fully by Congress whose sole desire is to have Democracy destroyed so they can all be entitled Senators of Roman Empire status with slaves and plantations and making laws to protect the ruling classes.
This has been my diatribe for the day--to be met with torture, silence and the s(** will only continue and people will just ignore what I am writing about.
Despite all that: I know that I am only correct. I truly urge people to listen to the Whitewater series that William Cooper presented in the Hour of the Time MP3 collection--there are over 1500 podcasts but they are listed by title of the lecture and I think the cliton lectures are at the 300 number range to the 1000+range--the first link in the 5 links of his archived podcasts in other words.
Listen to him, listen to what shit cliton is--stop having her rewarded for her utter destruction of the United States in the form of NAFTA, the Omnibus Crime Bill which has left millions of impoverished blacks and others in prison for lifetimes--cheered on of course by all the fascists of America--creating a non-stop prison-for-profit empire that this pig ape whore woman has relished in for all these years and decades by now. Then there is her basically helping to destroy the Sanders campaign so she could hand the presidency over to T-rump the pig ape scumbag who is still being held in reverence by the shit Nazi leagues of America and upheld by the fascists out of Ejuropigapeland like the Rolling cesspool circular bins, with "Satanic" Diamanda the "feminist" hissing in hate at me to get her promotions right behind them all with her Sharia Law family background hovering behind her trying to put me into the hole she has screeched and screamed to Satan to get herself out of--but so willing to try to put me into the shit that she is and is a part of --still--cannot let go of the slavery of women that her oppressive culture has impregnated into her every cranny of idiot savante psyche--probably music was a way of escaping from the abusive environment that she has been enslaved to all her life--these women always try to put someone else in a lower position than them and are fully responsible for continuing the legacy of femicide and sex slavery.
Afterthoughts written an hour later from the eruption of hate and rage due to having been drugged just prior to waking up--the drug patches on my skin (my blanket was completely taken off of me while sleeping, my body attacked by mechanical arms while being teleported--etc) and tortured in these dreams with rotten and disgusting people saying and doing the sick and stupid things that come naturally to them, but which they "Hide" under pretense of being normally socialized people in society. I think their insanity is due to the sickness of racism as they behave in mass mob lynch mode but behave like sinister demons on crack delighted to be saying rubbish and nonsense as if this is me, and not them. The rape and slesze they all likewise project upon me is what they are at their kernal core of their rotting fabricated personality stumps, but it's "supposed" to mean and imply that it's me, not them who is sleazy, stupid and disgusting. The main subliminal themes that are likewise projected into my inner cochlear hearing apparatus is "stupid bitch" and ugly and nasty sentences like that--all the time, it's repeated for this effect of trying to stop me from displaying any kind of cognitive capability by sheer programming through subliminal means. Meanwhile, I am besieged by people saying stupid things perpetually as if to prove this and not place me into any kind of decent communication level--
But I am writing to express that I could not access my vocabulary while under this enraged, freshly drugged and freshly abused teleported but waking state--the eruption of rage aimed at the government should be apparent but I will spell it out: these expletives in Congress have been funding this and observing and handing out these weapons of murder and assassination to these disgusting groups of scum in society to murder whatever people they don't approve of or like. This can also include white skin and blue eyes but who aren't absolutely racist and try to create a society of fairness and equality in racial terms. I had to experience this growing up with some of the former very good and righteous people of Illinois who were replaced by the Yuppie generation (H. Cliton is one of those from the corrupt berg of a burb in Chicago--a sinkhole of mafia and other racist groupings which have spread out all over Illinois until the Nazi Party is very prominent in that State).
However, if you compare the older sort of mentality of say, an Abraham Lincoln (who also traversed into my town of Champaign-Urbana on his lawyer expeditions into courthouses while he was a traveling attorney in his early days before his political ascension into power). The mentality and adherence to religious respect for society is something I only scantly and faintly experienced for a few years until the "modern age" of consumerism completely immersed the Nazi Disco and cock rock age of mass media implosion into mainstream mind programming effect--and Champaign the University of Illinois was and is no exception to that mass wave of brain alteration and societal modification into the 4th Reich mentality.
People who had begun movements for the equality and recognition of Native Indian tribes of the Great Plains were very shortly thereafter dispatched into death and their rotten children began a racist policy and then sold off the venues which had tried to integrate a belief-system in respect for other cultures and values. I had been embraced by the former owner (blue eyes, blonde hair, open arms for anti racist policies and he made sure I was welcomed and embraced and loved in that children's camp but when he was suddenly gone and died --I assume but please give me some slack but he was far too liberal in anti-racist terms to be allowed to have control over children that the 4th Reich Nazis wanted to program into hating all races except for white superiority--and this also was inculcated into the black population in the school I attended on the "other side of town" across the tracks to the black neighborhood--where I was viciously attacked as the anti-war era died and the fascist Nazi Illinois Reich began it's ascent (until The Blues Brothers made a movie about this trend which has fully increased since the making of that movie--of course with Belushi also dying somehow)
but to continue:
my vocabulary was stunted by this technology exacerbating the rage and hyperbolic ranting in this and most of my blog posts. I can't elude the effect while in solitary confinement where this torture is a never-ending nightly and daily assault upon my senses with zero compassion or support from any living person on the planet--no one. The animals I have loved are killed and taken away to the point that zero birds or animals are on the natural hillside right outside my window because they have been shot and all avoid this area--in an area of the world where animals are being killed off endlessly as the construction and the race to uniformly cover and coat Phuket with cement and tourist shithole whore-traps is endless along with needless series of coffee shops and crappy Thai food joints (sorry, but the restaurant food gets sickening after a while--and Thai people that I have known all these years of living here NEVER eat the same sort of food on a regular basis)
but that' s also beside the point. Some of the vocabulary that was blocked from my cognition while ranting in a drugged up rage after the torturous teleportation skits were finished, my body had been mutilated once more by mechanical arms inserting objects into my body and under and on my skin--etc etc
but the magazine I wrote of above--I should have said and wanted to say they are the ARBITERS OF whom and what is considered "alternative" media and art output--the gatekeepers just as the police are called the Gatekeepers of justice (that's why racist profiling is so popular and why the differential between blacks in prison, the ratio is something like 7-to-1--7 blacks in prison with long sentences to every 1 white prisoner--but blacks (used to) represent 13% of the population--(put that in your pipe and smoke that crack statistic).
The arbiters of alternative movies, music and all seminally connected and intertwined to the Murdoch empire. What do you get in terms of modern culture just out of that one endlessly touted alternative-sounding magazine--Rolling Stone?
You get bigot owners who are filled with decades of indoctrination that they are "royalty" and that rape is nothing but their entitlement to endlessly orchestrate against me. You get also mafia thugs out of Brooklyn, the pair of expletives I haven't stopped writing asking people to get off me now for YEARS they are so foul and disgusting it's like rotting puddles of blood they spattered out of some victim that they ingested and are spewing onto me along with the years of their pornographic exploits and hate and violence all compiled into this endless assault upon me--just from a pair of most disgusting racist anti-Semitic nazis out of Brooklyn--but with a huge community I have unfortunately had a lot of encounters with in Miami while I sold cigars and the threats and hate and attacks were constant and haven't stopped since I just sold cigars in restaurants and clubs back in 1995-1998 and the same disgusting foul Italians and American mafia of their partnership of fascist Nazi identification are still attacking me as thugs operating for the blonde Nazis and they are all literally as vile as some stinking hell on every level including intellectual and mental.
But the arbiters of who and what get included in the mediocrity magazine of Rolling Stone so that the public is forever shooed away from any kind of real threat to the white, Nazi post-Holocaust generation that is all that this stinking generation truly has proven to be (the rest have been killed off, as I have written so many times for so many years--the true radicals and the real anti-establishment anti-Nazi/anti-sexist and etc etc people who wanted to not be enslaved in that system of conformity are mostly killed off or dead. The rest remain as "celebrities" who held their fists up in the air when they were arrested but now hold their fists out for more media coverage with greedy grabbing ferocity doing NOTHING anylonger but being portrayed as some kind of relics of a past event which they make grandiose speeches about for the public about how they are still "fighting" making bold speeches. I doubt they ever really did any of the very dangerous or real work back in the day--like all the actors and bs pop stars risen into rock n roll status of controlling and destroying the real movements--they just are on an acting level of persuasion that the Nazis approve of in order to divert the reality from the fantasy projection of what feels like a good spurt of deception for people to want to devour--like the fast food junk food and instant gratification that is all they really are and ever have been in modern terms of commercialization of personality cult.