Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Mind control: lecture about how to control "The Masses" by someone not inundated with mind control technology. Noam Chomsky on "The Hume Paradox". From industrial revolution to the digital revolution, mind control evolution encapsulated. Dare I add my own thoughts and risk more torture from the State/Mafia/Nazi/fascist/death squad/pornographic rape 'Me 2" culture USA+ fascist Nazi/Mafia international partner mind control apparatus, surveilling, hacking, stalking and monitoring my every thought, action, written and spoken word with resulting torture and punitive control for saying or thinking or doing the "wrong" thing, which is a negation of their hate crime corruption body politic along with body porno rape culture media politic body of lies and sleaze pretentiousness about being "free and equality-minded'??

 "Noam Chomsky--Hume's Paradox". Chomsky's Philosophy. June 30, 2016.

"When you get to the freer societies, there's a lot more concern about what people think. And that has been understood. That is part of the reason for the rise of the Public Relations industry in the United States. Public Relations industry is propaganda industry of Business, which was/is an American was created in the early part of the (20th) century, to try to, as they put it then, to control people's minds...anyone can understand that without having read Hume. They understood that without being able to control people's minds they would be in trouble. the business press it was written, 'The greatest problem facing industrialists is the rising political power of the masses. Realize the business press is very Marxist, super Marxist. All the values are inverted.  But they believe in class struggle, they talk about 'the masses' and 'beating down the masses'...In fact, business press reads like Maoist tracts, except all the values are inverted. They understood that you gotta control people's opinions because, as Hume put it, 'Power is in the hands of the governed, if they ever realize it'.


What more can I add to years of writing these posts about how the tremendous time, money and effort has been poured just into this prototype mind control teleportation/gang stalking/paralysis poisoning/isolation gang stalking terrorism and torture and mutilation and rape and violence and death threats contract out upon me just so a kind of template can be made for furthering the distortion of a two-sided dialogue in American society instead of a one-sided fascist Nazi/mafia control system based on the deceit that there are opposing factions in society. The mind control effort by the H-wood celebrities in partnership with politico, international mafia/Nazi "elite" fascists posing as Democrats of all races, ages and gender identities and the entire mix of my ranting diatribes for the past many years has detailed the extent to which people will go to not only participate in this huge effort to quell the potentiality of uprising against their sexist and racist genocidal hate culture of false political opposition. But also that this continuation of a very long policy of mind control--now very pronounced in media and entertainment news, YouTube commentary as "Progressive" but really operating with the fascists, rapists, Mafia and Nazis of all ranks of political and business culture.  


I struggle to write this post about mind control as the mind control technology is, through the due diligence of the military-industrial-university-backed and funded scientists who created all these forms of brain-mapping technology to blast my brain so I can't think clearly or write with the detail that would at least shadow seminally what Chomsky is elucidating in his lecture on how mind control is necessary to continue the military-political-fascist-Nazi-Mafia-Death Squad-entertainment complex mind control apparatus on a global level. Just so people are not self-empowered and obey and follow the instructions--as ALL the teleporting minions do to the point that NONE of them has an actual personality. They are like a formation of bot holograms repeating the same hate formulas that the last bigot fascist Liberal Radical Democrat followed alongside his fascist Nazi (so often Europ-a in origin) counterpart has instructed or also attacked upon me in their mutual quest for their greedful gain and promotional thrust and power grab and P-grab position on the Nazi/fascist/Mafia rungs of power for the ultimate c-ring phallus maypole dance of power tower phallic symbol they all revolve around, raping and hating and abusing and stealing and killing to get higher and higher.

"Night On Bald Mountain--Fantasia (1941) (Theatrical Cut)". Oliver Hayhoe. July 29, 2014.

Georgia's main football celebrity man, Herschel Walker's potentially aborted campaign for the US Senate: The hypocrisy of the gang stalking/death squad culture wars (both sides are almost equally as guilty): Will Warnock's campaign get a boost in this "expose" campaign against Republican opponent Walker to tip the Senate majority in just a few little weeks? The political leverage knives are out with Sica knives to carve out more space for Democrats in the Senate race in Georgia. Every seat won or lost could mean a complete change in American politics for years to come. The stakes could not be higher for every cut and slice to fell and abort opposition. //In the "end" of the upcoming election mess, the "winners" will keep the death squad culture intact without changing an iota of the promotional fascist/Nazi/mafia controlling entities which bring about these "divide and conquer" strategies as protocols for their minions to follow. The minions all continue to obey and follow the most hypocritical murder operation using covert technology that the world has ever experienced. It may bring about the ultimate death of millions of people. None of the candidates so far, much less the elected officials, will even breathe a word about this death squad culture they all operate from within in order to gain access to the lucrative money and power cartel which rules them all with death threats abounding if they do not conform and suppress those like me who do not want their death and murder culture to continue to rule our planet. I am not a lesbian, by the way!!! (see post about Velma the lesbian cartoon character I posted today).

 Politico: Walker’s team knew of an abortion allegation months before it surfaced.


"Hershel Walker's son SINKS his OWN father's campaign". Brian Tyler Cohen. October 4, 2022.


"Disney's Fantasia (1940) T-Rex vs. Stegosaurus Dinosaur Battle". Popcornbones. October 1, 2017.

This is not to indicate that T-rump will "win" or his minions such as Herschel Walker in the upcoming next 2 or more election cycles---it's just a cartoon! To my, in my position as victimee of the celebrity/political just grab 'em by the p-valley entourage with their international fashion fascist power backers, they are ALL neanderthals living in a pre-apocalyptic dino age of brutality disguised as fashion mind control programming entertainment and predatory technological prowess. That means that in general the media power structure and political bipartisan system is really the T-Rex and the rest who are subjected to their bs posturings are the prey, but don't understand it because they live in a cartoon fantasy world of delusional suspended disbelief.


The ("Left") media is headlining the true or perceived foibles of various candidates whenever possible---. to just be a bit fair to the changes that people go through in their lives, from one advocacy position to another. Even if Walker won the seat in Congress, he would vote against abortion although he may have paid for one abortion earlier in his life. People do change. I am not advocating for Walker but only for the choices that people make when they have the possibility to do so. I think keeping in that frame, people should understand that the CHOICE is important. The alternative side is that people consider abortion to be murder. The people who are fighting against this "murder" of embryos have also operated clandestinely to have me murdered in their hate campaigns against "radical liberals", the label they now designate in cloaking their anti-Semitism and hate-based death squad culture. Since so many people participate in this crime (including so many "liberal" "Democrats" then I say this with absolute confidence that what these anti-abortionists claim is "murder" is what they fervently support for ADULTS in real-life terms. Basically, everyone knows that for the most part and denial-silence remains the most important tactic.

Biden's Admin has sent, so far (and counting and more to come) $14 BILLION to Ukraine, not a NATO country and unaffiliated with the United States except through various globalization contracts for a few "elite" investors and political jockeying in that zone against Russia.

 "Biden visits Puerto Rico, announces $60 M in aid". ABC News. October 4, 2022.

Puerto Rico is a United States territory and will receive $60 Million for aid in the destruction of it's country after the last hurricane. The electric grid in Puerto Rica has gone through brown-outs and various aging deterioration that was left, just like the Jackson, Mississippi water systems, in disrepair but hanging on a thread of functionality. There was a piece on Democracy Now about this subject, which did not exactly meet the US headlines or even bylines as far as I could see from my limited all-free subscription prices and my hacked internet capabilities.
The prioritization of foreign entities as partners with US "elite" interests extends from the US Government to Whorewood cloaked fascist Nazi/mafia "liberals" (so similar to the politicians when they teleport me as well).
The "agenda" is an elitist v. enslaved impoverished population while will have no choice but to "service" the bigots in order to have more than corrugated tin roofs or homelessness if they aren't perfect subservient dumbed down minion bots serving the sleazy and rapacious dumbed down bots who control them, using technology to make anyone outside their marching order thump-thump four-square paradigm either submit or get horribly mistreated or murdered through various tools like suiciding, accidents, poisoning and just impoverished lack of opportunity to access.
Both Jackson, Mississippi and Puerto Rico citizens who are affected by deteriorating electric and water grid disfunction have made it known amply through their political advocates. In both cases, the breaking-down aged system are just patched up with a few band aids, which easily ripped off when hurricanes hit. In both cases, the determination to leave minority citizen areas in vulnerable infrastructure positions remained as policy and remains now. The $60 will just repatch up the already deteriorated systems which need complete overhauls, plus more money to repair the mess because people didn't have the money to build stronger edifices or have resources for protection as wealthier communities do have. The money being sent for Ukraine will build entirely new living and infrastructure needs for white (supremacist--in many or most cases of the people I have ever met of that ilk) living upgrades including the most modern electric and water supply systems. The money also is going towards advanced military upgrade warfare--to a country which the US only wants to use as a "wall" against Russian influence. I am neither pro or con to that issue but only the gross amounts of money being poured into a foreign country for polluting gas and oil production hegemony over Russia instead of the tax-paying American dependents or citizens who are actually helping to fund, through their taxes, these foreign investments so people who want oil Big Money can have another new mansion someplace in Europe or even in Ukraine--this is the trend I have seen in being exposed to the ultra wealthy who have no soul or compassion whatsoever, but are put up as icons representing these issues by a most corrupt system in America. The money is ample and the systems that are on the verge of breaking down all over the American dependent islands and States and vulnerable, under-represented communities remain victims of environmental poisoning and collapse.

Mind control programming in the media, a la fascist/Nazi/Mafia indoctrination into rape/racist/genocidal culture conformity: There is a great element of reverse psychology to all this, which I do not elaborate on in this post but I add it as a brief mention at the onset. How I wish people would take a more introspective look at the entertainment celebrity culture pretentions about being "liberal" however it may help to assuage the alarmist "fearful" arguments of the ultra conservatives. //The perceptual shift of representation of "powerful" women from the 70's to our now anti-abortion/fascist, pornographic society. Women who are intellectually adept and don't pose in pornographic posturing and revealment of their sexuality as blatantly as possible "must" be "lesbian".//Velma from Scooby Doo as an upgraded "lesbian" character.

 Huffington Post: New 'Scooby-Doo' Film Makes It Official: Velma Is Queer

When I watched Scooby Doo back in the 70's, Velma was like so many of the activists who were NOT LESBIAN who wore sandals, long necklaces, and turtle-neck sweaters. It was a type of intellectual fashion statement. The women were not anti-male sex whatsoever and in fact wanted loving and positive relationships with other men. There may indeed have been lesbians within that fashion/political niche but I never once heard or saw anything of that not flamboyantly sexualized intellectual group claiming they were fighting for lesbian rights, but rather for human rights and the end of war. The ultimate reversal of a former anti-sexist trend in the backlash against Feminism, in addition to ending Roe v. Wade, is the presumption that a woman who does not flaunt her erogenous zones, exposing her breasts and sexual curves and highly effeminate traits must be a lesbian, for how could she be otherwise, according to the most sexist representation of women now available for male and female consumption and imitation. Thus, an "intellectual" woman who is passivist against the Hawkish War and pornographic culture that has completely over-run all varieties of media entertainment and even in political realms--the women who are of the "liberal" and "anti-war" front must also pose as sexualized women when they get a media promotion. A woman to cover her body up to her neck, must be, therefore, according to the pornographic representation of women that has been put forward by the men who role fashion iconography who really want a reversal of all the feminist and women-strengthening movements of the past 50 years to be absolutely reversed.
The front of "Velma" being a "lesbian" will be touted as some "freedom" and "feminist" statement, especially when her object of desire is a "Black" cartoon character, making her even more "radical and liberal" enemy and hateful and unattractive--and just look at how dopey and stupid she appears in her silly cocked-eyed representation in this clip from the dumb and dumbing down movie that is coming out, (pun intended). Again, there is a reversal of a serious movement making the object of rebellion appear dumb, sexually deviant and almost obscenely unattractive and dyke food for consumption and elimination. It is a psychological reversal intended to make women only want more to emphasize their sexuality and body parts to not be as "ugly" and "stupid" as Velma who appears like a kind of dumb and ugly thing in this clip from this modernized remake of the former Vietnam War protest-era intellectual which was desiring of male love and affection--from what I experienced having been around University anti-war protestors all my childhood in the 70's at the University of Illinois where my parents went on marches, got arrested, and had meetings and parties with all levels of students during that time; up until the mid-70's. I was directly exposed to that culture and saw many women dressing exactly like Velma, who never mentioned lesbianism as far as I knew in the very adult situations I was (the only child) around--my brothers and sisters mostly stayed away but I was fascinated by them and heard what they were saying, even at a very tender, young age of 5 or 6.
The same women who were passionately in love with their husbands who wore the same sandals and long-necked sweaters and funky hippie necklaces got DIVORCED once the macho disco cult arrived at the late 70's. They were just following trends dictated to them to follow. They went from the intellectual male-loving culture to the "Me Generation" to the "Me 2" media porno rape culture enabling, divorced and orgy enablers who are so scant in intellectual prowess and must rely exclusively on displaying their breasts and thighs and genitals whenever possible to obtain any kind of permission to appear as "independent" women at all.
The next culture wars cartoon character (symbolic) log on the bombshell fire storm--2nd in the same month--one was a black mermaid the next is a lesbian on a crush on another (and it's apparently a black cartoon character) and oh my, will the former Scooby Doo fans become enraged and claim this is a transgression against the 70's cartoon franchise?

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A tiny vignette on mind control encapsulated into a "strange experience" "documentary" about a mind control "cult". Sex, Lies and the College Cult (movie/documentary). I take this film more to be fiction encased with the "factual" representation and all the droll-sounding major newspaper reporters who cashed-in on making this documentary so avidly droning on about how odd this "cult" "was" (meaning it's an isolated experience and not ubiquitous). The lies about how widely operated and manufactured mind control sex trafficking and cultist programming permeates all societies I have ever lived in (around the planet many times) continues in this documentary that takes it's special status as telling "truth" about one isolated situation. I know this is a completely well-conceived operation that has an almost blue-print catalogue for programming handed out to those who operate the drugging, technology and protocols. In my last few college years (in Minneapolis) I experienced almost point-by-point the exact situation except that there was not "real" father but a "father figure", extremely intellectual personality that had a group of people half his age (I was probably the prime focus of the attack but it had become a "social group" which went out partying and this "father figure" would pay for group restaurant parties and spend $$ like he was swimming in it every day. He was obviously being well-funded somehow. Other members of this group included some white male associated with a Nazi organization but it was all cloaked and lied about. The situation never progressed to the stage of the video example below, probably because I had enough protection from my family to not have the need or belief system to want a father figure living with me to be trapped in this type of situation. The situation I am now forced into, however, is almost exactly the same with violence and threats abounding from men of ALL ages wanting to be my Big abuser controller mind programmer/rapist/pimp Daddy "father figure". Because I did not succumb to the programming to ever actually decide to put myself in such a situation it is now being "forced" upon me. Or they are trying to force an actual domestic violence type rape/pimping/barefoot and with baby discarded sex trafficking toy/victim instead of my years of grad school and a career and my own life which I could build for myself if not thwarted to this degree by actual violence and drugging and etc. I am only copying this video for the purpose of one day elaborating upon this theme, but for now hacking is making typing arduous and nearly impossible to get much out (can't type, keyboard is being endlessly blocked) my brain is always under attack so I can't think clearly while I must struggle to type. I am then abused, beaten, raped and threatened and assaulted physically both while in a comatose sleep state and teleported to more abuse simultaneously in both altered physical states from this same organization which funds and supports men like this "big daddy" figure in the documentary below. I know that this form of technocratic torture and covert sex trafficking via teleportation, microchip implant and organized terror/stalking/poisoning and all the ugly whistles that scream silently in the inner ears of the torture victims played like crystal flutes of slavery by the oppressors who want to reinstate virtual slavery that is a virtual reality organized technocratic "new order". '

"New Videos Show Alleged Sex Cult Victims Assaulted & Manipulated by Lawrence Ray". Law&Crime Network. March 31, 2022.


I would very much like to one day write about my experiences without the keyboard being hacked so I can't write, then my brain being blocked so I can't think clearly or complete my thoughts as my memory is being blocked and hindered along with cognitive functioning. Then the resulting torture for having written anything that would question or "threaten" the operation as documentaries like this "Sex, Lies and the College Cult" must be contained within a "unique" situation that only weirdos and vulnerable kiddies are sucked into; rather than entire families, organized political machinery, government funding, organized crime, pedophiles, rapists, racists and their minions all fully participating in these operations on a global scale. P.S. Please do not relegate the problem to a few middle-aged males, because women of all ages are thrilled to participate as torturing chauvinists alongside their male counterparts of torture and rape and abuse. Oh trust me, women "get off" on being rapist enablers and want to rape as well. Just to help add this because so often the problem is listed as a situation of males and not how women absolutely participate in the violence and intimidation and rape and torture. The documentary also details that this perpetrator's daughter was the one who allowed and welcomed her father into this sex trafficking cult dorm living situation in the first place. She helped to "groom" her "friends" by enthusiastically describing her father as a highly intelligent, but sadly victimized by evil enemies who wrongly accused him of crimes wherein he was imprisoned for a while (not sure how long) and post release had nowhere to go. Like a guru, he utilized personality improvement lectures (I had experienced all this K-rap myself in the same program in my college years, food was paid for and parties and the entire programming for me was almost exactly the same, but I deviated by not actually allowing the situation to get to this horrid point). The point I made above is that now this violence is being forced upon me endlessly by evil and nasty people who are famous for their output in the media---or politics---so they appear fresh and dainty for the public after their all-expense beautification treatments and this group pays and pays unlimited amounts to bolster their "good" torturing rapists and abusers who utilize this mind programming, sex trafficking systematic hate crime apparatus. Now I can't "get away" from "them" as they have a global financial blacklist apparatus in addition to a global drugging/poisoning apparatus plus a global mind control technology fence encompassing the planet like an electronic mind control fence (or perhaps just in the more densely populated countries--maybe in some remote country somewhere the problem is lessen or non-existent? Hopefully this is not an inescapable problem with a global electronic network that no one can ever escape from if they become targeted for technocratic slavery/enslavement.

It is not some random dude creep who just happens to independently discover a system for mind control along with all kinds of assistance and professional psychological mind programming tools at his/her immediate disposal.


I have to add that I was very seriously injured in the time period when this middle aged man who would pay for groups of students in college for meals at very nice restaurants; paid for parties, had sex with many of the women and used all the gang stalking mind control rhetoric with "trauma-based" ugly nasty stories about his "childhood trauma" as some of his repeat stories--all part of the "programming". He had a list of self-help stories to tell, all very similar to the programming above. After I graduated he appeared to me in cities I moved to, actually across the country. There was a very serious "accident" after I rejected yet another hateful user who used all the drugging and poisoning and mind control tech to program and exploit me--while this man was not far away in the background urging me to "love" this person who I actually had to get rid of. After I did that I was put into an "accident" that nearly killed me--a very long story about that because it lead to a huge change of life course for me out of the mainstream into the "underground" life existence which I have never once regretted doing so to me it was a "good" thin in the long run. This ability I have had to make a good out of an imposed "bad" situation has lead to my technological "imprisonment" with teleportation terror, rape and torture which would make the abuse above appear like a one-time horrid bit of violence instead of ongoing never-ending nightly rape, beatings, abuse, hate and insults with groups of A-list celebrities and politicians and for over a decade; after attempts to poison me to death; and after accidents intending to murder me by "accident".

It happened to me because I would not succumb to the programming. They force it on the target through these "covert" operations like teleportation, microchip implanting, mind control technology and drugging and poisoning and of course, endless gang stalking and blacklisting that keeps the target isolated and unfriended without solace, support or sanctuary anywhere around the planet for privacy or security. They force it even if the target is sleeping and teleported and unable to not respond to the violence--as happens every day in the teleportation I experience; regardless of the amount of self-esteem that target may have. Their goal is to crush and break the initial spirit and happiness and independence of the target and instill their agenda, which is absolutely nothing anyone would ever choose unless they were already abused into believing that this was their "natural" state. I think very few people are born to believe that they don't deserve anything but bs all their lives, it is inculcated by systems. America has been a country of supposed "freedom" at least in the mythology endlessly touted; America itself has now become a target of mind control programming complete with trauma-based mind control. However, people are still unable to disclose the private situations and thus the problem remains silenced and the people who try to disclose it are either labeled mentally ill or victims of a singular "cult". This is why the people "in power" are so loathe to relinquish this system, expose it or call it what it is; an ever-expanding systematic form of destruction of human life by those who want control and power over huge swaths of the population--and for other pretexts and reasons that amount to selfish need to exploit and use and steal and rape and rob and murder.

The documentary makes the entire problem appear like a one-time plot instead of the ever-expanding catastrophe-in-the-making that it truly is. If people believe that it is only a few random weirdos with "high IQ" capability to exploit, instead of an actual PROGRAM with instructions that people can follow like a recipe, then people will dismiss the reality and of course when people claim they are being mind controlled, the usual response is denial and accusations that the victim is mentally ill or delusional. Documentaries like this above are simply like a diversional tactic to make people relax their pensive alarm at the potential for technological violence that gets spun around in "conspiracy theory" circuits and circles. It is real, it is more than common at this point but it's still being advertised and sold as a unique sort of individual little weird cult situation instead of a GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED terror operation.


Monday, October 3, 2022

The AmericanTaliban is also hunting me along with the witch hunt conglomeration factory establishment of bots & snots, ltd.,GmbH, Inc, Ltd....

 "Khruangbin--Maria Tambien (Official Music Video)". CASSIUS. July 18, 2021.

But this video is more about Maria Tambien ("Maria too") taking off her head scarf and dancing and then the Taliban clamping it's big Bro concerned male supremacy under the dictatorship of white supremacy foot down on the backs and heads of brown and black women mostly, with white females expecting entitled relief from what the others must endure (oppressed for bigot whites to rape and exploit as sucking/f-ing/f-over slaves and white women to use as cleaning, ego-feeding slaves feeding their entitlement racist agenda so they can still claim they are feminists while their brown and black "sisters" have to be less beautiful, less affluent unless they absolutely support white racist parameters of behavior,thus feeding the ego-driven entitlement agenda.) THey have damaged MY HAIR so badly I can't wear it down any longer it is no longer presentable. It is the same thing as the Taliban, operating under the guidelines of various politicians and "leaders".


"Protests about Iran's repression of women's rights held around the world". CBC News. October 2, 2022.


"Einsturzende Neubauten Yue Gung--(Fuettern Mein Ego)". GMAIUSCOLA. November 26, 2009.

It all boils down to parasites lurking in the hidden recesses looking for those to devour for the feeding of their egos (futtern=feed) (mein=my) ego. Racism and sexism, but largely racism combined with sexism is one of the most established parasitic feeding opportunism that retains it's form even after the initial leading parasite dies off--generation after generation almost on cue they perform the imperialism and oppression tactics that reverberate and then come back like a new strain, often organized and sold off as a modernized version of cooperation between sexes and races....(i.e. the expletive parasites attacking me and their entire silent and covert methodology and modus operandi of hate and oppression. ** the hacking is very bad and I must fight to get the letters to print out so this post will probably be very deleted/ the terrorists of course.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Attacked by the "underground" fascist Nazi poseur playing thumpy House musick--creative but conformist and now stunted in growth with his blonde Nazi bigot spawn filth white trash partner whom I wrote of yesterday--I am using terms against the bigots who are attacking me out of racist grounds for their inevitable promotions. I don't usually call the people attacking me "trash" and of course John Waters has immoralized the term--artfully (he's a part of the huge organization attacking me as well, btw and does NOTHING to preserve human rights when his promotion stands in the way of his homo politoco movie posturing, like them all who are such renowned activists and promoters of equality for their particular group-for-profit in their non-profit organization tax-loop-hole side kicks for photo-ops).

 The disgusting skank whore trash creep--and I am now demonstrating perhaps my "weakness" using these terms. But a DECADE of attack and this filth spawned not just from Depp but her entire career obtained from his rape and torture of me with her vicious participation. I had clicked on a shitty English prick's music videos because I am being blocked from accessing archives in the WNYU early 2000's files--accessible to everyone else but me. My internet is blocked 100% of the time. I was blocked from accessing a show on early electronic music, and so I clicked on the "playlist" I had obtained from one of the shows I had managed to copy and paste onto a separate file source for retention and for exploration of the list of musicians/techno thumpsters. I got his video by accident on the little right-hand tab section--this thumpy jerk-off jerk who began his typical, protocol-laden attack on me. Endless videos of his nasty ugly face permeating my social media, his music and I clieked and was glad I got some of the early dubstep that I have been missing from all the years of all the archives blocked to me by this group of musick death forcing their mediocrity on me and stealing my ideas. This musician is extraordinary in mixing but that's about all he appears to be good for, in terms of my personal opinion and needs and what I like in other human beings. Acting on cue, he began physically assaulting and threatening me with the rotten skank sitting in the rows of chairs as this opportunist DJ began yelling and hitting me. I began hitting him back and now have had to delete all his music and think he's utter crap, like all of these pig apes attacking me.

I realize my writing in this tone makes me appear weak. Well, they have been attacking me in the utter weakness of the sickness they not only capitalized on due to poisoning but have continued the poisoning, and then including damaging my hair permanently so it's been falling out, I am bald in huge spots and there are my broken toes they had their nasty foul filthy minions break while I was drugged, asleep and comatose in the "MK Alter" comatose situation. They have poured poison in my food and living space while I had to shut all windows in desperate attempts to stop the break-ins of rapists who would damage and put fungus into my body while I was unconscious and could feel nothing, nor wake up to defend myself. I am still sick and sitting in a prone position watching the news and waiting for someone to appear who is not a fake putting out endless propagandized fodder about how they are fighting all the evils of a fascist and Nazi rape and murder culture. So far, in Congress and in the media I have found zero human being who are not fake and hypocritical. They will fight for their own little niche, but collectively. Otherwise, when I tell them I am being attacked for reasons that extend beyond racism, because I do not conform to their stereotypes and racist memes and therefore these scumbag bigots are trying to cram hate into my brain and body in order to force me into the cookie cutter cliches that support their claims of superiority. I now have my body entirely covered with scars and blemishes and broken bones and my hair is permanently damaged my body is racked with fractured vertebrae and poison hard into the cavities of my body as these foul parasites have not stopped endlessly attacking me for DECADES (in some cases).

I wrote of the injustice and the racism and so Depp's ugly skanky stupid whore daughter got this DJ to viciously attack me as she sat in a chair in the rows of the pig apes who have all taken turns getting their Oscars and lead roles for years and years in this collective attack upon me--so the bigots who fund and operate this can feel relieved that all are in goosestep formation and in line to carry-on their Nazi and fascist racist agenda. That was the point I had made about Lagerfeld yesterday, and so this DJ is fighting now to be included in the fashion music aspect of more shows and upgrades to his career, which I hope flounders and him too at this point. I wish death upon the shit spawn of Depp for years of her spitting on me, hitting me and getting approval from fascist Nazi shit like Karl Lagerfeld and the rest of this contagion that control the media industry. This nasty and dirty creep out of London--the DJ--jumped into the bandwagon within one day, has been pouring his music of thumpy thumpness--better than most but still he's a piece of crap and I have deleted all and never will listen unless he's in some compilation--and I am writing this to you pig ape creep because I know you are reading this--or will get the message. Piss off, to use your dirty English parlance.)

Wish the rest of the creeps would likewise go to hell, dying of course. I am at the stage of just endlessly praying for their deaths and hope they are destroyed. AT this point, I realize how ranting I sound and this could be taken as some form of threat or criminal borderline personality stuff, but it's now over ONE DECADE of piece of pig shit after pig filth coming after me, all obtaining huge promotions for years and they never stop. 


this dirty creep and his "millennial" culture has no meaning, they are effete and as empty as the electronic beats they play. I can only say that musicians who play instruments, lets say, the rapist father of the spawn I just mentioned the ugly plastic surgery parasite daughter--who stole ideas from me and then like all of them had me poisoned nad mutilated in return and has not stopped profiting off this--as the shit media industry keeps putting this shit into lead roles and endless promotions as they get more and more handed to them I get more and more pigs and ape whores attacking me because I am looking for some actual culture that has some depth, meaning or soul. They are so endlessly soulless and this DJ has even mentioned that the expectations for him to play House music records that are "soulless" has turned this opportunistic meaningless bot into a soulless parasite. Of course his ingrained English Imperialism and racism plays a huge, dominant factor. But the father of the spawn, Depp itself, plays music and repeats phrases that one can hear endlessly by the greasy cock rock musicians who are womanizing thieves of black blues riffs and songs. He's not a bot musician but as meaningless and empty as they are--as far as those who are attacking me like this cringy creep who I wish would just p-off and go skank the whore you are defending and then have your meaningless sick relationships with one another instead of having to drug and poison and teleport me in order to force your nasty rape games of using and abusing and discarding me so I can't even have a friendship with anyone much less a real and authentic love relationship.


But I write of this seeming weakness--myself, my experiences. This puts me in a more vulnerable positions and also --since for years I have been writing about all the violence and only more sick psycho scumbags jump and run and sprint into this circle of crap who surround me endlessly so they too can be handed free promotions and endless awards for their every day of attacking me, even on the sidelines, they get more and more awards, deals and money and boosts to their careers. I am referring to the child of the pig who raped me for over 2 years and beat and abused and had me hit by cars and nearly killed--Depp I mean. AS for the elctron bot "musician", he's someone else from London I hope I never have to hear his name or see his face or have any contact ever again. Dearly wish that for the pig spawn of Depp and you creeps reading this are going to continue to foist that piece of crap onto the public consciousness because you must promote every fascist bigot who postures and rapes and whores for your contractual and promotional demands and obligations. These meaningless and soulless pieces of shit I refer to are always happy and eager to oblige your every demand for hate crime action upon me--and of course, for others and the cycle is expanding like a hurricane in a global warming crisis.

I should remain "stoic" and not write about the racism they are pouring upon me. I have tried to reach out for so many years in these writings because in "normal" society there is literally NO ONE who will defend me and all claim I am "delusional" as they keep the silence and remain in the shadows participating in one way or another with this terror network. I have observed all the fakes in the media with their endless "victim" posturings, which are justified for the helpless who "have no voice" as they claim they are "representing" them by being paid to air their orchestrated scripts someone else handed them to loosely follow--day after day--in their podcasts and shows and movie and charity themes---

I have emulated their style by absolutely and honestly detailing the torture and abuse, hoping this would engender finally some kind of concern or support. Instead it has just gotten more of the fakes coming to attack me--all posturing almost daily in their YouTube and social media podcasts about how they are fighting every fascist trend possible and hate racism and sexism--EXCEPT when it happens to me and then they are thrilled and jump in and defend those I am writing about and then get promoted--as this jerky thumpy creep has just done in the latest teleportation hate promotional skit that the next pig ape in line has performed with the shit spawn of the pig who took the contract back in 2013 from the Italian pig ape who had gone after me for more than 20 years but was teleorting and raping and poisoning me to death--and after Depp his rotten piece of shit spawn daughter was an aspiring model, then got plastic surgery, then joined into the hate crimes against me, then got Karl Lagerfeld to put her into a lead position along with Willow Smith as the Smiths also attacked me alongside Depp and they, too, got their little minority minion black nazi spawn into high Europigape modeling lead role along with the shit that Depp spawned--who has now obtained lead roles for years and has been feeding off this violence towards me since she was around 13 years old--now an adult--and now this creep who is about 20 years younger than me is joining in with her as I wrote of the injustice and the racism of his fellow Europigapes and he's hitting, threatening and literally jumping on me to hit me while the filth trash spawn of Depp sits in the endless rows of chairs these pigs and whores have been sitting in from H-wood for all these years of the ever-expanding rows of pieces of shit from the entertainment and podcast and political Nazi/fascist party all--in this case--the "liberal" counterpart which is just a shadow flipside of the one -sided authoritarian fascist apparatus that has taken full control of all sides of every issue and media enterprise and political side as well. The list of politicians has likewise expanded in the last few recent years, apparently the "Democrats" who have threatened and attacked me are working with Trump and his group and that is no lie.

How I wish one day the evidence of this crime of teleportation and hate and rape towards me would be leaked somehow--by one of these greedy and sleazy filthbags who take the seconds of these meetings on how to brainwash and torture ENDLESSLY FOR YEARS someone who is sleeping, drugged up, not ever having done anything harmful to any single one of these pigs and their handlers except for try to compete, be happy and beautiful and that itself was a crime they deemed required a death sentence of endless rape and torture.

I have tried to use the formulas utilized for sympathy by the fakes in he media and in these politicized politically "correct" podcasts and it has only generated more parasites coming to extract whatever they can out of me and this contract.

It makes me appear weak. I have never associated myself with the Jewish diaspora or faith except when I was very drugged and repeated it a few times while I lived in Germany--when I knew there was ample US military to back me up. Otherwise, this group has endlessly been every tactic of racism and mind control suppression with the endless backing of the US Government; without these crooked politicians they would never have been able to get away with this for even one single day. But more creeps posturing as anti-racists with their "black" friends and more children of the pig ape pieces of shit who have tortured and raped and mutilated my body for years and years join in, almost daily there is another new one.


The formula doesn't apply to real victims, only the fakes in the media who make it appear "righteous" and entertaining and programmed and "safe" therefore. Those who are really suffering can't delineate the tortures and abuses because people begin to drool in sadistic delight and can't wait to join in on the fray of violence. That is, if the violence has been kept secret and covert, as it has been against me for all these many years.


so I hope this creep Nazi pig ape out of London screws the filth trash spawn of Depp and they have their mutual orgy and then inevitable defecation ending as these pigs usually all do. I just never want any intimate contact with shit like these people ever again but I am still being teleported and tortured with the same silence and writing about their violence only engenders more recruits to their cause.


I wait for the Midterm elections to route out some of the worst politicians so hopefully the rot of Democrats who want to retain the superficial structure of a "Democracy" instead of the Repug push to have killings in the streets and Nazi gang roaming with impunity but cloaked as righteous defenders of how "Great" America is for the pig apes like your celebrities and political advocates to lie, cheat and rape and steal and murder but cloaked in the Big lies of how hip and cool and anti-racist and sexist they all are (except when it comes to raping and abusing and using racist death language and hate and murder attempts and genocidal formulas of stealing all they can and torturing me for getting angry about it--for years, meaning they never stop stealing from me and destroying my home, body and life after making money off the ideas and things they have stolen. Forget about any kind of loving response but only mutilation and torture after they drug me into "loving" passive rape victim incoherency and physical paralysis and then abusing me and calling me names immediately afterwards--which is what these pig apes do endlessly and that has not stopped for decades as well).


But, I now appear weak. The haters want to come and poison, drug and rape me and then call me names after they elicit a "loving" response from me--or to just to have me poisoned to death afterwards as they go off with the bigot Nazi filth like the spawn of Depp and filthalina the foul wife of pig pitt who have me dessecrated and mutilated and maimed with balding patches covering most of my head with hair not growing back and crooked broken toes and skin sploched permanently with chemicals so I am completely worn down, broken down and then raped, abused and threatened and attacked without end, day after day with all my loving support dead and gone and stolen (even my cat they have taken all, they have even killed birds in the area facing my patio because I enjoyed watching them and calling out to them. They even killed huge lizards I watched on the hills. so I am just only surrounded by the shit that these pigs are with zero support or anything not of their filth and hate death culture cult that you all essentially worship because the bring such fantasy bullshit into your minds but the reality you surely cannot tolerate and are loathe to actually fight against all the injustice they claim they are fighting against). In short, the problem mostly is you reading this and not a few select pieces of shit you put on your fake shit pedestals as icons of your pleasure suffering death cult empire.

Politically "incorrect" but extremely correct "hate" rant about the hate from famous dead being dredged up once more. Some of them are still living but like zombies feed off the hate of this contract out on me and have been doing so for circa 7 it by now?

 I am not going to post this as a copy on my Facebook page. It's an expression that some would call "evil" or "bad" but many of those who would accuse me of that are more guilty of the same than I have ever been in my entire life, much less this hacked and mind-controlled post which I am about to entail:

Karl Lagerfeld, the Nazi fascist who fully endorsed the people--the women or females or pedophile younglings he endorsed who fully took absolute advantage of this racist attack/teleportation upon me--one of whom absolutely fed energetically off this contract while her father sometimes brutally raped me and or physically assaulted me until his wife turned his few times of physical assault upon her (allegedly) into a major blockbuster jury reality show--now being turned into a movie about their jury on domestic violence charges. Yes, I am talking about the rotten spawn of the unbeknownst to the world Nazi actor who some claim is a womanizing abuser and others tout as some epitome of acting because his psychopathy or addiction made him apt for playing multiple schizophrenic personality derangement types---you know him as one syllable, I know him as depp-rivation---and I call his vicious and violent piece of shit now turned "famous" after years of being promoted by the shit like Karl Lagerfeld for her racism and Nazi propensities which of course the German scum filth absolutely touted and promoted into highest potentiality under his administration as some zombie-esque fashion designer monopoly. They beat, raped and tortured and poisoned and mutilated me every single day in some order or enhancing one aspect and then using various other forms of torture along with what amounts to millions of "gang stalker" terrorists to inflict as much psychological and physical damage upon me without leaving absolutely deadly mutilations upon my body--in other words, leaving direct evidence of violence hidden.


I thought that pig ape German creep was dead and buried. I was so happy because the spawn of J. Depp and this English model (her name is escaping me as I fight to pound words out, as my brain is being coddled by mind control tech so I can't even count or think clearly) and that black model out of London--so famous but so racism-enabling like so many or all of the blacks I have encountered operating from within this media structure of fame and promotion.


They are taking that dead thing out of the grave and turning him and all those skank models into the Met Gala centerpiece, in honor of the endless fascist and Nazi fashion empire that also rules the fascist and Nazi "liberals" of Whorewood, and beyond. 


It's like they can't stop regurgitating Hitler and his followers, Lagerfeld absolutely one of the followers. Filthy and ugly sick Depp would hiss statements about me looking like a concentration camp survivor after raping and beating me. His filth spawn daughter has been held up by Lagerfeld exclusively as his heir to female line-ups of "good" Nazi minion status. For their fascist and Nazism and racism, the French have touted Depp and his spawn for all the years ever since they began raping, sodomizing, having my body mutilated with endless promotions for both of them; the daughter receiving special attention from Lagerfeld in the process immediately after her demonstrations of fascism and Nazism along with rotten womanizing beating and raping Depp.

The sick fashion and film industry obviously are well aware of this situation as so many A-list celebrities have been teleporting and beating, ordering my body mutilated, poisoned daily so I remain stuck and paralyzed--with poisons stuck in my intestines and my body huge, bloated and paralyzed for YEARS and I remain in this state to this very moment while the terrorist fascist Nazi criminals are still being endlessly embraced by the fascist media industry.


But to unearth that sickening vampire who was so buried and gone, then dug out of the silence that should have been his perpetual shroud afterwards, but so highlighted by this obviously fascist but pretentiously "liberal" media complex that has participated in this crime to the extent that they appear to be giving the torture orders to these celebrity puppets;  so the plastic surgery zombie make-over icon owner of Vogue can continue with the mind programming of fascism and Nazism in the aestheticized form of brainwashing and mind control programming into fascist Nazi imagery and iconography via "modeling" and this Met Gala event that is supposed to entail what every "good" woman is supposed to strive for in appearance and behavior.


The torture and attacks upon me are still, of course, never-ending. This morning I have to dig filth out of the wheels of my chair I sit on all day because I am too ill from detoxing poison to move or get any single thing done besides more endless cleaning or eating. My clothing is sprayed with foul substances even while it's on the patio drying. My appliances continue to mysteriously break and every month I must throw away huge piles of objects that are destroyed as I fight to be able to afford the food I really need---to heal, somewhat. The abuse from teleportation remains a pass-around contract of all the "liberals" on YouTube and in the media who need an instant high off abusing someone else. I am as usual being attacked by blacks because years ago I called Oprah an Aunt Jemima for her years of stealing my ideas and/or participating with her white Nazi friends who stole ideas after raping and poisoning and attacking me non-stop. Absolutely enthralled with the instant money and attention and promotions, Oprah sat like a beached whale in approval until I finally called her an Aunt J. Now years later after an endless stream of all the "activist" Blacks in the media coming to join in on threatening to kill me and attack me, demanding an apology as I had to "explain" for months what I was referring to (her participating in the racist system in attacking someone being targeted for racist reasons--and fully supporting and caring about the oppressors). But I have been turned into the "racist" by all the Blacks and despite endless months and now years of "explaining" all this while asleep or teleported--so I can't stop talking, it's amazing but they use a truth serum and I can't "look away" or ignore these parasitic leeches who just endlessly attack me with endless hate.

Not digressing, but the bs never ends, the hate is never stopped--I was attacked and have been by yet another in the endless rotation this time by a "Black" activist on YouTube who is often used as a guest on shows like MSNBC's interviews with racist analyzers--who has been attacking me, saying that me being beaten, raped and assaulted while Black people watch on and participate and then torture me for reacting against them in rage by calling them names after they have eagerly obtained ideas to use from my writings as their own--and hug and keep on their Hollywood "elite" lifestyles amongst all the people using Nazi metaphors when referring to me after they beat, rape and torture me. Calling her that term for an enabler of racism on a plantation has gotten me death threats and endless hate from these fakes who are selling "alternative" and "anti-racist" distractions from a reality all-encompassing approach; something they are all loathe to do (actually re-define racism in terms of how so many of the oppressed minorities are obligated to play roles and attack others like me in order to prove how subservient they truly are to racist ideology while "selling" anti-racism and holding a perpetual monopoly of this angle and indefinitely taking up space for people who may have more realistic views. They are selling rage and introspective analysis but can't actually function in those higher spheres of influence without cowtowing to the racist agenda. I am now this perpetual hate target for just reacting in rage from years of their hate and abuse, compounded now by my defense of my stance, while they have no arguments and just say that it's okay and fine that I am a target of rape and violence but it's racism when it happens to them. If one of their higher-ranking media "stars" participates in this but "helps" to make "Blacks" appear affluent and can also run for president with full cheers from white liberals in the Democratic Party, then they can find no problem with the occassional slip of hate behavior that they otherwise condemn non-stop in their media presentations about what victims they all are and how they are fighting the system with all these righteous and politically correct talks and discussions.


I am thusly endlessly under attack, either for what I did or didn't do, sometimes decades ago when under attack, drugging and defending myself. I can't stop talking to them and I abhor them. 

Meanwhile, the fascists who die are even being rehashed endlessly because they so openly advocated for Nazi and fascist iconography (even when it involved black models like Campbell, who so stupidily and hatefully attacked me for just saying no to her offer to be her lackey and go to London to be attacked by her and a country full of anti-Semitic bigots in a country I find stultifying and nasty)--nice countryside however but so should America have this and more.


This is not exactly a digression. They are all in a complete little tight enclave of protection from criminal investigation or introspection of their wrongdoings or the actual underlying real politics that they live by every day instead of the plastic surgery fake posturing that they are selling about how wonderfully "woke" they all are.


I remain endlessly tortured and for all these years it's never ending. But that this disgusting zombie ugly man is now being so endlessly honored while NO ONE discusses my situation or the real racism he not just personally advocated for but promoted. Even the Black "woke" commentators are remaining silent. Perhaps, they hope, they can be invited to the next Met Gala (but surreptitiously and in secret) if they just keep pushing the angry liberal agenda for the cameras but play up the enabler to the plantation roles that certain terms have been deemed absolutely racist in their use. I also defended my stance to this "intellectual" almost legal analysist in the last week of yet another hater attacking me because Graham is now dealing with his State inundated with flooding and destruction. I said that the one and true Black intellectual who influenced me was Malcolm X, and I described why after the inevitable questions this man roland demanded of me, with a little hateful smile on his face when I kept answering honestly while I really wanted and still want him to go f-off like all the rest of these expletives teleporting and attacking me with endless hate for the stupid and endlessly meaningless reasons (using any single pretext I have said to attack me, they will pick any stupid thing possible and turn it into an attack).

I said that Malcolm had used the term Aunt Jemima and Uncle Tom to criticize the very ad hominem attacks I have been fighting against from his fellow black racists---like  Oprah and many others. 

That the "black community" under the dictatorial and unrighteous glare of Roland have altered the context and political correctness of castigating fellow Blacks for participating in racism--as Malcolm used these terms Aunt J and Uncle T to denote this BEHAVIOR and now those terms are deemed to be an almost death penalty if used by anyone--especially me. For me having used this term to describe someone who has sexually assaulted me (not physically directly but did disgusting things of a sexual nature into my face--as Oprah the disgusting fake filth has done) and etc...they are all mostly foul and sexually putrid, really they truly are. But for me having learned these terms from reading and listening to Malcolm X interviews, lectures and reading his books--then being attacked without end for YEARS BECAUSE  I so correctly used the term regarding Oprah's inclusion with people making genocidal anti-Semitic comments at me while in the privacy of their hate enclaves while I am teleported--after decades of attack, poisoning and abuse and the pig apes just can't stop taking turns. So using this as justification, although I told him I would have a debate with him, he truly has no counter argument and is now using anything I say, make jokes about to lighten the hate he is emitting at me, now it's going on every day--

and then I see that amongst all the Blacks attacking me with the whites who have been going on and on for years and years and decades--some of them for 3 decades (Stallone and his Europigape mafia friends and actor associates) one of them who died, and I can state emphatically that I was very glad, the crap models had been pushed more to the background--in the teleportation and other types of attacks once Lagerfeld finally croaked and I was celebrating but not much as the hate has never stopped but the creepy models were not endlessly attacking me with his support and promotion of their every attack upon me.


The skank creep daughter spawn of Depp continues to be promoted by Whorewood that fascist Nazi programming entity---and now Lagerfeld is being held up as some hero of fashion and culture, along with the minions or "pawns" if you will fully getting out their old frocks and heading off to be re-invented once more as the associates that the sinister and sick zombie designer had promoted into lead position once they demonstrated hate and fascist Nazi-based violence upon me--day after day, year after year. The media and it's controllers can't get enough so they are taking that rotten piece of zombie ugliness and hate out of the grave to bring back fascist fashion and all it's plantation slave-mongering bigots of all skin colors and superficial posturings.

The Season of the B***word://Films about "woman-hating" based on fantasy projections. The last film has a male labeled as witch and it's based on history. A history that has been neglected as women are the prime focus of witch hunts in our current silly witchy movie mind control propagandized "empowerment" programming. As for moi, the "witch" that "they" are hunting, I can attest to movie depictions about women being evil or witches actually based on "patriarchal" premise more than real empowerment for both men and women--and I can do it if not hacked, blocked, censored, under mind control and torture for what I write every time, by both the men and women who want to steal ideas but silence me so only they can sell these ideas about "witch" culture or anything resembling their witch-hunt society in which they are fully empowered within----and I can do it, albeit very slowly and not well due to these impediments-- in a much more critical way than the usual critics:

 "Hocus Pocus 2/Official Trailer/Disney+". Walt Disney Studios. September 10, 2022. 

Hocus Pocus 2
A bit (or a lot, or mostly or completely) dumb dumb, not fun
sells "witch" craft but makes it a commercial money-$$ market
Will influence children that taking revenge is cool just use spells and incantations and find archaic books in which to curse those who make you upset (inevitable especially in Middle School years).
Will teach children nothing about the true essence of real Wicca or it's foundational principles. It will influence children to emulate this dumb, meaningless silliness nevertheless.


"The Craft (1996)". Halloween Movies. September 16, 2020.

The Craft (1996): Could never have become a "cult classic" without the unsurpassable performance of Fairuza Balk---). A revenge fantasy of Wiccan-based ritual and female coven partnership. Not silly but "fun" in a different way. Not stupid Disney for dumber and dumber children. The misuse of Magick for personal power has been the theme so far in both films. Petty revenge for personal problems and "handling" of chauvinism resorting to magick-based murder and then resulting cosmic retribution against the infraction of misused magick by the slighted woman---realistic and also, undoubtedly a ground basis of why many (mis)use "Magick" for personal power in the first place. It turns into a rather silly attempt at being serious in the end with the unbelievable "heroine" returning to normalized girly high school drama life after her "moral" lesson taught her that "bad girls" should not dabble in resorting to arcane means to discover their "power".


"The Mark of Satan is Upon Them--Witchfinder General (Vincent Price)". October 8, 2013.

The Witchfinder General: The insurmountable Vincent Price is thrice the witch, and witches disguised as good-doers fighting "evil" is the theme of over-reach of power. In this case, it is based in historical reality and political power grabbing of political nature. Tied together it makes for what could be a current zeitgeist despite the costumes. It is a truly terror tale set in the backdrop of past and current events---much more inspiring--probably earning a fraction of what the fantasy dumbing down or revenge plots based around misguided females in their premenstrual, nubile years (so parents can happily watch the movie alongside their dumbing down silly children who yearn to find power through Disney movies about empowerment). If you want another more real movie on this topic...(below, The Devils of Loudon--the book is better, much better and more commentary on society is micro-analyzed in the book, the essay after the story saga at the end of the book tells all that one needs to begin a spiritual journey into higher realms of consciousness and spiritual practice, something that the author Aldous Huxley was personally on a crusade to enlighten readers on).


"The Devils (1971)--Trailer". A Little Dead Podcast. May 3, 2013.

The Devils (by the unsurmountable, irresistible Ken Russel). Deals with an actual witch trial in France during the mutual witch-burning mutual Reign of Church & State, King Louis XIV and the Catholic Church fighting the Protestant revolution-- under Cardinal Richelieu:

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Bridgelight Townhomes--Gainesville, Florida. It was a beautiful place to be slowly poisoned to death as I experienced it---(terror gangs poisoning my food, my body bloated up completely by the organized poisoning/terror of the wonderful "nice" people in this most beautiful place to live--management, etc).

 "Take a Virtual Tour of Bridgelight & Napier Grant". CMCApartments. May 22, 2020.

I had a loft-ceiling apartment facing a beautiful, high wood fence that faced a field with a huge walkway leading to a pond (alligators always adorning the scenery). I watched the smoke trail of a NASA launch coming out of Cape Canaveral--ascending from my back window--the flatness of Florida and the bright blue sky, I could see the huge silver-tainted trail of the emission of the rocket which hung in the air at least one hour after initial lift-off. I paid something like $500 per month back in 2001-2002---now the cost is more than doubled or perhaps nearly tripled. The bus system was so slow I mostly walked to the store (2+ miles away) and even to campus (3+ miles away) but not usually. The "student" bus lines drove past UF to fields right next to campus of horses in wood-fenced pastures---it was extremely beautiful. The best apartment I have ever lived in, although I was being poisoned very badly at the time. At least none of the people surrounding me gave the usual Christian theme while they were attacking me. I got that living in the downtown area of Gainesville from people practicing all kinds of religions but performing the exact same rites of passage into this hate/terror global one-themed organization. Meanwhile, I am being still pecked to death by the opportunists who attack me because I shift my attention to one or another media personality while I remain glued and stuck to one spot with all this hardening poison in my body (remnants of Gainesville and every place else I have ever lived). One after the other, these mostly men come to "HATE" upon me and get their promotions. The revolving door of one hate bot after the next, all programmed in exactly the same way, is astounding. Some use racism, some use ageism, some use just simple hate without pretext to hate, some use any excuse possible--but they just keep on coming. One of them is busy now due to the hurricane, but the others just fill in the gaps. I miss the daze back in Gainesville when this technology was just beginning to be implemented, as I first experienced this teleportation bs back when I lived at Bridgelight Townhouses when I was trying to find housing in Miami because I had been accepted into the FIU program for getting an ESL certificate at the Master's Level--to teach English abroad because I was becoming so ill and not getting ANY health care worthwhile (despite being on Medicaid I was even misdiagnosed at the Alachua County Health Care clinic--the poor people's clinic in other words--for the simple problem of hypothyroidism, much less for any serious ailment). I realized I had to leave the country in fact to try to solve this mystery of why my body was bloating up, why I was becoming so paralyzed and sick--while I had been athletic and strong and mobile just a year before...? I also wanted to leave the US and I am so glad I finally accomplished that goal--and still don't want to return to that insane and inhumane country)--but I also wanted to live back in Miami where there were parties and beaches and people of all cultures and life instead of being stuck unable to get anywhere without a car in Gainesville, as the hate towards the poor in Florida is such that public transportation makes having a life in Florida nearly impossible without access to your own CO-emitting transportation). The hostility from the bigots of Gainesville was almost as bad as the hate from the "liberals" who teleport me now--not nearly as bad as the most "benevolent" "liberal" "anti-racist/sexist" rapist enablers and absolute haters who endless opportune off this contract off me with unjustified hate thrust at me every time they teleport me--just after being freshly poisoned upon first waking they conglomerate upon me in pairs or circles of them--every day, if not one, then others quickly fill in the empty spaces. They become so violent and disgusting I fight to find others to replace them just because at the onset of the "contract" they are just warming up. Then used to violence and hate and the energy they feed off, they become more addicted and thus increase the violence. It never ends. But it began in Gainesville with a French pigape out of Paris who was beginning his real estate venture in Miami---and then it has become full-blown daily and nightly ever since--with every prick and scumbag who joins in getting instant promotions and for some after years of having my teeth nearly knocked out and my body mutilated nightly and daily with hate and torture--they get millions of dollars and top positions for it--but it all began in Gainesville, Florida, this very open teleportation bs and it's still ongoing over 20 years later--it has never stopped since then. //

But I was there becoming extremely ill as people on all sides were poisoning me to death and probably raping me as well while I was in a comatose sleep state--in this most beautiful apartment complex--with the "cool" students and the "Christian" blatherers surrounding me and the "lesbian" alternatives and etc--oh yes, it was a stranglehold of hate and it's still never ending today-- and I had no clue as to how or why this was happening (putting on 25 pounds within the first 6 months of living in Gainesville, and that was before moving to Bridgelight Townhomes--it used to be called "apartments" when I lived there when the rent was $500 per month but utilities were so high not even using air conditioning I was paying a minimum of $25 per month without any air con, internet and just a few fans. People were paying $500 per month to air con a house in some parts of Gainesville. But anyways---memories--it was, however, the nicest rental place I have ever lived in. I was only teleported a few brief times, I think the sickness of this tech was not as full-blown as it is now. That, of course, was shortly after 9/11 and eventually the surveillance and hate has accelerated into Senators and Presidents and celebrities just vying to get a piece of hating me so they can get more lucrative promotions claiming--every single one--how kindly and compassionate and equality-minded and fair and anti-racist and "fighting" against evil they all are--even those who espouse "evil" agendas claim they are on God's side.... like the people in Gainesville who were "devout" Christians who said they were going to "fatten me (you) up" they said as my body gained blubbery goo and that poisoning is still something I have to fight to stave off. Plus more endless hate every single day from people who are hateful endlessly sticking their stinking videos on my social media so if I click on it they can claim that despite all their spite and hate and violence towards me, they are "brainwashing" me into clicking on their bs and K-rap crap. Oh, the memories of what transpired back in 2002-2003 or longer in Gainesville and the similarities of now, except that the situation has worsened with the advent of increased technological terrorism and the blase attitude people have towards it on all levels. But, if you are a student and can now pay these exorbitant prices, Bridgelight Townhomes is one of the best places possible for apartment-style living near University of Florida.