Saturday, July 10, 2021

The "Karen" in "them" developed a complex of an inverse "Karen" in me. Sustained Karen attacks for years by Karen males. Yesterday, I must admit, the weeks of being assaulted by a most "entitled" Karen has created a monster Karen reaction in me to terrorist stalking Karens.



When you are a target of "gang stalking" terrorism, let me tell are intentionally surrounded by would-be Karens, open-faced Karens, subversive Karens, pretentiously "liberal" Karens and deadly and violent Karens who in the wilderness of the lack of law in such stalking systems become outright Karens on steroids which is equivalent to death squad operatives.


I was "treated" to a Karens in the Wild video on my You Tube recommended channel. I realized that the weeks of violence (and indeed the YEARS of it going on and on night and day with Karens infecting me with their repressed rage, hate and racist tendencies--oh it doesn't matter what race, color or gender they hail from they have all been programmed they are all fully trained Karens, indoctrinated and assured that there is no other reality other than their Karen entitlement. How the terrorist network enhances this murderous assumption in the terrorists operating these "mind control" and teleportation rape and torture technologies. The ones who have backgrounds in fascist ideology, have been indoctrinated at home by their seemingly liberal parents (but what is discussed at the dinner table or around the fire is altogether different from the appearances in public, and this is a shared phenomenon with their neighbors who also hold the same values and have learned the same posturing pretences.

However, I have not been predisposed into Karen ideology and I discovered yesterday that in RESPONSE TO KAREN ATTACKS I behaved, under extreme duress, just like a Karen but I didn't have to go call for the manager because it was the managers I was dealing with who dealt out the racism, injustice and everything else that Karens represent. I tried to calm down, and it took me a while to do so after I went to the higher class establishment where this kind of sleazy, low-brow ugly and violent stalking behavior is frowned upon as the image of being "high class" has to remain--but still open to the public and not barring people if they don't look right--but there is still a standard and in this environment I began to peel off the layers of sludge that had spiritually melded into my corporeal being from the weeks of being slimed by a Karen who performed the nastiest hate rape Karen behavior of all the haters I have ever dealt with in my entire life, using technology that literally blew me away in a miasma of sexual desire while I was being tortured and abused and insulted and threatened and etc. 

I fear that the rise of the planet of the Karens, as I wrote earlier of the death squads and tyrannical government that the Karen death squads of America and Europ-a-land are just waiting to bring out of the closet with the full regalia of ornamental Nazi iconography and fashion. 

Now watching the Karen video which is supposed to be funny, I thought of how I had begun to act like a screaming "Karen" but in reverse of the impetus for such behavior--reacting to the racist Karens who are trained from childhood that their racism makes them entitled to doing and saying whatever they want and in gang stalking terrorism they can now be allowed to DO whatever they want with evidence fully blocked so they are never implicated.

Update on the current terrorist teleporting rapist racist abuser (simulating domestic violence as they all do). Same as it ever was.

 His name doesn't matter any longer (but for reference, I've been writing about this person for the last 6 weeks. Or, since the Blood Moon in May, this has been a total terror attack against me by this man who is now fully welcomed into H-wood as one of the familiar racists who follows all protocols and then some..with an added dash of hate that some of the less brutal and sleazy men of the A-list group are probably even too above in morals or ethics to sink to. Now fully welcomed especially by the blonde Nazi women whom I have called whores in my rage as they giggle, laugh and watch on insulting and threatening me yelling in fascist fashion (so many of them have made movies "exposing" racism).

He follows the same old protocol of teleporting me to ask me why I don't like him and why I don't like this rape and violence situation. I can never know at this point if the fungus and rotting meat substance is still being inserted into my vagina while I am comatose and asleep in the "MK ULTRA" state of incomprehensibility and all the survival mechanisms that organic beings have, which is to wake up when under attack if possible--I have no chance to do this some microchip implant has literally been inserted that blocks out all awareness while I am in that state. The stink remains and it was never there all my life until this man who is predisposed towards vicious and deadly racism to begin inserting fungus and rotting meat substances into my vagina while I can't move, as he is raping me with violence and hate, then insulting me afterwards. 

He's been out partying and being celebrated by his fellow fascists in his country which he insists I must go and live in with him where I will have "no chance to get away" as he puts it. 

He continues the same out routine of this technology opening up my brain into a simulation of "truth serum" interrogation openness where I pour out every idea, answer every question, expose every bit of rage and indignation out of the rape, abuse and violence just inflicted nightly under this sleeping state which provides such a jumping board for these celebrities to get welcomed into tours, lead roles and promises of studios, production crews, and all funding provided and of course awards for their movies if they can phenagle the manipulative trick of rigging the awards system.


He's completely undergone a kind of relaxation and refreshment transformation in the last 6 weeks. The worry lines are gone, he is fresh, glowing and videos show him being highlighted in a brand new tour with screaming women and parties and all surrounding him literally almost celebrity worshipping him. He is planning on a huge Hollywood tour-de-force and expects that the current negotiations will continue, but somehow globbing onto abusing me is not only a deep satisfaction for him on a sexual and personal level but the endless parties are evident on his smug and glowing extremely happy face. All I do is scream at top level in absolutely murderous rage, repeating endlessly without stop what a disgusting, rotten pig whore he is, wishing him death endlessly, as he keeps asking me what he did that I am reacting like this, as the violence mounts in the terror operations that I very briefly described in my very last post.  He is profiting off these attacks as well, and the viciously stupid, violent and ugly Europ-a's are encircling me to fully support their Nazi "brother" in his infiltration of the United States, as the usual suspects who allow every fascist Nazi into the inner circles of that entertainment influencer circle welcome him in with cheers and applause--in particular the women who have helped and assisted in torturing me and laughing as the men beat, rape and torture me and the terrorist concentric circles of slow murder go on and on as I write and write and they read it and laugh and are told they are entitled to doing whatever they want. The longer this goes on, the more violent and "entitled" these terrorists are told that they are, the more money flows towards them, and the only thing that remains as a constant is that still no one defends me so I am living in some kind of decent place of security and no one intervenes and no one exposes this crime and no one stops them. 

The pandemic lockdown has been lifted over the tourism industry in Phuket. The "Army of losers" is returning with a vengeance from the year+ of having to abuse their wives, children and anything else within grasp during the lockdown in their miserable countries taken over by terrorist organizations and politics (covertly, of course--on the surface always claiming to be "Democratic" and gasping in shock at the atrocities they actually work to create around the planet so they can go on vacation and....)

 ...attacking me viciously by teams of what I read on a stalking victim website most accurately described as "An Army of Losers" and from the appearances of the more bedreggled bedraggeled types here in Phuket with teams of minions surrounding them--and me of course pushing into me blocking my path putting their hands on me and pushing me aside as they block all entrances and exits in a pharmacy).

I was attacked in what could be described as an assault in legal terms at a pharmacy as a team of the losers stood in front of me and from behind pushing and grabbing me and pushing me past them and blocking all entrances and exists. There was a Thai woman who has been following me around in the "Supercheap" stores where there are pharmacies for at least 5 years--she was there assisting with full hate the bedraggled white Europ-a males who were of the frumpy level of the insidious hierarchy. Of the lower-to-middle tiers of the strata I mean. They are the most openly violent types as they have much to fight for in order to claim supremacy when the middle ground of the struggle to succeed in places like America is fraught with "minorities" who have gained---somehow--access to education and opportunities that are otherwise completely blocked in places like Thailand unless you are a 100% devotee of the 4th Reich and it's discriminatory practices and obsequious deferential deferment in all things to bigot white Nazis of the Euro-p-a's. 

The situation is worse than I have attempted to describe above, that is if you have any sense of the struggle against racism. For the Europ-a's and their North American counterparts this is one of the most coveted Paradises on the planet and the racist factor is so perfectly administered as to meet with no resistance on any level within the entire SE Asian region (except for a few Muslims in the South of Thailand, but that is not a fight against Imperialism from the Europ-a's or Westerners but it's an internal fight--as far as I have heard, most of the information on that subject is in the Thai language and almost never, or never, mentioned in any major US news source but I think the problem that has existed for years has not gone away it's just been silenced, like so much that is omitted from public consumption (like the terrorist operatives attacking me with sponsorship from my government and every government around the world--left silenced of course).


The training in fascism is done with or without white Euro-p-a's or Americans or whites from any country without them having to be at the location in person. The voice-to-skull technologies can convey instructions through the cochlear inner ear "platform" (if you will).

I grabbed a pen to jot something down when I was at the computer shop yesterday because my Visa Card had been blocked. This woman who has been at that shop (next to the one and only bank in Phuket which will perform a function so I can use my debit card at a bank teller instead of spending $40 to withdraw from ATM machines--it's a long story but the fees are that high when taking into account two countries and ATM fees and the limit my bank has put on my withdrawal capability, which I am trying to fix). All banks honor this system but the extent of the Thai complicity to Imperialistic control means that there are no businesses, no rental agencies, no doctors, no food supply places no restaurants and certainly no people who will not perform terrorist attacks upon me (all smiling and overjoyed to be victimizing someone else instead of being victimized--I can't explain how the "Land of Smiles" turns into the "land of sadistic smiles" within less than a fraction of a minute whenever that opportunity arises.

I grabbed a pen as this woman who has talked to me with negative hostility and laughed as I was surrounded by white Nazis who invaded that shop because my laptop had been broken--and broken, and broken so I had to go and get attacked in that shop by her for a few years. I have always been polite until yesterday because the last 6 weeks of being violently raped by someone who used excessive mind control technology force upon me in order to obtain such a reaction out of me to the point that it was absolutely inhumane (his goal, and writing about it probably gets him a promotion)

I was not in any mood to control my rage I really just lost it as she began yelling at me like a Europ-a fascist in exactly that manner. I know that she was following orders and she kept on yelling because I grabbed a pen from a pen holder behind the cashier. As I have been in that shop numerous times throughout years I didn't think she would get into a violent yelling spree when I grabbed a pen. I was listening to very loud music and in my little world of concern over my money situation and of course the mind-altering brain-altering technology is being blasted into my brain every moment I was in that shop (as it is whenever I write, as in right now--I always "remember" names and words I could not access while writing) and---I was bemused as she kept yelling and yelling in the middle of the shop. I finally, after telling her I could not hear her, I took one of the ear phones out of my ear and heard her yelling like an absolutle fascist that I must ask her for a pen and not just take a pen but she went on and on in such an ugly fascist way. My brain and nervous system where then under more attack as I began to mount in rage and in the end I was calling and yelling names at her as her moronic male Thai partner smiled and they overcharged me by about 4 times for two photocopies and two printed pages after using the computer for 15 minutes--(hacking going on continuously so I could not write without having to backspace and rewrite continuously--as I am doing now as hackers are inserting spaces in the middle of words or blocking the space bar--either or).

In a shouting state I gave her the finger and then drove off to the post office where an older Thai man who I have dealt with for years (is now a manager and previously was sitting in the front as a customer service for the mail). He would stare at me picking his nose openly like a disgusting pig ape, instructed by disgusting Europigape scum to act like this (as I have stated innumerous times, this is the filthy behavior that the mean and nasty minions perform upon orders while the fake "classy" Europigapes watch on giving these fithy and low and disgusting orders that their desperate, undereducated and really nasty minions all perform at me.

In another shop, a blonde Nazi women dressed in a modern version of a corporate sadist with European square heels--(very Nazi style from the 40's) was literally consumed with power and glee as teams of Thai people blocked my path as I was shopping, all of them swiping their hair and noses as she completely sucked up the energy from this power game which the minions hand over to them like complete slaves. 


I thought I would not write about this, but I try to give an extent of the sickening behaviors of these creeple, which most of you reading this either support and backup or rely upon for your own power structures. However, when I see the worsening crises around the world of the poorest being shot and killed in the streets for protesting corrupt governments in "developing countries" (yes, a direct reference to Haiti) with the lighter-skinned creeple in the hills breaking the spirits of the blacker-skinned people who are being deprived of all that is kind and supportive that society could bestow for the general welfare of a society

and I see in Africa that activists are being shot and killed by police without warrant, killed as they are walking around after fighting corruption

I can only think of the degradation of all forms of Democracy and any kind of humanitarian plan for humanity all being socially-engineered into absolute despotic death squads with squalor as the main "normal" living condition meted out the most of the people of the planet with those at the "top" being told they are absolutely entitled to do whatever they want

with the surveillance and stalking capabilities, with the technology such as vicious rape and the poisoning and drugging circuits that destroy people the fascist organization doesn't like, perhaps because they are considered a targeted "minority" and should not have access to an iota of a chance to compete against the otherwise mostly mediocre white Nazi bigot population (as I see them, and when I have competed I have won and thus condemned to horrible slow death, endless torture, dismemberment, disfigurement, and murder attempts now that are far too many to count).

And I think of the general future of humanity and society

and so I relate my microcosm to you to read and think "It can't happen to me" but I want to relate the general picture as people in countries that are mostly "black" or "brown" have 4th Reich installed "puppet" regimes where murdering any dissident through state-sponsored terror is now officially sanctioned.

Watch how the US sides and the UN sides with the fascist former government of Haiti and derides the coup---when the former president had overturned an election just as Trump had attempted and refused to allow the rightfully elected new president to take office in a military coup. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Terrorist report/noise terrorism July 10, 2021. Drilling and high-speed grinding equipment is blasting the air in the apartment 2 floors directly beneath mine. There is a hillside at nearly 90-degrees facing this side of the condo so the sound reverberates so loudly I have to keep the onw source of fresh air closed to stop the noise.

 20 Minutes later after writing this post: the drilling has stopped. This may have been an intervention and it may be another "trick" to keep me writing about attacks (I think it's like the incentive/protocol system that the attackers must get some reaction so they get more deals so they never stop attacking me).

If this was a legitimately concerned and humanitarian intervention, then bless your heart! Otherwise, I'm sick of the sick system of attack so I react to obtain "help" while that only means that the attackers are "successful" at being life force-draining opportunists.

Terrorist banking/financial attack on my bank account and Visa card: for the first time my banking card will not process a withdrawal at a bank. The people at the counter at the bank were making obvious triggering movements (swiping their noses and swishing hair back, as innocuous as that sounds it's done repeatedly 100% of the time I am in pubilc by people who attack me as things are ripped/stained behind me on my clothing or I am ripped off or attacked verbally---it's always a precursor to a real attack that is potentially very serious). I believe she did something to block the card, or the terrorists at my bank froze the card, or something like that. She tried 3x today and it' s friday and my rent is due today. i have been too ill for the past week to get out of my torture chamber room to go to the bank until today and I am limping just trying to make this. It's pouring rain and I have to wait until tonight to try to phone my bank.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

A lousy truth & reality about my lousy Jewish Nazi family member participation in this lousy Mafia/Nazi/genocidal MK ULTRA/teleportation hate crime. It's a lousy story but someone's gotta tell it. Using slang from the lousy side of NYC (thinking of A Cather in the Rye and the constant use of this word "lousy").

Breguet Rare Gorgeous Gilt metal singing bird box / with original presentation box & key.  J&P Timepieces (NYC). 

My very distant cousin (but still a bit too close for any kind of comfort) out of Czechoslovakia ---obviously he's in with millionaire and billionaires. He has exploited me in this MK ULTRA sickness and yet I remain nearly homeless and he has all but abandoned me according to the Nazi protocols that he supposedly fought to leave back in old Europe. He claims his mother was a prisoner of Auschwitz and with my situation he most truly proves to be of a most reprehensible Jewish slave monkey of the 4th Reich. A quite disgusting, sleazy rapist user out of Europe who has absolutely followed all the Nazi protocols demanded of Jews, to betray and rape and abuse their own kin. Now operating with millionaires and billionaires he has treated me with contempt after drugging and raping me and then having me followed around on South Beach and etc..a complete parasitic perpatraitor like any bigot of any nazi heritage. The Nazis truly programmed the next generations of Jews to absolutely obey all racist ideologies and they do it to their own cousins. The lists of diamond-studded watches and gold and etc is amazing as I sit here begging for help to live. His sister also wholly participated in hate and contempt when I visited my "cousin" (in reality he is my cousin somehow from the old Hungarian/Czech side of my mother's very scattered European family line). A disgusting and nasty evil creepazoid with lots of money now. It is disgusting but I write this to expose a trend that I have seen and experienced with so many other Jewish slaves who are very wealthy, claim they go to Synagogue are part of the "jewish" community and they all viciously attack me and participate with nazi pig apes and act like them. They were the Kapos and the murdering Jews of the concentration camps now put into leadership position in many organizations. I have another uncle on my father's side who is famous in Miami as an attorney (defended Jim Morrison, for example) and is another Jewish nazi of the 4th reich a complete slave and participant of this rancid system of racist anti-Semitism when it comes to a female Jew who does not comply with "slave" status they are some of the first to attack their own family members. This is akin to "honor killing" in Islam but of a less deadly nature (but deadly nevertheless but not overt and open murder just poisoning and attack and allowing rape and torture to continue upon me by fascist Mafia and Nazis). They are all comfortable and secure within the 4th Reich and they bow and serve and obey the Nazi pig apes who tell them what to do and how to look and how to treat their own family members.

Oh,... by the way, my cousin and this shop did not get off the ground in NYC by just "working hard" as this caption says. Peter Fossner my cousin sold cocaine to the likes of Mick Jagger and was friends with Andy Warhol and supplied that white line to The Factory (where I was invited to go and meet Andy but I declined because my grandmother said in a very low and serious voice not to go--something she never spoke in these terms and so I took it very seriously although usually I did the opposite of what my grandmother recommended because she was another half Jewish Nazi parasite upon me doing the same thing as they all do who are part of this groveling community of Jewish slaves. Why is there no open discussion about this horrific trend that I have had to experience but I hear of no reference to it (although I do not read Jewish journals so there must have been some discussion on this topic throughout all these years and all these journals.).

"In the 1960’s Alex Fossner and his son Peter left Czechoslovakia, when the Russians invaded that country, to follow the American Dream. He opened Fossner Timepieces on the upper eastside of New York in 1969. He soon had a large following due to his fine quality workmanship and respected work ethic. Within a few years his store was filled with many great timepieces and other horological works of art. Alex worked in his store until Peter was ready to take over the business. Peter met Jeff Morris at a Sotheby's watch auction in January, 1980, and they have been collaborating ever since selling fine watches. They incorporated in 1986 as J & P Timepieces.
The Company is now well known around the world, including at Sotheby's and Christie's auction houses. Jeff and Peter serve as consultants to collectors, museums and auction houses worldwide. Both of them are members of the American IWJG and the European WTF. One or the other can always be found at any prominent watch auction around the world. Jeff and Peter have acquired a broad selection of exquisite pre-owned and new watches including wristwatches, pocket watches, chronographs, repeaters, perpetual calendar, moon phase movements and other fine timepieces.
They specialize in vintage and like new: Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Rolex, A. Lange & Sohne and many other much sought after brands of today as well as distinctive styles from companies of days gone by. Simply stated, Jeff and Peter buy and sell the finest watches in the world. "We enjoy an enviable reputation among our clients, collectors and competitors for the wide selection and quality of our watches. We supply the world's finest watches, from brand new items to fully restored vintage pieces at very competitive prices."
Jeff Morris and Peter Fossner

@ 1057 2nd Avenue, NY

I know the owners of this joint. Rising up from the immigrant sewers of NYC to great wealth and semi-famous status in the jewelry world. How much vaseline does it take with Nazis hovering over your a$$ to obtain this kind of Jewish Nazi Slave status?

J&P Timepieces, formerly known as Fossners Jewelers (or a similar name).


My family also helped Peter Fossner to illegally enter the US through their very influential contacts in NYC---and being drugged and raped by his friend and perhaps by him as well and then completely dismissed and his stance is that I do not exist at all and there has not been contact and he avoids me and won't respond to any emails (or it's all hacked and blocked but I doubt it). This is one of the reasons why I fight this disgusting group of pig ape Nazis and their fascist Nazi Mafia greasebags (particularly out of NYC and I see how much damage they have done to Jewish identity and how much hate they have poured out upon jews particularly in NYC) That includes rotten ugly foul Nancy Pelosi. I know I sound bitter but this is just the reality. calling them names is the least I can do because they are truly heinous hyenas the Jews and nazis and the mafia who partake in this hate crime contract. They are all very wealthy I remain in almost homelessness with no chance to earn money as all is controlled by the pig apes I would rather see destroyed and not to work for them, live with them, be raped by them, have babies with them, etc etc etc.

Two points:

one, I do not associate with "Jewish" identity nor attend any religious services or associate myself with that community. However I would NEVER participate in this hate crime. All the "Jews" who attack me are public and open participants in Jewish religious organizations and fight against anti-Semitism, give huge amounts of money for pro-Israeli and other Jewish causes and make huge statements about their identification as such. I do none of these things. I am targeted by the very people referred to above who operate alongside actual bigoted Nazis and Mafia and claim they are all "friends". I just want to add the hypocritical disparity between what one does and how one presents oneself to the public and what lies are held therein.

2. I don't wear watches anyway.


*this post was written under "mind control" effect and there are "spaces" and gaps where a more solid cohesion between thoughts should have been. It is like, to explain once more, my brain is being zapped and neural firing is being blocked and started and stopped--some of this is a bit jumbled but altogether this post is not as badly hacked and my brain not as badly affected as in other posts I have attempted to write. But of course, as always, hackers have deleted parts of sentences and created this gap sequence that appears as if I am rambling. I actually was not rambling at all. It's all due to hacking deletion and rewrites.

Update from my previous posts: one hour later +.

 I peruse my YouTube page to find details, clips, etc that are not included in my subscriptions. My YouTube page is replete with the celebrities, musicians and politicians who have formed the promotional scheme of technology/teleportation torture of me. Like any criminal, they are gloating. They not only get turned on and "high" from being able to rape, torture, dismember and then get promoted for it. Their racism is absolutely confirmed, the minorities of the business continue to flatter and console and obey their every attack command to hit, slap and abuse me or insults that are endless.

The English woman I mentioned earlier, whose rotten name I have blocked out of my memory--who is thrilled, thrilled and putting this video of herself laughing with a gaggle of equally bigoted English skank whore racist rapist enabling women of the thesbian variety---I could look  her rotten skank ugly whore name up on some search engine--I can only remember one movie role she played that I watched with any interest and it wasn't because of her or her "acting"" it was Bend it Like Beckham. This skank racist bigot rapist racist whore played the evil racist character. A slew of her movies also appeared on my cable channels before I got rid of the tv's that these landlords had specifically altered to create a mind control blanket of brainwashing--under orders from the bigot filth that has polluted once beautiful Phuket (I have seen this place deteriorate into ghettos of box-structures and watched as animals are dying and starving because their habitats have been wiped away by layers of cement, steal and glass and whatever else is put into this hideous Nazi box structures).

Whatever her nasty name is, another movie she had put on my tv when I was so ill and literally detoxing piles of stinking liquid poisons every single day (which I did every day for 6 years, now into year 10 the poison is hard and latched onto my bones, right now I can't walk because the poisons seeped into the left large toe that was broken and into the bone structure of my feet--I am in too much pain to go out and buy medicine I can't put weight on my foot, there is NO ONE who will do anything to assist me here or anywhere.)

The movies she put on my tv were items such as, when the pig ape Depp began raping me in early 2013, within two weeks of the beginning of this hate crime, with the Europigapes laughing like this ugly whore skank English actress, rotten foul Depp had my cat La Moux stolen from me. She was my very last loving sentient being to which I had any real connection to. First they created a situation where she was gasping for air, as they used the microchip implants or remote tech to force her lungs to constrict. She was heaving for air as filthy sleazy ugly Depp kept up the rape (of course, fellatio without end, which I responded to with absolute "love" while writing furiously on his Facebook and Twitter accounts to get off me and calling him names). Of course, with his international contacts, the Europigape whores such as this ugly crap actor who ALWAYS is portrayed as "defending womens' rights" but laughs about me being teleported and raped with her brown-skinned minority fake "peace and love" white supremacist puppet viciously attacking me for her. The movie this pig ape put into my tv was of her as some sexualized Victorian (Edwardian) skank whose baby was stolen from her. The next shit movie (or previously she had this put on) was of her playing a 'Jewish" woman who was "treated" by Carl Jung (played by a half English, Half-German scum actor who threatened me with his fist in the air at me, and is fully glad about this racist Nazi contract out on me. That is before and after playing his "anti-Nazi" roles for the movies that Tarantino who has stolen concepts from my writing, asked me for more, when I told him to stop he then used Holocaust references of shipping me off to get killed in a concentration camp. 

But to continue: the movie was of an Austrian Jewish woman, based on a real story, who was treated for "hysteria" while the German Nazi thief Carl Jung then raped and beat her to "cure her" of her sexual abuse problems. The stupid looks on their stupid faces while the rape and beatings and abuse took place for the camera were absolutely mirthful and mocking of the characters, in particular of the Jewish woman who later on was murdered by Nazis when she attempted alternative schooling pedagogic methods for children in Russia. This is of course the Nazi attempt to destroy the intellect of the Jews who brought so many radical and alternative concepts into Europe but to then integrate them into Nazi culture as if they created it but like what they are doing to me now: stealing through torture or murder and adapting to Nazi culture.

However in this stupid and insulting anti-Semitic movie there was no honoring of the radical work that this "traumatized" jewish woman raped at the hands of a pre-Nazi advocate Carl Jung. And thus the actor is thrilled, turned on, has been fed with a sense of entitlement and "supremacy". 

I want to note again as usual that I was a concert violinist, I was straight A student and wrote stories with intention of becoming a writer from the age of 9. I have been so badly poisoned and attacked I now sit here begging for my life repetitively for these apes to be stopped. Their endless admonition of me is that I am impoverished and they have maimed, broken my vertebra my foot my toes my fingers poured filth on my skin into my hair into my food into my furnishings every day while I sit here alone breathing it in and fighting to protect myself. They then call me "loser" who has never accomplished anything and that they are beautiful and I am not--adn etc etc etc...every attack they make on me to stop and break and destroy--with full permission by the Nazi shit that has been put into power in politics--and thus I write this because her shitty laughing face was put on my YouTube page although I did not write her skanky name out because I have just blocked the name out and can't even "remember" it. 

It is the smiling glee of the psychopath who has been allowed to get away with deadly crimes and a murder attempt who feels entitled, racially "superior" and has been handed weapons of murder and torture, disfigurement and of making me so drugged up and poisoned I can't move, think or produce anything while I fight to just get my hair to grow back and to heal my skin and my bones. I remain in absolute poverty unable to get out of it due to the terrorist organization blacklisting and blocking all attempts to get out of the rut pigs like that rotten Eurotrash skank whore has helped to create while they gloat with satisfaction and are told they are incredible and indeed, oh so superior. As I sit here alone writing yet another post in vain for someone to force these apes to pay me restitution and for this situation to be stopped, they remain being told they are entitled, superior, glorified and the system goes on as more and more of them get promoted as more and more of them join in on this gang of thug shit which is sponsored by everything from the Trump Family (don't forget his nasty Europigape whore wives in the equation they are the role models of fascism that that family has been molded by).

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The disgusting sense of entitlement that has been fostered by this system of technological fascism and the result that is absolute collapse of the planet: As I am always under a mutli-pronged system of attack while I fight to think clearly and type and correct what hackers are deleted/rewriting/obscuring with inserts and keys inoperable from hacking: I realized that I had gone astray in my thoughts when writing about

... the English male who violently began yelling at me because I said No immediately to lesbian sex with an English (Nazi-blonde-themed-racist to the extreme) personality who has never intrigued or interested me as an actor or in any other way--as almost all of these people attacking me likewise have never influenced me in the positive with their acting or music or politics--) the man uses the symbol of Che Guevara as a trigger to me--this symbol has been put on the splashguard of trucks and they swerve in front of me while I am driving as one or another actor (usually hand-painted signs with actors holding guns and pointing to kill--the flap-guards are placed strategically at the exact height so it is put right in my face as the trucks swerve, nearly hitting me, directly in front of me while I am driving). I know this was his symbol as the You tube posts had that symbol connected to him in one of his lectures--please note that this is not a delusional rant this is a constructed discrediting tactic this organization uses so if I attempt to describe their actions the blame can easily be turned upon me. However, the attack that happened the day after I (Politely) said no to this woman--while he minority minion began viciously and violently gesticulating at me threatening gestures and me yelling back at him (happens almost every night, for years non-stop hate yelling between me and one of these actors or musicians after the next-they never tire of it of course because they are energy parasites who feed off hate and negativity). As I was slowing down at an intersection and I was cut off on all sides by huge trucks and motorbike double-vehicle contraptions, there was only one single path I could make to slow down and stop (please note that traffic lights are always remotely operated to force me to stop if they want me surrounded by people who will fun behind me and cut into my clothing/purses etc. There was a pile of sand in the road--I averted it just barely as my vision had been blocked by motorbikes slowing down in front of me but vamping it up to get past the red stop lights while I had to slow down---they skirted the pile of sand but I could not see it with them driving in zig-zag formation in front of me with huge trucks with this triggering signal splash-guard of Che blocking all other exits. The sand had been coated with a silicon or otherwise some extremely slippery substance. Even at a very slowed-down page, at nearly a stopping speed, as the tires of my motorbike hit the polluted/sprayed sand, I could not brake my wheels spun and at a nearly 0 speed I could not hold the bike up because the wheels had been oiled by the sprayed sand and the bike was slipping under me. If I had not slowed down, as by that time from many other very potentially deadly accidents, I learned to be more cautious and thus did not speed to the light. It would have caused a potentially deadly accident. That is how disgusting these Nazi pig ape whores are, that if you just say no to being raped they really believe that they are entitled to have you killed or maimed, parts of your body cut out (rotten Pitt told me that he had been instructed to have parts of my body cut off if I didn't comply, he was grinning with his ugly skeletal empty zombie hate smile with his hate-filled empty blue eyes shining he looked repulsive in that state). The German creep who has been raping me for over a month put a video about an aristocrat German SS butcher who killed "thousands" of prisoners during the Holocaust. This very wealthy German man had been indicted in the Nuremburg Trials and sentenced to 7 consecutive life-times, but after spending time on Death Row in a plush and extremely beautiful German prison (where Hitler had spent time writing Mein Kampf) he was released and went on to live in an acquired beautiful estate for the rest of his filthy sickening Nazi pig ape life. That the German pig ape who has raped me viciously for the last 6 weeks put this on my You Tube page only exemplifies how absolutely entitled to rape, torture, Nazi identification but lying about it and making fake media presentations about how they are "fighting" racism, as they all claim and they even adopt little brown children to make it seem as if they truly care. They have been HANDED technology to more fully implement the Holocaust and continue it, and the exemplar of how Nazis were sent to S. America and continued to train death squads, were sent to help scientists in America develop mind control technology and all exempt from every legal repercussion is now the underpinning of the assumption of elitist entitlement that has permeated this group in Whorewood and by extension the Nazi filth pig whores of Europigapeland who come to pay respects to the training into Nazi mentality that shit like Pitt and his rotten and foul most stupid ape wife (both of them in fact) also gravitate towards and are being trained in. The more vicious they become, the more they emulate, the more awards and promotions they obtain. The sense of having carte blanche to continue Nazi Holocaust and genocide policies remains POLICY WITHIN THE UNITED STATES UNDER PERSONAGES LIKE HILLARY CLINTON, NANCY PELOSI, DONALD TRUMP, THE MAJOR INNER CIRCLES OF THE "A-LIST" OF CELEBRITIES IN H -WOOD AND by extension the endless concentric circles of the lower level manipulators who abound and have been put into every major top priority of leadership in every facet of society, in every country around the planet. Why are people who may not want such a system continuously allowing them to just get away with it? They don't want to "sound like jerks" don't want to get attacked? Just look at the planet being destroyed in so many ways just environmentally--if nothing else that should concern anyone, this system of entitlement has carried-over to the sense of entitlement to build on any vulnerable nature site to endlessly build crap that the planet does not need to expand and produce to a level that the planet is now on the brink of absolute disaster. The weather has been shifting to catastrophic levels of damage and you will not see the clips on the major US news networks because the companies can't sound like "jerks" exposing the stupidity of this group which presupposes that they are entitled and the most superior and this is the result: the planet is now nearly in a state of catastrophe. Just do a search for weather in Europe over the last month and you will see torrents of floods raging through towns like riverbeds---none of it shown on US major news networks. All of these things are connected and sense of absolute privilege to do whatever they want has been trickling down for decades into what is now people on the brink of collapse, death and starvation and slavery and the hate will also erupt and it already has. Please stop doing NOTHING if you don't want this group of incompetence and mediocrity to continue to destroy the planet--meaning the entire system not just these shithole celebrities and politicians.

I was not raped, terrorized or extremely viciously abused last night in teleportation for the first time in probably a decade of resisting this rape/teleportation murder contract out on me. That was the "loving" manipulation from the German Nazi bigot who wants to force a "baby" out of me and force me to move to Germany. As an incentive, that is the best he can offer-not horrible abuse for one night after what feels like a year of a 6-week period of intense rape and violence inflicted upon me and his gang of thugs in Whorewood--who have been handed these technologies and poisons and terrorist groups non-stop for at least over a decade so Nazi bigot incompetents can be put into highest positions while they have people who aren't "supposed" to be successful poisoned and mutilated, their ideas stolen (specifically aimed at Jews, as another adjunct to the 70+ year-old Holocaust pogram that is being enhanced by the US GOVERNMENT and people like Pelosi and the rest probably including Biden.

 I realize, when this German rapist bigot Nazi is not forcing the technology upon me while I am in the most vulnerable state a person can be in, that my uterus or my sexual parts of my body are being technologically stimulated while this porno promiscuous player rapist Nazi abuser is forcing his penis in my mouth. I am also being bombarded with subliminal "love" messages as he is slapping my face and sticking his by now disgusting (to me) member in my mouth while I make passionate "love" that is completely due to technology, drugging, and years of torture, all loving and kind things, animals and people absolutely pushed out of my life by this ever-expanding growing plague of this Nazi organization (the more people they make disenfranchised, especially in the "developing" countries like Thailand) the more absolutely devoted slaves they acquire into the framework of a global network of murder, GmbH, Ltd, Corp consolidated and always funded and protected by the US Government and all governments around the planet).

Once this extreme and excessive use of technological force is not applied to my body and brain, and this absolutely sleazy and nasty Nazi bigot creep is trying to manipulate me into believing that one day of just almost normal sleep with only brainwashing about how wonderbar Germany is (is not), I wake up with a surge of hate for this man.

I must get into lurid detail which of course all the haters reading this will love, applaud the pigapes for their porno hate rape and torture of me--the women in particular--the blonde Nazi skanks who these men all really love and show the best of their so-called "love" to with presents and honor and respect as they treat them to the best--together they all laugh as the pigs then rape, beat, slap, stick their disgusting greasy pig ape whore penises in my mouth-- being tortured, abused, isolated, threatened, forced into extreme poverty, poisoned so badly all my life I am mostly paralyzed ALL THE TIME and fighting without health care to somehow intuitively guess as to how to get the poison out. What I need for healing (i.e. ultrasound) which I have begged the pig whores of Whorewood to help me to obtain with just a LITTLE bit of money for the ideas they have stolen has been met by stony silence as they keep plotting, torturing and raping me to get their free deals and to torture ideas out of me about how heinously racist and sexist pig whores like these pieces of shit are, which they steal and use as their own concepts. Years of pigs like Brad Pitt and his skankalina whore wife doing this and they are just repugnant and I see their stupid greasy roles, except for the ones they stole out of the concepts they tortured out of me, and I only see blank stupidity glorified and the Nazi image that has been plastic-surgery modified onto their greasy and otherwise ugly and disgusting faces being used as the catapult for them to be welcomed into the Club of Europigape fascist Nazi overtake of the United States through the extremely influential portal of mind control via mind manipulation of these rotten and mostly violent, racist and sleazy movies that keep pouring out year-after-year. Meanwhile the movies I would like to watch and people who could make them, I am certain, remain silenced, kicked out, underfunded, ignored and then their ideas are likewise stolen by these Eurocentric apes who have been dominating the media for decades due to the Europigape fascist Nazi organization that has completely overtaken the US media as "silent partners" aka "dark money". The Supreme Court just upheld a case whereby Dark Money donors can continue to remain anonymous and pour money into the greedy, sleazy and stupid coffers of the parasitic puppets like these rotten and revolting actors and their agents and production companies while the agents who control the awards system keeps handing them awards for every fascist Nazi act of violence they inflict upon me as they completely follow repetitive formulas taking turns and getting praised and promoted into higher orbits of influence. 


When the technology is not blasting into my uterus and words of "love" pumped into my subconscious while this pig ape German scumbag is slapping my face left and right as he sits on top of me, pinning me down--night-after-night and then I "make love" with every bit of the love I had kept in some place that I reserved for someone I actually at least like, who is at least a friend--as this playboy scumbag rapist whore sucks out the energy and then has rotting meat and fungus inserted into my vagina afterwards (he has had this stopped, but he smiled when I told him about it, a small little ugly Nazi smile on his milk white rotting face when I told him so he knows he thinks it's fun and he plans on doing much worse harm to me once he can get me into some place in Germany where I will have zero resources to get away or defend myself---and this group of pig ape whore actors and this organization has blocked all financial attempts as I sit alone in a torture chamber room trying to earn money online and all attempts are being blocked--as they have made me so physically ill and I had to leave my country twice in my lifetime due to poisoning and accidents where I needed surgery and was denied every bit of health care I needed even after having to wait over one year to get on Medicaid, which proved a completely dangerous abuse situation every time I needed health care).


Disgusting and rotten ugly Arnie Shit-nigger the repulsive and foul actor who had been governor, threatening to cut off my foot alongside Nancy Pelosi just as the huge 2nd stimulus Bill was about to be passed and the two former or current Kalifornians were about to graft money out of the billions of dollars being spent (while homeless are dying in the streets of Cali) . But on day #1 of him teleporting me and I shunned him in disgust saying NO while in both awake and sleeping state, he had an orgy of rotten minorities (the usual racist configuration the bigot Nazi and his endless circles of minorities doing whatever they are instructed to do as they so willingly perform every filthy act and deed of sabotage or rape or hate upon me and even upon each other). A dark-skinned woman was giving some bigot white pig fellatio and this was done in front of me. 

Months later (maybe two months later) I downloaded a movie that this current German rapist sleazy fellatio scumbag whore starred in, playing his violin and playing the sleazy "sexualized" Nazi in this movie (I mean "Italian" in this case but it's really very synonymous and Italians and Germans still retain the Axis affiliation and that includes the stupid grease mob of Brooklyn Mafia aka DeNiro and Pesce and Gotti--the stupid and rotten wife of the disgusting thug who was sent to prison by Giuliani before he himself participated with helping Gotti's thug wife to be promoted in this contract out upon me--remaining silent and of course getting all the graft and corruption possible in tandem with good ole boy Trump, who is another story but since none of them has any original concept or personality trait despite what huge sales pitches are used to sell them off for media public consumption as if each and every one of them is some glorious individual and original and pure and sexy and incredible--dreams and fantasies that people long to glob onto, knowing it can't be true, desperately needing some iconography to hang onto).

So, more mind control diversion: filthy and ugly shit-negger the rotten body builder who had been Governor of Cali put his arm around the greasy and rotten ugly scumbag violinist who has been sold off as "eye candy" classical music making his foray into cover versions of songs about racism that Michael Jackson put out (for example) and re-arranging them in the most ignorant and racist and sleaze ways, of course for Nazis and bigots this is a CELEBRATION OF RACISM  and all the money and gradizing posturing that keeps them in positions of being glorified (but shit on the real levels that count as human beings on this fragile planet that they pour poison and cement and pollution into).

Thus, the two pigs of german language had their greasy pig arms around one another--or paws, or snouts or whatever imagery you want to use--as this pig has forced his nasty and greasy penis into my mouth night after night--and abused, insulted and absolutely defended filthy whorealine and shitty brad pitt--a pair of utter scum and stupidity that have tortured and dismembered and raped and robbed me and kept me in absolute poverty--the greedy and dirty German pig ape is so thrilled and he's so busy in his sudden new tours that just poppepd up this month so the pig can go off making love to his germanic or other "minority" slaves he treats like whores and is glowing with absolute satisfaction.

The emphasis on me having a penis in my mouth ins some tortured subjugated position is one of the all-time favorites of this rotten group of shit and filth--that I have been poisoned and drugged and tortured so these empty and meaningless pig whore scumbags can force this upon me much less that I am SLEEPING and fighting to HEAL as they block all finances so I can't afford HEALTH CARE and I just sit being bombarded with mind control technology and maimed, disfigured, my body cut into and sliced off and my skin and hair being destroyed under their orders and pain and abuse are the only things that they force upon me as they suck out my love and steal my concepts--I wanted to write short stories and every single thing I write is blocked, censored and the keyboard is an absolutely nearly impossible thing to work with as malware blocks functions every time I fight to write

but I realize upon waking, this morning, how much I detest this ugly German piece of rotten sick meat, now that he has tried a new tack of manipulation which is to not torture me abysmally every night and day and then demand that I move to ROTTEN Nazi Germany so this pig and his Europigape fascist classical music friends can get more H-wood celebrity status and more gigs--I would rather see them dead then help them in any way--

but I realize how much the technology is forcing this reaction when my brain actually is not so bombarded and my body is not so completely blasted into a state where it is literally breath-taking sexual desire for someone who is a filthy bigot trying to destroy me and obtaining everything his pig dreams could ever desire out of forcing this upon me. He is so sleazy and so used to abusing women (undoubtedly "minority" women) that his behavior is like 2nd nature to him. I downloaded a video of him  holding hands with another German whore skank pig meat bitch a few days ago, he was gently touching her and lavishing compliments upon her. It is so 180-degrees the opposite of his every action towards me that by now I so truly wish him death and destruction and can never have any single thing to do with him. His next manipulative tactic of being not as violent as he's been in the last 6 weeks only means that I realize how sinister the technology is and what shit and pigs are being handed it to rape, abuse and influence people while shit like greasy Mafia Pelosi cheer it on. The greasebag crap group of Mafia who call themselves "Italian" but are out of Brooklyn, DeNiro who is a truly ugly and disgusting violent personality when he's not posturing--and Pesci who is a filthy dirty wanker but is not as disgusting as DeNiro and rotten Victoria Gotti who is just another greasy rotten mafia scum who has been handed power because the media glorified the wife of a gangster who Guiliniani put into prison and then continues to enhance the careers of these Nazi Mafia dirtbags who are so famous for their every violent mafia movie that never stops being pumped out, but in the past few years glorified and put into award status for even more violent depictions but lacking the cinematic content that should make a movie at least seminally "great". Awarded last year along with another extremely violent movie which was a push to glorify psychopathy and murder--the Joker of course it was brilliantly conceived and written and acted but nevertheless it pushes death and psychopathic murder---as most of the Pitt movies do and when I just watched Kaliforna with Pitt I realize that this is actually the real personality of Pitt which he was NOT acting out--I say this not sarcastically. I am tired this has been very hard to pound down and I am exhausted by this subject.

Since none of you will ever do anything to stop this, I just submit this. I also have to add that some of the celebrities who have been remotely involved in this, one of whom out of England tried to have me seriously injured after I said no to  his skank English female disgusting perpetually sold off as a sex thing in movies--endlessly--disgusting--laying on a bed in some sexualized position--it was sickening to me--I said no--he began viciously yelling at me, his dark skin and black hair greased down so his body movements were just gesticulating enraged yelling in defense of his Nazi bigot blonde "master"--the typical slave-whore Nazi configuration I mentioned above--I was almost destroyed in an accident while driving the very next day. The symbol this rotten piece of pig shit crap out of England (the male, the minority) his symbol used is Che Guevara--because he's always pushing the bs about how he's a peace and justice advocate--of course, the minority always has to be the one yelling in rage for the cameras about racism and injustice but behind the scenes they have to serve and be slaves to the bigot Nazis who put them in these positions--it is a symbolic consolidation of victimization upon brown-skinned people--this man is a huge favorite of the otherwise extremely bigot crowds in England where very few dark-skinned minorities go to listen to the utter and sheer bunk he spews out and now has a podcast),.

Another one is a white male--but they and many others keep putting the same video title on my You Tube page: "How to not sound like a jerk". Which can be translated to: be a good little girl, let them stick their penises into your mouth while you are sleeping and be silent and good. If you do get angry, do not curse or call them things like pig apes or whores, but be considerate, be polite, learn to express yourselves in a decent manner instead of being a "jerk" (translate to "bitch" and "whore" while it's they who are the bitches and whores).

I remain cursing and ranting because when I first began to describe the rapes in these thousands of posts on my Facebook page and now on this blog--which has been blocked, censored I can't access this blog and I am tired of continuously cleaning and fighting all the attacks upon me I can't make another website because all can be blocked anyway. I resort to writing on this blog and then copying it on Facebook where I think it is not censored by Facebook--I am uncertain I can't even phone a single person on the planet to check as my every social contact all my life has been a polluted abuse situation of the distribution of these creeps of this Nazi/Mafia hate organization so I have literally zero friends I can rely on for any accurate information and zero  help comes to me from any single person on the planet.

Yet I think people should be aware of how sinister, stupid and disgusting these whore ape pigs are, and I want you to know German pig piece of shit David Garrett that your attempt to sort of placate me only means that I see you as a manipulative and rotten shitty parasites and the weeks of you sticking your penis in my mouth using this technology to enhance my sexuality to the degree that I would use for someone I was absolutely deeply in love with, who I have waited for decades to give this energy to waiting for this poison to get out of my body so I can begin to live and find people I can associate with who do not DISGUST ME ON EVERY LEVEL as you and your group of shit from Whorewood do. They have forced so much poverty on me, with the planet of these apes attacking me in an orchestrated system of absolute disenfranchisement and racism that is of global impact and growing by the day as more and more catastrophes create more minions who desperately need to get out of deadly poverty situations.

The hacking attacks on my keyboard are so bad it is painful to continue to backspace and pound out each and every single letter with my bicepts because my hands are too exhausted from continuously pounding down on the keyboard. Spaces and letters jumbled plague every attempt to type. I can't go on.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

I am stating the obvious but I thought I would write it out clearly anyway: These neo-Nazis terrorists who are always portrayed as being anti-Nazi and anti-racist and anti-sexist and they all don alternative clothing which their Neo-Nazi group has usurped from the real radicals and then kicked the originals out or had them killed--these celebrities, musicians, politicians and feminist anti-racist anti-sexist leaders of American and Europ-a society whose names I have listed to their promotion--they are never kicked out or arrested or stopped they become even more promoted after I write out their names as they attack so viciously I have to beg online for this to be stopped as they rotate the endless circle of them encircling me to gain their next promotion but they all remain in one solid level of celebrity status--another even more openly racist Neo-Nazi out of Germany just joined in the group because I watched one movie with him starring in the lead role last month--it feels like at least half a year has gone by of screaming in hate and rage to stop and then being teleported and raped by him and reacting under mind control technology that is BLASTING my body and brain in a way I can't control in this state of vulnerability--but the situation has become even more extreme and the celebrities are now more violent due to this Nazi joining in as they all strive to be as fascist and Nazi as they can for their endless more promotions---are all really trying to re-create concentration camp "Joy Division" prostitution using MK ULTRA, teleportation and microchip implants and other torture situations such as "gang stalking" and etc of course all of you reading this know all about this by now from my years of writing about it and begging for help online as the help never arrives. I want to add that I thought that my left large toe was more injured due to my body realigning after another detox but I fear that the German man teleporting me is ordering this instead of having rotting meat and fungus substances inserted into my vagina while I sleep and he's teleporting and raping and/or abusing me in some nasty way in these horrid skits they all enact and force upon my sleeping/healing state. He has to break or destroy some part of my body, that has been the contractual obligation and all of these celebrities all fully get into playing these roles of torturing and mutilating abuser and rapist, usurper stealing of my thoughts ideas and concepts while giving nothing but more violence in return and blocking all my potentials. The attack upon my brain as I fight to think and write and type is yet another attack that has rendered me incapable of producing anything and finding any means of employment or earning money is impossible due to all the terrorist covert attacks and hacks and poisoning. This post is now very rambling I cannot construct cohesive sentences and my brain is under heavy fire from pulsating attacks or however it is being done. I am being very badly injured by this German man and he's really attacking me and threatening me in serious ways physically. I have done nothing but actually give this man absolute energy which he returns with badly injuring me and demanding that I go live with him and his friends in Germany where he will beat, rape and pass me around to be gang raped, probably eventually murdered or very seriously physically injured as well as sexuually and psychologically, emotionally destroyed as well as financially dependent and or just very badly and horribly destroyed. That brings me to the subject that I have not wanted to ever investigate because I never associated myself with victimization and now I must look the beast openly and examine the hate that it is:



What I can't understand but really intrinsically know is that Hillary Clinton is mentioned in this video as a feminist proponent and her words uttered in a speech in front of a Chinese crowd resonate in the hall of this lecture and yet when it came for her to get involved and teleport me with the Brooklyn mafia the result was that this rape and anti-Semitic crime (all of the famous celebrities including famous Jews openly participate in anti-Semitic crimes, the names are extremely famous and I have written all or most of them out throughout all the years of writing my posts in desperation for someone to really and truly intervene and protect me and it still has not happened). When H. Clinton got involved she offered me a home to live in somewhere in Connecticut and I was terrorized by any involvement and assumed that her husband might get involved as well. I was not impolite but she began violently yelling at me until I told her to calm down because she sounded like she was going to have an explosion that would erupt some blood vessel she was screaming at me so violently when I declined in the fear that she would also attack me or someone near her would. This was all done in a teleported and hypnotized state as I could not really react in a purely politically-correct manner and I never can in this state (or almost in any other state at this time as a decade of torture from people while I have not harmed anyone is really an injustice that is unbelievable to me at this point that it's never stopped and these people are so disgusting I have no respect for them and can't even be polite or think of them as anything but expletives unleashed). I can't understand but I do understand what H. Clinton was doing but I can't understand why she still has done nothing to stop this or defend me despite her years of being involved in the feminist movement. It is as if this is not a crime against me, and in real terms, that means the acceptance of genocidal Holocaust sex slavery and torture of women ("Jewish" although that is a loose term and I do not belong to that diaspora and I think because I do not conform to their imagery or want to accept inferior status and I do want to compete without groveling to bigot fascists or Nazis this endless decade of attack is going on and on with the full permission of people like H. Clinton because racism unfortunately is of more serious an embedded interior motivation than the need for equality or sexist oppression to be stopped.

I have not listened to this lecture but I already probably know all about it. I am now experiencing a German trying to recreate the fantasies he's been trained to pretend to care deeply about and the great pretense that these "people" are not racist or nazi in this modern era is daily being absolutely ripped away as the falsity that is always has been since the concentration camps were invaded by troops of Russians who then gang raped the Jewish women prisoners and/or killed them before or after the Americans came with the Red Cross to finally try to put them into shelter but now America has become a Neo-nazi genocidal country emulating the conditions of death camps and rape and sex trafficking slavery using all the means and modes I have briefly described above. Like the Holocaust, there are Jewish traitors who are really Jewish Nazis fully operating with the Nazis to imprison or help to rape and destroy other Jews, with most people doing nothing as the genocidal behavior is allowed to continue--which is also a component of what happened during the Holocaust. Now I remain seeing that all the conditions of the Genocidal aka The Holocaust/Shoah are being emulated almost precisely when it comes to this teleportation rape and torture, mutilation bodily disfigurement and attempted murder and sex trafficking of me in this situation and the SILENCE AND COMPLICITY that goes along with it which goes across all boards all organizations all groups all liberal organizations all people and all places of sanctuary which do not exist.

All I want is to be left alone by this hate group and for the chance to be around people who support and care for me instead of people abusing, insulting, raping and dismembering and stealing all I have ever worked for: how hard can it be for a modern society to begin to stop this crime against me? I can't understand how this is impossible to attain? I only can strive to realize a time when I can be free of the sickness that this organization has forced upon me and for the Nazis attacking me to be destroyed and for people to stop the Holocaust once and for all instead of allowing it to continue. The mentality I see now from this German rapist abuser hater racist is that he believes he is a Nazi and I am a prisoner in some replication of a concentration camp.

With complete support from the A-list group in H-wood which includes blacks, jews, Latinos and feminists and anti-racists. I think that is what happened during the Holocaust as well there were many Jews who sold other Jews out and helped to massacre them but the situation has morphed into a horrendous situation of betrayal.

* all of this has been written under strenuous mind control interference with cognitive abilities and hacking which is making the keyboard hard to write on and get sentences out on. I can feel that my brain is like "stuck" and can't flow with words or concepts and much of this is put in very simplistic terms because my brain is under so much attack as the keyboard is as well.
(later): the computer is so blocked that opening a single page requires waiting for a minimum of one minute. Every click on any site is met with a spinning cursor symbol as the page or browser is frozen and inoperable. I know that many of the sentences above were written in something of a neural-firing block by remote tech or the microchip implants. My thoughts are jumbled and it's as if spaces or gaps were inserted between what I was thinking and could barely type out with the hacking interference. The multi-pronged system of attack is always part of the silencing and discrediting campaign against me. Meanwhile the thieves in H-wood and their partners continue to scour my writing (I believe they still are doing this) to steal concepts or ideas and permutate them into their own modified concepts which fit more neatly into their subliminal fascist/Nazi/Mafia programming while they remain appearing superficially as liberal, alternative and "hipster" but are bastions of fascist conservativism beneath the posturing costumed and coated facades and performances.

What I so fervently hope and pray will happen to all the bigots, Nazis, the domestic terrorist organizations which sponsor these racist hate stalking terror operations: BURN IT DOWN BURN THEM DOWN BURN DOWN THE OPERATION COMPLETELY TO THE GROUND and rebuild a safe and free world where there really is commitment to justice and not to blonde, nazi bigot men raping and murdering and stealing and robbing for free with all exemption from all criminal liability going on and on as it is in my situation--


BURN IT DOWN BURN DOWN THE RACIST AND NAZI OPERATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS and don't let or allow anything remotely or vaguely similar replace them as just another system replicating that old system but a new world that truly is dedicated to sustaining a healthy and peaceful world where people can fulfil their dreams and live in peace and prosperity--everyone--without using genocide as a means of doing so or of achieving this goal for "some" people at the expense of the rest.



To all ya'll and your bigot white male supremacist rape Nazi technology and this system which otherwise culturally and emotionally, mentally and ideologically superior people actually would dismiss in contempt because of the brutality that allows for the denigration of the world's progress to turn into a one-sided monopoly that will eventually simply sink all that has been created and turn it into a black ages that will continue until they ravage the planet and destroy it with their greed and lack of insight into Life and what is truly important. BURN IT DOWN BURN DOWN THE RAPIST RACIST SYSTEM NAZIS BIGOTS FASCISTS AND THEIR MINIONS WHO SERVE AND OBEY TO GET OUT OF POVERTY AND DESPERATION AND ARE COMPLETELY BRAINWASHED. STOP THE BRAINWASHING STOP THE MIND PROGRAMMING THIS IS NOT A SYSTEM WORTH SAFEGUARDING STOP THE MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY STOP THESE TERRORISTS AND THEIR OPERATIONS BURN IT DOWN NOW NOW NOW don't wait any longer time is drawing near to utter destruction of what humanity has striven for so many centuries for freedom for self-determination this group will destroy it all and everything else on the planet that they can exploit to the utter destruction of all.

More problems explicated more thoughts expurgated. My large left toe, which has been broken 2x in the last few years by this group attacking me, and has been pulled out of the socket--is now worse after a detox my bones are adjusting and it's now very hard to walk on it.

 Not one, not a single one of these millionaires who has stolen concepts from me, raped me and sucked my life force out and then damaged my body has paid me for anything or helped me to heal and in fact they all torture me so my immune system and nervous system are in a continuous hate and negative mode so the healing is exacerbated and my body is breaking down and I greatly need health care. I cannot afford it as they all block my finances and all attempts to earn money have been blacklisted all my life unless people can sexually abuse me while I am working--i.e. managers. I can't get health care without the fear of more damage being created by doctors as this has been the constant situation for many decades with almost in exceptions. These millionaire/billionaires refuse not only to pay me for the ideas, sex or whatever they steal and order to be broken but they order more damage to be inflicted while I sit here writing begging for my life as the slow murder never ends.

Each one of these rapists and abusers teleporting me has been handed, as their contractual award for performing these anti-Semitic and hate stunts upon me with the concentric circles of terrorists spanning the globe and acting as proxy rapists and domestic violence abusers for them--all appear continuously after attacking me in show after performance after celebrity status after promotion after exemption from criminal liability to being able to torture, rape and mutilate me if I say no to more rape, more theft of my concepts which I can never get out as my ideas--the hacking and brain-altering mind control tech make producing anything impossible (writing this is fraught with interruptions and hacking obstructions and brain-operating hindrances). Just writing a few sentences and paragraphs is nearly impossible to get out without endlessly having to rewrite what hackers block and delete and retype.


I need health care and these people who are so wealthy will do absolutely not an iota of compensation for YEARS of stealing ideas, rape and sucking out my life force (in isolation and pain, sometimes I make "love" while in this sleeping state just because I am a human being not because I am a prostitute or sex slave--and the sex is always of this fellatio insult and I am stuck in this situation while they are free to actually either pay for these services for very cheap prices in most of the deprived world--which they help to create and they fully keep the system of master-slave going on in this technocratic torture system they all fully are thrilled with engaging in.


I have to ask again for some kind of leniency because I just wanted to be beautiful, successful and compete and win and did so and was. Poisoned into a huge, crooked bloated state put in accidents my body scarred up on every single inch of my body due to these nighttime attacks. Raped and abused my entire sexual life without one single real love relationship my entire life. All of these people raping me have been married or are in love with someone else or really only can admire Nazi women and I just want someone to stop this for once and for all. To just be left alone to live in my own house that they must all be forced to pay me compensation for all these years of this violence that is never stopped. 

They are trying to force some contract out on me whereby I provide men who have abused and insulted me and maimed broken my body had me gang raped hit by cars poisoned destroyed on every single level--with a "baby" so they and their lover Nazi women or boyfriends can obtain some HUGE DEAL out of this torture and hate Anti-Semitic crime so many including many of the most famous Jews in media are likewise participating in. I just ask for my own home in my name, my cat returned and this hate crime stopped and me provided with financial compensation so I can live in peace for decades around people who protect me and care, in a place I love, without these people or this system being allowed to bother or attack me in any way ever again.

By now that is my only dream is to be left alone, celibate, with my cat La Moux returned alive, healthy and happy my other cats as well in my own beautiful home in a place where no one attacks me and I am provided for due to all these tortures and this situation stopped and this terror operation actually not allowed to continue to ruin and rape and mob and torture people again. 

I see how the Republicans are turning the next election cycle into an absolute fiasco and the situation is already dire under and has been the Democrats who have also and likewise allowed and participated in this system flourishing.

People have to start and begin to actually care about the real ramifications of allowing such a system like this to go on and on indefinitely without exposing it or stopping it, as you all are doing.

I keep trying to warn people by my personal example of how violently deadly the teleportation and MK ULTRA "game" is for these psychopath racist rapist Nazis and how they are going to destroy lives in the future (and have been for so long). No one seems to pay attention no one seems to listen you are all enjoying watching me as the "witch" being targeted.

Update on the David Garrett rape/abuse endless contract that never ends. Same as it ever was.

 It's just another racist, rapist abuser I can't get rid of. This morning (my time in Phuket) teleported while awake and all morning having a hate discussion about how being raped, abused and fungus/stinking meat fluids sprayed and inserted into my vagina after he has teleported me while I slept for one month--sticking his pornographic penis in my mouth, slapping my face as I tried to get him off me (he's huge) and he kept slapping me until I reacted in a way that he could get his porn fix for "free" instead of having to take someone either out to dinner or pay for it as a sex act. The hate he has exhibited towards me since May 26 or within a day or two of that date-just as the blood moon appeared and I had downloaded the movie that he starred in--this has not stopped with the rape since that time. Every single day he has stuck his penis in my mouth as my body and brain were inundated with technology that literally FORCED  a love reaction out of me. With subliminal programming that is UNBELIEVABLE the technology is evil, it is truly the work of sinister parasites who are empty and devoid of all love and can't manage to suck energy out of anyone else because they have nothing to give except money, and in this case they don't have to pay for it they are being promoted. I can see in the photos of his newest disco tour that popped up this month that this man looks refreshed, completely energized, relaxed and I am here feeling polluted, drained, cleaning fungus and stinking meat fluids out of my body which is still coming out of my urine because it penetrated into my bladder and into my body at the core of my body. This man has put out videos just since he began torturing me of Germans and Americans lavishing energy, praise and of course Nazi women crying out that he's wonderbar because how these bigot women champion the men who defile, break, abuse, torture me or people like me ("minorities" and "Jews" and whatever else that could have any chance to compete and be beautiful, successful and of course they all want sex slaves and cleaning ladies that operate for free or as cheaply as possible--Thailand being one of their favorite destinations to indulge in the Master-slave enterprise and consumer investment strategies that absolutely pump up the Master race mythology as the Asians absolutely play into slave sex slave cleaning slave and adoring servile slave to the maximum it's something that some Americans even the sell-outs who also do this would cringe at if they saw what real brainwashing and colonization that has gone on uninterrupted without any "PC culture" breaking the chain of breaking down the minds of the subjects who are now slaves.

Thus, in obtaining news from YouTube, because there are some channels that pop up that I am not subscribed to that have information I deem important and just sticking to a few news sources omits information I might otherwise miss--I can't seem to find any news source that is comprehensive in all coverage. There is David Garrett and his parties with huge relaxed smiles on his face as girls cheer him on the Nazi older men lavish praise upon him (how many of them are part of this promotional rape Nazi scheme that this bigot is so absolutely enthralled in and performing with absolute racist Nazi ideology)

For hours this morning I had hissing hate monologues with this person how is doing what all of the rapists and racists have done to me every single day after they rape, torture, teleport (not in that order, they first teleport and then rape and torture then teleport me back while I'm teleported my inert and helpless body is being mutilated--part of my uterus severed out my teeth broken my hair damaged so it's falling out my fingers and toes cut to the bone every day for years and on and on--skin damaged my spine put out of alignment and oh, raped nightly for years and years while I'm in this helpless and comatose state.

Now this German expletive, who after I called the people who have tortured me for years in Whorewood names such as skank whore in my hate and violent verbal mode, has tortured me in their defense, made videos of raping and abusing me (always, night after night, sticking his member in my mouth while slapping my face over and over until I did what he wanted and not stopping until he did so. I was trapped, teleported, mostly asleep or very ill from poisoning basically the equivalent of being tied down and raped and beaten.

Glowing with joy he's out partying and being praised, awarded and I remain cleaning toxic filth out of my body, my living space and when I leave this room I have no idea how many hundreds or at the minimum dozens of people will attack me in pre-orchestrated attacks in every shop and place I have prethought to buy things.

And so, I ask once more for this injustice that has not stopped for over a decade--just this system that is never stopped for a single day, not on holidays not for a single day without pause day-after-day for year-after-year from one hater Nazi bigot and his/her minority minions to the next--

And so, like all of them, the contract to endlessly harangue me for hours every morning so I am screaming and hitting them in rage and explaining, because somehow the technology is too strong for me in this isolated and paralyzed state in this torture chamber with no love, animal, person or anything or body protecting or shielding me and all love taken from me. Asking me for hours why I don't like being slapped, punched, raped by fellatio by someone who I by now can't stand the sight of, tortured mutilated and rotting meat with fungus inserted into my vagina after this man forces fellatio on me night-after-night then slaps my face after he rapes me and insults me and goes off laughing with his lovers and friends to parties and new gigs now deals and his dream promotions handed for being an absolute anti-Semitic racist rapist and using this technology.

Thus, hours of hate and hate, every morning from one of them to the next with their lovers, friends, daughters, lovers lovers and their organization telling them to beat rape punch slap insult and suck my life and love energy out of me if they can get it. Being stuck as a torture and rape victim by men who have sexuality that is cloaked in cold icy exploitation for years, this pornographic player has opened up a portal only to literally pump rotting meat while forcing "subordination" and the rapist dream fantasy of fellatio as an insult to sexuality (always of course supposed to be the victim and nothing insulting towards the creep forcing this or having it done--only the person giving the energy and performing the act is supposed to be the insulted loser and denigrated stupid loser while the rapist is the "winner".

Because I have been stuck in torture, poverty, illness and abuse that has been inflicted upon me BY THE US GOVERNMENT which allies with Nazi Germany and the other Nazi Europ-a governments along with every other government around the planet, I am stuck being sodomized and raped and beaten by man after man who is a firm follower of the Nazi protocol system and their heinous blonde and nazi women wives mothers and sons as they all go off laughing adn then more and more and more of them join in on this contract to abuse me.

What is my "crime" for this going on and on for years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years without end?