Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Looking at photos I took before I ever knew I was being poisoned and attacked to death. People who even were part of the terror operation had broad happy smiles when I took their photos. My joyous personality was a positive even with the negative terrorists. I recall now how beautiful I was before I had to fight for my life against violent rapist murdering bigots teleporting me nightly with destruction of my joy and beauty and talent as their main goal for their promotions.

 I appreciate myself more for having looked at past photos, which I could only save on Facebook because of the endless theft of my property, destruction of my camera and my photos and my documents and theft of my money and destruction of all papers, identification and property by the terrorists who break into my home on a perpetual basis (now done with mechanical arms, where I have to fight for my life every single moment to not have my body destroyed by mechanical arms spraying toxic deadly chemicals into my hair from behind, into my food, slicing and cutting into my body, etc).


All these years of the Nazi group and their minions insulting every single thing about me with their ugliness and hate and stupidity being a promotional "award" event of highest repute for the 4th Reich parade of pomposity. Seeing my skin so damaged from years of chemicals being poured on my body while in a deep sleep--the wrinkles from chemicals have left my hands scarred, my body covered with scars, and my hair mostly gone because in my joy of living I refuse to be crushed in spirit by hate bigots. They have crushed and broken my spirit however many times as I was drugged, tortured and raped and beaten and nearly killed every time I said NO to some bigot scumbag who drugged and then forced a reaction of love, which these pig apes never returned but instead they treated me with hate, stole my property, got me pregnant (date rape drugs and mind control brain-mapping technology)---leaving me essentially to die a horrible death from a baby breaking my body with the hard poisons latched in a criss-cross pattern along my spine. No money for either caring for a baby if I weren't killed by having it in a normal pregnancy, and no money for an abortion as all finance really was stolen and blocked. Thinking of how loving, kind and fun and beautiful I was towards absolute shit and rotten crap filth parasites who I never even KNEW I was drugged so badly I "fell in love" within minutes after they handed me one drink. I can't describe the total body sensation of these drugs, but without understanding or even hearing about mind control and how these operations work, the target will have no other option but to assume that the overwhelming sensation is of a reality and that somehow this trickery is "real". 

And now I have lost my cat, my life my home my career because I have only loved myself enough to say no to being abused and exploited by sleazy and creep men and their nasty mothers/wives/children/friends so they all can mutually profit off this sick and dirty, sleazy exploitation torture/rape/mutilate/steal-from and perhaps murder contract of mind control, brain-mapping mind control, microchip brain implant mind control and a master-slave society that the 4th Reich truly wants to slowly instill with a brutal take-over of the Government, probably as one of their real main aims in order to more fully enable this system where law will not have to conceal it's purpose with rhetorical platitudes any longer.


The one and main goal of the celebrity women who have gone on and on and on and on for years and years and years ordering their minions to have my body poisoned to the point of hard poisons hardened into my neck, crapping poison out in huge stinking clumps of black diarrhea for YEARS without end as they continue to insert tubes into my vagina, into my bladder, poisoning my food whenever possible, and then as my body is dying and bloated, scarred up my hair gone my face sagging from depression as they stole my cat they have told the world to avoid and attack me and everyone remaining alive is part of this organization so all comply immediately. Sagging in depression, endlessly fighting to get poison out of my body so I am not in this extremely vulnerable position of being bedridden or stuck in semi-paralysis and fighting to not be poisoned and begging for help. I was a very happy, positive and beautiful person. The one aim of some of these blonde and nazi women is to abuse and destroy and poison and rape me so badly I can't be anything but broken and under non-stop threats and yelling--the men who rape and abuse me yelling at me that these women are so much more beautiful than me--that's the only goal as well as profiting in millions off stealing my concepts and blocking my every move towards my own career or even earning any money, calling me a loser and bitch in the process.

These ugly people are glowing, smiling, titillated, high on power trips and hormones. I look at my old photos today and see what a very beautiful person I am and have been. If only my country would stop dehumanizing me as some microchip implant experimental torture victim slated to be used and discarded after completion of the experiment and/or whomever wants to exploit me for purposes of expanding the master-slave plantation of supremacy into all areas of the planet and in all corners of freedom and beauty and peace from people who are not "supposed" to be "allowed" to compete, win and be more beautiful, talented, intelligent or loving and free than these pig ape whores you all adore, who feed energetically off the violence and are handed huge piles of money and awards for their ever deed of destroying my life and happiness and beauty. They are thrilled that my face is now sagging with depression, there is a huge swath of grey hair now from poisoning and torture that has gone on and on in a deadly non-stop fashion because I used to be very beautiful, competed and was at the top of what I attempted very often, before I was poisoned nearly to death, abused now for years without end due to this technology tyranny you all embrace.


I have a right to live my life without these sleazy and disgusting pig ape whores feeding off destroying me. I am still dumbfounded that my country is such crap that I still can't find any politician or person in society who will actually confront this issue, consider it a threat to society, and stop this situation and defend me and help me to live in peace. I watch on the news, from my runaway location after years of torture and poisoning and lack of health care in the US, how the weather is now a disaster, death is abundant everywhere--the cost of living is so high that homelessness is a pandemic in the streets of many cities--the corruption of the politicians is tantamount--the celebrities remain untouched by any criminal charges and hold more power than presidents and politicians to the point that the politicians rely on the approval of the actors in order to promote their lying and fake dissemination of political rhetorical deception about "Democracy". The movies are mostly banal and silly and stupid and psychopathic and sleazy and unprovocative intellectually (except for a few of the movies in question). Most of the acting is pretty mediocre the themes are psychopathic and death and sleaziness are the main sell points of most of the films.


To have a government which does not intrude on the privacy of human rights, the sanctity of one's home, and that sexuality is a private matter to be decided by people who are consenting and the ultimate goal is not to harm another in the process. I am beaten raped and tortured by sleazy dirty filthy sick wealthy people because of the life I embrace which has made me beautiful, happy, creative, talented and willing to compete and not bow to Nazi pig apes who I can beat if possible I will in competition. Destroyed and poisoned and beaten adn raped and told I am shit and nothing a loser a bitch beaten abused with technology of sick haters insulting me every moment in my home for hours and hours, day after day, their goal is to break my spirit so I can't compete with the intention to win any longer, and no competition in fact nothing but stagnation, my body destroyed, my property stolen, stinking and foul with stinking putrid laboratory-created permanent stinking substances perpetually sprayed on my  clothing, all furniture--to poison me in every orifice possible every day as long as possible until the ultimate deadly disease finally sets in or  I kill myself or etc--their goal.

"Lydia Lunch--The Gun Is Loaded". Wiseblood 1966. April 7, 2012.

This joyous person--Prince Rogers Nelson-- murdered by the pig ape Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich organization in Minnesota--one-two years prior to George Floyd--The REVOLUTION---

"Prince & The Revolution--Let's Go Crazy". Prince. July 7, 2017.

Hackers hacked my block to their hacking. Cyber terror/stalking/disruptions/DOS endless blocks restored to former endless obstruction.//It has been estimated that due to the greed and incompetence of global leadership, there are perhaps Eight more years of a small window of time to alter course from inept leadership which continues to emphasize greed, to award Nazi concepts of dominance and opulent life with destruction of land and human beings for the luxury benefit of a tiny small sleazy and greedy "elite" and "superior" population of what will turn out to be subhuman parasites on the planet. The effect of worshipping this group of life-f*** operatives for the "glamor" of haute living--the making of life uninhabitable on planet earth. Your "leaders" remain as greedy and lying and sleazy and life-f**ing as usual, before Covid now resuming the endless consumption of any single thing possible for the 4th Reich subhuman lack of leadership.


I had accidentally deleted much of my entire C-Drive whilst attempting to get rid of malware due to the endless, excessive corruption of my system by hackers. Not to neglect to mention the installed malware that was put into this computer by the shop I bought it from, who informed me that they had to "install" programs while I waited for it to be "ordered". They claimed the laptop was not in store and that it had to be ordered out of Bangkok. One day earlier I had happened into the store without prior thought --so the terror group could not hack into my thoughts and pre-plan on how to block and turn every single thing I was planning on doing into a terrorist operation. There were the laptops stationed on the sale rack, and I asked if they had more in stock and the reply was "yes". One day later even the display laptop was gone, all the laptops that had been put on the shelf one day earlier were gone. I had to wait 5 days for the laptop to be "shipped" and programs "installed". Constantly lied to by the "no speak English" terror staff (which was not in the store the first day, but all arrived for the 2nd day when I was planning on buying these reduced-price laptops during Covid lockdowns--

I accidentally deleted the entire C-drive two days ago, and I restored the C-drive but all the files were deleted. That meant that the K-rap of the celebrities who used drugging/mind control tech to influence me to save their stuff on my laptop (literally this can be done, with the endless drugging and hardening chemical mess keeping the mind control poisons locked into my nervous system indefinitely, rotting and killing me but the sleazy and greedy celebrities are thrilled with their promotions and by now they all hope I die a horrible death, as the feeling is mutual but nothing compared with mine)

but to continue....I was able to surf the internet so rapidly it was like a vacation of internet surfing. I had relatively quick internet for one year when I lived in Germany from 2010-2011 and paid a high price of top speed internet service, as my student loans afforded me this capability. My attempts to obtain information and contact with people outside of the restricted circle of university (I was taking online classes) and attempting to understand gang stalking always was curtailed to only terrorist operatives responding, but I had "fast" internet for academic research and studying for my classes.


Since then, upon returning to Thailand and being forced into the 3rd World computing world with the controllers instructing the Thais to block and attack with the grinning obedience of the Thais to the white Nazis--I have never, not once, had fast internet on any system no matter which computer I have ventured upon in any store, computer shop, as I am always monitored, any system I get on is immediatley hacked and blocked.


I deleted this entire package of movies and stuff that the celebrities pasted into my brain, my internet and etc....all the mind programming attacks which have enabled so many of these "celebrities" to obtain higher ranking in the Nazi 4th Reich media enterprise system for "successfully" influencing thought in favor of their crap instead of music, movies and art I truly want to see. I felt a sense of relief as I quickly sprinted through the internet. I knew that any downloading or streaming service would immediately open a portal of hacking, so I never accepted any "updates". Immediately hackers forced a series of "updates" and after all these "updates" which I tried to block, my computer would not bypass them, and now the trick I had discovered to delete all their malware on the C-Drive has been blocked. Literally I cannot perform the same function I had used two days ago which got rid of the pests and parasites on the internet. I am now blocked with every website, the system freezes perpetually and the keyboard is now like fighting a cement river of obstruction and my brain and hands are likewise blocked from functioning.


Without top expertise in hacking and fighting hackers, I don't know how to get to the point where I could delete all the malware on the essential C-drive again. They put something on the folder I deleted (which comes back in a "restore" function). It had just easily allowed me to delete the "users" files, which then deleted the hackers until they forced "updates" and the malware through the "updates" onto my system. Now that option is gone and I am stuck where I was three days ago, spanning a time frame of over a decade of endless blocks to every system and search I use (on this computer or elsewhere).

They have permanently blocked my access to my favorite music station, WNYU--I can't access the archives to any degree except if I use a sort of "backdoor" approach, and then getting into anything deeper than a few archived files is blocked once more. I used to go into these archives every day until last week when yet another "new" bot entered the mainframe of the protocol system of attacking me. Blocking something I "love", which is access to these older WNYU music files/archives. No matter how many times I "restore" the system the page is blocked in the archives section for anything other than what shows up for the initial day before--I had to go back to 2006 to find music shows that had the more alternative subgenres, and that station has been taken over I think by the NYC mafia celebrities and they turned it into "bubble gum" style "alternative" easy-listening, mind-numbing fodder.


What else? I spent 3 weeks hurting my body bending and stretching in angles that are painful to my body to make a lattice structure on my back patio. The landlord took away the growing vines after a pretext for "punishment" for reacting in rage to being beaten and raped and drugged and poisoned and abused on a daily schedule so expletive parasites in H-wood can obtain endless top awards as they torture me to steal ideas for their "compassionate/alternative/feminist/ etc output". I had driven past the two plant orchards in my "sub district" here in Phuket (both in Chalong) and both had rows of hanging growing vines for sale. I had to return to finish the lattice structure--I was overlapping the older lattice I had made with fresh layers of cloth packaging tape--the structure spans the entire patio, it has taken me literally months to make over the years, and then recover all, and when the landlord took away the plants and threatened to kick me out if I got more plants--I left it all in place as the sun beat down and almost evaporated the intricate lattice structure I had so carefully made. The plants shaded and shielded the material from the harsh sun so all the years I had the structure I didn't really need to salvage it from sun damage until the landlord forced this upon me so it was laid bare to the elements and began to unravel and fray and nearly collapse. I had to cover it all--it's a huge structure. It took me an entire two-week amount of daily work to get this done--my back aching, but so happy that I would be buying more of these vines; this time using plastic buckets which would not seep water anywhere. Two weeks prior the orchids were full of growing flowering vines. When I went out specifically to buy more plants, every single place had zero growing vines. I tried to drive to another part of the island many miles away and the Nazis literally had huge vans and trucks block the road continuously (this was the day of cars almost hitting me from both sides of the road, literally continuously all day--I drive for miles and miles to get the cheaper prices at many different stores, where prices vary greatly so I drive miles and hours all day to get to one spot or another, and then to get the late night sales for food. This is the poverty this group has forced upon me. It would be fun driving around if not for the terrorist action of cars almost hitting me constantly. The terrorists blocked every road to the point that I had to stop almost every 50 yards and wait and try to pass people slowing down to 20 miles per hour, driving in the middle of the road so I could not pass them on either side, on winding roads trying to get to the other parts of the island. I had to go to one of the more distant orchards where the lying woman told me she had "flowering" vines--in desperation and knowing that if I didn't buy them on that day, it would take another two weeks of waiting to be strong enough to drive to try to go through the same process. I finally bought two "flowering" withered tall tree-like thingies--which they had specifically made almost dead but claimed they would grow "vines". One of them is so stagnant and almost dead that it is on the narrow brink of death and growing a tiny little bud of a new leaf. The other plants I got which have little tendrils of vines are very slow to grow.


that is the extent to which these operations encompass literally every single motion and movement of my life when I try to get anything done and achieve any single thing.


The parasites then call me a "loser" for not being able to have the type of monopolistic, nepotistic "success" they they claim they are and have been handed all their lives for conforming to the 4th Reich system of hate. They must endlessly torture me to obtain ideas and torture me to try to force themselves on me. ON a personal level, I cannot consider them "successful" and thus I remain endlessly tortured and blocked.

I have just watched a video where a "liberal" commentator claims that the earth has just "eight years" before a catastrophic collapse of the ecosystem is irreversible. Otherwise the damage will reach such epic proportions of global collapse due to climate disaster that much of Earth's planet will be uninhabitable as a result of all this excess and waste and cannibalism of the life force that drives the planet.

**upon re-reading this post, I saw that hackers had rewritten some words, such as "orchid" replacing "orchard" and "reversible" which they rewrote from "irreversible" (damage to the planet). They deleted commas and grammar and rewrote parts of this post. It reads a bit fuzzy but you can sort of get through it. The longer I attempt to write, the more effect the attack on my brain becomes so as always, at the onset of any post I begin to write with critical awareness and cognitive freshness, but by the end of a few small paragraphs I am stumbling with malware blocks to the keyboard, I must pound down and backspace and rewrite constantly, my brain is rendered ineffective on any critical cognitive function, I begin to rant and the excessive emotional hate ranting is subliminally forced upon me as my emotional areas of my brain are enhanced and the critical analysis is blocked, along with the frustration of the keyboard and my hands (motor part of the brain) so endlessly blocked it's literally an endless, slow fight to pound out even a short sentence and thinking clearly is gone with all the blocks and enhancements of my emotions and the hate they force through sublimninals and etc etc

Monday, February 27, 2023

Terrorist report: without a day's delay, the "liberal" Biden team of fascist Nazi media, political commentarists (news anchors) parasites came back, replacing the Republicans with their death threats, teleportation skits of murder, abuse, insults and ceaseless voice-to-skull attacks upon me for hours and hours, watching all I did so they could steal ideas if there are any left from over a decade of these parasites observing every single thing I do and commenting on them, stealing any and all ideas I either write or even think, and then having my home and body destroyed afterwards with hate and threats of murder and then actual slow poisoning and abuse combination to death.

 After years and years and years of them, I tried to get rid of them hoping that the leader of the Republicans would be as righteous as they claim in their speeches, but I got a condensed version of violence within a few days from Greene, who eagerly latched onto violence and torture alongside her Republican male mate in this caucus. 

Not wasting a single day of precious time for some other parasite to attack me, they brought in an actor alongside the usual, decade-long pair of pit and his wife--so revolting to me by now it's sickening to see them, almost literally. I tried to ignore them as they made comments about how ugly and old I am (they didn't state it directly, they had to make long-winded elaborate details about how my body is destroyed, how my gray hair from years of non-stop poisoning with stinking fluids inserteed into my vagina/bladder/ears, hair and food and sprayed on furniture, my drinking water, and everything else plus the 24/7 torture and violence with these technologies of endless hate and insults and torture--endless subliminals I can sometimes "hear" of "bitch" and "shut up" as I sit silently fighting daily to get hard poisons out of my body they all ensured were poured into my food and inserted into my body to keep me plastered in one place, semi-paralyzed and in agony as they torture and suck ideas out.

I am now under assault by one of the MSNBC anchors who "used to be Republican" but is now "against" Trump. Working now, assiduously with the team that put Trump into power, with his allies out of H-wood who have been promoted into the Oscars every single year since being handed this contract from the fascist Nazis out of Europ-a-land they are still operating with to mutually benefit in every way from this torture contract and covert murder operation upon me---this man who is a trained expert from years of having been a (lying) politician, now a lying MSNBC anchor, replete with his black "victim" of racism who virulently attacked me in teleportation while the white Nazi supremacists were putting death skits in my deep sleep state. Ostensibly fully supporting racism against me because as part of the black Nazi caucus for power in the media and in politics, they jointly are promoted while still continuing the deception that America is "fighting" against racism and look and behold! White former bigot racists from the South are now friends with black "current" victims of racism and voila! They go on vacays to places that the Nazis from Europ-a-land have either colonized like Australia or Europ-a-land itself, where they are wined, dined and schmoozed and bamboozled by the fascist Nazis who so lovingly adorn them with huge crocodile smiles whilst their "puppets" play the divisive roles and lies of a bipartisan country with a balance of power and etc etc, the beacon of Democracy, etc etc etc.


They first sicced some actor who is vying for an Oscar, alongside pit who is always connected in either production company or his partners in the acting group who are trying to obtain Oscars. This one put endless videos of his movie now in contention on my social media--it was last summer like a plague of his videos endlessly hacked into my youtube page, where I was waiting for Trump to be indicted and that has since never happened and undoubtedly if it ever does happen, it will fizzle out because BIDEN is a good ole Nazi boy from the very same Nazi organization that put Trump into power.


I was more successful in ignoring the actor, so the vicious much older man this tv anchor from MSNBC began threatening, yelling, and abusing me. I used a word that was threatening to them all--as of late another black victim of racism who was fully supportive of the German fascist Nazi musicians who came to have me assaulted and life-threatened and etc because I said "NO" to them after they began their insults and demands that THEY obtain this contract. Assuming automatically that because they are GERMAN everyone must bow down immediately without hesitation because they are GERMAN and therefore immediately and automatically "superior". The black man who is famous for his lectures on Islam and black superiority and anti-Semitic tirades out of NYC asked me if I understood the words I was using--words containing more than two syllables. It's amazing I can utilize any vocabulary under the brain-blanketing tech so these vicious sexist men and their violent rapist Nazi women (of all skin colors) can claim they and only they are "superior". I explained the use of the word I had used to the chagrin of this black man who then tole me to obey my "superiors" as he viciously attacked me in lieu of the Germans--operating in tandem. 

Again, yesterday, after I tried my very best to not respond to the group sitting in rows yelling insults at me while I was absolutely focused on exercising so I can try to get the poisons out of my body which they keep inserting through tubes along with stinking sewage liquids into my vagina and into my bladder to keep me toxic, dying from poisoning, paralyzed and unable to go outside, move or ignore them when they endless try to obtain new ideas and threaten to kill me and have me raped, beaten and then have their hundreds of thousands of people "on vacation" attack me while I am driving, etc walking and being nearly killed and pushed into violently and etc without a pause, all day if I am ever well enough to go out to buy food, which is now only twice a month due to pain from poisoning and detox and fighting for my life to get this out.

while focusing 100% on exercise, they all began yelling insults at my body, at me, and when I focused on nearly impossible, if not entirely impossible zen meditation to not respond, this hateful blonde Nazi man from MSNBC--who along with at least 3 of the anchors of that same channel have viciously attacked me or participated--began his perfected mind programming assault upon me. Instead of the saccharine media posturing he normally puts out to confuse the audience that he used to be Republican but is now fighting so hard for Democracy and for "America"--but yelling at me, his face screwed up in hate, his eyes looked like they were spinning in rotations of spiraling viciousness--every single movement, every thought, everything I did was under his attack literally for over 6 hours straight he went on commenting on every single thing I did. The healing remedies I have created for my body, because people like him ensure that people like me are poisoned and then completely locked out of obtaining health care in the United States, so watching my own self-created versions of health care, asking how and what I am doing after hours and hours of vicious threats, abuse and hate--finally not able to take it, responding and telling this pig with friendliness--because he alternates the violence with friendliness-- a kind of back-and-forth of brainwashing technique, something I am certain he is expert at from years of being in the US government in Congress, and now a tv anchor disseminating false promises of redemption for the culture which obviously is reverting to a fascist dictatorship style leadership--if you can call it leadership.


I began calling him names in the beginning of his assault--just silly joking names like his tv show is like the Morning Blow--my mind going into rhyming--The Morning Mental Blow Job for brain programming--I said this, he glared in hate and 6 hours later he was still asking me for ideas and then insulting me using this voice-to-skull technology. I had tried, and tried and tried to ignore him and the huge group of celebrities who watched as Greene raped me as one after the next pig raped and then had my hair permanently destroyed afterwards because I could not handle the poison being pumped deeply into my body through rape--as they went on and on until I began screaming in rage and calling them pigs. They then have my body mutilated permanently as "punishment" for reacting in non-supplication to their murder of me after they steal and destroy everything possible they can out of me for their own false pretense of being "compassionate liberal" for media purposes. 

The pig then had a skit of Australia and a group of men drowning another man, with a voice-over stating that "everyone saw it was in broad daylight and no one even did anything". I was then woken up with this ugly sinister "man" with his spinning hateful eyes glaring at me and  his body was in a posture of violence because I responded with a joke about his mental blow job bs tv show about how compassionate and how "all-american" he is with his blonde Nazi wife and black Nazi minion and the group of commentators making very excellent blathering commentary about politics and society--which all sounds like a wonderful dose of artificial all-American apple pie stuffed into your brain every morning so you can feel calm and at ease as shit parasites like this are working with the hateful spinning of their diseased brains to take over the country and turn it into a fascist Nazi country. These are the ones who have Biden behind them--as this ugly pig ape scumbag man and his dirty wife were invited by Biden alongside the fascist fashion English creep who is honoring literal Nazi designer from Germany with the next "Gala" fascist honoring, including of course the staple black Nazi women who fully support all the white beating rapist men out of Whorewood and are then handed Grammys and endless modeling and tv promotion afterwards. They all fully support the violence against me and participate in it using Nazi genocidal rhetoric and are then more fully awarded afterward, alongside the black "activist" commentators like Farrakhan and etc et al, working alongside the hater from Morning Blow Job--or Morning Blow for short.

Ugly, sinister and absolutely a fake.

I "forgot" to add that I used a word that is a lovely Middle English term, "veritable" in one sentence (because he was literally listening to my every thought, watching and commenting literally on every single thing I did from the moment I tried to ignore the actors while I was in the middle of full concentration on exercising to try to get the poisons out as, at this most vulnerable moment, they all gathered to insult my body ("old and ugly" they intimated) and then, after I kept trying to remain silent so as not to engage with them, this expert at brainwashing began his assault upon me with a burst of yelling and threats. It was while I was 100% focused on body movements and concentration. They would not stop and would not stop until I finally reacted--I began to make a joke about this ugly rotten man --saying it was "The Morning Blow" show--etc (mental blow job) and then, later on, as he was endlessly commenting on my thoughts as I fought to struggle to deal with the stinking foul mess this organization has their brown-skinned minions pour into my room--stinking filth is everywhere, literally my entire room is tattered and splattered with filth and the art I make they slash and pour stinking stains on  and etc---but while I was dealing with my laptop I said to myself but to him, this ugly pest, this ugly sinister dirty old man I find revolting, in a friendly way to try to stop the yelling and threats and the ugliness of his endless mental assault upon me--I said that my google "favorites" bar is a "veritable" library. He then sneered in hate and contempt, and like sexist and Nazi Farrakhan, asked me in contempt if I understood the word I had just  used. They then blanked my brain out with their tech to further discredit me, and after HOURS of mental torture, I used a synonym which they could easily understand, then after they kept telling me to look the word up, I saw that it had a diverse spectrum of meaning but the list of synonyms produced the exact word I had used, but I had to look at a few different dictionary websites to get a more precise definition as this word is not used very often--my background in Lit was how I obtained this word. Any threat of my intellectual capability is immediately chastised by these pig ape rape and hate Nazi men, with their crappy sleazy dirty women of all skin colors. They try to insult and demean and then steal all I think of and do constantly and this has been my life for over a decade, and much longer, from people just simply coming to abuse, threaten, torture and then steal ideas out of me and get promoted for it--never ending rotation.

Now it's Biden's group to continue as they have been going on and on for the past 2 years. It was Rachel Maddow during the Trump era, (so effectively, she was working with Trump in this media promotional scheme of attacking me)--then a few of the other MSNBC anchors joined in, and now it's morning blow job scumbag with his years of expertise in skewing concepts from the left and right in order to break the power and will of the viewers into the happy and complacent state of allowing these pieces of expletive into more power positions. 


I highly suggest that a complete shift in the power structure take place immediately--there should be no more Biden in power, nor Trump, nor any of either of their faction and no one involved in this false dichotomous deception output for media and politics put into power--ever again--if America is to remain any semblance of "Democracy" and this is a veritable truth you must grasp in concept and then put into action. Immediately.

But meanwhile, if only someone or some force could pry this never-ending circus of scum off me, please. Get them off me, the violent Republicans and the sleazy and violent Democrats and the sleazy and violent Republicans and the dirty and violent nasty Democrats and it goes round and round and round like this---

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Update/corrections from my post yesterday. I left this room on my twice monthly shopping spree, which takes literally over 12 hours and at least 4 of those hours are spent packing and unpacking my bags and hiding them behind my couch in layers of sealed huge plastic bags, tied with various items so the mechanical arms can't break into and spray stinking foul permanently stinking substances, rip my bags and items, steal my money from my purse, and rip the soles of my shoes, etc. //The minions of the terror situation I am living in wreak stinking filth in my home and absolutely program my laptop with more malware, every time I leave. I try to clear out my system after my shopping trips, but due to the endless hate attacks and poisoning and drugging, I am in need of external noise to try to refocus my concentration elsewhere, all day, every day. //I have stinking foul substances coming out of my body when I urinate, which means that the years of these expletives pumping stinking sewage water into my vagina, into my bladder as deeply as possible continues unabated.

 When I attempted to re-read the post I had written yesterday, which was written late at night, after hours of near-death on the road while driving, endless Nazis and their brown and black-skinned minions in partnership in that usual master/slave configuration but the slaves are well-dressed, happy to be in the "big time" and as enthused about racism and even moreso openly than the smug Nazis. All day, assaulted by the violent minorities with blonde Nazi Europ-a's and of course the Americans follow suit in every way in this especially in H-wood where this same partnership flourishes and in this contract out on me, I experience the suppressed "wrath" of blacks especially,but not to omit Jews, oh no, they are as adamant about expressing their puppeted "hate" for me with full warm welcome into the "folds" of gated community bliss by the Nazis who aspire to only obtain all that is best, those under them get gated communities at best if they are "good". Within the gated communities the Jews tremble in fear whenever the Nazis go marching, always reminiscing about the  Good Ole Days of the Holocaust, I get Jews prominent in media and politics either literally yelling in enraged violence into my face (for which they get more billions or promotions, with their Nazi blonde spouses and friend circles) but because it's blacks who are the most obvious of disenfranchised in the U.S., they "represent" racist victimization so I get violent threats by blacks constantly. I get the Thai version of this whenever I am shopping--


But what was left out yesterday that hackers deleted. I think they deleted entire sentences and rewrote at least 60% or more of my post. They added extremely discrediting writing style on my part, which was them not me. I am not, nor was I last night, capable of accessing my cognitive awareness. I am stymied by the blocks to my brain function. My hands can't move to keys I want to press, which is an obvious indication of my brain being blasted in brain-mapping specificity of cognitive blocks while enhancing rage, with subliminals of hate as I struggle to pound out each and every letter on the keyboard and etc


It is amazing that presidential administration-after-administration, and not just the last triad of "good fellas" in the white house, but their predecessors as well have posted their videos on my social media, in the cyber stalking triggering fashion that all the terrorists attacking me do who have a presence on the internet.

But it's unbelievable that this "system" has so fully saturated the United States that not a single Representative nor Senator nor anyone in the judicial, law enforcement or Executive can or will do anything to stop this egregious crime and mind programming fiasco.


I can't now "remember" what had been deleted, my brain is in a blank state. Rendered that way in an artificially induced, remote tech blasting of my brain plus the drug interface plus the brain implant 

What I re-read yesterday was so rambling and I was so dizzy from the attack on my brain I could only see that words I had not chosen were hacked in, and the ideas I had written were dismembered in fragments, plastered into rambling and grammarless zones of confusion. 

"Woe to America" was the best idea I could write that succinctly captured what I have, all these years of being teleported to the "Democrat" "feminists" and "liberals" and "Progressives". WOE to America is all I can say after having seen the Republicans and especially that famous woman from the Freedom Caucus. Woe to America with the fascist Nazi 4th Reich administrator of technology who comes from an Apartheid state out of South Africa, well-coached in "California cool" after that state was co-opted and then usurped by fascist Nazis posing as "woke" liberals--who must steal ideas and crush and break those who actually have these ideas. 

They do not enhance life, they suck out and destroy life. The image of the blonde Nazi with a circle of brown and black-skinned enablers of fascism and white supremacy is the prevailing mythology being touted by administrators of culture. This is partially What I have seen of the politicians and the celebrities attacking me in order to be handed a complete criminal enterprise of media and political collusion for the furtherance of the Europ-a 4th Reich takeover of the United States. The other aspect of this situation, which is double-pronged in it's attack mode and methodology, which is even more effective in disseminating the fascist Nazi 4th Reich of death, destruction and usurpation of all the planet has to offer with blonde Nazi bigots controlling all, killing as much as possible and taking all and eventually slaughtering as many as possible, with brain implants their goal--but they just can't achieve this just yet because they can't create life, they can only destroy it. Because of the "light/dark" continuum equating "good" with blonde (in the movies especially) and of course the opposite of the polarity, this creates the stigma of blonde good, minority bad). That is basic racism, "101". However, the "rest" of the population whether they approve or not go along with this system, even those who are against it but in "high positions" while they must bow their heads and pretend they do not see anything going on (in terms of what they are doing to me). That is how, year after year, nothing ever gets done to quell this most deadly group and it's endless tentacles of destruction enveloping the planet.

They are ultimately death-mongering and "evil" if you want a real polarity description. However, no one ever does any single thing, ever, to promote real "Democracy" when it comes to this non-stop attack upon me. All the celebrities and politicians yearn for is to attack me to the point that I write online begging for the next rapist abuser to be pried off abusing and raping and having stinking sewage water inserted into my vagina, as deeply into my bladder as possible for toxic shock and slow murder poisoning. They are obviously inserting the hardening and bloating poison as well. One of the latest rapists out of Europigapeland had most stinking and deadly sewage water inserted into my vagina so I thought I was dying, only to force rape reaction out of me so he and his wife and blonde children could get more (free) deals and money and advertisement for the huge art complex they were handed (for being Nazis and semi-artists of the Nazi fold). The stinking sewage water murder torture has commenced again with another Republican politician in Congress--it was Graham earlier so he could get away with answering questions without being incriminated--or he was immunized with his testimony--after about 2 months of inserting deadly stinking sewage water into my body, my drinking water (and he's still there doing this, only on a much small scale than before, smug and smiling about it and saying "good" when I say they are murdering and destroying me and making me old and sickly). I have never harmed t hem, but now another blonde Nazi has jumped in with rape and now this stinking sewage water--along with Musk who is now going at me every day, as I write about him, of course NOTHING happens to stop him or this endless attack. He has to get back into his former status as the wealthiest man or one of them on the planet. He forces sentences out of me so it appears that I "love" Nazi pig whores who are sexually assaulting me while I am in that state. I say sentences that he and they think of, in a sleep state. 

The idiots who are supposed to administer justice and control over the U.S. including all law enforcement and defense of the Constitution, who make their oaths, have criminalized me due to only racism, and omitted me from all legal rights due to racism, only and my refusal to allow people to poison and rape and abuse me slowly to death while stealing ideas and then destroying all I have and work for. Their biggest joke is that they stole the last remaining sentient being I have had as a family, my cat, and they watch as I endlessly beg for someone to return her before she dies. No one will do anything, whatsoever. That is how this sick group is achieving more and more power over the U.S. government and it's been going on before Trump.

However, they claim that I am the "only one" with a brain implant who has survived. So because apparently the brain implant didn't kill me but instead enhanced my capabilities in many ways, this group has spent much money and resource to ensure that I never can achieve anything and am stuck with hard poisons and sewage being pumped into my body so I remain drugged, "hysterical" after hundreds and hundreds of people attack me on all sides, eveywhere I go, everywhere I live, from the government on down to the homeless all follow the exact same protocol system and all have the exact same personality construction as the other side--rich and poor, "left" and "right".


They can't create anything new so they torture me to obtain ideas. they have no love but they have sexual rage suppression and cling onto their children for love and support (as I have had to do with my cat, which they stole from me and won't return). 

Putting this group into more power, with someone as immature and emotionally backward and intellectual repressive, "old world" fascist Nazi as well-coached Los
Angeles "alternative/flippant" Musk, who in actuality is the epitome of completely fascist Nazi bigot, absolutely the "good ole boy" personality structure behind all the LA hipster coaching and speech training (as they all have been completely modified in every way adn the emptiness that underlies their fake personality constructs is even more suppressed, and in teleportation when they have a chance to freely dump their repressed lack of soul, love and connection to life, they viciously torture me and especially as it's all condoned by the U.S. government and by society or the lack of resistance to this system by society, as so many people know what is happening to me, but they can't connect the dots to their own lives in this trauma-based torture situation. The teleportation is also a rape machine tool and thus the empty and sleazy politicians must obtain flesh and soul food from unsuspecting people being drugged and teleported so they believe they are "in love" and respond to the pumped up sexual "desire" implanted through the tech/drug interface so the parasites can suck out life force through this conduit into another human being. 

This is a total disaster for the future of the world. I am attempting to write in some convincing way to you people reading this, but your greed and compliance to this system keep you as tools and enhancers of this system. The system is so subtle, the mind manipulation is so undetectable, that while most of you are already under the grasp and mind clamp of this system, you don't care because you are well comfortable in your niches of fake security. 


I suspect that this post will be rewrittten and vastly altered for the discrediting campaign against me.  

Terrorist Report: February 26, 2023. Constantly, nearly hit by cars from all directions all day while driving. Constantly, as often as they can, the celebrities and now Republican "MAGA" partners with the former terrorists before the shift in the House of Representatives---now THEY are threatening, but adding lesbian rape (oddly from a Party faction that claims it's Super-duper white Christian and anti-homosexual). Of course, it's not "gay" and don't say it, if you are abusing and torturing me or those deemed targets by this hate organization.

Both cars and motorbikes would nearly hit me from the left side out of side streets or alleys. Here in Thailand the Right-of-way is on the left, so from the left cars are approaching driving directly into me as I am driving at high speed, along with cars speeding next to me but swerving nearly hitting me from the right side as from the left cars are driving from side angles almost hitting me. I often had to swerve to not be hit, and the swerving could have resulted in being hit on the other side. Everywhere people were attacking me. Thais could not "understand" English and blanked out repeating what I had asked them and then saying nothing, then walking away. In the stores, wealthy-looking blonde Nazis holding babies surrounded me, making Nazi signals of swiping their noses in hate and pulling up their pants and blocking my path and coughing--all the standard triggering noises, which always accompany near-death attacks such as cars and motorbikes endlessly swerving into me from all sides simultaneously, all day, every few minutes, literally non-stop all day for hours and hours, every few minutes attacking me in deadly, vector-analysis software enhanced tech assaults. All day as well, people would pull out of the side on the left and swerve and then stop in the road, so I had to brake suddenly as cars, trucks and vans would block the tiny two-lane rotting roads (deadly roads with huge pot holes and bumps that alone could kill someone if they drove at a wrong angle into these holes that proliferate, despite Phuket being a major tourist destination the city never attends to safety or security in this critical area). 

While parking my motorbike, while walking in the elevator, every moment possible in this terror/torture room where I can't move or get out except for maybe twice a month now--I am in so much endless pain from trying to literally rip and break off hard-as-rock poisons out of my hips/spine/and body cavities --which the celebrities had their minions pour into my food and into my body by inserting tubes into my vagina and into my hair and into my ears and into my water and into my furniture and into my clothing and in the air and in the water--along with hundreds of thousands of people behaving like toxic parasites upon me, sucking out positivity and pouring toxic hate waste into my life, body and home and blocking all finances and all governments are fully supporting this situation.


Every moment the celebrities, and now a "Freedom (to rape and torture ) caucus member, a famous one, a female-- closely allied with Trump, endlessly obtaining media exposure for every comment that is "shocking" in it's lack of finesse and concern and basis in fact.  Woe to America if this person obtains more power. Nazis from Europ-a-land love her and she has brought one of them into the teleportation who smirked with delight while pretending to frown--(she was delighted for his approval). After she had raped me, did some martial arts act of violence at me, is now threatening, insulting and attacking me non-stop. I don't want to help her to obtain more promotions--I don't know what to do, because when I mention these terrorists by name and call them names they are even more promoted. When I say nothing, they are promoted. When I write to this vacuum blog I see that they remain in their positions and just get promoted no matter what I do or say. They go on and on and on and on in a frenzy of hate at me. The same people who have been promoted into President position, obtained Oscars year-after-year, all production costs and everything handed to them for having raped, beaten, disfigured and left me fighting for my life as I am constantly sick and struggling to not be poisoned, mutilated, my hair fingernails toes fingers skin teeth eyes, etc.. all mutilated so I look completely broken down--plus abuse and violence with zero love or companionship and only these same people, day after day, bringing on more and more and more of these "alternative" celebrities and "liberal" and "Christian" and "Democratic" and "fighting against Trump and fascism" people who fully are supporting the Nazi/Mafia world order as they are handed every kind of front seat to being recognized as "leaders". They all follow orders so they appear to have no personality structures except all that has been inculcated through programming. I am CONSTANTLY yelling at them as they teleport me that I can't stand them. I have been saying NO to them and this only for TEN YEARS and they are never going to stop attacking me. 

I yell at them because I can't ignore them when I am teleported. It is definitely a severe form of torture when used in this capacity. They literally force me to look at them, I can't turn away. My vision is locked and I try to get up and I am staggering in a blank void in this state and can barely see in front of me. I believe they are manipulating my vision when I am in this state. I have been told that they can literally "see" through what I am seeing. One of the men who became so wealthy after being handed this contract so he could promote seemingly "hip" technology in his "hip" acting performance, now deteriorated a bit by the exposure of his South African Apartheid fascism--has been behind so much violence upon me and has obtained his high position in global finance partially due to this contract being handed to him to further, technologically, the Nazi cause. I have been told, likewise, that "no one" has survived brain implants. I doubt this is true, as they are all constant liars. But nevertheless, they have to continuously try to break and slowly murder me anyway even though I have survived surely what none of them ever could if they were in the same situation, and apparently there is no one else they can torture like this in order to obtain this contact. The contract of forcing a baby out of me so one of them, and all the rest as a collateral terrorist support group as they literally are rotating me non-stop to the endlessly increasing group of them. I yell tat them that they are shit, they mock everything I say and do. They make fun of my body and how "ugly" they say I am after years of them having bloating and hardening poison inserted into my bladder through my vagina, stinking fungus inserted into my vagina, hair, ears and food and clothing--for well over a decade. They keep asking me "why" I don't like them. In this "truth serum" mode while I can't turn away, try to stop talking but my brain is under some vice of their technology so I always respond. I am screaming in rage and hate, wishing them death continuously. They are endlessly telling me they will kill me. I am constantly nearly being killed while driving. 


I can't describe how loathsome they are towards me and how sickened I am by just having to see them constantly. 


Biden, of course, along with Harris, inserted their Facebook pages into my every Facebook search upon first opening up that site. Every day they had their pages put at the head of my Facebook page. The torture that had been murderous under Trump was subsided only due to Covid and the lockdowns. Now the vicious near-death while driving and hate and Nazis surrounding me with endless brown and black-skinned minions doing their hate violence towards me and are thrilled about it--(this is so prominent in H-wood it's a constant configuration of white supremacist with "activist" "victim" black Nazi or brown or Jewish--et al).


Biden is now too busy "fighting for Democracy" around the world for the 4th Reich NATO operation to incorporate pivotal player Ukraine into it's arsenal of world domination (of Nazis). With his "bipartisan" claims, he's now letting his "friends across the aisle" rape and torture me because he's a sharing and caring politician. 


Woe to America. 


My brain was severely blanked out whilst writing this post. I left out so much information, because I am fighting hacking interference with the keyboard and my brain is under attack. From all my years of writing research papers in grad school, I know what I am and am not capable of. This is a complete blanketing of my brain. Hackers are also, always deleting parts of my sentences so much information is also deleted after I write and post.


What I had written, or tried to write, is that EVERY MOMENT possible the same group, which is a rotating terror operation of the same core celebrities and politicians and media anchor people and politicians--and the Europ-a Nazis backing them, who did the same exact things to me--stealing ideas non-stop as I tried to write; now handing this contract over to the endless greedy and nasty celebrities--they are fully following in what their controllers have instructed them to do. But now they are teleporting me literally as often as they possibly can. Unless I have some music (they talk over it and endlessly lambast my music taste, and the discussions go on) when I watch tv, they lessen their "chatter" into my brain. I am also so drugged up all I can do is sit in a stupor most of the day, my body continuing to stagnate physically due to the non-stop poisoning that is still going on and on and on and on--(murder murder murder murder). They  are in a hate frenzy and they "Must" obtain a baby out of me and break my spirit and soul. They have forced grey hair on me through stress, abuse and poisoning and chemicals put on my hair which kill hair follicles and make hair turn grey---falling out, now bald in a huge dramatic way and they permanently damaged hair follicles as if I have severe level alopecia--but it's from damage from their chemical assaults. My skin is likewise destroyed. They have tried to knock my teeth out and cut out gum tissue after making my teeth loose--when I wrote on my Facebook page asking that they be stopped from being handed awards year-after-year and stealing ideas and their endless rape and violence and abuse and poisoning and mutilation. Endlessly they are calling me ugly a bitch a nothing and shut up and loser--after they steal ideas in a rotation successful of these people who give nothing and destroy all they can in me and my property my efforts to live on this planet, my every day filled with abuse and hate and violence because they have to watch me implode and slowly deteriorate as they are abusing and poisoning and beating and raping me to death.

Constantly they are teleporting and assaulting and insulting and threatening to kill me --constantly now. In the parking lot while I was shopping. Almost every moment I am in this room, for nearly an entire month I can't move any longer and am in constant pain from the poisons they have endlessly put in my body to destroy, suck out ideas, destroy my life and then call me a bitch who is a loser and nothing. My internet is so blocked I can't get any response from any business, all is deleted or never sent to the recipient if I enquire about anything or try to earn money--all is blocked.


I am CONSTANTLY screaming at them that I can't stand them, wish them death, that they are disgusting and filth and crap. I can't stop  yelling, the technology and being literally "forced" to see and speak to them as if my brain and mind were trained at them and I can't turn away. It's essentially like I am tied down in one spot being raped, beaten and abused non-stop by the click of a button that Elon Musk is "developing" while he's demanding that I never defend myself against the years of him exloiting my life in this situation--as they all are--that I have zero human right to defend myself=-that I am this "bitch" who deserves to die and that they will kill me because I am by now yelling in rage that I hope they are dead I wish them death I tell them I will try to kill them, they are trying to kill me--

it's never ending. They are trying to force a baby out of me so they can be handed a huge promotion. I remain writing these damn posts. I also have to add that I did not write "I call them shit" which is what hackers inserted into this post after I published it. They are also trying to discredit me, even in teleportation, by "forcing" expletives and curse words out of me. I can't think clearly whatsoever when I write these posts and they always degenerate very quickly into hate cursing and ranting. Most of it is due to subliminal insertions into my brain---some cortex area. 


Woe to America. I can assure you that the collapse is imminent if this and these people are allowed to continue on this path. On any path. I can't describe how sleazy, sick, incompetent, stupid and filthy and vile they are on a personal level. Whatever competence they appear to have is due to a carefully constricted calculated performance that is covering up a writhing underbelly of sickness and psychopathic death and murder and bloodshed lust for power and money and the appearance of being good-hearted to "sell" Democracy is so antithetical to their actual and real personalities that they live in a constant cognitive dissonance and are truly mentally sick. Woe to America that people are still allowing this situation of me being attacked to continue so these people can be promoted into higher and higher position. My ranting obviously makes me appear more "crazy" and no one can take what I say seriously, apparently. Also the hacking deletions and rewrites discredits me more than I can explain. When I re-read my posts, and I do this infrequently as it's so time-consuming to pound down on keyboard and fight to remember what I want to say and not rant and it's impossible for me--they completely change what I have written to it's opposite (thus instead of aiming a lens on the sick things they do, the hackers turn what I have accurately described into it's very opposite). When I say they are doing something, the hackers change it to "they are not". Etc.


People should stop ignoring my situation. I can't understand this desire for such absolutely violent and sleazy sick people to be ushered into power but that's what the Nazis need--sick and stupid people who absolutely follow orders and will do any sleazy and sick thing for money and power, but apt at performing the roles of concern in order to appease the frantic fear that some have that "Democracy" is failing....they are there to mollify your fears while at the same time they are actively fighting to pursue the opposite--just as their hacking of my writing they turn everything around into it's opposite and all that is real is the underbelly of writing cesspool violence and sickness--it's so fettered with filth and sick ugliness. 


Will there ever be a decent administration in the United States, ever, in my lifetime? Woe to America. 


**This post was so badly hacked and rewritten, partially deleted, words added as If I am complimenting the people I am actually deriding for their really sub behavior and personalities when I am forced to be their victim (they only demonstrate sub-level behavior, in other words, but all the people involved in this organization appear to be sub-standard on all levels, somehow those who were so excellent are now dead--from the past. But MOST of this post was rewritten and hacked and deleted. They added this word "successful" into the sentence below where I was trying to describe how they have stolen my ideas and then called me "bitch", "loser", "Nothing", and they are constantly having a loop of "stupid" and "shut up stupid bitch" inserted into my "inner ear" and I can "hear" these non-stop slurs and hate phrases going on and on, it's very very subtle. I must keep noise going on around me all the time to try to block them out but I really can't do it. I really cannot stop talking to them and I detest them so much that I am endlessly screaming by now in rage because they are so ugly and disgusting on every level possible. They keep going. They have to get this contract. These are the "go-getter" "winners' and they are so "successful" but somehow they just can't function unless they are attacking me so they can obtain instant promotions. Otherwise, how could they achieve their high positions? Apparently they can't without exploiting this contract, or they can't sustain their positions. Now that Musk has lost a lot of money, he's having people (theatrically, I hope) shot and killed in front of me in teleportation. He's violently yelling at me. This is a man who sneered in hate into the camera long before his debut on the world stage had become "the wealthiest". Once he obtained this contract through Amber Heard after years of Depp raping, beating and torturing me, Musk shot into this high orbit of fame and business expansion to cover the world. Now that he's demonstrated his affinity for fascist Nazis he's lost a lot of money. And voila! He's now threatening and abusing and yelling at me, but I was finally sick of him and that was after over 8 years of yet another one who has endlessly latched on to attacking me for yet another promotion. I have been telling him repeatedly for all these years (for the past two years, let's say, maybe just one--but as his money supply has waned a bit since his overtake of Twitter and the reaction of his affinity for extreme white supremacy now exposed--which I wrote of years ago, and no one listened--as usual. The discrediting of me through all this hacking (that likewise, no one will ever stop because they can't have me writing accurately about the reality) but I have been writing about Musk for years and that he's a fascist and a Nazi. But now he's coming at me because he lost a lot of money, and that money he had obtained was due in part to having exploited me. Like Trump, he's attacking me to reinstate his power after having obtained his power by attacking me, then continuing the attacks and then never stopping the attacks, and handing the contract to an ever-increasing circus of performers to attack me, and coming back and back and back to attack me because finally I am screaming in rage to get off me that--in this state of not being able to turn my head, walk away, or stop talking, like I am tied down, drugged with truth serum, and the attacks are literally never-ending and deadly with my body and life damaged and broken down as a result and still they will never stop--
But I'm screaming, and these terrorists all believe they have all absolute entitlement to torture and rape and theft of my ideas for their own false appearances and destruction of my life and if I so much as call them a name after years of this torture, they have their friends go in rotating cycles of torture, they come back after they have their friends, and they go on and on. Musk attacked me through teleportation in the parking lot after hours and hours of people walking into me, people in cashier lines glaring in hate, handing me money without saying thank you but they swoon in love at the blonde Nazis who are surrounding me--all for a show of the social engineering Nazi project (so similar in H-wood with so many of the "victims of racism" that abound who are fully supporting rape and torture when it comes to me--somehow, like with greene, it's not "racism" if they are attacking me because I'm "supposed" to accept it without resistance and it's "Normal" and they are "entitled" because their white supremacist friends have allowed them all to try to become as Parisian fascist fashion as possible. I am now ranting. But this will also be partially rewritten as this entire post has been. If only some of you would at least stop the hacking, at the very least. But no.. you must allow the path of fascism to unfold because, if anyone is going to actually fight it, it's never going to be "you"-oh no, you can't "lose" your position of media power you can't threaten your life. You will leave it to Antifa or the poor and desperate to fight it out for you as you talk into a camera and then go off to a restaurant for a power lunch with your executive brokers discussing your portfolio options while you are put in front of cameras to keep people from fighting as you all go on and on about "Democracy".

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Jason Binn, icon of the former 90's South Beach/Ocean Drive driving force of fashion and culture-- sort of followed me late one night, around 10 pm (or, in South Beach terms, that is actually very early, something like wake-up time for some): as I walked up Washington Avenue one night when I first began selling cigars. This was at the intersection of the notoriously dim area of Lincoln Road and Washington ave back in the mid 90's--so it was dimly lit, mostly latino and "alternative" subculture and not the "haute" area that it now is--meaning all the brown and black are mostly gone and all the mom & pop restaurants are gone and Jason Binn appears to have been taken over as well--his formerly most incredible magazine that EVERYONE waited in anticipation to read every month has been taken over by the blase mediocrity of some Europigape blonde fascist group so the magazine is mostly null and meaningless--as they are

****Nota Bene (written 2/28): I had to discover a different photo of Binn alongside Maher than the previous copy taken from Facebook. The photo I posted had been deleted. I suspect either of the two above, or both, want "nothing" to do with any recognition by me, and claim they have no awareness of who I am. Although Maher stole content from my writing, literally verbatim, and Binn was part of the stalking and terror operation albeit only peripherally. Undoubtedly will claim they know nothing about me but they deleted the photo--or someone did. This has never happened before so obviously it was done deliberately--I mean photos being deleted on my blog.

Seeing his very recent photo now on Facebook, it is Interesting that Jason Binn is so well-kept at this point and appears almost exactly as he was when I sold cigars in his vicinity back in the 90's --people of wealth can reverse time so well with plastic surgery---I lived across the street from (Ocean Drive Magazine hdqtrs, likewise across the street from where I lived and sold cigars in addition to going up and down Ocean Drive proper). I sort of brushed past Binn a few more times and he always had a very pleasant demeanor about him with a fast NY pace and positivity; his physical and personal presence is powerful, just what he exudes. I recall sitting in a small French restaurant with an Italian man and his model du noir (every night a different arm candy) and they were dishing out the subtle sarcasm under the protocols of this stalking hate situation endless reverberating around me. Jason Binn walked into the restaurant and some French prick pig ape made a loud comment about how Jason Binn was a "Jew" and hissed the word "Jew" with absolute furious hate, and the restaurant was silent. Binn hesitated as everyone (all the French pig scum pieces of shit, sitting on every chair in this tiny restaurant) stared and glared as the tension arose. Binn rushed out of the restaurant almost terrified as the hate and near violent energy began to swell.

Binn is one of the most successful media tycoons in the USA and undoubtedly is worth all the Europigape pieces of shit who were at that restaurant, combined. His talent includes having created Ocean Drive Magazine when it was interesting and of titillation every month to obtain---

just a little more on how much I finally find detestation at the Nazi pig ape shit mentality that most of you attacking me have imbibed into your likewise expletive lack of personality, style and fashion sense--which you can only imitate upon approval of your Europigape fascist shit controllers who pull your numb and dumb strings mentally every moment you are alive.

Excerpt from Facebook:

"Jason Binn
January 21 (2023)
No one ever said you were shy or timid even when it comes to your own birthday @BillMaher. Happy Birthday brother aka Mr. Real Time! From the day we met and became friend I have always loved that wicked mind of yours that never ever turns off!!!!!
Thanks for always keeping me on my toes."


"Tommy Pooch: The Early Days on Miami Beach". MiamiPopMedia. March 21, 2013.

Another "big" player at that time was Tommy Pooch--soon to be replaced also by Europigape fascist Nazis who made hostile takeovers of his invention clubs and themes--a vicious rat race now seemingly overtaken completely by the 4th Reich. It is violent and dangerous for me to be there now with all the fascists, whereas back when SoBe was called "The heyday" and the fashion center (which is now lost because the 4th Reich is actually a sodden soggy parasitic group which only steals and robs and then makes everything fresh and original into a meaningless half life)--but---Tommy Pooch didn't just follow me around but trailed me to get this contract out on me. he was at least funny and jocular rather than the outright hate remarks of anti-Semitic hate that the Europigs make who have taken all over--many of whom operate in tandem with the American celebrities and politicos on H-wood--who likewise have turned into vicious Nazi spewing hate machines of filth and rape and ugliness and meaninglessness--trained by Europigape Nazis to replicate this 4th Reich takeover of the US. Remembering the days when South Beach had a true spirit rather than a glossy replication of the style that created the entire place-taken over now. Pooch makes a comment about how Jason Binn's Ocean Drive was one of the driving forces on South Beach back in the real days of that place--(now it's dead but a zombie replication of the former style and energy, degraded). BTW: this interview was conducted at the famous News Cafe, which is on 8th and Ocean Drive. I lived 3 blocks from this joint and walked past it every day. I was "friends' with some Columbians who lived above the cafe with a balcony and view of Ocean drive at this most prestigious and beautiful spot. I ate and hung out at this cafe quite a few times (the food was not so great but it had a bar area that was cozy) and it is or was a very pleasant place. Ah, all these sweet moments of reliving briefly the memories.


Of course, Miami has all the art fairs, the festivals, the electronic music festivals, etc the major businesses and retail and clubs---but when I see the atmosphere it looks like a Nazi-themed landscape of "haute" mediocrity lacking personality, even though there is variation it's all based on the same theme. The unique quality I recall appears gone. The last time I was in Miami was 2008 or so, just before Obama was elected. It had lost the fresh quality of surprise and good-naturedness that I was so thrilled about and loved that place. Now I have to run for my life from abuser nazis and their endless minions of all races attacking me extremely viciously. They have taken it all over, with Europigapes at the helm of this sinking ship which is like a luxury cruiser heading into the tip of an iceberg on the sea of excess and squandered caution. But, perhaps I just don't like the change, and there are people and things I may like--but it's very doubtful because the Nazi campaign to eliminate people who used to provide a very unique flair--murders, kicking people out, etc, the usual Nazi campaign of covert elimination--has been ongoing. Many of the openly anti-Semitic haters from H-wood go to South Beach and own and create businesses while the former people who made it a very nice and unique and interesting place have had to flee likewise--like Jason Binn, who has probably a pr esence there still but it's not like the power he used to wield in that area. I took over a house owned by Click Models and they had been kicked out by nazis because they are Jewish. This is no conflagration of just because it's "happening to me" explanation I am making here with a sardonic hate tone in my every sentence. It is why I loathe seeing more of this happening in LA iwth these celebrities and I am fighting to not allow it to happen again stemming from that propaganda place of media absorption. How I wish my thoughts were not deemed "crazy" and improbable because I have lived through it already, I am living through itt going on in PHuket and I'm damn goddamn sick and tired of it. That is another reason why I fight and you are killing me for not helping you to ruin yet another place with your fascist affiliation with Nazi infiltrators of the US.

In his former incarnation, Tommy "Pooch" was Tommy Pucci, but then he changed his identity to "Pooch" and now he's listed under "Puccio". I hope he has resolved his search for identity by now after two name changes***.