This group of expletives who have been promoted with non-stop awards year after year, highest political positions and endless other deals and prizes handed out like confetti to this group of criminal celebrities and politicians and their millions of "normal" citizen death squad "gang stalking" operative "force multipliers"---not only after obtaining ideas from me for their fake movies about how much they are "fighting" racism, sexism and every other ism except for the gism they explode with when they get to torture and rape and rob for "free" and then turn around and torture the person (me) from whom they obtained the ideas in the first place--and they increase it when I fight back after more than a decade of this one group of hate which has not stopped attacking me WHILE I am fighting without HEALTH CARE THAT THEY ARE BLOCKING MY ACCESS TO as they abuse me during and just after every detox I make (monthly or bimonthly) because I am at my most vulnerable. As I just had to experience as well, whenever the annual circuit of awards comes around they attack me most viciously because every act of hate directed at me obtains their next addition to the last decade of "awards" meted out by this hate and sinister criminal organization.
But not to digress: My feet will not heal. I also cannot afford to pay for a doctor and I also cannot trust any doctor to worsen the situation if I do pay for health care. I mean zero doctors here in Phuket are trustworthy, that I have encountered. There are fewer clinics than you may imagine, and the hospitals over-charge me with prices that are staggering for simply procedures that normally Thai people would pay probably 50% less for in smaller clinics. All are of course controlled by teams of white supremacist Nazi Europ-a's or their corresponding colonized Nazi colonies like the US and Australia and Canada and etc but there are always frumy-looking whites sitting around as the Thais bow down to them while they attack me for the whites in these situations where the goal is to worsen my health when I try to get health care instead of the opposite, as they over-charge me for services at rates I can't imagine but I know how much normal Thais pay for treatment and it's far less than what they charge me--with not just inadequate service but deadly attacks with injections and all the other attack situations they always use at every chance possible.
The cuts into my toes have not healed at all except for the skin to close up instead of oozing out puss as they have been for months. This was under order of the bigot haters who are not just millionaires but billionaires who stole ideas from me (but I cannot prove it and writing on the internet is so difficult due to hacking and providing evidence with any electronic equipment is beyond my financial range but also impossible due to hacking and blocks to all electronics and mostly, by the lack of any help from any person on the planet who will assist me as no one will do this--you all remain silent and let them go on).
For my part of after fighting for my life from poisoning that the "men' who teleported and raped me nightly--as I was so drugged I responded with induced "passion" as the electronics also exacerbated sexual feelings (as this technology can enhance hate and rage states and every day they also use a "truth serum" effect as I sit, paralyzed, in front of this computer and sick so they can use the tech to also suck out and drain ideas from me continuously--as this never ends and they are never stopped).
But, after all they stole and sucked through torture out of me, saying no to them for more of their murderous exploitation has resulted in parts of my toes severed to the bone for YEARS as I fought in desperation to keep the terrorists out of my room and from raping and dismembering and cutting into my body. The mechanical arms are still a threat to my life even after years of fighting to stop the home invasions (with such subpoverty levels of income and blocks to my financial earnings by this nefarious group of millionaires and billionaires who can't think of ANY original creative ideas and have made more MILLIONS of dollars out of ideas they have tortured and stolen from my THOUGHTS and my creative writing--I can list and name more because yet another movie is coming out by one of them who has leveled death threats at me when I told him to leave me alone--but, I have no protection that I know of and what little I have done to protect myself I must keep on place, if possible. I want to write more of their thefts and all their hate actions and criminal liability but because the US Government is fully sponsoring all of this I have very few options to write even the slightest of film critiques of their crap and bs movie and political stuff at this time).
My toes have been cut to the bone, after this group broke one toe so badly that it's at something like a 60-degree angle bearing down into my other toes (my left foot). They cut the webbing between these toes every night for over 2 years or longer--probably more like 6 years but the attacks have gone on for so long I can't remember this single attack and how long it's been going on. The area is like "dead" by now--the skin has partially grown back but they severed the capillaries and it's like dead meat that has grown back. They also have cut into the little folds of the toes on the inside of the foot--to the bone. There is almost no skin on these areas but essential capillaries extend into the tips of the toes in these joints of the small bones. I could look up the Latin names but I won't at this time. The skin has grown back but not completely and the gouges into these areas remain severed and partially destroyed--permanently.
My right middle finger has been inserted with sharp objects every day under the cuticle for at least 7 years and the nail won't grow back. It is loose and apart from the nail and permanently damaged. There is much, much more permanent damage that this group has inflicted upon me, after raping me to suck out the love and passion that I have been deprived of from sharing with a truly caring person (also no people approach me with anything but hate and exploitative motives and this has gone on all my life--I have never had a chance to have one single real love relationship all my life--long before this celebrity hate group began to attack me)
but nevertheless--after I began to try to castrate the celebrity rapists while under hypnosis, drugged up and sleeping and teleported to them to be sucked dry for all information, ideas, loving passion and everything else they can get (which is abusing someone is a form of getting high and they are all addicted to this as well--plus most of them probably have a long list of chemical addictions or other types of addictions which may seem "healthy" but are not behind them).
I write about this because of this injustice that persists. The mechanical arms cover my body while I am teleported and slash and cut and insert and damage as much as possible every night. I am sleeping with layers of packaging tape and articles of clothing that protect my body in some way--in over 90-degree weather and humidity that is overwhelming.
I so wait for justice and for my government to stop funding these types of activities and for me to receive compensation for all these damages so I can see a doctor who is not going to repoison or harm me, so I can live without being mutilated any longer. I sort of "stopped" the severing of my toes maybe last month (a few weeks ago but it's long enough for healing that should have taken place but hasn't--now seeing how permanent the damage truly is). If I had not done every single thing to try to protect myself I would not be able to walk any longer and they would have literally severed my toes and fingertips off--plus all the paralysis from poisoning and everything else that they just attack me viciously to obtain more and to try their mental breakdown process so I submit while I am so ill I must -I think their plan is--for me to submit to them because they are literally abusing and torturing me to death while I am so ill I MUST have peace and healing, which they deny me every single day to the point of murdering me slowly.
Where my government should have been marginally protecting my life from these injustices and all this fascism and Nazism the government has instead fully but covertly endorsed it ALL (all my life). Where these celebrities who endlessly are paid in millions to shovel out the K-rap about how they are fighting for love and peace and justice and equality they are NOT and are actively working to ensure the exact opposite in the reality of their everyday dealings that the public does not see. Operating in tandem with the US Government.
How much worse can all of this become in the future if any opponents are silenced or killed off as they are doing now with these death squad organizations and technologies with full consent and participation of the MEDIA which remains SILENT about what they SHOULD BE REPORTING ON.
The types of crimes these groups commit are all fashioned to appear as almost "Normal" cause-and-effect situations of death or murder when in fact they are, in my estimation from looking at how these events unfold and the information I am barely able to ascertain given the lack of information due to the broad generalized info put out by media (I still cannot access really in-depth alternative news information I believe all is either rewritten or hacked or blocked from my every search).
So many tragic situations of silencing and murder are being displayed as information bytes as "normal" wacko situations of people just going berserk in public. I can really attest that the drugging and mind control also create these irrational and dangerous behaviors in the targets.
I can't express how glib and smug the people attacking me really are with the absolute violence they are being not only allowed to get away with but the promotions they also are getting for participating in these types of crimes--physical and otherwise.
This post now ties-in with the other two posts I have written today. The criminals have been allowed to get away with so much violence and murder and theft and torture and for so many decades (this is a very long-standing situation of organization and implementation).
Additions to this post that I could not "remember" while I was fighting to type--these are aspects of the impossibility of self-defense that this hate group has organized around my living situation of non-stop violation and mutilation and torture, rape and slow murder.
1. The studio is completely comprised of panels, tiles, floorboards and wall surfaces that are impossible to pound even small nails into. The terrorist organization reconstructed this studio to have jutting-out panels sticking out of wall crevices that were cheaply and quickly constructed with what amounts to crumbling and cheap materials. I have pounded hooks into almost every panel but the cheap faux walls which have been painted white crumble, literally I cannot pound anything into them they just fall out and the plaster comes out along with it. I have taped and pasted things to prop against these angles and portions of the walls and panels but the terrorists come in every time I leave and modify and destroy all my defense strategies.
2. There is another area, such as under my kitchen sink area which is completely tied together to stop all opening--with hooks (the fake wood area has been saturated with something that makes the wood panel of the cabinet back so soft that no metal can remain solid in the formerly very tough fake material--
there is an area behind the metal sink and pipe area at the back of the beneath-sink area, into the interior of the cabinet, which is so soft that nothing, not even tape, sticks to it. It is perpetually being saturated with stinking fluids and is malleable. They insert the mechanical arms through this, and just last night the props I put on the 1/2 huge gaping holes that the doors do not close against (the frame of the cabinet doors is 1/2 inch away from the twin closing doors and it's extremely easy for a mechanical arm to get through). I stuff these huge gaps with rubber padding and beads balanced underneath the sagging and nearly falling out metal hooks. This morning one of the beads that had been solidly stuck under one of these hooks was halfway across the room--it had been pushed out last night--I heard it pop and roll while I was just about to fall asleep.) I have been forced into a slow death trap here and I ask again for these celebrities to be forced, whether publicly or covertly, to PAY for my compensation for these dismemberments and rape and violence endlessly inflicted upon me so I can move into a home that I do not need to rent from any longer--so I can try to defend myself and have stability. They want to force a baby out of me while there is not only no love but absolute animosity and hate between me and these "people" who have only stolen everything possible from my life that their technologies and these huge endless waves of terrorist "civilians" inflict with full pardon, grants and funding by those who are really nefarious criminals put into high political leadership.
3. It has taken me over 2 years to pay for the scant, dollar store defenses I have put over the ENTIRE studio--in layers no less---to try to thwart or stop these intrusions that are DEADLY AND DESTROYING AND KILLING ME (I have not written about poisoning and drugging of my food but that is even more deadly than the incisions into my body that have gone on and on every night for years so by now parts of my body are completely damaged).
I could not AFFORD to pay for the dollar store items every month so I had to leave each project for how to block these mechanical arms in limbo, month-after-month. My subpoverty income, which is also forced upon me and all potentials for earning money are absolutely blocked--online it is impossible to just surf and open pages much less get a single practical thing done to defend myself. I have thus had to eat food on sale put out by the terrorist organization--which has human hairs in it and often is rancid but you cannot tell this from the packaging--in the store. This form of attack is done, of course, deliberately and is not some fluke of incompetence by the store I buy this food at. The food of course is pre-poisoned and drugged as well. I still cannot afford to pay for food at this point even though I am no longer spending nearly 40% of my monthly income on buying products at the dollar store to paste up and over every single inch of this endlessly permeable studio that has been forced upon me (no other options were available, all internet and all telecommunications are diverted to terrorist agents I have zero chance to find a place to live that is not a refabricated rape and dismemberment hate and torture situation.