Monday, July 19, 2021

The war against "Mother Earth" is the same rape and domestic violence imposed upon me. It is the same as the imprisonment of women in El Salvadore for having miscarriages--the miscarriage of Justice is the only aborted sanity and an aberration of Justice.


“Fly So Far”: New Film Tells Stories of Women in El Salvador Jailed for Decades Under Abortion Ban." Democracy Now! July 13, 2021.

*Hackers are blocking functions of this laptop so badly that clicking on a browser I was just using is not working--frozen, DOS attacks and thus the post below must be hacked and rewritten but I am not willing to go through it for a 2nd time and rewrite because it's taking so much time to just try to open pages and wait as the pages freeze and the cursor won't operate. The keyboard is nearly inoperable and it is a struggle to get any words out. This is part of the theme I have written of below: the absolute racism I am subjected to because the bigot Nazi pig apes who are assaulting me, this huge global operation with a Nazi-to-minority "slave" ratio of 10 "minorities" (black/brown-skinned puppet slaves operating as filth operators and abuse soldiers) attacking me to thwart my every attempt to have any single bit of a decent life or career (they can't stand to see me have any single thing, not even a cat not a bit of joy endless abuse, hate and rape and drugging from racist white bigot men and their hateful minority males joining in laughing together as a uniform hate group with the women who join in nearly jumping up and down like cheerleaders ).

When I make use of the word "slave" I realize that this is a highly offensive term, and my intention is to emphasize the mentality of the Nazis and I do not want to write this in such a callous and seemingly "racist" form but I am using the term that the bigots actually consider the minorities who service them to be; but it's hard to write with hacking my brain is under attack and point blank that is how Nazis view their subjects. In one form or another, like a slave you had better obey. You can be a well-paid slave but you had better go along with every action and systematic use of racism against--in my case, whatever they hate me for, the group they think I belong to but I don't, or just that I have had success when competing and I don't fit into their Nazi cartel operating system so they must make sure I am downtrodden like the silenced minorities in places like El Salvadore. I highly suggest that in the future those they treat as beloved pets but whom they actually regard as their psudo-slaves should be aware that they may face similar actions of absolute oppression should the Nazi pig apes no longer require them to pose as fake friends for purposes of appearing non-racist (but oh how racist they truly are and how much the oppressed minorities want to emulate them when they join together to attack me).


The situation of women being blasted with abortion laws and this situation of endless hate and rape and violence poisoning drugging discrimination in all things because of racism--because this organization wants women who are not part of the Nazi cartels to have NOTHING and to be imprisoned and tortured and eliminated with no chance for anything. This situation is what this organization wants so desperately to create within the United States. See below for what will become the future for many women/mothers/girlfriends/wives in the US if this backlash against women and reproductive rights is not stopped. Many "bad" women will be raped, beaten, and gang raped if this teleportation MK ULTRA implant technology is not exposed and stopped. It is all connected it is all part of the racist 4th Reich system that is being slowly implemented worldwide.


What didn't win top award at Cannes--instead of blonde Nazi women gyrating and beating rapist men up as being heralded as "diversity and inclusiveness" here is the real story of abuse towards women--the dark-skinned women from Developing countries treated like criminals for having babies and babies dying because the women can't afford to take care of themselves or the babies or get police to offer assistance when the pregnant woman is in labor.

A story from this documentary tells of a woman who had a miscarriage and was arrested for violating abortion laws was handcuffed by hand and feet to a bed in a jail cell for ONE WEEK as police left here there after the miscarriage.

When I think of the absolute HATE of these white bigot men and their horrid Nazi women, the glee that black/brown women and men have also in participating in this violence towards me which is borne out of racist hate for me having a chance--coming out of a "wealthy "country but the situation is to force me into something akin to a nearly homeless sex trafficking victim with endless abuse, violence and discrimination leveled against me at all intersections and junctures of having any chance for having anything that would render me solvent financially and now health care is denied after being poisoned and maimed and disfigured with broken bones and bones put out-of-socket.
When I see this documentary I see the behavior of the very wealthy white males and their very nasty wives and children all laughing to create a 3rd world country within the United States through these terror death squad "stalking" groups.

What they would do if they only could in the US--and probably the situation in El Salvadore has been fully sanctioned by the US State Department in it's violent global push for this Nazi 4th Reich paradigm where women who are not blonde Nazis are just thrown completely to the curb to be killed and abused in horrid ways while the blonde Nazi women sigh in fake pretended dismay and get charities to help fund for the poor victims, thus alleviating themselves of paying higher taxes while they literally gloat and swoon over the thrill of having all women crushed except for them.

This is the horrid and stark reality that has confronted me not just from the millionaire and billionaire celebrity/politico personnel of this death and hate organization but everywhere it truly is the same system. How unfortunate that this system is mostly upheld by masses of brown/black-skinned women who eagerly and desperately want to "get out" of poverty and helplessness.

(Some of the celebrities who have and are attacking me come from similar pseudo-3rd world upbringing lifestyles of poverty). Now wealthy they nearly swoon in delight to participate and partake in racism if it's aimed at me (or I suppose anyone they are told they have to hate as instructed by their white bigot Nazi "handlers").

However the near murder and 30-year prison sentences for a woman to have had a miscarriage and not even an abortion is beyond, far beyond the cruelty and miscarriage of all semblance of Justice I could have ever imagined possible. This is the future that the American white Nazi cartels who have tried to murder me via poisoning really want for America: watch the clip--I do not believe any of this is an exaggeration but it goes beyond belief and credulity that some kind of horrid crime against women could be so state-sanctioned. But look at me and what is being done to me with the full delight of "feminist" white celebrities and even more masses of "minorities" who partake with the most vicious violence it is unbelievable how the backlash is creating near murder of women for just wanting to be free and independent if they are not rotten Nazi pig ape women and their "good" obedient filthy helpers who will do ANYTHING to get out of poverty and then once they get a taste of money they go full out prototype Nazi raising their children into the mentality and the extremes in treatment of those favored and the death and despair meted out to the minorities is unfathomable, yet this I believe is what the 4th Reich intends to implement in the United States if they could. Plus the teleportation MK ULTRA implants so more women, children and boys and men can be raped, beaten, teleported, abused, ideas stolen, anything the pig apes want to steal is full on and for the future it will be without limitation if this system continues to expand and grow.

Mother Nature has been abused to the point of revenge against the defilers who assume they are greater than Nature and more superior than these forces that sustain and bring forth Life. Devoid of all love that nourishes the heart and soul, the destruction is now looming the backlash of Nature is just beginning.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Greedy usurpers of America are like that Biblical plague of locusts coming to devour the country.

 "WHEN DOES THE GREED STOP?" Thom Hartmann Program. July 17, 2021.

The FOR THE PEOPLE ACT currently being Filibustered by Manchin and Sinema:
the entire situation of dramas, attacks, murder attempts and the motivation behind all of it can be neatly epitomized in the more sober analysis that Thom Hartmann has put into concise form. One antidote to the problem, the For the People Act that Republicans are claiming is part of an scary "Socialist" agenda is actually the enforcement of existing laws, of a restructuring of society that was part of the legal framework for American society before the Nixon/Reagan blasting away of independent entrepreneurial success within society--blocked by huge chains and conglomerates and "Dark Money" creating power/political blocks that transcend the law yet have been in practice for decades. Now America is struggling and homelessness is rampant and the wealth have become exponentially wealthier and their attitude is of a murderous and genocidal nature (get the "losers" who have become homeless off the streets just kill them get them out of the way) and etc (Hartmann did not comment on the homeless problem but it is the result of these policies of mass incarceration of the entire society stuck in debt and crisis and poverty and all stuck in a system of corporate conglomeration so no more "Mom & Pop" stores can flourish as they once did. And more examples and descriptions about. The root cause of this evil *below. My situation is of the unbounded greed of the already wealthy imposing Feudal oppression into slavery and financial helplessness compounded by millions of wanna-be-rich who detest the thought that I could compete and beat them (as I always did when I could compete before they paralyzed me by drugging and accidents and blocked my brain from functioning with these implants). Not satisfied with all the violence upon me, they continue until they see their goal of me being absolutely crushed and without an independent fiber left of my psyche or being.

That is their goal. My goal is to see this system destroyed and I am so grateful that a US President is at least trying to balance society instead of allowing it to be taken over by the greedy killing off and raping and making homeless and desperate until they conform to gang stalking terror operations those who comply are awarded those who want a fair society are being killed off (and all are being bombarded with mind control in order to more easily get people to comply with the greed agenda--the wealthy celebrities you all cheer on help to promote this as well in addition to their veiled racism and sexism and affinity towards fascist Nazism that abounds more than anyone could imagine in that H-wood cartel industry conglomerate greed worship citadel.

Friday, July 16, 2021

I had some serious topics regarding politics that I wanted to write of today but I am immersed in this "complaint" long-winded series of posts because, as I have been writing, due to extreme violent being inflicted upon me and the lasting-effect of years of it going on a non-stop basis, I need to get the stress out. I have not begun to do things I want to do (except for clean). Maybe I will write tomorrow maybe I will spend time today--the concepts are related to politics and Hollywood and a "reputable" media personality has commented upon a credible news source that confirms my "theories" which I wrote in a drugged up and under mind control "ranting" hyperbolic state-of-mind and composition (replete with grammar changed, words hacked or deleted by terrorist hackers, as all my posts are). The information concerns a post on a similar theme but it's all very inter-connected --a post I published a few days ago.

 All this negativity of writing about these attacks. Maybe what I am doing by writing of all these attacks is just helping to promote the very nasty people profiting off torturing and abusing me using these death squad groups and the tech combo. But I need to get the stress out this it too much at this point. I also hope that by writing I will induce people to react to stop these attacks and the entire contract out upon me.

Why any person should have to undergo this and that it's sponsored obviously by the Executive Branch of the US Government should be a huge blaring alarm to people reading this but's an inducement to join on in and join the fun of a modern day, technocratic death squad witch hunt and form of public lynching. People can't wait, they are simply overjoyed to finally have public lynchings via these death squad terrorist "gang stalking" activities. Sometimes people heave as if they are nearly having orgasm they look shiny like they are sexually overcharged--it is disgusting to see so many people behaving like the hybrid animals I claim endlessly that they are.

It's very disgusting that society in general promotes this and loves it and won't ever stop it. If anyone wants an elevated society I suggest to stop waiting for someone else to stop this as it's an ever-increasing trend and more and more people join in and get these weapons of mass torture and covert assassination. 


As for the other topic which I heard on a video podcast hosted by Tim Hartmann regarding Russian interference in the 2016 election cycle and the ultimate and devious goal of such an undertaking--as published in a reputable English newspaper (The Guardian)--my commentary was on this similar subject but I am exhausted mentally from writing about this ugly nasty stuff and the negativity just drains me but if I keep it in, if I hold it in, it will contribute to me not being able to heal from the hate poisoning that has already been inflicted plus a series of other injuries forced upon my body throughout these years of nightly MK ULTRA comatose sleep state through the rape/terror groups breaking into my room and from the mechanical arms wreaking destruction upon my body and home and food intake nightly.

Maybe I will get to this subject today. It is vital it is important and it is another source that people can respect that contributes to my earlier "hypothesis" because I cannot provide evidence of my claims, but a newspaper has done this and it backs up a statement about H-wood although in a slightly different shade of the same operation and principle for which it stands.


I can only tentatively assume that my many increase in negative posts is likewise enervating and fatiguing for readers but this is by now a physical necessity for me to alleviate this stress of the endless abuse, rape and torture and these disgusting filth attacks and the blocks from all businesses (as I related, I cannot phone any business without the call being either diverted as I am lied to and insulted and attacked--today phoning the major Fed Ex customer service line was a series of lies by an overly-apologetic woman on the other end who sounded distraught that she was forced to say such stupid lies and she apologized at least three times but repeated the lies nevertheless as ordered by this stinking organization. I can't get a single thing done and even in person this happens at offices and very often at government offices and health care clinics that Medicaid provides until it is dangerous to go to any doctor. It is a very sickening situation that has a global reach. Why people still think this is a wonderful system I can't understand but obviously most people don't want a free and fair society even when they are "fighting" for such for their own group they don't care if it's happening to me as long as they can climb upwards on the hierarchy of this insidious organization. It is all very sad to see and what great hopes for American Democracy are being dashed on the rocks of greed and the desperation that underlies so many of these minority minions who provide the bulk services of the filthy and nasty operations and without these people the system would not be so worldwide and comprehensively universal in scope and activity.

Alas, that is the reality. I write to try to influence people to really begin to think about the future of this system overtaking the US Government as it almost did (which is part of the theme I was going to write of and will...maybe tomorrow maybe today if I have any more time and energy for these negative and draining subjects--plus I am under threat for writing about these people so I also risk my life in essence by writing.

Terrorist report: as of this minute, while writing these posts (below written today) terrorists have begun drilling into the walls of the studio directly beneath mine. Over 6 months of this going on and on in the 2+ years I have lived here.

A little bit of insight into my situation: I am not "miserable" although extremely stressed. -I write of the negative because throughout the years I have learned that if I write something positive or that I feel good the terrorists increase the attacks so I remain low-key about how I feel fine if I have a few little amenities. The terrorists have allowed me a few basic things that keep my spirit half positive (not half-empty negative but this organization wants me empty and completely devoid of hope and joy and health and beauty--they keep me alive to obtain a baby out of me, and I know how vile this organization is so I face absolute torture to death. Yet for now I am only being tortured slowly to death with stress-related diseases at my doorstep. Yet I am half-positive and not half-negative the glass is halfway there somehow!).

 I write to alleviate the stress, it gets stuck in my body I must relieve it by writing I have nothing else I am stuck in a paralyzed physical state most of the time (partially-paralyzed).  One of my reliefs is my laptop and internet connection, which terrorists who broke into my room yesterday as I was out shopping tried to create an accident so the laptop would crash on the floor. They tied the wire of the mouse which was connected and plugged in, to the clothing rack next to my door which I maneuver to a position next to the wall, but then once I am ensconced in my room I push it against the door (plus inserting a series of items into the cracks of the door and I have had to learn that I must make sure they can't be pushed out by mechanical arms--the terrorists are so expert at this terror game that they can make everything appear as if it hasn't moved with the mechanical arms moving things from the inside of the room.--people should be wary they should be extremely worried and concerned and they are not.)

so they latched the wire around the round and very large screw that alters the position of the rack--the entire room is so cluttered by now because I can't use any cabinets or closets that I didn't see that the wire was wound around the clothing rack because the clothing of the rack hid the wire--as I moved it the laptop and the tray holding it crashed onto the table and almost onto the floor. I just saved it barely.

These are the types of attacks, they are all like the operatives themselves, always concealed and always hidden and the operations are always to have surprise attacks from every hidden angle at all times upon the target.

The "Left-Hand" approach of the terrorists, the entire group of them, is always a slithering sly lying approach of deception. This goes along with the guise of the celebrities who pose as being humanitarian in all their tax-break charitable events and movie roles when in reality their real role is to cause havoc and chaos and destruction--as ordered with or without their cognizance as their greedy and over-arching desire to achieve endless deals and awards overtakes all other considerations like moral ethics. 

That is how "the game" is supposed to be played: not just a "rat race" but completely free-for-all but unequivocal aspiration that transcends and in the cases of the people teleporting me, overrides all considerations such as empathy, compassion or concern for the long-lasting effects of following such orders. Like the poorest minions who attack me from a "Developing country" I believe that all the years of their brown-nosing for power and success has lead the aspirants to be as over-joyed in the thrill of torture and sadism as the lowest on the ranks of the hierarchy who can't wait to inflict their misery upon anyone else if it's concealed and even more so if they get their cherished promotions out of it, where they could not otherwise obtain these roles if they were conscientious and caring individuals. En masse they are a force of inhospitable hate and deviant death squad organization. 

Update on drugging/poisoning operations as part of the huge multi-pronged system--the endless ordeal of terrorist "gang stalking" obstruction of my Fed Ex/my US mailing service which is ripping me off and lying and refusing to answer questions and overcharging me and not alerting me of mail I receive but charging me the highest prices for service.

*I just tried reading this entire post after publishing it and discovered how badly hacker terrorists had deleted commas particularly in one paragraph below where there are zero commas or periods and the entire thing has been rewritten so it's almost incomprehensible. Words have been partially deleted and misspelled and etc. the usual in other words. I must write this as a kind of caveat as I am not going to spend more time writing this. It comes out as a barrage of non-sensical string-on sentences near the lower portion of this post. I can't change it now just let it be known that this is not my writing or my fault or laziness or lack of competence. 

I wrote of this yesterday: my mailing service in Orlando gave me the highest price for the slowest service yesterday. I just phoned Fed Ex and I may have been transferred to a terrorists "stalking" agent who also continued the lies I was forced to accept for  cost and delivry options. I asked this service--my fault for trusting them in any capacity but I have been too stressed out from rape and torture and abuse from the German and the years of terror and torture going on 24/7 in combination with being partially paralyzed from poisoning, with constant mind control bombardment of my brain which enervates and drains me and makes me incapable of moving --my nervous system is shot my body is always fatigued--I see the change in my body energy once I get out of this tiny cramped torture chamber studio where I am under continuous bombardment of electronic energies and attacks rending me nearly in a non-moving physical state and always with subliminal abuse that I can often "hear" as hissing curse words and insults being pumped and "instructions" and etc--it's a very faint hissing noise but it's not "imaginary".


They charged me for Economy class shipping which is taking 7 business days to arrive *sent out today, Friday the 16th, delivered next Friday by 6 pm on the 23rd in Phuket. The price I was charged for 0.15 pounds (two plastic cards and a few pieces of paper) was $140 for a 7-day international shipment. The Priority class would have been delivered on Tuesday the 20th at a cost of $87 (with tax). The Fed Ex customer service agent I phoned told me that the price is higher for economy because the package remains for a longer time at delivery stations and thus Fed Ex has to charge me more for the handling of the package at these slower destinations. As if the package sitting in a sorting area has to be charged for taking up space, in other words. that was the rationale that I was told, and it was complete lies from the mail service to the Fed Ex service agent I spoke with telling me that because it was a slower delivery that Fed Ex is charging me more for the packing being handled at the various sorting locations. A quite asinine explanation. Maybe she was not lying but it's completely asinine anyway, if this is correct but I seriously doubt it as that goes against all logic and any professional service of such an international nature to charge more for the lower delivery price but charging more because the package has to be charged for being handed at a slower pace. It is ridiculous. I am again stymied and stuck. I cannot change the status of the package once it has gone out. The Orlando mail service lied to me repeatedly throughout this process.

I really do not take blame for not having phoned Fed Ex prior to ordering the shipment because I am not able to function in any business capacity under drugging and rape and torture conditions, with sickness of poisons that have fermented into my body pouring out after I do detoxes and the abuse that never ends. My brain is always under an attack mode and the longer I sit in this studio the more pressure the continuous attacks make on my cognitive abilities--the longer I sit in this place the worse my brain functioning becomes the less I can manage.


The mail service lied to me by telling me they never received two emails with instructions on where to deliver the package. I am 12 hours ahead of their business hours, which means that when they claim they never got the emails, it takes two days to send emails with further instruction. Because they are so nasty in tone in emails I can't phone them and deal with the passive-aggressive nature of their concealed attacks. I don't want to be transferred to a lying hate agent, and in Orlando the attackers are vicious and very violently nasty. I have been in Orlando and I can assure anyone that this is a very hostile racist environment--much worse than Miami. Less hostile than Gainesville but not by much.

I thus have to try to deal with my landlord and try to get the cards before my bank miles away (the one and only branch which I can use to obtain banking services in the entire island--the stalking terror group has ensured that ALL BANKS refuse me services they routinely provide to everyone else--there are always white Europ-a's sitting in their smug positions as the Thais smile black-eyed smiles of hate and thrilling excitement to be participating in attacking someone else--so empowered these terrorists are to be able to get away with screwing someone over and then to be promoted for it!

If the package can arrive, as it did the last time, by morning I can get the money and then drive more miles to deposit it into my landlord's bank account, thus making me two weeks overdue in rent.

All my ability to function is basically gone from the torture, stress, poisoning and above all the drugging that remains as a force of absolute physical, mental and emotional submersion into a non-functioning state. 


On this theme--this morning after having left this studio yesterday to buy food--returned to see layers of caked-on brown filth plastered into the water bin that I keep the water bottles in. The entire bottom was so caked in brown filthy greasy stuff that it took me 7 paper towels, 5 times scrubbing off each successive layer--scratching out parts that had nearly plastered onto the plastic--the white tissues were all coated with brown grease. I can only assume that the large gallon water bottles are doused with drugs and poisons that are clear and tasteless.


At the store yesterday, there were no items marked down on sale. The German man has begun a tactic of stopping the items that are marked down on sale, as the more "compassionate" American abusers out of H-wood had done all these years. Instead prices are marked extremely high. The products I had bought are now taken off the shelves and the only items marked down were pieces of meat that were a bit warm to the touch. The packages didn't smell bad, but that was because the terrorists at the "World Class" store at Central Festival shopping mall inserted fungus into the meat just prior to making sure they were the only packages on sale with huge pieces of meat at prices I can afford--taking them home the fungus had begun to spread, the meat was already very warm because they had put the meat out to grow fungus or to enhance the fungus they sprayed into the meat just before they wrapped the meat in cellophane and then put them out for me to buy on sale--the only items. I had to throw all the meat away. I have no money to throw away like this. I need meat to heal my tissue from the poisons that are constantly being "ripped" out of my body and intestines as I fight to heal from this deadly poisoning ordeal that is now over 10 years of fighting to get this poison out while being abused and tortured, poisoned drugged raped in both teleportation and in my own paid-for home (not that that matters what I pay for or not) and then maimed on a continuous basis as the abuse is so awful so these men and their wives and children and friends can all get as many free deals as possible by demonstrating how violently abusive they are towards me.

All while I am fighting without enough money to eat or get health care to get poison out of my body that was supposed to have killed me probably 20 years ago.


As I drove back to this huge emptied out condominium complex, the white pair of Europ-a terrorists who probably had gone into my room while I was out buying fungus-coated meat on sale-while all real options had been taken off the shelves--this only began this month since the onset of the terror regime of the Nazi German man who still won't leave me alone he must grab and glob on and latch on to get as many deals as possible for as long as possible. It takes me years to get some of them off me they never stop grabbing on to abusing and raping me, even when they can't get any sexual reaction and I begin to yell that I want them dead, they won't ever stop they continue to get free deals they are also addicted to violence and abuse and they are truly all hateful personalities.

But, the pair of fascist Nazi white Europ-a's were blocking the entrance of the steep entrance into the condo, at the bottom of a very steep hill. The terrorists had put metal gratings over the drainage area just at the bottom of the hill where the entrance and the road intersect. The terrorists then made sure that the metal grates that you drive over to get over the steep and dangerous huge rut where water trickles in a kind of small stream--that only three are not broken and most of the entrance is impossible to drive into. They then make sure that while I am carrying huge bundles of packages on this small motorbike that as I need to turn the 90-degree angle someone is blocking my path. The pair of them were posturing in Nazi poses--the female riding on the back seat standing up in a posture that I barely noticed but observed from the corner of my eye as I tried to swerve to the one spot I could drive up while they slowed down to try to make me fall over or have to stop and fight this huge laden motorbike. The road is normally very empty it's not a main road by any means but a side road for the hillside community. 

I also was confronted with Europ-a's in the store who waited until I was walking up to a cash register to nearly run with their carts just at the exact moment that would require for me to have gone too far to the empty register at the back end of the rows but just at the precise moment I either had to make a 360-turn with the cart that was huge and overflowing with all the bags I carry so the few items I have that I can't have destroyed while I am out of this room, that I hide under my couch in many layers of tied bags so they can't be sprayed and destroyed--I carry at least 4 bags around with me at all times to try to protect various items that are sprayed with stinking substances or damaged or broken if I leave them in my room and go out. Before I finally managed to block the rapists and the terrorists who came into my room and dyed parts of my hair grey (that has stopped since I have finally been able to block out people coming into my room, as well as my hips being put out of balance and etc--and not being raped as well--just to have figured out how to do that has taken me 2 years of fighting--the thought-reading capabilities is astounding. If you think of one protection they can "hear" it and use ways to make it seem as if your actions are "successful" in blocking the terrorists out when in fact it hasn't worked, the conceal their attacks more slyly.

this is a very long post--I had not intended to write it I need to get other things done. As I wrote yesterday I am too stressed out by now to keep this hate and ugliness within myself I need to vent it one way or another and exercise or going out is impossible.

I now have a room of filth that I have to clean due to the white Nazis who are filthy and greasy and rotten who spray their ugliness out on me and then feel light and happy as they posture in their glorified Nazi postures. I can't express how disgusted I am that the US Government has sponsored this and continues to allow this system to fester and these greasebag creeps to be allowed to continue to pour their ugliness and hate and death accidents and poisoning so I can't function or compete as I just sit here fighting to clean and heal and get things done and the stress has accumulated to the point that I can't get anything done any longer except just a few basic chores of cleaning per day and I just sit here in a daze writing about this WAITING FOR MY COUNTRY TO STOP THIS CRIME by writing all these posts about it.


One more thing: I wrote an email to my landlord, something I never do. I explained to him that I want no email contact due to hackers rewriting or blocking content. I send him physical letters to his home address. He complains about this and demands internet communication. I sent him the first email I have ever sent and the hackers rewrote many of the words and included stupid filler words that water down the communication. It was full of incomprehensible words and sentences and commas had been deleted. I then wrote him another email explaining that the message had been hacked and the mistakes were not mine. He is a terrorist 100% part of the violence, rape and torture of me in this room and according to the protocols that these filthy creeps (all of them, including the "leaders you all worship and love as your fascist Nazi celebrities and leaders and politicians who partake in this crime against me and this system you all are members of) but, he tells me that I am crazy and etc and that it's not happening. I thus have to go through all kinds of hell just to obtain plastic cards. I am a thoroughly clean person (I would not be living in a greasy brown-sprayed studio where brown grease has been sprayed onto the floors, walls, all furniture and clothing and any closets are all stinking and most of my clothing smells rotten and rancid===clothing I have just cleaned, clothing I have never worn is shrunk and filthy and stinking--etc etc.

I am just stuck living like this. I know my government, president after president for many decades have completely endorsed this project of torture, gang stalking terrorism and mind control. 

I just sit here writing about it, waiting for some shift in paradigm for anyone to actually care. I do know that the people who defended me and then had to recede died in weird and before-their-time ways (weird creepy laboratory created and injected cancers is one of the most oft-used government sponsored forms of covert assassination--I believe).

More on my current abuser teleporting me and why I have been writing these posts enraged and in fury as of late, an increase in number almost daily, , which is connected in part to :Phoning Fed Ex in Phuket--a mini hell that is a repeat of the phone calls I have made that are met by terrorists doing exactly the same things. I have no options except to drive a long distance to speak to this person at the Fed Ex location. Instead I have to try to phone the office. First three times I got a fax buzzing, then the call was disconnected three times. Then I phoned the Bangkok Customer service line and went through all the prompts only to get voice messages in Thai stating I pressed the wrong option. I then phoned the Fed Ex Phuket branch again and reached a terrorist who did the things that all the terrorists on phones everywhere around the world did:

 First he said he could not hear me and I had to shout as my throat was tweaked by the microchip implant so I was choking and screaming to get him to answer this basic question. Since this is an issue of obtaining my money from my account, as meager as it is, it is critical to get this information. Because I am so stuck in pain and paralysis that drive long distances to speak in person is difficult, and phoning is the most convenient, I had to bear through this ordeal.

Screaming the tracking number as in the background a group of at least 5 Thai people were shouting at the top of their throats in the background. It sounded like people screaming in a crowded bus stop. I kept screaming the numbers as my voice was cracking and choking while terrorists blocked and constricted the sphincter muscles of my throat to a choking level. This terrorist operating the phone could not "Understand" or "hear" me screaming the number 2 or 0 and I used both Thai and English repeatedly. I screamed out the 10-digit number (or how many digits the tracking # is) and he kept getting confused. In America for example I could never use either my name spelled endlessly in screaming accentuation of my last name with the f and s together of my last name too confusing for Walgreens staff answering the phone. They also could not understand my customer id number and I would shout and scream into phones as they claimed they could not hear or understand what I was saying or got confused and kept repeating the wrong name and numbers until I finally had to walk more than one mile to get to the store and then wait for 30 minutes for them to fill the prescription. That happened 100% of the time, and here in Phuket I got an answer to a simple question that the mail service would not answer and I had to go through this screaming harassment attack with this guy ignoring my screaming questions as I c hoked and yelled while he had a nearly laughter gaiety in his nasty voice--he kept interrupting me and repeating information I didn't need, of course knowing why I was phoning as they were prepared to get a group of people into the store as they kept hanging up on me and transferring the number to this fax machine so by the time I finally got them to pick up the store--which is a tiny space, was a screaming zoo as I had to scream to get an answer. Otherwise I would have to spend an hour driving to this location (back and forth) risking being hit by cars (it's on a dangerous busy street where previously cars darted out from behind parked trucks and nearly hit me, continuously as part of the attack).

I then finally got the answer I needed and hung up after having to repeat the tracking number 6 times, then repeating a question 4 times, then telling him that he was answering the wrong question and interrupting him to get him to stop 5 times because he was going into details that had nothing to do with answering the question I asked him already 4 times. 

I knew this was going to happen and that it would be difficult--but that doesn't make it easier to deal with. As I am still bereft of stress release and always under attack by this very energized German man trying his best to get every ounce of everything possible out of me and this contract combined while destroying me and my home and everything else, I need my energy to deal with finding a way to combat the tech that is literally too overpowering for me in this state of isolation.

But I am writing now about every detail wishing that someone would take a bit of compassion and think that this is outrageous and criminal and someone should help me and then actually go about doing something to alleviate this slow torture to death situation that my government and society has fully forced upon me with compliance by everyone it seems.

I am particularly stressed-out about money as I am really in a very hard situation that has been forced upon me in so many ways. The blocks to earning money have made me completely vulnerable and helpless without any support or real sanctuary to turn to.


I am writing about every attack, at least recently I have been writing like "crazy" about these attacks that otherwise I normally can bear to a slight degree and not write of every attack. I write to get rid of much of the stress as I have no exercise, no companionship, my cats have been killed and taken away, I have no home almost no money am on the brink of every disaster I need health care and they won't leave me alone for one moment and not for one night and never....

This German man is particularly intent on obtaining whatever he can and is going about it with a fury of attacks and emotional roller coaster cycles of abuse that are enervating to say the very least. Life force sucking and draining is more apt and appropriate. He gives nothing back according to contract never says a kind thing after forcing extreme energy out of me using this tech and his playboy tricks--which I think are sleazy and he's just abusive, pornographic and demeaning insulting and violent towards me. I am not some masochist in love with an abuser I am asleep and teleported and drugged up and under hypnosis and he's using extremely powerful technology upon me. I warn readers of the future of people having access to this technology and the damage and perhaps murder they will inflict upon those they rape and abuse and possibly murder afterwards using this tech and the subliminal messaging.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

My clothing hung on the rack next to the kitchen table to stop the fungus from growing in closets that are constantly sprayed with fungus inside all closed spaces. All clothing is saturated with fungus and mold. The clothing I have handing in the studio taking up space is black with flecks of fungus that have hardened. The terrorist filth got into a plastic bag I buried under many items, underneath a huge plastic tarp, under other bags, stuffed and covered with tarp behind a recliner--the parasites opened the bag which was tied shut and all is stinking with filth. I need to go outside and must spray bleach and fabric softener on the items just to not stink from feet away with stinking foul odors that pig whores sprayed on my clothing.

 The disgusting and filthy pigs who ordered this are the celebrity pig apes I have been writing of for years. I don't know if the German rapist who is violent, abusive and manipulative and using this tech is ordering this or not. He is digging into my body and trying to suck out my life and love force and abusing me after he forces himself on me as I fight to stop this and stop him every single day. His town has flooded and he still had time to abuse me last night with the pair of black anti-Semites who represent a host of black anti-Semites in the entertainment industry who partner with most racist Mafia and Nazis but claim they are fighting against racism.

Will someone get this German man off me and stop him from raping me? 

Will anyone ever force this group of mafia nazis who have assaulted me to pay for reparations so I can live in a decent home and have clean clothing instead of EVERYTHING stinking of rotting meat and stinking fungus as I fight to protect my body from mutilation as my entire body is covered with slashes and scars and broken bodies and poison that has hardened into my spine and bones and is stuffed into my intestines and hanging off my body like sagging flesh and cottage cheese cellulute but it's black poison and it is black under the skin--hanging and stuck and corroding my body as they abuse me night after night and day after day so my immune system is continuously o9ver-exerted with fighting as they also use a 'truth serum" effect and I answer all questions get into verbal discussions while they all remain silent after abusing me to the point that I am screaming. These filthy ape whores then get promotions without end for this.


 I am literally telling this German man I don't want him as he forces this technology on me night after night and gets off on his porno pimp fantasies of abuse and violence upon me. He is out partying night after night--except for the last day when  his city has been flooded and as I said he found time to get more deals out of attacking me so the black celebrities can abuse me alongside the bigots and he's so fully agreeable and even more violent than all of them have been--or nearly--he's only been at it for 7 weeks or since end of May and he's so nasty I never want to see him again. Can someone get him off me? I have tried for 7 weeks not and endlessly screamed no and then succumbed to this awful pimp/whore technology that blasts the body with sensations and bombards the brain with subliminal messages and it is impossible to resist. He is a very nasty personality I am njot interested in him or his culture or family or friends and he's trying to force me into obtaining a deal for him that he really does not deserve and none of these creeple teleporting me does either. 

Will anjyone ever intervene in this? I do not mean another famous or infamous or non-famous person attacking me to obtain their own version of the deal but for pure justice and humanitarian reasons to actually not allow this to continue any longer? 

My posts have been very angry and bitter -sounding in recent weeks. The increasing hate and ugliness of my tone is due to being raped constantly and then tortured after my body and sexuality is pried open by this German man who returns it with more violence as he goes off partying and laughing over it all. I can't look him up on the internet any longer to see how many new tours and gigs he's obtained in just the last few weeks. The protective barrier I had formerly for my spirit to remain in some kind of decent state is being breached as he's opening up my emotions only to dig in as much hate and insult and physical assault and emotional and sexual abuse as possible. I can't stop the technology nor him. He's determined to obtain his every contract sucked out of abusing me for I have no idea how long. I am thus writing in a very bitter and nasty tone; it doesn't help with the celebrities who have raped and tortured me for years laughing and thrilled about this violence and rape being inflicted upon me by my "enemy" a German as they surround him with awards and praise and invitations. He's so thrilled to be part of the Whorewood gang he's probably on some 7th heaven by now. I am here embittered and tired and feeling absolutely drained. I reacted in a most disreputable way when I was attacked in public because my nerves are distraught over this rape and endless exploitation and lovelessness and abuse and the sick situation that people are just laughing and thrilled to read and watch as I fight constantl for over a decade to get one rapist abuser after the next off me and they just are taking turns congratulating each other at their billionaire parties as I sit fighting to stop from being over-charged for a shipment of my credit cards because they have poisoned, drugged, raped and abused me nightly and daily for years and I can't cope with financial and any kind of business any longer. All phone calls are blocked all transactions are met with abuse or lies or discrimination. No one still intervenes. I wait for the flooding and hope that I will survive whatever comes and that this organization is destroyed and actual caring people put into power instead. But for now it's dumbass whores who I must deal with and the do-nothing followers who adore them. I feel like I am the only person who has this mentality but I know there must be others I can't even get around anyone to discover who they are, much less try to find some sympathetic group--all targets are left without any support system people always just turn away. In this state then I must say I can't wait for Europe to sink and for America to have that shift of power so people who care are put into positions of power. Generally though when there are crises only the worst fascists obtain power. I hope this will change. Otherwise I am stuck writing these posts and feeling like I sound bitter and nasty. I really don't want to do this. I really want my cat returned and for this group to be forced to pay me for my own house that is decent and not attacked and clean and around people who won't bother me in a place I really love. I don't know why this is so impossible for anyone to simply try to fight for me to obtain as I am blocked in every attempt at self-sufficiency.

The world is flooding now. It is drowning from the stupidity and incompetence of the organization to which all of you hacking into this belong to. I have to wait for the "act of God" as it's called for this terror torture contract to finally be stopped by a higher force as the lowest scum of humanity has been risen to the top of a pile of ignorance and the result is going to be the flooding of the planet. It's happening now.

*Hackers have deleted many commas and periods and other punctuation in this post below. I am too tired of rewriting to go into this and fight with hacker blocks to the keyboard to then publish and see mistakes once more hacked into the re-written thrice page. So I leave it as is. Hackers have rewritten parts and deleted parts. Whatever appears rambling and incoherent is due to hacker attacks--in every single post from all past entries up to now and undoubtedly until the flooding stops this organization this will continue indefinitely because you readers never really do anything and read this and probably feel entitled that it's not happening to you (but it probably is on one level or another).



But as a segue to this:

What else? I just discovered that a brand new very excellent pair of scissors that are metal--used three times--have been sprayed with rusting substances--I put oil and then a silicone spray and I can just move the blades but they are grinding still despite coating them three times. They are usable but the smooth action they had where I could cut material is now jumpy so cutting is zig-zag. I will have to buy another pair.

My only hope at this stage for this hate hell situation to be stopped is for the "Act of" the gluttony greed human pig apes to finally destroy the planet with every white pig ape male and his whore wife needing a plantation with slaves and all "threats" like me eliminated from competing against them in any power position so they can continuously implement laws to help build and pour steel concrete pollute use and abuse and all feeling entitled.

So far the scenario beneath, complied from a few occult seers like Edgar Cayce and others (I have not heard of as I do not generally delve into such matters) but it appears that the coastlines and the flooding is at the beginning stages of the eventual collapse of the global order--that is the only way I can see that this terrorist stalking enterprise will ever be stopped as you readers are too corrupted and complacent to ever get involved and stop the ignorant and rotten from obtaining endless power. As I see in Thailand the rotten ugly putrid old Europigape men and their nasty and foul wives (and children also nasty, stupid and foul all with the money pilfered from decades or centuries of colonialism and the Holocaust brought a huge boon to the pig apes and banking loaning fiascos with endless $ pouring in from austerity to the fascist Nazi countries endlessly building and building their slave plantations and polluting the earth to make their endless money for whore parties and orgies and vacations and mansions with slaves such as proliferate here in Thailand.

The end result of their swinery is the impending doom that the "liberal" whites are now fighting to stop--but not enough as they can't understand or want to understand the real driving force behind it all--I have to constantly explain how this is operating to the pigs who fully participate in this contract along with the worst of the polluting fascist Nazi pig apes they adore--but then scratch their blank, stupid filthy whore heads in wonderment as to how this situation of flooding is now at a critical stage they thought they had maybe ten more years to continue kissing ass to the pigs who are destroying the planet so they can get their endless tours of
Europigapeland and movie deals in Whorewood.

Soon these places will be gone but for now they just continue doing the same things, following this system which is directly tied to polluting Nazi pig apes and the fascist Nazi Mafia goon apes who are creating all this mess on the planet. The "youth" of the now very dumbed down celebrity circles--more and more stupid as generations of meaningless movies and brainwashing and programming have pumped out a new batch of so-called "cool and hip new generation" of younger pig apes with the same rancid old mentality as their fascist pig ape parents and grandparents who have mentalities that are centuries old of conquest and endless domination of every thing they can plunder.

Soon it will be gone, according to these magickal soothsayers and the trend is now showing that this is happening at a rate much faster than expected. Not soon enough for me though. I also need money to be able to move to a more safe location but for now i must write these posts endlessly detailing the sickness that they create the stupidity upon which they operate the mental, spiritual and moral filth that they are and how ignorant it is for people to continue to allow these ape whore pigs to be put into power and promoted for displaying endlessly this kind of behavior as if that makes them powerful and smart, by their misuse of technology and organized terror gangs and operations using all technology to link together rotten filthy ugly old men and their rotting disgusting wives and their shitty stupid brainwashed and greedy ignorant children.
The victims who have been killed who warned and were trying to stop the pollution are all now dead because this group of goons and thugs has to have complete stupidity and compliance without question to their exploitation and abuse of everything they can stick their greasy pricks into and suck the life, nature and money out of and claim that makes them "superior" and here is the eventual result of such a rotten group of filth being put into power (see below):

I have one neck support pillow I use and the terrorist filth sprayed it with their mechanical arm rotten stinking meat substance last night--it stinks like rotting meat. I must use this to keep me fractured neck vertebrae supported because terrorists crushed my vertebrae. I have only one of these. The tiny studio can't accommodate any extra things the entire room is packed with items on the floor I had to take out of the closets because I have to tie all with hooks to stop the mechanical arms from breaking into the room from within the cabinets--

 I can barely think right now, as I fight to type and the keyboard is so badly hacked I must backspace almost every word to write and then they delete and rewrite and remove commas and periods. I also can't think clearly and with all the backspacing and the stiffness of the board I am stuck fighting just to be able to write any words out and this is a huge distraction.

Stinking, the clothing I wear the furniture and this item that I had around my neck but was so busy fighting to get this business done--now seeing that what I thought should arrive latest next Wednesday (but really should arrive Monday or Tuesday) is now slated to arrive on Friday--maybe. Paying top price for special delivery which is being put into a lower time delivery slot at the highest price--higher, much higher than Fed Ex lists on their site. 

Left with no options for mail services. this is the third service I have used since I left the US. I have been attacked by all of these services and can't constantly change my address so I remain getting ripped off. 

DHL appears to have closed it's offices in Phuket although that may be one of the terrorist hacks making me have to go with the much more expensive option, which they are then jacking the price up at least by a huge margin and then slowing down what should be a one-day express delivery--at most 3 days, now listed as a 5-day delivery--maybe.

Then smelling this stink

and I think of the rotting old men and women who are ordering this. The Nazis and the rapists and racists and creeps the scumbags the whores the users and creeps who are ordering all of this. The younger children who are like rotting meat but look youthful--like rotting fruit that has been polished--just young but rotten and old, vicious and violent they become more violent generation after generation as the Nazi and fascist movements of the world are in this new technological upswing the children are more fanatically entitled than the parents, who train them to be thus.

but I am subjected to the rottenness of sleazy creeple and this is just another day of writing about it to the huge void out there readingship I don't know--what or how who or where but I think it is some people reading this--maybe someone cares--could you please induct more people into fighting to stop this endless filth being poured into my home and body and these creeps attacking me? Where is there any civility in society any longer? I am innocent why is no one really defending my human rights this is 100% a racist and hate crime. 

The people who have stolen my ideas all these years should be forced to PAY ME HUGE SUMS for their rape, poisoning, attempted murder and other crimes and for the concepts they have stolen.

Terrorist business discriminatory practices by my mailing service and by Fed Ex: (or so it appears from this distance). I may be stressed-out but I know for certain that there is something wrong as the delivery time I am being charged for is much lower than what the mail service is charging me. I have no other options and I have no choice at this time but to have to go through with it and pay this discriminatory price for a basic service.

 I am being charged a $140 fee by Fed Ex for an international shipment from USA to Thailand for a package weighing less than one ounce--a few grams--two pieces of plastic--two cards. That is all, plus the two pieces of paper that they are contained in. $140 f-ing dollars for two cards to be sent express delivery. The price listed on the FedEx site is far lower than the price my mailing service is charging me--overcharging perhaps. They claim that "we just press the button and this is the price that comes out." Now they claim that there is an additional expense for signature delivery requirement which I have never heard of for a pick-up at the Fed Ex station order. It is ridiculous. Is this me being ripped off by this company mail service or Fed Ex is outrageously overpriced or inflation is dangerous?

Additionally, the arrival time is for longer than one week. I ordered express delivery, they are charging me $140 for a 5-business day service of two plastic cards from Florida to Thailand. I am being screwed over and they won't give me any answers via email to my questions such as how the estimated delivery date is in one week (next Friday is the date the Fed Ex tracking displays). I asked for a next-day service. They refuse to answer any questions they remain silent but have very quickly taken up the money.
I expect that when I try to pick up the package they will lie and tell me it's not yet in the office, as they did the last time I ordered a package with my passport to be picked up at the fed ex station. They lied and said that the package was not there but the tracking info showed that it had arrived for pick up;.
Meanwhile, I now have to wait and wait and wait and pay and pay and this is part of the terror network of discrimination and blocks to all finances, stealing as much of my money as possible (for me to have saved this kind of money has meant much sacrifice for me)
I keep money saved for emergencies. I have been raped, poisoned and drugged and severely under attack by this German getting his hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals from attacking and abusing and using me. I could not function he has kept me drugged up and under stress, plus the sickness from healing. I cannot keep track of my records I can't function or get anything done they have paralyzed me on almost all levels. I am now in some kind of "emergency" state where I have to get cards to withdraw money and shipments that should have taken a few days are now taking weeks to wait to obtain.
Hacking is horrible. I also noticed that hackers inserted words into my emails so when I would write "I just received" the hackers inserted this word "just" a few more times within the same sentence making me sound grammatically wrong. It happened again in many other sentences so all of my sentences were long and rambling with filler words repeated and scattered throughout the post. Commas and periods were also removed.

this is how I can't get anything done or accomplished and now I am paying $200 for two debit cards that I was to sick, too much under abuse and attack to think clearly too sick from detox and more poisoning and drugging too stressed out from being teleported and raped constantly and this is the result--as each of the services I rely on screw me over, give false information (the mailing service claimed they didn't get my information in emails regarding where to ship the package--they then kept me waiting to confirm the exorbitant cost of the package which they have over-priced by probably $50 and then are using the slower mail service and probably stealing money from me. I don't know but it appears to be the case as even expedited service from Fed Ex is a 3-day international and not a 5-business day time period.
They refuse to answer any questions.
Every other word is being partially deleted while I am typing so I must backspace constantly to get anything out, plus the keyboard is now as hard to write on as fighting to hammer nails into cement.


again, no response from this company in Florida on what signature required means if this is a pick-up at the Fed Ex station. No response to why the package I am paying $140 for express delivery is estimated to arrive in one week, more than 5 business days from now, if you count today being one of the business days that makes 6 business days of this package waiting to be delivered. Nothing from them. They just claim they don't get my emails, then give a quote on the day that I need the package shipped out, knowing that I am overseas--(they could have informed me a few days ago of the price but they claimed they did not get my emails with the fed ex mailing address which they lied about). The service has lied to me in the past. They lie to me all the time in fact they doubled the price of the service and stopped sending me information on mail my box was receiving. When I try to contact other mailing services I get no response because the terrorist organization deletes my inquiries or blocks responses and all phone calls are diverted to their agents so I can't get any business done whatsoever. The hacking is now very bad and the rewriting of my words if horrific I see how badly they change what I have written and it sounds like I can't compose a simple and direct statement or sentence and all my emails make me sound "confused" like I can't spell or think clearly and repeat the same thing--all done by hackers and this includes all my posts which I can't endlessly rewrite and rewrite as they also change posts I rewrite...

Another day of spewing out the hate from the haters teleporting me. Last night it was two more celebrities who I wrote of yesterday who ran to teleport me with the German prime terrorist who has been inflicting his version of hate and rape for the last 8 weeks or longer. They verbally accosted me, as now every night for years I have had screaming and hate fights with celebrities who feed off negativity and get promoted for causing more injury to my psyche as they then get more deals. Because I wrote of them the RAN to get involved so they could inflict more injury if possible and threaten, yell at, threaten again and then they are going off after using their anti-Semitic hate hissing at me with another German (usually it's with NY Mafia "Italian-Americans" who they partnered with for years attacking me and profiting off this contract derived from fascist racist Nazism. I had to scream about how they are really promoting racism in their endless "Black Panther" salutes and anti-racist huge sold-out shows--who could the fakes be this time I am writing about, you may or may not be wondering? Well, they appear to be a happily married couple, they are "black" and she dyes her hair blonde. She is known for her "booty" and he's singing raping about thug life and is tough when it comes to threatening me but can't stand up in iota when it comes to deferential slavish devotion to racist anti-Semitic racist "Italian-American" mafia and they nearly drool in obsequious adoration to Germans who are racists who usually are raping and beating/slapping and threatening and attacking me viciously. They seem to gravitate towards the Germans like this. Who could this couple be out of NYC? also with mansions in Beverly Hills? So I had a hate experience as I do every single night while in the most vulnerable state of deep sleep, by the German who is now "friends" with all of them but not with me although he's trying to force the most passionate "love" out of me and then abusing and torturing me according to protocol afterwards. Of course, he "has" to do this violence because he "has to" follow the protocols and is just following orders of this rotten filthy organization mostly controlled by rotting disgusting old men who are fascist and disgusting--all races and colors there is no division it's one huge entity of rotting old men from every country.

 I had to scream at them that they are not only deferring to the most nasty racists in entertainment within the celebrity circles in this contract as they stood as usual mute and dumb, and dumber and dumber it's like they can't begin to conceive of the fact that they are part of a racist system. Of course they know this intrinsically but they "play dumb" I guess but they remain silent. I then scream at them, and then someone or they are noting down the words so they can steal them for their fake presentations about how they are "fighting racism" which is they booty grinding sensational Black Panther performance high-selling point, and thug life mentality of wearing Gucci and driving a Lamborghini to impress and show how much a part of the 4th Reich fascist empire they have been welcomed into with their sell-out high-grossing indoctrination of blacks into fascist  Nazi and Mafia culture, as they nearly swoon in private over Germans who are raping and abusing me. But mostly, they rush like rabid greedy users to get more deals out of participating in this terror torture racist contract because I made a very brief reference to that couple--which is just one pair of so many blacks in the "upper circles" of black wanna be white supremacist Nazi/Mafia performance puppetry that fully indoctrinate the other masses of black consumers into death squad mentality with their crappy K-rap songs and their gyrating sexualized versions of selling out to white supremacy but making it appear as if they are tough and macho and fighting, fighting oh how they are fighting (to get more of that $$$$$ filthy rich but filthy at heart and filthy in mind).

And so, I write of this yet again, another day of this ugliness forced upon me. I had to yell at them as I do with so many of them that I never liked their stuff. I watched the female (seems really dumb in person has nothing to say but of course she's only there to profit off this deal, suck out whatever possible and say nothing as they all do--they all appear absolutely stupid except for some of the Europigapes who have a lot to say but it's all about manipulation and questions about why I won't go along like their rotten other minorities like the squadrons of blacks who fully go along and seem to never question anything about the racist content of their complicity in these actions--but of course they are counting their money and they are making a lot of it after joining in on these excursions of teleportation terror and torture).

I wasn't even going to add this, but I saw on one of the YouTube channels that I watch that has movie reviews for movies I would never watch (or tv shows) but this is a show with constant laughter at the movies and it's more entertaining than the movies ever could be. 

They mentioned that Don Cheadle won an Emmy a few days ago for a 98-second performance in one part of a tv show. 

I was not going to write of this but Cheadle participated in teleportation torture of me--did not attack me personally but was there participating. It's yet another black operating with one of the whites--I can't remember which one exactly it could have been S-negger or it could have been Keanu Reeves---who has a few blacks around him (Naomi Campbell was particularly nasty).

Well, that is the report about the hate that the "anti-racist" blacks of H-wood have dumped on me. I know that the couple I mentioned and I really do not want to help promote them so I will not write their names--even though I wrote the names of others--it's because it is pretty easy to reference the black couple above they have some notable characteristics but I can't think of anything but movie references for the other actors, such as "that actor who starred in Hotel Rwanda." which could mean other actors. Again, a movie portraying genocide and hate and racism (as racism brought on by the Belgian colonialists in the last few centuries was the dividing factor between the Tutsis and the Hutus). The legacy of colonialism and slavery continues but in this modern form it goes in the form of money paid to puppets to grovel nearly at the symbolic feet of the fascists and the Nazis and former slave-owners and "masters" who are still of that exact mentality but are using these symbols of "freedom" to see subliminal and overt iconography of racist adaptation of minorities into the overall slave plantation that spans the globe--now electronically--with their songs which are really training other minorities to learn gang stalking terrorist activities (so so many blacks operate in this capacity in the United States for the white supremacists) and this couple is a most perfect example of this.

however, I would so like if someone would get this teleportation technology out of the hands of the incompetent and the swinish and the greedy and ignorant celebrities and politicians. If they have been trained at Oxford, Georgetown or at some other Ivy League school that doesn't mean they studied ethics or philosophy or have any concern for anything other than learning how to manipulate with the utmost fake charm in order to obtain their unethical goals. 

Now the world is reeling from their policies, as I wrote yesterday the fact of global warming is tied to these very people and the factions that fully support them as the representatives of their greedy and deadly empire. The technology is in the hands of incompetent pig apes people had better understand that my term pig ape is an extremely apt depiction.


Although I have written a long and rambling hate post here, much of it due to brain-altering tech blasting my brain as I fight to type on a hacked keyboard--I had also just written an addition that was deleted by hackers. My thoughts had gone into the realm of how these blacks are thugs but not in the sometimes considered derogatory sense of the slang term Thug. Some black activists claim that using this word against blacks is racist. I will use the term to mean the cult of Kali, the Hindu Goddess of bloodless revenge and of cult sacrificial targeting. The operations of the thugees of India were very similar to those that this terrorist fascist Nazi group/mafia partakes in. They surround the target/victim and feign friendship. They steal whatever they can for the larger benefit of the organization and then in a religious ceremony inflict their violence upon the target. The assassins of the Middle East also employed similar tactics but not as religiously -oriented. Thugs, meaning cult groups with mass violent manipulations covered over with ideological pseudo-religious rationale for simple theft, abuse, rape and murder or torture. That kind of thug. In addition to singing and gyrating about thug life and wearing as much Italian faschion Mafia gear as possible and getting praised and going off to Europe and fawning over white Europ-a's as much as possible and the golden dream of owning a mansion in Europ-a-land and groveling to help abuse me in front of every Germanic Nazi possible and going off laughing and partying and then putting out their performances about how they are incensed about racism because black people just like them need leadership and they are there to fill in the void of misery that somehow exists that they are fighting against (sarcastically-speaking of course).
Thugs. Sleazy and stupid. Every time they teleport me they only have hate and abuse and racist comments to make. Stupid ignorant thugs selling off racism but playing it off as being anti-racist. So, that in essence is what I was screaming at these moronic idiots last night while in my sleeping and fighting to heal state as I always am fighting to heal from the poisoning that people like this put in my body all my life while they surround me like the vicious and stupid animals that they are (meaning the whites, blacks and everyone else participating in this as I am partially paralyzed from their poisoning).
Yes, every day I am attacking a different group, race, color of skin and nationality. The situation of gang stalking is like a global pandemic or sickness and stupidity and there is no superiority or elitism when stupidity and greed are combined with technology that allows every unscrupulous scumbag to inflict their hate upon a target and all governments cover it up, support it AND FUND THESE OPERATIONS.
In a sense I truly regret having written about these creeple as my writing only serves as a stepping stone for their promotions because if I react in a negative way to their negativity which they just dump on me and get relieved of, they then get more promotions and they all go off laughing and participating in this perpetual attack (to the death, that is their intention there is no doubt) as long as they possibly can. Thus, I eventually wish them all death because they are participating in a death contract out on me. They then threaten me further. I wonder how much longer and how many more of these pieces of utter crap I have to deal with for how much longer when will anyone ever stop this so I can live without s*hit people surrounding me who I never liked (never liked most of their movies or music) and think of them as absolutely blank and rotten whore idiots. I write to try to convince people somehow if anyone can ever get this through their heads that allowing this situation to continue the planet is going to be a lot worse off than if morally and artistically competent and of much higher talent actually were put into power or into political office. I try to explain the moral morass of these asses and yet the majority of people are so flooded with the imagery of these hateful and evil celebrities and politicians who are more talented at faking all positive virtues than they are at actually leading with any sense of skill that could actually preserve life for the planet in any foreseeable future.

Update on terrorist utilities attack: written of previously today (the soap opera goes on and on as the world turns as the stomach quote Carol Burnette). Okay, the situation of the whining and shaking screeching kitchen faucet that terrorists have manipulated and are manipulating from the other side of the wall using a clamp or some device. After I spend an average of 3 minutes fighting to move the handle and rotating base that terrorists are breaking because it was firm and I could stop the noise by just changing direction of the base--now they loosened the base so it's without any tension and when I adjust the faucet or they stop putting the clamp on some dual valve system they have in place to create this noise--after I balance something on top of the construction I put on top of the drain in the kitchen sink, because they are also inserting mechanical arms through the huge hole in the drain area--and spraying filth on my hair as I sit here just in front of the sink--but they make the arm go through the entire room they can extend these arms to any length---and they put damaging chemicals on my hair and my clothing in this way from behind. But I balance something on top of another thing so when they try to lift up this cover I have made, I will hear the objects crashing. But they are now doing something on the other side so once I finally get the noise to stop, I hear a kind of popping noise as something is being shifted and the huge rattling/shaking/grinding and whining that is so loud you can hear it from outside it shakes the light fixtures and things fall off the storage areas near the sink area. If I want to turn water on now for any reason I have to spend at least 3 minutes trying to turn the water off without it grinding and making a huge screeching metallic noise with the entire sink area shaking as the noise is like a small train engine grinding to a halt the noise goes through the entire apartment and outside. They keep doing this now periodically after I finally l get the noise to stop. I need people to intervene. this landlord is as unreliable as the worst landlords possible. He refuses to fix anything and if he does come he makes sexual comments and comments on what I look like he touches me he insults me and I am in a state of mind control where I can't control my reactions and I talk and my voice is artificially changed to a different tone and range. I say things that are not of my vocabulary and he comes in stinking of foul body odor and so do his helpers. He also includes at least two other people in addition to the person who does the work so if my back is turned they steal things or break or rip or flick stains on items. The landlord claims they must be in the room along with him. The condo management is absent and they only phone this landlord who is ready with a team to attack me as my brain is put under mind control blanking levels and I can't defend myself at all in any way. I need support how many years of writing about this situation must it take for any administration to not comply with this filthy stupid and deadly rotten organization?

Terrorist technology report: July 15, 2021. Besides hacking and keyboard obstruction, when phoning my Visa card service every function I tried to use was blocked and/or interrupted. I had to spend 4 times longer to get this very simple automated transaction done than otherwise should have taken. At the very moment I needed to minimize the SKYPE screen in order to copy down an essential phone number, the page could not be minimized and I was stuck having to hang up and repeat the process. While I was trying to get the page to minimize a series of emoticons just appeared with sad faces (mocking me as hackers could 1: read my thoughts, 2 know what I was trying to do, 3: block the process, 4: let me know they were not only blocking the process but putting on silly emoticons mocking how angry I was becoming as the terrorists then, showered my brain with mind control tech enhancing frustration as I reacted even in the privacy of my room but for their surveillance cameras in a state of enhanced and exaggerated rage which I would not have felt as I understood this was another terrorist hack job.

 I am likewise never able to get the most simple functions done on this laptop (or any laptop. as the hacking protocols follow me around from internet cafe to the next, all private mobile phones are immediately hacked I can NEVER use the keypad for a mobile phone as hacking is endemic like a plague following me around everywhere on the planet, as these systems are integrated into a global attack seamless operation.

I thus, always for any simple transaction must redo it at least three times, for any phone call I must wait either one hour for a simple change-of-address as the same people with foreign accents who I was attacked by a year prior to the attack (meaning the very same people are having my phone calls diverted to them, as they cough into the phone, keep me on hold and do that at least 6 times for a simple address change or request for a service, and worse the waiting time and repetition of things I want as the person on the other end can't really "speak English" well enough to do any job quickly or accurately and they repeat the same phrases and keep me waiting--one hour is the average waiting time for any phone call transaction to my bank for any simple service. When I opened a new account or changed my type of account I had to phone three times, waiting one hour per call--that was a few years ago. 

Anyway, I thought I would add this to the daily venting rage reports as I am always drugged by mechanical arms wreaking havoc in my room and on my body--so I wake up with urgent need to vent the ugliness that was poured into my body or brain and the stench and filth that I wake up to every morning as the parasites pour cockroaches, stinking sewage water into my toilet, the bathroom stinks of mold every morning as I unlatch the hooks that are tying the door to the frame--etc etc etc etc on and on. Drugged with skin patches probably and not able to vent the rage as I still am partially paralyzed and stuck sitting in literally one position all day unable to move. The hard poisons are still latched onto my entire spine as I fight to get rid of it without ultrasound or any help from anybody and no access to health care (and if so, it is unreliable and dangerous and they overcharge me here in Phuket so it's very expensive and I can't pay).

The bs never ends. I write about it every day. It goes on. Que sera sera but this bs must be stopped. It must be stopped for the future of the planet it must not be allowed to continue on any level against anyone. The system must be exposed and not covered-up any longer by the media or by politicians or society.

Kamala promises that "we will be unburdened by the Past"--and yet, sadly ironically, a German endlessly referencing concentration camps and murdering me due to Nazi genocidal policy and raping me violently is one of her donors and also a partner. That means that an over 100-year old policy of pogroms and genocide is what she is endorsing. Blacks --sorry to use that term, what should I say? African-Americans people of color those who side with the fascist Mafia Nazi denizens of the 4th Reich out of H-wood and Congress/H-wood are absolute supporters of fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality. They become violent if you make reference to the FACT AND REALITY of their partners and what they say. They are told they are honored and beyond good and evil of racism. Their role is to assuage the viewers into a false sense of security which they, themselves have been utterly brainwashed into "believing" and acting out. Their hostility and violence towards me is akin to the Ukrainian concentration camp guards who were the most brutal of killers as some Jews who survived the camps swore in testimony and in interviews (see Shoah the documentary by Lanzmann for more detail of how Ukrainians were absolutely more violent in whisking the Jews into the gas chambers and brutal murderous beatings as guards). The blacks of America have turned t o the ingratiating Germans, a ploy I witnessed for the 5 years of living in Stuttgart, former NATO military headquarters of Europe, with something like 3 or 4 military barracks surrounding the city and non-stop soldiers roaming the streets. The "love" shown to Black soldiers ONLY OUT OF AMERICA was like mother's milk to the starving-for-approval blacks who were treated like "royalty" with blonde German girls offered as manna to the American blacks for their slavish devotion to the Germans who offered them something like devotion in return (with sneering contempt for them behind their backs, whispered and nodded in agreement by other Germans--and that lasted as long as the major American presence was in Stuttgart and Germany before the Clinton 4th Reich duplicity machine removed most of the American presence. The American Consulate was closed, and Nazism rose almost immediately thereafter until outspoken Nazi political parties have won general elections (in the former East bloc countries of Germany but it's widely accepted everywhere else, just they have to pretend a bit longer until the rest of the EU goes along as it is also doing politically but preceding all that has been the underground movements of Nazism and fascism disguised, shielded and protected with many an American joining in (soldiers and high-ranking as well--plus illegal arms deals with "enemy" countries out of the barracks that I heard of from people who worked at the barracks). Just to state that i have some experience with Germans and how they "seduce" people who have been oppressed by racism as they envelope the target with absolutely fake warmth only to ensure them to do their dirty work for t hem. That entails the actions of K-ala and Obama and Aperah and Whoopie and so many others.

I was so struggling to type words, as I now am the hacking is unbelievable, that what I realized more profoundly was how much these parasite...