"'Reality of Global Warming'": Hurricane Ian's Power Shows How Climate Change Supercharges Storms". Democracy Now! September 29, 2022.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
"'Reality of Global Warming'": Hurricane Ian's Power Shows How Climate Change Supercharges Storms". Democracy Now! September 29, 2022.
"Josh Levin at the Vegas Finals: Stage 3--American Ninja Warrior 2022". EndlessRandomness. August 30, 2022.
"Crass--Reality Asylum (1978)". fmcrass. May 10, 2011.
"Joe Pasquale, Boys Club performing on Mickey Mouse Club". NashvillePastaman. December 12, 2013.
"Minimal Compact--Disguise". HellStrike Lab. November 4, 2014.
Besides being sleazy, boring and mediocrities put into mainstream top positions, the Mafia/Nazi collaboration has defined for me the endless paradigm in almost every modern movie which is the hallmark of the destruction of art and culture in the United States. Every film must necessarily have a murder, even if it's a so-called "comedy". Just the act of making fun of a murder (especially if it's an unattractive person under the dictates of pornographic whore fascist murder culture, which is a uniform lookalike contest of facial Nazi dictates for what is considered "beauty"--even minorities must comply. This puts a lot of focus on plastic surgeons and they are busy making everyone comply to these standards in Whorewood, and this of course seeps down into main society). One of the major features of this constrictive template of so-called "beauty" is the Nazi-defined "square" jaw, which is supposed to define beauty and all cultures must comply, for the most part. Because so many "minorities' are now included into the Nazi and fascist operation of global import, the eyes must not necessarily be "blue" or light in color but that jaw had better be at least seminally square. Such are the constraints put upon human beings, but in general the restrictive quality of the loss of blood to originality is the main precept of this Nazi/Mafia culture. Marching orders and thump thump music are a main part of our modern indoctrination into the Nazi/mafia cartels. H-wood is absolutely no exception to this framework. The "pop" music stars are gyrating sleazy and their "lyrics" so-called are one-sentence wonders of sexual titillation or self-proclaimed superiority about how bad and powerful they are or sexy and self-composed power-wonders--with huge costumes and thumpy backdrop of mechanical "dancers" behind them all operating in sync--marching orders with mafia and nazi backing it all--raking in the money as the cheering crowds (you reading this for the most part, even if you don't participate in the music you are all following marching orders in one way or another even when you profess so vocally how "alternative" and "feminist" and "Progressive" you are.
So I was raped by a Nazi creep last night in my sleep in teleportation--he was brownish-hair Europigape crap creep lookalike to a billion other pig apes just like him---then there was a scene in a movie theater where I was sitting in the dark next to someone in the rows of the theater. I was facing him and not the screen and someone came and stabbed him in the back and he "died"--it was of course a skit. The first time pesce teleported me he had actual DEAD people hanging off hooks in some cave someplace rural--it was the Nazi/Mafia one-two combination of their sleaze and hate and stupidity because I wrote this very creative introspective personal blog post yesterday about DJ Skream and how his early music became degenerated in his continued foray into pop stream culture and wealthier clientele. I wrote of how Mafia--which I have witnessed firsthand and the scumbag pig ape Italian creep out of Miami Beach, associated with dumb and nasty Stallone, his name Nicola Siervo, took over everything from Prince's club themes (after using his violence to kick Prince out--along with his greasy goon squad mafia shit out of South Beach which have turned that place into a greasy-beachfront orgy murder/violence billion dollar enterprise where the former peace, clean and beauty of that place has been turned into a dying money-raking sleaze machine of thump thump marching order fascism--influencing the rest of incredibly dumb Florida with the Europigape and Mafia grease filth that absolutely provide a picture of "class and style" that the "redneck" Floridians truly aspire to--but more dumbed down and stupid than their "larger-than-life" Europigapes who they can't identify as such because they are absolutely blinded by the gild and gold that pig apes stole from the people *(like me) who they stole concepts, money and all plunder and all ideas in order to flaunt all their wealth and opulence. They are as boring and mediocre as the rednecks but have been provided with the artistry of the Jews who were fashionable and even superior as all was stolen--the art concepts and fashion ideas as well, Jews were very prominent in the tailoring and clothing industry pre-Nazi Holocaust--just for example. But the "rednecks" of America (they truly have adopted this kind of self-loathing because the mantra of the Europigapes is endlessly that THEY are only superior in every fashion form and Americans are classless and stupid--with no style, beauty or intelligence). The Americans I swear have worked to degrade fashion to the point that they only look to the Europigapes in salvation for fashion ideas. Teeshirts and baggy ugly pants permeate American culture, it's a disgrace from a culture which used to create fashion and now is a flop in that regard--I think as the Europigapes took over the fashion industries they ensured that this transition would occur.
So, I was raped and there was a murder skit. The usual sleaze and dumbness of these pig apes and their murder and endless death threats because I am writing and thinking and performing and trying to create in ways that make them look like they are not the only ones who have original ideas (which they steal from me, from Prince, from anyone and everyone and then destroy the originators either by actual murder, pushing them so far down they can't ever have any prominence is a favorite but keeping them alive; usually making them too ill to function as they have done to me via poisoning).
Speaking of which, the filth that is deniro and pesce and their rotten old man bigot mafia piece of shit who joined in, this ugly sinister violent ugly creep parasite out of Brooklyn who acted in The godfather, who is a most racist and ugly dark-spirit parasite--I wrote of this a few weeks ago, but this group has been poisoning me so I have remained with stinking toxins stuffed into my intestines--for years they have ordered my body poisoned by insertion of tubes into my bladder every single night--including fungus and before I could finally block my front door in a way that mechanical arms could not easily open the front door without leaving obvious evidence--as at this point they are trying to ensure that no evidence is apparent easily to the eye--all the blockades I have put on the front door so it requires at least 5 minutes for me to just take it all off to open the door--and to put it all on requires 10 minutes---but that has "stopped" the actual break-ins of my room while I am comatose in the "alter" MK ULTRA sleep state while these stupid and foul filthy apes teleport and have me raped by Nazi blonde Europigape scum while at the same time the Europigapes of Phuket on their "vacays" with free rent as they stay in the empty rooms of this condo to rape and torture me and steal my property and/or destroy/damage it all so anything i make is destroyed everything is stinking and stained and ripped and frayed--every single thing it is disgusting and I can't ever clean it up---
but they are so foul and stupid and sick--and I am getting into cursing and ranting, the hacking has made typing very difficult--I just cleaned out this system yesterday but I am not able to obtain a recovery disc here in Thailand I am blocked from real services in this "no speak English" millions of English-speaking tourist porn place of Nazi vacation programming.
But, trying to formulate ideas as the hacking and the brain attacks are now commensurate with the lack of cohesion in my writing (hacking will undoubtedly delete words and alter entire sentences--but none of you actually ever does anything to stop this group so it doesn't seem to matter very much at this point--I am writing to nothing and no one I write this for future people who are desperate to salvage society or the planet from the stupidity and filth of these greasy operators you all love and applaud for their murder and pornographic movie and media content).
They ruin art, that is the short end of the entire post.
But a few weeks ago filthy nasty Deniro and pesce, two sinister sleazy and foul disgusting ogres who had my hair mostly chemically treated out permanently like I have alopecia or some other scalp disease but it was chemicals they had put in my hair--and poisons in my food and water--for years--so most of my body is ravaged and partially destroyed as I fight every day for now 11 years to just get poison out of my body as they keep me poisoned. Stealing ideas from me day after day, the actor group like pit and his group of haters and bigots and jewish and latino and black and europigape fascist Nazis and mafia bigots who steal and steal concepts about "liberal" ideas which they are constantly capitalizing on. The rapist cheerleader bigot nazi and minority minion aunt jemimas have stolen and stolen ideas and have returned it all with endless cuts, scratches, poison in my body, my hair chemically permanently destroyed--rape and rape. They had some German pig ape whore creep violinist rape me endlessly as these filthy ugly pigs all watched on sucking in the pornographic display of this greasy stupid pig hitting me and sodomizing me as I was so drugged I responded with "love" to this ugly pig who I would rather castrate and kill off as another Nazi poisoning this planet. The actors sat back asking me why I didn't do that with them. I kept telling them to stop, so filthy and ugly denire began punching violently into my face, just missing my face within a few inches as he began yelling fascist style that i had better do what the Nazi pig ape wanted me to do as they kept poisoning and drugging and the rapists were pounding the poison into my intestines as they got off on rape and (attempted) murder. I kept saying no, they had my hair and scalp burned permanently off so there are just fragments of hair strands now on my head as I fight now to get poisons out of my back and intestines while I fight to get my hair to regrow and nothing is working--it's mostly chemically destroyed there is a huge patch all along the top of my head that is bald and the skin feels like rubber. That was for not wanting to have poisons raped into my body. The pig apes kept on torturing and abusing me and having poison put in my food and water for another year while they used the voice-to-skull technology to insult my every move--every shower every use of the toilet they made disgusting commentary. They are absolutely Trump and Graham supporters and these politicians along with Pelosi and AOC and Hillary Clinton rely on such pig scum to assist them in their power aspirations for their one-party fascist cartel which runs both parties in Congress.
Thus, in both politics and in art and culture, the complete degeneration and decay and destruction of society is operating at full speed towards a complete fascist mediocrity overtake with rape and murder as the main modus operandi of every formulaic theme and practice overtly and covertly sanctioned by all those pig apes in power as the art and culture and politics are endlessly made more and more degraded and boring and tasteless and classless and stupid and meaningless and deadly and dangerous.
So the dumb an dirty grease bag duo of deniro and pesce, with this ugly dark death spirit sinister sick man who has joined in, I have never looked his name up he' s not a man or a human being and like some cadaverous zombie propped up into life but looks and acts like a corpse looking for something or anyone to feed off; a lifetime of feeding off rape and murder and racism and plunder he's a lifeless boring hater and they all only love Frank Sinatra and the music that they co-opt and steal is just thumpy electronic mediocrity and marching orders as they keep projecting false "feminist' nazi whores into culture as "feminists" (include Hillary Clinton especially into that category).
I was doing some exercises I learned in a Jazz class at the Minnesota Dance Theater in Mpls--rotten foul deniro who has been stealing or helping to steal ideas from me--including for his movie Joker--abusing me and then asking me what my thoughts about the abuse were, as they stole these to put into the Joker character--I wrote of this--but deniro this disgusting thug ogre and pesce, who becomes absolutely more violent around his fascist "Italian-American" bigot buddies and his personality changes completely when he's around his mafia goon friends--the mob mobbing principle works with him so his humanity flies out the window once he's around deniro and his mafia friends--but deniro, violent and nasty, was trying to learn about how to do this exercise using this teleportation voice-to-skull combination of technologies--after nearly murdering me and blocking also all financial earning so I can't see a doctor, can't afford to buy food I really need or afford to pay a cleaning person or afford to get anything I really need or to live in a decent way--they force me into desperation and poverty--but I had this exercise in my background so the pig parasite began asking me how to do this, in this mode of "truth serum" congeniality" that these pigs force upon me. They do this in places where people are very nasty and abusive as I giggle and tell them ideas and am laughing as they are insulting and attacking me like it's all "funny". They forced this upon me to get me to "open up" and tell them more ideas so their disgusting ugly bodies can be less disgusting in their greed and pig personality features--I then asked him to PAY ME for training him and they began calling me the b-word because all is supposed to be free for them to steal with me just agreeing to it all while they poison and rape and beat and abuse me and turn my body and home into broken down and damaged and destroyed messes so they can ensure I can't compete against them or their filthy ugly whore women--
and that is why there is only one standard of "beauty" so-called and the music has been completely turned into awful mediocrity that is so bad I can't listen to it on WNYU any longer--and they block all archives so I can't access what truly used to be underground and fascinating creative music of every genre almost which they co-opted and turned into greasy mush with dumb and stupid DJ's who talk like wanna-be alternative fascists which is what they are, mafia and nazi idiots of the spawn that the Nazis spawned in this generational stew of grease that is trying to over-run every alternative concept to sell of new ideas but only as represented by them.
So I wrote of this last night and the pig apes got out their usual weapons of rape and death scenes in teleportation with this technology that Obama, Trump, Biden, Hillary Clinton, Greasy Graham, AOC, Bernie Sanders and the others who have sat in the audience rows watching me scream in rage at these f-ers to stop and leave me alone--for years--but all fully support the mafia nazi contagion. Thus, I am writing to nothing and no one but I am writing it still. Your sleazy and filthy skits and mafia and nazi creeps raping and creating murder skits using this technology that Elon Musk has been handed to further implement into society--
Once getting away and up from this one spot in front of my laptop, I "remembered" what was integral to the point I made about being raped by the German violinist whom this group absolutely embraced. I was so under hacking attack (as I am right now) that I could not access short-term memory within the space of one minute to finish the thought: I reacted to his rape because I was so DRUGGED I could barely function after and before all this endless rape and pumping of poison deeper into my body--before they cut off my finances and made most of my hair chemically fall out and not re-grow....because I kept saying no, and then louder no, then every day getting more angry saying no, as they tortured me because according to these pig apes I am "supposed" to never say no and just accept sick filthy Nazi bigot mafia shit poisoning and raping poison into my body to my death--if they don't kill me in car or motorbike accidents for the crime of saying no to being raped (according to them I am a "nothing" sex slave with no rights of law and no right to say no and my ideas they never compliment but steal them constantly and then block all my access to writing/thinking and/or producing my ideas or having any success whatsoever in this market which they have dominated for decades or centuries or millennia--and the "equal opportunity" that "stupid, classless" America has produced in the form of Me is so egregious to the fascist Nazis and the "Italian-AMericans" who can only identify themselves as coming out of Italy because they have made places like Brooklyn into such a filthy and violently dirty nasty place with all the crime and all the filth they pour on the poor minority areas so they can claim their inherent "superiority"-the macro version of the micro endless filth attacks they pour into my body and home to prove that only they are indeed only clean and beautiful--by forcing filth and sickness onto people like me--who won, literally really in real-life won top awards before all the violence turned into paralysis, disability and near death and endless impoverished disability sitting in solitary confinement in rooms while these pig apes torture me nearly to death making my body so stressed from perpetual violence from every kind of minority and white trash minion surrounding me as proxy terror agents for the "supremacist" pig apes like these creeps attacking me out of the mafia and the Nazi media cartel.
But...I was drugged, endlessly drugged. I responded with "love" to sick and ugly pig whores who may superficially appear as "attractive" after all the money that was pumped into their superficial appearances--from the fascist Nazi/Mafia cartels who pump up every minority and everyone else with endless benefits and incentives so they appear more "attractive" in addition to the huge amount of money poured into each and every parasitic person participating in this organization--(many of whom, once the larger objective of absolute fascist overtake with open fascism in culture and politics achieved--the minorities will then have no recourse to justice once the incentives will be revoked and they will then be "put in their place". That includes the rotten stupid Nazi feminists so-called who steal ideas from my writings and from others (notably Hillary in this regard who is a superlative actor in politics performing just the same role that these bigot Nazi/mafia female actors play when they laugh as their men rape and beat me while they steal ideas I write of about feminist politics and sexual violence).
I was drugged, each and every single time. I have NEVER ONCE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE had a legitimate intimate encounter with any person. Every case I was drugged beforehand and under brain-altering technological mind control programing. Unlike these whores who participated, I actually have "loved" and that has been only an authentic boon to my personality because the love emanates from myself or from that "higher power" which the source originates from. As I am a loving person and these pig apes who exploit that and parasitically suck it out and then return it with MURDER have been put into high positions of "power" on this deteriorating culture and planet (just look at global warming and the approaching mass catastrophe that the greed of these dumb and sleazy pig apes have created--as they have controlled not just media but business and venture capitalism and communism for all these decades--poisoning not just freedom of expression but creating mass destruction environmentally as this is the inevitable outcome of their inner sleaze rape and murder paradigm which they keep forcing upon the planet by usurping all the alternative concepts and artists to keep the same greed and sleaze mentality as appearing as "alternative" and buying out and using mind control to suppress those who truly are shining independents who create art and politics that could truly inspire people into actually loving and soulful purpose on this planet. Additionally they create genocides for the purpose of just stealing and raping and plundering and their colonialism has reached a point of endless migration, immigration and this additionally has lead to a global crisis that has reached catastrophic proportion. The mentality and paradigm remain as the one and only put into power, with plastic surgery enhancements and other lies and deceptions covering and concealing the distortion and co-opting usurpation so it appears like it's against racism and sexism and the other "isms" that these fascists conglomerate around. Enforced by criminal enterprises put into mainstream movie franchises who are absolutely foul and sinister on personal terms, who control music, movies and politics now.
Look at the result and then try to rethink your acceptance and apathy towards blocking and toppling this empire of death and rape and theft and hate and xenophobia and homophobia and etc....
of course, anti-Semitism is the almost corner stone of their entire systematic genocide system. It's been going on for at least 2,000 years or longer. We are still emulating the old Roman empires and The Fourth Reich now has turned into a global catastrophe (implying mainly global warming mass destruction of the planet, which is spurred by this block of alternative people and concepts and the misuse of fascist control over media and government and society politics on all levels). Their violence for anyone criticizing them is what I experienced last night, and every night for my resistance to my life being turned into a sex slave operation for the gratifying hate of bigot filth Europigape-based fascism and Nazism which I abhor and think of them only as ugly and stupid whores, not me. They are clever liars and they build and build and build and make death machines but ultimately they create a deathverse of degeneration and decay. I have zero respect for them at this point on any level, if that is not obvious in my writings.
There needs to be a change and this Mafia control with Nazis put out and to at least have a format of critical analysis of their singular and monopolized symbolic representation of themselves and only their mentality, put into false narratives of fascists who steal concepts of alternative concepts such as what this group of "A-list" celebrities who appear like Nazi ideology symbols who steal these ideas in order to represent a false opposition to fascism and Nazis but they privately adhere to absolutely as they continue to be paid and promoted in millions of dollars per year for participation in mind control rape, torture and slow murder. The entire motely group of one-sided fascist Nazis them become the imperators of society (with their "good" minority minions following suit and playing the roles of demeaning subservience following the marching orders in order to be advertised).
"Skream--Essential Mix--Radio 1. 17.06.2007". GetDarker. June 15, 2016.
"SKREAM Alter Ego UK GARAGE set". Mixmag. October 29, 2015.
"SKREAM--Come With Me (Documentary)". THUMP. July 15, 2014.
The "documentary" above cites DJ Skream performing for the Miami ULTRA electronic music festival---that festival was something I walked past on my beach walks when the tents were being put up around 1999--I heard only thump thump in staggered blasting speakers from tent-to-tent and lost interest in attending. I always hated House music (try to like it in the versions that Frankie Knuckles invented, not like the replications that all came afterwards succeeding the Detroit electronic music revolution in music). I am nothing short of a non-expert on this subject only have been on the fringe of that scene--(outcase and etc not able to afford until everything is now free on the internet to download) so I lost out---but now, I find that all my original approval of some SOME forms of Dubstep are still what appeals the most and in the version that Skream put out in the mid-early 2000's he was a phenomenal artist--the documentary confirms what I had written above about him first performing for small and not wealthy "patrons" and then you see him (de)evolving into mass party and $$ culture--the thumpy thump mixing began but still he's a genius even in that sphere. I still don't consider his progress from then to 2015 (above) to be complimentary towards his real capabilities. I think the $$ sort of grinded him down into a more conformist approach. This is why subculture should not be over-run by mainstream corporate entertainment---which happened en masse on South Beach until it's like one huge mafia-controlled musical machine grinding out the same marching orders beat at 4/4 with no exceptions but a few little mixed-in bitties as the men who rake in the money think about in the recesses of their money-grabbing minds in the recesses whatever rhymes with bitties---and the music becomes a major money enterprise and loses it's ingenious ingenuity that was so intense and sharp and focused and strong in those lessor affluent tiny dark spaces and clubs where you could pound out a vibration that was of a special beat and depth.
‘The God-Damnedest Thing’: The Antisemitic Plot to Thwart U.S. Aid to Europe’s Jews and the Man Who Exposed It Henry Morgenthau used his close ties with Roosevelt to expose rampant antisemitism in the State Department that thwarted America’s efforts to provide refuge for Jews imperiled by Hitler. --(Politico Article. Andrew Meier. September 23, 2022).
The numbers of layers of socks, rubber bands and tight-knit mesh socks around my hands is so extreme that my hands are literally forced in...