Tuesday, May 24, 2022

My internet service was shut off as "punishment" or to silence me from the writing about the terrorism that is so foul and putrid that it's more than simply "torture" that is never ending. The pigs had my service turned off as a result and I am now fighting to log into my bank account, which is being blocked by hackers. I had been able to log in until a few weeks ago, now I must log-in a phone number and I have no phone (always use SKYPE) and even when I log into my browser under my name I can't access my bank account except on my personal laptop. I can't get any representative that helps me via any phone call at that bank, PNC. . Going through "no understan English" here in post-Covid Phuket, where the Europigapes once more control the sour, dour and nasty Thais who have replaced the formerly friendly and helpful and realistic Thais who actually come from Phuket or live here, instead of the transplants looking for Europigape sugar Daddy to hand them money to be their little whores and cleaning/sucking slaves and obedient subordinates. The nastiness is once more at the level that it had been prior to Covid--and years of these pigs gone made PHuket a pleasant and healthy place once again. Now the pigs have all returned, the formerly friendly ones are all gone--to where I don't know? Can't get service and everyone except for a few I meet at random places who are not being trained into hate and near violence exercises of discrimination at me are at these occassionally friendly junctures in the otherwise non-stop hate and near-death situations. I am yelling at people in rage now every day but mostly in the most disgusting teleportation. The pig apes attacking me are smug and sick and like terror torture guards in some prison, some black-ops Guantanamo--they threaten to kill me--this is from the celebrity shit and filth who have been attacking me for years. T-rump is glowing with huge smiles, I think he is assured that there will be no trial against him that will block his return to running for president and he looks like he's bought out and influenced everyone. I can assure you all that Raskin and Kinzinger are fully in his pocket even though they claim they are "fighting" him in this J-6 Select Committee. The pig ape celebrities likewise look assured that there will enver, ever be any block to their torture and mutilation and rape and torture of me.//infinitely while people who are supposed to do the maintenance spend hours plugging in the router and saying "no understan" but keeping me waiting as they say "YOU" and then they replace a plug and keep saying nothing as I say loudly "router good, laptop good, no internet service" then after 45 minutes of explaining "I go to computer shot they test router router good" they say nothing and I finally shout in rage. Shouting in rage for hours in the teleportation sessions to one sick group of hate after the next. Endlessly being made old prematurely by old and rotten people filled with hate and negativity. I am by now wishing them death and screaming that I find them disgusting and wish them death and try to hit and kill them as best I can every time they teleport me. But first it's endless information extraction so these filthy pigs can continue endlessly stealing information and ideas. It's now rotten Samuel Jackson going on and on--what a bigot black Nazi acolyte he is--and rotten as a human being they all are. The Brooklyn troll scum are just disgusting, utterly sick and violent and bigoted and foul. They never stop, they are never stopped, the pigs who remain silent are relying on them to really abuse and torture me endlessly as they want this contract of whatever--a baby otu of me while I tell them all endlessly and it ends up in yelling and death threats on all sides that i can'at stand any of them, wish them death, find them stupid and ugly--they just go on and on. ---------------------- It is never stopped. - ---------- But now I can't access my bank account at all. As I wrote above, I was able to do this until just a few weeks ago on every single computer. THey have blocked access unless I get a US telephone number where they can send a code for me to write into a field.

 I'm at this internet shop, after one week of the router being turned off--I mean the internet service stopped. The router plug was hacked and then the service has been entirely stopped and shut off. I had to fight to get anything done to replace it today with everyone attacking me as usual in the shops--I had all my bags I carry around and immediately the white trash Nazi bigots followed me into the store and smeared some ink on my white satin bag when I was busy trying to get the internet shop to test the router and connection. Everything was working well. And even when the Thai shop assistant helped me by phoning my Thai landlord (terrorist) and speaking in Thai, the landlord made him repeat 6 times in a row that the router works, it connects to both LAN and WiFi. I heard him say this repeatedly in Thai (I can understand the basics when I know what people are talking about and they use these universal terms). 

I then went back to my condo torture chamber where I had been accosted when I first brought my router and laptop down to the front desk to see if they would help me to test if the router had been broken. I knew that my laptop was okay but brought it to test it anyway. The router had plugged in no prob when I was in my room, but once downstairs the hackers blocked the plug--the plugs for electronic items can even be hacked to stop circuitry flow. Then an ugly man, who is a terrorist on my floor--a Thai creepazoid, fat and nasty and dishevelled--came up with nastiness saying that the antennas were broken (by him or his associates in this terror operation) and he began in whining Europigape harassment vocal tones (was very much like the ugly fat white men who proliferate here whom these Thai men revolve around, sound exactly like in their English, and try to emulate as much as possible--sorry, but it's my assessment from over 10 years of living in Phuket).

Returning to my condo to tell the nasty thin Thai guy who only says "YOU" and points his hand--but obviously speaks perfect English. I told him that I wanted him to also phone my landlord and tell him that my laptop was working perfectly and once again, for the 2nd time in the same day, to let  him know that all has been tested and Thai people are letting him know that it's the service that is the problem. I am using every means possible to avert him knocking on my door or coming over--which is his goal, to harass me for the pig apes back in the USA who terrorize, harass and abuse me daily to the point that it's death threats non-stop, hate, abuse, violence, The Europigape English white trash wealthy instructing the poor white trash Americans how to threaten and become their pawns and puppets for the upcoming genocides they all want to implement once they perfect the technocratic "Divide and conquer" strategies to get people to kill one another in the streets--as they are now doing in the bad old USA but from instruction and mind control out of the playbook from bad ole old old old Europigapeland.

I am now at an internet shop trying to use a computer and it's being hacked so badly that there is almost no response when I try to change tabs for one browser. The usual hacking that I am plagued by in every computer shop, every place, everywhere anywhere any time I try to use any internet and the system follows me every single place.

Everywhere now people "no understan" and won't provide service until I have to repeat the simple instructions at least 6 times. they keep asking the same question 6 times in a row because "no understan" and it's a stress tactic. 


I really can't stand these expletives teleporting me and they go on every single morning and I cant' stop talking. The system is a true torture and truth serum response machine I can't block them out. They abuse me endlessly it's a fight with hate and threats and death threats now every single morning, going on for hours and hours. I wrote posts in rage because my brain and body are continuously under mind control torture regimens that are devastating to mind, body and spirit. These psycho sickos never stop. I am a happy person in my daily life, and their goal is to completely destroy all my happiness in this life and my health, suck out every single thing possible out of me until I am broken and miserable and old and then can't fight them any longer.

I can't begin to describe how loathsome t his organization and these people teleporting and attacking me are to me by now. 

Monday, May 16, 2022

After a lifetime of me being poisoned and attacked, raped and my spine broken my body paralyzed and my life and career pursuits turned into endless physical attacks to thwart and stop me by your shit organization Nazi Mafia group; and then years of being slowly paralyzed to death by Americans who fully participate in this and me having to leave the US twice in my life to fight to get medical attention while I was absolutely denied health care after your filth organization was slowly murdering me and depriving me of health care even when I had Government medical I was mistreated and lied to by doctors. Then after having left the country, but just prior to having left, I just contacted one pig ape filth rapist out of London asking for help to get a job in London just to try to get health care,. This filthy pig then stole idea after idea from me and made sure I was abused at each and every place I lived by English coming with the Americans in training attacking and openly discriminating against me while this filthy pig, Moynihan, was making not just huge sums of money out of torturing me using this covert technology; but simultaneously as part of his awards system for participation in this torture protocol system, progressing into the film industry just for having latched onto this system. I contacted him undoubtedly only due to mind control and poisoning and drugging, and he had been following me and latching on since 1987 for this contract. The other was scumbag filth rapist ugly piece of crap Nicola Siervo out of Miami but he's from Italy--absolutely an ugly and vile parasitic bigot I never had any contact with except a few words while I sold cigars as an independent contractor--but this ugly and nasty man followed me around and stalked me for years--and then began torturing me once I also phoned him and asked him for help just because I was endlessly being attacked and I had thought that the attacks were coming from a real estate agent in Miami who began this teleportation rape situation in the year 2000 (and it's never stopped for a day since then) named Eric Harari--and I had no idea wtf was going on so I assumed this was a psychopath creep using proxy stalkers to attack me even globally--for some reason. After moving around the planet and still being stalked I thought that this creep in Miami was an absolutely psychopathic sick perverted scum so I contacted Siervo, who had been sexually harassing me but endlessly asking me to meet him at clubs (in very undignified ways, just rude but still always coming after me with this intent purpose that I misinterpreted as a sick bastard but someone obsessed with this spurious contact without formality and/or respect--I avoided him for YEARS until I phoned him in desperation to stop the stalking just asking him for help because he had been coming after me for years, and I thought if he liked me in some way maybe he would be a person I could rely on, maybe I could give him a "chance"--) and that ended up in endless murder attempts, being hit by cars, poisoning nearly to death, being raped by his huge and ugly disgusting body non-stop while I was dying from the poisoning he made jokes about (how "fat" I was becoming, as a joke knowing exactly what they were doing to me with hardening and bloating poisoning as he literally f((ed it into my body and wanted to see me paralyzed and made references to how he wanted to see me in a coma--yes, wanted me absolutely destroyed--and I had never done any thing to him or anyone in his group except defend myself when, like this filthy shit out of Brooklyn, they made sexual comments, attacked and abused me and I fought back and then stayed away from that shit group--so I was drugged and THAT desperate asking for help after years of fighting against untold millions attacking me with the same hate but in Phuket and around the planet--it hasn't stopped this hate and negativity towards me. I keep on trying to just achieve something in life and now all I can do is fight to finally get this poison out they all put in me--after 11 years of fighting while they keep on torturing and abusing me nightly and daily). while I was in Phuket--not having a single idea of wtf was going on with this gang stalking and this murder contract out on me. Years later both of them were taking turns teleporting and raping me and pumping poison via rape into my body after having me poisoned and tortured non-stop in deadly ways for years. After they obtained creative concepts from the drugging and mind control they used on me, to obtain original ideas-- and were handed leadership positions into ownership of venues and real estate for having done this sick protocol system that any idiot capable of following an algorithm can also replicate like a zombie parasite (subhuman). Now years later, after I fought them, with poison diarrhea every day for at least 5 years as they continued to really literally torture me slowly to death (heart palpitations every day to the point of nearly suffocating or having a heart attack, and T-rump did this as well to me; tears flowing out of my eyes every day for hours--whenever I would try to exercise they would force a near cardiac arrest--the microchip implants are that severe and deadly and these exploitative pieces of shit used every bit of torture to try to force me into just accepting them raping poison into my body to death while they were promoted endlessly by this most disgusting murder organization to which you all belong).years of two shit pig men trying to murder me using poisoning and raping the poison into me via teleportation--why must I be subjected after 10+ years of perpetual torture and violence from Depp, stealing ideas and also his disgusting daughter has as well, along with his now divorced wife stealing ideas from me who also by the way tried to have me killed in a very nasty truck hitting me episode that would have literally crushed me under a huge truck barreling behind me while the road in front of me had been literally paved with a rectangle of greased meat, with the purpose of me wiping out and being run over by a 10-wheeler huge truck that was 2 feet behind me, while my handlebars were remotely blocked from turning so I would have driven on the meat, slid and wiped out and been run over. I pushed very hard oh the handlebars just at the last moment and diverted from being crushed to death. That was the week that Depp and Heard were beginning their never-ending photo-op divorce scandal and I believe it was the female who ordered the murder, to which she then handed the technology to Trump after having him rape me in front of her with glaring looks of violence aimed at me--in other words, Depp didn't have access to the tech and Musk was right with Heard during that time. That was when T-rump began to switch from losing the campaign primaries to winning back in 2015--that exact month he began teleporting and abusing me and that turned into cars hitting me, death attempts, rape and disfiguration for years and all the while, shitty pigalina and pit the fuck were taking turns stealing ideas and abusing me daily and then Oprah slapping me in the face for having called her an Aunt Jemima after she also profited off stealing a concept from me--and on and on--then the bigot pair of troll filth out of Brooklyn were handed this contract and they have been on a sadistic bonanza of filth aimed at me for over 4 years now--or maybe only 3 years of this pair of shit and filth going on and on having me traumatized and abused as they make pornogrpahic filthy commentary while I am naked and saying and doing most disgusting and vile things and it's gone on every day now for the last many months just from them taking turns, but prior to that they did a back-and-forth between pit n pigalina who never stopped this endless attack upon me for years and years and they also handed me out to Europigape fascists how made genocidal Nazi remarks and for the past half year it's been English filth pieces of shit making Nazi genocidal hate remarks at me and all "winning" oscars and awards just one week after making these types of remarks. And now I'm here after more than a decade of writing about this asking the readers to please intervene saying goddamn you fuckers godddamn you and when Putin bombs the hell out of america I will not feel any pangs of sorrow if you are blown into death in your stupidity and filth for having allowed such ignorant and vile people into positions of power. Lets' add as I have been writing of today H. Cliton into the mix, another foul and vile hypocritcal phony with personal first-name basis with this most foul dysfunctional scubag pesce and deniro--absolutely sick and animalistic vile pieces of crap--but you all love their stupid filth jokes and the stupid movies depicting violence you love their psychopathy so much--and all I have ever done is defend myself against being attacked. That is all I have done for these fuckers to go on and on like this, as "proof" that they are being handed full permission to do whatever the fuck they want to do in Nazi terms to inflict psychological, sexual and emotional violence upon me in this Nazi contract and to follow on the tails of the 3rd Reich Nazi genocide into this modern version of a technocratic 4th Reich murder operation. For simply fighting for any and even a single human right, I have been subjeccted to endless torture with more bullshit from endless and successive pairs of pig apes after pair of shit after rapist scumbag out of Whorewood until I drop to death from exhaustion to fight for any right as a human being to live in peace without being murdered and abused and dehumanized with politicians coming to insult and threaten me and all the shit fuckers doing this are societal leaders in human kindness supposedly--all have a snake oil sales pitch about what wonderful people they are as charity humanitarians--I can't express how much people like Oprah and the rest are part of this sick torture psychopathy and have been for all these years. But for it to just continuously be allowed to fester on and on as people think it's amusing, a joke, an entertaining sadistic show of violence--and why have I been pitted as some villain of society anyway? I was fighting back against white pig men raping me using teleportation and MK ULTRA and it's like I am the absolute criminal. I have every bitch, pig, whore and piece of shit in the leadership roles of a defunct entertainment crap field attacking me, most viciously out of Europigapeland but the Brooklyn "Italian-Americans" are like piles of sewage and filth perpetually being poured upon me and this has been going on and on and on and on for over 4 years now--or how long has it been? Years before Biden they were going at it, these filthy ugly sick disgusting parasites that keep being honored for some reason because they play ultra violent mobsters in movies and are sick and putrid human beings but applauded for helping Nazis to torture me for fighting for my rights as a human being which these pigs are all taking away from me on a legal basis. This is after the Europigape men who were murdering me have stolen ideas from me while poisoning me to death while they capitalized on the ideas and left me fighting to be able to afford food while they continued to physically destroy my body--then filthy pigalina took over, then shit pit who also has always been there and all of them with awards and prizes endlessly year after year as this has never ended for a single day for me--then psycho shithead Depp and his nasty nearly-murdering me wife--the sh it fuck Trump and his filthy and stupid sick psychopath whore wives out of Europigapeland with murder attempts and being hit by cars and threatened with death after saying no and reading tarot cards and fighting non-stop--and then this pair of absolutely disgusting filth and sewage shit pouring pornographic insults and grabbing at my body and threatening me by punching into my face but just missing it by a few inches after some greasy pig from Germany was beating adn raping me, as these pieces of shit all applauded him literally and these shit pig scumbags out of Brooklyn began threatening me to allow this greasy stupid ugly pig violinist out of Germany to continue to basically rape poison into my body just as the pigs from 2008-2013 had been doing to slowly murder me--after stealing ideas of course. And now it's just me endlessly writing these posts as goddamn sick fucking Whorewood as usual watches on applauding and befriending these pig whore shit pieces of crap perpetually hugging them in public and putting them in lead roles and watching as they essentially perform acts of terrorism upon me because I am fighting to defend myself after years of rape and torture and murder attempts and my ideas stolen by one of these pieces of pure crap after the next. What the fuck is wrong with American society that it is this absolutely sick technology is being handed to incompetents and psychopaths who are incapable of operating their own lives, much less being told they are allowed to force their dysfunction on anyone else in the form of absolute control over someone else's body with these microchip implants and the stupid gangs of shit that perform these acts of sabotage, attempted murder and/or murder, disfiguration torture and rape and brutality as proxy torturing sadists for the shit who orders all of this for their social hierarchical structuring of society so only apes are put into lead positions but they can't understand even how stupid they truly are-- on any level of decency or normality as a human race capable of understanding that the technology is dangerous, not a fun toy used to destroy others, rape and torture, murder and exploit or have fun orgies by forcing people to "make love" while they are being drugged and are asleep--sick and loveless parasites of this society at this juncture of time when thermonuclear war is almost a natural by-product of the toxicity and stupidity of you fuckers reading my posts endlessly for years and just allowing this kind of filth and shit group to persist going on and on with these most disgusting racist and stupid ugly acts of vile terrorism, rape and torture. Goddamn you fuckers reading this goddamn you fuckers.

 The entire 11 years of this going on and on, I have been writing posts asking, begging and imploring anyone to step in and intervene to stop this sick situation. For a decade not a single person supposedly famous or in charge politically will do any goddamn thing but watch me fight for my life as they applaud and promote the disgusting foul shit people performing such vile and sick acts of torture and mutilation and rape and attempted murder and slow murder.

If I survive the total collapse of planetary cohesion that you are all bringing about, and all of you are destroyed--if that happens I will not be sad if you are all blown away by the very system you are now creating. If fires burn your Whorewood down due to climate change I will think of the pig from Whorewood who was in the shower trying to rape me, and in my sleeping teleportation state I told him to "not waste water and not let water just run"--he began to violently threaten me because his sexual "high" in this situation was disrupted. When his mansion in the Whorewood hills burns because of the lack of water and the burning of fire because he's a sleazy pig who must have instant gratification, I will not feel sorry for the piece of shit who also threatened to kill me 4x and got 4 lead movie roles that same year and it was during the pandemic when movie theaters were not shown. 


If the shit children of the male pigs from Whorewood get raped and if this happens I will be extremely happy and I so hope it happens to the pieces of crap that these pigs with their whore rapist enabler bigot wives have spawned. I have been pushed, hit, spat upon by these children who also have risen in their careers ONLY due to this contract their shit parents latched onto not only because they in their A-list status could continue to have monopolies but because through "entitlement" nepotism, their little shit spawn could also be immediately handed positions in the film front roles only due to how fascist and Nazi they learned to emulate their nasty parents. I so hope they are raped and beaten to death I would be happy to see it done, along with the shit parents. 


That is how much hate and reverse violence I feel for these pigs, I tell them almost every day that i wish them death and pray for it. The pigs out of Brooklyn have begun a campaign of severe violent threats against me as a result, along with their years of the usual filthy pornographic comments, grabbing at my body, constantly making comments about how disfigured I am and unattrractive and etc while I am laid up, being perpetually abused and for over 11 years on a non-stop basis--while perpetually begging online for help, for someone to stop this--and it's just a joke for the fuckers reading this, the English in particular and part of the protocol is to mock and laugh at the victim--the pig apes here in Phuket do this often, they imitate and laugh as my brain is put into rage and hate mode by the tech--as it is right now--and they begin to make fun and imitate and laugh. They really want me destroyed on every single level possible.

So I must finish writing about this shit to you fuckers out there as this is just entertainment to you pieces of shit participating and enjoying reading these miserable hate rants which you never do any fucking thing to prevent from going on and on this endless shit you all participate in. Your system is going to implode and you will all suffer consequences of allowing such shit into positions of power and for having done nothing to stop this system.

I want readers to realize that I have never been fixated on Nazis my entire life. It has been Americans and English mostly who have spewed the most vile racist commentary to my face--these repugnant celebrities who are full of shit in every single movie and public performance they make about how equality-minded and humanitarian they are. The Germans almost never used this type of language against me, because they have the stupid pig ape minions who claim they are part of the Nazi empire to do it for them. The German pig apes just sit back laughing as their stupid and putrid whores do the work for them--the blonde and blue celebrities in Whorewood and the English filth that has permeated this contract out on me. Why Americans in general latch onto this teleportation and gang stalking without understanding what stupid pawns they are to the real Nazi pig apes is unbelievable to me how programmed into believing that the Germans are actually nice and friendly because they are the best psychopathic actors possible but only for deception purposes, not for acting in general like the American version which is fast dwindling. The English variety of actors used to be but now are not for the most part. This is an extremely irate and biased opinion piece written out of years of torture so with the exceptions I submit that this may be a bit exaggerated in this claim. Why no one still will ever stop this sick contract out on me is still unbelievable to me and that the same pig whores are being allowed to get away with this and for years--as the pig shit scum pair from Brooklyn are just disgusting examples of a lack of manhood, dumber than hell bigots, sick and putrid personalities and this applies to everything including the fake personas they display for public approval--underneath it just below the surface are pure rotten shithead scumbags and the rest of the shit out of Whorewood attacking me are practically the same, but just not as openly disgusting as the pair of filth. They didn't personally attack me today and in teleportation it was strangers, no doubt upon the orders of this pair of shit you all adore as your mafia representatives who make stupid psychopathic jokes and everyone loves watching criminals perform with gaiety their violence in film--they just love flamboyant scumbag psychopaths in movies--but in real life, it's not glamorous they are just filth and the rest of the actors really are the same thing in this group. And in the larger organization in general. But I have never focused on Nazis but for years all I have been writing of is Nazis--it would seem I attempt to label "everything" as being Nazi--but now that I am aware of the huge deception going on, it is all I can do because they are all affiliated with that organization out of former Nazi Germany through their huge global network. The US military presence in Germany that I encountered only seems to have inducted more Americans into Nazism than attempted to stop the proliferation of that political system. The result has been an underground systematic replication of Nazism with this technology emulating the conditions and the behaviors with full approval of Congress, law enforcement and society. I don't want to write about Nazis again. I will try to be stoic and just not write about this but they keep threatening my life and I have to write to try to not get more murderous living conditions. Can't anyone out there ever stop this endless assault against me so I can live in peace with enough $ and safety to just not have to deal with this bs any longer? Anyone out there whatsoever? I don't want any of these scumbag whore pig men, their shitty rotten whore ugly stupid women or children who are assaulting me out of Whorewood or anywhere else this is going on--and it's going on worldwide. I don't want this shit out of Whorewood, all of them are disgusting and rotten and foul. I want them to be forced to pay me for all the years of stealing my ideas, destroying my body and home, and for them to be forced to get the f--off me and so I am living in safety and security--probably with an identity change living with all these microchips embedded in my body removed and this SHIT stopped. Can't ANYONE ever do this out there within this huge goddamn group reading/hacking into my posts? I don't want to endlessly obsess about Nazis or the shit parasites attacking me ever again, from this day forwward. The subject is sickening the creeps attacking me are more than nauseating the entire situation of no one ever defending me is absolutely rotten coming from the US Government and extending into all crevices of the cracks of US Society and the rest of the planet is just a maelstrom of fascist ideologies disguised as "Democratic" countries. Why the f is no one ever doing anything to really stop this? I don't want to have to write begging for help any longer after a goddamn decade of it, can't ANYONE EVER DO ANYTHING OUT THERE TO STOP THIS?

When I lived in Upstate New York, near Buffalo and the racism I was subjected to (relating to the current shooting spree killings in Buffalo).//Too many "Blacks, Jews and Gays"! Bigots are freaking out (AND shooting to kill from Greasytown Brooklyn to Buffalo, Geneseo and on to Whorewood, USA but taking orders from the International cartel of bigotry, formerly known as the Axis Powers during WWII): //The national/international cartels of racist and genocidal murder squads & The shooting of blacks by a white supremacist in Buffalo, NY, and the extremely racist area of Upstate New York--transplanted probably from the cracks in the filth of New York City mafia and sliding their way up to Upstate to inflict their racism and hate but living in comfortable larger houses with the same racism as hails as deadly violence in NYC://Another ranting series I should begin to write of endlessly titled: sick of sickeningly sleazy and foul "Italian-American" mafia terrorist "gang stalker" rapist bigots and the filth that accompanies them and all the years of their terrorism aimed at me. Today national focus is on the Buffalo racist killing spree done by some "jerk-off" living ("a distant drive away")--how racist that area is I can only briefly detail but I was surrounded by the "Italian-American" attacking me throng of filth who worked, as this group in Whorewood does not, to support blonde Nazi Northern European-based racist scumbags for whom they do the most vile and disgusting deeds.

Too many "Blacks, Jews and Gays"! Bigots are freaking out (AND shooting to kill from Greasytown Brooklyn to Buffalo, Geneseo and on to Whorewood, USA but taking orders from the International cartel of bigotry, formerly known as the Axis Powers during WWII):

"Chic--Le Freak (Official Music Video)". April 12, 2019.

  Yes! I am filled with hate today. It's only a decade of unwarranted hate directly focused upon me by millionaires and billionaires who have been handed these odious and pernicious technologies by the millionaires and billionaires of Congress to inflict their behavioral conditioning for a resistance-free American Nazi inclusion in the global 4th Reich.


It's also been a lifetime of attacks, and I am going to very briefly, under extremely arduous writing conditions such as my laptop being hacked so writing is very difficult physically (hacking is non-stop of course as usual disrupting all typing and writing ability on a manual level) while my brain is blocked from cognitive access of higher critical and otherwise calm analytical appraisal of a situation. The drugging from earlier today has worn off a bit.


As I peruse the mess that America now is on so many levels, I see that this area where I had once lived--from 1977-1979--or thereabouts, I have lost a bit of time with all the drugging but I think it was a time span of roughly one and a half years when "Le Freak" was the driving song on the radio at least from what I heard it was the dominant theme at that time.

My mother and I had been living in Geneseo for that time, my brother was sent to come in from Champaign and create a terror situation in assistance to my mother because the "Italian-American" community of expletives could not stand to see me as a competitive factor. I would like to write a short story about this but I am sick of these same thugs and parasites stealing my concepts, wording and phrasing and conceptual imagery endlessly if I write so much as a creative sentence. I realize how "delusional" that last sentence sounds, but that is the insanity by which this disgusting organization has created this contract out on me so the endless plethora of parasites never stop attacking and stealing all they can every day if I try to write and prove myself any form of competition. The hate directed at me, and it's been from "Italian-American" mafia expletive ooey gooey slime for so many years just in the H-wood theater, but I am writing about the late 70's and the Geneseo-but-connected-to-a-much larger diaspora grouping which very violently both paid my mother off to do their bidding for her own promotion, while also making sure I was very viciously attacked and was sent packing and etc (it turned out very well for me in a way, up to this point).

I can't describe how viciously racist these people are in that area, and how much the Italian-American mafia actually extorts a huge presence in that region. It's just the "upstate" version of MAGA maniacal bigotry that you can find easily in some Southern antebellum province of lynchmob, USA. It has surfaced as such today, but the culprit has a N. Europ-a-land name in his suffix. I can't imagine what other mixes there are in his recent historical heritage as that area is packed with those of the more Southern regions of Europ-a-land and extremely rife with this mafia contingent (just spread out from NYC area probably in their own history of migration to "the country" but dominating it, although subordinate to the blonde and blue Nazi groupings for which they are always defending and being the front attackers for--but now this organization is replacing the former "dark" Italians with the minority minions who are flooding into this organization like lemmings the worse globalization has made survival on most other Southern Hemispheric continents of the planet (not an accident in geopolitical terms--oh yes, thank H. Cliton for that as well, as she and her hubby are largely responsible and their Nazis behind them for this endless travesty of destitution which they plunder as human resources to replace the former darker contingent of "Italian-Americans" to do their filthy and vile nasty work for them).


My personal experience is very nasty and I don't know if I want to detail this, but I will only say that I was recently teleported to one of the nasty skanks who attacked me in this junior high school and only because I added my name to the list of Geneseo High School "Yearbook" page listings so people could contact me. I wrote on my page that I don't have the money or desire to pay for this service so any email or message will remain unread and I can't contact anyone. I just added my name just to see what would happen. One of the expletive skanks who had attacked me way back in 1978 or so put a host of her photos and a few ugly rotten men who look like they are around 75 years old, fat and rotten squalid creeps who are supposedly people I had contact with--but never did. One of them is glaring into a photo that I could click on "for free" although I have paid for no service and was supposed to not be allowed to access the page whatsoever to open any photo. I have been assaulted by these "free" one-time clicks to open pages or messages and have gotten this rotten ugly woman who was fully a part of an "Italian-American" team of teenagers who very viciously orchestrated a most nasty attack upon me (and also upon my mother, but because she was essentially "selling me to highest bidder" along with my brother for their own protection in this hate Nazi system--she went along and got along, I was viciously attacked in most nasty ways but while sleeping and drugged but still prevailed and never had a clue as to what was really going on until just recently--as in the last few years--decades later).

However, Diane put her photo and some glaring in hate old man who supposedly is my age onto this "free" clickable page so I could see the ugly looks and that her little tab photo was right next to his--as a team of course--she was attacking me then to force a kind of sex slavery upon me, and is still going at it today. She teleported me and asked me why I look so healthy, and she showed me her refrigerator and I told her to get rid of the junk food like doughnuts and etc and also told her to stop drinking coffee. I was then assaulted by the mobster Brooklyn pair of actors who had set this "reunion" up, which was essentially another disgusting parasite asking me for ideas and then the pig apes attacking me for having any idea they want to steal but don't like and etc. Thus, I was attacked for having told her, under hypnosis, while sleeping, and drugged up, and not aware of where I was but speaking in an insombulant way out of subconscious awareness (which none of these idiots has a fathoming of exactly how unconscious I really am in these sessions as they torture me for saying honest opinions about how disgusting they are--in their stupid and incompetent attempts at "behavior modification" which is just torture and bigotry and stupidity amplified by this most misused technology being treated like a fun power-trip toy by the most idiocracy of morons being handed technology far too sophisticated for their basic uneducated or under-educated levels of celebrity enhancement--they just don't know anything about the Scientific Method, psychology or anything they are just pure greed, selfishness corruption crime and sleazy porno filth amplified as well by celebrity enhancements that are endless and for decades until they believe they are some kind of untouchable royalty entitled to every single thing they can steal and suck out and abuse possible).


Because I addressed the potential of excessive coffee in the pre-aging process, the addicts out of Brooklyn, the porn addicts, the drug addicts and the violence addicts addicted to this technology and torture and abuse as well began a campaign of harassment aimed at me regarding how great coffee is, and they began torturing me for this as well. I can't express how petty, stupid and disgusting they are, this is just a small example.

But this is Diane, the terrorist who had participated with the mafia "Italian-American" haters who is of a more N. Europ-a-land descent, who directed the mafia girly teens to attack me for her--she is of "white trash" descent and my mother and I and my brother were sent to live in a very nice cul d'sac and these girls were extremely jealous--they lived in trashy white trash houses and their parents were slobby and dumb kind of bigots but of course inter-connected to the 4th Reich--up their in Upstate New York area--just 65 East of Buffalo where the shooting occurred today because these bigots are terrified that minorities are going to surpass them. 

In Geneseo I recall maybe one black person in my class. I was as usual the only "Jewish" person in my span of contact--I am always surrounded by enemies and always have been, so whomever was of that "race" was separated from me. 


The hate was palpable but I had no inkling of what was going on. My parents, whom I had trusted and respected (Meaning the professor my step-father and my Ivy-league mother, out of wealth and comfort--had assured me that the Nazis were no longer in power, there was nothing to worry about. Society had reinforced that lie by more lies, and when Nazis marched I was told that this was only a tiny little segment of creeps and nothing whatsoever to worry about, by everyone I was lied to by everyone, all the time. There was no internet I had no clue what I was in reality being surrounded by every moment of every day.


Diane is trying the same old game, and I thought to myself, if Brad Pitt is someone I can't tolerate as an abuser exploiting me, why the f would I want some ugly old man loser as a replacement and one who is of an ugly temperament as this creep glaring into the photo with his sagging jowls and grey hair and supposedly he's my age? Ugly and nasty. I have received at least once a week notices that people are trying to contact me, but when I open the contacts page for which I am blocked because I never paid for the service, I get only creepy photos, mostly of men I had never known and don't recognize making stupid looks into the camera or the usual culprits who formed a gang--but I hung out with them because it was a small town and I was always drugged--had sleepovers with them, went to the pizza shop on Friday nights--etc etc etc for over a year until I had to leave my home because my mother conformed so completely with what all the Mafia and Nazioso always demanded of her--and she still does.


Sigh--when I see this shooting I think back only two days ago when I saw yet another attempt to put me in a category by some creepy woman who also just participated with a most nasty and negative pair of "Italian-Americans" who have been trying to crush me on every level possible but only to the extent to which they are allowed--otherwise they would be nearly or even lethal if they were given permission to attack me to that level--I have no doubt. She participated with them, I gave her basic food health guidelines she returned it with the usual attempt these whores and trashy parasitic women of this hate organization return all my friendliness, the ideas they always steal from me and return with torture and hate and destruction of my body and property and income and health--but from filthy pigalina in Whorewood to Upstate New York, the Nazi/Mafia collusion is the same sort of disgusting collaboration.


If you think that a shooting like this in Buffalo is nowhere near connected or inter-related to the concealed threat of a future Holocaust or genocide by the pig apes I have mentioned endlessly not just the Brooklyn pair of bozos who are foul and filthy and rotten and mean and evil, but just all of them--and the terror networks span from East of Buffalo and east from there to the West and everywhere in between.  


"Cuz the Bronx ain't a place for a kid to grow up in. Let's find a place that's far away (i.e. Upstate, NY) where there's no Blacks, no Jews and no Gays (i.e. Geneseo)" And in 2022 that translates into go on a shooting racist rampage and kill those n-words to prove that only white nazi and mafia are allowed in Upstate, New York (and downstate, NY, and on to Whorewood, unless they are are "good" and do what they are told and allow all kinds of humiliating versions of racism disguised as having open-mindedness some call "Libtard Wokeness" but in this context I can't find a bit of disagreement with that hate statement because the hypocrisy is so much more real than anyone will know. But back in the disco days, the honesty was much more apparent--so find a place, far away from The Bronx with no Blacks, no Jews and no Gays---(before shooting in public and making the mass murder a streaming spectacle on social media, so bigot "people" will switch over from the bigot movie programming to real-life streaming content as their main focus of indoctrination, in order to contribute to the much -desired potentially upcoming Civil War and Race war these bigots yearn for, with all their militarized equipment and bigotry in the form of "gang stalking" murder death squads once they get out in the open it will be a killing field situated in the midst of American civil life)--but just keep on ignoring my posts and me and continue to defend and put on pedestals those who are pushing this sickening agenda, the MAGA celebrities and politicians and never revealing these networks of terror and death and murder, inc.

"MACHINE--There But For the Grace of God, There Go I". Fred Rossi. September 22, 2012.

No blacks, no jews no gays......Straight outta of Brooklyn No Exit.


Without delving into "conspiracy theories" I will just with a very brief reference to the entire bigot organization and my hopes for a peaceful ever-after-life of it's entire organization, beginning now and ending forever instead of allowing more of them to foment destruction heaped upon the globe--this is the larger group to which and to wit all the bigots attacking me out of Whorewood belong to on one level or another, and which controls them all and is trying to use technology to make lemmings out of the rest who believe that a free society of their stupidity and ignorance is possible on this planet. The technology is far more dangerous than any of you reading this will begin to admit mostly because I think most of you consider the mind control tricks and teleportation to be fun sick sadistic toys or orgiastic party toys for your loveless and sick lack of love and respect for human life and for nature. To those who do not belong to that category, or who believe they do not but are nevertheless reading my post and compelled to do nothing to change or stop this upcoming disaster in human history that I have been endlessly warning about in these technological forms, with these immature and stupid and sick people who have been handed these technologies in order to re-create former absolute tyranny-especially in the form of ACTORS out of the Mafia who really are addicted to the mis-use of this tech. The killings in Buffalo ARE related to the thugs in H-wood who are from Brooklyn--as I just wrote, they had immediate contact with a woman just 65 miles east of Buffalo who was extremely willing to work with these pig ape whore bozos to force a kind of disgusting sexual trafficking slavery upon me, working with these scumbag actors who have threatened me endlessly after I have been brutally raped as they tried to defend the pig ape whores who beat and raped me (and then ordered my body slashed my hair to be chemically treated out after they were pumping poison more deeply into my body via this rape which they would not stop and tortured me for saying stop repeatedly--that is the shit that you all love who make these stupid and sick mafia movies year-after-year and what their real intentions are--that includes the mass shootings at shopping centers which they are in part integral components of due to the racism that is fully integrated into their networking).

"MOZART MASONIC FUNERAL MUSIC--K 477".   November 19, 2013.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

A gossipy-hate-tirade post as part of a series I will simply title: The Demonic Parade of mediocrity, idiot savants and sleaze and filth you all worship as politicians and celebrities. This will be like a gossip page on a ranting torture victim's explication of what you all really love and worship as your heroes but are just foul paths of slime that have coated the landscape of society for far too long. Perhaps you are all blinded by the gyrating titillation they all provide you with as an antidote to commuting to work where you are underpaid and overworked, while they are overpaid in billions for the underwork that they do while you revere them because somehow, you all want an aristocracy to replace Democracy--so it seems.

 I had assumed that the degeneration of my fav radio station, the used-to-be-cutting-edge college radio alternative station WNYU was coated with a thick layer of mediocritized and quantized banality--the formerly absolutely interesting music has of late in the last 4-5 years been replaced by what could only be described as horrid studio musicians attempting to sound alternative. The same sort of musical sentences but put in a horrid routine formula of ennui and horrid imitation "alternative" voices of people trying to fit into this genre. And now, after the Rolling Slimebag entropic group has finally emerged from under their rock of concealment, demonstrating the absolutely vile and elitist stance that they have been inculcated with from decades---a half century by now--of their rancid overdose satanism and do-what-you-want nasty white boys with your freedom-loving whore women who think they are having "fun" by being sexually exploited by sleazy and nasty alcoholic and drug-addicted men who are told they are FREE oh so free by this rolling slimebags whose trails of slim have left corpses, and have been by this most odious body of politic the United States Congress allowed to further infiltrate deeper into American life by having a huge say by their magazine of promoting mediocrity the Rolling bs circular file with movie reviews and music reviews always extolling the most banal of artists who can belt out any tune in a most orderly and mediocre fashion--but loud and bombastic just as they are--and so they are labeled and noteworthy but the notes they play are not.


Why am I focusing on this, not just because they have threatened death, helped rape and plunder every idea from me so filthalina can be promoted as being alternative, a "feminist" and having my ideas which have been stolen endlessly for a decade by now with the help of these slime rolling circular bin mediocrities promoted into a status where they claim they are "kings" and of course, "Gods" comes next in their ascension due to just appealing to that little node of greed and selfishness and racism that is at the core of white Nazi culture and the brains of the neanderthals who embrace this lowered down mentality of cerebral cognition and artistry.


It is the overthrow of Democracy that has been on the minds of the leading "politicians" for decades, and the last administration is only a surface manifestation of that entire trend. The working to unravel personal responsibility and unleash massive mental, physical and to induce drug addiction, relinquish philosophical and religious morality and thus, paving the way for a degenerate lack of leadership so in the end, as is happening now, a takeover of the United States Government into a more unified English-based but Europ-a-land fascist 4th Reich can be made more possible. That is why the rolling slime mediocrities have been put into power for all these decades and continue to be handed every single thing. Their former blonde Nazi American portal into American power and politics has married Fox Network's Australian branch of the Nazi 4th Reich in the name of Murdoch. How can anyone negate the obvious fact that these scumbag whores ever represented anything remotely similar to the 60-70's alternative anti-war and anti-corporate movements? They emerged as the Nazis and racists that they are almost blatantly are (concealed except for in the teleportation and their personal private lives, which I have had to see but had an inkling of but didn't care as I never thought I would have to experience this slime on a first-hand basis so I never throught about them).

But now I see that the horrid take-over of WNYU is probably more due to them than what I had assumed had been Martin Scorsese with his Frank Sinatra league of musical dinosaurs endlessly fixated on the 50's-70's musical genres and wanting to incorporate loungy stuff into every possible nook and cranny including the alternative--but no, it's the banality and mediocrity of the Rolling cesspool bins rolling their slime all over culture with that awfully tabloidesque magazine which is being touted as having political savvy even.


The next gossip rant and diatribe of hate and "immaturity" out of me is aimed at English pawn and agent Hillary Clinton, with bill not far behind as they are an entity and a criminal organization all of their own right--but fully backed by the English Crown and have been since Billy was handed a scholorship to study at Oxford and has been a programmed pawn of the English Nazi 4th Reich leading to the American 45th Reich president who is really good friends with them all (despite the really nasty posturing and "acting" on the part of the Clintons when they claim they are fighting against T-rump). I would not be surprised if Hillary had been told to willingly step down so T-rump could assume power, after she made sure that the real challenge to Trump's illegitimate ascension into power, in the form of Bernie Sanders the Progressive,was shot down by her endless corruption schemes to discount votes in the primaries so only she was put into the presidential slot for the very corrupt Democratic Party (which is only the Reputlicans in name, and it appears that they are almost more fascist than the Republicans but I am only subject to being attacked mostly by Demos right and probably the Repugs are much more fascist and violent and genocidal, and truly T-rump was on a murderous power trip but so is Hillary and the Rolling slimebag circular bins).

Thus H- Cliton posturing in the pig-sniffing-the-air posture for her movie debuts now featured for you to watch this absolute fake being presented as some kind of heroic (fictitious) feminist. What a sick fantasy that is. The legacy of H-clit and her hubby not just in Arkansas with the Whitewater theft of life-savings from investors in a series of S&N corruptions and money laundering and lies and distortions is only the beginning of a long legacy of screwing the American people over--even when they are white and of middle class stature and not 'minorities" (they also stole money from projects designed to help minorities). Please listen to William Coopers lectures on Whitewater on his Hour of the Time mp3 podcasts and hear the researched information that the media has kept mostly private. Then add NAFTA destroying the American economy and assisting in the plethora of billionaires who leech off the American economy and are not paying federal taxes--that is something you can thank the clitons for, in addition to the prison-industrial complex of shoving black people into life term sentences for having an ounce of cocaine--something that billy and hilly enjoyed snorting up their pig-sniffing-the-empty-air enjoyed endlessly at orgy parties back when they could have such events in Arkansas and get away with it being silenced--before the onslaught of private phones which could capture on film such forays of disintegration of politics and of power.

Now movies are coming out about her as if she is some kind of maverick incredulous personality. This is after she, like all the rest of the shit attacking me, have viciously thrust their genitals, and hate and insults at me and had my body sliced, cut, poisoned and mutilated as 'punishment" for defending my human rights which they have all abnegated and claimed that I truly have none and they can do whatever the fuck they want to me--rape, torture, theft, destruction of my home and body endlessly for DECADES and the US Government has always been fully handing out the permission to terrorize people like me--Jews who don't step down in abject self-denial and allow insults and abuse to pour over them by the filth like the putrid "Italian-American" community does openly (the pair of shit I have been writing of, the actors out of Brooklyn are just famous and endlessly promoted exemplars of that routine of hate and vile slime and of course they defend the rolling slimebags circular bins with the hate of white males clinging onto their addictions and woman-hating prostitution that enables them to feel some spurt of "power" in their masturbatory lifestyles of selfishness and greed---but enhanced as a collective in a community that claims they care, as they adhere to one another for protection and for unity but each a cesspool of individual greed and sleaze and selfishness incapable of real personal love on a real level).


And then there is the next Satanist in line to destroy me--someone I consider to be an idiot savant--which is someone talented in one thing only (let's discount perhaps she can cook or something like that, as the domesticated female that she really is and trained by birth by her Europigape culture background but fighting it due to her actual real-life citizenship as being a United States person growing up in California--the cognitive dissonance of her distraught and split personality is coming to the fore right now but this situation of having a victim to torture in this teleportation skit is probably alleviating much of her inner turmoil--as all these psychopaths reveal how mentally sick and emotionally and sexually dysfunctional they are when they attack me--but for them it's a kind of stress release and they can't stop attacking me in order to exhale from their pent-up suppressed problems--as the US goverment keeps funding their little mediocrities of immature dysfunction so they can continue to lead the little lemmings of America off a cliff and down into an abyss of enslaved immersion into Nazified Europigape colonialization.


This woman who sings etudes to Satan, I mentioned her a few days/daze ago and I was complimentary towards her only because she has a classical background and demonstrated a propensity towards modern interpretation and is a classically-trained musician of a higher rank that the gamut of the pop singers who have likewise participated. I thought perhaps in her older years she had loosened her adherence to Satanism, but with the Rolling Slimbag circular bins who also sang little ditties to Satan they are in a league against me. Thus my teleportation skit "dreams" are rife with people going to Satan and being sucked through holes in beds while people talk about death and satan while I stand silently--because I am trying to train myself not to talk to them, so I remain silent trying to not engage with idiots--in this case, I believe firmly that Diamanda Galas is a version of an idiot savant and my praise of her musical skills has been met with hostile hate and really violent psychological insults while the pig ape rolling cesspools watch on approving--she needs a bump in her drug addiction to "fame" and hasn't been in the spotlight I think for decades--now is her chance--so the hate and fury with which she is attacking me is the obverse of her fake premise of being a "feminist" in some of her screeching rants in her songs about white male supremacy and her fight for women. Hissing with brutality and hate at me along with the most sexist and racist leaders of the rock n roll scumbag white pig ape male genre, she's right there doing all the hate antics for approval as possible to be published in that magazine of mediocrity. That she had presented something like a creepy man t trying to force a kind of Greek version of Sharia Law onto me as a beaten and raped sex trafficked object with no history, no rights and under absolute domination by a creep with his family right there and teams of minions of minority status waiting to assist in any way possible the destruction of anyone who fights in a way they can never conceive of doing as they only are determined to be promoted by helping the white pig ape Nazi empire in order to get out of poverty and helplessness themselves.


I had worked a long time ago, in San Francisco, for a fanzine called Maximum Rock n Roll (It's actually written as Maximumrocknroll).

This used to be a politically extreme Left fanzine with all kinds of freedom of expression. I was only able to write one single review in the magazine but I was welcomed by the now assassinated by the CIA former owner of the fanzine, Tim Yohannan--the political views were so much more clear and concise than anything on any Progressive media page or YouTube or any channel that you think is "alternative" and "The Left". Tim Yo was murdered I believe but it appeared as Cancer. His fanzine has been taken over, just as WNYU has been taken over, by absolute mainstream mediocrities posing as alternative. The points of view are a repeat of what the Progressives are spouting on these mainstream channels and there is no real friction or threat to the prevailing global 4th Reich in any of their watery articles and opinions. It is the equivalent of the Rolling Cesspool magazine that has co-opted the real cutting edge musicians and political movements that this defunct US Government can't abide questioning their corrupt politicians like Cliton or the rest of the Nazis (esp of the Repuglican Party who just fawn over fascism and represent their constituent Nazis as they vote for every reversal of every kind of freedom possible and are fully endorsing this heinous technology being endlessly forced upon me in a most sadistic slow murder operation against me and also against the planet for a one-world domination of slime bags who are most sinister and incapable of controlling this technology--add Musk to that list as he's a power-grabbing lover of fascism and hedonism combined with an unquenchable desire to extend this dangerous technology in places and in ways that will potentially destroy the planet. They really are not just xenophobic but short-sighted and truly incapable of any kind of glorious vision of potentialities for the future of humanity. They cling to the past hegemony of the older traditions of white male supremacy and that is all they are using the tech to further enhance. Add rotten Cliton into that mix, because she is promised women like me to watch get raped as she screams in hate at me like the rotten fish wife that she and al these disgusting whores of celebrity status really are--greedy, selfish and wanting to see other women beaten down as they claim with pig-sniffing-the-air posturing that they are fighting for women and elite for that very reason--just wanting one group to be allowed to have rest from their abusive, whore-mongering men so they want another class of women abused, beaten, raped and murdered by their disgusting scumbag men--who the rolling slime-trails also represent and are so famous for having done so--and also for helping to destroy all alternative culture while controlling which next band of white male pig apes are put into lead "alternative" rock stance after the next--for decades.

Of course, approved of fully by Congress whose sole desire is to have Democracy destroyed so they can all be entitled Senators of Roman Empire status with slaves and plantations and making laws to protect the ruling classes.


This has been my diatribe for the day--to be met with torture, silence and the s(** will only continue and people will just ignore what I am writing about.

Despite all that: I know that I am only correct. I truly urge people to listen to the Whitewater series that William Cooper presented in the Hour of the Time MP3 collection--there are over 1500 podcasts but they are listed by title of the lecture and I think the cliton lectures are at the 300 number range to the 1000+range--the first link in the 5 links of his archived podcasts in other words.

Listen to him, listen to what shit cliton is--stop having her rewarded for her utter destruction of the United States in the form of NAFTA, the Omnibus Crime Bill which has left millions of impoverished blacks and others in prison for lifetimes--cheered on of course by all the fascists of America--creating a non-stop prison-for-profit empire that this pig ape whore woman has relished in for all these years and decades by now. Then there is her basically helping to destroy the Sanders campaign so she could hand the presidency over to T-rump the pig ape scumbag who is still being held in reverence by the shit Nazi leagues of America and upheld by the fascists out of Ejuropigapeland like the Rolling cesspool circular bins, with "Satanic" Diamanda the "feminist" hissing in hate at me to get her promotions right behind them all with her Sharia Law family background hovering behind her trying to put me into the hole she has screeched and screamed to Satan to get herself out of--but so willing to try to put me into the shit that she is and is a part of --still--cannot let go of the slavery of women that her oppressive culture has impregnated into her every cranny of idiot savante psyche--probably music was a way of escaping from the abusive environment that she has been enslaved to all her life--these women always try to put someone else in a lower position than them and are fully responsible for continuing the legacy of femicide and sex slavery. 


Afterthoughts written an hour later from the eruption of hate and rage due to having been drugged just prior to waking up--the drug patches on my skin (my blanket was completely taken off of me while sleeping, my body attacked by mechanical arms while being teleported--etc) and tortured in these dreams with rotten and disgusting people saying and doing the sick and stupid things that come naturally to them, but which they "Hide" under pretense of being normally socialized people in society. I think their insanity is due to the sickness of racism as they behave in mass mob lynch mode but behave like sinister demons on crack delighted to be saying rubbish and nonsense as if this is me, and not them. The rape and slesze they all likewise project upon me is what they are at their kernal core of their rotting fabricated personality stumps, but it's "supposed" to mean and imply that it's me, not them who is sleazy, stupid and disgusting. The main subliminal themes that are likewise projected into my inner cochlear hearing apparatus is "stupid bitch" and ugly and nasty sentences like that--all the time, it's repeated for this effect of trying to stop me from displaying any kind of cognitive capability by sheer programming through subliminal means. Meanwhile, I am besieged by people saying stupid things perpetually as if to prove this and not place me into any kind of decent communication level--

But I am writing to express that I could not access my vocabulary while under this enraged, freshly drugged and freshly abused teleported but waking state--the eruption of rage aimed at the government should be apparent but I will spell it out: these expletives in Congress have been funding this and observing and handing out these weapons of murder and assassination to these disgusting groups of scum in society to murder whatever people they don't approve of or like. This can also include white skin and blue eyes but who aren't absolutely racist and try to create a society of fairness and equality in racial terms. I had to experience this growing up with some of the former very good and righteous people of Illinois who were replaced by the Yuppie generation (H. Cliton is one of those from the corrupt berg of a burb in Chicago--a sinkhole of mafia and other racist groupings which have spread out all over Illinois until the Nazi Party is very prominent in that State).


However, if you compare the older sort of mentality of say, an Abraham Lincoln (who also traversed into my town of Champaign-Urbana on his lawyer expeditions into courthouses while he was a traveling attorney in his early days before his political ascension into power). The mentality and adherence to religious respect for society is something I only scantly and faintly experienced for a few years until the "modern age" of consumerism completely immersed the Nazi Disco and cock rock age of mass media implosion into mainstream mind programming effect--and Champaign the University of Illinois was and is no exception to that mass wave of brain alteration and societal modification into the 4th Reich mentality.

People who had begun movements for the equality and recognition of Native Indian tribes of the Great Plains were very shortly thereafter dispatched into death and their rotten children began a racist policy and then sold off the venues which had tried to integrate a belief-system in respect for other cultures and values. I had been embraced by the former owner (blue eyes, blonde hair, open arms for anti racist policies and he made sure I was welcomed and embraced and loved in that children's camp but when he was suddenly gone and died --I assume but please give me some slack but he was far too liberal in anti-racist terms to be allowed to have control over children that the 4th Reich Nazis wanted to program into hating all races except for white superiority--and this also was inculcated into the black population in the school I attended on the "other side of town" across the tracks to the black neighborhood--where I was viciously attacked as the anti-war era died and the fascist Nazi Illinois Reich began it's ascent (until The Blues Brothers made a movie about this trend which has fully increased since the making of that movie--of course with Belushi also dying somehow)

but to continue:

my vocabulary was stunted by this technology exacerbating the rage and hyperbolic ranting in this and most of my blog posts. I can't elude the effect while in solitary confinement where this torture is a never-ending nightly and daily assault upon my senses with zero compassion or support from any living person on the planet--no one. The animals I have loved are killed and taken away to the point that zero birds or animals are on the natural hillside right outside my window because they have been shot and all avoid this area--in an area of the world where animals are being killed off endlessly as the construction and the race to uniformly cover and coat Phuket with cement and tourist shithole whore-traps is endless along with needless series of coffee shops and crappy Thai food joints (sorry, but the restaurant food gets sickening after a while--and Thai people that I have known all these years of living here NEVER eat the same sort of food on a regular basis)

but that' s also beside the point. Some of the vocabulary that was blocked from my cognition while ranting in a drugged up rage after the torturous teleportation skits were finished, my body had been mutilated once more by mechanical arms inserting objects into my body and under and on my skin--etc etc

but the magazine I wrote of above--I should have said and wanted to say they are the ARBITERS OF whom and what is considered "alternative" media and art output--the gatekeepers just as the police are called the Gatekeepers of justice (that's why racist profiling is so popular and why the differential between blacks in prison, the ratio is something like 7-to-1--7 blacks in prison with long sentences to every 1 white prisoner--but blacks (used to) represent 13% of the population--(put that in your pipe and smoke that crack statistic).

The arbiters of alternative movies, music and all seminally connected and intertwined to the Murdoch empire. What do you get in terms of modern culture just out of that one endlessly touted alternative-sounding magazine--Rolling Stone?

You get bigot owners who are filled with decades of indoctrination that they are "royalty" and that rape is nothing but their entitlement to endlessly orchestrate against me. You get also mafia thugs out of Brooklyn, the pair of expletives I haven't stopped writing asking people to get off me now for YEARS they are so foul and disgusting it's like rotting puddles of blood they spattered out of some victim that they ingested and are spewing onto me along with the years of their pornographic exploits and hate and violence all compiled into this endless assault upon me--just from a pair of most disgusting racist anti-Semitic nazis out of Brooklyn--but with a huge community I have unfortunately had a lot of encounters with in Miami while I sold cigars and the threats and hate and attacks were constant and haven't stopped since I just sold cigars in restaurants and clubs back in 1995-1998 and the same disgusting foul Italians and American mafia of their partnership of fascist Nazi identification are still attacking me as thugs operating for the blonde Nazis and they are all literally as vile as some stinking hell on every level including intellectual and mental.


But the arbiters of who and what get included in the mediocrity magazine of Rolling Stone so that the public is forever shooed away from any kind of real threat to the white, Nazi post-Holocaust generation that is all that this stinking generation truly has proven to be (the rest have been killed off, as I have written so many times for so many years--the true radicals and the real anti-establishment anti-Nazi/anti-sexist and etc etc people who wanted to not be enslaved in that system of conformity are mostly killed off or dead. The rest remain as "celebrities" who held their fists up in the air when they were arrested but now hold their fists out for more media coverage with greedy grabbing ferocity doing NOTHING anylonger but being portrayed as some kind of relics of a past event which they make grandiose speeches about for the public about how they are still "fighting" making bold speeches. I doubt they ever really did any of the very dangerous or real work back in the day--like all the actors and bs pop stars risen into rock n roll status of controlling and destroying the real movements--they just are on an acting level of persuasion that the Nazis approve of in order to divert the reality from the fantasy projection of what feels like a good spurt of deception for people to want to devour--like the fast food junk food and instant gratification that is all they really are and ever have been in modern terms of commercialization of personality cult.

Prostitution and woman-hating;//Understanding the Cycles of Abuse and Domestic Violence as applied to this teleportation hate and terror operation; Analyses & Thoughts on why I used Fassbinder's Alexanderplatz as an example of the tearing down and out of the fabric of my trust and weary targeting in an attempt for Stockholm Syndrome by the mafia terrorists (and et al in this entire organization). Plus...Hours later, the same day as my last post: the internet was being manually turned off and on by the remote terrorist hacking. The system has been on and working for 2+ hours. It was going off and could barely start a few hours ago. Otherwise, more thoughts on this entire debacle system--

"Understanding Cycles of Abuse". Joanna Kujath. November 16, 2017. 

"Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980)--Misanthropic Humanism/Style is Substance". June 6, 2020.

I had watched part of the most extraordinary Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Saga, Berlin Alexanderplatz twice and could not get through it. The subject matter is, like so much of Fassbinder's work, on a sub-interior level of violence that characterizes so much of his genius in his films, from beginning to end this substrata of dark swirling violence erupts in the film in slow stages but always accompanies extreme societal commentary in the form or guise of slight movements and language that is intended to appear almost normalized and normative. 


I chose that example because the protagonist murderer in the film, Franz Bieberkopf, (sp?)--by the way, the ending of the last name, "kopf" translates to head in German. There is Berlinale slang I have no knowledge of, but Fieber in German means fever. But a beaver is Bieber in German--I had thought that immediately but had to look it up. Not sure what Beaver entails as symbol in German, but in English as people may know, it used to mean the female genitalia in slang terms and it was used extensively in the 70's and 80's by porno-influenced males (like my brothers who used it and it was also used in media or suggested and/or in pornography).

With Rainer Werner Fassbinder, if there is any hint of suggestive symbolism you can bet he used all symbols with the exact intent for sybmolic interpretation.


But to continue: in the film, Bieberkopf is "in love" with a woman who has been compromised (as many, or all of the women in many of his films are, in one sense or another even if they are not openly raped or denigrated they are somehow sunk in a domesticated light and demeaned by outside forces pulling them down). 

The Franz Bieberkopf character plays a kind of emotional tug-of-war in domestic violence terms, very typical of DV tactics and the entwining of the ensnaring into various traps for psychological abuse leading to overt violence. As with this very experienced pair of mafia actors out of Brooklyn, they play a similar game. To them I am on the level of compromised sex trafficking victim with absolutely no rights. I have no doubt they are extremely familiar with women being put into such positions, if not in Whorewood then in their real life dramas embedded into most dirty and foul NYC culture where this is probably a daily experience for many in that "everything goes all night" city. I have not been exposed to it, and from my perspective, I am gold and not a prostituted victim or slave and they are the whores who are filthy, dirty and the subhuman crap that they are trying to place on me by force of re-inforced racist cliches that haunt Jews and all the other races not included in Barbie Universal, inc., GmbH and Ltd and everywhere else on the planet. 


They play very concerned, like they are interested in me, and then suddenly turn viciously. It's a psy-ops strategy but with this tech, the drugging, the isolation, the no defense, support system or protection from the world at large for me, I am alone in this room endlessly detoxifying (meaning shitting out or trying to shit out hardened poison and now it's on the 11th year--in June it will be 11 years of being stuck in a semi-paralyzed physical state while this poison rips out of my body--never ending as one hateful parasite celebrity whoremongering bigot teleports and rapes and tortures me after the next--with their women the Nazi women and all their entourages of minorities participating on with full delight because they truly want their men to displace their aggressions onto other women and then revere them while their hate can be displaced onto others. This system fulfils the needs of such disgutsing whores and parasites and it's a truly misappropriated technology used for the worst darkest needs of human beings--and will continue to be misused for these nefarious purposes in the future upon untold numbers of other people (it's already happening but I don' t know how far these technologies have progressed into mainstream civilian hands and paws and snouts and parasite sucking apparatuses that are used to suck the life out of others).


Like this character which Fassbinder portrayed as ending up in a semi-conscious psychotic state, hallucinations and all after the 2nd murder of a "beloved" prostitute who he adored adn then beat the S-out of until finally clobbering them to death--beating to death by hand, two women in a row but after back-and-forth loving and adoration Honeymoon phase and then violence in the "Circle of Violence of Domestic Violence".


I will end this here, because I have much to do and have been too sick all day to get much of anything done. It's getting late and I have tried to explain a bit of  how they operate. 


I am nearing the completion but still have a long way to go on this detox situation. This group is now increasing the threats and violence because they expect me to crumble and go into a domestic violence situation with one of them so they all can be handed endless monopolies on the entertainment field for having (mis)used this technology for these very ugly mind control forays into exploitation and displacing aggression onto innocents who can't defend themselves. 


I just watched the "artsy" synopsis and evaluation" in the video above, not having watched it previously but there were no short clips on the film available. I had forgotten that it was another male who had murdered the 2nd woman, but that Bieberkopf had "almost" murdered her. This is an extremely long series of 1+ hours of film per episode and I got lost and abandoned watching it all (skipped around to the end, and the subject was too hard for me to bear--I now understand why, I was avoiding my own victimization that I had never actually chosen but have been forced into through this contract. My "crime" according to these pig apes who attack me using this system is that I am not willingly playing the victim role and loving the rotten ugly men for it and obeying and allowing this to go on indefinitely to my death--which is what they want the targets to do, just obey and say yes to every murderous impulse some low-life but otherwise wealthy scumbag may have because in his bag of tricks he needs to kill and rape and destroy and commit these crimes upon the defenseless and nameless--this organization has almost entirely wiped me out of existence in normal society, thus making every sex trafficking type of crime permissible in their perspective).


The other point I can make is that when one man commits such types of domestic crime upon a woman who even is a prostitute by trade, then emulating the violence and increasing it is almost an  unspoken ritual. They see that this type of violence is being permitted by society (notice how the older woman watches the near murder from a doorway and just holds her fist to her mouth in the act of being violently silenced--as I wrote above, all is symbolic and meaningful in a Fassbinder film, even the fist placed inside the mouth of the otherwise sympathetic older female onlooker who does nothing--but the implication is that through unspoken violence she will also be knocked out or murdered if she so much as utters a word in public about this type of violence. It has almost always been silenced and unspoken but allowed to women who have been put on a disgraced level of society. As an unwilling and non-consensual microchip implanted MK ULTRA victim of this system, regardless of how much I have studied, done work, and have done great things--it is all discredited by the filthy pig apes who assault me, particularly in this most notable and unethical celebrity and politico set of expletives whose only and sole identification of people worthy to adhere the law to are those who are not subject to this kind of exploitation--ie. the wealthy are untouchable and they can rape and beat anyone they want who is considered expendable--and in this system, they have forced me into this role through their drugging, poisoning and physical violence which has left me nearly paralyzed and stuck in poverty--thus expendable.


When one man who may care for an instant about human dignity sees what the others are doing to me, like in this film by Fassbinder, within one or two days, he jumps in enthusiastically and of course he has already been handed a huge fat deal to pump up his ego and finances and career. There is nothing that overrides considerations of humanity more than first seeing that victimization is allowed, permissible and then with huge bonuses as this group pays out and doles out to all who participate--the result is near murder upon after first having done at least something to defend me. I have seen this so repeatedly happen. And in the film, this is brought to attention and I had forgotten it because I did not understand human nature at this level of it's dregs but now I know--unfortunately I had to experience it first-hand in order to understand it. 

Also unfortunately, one can see what Fassbinder had already understood and incorporated into his films, but unless you truly have an understanding of this, it will wash out with the analysis--just as this dude making the analysis in the clip has forgone the reality experience that is normally silenced about complicity to crime and how groups enjoin people into violence because it's been deemed acceptable and even praiseworthy with bonuses for having participated.

It is the version of the reality of human behavior that "nice society" would like to bury. This is why Fassbinder is such a controversial figure in German film (in the 1990's when I lived in "cultural" Stuttgart, all the Germans I spoke with all said the exact same sentence regarding Fassbinder and his movies: "Oh, he's crazy and his movies are stupid and insane". Now he's "considered one of the greatest German filmmakers" and people exclaim that same sentiment, like the robots they all were when they all said the same thing that they were told to say in the 90's, now that he's long dead.

Passed back to terrorists out of Brooklyn, the same two I have been writing of now for years--back and forth---but between it all, the billionaire terrorists ordered my Laptop router cord has been broken but I am using it at the last thread of it's existence after hours of it inoperable: terrorists broke it of course. Will have to try to buy something to replace it. Wrote my landlord a message via email asking about how to replace it and I got a knock on my door while I was naked and getting into sleep gown at 10-10:30 pm. A door in the hallway closed when I didn't respond to the knock. But....the hell of haters continues, just passed the torture protocols back to the expletive actor mafia haters from Brooklyn (I have much better terms for them but I am trying to not be "immature" in my writing style any longer--it's very hard to be straight and serious because humor is like my last weapon and undoubtedly I am the only one laughing. the thugs make sure to stop me from laughing with torture and threats of violence upon my every mirthful response to the s*** and stupidity and ugliness they are perpetually forcing upon my every moment in thought, action and in life with smug assurances from the government that all the sleaze, hate and violence they inflict is just dandy and yankee doodle cheesy wonderful with full gratuities included in their every hissing "bitch" at me and threats of murder after I make a joke about them after they insult me--that is the Brooklyn pair of mafia actors who were just re-handed back the hate technology from the scumbags out of London--their pals and buddies whom they love and have tons of their records and all the years of their drug and alcohol addiction have been spent listening to that greasy and sleazy crap out of the band which never stops cranking out destruction to society in the form of entertainment).

 So it's back to the pair of absolutely sleazy and violent and negative thugs out of Brooklyn--I have written of them non-stop because the usual abusers may have given up in the direct assault after years of handing this technology to one Europigape and hater to rape me and abuse me after the next while they sat gloating and watching on, waiting for me to "break" and submit to being enslaved, raped, exploited for a "baby" (and after they ordered part of my uterus to be cut out) so they and their offspring and buddies from all over the planet can assume some kind of endless monopoly on the entertainment field with promises of political positions, already handed over with full red carpet treatment and publicity fanfare.


Once I fight to get one of them off of me, the government just watches as they hand me over to the last pair who I fought strenuously to get off me, and then I am passed on to another pair of shit scumbags with promises that they are entitled to steal, rape and torture me endlessly FOR YEARS once these parasitic pieces of shit latch on, they never stop they never ever ever stop they all just take turns one pig piece of shit after the next.

so now it's back to the two troll thug scumbags with violent "bitch" and threats of physical violence aimed at me by huge and square bulldog rabid types of mafia murdering bigots--oh, ..."Actors" and "celebrities" glorified just like the greasy and dirty nasty rock n roll slime bag rapists and killers and bigots and Nazis all promoted for half a century by now.


The hacking on this page is also non-stop and the connection just turned off all by itself--


These whoremongering greasebags out of Brooklyn, your favorite mafia actors who are endlessly put in movies for decades upon decades, always extremely violent or playing jokes upon the violence that their characters have portrayed==

more smug assurances that their every insult and threat against me is met with more awards, promotions and deals for more movies of the same tenor of death, revenge and dumb racist comedy movies making jest of minorities with the big, bag mafia goons playing buffoon clowns making jokes about racist stereotypes but of course, the joke is always upon the minority and they always play the playful domineering life-f*** controller over any and all situations. The government is funding this in real life with this technology, but there is no humor or comedy it's just now like being around men who love abusing and beating and raping women, who have black cesspools of blood buried underneath their hateful faces as they glare in deadly threat and call me "bitch" and things like that after I make a joke after they begin an endless insult string of hate at me--while I am putting things away upon waking, while I am going to the toilet, it's like I can see two dimensions at the same time and cannot stop talking to these pig ape whore scumbags even though they repulse me endlessly and inevitably to the core of my being. 

If you watch a movie by Reiner Fassbinder called Alexander Platz, where a man has been convicted and incarcerated for having murdered his female lover once, and then upon being released, murders again--it is this black hate underlying a grim grimacing face that confronts me with the both of them glaring and staring and defying me to make another joke about their insults--of course my jokes are great and a defense and it's too intelligent for them, so they can only resort to death threats veiled by seriously deadly glares and threats of punching me out and things like that. Absolute whore-mongering scumbags, and the perfect pair of abusers for this group of likewise rapist scumbag whores out of Whorewood who thus far have concealed the absolute low quality of their rotted-out personalities but now they are playing their cards behind stoic faces as they sic the monsters on me in their whore-beating and blood-curdling violence upon me as one of their last cards in this one-sided "game" where I am endlessly thrust into the middle of a crowd of blood-sucking life-fuck parasites every night while sleeping, every morning upon waking and freshly drugged and under traumatized conditions as the teleportation skits are always about me being homeless and abused and raped and threatened on all sides (very like the reality they forced upon me, but the reality is worse than the dreams and even the hate terrorist skits they endlessly force upon me while I am just freshly awake and also freshly drugged by their mechanical arms inserting skin patch drugs to open up my brain to their endless violation and parasitic extraction of ideas, and to endlessly force hate upon me.

I have to admit I am not a stoic master of Zen and can't ignore this or block them out--it's like having people right directly in front of my eyeballs with truth serum forced upon me as I yell and insult them back and make jokes because to me they are so sick and ugly it's almost sickeningly funny and the stupid things they say are so easily countered by a good joke. Thusly, all they can do is threaten me with ever-increasingly disgusting violence.


After years of being hit by cars upon their order, my toes nearly cut off, my teeth nearly broken out, my skin made a patchwork of silicone injections to look like embedded cysts, skin shriveled from chemicals lathered on my skin to destroy it, most of my hair chemically treated out with a huge patch of baldness covering 70% of my head---etc etc the list is too long--pat of my uterus cut out--endless rape from pieces of shit from Europigapeland here in these shitty and cheap little rooms they forced me to live in--endless stinking filth put everywhere on my clothing and furniture not just once a day but multiple times a day--every day--for over a decade without end. Etc etc etc etc 

millions of people attacking me literally everywhere I go, while sleeping and awake in both reality and teleportation bs that my government keeps allowing to persist and persist with no one worried that this is a potentially life-threatening technology that pure idiots are being handed with even more insidious but educated idiots as part of a "governing" body in politics fully approving of it all.


But instead of the disgusting pair from that rotten and nasty band, it's back to the nasty and violent mafia asking me every question possible with me answering everything and too weak, sick and exhausted to try to fight the drugging and technology forcing these responses out of me.


Writing about it once more, wondering when they will break the connection to the internet again.

Can you please get  also THESE disgusting creeps off me as well as the other scumbags  and whores and all of them? 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

It never was the hip generation. They always were fakes co-opting the subculture and turning it slowly into white supremacist Nazi elitism and white male entitlement to do whatever they want and get nearly worshipped for it. I find them so revolting and I too grew up around this type of culture back in the 60's and 70's and so I know and understand how far they truly deviate from any and all of the former culture that they infiltrated and now own and control via this horrid media Nazified empire that they have been put as representatives of as former wanna get high and f*(** musicians and now wanna be Nazi white male entitled and rape culture that they are truly working to infest into global dominance through the media.//Another appeal (almost desperate) to pry another (English) pair of parasites off me (plus their counterparts, the remnants of The Beatles--in particular the clown with the psychopathic huge grin who is a truly evil parasitic version of white male supremacy operating with them)----very famous ones but not worthy of respect or the endless adulation that has been poured upon them. They are only in power due to the ripping apart of the former hippie and feminist movements and for brining in white male supremacy and also a touch of English Imperialism. I can't describe how many of the rabid Nazis and rapists in America who have assaulted me (from that generation) adore this group of what I consider to be mediocrities and now from teleportation sick and disgusting parasitic and "evil" foul participants in what is a collective of them--(and a planet of the pig apes as well who do their bidding). What a miserable world of creepazoids this is endlessly attacking me. I still can't imagine that any of them are truly happy but they LOVE to pour misery upon others to feel bolstered in their collective hate organization. That is what they truly love, and it is what they love to do in order to feel any pangs of "love". This is another rape attempt scenario they inflicted upon me in teleportation for telling then yelling at them after more than 10 years of this pair of s hit attacking me to get off. They keep coming back and becoming more and more violent. One of them tried to smash my head in a car door and that was months ago. That ugly foul dino rotten old man is still attacking me along with the mafia goons the celebrity whores and Nazis and bigots and rapists racists and then their shitty movies and songs get great reviews in the English duo's magazine: Rolling Stone--an endless perversion of "subcultural" art that is an offense to the genre, as these ugly rotten men are an offense to me perpetually but they are still being honored with this status because of their Nazi/white male privilege and woman-hating songs and the "free to do whatever I want" stance which white male culture has so latched onto. Of course they have stolen 80-90% of their imitation music from black American culture but turned it into Satanism. They are credited with having destroyed single-handedly "The Summer of Love" in California with their nazi white trash Hell's Angels and murder of a black man--intrinsically racist but still adored in American society.

 I wish someone would roll them away from me and this situation. They had some creep try to rape me last night in the teleportation situation. They interchanged various disgusting situations of me being around white shit trash male who had me "living" in slum conditions where I was a kind of sexual partner--basically, the sex trafficking which this pair of scum shit have profiteered off for at least 10 years latching onto this contract. One of them latched on with Depp, so many years ago. Endless videos of that ugly old man of The Rolling Stones, not the ape one who sounds like an ape hooting, but the guitar player who formerly advanced all the intricacies of heroin addiction and blood cleansing and black magick Satanism (back in the 70's, when he didn't openly look like a rotten ugly scumbag but a younger scumbag, so he was a bit more on the youthful side and more famous). Now he's just rotten-looking and even more foul and disgusting in teleportation. Like a spat-out piece of hard meat the devil couldn't quite swallow even, he looks like he is, completely foul and disgusting on his internal inner demonic state of being. The other ape-pimping one is more silent but more of a conniving businessman, and thus was brought into this situation in order to play friendly (the usual English deceptive role they all use) and then viciously attack once my guard is down. Please "mind you" that I am always in a deep sleep, under hypnosis, saturated with mind control drugs either pouring out in detox or from the freshy poisoned food this group of shit endlessly orders put into my food (the organization has never stopped doing this, I am always trying to not be drugged but the drugging and sickness is a daily event and their vicious violence and hate always accompanies and is increased when I am most sick and vulnerable. They are true disgusting parasites on every level. Today is no exception. I am very ill from detox and the rape and hate has been a constant teleportation device while I literally have been sleeping in sickness for an entire day--my body fighting to rid of hard poisons that are like a shell and tiny pieces finally come out of this huge internal shell only to suffuse my body with deadly toxins-and at these points, as this group of perverted and loveless pig ape whores always has non-stop 24/7 surveillance on my every thought and action, it's usually a geriatric English pig ape whore parasite who has been endlessly glorified and is partners with the wanna be aristocrats of America and fledgling fascists under training who are under tutorial apprenticeship by one or another of the endless line-up of dinosaurs out of London and English who are most viciously "entitled" to rape, torture, murder, steal ideas due to their mediocrity and banality and endless lack of creativity as they are handed ALL and always never stopped by my own sick and endlessly deteriorating government--always-a dearth of Senators and Representatives take a circular tour around this situation and spin out with whatever they too can suck out of attacking me and getting a promotion out of it).


So, for the last few weeks, since the most rancid one of them tried to have my head smashed in a car door after I said, after repeated sessions the nights before, that I don't like him, I don't like them, I don't like their music--their Satanic stance is offensive and in this context of this situation they are most sickening parasites because of course Satanists love victims to torture and feed off if the victim is "helpless" and when I am teleported I can't get away, I can't ignore the pig ape whore parasites I have tried but I only see in a tunnel vision, can't see where I am, and am surrounded by them in a formation of violence, abuse, insults, threats, rape and hate and it's every single night and for over a decade without a single night of it stopping (or almost).


I keep telling them with increasing hate that I don't like them, until it's me endlessly telling them how and why I find them offensive. Their music, their misogynist and white supremacist entitlement posturing and their imitation of American black musicians *(they had their fans throw garbage at Prince--they had the Hell's Angels guard a concert for free and a black man who was with a white woman was stabbed to death--they have imitated and then stolen black musicians' music for decades and like so many of the racists, they are awarded top money for the music because it's being played by white racists who also happen to break down the feminist movement of the 70's. At this point, because I am endlessly telling them I don't like them, it's like they are there every night now asking the same questions and I keep answering in different very intelligent ways and they are putting rape scenarios with people literally trying to rape me as "punishment" for saying I don't want them, get out, go away, you are not cool, I don't like you". The ugly rotten one with the darker hair tried to smash my head in a car door (I was teleported to him in a prone position on the ground with my head in the car door axel as he was trying to smash my head--murder me in other words--because after I had told them about how I don't want Satanists around me in this situation, that I find them racist, etc--they asked me for the "real" reason as if this was not "real"--(proving how incredulous they are that anyone can't like the shit and crap music they play and their personalities and the English white male privileged destroy the hippie and the black and the feminist movements combined crap that they represent and also foist into the entire music and media industry with that magazine Rolling Stone which always features interviews and articles with the pieces of shit in this coterie of celebrity terrorists who participate in torturing, raping and violently attacking me. 


I told this ugly creep that i want America to retain it's sovereignty. Of course, that is understood that I am tired of pigalina n' pit the duo of terrorists with their endless swarm of English and French, German, and Austrian bigot and openly Nazi actors besieging, raping and assaulting me using openly murderous genocidal Holocaust rhetoric when I tell them I don't like them, their movies or want anything to do with them. I also begin to fight them to stop attacking me after years of them having already done so with me not saying anything because pigalina n' pit are always at the forefront--they are just the minor terrorists in the background but they come to the fore once pigalina n' pit are "tired" of endlessly assaulting me and getting the same result: I can't stand you, me now telling them I wish them death (that has been going on for at least 2-3 years now).


As all of these filth celebrities and politicians are fully willing to sell America off to fascists and Nazis and want a completely substrata of people groveling in deference to the wealth that they have obtained by the money from the genocidal Europigapes and their affiliates from other countries where their endless loot is stored and also the more modern forms of theft and misappropriation that have been ongoing in Congress and trickling down to the whorewood celebrities and their endless affiliation with what are openly Nazis but it's all done in private, and always aimed at me in these teleportation skits.


So the ugly thugs, pigape parasites who resemble dried up dinosaurs are Nazis too, literal and symbolic in any way you want to package it, they "represent" alternative culture with their mediocre magazine that always props up sloppy alternative white music and plays into the "we have some black friends and we review them we are open-minded and not bigot Nazi white supremacists after all, aren't we" and that is the bs that they have been selling off for decades.


One of the stupid skits inflicted upon me today was of me riding a bicycle along some wooded road, a two-lane little asphalt road (black tar I think more than asphalt)--there was an opening for what looked like an estate---into the woods. It looked like an old horse and buggy trail, with the pathway in the two-wheel grounded down dirt and a little bit of grass growing in the middle--like it had been an established road, and thus I believe I was being teleported outside of the US and perhaps to some older estate in Europe--where one of these pig apes lives or has one of their undeserved mansions obtained as their loot for helping to destroy all these former threatening movements--the co-opting of alternative culture has been even a CIA operation and this attack upon me is fully a part of that process of subverting all the former alternative movements and installing pig apes like the Rolling Stones into perpetual top position as if the crap music they come out with is more than a half-century of phenomenal splendor--it's orchestrated packaging of absolute reverse of all former movements contrary to Nazi power. They remain a top symbol of this reversal of the former threat to pigapedome. I was probably teleported to one of their castles or estates in some Europigapeland place, where they had these white males try to rape me in a succession of sick and disgusting dream skits in teleportation where I was always poor, living in sleazy and dilapidated and filthy conditions--as the protocols of having mechanical arms or people entering into my rooms to flick filth, grease, rape my body and pour chemicals on my skin, food, drugging and making my living space so filthy and toxic chemically that it is a slow murder process--and I can't stop this it's so perpetual and non-stop-and they re-inforce this with blocking all my financial earnings WHILE STEALING MY IDEAS to claim as their own--as the Rolling Stones has done with black musicians out of America--and so highly praised for it.


So after months of telling them to get off me, literally non-stop and they won't stop attacking me they believe firmly from decades of being endlessly touted as something more than life that they can do whatever they want (to women who aren't wealthy, and then even so) and now I am forced into abject poverty, living in squallor and endlessly subjected to rape, torture and abuse while shit like pigalina has been stealing all my ideas, Moynihan has stolen verbatim on and on my writings until I can't and won't write creatively any longer

and they are just going on with this expectation that they are ENTITLED to do whatever they want. The rotten ugly English Londoner who viciously attacked me in more than one way (having her Irish boyfriend rape me as her proxy, with her being put into lead position for YEARS afterwards and the Irish never stops being put into main lead role in movie after movie for all the years since--and that was years ago)

with me telling them to get off me, that years of them attacking me means that they are only shit to me and nothing to respect--and I am being threatened with death and things are stolen, broken I am raped and beaten in teleportation and the pigs are being more promoted as they increase their expectations of abject slavery, poverty and silence for years of torture from them. 


I need some kind of assurance on some level that America is not heading entirely in the direction of this kind of genocidal regime of Imperialistic colonialization. If you read books and do research on how Europigape colonization actually happened, it was something along these same lines of absolute murder for any oppressed victim of the regime speaking up in protest after years of all being stolen and taken away from them.

That is their plan for America and it's being honored by the expletives in America who also yearn for a culture just like the older Europigape fascist Imperialistic colonizers. They want the black and feminist movements crushed and gone. When the Nazi women and their "good" minions are "fighting" for "feminist" rights they mean people like me crushed, beaten as their replacements and them put into respected and protected positions of entitlement to also crush women like me by having their own proxy pig ape rapists rape and torture me for them. They are absolute advocates of rape, mutilation and they love watching it happen to women they can't stand to see have a chance to compete against them, who they want to believe are supposed to be frumpy, ugly and inferior to them and brought up to automatically assume that mantle of suppressed inferiority--as has happened with their various styles of programming and mind control for millennium.


A target of these types of pig apes out of Europe is America with all it's "freedom" and this is a completely well-funded and organized crusade to quell and destroy any such movements. For some reason I appear to have become a symbol of violence by this group because I do not want my body, life and my hopes and aspirations to be taken away absolutely and completely forever due to this racist program that no one seems willing to stop or even care enough about to make publicly known in any outcry so similar victims are not abused and poisoned and tortured raped and/or put in accidents and murdered.


Please get The Rolling Stones and this rotten creep McCartny and probably Ringo as well off me, I have tried and tried for months now and years with McCartny and they all keep latching on. 
They all--these dinosaur former "hipster" musicians have gone on participating in this most foul racist and rape violence against me in mind control programming and teleportation for years and years participating in this. The rotten pigs got movies made about them in the form of documentaries for the last many years they have all participated in this. They keep going on and on to get more and more out of this deal. I find them so revolting and I too grew up around this type of culture back in the 60's and 70's and so I know and understand how far they truly deviate from any and all of the former culture that they infiltrated and now own and control via this horrid media Nazified empire that they have been put as representatives of as former wanna get high and f*(** musicians and now wanna be Nazi white male entitled and rape culture that they are truly working to infest into global dominance through the media.


I have to sadly wonder if John Lennon had not been assassinated (probably by some CIA COINTELPRO operation/MK ULTRA assassination pawn they used to do the murder) if John Lennon would have likewise been a rapist racist advocate clinging to attacking me in this contract out of a desperate need to cling onto power and influence and discarding all his former extremely ground-breaking philosophical stance on respecting life and love. I think he would have not participated and that is why he was assassinated and why shit like McCartney is still shoving his goofy psychopathic clown grin and posturing bs antics into the media, and why this Rolling Stones pair of satanic scum is still being revered because this upsurge in hate and racism and Nazi culture is so important to those who have stolen the power from the people and turned it into an aspiring monopoly of extreme fascist import into the utter destruction of The United States, turning it into a petty dictatorial fascist colonized playground for Europgiapes like these scumbags out of England and their counterpart Nazis out of the Continent who are all vicious and drooling Nazis when they are protected and in their natural environment of grabbing and raping and abusing to get power and steal and rob and take over America. 

I am a patriot in this sense, but the Patriot movement of America that helped the friend of these Europgiapes and their American collaborators are abosolutely unpatriotic and fully participate in these hate crimes according to dictate protocols derived from the older protocols of the elders of Nazism and colonialism, which these rancid musicians are a full representative of, clinging to the former images of having been open to taking drugs and having orgies as their sole identification with "freedom"--now turned rancid into rape and murder and absolute theft and fascist dictatorship control over America. 


I forgot to finish writing about the stupid skit that was forced upon me when I was on this little road probably some place in England or Europe where there was this older horse and buggy trail leading undoubtedly to some private estate off a small tar road. There was a kind of official person, I could not see clearly, a huge SUV type car and me on my bicycle (the power differential of me on this little bike and a huge car and a person in something like a guard box looking official). The SUV was sitting on the road and not moving, the guard told me officiously that I had to "stop for the King". This was the first minute of my awareness of being on this road, in this situation and while sleeping, detoxing and sick. I waited for probably 15 seconds, saw nothing was happening or approaching and so I tried to ride my bicycle to enter into this path. The next thing I knew I was nearly being raped as "punishment" for not following orders and obeying a colonialistic reverence for English authority and for royalty. These pigs are now going into a kind of mind control level of assault based on torture, rape and endless abuse (all day the Thai people of this condo were shouting outside--literally for 8 hours non-stop while I was in an unconscious but semi-aware daze--all day a stink of rotten fried fish permeated the entire area of this condominium--they shouted literally without pause for over 8 hours while I was in this healing detox state of deep sleep. I was in deep sleep even when teleported. I am very, very ill from poisoning and they just exacerbate the violence when I am in this state--always.


Calling them parasites on every level is all I can say about them. Their claims of royalty and elitism are a farce considering that their music isn't even good much less great. That goes for the acting and the movies of most of these creepazoids who attack me.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Excuse all my hateful words (i.e. pig ape) but the decades of torture aimed at me covertly thru this tech has forced this kind of reaction but mostly it's due to the silence and the US Government funding and supporting 100% of the entire global terror operation so I am writing in terms of a frustrated 10-year old, but excuse that for a moment if you have any sort of perspective. ///Last part of a day-long diatribe: I "forgot" to add a few crucial facts about the terrorists out of England ---I mean the originator of this celebrity attack, the pig ape with his rotten and foul whore skank wife the daughter of The Exorcist whoremongering Nazi director and the peeps connected to what I believe has been a 45-year attack by them against my family, beginning with my poet step-father. I should say, Deliverance is also the rape-theme that is part of this entire Satanic conspiracy (I doubt it's a theory).

 The unfortunate interconnectivity of this whole thing may have begun with the movie Deliverance---yes, that movie where the poor white male is raped by the even poorer white trash in long-ago Georgia before it became "modernized" to the point that it makes the State of Florida look like Georgia did when lynching was the acceptable norm in Georgia (lynching is now being done electronically through heart-attack machine technologies, microchip implants, suicide programming which is extremely effective when combined with the drugging and subliminals along with the gang stalking hell; and a plethora of other devices utilized silently by this hate bigotry organization).

Yes, Deliverance--some time in the 1970's, the movie I never saw until a few years ago, and only as a part of "research" on my part to see what the father of the skank was all about since he too conjoined with the rest to attack me, particularly under the Trump era of terror against me.


My step-father, Gary Adelman, a former English Lit prof at the University of Illinois, was a friend of author of the book Deliverance: James Dickey. My step-father was invited down to Georgia from our home in Champaign to in part host a poetry seminar where my step-father was highly touted by James Dickey. Oddly, as usual, James Dickey died not long afterwards in relative terms, as people who support me, my family or anything that is a threat to the pig ape cartel of Nazis eventually dies some mysterious diseased or other weird but seemingly "normal" death not long after they support those who the bigot cartel want to exploit and then, of course, eliminate once they suck everything possible out--the last thing they suck out is the literal life of the target after a life-time of brainwashing into "loving" the abuser until the target is eventually murdered in some way by the abuser--if not for just the loss of life force that the parasitic Nazi sucks out (or bigot, or whatever angle these parasites use to obtain their claims of superiority--some are black, some are Jewish as well--it doesn't really matter as the minions all strive to emulate the Nazis in every way possible if possible.

This was either before or during the height of the Deliverance fame year (or years)--for some reason, a white male being raped was a sensation. Now a movie like that is rarely touched--there are also socioeconomic levels of depth and layers in this film, which I will not try to unearth now. But the point is that my step-father was tangent with this movie ,and the person in lead role is the father of the skank I wrote of in my last post. Also, the director of the film is or was the father of the skank whore that Danny Moynihan married, another blonde Nazi pig ape from London--who firmly supported this rape and torture protocol against me and so did and does their little piggy son, another blonde piece of rotten shit spawned from a pair of pigs with connections to English royalty only due to a relative painting portraits--now investors and now working for the continued "glory" of the English empire in it's endless pursuit of global domination through H-wood, the bastion of fascists and Imperialistis wanna-be aristocrats out of the USA and elsewhere, of course. All with aspirations to be kings, queens and of course the queer have a double expectation for all the queen status.


It is not coincidence, therefore, that there is a targeting of my step-father, myself and out of this same group and now their spawn, and then in generations their spawn as well going at it--at me. My step-father had a status at the university and I knew after that trip he took that somehow his entire life changed, and my family along with it. My step-father had held parties and poetry readings and after this trip in around 1974 he had to change and all the fun, parties and all his nearly groupie students were suddenly gone and he became solitary and only hanging out with "handlers" who really are and were Jewish Nazis out of Europigapeland, whose parents were either killed or parts of their families were. They sicced their son on me (his name is Yuri) a most detestable nasty creep, and the course of my fathers career went kind of downhill from being a sensation on campus to being confined to writing critical analyses of books instead of publishing his poetry or writing his own works. This was done by the Nazis out of England in part, I theorize, who desperately wanted to crush all the Jews of America in order to re-create another genocidal faction of Nazis in America. On the other side of my family, my mother likewise had me as "best friends" with a creep blonde girl named Rachel Anderson, whose father was a professor of psychiatry and kind of specialized in linguistic programming (and has won national awards for his work, but I also theorize that he "won" due to participating in this mind control program that I was the sole target of)--these creepazoid family thugs spent at least one year in England as part of his sabbatical and I know they returned with completely different personalities and a lot of hate. .They had been "hippies" previously and then turned into rabid racists and were set to destroy me and used all kinds of technology to influence the children in my school. I was beset by English influence by 1974 at the age of 10 and this has not stopped being an absolute deadly block to my life to this moment.

There is no such thing as coincidence in regard to how my step-father was connected to James Dickey at the time just before or after this film was featured and the current line-up of celebrities continuously attacking me along with piggy Danny Moynihan, his skank whore wife and the other people surrounding this bs situation.

They saw that my step-father was vital, alive, brilliant and sensitive and creative. They saw that I had this same potential and worked through the Nazi network to have me destroyed, poisoned and blocked from further being any kind of threat whatsoever. The pivotal point in this story is 1987 when I went to London as a freshly-graduated undergraduate person using a student Eurail pass to explore Europe. I was put into this bedsit across the street from piggy Moynihan deliberately I believe and his targeting of me was created out of prior knowledge of my likes and dislikes. I was interested in art museums, and I took some art history classes and things like that--very much into classic and modern artwork. This piggy left an oil painting in front of his house crafted to look like it was being thrown out. I had moved into this bedsit across the street and as usual, the pigape network began to make my room a stinking mess--I was drugged into near stupor capacity of thinking or cleaning--I had no art on the walls and this painting looked like it was being thrown away. I had no reckoning that a picture of horns implied Satan, and the doorway open ajar in the background was a kind of representation of a portal. I took the bait as an innocent and knocked on the door asking if the painting was going to be thrown away. A woman wearing a black uniform and white apron with frills said that there was going to be a party and I should just go into the house and  join in. I was not that stupid to take that bait as I thought it would be wrong to just crash a party in a foreign country and I just wanted some art on my wall. I politely (always polite until recent years when all I do is scream obscenities and write obscenities very often in these posts--but before all that I was mostly extremely polite and friendly to all of these pig whores who are now a constant threat to my life and had been while I was still loving, kind and friendly to these worthless pieces of pure shit.

I then was accosted by this creep piggy Moynihan knocking on my bedsit door. I was surrounded as usual by stalker terrorists poisoning and drugging my food and insulting and bothering me--but I had no awareness (not until 2011--decades later) of what was happening in endless repetitive patterns from worthless subhumans I considered to be real people worthy of respecting without question. I am really not a misanthropic personality and I think that people should be given a chance. Too bad this group has ruined my innate open and friendly sense of being a human being and society has also re-inforced that stance.


He kept bothering me, and I was so drugged--he asked me if I knew who he was when he introduced himself--I said no, I had no idea and I didn't care. Within two minutes he had told me to come to his house and I was so drugged it was like the wolf leading the lamb to the sheep dancing with wolves party zone of rape and debauchery--or in his or London terms, his "bachelor flat". 


Within ten minutes of me entering his house, 20 minutes after my first introduction to him where I told him I had never heard of him, he nearly had raped me as I tried to pull him off me in his debauchery flat. I then tried to pull away and he mumbled something and in all my freshly dazed drugged state, somehow I got to this bedsit without falling further into the trap he was setting. I can't imagine how many days he had gone into my room while I was drugged and sleeping with this microchip implant he raped or assaulted me, but after months of trying to not have any contact with him because  his creep factor was very high--the poorer men are much more clever at hiding their nasty intentions but the very wealthy make no hints about their condescending attitude of derision--

and now, lets' see, that was 1987, now it's 2022--he's still behind this all and has been paid, promoted, awarded and is still a silent partner with filthalina and the rest of the crowd, all connected to the people who probably observed my step-father being highly praised and had to make sure that America would NEVER have Jews held in high regard without having a Nazi bigot slowly sucking the life out of them, controlling them, and ensuring that the money the Jew made flowed only to the Nazi who was brainwashing, mind controlling and murdering and sucking everything out. I have not been able to say goodbye to either of my fathers on their death beds due to the Nazi pieces of shit who all made open anti-Semitic remarks to my face and my father(s) both sat there agreeing or smiling or saying nothing. In private, they would offer me very slight offers of absolute concern but only briefly, in fear they would be detected.


So I am through with bullshit pigs like these subhumans who hare constantly and endlessly attacking me with the aim of putting another Jew into a private concentration camp of brain-mapped mind control and slow murder as they have done for decades using these technologies, the terror gang stalking groups and the usual racism that has been brought to a fore not only by the mind programming technologies, these shitty movies that the Nazis who are collaborating with these dinosaur directors from England and their Nazi collaborators helping them in programming into Nazi ideology.


But they aren't through with me--no, not yet. They must prove that not a single Jewish person will get through their terror network and be free of their bullshit compliance to their mediocrity and shit hate stupid system of pigs saying that they are more precious than diamonds.