MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Saturday, March 30, 2024
I am fighting to the death. After more than 10 years of writing and celebrity piece of fucking shit after piece of shit after even more shitty politicians are just rushing to beat, rape and torture me every single moment of my life. No one will do anything as more and moppre fuckers paste their shit on my youtube as I search for any salvation there is none, absolutely no one and nothing. All have been killed or are just brainwashed shit by now. Netanyahu and dirty Rat-skin this filth and ugly pair of the destruction of this culture that I am supposed to bear the brunt of all the hate and all the violence so shit like this can dump more on me and promote the Nazi shit for their greasy shit promotions. And all the same sick fucks are sitting on their brains as usual this shit pig ape prostitutalina group is always there with never-ending politicians and celebrities. I have wrritten adn written and there is only dirty disgusting old rotten pig apes in leadership position, even if they arein their 20's they have been programmed in old age mentality. I am endlessly being assaulted after this group of shit has stolen idea after idea from me and made millions and millions they never stop and never just let me live for a moment with life, love and peace. Their ugliness and hate is never-ending the pieces of shit go off being applauded I remain with my body disfigured and paralyzed fihting literally for my life every day to remove th epoison as they keep poisoning and attack9ing me to death. the hacking has made typing correectly impossible. I am pounding down on the keyboard and it's just rife with red underlines. I have to just try to not react and wait for Biden to die and Trump to fucking die as well for any slight hope of any change for the better otherwise the two roten fucks have trained their rotten children adn the masses who love them vboth as I am endlessly atatcked just for being happy and vbeautiful and intelligent and winning so they have poisoned tortured mutilated and have been destroying murdering raping without end. I would kill them if I could. I try to kill them every day I ruash at them. not a single fuck reading this can do anything but try to exploit me as well. I truly have said for years that this is a death group which can only bring the utter destruction of the planet and you all just love them for it. The desturction you plan on exploiting and for a take-over will never happen they will only destroy the planet they are too life-fuck sick to do anything else. Keep applauding them. I hope Netanyuau is kileld as well as I hope Ratskin gets killed by some MAGA white supreamcist as that is all that Ratskin and Netanyahu truly care about and it would be the ultimate irony for them to be killed by their worshipful Nazi masters. this pig ape Netanhyuah attacked me as usual while I wa sin the shower trying to relax from Farrakhan and Ratskin with their abuse, as my body is huge and I can never get this chemical cement out of my body which they put in for years as I fouthg for my life to stop thepoisoning and rape and abuse. It is all too disgusting. Netanyau asked me for a tarot reading but not politely. I was in the shower I told him it would take me 30 m minutes. He began yelling at me "do it now do it now" I told him tI would not do it he began vuiolently abuwsing me I told him to fuck off and die. It took about 15 minutes of that ugly rotten parasite yelling at me for no reason for me to finally not give a damn and also Israel has never been a freidn to me. It is the sick and sleazy dirty shit like Netanyahu and Ratskin, the ass-groveling dirty Jewish Nazis who have put Isreal and Jews in the precarious state that they are in now. I se ein the news tha Spielberg is decrying the rise in antisemitism. That rotten Nazi Jewish fuck attacked me along with Turmp and he is another eason that antisemitism is so high. All his lead stars are vile and foul antisemite Nazis, in particular the Irish and English. He is stupid as hell and a greedy and sick blind and ingoramus assgroveling Jewish Nazi and fully helped to bring about the state of hate for Jews, and in h8is billion dollra lifestyle and his blonde Nazi wife he will always be "safe" but continues like they all do to blather bullshit into cameras about all the fight against Nazism that they really are protecting and atatcking me for actually fighting against it. As none of you gies a fucking damn, I can't write any longer. Maybe one day someone will remember my sacrifice for my life for my country for the group I was born into which was destroyed and these pig ape pieces of shit are very much responsible--because they are continuing the devestation and encouraging fascist Nazis--all those I just m entioned and many many others. I remain the outcast scapegoate sacrifice because not a single person will do more than champion all the "stars" you fucking worship and they are just a sick pile of meaningless shit. I remain here as a citizen of the United States on the other side of the planet because my country was murdering me in covert death squad assassinaton teams, which are here in this other place and the shit from America is now pouring so much hate on me for escaping for not believing in the shit they are saying and doing for not supporting the bullshit crap they crank out and not saying they are great and I am their "salve" to beaat rape and torture without self-defense. I truly hope they are killed and this is enough of watching youtube or movies or writing on these blogs because America is a lost country, you fuckers reading this will get the destruction you have helped to bring about. I just want to live in peace and all I can do is be beaten abused and it's constant and none of you will ever do a fucking thing afer 13 years of wr5iting these posts all I have gotten is an endless stream of shit celebrities and politicians coming to violently abuse me because I am defending myslef. So I end now. The hacking is very bad, this is full of red lines the keys won't work. The Jewish pig ape shit are most loathsome ugly and sef-destroyed creep parasitic latched on hateful life-sucking fuckers. THey are loathsome and violently sick towards me the Jewism men and their love for the Nazis and their violence violence that no one will stop. Please kill Ratskin and fuck Netanyuah get him OUT of power the Jewish Nation deseves a decent leadreship not a sick group of crap and America deserves so muchy better than lying endlessly lying Ratskin and the rest of the Nazi shit like Pig-lousy and AOC and the rest--Biden is a rotten ugly sinister crap destroyer hope he dies and his soggy rotten brain and body collapse and he's dead within a few days. If I am the witch they claim I am, may this curse be fulfilled immediately and upon them all. Me living in peace and love that I deserve, which is bliss and joy and beauty. Fuck you all.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Dirty, ugly and sinister sick Rat-skin the not-representative of the Whore-House intimately connected to Whorewood goes on and on, as the parasitic leech he and all of them are. His antisemitism is only rivaled by the outright Nazis of Whorewood (usually Germans) and he's very much a similarity but thankfully a bit different in his type of greasy filthy hate aimed at me. The killing of my beautiful plants was probably done by the team who have been doing this for over a year--killling all beautiful plants I buy, but Rat-skin the foul parasitic Nazi and Baryishnikov, a most sinister leech globbed onto this contract probably worked in tandem to just destroy once more the plants, the beautiful objects. I had to detox from horrifically old poisons trapped in my body so I was again unable to get more done than sitting in front of the laptop watching the crap of YouTube, all hacked blathering terrorists waiting for their chance to torture, rape beat and rob and assault me for their nasty greasy promotions. The next endless parasite, Rat-skin is undoubtely profiting off this in endless huge awards for that sack of lying filth who keeps referring to all the gun violence on tv as what he wants done to me. When people shoot others in these inevitable violent flicks (as Ratskin is almost a slave to the Whorewood establishment which cranks out these gun murder movies, while he claims like all the fake violent genocidal murderous "liberals" whose policies really foment much death and destruction---but people using guns and this filthy dirty ugly sinister leech blathers hatefully that it should be me being shot in the head, etc. And his comments go on and on as I sit in a drugged and dazed stupor and trying to ignore this filthy teleportation as i can "see" him and hear his ugly dirty pig ape voice going on and on with murder commentary as I sit sick from the poison he laughed about the whorewood establishment pouring into my body while he insulted how I look and he continues. I get undressed he makes absolutely disgusting commentary like deniro and pesce, his mafia Nazi heroes which he has emulated. This filthy dirty pig ape piece of dirty and violent shit probably has an entire agenda for how much he plans on obtaining out of endless violence towards me with death threats with every other sentence. I am so sick of trying to kill this rotten lug of deteriorated ugly meat that Rat-skin is, and so sick of just his presence I try to ignore him but the ENTRAINMENT of the technology where my brain literally is "trapped" in a groove like a needle on a record that can't skip. This filthy ugly sinister rotten ape pig scum is going to go on and on I can tell. Deniro and Pesce went on with this violent insulting sexual debasement and violence and death threats for about 4 years--or 3, or longer maybe 5. The ugliness of Ratskin and his glaring hate at me with threats, death threats and this Nazi MAGA terrorist is being paid by filthy vile Biden the criminal worthless lying sac of filthy putridity as they really all are. Not one of you is going to get any of them off me. //I can only pray for their utter horrid destruction since there is no justice no law no constitution nothing but bullshit and white supremacy and all the minorities like filthy dirty ratskin who wants to believe that he is not a minority but is so trained in playing the advocate for human rights that "Jews" are "supposed" to play as the eternal victims of injustice. It is one thing for Nazis and Mafia to go on and on but when it comes from an oppressed and filthy minority the hate and violence is amplified by the self-loathing of the greasy shit that these people are--can't ANYONE get rat-skin off me and just push Biden down some stairs so that ugly filthy fucker is finally not attacking me, as I know he has been behind decades of attacks against me. Has known about this contract on me for years and has fully sent people to rape, torture, violently threaten me. I wrote one sardonic humorous post about his State of the Union and the death threats from that NazI bigot piece of shit Biden and his team of rat filth like Rat-skin is just only tangibly understood by the minority communities who are turning to Trump in desperation for something that is not such a psycho-clown show of bullshit that these filth slingers are really, behind all the blathering those who are victimized as I know I have been by this group (and Trump, it's been me fighting for my life literally with all my strength for over 13 years under Obama/Biden +Trump + Biden/Obama and they are SHIT. The minorities also should not consider Trump a panacea. Biden is such a piece of rotten ugly lying shit that the minorities who have suffered under the Crime Bills that Biden pushed decades ago are still reeling in the destruction and racism he really pushed and loves pushing it. He loves torture, rape and murder of people like me he and his group of shit like Rat-skin are mafia constructs and they are thugs--put into power. So is Cornell West who is just another lying bs slinger. And it's despicable. Can't anyone get filthy dirty rat-skin off me? THis lying yapping shit operator plans on attacking me forever to get more and more media slots, whic he has already been handed for the past 3 years of endlessly supporting shitalina his Nazi bigot "friend" who he only wants to be patted on the back by and told he is a "good boy" and not a scumbag "jew". Unfortunately that stupid jerk-off scumbag "Jew" doesn't understand how sick and racist the shit he is worshipping as the mentally enslaved minion of violence really perceive that ugly dirty filth piece of shit to be, and he truly is sick and disgusting as are so many of the politicians the white old dinosaur men and the ultra-violent minorities so eager to impress the genocidal Nazis--in particular the Jews. Rat-skin is a piece of rotten and mentally ill shit. Get that ugly sick fuck off me goddamn. And make this group of shit stop attacking me. Make them stop killing my plants get them off me. What the hell is wrong with America that not one single person will do more than sit back silently waiting for me to beg for my life until they murder me?
"William Cooper--The UGLY Truth--B'nai B'rth & the ADL". Watchman's Archive. December 1, 2013.
*AHA! I discovered, under the vid I just posted above, that there is a link to the transcript which has all written out, from beginning to end. It is actually tiresome to listen to Hour of the Time broadcasts because Cooper reads very rapidly and the information is so new to me that I get lost. Always my brain is under attack while I listen to these lectures. I also blasted them while Rat-skin was yelling and abusing and constantly threatening me with mutilation and murder. He was constantly yelling as I tried to list to this first episode also because he said that I "should not be listening to this" or any of the Cooper lectures on governmental deception and the downfall of the Constitution.
So, at your leisure, please do read the introduction to this series which was omitted to a very large extent. So much pertinent and vital information and thought construction was omitted deliberately I believe. You can glean the information without having to try to get past the constant sort of "drone" that Cooper has, because he was such an astute information analyst for the Office of Naval Intelligence where he held one of the highest top level security levels as the assistant to the General of the Pacific Command and had access to extremely sensitive and top-level, top-secret intelligence which he would brief, with a team of other analysists, to the General every day for I think it was about 2-4 years--
He is not some wacked-out conspiracy theorist as so many claim in rebuff of his highly astute lectures on the actual ugly truth of the ugly reality of the eventual overtake, the economic collapse and a Totalitarian system overtake and the subservience/enslavement of the general population.
The Ugly Truth about the Anti Defamation League (ADL)
*I am going to copy and paste the parts, most of which were deleted from the video above. I also discovered another video on YouTube that never showed up on a simple search of the exact terms---I get this all the time that items that are, indeed, visible easily on the web I never find. I only had saved this site (not featured on this post) months ago or last year and "forgot" about it's existence on the list of other sites I have saved but am so exhausted from endless hacks, blocks and endless DOS so I spend most of my time fighting to type, get back on the internet and all is like a rabid crazy scumbag making the cursor spin and things pop up and service is blocked constantly--this is every 5 minutes, and has been ongoing for over 2 years (and for over 20 years, but has gone back to the endless freezing I experienced when I was taking grad classes and needed the internet for research--). Anyway, here is the part of the text (included in the link above for "ADL #1" that was deleted---it is vital information for the history of the United States that is in major effect at this momet in American politics and, of course, Israel and the rest of the world is included: the system is also so extremely slowed down, constantly on every single computer I get on around the world it is instantly hacked and obtaining a site can take as long as 5 minutes. The WiFi is turned off constantly every few minutes (like 3-5 minutes, repeated for hours every day)
ADL #1
Tape No. 524: "ADL No. 1"
Wednesday, January 11, 1995
This broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled "The Ugly Truth About The ADL", and "Dope Inc.".
Folks, tonight I'm going to embark on a course from which there is no return. It is important that you learn the information that I'm going to begin to impart to you tonight; and yes, it is a part of the "Mind Control" series. It is also a part of the history of the Illuminati in this nation. And it will explain an awful lot of things to you that have never been explainable before. It's going to explain to you the link between the Lodges of the Illuminati, the intelligence community, and the underworld.
It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.
Tonight, I begin to narrate to you a special report of the "Executive Intelligence Review" entitled "The Ugly Truth About the ADL".
Now, I want you to understand something. I am not talking about Jews. I am talking about a branch of the Illuminati: the control structure that is bringing one-world government into fruition, destroying the sovereignty of nations, and many, many other things.
As you will see, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL does not represent the Jewish people; but instead, is using them, and is manipulating them so that they, innocently--as many of you have done throughout your life innocently--are helping to bring about the destruction of the sovereignty of individual nations, the destruction of individual, Creator-endowed, Constitutionally- guaranteed rights, and the formation of a one-world, totalitarian, socialist government.
I want it clearly understood that "The Hour of the Time" has stated on many, many occasions that we oppose racism of any kind, in any form, by anyone.
What you're going to discover is that the ADL, while calling many, many people anti-semitic, are themselves one of the most racist groups that has ever existed upon the face of this earth.
Ladies and gentlemen, the original research was done by the "Executive Intelligence Review". CAJI has duplicated the research down to the T to make sure that this material is true. And it is absolutely, 100% legitimate and historical truth from beginning to end. And that's why the ADL and B'nai B'rith has never sued the "Executive Intelligence Review" over this report.
April 14, 1865, the day Abraham Lincoln was shot, will live forever, ladies and gentlemen, as a day of infamy for American patriots, and lovers of freedom all over the world.
But for the leadership of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the Order of B'nai B'rith, and it's twentieth-century police arm, the Anti-Defamation League, April 14th, 1865 is a day that will be long remembered for a very different reason.
The B'nai B'rith, a pivotal player in the British Freemasonic plot to destroy the Union, was implicated in Lincoln's assassination--something that you've never been taught.
That fact does not square very well with its long-cultivated--but totally unwarranted--reputation as a Jewish social service organization, and a champion of civil rights. For that reason, B'nai B'rith and the ADL have gone to great lengths, ladies and gentlemen, to bury that history and much, much more.
Simon Wolf <sp?>, 1835-1923, was the Washington, D.C. lawyer for the Order of B'nai B'rith during the entire period of the United States Civil War. He would later head the International Order of B'nai B'rith for many years.
In 1862, Wolf was arrested by Lafayette C. Baker--the Chief of Detectives for the City of Washington, D.C., and later, Lincoln's Chief of the United States Secret Service--on charges that Wolf was involved in spying and blockade running on behalf of the Confederacy.
Baker arrested Wolf, who was the attorney representing a number of Jews accused of spying for the South, on the grounds that he was part of a conspiratorial organization working on behalf of the secessionist cause behind the lines in the nation's capitol. The conspiratorial organization named by Baker was the B'nai B'rith.
Both Baker and United States General Ulysses S. Grant targeted the Order of B'nai B'rith as a Confederate spy agency. Upon taking command of the western front in 1862, General Grant issued Order No. 11 which expelled all Jews from the military district within 24 hours of its implementation.
U.S. Grant was no anti-semite, ladies and gentlemen. He was reacting to the activities of B'nai B'rith and leading Confederates like Judah P. Benjamin.
Lincoln, however, cognizant of the need to avoid blanket attacks against religious or ethnic groups, rescinded the order--which was the proper thing to do--for all Jews are not members of B'nai B'rith; and B'nai B'rith was not solely at guilt.
The Civil War was actually engineered and brought about by British intelligence through their arm of the Illuminati in the United States headed by Albert Pike: the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, whose headquarters at that time was in Charleston, South Carolina.
A 1987 B'nai B'rith-authorized biography of Simon Wolf by Esther L. Panitz <sp?> offered the following highly suggestive--albeit incomplete--description of Wolf's personal relationship with President Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth.
Now, bear in mind, folks, that this biography, written on the basis of B'nai B'rith's archives--written on the basis of B'nai B'rith's own archives--paints Wolf in the most favorable of lights.
The mere fact that the author had to include Wolf's links to Booth and Wolf's earlier arrest as an alleged Confederate spy and blockade-runner implies that the actual story is far uglier. I quote from the history of the B'nai B'rith:
"Wolf's concern for culture first expressed itself in the formation of a private club devoted to the arts and humanities, and frequented by young men avid for learning.
"Were pride and ambition his only motives in seeking the intellectual life?
"Clearly, Wolf hoped that if he and his friends would devote themselves to the pursuit of learning, they would deflect the prejudicial statements of their Christian neighbors.
"Wolf was upset that terms such as 'money-changers', 'cotton-traders', and 'clothes-dealers' had become words of reproach.
"Locally, the groups theatrical productions received a good press. Wolf, who would often play the Ghost in 'Hamlet' or Shylock in 'The Merchant of Venice', bore an uncanny resemblance to John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin. Earlier in Cleveland, Booth had joined Wolf and Peixoto in dramatic performances.
"Years afterward, Wolf remembered that he had met Booth once again at the Willard Hotel on the morning of the day Lincoln was shot.
"There at the bar, Booth explained that Senator John P. Hale's daughter had just rejected his marriage proposal. Wolf attributed Lincoln's murder to this personal tragedy in Booth's own life. Wolf also recalled that once he sat for a picture entitled 'The Assassination of President Lincoln'."
End quote. In his own book, ladies and gentlemen, entitled "Presidents I Have Known", Wolf says that he and his long-time acquaintance, John Wilkes Booth, did some drinking together at the Willard Hotel on the day Booth shot Lincoln.
Wolf's, and a second leading B'nai B'rith figure, Benjamin Peixoto's dealings with John Wilkes Booth, were hardly cultural. Nor could Wolf have possibly believed that Abraham Lincoln was killed because of John Wilkes Booth's unrequited love affair.
Even John Hinkley, the would-be assassin of President Ronald Reagan, was declared insane when he tried to peddle the line that he had tried to kill Ronald Reagan due to an unfulfilled fantasy love affair with actress Jodie Foster.
To understand the circumstances under which B'nai B'rith's Washington, D.C. leader and one of its founding members were circumstantially tied to the Lincoln assassination conspiracy, and explicitly linked to the secessionist insurrection against the Union, it is necessary to look briefly at the circumstances under which the Order of B'nai B'rith was founded in 1843.
Following the American Revolution, the British monarchy and its East India Company colonists' apparatus never for a moment abandoned their commitment to reconquer the lost colonies in North America.
Although the military effort at reconquest in the War of 1812 failed, other efforts to seed the United States with British agents, some drawn from the ranks of anti-Republican Tories--who were permitted to retain their citizenship and property in America under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783--were more successful.
In 1801, the Tory faction of United States Freemasonry--the grouping of Freemasons who had sided with England during the American Revolution--opened up shop as the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem of the Mother Supreme Council of the Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the United States.
This United States-based British Freemasonic Lodge was chartered in Charleston, South Carolina. The members of this British-led secret society would direct the Confederate secessionist insurrection a half-century later; and other Scottish Rite members would be among the founders of the B'nai B'rith. They, too, would be leading Confederates.
Apart from the esoteric mission of spreading an explicitly anti-Christian form of Roman pagan worship and occultism among the early generations of American citizens, the Charleston Lodge also sought to build up a network of pro-British merchants, spies, and politicians in both the North and the South who would one day play a pivotal role in the reconquest.
Many of these early Masons became wealthy through their business dealings with the British East India Company and the Dutch West India Company in both the cotton and the slave trade.
Among the founding members of the Charleston Scottish Rite Lodge were many prominent Jews, including Isaac Dacosta <sp?>, Moses Cohen <sp?>, Israel Deleiben <sp?>, Dr. Isaac Held <sp?>, Moses Levy <sp?> and Moses Peixoto.
Many of these men, ladies and gentlemen, were Sephardic Jews from North Africa or from Spain who had originally settled in the Caribbean and engaged in the early slave trade.
These Jewish Masons set up their organizations which also maintained active liaison to Great Britain's powerful Jewish community.
The Hebrew Orphan Aid Society was one such nominally benign group that would produce one of the most rabid secessionist leaders: Judah P. Benjamin.
Although today any reports of the Freemasonic roots and structure of B'nai B'rith are usually greeted with a torrent of allegati
ons of anti-semitism, back in the formative years, B'nai B'rith's own magazine, "The Menorah", offered the following information about the founders of the group--and listen to this very carefully. Quote:
"Their reunions were frequent and several of them being members of existing benevolent societies, especially the Order of Freemasons and Odd-Fellows, they finally concluded that a somewhat similar organization, but based upon the Jewish idea, would best obtain their object.
"The Jewish religion has many observances and customs corresponding to the secret societies known to us. The synagogue, for instance, might be compared to a Lodge room. It used to be open twice a day. For a Jew desiring to find a friend, they had but to go there and make themselves known by a certain sign and token.
"The sign consisted of a grip with a full hand and the magical word 'Shalom Alakim' <sp?>. The mezuzah on the doorpost was the countersign--'Shema Israel'. 'Hear O Israel' was the password."
End quote. Indeed, to this day, all local chapters of the B'nai B'rith are referred to as Lodges, a practice borrowed whole cloth from the Scottish Rite.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This was all written before I discovered the link to the written text of the lecture series, but I will leave it intact as I always am under "mind control" and my thoughts meander and what I meander into is also relevant: Unfortunately, this video is the best I can do to impart this information based on research by The Hour of the Time and the Citizen's Agency for Joint Intelligence, which was purported to be a worldwide intelligence agency of independent research based on fact and in-depth research analysis, etc.
The 6-hour-long video is MISSING at least 20 minutes or more from the original 1st Video, titled, The Ugly Truth about the ADL #1.
It states that the B'Nai Brith, the "Jewish" branch of "The Illuminati" in "The South" prior to the Civil War collaborated with Confederate Forces at very high-ranking political and legal positions.
At this very moment my brain is being blanked-out completely for memory for names. You must look up this podcast on the Hour of the Time MP3 series. You must search for ADL and will find a series of about 3 or more episodes on this topic.
Cooper begins by stating that the ADL is NOT an accurate representation of "The Jews" but is rather a private "arm" of what used to be called the "Knights of the Golden Circle" which turned into the KKK. Jews who were members of this secret society operated as spies against the Union and worked to sabotage efforts at defending the United States by Union Forces.
Please note that my brain is being blanked out so badly I can barely type, move my fingers to the correct keys or think of anything more elaborate than the most basic sentences. I cannot remember single item of the first part that has been deliberately deleted from this series, the one-and-only I could find on YouTube and I cannot upload the MP3 files I have saved.
The Jewish Branch of the ADL as the "secret police" agency of the B'Nai Brith, a group that MY FAMILY was closely allied with and undoubtedly members of, were the "Jewish branch" of the Scottish Rite of the Freemasons of the Southern Jurisdiction, the very group that Albert Pike founded which you all know as the KKK.
The man whose name my brain is completely blanked out from "remembering" at this moment, and I have spent over 5 hours today trying to circumvent the hacking, the WiFi being constantly turned off, hacking that is unbelievable--I did a reset function and instantly after spending hours fighting to remove the malware the system is just polluted immediately afterwards. I just deleted over 4,000 files that had been dumped on my C Drive when I downloaded a browser which is one of the few that will "allow" me to upload any videos to this blog.
The Jewish branch of the KKK, the Scottish Southern Jurisdiction of the Freemasons, the Illuminati (all one-and-the-same) were working WITH John Wilkes Booth in the assassination plot of Abraham Lincoln. Some of the leaders were implicated and one was arrested but their staunch support from the English traders of the slave trade and various southern politicians enabled them to lose all the constraints of legal penalty and one of the leaders of the "Jewish" plot to assassinate Lincoln escaped to London where he was a very highly reputable attorney. Another co-conspirator of the Lincoln assassination became a U.S. Senator, even though he had been expelled from Harvard due to a scandal. All he had to do was marry a Southern daughter of a prominent Slave Trade Confederate (of the pre-KKK branch of The Illuminati). I must add to the Cooper lecture, which is probably included in the partially deleted video below (deleted by the person who uploaded the video and put all the pictures as some kind of "entertainment" which is distracting anyway)
but....The Rothschilds were closely allied with the American Jewish ADL and the B'Nai Brith. The ADL has been exposed, by Cooper and by President Lincoln's Secret Service top agent to be a fake operation of defense against Anti-Semitism, but rather is and has been a violent gestapo type operation which uses sabotage and assassination but their cover is charitable assistance for victims of antisemitism. I must note that antisemitism runs rampant amongst the divided Jews and the racist hierarchies of the white supremacists plays a pivotal role in how and who gets to be "allowed" to participate if they inter-marry with white non-Jewish supremacists and the story remains the same to this very moment in time.
My situation is a testament to that awful sell-out policy which is being enforced by the very violently racist entities in political and societal (entertainment/media) and all has been infiltrated.
The latter portion of the lecture series runs like a revelation about how fake and racist the tv hit series "Boardwalk Empire" was in favor of amplifying the glorification of Irish and Italian and slightly insulting and denigrating the Jewish component. It is a very subtle re-enforcement of the long-standing government policy of putting Irish and Italians in power and slowly destroying the Jewish. Getting Jews to do the violent work for the white supremacists is like one of the mind control "feathers in the cap" for the Nazi 4th Reich--this last paragraph is ALL completely my input into the general them.
For a "Jew" to have success in this 4th Reich planet, he/she must allow Nazis to instruct them in every way, self-denigrating themselves and obeying instructions which are part of divide-and-conquer strategies.
What Netanyahu is doing right now is contrary to the usual conditioning of Jews to allow the Nazis to take over the Holy Land by submitting to the demands of the Americans as their benefactor (but their goal is the elimination of the Jews and the overtake of Israel in British Israelist and Christian Identity genocidal "soft touch" murder operations and overtake).
The last part may sound like "conspiracy theory" but it is integral to the entire conversation of the Jewish Lobbies currently in a state of shock over what has happened in Israel in the past 6 months.
I was never surprised from the moment the invasion happened. Having lived in Germany and being exposed to Christian Identity Nazis, I understood from their talks and political discussions that this was an inevitable follow-through of the Holocaust.
The fascist, Nazi, bigot/racist State of terrorism that The United States IS...cont. (ad infinitum). After more than 13 years of just, "just" the Whorewood rotating mass of celebrity and politician violence, I responded from sheer torture that has been in an unending state of non-stop hysterical violence aimed at me, from the beginning of the "awards" season to the politicians' campaigns and the years of their needs to prove how much they are into the 4th Reich by using this tech against me (and whomever else) to prove they have absolutely no respect for the Constitution, The Bill of Rights, any Laws whatsoever. None at all. They have killed my brand new plants, and the 15 months of me buying plants every month, which I cannot afford, and all being killed, and me growing seeds which begin to grow and as soon as two flowers emerge they are killed. The response to my ranting begging for something to stop months and months of rape, torture and years and years of murder attempts that I have detailed to the silence of the world and it's just never-ending. The flowers are all dead, the plants have been doused with something so they are dead hanging on the curved spirals of the tendrils that are now dropping and dead. Two days ago I bought them, delighted they are so beautiful. The torture of the hate death squad was so unbearable and they never stop assaulting me. The inhumanity and dehumanization and it's all being paid for and funded and used as a stepping-stone for so many sick vile creeps who are at the front and center of politics and in the media (including the news sources--and mostly all claim to be on the "Left") but they are all really just pure fascist bigot Nazis and they align with the "opposite" side which doesn't have to prove their allegiance in private because they are doing it in public, more or less, with subtle cues, signs and expressions of solidarity with other seriously violent entities.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Whorewood and Congress-whorewood & "They just look at government and say, 'Wow, how rich can I get from manipulating the government?'" Please note that this sentiment is echoed by many fascist Nazis from Europe and beyond who I have been tortured by in teleportation. They sit back as their rotten nasty American minions, the white supremacists aspiring to be aristocrats with mansions and castles in Europ-a-land, who then employ the brown, black and other minorities to do the filthy violent acts upon me as they sit back smug, emulating the Europigapes as the tech is handed to incompetent apes to torture and destroy, ripping the fabric of society with mind programming tech which no one cares about because everyone expects a huge profit off it and their inclusion in the "entitled" group (who may kill them anyway to suck out whatever can be taken back from all the incentives that are now being constantly handed out to the creeple viciously attacking me as proxy low-lifer death squad operatives. These people are the worst in terms of selling out the country as they have usurped the actual real opposition to misuse and corruption of power. The list of minority minions performing these obstruction-to-opposition-to-fascist criminality is immense in this construct of a simulation of a genocidal death camp techno-terror apparatus being inflicted upon me, perpetually with ZERO opposition and no support for me. The money to worthless scum who are famous for their blathering lying performances is unbelievable.//Former Trump associate: regarding the current paradigm in American politics and society: "These are people (from the government and leadership positions...who have NO regard for the public interest....The conversion of American Democracy into a cash register business. Whoever has the most money can buy the government policies they want." (clip below, Democracy Now/interview):America is much more sick and rotten than most people could begin to conceptualize: How much longer must I beg online every single day to get some sick psycho scumbag whore pig ape off me who has access to just venting their suppressed sickness out on me because they just can do it and get away with it? Promotions without end for every dysfunctional act of sabotage they force upon my every existence and thing and food intake, plant, animal, object, my body an endless warzone of mutilation and poisoning my sleep infested with the sickness of these filthy scumbag whores. Every single one of your famous shitholes is a sick cesspool of garbage trash filth and hate. they are constantly trying to foist their own problems and insecurities out on me while being paid to do this. I am attacked by literally every single "victim" of every "outrage" who is also paid in millions to support this "cause" which turns into a profit-zone orgy of lies and obfuscation of reality. I have been begging literally every single day for over a decade for someone to fucking get them off me and to have some kind of oversight on this sick technology and not one single fucker in Congress will do even the slight polite thing of even acknowledging that this is ongoing and has been a violent torture situation of murder attempts, torture and rape theft of my ideas as stupid and sick shit whores are paid in billions and millions for the ideas they steal from me combined with non-stop daily and nightly abuse with voice-to-skull tech/teleportation and thought-reading and all the endless apparatus of torture they have at their disposal with violent torture heaped upon me for defending myself by the filth of congress and one of such is the most ugly and dirty one of all, the Jewish nazi who is an abomination to everything that ever existed of the Jewish diaspora. HOW MUCH LONGER MUST i FUCKING WRITE ABOUT TORTURE, RAPE AND MUTILATION POISONING AND NEAR-DEATH TORTURE THAT IS ONGOING EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT A SINGLE MEMBER OF CONGRESS DOING SO MUCH AS TO EVEN STOP THIS AFTER MORE THAN A DECADE OF SHIT ATTACKING ME. iT HAS BEEN TRUMP FOR YEARS, NOW BIDEN'S TEAM OF MOST VIOLENT AND SICK RACIST SHIT POSING AS EGALITARIAN "DEMOCRATS" WHO ARE FOUL AND SICK AND DISGUSTING, AS ARE THE REPUGS WHO FREQUENT THIS SITUATION WITH VIOLENCE, DEATH THREATS AND RAPE. This is disgusting the pieces of sick ugly shit all proclaim that the problem is "me" and that what they are doing is normal and what is wrong with it? This is one vice president, one us president, FOUR house speakers, multiple senators and House reps, endless celebrity shithole whores, stupid and blank, violent and ugly and dirty.
"The Supreme Court made a ruling....called Citizens United whereby American Democracy can be bought (paraphrase, almost verbatim)"--
"Donald Trump 'Finally Being Held to Account' After Half a Century of Criminality". Democracy Now. March 27, 2024.
"Pig Destroyer--The Diplomat (Official Video)". Noisey. October 26, 2012.
"New Jack City (1991) Opening Scene". Movies 90's. December 8, 2019.
I see on my arms so thin and fragile from 13 years of being bedridden, or longer but poisoning without end so I have only been constantly shitting black stinking piles of poison out and laying in bed with torture, rape and beatings from pig after shit whore pig after ape from Whorewood and congress, shit and stupid sick crud not human beings put into leadership positions and all behaving as if I have committed a capital offense by just saying NO to being raped and poisoned and my ideas stolen my home made broken down stinking and all is broken constantly my body so mutilated and poisoned it is destroyed
huge liver spots and wrinkles are on my forearms from years and years of poisoning chemicals slathered on my skin, constantly, every day. My fingers are huge and swollen from endless insertions of metal objects under my cuticles and nails. My toenails have been slathered with hardening agents. mY spine is fractured and coated with hard poison I can never get out of my body as they keep poisoning me
the government is reacting with violent rage and torture of me for not just saying Yes to shit celebrities and even more shitty politicians who are a travesty of justice, an abomination to the government system that the United States was founded upon, as I know it from all the writings but in actual reality has rarely been established for many people in the country who have been enslaved and discriminated against.
the shit that is now currently assaulting me is this most foul and disgust8ing ugly pair of Jewish shit but Rat-skin is the most disgusting I have ever met, but he's just only one of a lot of ugly dirty sick hateful Jewish men (and women) but with the allowance of the real hate and racism of jews against me, he is a full-on murdereous bigot towards me and I can only imagine the lifetime of racism directed at the foul and ugly piece of trashy filth, I should have some compassion for that rotten ugly dirty thing but I can't after years and years and years and years of non-stop torture while that filthy ugly sick thing has profited off this and is a murdering disgusting sleaze. Only on par with greasy nasty Graham, who insulted threatened me with death and that was the very beginning of his violence and it jsut goes on and on. Dirty ugly Baryishnikov is still there yelling at me and ordering my plants to be killed. That filthy ugly m urderous bigot has been torturing me non-stop for YEARS only because I was exercising.
Rotten and sick violent Netanyahu began assaulting me while I was reading tarot cards and I heard him ask me whining to "please read cards for me" which I did. I had this notion that I am categorized as being "Jewish" which I swear I am not after years of trying to understand this culture it has always rejected me from my earliest memories I was slated to be their fucking scapegoated sacrifice.
I read the cards while he was insulting me with vicious hate. I had just been abused, beaten and insulted by rotten Tom Cruise and NIcole shitwhore because I was watching Eyes Wide Shut and they rushed giggling and laughing to abuse me--hitting me insulting me violently ONLY BECAUSE i WAS WATCHING A MOVIE THEY STARRED IN only because I wanted to watch Kubrick. I then read tarot cards and fotten Netanyahu began insulting me, I heard his voice I had seen him in teleportation and I told him that because I cared about Israel I would do it although I normally would not--he continued the insults as I read. He then immediately began endless sexual harassment and went on and on. I finally told him to not approach me again so he sent vile and filthy Rat-skin who is a most violent Nazi conscript desperate to prove his violent antisemitism and racism, as I have been writing of for days but no one will ever get this pile of silthy shit off me, they remain sitting in those chairs as the next piece of stinking shit representing foul lies and death cult mentality disguised as benevolent leadershit
and it's been so viciously violent from Rat-skin with yelling and torture that I finally could not take another day of the endless THIRTEEN YEARS of endless murderous torture that people just laugh about, jump and rush to join in, abuse and torture me using any and all excuses putting me into categories of racist slurs that they concoct and many Jews like Rat-skin actually conforms to in order to just be allowed to have a place--only if he conforms to Nazism which he does like any obsequious ass-kissing groveling slave who viciously turns against the oppressed and disscriminated race.
He has ONLY been awarded for his violence as has Netanyahu
I write and writre and write and there is no shock from society.
This situation forced upon me has actually been the origins of the rise of Trump, which they will all deny and Trump foremost would deny it but this is the fact that the month he began to teleport and rape, beat and abuse me was the month he went from losing the campaign in 2015 to rising to the top. He then put Elon Musk into his powerful position and it's been fascism and dictatorial rise of the 4th Reich openly ever since then.
But still I must beg for people to do ANYTHING whatsoever to actually defend the country other than blathering in front of cameras to get attention and a spotlight.
The keyboard is so stiff from malware blocking function that my biceps are exhausted from pounding down with my arm, my entire arm must be employed to pound out the letters. I can't even continue m y arm is exhausted and in pain from the exertion.
15 minutes later: hackers completely messed the above with typos and insertions of letters. They deleted words as well from sentences causing much distortion of linear thought process.
I was ranting but also I shat out more congealed poison that has been buried in my back for probably a decade or longer. I am completely sick from it, and the poison this group has constantly poured into my body and inserted into my bladder while sleeping quickly congeals and hardens so I am constantly shitting poison out, no matter how many YEARS of master cleanses I do or fasting or dieting or exercise (which I can no longer do).
Under Trump who partnered with Putin there were Russians on this floor constantly following me around doing the stalking things of opening their doors just as I walked past--abruptly and violently opening doors and walking behind me mimicking my footsteps and following me in the elevator and making stalking nose-swiping gestures and etc. They would go in my room, which I spent a few YEARS fighting to stop this--using a key, but all the blocks and things I used to barricade the front door they just opened using the mechanical arms that were extended through all the tiles, panels in the walls (covering the entire walls on both sides, the tiles in the bathroom which is an entire lattice of openings--) and they would take off all the locks, all the things I used to block entrance which now cover the entire front door in ways that mechanical arms can't breach unless they make open violations and the evidence is apparent.
They would break in, my body was inert and I was comatose being teleported. They raped me, smearing semen and fungus into my body and hair and then they put my hips out of alignment, poured stinking fungus on my clothing, the furniture the walls and my food was rancid and poisoned (and still is, but now I have to buy it pre-poisoned "on sale" in individual "on sale" stickered items. I can't afford to pay for food and then all the healing modalities I am trying to actually repair all the damage now, as they constantly attack me so my body can never relax and heal.
That is just a few years from the decades of this going on and on and on and on.
I write this because no one is concerned about what is happening to me. I get a barrage daily of expletives pasting their bs on my youtube channel because I am looking for any actual loophole to this seamless torture apparatus, any organization that actually may care and is not infested with nazi/gestapo agents of the 4th Reich. Death goon squad operatives and lying hypocrites like all the celebrities and politicians I have been unfortunately exposed to in this criminal enterprise, for over a decade of non-stop hate and stupidity on their part. I have never heard or seen a single beautiful, interesting or intelligent remark from any of them. Their instructions are to be sick, stupid and violent towards me and to use any lie to justify attacking me and blaming me in any way possible. They use drugging and mind control to force me to repeat sentences which they then beat me for having repeated because I am so ill and dying from poisoning sepsis and toxic shock. They have been trying to kill me from sepsis and just the amount of poisoning and fungus and mold they have forced into my breathing space, body and in everything is enough to have killed many people many times over in just the last 10 years.
Not that this is shocking to anybody. They are waiting for their chance to have victims of their own to endlessly vent their murderous impulses upon and they can't wait for more and more people to get Neuro-linked into victim state of perpetual violence from a pile of shit you all have allowed to be endlessly put into powerful positions, never-ending rotation of the same shit holes into power every year the same filth is awarded in whorewood and the congressional rats just keep being elected as if there are no primaries or citizen participation in deciding who is going to represent them and everyone just wants the same rotten fuckers endlessly becoming more and more bloated on power and corruption graft and greed.
But what I am writing has only enabled the creeps I write of to be more promoted, and no one does anything.
What will it take for people to become concerned even in the slightest about this situation? Has every one who actually wants a representative government and an actual artistic culture been killed off by the 3rd and 4th Reich?
I don't mean representative government for the Nazi 4th Reich, which is what is currently in place. I mean representative of "The People" which is not "The Mob" of violent murderous bigots and that also in the current iteration includes black Nazis of which there are a huge pile of in addition to all the other cultures.
But there is nothing so violent as Jews attacking me, as they are the most violent in asserting their absolute subordination and oppression towards anyone, and I am not a person who has had anything to do with the Jewish diaspora except for a few, very short experimental forays into going to a Temple and then not liking it, trying to be around the Jewish cultures of places I have been and only disgusted by their attacks upon me, and now I see that what they were not allowed to do is now being fully allowed in teleportation where they can become fascist Nazis really violently and in deadly hate assaulting me as the bigots watch on. Rat-skin wants filthy ugly whorealina to love him as he is only concerned with becoming a willing advocate of the ascension of a Nazi elite so he can be a clinging abuser pushing others down. Like all the whorewood scum shit pig apes he is pushing with theatrical bs "flair" all kinds of egalitarian concepts which he, personally has never conceived of, and is just reciting scripted lines he has rehearsed and fully hates in concept.
Along with him are a bunch of East Coast jews like Cohen, who is his friend but has never attacked me but absolutely knows about this situation. Cohen, who will testify against Trump next month, I presume, refers to ugly sinister Rat-skin as a professional but when I hear Cohen rant for cameras because he has always latched onto Trump in order to ride that wave as a supplicant for a bit of fame as a hanger-on, part of the "retinue" which is his concept of the Nazis, as the Jews really look at the white trash bigot 4th Reich almost as royalty and thusly, is fully in favor of what Rat-skin is doing to me as are most of the "Jews" in power and in politics now.
The influence they have peddled out of the Trump debacle and how they have profited off the fake "oppositional" role, while actually bowing like slaves to the white Nazi filth of whorewood, which is actually what Trump is--none of the media ever equates this to Whorewood in any respect.. They have isolated Trump as if he is some anomaly to the absolute criminal and violent sleazy sick landscape milieu of Whorewood when he is just another influence-peddler, absolutely under the control of foreign entities (not just Putin, as Putin is not as much of an isolationist as one may imagine).
So I have to deal with this violence until I die, it appears as no one will do more than attack me for not supplicating myself, my life and "accepting" this sick fucking shit as the reality of the criminals and sick sleazy rotten shit I have only discovered to be sick, stupid ape pigs with nothing more than rehearsed scripts at their disposal for public performances (that is Congress-Whorewood and Whorewood itself, both theatrical acting theaters and not legitimate art nor political entities, just actors playing some roles with corruption and death behind their every sick fake act of altruism.
WHEN WILL THIS BE STOPPED? Obviously the Biden administration is a death cult as violent and sick as Trump but because the violence of Biden has been inflicted upon poor blacks, and the poor of Afghanistan (as Biden truly was amused at the death throngs of desperation that his withdrawal teams inflicted, as well as the death tent desperation at the border, because Biden LOVES to see people tortured, beaten down, abused and murdered and raped and it's prominent with "minorities" who are poor, which he can truly inflict almost with impunity his violent genocidal KKK Nazi proclivities which he is rife with, and rotten-to-the-core with. The minorities surrounding Biden like Rat-skin have also imbued that philosophy and are fully in. Kamala is a sick and stupid reminder of that and much of the country is fully aware of her inadequacies but the "system" is fully packed with horse-mouthed yelling bigots like Elizabeth Warren who really is another partner to Graham and is as violently racist, with her team of "The Squad" supposedly representing how "liberal" she and her "squad" are---but they aren't. AOC is a Trump construct just as Biden is another facet of Trump's racism.
My arm is now exhausted again and I can feel the pressure into my neck and I can't type and pound out any longer.........
I am also being extremely brain-attacked by the tech so I can't constsruct my sentences. They will undoubtedly remove words from the above to discredit my writing##
I literally cannot stop responding to the teleportation and voice-to-skull endless abuse and death threats and insults and disgusting questions and insinuations and abuse that is ongoing for hours and hours while I am stuck with semi-paralysis, from the poisoning they kept pouring into my body to absolutely destroy me but abuse me to death extract ideas and steal them and insult me for having them, endlessly torturing me for writing anything and stealing all they can if they can use it--for over 13 years this has been going on. I can't write a single thing and also the hacking makes anything more than a few scattered and hacked, unreadable paragraphs impossible.
I can't stop responding every day finally I begin to become violent to get them to shut up. They get excited and turned on and then go on and on with abuse and torture as they are literally mentally maturbating over torturing me into hysterical violence to get them to shut the fukc up and they become more aggressive and do it more and more and more. They sit there bemused and smug and are awarded for it every single fucking day.
When will this sick shit ever be stopped against me?
rotten biden is so sick and evil, as are almost all the senators who have participated (so many Repugs who are the most violently famous insulting attackers in these probing hearings-- which are aied on channels like Forbes Breaking News)
Gulags and Concentration Camp aka "Democracy Camp". Instructions to the general population in the covert The "Take All and Kill All" philosophy of the United States and English terror faction of the 4th Reich--the replacement of the former Soviet mass-murder machine under Stalin, the "Jewish" sadistic murdering death camp organizer named Berria (Isp?) now as a repeat in history, not quite fully and open and thus the more insidious deception of the 4th Reich and it's media promulgation of death camps called "Democracy Camps" obviously not for the purpose of educating: Raskin from the House of Whores, NOT A REPRESENTATIVE but a double-dealing blathering sick fascist Nazi of the 4th Reich along with Netanyahu--absolutely encouraged by the filth from England Dougla$$ ass murray, this putrid English fascist feigning friendship with Jews and condemning Muslim genocidal movements in England--which he and his ilk have absolutely fostered not only with their own virulent forms of antissemitism, as all the victims of their racism are trained to turn against one another. In particular, they are turning against me, one and all, for the sake of English control which of course filthy Biden is fully awarded for promulgating as a fixture plant of fascist "democracy" with a well-trained vocal range of fake emotive sincerity but a blank lizard expression concealing most violent racist genocidal Nazism. Netanyahu and Ratskin, both Jewish Nazis have been encouraged, I can see the thrill that Ratsin displays from the YEARSF of the profiteering off torturing me and obtaining endless interviews as a result on the cellluloid Nazification mind programming system. In particular, the "Left" who are so enthralled with "Democracy" MOB RULE of despotic overtake with the system only a shell and absolute fakes only working for an "elite" money and power cartel. //their racist hate and greedy assumption of power has been a deadly assault upon me for over a month, and the violence of ratskin this sick and putrid filth scumbag whore is deadly in it's origin. I now believe fully that he had his son killed as a sacrifice and from years of participating in this torture of me, the murder of his son that filthy dirty ugly thing, as a "Jew" had to do, to sacrifice something dear in order to obtain approval from the Nazi genocidal regime which Netanyahnbu is fully a member of. I obtained endless videos and fake hacked "news" articles of rotten Greene that not-rep as well from the house of whores appearing with a smirking ratskin as they really are working togehter as the left and right of the same evil rotten 4th Reich system. She is thrilled with the utter violence of his attacks upon me. I told dirty ugly Netanyahu after the 6th time of sexual harassment to stop bothering me. He had Ratskin v iolently beating, yelling for hours and hours, at least 6-8 hours per day of death threats, yelling vicious violence, that blathering ugly ldirty filth creep is so violent I know he did have his son "suicided" for the sake of sacrificing his own blood in order, as a blood sacrifice really is, approval and now his violence towards me, along with Netanyahu, who is constantly attacking me and from THIRTEEN YEARS of non-stop torture literally hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and day after day for THIRTEEN YEARS seeing rotten Biden smiling and hugging the shit filth who attack me, and here is his not favored but still a Nazi Netanyahu, the favored not blonde but a Nazi aspirant Ratskin and they are BTUTALLY assaulting me in a way that is not direct lethal physical blows but deadly in the violence of the endless assault. They ahve other actors taking turns and I have not a second without being attacks.
"Brave New World". Reagan Youth--Topic. November 12, 2019.
The sick and sleazy and violent beatings, abuse, death threats and hate yelled at me and every thought I have his ugly "lawyer" liar mouth makes some absolutely threatening response to--every object I hold up he instructs me to jab into my body in murderous ways. There is no doubt--NO DOUBT--that he has killed before that he is truly on the scale of some fascist dictator like Stalin who is doing anything to aspire to power.
The Jewish Nazis are absolutely beholden to the English shit and filth to whom they grovel and defer. The filth from London with shitalina and pig pitt who have been only mutilating torturing having me raped and then stealing my ideas non-stop as they are paid I get everything destroyed and stolen including my beautiful body and my beautiful cat.
The sick psychopathy of this group of shit in "power" is just a testament to the inevitable destruction that will occur from their sheer incompetency to rule with anything but lies and brutality disguised as "benevolent" despotism in the form of "Democracy" which they spout like a drug constantly to the deceived and desperate people who are being slowly destroyed but still, drooling in a mesmerized state of inertia welcoming them all in because they are so besieged by "hero" movies they identify the plastic performances of this group of utter evil hate as being benevolent as well.
The transference from movie heroism to the political parasites of this planet is just astounding in the impact that mind programming has had on the masses who are yearning themselves not for freedom from tyryanny, but to crush any upstart minorities and to have the "freedom" to inflict all the old world trauma-based torture on people like me, calling me a "radical woke" and slated for death, as I have been told. The only "radical" thing about me is that I am fighting racism and listening to punk music and occasionally.
My every post detailing the sick violence from the Jewish Nazis only emboldens them and they are more and more violent and sleazy and parasitic. The hate on Ratskin's face is like he's just dying to kill me for just defending myself. My every post about hos disgusting he and they are makes them more awarded, more promoted, more welcomed into the 4th Reich instead of having to deal with all the racism that they only scraped and bowed to swallow but still, trying to be a part of that system so they are thrilled with attacking me.
My writing about this does NOTHING to stop it and only encourages them. The shit of the U.S. government is fully cheering on Jews violently and in a deadly fashion assaulting any Jew (which I am not) who fights the racism and the hate cliches that they imbibe, accept fully and then try their best to inflict the hate as a weapon of self-imposed desecration instead of the Nazi filth more violently than they already are, pounding down the cudgel of self-hate and hate from society, which ALMOST EVERYONE now participates in so I have no respite anywhere that is a permanently safe sanctuary from State-sponsored Nazi fascist /Mafia terrorism endlessly inflicted upon me.
I was just microchipped and as some new-techno terror institution of destroying human Will, human independence and Capitalist achievement so only monopolies of their filth echelons will have even the chance to THINIK their own thoughts without "silent' torture awaiting them, as it awaits me now for writing on my blog that is so censored and deleted and rewritten that it's truly a version of new silencing dictatorial despotic fascism and authoritarianism.
But no matter what, the shit behind Rat-skin and this really corrupt and nasty leader of Israel, like so many of the hateful Jews i have encountered all my life until I really wanted nothing to do with that race, that country, and have never heard a single word from Jews relating to any religious concept except for what some book instructed them to repeat. Otherwise, their pure motivations for those acclimated to the "Modern" version of the 4th Reich is to fully assault me with every bit of Nazi fascist violence which is far more hateful and violent than the worst of the rapist pig ape Europigapes and the shit from America.
Fully cheered on by ugly and disgusting Marjorie Taylor Greene, who only sexually assaulted me but then threatened my life and then walked away like Rat-skin with massive interviews, hosted by blonde women who want a pig ape scum skank like Greene to be their Right "hero" for them to lean against when they need to destroy people like me, but their "enemy" when they need the yapping ugly sinister lying Rat-skin to "defend" them in elaborate yapping seemingly erudite ways as the "Jewish Intellectual" but who is fully rot to the core, fully disgusting in every way and his energy is so toxic and hateful like his self-hate, his murderous propensity towards jews as another self-hating Jew
and I don't observe the holidays I have not had much to do at all with Jews except to investigate and I decided to not be a part of that disapora. Now endlessly accused of every Jewish stereotype by this group which must crush me into their mental straightjackets and this pair of crap Netanyahu a violent and sinister deadly power-grabbing manipulator, and Rat-skin a most vile not-representative of anything other than the usual greedy grasping self-empowering criminal bonding with the other sleazy selfish ugly violent crap of their tax-free entitlement organization and that is their main goal.
The J-6 Committee appears to me to be just a fight against their own power cartel and hold in Congress and they have absolutely no concern for human rights and never have. If they had, they would not bein that position as the 4th Reich was instituted decades ago by the post-WWII followers of the "system" that has been around for centuries or longer.
Their aim is to truly destroy the fabric of society and the crap and utter K-rap that I have seen of the demagogues aka "Dems" who have been running for president are just sick and greedy sleazy lying filth endlessly grasping for money and their "minority" status to be uplifted by all the graft they plan on exacting, as that is what Congress appears to be most situated into doing for the public which is to steal their opportunities and conform to the demands of Europigape fascist 4th Reich in exchange for shopping sprees in Paris and for castles, mansions and more and more handed to them.
the sickness of Rat-skin towards me is his greed and ugliness and the promises of the Nazis for his upcoming political promotion--his goal is to run for Senate and then probably for president.
All on the back of just torturing me. All his promotions, for which that ugly sinister dirty filth scumbag parasite has obtained is for his duplicity contained within the endless yapping into cameras for his promotion and publicity about "Democracy" and his entrance into that realm of endless interviews and his lecturing professor days of Constitutional law and blathering scripts repeating sentences he knows by rote and is thoroughly SICK OF and sick from the deception
and he's obtaining I can't imagine how many hugs and deals from filthy Biden and along with all of them is the usual hate and fascism of another Black Nazi who is just as foul and rotten, corrupt and another Ivy League blathering "evil" not representing anything but the Black faction of the same 4th Reich White supremacist league. His endless reproaches against racism and conformity to white supremacy are just turned into hateful and mentally and emotionally sick atracks against me in front of all the silent white bigot shit from England and from the wanna be white supremacist Europigape aristocrat filth endlessly sitting watching as piece of sick shit from every minority group comes to violently threaten my life, beating abusing yelling screaming at full vocal range because they use drugs and torture to get me to repeat and write things and say things after THIRTEEN YEARS OF TORTURE NON-STOP DAY AND NIGHT as i fight and fight and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM HAS EVER FOUGHT FOR FREEDOM, DEMOCRACY or for anything else.
aSking anyone to get rotten Netanyahu who, instructed by Douglass murry and the endless shit who are really getting off on watching me constnatly fighting shit pig whore after shitr filth pig because no one will stop this violence against me. All the shit who bowed and did what they were told and then were promoted for it. All the shit who followed the blood sacrificial oaths to gain entrance into higher ranks of authority and political and Whorewood power by attacking me, and anyone who actually does care about equality and freedom and the U.S. Constitution. They are viciously assaulting me because the Jews are so sold-out that they are now facing more genocidal conditions because they just sold out and sold off and conformed and so antisemitism rose and rose until now they are fully viciously Nazi in order to prove that they are nod destined for the next wave of racist genocide. So anxiously attacking me to show that they will destroy me for the sake of being approved-of by the Nazi shit machine that they actually represent, in reality but disguised by all the rhetoric.
But my writings only prove to get more violence from them.
They begin with torture by inserting drugs into my body by cutting or insertions into my bladder EVERY SINGLE FUCKING NIGHT just before I wake up, and as I am in just barely waking nascent sleep statae, they begin with the ab use as I yell about what shit they are. The filthy stupid ignoramus whores then steal the ideas, nono-stop this has been going on and on and on and for over 13 years, all backed by the English Crown and the shit like Murray to whom Rat-skin is now a proxy murderous violent beating racist death-threatening abuser. That ugly filth shit Murray threatrened me but then got Netanyahu, his slimy dirty puppet out-of-control and in order to obtain "permission" to invade Gaza, he must try to fuck me he must try to fuck and abuse me. That is the shit sleazy filth contract and that dirty foul creep has sicced Rat-skin on me as a vicious absolutely tyrannical tyrant absolutely unconcerned with "Democracy" and only working for white supremacy and violently doing so. I told Rat-=skin that he is most like Berria, the Jewish right-hand murdering death squad killer who personally oversaw the mass murder of millions of "undesirable" Russians--his own kind, the Jews and etc under the gaze of Stalin. Once Berria did all the dirty work, Stalin had him killed but first "broken" by the same torture apparatus he had used against his former fellow conspirators in the Communist overtake of the Russian monarchy and then the entire country. The people who are attacking me are the types of Communists that are of the genocidal "take all and kill all" philosophy.
Although they are never going to stop, and no one is ever going to do anything, I must ask again as Netanyahu, under the instruction of the hateful most murderous bigots from England/London--dirty ugly Dougla$$ Murray, a most foul lying British Israelist, and the other shit and filth from London (i.e. the Rolling Stones, the dumb whorren mirrage and her Irish shit thug boyfriend scumbag who played in the Spielberg movie(s) but they are all so absolutely antisemitic and part of the British Israelist/Christian Identity death pogram slated for the next wave of the Holocaust--so carefully inculcated by endless subliminal programming seeming as the obverse for all the shit Whorewood movies and representations that are constantly being carefully cranked out, year-after-year until the population is super-saturated into 4th Reich genocidal Nazi hate philosophy.
Get them off me. They are working also for 4th Reich Biden. I had fully supported him when he was running against equally viciously racist Trump, there is absolutely no difference between them except for a slight change in the deadly violence but they are all part of the same "system" of absolute lies and deception and all following the exact same patterns and protocols.
I am under attack, the keyboard is not working and my fingers can't move, my brain can't function as it should due to the remote tech attacks on all these portals of violation of my laptop and my body/brain functioning.
I can't "remember" what I was just going to write.
So Netanyahu, I tried to get him to stop the sexual harassment because he is truly desperate to get this contract out of just sexually abusing and torturing and insulting and threatening me endlessly and then whatever else, it will not be good as this is already been a non-stop murder situation with me fighting constantly to get shit pig ape after sick sleazy piece of shit off me and no one ever does any single thing to stop this.
But, because I finally lost my temper he got this ugly sick thing Rat-skin on me and the cheers from the Nazis has allowed them to be emboldened to just violently assault me to the point of physical breakdown for my body can't handle all this non-stop torture that has not stopped. The fight i have which no one supports me in, and no one will stop, and these clown pcysho dirty desperate Jewish Nazis to get the promotions to not be targeted, willing to make any blood sacrifice possible even their own children
my family has done this not ONLY to me but to another cousin who was very beautiful, talented and not loud, obnoxious and self-hating. THat is such a threat to the bigot shit of the 4th Reich that they had this perfectly beautiful healthy and athletic woman, also very wealthy, poisoned with "cancer" which of course Rat-skin also has been infected with, I would suggest. Her family members also died of "cancer" and my father as well as my mother. I know we have all been poisoned non-stop by the shit of this group, who have their dirty minority minions go and poison the food poison and attack as proxy for the white shit.
Desperate to not be targeted they are rushing at me most violently and getting the green light to be promoted and promoted
so I could not handle the hours and hours of cloying and latched-on disguting Ratskin as the team of shit sat watching so glad someone was just beating and abusing me for them, while they appear "poised" as the pig ape scum that they are.
and finally, Netanyahu came back, although I had told him harshly to get off me and stop bothering me, he had me read more tarot for him, because being tortured to death by a terrorist who is as fanatical as any Hamas operaive, laughing and giggling about the rape and mutilation and poisoning of me 3 years ago sitting next to Kinzinger, the "I'm a German" piece of rotten shit really a disgrace to the Illinois I used to know, the next wave of fascist 4th Reich overtake and an insult to the legacy of Lincon, the Land of.
I finally succumbed and then after the hours of abuse, hours of me fighting for the nth day from hours and hours day after day of abuse, with me listening to music and the black piece of rotten ugly sinister "brothers and sisters we only need 'love'" bs operator dancing across from me while I was listening to "old school" music, and it was finally something fun, as he then sneered in hate at me "loser" because I just let down my guard for about 5 minutes.
I hit him as I try to hit them all and then he remained silent, as Netanyahu promised me a wonderful "house" right on the overtaken land of the Palestinians if he "won", after my tarot reading confirmed that it would work out if he did continue the assault.
Thanks ,but fuck that. I told him to give me otherwise the money so I could make my own living choice instead of him assaulting me if I did finally stop fighting the fight against Nazism and racism that NOO ONE who has participated in assaulting me has ever done one single time in their shit sell-out rotten lives.
That means that none of you, who also are just like this, will stop them from this violent endless assault upon me. I feel more grey hairs as the torture is murder and for years and years but hours and hours every day. I am screaming I blast music I listen to podcasts at top volume I cannot move and do other things because they poisoned me so badly I am in perpetual stagnation and my body is fractured (they broke various bones, poisoned me with hardening poison so the poison seeps into every fracture) my body is internally glued into a hard, solid mass as they perpetually without end torture me
The Awards season which is an annual pilgrimage of Satanic hate aimed at abusing me non-stop with rape and torture for the shit filth actors is now trhe upcoming election awards season for which rotten ugly group of shit is going to "win" the nomination for best performers of "Democracy" and for "The American People" award--aka the 2024 Election.
The stakes are now high and both of the pig apes running for the slot of hbeing top slut of the whores of Congress is now a vicious game.
Dirty filthy Biden who has been behind DECADES of torture of me is now amping up the torture, as he did under Obama who just allowed every sleazy dirty piece of rotten Nazi shit to assault me.
Not "antisemitic" any longer he claimed after he "left" his "Church" espousing hate for "jews"
which is what all the blacks of the 4th Reich have been trained to do
just like the genocidal Muslims, both fo America and in England
and I sit here fighting against rape culture as the Me Too shit is fully applauding rape and torture of me
IO sit here fighting antisemitism as the Jews are some of the most brutally violent of the 13 years of non-stop torture--so desperate to demonstrate how brutally racist they are
WILL SOMEONE STOP SHIT BIDEN and trump and the rest of this shit finally from this sick contract.
I keep praying now that Biden will FALL DOWN THE STAIRS and not up them and break his turkey-looking neck along with dirty Kamala, somewhow not available, Trump imploding (the 4th Reich will never put him in prison, and the 4th Reich is the U.S. Government in part).
I succumbed to torture, mind control and being slowly killed and in order to alleviate some of it, well-experienced at torture and murder Netanyahu obtained his well-trained in victimization scapegoating blood-sacrifice-Nazi goon Rat-skin--a duo of "victim" and whatever else, sick of even thinking about them or any of "them"
I gave this hateful violent man a tarot reading in absolute torture conditions. This is really a pair trained in torture of victims of brutality. Trained in all kinds of information extraction through torture, and with the English bigot pig ape Murray behind them, threatening me that he was going to really harm me, he just got his filthy pair of Jews to assault me and the bigot English can still claim that he is NOT racist that he really 'CARES" about Israel, and he truly does care because he and his English shit fucker group have been on the tails of the British Mandate organized before WW1 in order to create THEIR Holy Land, but to get jews to do the dirty work of killing off the hostile Muslims but the English appear like wonderful jolly ole "friends" in the process. To both sides. They are playing this same strategy in America. Biden is just another sleazy and violent puppet of this same entity and his globalist reach into the old 3rd Reich aims and aspirations of creating more lebensraum and overtaking Judaism and learning all the "secrets" of the Kabbalah and applying all the "secrets" as their own "destiny" and etc.
So, hopefully Biden falls DOWN the stairs very soon and is dead, that is the best I can hope for as some kind of Deus Ex Machina which is far more attainable than any human being who has the capability of even protecting me in any way whatsoever.
Then Trump imploding, as he's never going to be put under any serious constraint as he has done so much work to clear out the former United States and pave the way for 4th Reich fascist overtake. The death squads have been empowered so greatly and of course, they have amplified private tech conglomerates to build the tech for the government so it doesn't have to try to conceal all it's nefarious death camp concentration camp-at-home technologies such as what is constantly being inflicted upon me.
The dumb and ugly sleazy sick pig apes continue to torture me for information on what to say when they pretend they care about any human rights.
Meanwhile, I see my passport photo has been altered my nose has been enlarged and it overshadows my cheeks. This is AI photoshop or some other version of photo alteration.
At this point, I am so sickened what remains of the "Jewish " diaspora from a lifetime of being sacrificed as a blood sacrifice by my family, then almost the entire wealthy Jewish community of New York absolutely participating in attacking me. Now I have the non-representative of the Whore House violently assaulting me because I am telling the "Jewish" leader of Israel to stop sexually harassing me with hate and insults and threats for the sake of British Israelite support because the "jews" have so fully complied with the instructions that they had no warning about the death coming at them on October 7. They were told by Netanyahu that they were safe. He knew very plainly that the attack was imminent.
Just in case the reader does not get it: it amounts to more blood sacrifice.
In the course of writing this, the plants I just bought and grew by seed have once again been doused with killing chemicals so they are half dead. I just bought them two days ago. One of the plants I have been fighting to grow for 3 months, it's now half dead.
I am responding to sick fucking pig whores teleporing and raping and beating and poisoning me and non-stop for over 13 years as shit fuck in the government of every country joins in to get their own shit promotions out of it.
The world cannot sustain the ugliness, innate stupidity of the blathering replicators of texts and scripts they have studied in order to perform the roles of betraying every single thing possible for their greasy and sick dirty promotions into the "big boy league" which is a death "Satanic/Luciferian" cult of death and hate. They "love" one another but in essence, they will always need victims they want to stop abortion because they NEED to have people to abuse and torture and masses of slaves.
Well, keep allowing them to go on, those who know that what I am writing is absolutely true.
I can only hope that somehow you will all be destroyed by the system you are working so feverishly to wrest power and that I may enjoy this life without the filthy degeneration of sick and parasitic emotional losers who are paid so much to convey emotional loser pathologies for Congress and society and for the "entertainment" that they want you to be addicted to, in addition to all the other drugs they crank out constantly to keep you sick and complying.
I complied today because this is murder and 13 years without a single person even coming to defend me
my body can't handle it plus decades of poisoning which I am shitting out every day as they keep poisoning my food and torturing me and then "punishing" me for reacting in rage and asking people to do something goddamn you fuckers reading this, this may also affect your shitty selfish greedy lives as well in the negative.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
The parallel rot
This is analogous to the stinking filth energy and sickness of the creeple assaulting me (in teleportation and elsewhere)
their rot and stinking filth is in every single aspect of all that they do and say and force upon the planet, en masse.
Stinking fungus has been sprayed under the layers of fabric I glued for al lthese years on the floor to stop mechanical arms from breaking into my room via all these panels, cracks and tiles which literally cover every inch of this room.
I am once again spending my miniscule, far-below-poverty "income" in buying materials because they have sprayed and ripped everything with stinking black goo
my CHAIR is being sprayed with hardening goo that sticks to the whelels and I must literally dig to get it out--0as hard as I can. I will need to use a screwdriver to dig it off the wheels as it's semi-flexible but is like a hardening goo that forms into something like a gummy surface but I must scrape as hard as possible to get it off. Every day they are spraying this on every wheel, and inbetween the axes of the wheels they are using some type of mechanical arms to wind hair and stings around the wheels so I have to lift up the chair at an angle because the floor is so filthy and so ripped I can't use anything to clean it any longer--it's in shreds, and this has happened with every floor covering I install they come in with knives and slash at it until the entire floor is in shreds with the formerly beautiful designs and colors I had first installed.
The wheels are sprayed with this goo so they barely move and the hairs in the tiny angles of the wheels, between the plastic covering of the wheel chamber, means I have to tear globs of hair out so the wheels will move, but the goo is lumpy on the surface of the wheels which look greasy browning, they also have scraped the finish off the base of the chair and of course, ripped holes into the beautiful fabric on the chair itself.
I have had to not exercise for over 2 weeks (cannot do any stretches, they have poisoned me with stinking filth in my body, made my body so toxic I look like I've been on a junk food diet and am profoundly ill due to all the stress and poisoning that is never stopped
Every time I have to deal with these people it is likewise a spiritual filth wave of hate and stupidity that belies any form of actual "superiority" that they claim they just inherently are by fact of their piggish behavior and for the white supremacists I don't have to explain their nebulous claims--all supported by death squad poisoning, covert assassinations, discrimination that is concealed and protected and currently being done "silently" and "invisibly" through technology in all the ways I have been writing of for all these years.
It's all very, very dirty and foul, every nuance not a single thing about any of this group or it's workings is "superior" in any reespect.
Theya re adept at lying and posturing and making grandiose educated statements to support their nefarious claims of entitlement based on their "superiority".
I am so besieged by mind control tech blocking my cognitive functioning that it is impossible for me to begin to "compete" much less get the stinking filth poison out of my body and then there is the filth they order sprayed on every single thing, all day, every day, non-stop for decades so that everything is stinking, broken, deteriorated and all done by stinking filth people (creeps) on order of the same but on higher socioeconomic levels.
Supported by the abortion-loving, police death squad State politicians and their partners in brainwashing programming who "entertain" you to your death(s).
Sunday, March 17, 2024
"The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women is taking action against Home Box Office, to protest HBO's documentary series, Cathouse, and other related pro-prostitution related programming that distorts the reality of prostitution and normalizes sexual exploitation by glamorizing it and presenting it as a normal choice form women and girls."--Welcome to HBO's (Hell Butt Orgy) series Executive branch of the gestapo mind control division, the Me2* # movement, which is another bowel movement con-cock-ted by rape culture, USA Whorewood et al (the 4th Reich death, rape and plunder industry for celluloid sales and programming). Paid for, in-full, by Congress-Whorewood's "Good Ole Boy & Girl" association for the advancement of Nazi/Mafia white culture including all the minority minions viciously participating to get their moment of photo0-ops to proclaim their "radical Woke" stances for endless celluloid snake-oil sales of "saving Democracy". Endlessly pursuing and agenda of rape, racist hegemony now inclusive of all various "victim" groups and genders. ---------- *please note that once I began to type the hacking proceeded to block everything that I was attempting to pound out, as the keyboard stiffened, to the point of having to pound down every key to get anything to print, which was then hacked and altered or deleted. I could not think as my brain was jolted by a blast of some electric block to cognitive awareness and exacerbation of hyperbolic rage ranting. Trying to avert all that but the hacking is impossible. I just cleared out this system yesterday, perform every kind of clearing of the cache upon every use but hacking is instant no matter what. Any use of anything online is instantly deluged with malware and the remote tech blasts my brain from the terror weaponry surrounding me at all times. -------- I am, as usual., attacked by another hate thing and this time it's from Congress. I wrote of this violent assailant on my blog and nothing happened. It's a member of the House using every kind of sexist assault at me possible. His neanderthal mentality has garnered him, as i can tell from his current demeanor, the look of satiated blowing schadenfreude because he has been patted on the back by his Nazi bigot promoters, the ole network of rape and hate and death squads in Congress who have funded STatet-sponsored terrorism, calling me undoubtedly a "terrorist woke radical" and thusly urging the death throngs of rape hate murder minions of all races to assault me with deadly violence (poisoning without end for decades intending to paralyze and then mutilation and destruction of my body plus unending lack of health care no matter where I go, what insurance i have, or what I can afford with almost no money to survive on). Assaulted now by a "Jewish" Nazi who is most vehemently assaulting me to prove his full adherence to Nazi white supremacy and is most violently sickening and his energy most foul (his self-hate endlessly projected upon me, and how loathsome it all is a slime death energy emitting from this hateful bigot who is the most prolific in ranting about freedom and human rights and law and constitution and democracy just so sickening on all levels. Endlessly coming at me, day after day with I can tell now endless awards and deals handed to him by the Nazis of Congress and the bigots who control them all. Smug, smiling, now calm his violence aimed at me, physical violence for days and days and then psychological terrorism and filth sprayed on everything and things broken and disgusting teleportation skits and on and on, the filthy dirty "Jew" rat is torturing me just as all the Nazi rats of Whorewood have been doing for 13 years. This person has sanctioned me being poisoned to death and has profited off proving how much he really hates being Jewish and is colluding with all the Nazis of Whoewood. DO NOT RE-ELECT JAMIE RASKIN EVER AGAIN. I urge anyone not of the stinking filth contagion of the 4th Reich who actually is concerned with legitimate government fighting for "The People" and not the creeple exploiters who are only adept at lying perpetually about their intended aims of preserving the "Democracy" but the J-6 Committee hearings were a goddamn film PROMOTION for higher levels of prominence and NOTHING MORE. THis filthy ugly sick creep obtained 3 years of endless interviews after having laughed, participated in rape and torture of me by Nazi genocidal-spewing rapist filth out of Whorewood--all of whom are part of the #me to bs con-job for the Hell Butt Orgy society they all pay their dues and respect to, all the Congressional members know what is happening to me, I swear at least a majority of them all do. I t is a sickening rape culture and Nazi racist culture and all the minorities are absolute fakes really fighting for the "Joy Division" that the Nazis truly aspired to in the concentration camps.
"some things need to be said. (red baiting)". nuclearnight. February 26, 2009.
"Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Vs. HBO--9/23/08". CATWinternational. September 20, 2009.
It is definitely a remnant of the Holocaust from the Manchurian Candidate experimentation on Jews in concentration camps (the prostituted Jewish women handed over to the "good rat" Jews to rape and sexually exploit as their "reward" for handing the "bad" Jews for death in the gas chambers or worse). But I belive this has been a trained rat sell-out paradigm within the "Jewish" community for millennia. The pogroms of Europigapeland were numerous and the Jews had ample time to learn about the centuries of these seemingly sporadic pogroms in order to learn to either pretend it won't happen or to learn how to beguile the murdering bigots in order to sell-out the "bad" jews and then be allowed to remain somewhat intact, not even being sent to the concentration camps as many were not but were allowed to "remain" in their homes--(I have listened to some interviews of Holocaust survivors and heard this).
Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
The numbers of layers of socks, rubber bands and tight-knit mesh socks around my hands is so extreme that my hands are literally forced in...
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